#it is better off for the children ... they really shouldnt be on social media
mtsodie · 2 years
what happened that caused you to come to the revelation that so many minors were following you
mostly an uptick in people interacting with my stuff almost exactly like how i acted when i was 10 ... the typing style ... the memes ... yk !
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fandomxo00 · 1 month
WARNING❗️❗️ talks about drugs, abuse, trauma, mental health and drinking❗️❗️❗️❗️
probably unpopular opinion and I do not condone the shit that this person does or the way they act but I dont know why everyone genuinely hates JoJo Siwa, if you couldn't tell from the dance moms reunion she has some repressed trauma that she doesn't want to talk about.
It is really hard to live with any type of trauma but Abby treated that girl like shit and she said it was what made her better.
All of this crazy, annoying shit is a cry for help. In my opinion (which can be totally wrong i just need to rant after see the jojo c*ke thing)
She's trying so hard to be something she's not and she's drinking, being implusive, doesn't really care but then gets mad when people boo her, plus the new drug thing popping up
I know people in my life with repressed trauma and I know it is incredibly difficult for alot of people with trauma to be oh i do have that, the way i treated was bad, usually because the abuser gives them something or even scares them into the victim wanting to protect the abuser. But this isnt something they do consciously because they dont want to get better but usually because they feel like they have nothing to complain about because someone else has had it 'worse', when trauma and mental health should never ever be I am worse off than you, its hard for everyone who deals with it whether its a little bit anxiety and depression or borderline and ocd
which is usually unhealthly numbed by alcohol or drugs
And to anyone who says Abby Lee Miller didn't abuse those kids has not watched dance moms.
Just stop feeding in to it, stop being a bully so many people have bullied her over the years and you really think that doesn't fuck up someone psyche?
She was a CHILD when she the most successful and if you havent seen the repercussions of child actors or stars then do your research and become more informed before writing something awful about someone.
AGAIN I am not saying the public drinking, the cringey music, etc is okay, because its not. But she is damaging herself so much more than she is harming anyone else (from what i am aware of) But to be aware of all the those children who did look up to her and the damage this might cause BUT it still isnt completely on Jojo bc parents should be aware and proceed with caution. Like i said ik someone with repressed trauma and I am constantly hurt by this person so i created distance and healthy boundaries.
And to the people who are just trolling her to troll her literally fuck off and get a life.
But I am also autistic so I really do not understand the social construct of why people actively bully or harrass someone bc unless I am out of control I would never want to hurt someone else bc Ik what it feels like to be treated like shit and no one else should feel that no matter who they are
Can we just hope she gets better? Can we stop thinking ALL of this is for media attention, (Ik alot of it is) or so we take her more seriously but the latter isnt happening but society needs to stop feeding into toxic behavior especially with someone who was a role model for so many young girls
What I am trying to say is I am aware of the factors but at this point its not funny anymore, a rumor going around that you are doing c*o*ine isnt funny or a joke. I know we can't control her or make her do anything but if you dont give something attention most of the time it goes away or the person does something else to get attention (which hopefully will be tad bit healthier) or she might keep popping up like a cockroach- Idk if this is real or not but even if it is all for attention the way she is getting it is concerning and shouldnt be a joke or something you want to know more about.
But I do know that the media is hungry to watch young women fail because it has literally always been that way but why are women that are aware that something is wrong, okay with this?
Ignore this if it's completely wrong again i needed to rant bc i felt bad when i saw a post about the c*ke
Omg i think i had a few mood swings there
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branzycrafted · 2 years
that syscourse post just came up on our recommended which i find so ironic bc i read the post saying littles shouldnt have social media while scrolling through my own social media account as a little like. oh. ok.
its such a weird take like. i had to be the host for a while so it was fine for me to be in high school and working a job, but not to be online? like? i drove us to school at 6am but i cant look at #webkinz on tumblr?
and not to mention like. if we see dangerous things, we switch. and even if we cant switch, i can deal with it enough to block them or get the post off our dash. even if im small i still live in an almost adult system and i still understand what the brain understands and know some of what the brain knows, and that includes stuff like curse words ill see online and what tags i should block so i dont see weird things. if im ever fronting "alone," austin is usually there by default so theres still an adult alter to help if i need it, and if he isnt or if its too blurry, i was still a host and had to have times where i took care of myself and protected myself otherwise we wouldnt have gotten by during the time i was our host. and when im like smaller i have like an army of people who adopted me as their younger sibling (/hj) to monitor anything that we come across online, and theyre all adults/older people and most of them are protectors whos focus on fronting with me is to keep my spaces safe.
like. even the syskids that act like real children like toby and like me half the time, our brain has still seen what its seen and knows what it knows, we wont like discover bad stuff through social media, we were traumatized to be here and know bad stuff exists bc we went through it. and we know how to handle ourselves to survive and to function, i wouldnt have been a host if i couldnt do that. theres syskids with multiple roles and syskids who are hosts and syskids who are older or agesliders and syskids who are protectors and syskids who just know how to take care of the system, and in general, syskids arent like singlet kids in the sense that we have the lived experience of an older person and the brain of an older person. a 6 yr old singlet didnt go to highschool, i did, i can handle myself online and talk to people like im older even if im not bc our brain is still older than me and at the end of the day its also my brain. im a kid, but im not helpless. it would be more dangerous for null to be online than it would for me, or for bug despite them being an adult. an alter's vulnerability and capability has nothing to do with age.
they were so confident like it was such a hot take and such a good cool thing like it was so profound but it was so not. like. literally not at all
(I hope you don't mind me answering like this let me know otherwise!!)
YEAH!!! Literally I saw that and was like "Well I literally know of child alters who don't act like little kids like you apparently think they all do", they were so confident in their take and the replies were like lol you're so wrong
We have adults in-sys who have been more vulnerable than the children sometimes???? It's so not about age?????? And again it's REALLY bold to go out and claim that every system ever that lets their littles/syskids touch social media is an idiot and not keeping them safe. Cause that also is So Wrong!! As far as I know we've had syskids on social media to some degree while actively being with someone that was watching over them??
Also!! Body age goes above alter age!! That goes both ways, it goes for adults in minor-bodied systems and minors in adult-or-almost-adult-bodied systems or whatever. A 9 year old in a system that's like 20 bodily would not at all be on the same level as a singlet 9 year old—
I recall one reply saying they should replace it with "vulnerable alters" if anything and yeah I to some extent agree, like still not necessary 100% true but it's better than just broadly saying littles/syskids. Literally just,, any alter considered vulnerable can do whatever it's just that they should have someone with them to keep them stable or safe or vice versa.
And again I think it's so hypocritical how they said "let the kids live" but were actively making a point that would not be "letting the kids live" cause like you said if you wanna go on social media to look at webkinz you should be allowed to, that's literally "letting the kids live", letting them look at things that bring them some kind of happiness or comfort. "Let the kids live but actually don't just coop them up in headspace cause they're oh so unsafe otherwise" lol
Grrrr child alter can literally work a job but can't go on social media to look at content relating to a kid's game >:((( WE'RE HERE BECAUSE OF TRAUMA BUDDY LIGHTEN UP A LITTLE
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Update or something
I had a pretty decent day yesterday I was doing well with work, I commuted 90 minutes and got to school early. Once class started at five Pacific time within the first five minutes my teacher decided to bash the President. which is no fucking shocker because half that teachers at school are pieces of dog shit who cannot follow the fucking rules of, “teach what you fucking know, stay in line with your syllabi and for the love of fucking God don’t talk about politics.”
Do these teachers who are teaching in English, or journalism have a motherfucking degree and Poly Sci?
So, I sat there... and I listened to her leftist bullshit garbage how she believes we’re (America) becoming Nazi Germany, how the election was rigged and Clinton should have won to children in cages. Did she forget several years ago with the Obama administration they did the same fucking thing and I’m not sure who dialed it back but he released photos via Twitter which he later deleted about these innocent children in cages.
Why the fuck now do people care that these children are engaged? Why didn’t they scream and holler and say this is unfair back then? Why does it matter now? Is it because Donald Trump is the president and many he has guts and thank he’s doing everything wrong including breathing
10 to 12 minutes pass and she still ragging on Donald Trump and I’m thinking did I really just pay a grant for a four week class to hear this shit over and fucking over??? I didn’t raise any concerns and defend the president because 1. I should NOT be talking about fucking politics and Z The last student was late and we were waiting for him and it was opportunity for discussion. The opportunity for discussion could’ve been anything underneath the fucking sun except politics. If I spend my entire day working my ass off in politics (job related) I should not have to subject myself to someone’s misinformation misguided lunatic antics
the fact of the matter is you’re an English teacher you teach what you know which does not include politics so the fact that I’ve paid 1000.00 + to listen to this bullshit when I know for a fact that she’s wrong and I can prove that she’s wrong but instead I take the higher ground and not say anything and instead I get to fucking walk out of goddamn class because she doesn’t know how to separate her personal life and her opinions versus her professional life and her opinions
There are handful of people that are going to message me and say I’m wrong and I’m stupid and I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about but if you were in my shoes and you were a hard-working student struggling to pay for these classes with your hard earned money would you want a teacher do the same thing to you if you were a liberal? Talk shit about Hillary, Bernie Sanders or what have you because I wouldn’t and you SHOULDNT
I shouldn’t have to walk out of class and miss three hours of because this teacher is so ignorant she cannot separate herself from her personal life to her professional life
I just couldn’t deal with it anymore I shouldn’t have to sit there and feel so uncomfortable about things being talked about which have nothing to do with the class. This has NOTHING to do with India, Asian culture, or even the Middle East.
I walked out and I was pissed and I went straight to the library and I thought I need to talk to the Dean because this is bull shit it’s already happened to me once and the dean sided with me. once again another teacher was unprofessional and couldn’t keep his mouth shut and ends up spewing his hate.
I am sacrificing my education to please these jerks because I don’t want to step on the wrong toes. I am afraid I will get docked off my grade. It’s happened to so many of my friends at university. I don’t wanna hear this garbage and they don’t want to hear bad mouthing a person and instead of just letting it slide there like fuck this they need to learn their place and sure we are disrespecting our elders but at the end of the day we are all fucking adults at the end of the day we know fucking better what to say and what not to say this isn’t fucking 1945 where we don’t have a technology or the means or the vocabulary to express ourselves in a professional manner and instead of putting differences aside this happens
I debated about it on Facebook and of course my smart ass brother had to fucking chime in because he is a Bernie Sanders supporter and clearly a Democrat I’ve had friends who said I should’ve recorded her blasted her flon all fronts of all social media. I could’ve done that but instead I just walked out of class
I’ve had friends stating what she did was wrong because this woman is ignorant whose been teaching since the beginning of time.
I’m not upset about that fact, I’m upset about the fact that she spewing hate to a younger generation who is our future. not like it really fucking matters because they sided with her anyway. I’m not saying I agree with her stance but she shouldn’t even open her mouth about Trump. she knows better and the fact that I have to go write a email to the dean and tell him to talk to this teacher because she’s unprofessional
how the fuck is this even a motherfucking issue at this point!? we all know better on what to say and what not to say sure it’s freedom of speech when it’s making me so uncomfortable that I have to make a statement it’s bullshit is what it is
I know I’ve beat this issue to the ground but honestly whoever is reading this shouldn’t have to come to a point where a student has to go to the dean of whatever department you were studying and having to tell them talk to your faculty because they’re out of line and there unprofessional and it makes me uncomfortable
Welcome to my life 😖
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janegilmore · 4 years
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New Post: https://janegilmore.com/extract-why-we-shouldnt-ask-why-she-doesnt-leave/
Extract: Why we shouldn't ask why she doesn't leave
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This is an extract from my book Fixed It: Violence and the representation of women in the media, which you can buy from Readings, Booktopia, Amazon, Audible or the local bookstore of your choice (choose local if you can). 
This extract is from a section talking about the influence media has on how people think about men’s violence against women and the danger this can present to women who want to escape a violence partner.
Leaving a relationship that isn’t abusive is difficult, heartbreaking and exhausting. Imagine how much worse it can be when you’re also trying to unlearn years of grooming that taught you to have no faith in yourself and a lifetime of the world reinforcing to everyone around you that women are responsible for men’s violence, lie about men’s violence and should be the only ones to suffer the consequences of men’s violence. 
Chapter 8 – Victims, perpetrators and the people who support them 
It is dangerous for women who have experienced violence from men to live in communities where people might blame them for the violence someone else chose to enact against them. Crisis and support services need funding and government support to offer effective help to the hundreds of thousands of women who need it. They need to connect to police and courts, banks and welfare agencies, doctors and mental health workers, schools and work, housing and utility services, and they need to know those institutions will support them. An Australian woman told me her story of trying to escape her abusive husband and it’s a sadly typical example of the dangers and barriers women face when they try to leave violent men. 
Jenny* tried to leave her abusive husband, Andrew*, four times before she was finally able to escape. The first time she tried to leave was in the 1990s. Services for women in violent families were much more difficult to find, and she found her attempts blocked by basic logistical obstacles. Because she was still married, she quite simply could not get a lease, electricity supply, medical care, new schools for her kids or bank accounts in her own name without risking him finding her address. The organisations either required a co-signature from her then husband or would make her new address available to him. 
I was like a rat in a maze. Every time I ran down another alley I’d hit a wall. When we were married he’d always insisted on putting everything in his name – lease, bills, bank accounts, cars, insurance, everything. At first I didn’t realise that it mattered and later I was too scared of him to do anything about it. So the first time I tried to leave I had no rental record, no credit, no money of my own and whenever I tried to get anything they’d either want to check with him to verify my identity or they’d want to put things in both our names. Schools wouldn’t take the kids without both of us filling in the forms, even though I had police reports and had started divorce papers. Landlords wanted references and they’d tell me they ‘couldn’t promise’ that he wouldn’t find out about the application. If I told them I was in danger from him I wouldn’t get a lease. I could see it on their faces: I was ‘trouble’. If I didn’t tell them they’d ring him for a goddamn reference. It was unbelievable. I had a job but when I tried to buy a car they wouldn’t give me finance without his signature because we were still married. I paid the extra fee to get a silent phone number but one of the times we moved out he got our address from the electricity company. Another time it was through the husband of one of my friends. That bloke had always believed Andrew when he told people I was treating him badly and going to take the kids off him, so he felt sorry for him and said he was just trying to help him out. Every time I went back to Andrew it would all start again but he kept promising he wouldn’t hurt me again and he’d get so angry when I said no. It sounds crazy but I felt like I’d be safer if I moved back in with him and kept him happy than if I stayed where I was when he was so furious and could turn up any time he liked. 
Over time, as services for women fleeing violence slowly improved, Jenny was finally able to escape. With the help of police, intervention orders and one of the very few domestic violence support services avail- able at the time, she got a lease and moved to a new home with her children. Both Jenny and the police believed she had done everything she needed to do to make sure Andrew couldn’t find her new address. They were wrong. Police are still not sure exactly how he found out where she was living. He won’t say but Jenny thinks it’s possible he simply followed her home from work. 
He tried it lots of times. I’d see his car across the street or catch it in my rear-view mirror. Every time I saw him, I’d drive straight to the police station. Sometimes they’d be great; sometimes they’d carry on like I was just a pain in the arse. It all depended on who was on the counter when I got there. Maybe he borrowed someone else’s car one night ‘cause I was always really careful. I never ever stopped watching for him. 
Despite multiple breaches of intervention orders, like waiting out- side her work and following her home, ringing her and threatening to kill her, telling their children she was a manipulative bitch who didn’t really love them, that she was just doing things for them to make him look bad, and stalking her when she went out with friends, Andrew was never imprisoned. He had multiple court appearances that ended in fines, intervention orders, good behaviour bonds, suspended sentences and stern warnings. This went on for nearly a year until one night he came to Jenny’s home with a knife, kicked in her door and tried to kill her. One of her children, then only twelve years old, was quick enough to hide under furniture with a phone, call the police and stay on the phone so they could hear Jenny scream as she was being cut. Jenny had deliberately chosen a house close to a police station, a decision that probably saved her life that night because two carloads of police arrived in time to stop him before he killed her. Jenny was hospitalised with multiple stab wounds and Andrew was charged, convicted and imprisoned for attempted murder. The child who hid in the house that night, listening to his mother being stabbed, remains deeply traumatised. 
Andrew is due for release soon, so Jenny has changed jobs and left everyone at her old workplace with a detailed description of him and how to respond if he turns up. She calls it her ‘death-cheat-sheet’. It’s a document she’s assembled with photos of him and all the history, convictions and current court orders, as well as police contact details for anyone who hears from him. She’s handed the death-cheat-sheet to all the people he might contact if he tries to find her or her children again. So far this has included: her children’s schools and workplaces, parents of children’s schoolfriends, her eldest child’s partner, their parents and sib- lings, local police, family violence services, banks, utilities, her landlord, the bond agency, doctors, sporting clubs, social media, friends, family and extended networks, dentists, road toll organisations, Centrelink, eBay, the electoral roll, the tax office, superannuation accounts, lawyers, loyalty card companies, the car registration organisation, the local council and the local vet. She’s not sure if she’s covered every option and she knows there is a huge number of people who all have to be constantly vigilant about his manipulations and detailed knowledge of her life and habits. 
If any one person at any of those places slips up, even once, and he is able to find her, she firmly believes he will kill her. 
It’s a lot better these days but you still get people, you know, rolling their eyes and thinking I’m making a big drama of it all. Or they think I’m just being a bitch and not letting him see his kids. That’s why I did the death-cheat-sheet. Seeing the attempted murder conviction in black and white makes a difference, even to the blokes who feel a bit sorry for him because they think, ‘Oh, poor bugger, he just wants to see his kids.’ The big organisations, they all have those privacy regulations, but he knows my date of birth and all kinds of other details and he has the marriage certificate. Most people aren’t going to check whether a husband has tried to kill his wife if he pretends he’s just trying to pay her phone bill or something like that. He’s smart – that’s what scares me. 
It should be unlikely he’d be able to fool any of the large organisations now: they almost all have accounts for people like Jenny flagged to prevent exactly the situation that scares her. But she is one persuasive conversation, one person who believes women lie about domestic violence, one sympathetic interaction away from someone giving her address to the man who abused her, stalked her and eventually tried to kill her. He’s got a four out of ten chance of finding her, according to the National Community Attitudes Survey. Damn right she should be scared. 
* Jenny and Andrew’s names and some identifying details have been changed to protect her life and the lives of her children. 
If you want to read more, you can buy Fixed It: Violence and the representation of women in the media from Readings, Booktopia, Amazon, Audible or the local bookstore of your choice (choose local if you can). 
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ourletterstogod · 7 years
i confess
Good evening Father,
i would like to start by thanking you for how much youve blessed me in these recent months, helping and guiding my way through life as a young woman. i would like to think you for even the most smallest of blessings you have given me. My place at university, my loving and commitment relationship with my boyfriend, good health, great support from my family and friends, support from my government and peace. I have felt a peace that i have never felt in a long time, THANK YOU for that Father. although i have done terrible terrible things i feel like i should confess to you now that i have a chance to. I cheated on my love Mahamed. I did. With Andre in febuary 2016- one time. but emotionally, more than 4/5 times. I would sometimes desire or fantersise that i was in a relationship with andre, question him about his whereabouts, have some time of control over him. i didnt want him, but i loved having that control so that i would feel important or just being plain greedy. he didnt want me either but it was fun to have a flirt. I lied to my true love Mahamed, i know that the more i lie the he sees ugly and an unfaithful me... i dont know how else to fix this but i wont give up on our love. With Danny, i slept with him- it was one of the most biggest mistakes of my life. what made it worst is that i told 3 other people about my affair. when i shouldnt have told anyone BUT MAHAMED. im so ashamed and im so sorry. 
With the situation regarding Mrs H. working for her is was a huge mistake. we both tried to feel a gap that were missing in our families. i learnt many many many things from that woman, a lot of wise things she taught me but it was all used to her advantage to emotionally, financially and physically lock me down. the constant mind games and gilt trips, threats and abuse that were results of my awe and genuine care for her. id go out of my way to pick up her grandkids to visit. drive 6 hours to see a family member she hadnt seen in 5 years. made sure she was painfree, fed, clean and warm. i loved her. but no matter how much id be there for her, it was either ' your doing too much, thats katherines job' or 'i feel like im bothering you to do your job' she started to go through my online banking- with permission on two occasions, then when i wasnt with her at her conveince she would log on to my account to see where ive spent my money and what area. it got too much!! i started getting abuse from her estragned husband who was getting carers allowance to look after her whilst he lives with her but would gamble it all on lottery tickets and turn his phone off sho when she needed him for meals or any assistance, she wouldnt be able to get hold of him. her children advoided her too. i was always there at her defence, asking why, how can people be so cruel to their sick mother but portray this angel-like existance on social media for the world to see. they had no respect for their mother, and that image copied on to the grand children to how they treated mrs H. no manners. 
even though she is how she is, she isnt well. and i hope she will always know how much ive done and cared for her. ive done more for her more than my own grand parents. but ive come to realise that i cant i always feel bad for situations i cant change. no one will never get her children to see their ways with her but i hope one day theyll see the wise, smart caring of a woman their mother is.
i hope i will be a great mother one day. ive had one abortion which i regret deeply. but im still trying to to come to terms with my descision. father please forgive me for killing my own baby. i really hope you can see why i made that choice. im still trying to better myself, at school, seeking part time work to get by, still living with my mum- 13k more to save for a deposit that i will get by your grace for my own home
i feel suicidal most days, i cant wait for the day i day. i hope i wont be scared beforehand, id like to go very peacefully or without pain. but then i think about my little brothers and how much they would needed me. they are my world. i would do anything for them. they are like my kids or what i hope my children will be like- full of life love and energy.
please bless me with the organisition skills i need to complete this course. i will not leave things last minute. and ask for help when i need it 
Thank you for your blessings and time 
i love you father please continue to watch over me and my loved ones please keep a successful clear path for me 
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a-memoir-of-me-blog · 7 years
imma not even proof read this....but this is a convo again, before i even met my true love
Texts to x:
idk what i was talking about....i think US and education and free education
*sent a pic from usnews.com*
“Wiener Professor of Social Policy at Harvard Kennedy School, believes that the last 30 years of rising American inequality can be attributed to three key factors:
The US government does ‘considerably less’ than comparable democracies to even out disposable family incomes, Jencks says. And current state and local tax policies ‘actually increase income inequality’ (in america, yeah, because people in low income areas dont use this to their advantage--future writings will make this make more sense. This is from december 2016 or january 2017...dont remember).
‘All the costs and risks of capitalism seem to be shifted largely to those who work rather than those who invest’, he said
Compounding the economic imbalance is the unlikely prospect that those at the bottom can ever improve their lot.”
Me: shouldnt that mean that not only should we work. But invest [in things that can help us develop--ex: infrastructure companies, and all things that benefit to the public--instead of the government being a monopoly, we (markets, the people) will put in our money to companies we like that we believe will be the best for us, and just let us give money to all these companies, that will work together since theyre all gonna do the same thing and we all just want the same thing, and they can just collaborate and make the best that they can. And then we didnt have to pay taxes and not know where it is going. In a sense, investing in companies is like paying taxes, but more transparent and more control of where your money goes--which is to support a company to do x,y,z to help benefit your community and/or country]? But like….thats not taught in school because they want to keep the power limited to only a few and not the masses (the markets, the people who all gather and pool their money in all of these companies that will then go to work together and make the best thing they can make) lol. Oh america…
*pic from same thing*
“Hendren, along with Harvard economists Katz and Raj Chetty, now at Stanford Uni, looked at the lasting effects of moving children to better neighborhoods as part of Moving to Opportunity, a short-lived federal housing program from the ‘90s. Their analysis, published in May, found that the longer children are exposed to better environments, the better they do economically in the future. Whichever city or state children grow up in also radically affects whether they will move out of poverty, he said”
Me:Power of association!! And media flaunts the “low-income” area lifestyle...and they keep the cycle going! Gotta learn the system (the cycle). Exploit it. Give back to education and other welfare shit [but only let them pay if they 1. Waste our help 2. Are greedy 3. Keep fucking up more than enough times that we can afford--which i assume is where an actuary would come in--keep reading because i mention more to this with prison, media, college tuition]. BUT. I think the the biggest thing to give back is knowledge (of surroundings, their influence, give them power to empower them, let them be them and not what media makes them want to be, not what their surroundings want them to be) and the confidence and the belief that we all can come together and learn of ourselves, our difference (and explain to one another why--but it always goes down to that we are human and just want to survive) and to learn to get the power from within us already, and use that and use things we learn and use them for good. Use this and that part of what the world offers and tie them together and make it for the good of all. Knowledge of self, history, psychology, cycles is power. Power over our human. Our flaws and ego and pride.
Me: we think that public things arent ours (when they literally are--we share them--it was our taxes--so that the government can do this and make it available for us--but yeah, it has no explicit value--we paid with taxes--we will think it is not worth it and not good--but thats where people who do value this PUT THEIR OWN VALUE IN IT. then they abuse it and fuck it up for everyone and as a result….we wasted….as a result, we inflate. As a result, we fucked ourselves over. We as people in a democracy rely on one another...so stop stealing. Stop wasting. And with this mindset, then we know we are obligated to have it and it is evenly given to us (because we gave it to ourselves!) and we help not just other people, but you help yourself.
Me: however the only issue i see is that middle class people who are really trying their hardest to survive out here are definitely the ones who deserve more. (Their market is getting smaller, but they are paying more (is it because it will then add more people to middle class? But those below us dont use it to their true full advantage to educate themselves and move up from their surroundings and change their lifestyle around). And thats where middle class working people will then have to cut down on keeping their minds and bodies healthy--they overwork with unhealthy food--that makes them lose money and unhealthy--and that makes them become poorer and poorer. We ALL can do something about this. And i think that for working class middle class people, they shouldnt get health insurance benefits--but rather things to AVOID getting it, because 1) they are still getting unhealthy because they are still in the system and 2) continues for them to keep paying into these things--and instead pay to innovations in food, and making sure the planet is okay, there isnt an imbalance in one thing that can tip something and cause a famine or extreme weather or a drought or have too many certain animals and how that can throw off the whole ECOSYSTEM.) their quality is getting worse and worse because they have to settle for less (government stuff--which we give to) and they are paying more and more (...so instead of doing that....instead of getting food from this and that with harmful things on them...instead of making yourself sick, give yourself life! Ensure yourself and your health and your life...or you can make your own company and run your own self sustaining home and life and have balance--and teach others, and give to them). We cant even buy good things for a good quality life. Housing. Goods. Etc. like. Food is the BEST remedy and preventor. Get healthy food and you keep your health. Its worth spending your money on that, instead of then having to spend it on things mentioned before. Same with education and spreading knowledge and ideas and giving it all back. Because it is a chain reaction. We are all interdependent. Be smart. Be empowered. Give yourself power. Get rid of the money. Dont be afraid to let go of that bc if you dont, you are afraid of your true life. Give live and power to yourself. Get health. Make sure you are healthy. Eat healthy. Live healthy. Feed your brain healthy things. If you have to, live in a shitty area for cheap, but your environment doenst define you. What you put into yourself (that true life) is what defines you. You can define yourself.
Me: and because they get taxed so much, ppl cant afford to go to school because they are just trying to make it alive (and they get stuck in there. And they go to drugs. They go to crime. They go to temporary satisfaction. They get a girl pregnant and they cycle continues and/or gets worse.
Him: yeah but knowledge costs money a majority of the time. Education costs thousands. GOOD education reaches the hundred thousands (my reply rn: UMMMM. Doesnt matter!! That is subjective!!! Life is always the same! But it depends on the PERSON! Do you find value in something because you put your efforts in it? Someone can have a SHITTY life, but they can either learn from it, or let it USE THEM and OVERPOWER them. They are giving their circumstances the power over them, when they can take that circumstance, learn from it, gather knowledge and ideas and MAKE IT BETTER FOR THEMSELVES!)
Him: i agree we should fund our own shit (my reply rn: yeah we should, but then whatever we get...USE THE BEST OF IT, even if it is small, because you are gaining experience and knowledge and you can take it all and add it all up to make it enough for you!)
Me: like people arent making enough. So they cant rely on the government alone. They need to learn the system (aka take what they were given. Use the lessons. Take it all apart. Rebuild it to make it better for yourself...afterall...the system is there because you let them….so make the most of it...spend more money on healthy food...spend more money on books. Spend more money on travel. Spend more on living! Everythingggg is interdependent)
Him: public water fountains, parks, etc...would be so much cooler and cleaner. How would you use the system? If you dont control the system? (ummm….i have control over myself...i dont let the hate, and greed, and all those 7 sins all around me corrupt me). If you wanted to control the system (which i dont at all. I want to liberate people from their fears that they feed into them and then provide a solution to get money off of them and repeat it….we can innovate without having the extremes happen...see one flaw and fix it! Before the whole thing collapses!) you need to be the one giving the government money and that requires hundreds of millions (unless we all stop living in the grid and in the system that they made for us and be more self reliant on life sustaining things and happiness….then we dont need money...at all lol). We could have it all if all our tax dollars didnt go to war (which is the extremes that happen….but we let things keep falling and getting worse…)
Me: so then they can 1) afford to live. Not just live and make it. But to have a healthy good quality life that they can actually enjoy 2) fund a better education for kids, aka, the future of our country and our world. (so we dont get stuck in the cycle) and we need NEW ideas. Because were stuck in a patriarchal and oligarchy society (which i will write about later on about how females were actually the ones who run the world--and we still do--but it is the man who is given too much power and wants more and more and then will attack their giver and keep all of the incoming ones down) ALSO! READ MY SHIT! MY STUFF THAT I WROTE IN ENGLISH CLASS! Because I do mention that we can educate more people and improve the country in the long term. Instead of sending them to war with bad weapons and for a temporary profit that is only good for the short term and for one side. But for the long term? And the longer and wider term? It doesnt work. And it sucks for not just america, but then any other place we connect with through trade and all that other stuff and it gives us the result of having to shoot ourselves back down. Whatever we do short term, comes back in the long run in a bad way.
Him: and there hasnt been a new system of eons. Capitalisn, facism, democracy, and communism is the best humanity has been able to do. Yeaeh we can do a lot more than 50% of our taxes going to us lol
Me: Communism will stop growth. And its just not in our human nature (or any nature). Because we need incentives….we need to work for an unknown set up and set it up (the bar) for ourselves and see where we go from there. We need to not just know what we get and/or dont get out of x,y,z….but its what drives us and what makes us take risks to then go to our highest point
Him: hmmm. The incentive in communism arguably could be that you want the best for everyone (MY SIDE NOTE...or they just want everyone to just be their puppets and set everything up in their way….which is close to dictatorship and totalitarianism and extreme authoritarianism….). Like you dont want anyone to be homeless so you give up your mansion for an average sized home so that maybe 10 more people can have average sized houses who never had a house. (or….we all can be given all these things….like set with all the greatest and biggest things ever...but if we dont put in the effort and the time….then that will just become smaller and smaller and we lose our own value that is already within us…..)
Me: Yeah but that wouldnt be fair if we all get the same and one does wayyyy more than someone else and they get the same. (thats like someone who is a sinner, but the more someone wastes and the more they do this and that….then it will be more repentance they need….which is imo, something that would be a good college structure. Get a set salary, and if the teacher passes x amount then they get a raise from the people who set it. However, if a student still decides to fail...then they must pay back for what the professor may have been given the raise for….or they can just pay for what they failed bc the teacher had a set tuition and gave their best to teach these kids and not let them put the knowledge to waste...it would teach kids to really apply what they are learning in the time they are given and be smarter and choose smarter, etc….because they dont want to work for x amount of time just to repay the teacher….or….students can get a stipend for their efforts and continuous good grades...which could also act as a positive praise….like there is a negative punishment where they take something someone likes to punish them….or they give them something they dont like….which is suffering something in some form). Human nature doesnt work that way. We need to change the mindset and let people think like this: do your best. Educate yourself. Empower yourself. Dont let the bad 1% of the 1% fuck u up. Try to get involved. Voice out your opinion correctly and strong and respectively and still listen to other opinions and then put that one together and then you can make a good and/or maybe better deal. And spread it
Him: but then its not fair that most people have to be at the bottom for others to be successful
Me: (ummm….started from the bottom….duhhh lol. Its the effort!). No..because we will be educated and school would be available. And tbh. We ALL have the tools we need to succeed. And yes...it will be harder for others because they started at the bottom and/or they were oppressed (and again it goes to their perseverance and their risk taking and how they calculate this and that and knowing what they want and why..because every view that is higher than where they were is always better than the one below….so never really have expectations. But go in increments of getting it done….because then you will be happy you got there, and be happy you have more than what you previously had and then you can use all that you used before, like the leftovers, and then add more to that from where you are now and then how you can get even higher...kinda like exponential growth). But they need to use the tools more resourcefully. Like yo. We got the internet. That has everything on there and it connects people and knowledge and thats just expansion waiting to happen...and the reward feeling will be beyond them. Theyll be super happy. Share and spread how. Their stories of success and it will inspire people. And thats why people think education is being wasted and not as valued as it should be anymore (because a lot do waste it and its because they are just another cycle…) people dont use it to their best advantage and they dont realize how advantageous it is, so it only SEEMS like it is getting people nowhere. AND on top of that (culture), there is a lot of entertainment and superficial things out there that distract them. And entertainment takes the education process out. I reallllyyyyy think education and learning in general is great. And i do think that entertainment can be cut down lol. Like idk. Raise prices for those things and make people get pushed out of that due to the fact they will waste mad money and time on it and not get anything in return. I actually want to be an educator. But not the typical one. Just empower people and put emphasis on autonomy and using resources out there to their best ability and even get creative about it. Emphasis on self education, reading, thinking deeper, questioning underlying things, learning outside of school, connecting things and how things affect what and who and why and how and where it all starts and what the time was and repeat that. How to actually improve things and do research and develop our own thoughts and stuff, instead of just rioting and protesting and boycotting and strikes. Instead of when there is a problem, dont fight with nothing….go make something. Because again…..that damage will be reflected in our own tax money….so really take these things and use them to make it better...i think knowledge and questioning everything you THINK you know...and wonder if it is rlly you or just what THEY want you to think (which is what DJ Khaled is trying to tell us)
*sends pic from usanews.com*
“‘Its definitely been a strategy’ to justify starving government resources, which in turn weakens it and makes it less attractive as a tool to accomplish big things, said Skocopol. ‘In an everybody-for-themselves situation, it is the better-educated and the wealthy who can protect themselves’”.
The middle paragraph tho. They already have a huge privilege to be in school. I have the internet and books too so i can even further my knowledge. However, that is not accessible to everyone. And they will be left behind and isnt it a constitutional thing that we ALL have the liberty to use things to achieve our pursuit of happiness?
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