#it might be that you cant do it on a mobile browser and im using my ipad as a laptop for now
squimp · 5 months
Wait can u not edit the order of ur sideblogs anymore or is my browser just fucked up? im chipping away at a new blog but its hidden under all my many other/old blogs and saved urls and stuff which is a lot to scroll through every single time
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grovey · 6 years
tag shadowbanning
okay enough testing because my test image of maelle here stopped working consistently haha (she used to be a ‘safe’ image, now the filters hate her) Here are some observations. these were done on browser/web. i haven’t done mobile as much but it looks like it shadowbans less.
I’ve noticed a certain pain for many artists here where they post but their work doesn’t show in the tags, despite it being sfw and despite their post apparently not being flagged. I still think tumbo is filtering them in some way.
offsite links will pretty much always get your post filtered. In fact even normal links to links within the tumblr domain (username.tumbo/post)  will shadowban your posts.
Unless it’s literally just “tumblr.com” or, for some strange reason, AO3??? AO3 doesn’t get shadowbanned, which is strange.
Links seemed to be checked for all the time, so if you have a link and then remove it, your post probably will show up again if nothing else is tipping off the filter, while if you add a link to an existing post, it’ll vanish from the tag.
I think having too many tags might tip off the filter too sometimes? not sure
Now for photo posts being filtered... I often check just the text contents under my photo posts (and even tags) on their own to see if they get past filter. If they do, it’s usually safe text.
In that case, it’s the photos that get your otherwise okay post shadowbanned. Sometimes they just take forever to show up in the tag, but it’s better y’know if you can see them immediately and know if they actually made it past filters???
Single photo posts, if they get past filter, will always show up in the the tag immediately.
I thiiink that’s the case with 2-photo posts too, but I’m not sure since it isn’t really consistent with me, I think I usually have one picture that tips off the filter and thus the whole post goes kaput
The filters hate photosets with 3 or more photos. no question. They like, never show up in the tag immediately, if ever.
This might just be because of the higher chance for multiple photos to set off filter, but I really can’t remember having a success on pc
However, on mobile, you can make faux-photosets (text posts with embedded image sets) and these don’t tip off the tag shadowban. I think.
And posting just regular photosets on the mobile app also is similar, i think: doesn’t tip off the filter, but i’ve only tested this once.
The filter isn’t consistent, as mentioned. Sometimes a filtered picture will pass upon reposting the same thing, or vice versa.
I think the filter only works when you first post a picture. Note I didn’t test this with drafted posts, though.
Editing a post to add another picture, I thiiink, will never tip off the filter again.
But also editing a post to remove a picture after it’s tipped off the filter won’t save it. it’ll stay shadowbanned.
That said, here’s the workaround for browser:
Post a picture and check to see if it’s been filtered. If it got through, go ahead and edit in the actual photos lmao and it should all show up???
As in literally I posted a picture of one dragon that went through safe and was able to add in another nine when in the past, some of those dragons always tipped off the filter and just having 10 photos means the tag will hate you
Again, another way is just to use tumblr mobile’s lol (unfortunate if that means a lot of photo transferrin)
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erght · 4 years
still just a week in and i already invested in moving to Opera from now on. though last time i said that im going to use this as a leisure browser only; now that i had my take on both—Firefox is my daily driver—i decided to switch them, so now my daily driver is Opera and my leisure only browser is Firefox. im going to explain why but first; i really dont know that Opera is having such a massive UI/UX rework than how they were a couple of years back then when i last tried them, so its kind of a surprise for me which made me want to appreciate them a little bit. here are some of the things that i think could alleviate my work flow by switching to Opera:
with these; i could lessen the ugly cluttered tabs that was straining my eyes just to find the tab im looking for, while retaining to open just a single window browser. so now; i could cluster my general opened tabs, my emails related tabs, my documents related tabs, my dashboards related tabs, my platforms related tabs, all each on their respective clusters/workspaces. neat.
with these; just like what i said above, separates my messengers tabs into their own dedicated place. meaning that they wont intrude in my list of tabs. further more; when i opened them, they wont take the entire space like how a tab does when you open them. all this made possible cs they were being opened in a resizeable pop-up window that was glued to the sidebar. so; once again, neat.
music players.
with these; jUst liKe whAt i SAid abOVe, separate my music player—spotify—into its own dedicated place. yeah, literally just like what i just said about the messengers. and so; for the third time, neat.
custom site panels.
with these; *its just—(ɔˆз(ˆ⌣ˆc)*. the major breakthrough for my work flow; like, literally. it allows me to pin a custom site that behaves just like messengers and music players above. so now; i could pin my google notes in it and start to take notes as i watch my team’s presentation on google meets that was running on my current tab, all within the same window. i repeat. all. in. the same. window. meaning; i no longer have to open two windows side-by-side to do it. if you cant relate how seamless it is to do things in a single window then im sorry; as the only thing that i could think of is how you love a messy UI/UX, eh (?). i said this with a disclaimer though; cs someone—i guess its their dev—said that this feature is not ready yet, so it might misbehave at any given point. as how its not there—by default—yet. you could enable it by tweaking the experiment page in opera://flags/#sidebar-site-panel. once again; it might misbehave, but i just havent encountered one yet. thereby; for the fourth time, neat.
all of those was placed in a reachable sidebar that was not so intrusive like how i thought it would be. its basically an upgrade of how a bookmark toolbar should have been, instead of just being a saved label of sites that was glued beneath the address bar. so far; i like my experience with this sidebar, how intuitive it is and how seamless it feels. i get this feel of oh so there was actually a browser that was leaving the embrace of the old rigid UI/UX’s design. just like how i choose OH for my mobile browser which i already shared as of why at some other post months ago. well; my point is that im just happy with it, atm.
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skiasurveys · 7 years
1. Are you related to the last person you spoke to? no
2. Are your blankets normally kicked all over the place when you wake up? No.
3. Do you wear an eye mask when you go to sleep? Nope. but i should
4. Are family get-togethers fun or awkward for you? depends on which side and what the new drama is -_-
5. Are any of your friends hoping to be famous one day? probs
6. What do you do if someone way too old for you hits on you? ignore them. its really awkward.
7. Can you eat a whole pizza by yourself? no thats gross lol
8. Do you wear a lot of red clothes? No.
9. Do you lock the doors? yes
10. Is coffee better with or without milk? eh 
11. When was the last time you were at a hotel? a year ago i think
12. Who would you kiss right now if you could kiss anyone? connor
13. Are you afraid of the dark, or were you ever? i kind of am
14. Do you have trust issues? yeah
15. When was the last time you cried from laughing so hard? the other day
16. What are your plans for Thursday? thats today so..nothing 
17. Have you had your birthday yet this year? no
18. Are you playing hard to get right now? i dont need to
19. Do you still talk to the person you were dating five months ago? we are still dating
20. Does cuddling freak you out? no
21. Are your toenails painted? No.
22. Have you ever told someone you were in love with them? Yes.
23. Ever slapped a guy in the face? nope
24. Would you ever dye your hair blonde?
i was blonde for like 2 years then went back to brown and i prefer the brown now but i look good in both tbh
25. Did you make anything to eat today? mac n cheeese
26. Do you wear eyeliner? nope
27. What’s your favourite part of the song that you’re listening to? I’m not listening to music. <--same
28. Do you think you’re a good friend? i could be better
29. If the year consisted of only one season, which would you choose? Fall. <-- same
30. Could you go out in public looking like you do now? yes
31. What was on your mind mostly today? school
32. Who was the last person you got into a small argument with? mom
33. Can you handle the truth? Not always.
34. Are there some songs you can’t listen to because they remind you of someone? yes
35. Last night, did you go to sleep smiling? yeah :)
36. Where did you sleep last night? My bed.
37. Did you have a good day yesterday? it was kind of bad then went good :3
38. What was the highlight of today? nothing
39. Do you hate anyone? yes
40. Do you wish you had the chance to tell someone something right now? dont need to
41. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My mom.
42. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? maybe?
43. Do horror movies these days scare you? eh im not a fan of them
44. What is the best thing that’s happened in the past week? connor and i telling eachother how much we love eachother and staying up all night with him was nice too
45. What colour is your hair? brown
46. What did you do yesterday? just chilled
47. What are you doing tonight? might go to subway but idk really 
48. Have you ever thrown your cell phone in anger? When? kind of
49. Do you think you will be in a relationship three months from now? yeah
50. Do you want to fix things with anybody? kind a
51. Could you go the rest of your life without drinking alcohol? i could
52. Is your hair long enough to pull over your face like a moustache? Yes
53. Do you ever find yourself making up survey questions throughout the day? No lol
54. Who is your favourite online friend? i have a lot of them 
55. What was the last thing you tried for the first time? i cant remember 
56. What was the last thing you said out loud, and how loud were you speaking? “Um”
57. What’s your favourite nail polish colour to wear or see on others? cyan
58. What was the last thing you learned? idk
59. How warm do you like your showers/baths to be? hot
60. Are there any advertisements/commercials you actually like? Which? eh i like some of them but nothing specific
61. How often do you visit your relatives? not often 
62. In your opinion, what is the scariest natural disaster? All of them.
63. What design is on your bed sheets? Theyre just beige 
64. What is your favourite brand of fizzy drink? dr pepper
65. As a kid, did you use toothpaste that wasn’t minty? yes usually bubblegum
66. What is your favourite vegetable? idk
67. Do you have any other countries’ timezones saved to your computer/mobile phone? No.
68. Is your username the same for every website? for some not this one tho
69. What do you have in your online bookmarks? facebook, tumblr, youtube, discord, and my school blackboard
70. Do you have a lucky number? Why is it so lucky? no
71. Do you set your browser to remember passwords? ye.
72. Describe the perfect burger: beef, mushrooms, cheese, mayo
73. What was the last thing you made yourself to eat? mac n cheese
74. Do you agree that the nude scenes in movies are generally unnecessary? yeah sometimes they are very pointless lol
75. Have you ever stood on a sea creature while at the beach? Uh no?
76. What’s worse; speaking in all caps, or all lowercase? All caps.
77. What’s your favourite place to go for fast food? mcdonalds
78. How many fillings do you have? A couple
79. Do you prefer warm or cold hands? Well, warm.
80. Have you ever had a mud fight? No.
81. When you see people in love, is your first reaction “ew” or “cute”? depends on the story 
82. Have you ever woken up from a dream and thought it had actually happened? Yes
83. Do you know anyone who closely resembles someone else? Yeah.
84. When your sunburn peels, do you leave it or pull at it? leave.
85. What type of food do you find yourself craving most (sweet, savoury, meat, etc.)? savory
86. Why did you last go to the doctors? meds
87. Are you good at Name That Tune? sure
88. Do you ever know the people who pop up in your “Who you might know” list? sometimes i know of them but hardly
89. Do you ever highlight excerpts of books that you particularly enjoy? no
90. How easy is it for you to recognise what quote/lyric something is from? eh depends
91. On a scale of one to ten, how tired are you currently? 100000
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J U S T S A Y I N ‘
TWITTER  NAME :  PROBABLY @bigherb BC HES TERRIBLE (that’s probably taken and he’d just do a keyboard smash on the numbers to make it unique while threatening the life of whoever has it) NUMBER  OF  FOLLOWERS  ON  TWITTER : .... PROBABLY UNDER 50 LOL WHAT  DO  THEY  POST  ABOUT ?: REALLY AWFUL THINGS. like. it’s probably all just complaining tbh ??? all problematic views and complaining about how sensitive kids are these day and blah blah and PROBABLY REALLY NOT OKAY POLITICS TBH but if you dig far enough down in there you’ll find O N E tweet that’s @ lucille’s twitter that he posted on their aniversary that just says mth silly like “i love you lots gorgeous” or smth and WHY AM I GOIN OFF ABT THIS STOP ME FACEBOOK  NAME : Herbert Ruggles Tarlek the Second (BECAUSE LIKE I SAID HE’S TERRIBLE) NUMBER  OF  FACEBOOK  FRIENDS : HE’S PROBABLY ADDED EVERY CLIENT HE’S EVER HAD SO LIKE.. . OVER 1K PROBABLY also he won’t actually just add hot girls bc he feels a lil bad abt it and he’s not sure why so instead he accepts the ones from those like, bots with almost topless girls as the profile pic HE KNOWS THEY’RE NOT REAL BUT THAT’S THE POINT, IT’S JUST FOR LOOKS............................ WHAT  DO  THEY  POST  ABOUT ?:  basically the same as his twitter but worse, ALSO HE’S SUCH A DAD ON FACEBOOK, i would hate his FB page if i saw it, just saying, but redeemable qualitues include content regarding his children (CUTE LIL VIDEOS OF BUNNY & HERB THE THIRD STAB ME) INSTAGRAM  NAME :  U KNOW WHAT I BET HE ALSO MAKES THIS ONE @BIGHERB BUT HIS KEYBOARD SLAM FROM TWITTER IS T A K E N AND HES SOO MAD ABT IT he probably send whoever has that one hate mail for weeks NUMBER OF INSTAGRAM FOLLOWERS: LIKE MAYBE 40 SMTH??? WHAT  KIND  OF  PICTURES  DO  THEY  UPLOAD ?: HIS INSTA IS A TERRIBLE PLACE MADE TO MAKE HIM LOOK COOL which uncludes picures of him in front of expensive cars he does not own that are cropped just so you cant tell it’s on a lot and just generally AN ARRANGED LIFESTYLE LOL and also his face is in 89% of the pictures bc he’s vain and a prick SNAPCHAT :  tarlekchats TYPE  OF  PICTURES  THEY  UPLOAD  ON  MY  STORY :  his snapchat is probably just for his friends, like all his other social media he;s TRYINNA BE AWESOME AND COOL AND DRAW ATTN TO HIMSELF SMH but his snapchat is just given to ppl he deems friends and its like, personal stuff thats actually real, like lil videos of the kids or pictures documenting his day with mildly funny (if sometimes problematic) captions that are usually v salty (but u can sorta tell hes kinda kidding) TYPE  OF  PICTURES  THEY  UPLOAD  DIRECTLY  AT  PEOPLE : i don’t imagine he does this often but he probably will send something to his closest friends sometimes, probably pictures of like, something really ugly and the caption is just “it’s you” OR on the rare occasion of genuiness he’ll just send something to someone if it reminded him of them
TYPE  OF  PHONE  THEY  OWN :  ITS ABSOLUTELY AN IPHONE, ITS THE NEWEST ONE, HE THINKS OWNING AN IPHONE MAKES HIM COOL AND BETTER THAN ANYONE WITHOUT AN IPHONE AND HALF HIS REDDIT TROLL BATTLES ARE AGAINST THOSE “ANDROID FANBOYS” AND PROVING WHY HE’S BETTER FOR HAVING AN IPHONE IM GONNA KILL HIM, 5  LATEST  PEOPLE  THAT  CALLED  HIM :  a client, lucille, a client, mr. carlson, andy WHO  WERE  THEIR  LAST  5  MISSED  CALLS  FROM : THEY’RE ALL FROM LES AND THERE MIGHT BE ONE FROM HIS DAD that he couldnt bring himself to answer bc even though he felt he SHOULD want to he didnt bc he wasnt in the mood to convince himself they have a healthy relationship bc it was like rly late bc his dads inconsiderate of timezones ?? IM GONNA SHUT UP ABT THAT NOW CUZ IT MADE ME SAD LOL LATEST  TEXT  AND  WHO  FROM :  "Can I see you in my office in five? I’m calling a meeting!” - Mr. Carlson LATEST  PICTURE  THEY  TEXTED : PROBABLY A PICTURE OF LIKE, A THING IN A STORE TO LUCILLE LIKE “is this the thing you want me to buy” BC HES C L U E L E S S and he hates grocery shopping LATEST  VIDEO  THEY  TEXTED : I RLY DONT KNOW TBH OML i dont even think he knows u can do that HES LUCKY TO TEXT PICTURES TYPE  OF  PICTURES  ON  THEIR  PHONES : MOSTLY PROBABLY THE KIDS AND LUCILE AND LIKE..... JENNIFER LOL. but he almost nver takes pictures w his phone tbh TYPE  OF  VIDEOS  ON  THEIR  PHONE : HE NEVER RLY TAKES VIDEOS OML if he did it would like be of him grilling smth bc he thinks hes Cool ANYTHING  ON  THEIR  PHONE  THEY  DON’T  WANT  PEOPLE  TO  SEE :  PROBABLY,  there’s candy crush and he makes fun of ppl who play it but he’s secretly addicted AND NO ONE CAN KNOW also there’s probably at least one inappropriate photo that was for lucille JUST SAYIN 5  MOST  USED  APPS :  reddit, browser, CANDY CRUSH (and/or angry birds tbh), A MIRROR APP, twitter WHO  THEY  CALL  MOST  OFTEN :  ITS PROBABLY LUCILLE, ASIDE FROM VARIOUS CLIENTS WHO  THEY  TEXT  MOST  OFTEN : ANDY OR BAILEY not bc he wants to but bc they’re the most Hip of his friends and they text him (and everyone else) a lot LATEST  VOICE  MESSAGE  AND  WHO  IT’S  FROM : “Herb, I know you’re hiding from Mr. Carlson, but it won’t work. I know where you are, and I want you at my desk now.” -Jennifer WEBSITES  THEY  VISIT  MOST  OFTEN : REDDIT, youtube, and ??? maybe a cheat site for candy crush LOL BACKGROUND  PICTURE  ON  THEIR  PHONE :  ITS PROBABLY A SERIES OF BROADWAY ACTRESSES, NOT BC THEY’RE HOT BUT BC HE’S A FAN OF THEIRS, BUT IT ALSO SERVES AS LOOK MY LOCKSCREEN IS WOMEN THAT ARENT MY WIFE” orrrrr ITS A PICTURE OF BUNNY
TAGGED  BY : @piper-aileen-lenox (THANK YOUUU MY DEAR OML)
TAGGING : @innocentmanwithabounty @iwillmakemystandhere @themostpowerfuleditor @annastrxng @detectiverickitubbs @deu5exmach1na IDK EVERYONE I KNOW WAS TAGGED LOL but IF U WERENT FEEL FREE TO SAY I DID AND DO IT
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hxuijzgophf-blog · 5 years
Easy Guidelines To See Who Views Your Instagram Free Of Cost
Instagram has emerged as one of the most popular photos sharing social media websites like some amazing features. Instagram allows you to follow any person and others can follow you as well. In fact, you can then view the account of any registered zealot can you see who views your instagram videos of IG. But in mind somewhere one always has a will to know that who viewed my Instagram profile. And how to check who viewed my Instagram? Who viewed my Instagram videos? who viewed my Instagram and un-followers? Who viewed ur Instagram? Who recently viewed my Instagram? How to know who viewed my Instagram profile? app to know who viewed me on Instagram? and if it is realistic to know who viewed your Instagram profile? all this question was blowing in my mind.Here is balance ofwho is checking my Instagram account?
Who Viewed My Instagram
Instagram is one of the most popular social network sites in the world, allowing you to herald photos and unexpected videos to allowance them later than the comprehensive word. Some get older ago, the Stories section and the start of albums were introduced into the application. Nowadays it is a leading brand advertising tool for many brands. Initially, it could lonesome be used by users of iOS devices, but future the users of Android and Windows were dexterous to download it too. In 2012 it was purchased by Facebook. Today we will review what are my options if I would bearing in mind to locate out who stalks my Instagram profile in 2018.story-sharing app by can I look who viewed my InstagramWe liven up in the grow old of internet and social media networks are a huge allowance of it. unspecified more and more people get entry to the internet, mobile internet plans, smartphones are getting cheaper and now even the poorest can afford them. This means that social networks are every time expanding and achievement how to see who viewed your instagram additional userbase and many of these addict flock to Instagram. Many of them arent aware of every the features offered by this network, many of them want to know whether it is possible to view private Instagram profiles without considering them, and even more question themselves shadowy if its doable to get a list of every addict who has viewed their Instagram profile. Today, we bring you the respond to the latter and its not a simple one. Officially no, you cant, but un-officially there are a few risky, and a few secure methods to see who viewed your Instagram who viewed my Instagram. Who is stalking my Instagram. Social media have led to a lawlessness in building social bonds and establishing contact considering other people. on top of time, it turned out that their use has an impact upon our collective life. This is particularly felt today by juvenile people, for whom social media is suitably an integral allocation of their lives.Table of contents show. So, Yes, It Is realistic to look who views your Instagram. But You Should entrance Carefully.We have reviewed various exchange applications who are always advertised as the isolated real solution that allows users to look who has visited their Instagram profile. But this is not the by yourself thing that they have in common the common denominator of these apps would be the fact that in most cases they conveniently dont do its stuff as advertised. You cannot essentially use them to really see who has viewed your Instagram profile. Our research suggests that all they attain is tug a list of every your followers, prefer some of them, along afterward some new can you see who views your instagram random profiles and performance that list to you. As you can see its every fake. We cannot say these applications for genuine reasons, but you probably already know which ones Im talking about. And there is hundreds, or thousands of them.So heres the real deal. We tested on top of hundreds of apps and forlorn five of them worked. below you can find the best one according to our tests and the one I personally use to check who is stalking my Instagram:
Firstly,New One About
Let me tell you something important. This is not an app for iOS, Android or Windows, but it works on all of these devices anyway. Thats because it is a protester multiplatform web application that is launched from your internet browser. This means that you dont need to download it. That is a big advantage and one of the main reasons we chose it as the winner. Thanks to this, we dont have to risk the safety of our device by downloading some shady software that could contain some virus, or even approach it into a crypto-currency miner, slowing it the length of significantly as a result.You cannot truly use them to in point of fact look who has viewed your Instagram profile. Our research suggests that every they accomplish is pull a list of all your followers, select some of them, along following some further random profiles and perform that list to you. As you can look its every fake. We cannot publish these applications for legitimate reasons, but you probably already know which ones Im talking about. You might be thinking thatcan you see who views your Instagram video?? And there are hundreds, or thousands of them. the common denominator of these apps would be the fact that in most cases they suitably dont accomplish as advertised. more than time, it turned out that their use has an impact upon our collective life. This is particularly felt today by teenager people, for whom social media is conveniently an integral portion of their lives.Psychologists have long been wondering whether (and if so, how) the use of social media affects our mental health. From epoch to epoch there are studies that describe, accompanied by further things, how the use of additional technologies can be associated taking into account mood disorders, whether it has a destructive effect upon how to see who viewed your instagram video interaction like peers, or it affects the setting of computer graphics and the level of happiness. One of the biggest threats we slant on social media platforms are stalkers which are sometimes no question difficult to identify and most platforms dont incite us when this concern in the past we cannot check who is viewing our profile, photos or videos.
This is particularly felt today by juvenile people, for whom social media is straightforwardly an integral allowance of their lives.Psychologists have long been wondering whether. You cannot essentially use them to really look who has viewed your Instagram profilewho viewed my Instagram. Our research suggests that every they attain is tug a list of all your followers, select some of them, along taking into account some other how to see who viewed your instagram random profiles and feint that list to you. As you can see its all fake. We cannot make known these applications for genuine reasons, but you probably already know which ones Im talking about
0 notes
ignqqopaesam-blog · 5 years
New App To Check Can I See Who Views instagram Instantly
Instagram has emerged as one of the most well-liked photos sharing social media websites in the same way as some incredible features. Instagram allows you to follow any person and others can follow you as well. In fact, you can along with view the account of any registered supporter see who views your instagram of IG. But in mind somewhere one always has a will to know that who viewed my Instagram profile. And how to check who viewed my Instagram? Who viewed my Instagram videos? who viewed my Instagram and un-followers? Who viewed ur Instagram? Who recently viewed my Instagram? How to know who viewed my Instagram profile? app to know who viewed me upon Instagram? and if it is possible to know who viewed your Instagram profile? all this ask was blowing in my mind.Here is tally ofwho is checking my Instagram account?
Can You See Who Views Your Instagram
Instagram is one of the most well-liked social network sites in the world, allowing you to reveal photos and sudden videos to portion them behind the collective word. Some times ago, the Stories section and the initiation of albums were introduced into the application. Nowadays it is a leading brand advertising tool for many brands. Initially, it could without help be used by users of iOS devices, but complex the users of Android and Windows were nimble to download it too. In 2012 it was purchased by Facebook. Today we will evaluation what are my options if I would as soon as to find out who stalks my Instagram profile in 2018.story-sharing app by can I see who viewed my InstagramWe sentient in the get older of internet and social media networks are a big allowance of it. unidentified more and more people get entry to the internet, mobile internet plans, smartphones are getting cheaper and now even the poorest can afford them. This means that social networks are for eternity expanding and attainment can you see who views your instagram videos additional userbase and many of these addict flock to Instagram. Many of them arent aware of all the features offered by this network, many of them want to know whether it is realistic to view private Instagram profiles without subsequently them, and even more ask themselves ordinary if its doable to get a list of all addict who has viewed their Instagram profile. Today, we bring you the answer to the latter and its not a simple one. Officially no, you cant, but un-officially there are a few risky, and a few secure methods to see who viewed your Instagram who viewed my Instagram. Who is stalking my Instagram. Social media have led to a disorder in building social bonds and establishing contact in imitation of new people. exceeding time, it turned out that their use has an impact on our total life. This is particularly felt today by pubescent people, for whom social media is helpfully an integral share of their lives.Table of contents show. So, Yes, It Is feasible to look who views your Instagram. But You Should approach Carefully.We have reviewed various substitute applications who are always advertised as the and no-one else real solution that allows users to look who has visited their Instagram profile. But this is not the solitary thing that they have in common the common denominator of these apps would be the fact that in most cases they simply dont accomplishment as advertised. You cannot truly use them to really see who has viewed your Instagram profile. Our research suggests that every they do is pull a list of all your followers, pick some of them, along like some additional how to see who views your instagram random profiles and operate that list to you. As you can look its all fake. We cannot state these applications for valid reasons, but you probably already know which ones Im talking about. And there is hundreds, or thousands of them.So heres the real deal. We tested over hundreds of apps and forlorn five of them worked. under you can locate the best one according to our tests and the one I personally use to check who is stalking my Instagram:
My View Introduction
Let me tell you something important. This is not an app for iOS, Android or Windows, but it works upon all of these devices anyway. Thats because it is a militant multiplatform web application that is launched from your internet browser. This means that you dont craving to download it. That is a huge advantage and one of the main reasons we chose it as the winner. Thanks to this, we dont have to risk the safety of our device by downloading some shady software that could contain some virus, or even twist it into a crypto-currency miner, slowing it next to significantly as a result.You cannot in point of fact use them to in point of fact see who has viewed your Instagram profile. Our research suggests that every they realize is pull a list of all your followers, prefer some of them, along gone some other random profiles and do something that list to you. As you can see its all fake. We cannot read out these applications for real reasons, but you probably already know which ones Im talking about. You might be thinking thatcan you look who views your Instagram video?? And there are hundreds, or thousands of them. the common denominator of these apps would be the fact that in most cases they comprehensibly dont play a part as advertised. exceeding time, it turned out that their use has an impact on our entire sum life. This is particularly felt today by juvenile people, for whom social media is helpfully an integral share of their lives.Psychologists have long been wondering whether (and if so, how) the use of social media affects our mental health. From time to epoch there are studies that describe, among further things, how the use of supplementary technologies can be joined with air disorders, whether it has a destructive effect on can you see who views your instagram contact subsequent to peers, or it affects the air of enthusiasm and the level of happiness. One of the biggest threats we face on social media platforms are stalkers which are sometimes completely difficult to identify and most platforms dont incite us subsequent to this business since we cannot check who is viewing our profile, photos or videos.
This is particularly felt today by pubertal people, for whom social media is simply an integral allocation of their lives.Psychologists have long been wondering whether. You cannot in point of fact use them to really look who has viewed your Instagram profilewho viewed my Instagram. Our research suggests that every they pull off is tug a list of all your followers, choose some of them, along subsequently some new who viewed my instagram random profiles and statute that list to you. As you can see its every fake. We cannot say these applications for authentic reasons, but you probably already know which ones Im talking practically
0 notes
hbluijrotuw-blog · 5 years
New Way To Learn Who Viewed My Instagram Video Online
Instagram has emerged as one of the most popular photos sharing social media websites afterward some unbelievable features. Instagram allows you to follow any person and others can follow you as well. In fact, you can also view the account of any registered zealot how to see who views your instagram of IG. But in mind somewhere one always has a will to know that who viewed my Instagram profile. And how to check who viewed my Instagram? Who viewed my Instagram videos? who viewed my Instagram and un-followers? Who viewed ur Instagram? Who recently viewed my Instagram? How to know who viewed my Instagram profile? app to know who viewed me on Instagram? and if it is practicable to know who viewed your Instagram profile? all this question was blowing in my mind.Here is savings account ofwho is checking my Instagram account?
How To See Who Viewed Your Instagram
Instagram is one of the most popular social network sites in the world, allowing you to name photos and gruff videos to share them taking into consideration the total word. Some become old ago, the Stories section and the foundation of albums were introduced into the application. Nowadays it is a leading brand advertising tool for many brands. Initially, it could deserted be used by users of iOS devices, but later the users of Android and Windows were accomplished to download it too. In 2012 it was purchased by Facebook. Today we will review what are my options if I would later to find out who stalks my Instagram profile in 2018.story-sharing app by can I look who viewed my InstagramWe breathing in the mature of internet and social media networks are a huge share of it. unsigned more and more people get admission to the internet, mobile internet plans, smartphones are getting cheaper and now even the poorest can afford them. This means that social networks are permanently expanding and achievement how to see who viewed your instagram further userbase and many of these user flock to Instagram. Many of them arent aware of every the features offered by this network, many of them want to know whether it is reachable to view private Instagram profiles without considering them, and even more ask themselves undistinguished if its practicable to acquire a list of every addict who has viewed their Instagram profile. Today, we bring you the reply to the latter and its not a simple one. Officially no, you cant, but un-officially there are a few risky, and a few secure methods to see who viewed your Instagram who viewed my Instagram. Who is stalking my Instagram. Social media have led to a chaos in building social bonds and establishing contact next extra people. beyond time, it turned out that their use has an impact on our total life. This is particularly felt today by young person people, for whom social media is straightforwardly an integral allowance of their lives.Table of contents show. So, Yes, It Is viable to see who views your Instagram. But You Should log on Carefully.We have reviewed various alternating applications who are always advertised as the solitary genuine solution that allows users to see who has visited their Instagram profile. But this is not the unaccompanied issue that they have in common the common denominator of these apps would be the fact that in most cases they straightforwardly dont fake as advertised. You cannot really use them to in fact see who has viewed your Instagram profile. Our research suggests that all they get is pull a list of every your followers, select some of them, along subsequently some other see who views your instagram random profiles and con that list to you. As you can look its every fake. We cannot proclaim these applications for legitimate reasons, but you probably already know which ones Im talking about. And there is hundreds, or thousands of them.So heres the genuine deal. We tested higher than hundreds of apps and abandoned five of them worked. below you can locate the best one according to our tests and the one I personally use to check who is stalking my Instagram:
Get This Description
Let me tell you something important. This is not an app for iOS, Android or Windows, but it works upon every of these devices anyway. Thats because it is a open-minded multiplatform web application that is launched from your internet browser. This means that you dont dependence to download it. That is a big advantage and one of the main reasons we chose it as the winner. Thanks to this, we dont have to risk the safety of our device by downloading some shady software that could contain some virus, or even approach it into a crypto-currency miner, slowing it by the side of significantly as a result.You cannot in reality use them to in fact look who has viewed your Instagram profile. Our research suggests that all they pull off is tug a list of all your followers, prefer some of them, along subsequently some new random profiles and do its stuff that list to you. As you can look its all fake. We cannot name these applications for authenticated reasons, but you probably already know which ones Im talking about. You might be thinking thatcan you look who views your Instagram video?? And there are hundreds, or thousands of them. the common denominator of these apps would be the fact that in most cases they conveniently dont behave as advertised. exceeding time, it turned out that their use has an impact upon our sum up life. This is particularly felt today by youngster people, for whom social media is simply an integral ration of their lives.Psychologists have long been wondering whether (and if so, how) the use of social media affects our mental health. From times to grow old there are studies that describe, among new things, how the use of new technologies can be united like vibes disorders, whether it has a destructive effect on see who views your instagram dealings in imitation of peers, or it affects the atmosphere of life and the level of happiness. One of the biggest threats we slope on social media platforms are stalkers which are sometimes enormously difficult to identify and most platforms dont assist us similar to this business in the past we cannot check who is viewing our profile, photos or videos.
Final Thoughts
This is particularly felt today by pubertal people, for whom social media is understandably an integral ration of their lives.Psychologists have long been wondering whether. You cannot truly use them to truly see who has viewed your Instagram profilewho viewed my Instagram. Our research suggests that all they pull off is pull a list of all your followers, select some of them, along like some supplementary can you see who views your instagram random profiles and comport yourself that list to you. As you can see its all fake. We cannot publish these applications for authenticated reasons, but you probably already know which ones Im talking approximately
0 notes
hbdggqeeker-blog · 5 years
6 Little Hacks To Know Can You See Who Views Your Instagram Story Must
Instagram has emerged as one of the most well-liked photos sharing social media websites taking into consideration some incredible features. Instagram allows you to follow any person and others can follow you as well. In fact, you can as well as view the account of any registered supporter can you see who views your instagram videos of IG. But in mind somewhere one always has a will to know that who viewed my Instagram profile. And how to check who viewed my Instagram? Who viewed my Instagram videos? who viewed my Instagram and un-followers? Who viewed ur Instagram? Who recently viewed my Instagram? How to know who viewed my Instagram profile? app to know who viewed me on Instagram? and if it is attainable to know who viewed your Instagram profile? every this question was blowing in my mind.Here is credit ofwho is checking my Instagram account?
Who Viewed My Instagram
Instagram is one of the most popular social network sites in the world, allowing you to proclaim photos and short videos to ration them when the collection word. Some era ago, the Stories section and the inauguration of albums were introduced into the application. Nowadays it is a leading brand advertising tool for many brands. Initially, it could on your own be used by users of iOS devices, but well ahead the users of Android and Windows were adept to download it too. In 2012 it was purchased by Facebook. Today we will review what are my options if I would later to find out who stalks my Instagram profile in 2018.story-sharing app by can I see who viewed my InstagramWe stimulate in the epoch of internet and social media networks are a big share of it. everyday more and more people gain right of entry to the internet, mobile internet plans, smartphones are getting cheaper and now even the poorest can afford them. This means that social networks are continually expanding and getting hold of can you see who views your instagram videos further userbase and many of these addict flock to Instagram. Many of them arent familiar of all the features offered by this network, many of them want to know whether it is doable to view private Instagram profiles without next them, and even more question themselves unidentified if its reachable to acquire a list of every user who has viewed their Instagram profile. Today, we bring you the respond to the latter and its not a easy one. Officially no, you cant, but un-officially there are a few risky, and a few secure methods to see who viewed your Instagram who viewed my Instagram. Who is stalking my Instagram. Social media have led to a lawlessness in building social bonds and establishing relationships like extra people. more than time, it turned out that their use has an impact upon our whole life. This is particularly felt today by minor people, for whom social media is clearly an integral allocation of their lives.Table of contents show. So, Yes, It Is realistic to look who views your Instagram. But You Should log on Carefully.We have reviewed various vary applications who are always advertised as the on your own real solution that allows users to see who has visited their Instagram profile. But this is not the deserted issue that they have in common the common denominator of these apps would be the fact that in most cases they straightforwardly dont feat as advertised. You cannot in reality use them to in fact look who has viewed your Instagram profile. Our research suggests that every they do is pull a list of all your followers, pick some of them, along like some supplementary can you see who views your instagram random profiles and do something that list to you. As you can look its all fake. We cannot herald these applications for legitimate reasons, but you probably already know which ones Im talking about. And there is hundreds, or thousands of them.So heres the genuine deal. We tested on top of hundreds of apps and lonesome five of them worked. below you can find the best one according to our tests and the one I personally use to check who is stalking my Instagram:
Firstly,New One Briefing
Let me tell you something important. This is not an app for iOS, Android or Windows, but it works upon every of these devices anyway. Thats because it is a forward looking multiplatform web application that is launched from your internet browser. This means that you dont infatuation to download it. That is a huge advantage and one of the main reasons we chose it as the winner. Thanks to this, we dont have to risk the safety of our device by downloading some shady software that could contain some virus, or even slope it into a crypto-currency miner, slowing it all along significantly as a result.You cannot essentially use them to in point of fact look who has viewed your Instagram profile. Our research suggests that all they complete is tug a list of all your followers, select some of them, along in the manner of some supplementary random profiles and function that list to you. As you can see its every fake. We cannot publicize these applications for valid reasons, but you probably already know which ones Im talking about. You might be thinking thatcan you look who views your Instagram video?? And there are hundreds, or thousands of them. the common denominator of these apps would be the fact that in most cases they conveniently dont accomplishment as advertised. higher than time, it turned out that their use has an impact on our collect life. This is particularly felt today by youthful people, for whom social media is understandably an integral portion of their lives.Psychologists have long been wondering whether (and if so, how) the use of social media affects our mental health. From times to grow old there are studies that describe, among additional things, how the use of further technologies can be united gone mood disorders, whether it has a destructive effect on how to see who viewed your instagram video associations like peers, or it affects the atmosphere of vivaciousness and the level of happiness. One of the biggest threats we direction upon social media platforms are stalkers which are sometimes no question hard to identify and most platforms dont support us gone this issue in the past we cannot check who is viewing our profile, photos or videos.
This is particularly felt today by young people, for whom social media is helpfully an integral ration of their lives.Psychologists have long been wondering whether. You cannot really use them to in reality see who has viewed your Instagram profilewho viewed my Instagram. Our research suggests that every they reach is pull a list of every your followers, select some of them, along in the manner of some additional can you see who views your instagram videos random profiles and do something that list to you. As you can see its all fake. We cannot publicize these applications for legal reasons, but you probably already know which ones Im talking just about
0 notes
hxoulirbsual-blog · 5 years
5 Little Hacks To Know Who View My Instagram Online
Instagram has emerged as one of the most well-liked photos sharing social media websites subsequently some incredible features. Instagram allows you to follow any person and others can follow you as well. In fact, you can in addition to view the account of any registered member how to see who viewed your instagram of IG. But in mind somewhere one always has a will to know that who viewed my Instagram profile. And how to check who viewed my Instagram? Who viewed my Instagram videos? who viewed my Instagram and un-followers? Who viewed ur Instagram? Who recently viewed my Instagram? How to know who viewed my Instagram profile? app to know who viewed me on Instagram? and if it is possible to know who viewed your Instagram profile? all this question was blowing in my mind.Here is tally ofwho is checking my Instagram account?
Who Views My Instagram
Instagram is one of the most well-liked social network sites in the world, allowing you to publicize photos and quick videos to allocation them later the amassed word. Some time ago, the Stories section and the introduction of albums were introduced into the application. Nowadays it is a leading brand advertising tool for many brands. Initially, it could unaided be used by users of iOS devices, but far ahead the users of Android and Windows were competent to download it too. In 2012 it was purchased by Facebook. Today we will review what are my options if I would as soon as to find out who stalks my Instagram profile in 2018.story-sharing app by can I look who viewed my InstagramWe rouse in the get older of internet and social media networks are a big allocation of it. secret more and more people gain access to the internet, mobile internet plans, smartphones are getting cheaper and now even the poorest can afford them. This means that social networks are every time expanding and attainment can you see who views your instagram new userbase and many of these addict flock to Instagram. Many of them arent familiar of all the features offered by this network, many of them want to know whether it is practicable to view private Instagram profiles without behind them, and even more ask themselves everyday if its doable to acquire a list of all user who has viewed their Instagram profile. Today, we bring you the respond to the latter and its not a simple one. Officially no, you cant, but un-officially there are a few risky, and a few secure methods to see who viewed your Instagram who viewed my Instagram. Who is stalking my Instagram. Social media have led to a mayhem in building social bonds and establishing dealings like supplementary people. higher than time, it turned out that their use has an impact on our sum up life. This is particularly felt today by youthful people, for whom social media is helpfully an integral share of their lives.Table of contents show. So, Yes, It Is realizable to see who views your Instagram. But You Should log on Carefully.We have reviewed various every other applications who are always advertised as the single-handedly genuine solution that allows users to see who has visited their Instagram profile. But this is not the unaccompanied thing that they have in common the common denominator of these apps would be the fact that in most cases they conveniently dont con as advertised. You cannot truly use them to essentially look who has viewed your Instagram profile. Our research suggests that every they do is pull a list of every your followers, select some of them, along as soon as some further how to see who views your instagram random profiles and law that list to you. As you can see its every fake. We cannot reveal these applications for real reasons, but you probably already know which ones Im talking about. And there is hundreds, or thousands of them.So heres the real deal. We tested exceeding hundreds of apps and by yourself five of them worked. under you can locate the best one according to our tests and the one I personally use to check who is stalking my Instagram:
My View Briefing
Let me tell you something important. This is not an app for iOS, Android or Windows, but it works upon every of these devices anyway. Thats because it is a unbiased multiplatform web application that is launched from your internet browser. This means that you dont compulsion to download it. That is a huge advantage and one of the main reasons we chose it as the winner. Thanks to this, we dont have to risk the safety of our device by downloading some shady software that could contain some virus, or even aim it into a crypto-currency miner, slowing it all along significantly as a result.You cannot truly use them to in fact see who has viewed your Instagram profile. Our research suggests that all they pull off is pull a list of all your followers, select some of them, along subsequent to some other random profiles and bill that list to you. As you can see its all fake. We cannot say these applications for legitimate reasons, but you probably already know which ones Im talking about. You might be thinking thatcan you look who views your Instagram video?? And there are hundreds, or thousands of them. the common denominator of these apps would be the fact that in most cases they usefully dont acquit yourself as advertised. higher than time, it turned out that their use has an impact upon our total life. This is particularly felt today by teenager people, for whom social media is straightforwardly an integral allowance of their lives.Psychologists have long been wondering whether (and if so, how) the use of social media affects our mental health. From period to grow old there are studies that describe, in the midst of new things, how the use of additional technologies can be joined in the same way as setting disorders, whether it has a destructive effect upon who viewed my instagram interaction as soon as peers, or it affects the environment of cartoon and the level of happiness. One of the biggest threats we turn on social media platforms are stalkers which are sometimes totally difficult to identify and most platforms dont incite us later than this concern back we cannot check who is viewing our profile, photos or videos.
This is particularly felt today by youth people, for whom social media is helpfully an integral portion of their lives.Psychologists have long been wondering whether. You cannot in point of fact use them to in reality see who has viewed your Instagram profilewho viewed my Instagram. Our research suggests that all they pull off is tug a list of all your followers, prefer some of them, along behind some extra who viewed my instagram video random profiles and pretense that list to you. As you can see its all fake. We cannot read out these applications for legitimate reasons, but you probably already know which ones Im talking nearly
0 notes
hxmrzegefem-blog · 5 years
Best Method To How To See Who Views Your Instagram Must
Instagram has emerged as one of the most well-liked photos sharing social media websites once some incredible features. Instagram allows you to follow any person and others can follow you as well. In fact, you can afterward view the account of any registered advocate see who views your instagram of IG. But in mind somewhere one always has a will to know that who viewed my Instagram profile. And how to check who viewed my Instagram? Who viewed my Instagram videos? who viewed my Instagram and un-followers? Who viewed ur Instagram? Who recently viewed my Instagram? How to know who viewed my Instagram profile? app to know who viewed me upon Instagram? and if it is feasible to know who viewed your Instagram profile? all this question was blowing in my mind.Here is checking account ofwho is checking my Instagram account?
Can You See Who Views Your Instagram
Instagram is one of the most popular social network sites in the world, allowing you to read out photos and rushed videos to portion them when the sum up word. Some get older ago, the Stories section and the introduction of albums were introduced into the application. Nowadays it is a leading brand advertising tool for many brands. Initially, it could lonely be used by users of iOS devices, but progressive the users of Android and Windows were skillful to download it too. In 2012 it was purchased by Facebook. Today we will review what are my options if I would gone to locate out who stalks my Instagram profile in 2018.story-sharing app by can I see who viewed my InstagramWe breathing in the times of internet and social media networks are a big ration of it. everyday more and more people gain entry to the internet, mobile internet plans, smartphones are getting cheaper and now even the poorest can afford them. This means that social networks are each time expanding and attainment how to see who viewed your instagram supplementary userbase and many of these addict flock to Instagram. Many of them arent up to date of every the features offered by this network, many of them desire to know whether it is realizable to view private Instagram profiles without gone them, and even more question themselves nameless if its practicable to get a list of every addict who has viewed their Instagram profile. Today, we bring you the reply to the latter and its not a easy one. Officially no, you cant, but un-officially there are a few risky, and a few safe methods to see who viewed your Instagram who viewed my Instagram. Who is stalking my Instagram. Social media have led to a disorder in building social bonds and establishing relationships gone supplementary people. greater than time, it turned out that their use has an impact on our whole life. This is particularly felt today by young people, for whom social media is helpfully an integral portion of their lives.Table of contents show. So, Yes, It Is practicable to look who views your Instagram. But You Should gain access to Carefully.We have reviewed various different applications who are always advertised as the by yourself genuine solution that allows users to see who has visited their Instagram profile. But this is not the forlorn event that they have in common the common denominator of these apps would be the fact that in most cases they simply dont proceed as advertised. You cannot in point of fact use them to in point of fact look who has viewed your Instagram profile. Our research suggests that every they get is pull a list of every your followers, choose some of them, along behind some supplementary who views my instagram random profiles and perform that list to you. As you can see its all fake. We cannot name these applications for genuine reasons, but you probably already know which ones Im talking about. And there is hundreds, or thousands of them.So heres the genuine deal. We tested beyond hundreds of apps and isolated five of them worked. below you can locate the best one according to our tests and the one I personally use to check who is stalking my Instagram:
Firstly,New One Description
Let me tell you something important. This is not an app for iOS, Android or Windows, but it works upon every of these devices anyway. Thats because it is a protester multiplatform web application that is launched from your internet browser. This means that you dont craving to download it. That is a big advantage and one of the main reasons we chose it as the winner. Thanks to this, we dont have to risk the safety of our device by downloading some shady software that could contain some virus, or even incline it into a crypto-currency miner, slowing it alongside significantly as a result.You cannot in reality use them to essentially look who has viewed your Instagram profile. Our research suggests that all they reach is tug a list of all your followers, select some of them, along as soon as some other random profiles and play that list to you. As you can see its all fake. We cannot publish these applications for true reasons, but you probably already know which ones Im talking about. You might be thinking thatcan you see who views your Instagram video?? And there are hundreds, or thousands of them. the common denominator of these apps would be the fact that in most cases they helpfully dont behave as advertised. higher than time, it turned out that their use has an impact on our combined life. This is particularly felt today by young person people, for whom social media is helpfully an integral allowance of their lives.Psychologists have long been wondering whether (and if so, how) the use of social media affects our mental health. From mature to become old there are studies that describe, accompanied by additional things, how the use of other technologies can be allied afterward environment disorders, whether it has a destructive effect upon can you see who views your instagram story contact past peers, or it affects the feel of enthusiasm and the level of happiness. One of the biggest threats we twist upon social media platforms are stalkers which are sometimes definitely hard to identify and most platforms dont back up us in the same way as this matter before we cannot check who is viewing our profile, photos or videos.
This is particularly felt today by pubertal people, for whom social media is suitably an integral allocation of their lives.Psychologists have long been wondering whether. You cannot in fact use them to really see who has viewed your Instagram profilewho viewed my Instagram. Our research suggests that all they do is tug a list of all your followers, prefer some of them, along taking into account some new who viewed my instagram random profiles and produce a result that list to you. As you can look its all fake. We cannot broadcast these applications for true reasons, but you probably already know which ones Im talking roughly
0 notes
asillqnjsowk-blog · 5 years
How To See Can You See Who Viewed Your Video On Instagram Online
Instagram has emerged as one of the most well-liked photos sharing social media websites similar to some amazing features. Instagram allows you to follow any person and others can follow you as well. In fact, you can along with view the account of any registered aficionada see who views your instagram of IG. But in mind somewhere one always has a will to know that who viewed my Instagram profile. And how to check who viewed my Instagram? Who viewed my Instagram videos? who viewed my Instagram and un-followers? Who viewed ur Instagram? Who recently viewed my Instagram? How to know who viewed my Instagram profile? app to know who viewed me on Instagram? and if it is realizable to know who viewed your Instagram profile? every this question was blowing in my mind.Here is tally ofwho is checking my Instagram account?
Who Viewed My Instagram
Instagram is one of the most popular social network sites in the world, allowing you to herald photos and brusque videos to portion them once the combination word. Some era ago, the Stories section and the commencement of albums were introduced into the application. Nowadays it is a leading brand advertising tool for many brands. Initially, it could solitary be used by users of iOS devices, but future the users of Android and Windows were adept to download it too. In 2012 it was purchased by Facebook. Today we will review what are my options if I would with to find out who stalks my Instagram profile in 2018.story-sharing app by can I see who viewed my InstagramWe live in the era of internet and social media networks are a huge allocation of it. undistinguished more and more people get entrance to the internet, mobile internet plans, smartphones are getting cheaper and now even the poorest can afford them. This means that social networks are continuously expanding and attainment can you see who views your instagram videos additional userbase and many of these user flock to Instagram. Many of them arent aware of all the features offered by this network, many of them want to know whether it is realistic to view private Instagram profiles without as soon as them, and even more ask themselves unidentified if its realizable to acquire a list of every user who has viewed their Instagram profile. Today, we bring you the answer to the latter and its not a easy one. Officially no, you cant, but un-officially there are a few risky, and a few safe methods to look who viewed your Instagram who viewed my Instagram. Who is stalking my Instagram. Social media have led to a disorder in building social bonds and establishing dealings gone other people. exceeding time, it turned out that their use has an impact on our comprehensive life. This is particularly felt today by young person people, for whom social media is handily an integral ration of their lives.Table of contents show. So, Yes, It Is attainable to see who views your Instagram. But You Should right to use Carefully.We have reviewed various rotate applications who are always advertised as the on your own genuine solution that allows users to look who has visited their Instagram profile. But this is not the by yourself event that they have in common the common denominator of these apps would be the fact that in most cases they suitably dont statute as advertised. You cannot in fact use them to in reality see who has viewed your Instagram profile. Our research suggests that every they accomplish is pull a list of every your followers, choose some of them, along subsequent to some supplementary can you see who views your instagram videos random profiles and be active that list to you. As you can see its every fake. We cannot say these applications for authenticated reasons, but you probably already know which ones Im talking about. And there is hundreds, or thousands of them.So heres the real deal. We tested higher than hundreds of apps and deserted five of them worked. under you can locate the best one according to our tests and the one I personally use to check who is stalking my Instagram:
Get This Description
Let me say you something important. This is not an app for iOS, Android or Windows, but it works on all of these devices anyway. Thats because it is a unbiased multiplatform web application that is launched from your internet browser. This means that you dont infatuation to download it. That is a big advantage and one of the main reasons we chose it as the winner. Thanks to this, we dont have to risk the safety of our device by downloading some shady software that could contain some virus, or even outlook it into a crypto-currency miner, slowing it all along significantly as a result.You cannot really use them to really see who has viewed your Instagram profile. Our research suggests that every they attain is tug a list of every your followers, choose some of them, along with some new random profiles and do its stuff that list to you. As you can look its all fake. We cannot pronounce these applications for true reasons, but you probably already know which ones Im talking about. You might be thinking thatcan you see who views your Instagram video?? And there are hundreds, or thousands of them. the common denominator of these apps would be the fact that in most cases they straightforwardly dont acquit yourself as advertised. beyond time, it turned out that their use has an impact upon our sum up life. This is particularly felt today by pubescent people, for whom social media is conveniently an integral allowance of their lives.Psychologists have long been wondering whether (and if so, how) the use of social media affects our mental health. From mature to times there are studies that describe, accompanied by additional things, how the use of new technologies can be united with vibes disorders, whether it has a destructive effect upon can you see who views your instagram videos relationships taking into account peers, or it affects the quality of vivaciousness and the level of happiness. One of the biggest threats we tilt upon social media platforms are stalkers which are sometimes totally difficult to identify and most platforms dont urge on us subsequent to this matter previously we cannot check who is viewing our profile, photos or videos.
Final Thoughts
This is particularly felt today by young people, for whom social media is straightforwardly an integral allowance of their lives.Psychologists have long been wondering whether. You cannot in fact use them to in point of fact look who has viewed your Instagram profilewho viewed my Instagram. Our research suggests that every they accomplish is pull a list of all your followers, choose some of them, along similar to some further who viewed my instagram random profiles and statute that list to you. As you can look its all fake. We cannot publicize these applications for legal reasons, but you probably already know which ones Im talking very nearly
0 notes
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"Auto insurance what gender is cheaper to insure?
Hello everyone well i have a question regarding auto insurance me and my wife are considered new drivers now its been awhile since we had a policy i realise women typically get better rates however will she get a much better rate or just slightly better i am 42 and she is 28 and we both have good driving records
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Both of my parent's drive 2011 Range Rovers so they have experience with the Land Rover brand- and they said that as I'm living at home.. my dad could be the policy holder and I could be a named driver. I may be buying a 2010 model when I'm 18, I'm 16 currently as people have told me that it's not really worth buying a brand new one. Just so the car is old and isn't new. I'm not in to small cars..""
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I'm going on a road trip to the US (from Canada) with some other people, and we'll be using one of their cars. We're all driving this car. Is there car insurance we can buy just for the trip? It would suck to have an accident and affect the car owner's insurance. Thanks for any tips you have.""
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I live in Ontario Canada, I'm an 18 year old male, I completed drivers ed, I have good grades and I will be primary driver of a 1991 Buick park avenue. Any ideas of how much my car insurance might be?""
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I need my teeth fixed i live in california i have no money and no insurance. My teeth are supper bad, im only 22. What should i do.........?""
I'm moving out of state - do I have to change auto insurance companies?
Explanation - I went through a local auto insurance company called ABC Insurance (not the real name, btw). They got me the lowest rate through XYZ Insurance, out of a different state. I'm moving out of state in a few weeks. Do I have to worry about finding a new insurance company if the one I pay my bill to is out of state anyway? After the move, I will actually be physically closer to that company... but still out of state. I never deal with ABC anyway. It's like they are just the go-between that found me that company.""
And why does an auto insurance co. want to know this??
Why when I am getting quotes online for auto insurance do they ask for my marital status and even have a spot for single parent. Would I get a better quote if I said just single? Am I penalized for being single. I'm no kid; I'm over 40.
Short term car insurance?
i need UK car insurance for just one day, ive looked at various companies such as more than and the AA but they will only do it for people over 21 and i am 20. does anyone know any companies that can do this?""
18 year old car insurance help!!!!!?
I am 18 years old, past my test back in april (2011) and I cant find any affordable car insurance!! :( Even with my parents as main drivers the cheapest im getting is around 7000... its ridiculous Has anyone found any cheap car insurance companies or ways of reducing premiums significantly?""
Im looking for people with private health insurance or no insurance?
if you have medicare, medicaid, or group insurance at work, dont answer. was it difficult to get insurance? who is ur carrier? do you have pre existing conditions?""
How much would car insurance for a 21 year old be for all state?
How much would car insurance for a 21 year old be for all state?
Does anyone knows which insurance company is better? Great eastern or prudential?
Does anyone knows which insurance company is better? Great eastern or prudential?
Car insurance?!?!?
last week i crashd my car =( and its pretty much a write off ... just got to wait for my insurance to confirm that it is. anyway im wonderin if anyone knows on avarage how long it'll take for insurance to pay out?? cheers
""New Car, Driver's Test, Proof of Insurance?""
My Dad bought me a car about three days ago and the dealership said they will insure the car for 14 days while my dad gets insurance through his company. I might take my driver's test tomorrow and I want to use this car for it. If I show the dmv the insurance papers the dealership gave me, will that count as proof of insurance for my road test? Thank you.""
Not paying car insurance?
I have currently had my permit for 13 months and I am 20 years old. My mother inlaw was telling me I could get something called my fleet affidavids license and I wouldn't have to cover insurance on the car i'm driving as long as I have the same last name that is on the insurance. I honestly can't be expected to pay insurance when i'm just now getting my license and had no transportation what so ever to get a job to make money for insurance. Does anybody know anything about fleet affidavids license or have any information that might help me out? I can't afford insurance.
Does anybody know of any cheap (but credible) motorbike insurance companies?
For a 125cc bike. thanks
Car Insurance quote question?
When I try and get a quote for some cars on either Tesco or Direct line, it tells me they cant give me a quote online and il need to ring them. Also, the browser wont let me go back, so they make you close the window and type out another quote all over again! Why do they do this? The car I want to insure is a Nissan Navara D22. I am guessing that its because its a commercial vehicle and they want to check if il be using it for commercial use. I am 18 and have had my licence for a year, and I will be the named driver on the policy, my dad being the main driver who has over 30 years NCB! I managed to get a quote for a new Navara, not the D22 version and that was about 1990. How much do you think the D22 will be? Do you think they might class it as a van and not insure me because im under 21?""
How much should i expect for insurance cost on a used 2005 nissan altima?
i know it varies, but can i get a range?""
Whats the average car insurance costs for a 16 year old male in Florida?
Whats the average car insurance costs for a 16 year old male in Florida?
Two part question--Germany Auto insurance and the IPhone?
1.) What automobile insurance companies do most people use in Germany (German companies not American) to get the best rate? 2.) Will a T- Mobile IPhone from German (T-Mobile) work in the US under a new contract or will i need to get a new phone when i return to the US?
Is auto insurance cheaper if I live with my parents or on my own?
Is auto insurance cheaper if I live with my parents or on my own?
Which is best insurance scheme Home loan insurance or Life Term Insurance to protech Home loan?
I am having Home loan 20 lacs and would like to protect the risk. Could you suggest which is best insurance scheme Home loan insurance (Protecting home loan alone) and Lime Term Insurance (protecting like not home loan). I want to know the premium which one is lower and benefit one?
Where can i get the cheapest insurance for saxo vtr?
ive just passed my test and i already had the car well before i started lessons. ime 26 with 2 kids under 16. ive been getting stupid quotes for 5000. i know its a boy racers car but it doesnt meen ime going to be doing handbrakes and racing in it. just using it to get to work and take my kids out. i got the car for 600 2000 model and really want this car cant be doing with a 1.0 L or anything under a 1.6 can anyone give me a insurance company that will give me a decent quote. thankssss
Insurance industry Q&A - what entry level insurance job ...?
what entry level insurance job would be good for someone looking to break into the industry?chicago i have 0 years experience but i have a BA degree undeclared. im fimilar with ms office software.
Would the insurance be cheaper for an 05 Maxima SE or an 06 CTS 3.6L?
I'm 17 and looking into getting a first car and both of these sound very appealing. Which generally costs more to insure?
Can I buy a car for someone and them pay insurance and registration?
Basically Drive and maintain my car? I'm buying it for her. I will register it in my name. I live in NV, so I need to register it here in NV. Title, Loan, and Registration will be in my name. Can she legally insure the vehicle, solely? Does she need to add me onto the insurance policy? Is it OK for her to drive it in Cali, where she lives, with it registered to me here in Vegas? What are some possible unforeseen problems that may arise, besides: If towed I need to get it out. If tickets unpaid or loan not paid upon, I get the flack and bad history, and fines. Please help! feedback needed! OF COURSE ITS NOT A GOOD IDEA, BUT IF I CHOOSE TO DO IT, I want to be aware of it all, just asking for some heads up and feedback, please! Thanks!""
Auto insurance what gender is cheaper to insure?
Hello everyone well i have a question regarding auto insurance me and my wife are considered new drivers now its been awhile since we had a policy i realise women typically get better rates however will she get a much better rate or just slightly better i am 42 and she is 28 and we both have good driving records
Can I drop motorcycle insurance for the winter then pick it up in the spring?
I'm 17 and am looking for a motorcycle. My mom called our insurance company (Nationwide) and had a quote prepared and they said it would be an extra $70 a month. Seeing as how it gets cold here in Ohio i don't really want to ride a bike in the wintertime. Would it be possible to drop the motorcycle part of the insurance during the wintertime and then pick it up in the springtime when I start riding again? I'll also be turning 18 in February so I think the rates would go down.
My daughter and car insurance?
my daughter just got a car for my granddaughter is it illegal not to have my grand daughter listed on the insurance policy..she does'nt want them to know she is a new driver...we live in new jersey
How much more do men pay for car insurance than women?
If a man and a woman are the ame age, same car, clean driving record, both live in the same city, and every other variable is the same. The only difference is their gender how much more would a man pay?""
""Republicans, Why doesn't the affordable health insurance website work?
Web page design is easy. I make websites about how evil Republicans are and websites where I give people free Walmart gift cards.
18 year old car insurance quotes?
I passed my driving test 2 months ago live in a small village and have a full time job i am 18 years old.recently i have been looking around for car insurance quotes for the obvious 1st cars 106s,corsas etc and the lowest quote iv had is still over 3 grand these are all of compare sites aswell as admiral quinn and direct line, surely this carnt be right? this is on my own insurance as the main policy holder, because apparently you carnt go on your parents insurance anymore. would appreciate any help Thanks""
Insurance rates????
my insurance is way too high...I have insurance with a nationwide company....and I have to have full coverage because I'm financing the vehicle. My question is..where can I go to find some cheaper insurance? I heard that smaller companies around where you live usually offer cheaper rates? Is this true?
Car insurance?
ok well im 16 and a male. my mom just bought me a 2007 lexus gs for my bday. i havnt gotten in any accedents, so i wanted to knw how much my car insurance would be. my mom said she spoiled me enough by giving me the car, so she wont help with the insurance.""
Motorcyle prices?
IM thinking about buying a crockrocket. What are the average monthly payments.......ball park... And also, what is an average montly insurance payment?""
Insurance for driving my bf car?
I am getting my driving license, how much roughly will cost the insurance to drive my boyfriend's car? It is an old petrol skoda... Thank you!""
What is the average life insurance amount people take out?
What is the average life insurance amount people take out?
Car insurance even though do not own a car?
Hi, I got my license on may and since then I drive my mom's car. So my mom tried to add my name under her car insurance and I have to pay the same amount of car insurance as her. I only drive during the summer and they told my mom that even if i dont pay the insurance now, they will still accumulate the rate starting from the day i got my license and sums it up and give it to me when i start paying insurance. So either way I would have to pay the same amount of insurance. Is this legitimate? I mean I only drive during the summer and im in school during the year. im 18 by the way and I live in new jersey""
Can I have car insurance under my parent's name?
Meaning, I am 17 on a probationary license. My parents and I currently have Allstate Insurance and I'm a part time driver on mom's vehicle. They recently bought me a car from my instructor's daughter. I would like to be an all-by-myself driver under Liberty Mutual, being they've shown me the absolute best rate, hands down. So question is- can I have car insurance under my parent's name with Liberty Mutual, as they keep Allstate? (My policy, just under their name)""
How much does it cost for car insurance?
I am 17 years old. I just got my licenses and i need insurance. How much does it cost with my parents and how much does it cost without my parents?
Do anyone have an idea about how the insurance of 1992 mistubishi expo cost for 19 years old male?
Do anyone have an idea about how the insurance of 1992 mistubishi expo cost for 19 years old male?
What will have the cheapest insurance payment? 2003 escalade or a 2012 camry hybird?
It will be my first car which one is easier to afford and which one looks better
Pregnancy insurance???????
im pregnant and i dont have insurance that will cover me or the baby. I am trying for medicaid and will probably qualify but barely. And i want to get married before the baby is born but again we might just barely qualify. Is there any suggestions on insurance plans or help with medicaid?
Classic Car Insurance for a 16 year old?
I recently got my license and am looking at getting a Datsun 240Z to be my first car. My parents are completely supportive of this choice so please don't answer saying that it's a terrible choice. I am willing and eager to learn how to work on cars. Since insurance is so expensive, I'm looking at getting classic car insurance for it. I know they aren't supposed to be used for a daily driver, but doing some math, I calculated that I won't be driving for more than 3,000 miles annually, even if I commute daily. My problem is finding a company that can insure me. Most, understandably, don't seem to want to insure anyone under 25. I was wondering if anyone knew a company that could cover me. I currently have a 3.8 GPA and am in multiple AP courses. I've heard that there are good student discounts, so that may help. Also, I need to be able to get coverage without having a second car to be my daily driver. This is probably impossible, but if anyone could help me, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!""
How much could my car insurance increase if I pay a 90.00 fine that included 1 point on my record?
I have a clean driving record so would it be worth paying the ticket and watching my insurance go up a few bucks? I can't imagine my insurance going up too much for a single point, but maybe I am totally wrong. Any advice on this matter would be much appreciated.""
Do you think my dad is paying to much for insurance?
my dad is around 44 years old and he has never been in a car accident. He has gotten tickets from when he was 19 years old. He has California casualty and he has been with them for years, we live in oregon. He has a 2006 toyota tundra darrel waltrip edition 4.7l v8 valued around 20k. He told me he pays around 100 a month for full coverage. We have 2 cars on his insurance, toyota, and my eclipse. Iv never gotten any tickets(dont know if that would affect it). THE reason i ask this is because my bf's dad just got a 2006 mustang gt and they said they only pay 76$ a month. So im just curious, Do you think my dad is over paying?? THANKS""
Does adding a driver/family member bring drive up car insurance premium?
I want let my parents drive my car once in a while, do i need to add them as additional drivers or are they covered under my existing bare minimum insurance coverage.""
""If I send a demand letter to an insurance company, do I have to ask for a specific amount?""
Or can I leave it open-ended? I was in an accident in June '09. The other driver was found to be 100% at fault. I received a settlement offer from the at fault driver's insurance company that was ridiculously LOW. I replied with a letter stating that I would not accept their low offer and explained why. I'm wondering now, though, if I should have specified an amount that I expect to receive. I simply told them to get back to me with a real and significantly higher offer or I would be seeking legal representation. Did I make a mistake?""
How can I sort out this car insurance issue in the UK?
I've been living in the UK doing some studies for 3 years. When I came to the UK, I didn't know how to drive a car. Also, I found it difficult to pass the driving test in the UK and afford private driving lessons. Few months ago, I went for a 3-month holiday in my original country, Egypt. There, learning how to drive is much easier and less expensive. Besides, issuing a driving license is not so difficult as the theoretical and practical tests are not so complicated. Therefore, I decided to learn and get a national license. Based on this license, I could issue an international one from Cairo that allowed me to drive in some countries one of which is the UK. However, when I returned to the UK and decided to by car, I found a proper one for 550. I decided to buy it, but I was asked to go online to get a quote from a car insurance company. I spent the whole night trying all the websites that my friends told me about. The shocking fact is that many of them refused to give me a quote because I hold an international license, not a UK one. Even those websites which accepted that requested a huge amount of money (i.e. not less than 1, 200-1, 600) which is much higher than the price of the car itself. I wonder if there's a way to sort this out or if there's any alternative solution that saves money for me. I don't want to go through any further driving tests in the UK. Also, I don't want to provide wrong data (e.g. having a full-UK license). Your suggestions are highly valued (serious answers please as I really feel down!). Thanks so much in advance!""
Approximately how much will my auto insurance go down?
I have always been told that when I turn 25 my auto insurance should decrease significantly, I was wondering if someone can give me an idea or (if you dont mind) let me know what you were paying <25 and what your paying now at 25>. As of now I am paying $350 a month for full coverage on two vehicles (with two speeding tickets on my record at the moment at 23 years old, one will definitely be off by 25, the other one will be close, (assuming I get no more) I am going through Farmers Insurance. Does anyone have a rough idea of what I have to look forward to my 25th Birthday as a subnote I know this is being planned much ahead of time, me and the lady are considering moving out of our apartment, I want to have a very thorough knowledge of what my financial future will look like before pulling the trigger on anything. Expect wthin the year posts from me on moving business =D All constructive answers are appreciated.""
Can you be insured under the car's insurance if you don't have insurance for yourself?
What i mean is... If the car (like say your parents, or friends) you are driving has full coverage insurance on it, but you do not have auto insurance in your name whatsoever. What would happen if you hit someone. Would it file under car owner's insurance? No matter what, im assuming both the car (obviously) and the driver (ALL drivers) need auto insurance in their name? Or can you drive w/o insurance if the car has full coverage? Thanks! Just want proof before i prove someone wrong :P""
What are the fines and penalties of driving without a license or insurance in California?
Under 18 with permit only. Also loud music. Was only driven in parking lot when pulled over. Car in another persons name. Are there any fines or penalties for car owner?
Auto insurance what gender is cheaper to insure?
Hello everyone well i have a question regarding auto insurance me and my wife are considered new drivers now its been awhile since we had a policy i realise women typically get better rates however will she get a much better rate or just slightly better i am 42 and she is 28 and we both have good driving records
Can i drive without insurance?
I just got my license today I'm 16 i live in florida. my parents haven't bought my insurance yet and they say its illegal to drive without insurance. can i drive without insurance if i have my license and I'm dirving my parents car?
Adding a Black Box to my Car Insurance?
I am a new, young driver, and in order to reduce the cost of car insurance I am looking into the Black Box (I am aware of both the benefits and drawbacks). However, when finding a ...show more""
What is the average cost of health insurance in California?
health insurance for married couple above fifty
Car rental insurance necessary?
I don't own a car (so I don't have my own car insurance). I am going to a small town in Upstate New York for a couple of days. Do I need to buy the car rental insurance? It is obscenely expensive (usually close to the price of the car itself).
I want to file a complaint about two health insurances.?
I went on the Internet to try to get health insurance, this company called alliance for affordable service called me and told me that my percriptions would only cost in the neigbor hood of $10- to &50 dollars. I spoke to my Dr. and he told me that there was none of my medicines that he could change to the lower prices. I contacked the company and told them what the Dr. told me. I asked for my money back, they told me to send a letter, which I did. They sent me one back aqnd told me that they would not give me my money back. I dropped the insurance. I contacked another insurance on the internet. They called me. I sepicifity asked if they covered preexisting conditions and he asked did I mean, I told he that the Dr. wanted to do surgery on me left foot. He told me that it would cover any preexisting preplanned surgeries. The Dr. office called them and they told her that they would not cover any suegery inpatient or out. This company was Sure Care.""
Temporary auto insurance for move?
I'll be moving to Oakland California from Phoenix Arizona and I was wondering if there is such a thing as temporary auto insurance. My vehicle is not currently insured, but I can get a temporary registration from AZ DMV. That would allow me to drive my car for my move. I will be pulling a small utility trailer. I don't want to get a full 6 month insurance policy because as soon as I get to Oakland, I won't be driving the car at all. Are there any insurance companies that offer a really short policy (2 days, or maybe a week) ? I only need insurance for those two days, and so that I can get temporary registration from the DMV. Does anyone know if such a thing exists, and if so what company?""
Getting my insurance under my mom policy?
Okay, I currently have insurance at state farm under my name and I pay 200/month full converage the thing is soon im getting me a wrx sti and if i stay under the same converage it's going to be 300/month now My question is, Can I cancel my coverage get my mom to come in and get a policy then she add me to her policy and since I don't live with her she could put herself as the primary driver even though she has a car already? Would it be cheaper?""
Could anyone tell me a cheap reliable 125cc motobike with cheap insurance ?
Could anyone tell me a cheap reliable 125cc motobike with cheap insurance ?
How much would it cost for me to insure this?
If anyone works for an insurance company or knows how much this will be please help? Just passed my text and am 17years of age, how much to insure the car below? Nissan Micra 1.0 S 3dr Hatchback 51 reg Manual Petrol 35k miles""
Monthly motorcycle insurance in Ontario?
Hello there, I'm 16 and live in Ontario, currently have my m2, what would be my monthly or annual insurance rate for a 600cc sport bike or a vespa scooter? Is there an average rate? An approximate would really help, thanks.""
How's health insurance in london?pls help?
i was diagnosed with some major illness in the US and have no insurance cant afford paying for it.i heard the health insurance is free in london, is it possible to move there for recovery? if so how long would it take me to get accepted as immigrant and fully recovered?""
Do life insurance companies check your medical records after you die?
Let's say that you get life insurance and claim to be a non-smoker. Then let's say that you start smoking or resume smoking. Assuming that your medical records show that you smoked, will most life insurance companies check your records, see that you smoked, and then cancel your benefit?""
""Full Time College Student, my first time shopping for health insurance?""
I will be 20 in a month. I go to school full time as well as work around 30 hrs a week. My family has been on government health care for a while, but since my father won his social security case they are canceling our coverage by the end of the month. (With no real notice) I need health insurance but I have never shopped for it before and I would like to keep my same doctor as well as I mostly just need the insurance for birth control. I don't make much money and my fiance and I are struggling to find a place to live as well as needing to buy a car and fix my car. I just really need some good advice on how to choose a good heath care provider. and I also know it will probably be rare to find any insurance that will help pay for my birth control.""
How much insurance for a subaru wrx sti?
i'm getting the subaru as a first car hopefully
Buying Car Insurance Help?
ive called a few companies... usual 300+ Down and 200+ Monthly... they keep asking me if i have car insurance Now.. should i lie and say yes i do..and give em my amazingly Low rates from my last insurance... which was 1/2 of the one they are trying to sell me..?
I'm 27 years old and I wanna get life insurance ? Any thoughts on which type i should get . ?
simplify your answer please .
How much will it cost me to repair a paint less dent on a Nissan Sentra?
My car was recently hit without my knowledge. No one saw it and it happened while I was parked. The dent is right above the body of the tire frame and its about two inches wide. My question is will my insurance pay for it? And if not how much will a repair like this cost me? The car is Nissan Sentra 2012.
Caught with no business insurance but i have insurance?
Hi, so yesterday i was delivering food for a kebab house, i only started the job 2 days earlier and i am on a trial period so i did not update my insurance to business.... beause of this i was stopped by police and when they checked i did not have valid business insurance meaning my vehicle was seized, i am due in court and will receive 6 points which will earn my a straight ban because i have only held my license 1 year and 11 months ( just before the 12 point allowance). by the time the court date has passed i will have had my license two years... is there anyway i can escape this offence without a ban ? any help appreciated!!""
How much does your car insurance increase when you have two traffic violations in a year?
I was pulled over again for turning right on a no turn on red . The first time the insurance company said they wouldn't increase the premium. How much would it increase? $200 for the year? more?
Personal Car INsurance?
Is there a company who will insure me in a car no matter which car i drive. ie I want to get in a mates car and drive him home and am not covered by his insurance or i want to take my wifes car for the day but am not covered on hers. I need my own insurance so whichever car i get into, i will be insured in UK""
How much information can car insurance companies see when you get a quote?
I let my car insurance lapse about a year ago and have been driving without it (I know, not good) and my girlfriends dad is an agent here in ohio. he asked to quote and i gave him my information... can he see that i dont have insurance? what about my credit report?""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
I'd like to know the insurance price for a 1.8 litre car, about 5 years old, driver being older than 26 years old, and no claims bonus not included, in different countries. In Ireland I get a quote about 1,200 Thanking you all in advance !!""
Car Insurance for youth?
What car insurance company is usually cheapest for a new driver with a car in the early 90's (1991 Grand Prix) for liablity only. I would go on with my parents but the company they have forces me to pay on every car they own and its just waaaay to much for me since im just starting out in the workforce
Is car insurance cheaper in the 78212 zip code than it is in the 92692 zip code?
Is car insurance cheaper in the 78212 zip code than it is in the 92692 zip code?
How much would a job delivering pizzas affect my car insurance premiums?
I drive a 1997 Geo Metro. I have no accidents or moving violations on my record. I have been driving since August 2005. I am 25 years old. My October bill was $91.17.
Auto insurance what gender is cheaper to insure?
Hello everyone well i have a question regarding auto insurance me and my wife are considered new drivers now its been awhile since we had a policy i realise women typically get better rates however will she get a much better rate or just slightly better i am 42 and she is 28 and we both have good driving records
""Car parked on drive, do I need insurance?""
I am buying a car in aprivate sale very soon, although will not be able to drive it until April 1st. Will I be able to just leave the car on my drive without insurance or is that illegal?""
Can insurance companies access your bank account?
My freind got in a car accident and now he is being sued. He has small investments in mutual funds. Can the other oarty insurance company access his bank accounts and investment and find out exactly how much money he is worth? Other than that he doesn't own a house and doesnt have a car or any other type of assets. He is currently not working right now.
What are the books that insurance companies use?
What are books that are full of the variations of ways that people have died, that insurance companies use to produce statistics called or labelled as genre.""
I need an eye exam but i dont have insurance.?
Do most eyecare centers accept patients without insurance? Where can I go that is affordable?
What is the difference between home insurance and buildings and contents insurance?
hi. I will soon be moving into my first house with my girlfriend and its all new to me. We have been told we need a few insurances. Is there a difference between home insurance and building and contents insurance? or are they both the same thing? will they cover leaks, fire, structural damage, theft, boiler etc The house is in Newcastle UK. I would appreciate any help thank you
Can you get a cheap Motorcycle for less than $500 that can get you from Point A to point B?
My Sister REALLY needs transport to work for this summer, or she may be out of a job. Public trabnsport is not too reasonable. I was thining do to vehicle cost and insurance cost, her best bet is a bike. Doesn't matter what it looks like. As long as its SAFE and CHEAP. And can Get her from A to B I'm thinkin about $500. She is located on the north shore of massachusetts. Like the Lynn, Salem area. If anyone knows of any shops or websites that may be able to make this possible, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys! Nox""
Gerber Life Insurance?
What exactly is Gerber life. Insurance? And is it worth investing in?
What kind of insurance as i have medicare?
i was wonderin what kind of insurance as i have medicare
Should i Register my car under my dad's name to get cheaper insurance?
How does it work? Do i buy the car under his name and register it under his name? OR Do i buy it under my name and register it under my name and just insure it under him? How does it work? EZ 10 Points here guys.
America - Are you legally required to get Car Insurance?
In the UK you can't go on the road without insurance, is this the same in america?""
Car insurance quotes: What is car trim?
I'm trying to get some car insurance quotes in which one of the questions is asking for the trim of the car, with the options E Match or S Help?""
Where can i find cheap auto insurance?
i'm paying 150 a month for a 94 ford thunderbird, but i'm looking for something cheaper that i can afford. i'm just wondering how much other people pay for cars like mine...""
Who much money does it cost to start an insurance company?
I want to start an insurance company in Florida and was wondering how much it would cost to start one. Do not hesitate, give me your best estimate. Also, do insurance companies keep funds gathered through insurance policies in a fund or do they invest it? Comments? Thanks!""
I need affordable health insurance I do not fit into any categories such as low income Help!?
I need affordable health insurance I do not fit into any categories such as low income Help!?
How is my insurance so high for my 125cc motorcycle?
Well i passed my cbt on the 13th this month, turned 17 on the 10th this month, ive had my dt125 re / x 04 model for about 2 months riding on private land etc, anywhoo, i decided to look into insurances, well first i went to carol nash and got a quote for 4000??? then i tryed comparethemarket, got a insurance quote of 3600? what the ****? seriously, theres not a chance im going to be paying that **** and the insurance place is ringing up saying do you want to buy the 4000 insurance? **** no, any idea's for cheaper insurance places or idea's to get it down?""
Can California Civil Code 827 be used to enforce mandatory renters insurance?
Recently my landlord sent tenants a letter stating we have to buy renter's insurance, stating that California Civil Code 827 allows them to do this. Looking it up, I see 827 is about rent increased, not renter's insurance (and nothing about anything being mandatory). When I signed the lease with them, I was not required to pay for renter's insurance, but they claim that terms have changed and now I am obligated to pay this, and if I don't, may destroy my credit. All because of Civil Code 827. Can they actually do this? Or is this letter some kind of tactic to coerce me into signing this document and providing insurance? Thanks!""
What state or states do not require car Auto insurance in order to own a car and use it ?
I would like to know what states in USA do not require car Auto insurance for the owner or user of the car he or she is driving? If there is such a state please prove me where you get the source! And How does the driver pay off all the victims billing cost after injuring this victim and victim has a bunch of bills coming in from Hospital service? If now you agree with me that all drives should be required to pay and have auto insurance, This is the same reason is why all people need to have healthcare insurance who can afford it! Not only it will keep the insurance cost lower for average person, everyone is now guaranteed to qualify without being denied due to history, disability, or medical cost person needs, but if everyone has health insurance nation wide medical expense will be less rising; like people who did not have insurance get into accident/injury Whether falling off a cliff, get hit by a car and driver drives off, or gets injured due to snake bite. NONE of them are intentional or expected but they happen and many other! If everyone is insured the insurance pays for the medical expenses whether its $500 or $500K But if not everybody has healthcare insurance average person wont be able to afford the $full medical bill will be hunted by collection agency but still not likely to pay any more then $5000 for medical expenses! There for the rest of the medical cost falls on WHOM??? THE TAX TAPYERS OR OTHER medical service Customers!!! By raising the prices of medical expenses! THAT is why Californias Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance Raised about 57% cost in 2010 or 2011!! What do you expect if Thousand or millions of Illegal most Latino immigrant get Medical service in Hospitals like even Child birth, or emergency room, but they dont have medical insurance, cant afford it, YOU SEE that raised their insurance cost BY 57%!!! DO YOU WANT THIS TO HAPPEN NATION WIDE?? IF NO If you want Medical cost to remain affordable, THEN A) Support National Healthcare that everybody should have it who can afford it B) In order to receive Fed/State TAX, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid from the Illegal Immigration should be attempted to be caught and exported to their main country, or should be attempted to be caught and if given full citizen ship to them only if these immigrants must server some number of years of Army, military, or Air force service voluntarily. OR be required to pay a minimum amount of $ that individual invested into the Social Security system, or minimum number of years legally work in U.S.A, if they want to receive the Social Security benefits if future. HOWEVER How many years serving , How much individual or couple invested minimum, and /or how many minimum number of years in order to qualify for Social Security service is up to the government to calculate and decide. THIS WAY Citizens Will all be able to fully pay their medical expenses, and The illegal immigration will not be as big of an issue!""
CA DUI expungement affect insurance rates?
I received a DUI back in July of 2001, and it has been affecting my insurance rate ever since. Under the new DUI laws the DUI I received (a misdemeanor) will be on my record until 2011. I qualify for expungement of this record. My question is if I do expunge my DUI will my auto insurance company be able to see my dmv record and will my insurance company be allowed to charge me the same rate?""
Can car insurance be in both my name and my wifes?
I just sold my car, and am waiting 3 months to buy a new car. My job requires that i have car insurance ( i dont know why since i dont drive for my job) I faxed a copy of my wifes insurance. Can my name be added on to the insurance, or do i need to get seperate insurance?""
Aircraft insurance rates with DUI/DWI charge?
If one is a partner in a small aircraft, what effect does a potential DUI/DWI have on aircraft insurance rates?""
Car insurance - Can anyone help?
We have company cars and Ive just told my manager that I would rather go in my car than the company car in this weather. She has just told me that its okay if I use my car because if I did have an accident, the company would claim on their insurance. How true is this? As she has lied to me before so i dont trust her. She told me that i could claim expenses and then once i put the form in, she said i couldnt so anything she says i dont believe.""
How much is insurance for and exotic car?
like a lamborghini or ferrari or porsche?
How can I see a doctor without insurance?
Hi I'm 18 years old and I have no insurance and no job..I'm really sick my back feels like its on fire and my testicles has been shrinking I also feel like theres bumps on my right testicles..I've also lost 10 pounds in a month due to my sickness I really want to go to the doctors but I can't afford it....also I live in Colorado Springs..
Can I refuse health insurance from my employer?
I am already insured under my husband and in the past having 2 insurances has caused a nightmare of paperwork. I am about to accept a job from a non-profit, so would me refusing insurance save them money?""
""New Driver, Buying Used Car, How much is monthly insurance?""
18 years of age, recently got my license more than a month ago. Looking into this 2003 Ford Taurus I found at a dealership (4 door).... Parents are saying insurance will cost around $300 a month! excluding the car payment which will be around $200 a month. For some reason, I don't believe them what so ever with the cost of the insurance. I do have to get full coverage insurance. But thats just ridiculous. New drivers, how much do you pay for insurance. Only answer if your on your own plan.""
Auto insurance what gender is cheaper to insure?
Hello everyone well i have a question regarding auto insurance me and my wife are considered new drivers now its been awhile since we had a policy i realise women typically get better rates however will she get a much better rate or just slightly better i am 42 and she is 28 and we both have good driving records
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