#it looked really plain and ugly without embroidery details
losingchipmunk · 7 months
Potential designs for the Dreamtale twins:
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Dream's cloak (/shawl??):
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I still can't draw skeletons- trust me I've tried
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pinkacademic · 1 year
Mature PA Fashion Archetype: The Editor
Considering some of my inspiration was 13 going on 30, I don't know if this is "Mature" but we vibe!
The Editor, inspired by The Devil Wears Prada, Ugly Betty, and 13 Going On 30. Of course, this is inspired by the fashion girly dreams of “the Chanel boots” like either Andy Sachs of Luke Skywalker, to your preference. But the fashion world is evolving to include new names, and the fashion girlies online are thrift-flipping queens. My goal is to balance both. You know this one is long because I actully remembered the Keep Reading for once:
Thrifty Girly
Slipdresses, camisoles, sleepwear as daywear- I’m not breaking new ground by pointing this one out, but the silky, sexy styling of a nightgown can range from Kate Bush- who has had a resurgence since last year- to Andy Sachs. If you were a stan of Ashley AKA bestdressed a few years ago, then you’ll know how cute these are.
Contrast. Combine garments regrdless of the gender that its intended for, wear princessy, fluffy skirts with a harness and combat boots, and clash your patterns against each other. The way to go is my making something about the outfit uniform to keep it cohesive, typically a colour-scheme.
Flipping- thrift-flips involve a bit of craftiness- take that plain t-shirt for 50p and some fabric markers, embroidery thread, patches, etc. Take a dress you like in at the waist, crop a men’s blazer etc. The key is finding what you like and perfecting it to your taste.
Emulating Designers
An article by JD Institute of Fashion Technlogy called the following the Top 10 Fashion Designers of All Time, so I picked 5 examples from that list! These aren’t necesarily my favourites, they were just a reference point.
Coco Chanel: to me, a Chanel look is black and white, potentially with a vibrant, candy-coloured pastel here or there, but I always think of black and white. Details include pearls, especially pearl buttons, a quilted bag, perhaps a bow, and the interlocking Cs.
Calvin Klein: I think of Back to the Future before I think of anything else, and I’m not a £50 t-shirt person… BUT, to emmulate Calvin Klein, you’ll need good quality denim, and a crisp, clean, probabaly white t-shirt. The style is very much basics, so to make it stand out without the branding, you’ll need them to be good-quality and well-fitting.
Donatella Versace: The New Arrivals section on the website is covered in slashes- all along the sides on some garments, across the chest in others- or deep cowls- like, to the navel. Cut-out details can be emmulated as modestly as a simple cold-shoulder, or go all the way. A deep V can go as high or as low as you like. I’m seeing mostly black, with some purple and bright pink.
Ralph Lauren: I think of a very preppy, classic, menswear look when I think of Ralph Lauren. This is what you wear to play golf on a superyacht, or whatever it is that rich people do… strong-coloured linen shirts, navy and white, and I’m seeing so many stong-contrasting stripes. I’m also seeing a lot of leather braided belts, which might not be the first thing you think of, but it adds to the nautical vibes.
Christian Dior: Dior invented the New Look, so you know that’s where I’m going on. That original outfit consisted of a long black skirt to the mid-calf and a white blazer that tapered in at the waist. You need that fifties dream skirt to really go classic, and I think to this day the deliver dresses that emphasise an hourglass shape.
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madamemedic · 4 years
The Handmade Gift
Gio is a very fashionable person, in fact you would dare say he was most fashionable person you have met. All the suits he wore were designer and custom made for him. Undoubtedly very expensive too. You see his sense of fashion doesn’t really just stop at him, it extends to you too. Everything you now owned clothing wise was high end brand and expensive, not that he told you the price of it. You could just tell.
You had just received another dress from Gio, it was a knee length, deep purple pouf dress with a red sash as a belt. It was simple but it looked gorgeous. You thanked him and kissed him. Just as you were about to offer if he would like to see what it would look like on when his phone went off. This was normal, as Gio is normally is very busy man. However, the good mood was soured immediately as by he answer and his face twisting into a dark expression. You could tell this was serious and waited for the call to end. As to be expected he hung up looking as if he wanted to kill somebody, where his hair was normally green was now a throbbing red colour. He sighed with his eyes closed then a mumble of Italian was heard as he rubbed his eyes. Looks like he had to leave but before going he kissed you goodbye and maybe he would get to see in the dress soon. Then promptly leaving you in his home office.
Leaving you up to your own devices. You felt bad, whatever it was got Gio really steamed and you hoped to help him. Well help in broad sense of the term since you probably couldn’t help with what was most likely Don related problems. Still, you wanted to try. Maybe a gift would help cheer Gio up. Here is the problem… what do you give to a man who has everything? A car? No, he has lots in his drive way. Buy him a suit? No, he had lots and the kind HE liked was expensive. Wait. A suit, no just any. No, this suit would be different. You were going to make it by hand and the give it to him. How hard could it be.
The next day rolled around and you set work drawing and sketching out the suit that you were going to make for your darling Gio. Was it going to be striped? Plain? Or maybe embroidery? The longer the time went the longer you thought about it. The more it seemed like the task was harder than you thought.
Ding! As if a light bulb went off in your head. Why didn’t you think of it. Gio’s wardrobe! Why didn’t you just go in and see what he already had?
Leaving your room, you made your way to Gio’s room. You could tell who’s room from who’s, due to the doors that each Don had. Gio’s had carved in beautiful art, Zhuk’s was plain because in his words “it’s only a door, what matter is what is inside”, Cia has what look like symbols, Bee had words on his but you couldn’t read nor understand them and Bajo also has carvings but it was just a simple rose.
Knocking on Gio’s room, slowly opened the door to see him not there. Thank goodness or how where you going to explain that you where looking at his suits?
“Hey babes, mind if I look at your suits? Reason? Uhhh, they look good?” Yeah… no, hard pass on that.
Walking to his walk-in closet you had to turn on the light to see into the large but dark room. As far as the eye could see, most of his suits seemed to be pin striped. Well at least you knew the pattern but now was the materiel and measurements next. Slowly approaching one suit, your hand reaches out and pulls (well more like yanks, since you are very much smaller than he) it down. It is soft to the touch. Silk. Well know you knew the materiel. The was only one thing left measurements.
Good thing for you Gio tended not to keep suits for too long because “I change my mind, it’s ugly” then throw them away. Well he would throw them in a basket at the end of the closet next to the draws that held his gloves in.
“Let’s hope he’s planning on throwing away a full suit set soon” You prayed as you pulled to lid off to find indeed he had planned on throwing a suit away. It was pin striped but it had a stain that you were sure wasn’t wine or jam on it. Taking it out of the basket, you look decided this was the only way to get his measurements without asking.
Quickly you take the jacket, trousers and scamper away to your room. That was step two. Now to actually make the suit.
Luckily for you, you still had some materiel left from a previous cosplay and of course it was silk. Black and white striped to be precise. Of course you made a few cosplays but a whole ass suit. That would take your skills to the test.
The first thing you did was google patterns to make a suit from scratch. It didn’t look too bad but not all things that look easy are easy to do. Once you obtained the pattern, you had turned to the old suit and slowly started to take it apart at the seems to get its measurements. It was slow but worth it as you snipped at the cotton thread that held it together. It didn’t tear, so you could use the scraps as a base for the new suit.
“I hope this turns out OK”
Over the next month (almost two), you poured yourself into making the suit for Gio. It was WAY harder than you had expected it to be. One minute the sewing machine stoped working, so you had to hand stitch it. Then you’d constantly poke yourself with the needle which led to bleeding on the material; well the white bit. So you had to start again. Then order more of the silk as you only had enough to make the suit as long as there wasn’t many mistakes but unfortunately that was not the case. However, you still persevered. Day by day came and then went. It was getting there.
Of course the rest of the Dons grew suspicious of why their little angel was away in her room and not walking around or hanging around with them but of course with a bit of hushing and “it’s a secret” they gave up. Thank goodness to that too. You didn’t want any of the Dons slipping up and telling Gio by accident. Well you knew that the chance was small but it was still a chance that you couldn’t take.
Today was the day that the extra bits were to come in, such as cuff links and buttons. You knew that if the suit materiel was going to be high quality then the extras would be too. Well, they weren’t the traditional type either. The cuff links were in a shape of golden love hearts and the buttons had beetles carved in the small golden circles. Sure it made you more late but it would be worth it.
“Today is the last day and then I wait” You sigh as you glance over at the nearly finished suit. The trousers and top were finished. You added a few more details such as emerald green inlining as well and a red handkerchief In the breast pocket as well another in the pocket. It looked good, for your first time that is.
“Angel, package for you” Zhuk’s voice comes from the door of the mansion.
“Coming” You reply as you race down to get what was most likely the last pieces of the suit. Skidding down the hall you could see Zhuk holding your parcel but to your horror, he was also talking to Gio.
“Uhhh Gio, you didn’t tell me you were back” Gio then stopped talking to Zhuk and grinned as you made your way over to him.
“ Ah Principessa, there you are” Gio holds you close to him. “It’s been lonely with you with you la mia Principessa” Gio kisses the top of your head, you could hear Zhuk give a chuckle.
“I missed you too Gio” You pull away from him and turn to Zhuk, getting your package Zhuk hands it over but then starts to speak.
“Little one has been in her room the most of the time you’ve been gone, would even tell us why just kept on saying ‘hush’ and ‘it’s an secret’” You knew what was happening. Zhuk was trying to get you to tell him why you were in your room so much the last past weeks by using Gio as a pressure point.
“Away in your room? What? Why Principessa?” A confused Gio was now reaching out to place a hand on your arm. You could see concern on his face but on Zhuk’s was concern but a glimmer of mischief.
“Well… it’s a secret. Don’t worry, it’s a good one” You pull away but this doesn’t get rid of the concerned look on the dons faces.
“Does it got to do with your box?” Gio asks, his gaze on your parcel in your hands. Damn. Her recognised the box. Of course he would, that’s where he got his cuff links from.
“Maybe, maybe not. I said it’s a secret” Your reply was a bit snippy but you want to just leave and finish the damn suit so you could just give it to him.
“Well, I’d like to believe that you think I’m not stupid but I’d like to also believe that you are not stupid either to notice that is where I get my cuff links from” Drat. He knew. Think, think of and excuse, a reason.
“I… I… uh… this is embarrassing but I’d thought I’d buy the, for me and maybe get a few suits of my own” The lie came out and you hoped they believed it. Which it looked like they did.
“Oh, nice choice. Maybe you could show me them when you get the chance. I’m sure they look great” Gio winks at you. “Maybe I‘ll get you a nice suit to match the” Great, now is the time to leave before another Don joins in and makes it harder to leave.
“Well, as much as I like talking, I have to go back and finish my secret thing” You then sprint off back into the mansion, leaving behind two very confused Dons.
As you closed your door behind you, taking a deep breath you go and sit on the chair by your desk. Grabbing a knife near by you cut the sticker that held the box closed. Inside was a black velvet rectangle. The box looked amazing but you were more interested in the contents. Opening the box you were blown away by the quality of the product. The good glimmered in the light. They where beautiful.
“Now to finish this” You now had the buttons of the jacket and it was time to sew them in place. Over time you had got better at sewing. One by one, each button is sown on by hand with extra care. Then you add the cuff links to wear they would go.
It was finished. You were finished. You jump for happiness and dance for a while but stop when there is a knocking on your door.
“Principessa, can I come in?” Shit. It’s Gio.
“In a sec… I’m naked” Wait. Why did you say that? Never mind. You take the suit off the display model to place it in a gift box for clothes.
“Naked, well I definitely want to come in now” You could hear the humour in Gio’s voice as you place a ribbon on of the box. Now all you had to do was give it to him. Of course you didn’t want him to see it right away, so you placed it inside a draw and closed it.
“Ready” You call out, straightening your clothes you look at a slightly disappointed Gio.
“You are clothed, I thought you were naked. No matter, plenty of time for that now that I am back” Gio takes you hand as he rubs his thumb over the back of your hand.
“Yeah, I guess I just said what was on the top of my head” You reply shyly. Now it’s not like Gio has net seen you naked plenty of times but you still felt shy about it.
“Don’t worry about it Principessa, I got you something” Gio pulls a box from back. It was thins and a square. Giving it a look over, your eyebrows raise.
“It’s not a pizza right?” At this Gio looked at you, his face splitting into a smile and then turned into laughter.
“No, no. It’s not pizza. Open it” He holds it out to you.
“Wait, I have something for you too” You go over to open the draw and open it to retrieve the box.
“Oh a gift for me? Oh you shouldn’t have Principessa” Turning around you both have boxes. Both are roughly the same shape but his has a red bow and yours green.
“Soooo… Who is going to open first… I mean, I don’t mind if you open mine first” Gio goes on, looking at his gift then yours.
“I guess since you came all this way to give it to me, I’ll open yours” You places you’re box on the table and take Gio’s. You pull the ribbon to open the box where inside is a white dress… wait. On top is also a veil dripping with pearls of all sizes. You start to pull out the tiara with crown first, putting it on your box and then the dress. It was 100% a wedding dress. Looking up from from the dress to see Gio on one knee, his face slightly pink due. You have now spotted something else at the bottom. A ring.
“Gio…” You are stunned. You’d never thought that Gio would marry you, well you’d like it but never wanted to force him to do so.
“Principessa, (Y/N). Being away from you for almost two months made me realise that… I can’t stand not being not with you, you are kind, smart, beautiful and I can’t see my life without you” Gio picks up the ring from the box. “You make me a better man, well as better as you can get” You let a small chuckle. Tears streaming down your face as he continues. “What I’m asking is… Will you make me the happiest man demon whatever?” Gio holds his breath as he waits for answer.
“Yes, Yes I will absolutely marry you” You launch yourself into Gio, almost making him fall back. The two of you laugh and cry a bit. Gio mainly from the release of anxiety. Kissing all over your face, Gio then places the ring on your finger then kisses then back of your hand.
“So is this what the recent was meant to be for” You couldn’t help but laugh, Gio does too.
“Yes. The trip was for your dress, they messed it up and I had to go back” He laughs again but then notices your quietness. He is nervous again.
“Well damn… my present is going to be shit compared to yours” Oh… that’s why. Gio cups your face in his large hairy hands.
“Principessa, you could give me a random leg you sawed off random person and I’d still love it, you know why right?” He looks into your eyes, you could feel yourself starting to calm down. Getting and sitting back on the chairs, you pick up the last gift so you could hand it to Gio.
“My gift probably isn’t as good as yours is” You ramble off as Gio opens the box. He is silent as he takes out the suit jacket. Sure it wasn’t any wear near his usual standards but you made it. That made it worth more than any suit he’s ever owned. “G? Gio? Scarafaggio?” You gasped as he had once again began to cry, just as you were about to speak he interrupted you.
“It’s perfect” He then quickly takes the trousers out and starts to inspect the new suit in his hands. It was soft, most likely Silk he notes to himself. His eyes go over the beetle buttons and the love heart cuff links. Gio smiles and he then looks at you again. “ You made this? How?” Gio then notifies himself of the green of inside of the jacket. It really was beautiful and was made of love.
“I did, it took me a while, I know it’s not your normal suit but I wanted to try and well” You gesture to it.
“No, it’s perfect, in fact. The fact that you took your time to make this for me and it’s shows. It’s fine besides if you want to get better I can help you, maybe I’ll make you a suit instead” Gio looks at his own suit, the back at his new one.
“Wear it” You could tell he was going to ask anyway.You didn’t need to tell him twice. Quickly Gio takes off his suit trousers and jacket. You blush, not expecting him to do it right away. Then it became another reason to do so. It was a tighter fit than normal but it still felt comfortable. Gio throws the suit in a near by washing hamper and does a twirl. It look good but definitely not what he was usually seen with.
“Looking good babes” You wolf whistle at Gio and he winks in return. The he grins and rushes out the room leaving you stunned. Where did he go off to? Doesn’t matter, you have a wedding to one of the men in your life to day dream about.
“Boys, look who just been treated nicely” Gio calls out in the lobby, soon each Don slowly makes their way to the lobby as well.
“Well that’s different” Bajo gets closer to look at Gio’s new suit.
“Doesn’t look like your normal suit… what make this one so different?” Cia eyeballs Gio carefully as Gio shows off his suit.
“Yes, why why this suit be so different, almost as if somebody very, very close has spent all her time on it despite not knowing how to and did it anyway just to make me happy” Gio knew that they would all know who made this suit.
“No way” Zhuk starts to examine it closer, yet it wasn’t the best but it was made with time and care. The hand stitching was prescient as ever.
“Yep, nostro caro made this. Just. For. Me”Gio could feel the tingle of jealousy from the rest of the Dons.
“Well I’m going to ask for something to be made then” Bee declares as he rushes past the group to your room.
“Oh no you don’t, I will” Zhuk followed then is also followed by Cia and Bajo. Gio watches and chuckles, looks like you were going to do a lot more clothes.
[Author’s Note: Not Beta read and this is most likely the last time I write for the Dons. Hope you enjoyed and stay safe.
Dons belong to @beetlebitchywitch and friends
P.S, Sorry for ten formation of this fanfic, when it’s is converted to to Tumble, it fucked it up.]
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peremadeleine · 4 years
Droopy Sleeves and Tiny Bonnets: Watering Down the Romantic Aesthetic in BBC’s Les Mis
I wasn’t exactly blown away by the costumes in the BBC production of Les Mis, and Cosette’s in particular, cute as Ellie Bamber is, were thoroughly “just okay.” But I didn’t put much more thought into it...
Well, not until Gentleman Jack--set in the exact same time period--blew BBC’s Les Mis out of the water with its costume design. Then more recently, when I started researching the fashion of the early 1830s, all the ways in which poor Cosette’s costumes fell short became glaringly obvious.
Disclaimer: I am not as much of a stickler for historical accuracy in period drama costumes as this little essay is going to make me out as being. I’m not a Frock Flicks kind of gal; I just want to be entertained and look at pretty clothes. So as far as I’m concerned, as long as the basic silhouettes are there and the costumes are nice to look at, I’m there. (I find the wildly inaccurate costumes of The Tudors a lot more visually appealing than the ones in Wolf Hall. And everyone knows Sofia Coppola’s Marie Antoinette was highly stylized, but those costumes are to die for and still embody the rococo aesthetic very well.)
That said, Cosette is a character who’s very invested in fashion, and the general look of the 1830s isn’t unknown to English productions, being the setting of Queen Victoria’s adolescence, Jane Eyre, Wives and Daughters, and many a Dickens adaptation among others.
So where did they go wrong?
Being honest, most of the Les Mis productions from the past two decades or so failed to put Cosette in high-fashion or even noteworthy costumes. Only the 2012 film for all the ways it failed her as a character hit it out of the park. Cosette gowns were damn near perfect--and they were actually pretty to boot! Unfortunately in the actual film you can’t even see the floral gown and you can barely see the blue one...thanks Tom Hooper.
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The belts/buckles, the enormous sleeves, the delicate floral prints and embroidery, the lace collars...pat the costume designer on the back! (Her wedding dress was also on-point, but we’ll get to that.)
Claire Danes and Virginie Ledoyen had passable-and-sometimes-good costumes, too. Though Claire Danes’ were generally not very pretty, their overall silhouette was correct. Virginie Ledoyen gets a couple of knock-out, very period-appropriate gowns; the rest sort of fall into the nebulous “well, I guess you tried” category without being unattractive.
But the BBC production just...dropped the ball for reasons unknown.
Now, in the book Cosette overhears some ladies calling her “pretty but badly dressed.” She’s shocked, because she thinks she’s ugly but well-dressed. She then goes on a charming quest to become the best-dressed woman in Paris, and the BBC adaptation even has a scene where she goes to the seamstress. It’s really cute. Too bad that the dresses are...really not.
Here are some fashion plates from 1830-32.  Keep in mind that Cosette lives in Paris, of all places; she would be aware of what was and was not fashionable.
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This is the height of Romantic fashion: giant (“gigot”) sleeves and bonnets, full skirts with hems at or just above the ankle, lace accents, silk stockings and slippers, elaborate hairdos. The 2012 costumes, again, capture this quite well. 
And even if the BBC designer had taken liberties and had fun while preserving the overall aesthetic--think what Sandy Powell did in Cinderella, set in roughly the same period--I wouldn’t be making this post. But there’s curiously little 1830s to be found in Cosette’s wardrobe at all.
I guess we should start with the BBC’s Good/Accurate Stuff. This coat Cosette wears is, apart from the deep fur-lined V-neck, almost a carbon copy of the extant coat on the right. And she has a bonnet!
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Cosette’s best/most accurate dress is, naturally, the most difficult to see and has the least screentime of all her costumes:
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From what I can tell, the sleeves, though delicate and sheer, are very full, as is the skirt, and the whole thing seems both pretty and en vogue...despite the questionable neckline. It’s also detailed--embroidery on the sleeves and with pleats (?) to create visual interest at the shoulders and on the bodice!
Here are a selection of other short-sleeved gowns from the period for comparison (both extant garments and costumes/reconstructions).
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Tbh Ellie’s costume should be as stunning as the blue gown (far left) that an extra wore in Cinderella, but...maybe someday, in some Les Mis production, that gorgeous Sandy Powell creation will reappear. *sigh* (Virginie Ledoyen’s best Cosette gown is on the far right, btw.)
Anyway, that’s...that’s about it for the “Good” category.
Next up: her teal/turquoise dress(es). (She also wears a red one that looks exactly like this.)
Someone didn’t tell the costume designer that Cosette was supposed to be a fashionista, I guess. During my research, I did find a couple of dresses that resembled these two...but they would both be several years out of date by the time Cosette was going on her fashion crusade:
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Even the yellow dotted dress has more style and “oomph” than what poor Cosette got stuck in--her sleeves look comparatively small, deflated, and underwhelming, all the more so when compared to actual 1830s gigot sleeves.
In the interest of being fair, some extant gowns from the right dates also look somewhat like these two.
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But they all look, well...better. They all make me wish Cosette’s gown had bigger sleeves, a more-defined neckline, less wrinkly fabric...anything that would take it up a notch. (Also of note: as plain as some of these dresses look, they would not have been worn alone--accessories like wide belts, shawls, bonnets, etc., would have been part of the outfit when they were actually worn.)
And when it comes down to it, Cosette--who wants, after all, to be wearing the most fashionable gowns, like those in the fashion plates--should be wearing gowns more like...
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The detailing, the fabric choices, the tailoring, and (sorry) the size and position of the sleeves makes all the difference here. A little more effort, even just padding for Cosette’s poor limp sleeves and a belt, would be enough to bump her looks from “kind of sad” to “something I believe this character would really wear.”
My personal favorite gown in the production was very pretty, flowing and delicate--and look: I’m willing to accept that Cosette wouldn’t always be wearing a fashion plate while chasing butterflies (something no film Cosette has, tragically, ever done...) That said, it still wasn’t very 1830s.
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This purplish gown is the closest extant I could find to something like what Cosette wears here, but once you look at the details of both--fabric, neckline, whatever is happening around waist--all you get is “???” A lovely dress, but one that doesn’t make much sense.
So finally we come to what ought to be the showiest of all Cosette’s costumes: her wedding gown. 
This costume ought to be Stunning for a lot of reasons. The “Fauchelevents” have money! The Pontmercys have money, and they have society friends! Cosette is a fashionista, and she’s head-over-heels in sweet young love! And one an assume that Valjean wants to send off the light of his life, if send her off he must, in style--he’s heartbroken but also knows, from this moment, that he will never have to worry about her safety or well-being again.
With all that in mind, this is what Ellie’s Cosette wears...
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Oh. Okay. Is it her freaking wedding day, or is she just going to a church picnic???
At least she IS wearing a bonnet in this scene, but it’s the same color as her hair (?!) and it’s tiny...just like her sad, deflated sleeves. The necklime and waistline both are at least accurate here, but like the sleeves, the skirt isn’t voluminous. Not a single thing about the dress makes a statement...unless it’s a shrug. The impression is, once again, “meh?”
At least a veil (which some women did wear on their wedding bonnets) would emphasize the “wedding day” vibe. How about, if they weren’t going to give it any volume, some detail on the gown...any detail...floral embroidery...a BELT...a contrasting color or fabric (lace, hello?!)...anything??? It’s just so plain and low-key. Just like everything Cosette wears in this miniseries.
Here are some period wedding gowns, two of which Cosette wears in other adaptations. They all have the wow factor this dress lacks.
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Big sleeves! Lace! Belts! Veils! Lush fabric! Frills! Different colors/fabrics to create visual interest! Hairstyles that pop instead of blend together! These are the kind of gowns that say “I’m the bride and this is my day.” Not “I’m going to the church picnic.”
I want to reiterate that, after ALL that rambling...my big issues are that a) these dresses are not--by and large--attractive or interesting and b) that they fail to embody Cosette’s love of fashion. The fact that they’re so inaccurate for the time period is secondary. However, paying more attention to the fashions of 1830-32 would, I think, have helped make the costumes prettier and more suited to the character. How you dress a character is also a factor in how their character is perceived and can be a subtle means of character development. No chance of that here. (Post-marriage, Cosette wears such a blase dark blue coat that, sans fur trim, looks identical to her previous one. Yawn.) 
I’m just a fan, yet it still took me only three days of basic research to put this post together. Expecting a costume designer to put in at least a few days of light research is not a huge leap. I’m going to venture a guess and say that this designer did not bother to do that. And it shows.
It’s a shame, because Cosette gets a lot more screentime here--for the first time since the 2000 production--and she deserves so much more than shapeless gowns and barely-styled hair.
And also more than Andrew Davies...but that’s a rant for another time.
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squirrelwrangler · 8 years
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So the doll clothing experiments continue. I finally had time to finish the off-white (closed sleeve) kimono. Since I went full-length, it won’t really work to wear under a pair of hakama when I eventually attempt those, and there’s a bit of gathering at the right sleeve, but waiting until almost everything else was done to sew on the collar piece helped the lines. The neck is too wide, so I’m still screwing that up, but each one has been better. This one was annoying because the whole thing is lined/doubled fabric. So I needed a break from kimonos. Took the failed first sewing with that ugly blue paisley and made up a pattern for a tank top and pants (which you can’t tell but I had to add fabric on the legs but it looks intentional). Added details with embroidery thread (Have three full boxes of that stuff because my mom gave me her leftover cross-stitch supplies). i think the sort of look like pajamas or a fun summer set. Also, here’s the second DC Superhero Girl doll I’ve bought- Poison Ivy, because I wanted unpainted and two hands that weren’t closed (uugh, love to have alternate hands). Actually I’m pretending she’s Mera, because I like Aquawoman way more than Ivy. (If I can find doll hair without having to order it online, re-root!)
Then two false starts and I finally made a workable pattern for a basic shirt- gonna make them as many plain white basics and t-shirts as I can. Experimented with doing the back in one piece and cutting a slit, it worked. Though since I didn’t have any eye-hooks, I took a scrap and made a piece to use a tiny square of vecro. Now the big thing is I sewed up everything and then realized I should have attached the sleeves two or three steps back, so after much cursing and fiddling I got them on. It’s ugly, but workable. next couple T-shirts I’m going to try for a little lower neck scoop (relabeling this pattern to use for turtlenecks) and then add decorations/logos with either paint or sew. The S-shield, Wonder Woman’s W, the bat, the DC logo - will need at least one of each. 
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kadobeclothing · 4 years
The Best Sneaker Brands In The World Right Now
There was a time not so very long ago when attending a special event in a pair of sneakers was a surefire way to flag yourself to your shiny-shoed peers as a sartorial pariah. However, attitudes have shifted in unforeseen ways and what was once the scruffy outlier is now the footwear gold standard.The transition from running track to runway has been a slow and gradual one, but in recent years it has reached a crescendo. A crescendo that looks set to blare on indefinitely.This is thanks in no small part to a number of key designers and sneaker brands who have been pushing the footwear to its limits in every conceivable direction.Some have created white leather kicks that look right at home with tailoring. Others are inventing technology that might as well have come straight out of a lab at Area 51 (or just Back to the Future). Meanwhile, there are those who have elevated the sneaker from its utilitarian roots to the absolute pinnacle of high fashion it is today.Here we take a look at the most influential sneaker brands in the world right now and what they’re doing to help make the world’s favourite footwear.NikeThe Undisputed Masters Of HypeYeah, in 2016 Nike really did go back to the future and produced Marty McFly’s self-lacing sneakers. But this is just one instance when the brand seemingly reached through a tear in spacetime and brought us something directly from the future, making it the biggest trendsetter in sneakers and a reliable barometer for what’s around the corner.The brand has a long track record of world-beating performance footwear as well as technological innovation (Flyknit uppers and NikeID personalisation in the last decade). More than that, Nike knows how to create products that live up to their considerable hype. It has more icons in its back catalog than any other sneaker brand. Air Max, Air Force 1 and Air Jordan are all sneaker dynasties in their own right, and go back further and you’ll find even more classic retro sneakers like the Cortez and the Blazer.Still the most recognisable. Still the most wanted. Still the ones to beat.AdidasThe Brand That Turned Sneakers Into A ScienceThe ongoing technological arms race between the world’s sportswear big hitters has produced some of the boldest innovations in footwear. Luckily for us, it doesn’t show any sign of letting up.Ask any sneakerhead on the street who’s in pole position, and they’ll tell you it’s Nike. However, with featherlight materials and mind-bending sole technology, it could be easily argued that good old three-stripes is maneuvering for an overtake.Yes, there are beloved classics — the Superstar, Stan Smith and Gazelle all come to mind — and they’re not going away, but in recent years the brand’s R&D lab has become the sneaker world’s Q branch. Forget the Yeezy collab, it was the Ultra Boost that changed the game, and most recently, the German sports giant has been experimenting with 3D printing as a production method for groundbreaking webbed sole units. Don’t take your eyes off them for a second.ConverseThe 100-Year-Old Design IconIt’s incredible (and slightly terrifying) to think about how much the world has evolved in the last 100 years. Commercial flight, television, mobile phones and the internet are just a few of the inventions that have revolutionised the way we live.With that in mind, it’s a real triumph of design when something introduced a century ago is still being used globally today.Converse’s famous high-top, the Chuck Taylor All Star, is one such item. Born in 1917, the iconic basketball shoe has remained 99.9 percent unchanged and is now the best selling shoe in the US, UK and far beyond. Yes, the brand has other excellent shoes, but this is arguably the most iconic sneaker ever made. And what’s more, it’s for everyone.Common ProjectsThe Luxe Trendsetter That Made Minimalism CoolWhen luxury New York sneaker brand Common Projects first introduced its Achilles Low model in 2004, the menswear world went mad for it. But why? Was it innovative? No. Was next-level comfortable? Hardly. Did it come in at bargain prices? Quite the opposite.This shoe was nothing more than a plain, leather sneaker. However, the thing that had the fash pack fawning over this minimalist trainer was that every little detail was meticulously executed to the nth degree. This was a sneaker created like an Oxford shoe handcrafted in Northamptonshire.Buttery Italian leather, exquisite streamlined shapeliness and a timeless wearability that made each pair the perfect accompaniment to anything from a suit to shorts. It arguably started today’s thriving luxury sneaker market, and all of this, in a world now dominated by Balenciaga beetle-crushers, is not to be taken for granted.BalenciagaMaking Ugly Trainers Must-HaveBalenciaga’s output under the guidance of Georgian fashion maverick Demna Gvasalia may be the sartorial equivalent of Marmite or Björk, but whatever you think of his work, there’s no denying he’s changing the face of fashion, one broken ankle at a time.The sleek, minimalist speed sock was the label’s first standout sneaker with Gvasalia at the helm, but it was the now-inescapable Triple S that really took things in a new direction.This beast of a shoe single-handedly remodelled the fashion footwear landscape and made big, chunky silhouettes the new gold standard. Minimalism is giving way to maximalism, and this Spanish fashion house is at the centre of it all.New BalanceStill The Purist’s ChoiceAs time marches on, there are fewer and fewer brands willing to take a financial bullet in the name of quality craftsmanship and have products manufactured on home turf. When talking about sneaker companies, the numbers are lower still.That’s what makes New Balance one of the best in the game. Not only is the Bostonian firm responsible for some of the comfiest and most iconic running shoes ever made, but it also produces its premium range half in the US and half in the UK’s Lake District, in factories staffed with highly trained craftspeople.It’s because of this approach to manufacturing that New Balance has a glowing reputation among athletes, sneakerheads and just everyday folks, thus earning itself a spot in the FashionBeans hall of fame.PumaThe Veteran Quietly Breaking New GroundIt may not make as much noise as some of its contemporaries, but while they’re all battling it out trying to come up with the next big thing, Puma is quietly working away in the background, perfecting the classics. And inventing a few new ones, too.A prime example of this is the brand’s take on the chunky sneaker trend. Puma has taken the look, put its own stamp on it and made it accessible to those whose wallets might not be able to stand up to the strain posed by a pair of Balenciagas that cost as much as a month’s rent.Turn to the Thunder Electric model for a bulky-but-athletic shape and bold nineties-esque color pops, or the covetable Tsugi line for a more striped-back melding of mesh and neoprene atop a thick cushioned midsole.VansThe Old Reliable Of FootwearFrom riding empty pools in suburban LA to jumping around on stage at the Warped Tour. Over the years, Vans has earned itself a deserved reputation as the shoe brand of choice for alternative lifestyles.Its appeal is due in no small part to the simple styling, timeless appearance, modest pricing and, of course, plentiful colour options offered by its designs. The Old Skool, Classic and Authentic are all instantly recognisable designs that haven’t changed in decades, mainly because they don’t need to.What has changed is how people wear them. Once a shoe for kids and skaters only, it’s now equally comfortable on rock stars and hip-hop icons, with jeans or casual suiting. From the mid-1960s right up to now, Vans has always offered people a way to add a dash of colour and charisma to an outfit without breaking the bank. Something, which has seen its products remain relevant throughout the years, regardless of passing sneaker trends.Air JordanThe Strongest Collab Game In The BusinessCan you confidently call yourself a sneakerhead if your wardrobe isn’t filled with Jordans? Perhaps not.Technically, a Nike creation but also a brand in its own right, the story is one of the most successful examples of sports marketing in history. After designing the first Air Jordans exclusively for the basketball legend himself, it wasn’t long before Nike opened up production and brought its new creation to the masses in 1984. People went crazy for it, leading to a wave of crime in the US whereby people were being robbed of their sneakers.One of the main draws to the shoes for some is the collectable element, with many special releases and collabs being issued in seriously limited runs. Some recent partnerships have included Supreme, Off-White, Levi’s and Kaws to name only a handful, making this one instance in which you definitely should believe the hype.ReebokBringing Retro BackOkay, so it’s not exactly shaping the future with its footwear offerings, but when you do the classics (and the Classics) this well, why would you need to?The British-born company, now a subsidiary of Adidas, is one of the oldest UK sneaker brands. Something which is evident when you look at its retro silhouettes.Its best sneakers, like the Club, the Classic and the Workout are nothing short of iconic and all ooze plenty of that throwback charm we all love so much. They may not be made of knitted mesh and be 3D printed, but they look great, are undeniably comfortable, and are never going to go out of style.GucciSetting The Luxury Sneaker BenchmarkGucci’s sneaker game has come on leaps and bounds in the past few years, thanks in no small part to a bit of TLC from creative director Alessandro Michele.In fact, it could be argued that the Italian house’s offerings have set a new standard for luxury sneakers, with the clean lines and eye-catching embroidery of the Ace making it the new favourite white sneaker of the fashion elite.And it’s not just classic styles that Gucci has been turning its hand to. The brand has also combined two of the moment’s most significant trends with its chunky Rhyton trainer, featuring oversized Gucci branding to the side. Source link
source https://www.kadobeclothing.store/the-best-sneaker-brands-in-the-world-right-now/
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webmuch · 7 years
Spring/Summer Shoe Trends 2017: Update Your Closet Now
Spring/Summer is the best time to invest in a couple of new pair of shoes, as we all know they stand out more with our dresses, skirts and shorts during this time. Spring/Summer shoe trends 2017 are very hip and cool and are as amazing as the lineup we saw during all the fashion weeks. The shoe trends 2017 have gotten us very excited as we got to see some very new styles this year, some brought back memories from the old days and some got us very connected to the designers. What we mean by this is that the logos of designers and brands on our t-shirts are not the only trend these days, their logos are trending as the heels of pumps as well.
We strongly believe that sometimes a pair of shoe can make or break your wardrobe and we are here to make yours. The colourful, unique, creative and fresh new shoes for spring/summer will blow your mind! We have curated a list of the season’s 20 biggest shoe trends, which will include some styles that might be too bold for you, the mule get’s an update, straps are huge this year and the platforms are bigger than ever. Check out the top shoe trends 2017 we have discovered from the runway for you to follow this year:
Spring/Summer Shoe Trends 2017: Update Your Closet Now
Cowboy Boots:
If you’re a cowboy boots fan then it’s your time to shine as they are super trendy this spring. These types of boots work well for a windy spring weather as they keep your feet warm and give you major summer vibes. Fashion girls are pairing cowboy boots with fun summer dresses this season and they are looking super cool! The boots are coming in many different styles with some having embroidery all over, fringes and quills, detail is key this season.
The White Sneaker:
It’s no surprise that sneakers have taken over streets and runway massively since last year, and we will keep seeing them this year as well. The only rule to follow is that they should be white and clean for this season. The white sneaker is definitely one of those wardrobe essentials everyone talks about and depending on what you like you can go for one that has a small detail, logo or a type of finish to make you look different from all. Are your white sneakers not so white anymore? It’s time to get a new and fresh pair from some of the best shoe trends 2017. They are simple, comfortable and stylish what else could you want?
This type of shoe has definitely become statement footwear where height just keeps getting added season by season. Just like statement jewellery treat this type of trend the same way, wear a plain dress or outfit and match a high platform style with it to look like you just got off the runway.
Kitten Heels:
Just like the clothes there had to be a return of the 80s in some form for the footwear, kitten heels have made their way back and none of the designers missed it. They are perfect for girls who do not like to wear high heels but miss the feeling of wearing one. Kitten heels is one of the shoe trends 2017 that will make you look sexy and won’t hurt your feet, wear them with sheer tights to look like a real fashion girl.
The flatforms are perfect for the people who just can’t handle the high platforms. They are basically flat shoes with a high, thick sole. Flats have been another trend on the runways lately as people and designers have started moving away from the fact that runway means high heels. They whole meaning has changed and the designers have really started experimenting with this flat version.
Rounded Heels:
Geometric shapes had to happen to our footwear sooner or later, they have appeared before and many designers have played around with them but this time it looks like we have found a favourite amongst all and it is here to stay. We don’t know how these rounded heels would feel on your feet but we do know that they look very interesting!
Branded Footwear:
Like we mentioned earlier branding has taken over the runway and streets when it comes to fashion lately. Just like statement jewellery why should we just stop at branded clothes? The logos have made their way down to your feet, some being wrapped around, some having big labels and some actually have the heel as the logo, yikes!
Sandals With Socks:
This unexpected trend has really blown up in our faces recently with literally everyone giving it a shot. Wearing a sandal with a thick pair of socks or sheer tights is something to look out for this spring. We have seen a number of fashion girls and bloggers giving this trend a shot and looking very stylish.
Sock Boots:
The sock boot trend is definitely inspired by the sandals with socks look, it’s just an easier way to achieve a similar look. The designers have used their creativity to simply just create a sock boot out of it. It is a boot that literally looks like you have worn socks, they come in all styles from athleisure, lace materials and tie ups. So you can wear them for a number of different occasions without a worry.
Shiny Shoes:
It looks like there is no difference in day or night looks anymore, people are wearing all the shine they can during the day too. Metallics is another trend we have talked about a lot lately and the vibe from that carries on with these shiny shoes. This is once again another one of those shoe trends 2017 that can give a statement look to your outfit so keep the rest of it simple.
Wrapped Around The Ankles:
According to the trends for this season it looks like you need to be showing off your ankles and giving them all the spotlight. So many top designers created beautiful designs with sandals and flats having all sorts of straps around them. We saw straps in all types of materials and thickness and the spring is the best time to try this ankle strapped trend.
Open Back Footwear:
The open back footwear is very much in right now and it seems to have come from the mules shoe trend. The mules are still in trend but we just have more options now to explore.
“Ugly” Shoes:
This is a shoe type where personal choice plays a big role, but for the majority of people shoes like Crocs are considered ugly (comfortable, but ugly). However you feel about it though, they are in style and you will be seeing them around whether you like it or not. Similar styles to the Crocs have also been designed by designers this season and we are calling it the ugly shoe trend. 
Varsity Team:
Athleisure as mentioned before has been huge and it is now a major part of the spring/summer shoe trends 2017. Inspired from the sneaker, designers have taken it up a notch by creating boxer boots or built in socks. Laces are also seen put together with an athletic touch with a sporty boot that have laces right to the top. Some designers have really made athleisure look super comfortable and very fashionable.
Funky Heels:
The rounded heels and branded footwear deserved an individual category, however overall this year funky heels is the way to go. You will see all sorts of shapes down there and some make us wonder how someone could even walk in them!
The sliders are the perfect replacement for the once famous flip-flops, it’s been a while since we heard about flip-flops actually. Sliders are the perfect kind of flats for the summer, getting plenty of air from all around and coming in all sorts of styles from ones to wear at home, on the streets, for a date or to the beach. Note: Very comfortable!
Ruffles, Bows, Feathers And Ribbons:
We have been hearing a lot about ruffles and bows for clothes lately but those ruffles are now trending on your footwear too. Designers have played around with all these design elements to create some beautiful designs. Many used these as their way of embellishing the shoes.
Moroccan Slippers:
Moroccan slippers are also known as Babouche slippers and usually we would associate them with old ladies. I guess they are here to make us all feel as little older! This type of shoe is very comfortable and good for an everyday casual look.
Glove Pumps:
These types of pumps are a little chunky in their built, they hug your feet coming towards the top and usually have a solid small heel. They have a very strong look to them and might look funny to many people but we are going to be seeing them around so much that you will get used to them.
Revamped Mules:
We say revamped because the mules we saw last year were very delicate, feminine and sophisticated but this season things turned out. They are a lot more playful now, with new materials, colors, embroidery and thanks to the athleisure trend the mules have also become sporty. We are loving the new range of mules this year because it has so much more to offer now.  
The post Spring/Summer Shoe Trends 2017: Update Your Closet Now appeared first on Posherry.
from Spring/Summer Shoe Trends 2017: Update Your Closet Now
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