#it doesn’t MATTER if he’s the best sailor in the world alongside a good sword dude
knowlesian · 2 years
the thing that really gets me about both the bear and ofmd is the way they ask: did The System and doing things The Way They’ve Always Been Done create your success, or did you succeed in spite of those things?
if you did your best work under a boss who treated you like garbage and made you genuinely afraid to fuck up, was that what did it? do you owe them for ‘toughening you up’? did it ‘make you better’?
or did you just manage to survive it, and along the way you convinced yourself perpetuating those systems so others have to survive the same exact bullshit was right and good, too?
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shabre-legacy · 3 years
another random piece from princess rising because the feedback is motivating me to get back into this story
Ambrina straightened out of her battle stance and brushed her bloody bangs out of her eyes as she surveyed the field in front of her. The grass was mostly ash near her and further out was covered in blood and corpses. Her familiar, a massive gorgeous lioness, stood in the middle of a circle of mangled bodies, blood dripping from her muzzle and onto her claws. Ambrina had managed to take out all 6 without too much effort and only had to burn one of them, and Lyca, that wonderful cat, had taken down 3 at once.This was a job well done and the payout would be excellent when they delivered the target home. She moved swiftly over to the large rock at the edge of the field and reached behind it, pulling out the young girl hiding there.  The poor girl was clearly terrified, shaking like a leaf, with huge eyes. Ambrina sheathed her sword and pulled a knife from her belt cutting the girls binds. “ relax kid, I’m just here to take you home. Your parents sent me” the girl nods, still scared, but willing to do whatever would get her home. Ambrina led her over to the horse nearby, a large cream paint gelding, they mounted up quickly and headed for the nearby city. Lyca tailing behind them, just far enough for the girl to not pay attention, she slipped ahead of the duo and entered the shadows of the city, heading home as Ambrina went to collect their money. 
    A few hours later, Ambrina steps into The Singing Oak  tavern and collapses onto a stool near the bar, grabbing a bottle from behind the counter. She had successfully rescued the kidnapped girl and returned her to her parents and collected the large reward. Now she could relax for a few hours or until she got another job. The life of a sword-for-hire wasn’t the easiest but she was damn good at it and honestly enjoyed it, some days it seemed that the same fire that flew from her fingertips drove her to need a fight most of the time. This was the life, go out into the open air, kick a little ass, get paid for it and come back to cozy apartment or a loud, boisterous tavern with the best drinks in Sea City.   She leaned back against the bar and looked around the room, taking in the atmosphere and and the familiar sight of the Singing Oak. Full of the best people in Sea City. Thieves, Pirates, Mercenaries (like herself), former slaves, mages, sailors, ect. Hard-working people on the low end of society, rejected by others and trying to get by or to disappear. Honestly, this place was as close to home as Ambrina had ever known. Get rich or get drunk trying was how many of the people here, including her lived their lives. A group of sailors over near the back wall started a loud drinking song, Turning towards her slightly, she had had some good conversations with the guys over the few days they had been in port. She leaned over the bar and pulled a case from the shelf underneath. She lifted the fiddle into place and started a jaunty tune to go with the sailors song. Within a few notes the bar was full of people singing and dancing to her tune. This was her second favorite form of magic, the intoxication of music and the power her fiddle held over everyone who heard her play, at least in this tavern. After a couple of tunes, she let herself fall back onto her stool and swung her fiddle case back to it’s shelf as she ordered another round.  She leaned back and laughed as the day got later and the tavern swung into usual crowd and antics. A few crews of Sailors were sharing tales of the sea and trying to beat each others drinking records. A few games of dice and cards had sprung up among sailors and thieves and the few street gangs that were hanging around were staring each other down as they did all the time, it wasn’t that unusual for them to start glaring on site, but they would never fight inside. Those were the rules that kept this place the best place in all of Sea City.  Ambrina never felt out of place here, this was her world; her violence and anger, the fire that burned inside her was accepted and embraced. And yet strangely, it sometimes felt like she was part of the scenery of the tavern, like she was accepted but not seen, not belonging, simply there. There seemed to only be one person who saw her, like actually as a person and not another angry sword in a room of them, her roommate Lyra. The red-haired elven thief was her best friend in this city that she loved.  She burst out laughing as the girl entered and flopped into her seat. Ambrina reached over and clapped her shoulder, leaning over and grabbing another drink before swinging onto the bar and leaning over towards Lyra, “good haul today, I see” 
The girl sighed and pushed at her leg, “stop it” 
Ambrina pushed her drink at her, grabbing another and throwing a few coins on the Tavern owners tray as she passed, earning her She drained her mug and nudged lyra again. “Out with it” 
“Totally botched job, I mean, I got out with a painting, but I mistimed the return of the caretaker and almost got caught and had to leave almost all those other nice things behind, all that money gone.” 
Ambrina patted her arm  and downed another drink that was the unfortunate reality of their lifestyle, sometimes a job just doesn’t work out, but it always sucked when that happened. “ don’t worry bout it. I just finished a job, I can spot the rent till you grab something that’s worth a damn thing”         
She jumped off the bar and headed over to the job board. Her and Lyra had been sharing a small apartment above the tavern for a few years now and rent was usually a concern with how much she was trying to save. This taverns rep was known through the city and a few requests could always be found alongside the wanted posters and city decrees. 
This time though there was an envelope with her name printed on the fine paper in an elegant script pinned among the other papers. A small  She reached up and grabbed it. She’d open this later in her apartment. For now she wanted to relax. She turned and with a quick half step she leapt onto the nearest table, “Next rounds on me” she yelled to the jovial crowd. And as the drinks were ordered and the usual chaos of the evening crowd built up, she felt as close to home as she ever did.
Kiera sighed and continued to trudge through the forest. They would probably reach the galpin plains soon. This wasn’t good. She knew that they had to travel through the plain to get to Xaeria, where they should be able to rest for a day or two before moving to the coast. They couldn’t stay in Xaeria. Not with the position of Queen Varalyne on the existence of mages.  She couldn’t drag her brother into that. That same little black colt had been following him for as long as she could remember; that, plus how Daemon could disappear better than any of the others she knew. There was no way she could drag him to Xaeria or Prouba. They could possibly try the wild woods beyond Taeslaes, but that area was Elven territory and the only humans that were even rumored to be able to survive in those forests was some temple and Bluecall. They were a traveling troupe that made people vanish after every performance. Between the wild magic and the beasts of the forest, they might be able to survive, but it was risky. Their best option was probably to head to Everfield, catch a ship, and disappear to sea for awhile. 
    Since she ran, they’d already had to fight off the first two teams sent to bring them back. Daemon had to fight the people he had trained with and lived with and fought with for years. She couldn’t imagine doing that, though she knew in her soul that she would be forced to do the same to those she had called sister for years. But there was no choice for her, but to go on. When what you believe becomes incompatible with the popular line of thought, it is necessary to separate from that thought and find a way to build a life away from that which you can’t support. And she could no longer support a group of assassins that broke their assassins through torture and the torture of the innocents. Death was one thing, a life of pain and fear and relentless agony that goes on endlessly with no stop in sight was an entirely different situation. She had a broken rib, two head wounds and a stab wound in her side; her brother had a twisted ankle, a new head wound, probably a concussion and a few other injuries, both horses had injured legs, but right now, they had their freedom, and that was everything. 
    Unfortunately, it was under threat yet again as Daemon signaled that there was someone following at the same moment that Kiria felt eyes on her. She steadied herself as much as she could as the trees melted into brush and they entered the Galpin Plains. As they headed further in, Kiria noticed the trees seemed to part and in the distance she could see their pursuers. Raven-marked horses, four in red, three in black. This was an extermination group, a hunting party,  they had called them. They probably wouldn’t run them down. She knew their tactics, she’d led a hunting party or two herself. They’d stay back, far enough to be able to disappear if needed, but close enough to keep the pressure on and keep them moving ‘til they dropped or slowed down. Then they’d swoop in and wipe out the entire group they were chasing. It was a terrifying tactic, and and effective one. They would die at some point soon. It would take some kind of miracle to save them and Cornoth would never provide that. But even with that knowledge, Kiria wasn’t one to go down without a fight, no matter what she’d still try to fight her way out if she could. As she limped through the grass and shrubs to Daemon’s side and they trudged their way, limping and injured, she felt him reach out and gently squeeze her hand. He was scared, she realized, he probably didn’t know why he had left and more than she truly understood why she had. Yet he had come with her as soon as she asked. And he would die for it and he knew that as well as she did. “I wish I knew more than how to blend into shadows and blur tracks” he murmured ��i’m sorry, i can’t throw fire or some shit like that”.
    She squeezes his hand back “At least we’ll die free from their torture and we’ll take a few of them with us.”
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lawssword · 5 years
ZoLu~ Meetings, Jealousy, and Marines
Info: awwe Zolu, i love them so much here's a little drabble that i desperately wanted to write <3 The story takes place after Wano probably. The meetings between the Strawhats and Hearts are rarely, if ever, dull.
Rated G
4.4K words
Zoro smiled as Luffy pulled away from him. Not much could make the day better. The breeze was in their favor and the ocean was calm as any sailor could wish it.
"Well, good morning to you too, captain," Zoro smiled up at Luffy. He was still foggy from his nap and Luffy kissing him as soon as he opened his eyes wasn't much better.
"Shishishi, Zoro, it's afternoon, almost evening," Luffy corrected with a smile that always lightened Zoro's mood.
"Screw time," Zoro muttered. He took hold of Luffy's shirt and pulled him into another kiss. Zoro bit hit captain's lip and Luffy fell into Zoro's lap. Luffy ran his hands through Zoro's short, green hair. Luffy pulled away from Zoro's lips.
"Your hair is so soft," Luffy said. Zoro brought his hands to Luffy's waist and pulled him closer so their chests were pressed together.
"You say that every time you touch it," Zoro stated, it was true, almost. Zoro was sure Luffy ran his fingers through it while Zoro slept.
"Well, it's true, every time I touch it." Luffy countered. Another kiss was shared. This one was much shorter. The two interacting like this was far from unusual. Luffy was the kind of guy that liked contact, the crew all too used to it by now. In fact, Robin and Usopp would often poke fun at the two. They weren't alone in it either.
"Anything planned for today?" Zoro asked.
"Yep," Luffy nodded vigorously. "Nami said we're gunna be coming up on the island we're supposed to meet Torao at tonight."
"We're hitting land soon?" Zoro asked. Luffy nodded. "Good, we're almost out of booze."
"Are we?" Luffy tilted his head.
"Mhm," Zoro hummed.
"Luffy!" Usopp shouted, running down the steps, onto Sunny's grassy deck. "Brook said he saw a seaking, let's go catch it!"
"Sanji can make the best dinner with a seaking!" Luffy said, moving out of Zoro's lap.
"One second," Zoro muttered, pulling Luffy back down and kissing him.
"Shishi, see you," Luffy climbed off Zoro and ran to join Usopp on the railing across the deck. Luffy nearly crashed into Usopp and knocked the fishing rod off the rail.
"Oh!" Luffy stretched out to catch it just in time. Try as they might, Usopp and Luffy couldn't catch a single thing all day. It was like the seaking outsmarted them or something! Luffy told Usopp as much. Sanji started making dinner before they could catch it.
"C' mon Luffy, there's no way the seaking is still around," Usopp said.
"We'll catch it!" Luffy insisted.
"Give it up Luf," Usopp sighed.
"Dinner's done!" Sanji called.
"Oh! FOod!" Luffy gasped and dropped the fishing rod and ran into the kitchen, leaving Usopp to clean it all up. Could he blame Luffy, though?  Sanji's food was always the best! The crew gathered in for dinner and sailed on.
Now, when Nami told Luffy soon, Luffy thought they'd hit landfall at right after dinner. Or, even better, during dinner. But that hadn't been the case. The Thousand Sunny docked alongside two fishing boats at dusk. The colors of sunset had given way to the dull blue of a darkening, cloudless sky.
"Let's go explore!" Luffy declared, already heading to the ship's railing. Nami took hold of Luffy's infamous strawhat, the string tightened around Luffy's neck and Luffy dash for land fell short.
"I already told Law we were here, he's at the bar up the road with the rest of his crew, that's where we're going," Nami said.
"I wanna explore the town first!" Luffy argued.
"You can do that tomorrow, we have to stock up on supplies so we'll be here a few days," Nami suggested, letting go of Luffy's hat. It fell against Luffy's back.
"Fine, Torao's cool anyway," Luffy gave. With that, the crew made their way off the ship. It was late, and the docks were quiet. The only noise came from the ocean's breeze blowing between the fishing rigs and dingies floating on the choppy water. Further, into the town, lights were on in houses and the faint smells of already cooked meals lingered in the air.
The bar was only down the road a ways from the dock, sailors never wandered very far from their ships, and sailors enjoyed a drink when they were on land too. Of course, the bar was close by. The little bar that the strawhats came to was small, humble, but professional. The building was old but clean and well kept. Luffy pushed the door open to an atmosphere that he didn't expect based on the exterior of this building.
It was loud, loud and full. Full of pirates. Specifically, the pirates that were strangely adorned in the Jolly Roger of Luffy's ally, Trafalgar Law. Sure there were others too, locals probably. They were just faces in the crowd.
"No weapons in the bar," the bartender said. Zoro sighed but relinquished his swords.
"Those are important, take care of 'em," Zoro said.
"Will do," the bartender agreed. The rest of the strawhats emptied their weapons unto the bartender too. Nami's staff, Usopps slingshot, all of Franky's ammunition, and Brooks sword.
The others started to join Law's crew. Usopp and Chopper were already talking to Shachi. Nami was giving another guy the cold shoulder. Sanji was fawning over Ikkaku. Jinbei and Brook seemed to be in a meaningful conversation with Uni. Robin and Franky were at the bar with Penguin.
"There's Law," Zoro pointed out, gesturing to a corner of the bar. Law sat alone at a table with a half-empty plate in front of him, sipping from a glass when Luffy laid eyes on him.
"Oh, I see him," Luffy said. Zoro pressed a kiss to Luffy's temple.
"I'm going to the bar," Zoro said. Luffy expected nothing less.
"Don't drink too much."
"Not in my vocabulary," Zoro stated as he walked away. Luffy made his way through the bar, greeting some of Law's crew as he went until he made it to the table Law sat at.
"Hi, Torao! I hope you didn't go on any adventures too fun without me!"  Luffy greeted, sitting across the little table from Law. It was old and worn down at the edges. It still left clean and smooth when Luffy leaned onto it.
"Probably nothing you'd consider fun," Law replied, his voice professional.
"Awe, you can have some fun without me," Luffy chirped.
"I'm well aware." Law turned to Luffy, tucking his legs beneath the table. Law took a sip from his glass and met Luffy's eyes. Luffy really was something else... Law had no qualms admitting his attraction to the younger captain. At least no qualms admitting that to himself.
"What'd ya wanna meet for?" Luffy asked. The truth was simply that Law has wanted to see Luffy. But Law couldn't just tell Luffy that. Luffy was with Zoro and there wasn't anything Law could do about that. So Law would just have to get over this little crush of his.
"I think some of Kaido's men have been tailing my ship, I'm not sure how," Law said. That wasn't entirely wrong... someone had been tailing the Polar Tang. It just wasn't Kaido. But Law couldn't use that as an excuse to see Luffy. It was probably just some bounty hunters.
"They haven't attacked you, right? I'll kick Kaido's ass all over again!" Law chuckled at Luffy's words. Maybe he had been drinking this scotch a little too much.
"No, nothing like that, I just wanted to know if you had something similar going on," Law lied. "Since I knew we'd be close to crossing paths, it was a decent enough reason to meet up. I didn't want to use the snail in case they were tapped."
"Nami hasn't said anything about being followed," Luffy said.
"That's odd, I wonder what he's planning in that case..." Law thought out loud and stared into the space beside Luffy.
"Eh, who cares? It doesn't matter unless he tried to fight us," Luffy decided, stealing a fry from Law's half-eaten plate. Law frowned but didn't say anything to the Strawhat's captain.
"I suppose, but it's unsettling that he can even track me, we travel underwater after all," Law rested his jaw against his closed fist and glanced about the lively room. Mostly lively because the pirates weren't cooped up on a ship anymore.
"Oh yeah! How is he doing that?" Luffy asked, not really asking Law, but the question was there nonetheless.
"Tracking my transponder snail's signal, probably..." Law trailed off in his thoughts, taking another sip of his scotch.
"Hey, hey Luffy!" Penguin hooked his arm around Luffy's shoulders. Law frowned at that."Don't let my grumpy old captain keep you from having fun, here have a drink and join us when grandpa lets you go."  
"What is that?" Luffy asked, looking at the brownish liquid in the cup Penguin had sat down.
"It's Brandy," Law interjected.
"Oh, I don't like booze," Luffy declared. Penguin stared at him a moment.
"Okay, then I'm just going to leave that there." Penguin sauntered off. Luffy tilted his head, looking down at the glass.
"You want it Torao?"
Well, Law couldn't let a good spirit go to waste. He finished off what was left of his scotch and took a sip from the Brandy. "Thanks.
"Is that all you wanted to talk about?"
"Essentially," Law confirmed.
"Ah, okay, I'm gunna get some food, I'm starving!" Luffy took off, darting between the tables and people.
"Of course you are," Law said to no one but himself seeing as Luffy was gone. The night went on and Law drank, mostly by himself, he was joined later in the evening by Bepo. Zoro drank too, but Zoro was always drinking. Once Luffy had stated his hunger, he demanded Brook play something at the small piano in the corner of the bar, near the bartender. Of course, Brook complied with his captain's orders.
That sailor's shanty started an old one. Bink's Sake. As old as it was, and as young as they were, neither crew missed a beat. Luffy was the loudest of all. Singing off-key without a care in the world.
Zoro joined in, at the parts his drunken brain remembers. He slurred some of the words, but most of them were slurring words so that didn't matter.  When that song was over, Zoro found Luffy sitting in his lap. Whether or not Luffy put himself there, or Zoro had pulled Luffy into his lap, was not information Zoro was privy to.
Still, he held his arm around Luffy's waist and drank his booze while Luffy found some chopsticks. Which really meant one thing.
"Zoro, let me go!" Luffy squirmed around, pushing on Zoro's arm.
"No, mine," Zoro mumbled into Luffy's ear, hugging Luffy to his body.
"You're starting to stink like booze," Luffy said, pushing Zoro away as he leaned in to kiss Luffy. "I take that back, you already stink."  
Zoro sighed in defeat and relaxed his arm. "Alright fine." Luffy grinned and stood up. Luffy turned to Zoro and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
"I'll be back," Luffy assured, Luffy took the chopsticks, gathered a few more and ran off calling for Chopper and Usopp. The room broke out into laughter when the three climbed up onto some tables, dancing and singing very badly. Even the bartender was laughing his ass off at the idiots. Luffy only came back down from the table when Brook changed to a slower song. Law had made his way to the bar for another glass.
Luffy came running to the bar, knocking into Law. "Do you have orange juice?" Luffy asked.
"Plain orange juice?" The bartender asked. Luffy nodded. "Yeah, I'll get for ya."
"Strawhat-ya, watch what you were doing," Law grumbled.
"Huh?" Wow, Law was standing really close to Luffy.
"You ran into me," Law said.
"Oh, sorry!" Luffy smiled at him. That stupid fucking smile. Luffy really was an oblivious idiot.
"Whatever," Law muttered. The bartender set Law's drink down just out of Law's reach on Luffy side. Law leaned over Luffy to grab it. It was just Law's luck that someone happened to bump into him while he was doing that. Law fell against Luffy, pinning him between the surgeon and the bar. Law caught himself on the bar, arms outstretched on either side of Luffy.
"Torao?" Luffy muttered. Fuck, Law was really close now. Their noses were almost touching. Law took a step back.
"Sorry," Law muttered. Someone bumped into him again, shoving him into Luffy.  Law was pressed up against Luffy's body and wow that was too close, their noses were inches apart.
Zoro wasn't very far away. He noticed Law on top of Luffy. Zoro ignored it the first time, knowing Luffy would correct the situation. But then Law was still close and Luffy wasn't doing anything, or he tried and Law wasn't listening.
Zoro made his way over to them. "Trafalgar!" Zoro bellowed. The room fell silent. Law moved away from Luffy. Zoro didn't give him time to even think. Zoro took Law's shirt into his fists pulling the captain away from his captain. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"
"Holy fuck- Roronoa-ya you must be wasted." Law turned his face away from Zoro's because he really did wreak of alcohol. That probably wasn't wise to say to an angry drunk.
"I'm not wasted enough to beat your ass!" Zoro barked.
"Hey! If you're gunna fight you'd better take your asses outside!" The bartender shouted over them.
"Over what? A fucking accident?" Law scoffed and tried to push Zoro's hands away. Zoro didn't budge.
"Oh, don't give me that shit, I've seen the way you look at him!" Zoro snapped, getting up in Law's face. Given the smell of Zoro's breath, Law really preferred if he didn't.
"I don't have damn clue what you're talking about," Law lied. Zoro pulled Law forward and shoved him back against the bar. Pain shot up Law's spine, fucking christ.
"Take it outside!" The bartender hollered, "I'll have the village guards here in less than five minutes!"
"You're lucky I the took my fucking sword." Zoro, let go of Law only to throw a punch that hit Law square in the nose. The whole bar broke into chaos. The Heart's crew started shouting, Sanji was making his way over.
"Hey!" Luffy shouted, over everyone, his concur's haki all but shook the building. It didn't faze Law or Zoro a bit. Law pushed Zoro back and Zoro stumbled into a table, knocking it, and all that it bared, onto the floor. Zoro charged at Law, and both of them went flying over the bar, almost into the bartender.
"That's it!" The bartender pulled a transponder snail from beneath the counter.
"Those are my friends!" Luffy snapped, grabbing at the snail.
"Luffy, let it be," Sanji grabbed Luffy's arm before he could stop the bartender. The guy made the call. Law punched Zoro in the eye. Zoro threw Law onto the bar. Punching him one, two, three times.
Law rolled to the other side and took a few steps back. Blood dripped from his nose. "That all you got Pirate Hunter!?" Law taunted. Zoro jumped over the bar and charged at Law again.
"Room." Law's room engulfed the bar and Zoro was traded in for a table. Zoro crashed directly into a wall.  
"Why'd you do that?" Luffy shouted at the bartender.
"Luffy, he's just doing his job, it's not his fault his bar is full of dumbasses," Nami said.
"He didn't have to go and call the guards, now they're both gunna get arrested!"
"Don't worry about it kid, bar fights happen all the time. They'll be held overnight and released in the morning if someone comes to get them," the bartender explained.
"Trafalgar, you low life bastard!" Zoro growled.
"If I'm a lowlife, what the hell does that make you?" Law retorted. Zoro threw a table at Law. It stopped mid-air and fell to the ground.
"Stop hiding behind your devil fruit you fucking coward!" Zoro yelled from across the from.
"Devil Fruit users, of course, entitled bastards," the bartender muttered. The bar door burst open and guards filled into the room.
"The dark-haired one's a devil fruit user," the bartender warned. One of the guards pulled out something that looked a lot like a gun.
"Hey!"Luffy shouted, marching over to the guards. "Don't you use that on my friend!"
"Luffy!" Nami yelled. "Sanji, stop him." Sanji jumped into Luffy's path. The guard shot the gun and a net fired out, engulfing Law. The room fell and objects clattered to the ground.
"What the fuck!" Law yelled. The other guards restrained Zoro.
"You can't just take them!" Luffy shouted. Sanji lifted Luffy onto his shoulder.
"You heard the bartender, it'll do 'em good to sit in a cell overnight," Sanji grumbled.
"That's our captain!" Shachi shouted, getting onto his feet to intervene. Jinbei stuck his arm out to stop him.
"You'll only make it worse," Jinbei said.
"Oi! Sanji!" Luffy pushed on Sanji, squirming to get away from him.
"Luffy! Cut it out!" Sanji snapped. "Let's get back to the ship, we'll get them in the morning."
"Hang in there Zoro!" Luffy called, outside the bar. The crews collected their weapons and went back out to the docs. The breeze was much gentler than earlier in the night and the fishing boats weren't so creeky. The Strawhats and Hearts parted to their respective ships and called it a night.
In the meantime. Zoro was cursing out Law.
"Shut up, you big, drunk idiot," Law muttered. He had had enough of Zoro's shouting and cursing to last a lifetime. The man really could curse like a sailor. It's not like the seastone shackles Law was in made the situation better.
Zoro fell silent, which came as a surprise to Law. Zoro was in the cell next to Law's. There would be no more fighting tonight. Zoro didn't say anything else to Law. And it wasn't very long until Law could heat Zoro snoring in the dark cell. There was no way Law was sleeping tonight. Law watched the soldiers come and go, he had drunk a fair bit last night and he could feel the headache settling between his temples. It wasn't until Law could see traces of the rising sun that sleep finally overcame him.
Zoro woke early, maybe. He wasn't sure. He could hear talking but the words were hard to focus on over the hangover he had. Zoro may have a high tolerance for booze, but he had greatly overestimated it last night and he had a blurry memory of whatever the hell had happened. He knew he got into a fight with Law, but he hadn't a clue what it was over, and had no idea where he was. A cell of some sort.
It was dark, only a window on the opposite end of the building. A window Zoro could only see as a result of an open door. There was also a desk Zoro could see, or part of one anyway. There were people speaking there, guards Zoro assumed.
"-Surgeon of Death-" the familiar name caught Zoro's attention but that's about all Zoro caught. Then, "-Strawhat Luffy-" Shit. If they knew who they were, that couldn't be good.
"Law," Zoro muttered. Just that made his head pulse. Still, Zoro moved closer to Law's cell. He was leaning against the wall of the building and the bars that separated their cells, asleep. Zoro grabbed Law's shoulder and gave it a shake. "Law."
"Hm?" Law mumbled, adjusting his hat and stretching out his legs.
"I think they know who we are now," Zoro said.
"The guard mentioned the name on your bounty, and Luffy's," Zoro explained.
"Shit," Law murmured. Zoro nodded, thought Law didn't see him. He had his back to Zoro.
"What are we going to do?"
"I don't know," Law replied, he shifted, sitting up a bit more. "I can't use my powers, and neither of us has our swords..." Law trailed off. Thinking.
They were screwed.
"Luffy, there are marines in the harbor," Robin said, she had just come down from the crow's nest.
"We'd better hurry and go get Zoro and Law then," Nami said.
"Oh yeah!" Luffy declared. Usopp gave him a skeptical look.
"How do you forget your boyfriend is in jail?" Usopp asked.
"Let's go get them!"
"Make sure to get Bepo before you go," Nami said. Luffy nodded and left the ship.  Luffy found the Polar Tang docked a little way down the docs from the Thousand Sunny. He banged on the door that led into the submarine.
"What the hell!?" Shachi answered the door looking tired and annoyed.
"I'm going to get Torao and Zoro," Luffy stated.
"Oh, shit," Shachi muttered. "Right, guess I'll go with you then." Shachi stepped out and closed the door.
"Nami said we should hurry since there's a Marine ship coming into the harbor," Luffy stated, already leaving the submarine.
"A Marine ship!?" Shachi's eye widened and his eyebrows rose.
"Uh-huh, let's go." Luffy and Shachi made their way to the guard's station. The little town was quiet, almost too quiet. No kids playing outside, very few people hustling between sales stands. It was the quietest Luffy had ever seen a port town. A few directions and turnarounds later, Shachi and Luffy found the guards station.
"Hello?" Luffy called as he walked in, Shachi right behind him. A guard came from another room, closing the door behind him. She wore the same long coat the guards were wearing last night, so the assumption wasn't a bad one.
"Can I help you?"
"We're here to get our friends," Luffy said.
"We're they arrested?" She asked.
"Yeah, those two dumbasses just drank a little too much last night and got into a fight," Sahchi spoke up before Luffy could. "We're not from here and we're supposed to be leaving the harbor in a few hours."
"They were arrested, that means they'll be stuck here, from the damage they caused at the bar, it'll be until they can pay it back."
"That's no-" Shachi elbowed Luffy's side.
"Money's not a problem Ma'am, how much?"
"They're bounties worth," the woman said with a smug grin. "And his."
"No way in hell!" Luffy snapped. "Where are they?"
"Luffy!" That was Zoro's voice, it came from the other side of the door. Luffy walked up to the guard that stood between him and the door.
"Get the hell outta my way," Luffy challenged.
"Hey, Strawhat, you wouldn't punch a woman-"
"If she doesn't get outta my way I will," Luffy snapped.
"You're not going anywhere, Monkey D. Luffy," the woman said. She pulled a gun from her coat. Luffy smirked.
"That won't work." She shot the gun and is burrowed into Luffy's arm. Stretching out his skin and ricocheting into the wall behind her.
"Devil Fruit user?" She asked. her cocky disposition fell and she took a step back. Luffy moved to step around her but she stopped him.
"That's my first mate you have in there, now move!" Luffy's demand was so intense, so demanding Shachi fought the urge to move from where he stood.
"Your tricks don't work on me, demon." She stuck her nose in the air and pulled that cocky demeanor back together. Luffy pushed past her.  She moved to attack Luffy.
Shachi hit the back of her neck, he may be without a bounty, but that doesn't mean he was someone to ignore. She dropped to the ground on her hands and knees, shit, he didn't hit her hard enough. Shachi did it again before she could get back up.
"Thanks," Luffy said, glancing back as he went on into the room.
"My captain's in there too," Shachi said.  He followed Luffy.
"Zoro!" Luffy called.
"Here, Luf," Zoro said from the cell. Luffy ran over to it.
"Are you okay?" Luffy asked. Zoro got to his feet and met Luffy at the door to his cell.
"Captain!" Shachi yelled, running into the room too. Zoro and Luffy ignored him.
"I'm fine, no thanks to you leaving me in a cell all night." Luffy stuck his hand through the bars and grabbed Zoro's.
"Nami said I'd make it worse!" Luffy argued.
"Uh-huh, just get me outta here."
"I guess we need keys for that."
"One step ahead of you," Law said, motioning to Shachi who was re-entering the room with a set of keys in hand. Zoro and Luffy were so focused on each other, the didn't even notice Shachi or Law. Shachi Unlocked Law's cell before tossing the keys to Luffy. Luffy let Zoro out and didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around Zoro.  
"There are Marines in the harbor," Shachi told Law.
"In that case, we should get out of here, I'm too hungover to deal with Marines today," Law said. "Coming Strawhat-ya?"
"Yup!" Luffy chirped. He pressed a kiss to Zoro's cheek.
Luffy pouted as he watched the island get smaller and smaller on the horizon. Zoro slipped his arm around Luffy, making Luffy jump just a little bit.
"What's the matter?" Zoro asked he pushed Luffy's hat off and it hung around Luffy's neck. "Pouting 'cause you couldn't cause any problems?"
"I wanted to explore the island and I didn't get to!" Luffy leaned against the Sunny's railing and sighed. Eyes glued to the spec of an island.
"So cause problems?" Zoro asked he rested his chin on Luffy's shoulder.
"No! I just wanted to explore!" Luffy was almost whining and Zoro couldn't help but find it cute.
"Sorry for cutting our visit short," Zoro kissed Luffy's cheek. Luffy smiled and leaned into Zoro "What did me and Law even fight about?"
"I'm not sure, I think you were mad that he was really close to me," Luffy said.
"Hm." Zoro wrapped his arm all the way around Luffy and hugged him close. "Well, there's always the next island."
"I still wanted to explore that one," Luffy huffed.
"Even you can't always get what you want." Luffy turned his head to face Zoro. Luffy kissed him and Zoro tried not to smile into Luffy's lips.
"I will when I'm the Pirate King!" Luffy declared once they parted. Zoro squeezed Luffy in his arms a bit.
"We'll see about that."
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cursedserpenthq · 5 years
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(zach mcgowan, 32, cis male, werewolf) Blimey! Is that (ARVED LESKE)? (HE) is the (LEAD VANGUARD) on the Cursed Serpent and has been onboard the ship for (TWELVE YEARS). Legend has it they are (DEVOTED & PERCEPTIVE), but don’t get on their bad side, because I hear they’re (FEROCIOUS & DEFENSIVE). Aye! Stop staring! (VED) has their (SABRES) out! (ooc: Gray, PST, 28, they, none)
Captain Bradway wasn’t always a captain, and Arved Leske wasn’t always a name that was known and feared through Port Royal and far beyond. First, they were a sea-hardened sailor with a good heart and a boy with a terrible secret, and little else. Scott literally pulled Ved out of the gutter, despite having witnessed the horror of a young werewolf mauling a few men to bloody pieces. They’d had it coming.
That’s how Ved had existed, until then - tooth and claw. He and his mother fled the Luna pack when he was only a child, after his father tried and horribly failed to rise through the ranks. Not long after, she was slain during the full moon. Hunted, like an animal. Alone, Ved slunk and struggled his way through the world, fending off the cruelties of man and nature alike. It made him hard, but not heartless; Scott could see that, and, slowly, earned the trust of the half-wild creature he’d found. If it weren’t for Bradway, Ved wouldn’t be much of a man at all - or, he wouldn’t have lived to be anything. The old man was even able to secure a solution to Ved’s struggles to contain the beast he could be, aided by a sorcerer his researches had led him to. With that locked away, Bradway was confident that Ved would make an exceptional, if unusual, asset to his new crew. Ved wasn’t so certain - about losing that part of himself, terrible as it was, or about staying on with these pirates. It was Scott’s word, Scott’s faith, that got him onto the ship in the first place.
Ved quickly strove to be useful around the Serpent, and he was. But, as he grew, it quickly became plain enough that the boy had something fierce in him, something that could be frightfully destructive. Again, it was Bradway who brought him to heel. Not perfectly, perhaps, but. With sword in hand, Scott tried to show Ved what that power could do, when controlled, and what it meant to fight alongside and for your crewmates. Soon, Ved was joining the vanguard as they boarded and raided ships and fortresses. Eventually, he led those same missions, his prowess in close quarters proven over and over. It wasn’t that Ved enjoyed the murder and maiming; Scott would never have tolerated such a soul. He was simply suited to the task, stronger, quicker, sharper than any human, more resilient, sharper of ear and eye… and, from brutal experience, prepared to be merciless. Legends of his violence - some horrors truer than others - soon began to precede him, and the Cursed Serpent. Which suited the captain’s needs, really. These tales added some menace to their flag, made prize ships more likely to give in without a fight and merchants and fences less likely to haggle. Whether or not Ved likes being the subject of rumors and ballads is pretty damn irrelevant, at this point. Not much he can do to stop it all.
Ved’s always kept on the fringes of the crew, but not unpleasantly so; he’s just got a great deal to hide, and never wanted to test Bradway’s care and trust by getting too close, slipping up, and doubtlessly creating terrible problems for them both. In all his time on the Cursed Serpent, he’s never told a soul but Bradway what he is, or where he came from. He doesn’t plan to. Even among the vanguard, where his ties are truly battle-tested, Ved doesn’t believe for a second that a soul would stand with him if they knew the truth. And he wouldn’t even entirely hold it against them. At the same time, in some sad way, he’s wound up estranged from half of himself - from the animal that’s been bound and tied away under his skin for so long. It’s supposed to be a piece of him, it used to be; now, it’s a stranger, and the thought of releasing it has become more frightening than anything else. So, really, Ved’s hardly a proper werewolf anymore. But he’ll never be human, and that means he’ll never be free to live as he likes unless he keeps his secrets to himself. The Serpent has been his home for a good while, now. Honestly, he’s not sure where else he’d go, what else he’d do. If keeping most of the crew at arm’s length helps him avoid those questions, he’ll do it. The reputation helps with that. New recruits, certainly, tend to give the master of the vanguard a wide berth.
The death of Captain Bradway struck Ved from a few directions, all painful. Scott was more than a leader, more than a parent, more than a mentor and friend to Ved; he was his first real, meaningful experience of anything like kindness. Moreso, as the vanguard, Ved feels personally responsible for Bradway’s demise. Maybe he couldn’t convince the old man not to come along, but… if only he’d been closer, in that raid, there to look out for Scott the way the captain had looked out for him. Ved’s sure the rest of the crew sees some guilt there, some failure, whether or not that’s fair or productive. Maybe he’s right, maybe not. He certainly blames himself, and that’s been weighing heavily on him. Heavier than he’s admitted.
Ved’s secret is nothing less explosive - potentially - than the fact that he’s a werewolf. He’s well aware of how his kind is seen by the world, and with all he’s survived and done, isn’t about to argue that the risk isn’t very, very real. Nor is he going to go around sharing this dangerous truth with just anyone; it’s under control, has been for years, and there’s no need for them to know. Not their problem. Captain Bradway made it his, and in doing so, made it possible for Ved to have a place that finally felt like home - he doesn’t expect anyone to be so understanding, especially given how long he’s been lying to them.
THE MUTUAL SUSPICION For whatever reason, Ved and this character have never been able to establish even the comradely trust of sharing a ship. There’s just something off, not right, unsettling, and time hasn’t changed that. Ved’s not the type to avoid people, and that’s a hard thing to do aboard ship, anyway. But. Whenever he has to share space with The Mutual Suspicion, his hackles are clearly raised - and so are theirs. He won’t like being forced to work with them, or being pushed to take their word for anything, no matter who’s trying to convince him it’ll all work out. Captains included.
THE AUTHORITY ISSUE Ved never openly defied or disagreed with Bradway, never gossiped or backchatted about anything that passed between them, as captain and master of the vanguard. He also hasn’t started any problems shipside, with boatswains or first mates or anyone else of any sort of authority, since those early days. In fact, he tends to keep the rest of the vanguard in check. They tend to be some of the better-behaved crew members, while onboard the Serpent, at least. (In port, they’ve something of a reputation for rowdiness.) But. Times are changing, and the old captain’s gone. Ved’s not a big fan of change, generally, and he’s wary of what might become of the ship’s officers now that Bradway’s gone. Power does things to a person, and there’s power up for grabs. Those officers might feel the same about him, looking at the understated sway he holds over the vanguard. Or they might misread things entirely from the opposite angle, and presume he’ll just follow orders, as he always seemed to do when Scott was alive. Maybe he was Bradway’s dog, as they say… but Bradway’s dead, and mistaking Ved’s earned deference for any sort of thick-headed lackeyishness would be a bad mistake.
THE COMRADES IN ARMS Every ship needs a strong vanguard, a cadre of fighters ready to charge over the side and start a raid, by sea or land. This is one of the most dangerous and deadly jobs in their trade, and they know it. It’s among these people, this pack of bloodthirsty, easily riled pirates and butchers, that Ved wound up finding his purpose on the Cursed Serpent. Bradway feared that this role would draw out the worst in his werewolf find, and perhaps he was right to. Nonetheless, the old captain couldn’t deny that Ved was every bit as valuable as he’d hoped - there, at the front, in the thick of the fighting. It didn’t take long for Ved to win the confidence of the once-dubious vanguard, and he’s since come to a position of natural, informal leadership within this portion of the crew, risen there by virtue of his (supernaturally) powerful presence on the battlefield. The vanguard genuinely trusts Ved, his judgment, his skill as a warrior. As they all adjust to life without Bradway, some difficult questions might get asked. For instance - who do they respect more? Their leader, or their captain? This isn’t a conflict Ved will welcome, or encourage. But he also won’t take well to anyone trying to step on his fellows in the vanguard, just for speaking their minds - even if that talk smacks of mutiny and treason, it’s only talk. Right?
THE ONE WHO KNOWS BETTER Ved’s been on the Cursed Serpent since before Bradway was captain, long enough for at least someone on the ship to have gotten to know him more than most. While many of their crewmates beyond the vanguard do their best to avoid or ignore him, this character is familiar enough to read Ved’s rather reserved moods and reactions. Perhaps they’re not deeply acquainted, or, maybe it’s rather intimate - either way, there’s some odd, quiet comfort in this connection, for both parties. Whether or not they admit it, that’s for them to figure out. 
Questions have been answered!
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ohgoddard · 4 years
Those Loyal Dogs.2.
Carmichael slept soundly in his bed, only happy thoughts floating about his head. His numerous cuts and bruises that usually swelled and caused him discomfort decided to take a break this night, providing him with some much needed sleep. And though his thoughts were majority happy, the weight of what he knew slumped mightily in his mind. Almost enough to tear him from his soft satin sheets and try and solve the unsolvable conundrum in his mind, or otherwise try and speed up the over moving constant speed of time. For what he had learned has kept him up for countless nights already. Truth be told, he would not be awake now if not for the pills Jin had put in his food and recently heat-dried sheets that his first-mate Cerri had just laid out. 
Carmichael knew that the crew was getting worried at his countless nights awake, staring into the burnt and barely legible journal that the old orc they found floating in the wastes clutched in his hands. He barely found a moment’s respite away from it, often calling out his name. The Orc himself, the figure that Carmichael believed to be his dad, has been very quiet and not awake for more than a few hours at a time. They always mumbled one thing or another about a gnome and some human, a snake person, worms, a cathedral, and an angel. But mostly he stared into the wall, hollow eyes brought by terror and fear. Carmichael wanted to be down there every minute, but he knew it was not the right thing. The poor orc was torn from death’s grasp, so obviously there would be a period of time until they would be able to speak like  a normal person. Like his dad. However, his natural instincts fought against his ever growing anxiety and fear that would have caused him to leap to the bedside or journal, and kept him strapped into his bed. He slumbered for the first time in weeks.
Cerri threw open his door with such velocity that, if people bursting into his room not been a common thing and he had gotten a much sturdier door, would have shattered the hinges.
“SIR!” she shouted, finally stirring the captain from his sleep. The half-orc woke with a start, his baggy eyes fuzzily coming into focus on his dark-elf first-mate. After being awoken in such a harsh manner, his analytical mind took over and her scanned the whole area while reaching for the sword behind his bed.
His room was still the same, he was still on his normal bed. His desk was untouched, he saw no ship outside his window… His eyes went to Cerri. She was dressed as nice as ever. Rough brown pants, fluffy white shirt with a simple red coat she stole from a Royal Naval Marine. Her silvery hair was tied into a long but comfortable pony-tail thrown over her shoulder, with her red eyes looking at him confused. Her mouth was moving, maybe she was saying something?
I always forget how nice she looks.
“Captain?! Hello?!” she shouted, shaking Carmichael from his stupor. He shook his head, trying to orient himself. “Ah! Yes, sorry. Got a bit-” “Were you checking me out again?” Her eyebrows raised a bit, as if not fully sure of what she said herself. Carmichael stood from his bed, still fully dressed from when he went to sleep. “What? No. Never. I would never.”  His stammering was all that she needed to reaffirm her suspicions. Cerri’s confused look was replaced with one of playful teasing. “You dog, you so were! Why, that is so unbecoming of a great captain as yourself!” She crossed her arms over her chest, speaking in a teasing manner. As Carmichael hurriedly put his own coat on, doing his best to hide his face from her.  “Really though sir, I cannot blame you. I am quite the drow.” A small giggle escaped her as the sentence closed.“We can talk about my manners later, Cerri. What was it so important you had to run in here and wake me up?” She is observant, but never to the matters at hand. So what if I looked at her for a really long time and forgot why she came in here? I do that to everyone. I think.
Cerri snapped into the worried attention she stormed into the room with, suddenly remembering her excuse for invading wildly into her favorite captain’s room. “AH! Yes, um. Drokgar just got back from his trip from one of the worlds. He just got back in through the portal with the target. And well, the target is not pleased. You are needed in the hull where the target is...now. Drokgar is in the med bay.” Carmichael spun on his heels. “DROKGAR IS WHERE?!” Cerri sidestepped out the door way, barely seconds before Carmichael ran through it. The gust of wind that followed nearly knocked her on her butt, but she held on to the door frame as she saw the captain run down the hallways of sleeping sailors in hammocks and down the stairs.
“What’s gotten into him?” Cerri heard Jin’s voice before she saw him, walking just into view holding a small mug with a dark black substance. As Cerri moved out of the doorway and into the hall, closing the door behind her, she took the mug right out of Jin’s hands and downed the whole thing. Jin looked on in amazement. After she swallowed she looked in amazement at Jin herself. “Jin, its not even 8 a.m. What in the divines name are you doing drinking stout?!” The poor AI just kinda looked on in awe still, as he was surprised the dark elf was still standing before him. “That.. had an alcohol per volume amount of 15%! How are you standing?! It was to my knowledge very few organics could even-”
 “Jin,” she cut him off ,”why were you drinking hard liquor this early?” 
“I was bringing it to the captain, its his usual wake up drink for the past few weeks.”
Cerri sighed deeply, dragging a face-palm. “From now on, bring him water. Only, water. If he has a problem, tell him its on my orders.” Jin nodded before walking off down a separate hallway, presumably the cantina. Cerri herself began to walk down the hull, they were going to need all the help they could get until the captain got back from the med bay. I swear, she thought to herself, if he doesn’t take it easy on this it’s going to kill him. He needs to remember we are a pirate crew. We work for money. Who cares if a few realities die? There are actually infinite. What about us? His crew? Jin?....Me? She pushed those thoughts away for now. He always has us in his mind. He cares. But this..its dangerous. He doesn’t know what hes up against.
Carmichael made it to the med bay, an informal term given to a few beds in a spare room where they just so happen to keep all the medicine they find. Most sailors just drink and bandage themselves, lying in their hammocks after a particularly tough raid. They really only come here when they're sick, which isn't often on the weird vitamin filled meals Jin cooks for everyone. Right now though, it was empty save for the Captain and the lead physician. It is worth noting that the lead physician, Drokgar, was lying on one of the beds with the largest pile of ice over his right eye.
“Aye told ye before ‘n I’ll tell ye again, I’m fine Carmichael!” Drokgar looked evry roughed up, so it was easy to discount this. His glasses were broken, his clothes torn, and blood was dripping down from the cut on the huge lump above his eye. “You do not look fine, Drokgar. What on the divines purple skies did this to you?!” The gnome sighed before his captain, and leaned back into the small pile of pillows he had collected behind him. “Not a what, Captain. A ‘who’. The man ye told me to go nab, another one of your ‘not fathers’. He did not take kindly to me taking him away from the people he was traveling with. A gnome, some angel. A drow.”
At the mention of these part members, Carmichael connected them to the mumblings of the other orc they had picked up, the one the crew has been jokingly referred to as “The Professor” for his tweed pants. Could there be a connection?
“Yup,” Drokgar continued, “he put up quite the fight before I managed to put the clamp on him and through ‘em through the tear. He got one hit on me, and Carmichael it was just a graze. Cuz if it was a real hit i’d be dead!” The gnome laughed heartily after this, before turning into a rough cough and stopping. “Oh gods, yeah he did also kick me with a lil peg leg of his and it got me in me ribs. Gonna be a bit ‘o rest fore I can be on my duties again. Im gonna take the next ‘extraction’ mission out.  I mean I loved the research and all, the looking up of people via memories and messin with them, but i’m a tad bit past my adventurin days. Maybe send Cerri, she’s been beggin to go out. Maybe Lionel, eh? He’s a newbie but-”
Carmichael cut him off by quickly leaning in and hugging him. The gnome let out a little gasp of surprise and slight pain before slowly hugging the half-orc back. “I’m just glad you're back.”
 “Ah, don’t you worry son. Gonna take a lot more than one unruly and crotchety orc to get me! Hell, when he calms down I bet he and I will be good friends!”
Carmichael made sure Drokgar was nice and comfortable before leaving, blowing out the lantern on his way out. He’s right. I don’t know why I thought I could just take people, especially people like my dad, by force and then send a gnome. An old gnome at that. Good thing he’s a quick guy. I thought he could at least talk to him, but that must not have worked.
These thoughts kept in his head, alongside the comments of the gnome and the angel. It could be that these are the same that the ‘The Professor’ mentioned in his murmurings? Perhaps next time he is awake he can talk to him about them.  Such thoughts were immediately thrown out of Carmichael’s head when he felt the shaking down the hall. An inconsistent shaking, one that shook the entire floor. And it was a loud, slamming noise. And the shouting did not make this noise any less worrying. 
“CERRI HOLD THE-” Another loud smash, the sound of metal on metal. Carmichael ran down the hallway, turning the corner into the brig. The room, usually looking like nothing more than a wooden jail cell with iron bars, now had a sole occupant of a large steel box. Said steel box had about seven people around it, hastily attempting to tie it down via chains and ropes. Among them was Cerri, who ducked at the last second to avoid a dent that suddenly formed in the box.
The box was covered in these dents, huge divots in steel that stretched the tension of its strength. It looks like it was covered in huge spikes, the number of these divots being in the dozens. Another loud crash and the captain saw another huge divot shootout from the metal box. It took the shape of the huge fist that caused it, and it was accompanied by an angry yell.
Carmichael stood there before the towering steel box, now recognizing that these are all [i] fistmarks. “Jesus christ, just what kinda person did Drokgar bring back?!” A sailor yelled out as a steel fist collided with his face, sending him flying into the wooden walls behind him. Cerri lept back at the last second to avoid the same fate. “FALL BACK!” she yelled to the remaining sailors by the box. She turned her head to see the captain had arrived and flashed a smile of relief. “Thank the divines you’re here! We couldn’t hold him any longer, I think he broke the band Drokgar put on him.” The box shook again, more divots coming out. Carmichael drew his sword, the enchanted rapier known as Giant’s Needle. “Sailors!” he yelled, “retreat behind me and Cerri! Be prepared to give the alarm!” He did not need to tell them twice, the men and women quickly retreating behind their Captain and First Mate. 
Their retreat could not be better timed, as this time the punch wen through the box. A huge green fist punctured the steel enclosure, peeling like paper. Soon another fist came right behind it, and Carmichael could see into the darkness a pair of yellow eyes staring out. The hands retracted, and began to tear the box apart, opening it up like a wrestler on stage. Stepping through the huge hole, stood a towering orc. Carmichael went into analytical mode.
He noticed the orc was shorter and smaller than he expected. The memories that Drokgar showed him revealed a general that could kill multiple demigods with a single hook. This could be said general, but many many years past their prime. He noticed the missing leg, replaced with a crude make-shift prosthetic made out of pipes and gun springs. The orc’s white and grey hair confirmed the old age, but everything else went away from that theory. He was still massive. His biceps, while not like a young orc, were still bigger than Carmichael’s head. And the orc was angry. 
He lowered himself into a boxing-style fight stance, glowering at the dark elf and half-orc in front of him. “You have one minute to tell me where I am, and where my deputies are. Or else I will bear down on you the entirety of my strength and lawful ability.”  A sailor, brave or stupid, came running out from behind the Captain. Carmichael was too slow in stopping him, the sailor too quick and their clubbed weapon drawn. It wasn’t even a laughable ‘fair’ fight. The orc sent a quick jab into the sailor’s stomach, them falling to the floor.  Carmichael didn’t even see his fist move. This must have been a surprise to the orc too, as he glanced at his own fist in shock for a short while. But if anything this made him bolder. He readied his stance again.
“I am going to ask one more time. What did you do with my deputies?” Carmichael raised his sword. He was not looking forward to this fight. “We have not touched them,” he began to say, his eyes darting to the gold star resting on the orc’s shirt,“ Mr.Sheriff. We have only taken you. And it was for a good reason too.” The orc began to growl.
“You better give it quick. I owe them my life, multiple times over. I will not let you kill me until I repay my gnome friend.”
But just as he was about to open his mouth, Carmichael was distracted by another lumbering noise. The orc noticed this too, as his eyes followed the Captain’s. Walking down the hallway, perhaps awoken by the noise, was The Professor. His hair was still messed up. His glasses crooked on his face, and he was wrapped in a blanket. To everyone’s surprise, he was moving. And it was this shock that allowed him to enter the big, unopposed. So now, standing in the brig in front of the Captain and a first mate who left to go yell at the fool who let The Professor out of bed, were two orcs.
Who looked exactly the same.
“Did”, The Professor spoke in his deep voice, raspy from disuse, “you mention a gnome?”
The Sheriff eyed up the disheveled academic man before him, noting that he was much bigger than he. “Yes, so what?”
“Did you know a gnome named Kevi?” The Sheriff became still. Unmoving.
“Yes..I did.” The Professor looked on the other orc with a blank look, but his soft blue eyes began to come into focus a bit more. “And a snake named Asmodeus? And a human named Samuel? An angel named Kazfiel?” The Sheriff dropped his guard entirely. His arms fell to his side, as he looked into the face of himself.
“I..I did. Yes.”
The Professor looked into the eyes of himself too, then let his blanket drop to the floor. He leaned forward and hugged himself. “Please tell me...please tell me they are ok. I started all of this. Everything… Please tell me I did not kill him. Please..”
And the Sheriff, shocked at the sudden embracement, just stood there for a minute. The soft sobs of The Professor made the only noise. Carmichael watched on with intense focus, not feeling the tears welling in his eyes. The other orc gently put his arms around The Professor, and held him closely. “Yeah.. you didn’t kill them. You didn’t kill them. It’s not your fault.”
The other orc looked up from The Professor, at Carmichael in the doorway.
“Are they safe?” Carmichael nodded.
“Buddy, you and I need to have a talk after this. For now, call me Hiram. I need to catch my friend here up on a lot of things.”
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