#is what i'm saying sadlkfjasd
not-poignant · 1 year
I ADORE Temsen, he's my fave side-character since Mikkel and TRP. I wanna know more about this delightful frogman doctor, he is SO good, in both TND and UtB😍 Chefs kisses all around
Hi anon!
It makes me so happy that you adore Temsen! He's so much fun to write no matter where he appears. I love that we get to see more of his playful side (alongside his serious/intelligent side) in Underline the Black because there's no big language/species barrier there, so it can be harder to see in The Nascent Diplomat.
But in both worlds, even with the differences, I just adore him every time he's in the room. I've just finished chapter 31, and that chapter is literally just...Augus and Temsen in a room talking, and it was like ahhh, he really is basically a third main character in this story now that he's entered it! I love that he's strong enough to carry chapters when Augus and Gwyn aren't there together, and he's just...interesting. He has a cool way of looking at the world! It's not one I always share, but I feel like I could sit down and listen to him talk about his thoughts and feelings forever. :D
So there's definitely more Temsen coming!
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