#is this mildly spicy i cant tell
Do you have any food preference HCs? Like I think Craig would be a very picky eater, wouldn't like much seasoning, etc. Kraft mac n' cheese, chicken nuggets, and pb&j sandwiches are his best friend. Was curious if you have any ideas like that about him or the other characters bc I've been loving reading your HCs so far :)
hmm,,, i have a coffee preference post here regarding stan and kyle, but here are some other hcs i have (:
he has a very diverse pallet. he likes just about any food you give him unless its like, boiled unseasoned potatoes, but he'll still eat it. not particularly picky, but he does have preference for spicier foods or anything with loud and/or complex flavor profiles. he loves flavor bombs!
sweets and savory all the way. hes a southern comfort food enjoyer and a fructose fiend. everything from fried chicken, shepards pie, and ham to ice cream, and blackberry cobbler is on his wishlist. hes mildly picky in that hes not a fan of middle eastern or mediterranean food or things that are "out of his comfort zone." but he's still a big spice eater and loves mexican food in particular.
he was raised to not be picky because it's considered rude, but he's pretty picky in nature so he just learned to get around it. has some sensory issues regarding some cooking styles of vegetables and texture stuff. cant do cooked celery or onion because of the texture unless its finely minced, pureed, or powdered. not a fan of fish because he ate so much of it growing up, and because his mom would make these salmon patties that had would have bones in them so now any time he eats salmon or any fish he feels the need to vomit. (these are real btw. my family and many others made them. they had bones that you were supposed to just eat because they were crunchy enough to do so. nightmarish food istg.)
he also goes kosher in middle school when he connects more with his faith so... no more denny's bacon specials lmao.
definitely more picky then the other four when it comes to flavor. doesn't like spicy foods and hates the texture of onions so he has to use minced, pureed, or powdered in recipes. he has the cilantro gene which makes visits to kyle's family for dinner pretty embarrassing. he doesn't like to make a big deal about it but he HAS to tell ms broflovski because if something even has a whiff of cilantro the entire meal tastes like soap and stink bug chemicals. sheila is very understanding of this and doesn't mind too much because the flavor of cilantro can be easily replicated with other herbs/spices. also has a huge vendetta against celery. it does NOT just "taste green" kyle, it's WEIRD and SHARP and the cooked texture is GROSS! hates steamed broccoli but tries to get over that in high school by eating it in frozen meals to get accustomed to it. not a big fan of things that are too sweet. sweets are best when they're just sweet enough to be yummy but not overpowering or super rich. the only "rich" sweet he likes is chocolate torte, and ONLY with black coffee to balance it out and it HAS to be in small alternating bites: like bite of torte, sip of coffee, bite of torte, sip of coffee, and so on.
very restricted diet that sticks mostly to bland safe foods. every day for lunch he eats one of those uncrustable pb&js or honey and peanut butter. surprisingly a lot of his safe foods are vegetables of some sort because he ate them a lot as a little kid so hes accustomed to them and they feel "fresher" than other foods that can be overstimulating. they cant be cooked though, only raw. so he loves those veggie platters. broccoli is crossing the line a bit for him though because of the odd texture, so that's iffy for him. carrot sticks, celery, and ice berg lettuce are great though. some other non-veggie safe foods are white meat chicken or turkey, and instant mashed potatoes. he cant do normal mashed potatoes because they taste almost... smotheringly starchy?? the same with baked potatoes. but instant Idahoan brand instant mashed potatoes are lighter and smoother with a different taste. he can do cooked green beans as long as they still taste green and weren't cooked in a broth/grease of any sort, but he cant do peas because they're too mushy and weird.
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grimmmons · 7 years
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red ream entry for rvb bingo its the supernatural au square
based on this fic by taller
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darthwheezely · 4 years
dating george weasley and being a ravenclaw
warnings: stupidly [wickedly] hot men named george fabian weasley, kinda smut, cussing fs, angst because our angel is insecure, also i may have almost cried writing this and it’s sO LONG I AM SO SORRY
people that may like this (?): @whiz-bangs78 @vogueweasley @gcdric (whenever you’re back! :)) @theweasleyslut @thehufflepuffwife @lupinsclassroom @wand3ringr0s3 @kitwalker02 @monoscandal @pansydaisy
i’m obsessy espressy w this pic btw please take it for your enjoyment
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this man boy
is so enamored with you
he doesn’t even really know a whole lot about you at first, stealing glances from across the great hall
listening intently when you answer questions in class
he starts to memorize the way you roll your eyes when you ask snape a question you can’t answer
and the way you wrinkle your nose when someone stereotypes you based on your house
you’re fiery, but you’re so poised for quick answers and sharp looks
he would pay big money to have you roast him during class like you do to cormac when he tries to hit on you a lot
which earns him many a revenge prank
and then he starts to try and talk to you, rather foolishly at first
but he finds it so intensely sexy the banter you two get involved in during these interactions
“If it isn’t my favorite little bird, Y/N ;)”
“Aren’t there other nests for you to bother, Weasley?”
“None that I find as mildly riveting, my dear, I do love a bird that chirps back”
“Do you like ones that bite, too?”
“I don’t know if your beak is sharp enough, love”
“Come up to me when I’m reading again, and I’ll give you some harder evidence of just how bad my bite is hmm?”
(Unbeknownst to you as you walk away, he’s already got some harder evidence growing in his jeans...)
he doesn’t stop searching you out, determined to prove to you he’s enough
you two after about a week and a half finally go out to hogsmeade on your first date
he takes you to the three broomsticks where you both drink butterbeer and make deep conversation for hours until close
there’s a point where he makes you laugh so hard you snort and spit out some of your butterbeer
which makes him snort and spit out his butterbeer
he realizes a couple things then:
1) he’s obsessed with the way you tell stories or talk passionately about the subjects you love. he adores watching how you light up everywhere in your body and talk so fast at points you can’t breathe
2) he wants to live in your head. he studies the way you think and watches you intently as you process punchlines and stories and memories and he realizes
i need to be something she thinks about
and without realizing it while you’re laughing super hard he puts his hand on the back of your neck and kisses you like it’s the last night on this planet
after about 12 seconds he pulls away and starts to turn red seeing your blank face unmoved
“i-i’m really sorry i promise i didnt mean to be that guy i just-“
and you’re pressing into him everywhere mouth and body and mind and he’s drinking you in like the butterbeer stained on his scarf and he is totally balls deep in love with you
you two are inseparable after that, making it official on the walk back to the castle
if you’re going on a stress tangent about how much work you have, for Beverly negative thought he’ll press a kiss to a pet of your face until you’re giggling and a mess and you’re kissing him back and then you’re on the table in the library...
“Georgie, you’re gonna kill my grades if we keep doing this!”
“You kill me everytime you blink for godric’s sake and yet here I am!”
he is a simp
he says he isn’t but anytime you bring out the “georgie, please” or “love, please” he turns to butter
fred thinks it’s the funniest shit and he capitalizes on it constantly
he calls you his little bird
most specifically his mockingbird because he claims you always set him at ease and make him feel like everything is centered
and he’s right, you do
you center the wild fire in him when he needs to breathe and look around
you see parts of him that aren’t balanced
there’s a night when you walk in on him just curled on his bed crying
your beautiful boy alone and sad and you instinctively start to cry too
You wrap your arms around him as he turns to you and buried his head in your lap. George, my love, what’s wrong?”
“I-I’m not like Fred I’m not like Charlie I’m sure as shit not like Bill I’m not like anyone that’s actually important” he chokes
“No, you don’t understand, Y/N. I’m not good enough. For anyone. And I see it and hear about it everyday when my mum brags about how great her kids are and save us for last and when Fred can never shut up about how good he is at EXISTING and I-it swallows me whole, Y/N, I cant feel like this anymore” his body wracks out a harsh sob and you hold him like this
You hold him until he can start to fall asleep and you lay with him until you too, are asleep when he wakes up to tell you
“I love you. Forever, Y/N.”
And you push the hair off his lightly sweaty forehead and tell him “and I love YOU, George Weasley.” and you two fall back asleep happy crying in each other’s arms
he sees you struggle too
struggle with your workload
struggle with your own insecurities of not being good enough for him
telling him you’re just a girl that talks a lot about weird stuff and that you bring him down and he every time cups your face in his hands and pulls you down into him and says
“I love you here.” And kisses your forehead. “I love your mind.” And kisses below your earlobe “and I love you here. How you listen to people and always know what to say” and he kisses your nose “and I love you here, how you snort when you laugh really hard.” And he finally lands on your mouth, staying there for a moment, “and I love you most of all here. When you speak everything in your head and laugh and sing and talk and just breathe, my love. You’ve always been enough in all those places.” He presses one more kiss to your forehead and murmurs “I love you everywhere.”
anyway it’s time for spicy stuff
bow chicka wow wow as Fred would prolly say
George loves fucking you in the library it’s canon
he loves hoisting you on a table or against the stacks and murmuring against your skin how loud you are for him
“Is my little bird wanting to chirp a little louder?” He pries your thighs farther apart prompting a squeak and a small whine. “There it is, love, taking me so well...keep quiet, angel don’t want Pince to know how much of a cockslut you are for me writhing against the shelves do you?”
whew chile anyways
he also likes to touch you when you’re reading to him
but will stop and pull his face away from your neck and your hand from your core when you stop reading to him
“Angel, are you so much of a slut that you can’t focus on the words in front of you?”
“N-no, Georgie, oh my god right there”
“Thereeee, it is-“
mmmmm he’s hot fuck on GOD
when you guys slept together for the first time, he brought you to the *ding ding ding* restricted section after hours
he set up a whole ass blanket and relit the candles and brought pillows
it was very much making love to george and he whispered sweet nothings and praises in your ear the entire time
ugh what a MAN
molly fucking adores you
“My George brought home a beautiful Ravenclaw? Please know, Y/N he is an idiot most of the time and we wouldn’t be hurt if you found an out-“
again, Fred really does love you and enjoy your company
frequently comments about truly how unconditionally happy George has been, and how happy it makes him to see his younger twin so confident and full of joy
he also wouldn’t say this out loud but the more confident georgie gets, the better his prank plans become
i mean after all - he is the brains of the operations ;)
every chance he gets when you’re around his family or really anyone, he’ll sneak up behind you and plant a hearty kiss on your cheek and a quick “ILOVEYOU” in your ear before running off to do god knows what
oh, y’all bicker constantly
and by bicker i just mean argue about like
or is Wyoming a state
just like factually dumb but quirky shit
you’ve only had a fight like ONE time
and it was because George took a prank too far with Fred and you didn’t talk to him for an entire day
and because George has a lot of separation anxiety plus fear of abandonment he did not take it really well
You had gone back to your room after dinner in the Great Hall. For the whole day George didn’t eat. You knew because you hadn’t seen him anywhere in the Hall, and none of your classes. When you opened the door you saw him crouching knees pressed to his chest on your bed, he looked like a ghost. He met eyes with you and choked out a sob and ran to you, you opening your arms to hold him. “Please forgive me, Y/N I know you’re hurt but please don’t leave me I’ll be better next time I promise” he got faster and you knew he couldn’t breathe so you just whispered to him you weren’t going to leave you’ll be with him and you’ll stay and mistakes happen, you promise. “Georgie, I promise I’m never leaving. Okay?” He nodded into your shoulder, hunched into you. “I love you so much it hurts.” “I know, Georgie. I know.”
regardless for all his quirks and all his fears and hurts
there is nothing you wouldn’t do
to spend every waking moment with this boy
your love
and he, for the first time, knows he is enough
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theladysexpistol · 4 years
Helloo~ i hope this is ok but could you make some first time hcs for the bucci gang with a fem s/o who isnt a virgin?? If you are uncomfortable just delete it.💜
Is this okay??? IS THIS OKAY??? You mean I get to write spicy headcanons for the six fictional mafia boys I’m literally in love with??? Twist my arm, I guess 😘
So this entire request is going to be n/sfw 😈 down below the cut. Obviously gonna be a little shorter than normal because you asked for the entire gang, gotta limit myself don’t want this to get too long 😂😂
I’m not sure if you mean “first time” like the boys are virgins but the reader isn’t, or just headcanons for the two of them getting it on for the first time. I’m going to go with the second one but absolutely absolutely let me know if I interpreted it wrong!
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Mista hits you with that smile and your clothes just disappear
- I honestly go back and forth on my headcanons for Giorno. Cant decide if he’s had a lot of relationships/sex because he’s incredibly charming, or if he’s more inexperienced because of his rough childhood and his focus on his dream
- Giorno’s probably found a foreign tourist or three that he liked enough to spend a night with. He’s probably had a girlfriend too.
- Regardless of how experienced he is, Giorno is frustratingly good at sex. Is there anything he isn’t flawless at.
- This smug boy absolutely uses Gold Experience’s ability to intensify the sex. Only once or twice so that it doesn’t overwhelm her, but like tell me he wouldn’t.
- Because of this, the two of them get very loud. Probably the loudest on this list, aside from my idea with Narancia.
- Also because of this she comes much earlier than any of her previous affairs. I imagine its quite a bit of a shock.
- Giorno takes really good care of both of them after sex. He’s incredibly romantic as well, little kisses from their hands down their arm to their neck as he whispers sweet things to them. 
- Sex with Bruno is probably planned tbh so he can make it as romantic as possible, even the first time is brought up at least early in the day that it’s to occur
- Bruno is mildly experienced having sex, just in his line of work there’s a lot of beautiful people and he’s definitely one of them. I like to imagine people hit on him a lot LOL
- He’s is the best in the gang at foreplay, both fingering and oral. You can’t change my mind. She has never had a man who knows a woman’s body so well like this.
- He’s so good with intimacy. The rest of the world melts away and it’s just her and Bruno and the bed they’re in.
- Bruno is a body worshipper, whispering against her skin the entire time
- Dotes over her after sex. She has to drag him back to bed if she wants any cuddles, he’s so concerned with making sure she’s okay after they’ve both thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
- He’s had a fair amount of sex. Much of it was drunk sex during his dark point before Bruno recruited him. She would have to bring it up first probably
- Abbacchio is a big guy. That’s all I’m gonna say
- I stand by my earlier headcanons that Abbacchio is a blushy mess in the bedroom when he’s having sex with someone who really means something to him. Smug, but blushing
- Abbacchio is pretty good with oral foreplay. No one is as good as Bruno but just look at his lips, this man knows his lips are good
- His normal pace is a little rough, but he learns the shape of his s/o’s body very quickly and finds a comfortable rhythm
- I’m also a big fan of Abbacchio being underneath her, having her ride him
- Abbacchio isn’t the biggest cuddler, but I could see him immediately pulling her into a shower to attempt to get clean, but mostly for a little more fun. Both of them have a few bruises in the morning. He might leave a hickey or two, and smirks when she brings it up the next day.
What do you mean I can’t make this set 12x longer than the others
- I know they only showed him flirting in his backstory, but I’m really convinced Mista was kinda a playboy and has had an above-average amount of sex before he joined Passione. So the two of them will probably have their first time together rather early in the relationship
- Mista is a big fan of a woman’s curves. A lot of grabbing her hips, butt, thighs, etc
- He’s got kind of a high sex drive, but by no means would he pressure her into sex. When it happens he’s making sure she is comfortable the entire time.
- Probably not the best at foreplay but he is absolutely gonna try his best so that she can enjoy herself just as much as he will - will absolutely go down on her. He’s at least good with his tongue
- He likes slow, passionate, almost lazy sex. That being said if she starts teasing him or if she really wants to get rough he’ll pick up the pace
- Doesn’t really have a preferred position either, he’ll do whatever feels right in the moment. For the first time he’s probably on top of her just so he can run his hands all over her body
- Cuddles are absolutely necessary after sex. And like... why wouldn’t she want to cuddle with Mista afterwards??? While he runs his fingers over her skin, plants little soft kisses on her... (ooh I want a Mista plz)
- Oh lord please help this poor boy. At most he’s had sex maybe a handful of times before. She’s definitely more experienced than he is
- Also kind of a high sex drive, and very excited when she brings up the idea of sex
- Narancia is really sweet the entire time though. He does everything she asks him to do in order to pleasure her. He almost likes pleasuring her more than the actual act of sex.
- Lots of fumbling, it’s very giggly and cute sex. It’s not awkward at all. Narancia probably makes a few jokes that have her laughing
- He’s just gonna sit there with his arms wrapped around her body tightly, peppering her in kisses after they’re done. I absolutely see him as being a big body worshipper. Narancia just loves her so much. She’ll probably have a couple hickies the next day that she’ll have to cover... Narancia beams proudly every time he sees them
- Fugo is nervous as heck. He’s been thinking about it of course. Fugo overthinks everything.
- She brings it up, and basically almost drags him away when he agrees. Fugo’s a little intimidated, but at the same time he really likes her and really likes the idea of sex with her
- She’s definitely taking control here. I honestly can’t see Fugo having had much sex so he’s inexperienced and a little stiff, and apologizes a lot during their first time. His awkwardness is charming though
- I’ll be honest he probably comes before her and feels guilty about it. She probably has to show him how to get her off too.
- Fugo holds her close to his chest after sex, enjoys listening to her heartbeat. She’s a comforting presence in a world that has kicked him down so many times. He’s counting his blessings for her, while she plants kisses over his body and reminding Fugo how much she loves him.
A/N: Hope you enjoyed these as much as i enjoyed writing them. I love all these boys sm
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typewriterghcst · 4 years
Title: Comme Il Faut
Rating: Gish, but there is a. uh. Suggestive Joke right before the cut
Fandom: The Cat Returns
Characters: a younger Cat King and Natori
Summary: He missed out on a lot of cardinal priming for his eventual position. Now unofficially under his advisor’s discreet tutelage, the new Cat King can’t quite say he’s sorry to have never been forced to learn the finicky etiquette surrounding a proper meal… but a bowl of homemade soup for his trouble isn’t that bad a motivator.
Notes: For the prompt ‘Over a cup of tea’ from this meme, which I again chose on my own bc I mean. I might as well right……. anyway, hopefully this won’t spiral out of control like the dancing one did rip Also despite the prompt being ‘over a cup of tea’, on a whim I changed this to ‘over a bowl of noodles’ because the Mr. Ping muse is evidently still hanging around even all these years later Filled with headcanons and some references to a much longer fic in progress detailing this particular part of their relationship coughs
“Your paw is in your lap again.”
The look this pointed but nonchalant observation earns him is affronted, exasperated, as the younger cat sets his unoccupied paw back on to the flimsy table before them.
“I don’t know why all this baloney matters, Natty. Is anyone really gonna give a crap if both paws aren’t on the table at all times..?”
“Well, they may come to the unfortunate conclusion that you’re feeling perhaps a bit feisty, but I suppose if that doesn’t bother you, then…”
Natori doesn’t have to look up from his work to know the new king most likely wears an indignant, scandalized look; he hears him shift in his seat anyway, leaning back, crossing his arms grumpily. When he speaks, it’s with a very characteristic sullen mumble.
“Don’t be crude.”
It’s here that Natori finally turns his attention from the portable stovetop to his companion, and it’s with a contrite smile, at least, which seems to appease Claudius somewhat.
“I’m sorry, Your Majesty. I shall behave.”
Claudius scoffs. “All you do is behave. Someday, I’m going to order you to live a little, and you’re gonna just keel over because I finally found the one thing you can’t do.”
“There’s worse ways to die, I suppose.”
“Not many.”
Then, silence, as Natori doesn’t respond in favor of adjusting the flame and fanning his (for once uncovered) paw over the foaming pot. Just a few moments of this is all it seems to take for Claudius’ minuscule store of patience to run dry. He flops onto the table before him with a dramatic groan, muffled only slightly by the surface his face is now smushed against.
“This is so boring—! If I’d had to do this as a kid, I woulda kicked my tutor in the shin.”
Upon the deadpan knowing look he gets from Natori, the king amends himself, “...Okay, I would have kicked more tutors in the shins. Whatever, isn’t there something you can do to make this less excruciating?!”
“Isn’t that what the soup is for?” Natori asks mildly.
“Oh, yeah. How’s that coming, anyway? Smells pretty good.” 
“It won’t be long.”
In the silence that follows, Natori waits for another plaintive outburst from Claudius, but to his surprise, it never comes. Claudius instead seems to find absorption in his own thoughts, and it’s not long at all before he makes them known.
“Where’d you learn this stuff, anyway?”
“The cooking or the boring etiquette?”
“The cooking, duh.”
Natori hesitates, stirring the noodles briefly; he unintentionally gives the impression that he’s reluctant to reveal the truth, which only intrigues Claudius more. “...My grandmother taught me.”
"Did she teach you how to sew, too?"
"Yes," Natori answers patiently. In the fleeting time Claudius hasn't been paying attention, his advisor has already filled two bowls with noodles and is now ladling relatively clear, tawny broth over the top of them. Distantly, he feels his stomach growl in anticipation.
"Would you like some doubanjiang?"
"Some wha..?"
Wordlessly, Natori hands the jar to Claudius, who wastes no time at all in scrutinizing the paste or giving it a cautionary sniff.
“This stuff spicy?”
“It is spicy.”
Claudius hands it back. “I’ll take a rain check on it, then.”
“Suit yourself.”
“Gimme some extra beef, though.”
Natori complies, but once more without a word, and the reserve irks Claudius just slightly. He knows he isn’t, but it feels somewhat like he’s being ignored. He clicks his chopsticks together, and whether it’s out of impatience or peevishness, Natori’s chiding response is the same regardless— a mild, “Misusing one’s eating utensils is generally not recognized as acceptable behavior, sire,” as he places one of the bowls before the king.
Claudius grins at his advisor as if he’s come out the victor of some covert competition, but Natori can not for the life of him puzzle out what that competition might be. He might even wager the king himself doesn’t really know.
Then, seeing Claudius preparing to pick up his bowl and most likely gulp it down, he hastily adds, “A proper meal is one that’s savored.”
Claudius pauses mid-lift and shortly after deflates in frustration, plopping his bowl back down again. “Yeah, yeah, alright. We’ll do it the respectable way.”
Spoken while stabbing at a piece of beef with one of his chopsticks querulously. Natori resists the urge to put his head in one of his paws, making the mental note to address that another time. 
“...you know, when I’ve been king long enough, I’m getting rid of all this stuffy rubbish.”
“The elders will decry the new regime as vulgar extravagance,” Natori remarks with a tickled laugh.
“They’ll get used to it.” Then, after finally taking a bite of his soup now that his momentary petulance has worn off, “Hey— your soup is actually good.”
“You sound surprised— not necessarily the most polite of ways to issue a compliment, I might add.”
“That’s not how I meant it,” Claudius grumbles. “I just… I mean…”
What he meant is consigned to remain a mystery, as he never does pick his trailing thought back up, descending instead into apparent morose rumination. Natori doesn’t rush him, unsure himself over what to say.
It had been not two weeks ago the two could hardly stand to be in the same room together without taking veiled potshots at each other, if not outright quarreling, at least when not accompanied by King Aelius or other companions. Reaching an understanding and two very genuine apologies did not make for an instant camaraderie on their own.
“...Thank you,” Natori does eventually settle on, his eyes still averted. “I-It’s not anything special, but I suppose it does remind me of home.”
Claudius looks up from his soup, and the stormy brow he’d been sporting softens some. He, too, then averts his gaze.
“Sounds nice.”
“I’m sorry,” Natori says, and though it feels like the proper response, he can’t explicitly trace what reasoning has led him to it.
Meanwhile, Claudius only shrugs, popping the last piece of cubed beef from his bowl into his mouth and propping his head against one of his paws (the other is, once more, folded in his lap below the table). “It is what it is.”
Continuing on, in a way Natori would have previously read as defiant or vindictive, he offhandedly stabs his chopsticks into the few remaining noodles and leaves them there, and the look he spies on Natori’s face when he turns his attention to his advisor tells him he’s probably committed a number of faux pas. 
With a sardonic snort, he says, “Guess I got a long way to go, huh?”
Natori, while rather gently and methodically removing the chopsticks and laying them beside the king’s bowl, offers a more optimistic (if shy) angle. “You’ll get there.”
“With this soup, I will.”
Ah. One truth revealed, it seems. Natori meets Claudius’ wide smirk with a faintly playful look of his own, head canted just slightly in knowing amusement, and the tacit agreement seems to be all the king needs to add yet another inscrutable victory to his ongoing arcane list. Motivation and indulgence are often inexorably wed, after all.
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nikosomething · 4 years
Heyyyy! I'm back again. Sorry it took a while to send this ask! Mmm I'd choose the lan sect cuz I need some form of structure in my life lol. I'm not too bad with rules either. But I'd definitely hate their food. I eat wwx levels of spicy and hence I'd like to join the jiang sect haha. Also, their sword forms look nice? YASSS We'd LOOK SO GOOD! 💙🖤 ooh I like what you read. I like reading pining, arranged marriage aus, crack fics, post canon fics, missing scenes, I like canon divergence aus that concentrate on characters other than wwx and lwj. I also like fics with sad endings haha. (1/4)
I'm a big multishipper, too! There's no ship that I don't like? My favorites would be wangxian and sangcheng though. I'm always up to reading these two ships, but I'd read anything really. I feel yah, I do. I can't pick a junior either. I love them all dearly but I tend to get bored if lan jingyi isn't there in junior fics? I need Jingyi to be a major part of the fic if I'm to like it haha. (2/4)
I loooooove Asian cuisine. My favorite is Indian! All that spice, you know? I hope you ate good food since you made yourself hungry answering that lol. Your answer about the seasons is so detailed and beautiful? I love?? Mmmm my favorite season is the rainy season. It's the best. I love the melancholy, the cold and the sound of water tapping against the windows. I'd rather stay at home than venture outside in the rain tho! Winter is the most comfortable time for me, really. I hate the summer! I love the cold and end of the year is my favorite time! (3/4)
Now questions! Have you read any other mxtx works? Also, if you could change one thing is mdzs, what would it be? Do you have any post canon wangxian headcanons? Oooh, what's your favorite wangxian moment in CQL? General questions- do you celebrate Christmas? If you do, are you excited and how do you celebrate? Do you drink coffee or tea or neither or something else? What other shows have you watched except CQL this year? Aight, that's so many questions haha. (4/4) See you soon- 🐰
Heyyyy my dear bunny! I missed ya! But don’t worry, life gets busy sometimes, so take all the time you need <3
Whoahhhh so cool that you can eat intensely spicy food!! I am trying to get used to spicy stuff, but I got a looong way to go haha I detect every gain of pepper or chili or whatever so I am only making slow progress, but I do enjoy spice - up to the level I can take without ending up all red and teary-eyed haha I enjoy good food a lot, too. I like to have some variation so I’d probably be unhappy if I had to only ever eat the Lan cuisine, too hahaha
Ohhhh arranged marriage, people keep recommending it to me - I shoudl really give it a go at some point! Any good fics you wanna recommend? And omggg sad endings!!! Whoah, I bow to you! I’s always pick a happy ending but then again the ending has to fit the need of the story, so I suppose if a happy ending would feel forced then pls gimme a sad one, perhaps even one we can all learn from And yessss, there are so many amazing characters in MDZS I totally get why you’d wanna read about them!! <3
Ah Sangcheng! It’s quite the popular ship I feel. I think it’s cute and a close friend of mine really loves them, too. I bet they’d be excited if I got into that ship as well haha What do you love about Sangcheng? (sell it to meh hahaha, get me hooked) JINGYI!! Yes, he’d the spice we need in the junior fics! He is just so much fun! I think all of them together make such a perfect and well-balanced mix! Perf flavour hahaha What’s it with all the food references here. Am I mildly thinking about food again? Whaaaat Ohhhh Indian!!! (here we go again w the food hahaha) Damn I love Indian food! I cant take the spice so I always go for the noob dished, but they are amazing,t oo! What makes you hate the summer? Do you dislike sweating? You make it sound so cozy ahhh, I am happy we get to spend your fav season together, then, my dear bunny!! I love these timeless days between christmas and the beginning of the new year. It feels like everything is catching its breath and makes whatever you can think of become a bit more possibe
MXTX-related Questions
So far I haven’t read any other works of MXTX, but I think I wanna get to the one with the demonic guy in red and the white soft one next. What was it called? Heaven something? Now TMI tells me ‘City of Heavenly Fire’ which is absolutely not helpful. Uhm.. I could look it up, but then u wouldn’t witness my absolutely entertaining struggle of trying to make my brain work. The Scumbag Self Serving System (did I get that one right) is the first novel if I am correct. And then there is the Heavenly Helper... No... uhm Mysteries of Heaven... Heaven’s Helping Hand... I don’t think it’s getting any better here. I even watched the Donghua trailer wtf why can’t I remember hahaha... Voices of Heaven (that sounds like an American Singing Contest) Okay... imma look it up now.  HEAVEN’S OFFICIAL BLESSING! that one. I was so close Have you read any other works? <3
If I could change one thing in MDZS, what would it be? I would want for XXC and XY to not die, thank you. But then again how about non of my baes die? Okay, lemme try again, to get an impressive and seemingly deep reply... Have Meng Yao realise what kind of a horrible butt his dad is early enough to prevent most of the bad things that happen. I am not sure - but what’s your idea on this one?
My favourite WangXian moment? In CQL it’s the one where they are both at the Cloud Recesses, watching the snowflakes dance through the air. Their bond feels so deep there! Or the one where they are at the lantern thing and WWX get’s LWJ the bunny lantern. Just... the pure happiness. Or the one where they are bold husbands and run away from Carp Tower. Is it even humanly possible to pick just one moment?? Which one is it for you?
General Questions
Do I celebrate Xmas? Yes, I do! I go to my mom’s place for Xmas, where we have dinner and then her boyfriend puts on his super old, super old and worn-out Santa clothes (which is very endearing, cause he is always having the time of his life). Then he hands us our presents which are gathered under the decorated Xmas tree and we have to cite a poem or sing to earn each present. Afterwards we all unpack together, excitedly thanking each other, have dessert and then watch a movie or a video of our past christmasses someone put together It’s all very wholesome. How about you?
Coffee, tea or something else? I like Moccachino, cause it’s an amazing hybrid of coffee and cocoa!! It’s best with coconut milk! That kind of coffee makes me feel all cozy and comfy, but I handle it like a treat. I only drink one, while a close friend of mine drinks several cups of milky coffee a day. I also love cocoa, but I drink it like others drink espresso. I tiny highly concentrated cup. No more. Like a shot of chocolate hahaha I don’t have much of a sweet tooth, but sometimes I crave it. As for tea, I looove herbal tea! Peppermint and Fennel Caraway Anise are amazing. Also freshly brewed ginger tea. And green tea with jasmine/flower blossoms or white tea. Big love for these. All of which without sugar so the flavour comes out to speak of its very own beauty I also like mate tea to keep me awake! Otherwise I love water or - omg - freshly pressed apple juice! The! best! Try it if you aren’t allergic! AHHHH that is honestly THE TREAT for me. Rare treat. I don’t even have it once a year. More like every four years or so. But dang. The. best. How about you? <3
Which shows have I watched this year? Many. Lots of cooking shows (on Netflix), cause, you know, food. xD By now I probably know almost all of them. There was a time when I was thoroughly up to date with ALL cooking shows on Netflix. One of my big dreams is being wealthy enough to hire a cook. To cook for me every day. Yes, yes. Otherwise lots of Asian shows. I can recommend:
Hotel Del Luna (omg, do urself a favour, judging from what I know about your taste I think you will like it a lot) also The King Eternal Monarch (good one, very good one)
I also watched Eternal Love and Eternal Love The Pillowbook, which were okay, but they aren’t my favourites Cinderella and the Four Knights was sweet Accidentally in Love was fun but has some major plot holes in my opinion I enjoyed She-Ra Who Are You moved me quite a bit ahhhh Extraordinary You was quite the ride, too!
What are your 2020 shows?
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Experiment week: Q in the kitchen Part 2:  Thai iced tea
After the debacle that was Sweet Tea he needed to do a bit more searching maybe Asia could provide the answer. He mostly found recipes for boba tea which he had tried and liked but it was a bit too filling an too much like a desert. He did find one recipe that sounded nice “Thai Iced Tea” maybe that would be it sounded milky and sweet and spicy. He popped into his local supermarket on the way home. James was away on a mission so he had the flat and the kitchen The Kitchen was mostly James’ domain he was a gourmet so Q was happy to allow him to take the lion share of the cooking James sometimes joked Q could burn water. he wasn't quite that bad 
4 tablespoons loose-leaf black tea (or 8 tea bags) 2 piece star anise 2  cardamom pods 1 cinnamon stick Optional: ground tamarind, to taste Optional: 1/2 teaspoon almond extract 2 cup water (boiling) 6 tablespoon sweetened condensed milk plus extra for topping
Pour boiling water over the tea, star anise, cardamom,  cinnamon stick, vanilla bean, tamarind powder, and almond extract in the boiling water for 5 minutes and strain.  Stir in the sweetened condensed milk until completely dissolved. Fill two tall glasses with ice. Pour the tea over the ice, leaving an inch or so of space at the top for the evaporated milk. Top up with more ice if needed, and then drizzle with approx 1 teaspoon of condensed milk on each glass. 
Moneypenny swanned into his office they often had lunch together especially when Bond was away on mission and Q needed the odd reminder that no he wasn’t a cyborg and yes he did need to eat every now and then.
“what on earth is that” she pointed at the honest to goodness sippy cup sitting on the corner of his desk it was emblazoned with a Q on it just like his mug of choice.
“What” he scowled its practical i work around electronics Eve i cant have open drinks lying around waiting to be knocked over”
Eve picked the things up eyeing it suspiciously she prized open the lid it smelled different from his usual brand mildly spicy and even more milky and sweet than normal “Sorry to tell you this but its gone cold. I’ll chuck it away get I’ll get you some fresh while you eat your lunch like a good little boy” she reached over and ruffled his hair.
Q snarled at her a reach for his cup “Its not cold it my Thai iced tea Im experimenting and its delicious” 
Moneypenny held it out of Q’s reach taking a sip for herself it was heavenly sweet,spicy and refreshing “You are making me more of this tomorrow as a thank you for not using that cup as blackmail material”
Q spluttered “But that is blackmail” the next day he made double the quantity no one messed with Moneypenny.
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goldenpixels · 7 years
replies abt spice & cellulite
ali3npixls replied to your chat “me: this medium spicy burrito mix is TOO spicy...... me: i am too...”
honestly this is me.....catch me cryin over some mildly spicy salsa
its TOO HOT ok like....,,,mild is ok but sometimes mild is NOT OK :’(
cat-nerd-sims replied to your chat “me: this medium spicy burrito mix is TOO spicy...... me: i am too...”
"this mint gum is too spicy"
pls dont call me out cause literally....i have these mints.....and sometimes they hurt me :(
moon-craters replied to your chat “me: this medium spicy burrito mix is TOO spicy...... me: i am too...”
ME omg but I love mexican food so much. its a struggle
i dont eat mexican too often but!!!! yes!!!!!!!! i do eat a lot of indian food tho and let me tell u THAT is a struggle!!!!!!!
whentheysim replied to your chat “me: this medium spicy burrito mix is TOO spicy...... me: i am too...”
Try being Hispanic and not being able to handle really hot stuff. I know the struggle <3. The struggle is real lol. My sister says I have a white tongue, because I can't handle really hot stuff.
a WHITE TONGUE !!!! its a good term i am white everything and i cant handle anything spicy :((((((( i am potatoes on white bread i am so white
thecactus replied to your photo “IM LIVIN 4 KIMS CELLULITE is there any cellulite cc out there...”
THANK U ur the mvp ok ;^)
hypnosim replied to your photo “IM LIVIN 4 KIMS CELLULITE is there any cellulite cc out there...”
the leg to ass proportions ain't right 
That's all I'm noticing I'm sorry
my precious modern day barbie doll kim k can have any proportions she wants & i will probably fight anyone who seriously badmouths her just sayin lmao
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buttfacemcgee · 8 years
@galacticcannabilism tagged me in this thang thats right i just used “thang” in a sentence oh how retro of me ohohohohohohohoho (that was me laughing light santa except like 10x better Rules: Answer the 20 questions, and tag 20 amazing followers that you’d like to get to know better.
Name: Emma
Nicknames: Em, Emzy, occasionally Zanne, sometimes my sisters name cause although we dont look all that alike and she isnt even my twin (i do have a twin it just isnt her) my mother really cant tell the difference. because she is lazy. and doesnt pay attention. and ignores that fact that my sister moved out like 6 years ago.
Zodiac sign: libra
Height: 5′4″ (162cm)
Orientation: .... yeah les-be-honest here im completely 100% gayyyyyy (i have an irl friend on here who may or may not know but if this is my coming out then HI COREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!!!!!! bet ya didnt see this coming, eh? ;) AHAHAAHAHA)
Ethnicity: caucasian 
Favourite Fruit: THERE ARE TOO MANY I AM OVERWHELMED BY THIS QUESTION random choice of my absolute favourites: GRAPES!!! sorry im feeling really excited right now bear with me here
Favourite Season: i used to think it was autumn or winter but like apart from all the dead plants or no plants (seriously the heat here is ridiculous) and the constant sweating summer has kinda wormed its way in 
Favourite Book Series: percy jackson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Favourite Flower: cherry blossom cause theyre lil and cute
Favorite Scent: something spicy is nice but i love vanilla and berry stuff and !SANDALWOOD!
Favorite Color: RED! LIKE THE BLOOD OF MY ENEMIES!!! and also like cause its generally a cool colour. i love red yep
Favorite Animal: many many i like cats and dogs and big cats and big dogs and basically anything that is fluffy and (ignoring size) could tear me limb from limb using teeth and/or claws i generally like. 
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Cocoa: hot cocoa fackyeeeaaaaahhh
Average Sleep Hours: about 6(:
Favorite Fictional Characters: HARRY POTTER! 
Number of Blankets You Sleep With: 5
Dream Trip: my dreams are usually trippy yes (seriously you have no idea)
Blog Created: like............ 2011...?? maybe 2012? 
Number of Followers: 496. most seem to be porn bots but yknow what? theyre loyal. tHEY DONT JUDGE ME, KAREN I tag:  @paperhatsandrabbits @brightsunnydaysofcastamere @yogscastshadow @oregaymi @illegalaustralien @girlsaredragons @pansextiel @the-damnvers-sisters @strangelypensieve @carriosity @lordmeowdemort @tinyweirdbi @audre-w @wearingmybinoculars @mildly-excited-electrons​ i tagged all of you cause i wanna be annoying and kinda spammy  i dont even speak to some of you and i also broke the “tag 20 followers” rule cause i am an natural born rebel and will not tolerate people telling me what to do suck it
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