#it just often makes me NOT reblog a post i wouldve otherwise reblog
just-spacetrash · 9 months
maybe im just a hater but those "'this post has x notes to me' dont u dare to predict notes for me!!!" add-ons to posts legit make me not wanna reblog most posts anymore
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missputotyra · 3 years
Digimon concept : More Clarifications on Wangxian stan and JC digimon
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I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve Explained myself on the Internet and was met with a reaction that wasn’t really warranted
Imma take this moment To clarify things from the Now privated post
I am what some would Call a JC Fan I’ve never really Hated a fictional character it’s more “ oh You exist kept doing your job “, So I don’t Get why it’s such a Big deal that JC has a big Fanbase sure some of them are Delusional and stupid . But to me JC is a character that shouldnt warrant Such outcry just cause of Fanon in my personal Opinion. The Donghua , Fandom and Other media are just. filling in the blanks that MXTX Left in JCs personality.
so the Reason I even had look up anti Jiang Cheng opinons was basically due hitting a brickwall with Wangxian Stan to make her more fleshed out , Yes I tried asking people but no one responded.I was never the best Essay writer so I guess it would be confusing if you didnt attempt to search my blog. If I was Bashing I would’ve been much much more Cruel please look at my previous post complaining about Anti JC and Rabid Stans than Adapting the zknowlegde I got into Character whose Job it was to be Immature and annoying.
I’ve been think about how this Mindset Originated ,
I know I kept a Post talking about How someone didn’t like JC because he Reminded them of thier faults .
many were just tired of seeing him
some thought that Fanon was going too Far or thought they were witnessing death of the author
of Course to someone who hasn’t seen any other post about Wangxian stan / Fujoshi They would assume I was just making an excuse Bash Anti JC Opinons . Wangxian stan isnt really being Used to bash just Anti JC rather Toxic Mindsets like That in General that anti jc and rabid stans encourage . - Judging others based on how they like or view a Fictional character
- like saying All JC Stans have Toxic personality they project on to JC
- calling them a stan if they have a Postive view or calling them an anti if they share anything Negative.
- linking Peoples random Account encouraging Targeting the Account and
- Saying your cleansing The fandom
- not willing to see other perspectives
- Black and White thought
- Explaining horrible Actions = Excusing Said horrible actions
- no I’m not excusing that JC hurt WWX by say YZY hurt Jiang Cheng too .
— no I’m not excusing Bakugou‘s bullying of Deku because of his character development . Im just noting that he’s a farcry from the bullying asshole Bakugou .
- No I’m not sayinf YZY Isnt responsible for the Lotus pier being attacked but That Wen is way smarter than you all think they are and wouldve attack anyways .
- general stubbornness
And Many more
In the original Post I had the Idea to give the blogs I got Info for fake names to avoid some of the trolling they suffered in the past . I even made a reblog blog for any interesting points I came across because rabid JC Stans would probably come after me. I Realize this Was Ignorant and rather stupid Of me to do without thinking about it and Deleted the Blog And Im sorry If it seemed like stalking, I really wasnt trying to look like a stalker. Even in this Post I decided to hide that Original users name and not be lazy for once.
The ooc relationship is something I just didn’t get , It cant be an ooc Relationship if it’s Jiang Cheng Interacting with character he wouldnt have interacted otherwise plus I often call him JC Digimon meaning his Programmed from the data of Various depictions of JC Meaning the resulting Personailty is going be so different . Unlike Shotaro and Philip whose Personalities have been Consistent through most adaptations . Basically JC Digi is a Frankstein version JC.
Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji arent going to Wangxian Stan Anyways . Lan Zhan Digimon is going to Egdy tryhard and Wei Wuxian is planned to go with Trust issuses ( Cause CQL has a phone game )
Lastly this Person said something that means a lot cause they Really shouldn’t be comment on a Digimon related post without no interest in talking about this digimon idea I was putting my heart and soul into. There was no real critique about Wangxian stan or MC other than it was confusing so I have to assume they never never looked into why this was the case all they saw was a Chance to Criticize and Demonize another “ JC stan “ for being Delusional. Anti will probably lt still shame me for trying to make “JC a Dynamic characters Hes not “ and And most will still Not accept Or see my apology . Who cares I got this off my Chest.
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