#it put the whole thing under a read-more the first time I answerd
bonesbuckleup · 4 years
anonymous asked: would you be willing to talk more about what you mean when you say the fire nation/azula probably didn't know what to do with sokka? I'm curious.
Something went weird with the original answer so I’m reposting as a text post vs. an answer.
OKAY SO what I mean is imagine this: You’re a powerhouse war-mongering nation bent (ha) on taking over the world. The main thing in your path is the Avatar, who is leading you on a wild goose chase around the world. He’s trying to learn all the elements, and your enemies are hellbent (haha) on helping him. You’ve got spies all over. You’ve got intel. You’ve got a good idea of how and where the Avatar travels, even if you can’t pin him down directly.
(Got long-ish, throwing in a cut)
So it makes sense to you that he travels with a waterbender, since he needs to learn waterbending. And since he started in the south, it makes sense that she’s not terribly adept at her craft yet despite being the one to teach the Avatar, and it makes sense she becomes more of a threat after they starting moving south again from the North Pole. But you have entire prisons designed to keep waterbenders in. You’ve fought them before. You can do it again.
And it makes sense that they pick up an earthbender, because the Avatar needs to learn earthbending. It probably doesn’t take you long to figure out she’s a Beifong, especially when she starts flashing credentials to get into Ba Sing Se and whatnot. You know her parents are looking for her. But. You also know messing with the Beifongs is to poke a sleeping bear, one that might be more trouble than it’s worth to deal with. Besides. Like the waterbender, you know what to do if you manage to capture this earthbender. You can keep her locked up. And maybe that gets iffier with the rumors of metalbending but there’s always wood.
And then there’s...this other guy.
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Who is clearly also Water Tribe, and who has been traveling with the Avatar since he first reappeared, and who is not a bender. I think if you’re the Fire Nation, you’re assuming (not entirely correctly) that the Gaang knows what they’re doing, which means this guy must serve some purpose. I think pretty early on, you’d assume he’s their handler--which, you know, Sokka’s the idea guy, so that’s not wildly off-base. But you don’t really know who he is or where he came from. You don’t know what kind of training (maybe he’s a spy? maybe he’s a really good fighter or something? (which is a hilarious concept when you consider book 1 Sokka who is just out here doing his best)) the Water Tribe and/or Earth Kingdom got this guy before sending him off to keep the Avatar in line, which makes him the wildcard in this whole thing. Especially once the invasion during the eclipse happens and he’s leading the charge.
Anyway, so I think the Fire Nation probably spent a lot of time trying to crack who Sokka is, even though the real answer is pretty simple and that all Sokka truly is is tired. But I really do think that it’d be Azula who gets really into trying to solve the riddle. Because, like, here’s the thing. We don’t see a lot of Ozai on screen, but he seems to equate bending ability with power and surrounds himself with above-average benders. This is one of the main places Azula actively deviates from his example, because her most trusted confidants are Mai and Ty Lee, two non-benders. She not only acknowledges that their lack of reliance on an element makes them better fighters, but counts on it and anticipates it. They’ve had to get more creative without bending, fighting with knives and pressure points. They’re her wildcards. It makes sense, both in a strategic sense and with Azula’s character, that she’d try to figure out the boy who spends his time keeping pace with the world’s most formidable benders.
And I don’t really have any back up for this, except for one tiny little thing. As best I can recall, and excluding Zuko for obvious reasons, Azula doesn’t call the Gaang by their names. She calls Aang Avatar and Katara peasant. There’s one single exception to this. During the invasion, down in the tunnels, when she narrows in on the one person trying to keep the plan in motion, knowing that if she can get him the others will fall in turn: So, Sokka’s your name, right?
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ileavemaybe · 8 years
Wondering how the world evolves, today i was at this tabbaco store. My exgirlfriend was buying my 20 Birthday present, or was it even the birthday present ? i think so, but i can't remember really.  okay get to the point the lighter, the gift i recieved from her, was broken after 2 weeks. I told her the lighter is broken and she told me to get back to the tobacco store in the Karstadt to reclaim it but I didn't for a long time. She was allways a little bit upset about me and about that she has a relationship with somebody that is not right with her principles.
She told me:"When i was sixteen, i proud myself that i never would have such a relationship like my best girlfriends. He lives more then 50 Miles(80 KM) away, smokes cigarettes, has parents he lives at, is unemployed,unathletic, brown hairs, green eyes" Okay she doesn't exactly sad it like i wrote it here, but her list about "Things about " .....perfectly ...  was endless. At least in her head but the guy she was thinking about as a 16teen years old girl, am I. 
Some Morning she sad: "Take me with you to Rosenheim, i reclaim the lighter myself because now its only a broken present." I replied: "Let me take the lighter i pass by the tobacco store at the evening." and wanted to take it out of her hand but she defended it, took it away beetween her 2 hands near to the body and sad with a confidently and louder voice: "NO! I please you now 4 weeks that you reclaim it and now you would take it it as easy as you dont loose any time to reclaim it. No Flo!". I twitched with my shoulders, and told her "Okay, you got 10 minutes then we have to sit in the car and drive away". She left with a sweet smile and a expression of happines on her face upstairs to my room. She was hurry to get started while i drunk my morning coffee and checked out the daily news on my smartphone. 
                                    --- 10 minutes later --- I closed and locked the door. I went to my car where she was allready sitting in. She allways had a usb-stick with her music on it. She kept asking me everytime if she could put her stick in the radio even thought i allways replyng "No problem.". I liked almost all of her music, i think she is liking my music also. Thats why she was keeping some songs, we heard both in the playlists. At all we never had worries about the music. So i got in my car. Right as i sat in the car seat she was asking me "Do you have a problem if we hear the music on this usb-stick?" and liftet her hand with the stick in it. I replied "No problem." while she was unplugging the iPhone cable. I started the car and was beginning to drive right to my work in Rosenheim. I asked her "Are you hungry? I will pass by the gas station in Bad Feilnbach." She told me :"I'm fine, I will buy something when we are in Rosenheim. " I pried my cigarette pack and was putting one of the cigarettes in my mouth and asked: "We can meet in my pause at the trainstation i can be there in 5 minutes from the shop if you want?".I took the lighter it lied in the gap right under the radio in my car. She answerd: "Yeah cool, when do you have your pause and how long is it?" and looked quizzical fast beetween the lighter in my right hand and that cigarrette in my mouth. I replied: "I don't can say really when i got my pause but i think between 12:00 and 13:00 o'clock i can manage it. My pause is only 30 minutes long, i need 5 minutes to the trainstation and back, so we got 20 minutes, when i have pause i'm hungry so i want to eat something but there are some takeaway stores." As i set my cigarrette in fire and cranked down the car window she was bugged and said:"Do you have to smoke now? huh?" I opened the roof door, There after I told her:"I allways smoke a cigarette here!" With a slightly disappointed and quite angry voice she said:"If you think ..." I remembered her:"Whats about my midday pause?" She replied: "Yeah, ehm, please let us eat in the Mc Donalds there, yummy." I answerd: "Sorry but if i have my pause i wanna eat something with nutrients. I think i will eat at this nice kebap shop with that beastly hot sauce".
Just after Fischbachau i enunciated my cigarette in the nearly empty ashtray in front of the gearstick. I was allways clearing it before i met her. I closed the window to my left again and turned the switch of the car roof window, at the middle by the front part of the car sky, from my VW Polo 6n builed in year 2001, to close. The window slowly closed and as it was finished i shoved the light-tight cover over it. Yes she neither liked the light or even if the sun was shining, the sunlight that was shinning through.
I have to say as my Dad was asking me what car i would like to drive as a new driver i told him:"Hey Norbi, i dont mind what car it is, i want to have a Volkswagen and a must have is the roof window. Please there must be a roof window!". He told me that he has to speak with the car salesman where our family bought all cars from and 3 weeks later we got him. That Volkswagen Polo 6n Build in 2001, with snow tyre at the backseats and mounted normal tyre on it. He had a little front damage and a accident damage at the tail. At his status he was certificated prized around ~ 2.800$ my Dad bought him for  about 1.500$, thats just more then 1.000$ off, i was like: "WOW! How did you do that? This is the nuts!" He told me: "Hey Flo, this car has to get through the TÜV-check, it will need new brakes and a new rear bumper-bar. This will cost me another 500$!." i replied: "I'm so overgrateful. Thank you Dad this and my driver lesson were the best birthday presents i've got in my whole lifetime! Really really, thank you." Mostly we call, i don't know if this talk was on phone but he asked me:"Did you allready ate your dinner today?" I answerd: "Yes Norbi, i allready had it. But we can go on Thursday if you haven't arranged something yet." He told me:"Doris is coming at the weekend, maybe she can manage a free friday so she will come at the Thursday evening. If you don't have a problem that Doris is with us, we can meet, me and Doris would have a meal out anyway, so why not?".On top of i asked: "No i don't got a problem with Doris, so can you call me on Thursday evening around 18:00 o'clock?". He replied: "Right, let us have another call on Thursday evening. I will tell you where we going to eat so you can catch us later there. Okay?" I answerd: "Okay, right. Yeah i have finished do you've got another question?" He said: "Nah Flo, it's allright, i call you Thursday. See you! Bear in mind that all is easy as long as you've started with it!. See you Flo! Servus!" I also said good bye and finished off the call with a touch on my smartphone. I really never had a problem with Doris, she is the new girlfriend by my father. My parents live in seperated homes but they are not divorced by each other. My Dad is tooking this as if they were complete strangers and is idle with my mum. My Mum was talking and is thinking about trying to force another bite at the cherry with him. But this has reduced in the last few weeks, when my Dad started to file a petition for divorce.Since this action they are little bit on daggers drawn. I live by my mum. She owns the house at our family grew up. In the meanttime I got a good mumship with her. Short time after the moment, they lived in seperated homes, my mum was looking out for a new boyfriend on internetpages for singles, where you've got to pay to recieve and send messages. So many online dating services now have a lock for reading or even sending messages.You only can break it by paying money. I can remember as i was 12 years old i logged into the internet across a modem. The modem also did a login sound, that was allways the same and after that sound you where logged in, into the Interne. You'd to pay for each single minute your computer was online. (The sound was really similar to this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aV8DEJ8ydJQ) This is were i did my first steps into the internet. I knew from google, so i checked it out. I don't know how but there were nobody to explain me how to connect to google.com but for me that was so logic that i have to clear the url-bar and type (world wide web)w w w.google.com into it and press enter. I pressed enter and the browser window turned into a white screen, it lasted some seconds and there were it. I easily managed to get myself to google.com. Now i would say "Okay greedy young boy go for the Porn search! :D" but i know i didn't searched for porn or something similar to that. I searched for music downloads because i heard about downloading music from the internet without to pay for it. I tried few search requests until i've found something that could help me so much. It was called Bearshare, this  is a file-sharing service software to swap data beetween all users into there network like eMule or Limewire. I regestrated at there Homepage and logged into the software. Now i was in a network, where every user that is inside this network does share his released data with me. Me as a user of this software shared my data to the users too. Because i knew some songs from friends and the radio. I tried to remember there dept and started to download "Xavier Naidoo - Wenn ein Lied(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLF-IDwRMr8)" and "Die Fantastischen Vier - Troy(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkvuDOB9XD4)". Xavier Naidoo is a interpret i still hear especially today. Die Fantastischen Vier are not in my gusto. The download of this two songs took more then 30 minutes. We payed a price around 0.25$ per minute so that two songs costed us around 10$ for just two songs. But hey! For me they were free because my parents had to pay it! I don't know how much songs i downloaded like that. The big problem that's why i tell you this random shit, was: as I was 13 years old, my family got a very serious letter from the judgement in Hamburg. There workspace was about the authorships of songs. They worked for the SONY MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT GERMANY GMBH. It's one off the biggest lables out here! They demanded 7.500$ from my parents. There reason to write us was: The IP-Adress from our router was spreading data with authorships to other users from Bearshare and all that without a permission from the lable.Our Internet provider was Telekom Deutschland GmbH where we had a ADSL, with a bitrate of 6.000kb/m in that throughhout. Because i didn't know that i was spreading data and i even didn't interesst me for that although i knew that was illegal to do. Allways you talk to People they told you:"Nah man, everybody is doing it! The chance that they will catch exactly you is very atomic! Believe me." But now i tell you something you will wonder. They catched all. They did there job like playing pokemon to gather all data from all pokemons in their edition in there pokedex. You maybe will think: "WTF? POKEMON? EDITION? POKEDEX?" Chill down. Pokemon is a video game on a gameboy colour for kids in the ninety's. There were around 130 different monsters called Pokemons and there were 2 different Editions: a red one and a blue one in them you couldn't find all the 130 Pokemons. The goal in the game is to gather all Pokemon data from all Pokemons out there, in your ingame handheld called Pokedex. I never finished to get all Data completly. It was very plodding to gather it all. The Pokemon tagline is "Gotta catch 'em all!" But why they only got all Data in their Edition? Because they only got the IP-Adresses from that users there shared their data, in the software was a setting to dissemble the data sharing, i was sure i took a snag inside the checkbox and saved the current options but i think the programm was unchecking the checkbox everytime it has been started. My Dad spoke to a lawyer he knew from his daily job. He meant maybe we can escape from their demand if we shuffle the accusation away from my parents to me, because i wasn't in the age of criminal responsibility and they couldn't accuse me. Despite that Norbi had to much proud to convict his own sun then my half-brother, Felix on my mother's side was also downloading songs on eMule and Bearshare. After one night, he wanted to slep over the information he got from the lawyer, he called him another time and asked him if we can do something else to stall for time or minimize the amount of the demand. Overall we stall time for 1 or 2 years and decreased the Amount of $ they called from 7.500$ to 2350$. My father payed the 2350 $ and that story was over. And now it slowly advise in oblivion.
My Dad lives only 10 Minutes away by car and we meet weakly for dinner or something else. He's a good driver and i took it from him. I think i drive good, I'm a completly defensive driver mostly i break only to emanate carefully and responsible to the public and also Belle told me she's feeling safe and i'm a good driver.
      She replied "Okay then i eat without you at the Mc Donalds, we don't have to meet at your pause." I was confused and said: "But i wanna see you, beauty!" She told me "But i don't want!" and laughed in a mix of immoral and joky like allways when she sad things only to see my reaction. In her favor that was just fun to play with my feelings like toys. For me that was real pain in my body, every sentence like that was a horrible and emotional feeling right next to my heart. It lasted one or two still standing and totally silent seconds, it felt like my heart stopped right into this second and was released after. Someday we layed in my bed cuddling and watched tv.I told her whats happening inside of me when she's making her joky games of feelings. She don't took me this serious as i was in this moment and told me "Ohhh man, Flo! You know me! You know thats only because i wanna see your reaction about and its really humorius. You know anyway when i do this, or not? Tell yourself it's only a joke and this is not real. You know i love you.". She stroked over my stomatch and went with her head to a kiss. I tooked it. After the kiss i told her: "It's hard to stop my feelings for you like you switch off a lamp. It's like you were scared this feelings just come i can't do anything about it.". She replied: "Flo! Just try to dessemble your feelings." I answerd "Okay i will try, but only because i love you so much" and we got another kiss. A few minutes ago she told me: "Also these things with your friend Niclas, you know this is only to get you jealous. But Nic is really sexy." My feelings are cold and i sad with bored voice: "Really?". She started to laugh and stuck me to laugh also.
We arrived the gas station in Bad Feilnbach i disembarked out of my car and went into the gas station. I left the carkey in it so she can hear music while i visited the shop. I was buying Cigarettes and a Red Bull like almost always every day. I don't had to refuel my car today, it was nearly full. After that i went back into my car where she was hearing the song "Maroon 5 - One More Night". (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lprIOaNug9M) I don't like that song and asked her if we can skip it. She answerd "You dont like that song? Why?" I replied "I don't like it because it's about a last night and i don't want to lose you anyday! I love you Isabelle and there's nothing i love more then you." She replied:" You know Flo, i told you i'm not there for ever , i go to the UK next year and gonna study there." I dont really know if i told her but i walked with her if she wants.I asked again "Can we skip?" she answerd with a lapsing voice:"Okay .... skip it.". We got our drive on from the gas station to the left into the roundabout and the first exit out of it, straight to the end of the street and leftwards to Rosenheim. There's another roundabout where we took also the first exit across the Wasserstraße (in English Waterstreet) via Pang right to Rosenheim. The street took it name from the for a street a typical mass of puddles. They are completly full when it is raining for some days. But maybe the name for the street has founded because that very small single farmer village Wasserwiesen (Wasserwiesen in english is Watermeadows) is right next to the roadend and in Wasserwiesen there are really meadows full of water. There are some they where really good fertile usually meadows in the past but now they are just full of water and mud like a lake. But they are not a real lake, they are like a water reservoir for the water that is coming from the mounts in the spring when the snow is dewing on the hills. When the Sun is approaching the morning behind the mountains. But this day wasn't sunny, it was cloudy and depressing. It doesn't semed to rain this day, and there was no rain at all. Maybe in the Evening but i dont know anymore. After Wasserwiesen you will do a 90 degree turn, and drive over the highway right to Salzburg and Munic. A bridge will get you right to the other side of it. I like that bridge because i can allways watch the traffic but I neither commend you to get to Salzburg over the Highway on a shiny saturday early evening because i allways laugh about the people in this massive traffic while I race over the bridge with like 80 miles per hour and there are standing on the highway with no solution at 30C degrees. 
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