#isobel evans is indiana jones au
andrea-lyn · 5 years
Okay, if you still have room for prompts, anything you'd like to write (maybe a couple of years in the future) for Maribel in Dr. Isobel Evans and the Fountain of Youth universe?
Every year on Maria’s birthday, Isobel gives her twopresents.Isobel’s finishing up the first present (with her tongue working very hard tomake sure it’s the best birthday present ever) when Maria tugs on her hair andbrings Isobel up towards her lips for a messy kiss. “I know what I want thisyear,” Maria says, a sparkle in her eyes, “for my special birthday present.”Every year after Isobel devotes hours to worshiping her girlfriend’s body, sheoffers one adventure into an old myth or artifact – Maria’s choice – which theygo chasing down after. Isobel’s had to put some restrictions on it because sheneeds to be able to actually find it, which is why she’s taken to giving Mariaher book of half-finished cases for Maria to slide through and pick.“Oh?” Isobel murmurs against the kiss, straddling her girlfriend so she canteasingly slide her fingers over her abdomen, toying and gently advancingtowards her breasts. “And what adventure are you dragging me on this year?”“Medusa,” Maria says, tugging Isobel down for another kiss.
Isobel drags herself away from the kiss reluctantly, but she needs to make sureMaria’s serious about this one. “You’re sure?”It’s not that she can’t deliver (she actually thinks she’s very close on thisone, to the point that she knows the exact location of where they need to go,even though when they get there is where the adventure truly starts). It’s thepart where it’s a dangerous case if the legends are to be believed. If Mariaand Isobel have learned anything over the years, it’s that most of the legendsthat they hear about are simply real things that got twisted into myths.Isobel has to wonder if there aren’t a few tall tales about her out there.(Privately, she hopes there are)“I’m so sure,” Maria promises, her breath hitching as Isobel’s long hands splayover her rib cage and those deep breaths send Isobel’s palms rising and falling.“Scorned woman who gets revenge on men?” She gives Isobel a confident littlegrin. “Sounds right up our alley.”She’s right about that.“Then we’re on the case,” Isobel makes her promise. “I’ll call in and give theschool my notice, book the tickets tonight. Hand me my phone?” “Really? You want your phone right now?” Maria tips her head to the side andflips them so that Isobel’s the one on her back. Maria begins to slowly inchher way gracefully lower, pressing slow kisses over Isobel’s skin as she goes.“There’s nothing I can do to convince you to hold that thought for tomorrowmorning?”Isobel’s back arches as Maria pushes her thighs apart and her curls tickle thesensitive skin there as she begins to be very distracting. Letting out ayelp and a pleading cry, Isobel tangles her hands in Maria’s hair, breathingraggedly as she decides that sure, tomorrow sounds like the perfect time to dothe work.“Fuck, Maria,” she gets out, her voice low and thick with need.“That’s next,” is Maria’s guarantee, but Isobel wants less talking and moreattention paid to her, so she uses her fingers to dig into Maria’s hair andguide her back to what she wants. It might be Maria’s birthday, but that’s no excuse for Isobel to go completelywithout pleasure tonight.And tomorrow, she’ll start planning a trip to go and search for the mythicalMedusa. *A week later, Isobel’s got their bags packed and is in her summer best – alinen white pantsuit and a large-brimmed hat. She hands Maria the planetickets, taking smug delight in seeing Maria’s face light up. “Greece?”“Sometimes, the myth’s not completely wrong,” Isobel says, wrapping herarm around Maria’s waist to guide her to the hired car that’s waiting. “I haveher tracked down to a small village in Greece. There are stories right up untila few months ago about lifelike statues of certain objects, including men,” shesays. “Whatever Medusa might have been once upon a time is still happening now.From my research, I think they’re aliens who pass their powers down to the nextgeneration,” Isobel shares as she helps Maria into the car.“So she’s real? Medusa is real?” Maria asks dubiously. “You’re the one who picked this case!”“I thought maybe it would be some kind of artifact that might touch you tostone. Maybe, I don’t know, a vase or a hairbrush.” Maria’s eyes are growingwider and Isobel recognizes that look. They’re not leaving Greece until theyfind this woman, so Isobel has to hope this isn’t a dead end.  “It’s a woman, a poor woman.” Her gaze growssteely and she turns on her seat to look at Isobel. “We’re going to rescueher.”“Yes, we are,” Isobel guarantees.The rewarding kiss that Isobel gets for her staunch determination is a niceincentive, even though it’s one she wouldn’t have needed. Maria has a habit ofpicking the most amazing cases for them to look into, and now that they’vedeveloped a routine, Isobel feels safe bringing Maria into the field with her. It's an easy trip to Greece, seeing as Isobel’s booked them in first class thewhole way there, which means that when they arrive, she’s feeling refreshed andready to go. She settles her satchel over her shoulder, sable fedora on her head, and linksarms with Maria as she brings them to the small coastal town where the trailhad gone cold. It’s a beautiful seaside town with mountains nearby, a placethat Isobel thinks could have been a romantic getaway even without theadventuring side-trip aspect.Isobel will focus on the beautiful sights around them later. Right now, she’s ready to go, eager, and they have a trail to pick up. “What doyou say we go talk to some locals?” Isobel suggests, once they’ve unpacked intheir hotel penthouse suite (because Isobel only travels in style and she lovessplurging on Maria). “I was thinking ouzo at the bar,” Maria agrees, with a flirty little smileIsobel’s way. She adjusts her wide-brimmed sun hat, leading the way in a shortlittle sundress that’s definitely going to get Isobel plenty thirsty soon. They’ve got work to do before they get to their celebrations. “Sounds like a plan.”It's a plan that gets them exactly where they need to be, as it turns out.Because the moment they enter the tavern, Isobel hears it. It’s a mournful wailing that can’t be ignored, something that only other alienswould be able to do. Isobel feels completely vindicated and despite theheadache she’s going to have, she’s smiling smugly. “What?” Maria asks, knowing her girlfriend well.“I hear her,” Isobel says, doubling back on the tavern to search for where thatcry is coming from. When she turns towards the mountains, it seems to amplify.“There,” she says, and tugs on Maria’s hand to get them moving that way. The ouzo is going to have to wait. Isobel follows the distressed psychic call in her mind, knowing with immenseclarity that Medusa isn’t just a real woman, but she’s an alien. She tugs onMaria’s hand to bring her along, towards the cavernous mountain complex. Asthey move, it begins to get louder, more like a scream than a piercingalarm, and she stops near a large mansion that sits on the mountainside.“Iz,” Maria murmurs, when Isobel stops in her tracks. “What is it? Is it here?”Isobel tries to sort through the screaming in her head, because it’s not comingfrom the house. She looks to the side, where there’s a grotto-like entrancenearby in the garden. Wordlessly, she begins to pull Maria with her, knowingthat the hairs on the back of her neck are standing on end and she should becautious, but she knows that this is the right way to go. Whatever is waiting for them is inside that cave structure. “Isobel,” Maria hisses, more worried now. “No, it’s okay,” Isobel promises, because the screaming is gone. She’s closedher eyes to send out a peaceful signal, that they’re here to rescue the woman,that they’re friends, and it’s going to be okay. “I promise, it’s okay,” sheguarantees, and advances towards the cave. It’s a deep structure, with limestone and labyrinthine twists and turns, but agentle slope downwards. Isobel creeps further into the cave, passing a manfrozen in time in stone form. She can hear breathing a little further and whenshe glances up, she sees a beautiful woman behind bars. There are no snakes inher hair, but it’s clearly matted. Not for one moment does Isobel fear avertingher gaze.Whatever happened to this man had been done purposefully, and Isobel trusts thesame won’t happen to them.“Oh, thank the heavens,” the woman sobs. “It’s been four days since I got soangry and turned him to stone and the last of my food ran out this morning. Ithought I was doomed, I thought I was done for.”That psychic resonance from earlier makes sense now. It had been a last-ditchattempt – a desperate wail to try and get another alien’s attention.Cautiously, she steps aside to gesture for Maria to come into the cave, stillwary, but trusting that they’re not going to be turned to stone.“I’m Isobel Evans and this is my girlfriend, Maria. We’re not here to hurtyou,” she says bluntly, wanting to make sure they’re all on the same page whenit comes to that.“I’m Marianna Méduse,” she introduces herself, but her smile turns wry andbrittle. “I think you already know what it is my family can do.”“How long have you been here?” Maria asks, her brow furrowed and her tonedripping with sympathy. Isobel almost tells her to roll it back, because pityisn’t something that a prisoner is probably after. Marianna doesn’t seem to mind, but she likely has other things that she’sworried about. “Only a few weeks,” she says, exhaling with dismay. “I’m normally so good atkeeping my powers contained. When I get so angry that they activate, it’s onlyanimals that I turned or inanimate objects. Then, a month ago in the local bar,some man grabbed by arm too tightly. I turned on him and it was instantaneous,like I didn’t even think about it. They locked me up here in this torture caveafter.”“Men,” Isobel says derisively, with all the proper hatred in her voice. Shefocuses on the lock, using powers that Michael’s been teaching her to unlockit, watching the door swing open. “The good news is that we’re here to rescueyou,” she says brightly. “And you can do whatever you want.”“You’re like me? An alien?” Marianna says, staring at Isobel.“I heard you,” Isobel says, which should give her the answer she’s looking for.“I’m like you, and if you want to come with us, we’d like to take you away fromhere, give you some security.” Isobel can only imagine that the town is nolonger a home for her. She can only imagine the spectacle of what must havehappened in the bar and the witch hunt that had followed to get Marianna lockedup like this.She lets her gaze slide between the two of them, clearly still nervous aboutthem, and unsteady about whatever decision she’s about to make.“Isobel means what she says,” Maria adds, stepping forward to hold out bothhands to her. It’s an invitation and an opening, showing that they’re allowingthemselves to be vulnerable to her. “We’ll take care of you, we promise. Thereare others like you back where we live. People like you, and you can beyourself.”Marianna glances to Isobel, like she’s waiting for her advice.“It’s your choice,” she says. “But I think Maria’s right. There’s a whole otherworld waiting for you and I’d like to show you that you can be an alien in thisworld and not be afraid.”Marianna steps forward, takes Maria’s hands, and sags forward with a relievedsob. Well, at least bringing a woman back home with them is going to be much easierto clear through customs than a cursed vase or statue. The logistics of whatthey’re going to do once she gets there is a little trickier, but Isobeldoesn’t care at the moment. They’ve rescued an imprisoned woman and are givingan alien a new chance at life.She’ll call that a successful mission any day.*“I still can’t believe you did that,” Michael mutters as he drinks his secondof the night, care of Mimi’s soft spot for him. Maria would never give him twoin a row so quickly (or for free), but Mimi’s been out of the hospital for afew days now and every time Michael smiles sweetly at her and reminds her thatAlex married him, she melts and pours him a new one.One day, that’s going to stop working.And one day, Isobel will stop being jealous that she doesn’t get the same eventhough she’s dating Mimi’s daughter (though maybe if she got off her ass andproposed, she’d get all the free drinks she wants).Isobel pries her gaze away from the booth at the back of the bar, even if it’snearly impossible to take her eyes off Maria when she’s wearing that gorgeous bluedress. “What?”Michael rolls his eyes. “Earth to Isobel,” he quips, snapping his fingers infront of her face. He gestures heatedly to the booth. “That!”Isobel looks back to try and understand why Michael’s so annoyed. Maria andAlex have got Marianna there with them, getting her acclimatized to life backin society. They’re starting with Roswell instead of a bigger city because theywant to make sure that she’s comfortable before she goes back out into theworld fully.Kyle’s also there, because Maria and Isobel had conspired to introduce Mariannato a few decent men.Oh.Well, that explains Michael’s annoyance. “He’s not the same asshole he used tobe, you know. Maria and I thought it’d be nice if Marianna met a decent guy.”Michael opens his mouth and Isobel rolls her eyes. “Alex is married and doesn’tcount,” she cuts him off, already knowing exactly what he was going to say.“I still think there are better men out there,” Michael grumbles, picking upthe beers so they can head back to that table. “You married the one you think is best,” Isobel counters. “Of course you do.”“Speaking of marriage…”Isobel’s on her feet, because she doesn’t need this grief from Michael, either.“Maria!” she says brightly, walking fast enough to get in front of Michael sohe can’t push a topic that she’s planning (she just needs more time).“How’s everything over here?” she asks, settling back into Maria’s arms. “Marianna and Kyle were just talking about how they both want to go on a roadtrip and how she’s always wanted to see California.” Isobel recognizes thatsmug note in Maria’s voice. She loves the thrill of the hunt, but she alsoenjoys meddling in the love lives of their friends (which is partially why sheand Michael get along, because neither of them can stop pestering the otherabout their relationships). “I was giving them some tips.”Michael puts the beer in front of Alex before he slides in beside him. “And if he turns out to snore in his sleep,” he jokes, “then none of us wouldmind a stone Valenti.”“It would immortalize his abs,” Alex says absently, sipping at his beer. “Giveus a chance to touch them more.”Kyle flushes furiously red, Michael lets out a jealous cry, and Isobel can’thelp laughing until she cries, loving how badly that’s backfired on him. Shecan tell Marianna is still slightly out of her depth here, but Maria’s betterthan all of them, because she’s the one who leans over and murmurs, “Take theroad trip,” in an encouraging tone, “and definitely get to see the abs.”“They’re an attraction of their own,” Isobel agrees, getting comfortable atMaria’s side as all hell breaks loose. She doesn’t care in the slightest. It’s been another amazing adventure andanother great year with her girlfriend. Better than that, Isobel’s alreadyconcocting a plan to make Maria’s birthday next year the best yet, because whatcould be better than a proposal and a honeymoon adventure?Nothing in the world, as far as Isobel’s concerned.
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queermil · 5 years
so manda @andrea-lyn has written a truly incredible amount of quality fic for this fandom (and others). you only need to check out her author tag to see how much i adore her stories but for her bday, i thought i'd highlight a few that i haven't keysmashed about yet:
Dr. Isobel Evans and the Fountain of Youth - i could not have known, when she first mentioned that she was working on this fic, just how much i would love isobel evans in the indiana jones role. the maribel is a delightful bonus, as is the background malex. if you haven't read this fic then i implore you; do so now!!!!
Get You Hot Like That - listen, the punchline of this fic got me so good i was cackling outloud. i don't think the joke had really clicked for me before then and i just lost it. alex is cold in his cabin and puts out an ad to try and solve the problem. the answer is unconventional, sweet and and hilarious.
Put Your Money On Me - one of the things manda is so incredibly good at is tropes!! not only writing the tropey goodness we all love and desire, but putting her own spin on it. this fic is a dip into the fake-dating genre, with fantastic progression, sweet confessions, and a delightful-as-hell ending. i can always trust manda to deliver an amazing tropey fic.
The Last to Know - manda has a few really good series and this is top tier stuff. running on the gag of "we didn't know we were x until a hilarious reveal", what could be pure fun and hilarity is also made sweet and lovely by the way she writes these two. i can't believe the series is done but i love every word of it and i'll be rereading it so often.
over the mountains and under the stars - 41 misc fics and counting. if you have a spare few hours, you should absolutely gorge yourself on this feast. there's all sorts of pairings and prompts in here that will absolutely knock your socks off, including the beginnings of the western au, prof guerin and captain manes, and some delightful canon snapshots.
there are so many more fics that you should check out, both on her ao3 and her tumblr. her work is top tier and we are incredibly lucky to have her writing for this fandom.
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