#it includes familial townsfolk + coworkers
piedpiperslists · 7 months
Hey thanks for answering my ask. So I have been looking for fics with :
I'm just gonna list my fav tropes so if u can find something pls help😭😭
Golden retriever like personality bts x black cat reader..
Like reverse grumpy x sunshine
Established relationship (preferred)
Christmas season
Hi. This was really specific, so there's not a lot of fics that I could think of. Most of these are with the reader being grumpy only towards the member, rather than her being generally grumpy. I also couldn't find any established relationship ones, so I just included even those which are not.
* s - contains smut
Snow Laughing Matter by taleasnewastime - one shot / wc~11.5k / enemies to lovers, coworkers au Summary: You hate Jungkook, have hated him since your first day when you overheard him talking about you in the kitchen, so it’s just your luck that you have to organise the work Christmas party with him. You’ll do anything to not interact with him, but the more you get to know him, the more you realise that maybe he’s not as nasty as you have built him up to be.
Tinsel Wars by army-author - one shot / wc~7.6k / rivals to lovers, neighbors au Summary: You and Jungkook compete over everything, including Christmas decorations. But when your rivalry comes to a head one December, unspoken feelings bubble to the surface beyond the glare of Christmas lights…
Up To Snow Good by aredheadedmess - one shot / wc~5.1k / enemies to lovers, neighbors au Summary: It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt.
Half-Baked Holiday by ddaenggtan - one shot (s) / wc~12.6k / friends to lovers Summary: That Seokjin, don’t get me started on him. He’s worked hard to open and run that bakery of his, you know, and I’m so proud that it’s so successful now. Wish he would find a nice person to settle down with, though, he deserves it, as long as he’s been on his own. Well, I guess you can’t really call it alone when he’s got that grump of a best friend always hanging around him. He really should be paying her, what with all the time she spends at the bakery with him. She’s always waking up on the wrong side of the bed, but she’s not so bad when she brings me some of those cookies of his, or just around Seokjin in general, if I’m honest. Too distracted by staring at that pretty face of his, I suppose, though who can blame her?
Misanthropy & Mistletoe by shediot - one shot / wc~55k / single dad!Seokjin, strangers to lovers Summary: Known as the Scrooge of your town, you spend the majority of your life isolated from others. Yet, when the child of a brother you never knew you had winds up on your doorstep in the dead of winter with nowhere else to go, you find yourself reluctantly opening your home to her. And perhaps, with the help of the townsfolk you’ve spent your life avoiding, you can open your heart, too.
Stuck With You by taleasnewastime - one shot (s) / wc~29.6k / strangers to lovers Summary: It’s the first Christmas since your dad passed away. You, your mum and sister are going to his favourite place to do his favourite thing, skiing. And yet you’re not there. Stuck. Stranded. Trapped. In seemingly the single hottest place in the world. Your transfer flight cancelled so you’re now stuck between home and your family. A snowstorm that causes all flights to be cancelled, heat that just seems wrong at Christmas, your sister crying and shouting down the phone at you, and to top it off, the most annoying man in the world who’s in the same position as you and seems to think you’re friends because of that fact. Merry Christmas to you.
It's not a lot of fics, but I do have a Christmas themed list (Jungkook, Taehyung, Seokjin) that you can check.
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starrysupercell · 3 years
I really want Byron and Belle to mend their relationship, but something tells me it won't happen without at least one (1) screaming match and a violent brawl. But maybe it'd be good for getting everything out in the open, for once. It would Also take a long time, but they've got nothing but time on their hands.
Okay, I've been looking at this ask since I got it and my mind's gone everywhere.
Honestly, their road to repairing their skewed bond would be long and laborious, given, well everything! But at least. They're inching and trying.
Since I do too much, it was ending up as a full blown story outline I couldn't finish/connect so I saved the original and just included the fight itself, lol.
It would be an unofficial Brawl, which is not allowed, but it happens, and what can you even do?
I see the two as basically ignoring each other's presence upon finding out that the other is there. Of course, as much as they won't admit it, it's making them think of. Everything.
because their respective groups are concerned for them, shenanigans happen which leads to an eventual scene where they are in the same room for more than a few seconds. (Basically this is what I was outlining before instead of the actual fight--.)
it essentially devolves into very bitter statements like “Why should i say anything? you’ll just run off in the middle of conversation. that’s the only thing you’re good at. Fleeing from reality.” 
“Aww, ya still parroting off what you hear after all these? save your breath. your mind’s a broken record. but you’re proud of that, ain’t ya?”
....and more/worse! :)
It’s hard to tell who starts yelling first, because they just start talking over each other and getting louder, but I think I'm leaning toward Byron. He has a lot he's been wanting to say, and he wants his point across.
His composure is long gone and Belle has angry tears starting to form as they're arguing.
She throws the first punch, with her gold arm and years of rage behind it so it leaves an impact. (But only a part of that rage was ever really aimed at Byron, so it isn't actually a big win for her.)
Byron actually stumbles back from the force of it. and he finally snaps.
Yes, he has the poisons and ailments at his disposal for fights, but those are too good for her. He tosses up his cane slightly to grip it better and swings it like a bat. The solid steel snake ornament catches her and all pretense of a civil conversation has been hurled away.
Then Byron tackles her and it's no holds barred after that. Their Brawler skills are kind of self-dismissed because they're both too angry to remember, but their aim in the fight is more along the lines of "hurt as much as you can" over "win as efficiently as you can."
It does go on for some time. Theres not really a winner. They're just both sore, bruised, and wherever they did fight at (the gift shop? Barley's? ..Byron's own store?), theres a lot of broken things.
After the fact, there is a lot to talk about. But both are still reluctant to clear that up with each other.
Barley and even Piper genuinely feel that a real talk between them is important. They kind of suspected it alteady, but didn't know there was that much bad blood. (Bc Byron kept it under wraps since Belle was announced.)
He gets cold at the mere suggestion and asks why he should be the one to reach out first when she's in the wrong, and always has been. (Logically, he knows that's not possible. But he won't admit it.)
In short, yeah, they both drag their heels. But the thought of talking and catching up and... maybe. Maybe letting the past go sounds... appealing... it'll still be a slow crawl. But that means there's progress.
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motherplanted · 2 years
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this all started because i literally had a dream that i made this challenge and then i fixated on it. i wanted a challenge that was friendly to people who didnt have all the packs, but it might not be base game compatible. i made the generation order based on the order twilight sparkle first meets her friends in ponyville during the first episode of the series, with some creative liberties here and there! 
side goals are things you don’t have to do, but i’ve included anyways for an extra challenge per generation! the colour schemes as well aren’t a strict rule, just a fun little addition if you’re like me and like to theme your sims around a colour palette! 
tag me in ts4fim or fimchallenge if you use it! i’d love to see what you do with it!
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gen. one: twilight sparkle. 
you’re new to town, and kind of a grouch. you’re not known for your friendship skills. you’re a bookworm, and love science. but maybe you’ll be able to make friends whilst pursuing the sciences? who says that you have to close yourself off to everyone? 
colour scheme: purple, pink, and blue
traits: genius, high maintenance, loner or bookworm aspiration: spellcraft & sorcery or archaeology scholar career: scientist
master scientist career
have 5 close friends
go to sixam 
side goal: investigate the strangerville mystery. after all, twilight and her friends have investigated cultish possessed townsfolk before!*
* if you choose to do this, you can change your aspiration in order to receive the reward, but you must still go to sixam and preferably finish your primary aspiration
** as an extra challenge, to simulate spike the dragon, you can also start your generation with a younger sibling to your founder!
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gen. two: pinkie pie. 
your parent was a lot closer to you than they apparently were to a lot of people once upon a time, or so you heard, but you still felt isolated -- an after thought after their scientific research and exploits. so, your goal is bring joy to as many people as you can to make up for what you did not have. all you really need is a smile, smile, smile!
colour scheme: pink, blue, yellow
traits: cheerful, goofball, foodie or outgoing aspiration: jokestar career: comedian
marry a coworker (like cheese sandwich) or conversely, someone you meet at the mischief festival
own several reptiles throughout your life, each one being called gummy (gummy 2, gummy 3, etc.)
you must throw at least one party for each event (ie. wedding, birthday, costume party)
master the mischief and baking skills
side goal: open a bakery
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gen. 03: applejack
growing up with a baker-slash-comedian for a parent made you appreciate good times, and good cooking. but it also made you appreciate working hard. for as long as you can remember you’ve enjoyed being outdoors, gardening, and learning how to live off the land, and now you’re an adult you want to pursue just that and set up a farm for you and your family to live on.
colour scheme: orange, yellow, red and green
traits: family oriented, good, loves the outdoors or freegan aspiration: big, happy family career: gardener (botanist)
you must have at least one dog and name them winona (though you can obviously have more animals if you choose)
you must have an elderly relative live with you until they pass (like granny smith)
you must have more than one children (requirement of the aspiration anyway). the goal is to have a big family
have a good relationship with all your children
master the gardening, athletic, and handiness skills
side goal: master the parenting skill
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gen. 04: rainbow dash
you grew up under the watchful eye of a parent who dearly loved you, but was perhaps too protective of you, and made you work too hard. you don’t want to be a farmer! you don’t want to do that at all. instead, you want to be a sports star! like your favourite sports team, the wonderbolts. you will do everything you can to make it onto a sports team! and nothing and nobody will stand in your way.
colour scheme: anything rainbow or blue, pink, red
traits: hot-headed, active, self-assured or bro aspiration: bodybuilder career: athlete (professional athlete branch)
relationships aren’t your priority! have a child and get married in your adult years, or after you’ve scaled the athletic branch
you must master the athletic skill
you secretly love books and nerd stuff
go to every geek-con, but if you’re invited to one, you must decline. your geekiness is a secret after all.
you must visit selvadorada at least once, and explore a ruin, like daring do
side goal: climb mt. komorebi
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gen. 05: rarity
your parent was sports mad, and too obsessed with their sports career to notice that you didn’t like sports like they did, to their dismay. you liked the classier things in life, and wanted to scale the social ranks, rather than the sporting ladder. you’re absolutely enamoured by fashion, and want to the be the pony person every person should know! you want to be a part of the fashion world, and live a glamourous life, whilst also pursuing your love of crafts!
colour scheme: white, blue, purple
traits: romantic, creative, snob or materialistic aspiration: lady of the knits career: fashion photographer or stylist
have at least two children
master the knitting and painting skills
have at least three romances
never marry
side goal: become at least a b-list celebrity
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gen. 06: fluttershy
you remember looking at photo albums, and seeing your great grandparent’s farm, and being in awe of it. not for the gardens and the produce, but for the animals. you never wanted the fame and fortune that your parent wanted, that your grandparent also wanted. you just wanted to live amongst the wilderness. for as long as you can remember, you’ve loved animals, and wanted to be surrounded by them, and you swear you will be. you’re timid in nature, and very unassuming, but you’ve a heart of gold, and would do anything to help a little critter.
colour scheme: yellow, pink, brown and green
traits: squeamish, animal enthusiast, vegetarian or green fiend aspiration: country caretaker career: gardener (flower arranger)
you must own at least one of every farm animal
you must marry someone who’s kind of nasty, but you help them change their leaves (discord)
the person you marry should be an occult
befriend a bunny!
have a pet have puppies or kittens
you do not get along with your sibling
live in henford-on-bagley, evergreen harbour, or glimmerbrook
side goal: own a vet clinic! 
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gen. 07: sunset shimmer
your siblings, your friends, everyone, always got more than you, always got what you deserved and they didn’t. so, you took that back. you fought and fought until you took what was rightfully yours and realised -- that you really... just wanted to be loved and accepted. that you didn’t want to have to struggle to be acknowledged. your parent loves you dearly, and you know that, but you still can’t help but feel like you’ve been in the shadows. you’ve been mean before, some could say downright evil, but you’re ready to turn a new leaf. and who better to investigate the seedy underbelly of mean and evil people than someone who was formally that? you’ll get what you deserve, but this time you’ll do it the right way.
colour scheme: red, yellow, orange
traits: genius, hot-headed, jealous or mean aspiration: inner peace career: detective
you must have at least six enemies, whom you eventually befriend
you have at least one failed relationship 
you must master the logic skill
you must go to every social event you’re invited to - you’re learning how to make friends after all!
you must master a musical instrument
side goal: create a servo. sunset shimmer and starlight glimmer are both equally as smart as twilight sparkle. you could put your nerd brain to good use.
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gen. 08: starlight glimmer
you were raised by someone who, despite their best efforts, carried a lot of anger with them, and that was passed onto you. you haven’t had much lucky making friends, and thus when your one true friend moved away to an elite school that you also wanted to go to, that you’d planned to go to together, you felt abandoned, and heartbroken, and swore that no one should ever be made to feel unequal, to feel like they’re not good enough. but in your heart of hearts, you loved them. you loved that friend, and you’re so sad that they’re gone. even when you manage to redeem yourself, and just like your parent, you one day too, you feel like you will never get your happy ending with them.
colour scheme: lilac, turquoise/blue.
traits: geek, genius, loner or evil aspiration: soulmate career: criminal (oracle branch)
you must have a close friend as a child, whom after several failed relationships, you eventually marry
you’re in the criminal career, despite no longer being ‘evil’. no one really trusts you, and as a loner/evil you struggle to make friends
you can eventually swap careers, but not until you’re married
you must have more than one child
you’re scientific, and are fascinated by all things related to science
you must finish at least one collection
side goal: complete a university degree
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gen. 09: princess celestia
you’re the favourite child of your parents, even if they claim to have no favourites. you’re naturally gifted in everything you accomplish and you’re described as radiant by your peers. however, your little sibling is acting out... and you don’t know why.
colour scheme: white, pink, green, blue - overall very light colours
traits: proper, family oriented, good or music lover aspiration: renaissance sim career: politician (politician branch)
have a poor relationship with a sibling that only gets better when you’re adults
have only two children, but favour only one of them in terms of skill building, etc.
as per your aspiration, you should endeavour to be good at lots of things, but primarily you should focus on music, writing, and art.
you should write to penpals using the postcard function, like celestia and twilight’s back and forth through scrolls
don’t get married until you’re an elder
side goal: get to at least a level 7 wellness skill so you can teleport to sylvan glade
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gen. 10: princess luna
you’ve always lived in the shadow of your sibling, like your parent’s sibling had, and it kills you inside. every day you see them receiving the love and affection and praise from others, when you work just as hard! do you scare them? is it because you’re not as outgoing and friendly? is it because they just don’t like you? you’re determined to make a name for yourself outside of the shade that your sibling, and in fact your whole lineage casts! no matter what!
colour scheme: dark blues, purples, blacks - overall very dark colours
traits: proper, jealous, loner or gloomy aspiration: master vampire career: paranormal investigator
as per aspiration, become a vampire
turn at least 3 sims
master the parenting skill
have a slow burn romance with someone
if you want drama for the finale, never have kids
otherwise adopt at least one child
side goal: if you have realm of magic, you can become a spellcaster too! there’s no real sidegoal here. you’re done. do what you want. 
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