#it is kind of anti-itachi thoooo
crystalklk · 7 years
itachi and sasuke rant under the cut bc im Pissed
if you like itachi but not sasuke i’m gonna side-eye you bc danzo is just itachi turned to extreme. and i bet u anything if itachi wasn’t attractive no one would actually like him, and in addition if danzo was even slightly attractive everyone would like him
idk it pisses me off that people will give itachi “let me torture my brother 50 times because i love him” uchiha a pass
but sasuke “i’ve known nothing but anger and revenge due to my brother’s decisions and as a result all of my own decisions were irreversibly affected due to my trauma associated with my brother. and yet i forgive him because i realize not all of that was his fault, but also because i care about him too much and need the cultivated anger (which itachi cultivated along with other fucked up people in sasuke’s life) to be taken out on someone other than him and madara/tobi/obito manipulated me into thinking destroying konoha was a good idea” uchiha is somehow irredeemable
i mean, i know that sasuke is shitty to sakura and other individuals and trauma isn’t a be-all, end-all argument when excusing/explaining behavior, but like, him lashing out bc no one ever really cared about him beyond who he was on the surface makes more sense if you take into account that most people literally only recognize him as “the uchiha survivor” like, buddy
imagine being 7 y/o and already being known only for being the younger brother of a prodigy who murdered ur clan, that’s... gonna fuck with your perception of priorities in your life
like, Jeez, i know itachi isn’t really “at fault” for what happened but acting as if he didn’t literally manipulate his brother into (at first) becoming a pawn for konoha (a corrupted system), and expecting said brother to be okay with that and not react in an unfavorable manner (”hey maybe i’m the only one willing to be compliant in this corrupted system, nah, if sasuke finds out nothing bad will happen” says itachi, a person who is never able to predict how sasuke will react beyond a general gist of sasuke’s motives/end goal), as well as like, bottom line itachi made the decision to kill his clan, even if they would’ve been killed anyway by an assassin or the ensuring civil war, itachi did, in fact, kill them, and doing it “under orders”/“for the good of konoha (and my brother who i will now torture into being motivated to kill me because killing me is a good addition to top off his trauma already caused by me)” doesn’t absolve him from the literal massacre of his family
like, people don’t understand that itachi is abusive to his brother and absolving him of inflicted trauma that he caused to his brother is like... really unnerving bc he did cause the death of his entire clan, tortured his little brother, murdered gaara and A Lot of other jinchuriki, and somehow people don’t think these actions are reprehensible and yet sasuke’s are (during the pain arc he did some... Not Good things but like his kill count through the series is much lower than itachi and he only intended to kill 4 people meanwhile itachi’s kill count is likely in the 100s)???? come on
sasuke, traumatized boy who has only really made bad decisions as a result of his trauma caused by the person who he trusted beyond anyone else in his life when he was betrayed: *does fucked up things almost exclusively as a result of his trauma and tried to kill five (might be more) people (other than his brother) only because they got in the way of killing one person (danzo) who, imho, deserved death, and could only go through with killing... three people and one of them he failed to kill (karin) and likely intended to save if madara hadn’t suggested killing them*
people: he’s awful and irredeemable because he did like 10 mean things when he was 13 because he places no real value on being nice, likely due to his upbringing being somewhat not-positive, itachi (the only consistently positive, kind individual sasuke knew) literally betraying him at a young age, kindness being a weakness according to most ninja, and growing an emotional shell due to aforementioned betrayal.
itachi, traumatized adult who murdered his entire clan as a kid as a result of a fucked up system: *literally forces his brother into a position of killing him because he thought sasuke was the only one who he’d be okay dying to, murdered several jinchuriki, took part in a literal terrorist/mercenary group because... idk, continually tortures his brother beyond what his brother needs to be motivated to kill him, tries to kill people, kills people for no reason, does incredibly messed up shit for no reason other than maybe keeping up his “cover” which like, no, not a good enough reason for murdering people*
people: god, he’s so deep and complicated and i bet he was so nice before he became a literal terrorist, man he murdered people but he had one (1) gay scene with itachi and it was all danzo’s fault. even though itachi’s a literal abuser he did actually care for sasuke and was nice despite showing no real kindness other than him being resurrected one time and outright saying to sasuke that he doesn’t expect to be forgiven for his, objectively speaking, heinous actions towards his brother.
idk this pisses me off i’m sure people aren’t like, “oh we don’t care about survivors” or something, but itachi is an abuser imo so like, forgiving him because he was “ordered” to do these things (he def wasn’t ordered to torture his brother, But Okay) and somehow being a literal terrorist (even if he was sent as a double agent, he did murder several jinchuriki, and never tried to sabotage the plan even though he is a master of subtlety)
like. idk this makes me mad that people are willing to accept any evidence of itachi not being evil and call it a day but sasuke does like, anything morally gray/bad and no justification matters to some people, it’s like, infuriating because sasuke isn’t a nice dude or necessarily a hero/good guy, but like, idk itachi will do Anything for the sake of the village but sasuke’s motives are strictly “for the sake of revenge and justice based on my view” which like, sasuke’s views aren’t unusual it’s basically “hey don’t murder an entire clan, i don’t care if a civil war is possible murdering an entire clan is fucked up”
idk sasuke’s motives make more sense to me bc his motives are based on human emotions and what he believes to be just and his belief of achieving his goal no matter what’s in the way (during the pain arc it’s “no matter what or who is in the way”, but, again, in his point of view all of the people in his way were potentially complacent to the despicable shinobi governing system which has... So Much Corruption) and danzo being the leader of konoha may have convinced him that konoha was irredeemable (which... idk he’s not 100% wrong, konoha Does, in fact, Suck Balls)
but itachi is just “my brother and my village, but mostly my village, i won’t do anything to fix the corruption or help my brother fix it because imo this system isn’t corrupt enough to make me desire trying to change it, so i will continue to fight for this village that destroyed my life and ruin my brother’s life as long as it results in my brother working with the village and believing it’s safe” which is like, not #relatable imo
which, btw, is different from naruto’s “i want the village that hurt me to recognize me and i want to become hokage” which later seemingly becomes “i want to change this village by becoming hokage”
so yk, idk i just could never get behind liking itachi
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