#it is his birthday in about a week gonna lore dump so much about you
andromebaa · 7 months
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Moodboard for the bestest, happiest, most normal OC I have ever made.
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nephblrus · 10 months
some andy crenshaw lore paste dump
(andy is visually impaired, 19 and has a guidefish named snickers!)
andy’s vision got. progressively worse as he got older. he was always pretty blind but when he was younger he could see fine with glasses and a heavy prescription. always a little off balance but he managed. when he was 8 he started losing his peripheral vision, just slowly getting blurrier (even with glasses) and dimmer. around 14 his eyesight was to the point where glasses weren’t quite enough, he couldnt see 6 feet in front of him, and started learning to use a cane around school and going out with his mom or friends.
buttttt… for his 14th birthday his parents surprised him with the news that he was gonna be getting a guidefish (which andy had been talking a lot about) and he was SO excited. got to meet young snickers (who had already been training for a year already) and play with him, and over the next little while he’d go to the training place once a week to train with him! (since andy had never had a guide animal before)
when andy was 15 snickers was fully trained and ready to go home with him :) and he was SO happy. felt so independent and loved snickers to death. it was a bit of an adjustment at school, had a bit of issue at the start with people distracting snicks and asking to pet him, but no one bothered him too much. andy was a really nice dude and got along with everyone. respected him and snickers
at 15 his peripheral was pretty much gone, but with his glasses he could see decently as long as it was far enough away. close up was really blurry, he couldn’t read, relied fully on braille like he had been since he was younger.
started playing turf at 16. liked long range weapons. started with a hydra, since he could see much clearly from far away and playing as a backliner meant he didn’t really have to be in the heat of the game. eventually switched to chargers because someone pointed out how good his aim was. settled on elitre. got really good with it. like really good.
there was just one issue. not a lot of people wanted to play with him regularly. they’d play a few games after randomly matching with him, but then after realizing he’s visually impaired, they saw him as nothing but a disadvantage, despite praising him previously for his aim. they saw him as a weakness. didn’t want him on their team. it annoyed him a lot. he wasn’t even allowed to play competitively, the judges felt it was unfair for both him and other players for andy to compete with how severe his vision loss was. he thought it was bullshit, but learned to roll with it. make the best out of it. played a lot of soloq, was still his regular, friendly, happy self.
then he met these 2 octolings after a game. pretty thick octarian accent, introducing themselves as Cider and Azure. the latter being… where was that voice coming from?
“i’m down here jackass”
andy looked down a little more, trying to pinpoint his eyes on something without them shaking, settling on a blue blob. laughed it off, going “sorry, i’m blind, i’m andy”
andy doesn’t see it, but azure’s face drops immediately while cider starts laughing.
the voice coming from the blue blob (he’s pretty sure that one’s Azure) goes “oh my god this is a terrible first impression. im gonna restart. im azure. and short. and uh. not blind? you look really cool my buddy here wanted to say hi”
azure gets smacked in the back of the head by cider, who whispers “you wanted me to say hi”
andy just laughs at them slightly, liking their vibes. azure grabs his hand and puts it on his head and goes “im down here! anyways. you play anarchy?”
“he just said he’s blind”
andy chuckles a little more and goes “i play turf. i can kinda see, it’s just like… a scope. i can’t see up close at all, yknow”
“you should play anarchy with us!!!”
cider shuts azure up. “im sorry about him. what he’s trying to say is that he thinks you look fun and if you’re ever interested in playing anarchy with some people we’d be down. or even to like- go get lunch”
“oh! well, yknow sure why not”
azure jumps up and goes “like right now?”
“YEAHAHHAHA LETS GO you’re gonna be a fun guy i can tell”
andy laughs again, going goes “just uh, i have a guidefish, lemme go get him. i’m not actually sure how to get to the anarchy floor”
azure whispers “HES GOT A FUCKIN FISH this guy is so cool we made the right choice”
the three become really close from then on out. azure and cider have been best friends their whole lives, but it feels like they’ve known andy for years. they don’t treat him weirdly for being blind, respect his and snickers’ space when they’re walking, always offering help if it seems like he’s struggling, but never pushing.
cider and azure always defended andy when some rando would give him shit or tease him in any way. saying his eyes looked weird, or how his glasses made him look dumb, or calling him stupid for having to use the tip of his charger as a cane outside of games, and feeling around walls to pinpoint where he was during them.
neither of them minded that andy couldn’t play competitively. cider and azure did duo competitions and andy (and snickers) always came to cheer them on and celebrate with them after. played together casually as much as they could. hung out almost every weekend.
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empresskadia · 6 months
imma come at you with the OC asks: #4, #5, and #11 for Raya, Lana, and Novarell (i need to know more about your OCs pls gimme im thirsty for content with the beautiful bbies)
I’M SCREAMING!!! I WANT TO TALK ABOUT THEM SO BADLY, AHHHHHHHHH *rocking back and forth in excitement* I could kiss you!! This is gonna be ✨ l o n g ✨
#4 Lore dump about ocs
Where do I even start?? This is the short version and I passed over a lot of details, Raya and her cousins were all raised in a military family, more specifically in the Hood family. It’s not the most known fact due the last name differences but Admiral Terrence Hood is her uncle and she was mostly raised by him and his wife. Her parents were apart of the UNSC but they were rarely ever home, Raya spend most of her time with her uncle and aunt or attending military school with her cousins.
Around the same time the war started, Raya’s parents asked what she wanted for her 14th birthday, all she really wanted was time with her parents, so they went on a vacation together. However, the planet gets attacked while their there, and Raya ends up getting saved by an ODST while her parents are killed, the last thing she even remembers from that night, is watching the man who saved her get stabbed while the pelican was taking off.
It takes two more weeks before she’s finally taken back to earth and reunited with her family, it’s Terrence that sees her first and asks what happened. After they talk, Raya takes his hand and gives it a squeeze but doesn’t cry, she can’t find it in her and it’s a note that Terrence makes. He ends up putting her in therapy but it doesn’t really go anywhere, Raya is just refusing to grieve and never really processes it.
By the time she’s 18, she enlists immediately and her military career starts, by the age of 22, she’s scouted out to become an ODST and climbs the ranks. She works mainly on the frontlines but has the odd missions of undercover or assassinations, at the age of 32 her entire unit gets wiped out and the only reason she survived is because she didn’t listen to orders.
After this event, she gets called back to earth for a psychological evaluation but ends up stopping by Admiral Hood’s office and she breaks down about it to him and this is the first time he’s seen her cry. She doesn’t get sent to the frontlines again for a good six years, doing mainly undercover missions and dealing with insurrectionists as a lonewolf.
In 2548, she’s recruited for the experimental phase of the Spartan-IV program and by 2551 has been promoted to commander.
There is such much more but this is scratching the surface.
I’m still working on her story, but what I have so far is that Lana attended military school with her cousins and brothers, she’s normally very quiet and got bullied for it until Raya snapped one day and beat the kids up [Lana didn’t tell anyone because she didn’t wanna be a bother], this was right after Raya lost her parents.
When she was 12, her dad got a form of incurable disease and slowly started dying, she would often get sent to stay with family while her parents were constantly at doctor appointments. While visiting him in the hospital, he starts teaching her to draw and it becomes their thing, when she finally turns 18, her dad tells her “No point in wasting away with me, go live.” And ends up becoming a marine. She becomes an ODST at 25 but ends up getting taken by ONI to do undercover ops. In 2549, she gets pulled into the Spartan-IV program after the first set of augmentations are done with the first group of experiments.
I know in 2552, she gets put onto Kilo-Five as a stealth operative.
Also a work in progress,
Nova is an original Predacon that was put into stasis by Onyx Prime and Solus Prime. She was more curious about how Cybertronian lived and was taught by Onyx to change forms. This resulted in her getting pretty much casted out and Solus took her in and taught her how not to be a beast pretty much. Nova had pleaded to the Predaking alot about the great cataclysm coming but wouldn't hear her out. She was ready to die with her brother but Onyx wanted to ensure at least one Predacon survived, so he and Solus put her into stasis.
She was accidentally woken during the war and was confused as hell at the state of Cybertron. She ended up killing bots on both sides in self-defense as the autobots thought of her as a con and the cons had never seen this predacon before.
Not her proudest moment, but she ended up draining the Energon from the bots she killed to sustain herself. She meets some predacons but realizes they aren't from her Era of life. Nova ends up killing them seeing them as weaker and is disgusted by them.
There is a brief period where Nova tries to find any of her kind still alive that isn't a knockoff. During this time, she helps several autobots in battles but their all confused as to why a predacon is turning against the cons. Nova never stays and flies off. Novarell ends up destroying a deception base and using the portal in there to find her way to Earth. Only to find the place crawling with predacons and loses her mind for a minute and goes on a killing spree. In her grief, she finds a cave that's filled with Energon and returns to stasis.
Flash forward years, and someone [probs cons] finds the cave she's residing in and starts mining the now energon crystals; they don't realize there is a GIANT dragon in the cave and hit a deposit that's above her and the vibration pulls her out of stasis and she's grumpy. She yawns and sniffs the air and growls, she attacks the bot and it's over within a minute before Nova transforms and stretches, how long had it been since she took on this form?
She leaves the cave and makes sure to cause a landslide to block it, she'll be able to dig at it later. Before transforming again and flying off to figure out what had happened.
#5 One individual fun fact
Her eyes used to be honey brown. Raya was going actively blind before augmentation with the war she’s fought in for 20+ years, between the explosions and flashes of plasma, it started taking a bad turn on her vision. She originally started losing her sight at 16 but never told anyone thinking it was normal until she told her uncle about it at 18, there was no point in making a big deal about it between the war and her going through boot camp that they just got her long-lasting contacts. In 2548, Admiral Hood was thinking about having her retire with her vision being so bad but ONI wanted her for the Spartan-IV program with her mission record. Due to the program still being in the experimental phase, they offered her the Spartan-II augmentation, Occipital Capillary Reversal regardless of if failure meant permanent blindness. She jumped on the wagon so fast and the augmentation was a success, however this resulted in her eyes turning into a golden color instead of brown and she can see in the dark.
From her father’s side, she’s from Ukrainian descent, I had to share this too.
Girl got cheated on by her fiancé while she was deployed and only finds this out because one of her cousin’s had evidence, she confronts him and he says very hurtful things and the main one that she remembers till this day is “you are no good.” And her responds is “you honestly couldn’t have waited till I was six feet under? I would’ve died sooner than later and you couldn’t have let me die thinking you loved me?”
Nova and the original Predaking came from the well of allspark together, so they considered each other siblings and were very close until Nova started interacting with Cybertronians and learned how to transform, they started fighting a lot and he practically casted her out but could never bring himself to kill her. She still loves her 'brother' very much and misses him.
#11 OC Moodboard of choice
I’m only gonna do Raya for this, the other two aren’t quite finished
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idreamofhazeleyes · 5 years
Ties in Blood -- Chapter 34
Notes: Yeah, I’m taking longer than usual in getting the chapters/drabbles up.
@mrswhozeewhatsis  @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @squirrelnotsam @impala-dreamer @optimisticpeacecollector5 @bamby0304 @kittenofdoomage @idreamofplaid
Chapter 34
“There’s no way there’s angels,” Aaliyah argued.
“Then what else could it be?” Sam countered.
Aaliyah had been pacing Bobby’s living room where he sat at his desk, Sam sat in a chair with Dean standing not far from.
“All I know is that I wasn’t groped by an angel,” Dean tossed into the conversation.
“Okay, Dean. But what would this Castiel have to lie to you about it?” Sam asked.
“Maybe he’s some kind of demon. They lie.”
“A demon that’s immune to salt rounds, devil’s traps, and Ruby’s knife,” Aaliyah said, her pacing coming to a stop. “Lilith’s afraid of that thing.”
“Don’t you think at one point a hunter … you know … woulda seen one?” Dean asked them both.
“You did,” Aaliyah pointed out.
“I’m trying to figure out a theory here; work with me,” Dean pled. “One with less fairy dust.”
“Okay, look.” Sam leaned forward in the chair. “I’m not saying we know for sure. I’m just saying that we …”
“That’s the point, we don’t know for sure. So I’m not gonna believe that this … thing’s an angel of the Lord just because it says it is.”
“You three chuckleheads gonna argue religion, or come look at this?” Bobby called over to them.
Aaliyah looked over at the older hunter and walked over to look at what was laid out.
“I got stacks of lore,” he started. “Biblical, pre-Biblical. Hell, some of it’s in cuneiform. It all says that an angel can snatch a soul from the Pit.”
“What else?” Dean prodded. “What else can it do?”
“Air lift your ass outta hell? Nothing.”
“This is good news,” Sam said.
“How’s this good news?” Aaliyah asked.
“For once this isn’t demon crap. He was saved by the good guys.”
“Say it is true,” Dean jumped in. “Then what? There’s a God?”
“At this point, Vegas’ money’s on yeah,” Bobby said.
“I don’t know, guys.” Dean took a few steps away from the desk.
“I know you’re not all choir boy about this,” Sam said. “But it’s becoming less about belief and more about proof.”
“Proof?” Aaliyah questioned; her eyes narrowed. “What proof?” She heard Dean join them back at the desk.
“That there’s a God out there …”
“And he gives a crap about me personally?” Dean cut Sam off. “I’m not buying it.”
Aaliyah nodded. Why would God, or any deity, give a crap about someone who was in Hell? Or a misfit family of hunters?
“Why not?” Sam asked.
“Because why me? If there is a God, why would he give a crap about me?” Dean asked. “I mean, I’ve saved some people, okay. I figured that makes up for the stealing and ditching chicks. But why do I get to be saved? I’m just a regular guy.”
“Apparently you’re a regular guy that’s important to the man upstairs,” Sam argued.
“That creeps me out,” Dean said. “I don’t like being singled out at birthday parties, much less … God.”
“What do we know about angels?” Aaliyah cut in. She watched Bobby lift up a pile of books and dropped them on the desk.
“Start reading,” the older hunter instructed.
Aaliyah took a book from the pile while Dean told Sam he was getting pie. She flomped down onto the couch and got comfortable. After a while, her attention drifted away from the book. Her head started nodding as sleep crept up on her. The sound of her phone ringing caught her from answering sleep’s call.
“Mm’lo,” she muttered.
“Is this Aaliyah Fisher?” the caller asked.
“Depends on why you’re calling?” Aaliyah adjusted herself on the couch into a sitting position.
“I’m calling on the behalf of one Casey Fisher. My name’s Georgetta Hayes, Mr. Fisher’s lawyer. I need to get ahold of any one of Mr. Fisher’s children.”
“What about?” Aaliyah dug.
“It is something I feel better discussed in person with my retainer’s children,” Georgetta told her. “Can you pass on the message to them?”
“Only if you can provide an address for them?” Aaliyah countered, searching for a scrap piece of paper and pen. She jotted the address down as the lawyer provided it. “Thank you.” She ended the call as she pushed herself off the couch.
“Guys, something’s come up,” she called out, gathering her things.
“And you’re taking off?” Dean asked. “What’s so important…”
“Family issues, apparently. I know finding out what brought you out of hell, but maybe dealing with this…” Aaliyah held up the address. “Will finally stop my father coming out of the past.”
“Your fault for digging him up in the first place,” Dean told her.
“Yeah, I know.” Aaliyah made sure she had her things packed and headed for the door, stopping long enough to give Dean a kiss on his head. “I’ll keep in touch. Promise. Call me if anything major happens.”
She stepped out the back door and down the steps to her cycle. With her things secured in the saddle bags, Aaliyah mounted the cycle and started it up. Her stomach knotted a little from guilt in leaving the three hunters, but the lawyer refused to discuss matters over the phone. No matter, she would just call Leo and Nissa when she stopped on the way back to her hometown.
Aaliyah dumped her bag on the motel bed and fumbled through it for clean clothes. Having pushed through the night, the only things she was looking forward to was a hot shower and a quick nap. Her cell started ringing as she started up the shower.
“I hope you’re not planning on yelling,” she spoke. “After all your family drama I was dragged through…”
“It’s your family drama too,” Leo cut in. “Just so you know. Where are you?”
“In town, just got a room. Why?”
“Feel like lunch with me and Nissa? Think Xander’s looking forward to seeing you.”
Aaliyah stopped in middle of stripping off her shirt at the mention of her brother’s name. Guilt crept in before she shoved it off to a side. “The rehab place let him out?”
“After our work with the Djinn, they were a bit … eager to get him out,” Leo said. “You’d know that if you kept in touch more often.”
“I’m bad enough trying to keep myself in check,” Aaliyah countered. “We can play catch up in, say about an hour at Annie’s Kitchen.”
“Sure, sounds good.”
She waited for Leo to end the call before putting her phone on the sink counter. Making the shower quick and putting on the clean clothes, Aaliyah made sure she had her things before grabbing her helmet and heading out.
“Liyra,” Nissa greeted as she pushed herself to her feet for a hug.
Aaliyah accepted the hug, returning it. “Hey, Nissa.”
“What’s up with the biker get up?” Xander asked.
Aaliyah pulled from Nissa and looked at her older brother. “I was taken in by a biker gang a few months back; adopted more or less.” She shed the leather jacket and draped it over the back of a chair. “It’s been quite a while since Christmas last year.”
“Anything to drink, love?” the waitress asked as Aaliyah sat.
“Coffee, or coke. Anything caffeinated.”
The waitress nodded and headed off.
“So, what’s happened with you and the Hardy Boys?” Leo asked. “How much trouble did you guys get into?”
Aaliyah sat there as memories flashed through her mind between Christmas the year before and then. Her body shuttered when her mind froze on the images of Dean bloody on the ground after being torn to shreds by the hellhounds.
“Aaliyah, what is it?” Xander’s voice cut into her memory.
“It’s … um … Dean had made a cross roads deal to bring Sam back from the dead a little more than a year ago,” she started. “But unlike the usual ten years, he got one. All of last year, even during Christmas, I with the boys tried to find a way to break the deal. We weren’t that lucky.” She took a breath, trying to steady herself. “A hellhound ripped Dean to shreds when his time was up. I had checked out mentally for a week at Bobby’s after that. I took off from his place, getting his words all twisted up, and went off on my own before the bikers took me in.”
She looked around at her siblings just as the waitress came back with the drink for Aaliyah. “Do you all need a minute or two to decide?”
They nodded, sending the waitress off.
“That’s rough,” Leo said. “Remind me not to make any deals like that.”
“You should know not to do that period,” Xander told him. “So, you got involved with a biker group?”
“The Dragons. They know all about Hunters, the supernatural, and all things that go bump in the night,” Aaliyah kept her voice low. “Through no fault of my own.” She grabbed a menu and glanced over the options. “I actually kept out of active hunting until I heard on the news about all the windows being blown out by something.”
“Sub sonic boom,” Leo tossed out. “I’m sure a fighter jet broke the sound barrier that caused it.”
Aaliyah shook her head. “Wasn’t a jet. It was whatever brought Dean back from hell.”
Leo and Nissa half choked on their drinks.
“Wait, he’s back? How?” Nissa asked.
Aaliyah half shrugged. “According to Sam, it was an angel. Dean doesn’t believe it; and I’m …” She shrugged again. “I’m not fully buying it. Being used to dealing with demons and things that wanna kill me, I can’t wrap my head around the fact that there are legit actual angels out there willing to help one lone hunter.”
“You’re joking, right?” Leo asked. “Demons, I get. But even they won’t let someone escape from hell. Why would any angel help any of us?”
“Why would a demon let any of us out of hell?” Nissa countered.
“They wouldn’t.”
Aaliyah looked up from the menu when the waitress returned. She waited for her siblings to order before placing hers. “So, am I to naturally assume we’ve all been called by father’s lawyer?” She watched each of them nod. “Something she couldn’t discuss over the phone?”
“And trying to reach any one of us,” Xander added. “And reaching all of us, it seems.”
“But what’s this business?” Leo asked. “And why in person?”
“Maybe he finally died,” Aaliyah suggested. “The world’s better off with one less of him.”
“If that’s the case, the lawyer might be trying to execute whatever will Father had,” Nissa said.
“If he died, why didn’t mom call us?” Leo asked his sister.
“Maybe she wasn’t listened as one who was to receive anything,” Nissa guessed. “Or the lawyer already told her what she was getting.”
“Or she already got it,” Xander added.
“Does she even know about us?” Aaliyah asked, gesturing between her and Xander. “I saw no pictures of us at the house a few years ago.”
“Wait, you were at our house?” Nissa asked, putting her drink down.
Aaliyah shot a semi guilty look over to Xander, who shrugged. “It was a few years ago when I was trying to figure out what happened to Xander and dad. Before I got caught up with the Winchesters full time.”
“Whatever the lawyer wants, we’ll find out after breakfast,” Leo said.
Aaliyah shifted in her chair as the receptionist went about their work and ignoring the four young adults. They had arrived soon after breakfast nearly an hour ago. The woman that had arrived well after them emerged from the lawyer’s office while Georgetta and the woman exchanged farewells. The woman walked out while Georgetta walked back into her office.
“Forget this,” Aaliyah muttered to her siblings as she got to her feet.
Behind her, the receptionist called after her; which Aaliyah ignored. She threw open the door just as Georgetta sat down at the desk.
“You can’t keep us sitting out there all day, Ms. Hayes,” Aaliyah snapped at the lawyer. “You called all four of Casey Fisher’s children, and all four showed up. Now, we’re going to handle this business in person just like you asked of us.”
“I cannot unless…” Georgetta trailed off when the other three siblings walked into the office.
Aaliyah heard the door close behind her while the other two took a seat in the offered two chairs. “Now, you have all four of us here. What is this business to be done in person?”
She watched Georgetta shift in her chair before turning around to dig through some folders. The lawyer returned with one folder.
“I never liked giving bad news like this to relatives,” Georgetta started. “Your father had died about month ago in a freak accident.”
“What sort of accident?” Xander asked.
“All I was told was his body was found out in the woods torn to shreds and his heart missing.”
Aaliyah swore she heard her siblings share a look while she focused on Georgetta. Sounded like the classic werewolf case to her. “What happened to the rest of him?”
“His wife, a Helen Fisher, had him cremated due to his final wishes. And she currently still resides in their house,” Georgetta replied. “Which is acceptable. Which leaves you four. Which of you is Xander?” She nodded when he raised his hand. “You are granted the deed for the land of your childhood home. If you so wish to have it.”
Aaliyah glanced back at her brother, who shook his head. “He doesn’t want it; how does he go about selling it and getting the money from the sale?” She crossed her arms.
“Don’t worry about the details,” Georgetta assured her. “I take it that you’re Aaliyah. He’s given you the keys and title to his truck. Saying how it will work for those jobs when you need to move a dead body. And for Nissa and Leo…” She scanned the paper. “Your father’s other truck. It seems your father had a well off roofing company and the two trucks had been there since the beginning.”
“So, that’s all it was? Handing out property?” Leo asked with a scoff.
“And monies willed to Aaliyah and Xander from their mother’s will. I understand she passed a couple decades ago. It took me this long to hunt you four down for your father.”
“So, they get money and a truck while we get just a truck?” Leo started.
“Not now,” Aaliyah cut him off, barely turning to look at him. “Is there anything we have to do?”
Georgetta flipped through the paperwork. “I’ll sign over the trucks over to you and your young siblings, and start the paperwork for the funds to be transferred into Ms. Aaliyah and Mr. Xander’s accounts. IF there’s any other questions…”
“How’d our father pass away?” Nissa asked.
“The corner’s report says wolf attack with the heart missing.”
Aaliyah uncrossed her arms and actually turned to look at her siblings.
“Well, that’s … unfortunate,” Xander said. “Thanks for telling us. Guys, I think our business here is done.”
Aaliyah heard the warning in her brother’s voice and turned back to Georgetta. “If there’s anything to be mailed…” she reached into her back pocket and pulled out her walled; dropping a card on the desk. “Send it there.” She turned for the door, opening it for Xander to roll through. “And I and one of my siblings over there will be by later for our trucks.”
She was the last one out, closing the door behind them.
“What now?” Leo asked, leaving the building. “Dad’s dead, finally. And we get little from it.”
“You still got a house and a mother to go back to,” Aaliyah snapped. “We don’t. So, go back to your middle class life and leave us alone. And stay out of hunting. I shouldn’t have to remind you what happens if things go bad in a hunt.”
She helped Xander into his vehicle and started off down the road.
Aaliyah killed the bike as she came up to Bobby’s. With a call from Dean on the way back from dealing with the lawyer as a warning, she had arrived at the house ready for a fight. She hadn’t seen the Impala, but expected it to pull up at any second. No time to wait for the men to arrive, Aaliyah checked her handgun and eased her way to the door. Just as the rumble of the Impala’s engine echoed through the salvage yard.
One of the brothers had called out to her as she slipped into the house. She ignored them. The call she had with Bobby hadn’t gone well when she told him that the lawyer was going to send paperwork there. The fire poker was laying on the floor in the living room.
“Bobby,” she called out, gun ready.
She heard a door creak open and turned toward. Behind her were the footsteps of someone being quiet in their walking. A hand went up and gestured toward the door.
“Come out, come out, whoever you are,” Aaliyah called.
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