#is this real life or is this fanta sea?
coldercreation · 8 months
i think i... finished it?
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xxphoenixexlipsxx · 7 months
Bro idk what's going on, first a ghost chases me and now I'm hunting a vampire?????
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berlinini · 1 year
There has been SIXTEEN official pictures from Columbus posted the day after the show.... We used to get what, 4-5 pics for 3 shows days after? This doesn't feel real???
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Y'all I've always thought it was hilarious what Anet did to warbands.
So. you have Rytlock, who in Edge of Destiny said he had "about a dozen" brothers and sisters each. so including himself, that's 25 in a warband. The wiki says a warband is 6-25 members, so Rytlock was on the high end, and average would probably be 12-18 members.
and then every warband in the game proceeds to have BARELY 6.
you have 5 options to choose from for a sparring partner. Rox's old warband had 6 members (or maybe 7). We've still never met more than one of Rytlock's 'bandmates. Almorra gets one 'bandmate mentioned by name.
most charr in the entire game, including top-ranking tribunes and imperators, are not with their warbands, do not talk about their warbands, do not go places with their warbands. Tribune Bhuer Goreblade shows up with a small handful of 'bandmates in the charr level 10 story.
You do not see groups of 12-18 charr warbands roaming around Ascalon with fascinating life stories and 'bandmate dynamics and mourning the latest one(s) who died, with mementos, with stories about how 'my sparring partner saved my life' and 'this member of the warband whom I know least of all my bandmates would die for me and they proved it last week' and 'Im unhappy with bandmate X but I would kill for them' or 'bandmates Y and Z obviously love each other. wanna join the betting pool?' and the legionnaire who confides in you about their tough decisions of who they're picking to be their second/replacement. All within the same warband.
Not even one warband like this. Much less the multiple that charr culture deserves.
Even in IBS, the, at least half-way, charr-centric story, our main focus warband is Ryland's Steel warband. Who has, predictably, 6 members. And like 10 fresh-faced, unnamed recruits who have 0 history or dynamic with the Main Cast. even the 6 named members, who have vibes and character and a bit of a dynamic, are stupid shallow. (and tbf they didn't have time to explore it much, but really?)
We do not see Bangar's 'bandmates. We do not see Rytlock's 'bandmates. We do not hear anything about Almorra's old 'bandmates. We do not see Ember Doomforge's 'bandmates. We do not see Smodur's 'bandmates. We do not see Malice's 'bandmates. We do not see Efram's 'bandmates.
We see a lot of 'cubs this' (with Rytlock and with Efram), I heard a lot of speculation about 'cubs that' in fandom spaces, we see a lot of 'ohoho relationship/mating drama' (from Rytlock/Crecia and also Almorra/Bangar). We do NOT see ANYTHING about warbands, supposedly the building-blocks of charr society.
Even the charr player's old warband is mostly disbanded/defected to Dominion.
I have yet to see any real warband dynamics in canon.
Even in the books! Rytlock's 24 'bandmates are fair game because they're offscreen. And Anet has consistently refused to show any of them. Even Rytlock's dynamic with Crecia is pretty much just "we're old exes" and never "we grew up together. we fought together. our bonds are deeper than those of biology, than the fact we have a cub. I stabbed you once and you knew I didn't mean it because we are 'bandmates." Sure, Crecia mentions once "ohoho we used to see the ice elementals here as cubs."
But in the books! Sea of Sorrows for instance! iirc the majority of Sykax's warband is unnamed! Ember Doomforge, again, no mentions of warband! Rytlock nor Malice nor Almorra talk about inter-warband relations!
we never see any warbands larger than 6 members.
And this is all because, OBVIOUSLY, who wants to come up with 12-18 whole characters when it's just the one who's relevant to the story? Coming up with 6 is hard enough it only happens in special occasions. which doesn't include the legit actual player character.
(the player character, whose warband is decimated to TWO flaming members (including yourself!!) in the tutorial, and! yay! fun lorebuilding! you get to rebuild the warband. this adds a flaming total of TWO members. now you're at flaming four. FLAMING FANTASTIC. the player-flaming-character gets FOUR 'bandmates. this is atrocious!! and tbf if you compile all the options across all the branches you might end up in the (low end, probably) of 12-18. which is fair!)
but like. I do sympathize. I really do. characters are hard. names especially! which would be the bare minimum yknow. have an 18-member warband with zero dialogue but! they do have names! that wander around Ascalon. not even an event chain just average-sized warband representation PLEASE.
like. I did it myself. I invented a warband and I BARELY got them to 6 members. I had name, gender, profession for each of them. they were minor characters so they didn't even get the development that Ryland's Steel got. names, professions and the vibes from that. I felt so bad for only giving them 6 bc I was reinforcing the stereotype!!
but, so, uhhhh
I have been handed an OC. from a friend. who has given me full creative license to write abt them in my story.
I gave him 23 'bandmates. They all have names and genders. They're split up into who is whose sparring partner and who bunks with whom. That is all.
I also get VibesTM from each member's name. I'm slowly building relationship maps. (mostly just. from character A's PoV, ranking who they are closest with. Then doing it from Character B's PoV. it's WILDLY fascinating.) I have three charr 'bandmates who have their own little niche, they three are besties, they're each other's sparring partners and bunkmates and everybody (main relevant characters at least) knows them as 'those three'. and I know their names. none of the characters I'm writing about know them very well (relative to the rest of the warband ofc. ofc each one would DIE for them and probably knows their struggles and combat strengths and weak points and so on. but I haven't invented any of those yet) and that's all. I don't have a single bit of info about them except that and the vibes of each name. but hey!!!! WARBAND DYNAMICS MY BELOVED!?!!
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cokowiii · 1 year
Is this real life
or is this fanta sea
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anarchypig0 · 10 months
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Ahhhhhhh. ¿Es esto lo que creo que es? Is this real life or is this just fanta sea?
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¡Lo es, lo es! ªªªªªªªªªªªªªª Por fin vamos a saber qué ocurrió ESA noche #modohypeactivado
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Leer a Ciro por fin en un post "propio" es algo que tenía muchas ganas. ¿Quién era "Ciro" realmente? No la interpretación de Eider, no el recuerdo de Dario, no el resto de proyecciones y necesidades de cada miembre de su familia. Sino él.
(En realidad esto es algo que ya estáis tratando en varios posts pero let me be. Tenía muchas ganas de leer algo que tuviese a Dario /vivo/ e interactuando en el momento)
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Eider empieza fuerte 👁️👄👁️
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"¿Y por qué no estás enfadado? Él /siempre/ se enfadaba"
(Y en verdad me esperaba ver a Ciro enfadado, furioso con lo que ha ocurrido y deseando salir a hacer algo pero esta otra versión me gusta mucho más)
Me flipa eso sí como Eider está de shockeada, de enfadada, de al borde del ataque de nervios (y con motivo) y de descontrolada. Y que Ciro intentase calmarla, intentase hacer algo... pero qué difícil es contener un incendio que solo quiere quemar... No quiero citar todo el post pero... omg
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She wanna see them burn, como su vida acaba de arder.
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ESTA PARTE, ESTA LÍNEA OMG OMG. "No tendré al hijo de un cobarde". Aquí me maté yo. Y aquí Eider ha sellado sus destinos, no solo el de Ciro sino el suyo mismo. Toda la culpa, todos los engaños, todo.
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Lo que menos esperabamos: querer a Ciro en este post y llorar por él.
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Oh my god.
GRACIAS @heylelumus por hacernos sufrir. Llevaba un montón queriendo que este post existiese y te ha quedado impecable. 100/10. Increíble ejecución. Gracias por tanto, perdón por tan poco.
Estoy deseando saber cuando Dario o los demás se enteren de una pizca de la verdad de lo que ocurrió aquella noche 👀
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definegodliness · 2 years
I was tagged by the lovely @real-fanta-sea (thank you!) to answer some questions that’ll get ya to know me better.
Favourite colour: Always hard to pick. When I say I could not go without green — which is true — I think about how much I also need the blue of sky. Then, there’s yellow; who could ever go without the joy of yellow? Purple is magical, and we all need magic in our life. I could go on... so let’s keep it at I can’t pick a favourite colour. 
Currently reading: Nothing at the moment. But when things calm down over here I’ll continue reading Keats’s Poetical Works. That book’s been calling me.
Last songs: War of the Worlds - Forever Autumn, Pulp - Common People, Paul Simon - Graceland
Last series: The Pentaverate. Man, I laughed my ass off. Binged it in one night. Might watch it again soon. 
Last movie: Finally got around watching The Irish Man. Started it past midnight, thinking I’d watch it about an hour then, and the other two and a half the next day. In the end I couldn’t turn it off. Great movie. Got to watch the sunrise after too.
Currently working on: Floryantacander (yes, still), which will be my first actual book. At the start of September I’ll have 10 days to myself, so I’ll finally have the mental space to dive into self-publishing. I think the writing part is finished, but it’s hard for me to not negatively assess my own work. I just want it to be worth the printing paper.
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brickmione · 1 year
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Is this the real life?⠀
Is this just Fanta Sea?⠀
The idea came up during diner in 2020. Corona-weekend meant that the children are allowed a little more than usual. The oldest daughter found some Fanta in the cupboard. She wanted to try it while I thought she doesn't even like it. But then this meme came into my mind. My first idea was to create a sea with a real Fanta bottle or beverage can. But we didn't have any left - we hardly drink soft drinks here - so I had to come up with something different...⠀
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livinforit · 2 years
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w1tchsoup · 1 day
5, 7, 9, 10 for the Tav QOTD meme!
I'm so sorry this took me 84 years. Garbage irl situations gave me probably the worst writer's block of my life. Anyway, back at it again with obsessing over the Grape Fanta Tallboy.
5. what does their tent area look like? where do they prefer to pitch their tent (next to water, covered on three sides, etc)?
For most things camp-related, Hoshi gladly compromises. There are a lot of people sharing a space, and they want to encourage the others to do the same or they might actually kill one another if tensions run high enough.
Swapping who gets to place their tent near the water is done begrudgingly. The rest learn quickly that this is not a game to them when it comes to the turn order for this. Hoshi asks so little of them. If the others refuse to share this, Hoshi will be taking it by force and spread themself out. Where two tents could have sat would be one tent with a seating area where they'll have tea with anyone who wasn't acting a fool. Things never escalated to that point, thankfully.
The shape of Hoshi's tent is similar to that of Karlach's; It's taller than the rest, with a pointed top, covered sides, although it's not as long as hers. That's compensated for with a larger outdoor space with an awning covering the majority of it. The whole thing is a garish seafoam green with goldenrod yellow depicting the sunrise at sea. The flooring inside and out is made of tatami mats.
As for decor: ~spot uncovered by the awning with a couple of meditation pillows ~ table with a tea set made of orphans. Not one of the pieces matches. ~ Alchemy table with baskets of ingredience ingredients stashed underneath ~ A little nook with his sketchbook and a basket full of sewing supplies, including a blouse he's working on ~ A deep-sea fishing pole and fishing spear (Note: If you only find the blouse strewn alone on a pillow, the rest of the sewing supplies are at Astarion's tent because he's a bastard. You know he didn't ask before he borrowed them.)
7. do they collect anything (gems, bottles, keys, etc)?
They collect seaglass! They'll take anything, but if you find anything aside from brown or green, they'll give you a reward. This reward varies based on whether they've gotten with Gale yet or not. :3c No, but he carries a bunch of weird stuff from all over they'll trade for it. Sometimes people gift you bizarre things when you're a folk hero, and those are the things that hold the most value to them. You want a terribly taxidermied lizard for that seaglass? It's worth more than gold to them.
9. if they had to be put in a “get along shirt” with a companion, who would it be?
Lae'zel. It's not even real beef. Hoshi sees that she's a scared young person who is fresh out of a cult, not of her own choosing. She needs support, and they do their best to provide it. The two of them start bonding, and with that bond comes Hoshi being a pest at camp, older sibling style. Out during their mission, minimal problems. In camp, they find excuses to bicker about nothing and get into catfights. They'll braid her like an hour later like nothing happened.
10. do they prefer speak with dead or speak with animals?
Speak with animals. They have a fascination with animal behavior that can give them a leg-up when performing it.
Speak with the dead is a skill they can respect, while opting not to perform it themself. That goes for any necromancy, really. As a monk who has Lathander poking himself in their business, performing it feels like someone's dumping a bucket of Nickelodeon slime on their head.
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the-expatriate · 1 year
Zack: "Is this the real life or is this just a fanta sea?"
"It's the Fanta Sea. It's all the Fanta-Sea. But which flavour?"
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stellacaerulea · 3 years
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With the hits Stab Your Father Down, Killer Queen and The Show Must Go On
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milktoast-femboy · 3 years
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have a lazy meme ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
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elbiotipo · 3 years
estoy leyendo la evaluación de mi plan de beca, un evaluador dice:
"Me permito disentir con el puntaje asignado al postulante..."
"...sugiero que se evalué elevarlo."
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spikeythespians · 3 years
the impact of neon gensis evangelion is not being able to hear the word "fantasy" any other way than "fanta sea"
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ultimate-snek · 3 years
hehehe look I can talk to myself
heheheheh so true bestie
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