#it slowly devolved into me fangirling lol
yoroshiu · 1 year
Things About JPN Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
When it comes to referring to others Sora has a few ways going about it. He often refers to others by their names.. You can only imagine the many more amount of times he’s said Riku or Kairi’s name in JPN lol
Or even just the amount of times Donald and Goofy is said by him 
Sora’s a very boyish kind of guy, like very casual but not intentionally rude, and also kind of impressionable which is reflected in his speech
Uses ‘ore’ when referring to himself normally but used ‘boku’ once in KH1 while talking to Kairi
He’s the king of comedic timing and deadpan (courtesy of Miyu Irino), his tone and inflection are on point. (i.e. in KH3 when the gang get flung off the mountain in Arendelle once again and Sora’s tired of it. Both Miyu Irino and Haley Joel Osment’s deliveries for Sora’s frustration are amazing)
I think a lot of the awkward pauses found in ENG KH dialogue stems from the fact that we don’t usually make the same noises for affirmations, reactions, and the like. This is more of a general note rather than Sora-specific but JPN Sora does tend to do this
In Re:Coded, Data Sora refers to Data Roxas as ‘omae’ but in 3D, Sora refers to Roxas by name and ‘kimi’. For Re:Coded, my guess is that it’s because Sora didn’t know who he was and Roxas was antagonizing him
Less of a fun fact and more of a fangirl point but, have you heard him asking for one Baymax in JPN??? The way he just says “Just 1, just 1″ in the softest and excited voice!! He’s my precious son frfr ToT
When Sora gets excited and happy, his voice tends to get higher pitched (Miyu Irino’s range is actually wild) and...not sure if this is the word I’m looking for, but squishy? I feel like Miyu Irino makes Sora squishy in a very endearing way lol
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hanahinatahana · 7 years
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Completed: OCN’s Voice (SPOILERS)
This was one thrilling ride. One of my problems is that I try so many dramas, whether I stick with them or not is another subject but, it’s hard to keep up with each actor. So, as usual, I hadn’t seen the leads recently prior to starting this drama. The last time I completed a drama starring Jang Hyuk was back in 2014 when FTLY was new. Otherwise, I’ve started and stopped both ‘Shine Or Go Crazy’ (because I wasn’t in the mood for a sageuk) and ‘Beautiful Mind’ (because I was literally confused by the first episode and too impatient to keep watching :P). As for Lee Ha Na, I’ve  only seen her in ‘High School King of Savvy’, which I watch one episode every few months lol. Don’t ask me why it’s taking me so long to finish, because I honestly don’t know.
So, as you can tell, I didn’t start this with any sort of hope as far as fave actors is concerned. No, I pressed play because OCN shows are usually hella good (a reason why I won’t be quitting on ‘Tunnel’ just yet), and this time was no exception. Jang Hyuk, as the detective that’s been hit hard by the death of his wife, was great here. His fierce dogged determination was displayed, and action scenes were both mesmerizing and believable. Ha Na was a bit stiff, but she did well conveying the emotions of a woman that has been biding her time learning just so that she could come back and catch the man that got away with killing her father, and stop the corruption that made the crime possible.
The series  handled the “super hearing” angle well. There are a few instances where it seems implausible, but I feel like that complaint should be thrown out of the window if you decide to press play. Of course it seems far fetched....it is far fetched lol. I think as long as you don’t get caught up on that aspect, the show is highly enjoyable.
There was no romance in this drama except for Yesung’s character, but it’s never explicit that he and Son Eun Seo’s character actually become a couple. I was really happy about that, because although shows like God’s Quiz featured relationships that made sense and slowly built on mutual respect, there just wasn’t enough time to overcome the fight against the criminals, dealing with their initial trust issues, and Jang Hyuk’s broken heart in order to make a romance between them work.
Super Junior’s Yesung was a staple at the call center and even had his own episode, but the show didn’t shift just to include him in every major moment. i liked that he got a chance to shine but the show didn’t devolve into a solo show just for him.
I can’t end the post without talking about the killer, our very own Kim Jae Wook, hotty extraordinaire. I thought they would keep his identity hidden up until the end of the show, but thankfully, he appears and we are treated to his intense and scary as hell portrayal of a rich boy gone mad. I love seeing him in dramas, but unfortunately his tv roles are few and far between. I had no idea he was even going to be in the show, but I could tell it was him from the small bit of his mouth they showed in episode 1 (fangirl status: confirmed).
Overall, if you like crime/thriller shows, I would recommend this one for the interesting story lines that connect, as well as the solid acting.
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