#it is a GOOD day to be a dbd player though! damn!
forcedhesitation · 1 month
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caribouv · 1 year
2022 best
If it's first it means it's not last. This is probably the most underwhelming and unexciting yearly list I've ever put together.
Foxtails - fawn
FONTAINES D.C. - Skinity Fia
Drunk Uncle - Look Up
Birds in Row - Gris Klein
Pool Kids - s/t
OCULA - Crossroad
Le Youth - Reminders
Horsegirl - Versions
Beach House - Once Twice Melody
Soccer Mommy - Sometimes, Forever
Chase Plato - Set You Free
djimboh - Up Here (with Lumynesynth)
Honestly, whatever Lane 8 / This Never Happened cooked up this year. I spent too much time listening to mixes and not enough time paying attention to what was actually playing.
Deep Woods with Pretty Pink was awesome, but Lane 8's season mixes played on repeat this year from start to finish. You could just throw any of these on and you've got instant 2-3 hours of deep house, trance. I'm listening to Fall 2022 right now.
Foxtails on Audiotree is awesome too. It's wild the vocals coming out of that girl.
This Place Rules (even though fucking Andrew certainly doesn't.)
Trainwreck Woodstock 99'
Movies sort of sucked this year for me. Though to be fair I'm wildly behind on my list: The Whale, Marcel Shoes, Inisherin, Till, Quiet Girl, Avatar 2, All Quiet, etc. etc.
Andor and Queen's Gambit. Without a dobut. Vox Machina is so so so good, but those two shows are on a different level.
Also to note: TV was really, really good this year. Half Bad, Power Rings, Dragon House, Yellowjackets, Arcane, Cyberpunk, Midnight Club, Eps 4 7 8 of Curiositiy Cabinents, Stranger Things 4, End is Nye, Prehistoric Planet, White Lotus, Severance, 1899, Wednesday, Maisel 4, Fleabag 2. I really don't think I watched much anything I didn't like other than that Salt Fat Acid garbage.
Voice actors from Vox Machina. I'm so stoked for s2 coming up here next week.
Another year of Dead By Daylight. I can't get away from this game.
Project Zomboid and 7 Days To Die are both stellar. It reminds me of the Minecraft/Terraria split from 2010. WOTLK was generally a lot of fun, but I think it's more than just playing resto shaman is a blast. Cycle Frontier was cool af and the only reason I quit is because of how cracked the players are at it. But DBD. D. B. D. I think I'm at like 1,850 hours in it.
Still going through Wheel of Time. I'm at book 9. They are not mindblowing anymore and I'm getting bored of the constant gender distrust themes, but they are absolutely epics.
M FUCKING BPAPPE. I haven't seen a soccer game as exciting as that world cup final in years.
Penny or Houdini or my Mom
I stopped eating out as much this year and instead tried making the food I'd order because budget. Pad Thai, Enchiladas, Lasagna, Chicken Parmesan, Ragu, Soups, Roasts, etc.
The best thing I made over and over this year was Biba's Ragu though. It's dumb how easy it is for how good it is.
Also onions. No matter what you're making, if you add onion to it then it will be better. Spaghetti, eggs, potatoes, ramen, sandwich, burger, salad, pizza, chicken, soup, noodles, rice, beans, etc. ADD ONIONS.
I went nowhere this year.
Probably quitting and getting the fuck out of my mismanaged firm. God damn that was liberating af. Two other attorneys peaced the fuck out right after me too.
Losing Luigi was horrible.
The new Odesza and Flume albums were trash.
Blowing my ankles out in late Feburary sucked because I was starting to really get going with running in a good way.
Clerks 3 had such a brilliant concept to go full circle, but instead it just degrading into  clunky fan service, old references, and cameos.
Goals for 2023: Read more nonfiction & a bit the same as 2022: create something be it flash fiction, story, game, whatever.
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ziracona · 4 years
So Quentin is pretty obviously one of your favorite characters to write lol. Why is that?
Haha, well, I do enjoy writing him and I can certainly see why he’d look like an all time fave, and he definitely is!—But! I’m pretty sure he’s tied for that spot with like 16 characters from DbD haha. Genuinely after writing ILM I really don’t think I have a favorite-favorite to write. Quentin has a lead in most of my stuff on AO3 for 2 reasons—wait no, 3 reasons—1: I love him, and he’s very fun to write. 2: Quentin out of all of them scores near the top in both most likely to do something wreckless, selfless, and martyry to get into the kinds of injured and in trouble scenarios that are fun to write, and in being open to connecting with/forgiving a killer if they truly seem to feel remorse and want to be better while giving them deserved hell and fighting back if not (boy is ready to kill a killer and the laws of this land will not stop him), and in having wild vibes with almost any person he’s stuck with, so he just ends up being likely for a lot of stuff. 3: out of the four fics he’s a main player in, New Dawn Fades, Half-Life, From the Earth of No Return, and Not the Kind of Person Who, three of those are gifts, trades, or commissions, and only one is a fic I wrote 100% just cause. That said, I could not be happier about so many excuses to write Quentin, becuase like all of my children, I adore him. I do certainly have a soft spot for his personality too. Hmmm, well, while I really don’t think I have a favorite to write, there are a few I saw myself in to some degree (there’s more people then you’d think in this category, but Quentin and Claudette, while neither is actually the one I think I’m most like, are definitely two who called to me). Quentin is super fun to write though, and I wholeheartedly recommend it!
Let’s see, what makes son boy especially fun?
Well, characters with conviction speak to me, and they’re enjoyable to write because any time someone has a strong personal code, they’ll work to adhere to it, and you have immediate easy built in conflict any time that code conflicts with personal desires, the situation they’re stuck in, what they’re being forced to face doing, etc. It makes for good writing and layered characters and stakes. A lot of the time with Quentin, he’s in situations where he’s struggling over if the thing he wants (like being kind to Anna near the end of Half-Life) is also the right thing to do, considering she uh, well, kidnapped him and is keeping him locked up. Which, objectively, not a situation you should pity your captor in. I appreciate he strives so hard to do the right thing. It’s admirable, and it’s sweet. And a little sad. He’s also got a boatload of issues he needs to get help for and address and a martyr complex so big he’d throw himself in the way of an oncoming train for a complete stranger, can be a both sweetheart with puppy dog eyes when kicked and snarky little shit who will drag himself up the scaffolding with a pipe while shot through the chest to stay between a monster and someone else Kyle Reese style and keep beating on it until it dies or he does, and the boy is (depending on characterization) anywhere from 16 to early 20s, so still a child, and also he is in love with a girl he’s basically suffering eternally in hell for so she can be okay, so there’s a lot to work with right out the gate. Like holy fuck kid, are you okay? No. No he’s not. But damn does he have heart and make for some good fiction. I like seeing characters who are miserable and trying and suffering unfairly, especially when they’re suffering for somebody else, get to get better and find happy endings. I wish I had the power to grant that more in real life too. : /
Haha, uhhh, so anyway! I like writing Quentin because he’s got a lot of range, mostly, and him being both selfless and forgiving, while simultaneously very just and full of conviction and ethical standards he will hold others and especially himself to, makes him super interesting and fun to write. I think it’s admirable he’s able to suffer like he does and still adhere to a religious faith and not only adhere, but have it remain so comforting and important to him. He’s a fellow ADHD disaster, and he’s never been chill one day in his life, and I can sympathize please let this poor kid sleep. He’s also got one of the single most disgusting and detestable nemesis of any DbD character, so there’s a lot to work with as far as like, endgame climactic fight structure type stuff and running tension go. Homeboy can’t even go to sleep in peace. Plus, he’s literally growing up in the realm, which is beyond traumatic, but is also an experience unique to him, Nea, and at least to a large extent Laurie as well. I also feel like NOES2010 gets a lot of flack it doesn’t deserve, so I’m really happy he got a second life in any form whatsoever. He was a good character, and he deserved it. TuT uhhh haha I could say a lot more about why I enjoy writing him or any of them, but this is already getting long so ima pull the plug, but I hope it answered your question!
TLDR is just Quentin is tied for favorite with all of my 16 other children, and I’ve largely written him more as a combo of “because he’s super easy to get into shit” and “I did commish/gift/trades where he was requested, but I could literally not be happier abt that because I absolutely love Quentin and would die for him”.
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grotesquegabby · 4 years
Might be a long answer but I wanted to ask X3 What is your opinion about every single killer in DBD?
awe shiet~ here is the list and how I feel x3
GhostFace: I just played against him and seeing him run by all I could say ahh its the sexyman himself mmmmmm.. x3 I love Ghostface but I make a lot of them mad but they arent the only killer I make mad. x3 I leved mine on the switch up to level 6 but still havent played as him. I cant wait~ They do be sneaky which makes sense its Ghostface. I also like going up against him cause the sound of his knife swing is just (9 u^u)9 beautiful~
The Shape/Micheal Myers: big and beefy mmm those broad shoulders~ Its terrifying going up against him cause just like Ghostface kind of a small terror radius plus his theme music gives me feelings. Not all of them terrifying x3 lol anyway~....for some reason Ive ended up as the obsession more often with Micheal. Lucky me? x3
The Executioner/Pyramid Head: They nerfed his ass because it was too powerful, and only a few people still have that skin for pyramid head. Bring back his ass! (9 *O*)9 ahhhhh, but mm I like him, Ive been I think...moried by Pyramid head twice. ANd hes the only killer to have moried me at the moment. He moried me each time because I pissed off whoever was playing him x3 I kept being a ...distraction.
The Trapper: Ive played against some new trappers and recently some who played him really really well. Ive heard a little of his story and eee sounds like a daddys boy. Really looks up to his dad and it did not seem like a healthy role model whatsoever but im still working on getting story since I havent played as killer just yet. Gotta be in the right mind set. uwu But this is an alright killer its easy for me to avoid traps and usually get out of them if I have Feng as my character.
The Wraith: Ive had....a time with the wraith. Recently a lot of good players have been the wraith and its frustrating but this is a killer i do feel kind of bad for. I wish I knew how the wraith became the wraith and looking like how he do but his little backstory got me feeling bad for him. But damn his invisible ass be making me mad x3 Like theres a survivor right there but no you gotta come at me. maybe he knows something about me that the survivors dont i dont know x3
The Hillbilly: I dont know if Ive won against the hillbilly but his story makes me feel bad for him too. His parents got what was coming to them. But poor guy part of mes like cant we just show this killer some love and compassion and maybe he can be better ;7; but hes gotten me a lot x3
The Nurse: The nurse i find to actually be an easier killer to face cause she moves pretty slowly but the last one I faced downed two survivors and stood right by them waiting for me and the other person still standing to come heal them. I think we managed to heal them but I dont remember if we all escaped or if she got them again. uwu I also...feel for her backstory as well. shes been through so much emotionally and mentally...im not surprised about what happened to her but i feel it could have been avoided somehow...again I feel bad for her.
The Hag: another killer I feel bad for due to their backstory...but I do dislike going against her..and her charms.....Her fucking decoys scare the shit outta me and its a bitch and a half to unhook someone x3 but it does keep one on their toes. Ive only escaped her once every time after Ive died x3
The Doctor: This bitch...ive noticed playing against the Doctor usually results in camping....letting people bleed to death and being used as bait for other survivors. Usually the Doctors are assholes from what Ive seen most of the time anytime I go agaisnt a Doctor its a lot of the same tactics.
The Huntress: I feel for her story but i also dislike how she took care of the little girls she kidnapped. Like...why did they starve to death first of all...she knows what starvation is so yeah...anyway Ive faced Huntress many times. Always narrowly avoiding her thrown hachets. fun x3 Ive tricked her many times too even when she camped this one round I faced a few days back. (- =w=-) hehehe still fixed that last generator~  But shes pretty decent to go against. I think there was a time one tried to help me exit but.....didint do so good they kept dropping me by the door expecting me to get up but i was too injured for it. then the entity got me.
The Clown: hate him...one; he ugly. two: he nasty and not in the good way. Three: i dont like his outfit..its gross. four: i find his aesthetic awful. its displeasing to my eyes. It never described what he did to his victims but.....something about him just I really dont like. Could be the fact hes kind of like John wayne gacy but....something makes me feel...gross u.u So out of most of the killers besides the Doctor the Clown does make me uncomfortable. and I love clowns but not this clown.
The Spirit: Her story made me sad..and angry. Like oof....I dont have all the words to describe how I felt for her. But shes an interesting killer, ive faced her only a few times. I can hear her scream and it sounds so sad and painful though like part of me wants to run to her and be like ahhhhhhh ill scream with you, screamings cathartic. x3
The Deathslinger: faced him once? I dont think I lived...I was the distraction too many times in that round and probably got hooked near dying so x3 but his gun is cool glad I didnt get grabbed by it though. Apparently as it drags you in he walks to you.
The Oni: big~ I mean spooky x3 I like this guy. Ive faced him a few times. I dont know his story I dont think I’ve read it yet but I do like him. Is it true him and the spirit are related, if so thats neat but damn...is her family cursed or something like whaaa! its terrifying when he gets all powered up and charges. I saw him run down the map and I was shook!
The Demogorgon: the noises...mmmm. anyway x3 recently made one mad~ stayed near me while I died on the hook. But I do enjoy going up against it as long as its one of the open maps. those building maps like the school or hispital ;7; i hate it, i hate going against any killers in those type of maps.
The Plague: I personally dont like vomit x3 but I do like The Plague. shes pretty~ (- uwu-) I faced her in the hospital and died too but like x3 it was interesting. Ive never been vomited on before oh wait nevermind babies did that to me. but by an adult no never x3 her story is interesting but I also do sort of feel for her as well cause of it.
The Legion:  Didnt know these were teens till you mentioned it x3 I like their masks. Every time still...i played against legion again this week and it was one of the bunny skins. x3 they got me it was the first time a legion played saw me and got me. pretty nice playing against Legion though.
The Pig: Played against her once I think i dont think i got the trap on my head but i dont fully remember. uwu seeing the little puppet made me smile~
The Cannibal: I dont really care for the movie series despite not seeing it but ive seen enough clips and heard anough to know I wont like it. Facing him is a bitch and a half with his flailing. The last few times Ive played against him everyone died.
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gciltyascharged · 5 years
verѕe: AU | DBD .✵. ғαce тнe eɴтιтy αɴd wαlĸ вαcĸwαrdѕ ιɴтo нell!
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Ever since he was a kid, Mitch has been nothing but trouble to those around him. From his dad, to the neighbors, to the principal of his old school, this kid could make even the most sane person drop in a matter of minutes. Nobody at his school really liked him, his neighbors absolutely detested him, and his reputation among them might as well have been ZERO ; they just didn’t like his face, so he didn’t like theirs either. With BOMBS on his mind nearly 24/7 and a knack for blowing up everything he could with them or firecrackers he stole from the store, this eight year old brat made life around him a challenge. 
His life changed when he chose to pick a fight with the wrong kid and was forcibly transferred to Ericson’s Boarding School for the Troubled Youth. Other kids around him started to break under his shell ; not only did he gain friends and a younger brother figure, but he learned how to actually coexist with others. 
All good things come to an end, though, and when the apocalypse broke out, every adult he knew turned tail and ran -- all except one. Bitter and cold from constantly being thrown aside, he developed a knack for falling into routines of speaking before he thinks and beating down every walker he could. Those around him mattered more than life itself, and he’d die trying to protect them every step of the way ; life would come with great losses and eight years of strife, but his world was filled with normality that he could handle...
Until a new girl showed up and turned his entire world upside down.
No romance or comedy in this one, no, but she and the kid she brought with her exposed a year long deception their leader had been hiding from them: he traded two of their friends to a group of raiders to fight in a war. THEN, when the guy stepped down and promised to leave, the little kid shot him in the head. No more normality ; no more happiness ; no more Mister Nice Guy. 
He made the group vote and they kicked them out ; however, she returned less than a day later -- much to his initial chagrin -- with terrible news...
Despite reconciling with the girl over what happened, there still laid a threat that was impending upon them: a group of raiders who were the same ones that took their friends from before. This time, they planned to kidnap all the kids, so he and the rest of the boarding school -- and this new girl -- began to work on fighting back against them: barbed wire around their walls, walker heads on sticks, and Mitch’s specialty: making a bomb to explode on them.
Mitch only needed to sneak around to the back of them, place the bomb down, and light it up ; when the bomb went off, they’d all fall back if needed.
Their plan was fool proof -- or that’s what they thought... One of their own jumped out of cover when the thought of finding out about the two girls traded to them came to light. The leader of the group smiled at him at first, but, then when he didn’t come to her like she’d coaxed, she grabbed him and placed a knife to his throat to threaten the others to come out...
When the bomb went off, he threw himself forward at the leader to try to save his friend and, for his trouble, received a knife to the throat. The last thing he remembered before waking up in this new nightmare was the pain of choking on his own blood and the leader, straddling him with her knife poised to strike him...dead in the eye.
Even in this damn new world full of people he doesn’t really care about, he’s still willing to put up a damn good fight if there’s a way to break out of here and get him back to his friends -- alive. Nobody’s stopping Mitch from his goals, not even a bunch of bloodthirsty killers and their little entity, too.
Flip up Some Monsters
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Sensing a chance to save another survivor, you spring into action...
If a survivor is being carried by the killer and the killer strikes you, you will drop firecrackers that will stun the killer to drop the other survivor. If you are held by killer and another survivor is hit, a chance to stab the killer is given in a skill check.
“Straight into a fiery explosion of death. Assholes won’t know what hit ‘em.” - Mitch Young 
Cool down: 60/45/30 seconds
Unique to Mitch Young until Level 30, at which point it’s teachable version can then be learned and taught to the other Survivors.
Majority Decides
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You have a better chance of surviving if you work together, even if you want to have some words with these people, let’s survive first.
When working on a generator with another survivor, the success rate for a GREAT skill check goes up by 10%/15%/20%.  When working on a hook with the Saboteur perk, there is no skill check. 
“Fuck me, huh? Sounds about right. Fuckin’ things up seems to be your specialty.” - Mitch Young 
Unique to Mitch Young until Level 35, at which point it’s teachable version can then be learned and taught to the other Survivors.
Expect the Unexpected
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It’s the kind of stuff you used to make back home.
The player can plant a bomb anywhere on the map. When the bomb goes off, it alerts the killer as if a skill check on a generator has been missed.
“It’ll work, I promise.” - Mitch Young
Cool down: 60/45/30 seconds
Unique to Mitch Young until Level 40, at which point it’s teachable version can then be learned and taught to the other Survivors.
Best Perks to use with: Saboteur, decisive strike, borrowed time, technician...
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