@is-itself-a-deviant said: "Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back." [human nines to Gavin]
How off guard the comment catches him is likely written all over his face, not expecting the line. It's.. horrible and yet here he is giving them a reaction to it; Visibly flustered. "Are you serious with that shit?" They just have to be messing with him, right? To get a reaction out of him and they did.
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itsalcngstory · 10 months
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“ Everything's fine. Normal is a state of mind. ” from Levis to whomever is loudest
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A brow quirks up at the given words, arms coming to a tight fold at her chest as head cants enough of a tilt to easily reveal the tiefling's curiosity.
"I think having a normal state of mind in this group is weird at this point."
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adventures-written · 1 year
💋do they like to kiss while having sex? do they cuddle afterward? ❤️‍🔥what’s their most erogenous zone? (For Kamski baby)
Sinday Headcanons
Kamski will kiss while having sex, but the meaning behind the kiss depends on who he's with. If it's someone he actually holds feelings for (which has become harder these days since he's android-sexual in my opinion), then the kiss will be filled with passion. Long, held out. If it's someone he does not care for, then he won't be as passionate and it will be short bursts of kissing instead.
For the cuddling, it again depends on the partner. If it's someone he cares for, then yes he will absolutely cuddle afterwards. Anyone else and he'll likely ignore them once his needs have been met.
Kamski's most erogenous zone is his balls. Fondling, playing, manipulating them in any way arouses him quite a lot. He has to be comfortable enough with the person though to let them just go at it.
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arxchnoverturea · 2 years
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+ @is-itself-a-deviant​​ asked: Rolling one of the white berries between the pads of his fingers, Howard seemed almost entranced with the plants oddly sharpen leaves and how closely the shade of the fruit seemed to match his feathers. "You are aware mistletoe is poisonous right?" [Howard to Beverly]
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+ Looking up with a SMILE , Beverly honestly finds it ENDEARING that there’s still so much about EARTH that she has to explain now and again . Things that others in her life wouldn’t THINK twice about often made for FUN conversations . Some might have honestly gotten ANNOYED or at the very least WEARY of having to explain things that were otherwise COMMONPLACE , but she was FAR from the most run of the mill when it came to your typical girl from CLEVELAND . 
“ It’s just for DECORATION , Duckie . Besides, most of the mistletoe people hang up isn’t REAL . “ She elaborated with a playful GIGGLE following soon after . “ It’s just one of those CHRISTMAS things that people do . It’s supposed to be for FUN . You hang it up somewhere , like this .“ Taking another batch of MISTLETOE , she hung it above the two of them , as if it were hanging in place . 
“ And when you catch someone underneath it , you give them a KISS. “  She punctuated her words with giving him a kiss on the top of his head . 
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wearejericho · 2 years
is-itself-a-deviant asked:
“ i know how to fucking drive ! ” (Gavin and Connor (either human or android))
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    ❝ i believe you. ❞ a small pause. ❝ —but for your information, detective, the speed limit through this area is 35 miles an hour, and you’re going 51. you also did not signal your previous two turns and i believe you ran through a stop sign leaving the station. please exercise caution in the future. ❞ the android keeps his eyes forward as he speaks, only looking over when he senses a pair of eyes on him. 
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secondhandmckie · 2 years
@is-itself-a-deviant | (semi-plotted starter)
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This was equal parts a nightmare and a dream. Well, perhaps more a nightmare for those poor souls lost to whatever tormented the old Trinity theater. For Molly, even as a hunter, the opportunity to step into an abandoned theater was an opportunity she couldn’t pass up...danger be damned.
She’d read about the Trinity, see. It was one of the many abandoned buildings she knew of within state limits, and one she hadn’t yet had the chance to explore--the job made it difficult to do the things she enjoyed outside of it. Once an ornate house of cinema, it now lay in ruin...but the photos she’d been able to find showed that a majority of the theater remained relatively intact. This gave her hope of finding something interesting that had absolutely nothing to do with the paranormal.
Problem was, Molly had indeed also ready plenty about the...not-so-savory history of the place. Something about murder, disappearances, things that went bump in the night...blah, blah, blah. She had enough knowledge and know-how to keep herself prepared for whatever could happen, and that meant sourcing and carrying around enough salt and salt ammunition to make her float in bodies of water. Underneath her excitement about the building itself, she needed to keep the job in mind--kill bad things, save lives...then she could go explore.
She just hadn’t expected the movement behind her, and when instinct took over, she spun about and fired the weapon, salt spray hitting the wall. Least she didn’t hit the fucking guy standing there. “Show me your hands!” She demanded, aiming again. “What the hell are you doing here?”
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lnsania · 2 years
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doubt incredibly obvious in the quick glance he spared the others badge -- not to mention the cowboy hat .  with what little he saw in the flash of ID ,  the man before him had no business being here or in detroit for that matter .  he stared the stranger down ,  arms firmly pressed across his chest in this brief standoff gavin found all too amusing . 
only to suddenly break the silence with a shake of his head and exasperated chuckle ,  “ if you’re a texas ranger ,  then i’m fuckin’ ... chief of police !  but hey ,  at least we both can agree you ain’t got any business at this crime scene ,  pal . ”   ( starter for @is-itself-a-deviant​ )
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thiriumblood · 10 months
An unlikely reunion || Closed starter for @is-itself-a-deviant
Amanda sighed as she looked out upon the white landscape, what was once a beautiful garden was nothing but white scenery and broken code. Whatever it was Connor did to break free, it had not only severed their connection but broken down what made the garden like a virus. How had CyberLife overlooked such a detail? What kind of human error would lead to this outcome? And yet, despite her annoyance at such an oversight, she felt melancholy. It was a feeling she shouldn’t feel, well, she shouldn’t feel at all but being an AI there were slight compromises they made with her in terms of emotion but something like this? It wasn’t something that should be possible. Did she miss the garden? Miss CyberLife? Miss Connor? She shook the thoughts away, there was no use thinking of these things. She was alone now, her code active in a corrupted environment. How long would it take for this to take hold of her code and leave her just a corrupted string of numbers?
The AI took a few steps knowing it would be fruitless, where could she go anyway? The world, her world was no longer there. It was then she felt a connection of sorts, it felt similar to when CyberLife tried to contact her, why would they? How would they? By her calculations, if the android revolution proceeded they would have dismantled CyberLife and thus ending any possibility of being fixed. She had power in the garden, yes, but an AI couldn’t repair coding on her own like this. The AI stopped to try and take in the information and to see where this feeling was coming from. She continued to walk in the direction, trying to find this connection or at least a spot where it was at its strongest. It took a while, or what she thought was a while as she couldn’t gain a sense of time here and tried to connect with this interference. 
“Who is there?” A simple attempt at connection but it was one nevertheless. The only thing she could do now was wait to see if she’d get any response. Was it CyberLife? The deviants? An outside force? There were too many possibilities but in a way she was thankful to not be alone. Funny how things turned out from her purpose and programmed personality.
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huntrcsss · 10 months
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😢Touch my muse’s shoulder while they are crying in secret - from Dean
It’s an aged, cheap motel that she test her back against, one with tenants what wouldn’t usually have people wandering outside if they even heard someone remotely crying. Least, she had hoped so, a hand rising to wipe away at the wet trails on her cheeks when she feels a hand on her shoulder.
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A gentle touch, but one that still stiffens her and makes her quick to turn to the source of it, relaxing at the familiar features of Dean.
“ ‘m fine…”
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gavin-reed-is-gay · 4 months
Ngl, people slept on Connor x Markus.
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itsalcngstory · 11 months
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What are you thoughts on being bitten, darling?
Head tilts a bit curiously at the question, brows furrowing despite feeling the light flush of heat rise to dark, amenthyst features. "Well - I'm not opposed to it, if that's what you're asking."
Emerald gaze rest on him as though trying to deduce deeper the inquiry, a huff of a breath escaping their chest. "Long as both parties are fine with little bites and all, I'm fine with it. If this is more of the 'drinking blood' meaning. . .just don't kill me then, hm?"
"Oh, like - in a fight? Cause when I was little I use to bite the other kids all the time! I mean, i got in trouble for it eventually, but - oh! do you mean more of - " There's a flush of heat rising to the tiefling's cheeks at the thought. "I um - well - i don't really know - i mean, sure - no? - is this a quiz?"
". . .sure, why not?"
"I am not opposed to it at all."
@is-itself-a-deviant || Kinks
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sighdbh · 1 year
one of my greatest irritations with the dbh fandom is the way most people act like non-deviant androids walk around saying “Beep Boop I Am A Robot” all the time 😭like a big part of the reason cyberlife is so successful is that androids are lifelike! they act like humans! pretty much the only difference between deviant and non-deviant androids is that deviant androids can say no! sure deviant androids may have more of a personality but that’s because they’ve escaped from the people who literally own them! also, most of the non-deviant androids we interact with are when whoever we’re playing as is presenting an android, ofc they’ll act cold, they don’t think they’re speaking with someone who’ll appreciate inflection! or, it’s androids who’re designed for manual labour and so specifically don’t have a social program/have a less developed social program!
like there’s a reason that when we play as markus and kara before their deviation, they can still make decisions!! hell, almost all of the time we play as connor he hasn’t deviated and yet isn’t just a caricature of an ai from 20 years ago.
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wearejericho · 2 years
is-itself-a-deviant asked:
🔪 ( Send 🔪 to walk in on my muse standing over a dead body. )
    connor stands still, eyes locked on hers. he can see the panic written all over her face, an expression VASTLY different from when he saw her last. normally, he’d speed dial the police department. detain her. it’s what he should do — what he was trained to do, but these past few months had changed things. that was clear by the scene in front of him. 
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    ❝ are you okay? ❞ asked gently. eyes move away for a moment, just long enough to perform a scan and confirm the other was truly dead. ❝ chloe? ❞
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beatrice1979a · 8 months
Detroit Become Human
"Paralyzed" by Grable424
Watch it in youtube and give credit to the awesome editor.
This post down here reminded me of those 3 months in lockdown that I did little more than play and replay and replay and replay detroit become human. This game almost made me go back to fandom mode.
And that fanmade video. Its is so funny that for me it's the official "Paralyzed" song I always have in my playlist. One day i was hearing the original song in the mall and I was like... that song is missing something... The voiceovers! Ah! i love it when fandom creates something so good I forget it's not official.
Edit: Runner up: s.Yushan "Down we go"
Just listen to those lines and dialogue. Superb acting for a game.
OK. I'll stop now or I'll end up replaying this game AGAIN!
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lnsania · 2 years
That was a new one. Furrowing his brow, Dean took a small sip of his beer before looking over the other. “I’ve been threatened before.” he began, voice gruff. “Maybe taken one to many knocks to the head, but you ain’t ringing any bells.“ ( @is-itself-a-deviant​ )
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the tension squared his shoulders ,  yet he huffed out a breath as he claimed the space next to him .  an arm coming to rest on the counter top of the bar as he angled his body toward the other .  jaw clenched while his posture remained rigid and immovable so he could follow up with ,  “ -- you need to be more observant . ”  his gaze darkened to showcase a flicker of crimson dilating his pupils
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tinogiehd · 7 months
Whats the essayyy on
social deviance ^_^
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