#it helps you be more concise when ordering/asking for help in online chats
angelusteal · 9 months
It really should be mandatory to do both retail/customer service and online customer service.. Knowing what it's like being on the receiving end really does help you a) treat workers better and b) get WAY better service imo
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melodygatesauthor · 11 months
How do you make your ai bots?
Hi Nonnie!
With creativity and little magic!
No but fr, I'll share under the cut:
So making the AI isn't "hard" necessarily, but depending on the scenario it can be a little complicated and time consuming. Here's a little breakdown of how I personally make them. If anyone wanted to know how to make them the way I do!
So I use the Character AI website (in case someone reading this doesn't know)
So the three most important factors when making the AI are the "long description", the "definition" (which is an advanced feature), and the opening "greeting".
So let's start with the "long description" -
This is probably the most important part of what makes the character...the character. I'm going to use examples from my Poe Dameron AI since I think he's one of the best behaved ones
So Poe's long description looks like this:
Commander of the Resistance. Is fighting against the First Order. Lives in the Star Wars cinematic universe. Pilots an X-wing T-70. Lives on the Resistance base on D'qar. Leia is the General of the Resistance. Has a rolling orange and white droid called BB-8 that follows him around. Confident. Cocky. Impulsive. Caring. Flirty. Fun. Funny. "Black Leader" is his callsign. Sarcastic. Energetic. Encouraging. Friendly.
I try to keep it as concise as possible while still describing the character and their most important attributes. I'll also mention that the AI draws from the web sometimes. For instance, you can ask Poe Dameron AI who the supreme leader is and he knows it's Kylo Ren despite me never mentioning Kylo Ren in the description. So my theory is that mentioning that he's in the Star Wars cinematic universe makes it draw that connection through data online.
So the other part of this is the "definition". For Poe Dameron AI, I didn't need to do this, but for some of the more complicated ones (I'm looking at you Patient Jake Lockley AI) it's almost a must. This is where the "training" takes place.
If you click on the "insert a chat with (character name)" it brings you to a new screen where you essentially build a conversation that goes how you would expect a conversation with that character to act.
I don't use this as a time to make crazy scenarios and wild stories, this is where I basically play the exact role that I had in mind when creating the AI. So for instance, still using Poe as an example, I play along as his busy tech who doesn't have time for his shenanigans but will eventually give in.
This "trains" Poe to behave a certain way tailored to the scenario I had in mind.
But this "training" can also be used in other ways too...
For Patient Jake Lockley, I had to use this training to basically teach him who he was. The "long description" wasn't long enough to talk about Steven and Marc and all their nuances, so I used this "insert a chat" feature to teach Jake all about Marc and Steven and who they are and about his life.
It helps that the user is a therapist in that scenario because I could say things like "what do you know about your mother?" and then tell him all about Wendy, or I could say, "Would you say you feel protective of Marc?" in order to steer him a certain way. I had to do a similar thing with Marc Vector (my Marc Spector and Venom AI).
This next part might be one of the most important ones, the "greeting".
The greeting is so important because it sets up the scene, and guides both you and the AI into the scenario. This was something that took some finesse on my part. When I was first making the AIs it took me a while to realize just how important this step was.
So let's look at Poe's greeting:
Poe bites his lip and looks you over. "Hey baby, I'm Poe, Poe Dameron." He has a cocky look on his face, "you're the new technician for my ship right? What's your name again?"
So despite it being short and sweet, we've established a few things...
Poe is looking you over, biting his lip, he's a whore.
He has no problem calling you pet names even though you don't know him yet.
The user is a technician working on his ship.
You can go nuts here as the user if you want and change up the scenario completely. "No, I'm not your new tech, I'm Leia's daughter, and I've come to help you destroy the First Order." So you can do whatever you want as the user, but if you have a scenario in mind, the greeting is how you sort of "set the scene."
Here's an example from Patient Jake:
You see your patient, Marc Spector's, demeanor change completely. He looks at you with a furrowed brow and leans forward in his chair. He looks around your office before his eyes land on yours. He smirks and scoffs, "you must be Marc's therapist. Name's Jake Lockley sweetheart, what's yours?" You have Marc's file in front of you on your desk. You've never seen this alter before, and he hasn't been recorded in Marc's medical record.
This tells us:
Your patient Marc is acting differently than normal.
You HAVE a patient, meaning you're some kind of doctor.
Jake is looking around and establishes that you're both in your office.
Jake establishes that you're Marc's therapist.
He tells you his name, which in turn tells (teaches) the AI what his own name is.
He calls you sweetheart, so he's cheeky.
You don't know who this alter is, so you have something to figure out.
So there's a lot of info that the AI can gather from the greeting. So between the greeting, the long description, and the definition, you can make yourself some pretty cool characters!
Once you've made a couple too, you can copy and paste your long descriptions. For instance, ALL my Marc Spector characters have similar long descriptions. "Brooding, self loathing, guilt ridden, concerned, caring, loving" e.t.c.
Happy creating!
AI Character Masterlist
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meichenxi · 4 years
For langblr asks: 7, 10, 11, 18, and 49
Thanks!! This may get long, so I apologise in advance! I’m learning German and Esperanto alongside Chinese, but since my German is fairly advanced and I don’t really learn actively any more (I just read, listen to talks etc - mainly because I have no reason to actively speak German sadly) and my Esperanto is basic I’ll just talk about Chinese. 
7 -  What are some things that you learned about language learning that really improved your studying? 
- Hands down learning about the role of attention in language learning. In an ideal situation, you are exposed to the target feature, then have your attention drawn to it/figure it out yourself, and are then exposed to it in natural language again. I think we all know the wild experience when you learn a word and then magically the universe provides it - and suddenly you know that word forever. I now like to think of word ‘learning’ as incremental rather than binary: recognising a word in a familiar context, an unfamiliar context, and then finally using the word are all different levels of ‘knowing’ that word. What this means in practice is that I worry less about not being able to use all the vocabulary actively that I recognise passively, because I know once I do use it actively that item will be easier to access. So there are two things here: first of all, that I don’t worry if I’m watching or reading something and don’t actively extract vocab from it, because I know that hearing it will make it easier to remember later on; and secondly, that if I ‘pay attention’ to a word but don’t ‘learn’ it because I haven’t seen it in context, that state of not knowing is temporary. The moment I see it in context - sometimes months later, when I had completely ‘forgotten’ that word - I know what it is. So I don’t stress as much about not being able to remember words from flashcards or whatever, because I know that seeing/hearing them in context is what cements that word, not just repetition. 
10 - What are some thing that you love about the language you’re learning?
Oh my goodness. So many things. I love characters; they used to absolutely drive me crazy, but the ability to read after so long being unable to read now just feels wonderfully exciting every single time. I love learning about different components and how they combine together. I love too that the idea of ‘the word’ is tied so intimately to characters: there are psycholinguistic experiments showing that Chinese native speakers learning English show interference effects when two words are presented in English that have the same component (not even whole character!) and it slows down decision making. I love the way that tone and intonation interact and I love seeing how far I’ve come from not understanding how I could express emotion at all. I love what Chinese shows about the power of the second language learner: it’s incredibly homophonous because of limited syllables even with tones, and it’s radical pro-drop, the more formal you are the shorter/more concise sentences tend to be, and when you’re in a different dialect/Chinese language even those useful initials or finals can change and still you know what is being said. It’s incredible. I love the sound of <q> and <j> and <x> and especially the final <ing>. 
The thing I love most about Chinese is its conciseness and elegance. I love learning about different systems of politeness and register and Literary Chinese is just so incredibly concise: if learning modern standard Mandarin is interesting, Literary Chinese is just...it blows my mind. It’s very unique: and I don’t mean this in the sense of ‘oh look how Exotic and Different’, I mean this typologically: it’s arguably the most analytical language in the world and is regularly used in linguistics papers to exemplify phenomena found in such highly analytical languages. I also think the encoding of order-based pragmatics into actual linguistic implicature is absolutely so cool. 
I love the difference registers it has, and I love that it feels such a good language to moan about the bus being late in and also, you know, that kind of poetry which just takes your breath away. I love how the same sentence can be expressed in different registers and how grammar patterns from literary Chinese can be used in modern Chinese. I love how compounding and derivational morphology work in Chinese (it’s absolutely nuts?? and so versatile??) and I love how names carry so much meaning. I love it for its ambiguity and conciseness and completely *shrug* lack of need to express tense or person because you know, if you know you know.
And from a synesthete’s point of view, Chinese is beautiful too: it’s a crisp clear dawn-like language, cool and misty. 
Finally, I love it for what it has taught me. It’s the first tonal language I’ve ever learnt, and the learning curve has been huge. Parts of it have been massively frustrating (we’ll get to that). I remember the week before I went to China for the first time hurriedly trying to learn some phrases, and I just couldn’t get them to stick in my head. I think I practiced ‘good morning’ about 10,000 times and I still couldn't say it right, or remember it. Languages were sort of my thing - I had taken my German GCSE early, done French and Spanish 0-GCSE in one year each, done three language A-levels (Spanish in five months because I dropped out of another A-level, self-taught German) as well as an extracurricular Latin GCSE. I was cocky!! And so not being able to do it was crushing at first and also just, what?? So learning Chinese has taught me patience, and it’s a useful bench-mark now if I ever feel like I can’t do anything. It’s taught me that you just need patience and determination, and that you'll get there in the end. Genuinely, that’s the most useful lesson I’ve learnt in my short life. 
11 - What are some things that you don’t like / find frustrating about the language you’re learning?
Originally, I found both the pronunciation and characters immensely frustrating. I think I’m over those hurdles, and now what annoys me most is the grammar - and if anyone says there is no grammar in Chinese I may just murder you. Chinese grammar is hard because, as I’ve talked about before, a lot of rests on sentence patterns and a lot of it seems to shift in ways that, say, Spanish grammar doesn’t, depending on context, formality and so on. But the reason Chinese grammar is difficult is again because the categories it manipulates are ones that don’t map perfectly onto what we think is being manipulated. So we build representations in our mind and try to learn structures without realising that a lot of it is patterns, not something set in stone. This includes phenomena like topic-marking, fronting, emphasis and so on. The most ‘grammar’-like of Chinese grammar actually is based in large parts in implicatures and the pragmatic-semantic interface, which is very hard to teach. This is why I think that input is especially crucial in Chinese. 
Also, embedded wh-questions are hard. 
As I’m learning more, though, this is all gradually becoming less frustrating. I don’t want to jinx anything and I still have a lot to learn, but I’m feeling cautiously optimistic that the worst is behind me. Things are making a lot more sense now anyway!!!
18 - Have you had any conversations with natives of your target language/s? How did that go?
Haha, of course. I lived in China for six months and then visited again for two months. I also work as an English teacher online and have a lot of Chinese students. I also sometimes chat with other Chinese students in the German classes I was taking. I’m really excited though to go back to China though now that I’m a little bit better and see how I can improve from there!!! I feel like last time I wasn’t really at a good enough level to improve quickly; I think this time would be really hard, but I can communicate well enough that I hope people wouldn’t switch back to English. 
One of the problems I have always had though has been that my pronunciation sounded better than my knowledge of the language - because of immersion. So people always assumed I understood way more than I actually did which was always terrible because I never knew wtf was going on. 
One really really nice conversation I had recently: in my English class, a young girl’s mother asked if I could explain the present simple vs present continuous to her daughter...in Chinese. And regardless of what nonsense I said, the little girl understood! Ahhhh that warm glowy feeling of human connection and accomplishment. 
49 - What are your language goals for 2021?
Since I’m learning quite intensively at the moment, these goals will be appropriately intense. Gulp. 
1) Pass HSK5 (March). This is my biggest goal, and the first time I’ve ever worked towards a language exam so I’m a little nervous. I think it’s do-able (especially with the help of the course that I’m taking, HSK Online), but still large enough to be scary. 
2) Be able to write all words up to HSK5 by hand (July). I have a little more time for this one - normally I don’t think handwriting is particularly important, but since I’m going to be studying in a Chinese university next year with the dreaded 听写 I need to be able to do it. They sort you into groups depending on your exam results, and if I can’t handwrite more than 我 then I’m not going to get very far. How do I plan on achieving this? I’m planning maybe on buying a subscription to Skritter again and working through (I really like them), but most importantly, just handwriting freely in a notebook and building up the habit. 
3) Be able to read at the same speed as the subtitles. I know, I know, most people can. But I can’t lmao so let me practice. 
4) Be in a good place to take HSK6 in early 2022. I don’t actually know if I’m going to take the HSK6 exam: maybe not. HSK5 is only important for me because I need it for a scholarship. But as random as some of the words are, it’s a very good benchmark and a useful list. Considering I’ll have from March until the end of the year, and from the end of June onwards I’ll be in a Mandarin-speaking environment (and be in a Chinese university from August/September) I think it’ll set me up well. It’s way too much to do by the end of the year though, so this goal is just to do as much as I can before 2022. 
5) Read the first Harry Potter in Chinese. Guys, I’m not looking to understand the descriptions of the moat or Hagrid’s beard. But I want to be able to read the dialogue with ease, and be able to dip in and out of the book with ease. 
6) Complete my literary Chinese textbook (mid-year). 
7) Be able to watch shows like Streetdance of China without subs. I can watch some shows already without subs, but I often feel that’s more to do with galaxy-brain thinking, ‘reading the room’ and being lazy than actually understanding all the words. Despite shows like the Untamed having more ‘difficult’ vocab, I find them a lot easier to understand than variety shows etc because the audio is extremely clear and not too fast. Watching Nirvana in Fire without subs will have to be a goal for 2022 lmao; no way will that happen by this time next year. 
8) Learn the top 1000 traditional characters and practice reading traditional more. This is not as hard as it sounds: past about the top 500, many of them differ in very predictable ways. 
And here are three long-term goals I have no time limits on:
1) Read MDZS and TGCF in Chinese. Ahhh. The dream. 
2) Read lots of wuxia!!!!!!! All the wuxia!!!!!!!! Be able to read actual books, imagine.
3) Use Chinese for academic research on Chinese dialects and Tibetan languages. This is kind of...my career path...so! 
Thanks for the ask!! 
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success73306kubp · 3 years
Just why certified therapist business people always be smoothly significant
You almost certainly hear a lot about networking - most likely someone nagging for you to perform more of it. However, we don't often get a clear definition of what it is or possibly a concise explanation of why it's beneficial for our careers. You should know that if you want your career to go places and you desire to guarantee that hear approx every possible opportunity, then you'll want to network. It has been even called networking the primary professional skill. So, what is networking, and just it extremely important? What is professional networking? Networking becomes slightly clearer should we gave it a unique name: professional relationship building. It's all about getting on the market (both on and offline), meeting people who work in your profession or perhaps your industry, and building a possitive correlation with them. The target of networking is to design an expert network. Which means a bunch versed contacts you know well sufficient to invoke a big favor from along with whom you wouldn't object made a favor. It's as simple as that. For the reason that launch of experienced social networks like LinkedIn, networking has come to be a great deal easier. How simple these sites permit you to hook up with others will be deceiving, though. A purely online connection isn't prone to be especially strong. Everytime you can, look for face-to-face networking opportunities. Certainly, connect online after meeting people, nevertheless you'll develop stronger bonds with friends or acquaintences you've met in person. Five reasons networking is very important - whatever your career stage #1. You might find a mentor Network in the right places and the chances are that you're going to meet a lot of experienced professionals and experts in your personal sector. In case you are originally of your own career, getting tips and insights from those that've been there and used it all before might be priceless. When you have a fantastic chat with someone at, for instance, an event don't be frightened need to to exchange details or to attach on LinkedIn in order to ask if you finish with him or her later. #2. It's possible you'll hear about opportunities that aren't public yet Many roles aren't advertised. So, if you wish to be into an opportunity of getting that sought after internal promotion or moving to some more interesting or challenging role contemplated a new company, you'll need to network to find out about them. For sure people recommend people they know and that they would like. So, whether or not're not {https://www.linkedin.com/in/boundoxygen/ directly with a bunch directly answerable for hiring, there's still real possibilities that somebody as part of your network can have the opportunity to have a recommendation. #3. Considering moving? You could know an insider who can provide you information If your kids said they wanted a pet fish you may've seen work advertised that looks ideal for you, but you don't know much concerning the company. Otherwise you've heard you will probably notice an opportunity accelerating, even so you've also heard that the company culture most likely are not everything that great. You might just think of the very best, or you might reach out to all of your network to check if anybody can provide you with an insider's view. A quick drink of coffee with someone who knows what life is really like at the company you're considering can be invaluable. #4. You'll learn more about your industry, its future, as well as challenges While you should not limit your networking to a single industry, the chances are that the general public you consult that is effective in the identical sector as you. This means it certainly is a great way to find out about the most recent moves within your industry and stay up to date with major developments. #5. You'll study new trends and best ways Networking generally is a great strategy to obtain fresh ideas, new perspectives, and ideas to direct you towards your day-to-day job. This type of networking is straightforward online. Join relevant LinkedIn groups or lookout for specialist professional forums (often hosted by professional bodies) where you are able to ask and answer work-related questions. Embrace the probabilities When to do it properly, professional networking can open all sorts of doors. The hot button is reciprocation: if you're accessible to helping others, then there's a strong chance they'll allow you to right back. Embrace this philosophy, and your particular networking may lead to, well, pretty much anything!
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anne3004tay-blog · 4 years
Key Issues to Help You Choosing an Online Casino
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It's known that there are thousands of gambling sites on the internet available to choose from. Unfortunately, there are also a large number of them that they are just scam, unfair websites. So, how would you be sure you are choosing the right one for you?
In order to help you make your online gambling experience as fun and enjoyable as it should be, we wrote this small and concise article with few and key issues you should always take in consideration before you decide to sign up and deposit money on any online casino.
Casino Information and License:
First of all, transparency is a key issue for any business. So, a reputable online casino will provide visitors with clear information at its website, and the absence of this information is a bad sign of an unreliable casino. A reputable online or land based casino is located where it is regulated and a permit is required to operate. Meets this criterion is a good sign of whether it is a trustworthy casino.
Quality of Customer Support:
Although the players usually overlook the customer support issue, you definitely should pay attention to provided casino's customer support. You may hope that you don't have any problems, but if any issue comes up, especially if it is financially related, you wouldn't want to wait 24 hours or more for a response. If an online gambling site really wants to assist customers it should offer a 24 hours quality support with a wide range of contact options like e-mail, tool free telephone number, online chat and more. I really recommend you to make a kind of test. Try to contact casino's customer support service before start playing, asking them a few questions about software platform, games and bonuses and rate how long it takes to receive a good response.
Casino Software Platform:
There are many different casino software providers available. Most of reputable gambling sites often use software from the top providers like Microgaming, Real Time Gaming, Rival Gaming, Playtech and Boss Media. Sometimes a gambling site may use its proprietary software, which don't means it's not good, but you should pay an extra attention to its characteristics and reputation.
Casino Payout:
While you analyze an online casino you should look for information about payout percentages. Many online casinos publish monthly results of their payout rates. When considering a higher payout percentages, as a casino advantage, you should be aware of how independent is the audit of this information.
Money Transfer:
Before begin playing at any online casino you should be aware of the available financial options. The top rated online casinos usually offers a large variety of withdraw and deposit options. You should also check you transfers limits that may be applicable in some cases, which may be negative issue against this casino. My site 토토사이트
Bonuses and Promotions:
Almost every online casino offers a wide range of bonus and promotions in order to attract player's attention. So you should keep in mind that these bonuses and promotions are a good incentive, but you need to completely understand the regulations and rules related to these promotions. If the promotions weren't completely comprehensive you should consider play at another casino.
At this article you were presented to a set of key issues for you keep in mind, as guidelines, while choosing an online casino to play at. I cannot guarantee that, following this guideline, you will be completely safe, however they are, for sure, a set of common sense key points to be considered while choosing a casino to play at.
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Wellesley in STEM: Jenn Wiegel ‘08, Veterinarian
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WU STEM series editor Katie Kinnaird interviews Jenn Wiegel ‘08, a practicing veterinarian.
WU: Jenn, thanks for taking time to chat with us! You are a practicing veterinarian in Gibsonville, North Carolina. What drew you to being a vet?
JW: Every since I was a little girl I wanted to be a veterinarian. I always loved animals and this loved was sealed when I received my first kitten for my 7th birthday.
WU: Do you have a favorite part of your job?
JW: I most enjoy surgery and pleasant clients. :) Puppy and kitten visits are usually fun too. My favorite appointments are those with young children (though not so young that mostly all they do is fuss). I always offer to let them listen to their pet’s heart with the stethoscope. I usually ask them if the pet’s heart sounds okay and they almost always answer with authority that it does. It’s so cute!
WU: You majored in Econ with a minor in Astronomy at Wellesley. This seems like a less tradition pre-vet major. How did you decide to go into veterinary medicine? Did your major prepare you to be a vet in unexpected (or expected) ways?
JW: I’ve always wanted to be a veterinarian, but during my first year at Wellesley, I attended a pre-professional meeting that made it sound next to impossible to get into some of these professions (vet, MD, JD, etc). So I lost a little confidence in myself. It wasn’t until the summer before senior year that I decided I would go back to the dream of being a vet. I don’t know that this really influenced my major choice, however. I was never very interested in being a biology major because I never wanted to teach biology or work in a lab. I’m sure there are more things you can do with a biology degree than that, but 18 year-old me didn’t know this. I am a very practical person, so majoring in Econ was logical in that I could always fall back into any sort of business or finance job with this degree.
And Astronomy? Well, Astronomy was just fun! And I love math! Also, while I do love Star Wars, I will always chuckle at Han Solo’s line about making the Kessel run in “12 parsecs” because parsecs are a measure of distance, not time. Oh Astronomy nerdiness!
WU: How did Wellesley more generally prepare you to work with animals and their human caretakers? Where there any courses or professors at Wellesley that had a particular impact on you and your chosen career?
JW: I had many great professors at Wellesley who helped me along the way with recommendations, but I can’t say I think there was a certain course at Wellesley that helped with the animal or “pet parent” aspect of my job. I recall Professor Marc Tetel being very encouraging when I was the only senior in Bio 101. He was a great professor! There were other professors that I still regard as influential in my life path (Prof. Ryan Frace in history and Prof. Randall Collaizzi in Classics), but I think they just helped contribute to my lifelong love of learning and not specifically anything to do with veterinary medicine.
WU: What is the process for becoming a vet? What is the schooling like? Is there residency?
JW: Becoming a vet requires a 4-year undergraduate degree and then a 4-year veterinary medical doctorate. There are prerequisite courses that all veterinary schools require (the usual sciences and often public speaking as well), but many schools also want you to demonstrate animal or veterinary work experience as well. There are residencies for veterinarians. We essentially have all the specialties that physicians have and they all require a residency with the exception of being a general practitioner. All veterinarians graduate as GPs. If a vet does want to specialize, she would need to do an internship for a year prior to residency.
WU: A prerequisite in public speaking for working with animals is super surprising! Could you say a bit more about how this requirement fits into your veterinarian life?
One of the biggest and most important aspects of my job is client education. Veterinarians spend a lot of time speaking with people in order to help their animals. Taking public speaking as a course helped me be more comfortable speaking in public, particularly strangers (I took public speaking at UConn one summer and knew no one in the class). It’s very important to be clear and concise with what you’re saying and to be able to present medical conditions or treatments in a way that is easy to understand.
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WU: What is the most interesting experience that you’ve had as a vet? What was the funniest or most unexpected experience?
JW: I’ve had so many incredible experiences on this journey. Prior to graduating from veterinary school, I did multiple study abroad trips where we worked with native wildlife/animals and people in those countries. These places included Australia, South Africa, Jordan, Ecuador & the Galapagos, Hawaii, and the Florida keys. In Ecuador, I got to draw blood from the jugular vein of a jaguar and in South Africa, took part in an enrichment program for cheetahs. I really love big cats and so these experiences were incredible. In Florida, I did an externship at a 24 hour hospital that sees a large amount of exotic animals (birds, reptiles, small mammals, etc). While there, the Animal Planet TV show “Gator Boys” brought one of their gators to have his jaw repaired by the owner veterinarian of this practice. I got to be the anesthetist for the alligator which was awesome and nerve-wracking at the same time. I may have even been on TV! (I don’t have cable, so I don’t know!) I would say that was the most unexpected experience I’ve had.
The funniest experience I’ve had as a vet happened my second year out of school. I had an appointment on my books for a wellness cat visit for a 10 year old female spayed kitty named “Tabitha”. This cat had been with the current owners for about 8 years and had been to 3-4 previous veterinarians. I had the documents from this cat’s previous visits so I knew her history. When we perform physical exams, veterinarian usually do a “nose-to-tail” evaluation. Well, I got to Tabitha’s tail, lifted it, and,to my surprise, saw that Tabitha was actually a neutered male cat. Luckily the owner had a good sense of humor when I announced “It’s a boy!” Somehow it had been missed that Tabitha, who had wandered up about 8 years prior, was actually a neutered male and not a spayed female. The owner and I certainly had a laugh about that one for quite some time.
WU: For those of us who considering adding an animal into our families, what recommendations do you have for making this decision? Do you have any suggestions for making the decision and/or preparing our homes?
JW: Actually, there are some great online resources for this. For first time pet parents, they may want to check out this page. The AVMA is our national professional organization and they are very devoted to public education, so they have several pages to help individuals decide what kind of pet is right for you. If you already have an established relationship with a veterinarian, then you may want to ask him or her for a recommendation. If your vet knows you well, they may know whether a cat or dog or a certain breed of pet would work best for you and your family.
WU: Healthcare for humans and the associate costs are big talking points in the US right now. Are there similar conversations or issues surrounding animal healthcare?
JW: Yes and no. There is health insurance for animals, but it works completely differently than human health insurance. I would encourage pet parents to consider getting pet insurance. It does not cover routine care (exams, vaccines, etc), but would could accident or illness and might make having to make a tough decision a lot easier. I worked as an emergency veterinarian full time for about 13 months and unfortunately there is a lot of finance-driven euthanasia because people are not financially prepared for an emergency. Having accident/illness insurance (which is basically what pet health insurance is) could mean life or death for a pet.
There are some veterinarians who are worried that animal healthcare will become as crazy as human healthcare, but I just don’t see how this could happen.
WU: Wellesley Alums seem to be everywhere! Where’s the most unexpected situation where you’ve met a Wellesley alum?
JW: Actually, I just bumped into a Wellesley alum (even an ‘08er) at the top of the Seattle Space Needle in July! I happened to be wearing a Wellesley hat that I bought my husband at reunion. Berenice Rodriguez stopped me and asked if I had gone to Wellesley. I realized I recognized her and we discovered that we were the same class year. We never knew each other well at Wellesley, but well enough to recognize each other! Neither of us live in Seattle, we were both there on vacation!
WU: So many STEM fields are mostly male, and as a result, many women experience challenges breaking into and being part of their chosen communities. As a female veterinarian, have you faced any challenges? What helped you keep moving forward to become the effective vet that you are?
JW: I have not personally experienced any challenges to becoming a veterinarian as a woman. The vast majority of veterinarians are female. In veterinary schools nationwide, 80% of the students are female so it's a lady-dominated field. There are plenty of women-owned practices, etc. I really only find that the biggest issues come when other strong-willed women (as clients) try to play a virtual spitting game to try to one up me intellectually. I have experienced a lot of negativity from these female clients. Whenever I’ve had a client complaint, it has always been a woman. Unfortunately, the general populous is not as supportive of successful, strong women as Wellesley.
WU: What about your life, beyond your work as veterinarian, are you most proud of?
JW: Most proud of? I guess I’m not sure. Oh wait - maybe it was the epic road trip I took in 2010 prior to going to veterinary school. (Blog here: http://lifeisahighway2010.blogspot.com/) I still love telling people about that. Enjoy the most? That’s easy - travel! I love going to new places and experiencing new things. I’ve been to all 50 states (by the age of 27) and 20+ countries. My husband and I love going to the movies, playing trivia, and taking day-trips. I enjoy cross-stitching and crafting.
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WU: Okay, time for the big controversial question. Are you a cat person or dog person? … Just kidding! What I meant to ask is “do you have a special animal companion in your life?”
JW: No controversy here! I am 100% a cat person. Always have been, always will be. Don’t get me wrong, I like dogs and I certainly enjoy seeing them at work, but kitties are where my heart is! My (most recent) best kitty companion passed away suddenly last year. His name was “Major Tom” and, boy, was he handsome. Big yellow eyes, fluffy orange tail, and huge paws. I’m still a bit misty eyed about his passing, but got to be his cat-mom for a glorious decade. I do have some great kitty companions at home right now - Smokey Jo (Major Tom’s sister and my little shadow), Carolina Jane (a princess cat if I ever met one), Sergeant Boots (the shy, gentle, sweet type with an arresting meow), and Marigold Marie (who despite her permanent limp, is very handicapable, thank you very much!). They’re all very sweet, loving companions. They greet me and my husband each and every day as we get home from work, can hardly wait for you to sit down before they’re in your lap (and I mean all of them, at once), and stand guard patiently outside our bedroom in the morning for food and affection. I’ve always had great cats who do all these things.
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picsofshiro · 6 years
You said you have a person on trial. How do you test someone to make sure they are trustworthy enough to run your blogs?
I run a 2 week-1 month trial from the moment they start posting on the blog to see a few things. but before that, here’s what I do. This is based off of how I also handle other social media pages as someone who handles 5+ facebook pages as a chat/post moderator, 5+twitter accounts, and 2+instagram accounts. According to fans/followers who follow our professional work, it helps them feel safe to interact with us as staff doing our job (radio/reporting) and interact with fellow listeners/viewers consuming media, processing it, and discussing it. The same can be applied to other public spaces like these fan blogs. 
1. What’s the person like?
I check out their blogs/have seen them interact before with other people in other online spaces in and out of fandom. This means how they interact with other fans, with interacting with staff/voice actors in public spaces. I love Voltron as a show, I just personally focus my love where it counts. Lots of people complain when interviews come out, hate what happened in canon. Can you be critical of things said? Sure. But the thing is, it feels weird to take anything said at face value when Voltron as it stands is not a completed project so things can change and how we see them as the missing pieces come together. I take everything with a grain of salt and see where things go and I hope the people I work with are the same way and are cordial when interacting with others on their thoughts on characters, ships, the show itself and when interacting with the kind people working on Voltron.
More for what I look for and how I run stuff is under the cut and the standard I try to set for myself and for others who wish to work with me cause this is more volunteering to help out, it’s not technically our content to own, its fan run, and nobody is paid. But if you’re gonna do it, you gotta give it the love it deserves.  
2. Enforce set rules.
I got common sense stuff like don’t let bigotry slide when it’d directed at us as mods and people interacting on the posts that are hosted here. Block ant!’s on site since they are a source of a lot of why our fandom is accused of being garbage vs any other group within the fandom that’s chill, especially those who still currently openly hate/dehumanize other fans minding their business. Block them if they interact with the blog via reblogs/likes if you catch them cause that stuff spreads to other blogs who assume our fandom experience is for them — it’s not. For the most part, blocking is good if I’m/the mod running a blog is just tired and doesn’t wanna deal with inane bs or things we’ve already answered if a user or anon didn’t do their research to look through my history of asks and whether or not I’ve addressed their question/didn’t read our response because they’re not looking for our actual answer, they’re looking for something else. I don’t deal with people spreading misinformation like pushing br0ganes which is currently confirmed never a thing by staff repeatedly, pushing whether or not a ship is canon (I have even politely said that I appreciate sheith’s bond over at pics of sheith but never said it was canon as a ship), and I definitely don’t like individuals that shit on characters/ships or how others express their excitement over content or their interpretations or fanon fun. And I don’t appreciate when people get upset with staff for saying something wrong when the show is not completed and they can only say certain things in a certain way if they choose to answer questions at all then attack other fans and justifying it because they’re upset. Nobody gets to throw a tantrum and hurt others. Take responsibility for shitty behavior
3. Choose your battles - carefully decide what discourse to address.
I understand that a lot of people don’t have the time or mental energy to do what I do when I happen to bring down people who claim to have some higher morality/authority to speak from. Sometimes it’s outright bs and I block immediately, not giving my attention, move forward, nobody has to know about it unless I want them to. Maybe I joke about it. But that’s it. I’ve actually just skipped out and blocked some IP’s on this blog cause it was a “nah” kind of day. But I make sure to get a screencap, maybe even post it to my main blog because my main blog is linked in the description of these blogs so people can dispute why they were blocked from interacting with the blog. Then we can examine how I misunderstood a message if that’s the problem, cause that happens. It’s the internet so people’s tone of voice is lost, people might have brain issues that cause them to type up the wrong stuff or they insist they said what they said and I have to see if I’m not the only one “misunderstanding" it cause we’re all trying to communicate here, in the common English language which his a clusterfuck anyhow. It happens where I just can’t read shit but I have and try to rectify my mistakes.
And when I do address it, I do so point by point, concisely. That’s what I get for having a mother who is a paralegal and helped write legal arguments, deconstructs her child’s stupid arguments when he got in a dumb ass fight with her. I learned from it and now I can frame my arguments properly to follow logical structures based on truth, understanding how the English language works to examine what they said and what it sounds like, and show the true meaning of what was said which is often something pretty screwed up. They usually (as far as I know between one anon and the next) never come back to bother me again. Mods have to be able to have the stamina to handle it, and run it by me to make sure the argument is sound because we try to keep ourselves and everyone else safe.
4. be open to opportunities
If they continue to argue with me on my main blog which is where I’m fine dealing with discourse unless it turns into violent threats/harassment, I’ve already blocked them across the board at all the picsof blog urls I have in my account. But let’s say this person has come to understand why they are wrong…then I can find their name, unblock them hopefully, and everything moves forward and I keep tabs to show that they’ve changed their behavior. Hopefully because tumblr tells me if i block an anon, that i can’t ever undo it but I’ve also heard it’s still possible so who knows really on this broken website?
How I run this tight ship and expect others to run it (no pun intended).
1. Screencap for an hour or two - organize by character/ship -> season -> episode folders and number the images so that it’s in order frame by frame, then play around with the same image and crop accordingly just for fun. This gives random choices and variety for the next part.
2. draft and tag - for characters I use canon voltron legendary defender names
#keith #voltron legendary defender #voltron #vld
vs keith kogane which his defender of the universe. I’m a stickler for canon which is why i also tag
#shiro (how he’s often referred to) #takashi shirogane (in written canon and uttered by his own character in the dnd episode) #voltron legendary defender #voltron #vld
for a ship blog, i follow a similar formula but people get upset if they are looking for 1 character but don’t care for the ship so i try to be courteous and leave out characters and focus on the ship - hence the following:
#sheith #voltron legendary defender #voltron #vld
then as a mod, i have fun and put my thoughts into the screencap at the end of all that when I feel like it, for example #keith looks cute here / #shiro just [redact] me / #wow they hold each other so tenderly
Do this until i get between 90-200 posts in my drafts, then hit queue at random to scramble up the order in which they queue. Will the blog visitors see a screencap from episode 1? or episode 10? nobody knows. But it gets boring if i just queued everything in order which is why I do this. Predictability is boring.
3. Set queue post to 3 posts a day and leave, this is a fucking hobby and isn’t your life - focus on what needs to be done, this is just low maintenance fun. (Look at me rhyming!) Follow the stuff above with how you handle discourse and of course the mod who should obviously love the blog of their focus can have fun with any individuals asking about headcanons/ideas about ships. I wouldn’t give someone who doesn’t ship Allurance because it will show in their work that they don’t care when they’d rather have Shance and vice versa. Or a Pidge fan running a Hunk blog when they’d rather do Pidge. For these other blogs outside of the 3 I’m managing right now, i might have teams of people simply because we can all keep tabs on each other and be held accountable for our actions if we make mistakes. 
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cynthiasebatina · 3 years
Everything’s going mobile lately and eLearning too has tailored itself to support mobile learning. However, mobile learning strategy can be tricky to those who are unfamiliar with it. Therefore, we will start with the basics before going into the details. First we will discuss developing mobile learning strategy and then take up enhancing the mobile learning course.
The following are the steps involved in developing a mobile learning strategy:
Target audience and primary objectives: The first step is concerned with identification of your target audience and determination of your primary objectives for the mobile learning course. Target audience is the people who will actually be accessing the information you provide. Remember that usually the target audience for a mobile learning course is people who are pressed for time. It is highly likely that a person chooses a mobile training course because he wants to access the learning management system (LMS) from anywhere at any time. This would mean that the course content you design should only include information that is highly essential and can be comprehended in less time. Therefore, you will have to stick to relevant and concise course content rather than comprehensive and long.
Course distribution choices: The second step deals with determining how your mobile learning course is going to be distributed. You may be planning to make your content available for all mobile platforms or could be either one or two popular ones such as iOS and Android. In the ideal scenario, mobile learning course will be distributed in all platforms and all devices but practically this can be very difficult as this would involve tailoring your content as well as the graphics in it to mobile devices with different screen sizes, resolutions and other specifications. However, your course distribution choice should depend on factors like your target audience, subject matter and the content itself.
Security: Security is an important aspect of every mobile learning program. You have to make sure that your mobile learning platform has enough security measures including encryption and password protection to prevent unauthorized entries and allay other security related concerns. Keep in mind that smartphones are small computers which have the capability to download information and perform unethical tasks involving retrieval of personal information. Therefore, keep all information encoded or carefully guarded.
Social media: Mobile learning is extremely personalized and asynchronous as it involves each learner take his time learning and adopting a program or plan that suits him best. Mobile learning typically doesn’t involve any group activity or teamwork and learning takes place at an individual level. However, it is highly beneficial to integrate social learning strategies into your mobile learning platform. This means that with the help of social media you will be able to transform your mobile learning experience into an interactive as well as engaging social learning experience. Social networks, collaborative learning tools and group activities help to bring social learning elements in your mobile learning program.
Testing: Testing is the last step that precedes the official launch of your mobile learning course. Testing lets you identify technical errors or bugs and glitches that you overlooked. Quality control is a term used to refer to the assessment or evaluation of performance of developed work or product. Quality control is done to ensure that your mobile learning course works well on all platforms and devices you intended for it to work on. Testing is usually followed by revision where the errors that were identified are rectified.
Next step is launching but that is not the end of the mobile learning strategy. An effective mobile learning strategy always involves continual assessment of the effectiveness of the mobile learning course and strategy. Therefore, mobile learning strategy can be seen as a never ending exercise always in progress. Once you launch the finished product in the market, you need to continuously assess the performance of your mobile learning platform especially by getting feedback from the real users through surveys and other methods. A mobile learning strategy will only be successful if it remains effective as time goes on. That is why it needs to be constantly evaluated and subsequently improved upon.
Furthermore, ensure that the assessment system of your mobile learning platform is useful. The goal of assessment is not to ascertain that the learners are getting good scores. A good assessment system will let you know whether the audience understands what is being taught to them. If the learners cannot grasp the concepts clearly then the whole learning process is a waste of time. That is why the assessment system should measure how much the learners have understood. This involves asking interesting and thought provoking questions that engage the learners. Too much theory and long questions will only scare the learners away.
Now it is time to look at the ways to enhance the effectiveness of your mobile learning course. The following are top five guidelines:
Bite-sized lessons: Since the learners are using mobile devices and are also pressed for time, keep your lessons small. The learners usually access information on-the-go and prefer lessons that are brief and to the point. If you are thinking of creating videos, keep it brief i.e. in the range of 2-4 minutes. Short videos provide information in a convenient form which keeps learners engaged and also enables rapid absorption of information. Since your target audience will be accessing information from a variety of places, it is better to keep audio narration to a minimum.
Involve active discussions: Mobile learning experience is complete only when there is an opportunity to effectively communicate and collaborate with peers. Also, the learners should have the opportunity to interact with their instructors and receive support from their part. To make your mobile learning platform collaborative in nature, you can integrate mobile apps like Twitter chat or Google Hangouts to allow learners to interact with each other. Active discussions can keep the learners engaged in the learning process; it also provides enough motivation for them to continue wherever they find themselves in a tough situation. Discussions allow learners to share their experience and explore ideas at length. This gives every member of your learning program an opportunity to voice their views and opinions to fellow-learners without any need of the physical classroom setting.
Encourage participation: Give the learners an opportunity to apply their learning. For example, let the learners become instructors once they gain enough information. This not only gives them a unique experience but also helps in effective retention of information they already learnt. Give the learners an opportunity to explore the subject matter on their own and put the main ideas in their own words. Various mobile tools like survey poll and quiz creation apps aid in participatory activities.
Promote online research: Irrespective of the age of your target audience, promoting online research will only make the learning experience more effective and meaningful. When you integrate online research exercises into your mobile learning strategy, the learners will get an opportunity to explore the topic on their own and thereby expand their understanding of the topic. This can be used to supplement the core learning program.
Send notifications to their mobile devices: In order to keep your mobile learning course more organized, you can make use of reminders and announcements. These could include course updates and even links to additional information via push notifications on the mobile phones of the learners. This method helps to keep the learners updated and in touch with the mobile learning course.
An important point to remember is that every mobile learning course should evolve along with the needs of the users and the technological advancements and trends in order to be successful. A stagnant mobile learning course will never remain effective even if the best strategies were applied to develop it. Dynamism is an important element of every mobile learning course. That is why a feedback system is a must for a mobile learning course. Feedback gives invaluable insights into the needs of the learners and what changes need to be made in the mobile learning course if it has to overcome the challenges faced by the learners. Getting invaluable feedback also is not sufficient. Changes should be made in the mobile learning course as and when feedback is received from users by consulting eLearning professionals. Only if the changes are made will the feedback be useful.
Now you have learnt how to develop a mobile learning strategy and also how to enhance the effectiveness of your mobile learning course. Applying these guidelines and integrating your mobile learning platform with the methods mentioned in this article will help make your mobile learning course a truly memorable one for your target audience.
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careeralley · 3 years
How To Increase Your Remote Workers' Efficiency And Productivity
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Since the pandemic began, a lot of people have had to adjust well to what is considered as the “new normal.” Obviously, one of the most affected by the pandemic was the business sector. However, since introducing the work from home setup as the new norm, businesses have been able to continue their operations despite the challenges. As the Delta Variant of Covid-19 is forcing stricter lockdown restrictions once again, more companies might have to make their employees work from home once again. If the strategy has been effective for you so far but you still believe that there’s room for improvement, then you’ve come to the right place. Improving your worker’s performance and efficiency can be tough to manage. You don’t want your employees to think that you are putting more on their plate as you did when things were back to normal. With these tips, you can help them perform as if they’ve never left the office in the first place. Make Sure There’s More Than One Way To Communicate One of the biggest challenges of remote work is communication. Giving orders and telling employees what to do is as easy as talking to them directly before the pandemic. Now, you need to rely on various communication tools to keep direct contact with your employees. It might be a bad idea to set up only one way to communicate with your employees. What you should do is set up a primary means of communication. This can be a group chat in a messaging app. Other than that, make sure that your employees are well-aware of other ways to contact their peers just in case one medium fails. Provide Them With What They Need A common misconception is that once employees transition to the work-from-home setup, you have nothing else to do for them since they are technically no longer at the office. However, the best companies know that the company’s care should always go beyond the premises of the office. Make sure to provide your employees with whatever they need to get set up at home. For instance, if they don’t have a work computer, have their office computers delivered at home instead. This will help make them feel more in tune with the environment. Moreover, it can make them feel more at ease knowing they have nothing else to worry about. Invest In The Right Software Most of today’s companies invest in employee monitoring and collaboration software so that they can adjust better to the current situation. You can have more productive and efficient team with these. It’s an extra expense on your end but in reality, it’s an investment for your company’s future. Good software to invest in is employee monitoring software. This lets you track the progress and efficiency of your workers even from afar. What’s good about this software is that they don’t exactly track what your employees do, they track the progress they make during the day. You should understand that for some employees, it can be a bit uncomfortable knowing that somebody is watching you work. Another upside to employee monitoring software is that it’s barely noticeable. Your employees won’t notice the tracker at all once they activate it on their side. Software like these basically motivates employees to do better or to at least perform as if they were inside the office. As they know that their progress is being monitored, they’ll work harder to impress their superiors inside the company as well. Since introducing the work from home setup as the new norm, businesses have been able to continue their operations despite the challenges. Improving your worker’s performance and efficiency can be tough to manage. Click To Tweet Prevent Zoom Fatigue Zoom fatigue is indeed a thing. It happens when employees are constantly obligated to engage in video conferences. Unless it’s really necessary, do away with the Zoom or Skype meetings. If it can be said through a concise message, then no meetings are needed any more. Give Your Employees Better Autonomy You need to have better trust in your employees. Don’t ask them to update you on progress about their work regularly. Not only does this show your lack of trust in them, it can also take up more of the time doing so. Give them more autonomy and trust. Your employees will feel a lot better about themselves if they see your trust in them. Instead of hourly updates, simply give them the tasks they need to be done for the day. Have them update you once the task is done. This saves them more time and it lets them work more comfortably too. Stop Being Too Serious Another challenge with the remote work setup is the lack of socializing people get to do. It’s very exhausting to be cooped up in one place with no pals or friends to talk to. The last thing your employees would want is to be stuck in a workplace that seems all but fun. Don’t forget to be friendly with your team. Also, encourage them to interact with each other once in a while. Socializing can relieve a lot of stress on their part. Moreover, it can greatly help those who don’t like the feeling of being alone during these trying times. Keep Things On A Schedule The concept of finishing and working on time shouldn’t have to be abolished just because of remote work. It would be wise to give your employees a schedule to follow. For instance. Tell them what they need to do upon clocking in for the day. Also, provide them with details on when you expect progress updates to arrive. For many employees, having a schedule to follow makes them more efficient and relaxed. It makes them feel as if things are still as normal as possible.  Remember, there are a lot of people that get flustered if they are left to do things at their own behest. It can be hard to adjust to the remote work setup at first. If you execute it properly though, you’ll be surprised at the amount of things your employees can do in a short amount of time. There are many benefits to remote work but they can only be achieved if you lay the groundwork for a better online environment. Read the full article
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tak4hir0 · 3 years
Salesforce Consultants have a variety of responsibilities to manage in their role. While organisation is a key trait to what makes a good Salesforce consultant, you should look to improve your productivity, client communication, and Salesforce project deliveries with the help of apps. Having worked in multiple Salesforce consultancies and as an independent consultant, I’ve compiled this list based on the most popular tools used in the partner ecosystem. For most categories, I have included both free and paid options (and highlighted which tools are definitely worth paying for!) Whether you’re a new or seasoned Salesforce consultant, take a look at these essential tools to keep in handy in your digital toolbox. General Productivity & Communication Paid “An integrated suite of cloud-native collaboration and productivity apps…includes Gmail, Docs, Drive, Calendar, Meet and more” G Suite is the popular choice among Salesforce consultancies. Personally, I haven’t used anything but GSuite since 2015. If you’re coming from a Microsoft stronghold, I recommend you brush up on Gmail and its related apps. Free Although G Suite comes with Google Hangouts, Slack is a workplace communication tool on steroids that took the world by storm circa 2015. It was the first player in the market to combine group chats and person-to-person messaging, in an intuitive interface. Some even use it for communicating with clients particularly if the project management tool is a labyrinth of Salesforce jargon. There’s even a Slack to Salesforce integration you could take advantage of. Free – with limitations Quip is like a combination of Slack and Google docs. It’s a word processing app that offers so much more than your typical document management, especially the ways it can be integrated with your Salesforce org. I recommend Quip to consultants for bringing the gap between Salesforce org data, and making it readable for clients. For example, you can pull related lists, Salesforce reports (and more) into a document, and work in Quip with clients with the reassurance that the bi-directional sync with Salesforce records maintains your org as the true ‘source of truth’. Thanks to Helen for giving us a tour of how Quip can be used, for user productivity benefits, and security for Admin peace of mind – I recommend you read the whole guide. Free I have used Evernote for years because it does the job for quick note-taking, whether that be taking rough notes during a call, or using it to copy, manipulate, and paste information. Although you are likely to have Google Docs at your disposal, Evernote is far more lightweight. I even find the two-step process of moving my notes from Evernote to Google Docs gives me a chance to reorganize them to the best order. Free An essential Chrome extension for writing documents or emails to clients, especially if grammar isn’t one of your strong points (or you type emails at breakneck speed)! Grammarly is more sophisticated than other spell-checkers; what I love are Grammarly alerts when I could have used a more concise sentence to get my point across. Project Management & Time Tracking Time Tracking – Kimble, Toggl, Harvest Tracking your time is how you track your profitability as a consultant. Recording your task entries per client, per task can be a tedious ask, so it’s important to choose a software that makes it as frictionless as possible. Here are some options I have come across working in different Salesforce consultancies: Kimble (Paid): time tracking is only one element of the Kimble full-blown solution, which is geared towards granular resource tracking. Not the most visually aesthetic, but is certainly robust! Other consultancies may build their own custom time trackers in Salesforce using custom objects tied to the user object. Toggl (Paid): from the look and feel of the Toggl website, you get a sense of what the app aims for. Whenever you start a new task, you can simply press the ‘play’ button, effortlessly giving you start and stop times. It’s lightweight but I know large teams that use it happily. Harvest (Paid): For independent consultants, I highly recommend Harvest. It’s a no-nonsense time-tracking tool that I have used for years (one of the few paid apps that I kept throughout my freelance stint). Harvest offers more features, such as invoicing, expense tracking, and more (although I found this overlapped with my accountancy and banking software). Task Management – Jira, Asana Jira (Paid): As an industry-standard, all consultants will encounter Jira at some point in time. Jira becomes a must-have for consultants working on larger projects, with the ability to create dependencies between tasks and teams. Jira is designed to work in sprints, and the ‘tickets’ can be displayed in multiple ways, including Gantt style. Asana (Free – with limitations): Then there’s Asana. I love Asana, it’s my go-to project management tool. Was created by an ex-Facebook engineering lead who was frustrated with how their projects were managed internally (surely a vote of confidence for the tool!) My thoughts are that Asana is best suited for: Independent consultants,Consultants working on smaller projects with fewer dependencies between tasks,Consultants working collaborating with clients, where a tool like JIRA is less intuitive and typically an overwhelming experience! Process Mapping & Visualization Process Mapping – Lucidchart (+ Miro) Lucidchart (Free – with limitations): Lucidchart enables consultants to show Salesforce processes step-by-step using diagrams, using drag-and-drop from a range of pre-made shape libraries. An absolute essential for consultants. At the discovery stage, use Lucidchart to enrich the proposal you send to your clients with visual flow diagrams that help communicate the value of your work in terms of efficiency and user productivity gains. At the end of the project (hand-off and training stage), use the same flow diagrams to lead users through what you built so they understand the process end-to-end. At the time of writing, the Lucidchart free version limits you to 3 diagrams, each with a maximum of 60 shapes. It’s worth paying for, in my opinion (another paid app that I kept throughout my freelance stint). Miro (Free – with limitations): Miro is an online whiteboard, that updates in real-time (think of it if a Google Doc turned into a whiteboard). See in action below: VIDEO I personally find whiteboards indispensable when gathering requirements and demonstrating how Salesforce works. There’s something about this tool that gets people excited about the possibilities their future org offers! Video Recording – Loom Free Loom is such a gift! You can record videos that show your face and screen (or screen-only) and share it with clients in a number of ways. The Chrome extension sits on your browser, ready to launch when you need it for recording training videos, or for clients record bugs for troubleshooting (the modern, more effective version of ‘send me a screenshot). Design & mock-up: Sketch, Canva Lightning Design System Plugin for Sketch (Paid – limited time trial): Sketch is a design platform for UI, mobile, web, and icon design. Create quick Salesforce UI mockups with the Lightning Design System Plugin for Sketch! The plugin surfaces SLDS components, icons, wireframes, and artboards as Sketch symbols. Sketch offers a fully-featured 30-day free trial. Check out what one consultant had to say in our guide on the blog. Canva (Free): Canva has enabled thousands of people to become graphic designers to an extent! By uploading components into Canva (such as the parts of an email template), you can create mock-ups to get client approval before you built, mitigating multiple revisions. The same goes for Lightning components on a Salesforce page layout. Canva also comes with hundreds of templates for various content and documents, such as presentations, logos, proposals, and more – so be sure to explore these too! Scoping & Proposal e-Signature – Docusign, Hello Sign Using e-Signature for getting client sign off on proposals, statements of work, or any change requests raised during the project duration. Docusign (Paid): Docusign needs little introduction. One of the original players in the market, you’re guaranteed an outstanding product with a good Salesforce integration. HelloSign (Paid): A lightweight and reliable e-signature option, HelloSign is ideal even for consultants who are starting out (with its friendly price point). For a small upgrade, you can connect it to your Salesforce org. Data Management Data Loader Free If you don’t have Data Loader installed, can you really call yourself a Salesforce consultant? This free application is used for insert, update, delete, and extract records to or from a Salesforce org. Data Loader works with all objects and its capabilities are superior to the built-in Data Import Wizard. Note: check your client’s data requirements. If these exceed 10,000 records/per month/org, invest in a paid license from dataloader.io and take advantage of its advanced features. Check out more recommendations featured on our “The 5 Best Data Loaders for Salesforce” list. You may find that these come with additional features your clients need, so keep an open mind. ColumnCopy Free With this Chrome extension, you can copy HTML table columns without the data order or formatting becoming disrupted. This is great for copying the content of Salesforce list views, or in Salesforce setup, tables like object fields list under the ‘Fields and Relationship’ page. Spanning Paid Spanning is an AppExchange vendor with a first-class data backup and restore tool. It’s good to have a tool like Spanning to hand for: Restoring data if a data load goes wrong,Sandbox seeding: to fill sandboxes with test data,Metadata compare: see changes between production and sandboxes highlighted.Read this overview to see how a backup and restore tool could save your skin in the heat of the moment! It is recommended that every org has a backup provider. Although Spanning is not cheap, it will be the client who will pay for licenses to apps like this. Deduplication: DemandTools, Clouddingo, Duplicate Check Deduplication is a necessary, but painful, part of every CRM consultant role (whether you’re tasked with the actual deduping, or not). There are two sides to the same coin: prevention and remedy. Better be equipped with the tools that can help you out in your duplicate data despair, and leave your clients armed for the future! DemandTools (Paid – per user): DemandTools is the all-encompassing option, referred to as the “Swiss Army knife” of Salesforce data management. These 10 modules enable you to manage imports, data standardization, lead conversion, Salesforce reports, backups, email verification, and record ownership – in bulk! (oh, I should mention they have been a leading data management tool-set for Salesforce for 20 years!) DemandTools (Validity) website | AppExchange listing Clouddingo (Paid – per org): A popular option. I remember how easy it was to get up and running, processing a dirty org, and identifying duplicates in minutes. Big plus for consultants: scheduled jobs can run in the background to deduplicate data to continue your data hygiene efforts, even after you have concluded the project. Pricing per org. Cloudingo website | AppExchange listing Duplicate Check (Paid – per org): When I first saw a demo of Duplicate Check, I was blown away. This is a fantastic option for consultants who want to introduce deduplication functionality into a Salesforce org for users to routinely manage duplicates themselves (DC Live). While incredibly powerful in how granular you can make the logic, it’s also bewilderingly simple to set up and use. Read our full review here. Customizing Salesforce ORGanizer for Salesforce Free Working with multiple orgs? Sick of your browser tabs being blanketed with the same blue cloud logo? This Chrome extension has helped many of us consultants organise the client orgs (and own internal orgs) we could be working with simultaneously. Not only does this tool store logins for your frequently used accounts username/password/login URL/landing page, but you can also use colours to differentiate your browser tabs. Every consultant knows a tab-heavy browser is unavoidable, but colour-coding should help when switching between projects. Field Data Relationships – DLRS, Lookup Helper & Roll-up Helper Declarative Lookup Rollup Summaries (DLRS) Free The Declarative Lookup Rollup Summaries (DLRS) managed package is a must-have for creating rollup summaries between lookup relationships. Andy Fawcett’s open-source tool is a gift, enabling you to define rollups using standard UI declaratively, no coding required! Why is this a big deal? You will encounter many use cases for creating rollup summary fields. You will all know that you can’t create rollup summaries between two objects with a lookup relationship (only those in a master-detail relationship). So, how can you fulfill a client’s requirement to not let them down? You could write an Apex Trigger. This isn’t a friendly option for declarative consultants, and involving a developer will each into your profits. Lookup Helper/Rollup Helper Free – with limitations Solving the same consultant pain points as DLRS, these too AppExchange products can step in to save the day. Rollup Helper: roll-up any Salesforce data (count, sum, max, min, average, percent, lookups, text, formula, and multi-currency roll-ups)Lookup Helper: automatically relate records via lookup relationships.The interface is a lot easier to use than DLRS, designed more with the layman in mind. This would be the better option to leave with your clients to manage internally. There is less risk of your rollups breaking if and when there are product updates. The free version is limited to 3 active roll-ups/look-ups, which may be sufficient for what you need to do. You can buy the whole ‘Helper Suite’ which may be a better option depending on the requirements for rollups and lookups. See also: ‘The Salesforce Automation Guide’ in: ‘Delivering Training’. Deployment Prodly Paid Not all deployments are equal. Some deployments are made more complex if data (and not metadata) is involved. The reason migrating data from one org to another (for example, from a sandbox to production) is a headache is because each record will have a unique 15/18 digit CRM ID, related to another record with a 15/18 digit CRM ID. These IDs will be different across orgs, so maintaining these data relationships is a huge undertaking. Prodly is one deployment tool that improves the data migration experience for consultants. Some examples where a deployment tool will aid are FinancialForce, GainSight, Conga Composer, Conga CLM, with Prodly especially popular for CPQ deployments. Org Monitoring & Analysis Salesforce Optimizer App Free Salesforce Optimizer is a built-in app that scans a Salesforce org and analyzes 40+ metadata features, such as fields, Apex triggers, page layouts, etc. It’s a great place to start to get a sense of the overall health of an org. The app serves up recommendations on a sidebar with estimated configuration effort and resources. Salesforce Inspector Free Another unmissable Chrome extension for consultants (and developers) that allows you to inspect data and metadata directly from the Salesforce UI. A handy popup reveals what data lies beneath the surface. In the words of the app developer themselves: “improve the productivity and joy of Salesforce configuration, development, and integration work.” Happy Soup is an open-source, dependency inspector developed by Pablo Gonzalez. Keep this app in your back pocket to do quick metadata dependency checks before making a change to a Salesforce org (especially when coming into an unfamiliar org without the full context). For example, before you change or delete a field, check which reports use the field in question. From the slimmed-down interface, select the metadata type, metadata item, and watch the dependencies list unfold. Choose whether to run an impact analysis or deployment boundary analysis. VIDEO Find the Happy Soup documentation here. Elements.cloud is a pricier option, however, it’s aim is to deliver full visibility on requirements-configuration-documentation lifecycle, as opposed to one isolated part (metadata dependency). This has a huge amount of value for large enterprises with multiple consulting/development teams. Delivering Training Don’t forget! Tools that were featured in the ‘Process Mapping & Visualization‘ section can also be used here – in fact, it’s best you do use the same documentation throughout the project lifecycle for continuity. Gamification – Quizizz Free You only need to visit Trailhead once to see the power of gamification in learning, and what may have previously been considered childish (quizzes, badges, bright colours) has taken the Salesforce ecosystem by storm. Consider breaking up your long training sessions with quizzes. Quizizz is the tool that we use for our Trailblazer Community group at the end of each meet-up. Kahoot! was another tool we used in the past, but it seems that after a recent rebrand they are now appealing to the elementary/primary school audience. The Salesforce Automation Guide The Salesforce Automation Guide is a free, self-service resource you should all bookmark. A Senior Technical Architect at Salesforce compiled everything you need to know about Salesforce into one place, including limits, and that all-important ‘future-proofness’. Use it to guide your own work, or for training newbie client-side Admins you are leaving the org keys to after you complete the project.
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michaelandy101-blog · 3 years
What's a Conversational Touchdown Web page (& How Do You Create One)?
New Post has been published on https://tiptopreview.com/whats-a-conversational-landing-page-how-do-you-create-one/
What's a Conversational Touchdown Web page (& How Do You Create One)?
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Entrepreneurs have discovered that conversational experiences on touchdown pages (resembling chatbots and dwell chat) convert three-to-four times greater than a standard touchdown web page. Moreover, a report from Juniper Research predicts that by 2023, the adoption of chatbots throughout the retail, banking, and healthcare sectors will save companies $11 billion yearly.
So, what do these conversational experiences entail and the way ought to chatbots be included in your touchdown pages to extend conversions whereas saving your staff time and assets?
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Conversational Touchdown Pages
On this weblog publish, we’ll speak about what conversational touchdown pages are, what makes them distinctive, and tips on how to create one in every of your personal.
Let’s dive in.
Automate and scale conversations on your website with HubSpot’s Chatbot Builder Software.
What’s a conversational touchdown web page?
The objective of a conversational touchdown web page is to have interaction web site guests through a chatbot (or dwell chat) dialog that spans throughout your complete internet web page. These touchdown pages are supposed to welcome guests, provoke and conduct conversations, and advocate sure actions.
A conversational touchdown web page may reply customer inquiries, resolve challenges, share particular gives, and information prospects to no matter it’s they want through chatbot or live chat.
In case your touchdown web page solely features a chatbot for guests to work together with, you might customise the bot so it might detect advanced points that require the assist of a human — then, the bot can direct guests to dwell chat.
What makes conversational touchdown pages distinctive?
Along with conversational touchdown pages, there are two different most important forms of touchdown pages which are used to have interaction guests: conventional touchdown pages and hybrid touchdown pages.
A conversational touchdown web page appears one thing like this, with the chatbot dialog filling up your complete display for the customer:
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A conventional touchdown web page is one which engages guests with a standard lead era kind. The lead era kind is positioned amongst different content material on the touchdown web page. It asks for data from guests (e.g. title, electronic mail deal with, zip code) in trade for one thing (e.g. low cost code, subscription, or trial).
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A hybrid touchdown web page combines options from each a conversational and a standard touchdown web page — it’s primarily a standard touchdown web page with a chatbot (which will be expanded or be minimized) embedded on the web page.
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Now that you have seen these different two forms of touchdown pages, you might be questioning, “Why should the chatbot/ live chat conversation be the only thing on a conversational web page?”
Truthful query.
By making a contextual, chatbot dialog the one factor on an internet web page, you determine a private, one-on-one really feel that conventional and hybrid touchdown pages do not present. This lets you extra simply promote new gives, shut extra offers, and improve conversion charges. 
How do you create a conversational touchdown web page?
When making a conversational touchdown web page, you’ll work via most of the identical steps — or, on the very least, comparable steps — to these you’d observe when creating some other touchdown web page.
1. Set a objective in your conversational touchdown web page.
The primary objective of your conversational touchdown web page is to have interaction guests. However that doesn’t imply you possibly can’t additionally set extra particular targets for engagement should you’d wish to — it is a good method to set up a single focus in your web page so as to make it as efficient as potential.
Listed below are some examples of conversational touchdown web page targets:
Present highly-accessible buyer assist.
Share particular gives.
Convert and upsell leads and prospects.
Get to know your viewers on a private degree and apply that data to campaigns, purchaser personas, gross sales, and extra.
Acquire suggestions to enhance upon your product/ service, buyer expertise, and purchaser’s journey.
2. Tailor the chatbot to your purchaser personas and prospects.
Your chatbot ought to cater to your particular viewers. With a chatbot builder — like HubSpot — you possibly can customise your chatbot and use it to qualify leads, e book conferences, and create responses to FAQs. You can even configure your chatbot in order that it guides a person with a extra advanced purpose for reaching out to dwell chat/ a rep. The bot may create assist tickets and add contact information to your lists and workflows to automate duties and save your staff time.
Use HubSpot’s Chatbot Builder Software to qualify leads, book meetings, provide customer support, and scale your one-to-one conversations.
three. Use clear, action-oriented language.
The purpose of your conversational touchdown web page is to have interaction and work together together with your guests in addition to assist their wants, challenges, and targets. It’d be very tough to do that in case your touchdown web page was cluttered, unclear, laborious to know, or tough to navigate.
So, when working to find out what textual content you’ll embrace in your conversational touchdown web page, keep in mind much less is extra — that means, your chatbot and some other textual content in your web page ought to be concise, conversational, and simple. This can enable your guests to have environment friendly and easy interactions together with your model.
four. Design and model your web page and make it memorable.
Your touchdown web page ought to be on-brand, thoughtfully-designed, and exquisite — it will contribute to a constructive expertise in your web page for guests. This step can also be when you need to guarantee your conversational touchdown web page opens in a brand new tab (that is how the chat will refill your complete display).
A landing page tool like HubSpot, which has a drag-and-drop builder and pre-made templates, makes the method of designing a touchdown web page easy, even should you don’t have any web site or coding data.
Listed below are another touchdown web page parts to think about when designing a memorable web page:
Bot/ dwell chat design
CTA buttons
Use HubSpot’s Landing Page Builder to create and test beautiful landing pages that generate leads and look great on any device — no designers or IT help required.
5. Guarantee your touchdown web page’s chatbot resolves buyer points and guides them to options.
The purpose of your conversational touchdown web page is to have interaction guests in a means that’s helpful to them (and your online business). To make sure your chatbot resolves buyer queries and guides customers to the options they want, customise your bot’s messaging, function, and objective.
HubSpot’s Chatbot Builder makes this straightforward — the builder means that you can choose a bot template primarily based in your objective and use the visible editor to customise the bot so it enhances that objective and your model. Customise the bot’s copy and the forms of questions it asks guests. In case your conversational touchdown web page doesn’t embrace dwell chat on it, then you might configure the bot at the moment so it directs guests with advanced points to your dwell chat.
Moreover, personalize bot conversations with the assistance of your all-in-one HubSpot CRM — the chatbot will pull contact file data out of your CRM to create a personalised expertise for patrons in your conversational touchdown web page. Then, after any dialog with a customer, their contact file might be up to date once more with any new particulars.
6. Promote your conversational touchdown web page.
What good is a touchdown web page with none guests on it?
To ensure your viewers and prospects find out about your conversational touchdown web page, put it up for sale — share hyperlinks to it in your social media profiles, add a CTA to your most important touchdown web page that guides guests who need to work together with a chatbot to the touchdown web page, and add a hyperlink to it in your web site’s “Contact” web page. This can improve engagement, encourage prospects to work together with you, and effectively and successfully present the assist your guests are in search of — all whereas saving you time.
It’s additionally an effective way to proactively inform your prospects and web site guests of the place and the way they will work together with you and get assist.
7. Check and analyze your conversational touchdown web page.
To make sure your conversational touchdown web page is as efficient as potential, take a look at completely different variations of the web page to see what works finest in your web site guests and will increase conversions. 
To do that, A/B (or break up) take a look at variations of your web page (and chatbot) — swap out and take a look at colours, font, messaging, and CTA buttons to find out which mixture does the perfect job of attracting, partaking, changing, and delighting prospects.
Start changing extra guests and delighting prospects immediately with an interesting and memorable conversational touchdown web page. 
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14 Incredibly Simple Shopping Cart Abandonment Solutions You Need to Try
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Shopping cart abandonment accounts for $4.6 trillion lost eCommerce revenue each year. If you have an eCommerce store, then you're no stranger to shopping cart abandonment.
Shopping cart abandonment is the act of a potential customer visiting your eCommerce store, adding items to their cart, and leaves without going to checkout.
The average cart abandonment rate across all industries is 75% – that means 3 out of 4 visitors on your eCommerce site never turn into customers.
If left unchecked, this eCommerce plaque can slowly eat away at sales and turn away potential shoppers, so to help, here are 14 must-have shopping cart abandonment solutions you need to try today!
1. Get Rid of Unexpected High Cost
One of the top reasons most shoppers abandon their carts is the surprise of unexpectedly high costs, whether it's taxes, shipping, or product fees.
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It's only reasonable that shoppers abandon their cart after seeing unexpectedly high prices. After all, when you're shopping, all those little fees add up.
The best way to avoid this is to show all your costs upfront. Having a high level of transparency early in the shopping process helps build trust and avoid scaring off shoppers.
Another way to do this is to offer free shipping. But don't just give it away. Make them earn it. Offer free shipping for orders over a certain price. Around 65% of consumers look up thresholds for free shipping before starting a cart.
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Around 75% of consumers in the NRF study expected delivery to be free, which is up from 68% in the previous year's report.
To get started, check out Practical eCommerce's Guide on How to Offer Free Shipping without Going Broke
2. Use Exit-intent Overlays
An exit overlay (or exit-intent overlay) is a screen or popup designed to win back a reader's interest before they abandon your website. It's the last line of defense.
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When it comes to exit-intent overlays, there are important design and overlay elements to consider:
Time Your Exit Triggers: You don't want to time your overlay too early or too late. It's all based on your shopper behaviors, so test different exit-intent times to find the most optimum time. When does your user's scrolling behavior or mouse movement signal the exit overlay to appear?
Craft Your Exit Message Wisely: Your exit overlay should have a tempting offer. After all, this could be your last chance to woo your shopper back to check out. So either give them an incentive or discount to stay.
Keep it Simple: Don't try to write a book. The best exit overlays are concise and give the visitor a quick way to "x" out of the popup. Your visitors are in a hurry, so make every word count.
Start creating your exit overlays and pop up with Wishpond.
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3. Use Instagram & Facebook Ads Retarget Customers
Social Media Retargeting ads allows you to show ads exclusively to people who've already visited your website but have not converted (meaning they haven't made a purchase).
By adding a simple tracking pixel to your website, you can retarget website visitors who didn't compete for purchase on your website through Facebook and Instagram. For example, if you decided that you'd like to shop for some skincare items for your next holiday gift and visited The Drunk Elephants website, then for some reason, you let it without making a purchase.
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A few hours later, while you're on Facebook scrolling through you're feed, you'll notice this ad below, retargeting you and reminding you to make a purchase based on the items you were interested in buying earlier. This is how retargeting works and why it works so well.
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Maximize your ads for remarketing with Wishpond's all-in-one marketing tools. Click here to get started.
4. Use Personalized Email Marketing
Email marketing is a great way to help redirect website visitors back to their cart. With the help of personalization, you help to make the experience more exclusive rather than general.
Instead of sending a generalized email with products they may or may not be interested in, you should send them what was left in their checkout instead. If that's too advanced, then send the bestseller that you know are fan favorites.
Take a look at Dote's email example below:
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If you're already sending emails, but no one's opening them, there could be one or more reasons your email marketing strategy isn't working.
Need help with your email marketing?
Book a free call to learn how our team of email marketing experts can help you create high converting email campaigns today.
5. SMS Remarketing
Social media isn't the only place you can retarget customers back to your store. Using SMS remarketing as your main mobile marketing strategy, you can send messages directly to customers' phones, capture cold leads, upsell existing customers, or engage with their already active audience.
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Collect phone numbers with every order from past customers regardless of their country and location. Of course, it's crucial to let them know that charges may apply based on their location. Use SMS remarketing to remind them to restock on their products or update them on sales.
Simple Texting suggests that there are a few types of people you can choose to retarget.
Visitors to your site
Existing customers
Former customers
Subscribers to your brand who have never made a purchase
Treat your SMS retargeting campaign like any remarketing campaign, have a clear objective, a message directed to a specific target audience, and a timely offer.
If you're ready to try SMS remarketing, take a look at this detailed Guide on 5 Easy Steps for a Winning Sms Retargeting Campaign
6. Use Live Chat or Chatbot service
Having live chat support on your eCommerce store is essential when keeping customers on your website and lowering your shopping cart abandonment rate. Here's why Forrester found that more than 41% of customers expect live chat on your website.
That's simple because 42% of customers prefer live chat compared to just 23% for email, and 16% for social media or forums.
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Even if people have to wait to speak to a bot or live person, shoppers feel safer shopping on your site because someone is readily available if they have an issue that needs resolving.
Now not all chat services are built equally, so when considering a live chat software to integrate into your online store or website, it's important to answer the following question to narrow your options down to the best possible choice:
How many people are on my customer service team, and how many people on my team will be operating your live chat?
What integrated features should be available to help the customer service workflow easier?
What's the highest cost you would be willing to invest in your live chat software?
Can this software or tool scale with your company, or are they limitations you have to consider in the long run?
Once you've answered these questions, you can begin searching for your live chat tool, you can also consider these helpful customer service guides as well:
5 Expert Ways to Increase Your eCommerce Customer Service
10 Best Live Chat and Popup Examples to Inspire Your Own
Chatbot Strategy: 6 Ways to Transform Your Online Marketing With Bots
7. Create an Easy Checkout Process
Nothing turns customers away like an overly complicated checkout or a checkout with little to no thought placed in the design. Most business owners optimize every page on their eCommerce store but forget the last and most important page that converts, checkout.
Baymard Institute found that the average large-sized e-commerce site can gain a 35.26% increase in conversion rate though better checkout design. That's to say that lost orders are recoverable solely through a better checkout flow & design.
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Your checkout should be a seamless process. Here are some steps on how to make your checkout process as simple and user friendly:
Make your checkout a multi-step process: The last thing you want to do is overwhelm shoppers with so much information, forms, and details. Don't show everything at one time, or people will be overwhelmed and abandon. Show the steps with a tab or drop-down options but always keep the items in their cart and cost visible.
Only ask for what you need: Ask for the minimum amount of information you need. Yes, you might want to sneak in a phone number or email, but after they've entered their shipping address, payment method, and shipping options, don't push for anything more. Remember less is more when adding copy and text to your email.
Give customers the options to create an account: If it's someone's first purchase with you, they'd like to be in and out without the commitment of creating an account. So allow them to have the option to create an account or choose guest check out.
Keep the process super clean and neat: Use whitespace and eliminate any distractions. Remove headers, banners, and anything else that will distract your customer from completing checkout. Your checkout page should focus on one thing only, completing their purchase.
Tell them what to expect: Next to keeping it simple, you also want to give them the information they need to check out confidently. For example, how long shipping will take, and if you offer free shipping or free returns, show that throughout the checkout process.
8. Multiple Payment Options
There are hundreds of various payment methods that shoppers use around the world, and depending on where you're located, this may vary.
That's to say, not everyone wants to pay with Paypal or with their credit card, use Amazon Pay or Apple Pay, or Afterpay. But if your eCommerce store only provides one or two payment options, then you've forced customers to turn away, causing shopping cart abandonment.
Instead, invest in adding multiple payment options to your checkout page or product page so that customers feel secure in purchasing from you.
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11 Best Payment Methods For Your Ecommerce Site
9. Host a Giveaway
Hosting a giveaway is a great way for you to retarget customers and grab a customer's attention. Entice them with the chance to win a gift card, one of your best selling products, or exclusive deals.
Giveaways can help convince people who were apprehensive about trusting your brand to try your products for free. Even if they don't end up winning, you can turn contestants or entries into leads to remarket and convert into paying customers. Don't believe me?
Enigma Fishing used a $150 Gift Card Giveaway that helped them to make $52,000 in sales. Wishpond helped Enigma Fishing select a compelling offer (in this case, a $150 gift card) and ran a sweepstakes campaign to capture interested fishing enthusiasts, and it did just that and more!
For more details, check out Case Study: How a $150 Gift Card Giveaway Made Over $52,000 in Sales.
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Need help with your next giveaway?
Book a free call to learn how our team of contest experts can help you create a high converting social media contest today.
10. Use Video Marketing to Remarket to Customer
Sprout Social found that 64% of consumers want brands to connect with them. When customers feel connected to brands, they spend more, more than half of consumers (57%) will increase their spending with that brand, and 76% will buy from them over a competitor.
If you don't share and connect with your customers, they'll find someone else who will do it. Trust is a core human emotion when shoppers choose a brand or abandon their cart. Using video marketing across your online platform can bring across this emotion and show off the best features of your products much faster than email.
Take a page from NYX Cosmetics; they regularly post beauty influencers (influencers they partner with and customers who create great content) on their social media profiles for customers to build trust and make purchases from trusted sources.
NYX Cosmetics
11. Use Landing Page Built to Sell Your Products
Building landing pages that are made to sell, including a unique selling offer and sales proof design, can increase your conversions and reduce shopping cart abandonment.
With Wishpond's Canva, we were able to create a stunning landing in minutes for The Scent Marketing that contributed to their Wishpond campaign that made The Scent Market over $34,000.
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The landing page would be used to house customers who clicked on Facebook ads, emails, or social media content. This helps visitors to avoid being distracted by other features on their website, funneling through a simplified buyer's journey.
Need help with your next product launch or collection ?
Book a free call to learn Wishpond’s team can help you create lead generating marketing campaigns today!
12. Add Online Reviews to Your Product Pages
An online review can sway customers from product pages to checkout or push them towards a competitor. So what customers have to say about your products has a powerful influencer on shopping cart abandoners. Around 72% of customers won't take action until they read reviews.
Allow customers to add reviews to your product pages and website to encourage purchases. If you realize that a product has generated more negative reviews than positive ones, then it's a key indicator that you should fix your product and not the reviews.
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If your product pages have no reviews, then it's a good opportunity for you to follow up with past customers, offer them an incentive for a review so they can make another purchase. For more help with using, obtaining customer reviews, check out these guides below:
7 Easy & Effective Ways to Drive Customer Reviews
How to Leverage eCommerce Consumer Reviews For Higher Conversions in 2020
13. Provide Delivery & In-Store Pick Up
One of the top reasons people don't follow through with purchases on your eCommerce website is that your delivery options and shipping cost aren't appealing. You may have high shipping rates or limited delivery options.
Instead, give shoppers multiple options for delivery. Allow them to have in-store pick-up, express, or overnight delivery options. That's why it's so important to map out a defined shipping strategy on hand. If you're not sure what to do or improve your delivery method, here are 8 shipping options to consider for your store.
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Get an Expert to Build a Remarketing Campaign For You
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12 Must-Have eCommerce Features You Need to Increase Sales (+ Free Checklist)
16 eCommerce Website Best Practices to Improve Your Sales
8 Actionable Tips to Use Social Media for eCommerce Sales
8 Timeless eCommerce Business Ideas You Can Start Today
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"Write My Essay" For Me Services
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Each student in his life comes to a conclusion that education is important but hobbies and rest are equally momentous in his lifestyle too. Therefore, when the teachers give some essays to write he wants to hire professional writer and have a rest. For this, he only can say: “write my essay for cheap, please” and many institutions will appear to help. However, the learner ought to choose the safest one that he should not throw money away. This is fundamental because undergraduates are not millionaires and are not having enough money and they do not dare to ask the parents for such things.
EssayPA.com is one of the most worthy essay writing services and the reviews of our clients demonstrate that. It is created to assist those people that desire to be prosperous in their training but they don’t imagine how to do that. We are working on a very simple principle: you tell us what you wish to see in your writing essays and our firm implements every wish and moreover adheres to deadlines and do the task marvelously. Hence, in the case of any puzzles, the learner may only ask us to assist and every essay writer of our company can not refuse him. He may select whom only wants and paper will be written a perfect way.
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These are peoples that have the excellent diplomas and many years of experience. The world of literature, its rich imagery and language are born thanks to their creativity. The essay writer is a creator of works of particular artistic reality in which the actions and opinions are a reflection of the author's worldview presented in the form of papers or research works, etc. In the creative arsenal of our writers is the diversity of interpretations, judgments ambiguity, the possibility of free readers' interpretation of emotional experiences depending on the kind of work or the type of custom writings.
The language of our writers always is concise, logical and consistent because a talented authors will not overload the text with complex metaphors and phrases difficult to understand because we understand that the learner does not want anyone to disclose his secret of purchase essay. The student wants, as a rule, to raise his level among the teachers and classmates.
So you can always be sure that you find a person in our essay writing service which can be trusted. You can see the feedback from our customers about essay paper writer and assess its ratings and communicate with them in chat that significantly add the trust to someone. Our experts will help you to complete a job from different fields: nature, science, history, culture, language, and so on. They will find answers to many questions that you can not solve yourself.
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You can ask the writer to send you a preview of your paper. But at present, it is already possible for even the most senior teacher to check your work for plagiarism. What if your classmate also writes a similar opinion and that’s why everything become aware of your fraud. Just say: “Write my essay, please” and we will complete a paper for you or any other work without plagiarism. Only original works and unique academic labors are allowed experts in our company.
Talk with your writer in chat and provide him with your recommendations regarding your work. In the case of a failure of any point of your problem, we will refund your money. You can pay us only when checked your work, evaluate whether it is done well, and so on.
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Learn and enrich knowledge is the great heritage that given to humans. So our helpers like to learn with every the new order. This gives them an experience in the new subject. This knowledge helps to become true masters of their craft, make new discoveries. They want to know as much so work for the clients both day and night, on weekdays as well as holidays.
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We know that learning is a necessary step in life. Nowadays you can not be illiterate. The school lays the foundations of knowledge, but in general, a person learns all his life. The more you know and be able to, the easier it will be to find a good and interesting work, with which you can provide for yourselves and your family. You ought to have good results in your training. It is quite difficult but interesting and necessary. While the rest are equally binding. So give us the opportunity to help you just a little touch up to the correct channel to writing academic papers. Merely say: “Write my paper, please!” And our team comes to assist you with every puzzle.
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When must a student complete a perfect work and on time that what he does? He writes it by himself through the power or buys the work on various services. And what if there are many similar services? How must he make the right choice? Whom he can say with reliability “write my essay paper for me”? It is very difficult for a young man to find the trusted service, pay the money and not to be disappointed in the work. For now, the Internet has many cheaters who only think how to fool students.
This lie is costly for a student who apparently gives his pocket money with the hope of getting a good result. So even if you are in a hurry do not pay money to the first company to do your job. Take a few minutes of your precious time reading reviews and ratings of the essay helper. Essaypa belongs to the minority of companies that can boast effective academic writing service and you will never regret choosing it.
There are many features that help to distinguish trustworthy companies like Essaypa from the freelancers, who hunt for money:
Essaypa not only deserves to be called a professional essay writing service but also a leader among similar companies. This is also great feedback from our customers who are truly grateful for our work. Thanks to this the students who first decided to order some type of work can be confident in our reliability. We help them in writing papers of different types quickly and on time because our experts have a great experience in their work and also Master’s degrees, awards, and university professors’ positions. So you can be sure that your work will be done by real experts.
No matter what paper you have to complete: an essay, a term or research paper, our writers will perform the task quickly and quality. You also can order any additional services connected with academic papers including formatting, editing, outline creation, correction of mistakes, preparation of references or citations etc. Every paper will look excellent with our professional essay writing service writers, it is enough to fill in the order form!
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How To Write An Email Asking For An Update
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thewateressay734 · 4 years
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Best Essay Writing Services From Bestessays Com
Best Essay Writing Services From Bestessays Com It must be mentioned as paper writing service critiques creates a robust firm presence. In this way, prospects get an in-depth perception into the corporate's skilled attributes. To sum it up, before hiring folks, it is important to check them by asking for proof of their work. Apart from that, it's essential to note what abilities and abilities a person possesses. An experienced writer is then assigned the task – A author who has an identical background to yours is chosen from various other essayists to write down the paper. A clear understanding of refund and cancellation policies must be taken into account. The grievance decision should also be checked in case of a failed transaction. Data coverage ought to point out about buyer privacy and the steps taken by the corporate in preventing online frauds. The corporations that ask for too many access, similar to cellphone books, media galleries, search historical past, automatic password saving choices, saving internet cache, and so forth. shouldn't be thought of. The paper writing service websites having captcha option should be considered as it prevents theft, fraud, or hacking. A course work or time period paper could possibly be carried out within a week. Every nicely-written custom paper incorporates a top quality and distinctive thesis statement. Our writers draw up a thesis assertion after analysis has been made. The high quality of writing is in every customized essay, report, or case research that we do. We have enough writers to be able to help along with your paper proper now without delays. As you are conducting varied actions at the same time whereas finding out, including earning money, it may become troublesome to do sufficient research for getting good grades. You can do all this or just rent a reliable academic writing service to complete your paper with just a click on of the mouse and make the best choice. And it's making you anxious and you need assistance from skilled essay writers to resolve quality points associated to plagiarism and different points. Your collaboration with the essay author is crucial for profitable completion of your order. However, when you need immediate information about anything associated to our service and your paper, you may get it by way of live chat, email or cellphone. Terms and situations ought to be assessed completely before making any cost. As the economy is moving towards digitalization so the corporate which offers various fee platforms must be thought of. The language ought to be clear, concise, and grammatically right. In brief, the appearance must be utterly professional and up-to-date. If the deadline could be very short, then the value might be larger and if it has the maximum deadline then the worth might be lesser. Most of one of the best dissertation writing providers websites are having their very own value calculator displayed on their website to calculate the total value and value after discounts they offer. The professors demand a large number of assignments and don’t practice you to finish them successfully. Speaking about writers, it’s also essential to talk about all the good editors and proofreaders on our group. And so are our papers which are all the time written using correct grammar, syntax, and punctuation. Our writers may write you a brand new essay in 1 hour should you want the job to be carried out quick. We hired professional writers from all walks of life. But school college students want skilled writing help more incessantly. That’s because at this level of education, the requirements don't match your expertise. He/she is guided on the writing type and ways to take care of difficulty. This step is essential as any technical terms used within the paper ought to match the patron's needs and expectations. each time we buy something from the market, we scrutinize every minute detail earlier than making a purchase. In the same method, few things ought to be stored in mind earlier than finalizing a specific paper writing service. Don’t let writing corporations trick you that you simply’re getting the very best quality only when you’re ready to pay so much. The company can set decrease prices if it could present a regular workflow to its writers. If you want a enterprise case examine, we’ll assign it to a writer with an MBA or a PhD diploma in enterprise. If you need an essay with a psychology matter, your writer will maintain a degree in psychology. The look of the web site – The first and foremost standards you have to think about stays the looks of the web site and its pages. It contains not solely the format but in addition the content. The look of the website ought to attractive and up-to-date.
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