#it MAY be becaues its 3am
WHY AIN'T NONE OF Y'ALL POINT OUT I'VE BEEN TAGING THE SHADOW BRINGERS POLLS AS "shadowbrings spoilers" AND NOT "shadowbringers spoilers"???
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xottzot · 7 years
2016-01(JAN)-2&3-Monday & Tuesday-2017.
around 3am in total darkness except for weak streetlights, nobody about and THEN I saw somebody on a pushbike that had a LED light on it go into the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD -- (I was up with Sam & Max (THEIR choice, not mine) fed them, then we were outside for their ablutions). - Windy morning and already 20C temperature.- Going to be a VERY hot day.
at 2:48---It was 40C (104F) outside here. -- I heard a strange 'rumbling' sounds outside. When I looked, what did I see do you think? -- Whatever you thought, you were wrong! -- It was actually an aboriginal adult male, trundling along behind him 2 big 'wheelie bins' on the road. He wheeled them all the way along and thru a pedestrian walkway and away. -- This is immediately suspicious. Now let me tell you why.....- its because of a known tactic that's use to transport illegal items (ie. stolen, drugs, whatever) from one place to another. Fliss and I use to always see 'Fatguts' who ran the aboriginal drug dealer place, and he was constantly strangely transporting wheelie bins away from his house on a vehicle trailer, them bringing them back again. Only to transport them away again, and return them again. -- TOMORROW IS A REGULAR RUBBISH BIN COLLECTION DAY HERE. --
at 4:26pm.....once again it's hot. 40C (104F) outside here. A LOUD 2-stroke illegal motorcycle screamed up via Kalara Way street, turned right into Kalara Road street, and rode through the pedestran walkway. - And of course it drew out aboriginals from the aborginal CRIMINAL RESIDENCE and now they are sitting on the roadside kerb around 8-10 of them including an adult female or two. For them it's like 'party in the street time' AGAIN.......
Those rubbish bins that were stolen and wheeled away by oen of the criinals from the CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD, well the bins 'magically' appeared to be empties by the council rubbish truck outside the residence....DESPITE NOBODY LIVING IN THAT HOUSE......and the criminals emphasised the bins to be emtied by outting them hard up against the kerb and well away from the CRIMINAL RESIDENCE.
Fucking illegal unlicensable motorbikes have been SCREAMING going up and down the streets during the heat of the day as well. (POLICE seem to have given up trying to capture them)
1DRE 942 09:38am--License plate number of a UTILITY vehicle which I saw yesterday parked across (and on) the road from the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD. And which looked to be somehow involved in an illegal drug drop. An adult male from the CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD caem out and ferreted in the hedge, took something out, then he walked off 180 degrees away.
Today I saw that same vehicle came around again. This time I saw it travel from the Koongamia shops direction.
But he just stopped dead in the Kalara Road, Kalara Way intersection. Why? - Because he saw workers and many vehicles at 4 Kalara Way, and he literally just stopped his vehicle on the road IN the intersection upon seeing the several vehicles parked on the verge opposite the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD, as if they were a Police raiding force.
Workmen were chainsawing trees from the household where I had previously observed possible drug-drops & pickups were being made into the massively high hedge alongside there growing wild.
The ute today had a passenger.
The ute then very slowly drove down Kalara Way, then strangely stopped at the end of Kalara Way for a extended period on the road during it's travelling, then after around 45 seconds it turned left onto Clayton Street and slowly drove away towards Bellevue direction.
11:40am--approx.......the VERY NOISY chipping and chainsawing is still going on despite the very hot heat of today.
Outside in the yard (and measured under shelter) it was 40C (104F). And there was not a breath of moving air.
At 1pm it's 42C (about 108F) outside in the shade of this backyard in this hellhole. Inside this hovel, the airconditioner is not working. Sam & Max are becoming very distressed because of the heat. I have a truly massive painful headache.
At 3:20pm it's 47C degrees, (116F). Not is not a breath of moving air outside.
At 7:10pm it's 34C degrees, (93F). Not is not a breath of moving air outside. The sun is just going down over the horizon....like me.
At 8:pm its 32C degrees (90F). Not is not a breath of moving air outside. The sun has gone down. Not a whisper of any breeze. Or any air or life...like me.
And yet the 'offical' weather report recordings for this hellhole is always by them stated at least 10-15 degrees cooler. That's why reality does NOT match up the bullshit they keep spewing out. ....... at least for this fucking hellhole.
I feel extremely much in pain. Literally staggering about, having to grab hold of anything in order to take the next step to go anywhere because otherwise I'll just collpase.
Floor electric fans inside this hovel do nothing except push around terribly hot airless air. Outside is cooler-ish.....but now is full of mosquitos and bugs.
As this shitty terribly hot weather travels from this part of hell to others parts, in other Australian States, watch the news make light of it all and dismiss the suffering.
I exepct the usual fucking schedule of hell will be stuck again to very slowly cooling down over night, and just when it starts to get okay cool, the damn sun come up and it leaps up into temeprature again. It's a losing battle. Just like me. I'm a lost battle it has been decreed against me by ?
I love you Fliss and want to be with you away from this hellhole, and for us to have a new and loving life, the life we BOTH were denied by so many other.
You wuld not recognise me Fliss. Becaues of utter despair, I have lost a terrible amount of weight. My ribs stick obscenely out, and my face is becoming more gant, which I am trying to hide behind a beard. Because I have nobody worthy to talk to, my voice has gone.
YOU Fliss, may be being feted and aggrandised, and getting all the things THEY want you NOW to have just so you forget about ME...who is the poor destroyed soul here in Western Australia who still loves you deeply and dearly, and for saying that I've been ordered to kill myself.
Fliss....please dear God save me!
PLans for my death at my own hands are well at hand believe me FLiss.
Fliss, Felcity Ann Carthew, of New South Wales, Australia....Please contact me!
Tuesday......at 20:32--2016-01(JAN)-02a-Monday-2017--TUESDAY.--I love you Fliss........I've always Loved you and I never stopped loving you......and is THIS how you treat me, your loving partner by cutting off all communications between us and removing your internet presences online or hiding them!?
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