#it realy sounds like endgame
brsb4hls · 8 months
Two more positive review snippets from authors who picked up on the Loki/Sylvie vibes
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Outside of tumblr that is actually a thing ;)
And it makes me wonder where they'll take it.
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So i want to write a fanfic and i have the plot but every time i want to expand it I can't and all I end up with is new fanfic ideas if this is writers life I don't want it any way I need help can you please give me writing tips cuz I realy like you writing and thank you
I am a big believer in writing at the stories own pace, and not trying to force it to do what you want to do
Outline? What outline? We throw words at paper and celebrate incomplete sentences like a BOSS. This is what my outlines look like::
{not to be a square but i don’t really wanna deal with one night stands so don’t bring girls here
not really my scene
What bars or girls?
ah...(weird gay silence.) alright then. well just see how it goes then, alright?
There is such a thing as “his heart was pounding, head throbbing, breath coming hard (Wait did that sound like a sex thing? Look up synonyms for hard breathing)” because sometimes we get weighed down by stupid things like finding the exact right word at the time and it can get really frustrating really fast. Put parentheses where you need to fix it and move on
If I am working on one fic (ie My Snow White au) but literally cannot get a specific scene/trope/line out of my head I usually try to incorporate that into the story. For example, literally two years ago I was writing my “Frost” fic and Tony has powers in it and I was SO MAD that I didn’t really know the words/have the right place to put in a scene where we really got to see his powers in play? So I jotted it down and here I am writing the Snow White AU and FINALLY getting to use that scene
Don’t be afraid to stop and jot down scenes from potential other fics. I have a whole “idea Doc” that looks like I word vomited random bullshit (which is exactly what I did) but since the ideas are down on paper, at least they are out of my head
Let the fic go where it wants to. Oh, you thought it was “this” pairing but now it’s “this” pairing? LET IT HAPPEN. Wait, what is happening now? Broken hearts? FUN put it in there. WHAT THIS CHARACTER WANTS TO DO WHAT IN BED? Ok well I’m gonna watch research some porn and figure out if people can actually bend like that and make it work.
Pirates Heart (my best story ever) was originally twenty chapters long and it ended up over 45 because any time the characters wanted to do something (like hide away on an island), I let them. And then what? Thor made an appearance? Awesome. Threechapters later, they haven’t left the island and it’s fine.
On the same note, not all fic has to be epic adventures and intense emotions. You can’t get a short, funny scene out of your head? Throw it up there anyway. That’s literally what my entire Sunday’s with Spideypool collection is.
And if something isn’t working? Move on to something else and leave it alone. Try making a list of Headcanons for it. Like I have a whole list of EndGame HCs that I sort of want to write but probably never will and it looks like:
—EndGame Family Dinners
—aunty natasha for reasons
—talking about Steves recovery and moving forward
—playing zoom with Morgan
That’s it. I mean there’s a much longer list but basically? That’s my entire thing. And maybe I’ll come back to it and write, maybe I won’t.
Some stories just aren’t meant to be (I have literally billions of those) and that’s okay too. If it’s just a thought that makes you smile? Then the idea served its purpose, right?
(If this is Terrible advice and all else fails? take a shower because for whatever reason? Fic ideas always spring up on me in the shower.)
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anthonycrowleymoved · 5 years
reading endgame spoilers sounds like just a realy bad crackfic but no. that’s all canon apparently
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kawaiichurchburner · 4 years
All asks
1: What’s your name? Why did your parents name you that? Jente and idk my mom liked it
2: Meaning behind your URL? highschool joke cause my friends liked anime
3: When is your birthday? 27th of january
4: What’s your sign? Do you know your moon and rising sign too? Aquarius, Virgo and Gemini
5: How many languages do you speak? 2 descent and others a few words
6: Do you like plants? What’s your favourite plant? I do and all plants are great plants
7: Play any Instruments? Sadly no, still wanne learn how to play guitar
8: Do you like learning about history? Do you have a favourite era? I love learning about it especialy mythology and folklore, favorite era is renaissance, medieval and ancient roman and greek times
9: Do you have a favourite place? Love walking around i the forest
10: Favourite Pokémon? Scizor, Glalie, rowlet and mimikyu
11: Are you a picky eater? kind of?
12: Do you like hiking? i love going on walks, not alot of hills here though
13: How do you feel about your hometown? I like it here cause of my friends but if i can move out i will
14: Are you more of a city or a country person? country
15: Any unusual hobbies? Not that im aware of that they are unusual, i do tend to collect alot of things
16: Do you like rain? i do even had to walk through it a few days ago and was soaked but i honestly didnt mind
17: Do you have any allergies? mosquito bites
18: Early bird or night owl? night owl
19: What was your first ever job? cleaner in the local cinema
20: Dream job? Librarian of museum curator
21: Tell us a random fact about yourself? I have a jar full of rpg dice on my desk
22: Favourite snack? crisps
23: Favourite soda? cola
24: Ever met someone famous? I met solstafir after their concert but thats it
25: Do you like to sing? Yes although im not very good at it
26: Do you like to dance? No
27: Do you prefer to have your phone on light or dark mode? dark mode
28: Favourite Disney movie? does avengers endgame count as disney?
29: What song have you listened to most recently? Darker Thoughts by Paradise Lost
30: Favourite song? Black Autumn, White Spring - Uada, Kiss my ashes goodbye - Woods of ypres
31: A song that makes you nostalgic? some songs i listened to in highschool but not as much now anymore
32: If you could be an animal, which would you pick? goat
33: Do you have any siblings? nope
34: Do you drink alcohol? What’s your fave drink? yes, beer
35: Do you live alone? If not, who do you live with? Nope with my parents
36: Ever left your country? several times
37: Were you an early, late or average bloomer? Average i think?
38: Favourite subject in school? History
39: Are you good at math? not realy
40: How did your teachers describe you as a child? quiet
41: Did any of your teachers hate you? Why? one did but i still dont know why
42: Were you popular in high school? hahaha great joke
43: Do you think it’s easy to make new friends? nope
44: Did you play any sports as a kid? i did
45: Do you like reading? Love it
46: Favourite book(s)? mort by terry pratchett, everything from tolkien, some stories by lovecraft, history of the devil by paul Carus
47: Favourite film(s)? The thing, mandy, reanimator, lotr, witchfinder general
48: Are you a gamer? what console? yes, switch and ps4
49: Tell us about your best friend. He is a weeb
50: Craziest thing you’ve ever done? idk
51: Tell us about a time where you felt badass. never happend
52: Can you swim? yes
53: Do you know how to ride a bike? yes
54: Do you have a driver’s license? yes
55: Do you know how to drive a stick shift? yes
56: Do you want kids? no
57: Do you know what you want to name your kids? dont want them
58: Favourite eye colour? idk brown
59: Do you like the sound of your voice? hate it
60: Favourite part of your body? hate it
61: Do you wear make up? no
62: Do you have any favourite clothes? my bandshirts
63: Do you have a favourite pair of undies? no
64: What do you wear to bed? nothing
65: How would you describe your sense of style? basic metalhead i guess?
66: Do you have any piercings? How many and where? no
67: Want any piercings? no
68: Do you have any tattoos? How many? no
69: Do you want any tattoos? yes, i even have the flash but not an apointment yet
70: Have you ever had/considered having plastic surgery? What kind of surgery and why? no
71: Who was your first kiss? highschool gf
72: Who was your first love? highschool gf
73: Favourite cuddling position? idk like spooning?
74: Do you like play wrestling? sure?
75: What’s your sexuality? How long have you known? straight
76: Ever had a crush on a teacher? no
77: How did you meet your current/most recent partner? on here lol
78: Opinion on tummy kisses? they are okay
79: Where do you like to be kissed? idk
80: Do you like kissing with tongue? sure
81: Do you like hickeys? sure
82: What’s your love language? Dutch
83: What’s your type? you are my type
84: Do you want to get married one day? sure
85: How do you feel about long distance relationships? we are doing great now arent we? even though we see eachother every week but its a distance though
0 notes
I agree with your last anon, that level of analysis is always appreciated, especially since critical part of the fandom either left (to do actual activist work?) or became weirdly personal (spitting bile at actors, based on ridiculous assumptions). But I disagree with their assessment of "wishful thinkers". They are not naive. Queer narrative analysis doesn't simply equal "endgame!", there's much more there. Sounds like anon didn't read too much before putting them all in the same box?
Well, it’s not really our thing to address that here, butisn’t that what everyone’s doing–putting people in boxes, then putting labelson boxes regardless of content, then argue over the labels? I mean, we here wereimmediately dubbed as ‘haters’ because we rejected some random dude as Regina’sLI, those who were loud on twitter about rapeculture in Captain Swan were ‘badapples’, everyone shipping Swan Queen was a man-hating lesbian (yeah, I know–it’sfunny, in a… really ironic, sad and moronic kind of way) and similarly–everyoneanalyzing queer narrative in Once Upon a Time is still being dismissed as ‘delusional’?
It rather sounds like some people in this fandom acceptedwhat’s being thrown at us from all sides in our lives–gaslighting, to the pointthat we now gaslight each other? Also, dismissing on merits of… well, thelabel on the box? So I guess… *shrug* If Anon believes that ‘wishful thinkers’(which I assume by saying ‘dumb’ they probably meant the DP bunch?) are naive,then I can only hope that it’s because they… scratched the surface in order toconfirm their suspicions? Or if not, they can perhaps still address the content directly at the source andthrough hopefully constructive conversation–they can see if they can find somelogic, reason and level-headedness there, too? Because the least that we cansay is that, yeah–while you simply can’t talk to that first group that theymention, the ‘industry insighters’ (who ‘call people gross and stupid if theydisagree’ like typical tyrants, because of their general arrogance, patronizing stance and over-inflatedegos basically, and yeah, we know that really well–they tried to bully us too, rallying theircliques and all) I’m sure the DP bunch would love you to challenge theirtheories, on the other hand? By addressing to any of the specifics rather than…mislabeling them as naive and dismissing as delusional based on… face value, realy? ‘Cause as far as we here know, not everyone there is in the same‘endgame’ brigade, but they’ve all been getting the brunt end of… some reallymisplaced rage. Of those angry at the show and the showrunners, really. Notthe actors or… least of all other fans, for ‘selling people false hope’. Peopleare basically just coming into an old fractioned fandom and have accepted allthese barriers that don’t reflect what’s actually there, you know?
And if some feel validated in their experiencesthrough that queer reading of the show that the ‘wishful thinkers’ seem tofacilitate, then who are we to deny them that right?
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