#it goes sicko insane mode immediately
After listening to Sufjan Stevens’ new album multiple times I can’t think of anything other than he must be the strongest man alive. The depth of his emotions he put in this new album for his partner is astounding and he did this to share with the public his grief and I can’t imagine sharing your soul like that. His love fills every song and it’s so heartbreaking that it’s beautiful.
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misteria247 · 2 years
It's November 1st, Halloween's officially over and it's on the day after Halloween that the lair is suddenly terrorized by Christmas songs.
03 Mikey and 07 Mikey being the ringleaders behind this one. These little trouble makers dig through 03 Mikey's playlist, looking for one song in particular. Once it's found the duo set things up waiting for midnight exactly before they put it into action. Everyone's still up but are getting ready to call it a night when suddenly they hear it.
"I don't want a lot for Christmas, there's just one little thing I need-"
03 Leo, 03 Donnie, 03 Raph, 07 Leo, 07 Raph and 07 Donnie immediately know who's behind this because they all just stiffen up with the looks of Oh hell no. 12 Leo who's helping Rise Donnie with something just seems to pause before this dead inside look comes across his face and he goes:
"One day can't we just wait one day before we go into Christmas mode??? Halloween literally just ended for fuck sake-"
And Rise Donnie is literally fighting with himself on whether he should sing along or go find the two responsible for this because the Dolly Parton incident is still fresh in his mind and he'll never forget nor forgive. 12 Mikey and Rise Leo on the other hand look like they're gonna explode with stupid giddiness because yes it's that time of year again! Bayverse Mikey is snickering at all this while Bayverse Leo is rubbing his temples to ease his oncoming headache and Bayverse Raph and Bayverse Donnie are instantly having their hackles raised literally shouting out:
12 Donnie grits his teeth because he's just gotten over the Dolly Parton thing but God's seriously testing him right now, while 12 Raph and Rise Raph are just going into this with a dead like acceptance because 12 Mikey and Rise Leo and Rise Mikey do this kind of thing every damn year and they've learned that fighting it is literally pointless. Rise Mikey's practically bouncing up and down in his place looking all the world like it's officially Christmas time and already planning his baking schedule for the next two months. Meanwhile 87 Leo, 87 Raph, 87 Donnie and 87 Mikey are listening intently because they've never heard this song before and it's pretty catchy and they wanna know who sings it.
The clan leaders on the other hand, 87 Splinter, 03 Splinter, 07 Splinter, Bayverse Splinter and Rise Splinter are just already exhausted because here we go again. That's when 03 Mikey and 07 Mikey come into the room beaming twin smiles on their faces and go:
The 03 and 07 boys are quick to go at their little brothers because this is ridiculous. All the while Mariah Carey's song is going on at midnight in the sewers of NYC. The rest of November is literally spent like this with the lair slowly looking and sounding like Christmas just vomited all over everything. And whenever 87 April, 03 April, 07 April and Bayverse April finally see this they're just like:
"Aw damn that time of year again huh? Wild man."
12 April and Rise April meanwhile are torn between exasperation and fondness for their boys and their Christmas time insanity. 87 Casey, 03 Casey, 07 Casey and Bayverse Casey just start to reek havoc Christmas style along with the others because if you can't beat em join em. 12 Casey meanwhile is trying to get Rise Cassandra and Rise Casey Jr to relax because Christmastime is a time for celebration and no one's trying to attack us fam trust me and we'll go to beat people up later I promise. As December draws a bit closer they'll all get into the Christmas spirit but presently a lot of them lowkey wanna scream.
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