radicalrascals · 5 months
Open: Niamh ushers lost souls into the afterlife, but her most recent 'client' has been the victim of a shrewd murder and before they can move on, Niamh has to crack the case Looking for: police, journalists, forensics, hunters, the victim's ghost, the murderer; anything that works Muse: Niamh Murphy, spirit farer | fc: Ruth Negga
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"Alright, listen, mate!," Niamh took a deep breath, eyes rolling so hard, she was chiding her opposite and their past four generations along with them. "I'm not a bloody detective. I'm a professional afterlife tour guide to whingeing ghosts. All I'm asking is a little more sympathy and lot more good will from you. So will you please fucking help me or nah?!?"
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saudadexmses · 11 months
starter for @islandofmuses
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Ezra holds the knife to their throat pressing it ever so slightly against the skin of their neck." I'm feeling nice so," They smile tilting their head to the side." Give me a good reason why I shouldn't kill you right here. Come on, I'm curious."
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fangsandmagic · 5 months
NAME: Alanna
MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S): Currently it's Aiden and Minnie and also Rowan
RP PET PEEVES: Pestering for replies, like if I do some replies and then get asks about why I'm not doing certain replies for certain characters. I always try and get my replies out but it all depends on the muse I have for the threads.
EXPERIENCE/HOW MANY YEARS: I believe I have been doing this for about ten years or so.
FLUFF, ANGST, or SMUT: I do love a bit of all three but I am a sucker for angst and fluff....maybe some fluff after some angst
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: I do both, usually takes me longer to get the long replies done but I always get to them.
TIME TO WRITE: Usually before I go to bed, which is bad since I'm usually sleepy before that.
Tagged by: @islandofmuses
Tagging: anyone who would like to do it!
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chrisharwood · 3 years
for Axel @islandofmuses​
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It was hard to sleep. Everyday since they got back Chris would find himself spacing out or relieving things that happened, things he felt, things he said, and it was just upsetting by this point. 
He tried sleeping upside down on his bed. He tried the leather couch in the living room, but nothing seemed to be enough to make his mind stop. That’s why he was laying down on the rug, in the dark, in the middle of the living room when Axel arrived from his gig. For a moment he wondered if the other would even notice he was there, but then he let out an “Hey” as his eyes found the other’s figure.
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glcryandgcre · 3 years
@islandofmuses​; ace&axel​
the island ace had crash landed on was pretty wild to say the least. back home, ace had never met...others that weren’t entirely human. it was still overwhelming sometimes, to realise that actually there were hundreds of people in similar boats. only ace could go his entire life not meeting anyone like him. 
there was still stuff he wasn’t used to yet - one of them being werewolves. not the cool bi-pedal kind, just ones that looked like big dogs, ace had learned to spot them by a twitching nose. like the guy behind him in the grocery line, who he swore was fucking sniffing him.
“you know that’s super creepy, right?” the young dragon asked, glancing behind him. “borderline harassment at this point,”
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lettherebeleight · 3 years
Starter for Luka.
It was only an accident how Lucas found the bar. He took a wrong turn, then realised there was a pub just on his way home from work. He pondered for a moment, shrugged to himself and decided why not take some time to relax after working a long hours shift? Besides, he reckoned the bar won’t be too crowed during early afternoon.
“...Hey there,” Lucas pushed the door opened and offered a polite nod to the man behind the bar. He glanced around, looked at the interior as he made his way toward the counter. “How are you doing?” He smiled, it wasn’t difficult to tell that Lucas was not from the area with that heavy British accent.
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fortisfragilis · 3 years
@islandofmuses​ -for Axel!
It wasn’t lost on her that the full moon had occurred this week, but she hadn’t heard of any bodies turning up or anything, so she figured everything must have been okay--or she was severely out of the loop.  Thinking about that got her thinking about Axel, though.  And with everything that had gone on since they’d returned to their current time, she hadn’t had time to track him down again.  Figuring she’d try to fix that, she headed out to one of the bars on the island, hoping it’d be the one that he frequented or played at.  She could use a friend, especially lately.  Once she entered, she ordered a beer and sat at the bar, scanning the place. 
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erikdragon · 3 years
¢ for a late night text (To Axel)
Erik: okay so i just watched a video of a concert of yours Erik: from a few years back Erik: and now i’m feeling a bit scammed Erik: because you didn’t take your clothes off when i was there to watch
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cfkings · 3 years
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Twelve hours. It had been twelve hours since he’d woken up here, in the same place that he had left behind. He’d been recovering from Sunday, his muscles had still been aching when his consciousness had realized what was going on. The Angels were dicks, he thought as he leads his kids down a rugged path of broken cement and decaying buildings. From what he’d been able to gather, this had been the state of the world for the last three years but how and when and what had happened in 2022 was still a mystery to him. What was more concerning than the bodies scattered among the island that he’d called home was that they were all completely human. 
Every person that he’d come into contact with told him the same story; they had gone to bed magical and woke up mundane. 
He feels nausea build in his stomach when a familiar shriek echoes to their left and the alpha’s eyes snap to the place where it had come from. 
A couple of feet, on a slant, caught between a large piece of ripped cement and a runner was a familiar face. 
“Hey, Lev, Jude, you watch him. You hear me? You stay here and you stay quiet. I’ll be back.” He orders, slipping out from behind their cover and making his way down toward where Axel was struggling at keeping the runner’s mouth away from his flesh. 
One shot fired into the air makes it’s head snap in his direction before it lurches toward him at a speed that he had only seen in vampires. His inhale is short but his exhale is long as the second shot pierces the heart of the once human. The body crumbles and Rafael swallows, running toward Axel in a sprint; the noise would bring more. 
“did you get bit?!” The alpha asks, his eyes cautious on the other. This thing changed people at different rates. Some turned right away, others took a little longer; he wasn’t taking the chance, not with his kids further away than he’d like them to be. 
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alcrayildiz · 3 years
the vampire was going on a hike and not for any reason other than the fact that she should explore more of the island she was now living on. she stopped at a tent and furrowed her eyebrows. she felt like she’d been walking for a while so she was surprised anyone would be living out here. it was as if on cue, the door was being unzipped and someone’s head was poking up, “is there a reason you’re like forever away from civilization? i think that probably means you’re hiding from something. are you hiding from the cops?”
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angstfactory · 3 years
Samantha was into her third glass of wine, trying to calm her own nerves. A part of her felt as if she had no right to dread anything or be so nervous, because it wasn’t her that was taking the risk. Irvin was! There was no telling how the florist might be feeling, but she imagined it wasn’t anything good. Still, it was difficult to sooth her own anxiety on the matter. The only saving grace was that Zeke said he would be there with them, which was good because... When Irvin became that horrible zombie with crazy strength and speed, the witch was going to need the backup to restrain the demon. Before, they had all been human so there was no telling how difficult things were going to be when his demon strength and powers came into play now. They should probably have a few others there too, just to be sure, but they were working on a clock here.
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The witch’s eyes snapped to the door and seconds later, there was a knock. Samantha quickly drained the rest of the wine, placing the glass down and standing. She smoothed out any wrinkles in her clothes as she walked forward, pulling open the door. “Hey.. Come in..” @space-of-muses​ @islandofmuses​
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radicalrascals · 5 months
NAME: if you know you know
PRONOUNS: my id says 'she' but honestly I don't care. people have labelled me as m, f and anything in between; and that's cool with me. pick whichever makes you most comfortable
MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S): Nick and Liam. Always. 100% If you throw something at them, I'll instantly love you.
RP PET PEEVES: I really, really, really don't like instant fix-its. Please never attempt to fix my muses. Yes, they're broken. I like them that way. And when our muses encounter a problem, don't instantly fix that either. The journey's the reward. Give our characters something to work towards.
EXPERIENCE/HOW MANY YEARS: uuhh... I started rp in school, like literally IN class with my bestie and a little notebook; on tumblr it's been over 10 years and I switched from Doctor Who to fandomless to Doctor Who/Life on Mars to fandomless again.
FLUFF, ANGST, or SMUT: it's probably futile to try and claim it's anything but angst. But honestly I like fluff too, because it nicely offsets the angst. And I wish I was better at writing smut but alas I suck. And not in a good way.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: Both have their time and place. Conversations benefit from shorter replies with fewer embellishments, if I wanna set the scene or there's a lot of action I tend to write longer replies. Both is super valid tho.
TIME TO WRITE: on my days off or while I'm commuting, mostly
Tagged by: @saudadexmses & @archxngxl (thank you!! ♥ )
Tagging: @etxrnaleclipse , @riiese , @islandofmuses , @miidnighters , @icarian-carrion , @strikersunindie & @fangsandmagic
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saudadexmses · 5 months
random starter for @islandofmuses
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" So are we actually doing this or what?" Tyler looks over at his cousin, eyebrow raised." I got you this gig, for you and the band I just need to know if you are up for it or not, Ave! just stop overthinking and give me an answer, for fucks sake."
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Carter sighed as he pressed her hand to her forehead, the headaches were bad today. Consent. She should probably think about seeing a doctor soon. Carter reached up and knocked on the door, before she tried the door handle and found it unlocked. “Zeke?” Carter called out as she walked into the house. “It’s uh Carter, call out if you are alive.”
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@islandofmuses​ (Zeke)
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chrisharwood · 3 years
starter for Zeke @islandofmuses​
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Chris was on a run - he was always on a run these days. It was crazy, he was almost starting to get fit now with all the exercise of being a wolf, but no one would know either way because he kept those sort-of muscles well hidden underneath his baggy shirts. He was deep in the woods, wondering if he could go one or two miles deeper before turning or if he should do that there, when he caught a wiff of something different.
He had never smelled that before and instinctively he followed the scent, leadiing him to a cottage, half a mile into the side of the woods he never went to. The young wolf was trying to look inside of one of the windows, to see if he could see whatever had that smell - because he knew it wasn’t human - and he was so transfixed that he didn’t notice the figure behind him, jumping out of his skin when he noticed all too late the man. “JESUS FREAKING CHRIST!”
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glcryandgcre · 3 years
@islandofmuses​ for maxine &&& axel !!!
she knows where to find axel, at the bar where he’s warming up before playing. maxine has a bone to pick, letting the dog off the leash a little as she bursts through the doors, eyes fixated on the man on the stage. “oi!” she calls, every syllable of her london accent heard in one single word. “get down here now, ax. we need to have a chat, yeah? about how to talk to women in a respectful fucking manner !”
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