#it so sought after (not by everyone but by a vast majority) bc we want to have that experience and connection ourselves even
baeshijima · 2 years
ive just gone down a massive rabbit hole of youtube videos explaining and answering questions abt love in its biological and scientific form and wow i feel strangely enlightened
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kouhaiofcolor · 3 years
Whew shit it aggravates the hell outta me how much recognition non black ppl felt they were entitled to for pRoTeStInG police brutality that specifically targets black ppl — by only acting on performative upset around George Floyd's murder. Yet Makiyah Bryant was literally murdered by a white police officer as they were reading Chauvin's verdict for killing Floyd & yall haven't said too much at all. The same performative & self-proclaimed activists haven't said a word ab this fr.
The same ppl who were (& still are) walking around w/ a chip on their shoulder ab buying fucking totes, t-shirts, wristbands & face masks that say "Africa" or "Black Lives Matter" or "Say Their Names" — haven't said or so much as put any comparable energy into demanding justice for Makiyay Bryant, Breonna Taylor, or any Black Woman or underage Black Girl killed by white people for that matter. Its like yall felt like, "well all thats finally over; guess police brutality & police officers murdering black ppl isn't a thing anymore or something we should keep protesting after things cool down; we've done 'our part'. 🙄Yall make me fucking sick the way yall showed up & out in international droves for Floyd; the way yall created & pushed hashtags for that grown ass man who OPENLY shit on Black Women (the largest & most signigicant demographic who was out there demanding answers & justice for his murder itfp).
An autistic, black child was killed by the same kind of people who murdered Floyd; working in the same "profession". She was killed by a fucking police officer in the midst of being harassed by kids her age who were bullying her to a point where her hand was forced & she sought out the police to intervene. & they killed her like she didn't mean a damn thing. Yall are silent ab it like she didn't mean a damn thing. Yall literally just went back to your regular lives, obsessing over absolute billshit & living on the internet like it didn't matter at all. Like, "Well we did all that for Floyd. Dont have the energy to do it for anyone else Black; particularly Black Women/Girls."
Where is yall energy for this?? Idk if yall realize but the way this shit reflects, it looks like Americans (& ppl from other countries that participated in the protesting for Floyd) only give a fuck ab black lives if cishet black males are the focus — & that's so fucking disrespectful. Yall are seriously ok w that child being taken from her family? Her mother? Her siblings if she had any??? What ab her dreams? What ab what she wanted to do w her life in spite of all the shit she was going thru being fucked w for being autistic? Do yall give any sort of fucks? Do yall give a damn at all? Just be real ab it. Bc this didn't just happen to Makiyah. This isn't something that's happend to just one black girl before.
This is happening more often than most care to consider fr. In fact, the perpetual concern ppl are brainwashed to have for white women being potentially unrealistically sex-trafficked, sexually abused/assaulted, kidnapped/abducted — happens way more prevalently to black women & little Black girls all over the globe. White women have international protection since they are pushed as a forced international standard & ideal anyway. Black women are not at all a protected demographic. Anywhere in the world. And black men are # fucking 1 in our assailant normalcy — yet everyone gives them all the exclusive consideration when it comes to crimes against the Black Community by non blacks & blacks alike. Fucking tired of yall fr, on everything. Yall let that child die in vain & still ain't got off yall asses to do or say anything ab it the way yall were committed to doing it for Floyd. You should be ashamed. You should be embarrassed.
Idc what you think you did out there for Floyd if you didn't do the same for Makiyah. Or Breonna. Or any Black women among the thousands of names mentioned among the "Say Their Names" outcry. Yall didn't do a damn thing but keep a hashtag trending through the summer last year. Yall give no real fucks & im glad I wasn't giving yall too much credit for doing the bare minimum, cus looking at how "concerned" yall are now, it truly was a minimum. Fuck yall. George Floyd was a grown ass man. Did all that active disapproval of someone killing his ass & then turn yall back on black women asap.
That he spent any part of his life as a black male being & acting on misogynoir — just to cry out for his Black Mother at the peak of his suffering & death, is ironic; almost funny considering how he likely wouldn't have protested for the unreasonable murder of black women himself. Yall desperately need to get your fucking priorities together, cus a lot of yall too damn grown to be this stupid & have attention spans this short. Yall just be expecting black women's support on any & everything — even if it don't make sense or if it puts us in harm's way. Then do absolutely nothing for us when circumstances absolutely more than demand it. Im done supporting these lame ass causes for ppl who don't do shit for Black women even when we do it for yall. Most of the time the majority of you don't even open your mouth ab black women lest its to degrade or defeminize them so yea its p clear to me where the majority of you truly stand unfiltered on issues around our safety & wellbeing.
I'm good. There is no poc solidarity; there is no progression or inclusion in speaking up for races who are not black as a black person — esp not as a black woman. Im quite done w the vast majority of ppl & giving a fuck ab things i cannot — but that other races of ppl v well can — control (regarding our mistreatment). I will not be speaking on this blog ab anything that does not pertain specifically & exclusively to issues within or injustices committed against the Black community. I do not have the energy or interest; just like yall don't ab us. Fuck yall, fuck your problems (cultural & personal), & fuck you being mad ab it if at all. Do not care. Black Women & Little Black Girls do not deserve the blatant disregard & neglect yall habitually subject us to for absolutely nothing. You will not get empathy from this black woman on this shit, period.
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troybeecham · 4 years
Fr. Troy Beecham
Sermon, 3 Advent 2020
John 1:6-8,19-28
“There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify to the light, so that all might believe through him. He himself was not the light, but he came to testify to the light.
This is the testimony given by John when the Judeans sent priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him, “Who are you?” He confessed and did not deny it, but confessed, “I am not the Messiah.” And they asked him, “What then? Are you Elijah?” He said, “I am not.” “Are you the prophet?” He answered, “No.” Then they said to him, “Who are you? Let us have an answer for those who sent us. What do you say about yourself?” He said, “I am the voice of one crying out in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way of the Lord,’” as the prophet Isaiah said. Now they had been sent from the Pharisees. They asked him, “Why then are you baptizing if you are neither the Messiah, nor Elijah, nor the prophet?” John answered them, “I baptize with water. Among you stands one whom you do not know, the one who is coming after me; I am not worthy to untie the thong of his sandal.” This took place in Bethany across the Jordan where John was baptizing.”
I frequently wonder why our lectionary chooses to cut out parts of a Gospel text. The reason given is usually due to a thematic focus. In this Gospel, in which light is the theme, why would verse 9-18 be left out when they are focused on the light? Hereare the missing verses that were left out:
“The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world.
He was in the world, and the world came into being through him; yet the world did not know him. He came to what was his own, and his own people did not accept him. But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God, who were born, not of blood or of the will of the flesh or of the will of man, but of God.
And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth. John testified to him and cried out, “This was he of whom I said, ‘He who comes after me ranks ahead of me because he was before me.’” From his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. The law indeed was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. No one has ever seen God. It is God the only Son, who is close to the Father’s heart, who has made him known.”
So, what can we make of why the lectionary finds it important to focus on John the Baptist and leave out the light he came to proclaim? What can we learn about Jesus, his identity, life, death, and resurrection, by taking a close look at his cousin John the Baptist? The most direct answer is that the way John the Baptist is treated foreshadows how Jesus will be treated: suspicion, awe, rejection, and execution.
An important first question is to ask why would the power players: the Judean aristocracy, the Temple hierarchy, and thecivil authorities in Jerusalem; why would they care that a rural prophet was attracting crowds to the wilderness and wasbaptizing repentant sinners in the Jordan river? Because those with power always treat those they deem to be threats to their power the same way, in every age and in every place. This is a consistent indictment about humankind in the Scriptures: we seek power rather than seeking God.
In honor cultures, people are expected to behave in specific ways according to their inherited status. The Baptizer was a rural priest, and the son of a highly respected rural priest, Zechariah. John is in trouble with the Judean hierarchy because he is not behaving like a rural priest is expected to do. Here we see one of the fractures in Judean and Israelite culture that began after the Jews returned from exile in the 6th century BC. Rural priests, priests not part of the Judean aristocracy or the Temple aristocratic priestly families, experienced a great deal of marginalization by the aristocratic hierarchy of Jerusalem and the Temple. The historian Josephus indicates that the gulf between the aristocratic priests in Jerusalem and the large number of rural, so-called ‘lower’ clergy was at an all-time highjust before the outbreak of the Judean rebellion against Rome beginning in the mid-60s AD. We can see similar attitudes within the Church, sadly.
The contrast between the living conditions of the rural clergy and the very evident luxury in which the Jerusalem priestly aristocracy lived in had been a great source of strife. The fact that they Jerusalem aristocracy lived in such luxury while the vast majority of the Israelites during the Roman occupation were living in profound poverty was a focus of the preaching of both John the Baptist and Jesus. The poor, the dispossessed, and the hungry were looking for light in the face of such overwhelming darkness. Those with power tried to co-opt John and Jesus both, and failing that they sought to discredit them and finally to eliminate them. The same is true today.
John is intentionally distancing himself from this luxury and corruption and accentuating his rural priestly heritage. John presents himself more like a prophet who declares the will of God and the judgment of God against those who oppressed the poor, especially those who did so in the name of God. What radical words! No wonder they wanted him gone. When they come to question him, they want to find out if he is trying to start a popular movement, an insurrection. He tells them that God is acting, that God is bringing judgment, and that action and judgment, that shining the light in their darkness, was the Son of God, the Messiah, who was already in the world. It is he who will bring about the overturning of the powers of the world, who will baptize with ‘fire and the Holy Spirit’.
John is but the voice crying in the wilderness exhorting his listeners to prepare the way of the Lord. Because Jesus has not yet been baptized nor initiated his ministry, the delegation from Jerusalem isn’t interested in the “coming one” John announces.They will deal with that problem if he ever shows up. For now, they return to Jerusalem, feeling safe. The Jerusalem delegation now understands that John’s baptismal rite is symbolic action of repentance, not insurgence. But they know to be looking for the one whom John called the Light of the World, the one bringing fire and judgment. They know that their time is short, and they will be ready, in the same way that all who are jealous of their power and privilege are ready, and who also live in constant fear of losing their power…ready to strike, punish, control, kill, and destroy any who threaten their power. This is true today as in every age. And all the world is waiting, either in hope or in fear, for the coming of the Light of the World, who came first as a suffering Messiah and is coming again in great power and glory to be the Judge of all peoples.
The powers of the world have already been judged. All who wield power share in its judgment. The poor in spirit, the oppressed, the meek, the humble, and the peace makers shall inherit the earth when the Lord returns. The question that we have to ask ourselves is where are we on that continuum? Do we wait with dread or with hope for the coming of the Lord?
Stir up your power, O Lord, and with great might come among us; and, because we are sorely hindered by our sins, let your bountiful grace and mercy speedily help and deliver us; through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom, with you and the Holy Spirit, be honor and glory, now and forever. Amen.
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visitturkeytr-blog · 7 years
Best Beaches in Turkey
New Post has been published on http://www.visitturkey.in/best-beaches-in-turkey/
Best Beaches in Turkey
Best Beaches in Turkey. When you’re a country with coastlines along the Aegean and Mediterranean seas you’re bound to be spoilt for choice when it comes to decent beaches and that’s certainly the case with Turkey. Some, like those around Marmaris, are well-known to foreign visitors and come with all the amenities a holiday-maker could ask for. Less developed options also abound, like those on the Datça Peninsula, while some, like those on the islands of Bozcaada and Gökçeada, are hugely popular with Turks but only slowly gaining a reputation with visiting holiday-makers.
Travelers looking for a beach vacation may want to consider the Turkish Riviera. Guests are surrounded by luxury, not to mention a wide variety of water activities from waterslides to windsurfing to just lounging on the beach. Or they can relax with a spa treatment or traditional Turkish bath. In addition these resorts offer many international cuisines along with fitness centers to work off those calories. Most of the best beach resorts in Turkey can be found between Antalya and Alanya, with a few near Bodrum and Oludeniz.
Travellers’ Choice Awards. Find out what the best Beaches in Turkey are as awarded by real travellers.
Kaputas Beach, Kas, Antalya
1- Kaputas Beach, Kas
Kaputas Beach Kas; The beach is situated at a distance of 20 km from Kaş and 7 from Kalkan, at a point where an extremely narrow valley towered by steep cliffs and forests joins the sea shore in the cove of the same name as the beach (Kaputaş). The beach is quite popular among visitors to the region due to its untouched natural beauty commanded by a view from the heights traversed by the State road D400 between Kaş and Kalkan.
Iztuzu Beach (Dalyan)
2- Iztuzu Beach (Dalyan)
Iztuzu Beach, Dalyan; Good beach, with or w/o logger-head turtles. The town, 8 km (5 miles) NW of Dalaman Airport, the river, cliff tombs and Caunos ruins are a nice bonus.
Iztuzu Beach is backed by the Dalyan Delta. Iztuzu’s six kilometres of golden sands are just a fifteen-minute drive from Dalyan Town. Perhaps for this reason, the beach is rarely crowded.
The beach is a fine strip of white sand that juts into the water. Backed by Dalyan Delta, it is a stunning and natural place.
If you are seeking complete isolation, turn left on your way to Iztuzu and follow the off-road tracks into the mountains. You’ll travel through lush forests and isolated mountain villages, and eventually you’ll find a number of isolated, stunningly beautiful beaches.
Alanya: Kleopatra (Cleopatra) Beach, Perfect Sand, Summer
3- Kleopatra Beach, Alanya
Kleopatra Beach, Alanya; The town (115 km/72 miles east of Antalya) is busy and crowded, but the beaches are so long (22 km/14 miles to the east) that there’s plenty of sand for everyone. Great Seljuk castle, too
Blue Lagoon (Oludeniz Beach), Fethiye
4- Blue Lagoon (Oludeniz Beach), Fethiye
Blue Lagoon (Oludeniz Beach), Fethiye; Ölüdeniz (Fethiye) Very fine, with good hotels, restaurants and bars, but because it’s Turkey’s most famous, it can get crowded.
Oludeniz Blue Lagoon Turkey is a wondrous place famous for its beautiful beaches and historical sights. It should be mentioned that Oludeniz beach resort is a rather quiet and peaceful place, so you won’t find some noisy disco-bars and shows. In fact, tourists come here for other reasons.
So where is Oludeniz in Turkey located and how to get to Oludeniz beach? Oludeniz resort (Olu Deniz) is located near town of Fethiye in the province of Mugla in Turkey. You can easiliy get from Fethiye to Oludeniz by dolmus – mini bus. So how far is Fethiye from Oludeniz? The distance from from Oludeniz to Fethiye is 13 km and road goes through Ovacik and Hisaronu. Olludeniz dolmus timetable will not make you to wait for bus to go for more than 30 minutes or you always can take Oludeniz taxi. Sometimes holidaymakers from Marmaris, Bodrum, Antalya is comeing for a day to Oludeniz Blue Lagoon Turkey. Abswering the question how far is Oludeniz from Marmaris we must admit that Oludeniz to Marmaris is 137 km.Aas for the distances to other resorts: Antalya to Oludeniz is 201 km, Bodrum to Oludeniz – 244 km, Icmeler to Oludeniz – 145 km. The closest to Blue Lagoon Oludeniz airport is Dalaman which is located in 63 km from the resort.
Ancient city and beach of Patara in Turkey
5- Patara Beach, Patara (Fethiye)
Patara Beach, Patara (Fethiye); 50 meters/yards wide and 20 km (12.5 miles) long, this beach 75 km (47 miles) south of Fethiye is Turkey’s finest. Accommodations—and shade—are limited, though.
Patara was founded in the V century BC and soon became the largest port of Lycia.The Temple of Apollo with oracle, that was considered the second most important temple after the Temple of Apollo in Delphi, was attracting pilgrims from all the Greek cities of Asia Minor.
So where is Patara in Turkey located? The Patara ruins and Patara beach are located approximately in 10 kilometers west of the modern Turkish town of Kalkan in province of Antalya (actually Patara is much closer to Fethiye than Antalya – there are 225 km from Patara beach to Antalya). The distance from Fethiye to Patara Turkey is 75 km.
During the wars between the successors of Alexander the Great the Patara city was the major naval port and shipyard. In 42 BC Brutus gave an ultimatum to residents of Patara – he promised to spare all citizens of Patara and even release previously captured captives for the surrender of the city otherwise he would arrange a similar to Xanthos massacre. Patara chose to give up.
The Roman emperor Hadrian used to live in Patara for some time. The Apostle Paul and the Luke the Evangelist stayed here and on the way to Rome. In 138 BC the population of the Patara city was about 20,000 and Patara was the second most important city after Ephesus. Patara is also the birthplace of St. Nicholas (270 AD) – Archbishop of Myra and the prototype of Santa Claus.
Today Patara Turkey is mostly known for its beautiful white sand beach. Patara Beach Turkey is a strip of white sand of 500m width stretching along the Mediterranean coast for 20 km. There are sunbeds, changing rooms, several places to eat and have fun on the beach. It is a place where tourists can relax in a quiet secluded atmosphere amid the stunning seascapes. Beach and the sea is maintained in perfect cleanliness as Patara is the National Park and protected by the government. Patara Beach in Turkey was recognized as the best beach in Europe by British weekly journal The Sunday Times. You can get to Patara beach from Fethiye by car on D400 – coastal road to Antalya.
Ilica Beach, Cesme
6- Ilica Beach, Cesme
Ilica Beach, Cesme;
Ilıca is a large resort area near Çeşme in the extreme western tip of Turkey, in İzmir Province. A township apart in practically all its aspects, Ilıca administratively depends the municipality of the district center of Çeşme, at a distance of 5 km to the west.
Ilıca started out as a settlement towards the end of the 19th century, initially as a retreat for wealthy people, especially from İzmir, during summer holidays. Today, it is a popular destination for many. Its name makes reference to its famed thermal springs, some of which are in the sea. As the thermal waters come out of the sea bed and mix with the sea water adding minerals very close to the Ilica Beach, swimming at Ilica Beach is ideal for the skin. Ilica is also home to mud baths which is known to cure many illnesses such as rheumatism, metabolism illnesses and gynaecological diseases.
Mentioned by Pausanias and Charles Texier, Ilıca thermal springs are also notable in Turkey for having been the subject of the first scientifically based analysis in Turkish language of a thermal spring, published in 1909 by Yusuf Cemal. By his time the thermal springs were well-known both internationally, scientific and journalistic literature having been published in French and in Greek, and across Ottoman lands, since the construction here of a still-standing yalı associated with Muhammad Ali of Egypt’s son Tosun Pasha who had sought a cure in Ilıca before his premature death.
Ilıca also has a fine beach, about 1.5 km long, as well as favorable wind conditions which make Ilıca, together with the neighboring Alaçatı, an internationally prized location for windsurfing.
“Go to Calis if you want a relaxing break!”
7- Calis Beach, Fethiye
Calis Beach, Fethiye;
Konyaalti Beach Park – Antalya (region) – Tourism
8- Konyaaltı & Lara Beach (Antalya)
Konyaaltı & Lara Beach (Antalya); Big, l-o-n-g pebble/coarse sand beach using the Blue Flag System to certify cleanliness
Konyaalti Beach Park
Walk on the multicolored pebbles and feel the warm waves tickle your feet in this scenic beach park with views of distant mountains. Konyaalti Beach Park is a vast stretch of pebbles with a stunning backdrop of mountains. Showers, restaurants and the sea offer sunbathers respite from the sweltering heat. Make this your favorite spot for watersports, swimming and relaxing by the Mediterranean Sea just outside the city center. Sunbathe on deck chairs while the kids play on the beach. Rent umbrellas to shade you from the sun while you lounge on a beach chair. Dip your toes in the water or go for a swim in the Mediterranean Sea. Look for the blue flag indicating the water is clean and safe for swimmers. The Beydaglari Mountains loom powerfully over the horizon as a reminder of the country’s scenic and varied landscape. Capture photos of the rocky giants hanging over the sea. Stay at one of the hotels with a view of the beach. Take part in watersports, such as Jet Skiing and parasailing, for a small price. Choose snacks at the many vendors’ stands along the beach. Buy nuts, ice cream and sodas to share with family and friends. Sit at a restaurant for a meal accompanied by the soothing sound of crashing waves. Behind the beach you will find a park with paths, trees and vast grassy area where you can play games. The Antalya Aqualand Water Park next to the beach is packed with thrilling slides and waterfalls. You do not have to pay to enter the beach and park, which is always open to the public. Remember to wear appropriate footwear, as the pebbles can get quite hot on summer afternoons. Konyaalti Beach Park is about 3 miles (4.8 kilometers) west of the central area of Antalya. You can drive to the beach, which has a large parking lot for visitors, in less than 15 minutes. The beach is next to the Miniature Culture Park, Antalya Aquarium and Antalya Museum. Ride the tram to the stop next to the museum and walk for 2 minutes to reach the beach. Buses also take passengers to the popular beach.
Olympos beach Antalya. A secluded beach 50 miles southwest of Antalya.
9- Olimpos (Antalya)
Olimpos (Antalya); The opposite of the others: small, secluded, atmospheric, backed by a forest filled with Roman ruins. 79 km (49 miles) southwest of Antalya
Laid on the Mediterranean coast in Antalya province, Olympus beach is famous as the place to see Chimera – natural flames issuing from the rocky mountains.
Getting there
To get to the beach from Antalya you can use a rented car. In this case, the trip is possible using a narrow road off the D400 highway. Also, there is a public transport service, although not direct.
Hotels and pensions are available in the villages of Cirali and Olympus, and getting to the beach from these villages is just a matter of a 15 min walk.
Side has sandy beaches, East and west
10- Side (Antalya)
Side (Antalya); The once-idyllic village 65 km (40 miles) east of Antalya is now crowded and noisy, but the beaches are still fine and unspoiled. Roman ruins abound
11- Bodrum Peninsula
Bodrum Peninsula; Beaches in the towns are not great, but good smaller ones abound: Ortakent Yalısı (coarse sand & pebble), Turgutreis (surfy), and gem-like Gümüşlük
BODRUM PENINSULA BEACHES & COVESBODRUM PENINSULA BEACHES & COVES ADA BOGAZI (AQUARIUM) On the Bodrum peninsula between Gumbet and Bitez is the Akvaryum Cove, stretching for three kilometres towards the south. In front of it is Gorecik Island, which is also called ic Island. Between the Bodrum Peninsula and the island there is an area forming a strait and the cove, It is called Aquarium because of its crystal clear waters.In the open waters the sea floor 30 m. below can be seen with the naked eye. Throughout the day it get hoards of Daily Boat Trips and at night boats that anchor there. AKYARLAR COVE This cove with its wonderful beach and crystal clear waters is 13 km from Bodrum. It is one of the best places in the world to surf. Its ancient name is Arhialla. ASPAT BEACH Rising out of the shores of the Aegean and mentioned often in Turkish folk music, the real name of Aspat is Aspartos. Evliya celebi writes of Aspat in his Chronicles. Built upon a barren rock, the perimeter of Aspat Castle measures 700 paces. Here one may see the remains of a civilizations dating back to the Classic Age and continuing up until the present day. BAGLA BEACH With one of the best coves and beaches on the peninsula, it is an excellent place to camp and is 14 km from Bodrum. BARDAKCI BEACH Bardakçi is 500 m. from Bodrum. One can reach to Bardakci most of the time by sea. Its crystal clear sea is well-known for its springs. BITEZ BEACH One of the most beautiful coves on the peninsula, it is 10 km from Bodrum and has warm waters and sandy beaches. It is a beautiful quiet corner where blue and green reach out to touch each other in the tangerine orchards which stretch from the village to the sea. GOLKOY Located 13 km north of Bodrum, this beautiful cove blends the green of olive, tangerine and pine trees with that of palms. Because it faces the north, it is always lush and the water in the cove is cooler than that in the other coves. GUMBET BEACH About 3 km west of Bodrum, its waters are very shallow. It is an excellent place for beach surfing. Bardakci is a mere 1000 m. from Bodrum. Most people go there by Boat. It is known for its beach and the water, which is as clear as glass, as well as the fresh water spring there. GUNDOGAN Located 18 km from Bodrum, Gundogan cove is one of the coves that has been least changed by man and which still preserves its beauty in the most natural way. Its tangerine orchards are famous. GUMUSLUK It is one of the oldest settlements on the peninsula. It is still possible to see in places the underwater remains of the old harbor wall which connected Tavsan Island to the mainland. The sea and fish here are famous. Watching the sun set here amidst the lush green vegetation will be a life-long memory. GUVERCINLIK BEACH A cove of unusual beauty with every conceivable tone green and blue, it is located 25 km from Bodrum. Salih Island, located right across the water, only serves to enhance the natural appeal of this beautiful cove. KADIKALESI The sandy beaches of this crystal clear sea are surround with citrus orchards. Situated 23 km from Bodrum, it gets its name from the remains of a nearby castle belonging to the Hellenistic era. KARAINCIR Situated 16 km out of Bodrum, its 500 m. beach is one of the best in the area. ORTAKENT – YAHSI BEACH Located 14 km from Bodrum, its waters are warm and it has sandy beaches. Its tangerine orchards are quite famous. It is one of the best vantage points from which to view village life in Bodrum.
TORBA BEACH peaceful little village just 5 km from Bodrum, it is a charming yet lively place where the shining sea melds with the green pines and olive trees. There are boats going to Didim, Milet and Priene from here. TURGUTREIS BEACH Situated 20 km from Bodrum, the town is famous for its tangerine orchards. It is named for the famous Turkish admiral, Turgut Reis. In terms of population, it is the second most populous area after Bodrum. It is known for its unforgettable sunsets. TURKBUKU BEACH Situated beside Golkoy, at a distance from Bodrum of 15 km, it resembles Golkoy in almost every way. It is one of the places preferred by people looking for peace and quiet. YALIKAVAK BEACH Yalikavak impresses with its combination of alluring traditional charm and a sense of recognition of the importance of contemporary comforts desired by today’s discerning visitor. This is what makes Yalikavak attractive to those who care for both, the old and the new.
About Bodrum Peninsula
The ancient Bodrum peninsula is a beautiful port city on the Turkish Aegean Sea and is one of the most enchanting places in the region. It’s an attractive destination for wealthy Turkish families, jet-setters and European vacationers. The busy harbor is always littered with yachts and the area is bordered by white villas and palm trees
12- Kemer (Antalya)
Kemer (Antalya); Very mod-resorty, but near a lot of interesting day-trip possibilities
13- Pamucak (Ephesus)
Pamucak (Ephesus); Big, broad, dark sand, only 7 km (4 miles) west of Ephesus, relatively clean with a few cig butts and bottlecaps
14- Sarıgerme (Dalaman)
Sarıgerme (Dalaman); Very near busy Dalaman Airport, this well-kept beach is somewhat undiscovered, quieter, great for families and those interested mostly in beach time.
15- Kızkalesi (Silifke)
Kızkalesi (Silifke); Known only to Turks and savvy foreigners, this beach 25 km (16 miles) east of Silifke is sort of small but the castle out at sea makes up for it.
16 Sinop
Sinop; Sinop Nice beaches, never crowded, because the Black Sea water is usually pretty chilly.
17- Kuşadası (Ephesus)
Kuşadası (Ephesus); Nice enough Aegean beaches, but small and very crowded
18- Samandağ (Antakya)
Samandağ (Antakya); W-a-y down near Syria (26 km/16 miles) southwest of Antakya, but has a trash problem.
19- Anamur (Alanya)
Anamur (Alanya); Good beach that only Turks seem to know about, 127 km (79 miles) southeast of Alanya. Interesting Byzantine ghost town nearby.
20- Çalış (Fethiye)
Çalış (Fethiye); Long beach near the city cradling yacht-happy Fethiye Bay, good but somehow un-charming, and famous Ölüdeniz is just 10 km (6 miles) away over the hills.
21- Blue Flag Beaches
Blue Flag Beaches; The Blue Flag beach hygeine system has been adopted by some Turkish beaches. You should know about it to protect your health.
22- Icmeler Beach, Marmaris
Icmeler Beach, Marmaris;
23- Cirali Beach, Cirali
Cirali Beach, Cirali;
Antalya, Turkish Riviera
The Turkish Riviera is the most stunning part of Turkey’s Mediterranean coast with its perfect sun, clean beaches, ultra luxury resorts, nature and history. Antalya is the largest city on the Mediterranean with its charming harbour. It is typical of Turkey, a thriving modern city, with a historic heart in the centre of Kaleici, within the old city walls. This area has seen something of a renaissance in recent years, with many of the wooden Ottoman mansions being restored and turned into boutique hotels. The symbol of Antalya is the Yivli Minare built by the Seljuk Sultan Alaeddin Keykubat in the 13th century. Culture lovers will find plenty of interest in the Archaeological Museum which has artefacts fro m the Paleolithic Age right through to Ottoman times.
Antalya has a backdrop of stunning mountain scenery, and the city is set high on cliffs, with many of its grandest hotels overlooking the sea on the outskirts of the town. The beach area of Lara, approximately 12 km to the east is home to the best beach in the area, known for its golden sand, which is rapidly becoming a resort in its own right. To the west, the long pebble beach of Konyaalti is also popular. Heading up into the mountains, you can make the most of the beautiful scenery by visiting the spectacular Duden or Kursunlu Waterfalls to see a completely different side to the Turkish landscape. Antalya has a large number of five star hotels, many of which have meetings facilities, and this, together with the Pyramid Congress Centre which can hold up to 3000 delegates make it a popular venue for conferences.
Patara Another must see for any summer traveler to Turkey is Patara Beach. Located in Antalya, the Patara is one of the Mediterranean’s longest beaches at 18km in length, and under protection by the Turkish government for nesting sea turtles. Curvy, sweeping sand dunes, surrounded by ancient ruins along with stiff coastal breezes for excellent wind surfing takes Patara Beach to the top of lists of World’s Best Beaches for both natural beauty and great value.
Belek Belek is Turkey’s premier golf resort with its spectacular long, golden sandy beaches, and a backdrop of mountains. Belek has won awards for environmentally friendly development and there are many rare species of plant and wildlife indigenous to the area. Accommodation is mostly of the five star variety with all facilities laid on including sporting and other activities, spa treatments and entertainment. Many of the hotels are also set up to cater for children with kids clubs and other facilities.
Kemer Kemer is one of Turkey’s first multipurpose resorts, carefully planned to blend in with the surrounding scenery. At its heart is the attractive marina, a stopping off point for gulets on the blue cruise. Around it are sophisticated shops, bars and restaurants catering for the resort’s well-heeled clientele. Kemer has a clean pebble beach, but the main resort areas are on the beaches located a little further out, namely Kiziltepe, Goynuk, Beldibi, Camyuva and Tekirova. Surrounded by pine forests, they offer a range of accommodation including five star hotels, all designed to blend in to the natural environment.
Alanya Alanya is a modern resort, famed for its beautiful sandy beaches. Its harbour is dominated by the Red Tower, which protected the dockyards in Seljuk times, the remains of which can still be seen in the waters. High on a promontory is the old fortress with its well preserved walls, towers and Byzantine church. It takes about an hour to walk up but it is well worth it for the views alone. Alanya itself has lots of blue flag beaches and has a full range of accommodation with plenty of good shops and restaurants, together with lively nightlife.
Side The old town of Side is set on a peninsula with sandy beaches to either side, surrounded still by the ancient city walls. It boasts an impressive ancient Hellenistic theatre, the largest in the area, with seating for 17.000, overlooking the sea; a charming museum and the stunning Temple of Apollo, a romantic spot at sunset. Side has something for everyone: great beaches, history, an abundance of shops, lively nightlife and a good choice of restaurants.
Olympos – Cirali (Çıralı) Olympos is in a charming spot set on a 5 km long beach amidst unspoilt nature, and the ruins include baths, a temple, Roman theatre and necropolis. To the north of Olympos, past the attractive beach front hamlet of Cirali, high on the hillside is the legendary burning flame of Chimera, literally burning stone.
Olympos Bey Mountains Coast National Park Koprulu Canyon National Park
READ MORE: http://www.visitturkey.in/best-beaches-in-turkey/
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