#it seems like it’s just resentment politics tbh
honeyandpumpkins · 1 year
i think it’s weird that displaying glee at random privileged people dying has become shorthand for how progressive you are, as if it demonstrates a level of enlightenment that is above having empathy for people who hold a level of privilege in the world and therefore are “the bad guys”
i also think it’s weird that freak accidents or instances of death are framed as “justice.” like how does a random billionaire dying lead to a more just and equitable society?
i ALSO think it’s weird that expressing any kind of horror at the circumstances of a privileged person’s death is framed as “simping for billionaires” or some shit. as if a personal emotional reaction to someone’s horrific death and the impact that death would have on loved ones precludes any level of class consciousness
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privitivium · 4 months
Yandere risotto? YANDERE RISOTTO.
Definitely the type to stalk you when you tell him not to lol (ESPECIALLY when he use his invisibility)
Overprotective in a way? Idk
I just need yandere risotto content tbh lol.
,,ye,,, yes,,,, yandere risotto nero,,, teehee. i agree. overprotective nero is so real bro ufhghhgh sry for any mistakes that mightve slipped by...
yandere subbot risotto nero rambles!!
amab reader, cw;; stalking. masochist nero - mild nipple play, mild exhibition, nsfw in general. creep nero.
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risotto being overprotective all nonchalantly bro,,, so cute. you hanging around him, but not one to make eye contact for too long... you didnt really wanna tell him he's just too much of an edgelord with his piercing crimson eyes that he technically had no control of the color - making sure to compliment him instead of saying something that might make him upset - and those carelessly muttered compliments send the hulking edgy mass of muscle into a fucking tizzy. gotta keep up his cool and enigmatic nature though, so he cant be all squirming around out of giddiness... he has an equanimous nature to uphold...
getting all weird when you get ready to leave the base as usual, having nothing else to do - it was randomly that you would suddenly leave... he was always so curious on where you were going, you know??? he cant help that he follows you - even if you explicitly tell him not to... just to find you owning some sort of condo, slinking in from behind after you leave a gap between you and the door - managing to survey the surroundings. what was this place? someone else obviously lived here. family?.. bringing it up when you get back to base...
ㅡcomplaining to him, a little careless that he admits indirectly to stalking you, "it's just stuffy in here with this sausagefest, man... sometimes i need space." you shrugged, huffing in mild annoyance that he had followed you to the shared apartment you owned with some stranger you had no contact with usually - of course, risotto couldnt resent them more. except he could?!
that other person youre strangely roommates with, soaking in your presence and scent that you leave behind on the furniture?! how dare they and you. he's so polite to you, a gentle hulking beast of a man, treating you as his lovely subordinates yet reprimanding you when needed. it may not seem like it, but there's a drastic difference between how he treats the others and you. notably... mildly gentle. can't that be enough? i mean... he's fine with it... he just has to find a way to make you like being around the base and the others instead of leaving him. but - then again, he has no problem following you;; his darling subordinate.
bro he'd be a fucking weirdo straight up,,, like. bro rooting through your clothes just to find material to jerk off with. he'd keep the articles of clothing, not one to give them back after making a mess of them - but the thought of you wearing your underwear he dirtied with his cum makes him all giddy and rock hard he releases a huge load onto your underwear.
imsgine ur getting out of the shower and not catching the way the light hits off a certain invisible character in the corner of the bathroom, him watching so intently as you dry your body off, admiring the way the water droplets cascade down your flesh,,, taking the time to leer and ever so slightly thumb over his bulge in his striped skin-tight pants that were invisible to the eye. fucking whore.
bro,, he would beg,,, pls. yeah he's supposed to be this hardened bad ass who's all edgy and cool but can't you indulge your boss for one second and make him moan like a girl.......... yandere risotto would. be the type to manipulate you lowkey. you immediately seeing the signs and shutting that shit down rq !!
"punishing" him by having him in yr lap in his chair and tugging at his dick fluidly - trying your best to make him moan aloud as you tweak his perky ass nipple with your free hand - the others fucking around outside of his "office", quietly asking risotto if he's the kind of whore who wants others to hear his disgusting whimpers. having an intense makeout session and having to make half-lidded eyecontact just to stare into those eyes you once dubbed creepy. it makes him all warm and fuzzy like a tween schoolgirl with her crush that you want to stare into his glazed crimson orbs. mocking him by calling him boss while fucking him over his desk or in his room and abusing his poor prostate while simultaneously rubbing on his thick cock - risotto...... enjoying overstimulation..... but also,,,, plugging his dick up and him actually begigng to cum on yr cock bro jeez louise
Something an edgy cool badass like him shouldnt feel - like a tween schoolgirl, he tells himself......... yet, risotto taking advantage of your affection and asking you nonchalantly to jerk off with his underwear so he can wear it... is this some kind of embarrassment thing? and does he even wear underwear. yan risotto constantly checking in on you, being a little obnoxious... but he tries to cool it, not wanting you to run off somewhere. i mean, he'd follow you without complaint, but it was still a bit tedious. he has to settle for being invisible in the same room as you as you want "alone time" and watching you jerk off into a fucking toy that he so desperately wishes was his hole - jerking off and leaving the mess on your floor for you to see just so you can "punish" him LOL.
also i love the thought,,, of fucking him while watching horror movies,,,, risotto on his back on his bed, tummy covered in his own cum and sweat, cock limp against his body. head hanging off the edge of the bed and flushed, teary face observing the television that displayed some movie that relied on jumpscares and shock value;; making him cum over and over while balls deep - abusing that magic, mystical little button along the inner walls of his taint and him relishing in the sting of his hole being stretched... he'd generally love being stuffed bro,,, wanting to cockwarm you whenever he can and whenever you allow him to. ekekfjrjgnnv
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raayllum · 11 months
so if/when runaan is uncoined, how do you think Callum and Ezran will prosses it? cause we know Ez definitely has some unresolved anger towards him, and Callum is very conflicted about Runaan. I'd just like your two cents on how they would interact at first, and possibly in the future.
*hoists up a 146k+ long fic* how much time you got?
[ Sidenote: granted, some of the fic is different than where it's gone in canon, largely Callum being 100% devoted in getting the parents back, but struggling hard with Runaan upon his de-coining significantly moreso than Ez, who in this version has had 4 years with his grief and 4 years of getting to know Ethari as well. But for being written in Jan 2020, not bad, I think. ]
In all seriousness: I think Ezran's lack of connection to Rayla's past (never been to the Silvergrove, never met Ethari) and his harsher reaction to Harrow's death, especially given Callum's automatic positive reaction to the coins in 5x04 (including Runaan!), means that they're gonna go for a contrast with the broyals. It seems that in his closeness with Zubeia, Ezran's heaped a lot of the blame onto Runaan (which makes sense on a certain level - Zubeia didn't know about Zym's survival, Runaan did and went through with shit anyway) because well... It's always gonna be easier to compartmentalize. It's always gonna be easier to just hate someone who's dead.
Until they're not.
I also think Runaan could be a catalyst for a lot of wonderfully messy 'uglier' Ezran emotions (resentment towards Callum and Rayla keeping something from him again; the burden of ruling he only has because of Runaan; impatience with people not willing to consider ending the Cycle, ironically leading him to perpetuate it a bit, etc etc) and god I am so fucking excited for that. And a bonus Harrow-Viren parallel conflict with Callum, generations wise? Chef's kiss. Delicious. Give it to me
To me, I don't think Callum is even really thinking about "this is the man that murdered my father" (which he did in Through the Moon during a brief argument with Rayla, and then realized he needed to give space for her grief, too) so much as "This is Rayla's dad and someone she loves."
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In his short story Inheritance he couldn't even hold the bow without immediately freaking out, and we see it ignite a similar sort of panic in 5x01, but by the end of the episode he's brought the bow into his room to hold onto it for her and hands it to her outright. He's willing to mix his magic with it and trust it (and her wielding it) to defend him.
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So for Callum I think he'll be snarkily done with Runaan if the man is unremorseful / hostile but not willing to or wanting to pick too many fights with him in front of Rayla. (I also have a lot of thoughts and feelings about Callum ultimately realizing that Runaan's eventual awkward form of parenting/looking out for him -- once Runaan's gotten over his anti-human shit -- does remind him of Harrow as a father, but that is delved into Much better slowburn wise in the fic linked above).
For Ezran, who's younger and has largely been bottling this anger up, I think he might be harsher and more resistant to undoing the coins, but might have an easier time once he can see and get to know Runaan as a person (because once that's clicked into place, Ezran's empathy knows little to no bounds) and well, Ez loves Rayla too! They're all family. It's just... complicated
That said the fact that my 2019 political trio theory has now structurally also come back to me is Hysterical and what I'm holding onto above all else tbh
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qtubbo · 7 months
tbh in regards to the phil and sunny thing, i think it’s just phil being a british man who is over the age of 30. that’s how they all interact with close friends’ kids and nieces and nephews n stuff. plus, he’s more up north so that kind of banter is wayyy more normal and casual. speaking from experience here, but i’m way more likely to relax around a parent’s friend that makes jokes that are sometimes at my expense than someone who is just super polite. makes them feel too distant.
sunny probs isn’t british and doesn’t feel the same tho. phil isn’t being malicious and i think he just finds sunny chaotic and fun. i think he’s also just quick to treat the new eggs how he treats the other eggs, maybe forgetting that he doesn’t really know them well enough to make jokes and doesn’t think they’ll take them srsly, esp since sunny seems to confident and headstrong.
obv, if phil gets told he crossed a line, he’ll apologise 🤷 however, it’s up to tubbo or sunny to tell him he crossed a line and for them to set boundaries. phil can’t read minds sadly. we just need some good qommunication <3 (but i like conflict too so i hope it maybe isn’t solved too soon pff)
soz for the long wall of text! just wanted to give my thoughts since i’m also from north britain and qphil is one of my povs!
(sorry if I misread anything dyslexia does not like large walls of text)
I’ve been watching phil since 2020, and he was the person to get me into twitch (funfact), generally speaking I mainly watch British streamers even though they are at a bad time for me, I do understand how Phil jokes. That’s why I didn’t take Phil’s comments about Sunny stealing very seriously, I think it’s a fine line to balance sometimes he’ll say things he’s always been comfortable joking about and I do think some people are taking that too far. Phil’s humor is sarcastic, and to outright ignore that is an inappropriate reading of his character.
My issue stems from how it treats Sunny and Tubbo’s parenting in particular with more negative comments, while I think a lot of the comments to Tubbo can be ignored (i.e questioning why he’s able to have an egg, that came off as much more lighthearted). It just not within his previous characterization the level of mocking he’s done towards Tubbo about Sunny, that were I feel its a more of a built up resentment. His attitude to Sunny in particular is more noticeably negative than how he treated any egg when they were new, and more relevant Em. He has mocked Sunny’s choices, how she talks, and has spoken negatively about them without them being there. Phil is mean to Sunny, genuinely, but he is still good with the other eggs.
I do think you’re right about him being more comfortable joking with Sunny due to her personality but at the same time she really wasn’t acting overly confident with him more childish. Also I do assume he’ll apologize if he gets told off for his attitude, but at the same time I doubt that will happen because Tubbo just doesn’t do that stuff. This is something that will hopefully fixed through time, and once he learns to completely separate them from Tallulah, which considering Tallulah’s issue with Sunny right now will take awhile to fix.
Thank you for your thoughts though, It’s nice to know how other people are taking his behavior.
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princesseevee06 · 8 months
i am so so incredibly curious about kugie and sou's hypothetical ytr dynamic... just. blinking at them. i recall you mentioned maple thinking sou is a very nice polite man and i was wondering if she's like the only one to think so :o
I LOVE KUGIE AND SOU!!!! they are so shaped. the general dynamic between them is that sou likes kugie well enough, and kugie’s feelings on sou are…very complex tbh. she really doesn’t trust him but she ends up feeling sympathetic for him in a lot of situations
their relationship starts off pretty well, as sou is one of the main people to comfort kugie while she’s grieving. he kind of projects onto her a little bit, because he’s also grieving kanna in his own way, so he empathizes with her. yet, as much as she appreciates this effort, i think part of her would be…unnerved by sou. kugie’s a very perceptive person, and something that struck me about her relationship with kanna is how she initially thought kanna was ‘creepy’ for always smiling and laughing, not realizing she was just trying not to inconvenience anyone. in that same way, i think she’d recognize that something was off about sou in that his whole demeanor just seemed sort of…fake.
i think this feeling of distrust would come to a head in the first main game, where it’s revealed that big ol’ liar “sou hiyori” and the more quietly deceptive “shin tsukimi” are working together. kugie and shin really mutually dislike each other when they first meet (recognizing the self through the other (derogatory)), and so kugie’s feelings about shin sort of rub off onto how she feels about sou too.
so, moving into chapter 2, we have this weird dynamic where sou is liking kugie more and more and kugie is liking sou less and less. yet, this begins to change when kugie comes to the conclusion that sou is being manipulated by shin. why does she think this? well,
at some point, sou finds the phone from kugie and kanna’s first trial room, and much like shin does in yttd he rewrites the message to sound like something kind: something kanna would actually say. he then goes to kugie to, effectively bribe her for the laptop, saying that he’ll give her the phone if she gives the laptop over to him.
initially she’s like HELL NO, i’m not falling for that, but then sou pulls his sadboy act and is like “but…if i can’t get the laptop, then i’m not sure what sou will do to me” which of course IMMEDIATELY activates her big sister instincts and she’s like ok what. we are not doing this. take the laptop do NOT hand it over to “sou” he’s clearly just using you for his own personal gain. so basically sou emotionally manipulated this poor girl into believing that he was being emotionally manipulated 👍 hate this guy (affectionate)
i think that from this interaction, kugie starts to trust sou more (which is ironic because this is one of the only times he just straight up lies to her). weirdly, i feel like kugie starts to see kanna in sou and sou starts to see shin in kugie. obviously they’re very different people but they have similar attitudes about lots of stuff. it’s just the elder sibling activation instinct over and over except they’re both trying to be the elder sibling
their relationship starts getting rocky again at the beginning of the violet route, though. and it’s because sou crosses the one line that kugie will never accept anyone crossing— hurting ryoko. she gets extremely angry at him and sort of holds this resentment throughout chapter 3. so now we’re back to that tumultuous nature of kugie getting really mad at sou, and sou atp in time realizing that he really really actually cares about kugie, which he never expected to.
…but then she goes BACK to being protective over him once she realizes how badly he’s going through The Horrors with his mom. kugie just. can’t make up her mind about this man. AND I CANT BLAME HER HES A MESS!!!
i hope this satisfies the greenbling urge but yeah they are the sibling dynamic of all time i luv them <3 that’s sou’s weird emotional support teenage girl who wears screws in her hair for whatever reason and beats him up for his wrongdoings /j
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storyihaventnamedyet · 7 months
Alistair: rough personality
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While she initially comes off as very withdrawn and depressed, deep down, she’s very resentful and immoral. She has to hide herself everyday of her life for fear of punishment, has to work herself to exhaustion to meet her parents’ desires. She’s full of anger, and despite her facade of perfect manners and politeness, she’s just as immoral as her parents. She’s sadistic, and yearns for control over others; given the chance or the need to, she would probably kill someone. She’s incredibly intelligent (in memorization at least) and observant. She’s very good at packing her emotions in, appearing almost robot-like. Even when she’s opened up a bit, she’s a bit more anxious and conservative in her actions out of habit. When she’s given a safe environment to act alone in, her personality seems incredibly different than in public. While she doesn’t believe everything in her church, it is what she was raised on, and she soaked in a lot of their ideals. 
She's a bit of an idealized self insert tbh. She strives for perfection, she's traumatized and innocent, yet just as terrible as the ones who hurt her. I view her as having narcissistic traits/internal worldview, with moments of extreme arrogance as well as self hatred.
On the outside though, when she's acting performative she's very smiley and talkative, or looking studious and concentrated. Among Diwa she has a more shy demeanor, being unsure of how to act, and going along with everything as a follower; she's still guarded but is willing to talk more vulnerably, even being more open to natural laughter and casual conversations
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nasuversekinkmeme · 10 months
Weekly roundups: prompts
Smut, I want that anemic twink Shiki spitroasted by Arcueid and Ciel in some odd competitive threesome thing the two got going on
Show mercy on my soul. Femboy Akiha.
Fate/Stay Night
Smut, For as much as they want her 'spear', I think Morgan should introduce Gudako and Da Vinci to it-- that is, can we have her cock vore the two of them?
Smut, incest, Karna and Vritra team up to edge and overstim Arjuna until he cries
jeanne gets some well deserved karma for her big sister beam brainwashing .
Yknow how Nobukatsu gloats over the REAL Nobunaga saying he is nothing like his as he lays dying from the poison he gave him? Something similar but this time Mitsuhide is the target and he made sure the poison was just right that it would take a very long time for him to die as he watches Or he just stabs the guy I dunno Nobukatsu deserves to kill more people
Morgan is Bored and demands carnival rides be built in Fae Britain. Entertainment ensues.
Noncon, incest, Summer Avatoria having a soft fulfilling romance with Muramasa as people who are tied by fate thrice over. Meanwhile Summer Castoria would LOVE to stop waking up filled with cum from a man she considers ber grandfather. The downsides of sharing a body you know how it is (feel free to play it as lighthearted or fucked up as you wish)
Asclepius becomes a therapist because dear God do some of these servants (and staff) need help and somebody's gotta be the counselor.
Noncon, Elaine of Carbonek, the raging bitch who raped Lancelot and mother of Galahad, is summoned. If you thought Galahad resented his FATHER, y’all ain’t seen nothing yet. Mash has to be physically restrained when Elaine refers to her as “Junior.” (Technically, Galahad would be Galahad Jr, if Lancelot ever went by his birth name. I am an Arthuriana nerd.)
Emiya realizes that Ritsuka mission are becoming too dangerous, so he locks himself there with her, she can left whenever she wants, as long as she is able to do a simple task, with all the knowledge and weapons she gathered from her servants she must kill him, proving she has become strong enough to be the protector of humanity
Salieri gets a Summer form, where instead of being the amalgamation of the rumours of who killed Mozart, he's the amalgamation of the myths of the Maenads who tore Orpheus apart.
First Hassan and Shiki killing increasingly improbable and abstract things as a friendly contest. Escalating from “the tension in the room” to Barghest’s desire to eat her loved ones” to “Artoria’s resentment of Mordred” to “Wednesdays.”
Continuation of the Grand Carnival joke: Atalanta has to marry Kingprotea, BB is in charge of organizing wedding and the rest of the Sakura Five are bridesmaids aka have to make sure Atalanta doesn't escape.
Blackbeard, Absolute Disgusting Degenerate that he is, is well aware that his kink is not everyone else's kink, and so after finding some improperly tagged Smut or Hentai, decides to make a video about the importance of tagging, what it means, and how to do it, because tagging your shit properly means that everyone can enjoy themselves in peace, so long as they use the blacklist. (This just kinda came to me TBH, Cause Blackbeard just kinda feels like he'd take proper tagging very seriously given everything about him.)
Fun fact: "thou" and "thy" and such were actually the informal register - "you" and "your" were the fancy, polite terms. Therefore, someone should write a fic of First Hassan trying to seem hip and chill and failing catastrophically because his understanding of what counts is hundreds of years out of date.
UDK Barghest gets hired to Put out a Fire (Read: Help Melusine with her Draconic Heat). Whether it goes full smut or if it goes in a comedic non sexy route is up to the author
Smut, Yu Mei-Ren has Hella Gay Sex with her Summer Variant. (Not NTR, though I'm not sure who all would consider it such anyway since its self on self.)
One of the Draconic/Lizard Servants installs a heat lamp in their room, because if you've got a tech wizard who will do anything for you, why not? After approximately 10-ish seconds of "why didn't I think of this before" from all the other Dragon-type servants, everyone immediately rushes to said room. Ensue dogpile of like, 20 lizard people (including Oberon and Rasputin for some reason??? gotta love traits) whether this is horny or not is up to the writer.
Smut, On their big day, a bride is stressed about the whole event and is this close to calling it quits. Habetrot can't have this so obviously there's one solution: cocksleeve time!
Barghest is openly lamenting in the hallway about how she can never be close to master or anyone else she loves bc of her bestiary nature and how she wishes she could keep herself in check. Scathach hears this and goes "Say no more" and puts her in a collar leash and muzzle. She's trained dogs before
Gudako tries her hardest to be Titania for Oberon. Oberon has Opinions about this. (I'll leave it to the prompt filler if these opinions are Positive, Negative, or Mixed.)
What started as a tiny fight "for charity" between Hektor and Achilles soon turns brutal as Achilles starts to truly want to kill Hektor. Paris, Manricardo, Alexander, and even Penth try to step in to stop him
Some asshole tries to threaten Guda only for them to reply and I quote "I'm not scared of Death, we have Tea on the weekends" Smash cut to them actually having tea with King Hassan, Eresh and Shiki. Whether Guda got hurt or not by the threatener ill leave up to the author.
How did Mel get access to Nemos aircraft carrier? Mysteriously kiss-covered Nemos refuse to answer (Note: all of em are adults)
Fun fact: Sastoria's NP is most effective against Summer Hokusai as she is both Chaotic, Divine, and a Threat to Humanity. Sooooo one-sided jealousy where Sastoria hates Saber Hokusai and Hokusai can't figure out why
Because I don't think we'll see him this summer. What summer side adventure is Kadoc doing? Who with him is you to the author.
Melusine's dragon nature means she likes building a hoards of all the things precious to her. now that she feels comfortable in Chaldea she can't help but gather all the people she likes to cuddle together with in bed with. Who ends up in her cuddle pile is up to y'all
Vlad is talked into going on a boat ride to relax. Everyone on the boat is very uncomfortable with this
Anything involving Ritsuka having extreme mommy issues
so Chloe's whole... thing... is "justified" in-universe as she needs magic to stay stable, so she gets it by doing... that. Ergo, I want to see something where she's summoned in Chaldea and thus hooked up to a stable magic supply, so she doesn't have to do that anymore and gets to actually Process and maybe just Be A Kid instead.
I kinda just wanna say “Galehaut” and watch what the Fate fandom does with the idea of the half-giant king that only didn’t overthrow Camelot because he wanted to bone Lancelot. So I will.
Kinks are known to suddenly appear and develop with age, so: Older version of a servant helping unlock a kink for their younger self
can we get some consensual hypnokink content, perhaps? maybe someone has a kink for being hypnotized and wants so badly to hand over control for a little bit, or they're nervous about performing well during sex and just want to be more assured in themselves! how and why it's done is up to the author/artist as well as the characters, so long as there is consent established!
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doberbutts · 2 years
HOWEVER things that I’ve seen complaints about that seem silly and I’m not touching the racism currently because I’ve been harping on it for like a week now.
Galadriel jumping out of the boat and swimming back across what is effectively the Atlantic ocean seems silly until you remember she crossed the Helcaraxe on foot and that’s basically an ice bridge across said Atlantic ocean. Like yeah my first thought was “girl you are in open water tf you gunna do now without a boat” but at the same time like. She’s been in worse situations and made it out tbh. Elves are made of tough stuff and we see this even with the power of the elves waning by the time of LOTR with Legolas being mostly unbothered by various events along the fellowship’s journey that left others exhausted. And he’s not even Noldor like Galadriel.
Speaking of elf clans idk where Celeborn is and thus where Celebrian is but personally I didn’t view her interactions with Elrond as flirting? Old friends, friends who know each other hideously well (esp if you consider Elrond can see the future and Galadriel can read minds I’m sure they’re going for the “finish each other’s sentences on an eerie level” type of relationship). Also they canonically get along really well especially once Elrond and Celebrian get hitched in the Third Age so it’s not like she ever really voiced dislike of him either- she even lives in Rivendell for a long time before settling down with the hubby in Lothlorien. Their relationship isn’t yet that of what it was by LOTR but also they’re missing a huge amount of personal and political events that happened in the like 5000+ years inbetween hold your horses.
Galadriel IS proud, she is described as being incredibly proud and strong and fierce several times. Boromir specifically says he and most of Gondor fear her. He dislikes the time he spends in Lothlorien because he’s afraid of her powers and because the elf/human relationship has always been very strained. Humans don’t like elves and are largely intimidated by or resentful of them outside of a spare few. Elves find humans to be beneath them. This is established over and over. Legolas plays nice with Aragorn but fires back at multiple high-ranking humans. Galadriel’s company had a less than warm welcome for the fellowship despite knowing who they were and liking a few members of their crew. This is established Tolkien lore where distrust between humans and elves was furthered by Morgoth and Sauron, but not invented by them. Elves have always been fairly elitist and there’s even passages about elves hunting dwarves for sport, elves deliberately screwing dwarves out of fair deals, elves making enemies with human kingdoms just because, etc. Galadriel hovering between proud and actively hostile when talking to humans or even elves she views as beneath her is just peak Noldor behavior in complete honesty. She was nice to the fellowship after letting her men threaten to kill them a few times.
AND this “she was never a warrior” thing is BS. She participated in the kinslayings. She was known for her strong magic. She was nicknamed “man-maiden” because she was so tomboyish. It’s absolutely ridiculous to have read all of that and think she can only be what she was shown to be in the PJ movies, at a mere fraction of her power and might, compared to when she was actively involved in the politics of the world instead of hanging out in a treehouse with her husband.
AND she was always obsessive about Sauron, refusing to trust him even when he was at his most “no don’t hurt me I’m a totally trustworthy guy just a poor little meowmeow” and alerting everyone to watch out for him even when they laughed her off. That’s not an Amazon invention, that’s just a Galadriel thing.
And this weird “I can’t believe Harfoots just leave people behind if they get injured/lost” look idk what to tell you, that’s nomadic life when you’re little and everything wants to kill you. Do your best to stay together but you will be left behind and we will not look for you if we get separated. Hobbits in general are distrusting of the world of the Big Folk and they’re literally like 3 feet tall with the exception of very few, meaning even a large dog running loose could easily hurt or kill them. We saw in the very first episode that straying too far from the others can lead to wolves and other unsavory things killing you, we know for a fact that even thousands of years later in the Shire it’s just expected that if you leave the Shire something will pick you off. Hell, just remember that Bilbo’s relatives had just basically shrugged and assumed he was dead and started taking his stuff because he took too long coming back from his adventure. That’s established lore my dudes.
People complaining that the elves look middle aged also look really silly when Hugo Weaving didn’t exactly look young in the role of Elrond and neither did Marton Csokas or Craig Parker. Yes, Celebrimbor’s actor does have a lot of lines and wrinkles on his face and yes, it makes him look older. But that’s also just his face, because looking at younger photos of him he still has sunken eyes, a prominent brow, and lines on his face. At some point y’all have to decide if you care more about traditional beauty standards for men or accepting that some people’s faces just look like that. Same with Elrond’s actor, yeah his jaw juts out a bit and he also has a strong brow, and that’s also just what his face looks like, either accept that real people do indeed have some variations in facial structure and that shouldn’t affect their ability to portray beautiful characters, or admit that you’re more addicted to traditional, eurocentric beauty standards than you’re willing to let on.
Costuming’s fine. Some little details will annoy longtime fans (hello why are non-Feanorians wearing the Feanorian star just because they’re elves) but will be completely missed by newcomers. It’s less detailed in some aspects than the PJ movies which is a shame because of the huge production budget but I wouldn’t say anything looks like plastic or cardboard or like it came out of a Spirit Halloween. Same with the CG- there’s yucky bits here and there with the CG but overall it’s been better than the Hobbit movies, which I know is a low bar but people are taking PJ as gospel right now. Accents is a valid complaint but lbr it’s largely lost on an American audience and most of us have needed to have it pointed out to us, don’t lie. And don’t act like that’s not coming direct from the source either- y’all loved the PJ movies and they’re guilty of the same thing.
The dialogue complaint is weird to me because it’s largely accepted within universe that elves speak solely in allegory and riddle (Bilbo directly says this to Elrond in PJ’s Hobbit trilogy in an extended scene) and so Finrod deciding that he’s going to sound smart by saying stones look downwards or whatever is, again, peak Noldor behavior. Elves just do that. Wizards do too, we just haven’t met any [official] wizards yet [tbh I think the Stranger is a wizard, idk just which one yet because any could fit the current description], or do we not remember Aragorn’s “there goes Gandalf talking in riddles yet again” and Frodo’s “for a dude pretending to be A Regular Guy, you use a lot of doublespeak”? It’s Tolkien, of course there’s going to be allegory and riddle where there didn’t need to be, that’s like 80% of the prophecies and misunderstandings in the books guys. The Hobbits and dwarves stand out because they’re the only people who speak plainly, and they’re largely regarded as rude for doing so.
And Rs get rolled sorry. Orlando Bloom’s Legolas was doing the same shit (”a Balrrrrrrog of Morrrrrrrrgoth”), it’s just that he’s a singular elf the story’s not technically about and thus you don’t notice it as much because it’s just him. Now that we’re surrounded by elves and two of our main characters are elves, you’re gunna hear it all the time.
ALSO it’s super bizarre to me that people are on one hand complaining that it’s not like the PJ movies enough, but then on the other hand are complaining when things are very similar to the PJ movies saying they “ripped off” PJ’s vision. Well which one is it? Are you unhappy that it’s not like the PJ adaptions or are you unhappy that it holds some similarities? I get that y’all wanted PJ to help with this but honestly there were complaints about the PJ movies too that y’all are just pretending didn’t exist.
ALSOOOOO I keep seeing people complain that the orcs aren’t supposed to be like vampires wrt the sun??? Uh. Again, did we read the same books? Orcs can’t move in the open in sunlight, it hurts them and burns their flesh. Not on-fire-turn-to-ash vampire lore “burns their flesh” but it’s absolutely a thing that orcs cannot spend long amounts of time in the sun and literally that’s why A: Mordor has a permanent dark cloud of ash and dust over its sky to allow the orcs and goblins and everything else to move freely even in the daytime and B: Saruman and Sauron bred Uruks from orcs to create a larger, stronger, more intelligent, orcish creature that could move in daylight because it was easier to use them by the time of LOTR. There’s a lot of suggestion that Uruks are crossbred orcs (aka super fucked up elves) and humans (mostly of the enemy bad-guys-only POC-dominant races) though there’s some argument over that. Either way, yeah orcs are supposed to flee at sunrise and it’s supposed to hurt them to be out in broad daylight. Multiple times as the climax of LOTR swells people express surprise that orcs are moving in huge packs and in broad daylight, because this is not normal orcish behavior.
ANNNNND the warg is supposed to look really fucked up, same as orcs. They’re not really new living creatures but fucked up versions of already existing creatures. Orcs are fucked up elves. Wargs are fucked up wolves. Balrogs are fucked up wizards. Dragons are fucked up eagles. And so on. The forces of evil could not create new life, only corrupt what already existed. So the warg having a really fucked up face and that includes the really inbred chihuahua look? Yeah they’re not supposed to look like Wolves But Bigger, they’re supposed to look like really fucked up wolfish creatures. Again, for everyone saying “read the Silmarillion”, it really feels like y’all haven’t read it with some of these complaints.
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mr-nauseam · 1 year
New wip on work: the poly cule without plot for now
We have A.
Is she/they and afab.
The type of person who is brave, cunning and very good with guns. She knows how to fight and hunt, likes nature and being on her own. Protective. Clueless of the affection people feel for her. Probably ends up in the poly cule without realizing it and thinks it is normal for friends to kiss and sleep together.
Quiet, shy and gentle although if annoyed she can become reconrous and vindictive. Seems fragile but is stronger than others think. She likes to knit and dance. She dresses colorful.
At first resent the poly bc believes was an excuse so her partner could cheat her "free" but then meet A and understand what is be capable of love more than only a person (She was prejudiced because of how she was raised).
The first partner of B.
Ambitious-determined, intelligent but impulsive and capricious. Sometimes pretends to be a bad boy who doesn't care about anything but can never keep up the act lmao because he cares so much. Good at fighting and dancing.
He was childhood friends with B, as they grew up they became to date and were together for a long time until he meets D and gets into conflict (he tries to break up with B but feels terrible at the idea because he loves her so much. D know he was a poly and is the one who tells him about his experiences into these relationships and helps him).
At some point he had an intense crush on A but they always ignored him lmao. He had a hateful fuck from time to time with E.
He/they. Probably transmasc.
He work temporarily with C, and they made a good team and gradually became closer.
Cunning, mischievous, knows how to talk to people to get what he wants. He is a very efficient worker and somewhat of a perfectionist. He knows how to do almost anything. His love language is acts of service.
Along with E, they are the poly members who already had experience in a multiple relationship and knew themselves well (bc B and C are kind of disasters who didn't even know who they were 😭✌️, A is not interested in know just do things tbh). A is very "oh so all we are dating? I didnt notice. Cool" but B and C are *screaming* and eating their heads
E is not exactly part of the relationship or is it (?
But hey it's very boy sunshine vibes. Not golden retriever but a pomeranian. IDK IF YOU GET IT BUT THAT ITS.
Polite, he picks up on things easily, he's nice but can be very stern at times and is super competitive. Vain.
He is friends with A, who he met because they attacked him by accident 💀 and when they realized their mistake they apologized and helped him heal. Literally E woke up and said "you kicked my ass I love you" and A was like "eh I like you too." He has a very strong rivalry with C, who he hated in the beginning but it wasn't hate, it was just appreciation that neither wanted to admit.
Extra facts:
C loves birds and has lots of them. They are his children.
B and D had at the beginning a very hostile relationship with each other but when B matured and apologized to D for be rude in past and they became very good friends and more. They were always able to understand each other, there were only internal conflicts (?)
Neither E or C will admit that they like each other but it's too obvious.
A likes C actually she just like to annoy him because when he thinks he's rejected he tries twice as hard to please her jsjsjsns
B and A moved in together first
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guiltycorp · 2 years
Naruto is just so frustrating to read it’s unbelievable... The main point of the series starting with the first chapters is that shinobi system sucks and needs to be changed at least somewhat, and our main guy Naruto is aiming to be the leader who would be in a position to do just that. I thought for a while that the narrative simply rolled back the ‘necessity to change the system’ since it wasn’t brought up for hundreds of chapters, but nope! The Uchiha genocide reveal happened and Pain arc rolled around, focusing entirely on the chain of vengeance (ignoring all other reasons for conflict, but at the very least acknowledging that the system needs to be changed). And then the whole resolution to that arc was just...
Pain: so look here’s why i think that the current state of the world will lead to more and more wars in the future  Naruto: sure yeah makes sense BUT  Pain: yeah? Naruto: buuut im going to change that in a different way from your nuclear threat way Pain: like how? Naruto: um idk i havent thought of it yet... but i will!  Pain: oh... good enough i guess *self-destructs and resurrects everyone* 
And honestly I’d be more than fine with that if I didn’t remember how the manga ends lol. Like, yeah, Naruto hasn’t thought of anything yet, but he made a resolution and a promise to come up with something. That means something coming from the protagonist!  Practically any change he’d propose would look better than Pain’s atomic bomb option in contrast, it’s an easy way out. And we have Sasuke’s arc happening in parallel, so surely when Naruto finds out the truth about the massacre he will realize that at the very least Konoha needs to own up to its past misdeeds and punish the perpetrators (at the very least keep them away from positions of power ffs). ...But then Naruto and Kakashi do learn the truth from Tobi, that Konoha itself ordered the genocide of a whole clan in order to prevent a coup, grooming a 13-year old child from that clan to be a mass-murderer and then masking the genocide as a non-political tragedy. And you know, Kakashi’s reaction is teeth-grindingly callous but understandable from a character stand-point.
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He’s been traumatized and brainwashed since childhood that they’re just the tools of their government and should remain as such, so of course he’d think that Sasuke’s immediate reaction to the truth should have been ‘oh okay then’. But Naruto, who’s just made the resolution to change the shinobi world?... 
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??? Like, Naruto honey, what’s not clicking?.. Why would that be a lie? He literally just sat through Pain’s flashback stories and yet! Why is Sasuke’s decision to go against Konoha presented as something so totally illogical and motivated by ~darkness~ that Naruto is in such disbelief?... Like yeah, it’s still vengeance, as straightforward as it can be. And what’s wrong with such vengeance when the perpetrators ARE STILL IN POWER, Danzo literally just became a full-on Hokage, how is this a bad motivation for Sasuke?? It could be at least somewhat more nuanced if everyone behind the genocide was already dead or too feeble to fight, but nope, that’s not at all the case. I swear it would be more in-character to just give Naruto the good old ‘......’ and leave it at that.   Also it’s so telling that both Kakashi and Naruto immediately begin arguing about Sasuke and don’t seem at all surprised about the actual reveal of the genocide. Because of course, if Naruto was allowed to be shocked about elders ordering a massacre within the village, then he’d also need to reevaluate his loyalties, and that would go against the plot Kishimoto envisioned for him. In a later flashback, Kakashi suggests that it might have been a lie after all, but it seems more like an excuse to avoid telling the truth to the other characters tbh.
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And of course the plot starts going into ‘the curse of hatred’ and predestined conflict between the ‘better’ kind and peaceful Senju and the meaner and resentful Uchiha and Naruto deals with the situation by trying to pull Sasuke into a very romantic double suicide but like… It could have been so much better if they tried to negotiate and get rid of the elders & promise Sasuke to change the system and make the truth behind his family’s deaths public.  Of course, it’s not all completely bad since Danzo at least was allowed to be a villainous personification of Konoha’s ‘darkness’ and Sasuke gets to kill him, but it’s at best a consolation prize and a lead-up to Sasuke’s worst moments of disregarding Karin’s life and um, I guess trying to kill Sakura after she tried to kill him? The first one I get, but the Sakura thing really was baffling.  Anyway I think that this is the direct influence of imperialism & nationalism on Kishimoto’s themes. The plot is pretty solid for what it is, the moral dilemmas are difficult enough, sometimes characters have really good insights and reactions to the plot, but he just can’t write himself out of the trap he's forced himself into. The narrative calls for a change to the system, the main character accepts that it’s necessary, but then oops, that becomes too much of a radical leftist message for a shounen series, so nope, time to hit the breaks.
The system’s only disadvantage is that sometimes some people go against it, and that’s because those dissidents suffer from a curse of hatred. Which can luckily be fixed by death! Or by prolonged soulful staring from Naruto, but that’s only if he’s allowed to get there first.
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piduai · 2 years
Lol personally I like it a lot unlike Game of Thrones which I hate and I think it's better than the book is based on in many ways (even GRRM seems to think so). I especially like how they fleshed out Alicent and gave her and Rhaenyra a friends to enemies arc with deliberate lesbian subtext. I also don't think Rhaenyra is a feminist character, she's pretty entitled and flawed (a mix between Dany and Cersei). The story and characters are nowhere as good as ASOIAF's but it scratches the itch, yk.
oh no i didn't mean to imply that she's a "feminist" character. she was created by a man, and the show writers seem to be men, that's already antithetical to the idea of feminism lol like what's the point if there's no female voices there. i meant it in the uh, girlboss subversive way that is so popular in contemporary media. you know like Calling Out the problem directly, Calling Out the misogyny and addressing it as though it has a simple solution (make woman badass and stronk) instead of tackling the issue within the narrative. the lack of subtlety is the culprit here because, by giving the audience a Call Out, the story just refuses to put in the effort of showing why this or that is the issue.
idk there's just something insidious about men writing stories in which female characters have a complex about having been born female and being resentful about being treated differently than their male peers, it feels mocking when it comes from a place of privilege somehow? i mean first of all what do you know lol. i think i'm just tired of misogyny being used as a prop, same reason i don't really like gay media. not saying that these things shouldn't be created, i'm sure a lot of people enjoy stuff about Addressing The Issue and whatnot it's fine but i personally don't... why do all the Feminist Girlboss stories have to be about rape and oh it sucks so much that i was born a dreaded girl but it ok bc i learnt to cope with it. and all stories about gay people about homophobia and coming out and having no personality or interests or life outside of having sex. idk. can't we just be... normal people with good interesting compelling stories and good character writing who just happen to be female/gay/what have you without the Oppression being rubbed in our faces all the time? i mean sure fiction explores real life issues which as i said is FINE... but it's also escapism y'know. like i live as a woman and as a lesbian and i experience those sorrows in real life, why do i need to be constantly reminded how much it sucks to be xyz in this Society in my story about kicking ass and going on adventures and idk, dragons.
BUT I DIGRESS SO MUCH SORRY autism moment. it's not about the dragon show in particular bc i haven't watched it so idk what it really is about, just my personal gripes with politically charged media. tbh i haven't read the book either... mostly bc idgaf about the targaryens as a whole or about the asoiaf universe without the characters i'm already fond of. i'd rather he just continued the main story than release weird girlboss incest prequels but who am i to tell millionaires what to do... but i'm glad it works out for you and they're feeding you dragon-riding wooloowoos <3 hopefully they don't mess it up then 🙏
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flowersforroadkill · 11 months
No one *ever* seems to discuss how to talk to older liberal cishet people about trans stuff. The line I usually hear is like, “well they just have to learn to be accepting.”
And that’s true, of course it is.
But like… I don’t think my parents will ever get it. They’re allied with us politically, they’ll respect binary pronouns, and they’ll occasionally get they/them correct. They seem to respect us in more or less the same way that an agnostic respects spiritual beliefs.
Is that enough? No, not really. But it might be as good as it gets, and I don’t want to resent them for that. I mean, I don’t resent them for that, tbh.
All I’m really saying is, it’d be nice to have a script for navigating this kind of thing without just waiting for the other person to change, I guess.
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