#// syscourse
I don’t mean to say this to make anyone stressed, but this isn’t the time to be endo-neutral,
endogenic systems are being harassed in mass, and if we don’t come together to support our fellow systems we all fall.
bigotry is not something to be neutral on. It only benefits the bigots, and hurts the minority.
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sophieinwonderland · 2 days
"There's no scientific backing for endogenic systems and tulpas" says the Lemur Therian
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I'm sorry, I didn't realize Mr. Lemur that you needed scientific evidence to support people's identities and experiences.
So um, just for the rest of the class, @that-lemur, can you show us the proof that you are, in fact, a lemur internally?
Because without scientific backing, I just don't know why anyone should believe you, by your standards... 🤷‍♀️
Oh wait.
When it's your identity, your position is...
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Got it!
Anyway, reminder that the Alterhuman community is inclusive. It has always been inclusive since the term was coined, including plural and walk-in identities. (Walk-ins generally referring to a type of spiritual headmate who walk in to a system.)
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So yeah, if you're routinely posting in inclusive spaces, people will probably assume you're inclusive and safe to interact with.
Now, I find it pretty ridiculous that someone in the alterhuman community is using a lack of scientific basis to argue someone's identity is invalid.
But I also need to say that this factually incorrect!
Practically every source, including dissociative experts, have confirmed that endogenic and non-disordered plurality exists or at least may be possible. Anti-endos have yet to produce even a single doctor who has said otherwise.
And more recently, there was an AMA with psychiatrists researching tulpas in an fMRI study for Stanford University. One of their big findings was changes in the brains of tulpa systems during possession of limbs.
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This is actual, neurological data.
Beyond that, here's a big document of other research and studies related to endogenic systems.
I could go all day with pro-endo sources. But here's the bigger thing you need to understand.
Bigotry like this has no place in the alterhuman community. Because if you decide that someone's identity isn't valid because they don't have "scientific backing," others will see that as permission to say the same about you.
The system medicalist ideology of requiring scientific validation is harmful to all alterhumans, not just endogenic systems.
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paracosmic-gt · 2 days
Do you know how fucking hard it is when it seems every single community-made resource for DID and OSDD is locked behind an account telling you to go away because you
1. Believe in not policing/debating other's identities and in the numerous proofs on non disordered plurality
2. Choose to acknowledge headmates in your origin.
HOW DO YOU NOT SEE THE PROBLEM? How do you not see you are gatekeeping resources from people who need them. What is the good in that?
Endogenic systems can have disorders.
We are a suffering OSDD system and yet it would take more suffering to be in a place where I am not welcome and where my friends have been told to kill themselves.
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chaos-in-one · 3 days
Daily reminder not to call traumagenic systems who aren't anti endo, endogenic. It's fucked up.
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sysmedsaresexist · 3 days
Imagine if all science worked the way some of these people seem to want psychology to
"I'm sorry sir, but after a careful check, we've discovered that the blue footed booby isn't a booby at all. We've thrown it out of the zoo."
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lemonsystemmm · 2 days
Aspen makes me actually fucking sick, this video is directed towards one ex member of Aspencord who have now left. But I’d like to go off on her back.
One. it’s common in polyfrag systems to have over 1000 alters.
Two. you can’t help who splits in a system, and it makes sense to have alters that have bad backgrounds. That doesn’t mean that you get to fake claim them for that or leak someone’s age without consent, that’s incredibly fucked. Your a damn adult Aspen you should know fucking better then go after minors or stalking minors Pk accounts, it’s actually really fucking creepy that your so focused on going after children.
Three. You need to get back in touch with your therapist and stop content creation for awhile, you badly need help and things are only going to get worse for you if you don’t.
Four. Even if someone has dsmp alters it’s fucked to fakeclaim them just over that, many people clung to the dsmp when quarantine was happening and for that many people were stuck in abusive homes. It makes sense for a fictive to split from the dsmp because of that, and it never gives you any right to go after children, fake claim, stalk others and children, or leak ages.
You’re going fucking mad and you need help.
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quincy-clover · 10 hours
“Go outside and touch grass. Your headmates are a delusion being reinforced by your internet bubble.”
Actually when I’m out in nature their voices are clearer and their projections are more opaque, and just generally everything related to our system is better. Common anti L
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greens-spilled-tea · 2 days
Good lord I saw a post along the lines of "if you've hit final fusion you're still disordered because you can still potentially split" and while I understand what they're trying to say it's just such a bad argument, especially since it was said within the context of how "non-disordered systems don't exist".
When the disorder is no longer causing distress or impairment, is it a disorder anymore? Yes, I still have a DID brain. My brain is likely never going to be the same as that of someone who has never developed DID. There is no "cure" for this. At the same time, saying that I'm still "disordered" feels wrong in the grand scheme of things. I've heard of people who have achieved final fusion or functional multiplicity who had their diagnosis removed from their chart because they no longer fit the diagnostic criteria for said disorder.
Also, saying I can still split even after reaching final fusion and using THAT as some sort of a gotcha to prove that I'm still disordered is so harmful. Yes I still split sometimes, in fact I still split quite a bit! But those of us who have reached final fusion have learned how to cope and manage our symptoms enough to be able to handle that without them necessarily fucking up our lives. Also, *gestures towards functional multiplicity* when you reach a level of symptom management even with dissociated parts where you can thrive and the symptoms are causing little to no issues in your life anymore, you literally don't fit the criteria for the disorder anymore and that doesn't mean you're cured, it just means you're no longer disordered. There is a difference between the two! This is why I love using the phrase "in remission" because that's very much what's going on here.
Anyways I'm just rambling and tired and angry.
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delphientropy · 2 days
friendly reminder that "non disordered systems" arent people who healed from their trauma. its people who think they can cherry pick our disorder and claim that they have symptoms (like alters) without actually having trauma or the disorder. if you heal or do final fusion, you still HAVE the disorder! you can STILL split! it happens and is medically recorded! DID/OSDD/etc are lifelong! there is no "cure" for it! you cannot become a non-disordered system! thank you
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Wish these anti-endos would just actually read pro-endo resources and have intelligent discussions instead of spewing hateful bullshit 💀
They want to be blocked instead of opening their minds to not being full of hate.
"I don't care about what you have to say!"
Then stop saying hateful things and not expecting people to have a response.
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General Syscourse Survey Results | Part 2
Here's Part 1 if you missed it!
Also, same exact wording as the last part: This is not professional in any way and most of this data will just be me explaining interesting things I found. I'll note the percentages and such where I can.
I'm rounding all the percentages to the nearest tenth, so they may or may not add up if you type them into a calculator yourself.
This one is going to go over general opinions on tulpamancy & will also go over general opinions on the syscourse code. Everything is once again under the cut :)
Section One | Tulpamancy
Q1: Do you believe non-Tibetan Buddhists can practice Tulpamancy?
Quick note on this question: most tulpamancers do not consider the practice to be related to Tibetan Buddhism at all, some do. Take that as you will. I suggest you research the history of the term 'tulpa' and how it came to be.
Out of 73 respondents: - 20 (27.4%) said yes, and it would not be cultural appropriation - 6 (8.2%) said yes, but it would be cultural appropriation - 12 (16.4%) said no - 35 (48%) wrote custom responses (will be summarized below)
Those who said yes & that it is not cultural appropriation generally stated this because of the origin of the word Tulpa. Most said that the term had nothing to do with any form of Buddhism and that it was an open practice.
Those who said yes & that it is cultural appropriation generally stated this because they found the practice to be very real, but wished to eventually change the terminology used to describe it.
Those who said no generally stated this because they found the practice to be cultural appropriation and/or racist.
The majority of custom responses were syscoursers saying they did not have enough information on the topic to form an opinion. Other custom responses were very similar to those who responded "yes & it is cultural appropriation", stating that the practice was fine, but the terminology should change.
There was also this response, which was very interesting to me, so I thought I'd include it (image ID is in alt text for anyone who needs it):
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Q2: Should systems be allowed to use the term Tulpa?
Out of 74 respondents: - 18 (24.3%) said yes - 4 (5.4%) said yes, but you could not call yourself a Tulpamancy or Tulpagenic system - 22 (29.7%) said no - 44 (40.6%) wrote custom responses (will be summarized below)
Those who said yes generally stated this because they believed the term tulpa had no connection to any closed practice. Many pointed out how it is a loan word, coming from the term sprul-pa.
Those who said yes, but you could not call yourself a Tulpamancy / Tulpagenic system, did not offer any responses aside from one, causing me to not want to write out a generalization (one person isn't exactly a generalization so... yeah).
Those who said no generally stated this because they found the practice to be cultural appropriation and/or racist. Some believed the practice was fine, but found the term's history to be too messy to have it continue being used.
Many custom responses stated that they did not have the ability to form an opinion on the subject. Other responses stated that the usage of "can" and "cannot" in subjects such as this is not productive in terms of creating better discussion (I actually had quite a few people say this! It's interesting to me, I'm learning a lot from you folks).
I also had someone cursing at me for this question in the response area, so that was quite interesting.
Q3: What is your definition of Tulpamancy?
Here are some of the responses received: - "The creation of a headmate by giving attention to it until it develops autonomy, sentience or identity whether intentional or unintentional" - "Tulpamancy is a community of those who seek to create internal others to share their life with; while there are some who describe having "non-purposeful/accidental Tulpas", a lot of the resources I see from this community are based around creating and developing a Tulpa, visualization and switching guides, and the entire process around it. Some Tulpas may take several years of work to develop. I definitely can admire how much effort goes into it. It's also important to note that the Tulpa community initially seems to have developed seperately from the DID/multiple (and later plural) communities, and as such not all Tulpamancers will identify as systems or plural per se." - "Tulpamancers are people who practice and train their minds to split headmates. They explore the lines between singlehood and systemhood using techniques shared by other tulpamancers or religious or spiritual practices with the aim of splitting a headmate solely (if not solely they'd probs be endogenic and accidentally fall upon tulpamancy, thus having to learn more to fully feel cosy in the title). They experiment with life with created headmates and learn how to live and work with them." - "to the best of my understanding, and i could be wrong here, as used outside of Tibetan Buddhism, it's closely related to willogenic/daemonism. again, i could be wrong"
This section was very interesting to look at results for & to read through; I don't do much interaction with tulpacourse or those who consider themselves tulpas in general (I hope that wasn't too obvious, I just realized some of these questions were a bit odd), but I think I've learned a bit from this.
Section Two | Syscourse Codes
This is going to be very short! There were only two questions asked.
Q1: Do you use the syscourse code?
Out of 79 respondents: - 5 (6.3%) said yes - 8 (10.1%) said yes, but that they wrote out the meanings as well - 9 (11.4%) said no, but that they understood them - 57 (72.2%) said no The majority of those who said yes generally used it because it allowed them to quickly type out what they believed. Many said it felt more in-depth compared to syscourse labels (pro-endo, anti-endo, etc.).
The majority of those who said no said they didn't know what the syscourse code was. Those who did know what it was generally said they found it too confusing or that it encouraged only discussing the topics mentioned in the code.
Q2: What is your general opinion on the syscourse code?
Out of 72 responses: - 13 (18.1%) found it helpful - 24 (33.3%) were neutral on it - 22 (30.6%) found it unhelpful - 1 (1.4%) found it harmful - 12 (16.6%) wrote custom responses (will be summarized below)
Those who found it helpful generally stated this because they found it helpful in quickly explaining their syscourse beliefs.
Those who were neutral generally stated this because they didn't care much for the code or just preferred not to use it. Some said they didn't care if someone used it or not, but that they didn't want to use it themselves.
Those who found it unhelpful generally stated this because they found the code too long to be useful in syscourse. Many pointed out how several syscoursers struggle with dissociative amnesia and would struggle to remember the codes.
The respondent who found it harmful stated that it made syscourse too rigid and focused on certain issues instead of being an open discussion.
Most custom responses stated that they did not know what the syscourse code was. Some respondents stated that they did not have any opinion on syscourse codes at all and generally didn't care about them.
I hoped this was the last, but unfortunately there's two more sections. I'm not unleashing something that long onto my Tumblr, so I'm breaking it all up into parts. Also to prevent my hands from feeling like they're about to fall off
// some asked to be tagged in this @hiiragi7 @scapeg8ats
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I might say something that might be potentially explosively controversial but
we really don't like the spirituality part of plurality. we don't like it how especially some endos have made it that spirituality is entwined with plurality.
Plurality is a psychological phenomenon. Endogenic and Traumagenic are two sides of the coin. But as an atheist, it kind of hurts to see people weave this association we used to have with it that's been used against us to abuse us. Religion is a tool of control. It keeps people in the dark. It explains things that are perfectly explainable things otherwise, making them fantastical.
Now this isnt to say that culture cannot influence it. On the contrary, it often DOES influence plurality and systems at large. And I'm certainly am not going to deny these people their plural existence just because they're religious or spiritual. But as it is, we cannot believe that a "super natural explanation" is one that's true. If you just want to be plural, fine. Have it. But don't expect us to believe that.
There is still so much research needed for plurality as a whole. And we do wish to further understand TOSD and other scientific methods for plurality.
We feel particularly sick to our stomach about linking spirituality with plurality. But that's in the perspective of a white american body raised around Christians, having a "rebellious age" in the host's teenager years of ""wicca"" and ""witchcraft"" and other delusional (ACTUALLY DELUSIONAL) beliefs that teenagers are NOT supposed to be groomed into. We've seen takes from other people's perspectives and noticed that the greyness between spiritual beliefs and science is a way heavier gradient than in the west. So there just may be a catch here we're not getting.
- 🎶, 🔥 & 🐑
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sophieinwonderland · 2 days
Anti-endos when you ask for sources: "We have many sources. We have the best sources. We have the best doctors. All the doctors are saying you need trauma to be a system. Fantastic doctors. Trustworthy doctors. Not like those fake endo doctors. We have the most trustworthy doctors you've ever seen." Pro-endos: Care to name any of those sources? Anti-endos: *blocks*
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quoigenicfromhell · 3 days
Plural is an umbrella term and people with CDDs are welcome to use it!
...however if you're using it and somehow also anti-endo you have to understand that in includes endogenic systems and mixed systems and people that don't have CDDs and maybe posting hatred towards other members of the community you're claiming to be a part of is going to get your ass grass'd.
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circular-bircular · 3 days
im so fucking tired of this shit there's an anti endo in the anti endo && did tags saying if your resources uses "mpd" instead of "did" youre wrong. this has to be satire right. there's no way you're serious. are we really going to discredit sources because of the terminology is that what weve fucking come to.. be so fucking for real (not at you circ just. wow)
I have two pieces of advice for you, anon.
Advice one: Spread the truth as far as you can. Post about resources, explain things on your own posts, and tag them with reach. Let people learn. A lot of the recent batch of people on tumblr are refugees from Reddit, Twitter, and TikTok, and many are minors. They just… don’t know these things. Speaking as a middle school teacher, we just started teaching them source validity in 6th grade, and that’s something me and my coworkers added to the curriculum because it wasn’t there at all. People just are not learning shit beyond “don’t use Wikipedia” (which is false in of itself).
Advice two:
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I haven’t seen any of those fuckers because I went on a blocking spree. Don’t let them cause you psychic damage.
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sysmedsaresexist · 3 days
A not-so-gentle syscourse reminder
"Plural" was created to distance the early versions of the current endogenic communities from more clinical terms.
It was never a CDD term.
Learn your history.
This is one reason our clan encourages use of the word "plural" rather than "multiple". "Multiple", even standing by itself, brings to mind MPD/DID, "multiple personality disorder", "dissociative identity disorder", which are specific diagnoses created by the medical/therapeutic community. "Plural" is a much more neutral word, more commonly heard in the context of grammar than psychiatry. (The other reason, of course, is that plural can be construed to have a broader meaning, applying to anyone(s) anywhere on the continuum who experience themselves as plural in some way. )
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