#i might give nightmare some
losingchipmunk · 4 months
Potential designs for the Dreamtale twins:
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Dream's cloak (/shawl??):
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I still can't draw skeletons- trust me I've tried
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llamagoddessofficial · 3 months
"so be sure to forgive him ASAP." (Killer accidentally hurting his SO)
What if you don't forgive him? What if he reaches for you dramatically while pretending to grovel and you flinch? If he notices you're tense and silent, not taking your eyes off him- normally he'd love that, but you aren't looking at him lovingly, or even with fond annoyance.
You're afraid, and it's directed at him.
Killer has an alarmingly one-track mind, when it comes to you. He will continue to pester you, every single spare moment he has, with the same big smile and silly energy and loving aura, as if nothing was wrong. It doesn't matter if you're laughing at his jokes or visibly pulling away from him in terror. He keeps going.
You're still scared? More stupid jokes. More apologies. More gifts. More nudging you with his elbow and saying "hey, watch this," before he does something that makes Dust or Horror regret waking up that morning. More smiling. More casually putting his elbow on your shoulder while he's talking to someone else. He will gnaw away at your fear response to him, piece by piece, until you're desensitised and you can start to love him again.
He's a deranged little persistence hunter, addicted to the way your smile fills the huge hole he carved out of himself. He will never let you go.
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sherrymagic · 8 days
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"Even in death, misfortune still finds [Joe]." Poom Phuripan as JOE in Episode 7 MY STAND-IN (2024)
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achromant · 4 months
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Hey Epaaaaaaaarch~
[sponsored by ArenaNet]
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steviesbicrisis · 1 year
Sometimes, Robin disappears.
Steve doesn’t know where she goes nor can tell how long she’s gonna be gone, usually she’s away just for a couple of hours and comes back acting like everything is fine.
It doesn’t scare Steve any less.
He knows she doesn’t do it to mess with him, and despite being attached to the hip since Starcourt there’s still a lot they don’t know about with each other.
When she’s gone, Steve’s mind those a whole 360 on every possible scenario: when his mind is good to him, she’s hanging out with imaginary way-cooler-than-Steve friends, who don’t know of his existence because Robin is embarrassed by him, which leaves him with a sting of jealousy until he hears back from her; when it’s a little less kind, he imagines her being attacked by Russians, or abducted by an Upside down creature, or both. She usually comes back before he leaves everything to jump in his car and frantically look for her.
The thing is, Robin acts like everything is fine and Steve doesn’t know how to approach it. She’s fine before, she’s fine after, and he doesn’t know where he stands. He doesn’t know if this attachment for Robin is okay or if it’s going to scare her away, so he lets her set the rules and he follows the best he can, trying not to die of worry in the meantime.
One day, Robin doesn’t go to school.
He comes to pick her up at the usual time but she isn’t on her porch steps, ready to scold him for being late. He rings the doorbell but no one answers, her parents are often out early in the morning and she doesn’t have any siblings, so he guesses she might have gone to school without him.
He drives to school and stands near the entrance, trying to spot her while planning how to make her feel guilty for not giving him any heads-up on the change of plans.
She’s nowhere to be found.
He drives to the streets nearby, then to the library and the park, no trace of her anywhere.
He goes to work telling himself she’s probably fine, she must’ve overslept or she was already in class or she had early band practice. It doesn’t calm his mind even a little bit. Because it's not like Robin to skip school, she has never done this before, or at least since Steve has known her. Before his mind spirals again thinking that he doesn’t even know his best friend, he decides to focus on work and look for her after, hoping she will call in the meantime to let him know she wasn’t eaten alive by a Demogorgon.
At 5:01 PM he’s out of the store and ready to search every corner of the town until he finds Robin.
He’s driving on the road coasting Lovers Lake when he notices Robin’s bike. Steve’s heart beats fast as he abruptly gets out of the road and parks next to it.
The bike is parked in perfect conditions so Steve feels safe enough to exclude a Will Byers situation and ventures into the coastline to look for her.
He notices her before she can: Robin is sitting cross-legged on an old bench, heavy book in her hands, looking very relaxed and completely out of danger.
Steve’s worry quickly turns into anger.
“Are you insane?” He asks when he’s close enough to be heard.
Robin winces, she was too immersed in her book to notice anyone coming near. She looks surprised to see him there “What are you doing here, dingus?”
“What am I doing here? What are you doing here!” Steve retorts, hands on his hips.
Robin recognizes the scolding-children pose and doesn’t like it “I am clearly reading and enjoying the nice weather, or at least I was until you came to bother me!”
“Oh, now I am bothering you? So sorry to interrupt your getaway because I thought you were dead!”
Robin slams her book closed “Are you serious? I was just taking a break, I needed alone time!”
“Take all the breaks you want but at least give me a fucking heads up so I know I don’t have to look for you around town like a maniac” he gestures at the area where he parked her car, his voice getting louder.
“I really don’t understand where this is coming from, I’ve been coming here to read for years, and no one as ever-“
“Well, maybe that’s because you didn’t have a best friend who worried about you!”
Steve regrets it as soon as he says it. Robin looks stunned, she opens and closes her mouth several times, then looks away.
After a minute of heavy silence between them, Steve approaches the bench and sits next to her, looking at the lake.
“I’m sorry,” they say at the same time.
“I shouldn’t have said that” Steve continues “I was worried but that is my problem and you don’t have to tell me anything.”
“No, you’re right” she shakes her head “I’m not used to having people worried about me. My parents are great but they don’t really question where I go every day and…” she glances at Steve quickly, then looks down at her book again “I’m not used to friends caring like that either.”
Never in a million years Steve would’ve guessed that one day he would’ve related so much to Robin Buckley.
“Why do you leave?” He dares to ask.
“I just need it sometimes. Everything gets too loud, there’s too much going on and I feel… overwhelmed” she explains.
Steve doesn't understand that, he has felt overwhelmed before but he would never leave or ask for space from people close to him. Sometimes, he misses Tommy and Carol just because they barely gave him any space. But it seems something important to Robin, so he nods.
"so, school was too much today?"
"no, I mean yes, but no" she groans, frustrated "It's just that- school is fine and I have my quiet places but... I had a nightmare. This wasn’t the first time since Starcourt but it was the most terrifying I had."
Steve doesn't say anything, and Robin grows more embarrassed by the minute. She's ready to tell him to forget about it when she feels Steve's hand taking hers and intertwining their fingers.
She remembers back on the Starcourt's roof, when she got scared shitless and her hand immediately found Steve's. She was still scared but comforted by the idea that Steve was with her.
Steve is looking the opposite way from where she's sitting on his left, so she can't see his face when he speaks "I have them too. Just tell me next time instead of giving me more nightmares material."
"Uh sure" she manages to say. She's not used to getting this sappy with Steve, or anyone else for that matter.
She squeezes his hand "so, is part of the Harrington charm to get all smushy?"
Steve squeezes back "fuck off! My art of charming is so much more than that!"
"Oh really, please do tell, I am so ready to take notes on how to woo all the ladies!"
"First of all: Hair."
Steve goes into a detailed list of things Robin should mind more ("I could do your hair" "never in a million years, dingus") and Robin groans and rolls her eyes at most of his points ("I so dress better than you" "you wear suspenders, Buckley. Unironically").
They keep holding hands the whole time.
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tsnbrainrot · 1 day
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snobgoblin · 10 months
we need more boy fairies :(
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flutteringfable · 5 months
god i wanna draw rody so bad. hes just so floofy and i think he would look adorable in my style. unfortunately im pushing myself to get all the endings so i can avoid spoilers and look at cool fanart asap lmao
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naamahdarling · 8 months
Time for y'all to
send asks!
#i have to do a treatment plan tomorrow instead of you know actual therapy that might help me and MAN THOSE THINGS PISS ME OFF#y'all at Therapy Place make me take these but it's like...no#no i will not call 911 if i am suicidal#no i will not call y'all either#no i will not call a crisis line because i'm never suicidal from things they can actually help me with#and i can do the counting exercise alone#i have my own plan and you are not part of it and don't get to know what it is because you cannot be trusted with that information#it goes on the tall shelf away from the pathologizers kidnappers gatekeepers and just plain assholes#i SUPER like my therapist she's great but man these people expect me to barf my entire life story on demand any time there's An Assessment#and they don't give me anything in return#please#i want to know the worst thing that happened to you#no details just tell me in like three words what it was#and let it flash through your mind#i want you to remember it with me and for me on demand just for a second#and then we can look in each other's eyes and i won't feel like a dancing monkey and you won't feel like whatever it is you feel like#because you are insulated from the need for exchange of some kind between humans having intimate conversations by your job#must be nice for you#are YOU having nightmares? do YOU ever feel like the trauma is happening again? never almost never sometimes most of the time always#no but seriously i'm sure giving dozens of these takes a toll and i do have sympathy#but they still expect me to do it without any objections and I am NOT getting paid and they are NOT having necessary health care gatekept#so it's still really unequal#sorry not sorry
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mostlyinconvenient · 11 months
I see the canon that Cryptor is a clone of Zane's design or whatever and I fucking ignore it because I just tried to draw that guy based on the minifigure and I can confirm that their only simularity is that they are both made out of materials assembled in the vague shape of a person.
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hyaciiintho · 7 months
🌸。*゚+. Working on my carrd and transferring stuff, and stumbled across my Twin AU for Time Link again--
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sydmarch · 1 year
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instead of going to bed i'm ranking disco elysium characters by where they'd fall on my blunt rotation
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dirt-str1der · 1 year
just wanna say im obsessed with your mind and i read your posts about kiryu like the morning paper. thank you for your service
(Sweats) e-even the ones about him laying eggs ?
#Thanks for the ask !#HIIIIII thank you for reading my posts im really a serial rambler so that is no easy feat. i just had a lowkey nightmare that was insect#based so its nice to think about different kinds of eggs once in a while. sorry for the eggs i just learned the word gravid and i cant stop#saying it !!! i literally opened tumblr to make another post about kiryu i was gonna say he was probably antisocial in his childhood which#is really a miracle any girls managed to notice him at all. and i believe that he was very dismissive of his clothing and appearance because#you know when youre young and trans and havent realised it but you just randomly hate everything about your appearance and dont even knowwhy#i think his hair was always too long and too shaggy and he would let nishiki comb it sometimes because he really could not stand his mane#and sometimes when it gets wayy too long and shitty the sunflower caretaker would drag him outside and just cut a chunk of it off with a#knife and kiryu would have shoulder length hair for a little while... anyway i need to give him a little girlfriend like how rikiya had one#when he was in school because all trans guys need a little girlfriend or an all girl group of friends to be his girlfriends when hes a kid#so he can carry their shopping bags and wait for them outside the changing room etc and kiryu cant resist a girl so he gets a letter from#nishiki and he tells him yeah this is probably a prank to have you wait there for hours or there might be guys waiting to ambush you and#beat the crap out of you. and kiryus like Nobody beats the crap out of me except our dad. and goes to meet this girl and he actually agrees#to go out with her and this is the thing that keeps him in school because otherwise he would literally not go. like hed walk with yumi and#nishiki and the rest of the kids at sunflower that he doesnt care about to remember the names of. and he would just wave them off at the#gate and wander the town in his school uniform and then after school he’ll meet nishiki and possibly yumi at the gate (yumi probably makes#other friends but its a Must to walk nishiki home because he’ll get lonely) and when kiryu starts going out with this girl hes obligated to#walk her home so he already broke rule one but nishikis like happy for him But he has to walk home with some other random guys now and#eventually theyll broach the topic of ‘his psycho sister’ and nishiki literally has to beat a few guys up to defend kiryus honour and when#he comes back with news of how unpopular kiryu is with the rest of the guys because he looks better with short hair than they do and has a#girlfriend whos super cute. kiryu is just like damn did you commit social suicide to protect my honour? youre my best friend. but whatever#kids get over it fast. but parents dont!! and kiryu walks his girlfriend right to her front door and soon enough her parents are going to#find out that the boyfriend she keeps gushing about is a girl and straight up take her out of school to make her stop being gay and kiryus#like but ... im a boy ... punches the ground and screams to the sky. anyway enough about dysphoria simulator im here to talk about this guy#when hes a bit older because im salivating and shaking over the thought of his bootyass rip kiryu you woulda loved thongs. i think hed hate#ripped jeans but only because he thinks theyre a waste of manufacturing. its literally better for the world that kiryu decided 2 transition#because can you imagine if she was a girl and needed to wear a bra? like she would literally have an itchy back all the time which would#give her a hair trigger temper which means kamurocho a&e room will be very healthily plush indeed. god my battery is dying i need to take a#shower noww anyway really thank you for the nice message you are so sweet ... hi ...
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aria0fgold · 2 months
Wanna draw Alec's sister, Ely and her future partner (future partner, cuz they haven't entered my brain enough for me to think up some more scenarios for em) Cressida for the week cuz lesbians!
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dutybcrne · 2 months
Thinking abt Taru fresh out of the Abyss, out with his siblings and spotting a rabbit or small animal. Instincts & habit kicking in ( those seldom lasted long in the Abyss, get it while he can, bring it to share with Master- ), him immediately setting to hunt and kill the creature then proudly bringing it back to his family, all smiles and blood-spattered, and being utterly thrown by the fact that he was not met with mildly disinterested praise, but sheer horror instead-
#hc; tartaglia#blood mention tw#animal death mention tw#//Happens only ONCE#//Bc ONCE was enough to really make him realize he can't HAVE what he had in the Abyss anymore#//In some ways; it's a good thing; he supposes. He now won't have to worry about what & when he'll eat next#//Won't have to worry abt being stalked and ambushed by creatures that would give most anyone nightmares (he sure as hell has them)#//But now; he's just been so Altered from how he used to be#//He's restless; body honed to attack and defend from the monstrous threats he's dealt with all that time#//He's got a battlelust no one could ever hope to match; bc those harrowing experiences truly got to the point of THRILLING him#//He MISSES the way his Master looked after him; being treated so softly is just TOO much now#//Prolly had moments where he just had a total disconnect from his family; just couldn't really bond with them again until after he enliste#//Though I like to think maybe he was able to with his younger sibs; bc they were too young to Get the rammifications of what happened#//Lil Teucer always smiling so bright like the sun; when the others look at him with hopelessness or despair; always asking for stories#//Anthon; always trying to get in his arms; whenever he starts dissociating or makes a face bc the elder family members upset him some way#//Tonia; helping fix him up when he comes home after a brawl; her scolding the only he really listens to; him pledging to be her knight#//Him damn near resigning himself that they might be the only ones who love him after everything (he doesn't realize that's not true)#until he gets enlisted & becomes a Harbinger. His more 'behaved' self in their eyes being palatble enough for things to slowly return to#'normal'; even if they can all tell (save maybe the youngest ones) that something is still Off about him. But it's FINE; all FINE; now#//'Better than before'; they would say#//Which is why he would place SUCH value and favor on a partner that GETS that part of him. Who would ENABLE him rather than restrict#//He wouldn't ask for them too; but he will NOT let them go; EVER; once he realizes
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merklins · 11 months
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