#it doesn't need to be said tbh because my dni are *only* if you hate the women
wallyslinda · 7 months
not to anyone in particular but it's okay to follow (me) if you don't like any male characters on my character list btw but you need to go away if you don't like the girls
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cupoftaae · 1 year
Forever And A Day (KTH x READER) series ♡ sunrise in versailles (part 2) (chapter 14)
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Summary: your lifelong friend is forced to face his true feelings for you once he breaks the number one rule of becoming friends with benefits: dont fall in love. He knows he loves you, but you on the other hand need more convincing of the most important thing: the right decision.
Genre: fwb. Roommates, friends to idiots to lovers, fluff, angst, smut, the whole 9 yards tbh.
Pairing: taehyung x female!reader
rating: 18+ (minors dni!!!)
word count- 7k (pretty long 4 me!)
warnings- this chapter was really emotional for me to write, theres content warnings that go beyond the usual. If you are sensitive to certain topics and feel that reading stories triggers you, please don't read this. beside from that, theres swearing, smut, drinking, angst. this is a long one.....pls dont hate me after this
a/n- Hi sweethearts ahhh ive been slacking with my content and I apologize, i am working on a drabble/oneshot for you guys and its pretty long, I tend to get distracted easily so its taking longer than expected, hate to neglect my current story. Hope u enjoy! -Nini
"go stand over there"
You embarrassingly looked back at your boyfriend, his large camera in his hand as he pointed you over to a statue
"just do it, cmon you look cute" he smiled and teasingly pushed you over before holding his camera up. "smile"
You fixed your hair and your hat, smiling brightly as taehyung took your photo. "You look beautiful" he chuckled, reviewing the picture. "definitely the prettiest artwork here"
"shut up" you nudged him, hiding your face in his chest before you began walking around the museum again.
Your hands were locked in together, eyes widening at every amazing piece of art you came across. "you know....I wouldnt be surprised if one day your paintings were in here"
"you think?" he smiled, amused
"mhm, no doubt."
He kissed your temple, hand now resting on the small of your back before weaving your way through a small crowd.
"I am already thinking of my next piece, you know?"
You raised an eyebrow, giggling "yeah? what is it?"
Taehyung laughed, spinning around to look back at you, "thats for me to know and you to find out"
"oh here we go..." you roll your eyes, laughing at the boys antics.
You had to admit, so far things were perfect. The only thing you had to focus on was Taehyung and Paris, to say you were content was an understatement.
"so...I was thinkingggg" he dragged out his words, eyes glancing to you as you walked into a room full of naked statues
"tonight. dinner, you and me, La Veranda's"
You blush, circling around the exhibit "am I supposed to know what La Veranda's is?"
Taehyung circles and meets you around one of the statues, a cheeky smile apparent. "La Veranda, its a restaurant not too far from the hotel. my treat"
"hmm" you took one of his hands "sound fun to me"
"just because im paying?"
"no!" you giggle, tapping his shoulder "I wanna have fun with you, it sounds good, even if Im not the biggest fan of french cuisine."
"oh we will have fun alright"
"okay bye" you jokingly turned away and walked into another room, small laughs heard behind you as taehyung caught up. "Im teasing, yes it sounds really good, thank you angel" you pressed a peck to his cheek, hands entwining once more.
"mm" he groaned, not satisfied with such a small kiss, his other hand tilting your head back to meet his lips.
"ever had Museum sex?"
"are you like permanently horny?" you giggled, pushing away and making sure no one heard.
"well yes, and so are you, so shut up" he smirked, "and sex isnt taboo here, Paris is like the sex symbol of all countries"
"No one has ever said that"
"theres nude beaches!"
"taehyung thats just Europe, people here are comfortable with themselves" you giggle, shrugging.
"okay but imagine going to a beach, nude, in Korea"
"I dont wanna imagine it, because it doesn't sound appealing. Here or there"
He laughs, taking a picture of a large painting in front of you, "im just saying...."
"saying that its okay to be horny in Versailles?"
"exactlyyy" he finger pointed before linking arms with you. "ready?"
You nod, smiling as you two exit what has to be your 4th museum of the day. You werent expecting this to be as fun as it was, perhaps it was taehyung who made it 10x more enjoyable.
"are you gonna get mad if I grab a beer over there?" he pointed to a small pub that stood along the open street of stores and bakeries, the smell was unimaginably good.
"my love you don't have to be sober just because I am, of course you can grab a drink" you explained, walking across the street with him.
He sighed, "ok but I feel bad, you cant even have coffee?"
"nope" you smile sadly, fidgeting with his hand as you sat in line with him.
His eyes looked around the area until it landed on a bakery, "ok well after this, I'll go over and grab you a hot chocolate and croissant"
"how incredibly french" you giggled, laying your head against his shoulder
"oui" he spoke, beginning to laugh
"oh I didnt know you spoke french" you tease
"theres a lot you dont know, Madam" he spoke in an accent, pulling his wallet out to pay for his beer
Once you two settled, you caught a cab over to Tuileries Garden, where surprisingly there was not many people around. You both sat down on chairs and embraced the warm welcoming sunshine that pressed against your skin.
"shouldve brought sunscreen huh?" you whisper, looking over at taehyung
"mm...I dont burn"
"you said that last summer when we went to the beach with your friends, you cam home looking like a lobster." You hid a giggle, watching him with loving eyes
"nooo" he blushed "that was only that one time, im fine"
"if you say so" you yawned, leaning down in the recliner as you looked up at the sky, beautiful trees surrounding the small hidden area you were in.
Paris was such a stimulating place to be, your mind could be draped away from all the hell youve been stressing out with, for once you felt like you were just living, is this how normal people felt?
Part of you wished this would never end, that you and Taehyung would plant your feet in the ground of this very spot and grow old together in one of the most romantic places in the world. Maybe it was the hot chocolate you had earlier, but this place had healing properties.
Taehyungs eyes stayed glued to your body as you laid, unaware.
He was unable to help the smile that stuck to his face, seeing his best friend, the love of his life, finally look at peace brought a great sense of comfort to him. You looked so beautiful, and he wanted to capture every moment with you for himself. He was greedy, and didnt care.
Without saying anything, he pulled his camera out of his bag and began taking photos of you
"what are you doing?" you giggled, blushing
"youre so pretty, baby" he walked over to your chair, propping himself up at the end of it.
"dont take photos of me right now please" you pout, hiding your face as he comes up and lightly hovers you
"when will you just let me love you, hm?" his voice was soft, humor within it.
"I just dont want my photo taken" you look up at him
"these are for me, no one else." he pressed a kiss to your neck, whispering "I want to just remember everything we do together"
You smiled at his sweetness, a hand coming up to tangle into his hair as you pressed a kiss to his lips, he quickly reciprocated, a small chuckle.
With a swift movement, he got up and pulled you with him, encouraging you to hold onto his back.
"what if I hurt you?" you blush
"youre not gonna, now cmon" he smiled, holding your legs as you climbed to his back. He began walking around as your arms draped around his shoulders, head resting against them.
"taehyung" you hummed, fingers delicatley tracing his shirt
"promise me we will come back here?"
He chuckled, "baby, its our first day-"
"I mean...like...later in life. promise that we will still find time for us?"
He sighed at your words, "of course we will, are you worried that we wont?"
"well, with the baby and stuff...I dont know I guess." you close your eyes "I just dont want things to change"
A sad smile appeared on his face, "things have to change, and they are most definitely going to for us." he paused "doesnt mean its a bad change, not all things are bad, my love....its part of life"
You nodded, kissing his nape gently. "I just love you so much, and I dont want anything to happen to us."
"why do you think something will happen? im here for you, now, tomorrow, next month and forever. you cant ditch me" he smiled.
"I dont know..." you blushed, leaning your head back down as taehyung piggybacked you through the small trail.
There was more you wanted to say, but you had not wanted to worry him. Despite things going well right now, you anticipated the fall, you anticipated when all of this happiness and euphoric excitement would disappear...because it always did. Life was a little too good to be true.
its like you knew something bad was coming, and all you can do is wait.
Taehyung was sitting on the bed, waiting for you to exit the bathroom so you both could head to dinner. He nervously adjusted his shirt, he could laugh at how silly he felt, it was like he was a high schooler getting ready for prom or something.
He couldnt explain why, but he had the urge to just spoil you, impress you in anyway he knew how.
His own mind had been plaguing him for a while now, that perhaps once the baby arrives, you will realize hes not fit for it, and leave.
So here he was, offering every limb he had to bend over backwards for anything you wanted. Taehyung would give up everything just to keep you, and he hoped you saw it.
"okay, tell me what you think of this one" you exited the bathroom finally, after changing your outfit for the 4th time
He swallowed harshly, his eyes shooting over every part of you
"is it bad?" you whispered, blushing as your hands trailed over the sickly black cocktail dress....definitely something out of your comfort zone, but you bought it before the trip as a surprise for taehyung, you knew he liked to see you wear things like that.
"you look..." he mentally told himself to stop acting creepy "absolutely gorgeous"
You blushed once more, pushing your hair back as you walked closer to him. He couldnt deny the fact that the dress hugged every inch of your skin perfectly, your cleavage was definitely something he'd have to remind himself to not oggle at out in public, he was a gentleman after all...
"you think..?"
He nodded, his cheeks red as he pulled you closer to him, hands resting on your hips before running over your bump, "my love, are you trying to kill me?"
You giggle softly, pressing your hands over his as he looked up at you "you look really handsome, baby" you bit your lip
"thank you but....look at you, god"
You giggle once more, gently sitting on his lap as he kissed your neck and collar bones, "oh and you smell good?" his nose inhaled the scent of your skin, a sense of desire coursing through you at his touch. "people are gonna see us out in public and wonder what a pretty girl like you is doing with me" he teased, mouth kissing over your low chest line.
"taehyung" you whisper, hands gently stopping him. "If we dont leave now I dont think we will be able to stop ourselves"
He laughed, "im sorry y/n, youre right." he gently stood, holding your hand, "stand here for me" he pointed to in front of the mirror as he grabbed his camera and stood behind you, his free hand on your bump as he captured the reflection.
"lets go, sweet girl" he pecked your lips before heading out the hotel room with you.
You didnt know it yet, but tonight would be one of the best nights youve had in your life.
"I am most certainly not eating snail...knock yourself out" you laughed, passing over the plate to your boyfriend who eagerly took a piece and sniffed it
"its escargo, to be technical" he corrected, popping it in his mouth and nodding.
"same thing, thats so gross" you whisper, looking away
The atmosphere of the restaurant was quiet and peaceful, it was late now and so the beautiful string lights hung up on the outdoor patio illuminated the area.
"for real though, how is the food?" he smiled, taking a sip of his wine.
"its so good, I am not usually one for french food but this...this is good" you pointed down at your Gratin d’aubergine, which, in simpler terms is just grilled eggplant with melted cheese and tomato sauce, topped with chopped veggies.
Taehyung originally encouraged you to get the same he got, which was the shellfish dish, until you reminded him that pregnant women shouldnt have shellfish.
"how do you know all of this already?" he teased, taking a bite of his food as the candle light in front of you lit up the table.
"lotttts of research, mostly anxiety driven" you chuckle, looking back at him.
He smiled shyly, wiping his mouth and looking at the view of the city, sky now blanketing darkness.
"what are you thinking about?" you rested your head on the palm of your hand
"dunno" he smirked, "just..how you are already doing so good with everything...like you have it all figured out"
You giggle, "you think I have i figured out?"
"well I mean, you know all this stuff about the baby and, here I was, about to feed you fish like an idiot" he exhaled
"hey.." you reached out to hold his hand over the table, soft eyes in his direction. "I dont have a choice, its my body and I need to know how to protect it and shit" you add, "youre not an idiot for not knowing something baby, you are doing so well" you whisper
He blushed and rubbed his thumb against your joined hands, "im really scared"
"and thats perfectly okay...we have time to get comfy before anything happens. I mean, look, you already cleared your room so we could store all the baby stuff in there, you know what your doing my love, im scared too, and im so glad you told me"
"everything happened so quick I feel like I was thrown into a role that I know nothing about. Im excited, like...really excited, but im so worried of messing up" he admits
"hey, messing up is part of life, we all have our ups and downs. we will not be the first parents to probably have a mistake here and there, and we most certainly wont be the last either." your voice was quiet, "and plus...the fact that you even care right now is more than enough."
He nodded gently, squeezing your hand as the waitress came over and asked for our ideas on dessert, you spoke to her as taehyung watched, his eyes tracing every inch of you carefully, so desperatley wishing he could climb into your mind and figure out everything you ever wanted, so he could provide that to you.
The way your hand naturally fell over your stomach as you spoke to the woman made him smile, you were already a great mother, and he only prayed he would fulfill the dad role. He wondered in that moment how your own dad could leave you when you were young. The feelings taehyung has for you but not only your child that isnt even born yet is so incredibly strong, he could never in a million years imagine trading it for some other thing that passes along.
And he assumed you had reservations about taehyung possibly being like your dad, given that your times with men growing up always failed you, he wanted to prove that he was the best. Taehyung was the best. Perhaps it was cocky thinking, but he truly knew you inside and out like no other, even before romantic feelings became involved.
He knows that you like to sleep on the right side of the bed, always, no matter what.
He knows that you have 2 cups of hot coffee every morning, then an iced in the afternoon, and he knows that its always that french vanilla creamer you use as well.
He even knows your showering routine, wash and condition hair, shave, scrub body and rinse, but you always stay in there for an extra 20 minutes as your Spotify shuffles songs.
Hell...he even knows when your damn period is. He downloaded the app for you!
The man knows what you are, who you are, and highly doubts anyone else can do the job.
Your foot gently nudged against his ankle underneath the table, a small smirk on your face brought him back to reality.
"footsies in the french restaurant?" he asked, faking shock
A small giggle escaped your lips, "I ordered dessert"
"creme caramel...I dont know if you are a fan or not-"
"that sounds delicious" he smiled, reaching over to grab your hands as he admired you
"you have a tendency to stare, you know?"
He smiled shyly, "sorry, i'll stop"
"no its cute...I just get embarrassed" you spoke
"embarrassed of what? we've known each other forever and pretty girl still gets shy...."
You hid your face, cheeks bright pink "well yeah....because you look at me like that"
"like what?"
"like you are thinking of not appropriate things" you said matter of factly, looking back at him
"thats cause I am" he smirked, foot rubbing against your calve
You darted your eyes down to the beige table cloth, that familiar arousal sitting in the center of your stomach as you bit your lip amusingly.
He opened his mouth to speak but stopped once the waitress placed the desserts on the table, your eyes grew wide like a little girl in a candy shop unsupervised.
"wait dont dig in yet, I wanna picture" you mumble, pulling your phone out and snapping it
"now whos the one whos photographing everything?"
You giggle, "Stop, dont tell me that doesn't look delicious.."
his eyes looked at you as you put your phone in your purse, "it does"
Once you began eating, you both awed over how flavorful it was, wishing that you knew how to bake better so you could replicate such desserts back in Korea.
"annie bakes" he teased
"do not bring her name up here!" you nudged him, "I dont care if she bakes food, you know what else she bakes? drama! a whole lot of it!" you smile, shaking your head as you went in for another bite
"I know" he nods, drinking his water "we really dont have friends huh?"
"nope" you laughed, looking at him as you sucked on the fork, "we have each other though"
"you're not sick of me yet?" he tilted his head, humor within his voice
You guys spent the rest of the night talking and bringing up funny stories and memories as you finished dessert. You do admit that having a glass or two of wine would have been enjoyable, but you could get buzzed of taehyung alone. As you two left the restaurant, it began to rain slightly
"oh shit, I didn't bring jackets" he frowned, standing at the entry of the door as you both watch the rain fall, the pace and heaviness picking up. He wanted to see if there was any stores close so you could grab an umbrella or coverings, but t was already 10pm, so most places were closed for the night.
"we dont need em!" you giggle, running down the steps and into the rain, hair beginning to dampen.
He looked at you in shock for a moment before running after you, a gleam in his eyes as you grabbed his hand, running down the sidewalk together.
"wait!" you laugh, holding onto his shoulder as you lean forward to untie your heel laces, sliding the shoes off and holding them so you could begin to run again.
It was just like a movie, you felt so much joy in that moment that you didnt even care you were soaked, the fullness feeling in your stomach from how much you ate now an afterthought.
The wide street was empty, most people ran indoors for cover while you pulled him close, he gasped softly and kissed you, rain beginning to pick up even more so.
You laughed against his lips, "i love you"
"I love you too" he spun you around before beginning to run again, at this point, both of you were drenched without a care in the world.
"im having so much fun!" you yell over the loud ambience of the water pouring, he squeezed your hand and nodded, keeping up with your pace "me too!"
It was like you both had transported back to the age of 14, when there were a few times you both would run home after school in the rain.
He hasnt seen you so happy in so long, he didnt want this to end.
"baby we should call a cab!" you lean into his ear, moving damp hair out of your face
"mm" he nodded, ignoring what you said, standing under an overhead of a closed building as he pulled you closer, lips connecting again.
Your arms draped over his shoulders as you quite literally made out in public. If someone saw, you didnt care.
His lips attacked that sensitive spot on your neck, making you gasp softly, eyes fluttering shut before hands grabbed onto his shirt.
"l-lets go back to the room" you managed to mutter, lips on his once more as your tongues met.
when in France, you french kiss, right?
"good idea" he mumbled against your mouth before reluctantly pulling away to grab his phone that luckily was tucked safely in his dry bag.
He called a taxi and waited with you until it arrived.
Climbing into the backseat, you quickly told the driver the address to the hotel and paid him in advance, shutting the door behind you.
The driver nodded and began to drive, the dark atmosphere of the car only tempted taehyung more so, his hand climbing to your inner thigh as you kissed in the back seat, your own hands roaming over him as well.
You were compelled to press sweet kisses all over the boys face, noticing even in the dark, that your lipstick made its marks.
It felt like it took forever to get back, but he was the first one out, almost dragging you out the cab behind him.
You made sure to thank the driver again as you rushed inside, the two of you giggling like little kids while running through the lobby.
"where the key?" you whisper in the elevator, hands digging into his bag
"bottom pocket, left side zipper" he looked down, watching you find it and take it out.
Wandering the hall, you both shushed eachother "we are being way too loud" you whisper, giggling at his sarcastic face as he pulled you into the doorway of your room.
"i dont care" he shrugged, pulling you in and shutting the door.
The room's AC was on, goosebumps quickly scattering over your skin as you exhaled, a smile on your face as you followed him over to the bed.
Taehyung smiled as well, dropping his back and shoes in the corner of the room before slowly coming over, leaning down to kiss you again. "mm...you still taste like caramel"
You giggled, "baby look in the mirror" you pointed him away as he caught a glance of his reflection, your lipstick marks covering his cheeks, nose, forehead and lips. "jesus christ" he mumbled, smirking
"what did you do to me?" he teased, coming back to the bed as you laughed, holding your stomach. "oh its funny?" he giggled, gently crawling over you and shutting you up with another kiss, which deepened quickly.
"yknow..." he began "took a lot in me to not touch you at that resteraunt"
His confession made you blush, your hands already working on unbuttoning his white shirt, now completely drenched in rain. "yeah?"
"mm" he kissed your neck, sucking on the skin as he assisted you by taking his own shirt off, tossing it somewhere off the bed.
"very respectful.." you mumble, now trying to undo his pants, eyes connected to his.
"you dont even realize how fucking sexy you are" he spoke, tossing away his pants as well before he was left in just his boxers...now it was his turn to begin to undress you.
The soft, beige pale light illuminated the room, glowing on taehyungs tan skin, something that you noticed quickly. "im not that sexy" you blush, his hand slowly and gently pushing the straps of your dress off your shoulders, so careful, almost as if he would break you.
"oh but you are, baby...god look at you"
He pulled down the dress, taking it off of you and being more gentle when he put it away, knowing it was expensive. His eyes widened at your red lingerie you had on beneath, the lace catching his attention. "is this for me?" he giggled, "so honored" he kissed you deeply before trailing his lips to your neck and chest.
You blushed again as you watched him make his way down to your stomach, stopping for a moment to press kisses all over your bump. You know he saw the stretch marks, something you had grown self conscious about, but he didn't say anything, instead he continued to touch you like glass, moving in ways that brought you love and comfort. "dont take the bra off, I wanna watch you cum in it"
You felt your body heat up at his sudden vulgar words, "o-okay" you whispered, glancing back down at him as he tried to move closer to your center. His hands gently pried open your thighs more, lips attaching to the inner skin quickly."wait...baby" you exhale, making him stop.
"You dont need to do that, im ready, just please...." you hated how needy you sounded, but it was true. You didnt need him to do anything extra other than just make love to you, you were desperate for that connection, desperate for the intimacy and close faces.
"are you sure...?" he seemed confused, eyebrows raised as his hand lightly grazed over your clothed slit, thumb slightly pressing onto your clit making you gasp
"yeah...uh, yeah, im sure" you mumble, shyly.
He smirked, pressed one last kiss to your navel before crawling back up to your face, his hands fidgeted with his own boxers before sliding them off, his cock erect as he stroked himself a few times.
You watched, biting your lip before taking off your own underwear, his gaze on your lower half making you smile.
"oh wow, you are ready" he whispered, two of his fingers gently gliding through your slick, making you whimper,
"please...just, dont tease...." you mumble, arms thrown over his shoulders "I need you so bad"
"i know baby, I know" he leaned down to kiss you when he felt a tear drop from your eye. "did I do something wrong?" he immediately pulled away "what happened my love?"
You shook your head, "I just love you" you were embarrassed again, but didnt care about being vulnerable "dont go" you whisper
Taehyung was a little confused, but chose to simply wipe your eyes, pressing a delicate kiss to your lips as he grasped your hand, "im...im not going anywhere...you have me, im here, forever okay?" he spoke close to your ear. "I love you so much"
"I love you...." you looked at him with sad eyes, obviously more to the emotions than just hormones. "do you want to stop?" he questioned softly
"no, please no"
"okay" he exhaled, kissing you again when you pulled him closer, chests touching.
He dragged his cock through your folds, gathering wetness before beginning to press in. No matter how many times you both have done it, he checked up to your face, "are you okay?"
You gasped at the intrusion, waiting until he bottomed out to speak, "yes....oh.." you laid your head back against the pillow as he carefully grasped a hand on your hip bone, the other entwined with your fingers. Taehyungs head found its cozy spot between your shoulder and ear, kissing the skin as he set a gentle and slow-ish pace, making sure you were okay with it.
Its you, youre you, and he couldnt ask for anything better because it simply doesnt exist. He restrained any instinct to just ruin you and go quicker, knowing that in this moment going slow was what you both needed
"you feel so good" his voice was raspy, any confidence he had was now out the window as he pushed deeper inside, your velvety walls soaking up every inch of his cock perfectly.
"baby..." you moan, eyes closed. It was just maybe one of the prettiest sounds he had ever heard, you were like an angel. How is it possible for one woman to be so perfect in every way?
He felt your fingers dig deeper into his back, your lower body squirming slightly. "here...." he whispered, bunching up a blanket and putting it under you so he could hit a different angle.
When he continued thrusting, you arched your back at the contact. Whatever he was looking for, mission success.
"ahh-...baby, please" you whimper, mouth falling open as your moans filled the hotel room, the sounds of sweaty bodies moving against each other filling your ears.
"so pretty for me huh? always so beautiful, my girl" his voice echoed through your body, mindlessly filling your senses and bringing you out of the earth.
He moved up a bit, pressing his elbows on either side of your head as he leaned down, your faces nearly touching as you cupped his cheeks. "I love you so much, fuck, you treat me so well...." your eyes closed in pleasure, taehyung watching you unravel beneath him was such a pretty sight.
His hand snaked down between your bodies and eagerly rubbed your clit, an entirely different pace from the slow one he used to thrust you into the mattress.
"taehyung!" you tossed your head back, clawing at his skin as you tried your best to keep your moans in. Taehyung dove down to kiss your cleavage, licking a stripe between your breasts.
It took a few more times of his dick dragging into your g-spot before he had you cumming. You moaned into his shoulder, for a moment you believed you would pass out from what might have been the best orgasm you ever had. You definitely loved any sex with Taehyung, but slow and sensual always did it the best for you.
"can you hold out a lil longer baby?" he panted into your neck, continuing to move despite your sensitivity.
"yes..." you spoke, breathless as you grabbed into his hair, kissing his skin as he chased his high.
"ah f-fuck" he groaned, halting his movements as he spilled into you "god baby, i....fuck" Tae whimpered
you immediately pulled him closer to lay on your chest, "love you..."
"love you" he held your hand, both of you catching your breath from what just happened.
"that was really nice" his voice made you open your eyes, looking at him
"it was.." you couldn't help but smile as you watched him begin to pull out, you could feel his semen leaking between your legs. "maybe we should shower..." you giggled tiredly.
After you both cleaned up, you tossed on a new set of bra and underwear, getting back into the comfy bedsheets before he came out of the bathroom not too long after, a new pair of boxers around him.
"dont come into the bed with wet hair, you freak" you joke, watching him smile as he whips his head around like a dog, the water splattering all over the room.
"thanks..." you groan, sinking down further under the covers as he shuts the light off.
"you're so welcome" he climbed under the bedsheets and held you close to him, his gentle smooth skin brushing against yours. "today was really fun"
You smiled, holding him as well. "it was, thank you for everything...like seriously"
He gazed at you lovingly, his hand playing with your semi-damp hair. "you dont have to thank me, you know....I just"
wanna give you my world
"wanna make you happy"
You smiled, tracing his face with your fingers, "i already am"
"mm" you leaned forward to kiss him, he still tasted like toothpaste after just brushing his teeth but you didnt care.
Once you fell asleep in his arms, he covered you both up more with the blanket as he kissed your temple, "my girl" he whispered, closing his eyes before drifting off.
The next morning
It was still raining, but that didnt stop taehyung from waking up early and heading out while you still laid in bed, sleeping peacfully.
He wanted to surprise you
Taehyung politely spoke to the florist, explaining what he wanted as she went to prepare the flowers for him. He smiled and leaned against the window, watching how the rain gathered in small puddles on the side of the street, car tires splashing into them.
"here you go Monsieur"
He turned to see the bouquet of purple and pink flowers, tied together beautifully with a teal ribbon
"ah! Merci!" he bowed his head, handing her the cash before he exited back to the hotel. He stopped in the lobby and found his way to the food court, which was rather full of business men and women eating breakfast. He smiled, passing by the tables until reaching the large pick and choose food area.
He knew you liked fruit, so he grabbed a Styrofoam container and began putting them into it.
that was your number one craving at the moment, strawberries, so he packed extra, along with a small bagel.
There was no occasion for his sudden desire to show you love, he just felt like it, and thought that maybe you had been dealing with some negative thoughts after seeing your behavior the day prior.
The goal wasnt to get you to talk to him, more so an act of saying "hey, im always here, love you" and shit.
He gathered everything up, including a hot tea, as he got into the elevator. He was nervous of dropping something, mentally praising that your room number wasnt far from where the elevator dropped off.
Placing the container and tea on the floor, he pulled out the key card and opened the door, quickly grabbing them again and walking in. A quick scan of his eyes traced the room to confirm you werent in the small kitchen area.
"whew.." he smiled, putting the flowers and food down onto the counter as he took his shoes off, hanging up his coat that was still wet from the rain.
"baby?" he whispered, walking over to the bedroom.
You werent in bed, and he frowned, looking around as to see where you might be.
"y/n?" he called out softly
When there was no response he frowned, finally walking more into the room and seeing that the bathroom light was on, door closed.
"ah..there you are" he nodded, deciding that he had time to go back out to the kitchen space and set up his little gifts.
He placed a note he wrote to you inside the flowers, opening the fruit up and placing them nicely together. He smiled knowing you would probably yell at him for going and doing this despite there being no occasion.
You hated when he made a fuss about silly things, but thats who taehyung was.
He eagerly sat down at the table and waited for you, anticipating the moment you walk out, however after about 15 minutes he began to get impatient.
Walking back into the room to see that you were still in the bathroom slightly concerned him, "hey..." he spoke up, knocking on the door. "baby? you okay? im back"
there was no response
"you in there?" he asked again, voice louder as he knocked once more. He placed his ear to the door and listened for any signs you were on the other side, a clearing of your throat confirming it for him.
"baby open the door why arent you answering me?" he smiled, "are you mad I left without telling you? I promise it was for a good reason, come on out my love...."
He heard slow shuffling and then heard the door unlock, allowing his access to enter.
He slowly opened the door, pushing on the handle to see you sitting on the floor, back against the tub. You were crying, face red and eyes swollen.
Taehyung quickly entered panic mod "w-whats wrong?" he kneeled in front of you, grabbing your hands as you sobbed, tears soaking your shirt. "y/n please! what happened!!"
You struggled to catch your breath as you closed your eyes, taehyung holding your face in his hands. "I need you to talk to me...please, breathe, explain whats happening so I can help!"
His nerves were growing quickly each moment you remained silent.
With a hiccup, you opened your eyes and spoke, voice trembling.
"i lost the baby..."
you managed to speak before beginning to sob again.
Taehyungs hands fell from your face, his expression changing as he went pale. "what...you what?" he whispered, eyes on you. It wasnt until then when you moved your legs that he noticed that your underwear had been stained with blood, and the towel on the side of the toilet was too.
"oh....oh baby" he whispered, immediately pulling you into his chest as he cried. He felt like he was no longer in his own body at this point, as if this wasn't happening and he was watching it from afar.
Bad things like this dont happen to people like you.
"oh im so sorry my love" he held you tightly as loud sobs wrecked your frame "oh....I dont know what to do, are you...are you sure? we dont know....?" his voice trembled heavily as he gained courage to look back at you
You shook your head, voice quiet, "I just know...I just know" you cried as you looked down to see the blood everywhere, Taehyung quickly pulling you back into his arms. "im so sorry, baby...oh my god im so fucking sorry honey" his hand cradled your head as he slightly swayed back and forth.
He felt helpless, completely defenseless as you sat there in his arms sobbing. What could he possibly do or say to save you from this? how do you go from being on top of the world to falling overnight? its not fair.
"i-i tried to call" you choked out, your hands trembling.
He feels like the worlds biggest fucking loser.
"ah....angel....I left my phone here didnt I? baby...." he cried, trying to hold you again but you pulled back, wincing as your back rested against the wall. "y/n im so sorry, I dont even know what to do..."
You closed your eyes, chest growing tight with grief. "I wanted it so badly" you whispered, "I wanted it.....i really did I promise" you cry
"I know you did baby, I know you did! I wanted it too y/n" he couldnt stand seeing you like this, knowing the amount of pain you were feeling made him physically ill.
"taehyung im sorry" you covered your face before wrapping your arms around yourself defensively, "I dont....I dont know what happened...I woke up and felt sick....I threw up and then started cramping, I thought I was fine but then I saw blood and it just...." you sobbed, banging your fist against the wall "fuck!"
"dont you dare apologize, this isnt your fault, you hear me?" he got close, grabbing your hand "this is not our fault."
"I wanted it" you repeat, hand rubbing over your stomach sadly, still not processing that this was over before it even started. "mommy is sorry...." you whisper
Taehyung feels his heart break into five million pieces, he swallows harshly and wipes his eyes. "you did everything right...I promise....sometimes these things happen, and God, i am so sorry my love, so, so, sorry...." he rubbed your leg.
"i was so excited....I was just accepting it and....its over...its not fair!!" you look at him desperately, knowing theres nothing neither of you can do.
"I know....hey, I know..." he soothed you, his own stomach churning at the sight in front of him. "I shouldnt have left....Im sorry baby" he cried, leaning forward to rest his head on your small bump, tears falling against your skin.
You both stayed like that for a while, taehyung sat up after a bit, red eyes looking at you as you sat, your expression was blank.
You stopped crying. you were absently looking at the wall.
"y/n" he whispered, hand holding your cheek to bring attention back to him
"hm?" your eyes slowly traced back, looking at taehyung.
"l-let me clean you up....get in bed and rest, okay?"
You dont respond, instead you let him carefully strip you from your clothing, watching as he cleaned you with wet towels. He was silently crying while doing so.
He figured you were too tired to get in the bath, so he used a few facecloths and wet wipes to make sure you were clean.
He grabbed a shirt and pants, helping you get dressed as you remained still like a doll.
There was nothing to say.
You lost your baby.
no amount of crying or screaming would return it to you.
Taehyung tossed the towels and dirty clothes aside, standing up and reaching down to help you up as well.
Your body shook as you did so, hands and legs trembling as he held you, whispering "I know....I know....." he kissed your forehead before carrying you out to the room, laying you on the bed. He then noticed the dried blood spot from earlier on the mattress.
He sighed and covered it with the pillows as you sat on the opposite side, blankets being brought up over your body.
He didnt know what to say, so he simply walked back into the bathroom to clean the floor.
He wanted to vomit, the grief struck into his chest was too much for him and as he wiped up blood and dirty laundry, he wept.
You laid in bed, body sore and head pounding. You couldnt sleep, so you didnt try. Your eyes just stayed looking up at the ceiling, silently asking God why this happened to you. You watched taehyung quietly walk out of the bathroom, he made his way to the kitchen without saying a word.
He tossed the laundry in a bin, stopping for a moment while he was alone, breathing shakily.
He looked over at the gifts he set up prior to the incident. The fruit was now turning rotten from being left out in the air. He blew his nose before going and throwing the container away.
The guilt in his chest will eat him alive for the rest of his life.
He should have been here.
Yeah, he may not have been able to stop it, but he couldve sat you through it....
instead, you sat alone and confused on the floor as it happened, trying to call him over and over again.
He exhaled as he grabbed his phone that sat on the counter since early this morning, opening the texts.
my love: hey....where r u? - 6:23am
he frowned, scrolling down
my love : baby please come home, where did u go? - 6:27am
One missed call from "My Love" - 6:30am
He teared up as he read them
My love: taehyung... something is wrong with the baby I think.. please hurry I dont feel good, im scared - 6:38am
He tossed down his phone and took a deep breath before peaking back to the bedroom, he slowly walked in and spoke
"are you okay?"
He knew it was a dumb question, obviously you weren't okay, and wont be for a long time.
You shrugged, watching him before he climbed into the bed beside you.
Your arms welcomed your boyfriend, pulling him closer as he laid his head in your chest. "are you in pain?"
You shook your head, too exhausted to use words.
"can I do anything?" he sniffed, looking at you sadly
You shook your head once more, unable to look down at his face, instead, focusing your eyes at the wall across the room.
Taehyung gave up, settling to just lay and hold and cry and comfort you for however long you needed.
His mind raced back to the night he held you in this exact way, when you admitted you were pregnant.
Same scared feeling, different emotions, different outcome.
What scared him the most is that he really, truly, doesn't know if they will bounce back after this.
Something so.....traumatic.
You missed out on so many adventures and its not fair. No gender reveal, no feeling the baby kicks, no painting the nursery, nothing.....no baby.
It was like you wheel of fortune had been blocked off, now you sat in the road with no ways to turn, no where to go, nothing to say.
How do people move on from this?
They dont.
a/n: sorry....
@turnthepageandbeburnt @taebangtanbabe @borahaexoxo @lelefoodlover @tan-veee
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spelunkingsnake · 2 years
Who is your favorite and least favorite naruto character
I think it's pretty obvious that my favourite character is sasuke, though when I first started watching naruto I probably would have said neji. My least favourite though? I hate a lot of characters. But like, by hate I just mean I don't care about them because they are simple and annoying, but i guess they are (kinda) important and I don't really hate them. You need side characters, i guess (though it doesn't matter who they are tbh). At a point i time I would've said itachi, because his self-righteousness always really pissed me off. He thinks he is smart and right and knows whats best for everyone, when in reality he is and absolute idiot. I still don't like itachi, but I think my least favourite is kakashi, because everyone loves him and there is literally nothing interesting about him at all. I think he is an annoying and overrated character. Also I hate the way he talks, he thinks himself to be in higher moral standing just like itachi and yet somehow even WORSE. Don't defend kakashi, guys. Kakashi stans DNI.
I don't really know for the most part, it is hard for me to write out my opinions. Opinions are subjective and I am bad at writing 100% subjective pieces. And I think "favourite" and "least favourite" is silly. It's imprecise, because what am I judging it by? My favourite as like, who I connected with the most? That's silly, and I don't really connect with any of the naruto characters. They are all exaggerations of people in real life, and yet not nearly as complex. I kind of judge by who invokes the most extreme emotions in myself, who makes me feel sad or angry or is funny. And sometimes I don't have a "good" reason to like a character, I just like them because they're funny and make me laugh, or some other simple reason. I don't think you need a good reason to like a character. Only problem I have is when people defend an objectively uninteresting character for things beyond basic reasons. I suck at putting my thoughts into words, but I tried.
Should probably post this before it sits in my drafts for months.
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