#it screams i love rihanna with that pop and that sparkle
jrueships · 1 year
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being right about gup acting all petty that jalen got to go to France during the summer while he was stuck in stupid summer league fighting to get fed scraps for the regular season feels so good
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calypsoff · 3 years
Forty Two.
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I decided that Chris and I should just be alone, so I decided with him to stay in a hotel for a few days, just some space for us both away from my family, we were ok before going into that house so I was thinking we need good vibes and just a good time alone, he’s staying behind for a few days so we can work on it. It was weird sleeping last night, I mean we slept in the same bed but kind of apart, we have apologised and made it up, but it was weird. Then Chris woke up and said he will be back, he’s gone for a walk, I offered to come with, but he said he will be fine. I find it extremely sweet that he’s big on the we can’t be mad at each other vibe, like I get it and I do feel bad about it all. I just didn’t think it would affect us the way it did still, I know for next time. But it’s weird how we both just kind of stayed away from each other in bed, I don’t know why it’s weird between us because it shouldn’t be at all, I just want it to go back to how it was with us, we just fell off track for no reason, I mean there is a reason but I feel like things shouldn’t have been that way with us, once Chris raised his voice I kind of just wanted to get him back for talking so rude with me, we can both talk like adults but I just want this shit to end. I want to spend time with him and just get us back on track, I think maybe we are both like this because we feel bad, we’re not like that at all and then my family overhearing it, they didn’t really question it, I said we need some privacy so that was it. I’ve just been lying in bed; Chris has been gone for a while now. I guess I know how he felt when I was gone but the difference is I know my own country, it’s my home. I hate that we slept apart, it’s honestly annoying me that we did.
It just came to me; Chris has no phone either. I just know he can’t have gone far, but I want him back now that I realised that. Staring out of the hotel window, we are staying at a different hotel. Not much of a beach front but we have a nice top floor suite, it was last minute so I took what I could with what they could give at this moment. I am so stupid, he has no phone and I let him go, I should have gave him mine so I can call him on the hotel phone, he doesn’t know Barbados like I do “stupid girl” I said moving away from the window, hearing the door unlock I breathed a sigh of relief. Walking towards the door, I mean the only person will be Chris but still “what happened to you?” Only he would come back with a cut “I fell, but I found them. I bought flowers” seeing the bouquet of white roses, I couldn’t help but smile “but how did you fall” taking the roses from him “I was just walking and fell, luckily the roses didn’t get destroyed” his arm is bleeding “you didn’t have too, where did you go for it? Far” Chris nodded his head “few places were closed I think it’s black people timing, I get it and then this lady was open, and she helped me, I said I fell out with my fiancé and I need something cute. Because I am sorry about everything, I want us to be good. Me and you go out, do some things. I want to make it up to you” catching the drop of blood that fell from his hand “let’s clean that first, you need to stop being clumsy” Chris looked so confused “good catch” I caught his blood before it fell on the flooring “dare you to lick your hand” turning away from Chris rolling my eyes “you know I’m not” that is nasty.
Chris is so damn clumsy, he’s forever hurting himself “does it hurt” I lightly dabbed his arm where the cut is “erm no, it just feels sore” moving the tissue back, the cut is kind of deep “you need to be careful Chris, is your leg ok?” Wiping around the cut, the blood is dried up on his arm “I know, I’m just dumb. I do be in my own world, just daydreaming and stuff, like I didn’t really sleep. I just wanted to wake up and get you flowers and just kind of make it up to you, it’s just a place where I don’t want to be with you, it’s not nice for you, we love each other and these arguments that to be honest, I kept pushing at didn’t need to happen. I do love you Robyn and I’m sorry, does your family hate me?” Shaking my head looking up at him “they just said they hope we can fix the issue, when I told them that we are coming here for some peace and a little getaway they just said take care and have fun and hopefully you both make up, they do like you Chris so I don’t want you to think they don’t because they do” his continued to bleed “the cut is deep Chris, stop being so dumb. Seriously, you keep hurting yourself” placing the tissues at the side “I will, I was just thinking of coming back that is all, I just wanted to come back, I was happy that I got flowers too for you” I chuckled shaking my head, he is so goofy.
Chris wanted a shower so I am just sat here waiting on him, I don’t know what the day will bring for the both of us, he did mention something about doing some things, but I don’t know so I am sat here in my bikini for nothing to be honest, just for show I guess. He has finished because I heard the shower turn off, I don’t like this little block between us both, it’s a little awkward and I am unsure if it’s me or him, maybe me. I am not upset with him, but I guess it did hurt me when he said about me becoming a mother, I would never make that mistake again to my child. I don’t even know if I am or whatever, I am sure I will know when I am anyways. The bathroom door opened, I mean of course I am going to look “is it the six pack show now?” oh he knew what he was doing coming out with just a towel “a little, I am not sure how I kept the six pack. I be eating a lot in Barbados; the food is good as hell. What you doing? You getting changed?” watching Chris lean over to his suitcase, I have seen his ass crack anyways, nothing new there “for what? I don’t know what you were trying to say, we doing something or no? I am unsure so I didn’t want to get ready, are we?” he is confusing me, Chris turned around with his boxers in hand “yeah, we going out. I set up a little something, I mean that is after I bust my ass but get ready, it’s a surprise” my eyes widened “for me? How should I dress? Please tell me” I mean how the fuck should I dress; he hasn’t said anything to me “nice” men are annoying, he said that just before he dropped his towel. Dicks look so weird when they are resting, squinting my eyes a little disgusted.
“How long? I am going to fall asleep” Chris said outside the bathroom “not long” I mean I have been like an hour and a half; he is taking me out. I had to go a little all out, I do that anyways but I just wanted to look good for him. I have a emerald theme going on here, it’s cute and I like it. I have my long locks in a high ponytail, a sparkling emerald bikini and booty shorts with a semi-sheer cover up, two buttons closed, I mean I am with Chris so he can’t really get angry with me, I have my nude heels on, and my matching green Birkin bag, I am popping. I swear I put in effort, I just wanted to dress the fuck up, I feel good anyways. Grabbing my bag from the side, I am ready to go. Unlocking the bathroom door, I know he has been waiting for a while now. He probably all annoyed with me “I am ready” dragging open the bathroom door, Chris is laid out on the bed with his slides on “you wear that outside Chris, get off” Chris’ eyes widened, he got up from his position just staring at me so hard which made me a little nervous “what?” does he dislike it, am I showing too much skin for his liking “is it too much?” looking down at me “no” he licked his lips “you look so beautiful Robyn, like for real. Wow, I love the colour on you, green suits you. Wow, I look a little dressed down now but it’s hot out there” Chris is checking me out, ok I am now getting hot “thank you” I mumbled, he got up from the bed “you look amazing Robyn, like I don’t deserve you at all. Wow, beautiful” he is making me shy “be quiet” walking off “stand onl my train I will scream” I pointed out to him before he did it, I know what he is like.
Oh Chris is being a gentleman, held my hand to get me into the car even though I could drive us he said no so we are doing this “thank you brother” he got into the car with me but he literally near enough sat on my lap “Chris” I laughed nudging him away from me “my bad” he sat next to me “you want to get any closer? You near enough sat on my lap” placing my Birkin on my lap “you like my bag” lightly stroking it “it’s cute for you, what is so special about it?” poking my lips out “it’s a Birkin, get it right” Chris touched the bag “feels weird, how much is it?” I paused just smiling “you know what, how about we just skip that and say how cute it is” looking over at Chris grinning “not as cute as you, you look so good Robyn. I fancy you anyways but I do even more, I mean I do anyways” he is stupid “don’t mess my makeup” I know he was about to kiss me “just a peck” nodding my head, poking my lips out as he pecked my lips “I love you” Chris said straight after “you too, mhmm you really trying to make up for it aren’t you” Chris chuckled “somewhat, I shouldn’t have shouted at you” he shrugged, placing my hand on his leg “I love you more” he placed his hand over mine “let’s try and move on from it, like we can talk about it but let’s forget the shouting thing, we was both in the wrong, and I shouldn’t have gone out” I shut it down, I want him to stop.
I have lived in Barbados my whole life and I have not seen this place “what the hell Chris?” I am shocked, this already looks beautiful “I am Anthony Hunte, please to meet you” he shook Chris’ hand and then mine “you own this?” I pointed, he clearly does “I do yes” Chris is just smirking at me “got it closed for you” I gasped “really? How you do that so quick and early” I am shocked “I kept mentioning your name, it holds a lot of power over here. Even when they try to haggle me, I am like do you know Rihanna? Well I do” hitting his shoulder lightly laughing “be quiet” he is goofy “please follow me” he gestured, this is so peaceful, the classical music and the beautiful plants here. Chris held onto my hand as we followed Anthony “this is the working end of old Castle Grant plantation, where sugar cane was once processed into syrup. Step through the gate” he held the gate open for us, a cute little bridge we walked over. There is so many exotic plants, I am lost “the beauty, I have never seen this place” I am shocked “I can tell” following the path with towering trees and beautiful flowering plants, I would love to take these home “if you would like to come here” looking at Anthony “us?” this is a creepy entrance, Chris can lead the way anyways. He is the man here to protect me, dipping my head down because of my high ponytail and it opened up “for you” Chris stepped to the side “it’s a little secret garden and we can eat here” my mouth hung open, I am truly shocked, I wasn’t expecting this “you like?” Chris pointed “like? Oh my god, I am shocked. This is so romantic” placing my hand over my heart “thank you” walking into Chris and hugged him close, I am in awe with it all, he has outdone himself “it’s ok, you deserve. Come sit down” I can’t believe it, this is so romantic for him to do this.
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becky69lu · 5 years
Ed Edd n Eddy Music Taste Headcanons
Last night me and my friend came up with ideas of what the kids from Ed Edd n Eddy would listen to for music. And I thought I’d share with you all :) (You’re free to disagree but this is what I think the characters would like)
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Ed: This guy would definitely be into soundtracks. Video games, horror movies, etc. He’ll enjoy them all. I feel like he’d be the type to explain why he likes a song on a soundtrack, like the vibes it gives him and how good it was in whatever game/movie it was. 
Double D: Growing up he’d be into classical music by default. It’s all his parents played so it’s what he’s conditioned to like. I feel like as a result he’d never really have a preference to listen to music because he mainly uses it as a form of relaxation for studying or concentrating. But when he entered high school it’s a whole other story.  He ends up befriending (or dating, depending what you ship) Marie. She introduces him to her music (which we’ll get into in a bit!). You’d expect Double D to hate it. Hardcore rock and heavy metal seemed a bit extreme. At first he might think it’s just noise. To his surprise, he ends up enjoying it immensely and starts to understand why people listen to music for fun.  On more than one occasion Ed and Eddy will catch up to Double D in the hallways or the walk home from school and catch him blasting some heavy band. It surprises people greatly what Double D likes, but in a good way. 
Eddy: This dude is the embodiment of the meme where you listen to rap with the homies but something else when alone. This guy will listen to Lil Peep and Juice WRLD, and don’t get me wrong he genuinely likes it, but it reaches its max appeal at some point. By himself he’ll listen to old school music. He really likes Elvis, Frankie Valli and Frank Sinatra. It’s what he grew up listening to with his dad in the car and loves it to this day. He’s not ashamed of it but prefers to look cool for listening to rap around random people. Really only Ed and Double D have listened to his playlist with him.  The only thing he kind of hides which is a guilty pleasure is NSYNC and The Backstreet Boys.  I feel like in high school Eddy and Kevin would be close bros, the kind that constantly pick on each other for fun but they really do appreciate each other and will be there for each other. As a result of their constant roasting, both of them listen to rap together but end up going home and listening to completely different things. 
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May: Growing up, all three of the Kanker Sisters listened to Country. Their mother enjoyed it so she’d play it around the house a lot. May’s the only sister who’s favorite genre is Country though. She loves Carrie Underwood, Luke Bryan, etc. In high school, her music taste opened up slightly. She likes pop music and enjoys a bit of Marina and the Diamonds, and Melanie Martinez (which she heard from Marie’s room and thought it sounded good.) She’s still a country girl at heart but enjoys bubblegum pop too. She’s also the type to enjoy basically anything, but she refuses to listen to heavy rock. Her limit to rock music is screaming, and at that point she wants to shut it off.
Marie: A rocker at heart. Of course she always dressed the part, but didn’t actually listen to rock music until she was 13. She entered her emo phase and never left. She likes classic rock, modern rock, and anything alternative or indie. Her favorites are Asking Alexandria, My Chemical Romance, A Day to Remember, Falling In Reverse and In This Moment.  In terms of other music, she really likes P!nk, Avril Lavigne, and Ke$ha. The only genre she hates is country. For her, growing up listening to it constantly made her hate it because it was overplayed. She refuses to listen to it and sometimes her and May butt heads when in the car trying to play music. 
Lee: This girl takes pride in her music taste. She flaunts her love for old school rap. She loves 2Pac, Snoop Dogg, B.I.G., Tupac, and Eminem. She’ll play it around whoever is willing to listen and genuinely enjoys it. If her and Eddy became friends (or dated) she’d get him into Eminem especially.  Regarding other music, she enjoys anything 2000′s like Nelly and TLC. She still likes Country music too, but doesn’t listen to it as often as other stuff. 
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Rolf: He listens to foreign music. I feel like this one’s obvious but it’s true. He listens to music that’s poppin in his homeland. When he’s around Kevin and Nazz he actually grimaces at their playlist. He probably won’t like any of it, even if he’s open-minded about it. On occasion he’ll end up liking a few songs or artists from them but not a lot. I feel like he’d like a little bit of Post Malone. 
Jimmy: He’s a THEATER KID!! When he goes to high school he immediately joins the theater program. He’s definitely that one kid that’s liked by everyone. But for music, he’d definitely enjoy musicals. Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, Wicked. You name it, he probably enjoys it. He also likes disney music as well like the soundtracks from Mulan, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, etc. And he’ll definitely be in every spring musical and already know the songs. 
Sarah: Since her and Jimmy are best friends, of course she also becomes a theater kid. She’s probably one of the most disliked people in the program but doesn’t care. She also enjoys musicals but not to the extent that Jimmy does. They still listen to them together all the time. She probably really likes pop music. Katy Perry is one of her favorites. She’s definitely a Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber fan. To be honest she probably went through a hardcore K-POP phase where she had a stan twitter and everything. 
Jonny: He mainly just likes whatevers popular. He probably enjoys songs off of Tik Tok and is that annoying kid that plays meme music over and over. All Star by Smash Mouth is banned from the Cul de Sac because of him. He probably enjoys some soundtracks from video games as well. The type to just blast Revenge by Captain Sparkles for hours.
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Kevin: We’ve already established that him and Eddy basically listen to the same thing. Lil Uzi Vert, Xxxtentacion, etc. That kind of thing. He tries especially hard to be cool. He’s definitely that kid with the speakers in his backpack blasting music down the hallway. But like Eddy, he listens to something else when he’s alone. He probably likes 70s and 80s hip hop and a little bit of classic rock because of his dad. Listens to Motley Crue, Def Leppard and Blackstreet. He’s not ashamed of his music taste, but definitely only plays modern rap in the car with the homies. 
Nazz: She’s a carefree spirit. She likes old school rap too but appreciates a lot of older stuff. She likes Fleetwood Mac and Queen because of her mom. But she also really likes pop and Jazz. She likes Kelly Clarkson, Alicia Keys, Bruno Mars, Coldplay, and Rihanna. Probably a big Beyonce stan too.  Because shes a free spirit, she’ll listen to anything someone plays. She’ll enjoy heavy metal if someone puts it on or even Country. She doesn’t care. If she likes something she’ll definitely go home and look up more stuff. She probably has the most diverse music taste of them all. 
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agustdef · 5 years
Here & Now - Chapter 2
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Pairing: Yoongi x OC
Genre: Fluff; Chill romance
Word Count: 1,963
Warning: None.
Banner Marker: @dee-ehn​
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A week of me constantly working felt like a month. I was physically and mentally drained, but I had to keep going. The light at the end of the tunnel was so close and I could just imagine the rest that I'd get as if it were happening.
The screaming of my name sent me jolting forward and out of the daydream, I'd slipped into. Blinking a few times I regained my bearings and stared at Marcus with wide eyes. He just frowned, his eyes holding what felt like disappointment.
"How much sleep did you get on the plane?'
"Three hours."
"And when you got home?"
"Three hours?"
He sighed and I guessed he wasn't appeased with my answers. "How much sleep did you get while in New York?"
For a moment I paused, thinking about it. After a few seconds too long he slapped the table, calling on my attention again.
"Actually, I slept every night for at least seven hours. The most consistent it's been for about a month. I'm just using too much of myself. Working my brain to meet all deadlines and also trying to get everything that I want to out of me. Too much creative output methinks."
Shrugging I grabbed the piece of Belgian waffle I'd been eating, dipped it into syrup and shoved it into my face.
Marcus released another sigh, his face softening. He was entering one of his big brother modes, I could feel it. I always did my best to not worry him that much, but sometimes it just couldn't be helped.
"You're taking a break from all work after this. You look dead most of the time, even with that sparkle of joy in your eyes. Plus your skin looks dull. Where is that radiant brown skin that you've honed with your sixty different skincare products."
A laugh escaped me and I almost choked on the waffle. He was a freaking dork.
"My skin looks just fine, thank you very much. Never come for it again. And I promise I will be taking a break. I'm going to be sleeping, eating and seeing several movies. Also catching up on music."
The last words had him narrowing his eyes and opening his mouth to say something.
"Not for inspo nor for work. I'm behind on some releases and need to catch up and expand my library. We both know that I'd be driven mad if I couldn't at the very least listen to music."
Marcus' lips pursed and then he nodded. He knew that I was right. I couldn't fully promise to control my impulse to get work of some kind done, but I would at the very least try for my sake, his and my literary agent, Ara.
"Okay. Even though I want to just ban you from work now we're having a brunch meeting for a reason." He paused and took a sip of his nasty earl grey tea.
Clearing his throat he turned his attention back to me. "You know the projects you have coming up, it's not a lot and you've worked with at least one person on all of them before. So obviously I'm not too worried about that. You have meetings with the producers for Halsey's album and then the ones for Bruno on Tuesday. Thankfully, they're hours apart so you have time to sprint to the other side of the city."
As he spoke I scrolled through my phone's planner, making sure that I had all those things noted somewhere. I'd have reminders, but I preferred to have it on me at all times. I'd end up cross-checking them with the things in my paper planner.
"Got it."
He nodded and scanned his own phone, then something in the air shifted. Marcus glanced up at me with this serious expression that had me prepared to shit myself.
"And then there's the meeting with Suga in a week."
His grave expression only lasted for a second and then he was smirking at me. Wiggling his eyebrows he did this weird dance that I never wanted to see again. I felt very embarrassed and also wanted to launch something at him because he was teasing me.
"Stop what? I'm just saying you have a meeting next week. A meeting with someone you fangirl over. Someone you've said some very interesting things about." He sounded so smug.
"And? I've fangirled about most of the people I've gotten to work with. Full on thirsted. Brendon Urie, Hayley Kiyoko, Tinashe, Halsey, Trey Songz, Rihanna. Hell, I'm in post-production with Hanbin. And everyone knows how deep that thirst ran." I rolled my eyes and sipped my iced green tea.
"True. But come on, we both know your composure can suck sometimes. Even you, woman with the resting bitch, sad and/or tired face slips up. And I'm more than sure that he will catch you slipping." He enunciated every word, growing more pleased with himself every second.
My cheeks were burning, from embarrassment and annoyance. I flipped him off and stared into his eyes. "Keep fucking with me and I will shave your head. All the hard work for those waves will go out the window."
And as usual, it shut him down. He knew I'd never go that far, but I was not above some form of retaliation that he wouldn't see coming. We'd known each other for well over six years, and even though we spent 2 years, not on speaking terms friendship wise his work as my agent kept him in the loop of my behavior.
Silence reigned as we finished off our food and waved down the waiter to order the burger we'd been eyeing. Once that was taken care of I felt this sort of shyness overtake me. It wasn't foreign, because I was naturally shy, but with a close friend, it felt misplaced.
Clearing my throat I felt my cheeks burning again. "So... um, any particular reason that they asked me? Like the email said that he wanted to work with me, but even then I have no clue why. I asked Hals and she denies having any part in it."
Marcus failed to keep the smirk from making its way back onto his face. He tried hard, the corners of his mouth quirking up and down. Eventually, he just gave up.
"Oh. Well, it's not like you're some unknown producer. You've made a name for yourself with how consistently good your work is. Plus people know that you dabble in a little of everything and are willing to experiment. Plus if you've forgotten you've done a fair amount of work in the world of k-pop. Stray Kids, Jackson Wang, Loco, Mamamoo. You just finished working with B.I., someone who is arguably one of the best producers and writers out there."
Reaching across the table he used his hand to cover my mouth, "No buts. You've created a rep for being good at your job and great to work with, it's not surprising that he or anyone else might want to work with you. Stop it."
Swatting his hand away I glared at him, wiping my mouth with a napkin.
"Fine. What time is the meeting?" I asked.
Just before he could speak the massive burger was sat in front of us with a mountain of fries. My stomach felt tight after the waffles and bacon, but upon seeing the beauty made some room. I ordered ginger ale for burping purposes and then grabbed the knife, cutting the burger in half.
"It's going to be on Wednesday at two. You're free that whole day, including deadlines for Ara because those edits are obviously due tomorrow. So you can relax all day until that and perhaps prepare some stuff to show him to get the vibe he's going for."
I took a huge bite of the cheeseburger as I mulled over what he said. One thing dawned on me as I swallowed.
"What is this for exactly. You cut off all my access to the emails and I'd like not to be in the dark about it."
"Oh, he's releasing more Agust D music," he said nonchalantly.
My eyes widened and I felt like my eyes would roll out of their sockets because of it. I'd assumed it was a BTS thing or some other BigHit artists situation, not his solo stuff.
"I want to fire you so bad," I said once I regained my composure.
"Nah, you can't and you won't. You know I do my job too well and this is the only time I've withheld information for my own amusement."
"I hate you a little bit. Not gonna lie." I shoved several fries into my mouth and chomp as I glared at him.
Marcus just winked at me and continued stuff his face with food. No more talk of work happened, we just sat and eat our food occasionally making conversation of some random topic like the character I named after him and then murdered. It had been over a year since that book was written, but with the last of the edits being due his salt levels had risen again.
He ranted and raved about how rude it was, killing a dear friend. One would think I'd actually done the deed and somehow brought him back to life. I had to admit it was funny how riled he was about it though.
Right before he started listing the reasons why I should change the character name my phone vibrated on the table. An image of Hals flashed onto the screen and I thanked Zeus for the interruption.
Picking up the phone I wasn't given the chance to speak because she was whispering with someone in the background. When she stopped I interjected.
"Ken! Hi, where are you?" She got right to the point.
"I'm out wrapping up a meeting with Marcus. Is there something you needed?" As I spoke to her Marcus waved down our waiter and requested the check.
"Yes, but depends on how you answer the next question. Which is are you busy for the rest of the day?"
She sounded too happy like she was up to something and I didn't like it one bit.
"Besides doing a read through no. Why?"
A laugh could be heard on the other end, which was very much so hers though she'd moved away. Another voice said something, but I couldn't quite make out what it was.
"I could hang up."
"Wait, no. I wanted to see if you wanted to hang out and work on some stuff. Nothing serious, just run a few things by you and we spend time together. You can even do your read through." She's pulled it together and sounded normal, but I was still suspect.
Glancing down at my watch I saw it was only almost one and I had all the time in the world to get shit down. That and I only had half the book left and that wouldn't take me much.
"Fine. I'll be there in half an hour."
"Good. You know how to get in. Love you. Bye."
She hung up quick, leaving me no chance to respond to her. Shrugging I pushed the phone into my pocket and looked up in time to see the waiter hand Marcus his receipt. When he got up so did I and we headed out of the restaurant.
"Need me to drop you off?" he asked.
"Nah. I can just Uber there, we're going different directions," I said.
The sun was so bright that my glasses weren't transitioning fast enough to save me and I couldn't really see him.
"Okay. Be safe." He reached over and ruffled my hair, sending the curls I'd worked hard to keep intact going everywhere.
Before I regained sight he was gone, knowing I'd hurt him. Rolling my eyes I ordered and uber and used the window the restaurant to reset my fro. By the time it was sitting how it once was the car pulled up and I eagerly fled to the safety of air conditioning.
It only took fifteen minutes to get to her place because for the first time ever traffic in LA was being kind to me. I hopped out of the car with a nod to the driver and made a beeline to her placed. Once there I knocked and was met with her smiling face. As usual her smile made me smile and she pulled me in for a tight hug.
"Thank you for coming."
"It's no problem, love."
She pulled away and let me in. I kicked off my shoes and was several steps in before I noticed the person standing across the living room. His back was to me and then he turned around, making my eyes widen a fraction before I got it together.
Halsey smiled and I could see the mischief in it. "I forgot to tell you I had a visitor. Kendall this is Yoongi, Yoongi this is Kendall. You'd be more familiar with the name Sailor V. You're working together soon, right?'
"Hi," I said still processing.
He also appeared surprised. "Hello."
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the34thprecinct · 6 years
The 34th - Part 16
Dinah left their dinner early to run to Madison Square Garden for the pre-concert sound check. It had already been in the press this week that Maroon 5, Halsey, Drake, Paul McCartney, Rihanna, Cyndi Lauper, Shawn Mendes, Lady GaGa and another secret star would be performing. The girls had spent half of their dinner trying to get Dinah to reveal the star's name, but she refused. She assured them they would all be ecstatic when they found out though.
A few hours later they arrived at the venue and were ushered inside to a special VIP mosh pit with a hundred other people at the front of the stage. All of the people inside the VIP area were somehow connected to the shooting and Lauren tried not to focus on the faces. She didn't want to recognise someone and be propelled back to that day. Tonight she wanted to enjoy herself. Sofi was already inside and when she saw the four women enter, she immediately ran towards them, a huge smile plastered on her face. She dove into Lauren's arms first, nearly knocking the older woman over.
"Oh sexy, sexy," she smirked and raised her eyebrows at Lauren's outfit, earning her a light slap. It was like no time had passed when she embraced Ally and Normani next. Both girls were taken aback by the bubbly and extremely confident young woman before them. They chatted for a few minutes before Sofi waved goodbye to go and rejoin her friends on the other side of the stage.
"I see what Dinah meant about Sofi being a mini her," Ally laughed.
"Damn I wish I had half that girl's confidence," Normani said, shaking her head.
"You have no idea," Camila smirked, with Lauren joining in and nodding her head.
A little while later the lights turned off and the band began playing 'She Will be Loved' by Maroon 5 on repeat. After about a minute there were huge cheers from the crowd as Dinah stepped onto the stage in a sparkling leotard and trailing white skirt. Camila still had to pinch herself sometimes that her sassy best friend was a worldwide pop star. Life sure was crazy.
"How's everyone doing tonight?" Dinah shouted into the microphone and waved her hands at the cheering crowd. Lauren, Ally, Normani and Camila all screamed.
"New York, we are so happy to be here tonight," Dinah smiled as she walked to the centre of the stage. "We know this past week has been incredibly hard and incredibly sad." The Polynesian woman paused for a minute to let her words settle amongst the crowd. "Your resilience is shining through all that darkness. Tonight is for all of you." The crowd erupted in more screams, as Dinah waved to a few people at the front of the mosh pit.
"Tonight we want to scream together, we want to cry together, we want to sing until we lose our voices." More screams. "New York we will not be broken!" Dinah held the microphone out to the screaming crowd so that their voices were amplified. "Let's sing tonight so that our voices can be heard in the heavens." The loudest screams yet echoed around the crowd and Lauren noticed several people in the mosh pit around her wiping away tears. She herself felt a lump rise in her throat.
"New York, give it up for Maroon 5!" Dinah shouted, stepping off the stage as Adam Levine stepped forward and began to sing. The band performed a few of their top songs including, 'Girls Like You', 'Sugar' and 'Payphone' before waving goodbye to the crowd and wishing everyone a great night.
Before the next act stepped onto the stage, everyone began screaming when her distinctive raspy voice rang through the microphone. Lady GaGa stalked onto the stage in a red catsuit as she sung 'Bad Romance'. Camila screamed and jumped up and down beside Lauren, shouting the lyrics so loudly that the green eyed woman could barely hear the pop star. The first few songs had been successful in washing away Camila's inhibitions around her old high school friends. Very quickly Ally and Normani were screaming along with her and the younger one had them in fits of laughter by her infectious energy and crazy dance moves. Lauren felt all warm and fuzzy inside as the four friends danced alongside one another, in her heart she felt seventeen again.
GaGa played a few more songs including 'Poker Face', 'Just Dance' and 'Born This Way'. Lauren was surprised to see how into 'Born This Way' Camila got, she completely lost herself in the lyrics as she screamed them back to the pop star. It caused butterflies to swirl in her stomach. Drake came out next followed by Halsey. Lauren had been a big fan of the pop star for forever and screamed as loudly as she could when she begun singing 'Colors'.
"Jesus Lauren, I think I'm deaf now," Normani laughed, shouting at Lauren over the music. All three of her friends were surprised to see her behave like such a fan girl.
"Sorry," Lauren shouted back. "I can't help it, she's so hot!" The green eyes were fixed on the talented artist on the stage, but Camila's eyes were fixed on Lauren. The younger woman couldn't help but feel jealous when Lauren had called her 'hot', no matter how irrational that seemed. Her sudden envy for the pop star caused her to lace an arm around Lauren's waist in hopes of a reaction. It worked. Lauren was broken from her transfixion and turned to look at Camila, a warm smile on her face.
The older woman then raised her arm and draped it around Camila's shoulders. The younger one grinned happily and turned back towards the stage, subtly scooting closer to Lauren so that their hips were grazing together as they swayed. Even Halsey couldn't command a hundred percent of Lauren's attention. When Lauren jumped up and down at the end of the song Camila took advantage of her movements and slid her fingers up a fraction so that they were resting on Lauren's bare abs instead of on the fabric of Lauren's shorts. Lauren noticed the movement and looked towards the younger one, but Camila kept her eyes on the stage as she bit her lip seductively, gently caressing the older one's smooth skin.
When the singer began playing 'Strangers' Camila felt a wave of tension running through Lauren's body as the older woman's abdominal muscles clenched under her fingers. The lyrics felt eerily proportionate to their current relationship.
Said that we're not lovers, we're just strangers
With the same damn hunger
To be touched, to be loved, to feel anything at all
We're not lovers, we're just strangers
With the same damn hunger
To be touched, to be loved, to feel anything at all
When Halsey sung the line 'I miss the thought of a forever, you and me' Camila unconsciously pulled Lauren closer to her side. The movement wasn't lost on Lauren and she felt her heart ache in her chest when she thought about the words. For so many years she had imagined a future with Camila, it was the truest thing in her world for the longest time. The same thoughts were swirling in Camila's mind as a tear slipped from her cheek. Lauren noticed the gorgeous woman beside her wipe the tear away and she tightened her arm around her shoulder, savouring whatever moment was silently passing between them. The tension was steadily building to a boiling point.
Cyndi Lauper came out next and as she started to sing 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun' Ally screamed, jumping up and down and grabbed a hold of Lauren's free hand. All of the girls laughed at her reaction and Camila and Lauren broke apart to interlace their hands as well. All four girls danced and jumped along to the infectious lyrics, just like they used to at parties in high school. Normani and Ally were smiling at Camila with such genuine affection, that she felt her heart leap in her chest for the millionth time that night. She played 'True Colours' and 'Time After Time' before finishing her set and heading off stage.
The crowd all cheered crazily when Dinah surprisingly appeared back on the stage, grinning from ear to ear.
"Alright everybody, it's that time of night. I know I've been promising a surprise guest the last few days...are you ready to find out who it is?" She held her hand to her ear as the crowd roared.
"Everyone put your hands together!" Dinah shouted, running off stage as synth sounds began booming from the speakers. Camila immediately recognised the song, 'Welcome to New York' by Taylor Swift. She let out an ear-splitting scream and her friends all stared at her confused, they obviously hadn't figured out who the surprise guest was yet. When Taylor Swift stepped onto the stage, they all squealed and grabbed onto Camila excitedly.
"OMG Mila!" Normani jumped up and down wrapping an arm around her former friend. It felt exactly like a scene out of their high school days. Camila was still a die hard Taylor Swift fan to this day and the other girls knew of her crazy obsession with the pop star. Camila was literally shaking as the blonde beauty began the chorus and she felt warm fingers interlacing with her own. She knew from the lightest touch who they belonged to. Lauren. She turned to her side and caught Lauren smiling excitedly at her, a smile she couldn't help but return.
She sang 'Shake it Off' next, causing Camila and Normani to break into a series of crazy dance moves, Camila dropping Lauren's hand so she could twerk during the chorus. Lauren was initially disappointed when Camila broke their contact, but as soon as the girl began twerking right in front of her, her disappointment turned to arousal. The heat returned to her cheeks like earlier in the night, as she watched Camila's perfect ass jolting up and down. Lauren felt Ally's gaze on her as she watched Camila dancing and nerves once again swirled in her stomach. She looked away towards the stage, pretending that she hadn't noticed Ally watching her. She didn't want the older woman to think she was shamelessly drooling over Camila.
When she sang 'Enchanted' Camila hung her arms over Normani and Lauren's shoulders and pulled them to her side, as she happily screamed the lyrics. Lauren didn't want Ally to feel left out, so pulled her in as well, despite it making her slightly uncomfortable. She had never been the type of friend to be overly affectionate, she just wasn't a touchy feely type of person. But again Camila brought out so many different sides in her.
When the pop star sung the closing bridge, Camila was singing with such urgency and passion, Lauren couldn't help but feel she had someone in mind as she sung. She was still trying to figure out between all of Camila's strange signals, if that person was in fact her.
Please don't be in love with someone else
Please don't have somebody waiting on you
The pop star finished her set with one of Camila's all time favourite songs, 'Delicate'. She related so much to the lyrics surrounding a woeful 'reputation'. She had felt plagued by a terrible reputation since she was seventeen. She had always been a people pleaser and so for nearly a decade, knowing her three previous best friends hated her guts had constantly worn her down.
This ain't for the best
My reputation's never been worse, so
You must like me for me
Yeah, I want you
We can't make
Any promises now, can we, babe?
But you can make me a drink
Is it cool that I said all that?
Is it chill that you're in my head?
'Cause I know that it's delicate (delicate)
Is it cool that I said all that
Is it too soon to do this yet?
'Cause I know that it's delicate
Isn't it? Isn't it? Isn't it? Isn't it?
Isn't it? Isn't it? Isn't it? Isn't it?
   When she listened to the lyrics about the pop star's beloved liking her despite her reputation, it made her heart pang in sadness for the woman currently standing next to her. The way she had been the last few days, affectionate and friendly, almost like things had been back then. Camila wondered if Lauren maybe could like her again, despite her 'reputation' and all of the things she had done. She sighed internally at her train of thought. She had practically spent the whole concert reading into all of the lyrics of all of the songs and applying them to her own life. But that was music wasn't it? You were meant to emotionally connect with the words.
Rihanna ran onto the stage next, surrounded by a dozen dancers as she began singing 'Diamonds' and then 'Umbrella'. Camila was still so elated after having seen her idol perform some of her favourite songs, that adrenaline was coursing rapidly through her body. Rihanna was a welcomed change of pace, her songs were less emotionally exhausting and more sexy and fun.
Towards the end of 'Umbrella' Normani and Ally both yelled to Camila and Lauren that they were going to the bathroom and would be back shortly. When Rihanna began singing 'Te Amo' Lauren felt the chocolate eyes gazing at her. She remembered back to a few weeks ago when that same song had played in the club and she had witnessed Camila's sultry moves as she had danced with Jordan. She had felt a pang of jealousy in that moment as she had watched on. Not because she saw Jordan as a threat, not at all, she had just been envious that he had gotten to dance with Camila like that.
Lauren turned to smile down at the younger one and noticed her biting her lip. It was almost like Camila knew what Lauren had been thinking about. The chocolate eyes were sparkling as they pierced into Lauren's and the older woman could feel the tension rolling between them. Once she was sure she had Lauren's full attention, she slid her fingers into the older woman's palm and interlaced their hands as she began rolling her hips and singing the lyrics to Lauren, keeping her eyes focused on the dazzling green ones.
Then she said Te amo, then she put her hand around my waist
I told her no, she cried Te amo
I told her I'm not gonna run away, but let me go
My soul is awry and without asking why
I said Te amo, wish somebody would tell me what she said
Don't it mean I love you
I think it means I love you
Don't it mean I love you
Camila knew Lauren had a weakness for her hips and backside and smiled when she saw the green eyes dropping to watch her hips roll back and forth. Lauren had been swaying her own hips and stepping to the music, caught up in the beat. She looked so sexy when she danced, Camila thought. When Rihanna sang the words 'then she put her hand around my waist', Camila could no longer contain her desires.
The sultry music combined with desiring lyrics had pushed her over the edge. She stepped in front of Lauren, still holding on to their interlaced hand. She was rolling her hips and stepping to the beat as she pushed her back up against Lauren's so that her ass was grinding lightly against Lauren's pelvis. As soon as their bodies connected Camila felt an uncontrollable heat rising from her core and she could no longer control herself.
Camila moved her arm with their interlaced fingers so that Lauren's arm was draped around her waist, like in the song. Without thinking Lauren pressed her fingers into Camila's bare skin and held the younger one in place, tightly to her hips. Camila had this way of provoking her deepest carnal desires, breaking down any resistance that Lauren had been clinging to. Her whole body was heating up rapidly and her thoughts had descended to the most impure parts of her brain. Camila had to bite down on her lips to stop herself from moaning as she felt the older woman's warm fingers clinging to her skin.
Lauren's breath hitched in her throat as the younger one's hips rolled against hers. She knew she shouldn't be dancing like this with Camila, but she couldn't help herself as she rolled her hips in synchronicity with the younger one. Camila's spare hand reached back and tangled up in Lauren's hair as they danced and Lauren could see a light layer of sweat glistening on Camila's neck and chest. She had to mentally stop herself from leaning down and kissing Camila's neck as her daisy smelling hair whipped across Lauren's face.
Camila's whole body felt like it was on fire as they danced in perfect synchronicity, taking no notice of anything or anyone around them. She could feel Lauren's bare stomach pressing on her back and she was desperate to run her fingers over the woman's perfect abs. Camila felt Lauren's spare hand tracing along the side of her thigh slowly, causing a shiver to run up her spine.
Lauren's fingers continued to tease her skin as they ran over her exposed hips, up past Camila's chest and glided down her arm before reaching her hand, which was tangled up in Lauren's hair. When the older woman reached Camila's fingers, she untangled them from her hair and interlaced them with her own. Lauren then brought their arms across Camila's body, so that they rested on the younger one's other hip. Not an inch of their skin wasn't touching now and an electricity that neither woman had felt in ten years pulsated through their bodies.
When the song ended and 'Only Girl (In The World)' began, Camila turned around, so that they were now face to face, hips still touching. She was momentarily distracted by the older woman's lacy white bra that was only inches from her face. Lauren's perfect breasts were held tightly in the delicate fabric and Camila stared greedily as she imagined ripping the fabric from Lauren's skin and exposing the woman to her. She snaked her arms around Lauren's waist and looked into the piercing green eyes, as she sung the lyrics of the song back up at her. As Lauren looked down into her eyes, she noticed the warm chocolate colour had changed to a far darker tone. A tone of complete arousal and desire. Her eyes kept flickering between the chocolate orbs and the younger woman's perfect lips. Her fleshy bottom lip had always been a weakness for Lauren.
Want you to make me feel
Like I'm the only girl in the world
Like I'm the only one that you'll ever love
Like I'm the only one who knows your heart
Only girl in the world
Like I'm the only one that's in command
'Cause I'm the only one who understands
Like I'm the only one who knows your heart
Only one
As Camila sung her the lyrics of the chorus Lauren almost felt the chocolate orbs were pleading with her. For the first time since Camila had arrived, Lauren allowed herself to believe that maybe, just maybe, Camila had come to New York for her.
Someone knocked into Lauren's back, causing her to stumble forward and push Camila away from her. Camila was confused initially by Lauren's abrupt movements and for a minute she panicked that the older woman had been overwhelmed by her affection and had pushed her away. When she saw that Lauren was trying to regain her balance, she realised someone must have pushed the green eyed woman.
Camila reached out to interlace their fingers again as Normani and Ally pushed their way back towards them. Seeing her two former best friends Camila pulled her hand back. When the green eyes looked up and met hers, they were unreadable. The previous warmth and arousal that had been their a few moments ago was gone. When Ally and Normani stepped up beside them, Lauren manoeuvred herself so that she was on the other side of Normani and Camila was at the opposite end next to Ally.
The set ended and the crowd roared as Shawn Mendes stepped onto the stage gripping an acoustic guitar. Lauren was staring intently up at the stage as Camila tried to catch her eye, but the older woman refused to look in her direction. Ally was going absolutely mental and jumped up and down excitedly. "OMG I love him!" Ally yelled grinning at Camila. Wanting to keep up their positive interactions Camila yelled back and gave her a warm smile.
"Same here, he's super dreamy!" She saw Lauren's head turn slightly at her words, but before the green eyes met hers, Lauren had stopped herself and focused once more on the stage. He sang his most popular songs and Lauren kept her eyes fixed on him the whole time, not trusting herself anymore to be able to look at Camila without kissing her luscious lips. The younger one had churned up so many feelings within her during their dance, the most prominent being arousal. She was so turned on, only her anger could stop her from doing something she would regret and even then, just barely. So she forced herself to stare at Shawn Mendes, with his perfect smile and dulcet tones and hate him for the simple fact that Camila had called him 'dreamy'. Hate was what was going to hold back back the emotions within her that threatened to derail her life.
When Shawn exited the stage, Dinah came running out to finally perform for them. "Are y'all ready for this?" She shouted to a raucous crowd. "Sing along with me!"
I ain't worried 'bout nothin'
I ain't wearin' na nada
I'm sittin' pretty, impatient, but I know you gotta
Put in them hours, I'mma make it hotter
I'm sending pic after picture, I'mma get you fired
I know you're always on the night shift
But I can't stand these nights alone
And I don't need no explanation
'Cause baby, you're the boss at home
You don't gotta go to work, work, work, work, work, work, work
But you gotta put in work, work, work, work, work, work, work
You don't gotta go to work, work, work, work, work, work, work
Let my body do the work, work, work, work, work, work, work, work
We can work from home, oh, oh, oh oh
We can work from home, oh, oh, oh oh
It was her most popular song and the crowd knew every word, no one better than her four best friends. The four women were screaming the lyrics as they jumped up and down. Camila could see the tension that had enveloped Lauren's body for the last few songs, slowly ebbing away as she danced. She was still unsure if the tension had been good or bad, but she knew she couldn't leave the mosh pit without one more dance with the green eyed beauty. As Dinah sung 'Worth It' and 'Sledgehammer' Camila strategically danced and spun so that she ended up next to Lauren again. When the green orbs focused on her she gave the woman an innocent smile, pretending to have gotten lost in the moment. Lauren gave her a small smile in return and refocused on the stage.
Before Dinah performed her last song she took a moment to address the crowd. "Before I finish my set tonight, I just want to take a moment to address the brave men and women that serve in the New York emergency services. We all owe you a great deal of thanks for putting your lives on the line day in and day out to protect us. You are all heroes!" The crowd all cheered loudly and clapped their hands together. Dinah was searching the mosh pit and smiled when her eyes focused in on her friends. "To my two brave best friends, some of New York's finest detectives, this one's for you." Dinah winked at them and the band began playing 'No Way'. That cheeky bitch, Lauren thought as she recognised the lyrics. Even when she was being most sincere, she still had her head in the gutter.
I know you don't want me anymore by the look on your face
They say when it rains it pours, you can tell by my face
Oh and I know, and you know that we've been here before
I think I know how it should end
We got an audience calling us crazy
We ignore those with opinions of hate
We're not like the rest of them,
Friends with insanity as of lately
Everyone comes with scars but you can love them away
I told you that I wasn't perfect, you told me the same
I think that's why we belong together and unashamed
I told you that I wasn't perfect, no way
Way, way, no way, no way
It was her most emotive song and it always elicited the same response from Camila each time she heard it. Tears. She knew Dinah's dedication had a double meaning. She didn't have to read into the lyrics to find similarities between the words and her tumultuous relationship with Lauren. The whole song was an ode to their past relationship.
When Dinah first played the song for Camila a few years ago, she had cried instantly. When she had finally stopped she apologised to Dinah for being so emotional and that's when the younger one had admitted the inspiration behind the words was 'Camren'. So naturally, more tears. Though this time, unlike any of the other times she heard it, she felt the hand she was so desperate to hold lace around hers and give her a comforting squeeze. Camila looked up at the woman with the gorgeous dark hair, but she was focused on the stage, the hint of a small smile on her lips.
When Dinah finished her set she announced that there was one last performer for the night. "Everyone please put your hands together for Sir Paul McCartney!"
The legendary Beatles singer took the stage beginning with 'Here Comes the Sun'. It had always been one of Lauren's favourite songs, it was so soothing. Her father used to always play that song on long drives to calm them down when they were little as Chris and her bickered in the back seat. She smiled, whispering along to the lyrics and swaying her hips slowly. Camila couldn't help but watch Lauren out of the corner of her eyes during the song. She looked so content in that moment. Next he played 'All You Need is Love' followed by 'Let It Be', which the whole crowd got really into, everyone singing the lyrics around her. When Paul McCartney left the stage the whole crowd screamed and clapped their hands on their knees, begging for an encore.
Dinah returned to the stage first, slowly followed by the rest of the pop stars that had performed that night and finally a spotlight focused on Paul McCartney at the seat of a white grand piano. His fingers began strumming on the keys and the stadium was filled with the iconic melody. The rest of the pop stars stood in a line holding hands and looking towards the crowd as they swayed to the music. They all remained silent as Paul McCartney began singing the first verse of John Lennon's 'Imagine'.
Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people living for today
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace, you
At the second verse a few more pop stars joined in and then when they reached the chorus everyone began singing, harmonising perfectly to the song.
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one
It was at this point that Camila wrapped her arm around Lauren and Ally's waist and pulled them closer so that all four girls were united as they swayed to the music. Around the stadium people had all turned on the torches on their phones and were holding them up so that the entire of Madison Square Garden was alight, the small balls of light around them shone like stars. It was the perfect way to end an emotional evening, allowing everyone to unite in their grief and experience a wave of different emotions. As the song ended each pop star waved as they exited the stage, leaving just Dinah behind.
"Thank you New York, we love you so much, good night!" She shouted, waving to the crowd and blowing everyone a kiss before she too disappeared behind the curtains. Camila and Ally were both wiping away tears at this point and Normani stepped forward to wrap Ally in a hug.
Camila looked up towards Lauren and the older woman noticed the hopeful expression in her eyes. Unlike before there wasn't any sexual tension in her gaze, she could see the younger one was struggling with her emotions after the performance. The chocolate orbs were almost pleading with her for some sort of affection. Lauren decided not to overthink it, friends were allowed to hug right? She pulled Camila into a tight hug and felt Camila's warm breath in the crook of her neck as the younger one buried her head in Lauren's shoulder. A warm and fuzzy feeling filled Lauren's chest as she felt the younger one's body pressing against hers in search of comfort. As they hugged the lights turned on around them and a voice behind them interrupted the moment.
"Excuse me ladies?" Lauren let go of Camila and the four women turned to see a security guard speaking. "Ms. Jane has requested your presence back stage. She had someone she would like you to meet."
A/N: Extra long chapter today. Hope you guys enjoyed it!
As you can probably tell I love all the angst, but you'll be happy where things are headed.
I probably won't be able to update as regularly for the next little while, so updates might       be every few days from now on.
Let me know what you think of the story so far. Still heaps of big reveals to come :)
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Top Ten Bajan Christmas Gifts 2017
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I know you’ve been sitting on the edge of your seat and I’m sure you’re gonna love the gifts on this year’s list of Bajan products. Sure, you could buy anything that’s imported but there’s something so special about getting a gift that was made right here in Barbados. Let’s get right into it then.
10. Sophisticated Centrepiece - Jalans Creations - One of the most important parts of the Christmas celebration in Barbados and around the world is having Christmas lunch with the family. Perhaps one of the most underestimated but memorable elements of this feast is the centrepiece, so why not give the gift of decor this Christmas? Whether you have a complete tablescape planned or you prefer the minimalist approach, your centrepiece will be a focal point at the dinner table. Before I go any further, you need to know that Bajans are veryyy crtitical. They will have no problem telling people that your table “had look pop down” or “stink”. Five years from now I guarantee they will still be talking about it. That’s why I was so relieved to stumble upon this Blue Bouquet by Lana Nurse, founder of Jalan’s Creations. I kind of wish I could have one in every room. It makes me feel like I was spirited away to a fairytale sprinkled with magic dust. Just gorgeous! If you want one you better hurry though because Lana tells me you have til December 21st to place your order.
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9. Vegan Cork Bags - Ole Luck - Guys, cork bags are a thing now and they look so cool. I have to admit, this was the first time I ever heard of Vegan bags. Accessories can be vegan now? I couldn’t help but wonder how they taste. Now before we start chowing down, I want you to rest assured that buying a woman a bag for Christmas is always a good idea. Still, what makes these bags so special are the fact that they’re environmentally responsible. No harmful plastics and for the animal lovers among us, no leather. Don’t ask me how, but a guy by the name of Andy makes all these gorgeous bags by hand. If you’re feeling really patriotic, you can get a wristlet with 246 or the broken trident on it, but I fell in love with the Wayuu purse. The Wayuu are indigenous people living in Colombia and Northwest Venezuela, described as the people of the sun, sand and wind. Wayuu women make a specific type of woven bag with unique vibrant patterns reflected in the sash on these Ole Luck beauties. Fun fact: The Wayuu language, which is called Wayuuniki, is part of the Arawak family.
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8. Crocheted Bikini - Chain Loops Crochet - My gawd! What can I say about this talented diva? Owner Jessica Martindale creates customized fashion and soft home furnishings, while crocheting her way into your heart. Now the first time I saw her crocheted bikinis I knew I had to have one of her pieces. I ordered two. Forget your grandmother’s doilies. Jessica designs one-of-a-kind crocheted jumpers, skirts, dresses, chic baby blankets, earrings and even slippers. Yes, you heard me. She crochets frikkin slippers. But back to this sexy bikini tho. I’m not even telling you to buy this for someone else. This thing will make your life ten times sexier. You worked hard all year so you best believe you deserve it. Yasss!
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7. Gold glitter Barbados Throw Pillow - ChicFit Inc - This cute little cushion stopped me right in my tracks. This ain't no run-of-the-mill throw pillow. You can decorate any space with it, no matter the colour scheme. Classy level 1000! Listen to me. ChicFit is not messing around. They put a dang Barbados map on a black pillow and glitterized it in gold. What the what?! This throw cushion will change your life so you're welcome. Just gaze upon its glory. Also, can I just say how much I love ChicFit's logo? It speaks to me. It says “I love yoga times infinity”... or someting* so.
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6. Deck The Halls - Classy Raggs Interiors - You have no idea what this means but you will. The brainchild of Ana Gill, Classy Raggs will leave you in stitches. If you’ve ever imagined what a home makeover should look like, then Ana should have her own TV show. Her work is phenomenal. She creates bespoke furniture, soft furnishings, you name it, she can bring your dream to life. Just look at what she did to this yacht! Yachtastic!
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5. Smell My Nuts - West Indian Soap Co. - Not to be left out of the game, there’s definitely something for the guys too. As gross as it sounds, this was one of the most hilarious Christmas gifts I’ve stumbled upon thus far. There’s Man Soap, Man Wash and Man Lotion. Your man does not need another tie. Stop it. He wants you to get creative and think outside the box. Get him a gift that’s both playful and practical. Go ahead!  Smell deez nuts... coconuts, that is ;)
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4. A Pinterest Box - HomeMade Luxe - If you’re heavily into DIY and crafting or you’re all thumbs like me and need detailed instructions to make anything, then this is the gift for you or someone you know. Former Barbados athlete Keitha Moseley-Dendy, The Bajan Texan, as she calls herself, started this business from a simple idea to bring Pinterest into real life. Stop pinning and start crafting, folks. Take all those cute projects you love online and decorate every room in your house with them. Brilliant idea! One might wonder where the mother of twin girls could possibly find the time but she spent many nights on her living room floor packing hundreds of boxes to keep her customers happy. That type of sweat equity deserves some kind of award. Now that HomeMade Luxe is finally available in Barbados, don’t lag!* In minutes you can have the sexiest pinned projects in your home. This month’s box is a Starburst Mirror. Who doesn’t love a gift that is both fun and functional? Shoot, you could even get some friends together and throw a Pinning Party.
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3. Pillowgrams - Simmone Thorpe started thinking the other day about how wasteful cards are. To be honest, I never really know what to do after I read a card someone has given me. It’s so pretty I can’t bear to throw it away but I can’t really hang it up either so it invariably gets shoved down in a drawer somewhere, only to be found months later. You can’t enjoy the beauty of a greeting card from inside a drawer. Simmone wanted to find a way to make the memory last in a way that’s visible and functional. That’s how the Say it With a Pillowgram message pillow was born. This gift can be cute, funny, inspirational, sentimental, you can even add a photo of you and your loved one to create a wonderful keepsake. Pelt* a few of these customizable throw pillows into the mix to enhance your decor. Ladies, don’t we always try to stop at two and end up buying six?
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2. Galaxy Eyeshadow - Fenty Beauty - This one was tough, I put this at the top of my personal Christmas Gift List because Rihanna. Seriously, though, what girl on earth doesn’t want eyeshadow that shines like diamonds and reflects all the colours of the milky way? I want my face to sparkle like the night sky too. Basically giving any gift from the Fenty Beauty line would make any woman in the world scream, from Match Stix to lip gloss to Trophy Wife highlighter. I’m dreaming of a glitter eyeshadow Christmas.
1. But First... Prosecco - West Indian Soap Co. - Start clutching your pearls ladies because this next gift will change your life. You know that moment when you never thought something was even possible and then all of a sudden Jesus and the whole universe answered your silent, unspoken prayers? This is basically what the But First Prosecco line of decadence is all about. Drowning your sorrows takes on a whole new meaning when you can literally bathe in your favourite sparkling wine. Cleopatra bathed in milk so the mere thought of bathing in Prosecco and smelling like it just tickles me pink. I can’t wait to be drenched in Prosecco.
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Stay tuned for full features of some of these wonderful Bajan businesses. Big shoutout to the members of Women Making Money Work ladies networking group.
Bajan Glossary
If you’re not a Bajan here’s a key to the terms you need to know.
Had look pop down/ had look stink: This means that whatever you were talking about looked terrible, not just bad. Basically pop down and stink are interchangeable.
Someting: This means something. Someting so: This means something along those lines.
Don’t lag: This means don’t get caught napping/ don’t delay.
Pelt: This means throw, but forcefully.
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