#well that was a rant and a half holy fuck
baeshijima · 1 year
ive just gone down a massive rabbit hole of youtube videos explaining and answering questions abt love in its biological and scientific form and wow i feel strangely enlightened
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Okay, I made a rant post about it, but Tumblr posted the draft rather than the finished one, so my points went uncomplete, so let's try again. Yes, this is about the N*zi drama bullshit happening in the EverymanHYBRID fandom.
TLDR; Stop defending Summer. EMH fans are not the problem. EMH itself is not the problem. The problem is N*zi supporters clinging to the N*zi reference and twisting it for their own agenda.
People defending Summer are not grasping the full situation and are contributing to sweeping harmful content under the rug instead of doing something about it.
It does not matter what your intentions are. If you draw a N*zi/Swast*ka in a cutesy little art style, it's a hate symbol. It's hateful content and makes you look like a N*zi supporter. Putting anything of this nature in a remotely good light is going to ruin your chances of ever being respected.
Summer drew a cutsy little N*zi in a sexual situation and then turned around with, "I don't support them!!!" Are you actually being real right now? Holy fuck.
I literally couldn't give a rat's ass about talking to Summer about this because holy hell, their "I feel so bad" guilt trippy shit will not work on me. There was no formal apology and no deletion of what was made. Summer is not sorry, they just don't want the heat.
Well, guess what? Brandishing a swast*ka is exactly how you get it, and until those posts come down and it's acknowledged in a non half assed way, you're gonna keep getting the heat.
Summer is making ALL OF US look bad. Summer is scaring people away from joining the fandom.
Depiction does not equal romantization. EverymanHYBRID used N*zis to disgust the audience and make HABIT a universally hated character. It was a throwback to an old media trope that mainstream movies do all the time. "Ooo, N*zi experimentation created a monster, ooo, spooky corny villain!!!" This is not the problem. Movie depictions of these fuckers were always made in a mocking light, and it seems like EMH did the same thing.
HABIT could barely remember who they were and spoke about them like they were shit on his boot. From what I've heard and seen, both the creators and the fandom agreed on minimizing and rewriting this reference out of EMH. You know why? Because people turned HABIT into a slutty fanonized mess of a concept. HABIT was not made to be romanticized for a fucking reason. They thought they were safe to use this trope because they weren't banking on people being ravenously thirsty and then using that reference as an excuse to connect N*zis with the "sexy serial killer" thing. HABIT was not to be sexualized in any way, shape, or form. HABIT was a mockery of real-life evil people. Dehumanizing monstrous people.
And then people turned around and humanized him to a terrifying degree. They made him "relatable," and people are raving about making him the new Tumblr sexyman.
Some of you guys, not all, but some, have no idea what the hell HABIT was made to do and it creeps me the fuck out.
Summer drew HABIT wanting to fuck a Jewish person. They drew a swast*ka next to a drawing of a real-life, non-celebrity, volunteer actor. It's disrespectful and just fucking mean, dude. On top of that, the Amon Göth quote??? The dude ran a labor camp, you've got to be kidding me.
"I'm just a history buff!" All N*zi supporters are history buffs. Your excuses mean nothing. If you didn't mean it, those art posts would be gone.
It's not the fandom or EMH itself. We agreed on being mature about this. Don't pin some 18 year old kid's edgy N*zi bullshit on anyone else but the person doing it.
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bookshelf-dust · 2 years
you are not a monster.
Tumblr media
eddie munson x gn!reader
word count: 3,875
warnings: swearing, smoking, the events of vol. 2, eddie’s self-doubt and personal issues, trauma, mentions of blood, of death, sorta a fix-it-fic? the boy who lived has in fact not come to die
a/n: i’ve got, like, 240 followers now, and i am very appreciative. i don’t think i’ve ever had that many on any platform in my whole media-usage-world. i am quite the loser, so it is wild that you guys are—at least slightly—entertained by what i write. i love you ughh. this has been in my drafts for a long ass time seeing as i couldn’t seem to finish it, and i’m worried maybe it’s kinda shitty? i do like it for the most part, though. and it got long. oops. but i hope you enjoy it! <333
“Ugh, you know I don’t do double VHS.” Steve waved off Robin’s Saturday morning movie suggestion.
“But it’s about doomed love,” Robin tried again, clutching the video tape to her chest.
“Oh, well, that’s relatable.” Steve grabbed a cart full of movies to be restocked, swerving around a rampaging Robin.
You flipped around a movie in the new releases section that someone had fumbled with at some point or another, adjusting it so the poster was facing outwards, half-paying attention to the conversation going on between your two friends/coworkers.
“Also, Julie Christie is b-b-bonkers hot in this.” You snorted at Robin’s comment, and she tossed a sly grin your way before continuing on her rant about the most gorgeous creature she’d ever seen.
“We’re in Forest Hills trailer park in east Roane County.” Your neck cracked with the speed at which you turned your head towards the television Robin had just turned on, seeing both her and Steve staring up at the reporter.
“We don’t have a lot of details right now, but we can confirm that the body of a Hawkins High student was discovered early this morning. Police have not yet issued the victims name…”
“Holy shit,” Steve said.
You swore you could’ve fainted at that very moment. You felt dizzy, started to sweat, felt your hands shake—so much that you tossed the videos you were holding onto the counter, catching Steve and Robin’s attention.
“Hey, are you okay?” Steve asked, glancing at you and clocking how frazzled you looked.
“Th-that’s where Eddie lives. Forest Hills trailer park.” You hopped up the step to behind the counter, trying to see behind the reporter.
“No. Shit. That’s his trailer. Oh my god, that’s his trailer.”
“Hey, woah, woah, woah, calm down. How can you be sure—”
“Because Steve! I practically live there half the fucking time! I think I know what my boyfriend’s home looks like.” You felt like throwing up. Seriously, you needed some air.
"Okay, well when did you see him last?" Robin started, trying to console you before you erupted into full-blown mass panic mode. She set her hands on your shoulders.
"Last night. I went by the drama room to wish him good luck—you know, because of the campaign—" Robin nodded her head, urging you on. "It was normal, I don't know, I-love-you-see-you-later shit, but then I left to go watch Lucas! I didn't see him after that because he said he had a deal, that he had to go home and get something else f-for—"
"For what? For who?" Robin couldn't handle the suspense.
"For Chrissy Cunningham."
"Chrissy does drugs? Huh, that's interesting." Steve cocked his head, slipped his hand under his chin, contemplating the actions of the cheerleader you spoke of.
"Steve! That is not the focus right now. Besides, everyone has their moments," Robin berated her once jock-worthy friend.
"Right. No, you're right."
You separated yourself from Robin’s clutches, moving out from behind the counter. “I need to check on Wayne.”
“Wayne?” Steve questioned, looking at Robin who watched you disappear around the corner.
“Eddie’s uncle, Harrington. Keep up.” Robin clapped her hands. “She’s been with the boy for, like, ever.” Her focused shifted though, as Dustin and Max appeared, the former hurling himself over the countertop.
You collected your things from the staff room, ignoring the bickering from the other side of the door. Wayne was home, obviously, it was day time, but if the cops were there, no way was he gonna answer the phone. Maybe you should’ve gone to hunt for your boyfriend right away, but you couldn’t bear to not check on the boy’s uncle, who was probably just in the dark as you were—if not more.
It took you a little longer to get going, hands shaking so much that you dropped your keys, and then remembered to clock out. You scribbled an excuse on a sticky note in case Keith questioned your early departure on the schedule when he came in on Monday.
Pushing the green painted wood open, you slammed into Steve, who’d just finished helping a young woman, and put his hands out to steady you.
You turned your head, taking in Max, Dustin and Robin chatting wildly on three separate phones, all pacing equally. “What are they doing?” You asked, straightening Steve’s vest where you’d messed it up.
He mumbled something about Eddie’s friends when Max waved to get your attention, slamming the receiver down. “Do you know a ‘Reefer Rick’?”
The question was so odd, coming from her, that you shook your head before answering. “Yeah, Eddie’s supplier. Why?”
“Do you know where he lives? We’re trying to find Eddie.”
“Uh,” you rubbed your forehead, recalling the couple times Eddie had needed to stock up and you’d been with him. “Out by Lovers Lake.”
Dustin slammed his phone down at this new information, the group now frantic with chatter about your boyfriend’s whereabouts. You started toward the door, stressed and suddenly sweaty, when Dustin flew out from behind the counter, stopping you.
“Where are you going? Don’t you want to come look for your significant other?”
“Of course I do, Dustin. But I’m going to check on Eddie’s uncle. I don’t like the idea of him being left in the dark during all this. It isn’t fair.”
Dustin lifted his hat from his head, readjusting it and then setting it right back down.
“Okay.” He let out a breath that sounded like he’d been holding it in for a while. “Well what if he’s there? At Rick’s? Can you meet us there after your excursion? I don’t feel right looking for him without you.”
“Yeah, Dustin.” He gave you a hopeful high five, your palm stinging as you pushed your way out of the door.
Pulling into Forest Hills, your hands started to shake. What if they wouldn’t let you in?
You stopped beside the cop monitoring the entrance, rolling down your window.
“I’m sorry, miss. I can’t let you in. We’ve got an active crime scene on our hands.” Shit.
You took a deep breath, trying to keep yourself from stumbling over your words. “I apologize, officer. It’s just that I have a family member that lives here, and I’d really like to check on him. Just for a moment. I’m worried sick.”
The officer straightened from where he’d been level with your window, placing his hands on his hips. He looked around, looked back at you, looked up again. His resolve was slipping.
“Okay. I understand. But you have to be quick, okay? There’s a lot going on that I don’t want you getting caught up in.”
“Thank you officer, really.”
You cranked the handle, rolling up the glass panel and pulled off, trying to find somewhere to stop considering your boyfriend’s home was the crime scene. Eyes scanning for Wayne, you found purchase.
He was sat up against the geometric dome that was meant to be the designated play ground area. Except all the kids in the park had grown up at this point, so now everyone sat there to sulk or smoke.
The slam of your car door caught his attention, and he stood on seeing you, moving in your direction. He met you halfway, holding his arms out. That’s how you knew he was tired. Scared. Confused.
Wayne Munson was no cuddle-bug, but he had no aversion to hugs if he really knew you. But letting you see this much emotion right off the bat, letting you in, that’s how you knew he was hurting. This was his boy they were talking about. Where was his boy?
He was warm from being outside, and smelled of cigarettes. You pretended not to see the tear tracks left in the thin layer of dust on his cheeks. He didn’t let go for a long time.
“Have you seen him? Heard from him?”
You sniffled. “No. Not since last night. I saw him before Hellfire, but that’s all.”
Wayne wiped a hand down his face. “Did he seem alright?”
“More than. You know they were supposed to finish th—”
“The campaign. Yeah. How could I not know?” He smiled, and you could tell he was seeing Eddie hunched over the kitchen counter, pencil in his mouth.
He briefly filled you in. “They’re saying he did this. Killed that girl. But I know Eddie. He’s my boy and he didn’t do it. He couldn’t.”
“I know he didn’t. I’m sorry you had to find her. I’m going to look for him, okay? I probably shouldn’t tell you that, but I figured you needed to know. If I get to him, I’ll come tell you, okay? I’m so sorry, Wayne.”
Another hug. More reassurance on your part, on his, telling you that you couldn’t have known. You asked if he needed anything, but he said the cops were supposed to figure out where to put him soon. And that was it. You left him there, and sobbed in the car knowing how sick he was over his boy. Knowing what’d he’d seen, how frightened he was.
“Eddie! It’s me! It’s Dustin!”
The young boy tried so hard to get his older friend to hear him, to calm down. But that was kind of impossible given the situation. He tried to understand.
“You won’t believe me.” Eddie’s voice was broken, his eyes glassy, his fingers going numb from his grip on the broken bottle.
“Try us.” Max knew what it felt like to be that confused. To be that uneasy. But he spilled his guts, and now the group of unlikely friends sat with him.
The slam of a car door made Eddie jump, made Dustin shoot up from his spot on the floor. Dustin peeked over the window sill, spying you looking a little lost at where they might be, so he hurried outside, much to the dismay of everyone else, scaring the shit out of you, but making you hopeful nonetheless.
“Any luck?” You whispered, not quite grasping his sudden appearance from the boathouse.
“Yeah! Yeah. He’s in there. And he’s scared shitless, but he’s okay.”
“Really?” Your eyes were glazing over and there was nothing you could do about it. He was alright.
“Really.” And he took your hand, leading you back and gently pushing the door the rest of the way open. He let you in first, lingering behind.
You moved in, eyes scanning for him, first roving over Steve, Max, Robin. But there he was. Up against the wall, hands in his hair. He looked up at you, and visibly softened, but sunk in on himself nonetheless.
“Eddie.” You dropped your bag, not giving him time to stand, moving to meet him on the floor.
Your knees met chilly concrete, and you went to reach out for him, but you stopped yourself, noticing how broken he looked. “Eddie? Is this okay? If I touch you?”
“Y-yeah.” He nodded as he said it, eyes moving quickly back and forth between yours. To Eddie, even though there were four other people in the room, it felt like everything else faded away the second you walked in. You came for him. You’d believe him. He knew you would.
You opened your arms, and he fell into them, arms going around your back, head falling to your chest. He buried his face against you, squeezed you so hard it hurt, but fuck if you were going to tell him to let up.
You ran your hand soothingly over his head, gently untangling curls without the intention of doing so. Glancing up, you met Dustin’s eyes, and he gave you a small smile. “Thank you,” he mouthed. Dustin wanted to thank you for putting up with him, for letting him steal your boyfriend, for being so kind, for calming Eddie down. For everything.
“I went to see Wayne, Eddie,” you told him, moving your hand to rub his back. The boy perked up at that, looking at you with fear all over his face considering what he’d done.
“I-is he…is he m-mad at me?” He looked so young, so fragile.
“No, he’s not mad at you, sweetheart. He’s just worried. Scared. Wants his boy safe.”
Eddie winced, but pulled away from you anyhow. You brushed his bangs away from his eyes, straightened his vest, buttoned a chest pocket. “Do you think you could tell me what happened, maybe? You don’t have to now, really you don’t. But whatever it is, I believe you, okay?”
He hummed in reply, and relayed the story again for you, even if it hurt, and the rest of them tried to catch you up on their theory.
What you didn’t see was Robin turning to Steve, eyes softening at the way you and Eddie interacted with one another. How that scared look in your eye that had been there at the store was gone, just from seeing him. How Eddie’s hands had stopped shaking at your presence. How he wasn’t afraid to be vulnerable with you, and how much you cared for him.
But he made it so easy for you.
“Shit! Shit!” You stumbled over your own feet, hopping over ever root and vine you met in your path, trying not to make your presence known.
You’d been with Steve, Robin, and Nancy. The four of you were meant to go to Creel House while Eddie and Dustin distracted those fucking bats.
But you had this feeling. This sick, sick feeling.
It was eating you alive. It was something Eddie sad at Skull Rock. Something about running. And then right before you parted ways. When he’d kissed your head and muttered in Steve’s direction, “Trust me. We are no heroes.”
And standing there with your friends, trying to save the world, you ran. Ran for Eddie’s sake. Because he was going to do something. You just knew it. Some sacrificial lamb shit.
And it hurts, the running. Your legs are burning. It’s the kind of running you haven’t done since you were a kid. The desperate kind. But this time it’s not in order to beat a friend to the finish line, to win a competition. It’s to get to your boyfriend. Because you’re afraid he’s going to die.
And you can hear them. The bats. Their horrid screams, the leathery and wet rasp of wings, of tails thrashing in their rage, their determination to get to the source of that noise. The noise that had just quit.
You’d just caught the end of Eddie’s playing, and barely had time to think about how he’d finished it. He’d been determined to finish that fucking song and it’d been two weeks.
But none of that mattered.
Because you could see the trailer now, and it hadn’t occurred to you that maybe you wouldn’t be able to get in. That was the point of their reinforcements, anyways.
You stumbled up the concrete stairs, reaching for the door handle, trying to ignore the ever increasing sound of the bats, the sounds of them closing in. You didn’t dare glance over your shoulder, knowing they’d be right there.
Wrenching open the door, metal screeching, you almost smacked into Eddie. He’d been holding onto the sheets, but he had that look in his eye. The decisive one. And then he heard you clattering in and he practically tumbled free from his hold on the fabric.
“What the hell are you doing here?” You looked up seeing Dustin, who looked equally as frightened and desperate for Eddie to get to the other side.
“Whatever it is that you’re thinking, stop it. Go. Now. Climb.”
Eddie looked at you. Really looked at you. A look that said I need to do this. I need it. “You first.” He backed away, beckoning you forward.
“You go. Now.”
“Baby, please go. I’m begging you. If I go now, I can buy more time. I know it.”
Eddie looked desperate. He needed this. Needed to know he was good for something. He’d been such a failure. And he could do this. He could be good.
“No! Fucking go, Eddie! Now!”
He blinked at you, not expecting the change he found in your voice. He’d never heard you sound like that before. So angry. So angry at him.
So he let up, reaching and pulling himself towards Dustin. Towards home.
You felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. And then you tried to get yourself up, calming considering in the time that you’d stood there, the noise had stopped—the bats had stopped. Your friends had done their job.
You pulled and it hurt, but you did it anyways.
It had been three days since Eddie almost sacrificed himself and you’d been avoiding him ever since. He knew why you hadn’t come to see him, and he was upset at himself for hurting you, for not realizing you could read him so well. But it felt like that was the only way to prove himself.
And now he was living in a fucking tent in the Wheeler’s basement, supposedly like some girl with superpowers had.
The boy was flipping through one of Mike’s old X-Men comics when the sheet providing him refuge was torn back. Dustin appeared, making Eddie jump. “Jesus Christ!”
“Here.” Dustin threw a hand radio at him and then vanished again. It took him a minute before he realized you had one too.
A few guesses later on what channel he needed, he found you.
“Hey, I know you can hear me, baby. I know you’re mad.”
You reached for radio where it resided under your bed, stretching so that you didn’t have to actually get up, the chill of hardwoods meeting your fingers.
As much as you wanted to pretend you couldn’t hear shit, you wanted to talk to him. Something was really wrong if he thought he’d needed to do that. And maybe it was wrong of you to be upset, but you loved him. He didn’t need to complete some grand act of service to be redeemed, he was already your hero.
“Afternoon, Munson.”
Eddie slumped down inside his tent, smacking his head on the wall. He really was too lanky to be living in there.
“Son of a bitch!” He rubbed his hand, skull throbbing from the impact. “Hey, honey, please come see me. I wanna talk to you. Please.”
“Yeah. Yeah, fine. Unlock the basement door, okay?”
You sat against the support beam at the bottom of the stairs, watching Eddie tie up the sheet so it’d quit falling down and he could see you properly.
Your lower back started to ache and he noticed, passing you a smushed pillow. Silence filled the hair until you decided to breach the surface. “What were you gonna do, Eddie?”
He scrubbed his hands over his face, fingers bare of their usual silver, as the rings sat in a pile of his other shit, metal accoutrements proving incredibly uncomfortable to sleep in when living on the floor.
“Buy more time. I thought that if I could get the bats to back off, that they would’ve had the chance to kill Vecna. That Dustin could get home okay. I don’t know. And don’t give me that look.”
“I didn’t want anyone else to get hurt. I could’ve done it. I swear. I just wanted to be good for something for once in my fucking life. Prove that I’m not this—this thing. This nuisance. This monster.”
“I guess I thought I could be the hero for once.”
You moved towards him, sitting on your knees and taking his hands into yours. He wouldn’t look at you, eyes darting around the basement walls, the old furniture indented from years of bodies molding the cushions.
“I understand. But I wish you didn’t feel that way. I wish I could fix it. I’m sorry I didn’t come to see you sooner. I was just upset because I had this feeling, Eddie. I thought you were going to die.”
“But, Edward Munson, you are not a monster. You aren’t a nuisance. Anyone that’s ever thought that is a piece of shit and you know that”
You put your hand on his cheek and he blinked. Hard.
“Eddie, look at me, please.”
The boy turned to you, looking just as young and fragile as he had in the boathouse. He looked disappointed in himself.
“You’re my hero.”
Eddie bit the inside of his lip so hard he tasted blood, forcing himself not to cry.
“Your Gareth’s hero. Mike and Lucas’ hero. Eddie, your Dustin’s hero. But, sweetheart, you didn’t have to save the world to prove yourself. You’re everything to me. To your friends. To Wayne.”
That was the tipping point. Uncle Wayne. And the tears slipped out, silent and calmly, easily sliding down his finally clean cheeks.
“R-really? I’m your hero?” Eddie’s hands were shaking.
“Yeah! Of course you’re my hero, Eddie. You’re such a badass, you know.” A grin pulled at the corners of his mouth. “You are not a monster. I’ll spend every day for the rest of my life telling you that if you’d like. I’d do anything for you.”
“You didn’t need to save the world by fighting off demo-bats, Ed. You’ve saved it by being you. By shepherding those little sheepies. Shit, you’re so good, Eddie. You’re golden.”
Eddie Munson had been waiting his whole life for those words. For someone to reassure him that he wasn’t this sick creature. This freak. And he was your hero. That was better than anything in the whole world to him.
Wayne rested against the cool brick that constructed Hawkins High School. His current place of refuge post-earthquake. Pulling his flannel closer his chest to keep out the wind, he reached in his pockets for a lighter and a pack of Marlboros.
He didn’t look up at the sound of gravel crunching around him, used to the noise of other people fluttering around him.
“Any chance you’d lend me one of those?”
Wayne’s hands froze from where they’d been peeling the plastic wrap off of the new cardboard box. He knew that voice. But he thought it was a trick. He looked up anyways.
And there, standing in this alleyway, somewhere he definitely shouldn’t be, was his boy. Eddie’s hands were in his pockets, a bandana over his forehead.
He smiled that award-winning smile, the one he’d used on Wayne as a kid when he wanted pancakes or temporary tattoos from the coin machine at the grocery store.
Eddie made his way over to his uncle, to—let’s face it—his dad. Wayne enveloped the boy in his arms, squeezing way too tight, but Eddie wasn’t going to complain. “My boy.”
Eddie rested his head on his uncle’s shoulder, breathing in that familiar scent that never seemed to go away, of cigarettes and the came cologne he’d been wearing since Eddie was a toddler. That smell he’d welcome after a rough day at school, after he’d done well on a science project.
“I never gave up. I never stopped looking. I knew you didn’t do it. Not my boy.”
“Thanks, uncle Wayne. For everything. I love you.”
“I love you too, kiddo.”
please let me know if you liked this! feedback is always appreciated!! comments and reblogs mean more than you know. <33
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slocumjoe · 1 year
Hi! I love the quality of You’re work, it’s so good!
Can you do companions react to overhearing sole and someone else talking, and all sole is talking about is how freaking amazing said companion is and how much they love them and about five minutes into the rant sole just pauses and is like “oh God I actually love them”
could you do gage too if you write for him
I studied for this one, y'know, just to do Gage right for once
Anyway, this got so long, i had to use multiple paragraphs per some companions. Whoops.
Companions react to Sole talking themselves into realizing their feelings for them
We're going to assume the feelings are mutual. Featuring non-romancable companions too, because i love yall and want you to eat good 💕
Cait; the C in Cait stands for Crisis. Panics and runs away, doesn't want to hear anymore. Sole being all sweet about her platonically about ripped her in half as is, but...holy shit. She has a chance with them. Cait didn't think this far.
The A in Cait stands for Assessment. She starts doing mental gymnastics. Okay, Sole's previous partner was like this. Cait is/isn't like that. Are they viable? Does she even know how to have a relationship? She and Sole get along very well, already. They're in- ew, no. They want to smang. Yes, that is it. No one wants her for long.
The I in Cait stands for Insecure. Cait has so many goddamn issues, man. After enough thinking, she talks herself out of it. What if she's wrong, what if she hurts them, what if they hurt her? She shouldn't try it. She'll fuck it up, right?
The T in Cait stands for Take the shot, bitch. Mentally, she decides to not pursue anything. This will fly out of the window the moment Sole flirts with her or gives her any opportunity. Cait is impulsive, man. Insecurity doesn't last long around Sole.
Curie; Curie lacks tact. Might be the most likely to just...walk in and confess her feelings too. Regardless. But she might also give them more time to ponder it, seeing as they just figured it out. The weird stuff happening in her chest (joy, confusion, bashfulness, she's learned) might also nerf her for the moment.
In the time it takes for Sole to confess properly to Curie, she'll give them lots of space, so that they can think of it without her influence. Will be painfully obvious to anyone else that she's over the moon, though. Listens to love songs and stares dreamily at the sky. Draws hearts in her notebook. Gets terrifyingly excited whenever Sole talks to her, thinking it'll be the moment. If they take too long though, WILL approach them on her own.
Danse; I'm gonna be honest, second most likely to hit the legs the moment Sole starts talking about him. Danse is not built for praise. Danse isn't even built for people being neutral towards him. And he isn't the type to eavesdrop. So, we have to assume that he gets there, like, right before Sole says it. At which point, most likely to stumble and fall on his ass. Sole hears the commotion and comes to check, only to see Danse hopping a fence, or sprinting down a hallway. So, jig is already up, Sole knows he heard.
But, Danse is 1 letter away from being a different word. What is that word, class? Yes, it's "dense." Will do mental gymnastics to come to conclusion he misheard, or misunderstood, or that Sole was talking about an entirely different person.
However long it takes Sole to approach him about it, will dig himself a hole full of self-loathing, loneliness, and yearning. The longer it goes, the deeper the hole. Sole really needs to just run after him screaming "COME BACK I LOVE YOU" or this is gonna be exhausting for Person C, who had to watch this play out as an outside observer.
Deacon; Flips a coin to decide his next move; run away screaming, or walk in strutting? If he walks in, will loudly start chatting up whoever Sole is talking to about how cool Sole is, and does it in a way that gives off the vibes of "I totally feel the same way but I'm pretending I don't know you feel that way at all". Person C wants to die seeing this.
Will also talk himself out of it like Cait. Deacon doesn't even know who he is, how could Sole? And things with Barbara didn't end too well, because he was an asshole who dragged her into his shit. He's still an asshole, dragging Sole into his shit. But because of who Sole has to be to get this close with Deacon, they're likely to nip this in the bud and approach him ASAP.
Deacon has maybe ten minutes of freaking out before Sole finds him alone and confesses. And he knows this. If Sole wants to confess, they better recognize him through a disguise. He wants to be swept off his feet, and nothing turns him on like Sole seeing through his shitty wigs.
Gage; HITS THE BRICKS. He sticks around for praise because shit, who doesn't like hearing how badass they are? And from the Overboss, no less! The intelligent, tough, sexy Overboss, who makes him melt with just a look. He could listen to them brag about him all day. Hell yeah, tell them how smart he is, how strong he is, how...big his muscles are...? Uh, thanks...but talk about how good his aim is, despite the one—wait, what's this about him being...charming...? ...Handsome? Boss, what are you—WHAT? WHAT? WHAT THE FUCK?! THIS WASNT THE PLAN! RETREAT, RETREAT, RETREAT.
Gage put all of those nasty little feelings into a jar and threw them into the ocean like a civilized person the moment they reared their ugly little heads. And now, Sole just...fucking said that. Not a care in the world, no hesitatation. They—they can't. They just can't do anything there. Inappropriate workplace relationship, it wouldn't be right. And with him? Dirty, old, banged up Gage, fucked up in more ways then he has teeth? When Sole is...Sole? Nah, nah, that...nah. Best not go there. Gets a bad case of the Yearning that makes him cringe.
Talks a big game to himself about how he's not going to do anything about it, fuck that, fuck love, who needs it, but to be honest? All Sole would have to do is invite him in a shower or something and he's dropping the literal and metaphorical pants. A smart raider doesn't turn his nose up at a good thing dropping right in his lap. That...might also be literal, in this case.
Hancock; Unlike Deacon or Curie, who consider barging in, Hancock does it. He's so shocked, touched, scared, etc, that he puts on the persona and follows its lead. He walks in, chats like normal, teases, makes no indication that he knows. Everything is normal. It didn't happen. If it did, they didn't mean it.
Whenever he remembers it later, immediately distracts himself. Cuts back on chems because he keeps thinking about it on them. Lets his mind wander. Sole is too good for him, Sole deserves better, and Sole can do better. In this state, Hancock's walls are so high up and reinforced, Sole is gonna need a real bulldozer of a confession to knock them down. I recommend a moonlit dinner with music. Something to let him know that they mean business.
MacCready; It takes a good, long time for him to realize what he heard. In the moment, his brain (likely in a bid for self-preservation) locks up. He shrugs and wanders off, forgets about it. It'll be, like, a week later, and he and Sole will be talking, and it'll come rushing back to him. The shutdown happens again, and this repeats until MacCready thinks about it for a moment.
When he realizes what they said, screams into the nearest pillow, mostly because he's been an idiot for...way too long. Has a crisis. What about Lucy? What about Duncan? What about Shaun? What about Sole? Much like Danse, Sole needs to come get their man quickly, before he spooks himself out of getting some. He wants to, but is it time for that? He'll come around once Sole figures themselves out and goes to him.
Nick; The only one who will go out of his way to approach Sole later and confess himself. He's an adult with functional interpersonal skills. He's not going to kick the door down and drop his pants, and he's not going to run away and fake his death just to avoid talking about it.
Nick gets his thoughts in order, waits for Sole to not be busy, and goes for it. If Sole would be embarrassed, doesn't mention that he heard. Nick probably starts real traditional, gets flowers and candy or something. A little courting gift, as is gentlemanly. Nick knows the importance of skipping the tomfoolery and getting down to business, but he's a sentimental man. And besides, Sole deserves to be pampered, and treated right, if they're going to do this.
Also, Nick is Person C with the other companions. And he fucking knows they sit there and eavesdrop, wants to die when Sole confesses their feelings when the object of them is right there. But also, kinda lives for it. His name is Valentine, of course he's a romantic.
Piper; Piper has a taste for the theatrical, and right now, she's thinking of what she would want as Person C. And She, in C's position, would lose her mind if the Person B walked in and loudly proclaimed their feelings for Sole. Also, it's the first thing she thinks to do, too shocked to stop and think. So Piper does it, God bless.
Well, kind of. She charges in, only to cough and awkwardly tell Sole they should talk, red as her coat. Person C (Nick) appreciates this greatly, even if she stumbled on the landing.
Anyway, there's no wistful wondering. They get this shit figured out ASAP. Piper is also impulsive, and thank God for that. Sole is also red as her coat and they go back and forth teasing each other relentlessly. Lots of squealing and incoherent noises.
Preston; Much like Nick, goes for it...but not for a while. He takes time to think it over. After all, Sole is his general, they have a lot going on, he himself has a lot going on...he has logistics to work through. Likely to make a corkboard planning it out. Will he be able to provide the needed emotional labor? Goes to Nick/Person C and ask their opinion. Nick takes one look at the corkboard and tells him Sole is his friend, not a damn supply route.
Heeding Nick's advice, also approaches it traditionally. He invites Sole to a personal, off-the-record meeting late at night. Sole finds their favorite dish, music, and Preston in a tux that Nick would have advised against if he knew about it. But Preston talks about his feelings, confesses, wants to try if Sole is willing. Obviously they are.
X6-88; Decides No. Simply No. He vanishes and refuses to think about it. Sole is his Director. He is a synth, a courser, a machine. He shouldn't have these feelings anyway, but to act on them? To have them reciprocated? Oh no. No, no, no, that won't do. It goes against everything he believes.
He doesn't think about it at all. If Sole brings it up, he will initially reject them out of shock, because he genuinely is not ready to even consider it, let alone agree. Forget matters of compatibility, there is so much red tape around this, and if he trips over it, he risks his life, his position, even Sole, if the other Board Members take enough umbrage.
Sole has to do so much heavy lifting to get him to feel safe enough to think about the possibility. Not even if he wants to, if its possible. After that...X6-88 is not meant for such things. He's never done it before. Sole will expect and need things he can't provide. What if they want sex? He most certainly doesn't. What if they want comfort? His brain isn't built for that. What if they want him to change, better himself? He's not supposed to change, he wouldn't be a courser if he could.
This relationship would take so many baby steps. But he won't forget that Sole, for some reason he can't parse, feels the same way. For something they shouldn't see as a person, but do. And...they like the person they see. It...Sole is going to be dealing with a crisis, down the line.
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acutecoral · 7 months
Anyways, that was a fun first day! Especially given my main povs are mostly in Red Team, which...well, I honestly did not expect them to have spiralled that hard the last half an hour? It was glorious to have witnessed though. Despite the frustrations and drawbacks, they really did claw it back?? Somehow??
I'm still sort of in a state of being overwhelmed, since I had like 14 tabs on and swapped between povs when I had to, and somehow that hit a level of stimulation that wasn't debilitating but just enriching for my brain which is one of the funniest things that came out from this.
We enjoyed seeing Charlie tryhard at being tactical??? We didn't realise until he mentioned it, that for a good 3 hours, he had not cracked a joke and went off being a spy and eavesdropper to help protect and give an advantage to his team. Like damn.
Carre was a GOAT?? HOLY SHIT???? And also, it was great that Cellbit managed to help bridge the communications between Carre and the rest of the team, after having gotten really great at spanish thanks to Roier. But man, that was unexpected but pleasant as they rallied with each other to fight back and complete the quests.
But my personal favourite moment is how BOLAS?!??!?! started fucking spiralling. The frustration had built up so much, the event pushed them SO HARD, that they threw out their Whole Ass character arcs out for EVERYONE IN THE TEAM TO HEAR. I am not sure if that was just them being meta so it's not actually a canon confession, BUT!! THE FACT THAT THEY DID!! THEY FUCKING TOLD ALL OF THEIR TEAMMATES THEIR DEEPEST SECRETS.
It's funny!! Like MAN. WHAT A DAY.
Other fave moments:
-Etoiles being sad about killing Jaiden and Philza. Him wanting to be with Red and have fun with his broooosss. He kept apologising lmao
-Tubbo and Carre's beef, but Carre apologises and Tubbo forgives him, that was really sweet
-Etoiles and Roier!!! Yessss give me more interactions of their cubitos thank youuu
-Bad being BOLAS?!?!?!?'s enemy #1 LMAO
-Foosh fucking CRITTING BAD, JESUS THAT WAS SO QUICK??? He did not escape damn
-Carre being hunted by Tubbo and Niki, and Cellbit helping coach him on how to hide his name in the map and he manages to kill Tubbo and Niki instead, JESUS
-Charlie's rants, nuff said
-Charlie and Cellbit fucking doing a stick fight pvp (Etoiles would have loved it so much, please let the man chill with Red next time he misses his friends)
-Tubbo and Aypierre??? Team up??? Oh my goddd, I'm so happy to see them working on the same side, like reminded of the fact that Aypierre had wanted to adopt him when Tubbo was first announced to join LMAO
-Fit reverting back to his good ol 2b2t self, my man is toxic, let’s go, it's good enrichment for him, probably reminds him of the Incursions he participated 🥰
-SPREEN AND DANTDM CANONICALLY DEAD??? I mean, I feel it's a bit of a sad reveal since that means they don't have plans to come back to the server, but at least their characters got some sort of closure...?
-RUBIUS???? LOGGING IN??? BEING TURNED MORTAL???? Too bad with issues on his game not working, that sucked, hope that works next time and the admins help him to fix it and he joins!!!
-Bad??? Stealing Jaiden's strawhat??? BRuhhhhhhh
-Charlie goading Bad to a battle?? I think that was hilarious, but then the Sun Became A Deadly Laser and Charlied dried
-Phil did the entire Casulones emote oh my god, they finally did it
-But!! Red chose him to be the leader, and I thought that awesome, that's so deserved
-The bonfire, live sacrifices, and planned descent to cannibalism 🥰🥰
-Charlie joining other peoples vcs near the end and just BROKENLY checking in on them and telling them the plans of BOLAS???!?!?! and literally giving them the coords to their base LMAO
-Baghera killing Phil, Phil waving her goodbye before DEAD
-FOREVER SAYING THE WORDS THE BLACK CUCURUCHO GAVE HIM???? Not sure if anything came of that yet, but OHHH BOYYY
-The post-event wind down where everyone is chatting and vibing and talking to one another, that was a vibe and was really chill as everyone played tetris and watched each other's streams, and complimented Tina's tetris skills
Honestly, I'm sure there was so many fun moments despite everything, my streamers had fun despite the frustrations and discouragement
I am ecstatic where they may change about things going forward! I trust Q and the Admins to listen to the feedback from people and see how they can shift things to balance it out. We'll see!
Until then! Back on the bus we go!
Remember to stay clear of the pvp! You don't want to find yourself in the way of an axe or a sword swing!
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cheshirecryptid · 2 years
When Steve first pulls out a DND book and asks Eddie to help him make a character, Eddie is so overcome with emotion that he can’t help but ask, “Are you confessing to me?” in an awed tone.
It’s silent for a few moments after that as they both stare at eachother before Eddie starts to backpedal before Steve can finish his response.
“Fuck I didn’t mean like- I mean like you’re confessing you’re-“
“I mean that wasn’t my intention but I can confess to you if you want,” Steve interrupts his rant calmly, looking mildly bemused.
“-interested in playing I didn’t mean like romantical…” his voice trails off as he processes what Steve just said, “I’m- What? What’s happening?”
“I just wanted to learn your little nerd game but I am like half in love with you so I can confess that and we can talk about that instead if you want,” he’s forcing a light tone but Eddie can feel the anxiety lurking just below the surface.
“Holy- Fuck dude- You’re in love with me?”
“Yeah, I mean if that’s okay”
“If that’s okay? I’ve been in love with you like since we met of course it’s fucking okay. And you asking me to teach you about DND is like the hottest thing I’ve ever experienced.”
Steve laughs and reaches out, grabbing his hand and interlocking their fingers, “Well now that we’ve established that why don’t you actually explain DND to me and we can make out after.”
“Fuck yeah!”
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t0ast-ghost · 2 months
(Spectre Of The Gun) S3 EP6 I’m hoping that they don’t think the gun is a spectre, don’t want them getting shot.
Does McCoy get a gun again? Lets find out:
- Chekov’s jaw has DROPPED
- Interesting, they all heard the message in their first language. I wonder if they all speak English in tos because I know in later adaptations it’s shown there are translators (and there must be translators here). But in the episode with that annoying ass robot (edit: Nomad) when Uhura’s brain gets wiped, she remembers Swahili and Chapel encourages her to speak in English, and the Swahili didn’t get translated in sickbay. I’m thinking that the crew is speaking in English then? Like obviously they’ve got universal translators but I’m curious whether any of the crew members need it to communicate or if they’re all speaking in English
- *immediately disregards the warning*
- Now not only has he brought McCoy and Spock, he has also brought Scotty, his chief engineer, and Chekov, his top navigator, onto the dangerous planet. Not a single redshirt (except Scotty… poor Scotty)
- 1. They look kinda silly 2. Gay fog
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- OMG A WESTERN (please get costumes please get costumes pleeeeeaaase)
- McCoy DOES get a gun!
- “They’re a bunch of hot air.” “Are they really?” Spock is in surprise and disbelief at that statement
- “Is this a dead man, Doctor?” “Very dead, Mr Spock.”
- Spock stopping his idiot boyfriend from being an idiot with facts and logic
- I don’t know anything about American history. What the fuck is happening
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- Magic clock in the sky
- “Is there anything here and now that could help us.” I immediately thought of a tranquilizer and then thought ‘why not a nerve pinch?’ Only one of which they thought of
- ‘I’m gonna shoot you’ McCoy just leaves
- Is Chekov going to get married? Nvm he got shmacked
- This episode doesn’t feel like it’s about them. But holy shit they’re so pretty
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- “Captain, let me!” Scotty is about to go on a rampage for Chekov
- “Let it go, Jim. He’s dead.” Bones trying to help Kirk get through these terrible circumstances. Do you think if McCoy died, Jim would think back on his words? Do you think Jim would never let it go?
- “I understand the feeling, captain.” “You talk about another man’s feelings. What do you feel, Spock?” “My feelings are not a subject for discussion, Doctor.” “Because there are no feelings to discuss.” First off, Bones also was just telling Jim to stop worrying over Chekov, he’s got no right to attack Spock like that. I feel like the writers just wanted to add back in their conflict. Second, (and this ties into a previous rant in an episode thought post) Spock’s feelings are a part of him being human (which he pushes away because others try to push him towards being more human) and also something very deeply personal for Vulcans, which isn’t something he would be willing to discuss here, because it’s personal to him, and they’re in a professional setting, thus it being really rude to bring up. Kinda like a person bringing up you having sex, and when you say ‘I’d rather not talk about this’ them responding with saying you’re a virgin
- Spock is getting verbally attacked here and then Kirk goes to defend him but Spock drops the, “They forget I am half human.”
- “It’s for the pain (takes a shot of bourbon).” “But this is painless.” “Well, you should have warned me sooner, Mr Spock.” Nice, Scotty.
- Hey, I don’t know, but why don’t you test it on one of the townspeople
- “We’re not going to move from this spot.” Get transported, idiots
- They’re caged animals now
- They’re assuming the guns are spectres, they’re going to die
- “We can’t just turn it on and off.” “We must. Spock, the Vulcan mind-meld.” “Very well, sir.” EXCUSE ME WHAT
- smooth slide
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- How do y’all feel about this… I’m not sure how to feel about this one…
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- Spock looks so tender when melding with Kirk
- Kirk would play video games and never choose to be evil cause he’d feel bad. Relatable.
- Kaboom. The gay satellite exploded
- Back to the McCoy (left), Kirk (middle), Spock (right) configuration
“We overcame our instincts for violence.” Kirk beats someone up almost every episode idk what he’s on about.
Episode written by Lee Cronin
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youcouldmakealife · 7 months
LBTE: Jared (128-129)
The fucking Scouts, man. And we end the Jared on the move arc. Next up: Bryce on the move arc!
If you want to read along, series page is here.
128. Outclassed
Jared drives home half-asleep, finds a very sleepy Bryce on the couch waiting up for him.
“Go to bed,” Jared says, pokes him up to their room and then follows suit.
Bryce wanted to stay up and celebrate with him. In reality he just ended up getting poked into bed in the two minutes before they were both snoozing.
He wakes up at ten-forty five — the latest he’s gotten up since the postseason started — to a kiss to the forehead, a cup of coffee handed to him, the immediate awareness that the Nucks did it, they’ve got at least another round to battle through. As ways to wake up go, it’s pretty fucking great.
Bryce is so good at husbanding, especially now that it’s his offseason: full time husband and covert Canucks fan until training starts.
Bryce isn’t offended by Jared living hockey, and it’s actually helpful as hell to have him right there beside him. Bryce watches the earlier Avs games with him, arm slung over Jared’s shoulder, making smart observations, has advice for Jared before and after every game. It’s like having a game tape coach and a husband all in one, it’s terrific.
Full time husband. Hockey smarts included.
It’s a hard fought, ugly series that takes a few of the Canucks with it, Dmitry unfortunately one of them — Jared guesses the line’s still cursed, though he’s selfishly glad he’s not the latest to fall victim to that — but the Canucks scrape out a win in seven, and they’re going to the Western Conference Finals, which is an incredible fucking feeling.
Jared can’t say he’s surprised by who they’re going to be facing.
He can’t say he’s particularly pleased about it either.
Such a quick fall from yay.
“Okay,” Bryce says. “Here’s the lowdown about the Scouts.”
“Fuck the Scouts?” Jared says.
“Fuck the Scouts,” Bryce says. “But seriously.”
I mean, basically.
And then Jared’s getting something that isn’t quite a rant but is basically an insider report on pretty much all of the Scouts, because Bryce is clearly still pissed about that series, and he’s got a MENSA level hockey IQ. He was up against the first line, which Jared isn’t going to be facing much if at all, but he was apparently paying very close attention on the bench as well, and at a certain point Jared starts taking literal notes on his phone, trying to keep up.
When holding grudges comes in handy.
“Hey!” Jared says, torn from strategy. “You talking about my new Premier?”
“Holy fuck,” Stephen says after a moment. “No offence but if you voted for him him I’m kicking you out of our house right now.”
Jared takes no offence. “Obviously I didn’t fucking vote for him,” Jared says. “Dude’s a corrupt megalomaniac with an oil rig where his heart should be.”
We now interrupt your story for political propaganda. But like — from a policy standpoint, every statement here is accurate, up to and including the oil rig heart (Jason Kenney resigned in disgrace only to be replaced by someone worse somehow -- the conservative way -- and is now on the board of directors of an energy company. No one could have possibly foreseen this.)
“Are we talking about Kenney?” Bryce complains. “Politics are boring.”
“Politics are how we were able to get married, B,” Jared says,
Of note that Jason Kenney was virulently homophobic.
(He still is, I'm sure, but now he isn’t making homophobic policy decisions -- that’s the job of his successor!)
“These kids,” Gabe says to Stephen. “Bet they don’t even remember when gay marriage was legalised.”
“I do,” Bryce protests. “Sort of.”
Jared shrugs. “I was a little kid?” he says. “I wasn’t really paying attention.”
Jared once again hurting Stephen with his youth. Gay marriage was legalized in Canada in July 2005. Jared was 6. Bryce 9. Gabe and Stephen 14.
“Get out of my house,” Stephen says, but he says that all the time, and Jared no longer listens to him. Well, he probably genuinely meant it if Jared was a UCP supporter, but obviously Jared isn’t — he was raised by hobgoblins, not actual monsters. “Now let’s do Ford.”
God, let’s not — I’ll be here all fucking week.
“While I enjoy trashing Doug Ford as much as the next Ontarian,” Gabe says.
Not so much that they didn’t vote for more! Not going to lie, I’m still coping pretty hard with the fact the majority of my fellow Ontarians either voted for this guy a second time, or didn’t bother to get off their asses because his opponents weren’t ‘inspiring’. Is that on the Ontario Libs and NDP too? Yep. On ‘Rae Days’ BS and Liberals always talking strategic voting, but only if that means NDP voters vote for them? Sure. But for fuck’s sakes, everyone who didn’t vote essentially cast a ballot for everything Ford has done since, including the multi-billion dollar racketeering he’s being investigated for by the RCMP. But Rae Days.
Okay. Off my soap box.
“Stephen’s a lot,” Bryce says, all blink-y about it. Stephen isn’t even being extra Stephen, he’s just normal level Stephen, but then, Jared probably has a higher tolerance for snide, since he so often is himself.
Though you’d think Bryce would be used to it too, considering who he’s married to. Maybe he’s just got immunity to Jared’s particular brand of it after enough exposure.
Jared and Stephen are similarly snide but not identically, Bryce only has Jared immunity. He gets very blink-y around Julius too. I’d say he has Erin immunity too but Erin isn’t even a hobgoblin with Bryce unless he dares suggest she and Jared have any similarities whatsoever, in which case she proves his point for him by getting extremely huffy about it just like Jared does.
“I believed you,” Bryce protests. “But he’s so — mean. He told me my hair was stupid.”
The first time Stephen calls Bryce’s hair Disney Prince hair. Bryce hasn’t realised it’s a compliment, as Stephen says it in a mean voice.
“His hair’s stupid,” Bryce mutters. “And he called me a cradle robber! And kept calling me Coach Bryce!”
I mean…
Jared was there for that, but he thought it was more because Bryce was like, coaching them through strategy. In hindsight it is more likely Stephen pointing out that Bryce was, in fact, Jared’s coach when they met, albeit tenuously. Jared really never should have told Stephen that. He’s never going to let it go.
Jared also understands a little better why Bryce scowled at him when Jared joined Stephen in calling him Coach Bryce.
Still fucking dying that Jared accidentally joined Stephen in roasting Bryce.
“You make a very good coach though,” Jared says, putting a soothing hand on Bryce’s arm.
Bryce scowls.
He knows you’re about say something mean, Jared, he’s been inoculated!
“Just don’t sleep with any other prospects, I’d be super—” Jared breaks off to protect himself from a half-tackle from Bryce, laughing as Bryce gets a jab in to his side.
Jared’s true love language: play wrestling.
“No PDA on the Markson-Petersen property,” Stephen says.
Jared opens his mouth, considering Gabe kissed Stephen right in front of them like twenty minutes ago. Bryce went adorably pink about it.
Literally the first time Bryce has personally witnessed two guys kissing (I mean, not involving him, obvs), and it’s people he KNOWS. Low key a big moment for him.
“He’s so mean,” Bryce mumbles. “That wasn’t even PDA, I wrestle with Chaz all the time.”
Jared would raise an eyebrow, but he thinks he’d get tackled again. Plus he also used to wrestle with Chaz all the time. Chaz loves a good wrestling match. Jared’s wrestling matches with Chaz have a distinctly different tenor to them than his grappling with Bryce, particularly when Bryce decides he isn’t going to let Jared win. Stephen was maybe not off about the PDA part.
Chaz’s love language is also play wrestling, but not like that. Bro love. Bruv.
Jared hears a lock click, though he’s not too worried. Gabe will intercede if he has to.
Spoken like someone who has frequently locked doors on his little sister, who had to be let in by Don or Susan. Or been locked out by said sister. Or, you know, the time they were both locked out by their mother so they couldn’t eavesdrop on Bryce asking for their blessing. A family affair.
“I know,” Jared says. It’d be bad walking into a series thinking you didn’t.
“We didn’t,” Bryce says.
Another win for the brain to mouth filter!
The Scouts are a juggernaut, but the Canucks are no slouch either.
The Scouts are better.
Every fucking time. Dynasties, man. (They haven’t even won their first Cup at this point; they’re going to be so much more annoying when they’re winning their third.)
Jared hopes it’s the Caps and Raf scores the game winning goal and does a fly by giving the finger to Williams and Simcoe. That doesn’t sound like a particularly Raf move
Robbie, though…
…but Jared’s not exactly being reasonable right now, all raw scraped nerves and hurt and a fucked up shoulder from a hard hit by Angelopoulos that probably should have sidelined him, but didn’t because it was the playoffs.
The first injury of Jared by a main cast member from a different series. But not the last.
Jared does his stupid painful exercises for the stiffness, gets out of packing anything because, well, shoulder, so it’s Bryce who’s doing it while Jared supervises and occasionally insults his packing decisions just to get that huffy Bryce sigh.
Yet another love language: intentionally bugging Bryce.
Jared’s in his parents’ kitchen with Erin when he hears the whoop from the living room, Bryce and his dad, mom lost under how loud they are, and him and Erin shuffle out to watch the Caps surge over the boards to dogpile their goalie.
Bryce and Don bonding on Team Fuck the Scouts.
Grace is clutch, and the group chat has a number of pictures of the partying the next morning. There’s a picture of Raf and Chapman looking absolutely shitfaced and more than half-asleep that’s particularly good, and Jared makes sure to save it for the purpose of mockery. Another very unflattering one Raf and Kurmazov the Senior, and Jared saves that one to send to Dmitry so he may use it for the purposes of mockery.
Look, Jared’s putting aside his feelings for Dmitry to help him be an annoying little brother, bless. Also that picture of Raf and David is adorable.
the salve of falling asleep in the same bed, of Bryce hitting his alarm immediately and trying to sneak around in the mornings so he doesn’t wake Jared up, Jared pretending he’s still asleep so Bryce doesn’t feel guilty, Bryce probably pretending he actually thinks Jared’s asleep
The softest game of deception devised since peek-a-boo.
129. Sabbatical
Summer’s — summer’s summer.
Very eloquent, Jared. (He doesn’t know how to describe the bone deep relief he feels falling asleep with and waking up beside Bryce, mixed with the grunt work of training, tempered by the fact he’s doing it with some of his favourite people, and they all get to hang out together after(!), Jared has a friend group(!) but also he’s not playing hockey which low key makes everything feel kind of off. So. Summer’s summer.)
Grace has cut her hair really short, and Raf’s done the opposite, letting his grow out, and Ash got a tattoo — her and Bryce bitch about the pain for a bit — but they’re basically all the same as they were a year ago, all feel like home to him even though Calgary only gets to be home in the offseason.
Grace looks great, Raf looks low-key terrible (Cup. Parties. plus the whole road to the Cup in the first place, man is battered.) and Ashley’s tattoo is fire. Not literally, thank fuck; that’d definitely make Chaz getting traded more awkward.
Jared goes up to Edmonton to visit Julius when he pops in for a week for dumb media stuff
I like that it’s completely unclear whether that’s Jared editorializing with ‘dumb media stuff’, or if Julius has been referring to it that way himself.
while Bryce has a ridiculous staycation thing with Erin — that’s code for renting a hotel suite all of a couple blocks from Bryce and Jared’s place for no purpose other than splashing around the pool, and Erin dragging Bryce from store to store and Bryce not even looking at price tags before handing the cashier his credit card, but Bryce was insistent on Erin getting something for her high school graduation, so whatever. Jared and Julius do absolutely nothing while Jared’s there except eat and watch TV and bitch about media and tell each other when they find something funny on the internet. It’s great.
The First Time Erin Makes Twitter Incoming. And Julius and Jared entirely oblivious in Edmonton (this is before Erin and Julius get together, for the record)
It’s honestly such a sweet thing for Bryce to do for Erin’s graduation, and frankly it sucks that it blows up in his face. Bryce did nothing wrong! (For once, says Dave.)
After their anniversary — Bryce buys him too much as usual, Jared does too this year, most currently living in a box in their closet that Bryce goes slightly pink looking at, and he looks often
Jared’s stinginess once again not applying to sex toys, which Bryce appreciates.
— they fly back so Jared can sign the lease and move some stuff out of Elaine’s and and Bryce can visit with Elaine and Gordie and Gail for a bit, do some early birthday stuff with them.
This is the other half of the sex toy sentence, what a fucking segue, Jared. Sex toy reference right before wholesome times with the Marcuses.
Jared’s new apartment is in a good location, not far from Gabe and Stephen’s house, which is pretty much perfectly placed between the practice rink, arena, and airport.
It's in Shaughnessy. Canucks practice at the University of British Columbia (they don’t have their own practice facilities). Triangulation was not by distance, but average commute in traffic and not in traffic (yes, he made the drives, and yes, he bought a real life stop watch and Stephen made fun of him incessantly for this. Does he not have a stop watch on his phone? Come on Gabriel. Gabe would argue, correctly, that he should not be on his phone while driving).
Also he fudged his results and picked somewhere closer to UBC because Stephen was going there at the time, or he would have likely gone for Mt Pleasant or South Main. Stephen is aware. Gabe is aware Stephen is aware. It is not discussed. They like their house, no plans on moving.
Getting a house around there will run you a couple million bucks, because Vancouver, so Jared, known opposite of a big spender, has decided to rent an apartment.
Jared can absolutely see Gabe doing that. Appreciates that Gabe did that. Jared was just google mapping it, Gabe’s test seems like better data.
He likes his place, likes it better when Bryce is in it, helping him put together a dining room table he’ll probably never use,
I am not sure if this dining room table even appears in the story again, it is so underutilized. Generally they eat on the couch (or at the kitchen island, but that's just coffee and breakfast, mostly). If paperwork needs to be done it gets used. That's about it.
“You are literally going to spend the next two days with me,” Jared says when Bryce looks particularly kicked puppy as Jared packs his laptop, which was an anniversary present he did not actually need. At least Erin appreciated getting Jared’s barely even past warranty old one as a university present.
Bold of you to assume that wasn’t Bryce’s plan all along so you aren’t all ‘you can’t buy Erin a laptop, Bryce’, ‘you’ve given Erin more than enough already, Bryce’, ‘stop buying my horrible sister things, Bryce’.
“I can pout whenever I want to, you’re not the boss of me,” Bryce mutters.
“That’s not true,” Jared says. Jared is very much the boss of him and they both know it.
Bryce appreciated his anniversary gifts.
“Nope,” Jared says when Bryce’s hands start creeping under his shirt. “I need to get this done, I don’t want to get halfway to Vancouver before I realise I forgot something important.”
“Flames are going to be in Vancouver in two weeks,” Bryce says.
“No guarantee you’d be playing that game,” Jared says.
“If I’m not I could send it with Chaz,” Bryce says, and before Jared can protest that Chaz might not either, “Canucks are in Calgary right after too.”
Jared doesn’t know if it’s Bryce being stubbornly logical or the fact that Bryce said all of that while unbuttoning and unzipping Jared’s shorts that sways him. Obviously a combination.
‘Keep talking workarounds for possible setbacks, baby, that’s so hot’. But like. Unironically.
After the first leg of the trip they land up in the best hotel you can get in the dead land between Revelstoke and Kamloops, which is not saying much
It’s in Sicamous and it’s a Best Western.
Mere years ago he was lucky if it was a hotel instead of a motel and he was stuck with an asshole roommate who talked in his sleep, and now he’s turning his nose up at a three star hotel.
It’s technically a four star, Jared, you gigantic snob. Also it looks nice enough, honestly, so either it’s been renovated and upped a star since I checked, or I was being lazy in my Revelstoke to Kamloops accommodations due diligence.
“How hard will you judge me if I ask to get back in the car and keep driving?” Bryce asks. “Because Salmon Arm has a decent hotel.”
“How far’s Salmon Arm?” Jared asks.
“Twenty minutes, half an hour?” Bryce says.
Salmon Arm does NOT have a four star hotel. This is a downgrade from that Best Western in Sicamous. As it is now. Possibly not back when I was doing research.
Bryce waits in the car when Jared gets their room, which ends up being a really fucking good call because the front desk clerk is clearly a big Canucks fan, recognises Jared before he even hands her his credit card. Jared texts Bryce a frantic ‘shelter in place’, getting a bunch of question marks in reply, and then he has to go out and sneak him in a side entrance lest he have to explain why he’s sharing a room with one king bed with The Enemy, so that’s great. This is a great trip. Jared’s really enjoying this trip.
THIS is a non chain inn. It’s kind of dated, but like, fine.
“Quit grumbling and tell me what you want from room service,” Bryce yawns.
Jared quits grumbling long enough to order a club sandwich, then resumes grumbling.
I genuinely remember looking at a room service menu for accuracy but now there is no room service. So either I am making this all up or they’ve gone downhill. But then, this was written in 2020, when more places may have had room service for pandemic related reasons. It DOES have an in house restaurant, unlike all other Salmon Arm-y places, so it very possibly did offer room service.
This is bothering me now. I am bothered. Petty grudge against Salmon Arm unlocked.
“Summers gave me a few excuses if things were like, asked,” Bryce says. “Mutual friends with Chaz, met years ago at a camp and still hang out, stuff like that.”
“That’s all true, though,” Jared says.
“Yeah but isn’t like, ‘we’re super in love’,” Bryce says. “Which I think was the part Summers wants to avoid.”
Dave has very low expectations about Bryce’s ability to make up a story, and I think that is extremely fair, to be honest.
“Would you be cool with me coming out to my team?” Jared says. “Not like the level of what Gabe knows or anything, just like, not hiding the fact I married a dude.”
Bryce is quiet. “Can I think about it?” he asks finally.
“Yeah,” Jared says.
“I know you — you can come out to anyone you want to, that’s like, your right,” Bryce says.
“I know,” Jared says.
“I need to think about it,” Bryce says.
This is so much progress! Bryce not reflexively saying no! Bryce acknowledging that Jared has autonomy in how he represents himself to others! Actually thinking about it!
“Yeah but I’m a BC boy now,” Jared says.
“I’m a BC boy,” Bryce mutters.
“Nope,” Jared says. “We swapped.”
“You can’t just be a BC boy,” Bryce says, sounding genuinely agitated. “You have to earn it. And you can’t be a BC boy: you don’t even like sushi.”
I love you and the things that bother you, Bryce Marcus.
“Your teammates,” Bryce says, and Jared looks up from his phone. “If you want to tell them you can. Like. The husband thing not the—”
“Not the you being my husband bit,” Jared assures him.
“Okay,” Bryce says, blows out a breath, then another one.
“You sure?” Jared asks.
Bryce takes a hand off the steering wheel to give Jared a so-so.
“Can we take this exit?” he asks.
“Uh,” Jared says. “We’re like an hour away.”
Bryce gives him a glance.
“I told you to piss when we got lunch,” Jared mutters.
“And you were right and I was wrong,” Bryce mutters back.
Married. Also — end of yet another arc.
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RvB vore headcanons: Blood Gulch Chronicles Edition
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-old man
-would eat blues as a way to establish dominance
-might also do that with his own team for similar reasons
-rants to prey about “the good ole days where milk was a nickel” and WAR
-tries to get all spooky scary when pred but just doesn’t land it
-unlikely/unwilling prey. makes him feel like less of a leader
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(i actually have some good headcanons for this one with evidence to back it up)
-a CHRONIC insomniac
-skinny queen, amazing prey
-due to his cyborgness, he has robot organs, meaning robo stomach (air conditioning yesss)
-also has oil saliva (which is a little gross but hey)
-noms grif most often out of the reds
-due to his (headcanonical) insomnia, he often can’t get to sleep easily, but finds that grif nomming him calms him down and helps him sleep better
-checks up on prey like every 10 minutes bc he’s just a nervous little guy :3
-speaking of grif…
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-chronic eepy
-mmmm chubby pred my beloved oooo yesss <333
-tends to nom Simmons either bc a) he can’t sleep or b) idk man bros hungry
-sometimes engages in accidental vore bc, once again, chronic eepy
-rubs tum to comfort/calm prey down, especially if unwilling
-weight in his stomach knocks this man out in like 2 seconds
-when prey, also falls asleep within 2 seconds. like he could get nommed for protection purposes after running away from some guy trying to kill him and just loses all the adrenaline immediately.
-extreme cuddling fan <3
-chubby pred = soft and warm tum.
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-amazeballz :O
-gets flustered pretty easily, this goes for being pred or prey
-ONLY and i mean ONLY noms when ppl ask. doesn’t nom unwilling prey for a few reasons
-1) prey kick which he is REALLY sensitive to and 2) feels really ashamed when prey gets really scared and doesn’t know they’re safe
-enjoys tum rubs from prey. calms him down.
-similar to Simmons, checks on prey a bit too often
-sees vore as a really intimate thing so he gets really fluster when nommed and his words get all shaky and auwuquwuq
-just a little guy :3
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-doesn’t mind prey that’s unwilling and puts up a fight
-he’s had to deal with kick before if yk what i mean 😏
-he’s a lover, not a fighter, and doesn’t enjoy the idea of holding prey in his tum for periods of time that they’re uncomfortable with
-occasionally gets bit cocky when nomming prey, to prey’s annoyance
-he’s a bit of a jerk but overall harmless
-as prey, firmly believes the superior answer is hands first like a little fucking bitch
-if unwillingly nommed, he fights a bit but gets a bit tired after like 5 seconds
-just a little guy
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-the most tsundere middle aged man in the entire world
-usually unwilling prey. that man is NOT going down without a fight
-denies any allegations of enjoying being nommed (he’s a LIAR! LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE!!)
-noms prey for two reasons mostly 1) prey won’t shut up 2) protective purposes
-epsilon church? now that’s a whole other story i’m not going to get into here
-also denies nomming prey for any purpose other than those two reasons (once again, FUCKING LIAR!!!)
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-he’s such a silly little goobernut i have so many hc for him. holy moly
-100% noms other to protect them
-pretty much everyone on the blue team is half his height, so nomming them is pretty easy
-rants to unwilling prey about things they like in an attempt to calm them down
-tbh he does a lot of things for unwilling prey in an attempt to calm them down
-does it work? sometimes!
-slightly hums to prey and rubs tum for comfort
-actually the most teddy bear of a pred ever conceived.
-noms Church mostly despite his protests. Church settles down after a while and gets used to it.
-he’s just a little guy 🥺
-out of the blues, his tums actually REALLY soft and comfortable. it’s like laying on a giant pillow that is alive and moving and encased all around u.
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-holy shit she is a BITCH
-unwilling prey? SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE!! willing prey? SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE AS WELL!!!
-she will not take shit from anybody
-100% pred all the time
-similar to Sarge, uses vore as a way to establish dominance in a group
-if she noms you and she KNOWS you prior to nomming, my dear that is a sign of utter and complete respect and intimacy
-if prey is unwilling and kicking/screaming, can and will punch her stomach to get the point across of “shut up, will ya?”
-also uses vore for protection of her colleagues (aka blues)
-“this place is full of mean ladies!”
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-yooooo doctor
-stomach fluids have healing properties, something he greatly takes advantage of
-really cares about prey he’s nomming and, like many others, noms for protection
-noms after battle or fight to aid wounded prey (this includes nomming multiple prey at once. i see u tooo)
-however, doesn’t nom the reds or blues together unless they know each other and are on good terms. they will have a “GIRLS ARE FIGHTING!!” moment. that isn’t very comfortable for all parties
-enjoys vore as a prey because it makes him feel safe and protected. huge extreme cuddling fan.
-stomach is warm, but in a way where it’s comfortable and won’t make prey overheat
-out of the reds and blues, other than grif and caboose, his tum is probably the most comfortable.
-tummy rubs? tummy rubs ooooo ^^
and that’s all for now! i’ll do one later with the freelancers we see in rvb (dead or alive)
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irithnova · 1 year
Unhinged rant but.
Why does it seem like people who are not even remotely interested in the history of certain countries making fully fledged ocs of them. I understand not everyone is interested in history but holy fuck it's like people cannot even be bothered to do baseline research on a country. A persons character, whether it's a real person, a fictional person, and especially if it's supposed to be a personification of a nation, is largely influenced by their past, what happened to them in the past, what they did in the past.
To make an oc for a nation personification and then admit that you don't even care about history and you don't want to do research to at least try to be somewhat accurate and sensitive about this nations history? Not only that, to then complain when people focus "too much on history", call them pretentious for doing so, and call people cowards for wanting to be sensitive??
How about this : maybe don't be part of a community which is literally based off of nation personifications and the history/politics/culture of nations. Why do you think the hetalia to history/political science degree pipeline is a thing?
It's even moreso egregious when people do this to nations they don't even come from! Again I understand that people can enjoy hetalia without being history freaks but when you're making literal nation ocs that you want people to take seriously? You need to do that???
The amount of insensitive ocs I've seen running around simply because people do not want to do basic research is astounding. Blah blah oh it's fictional who cares.
Well ok as a Filipino if your Philippines oc is half Spanish and simps for Spain or your Philippines oc is a woman who is in love with Spain and is his maid or something I think you should choke, sorry (not). Fictional depictions can still be offensive and not only does it show the implicit biases and racism that people have, it also makes people feel unsafe in the fandom when you create ridiculously tone deaf ocs of their nation.
What exactly is your nation personification oc based off of if you're not going by history or if you're not trying to do research at least? Just admit it's an overglorified oc of yours that you've slapped the label "nation" with over and call it a day, because there can't be anything substantial behind it if you admit you hate doing research.
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siriuslysatorusimping · 9 months
Okay me again, hi, I’m at the airport for a not fun trip home and am distracting myself. I have an anecdote or two for you that are just reminding me of Gojo/Rinko prof dynamic.
My dad would get to his college campus before my mom most days (now she just drives him to work all the time lol). He would always end up popping over to her class or building before class began to say hi, love you, have some tea, etc. But if he got there before her, he’d end up gushing to HER students about her and she’d have to kick him out to start class.
He also had an incident where he’d been hospitalized for a surgery and was not supposed to teach for a bit so he could rest. But he LOVES teaching, so he snuck away from home to teach class and my mother had to come to campus to drag him home and back to bed rest. These may not mean much regarding Gojo and Rinko but I love the college prof couple dynamic in every setting and I wanna share cute stories since everyone’s going through it rn 💚
Hi!! I'm sorry that it's a not fun trip home. I hope it goes as well as it can! 💕
And he's saying all this shit and Rinko just slips into the back and is cackling as he rants and then he finally notices her and just gets this fucking dopey smile on his face as he greets her and literally everyone is rolling their eyes because how can a couple be this fucking cute and in love?
I also have a headcanon where Mai shows up at his class to pass a message and half his students are like "WTF who is that isn't he married" and the other half are like "WTF i thought hot prof was single wait is he dating a student do i have a chance" and Mai is whispering to him and he's getting all agitated, and suddenly he's just like "CLASS IS FUCKING CANCELED BECAUSE MY WIFE WENT INTO LABOR WITHOUT FUCKING TELLING ME BECAUSE SHE DIDN'T WANT TO INTERRUPT MY TEACHING." and he goes to leave, muttering under his breath as he asks Mai if Rinko drove to the hospital herself and he just groans when Mai smirks at him and tells him she took the metro and he's just like "this FUCKING WOMAN IS THE LOVE OF MY LIFE, AND SHE'S PERFECT, BUT TODAY SHE WAS PERFECTLY STUPID." and Mai is just fucking cackling as she follows him out of the room.
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takeariskao3 · 1 year
can i just say that i love how relatable your ginny is? in many stories ginny is perfect and harry is messed up, but in this they are both a hot mess. and what i love is how you do a great job of portraying ginny’s mindset in a way that not only shows that she blames harry, but also makes the audience blame him. but if you really think about it, she’s just as much the reason if not more that they’re so messed up. not saying harry’s not a complete wreck 24/7, because he definitely is, but our girl’s got trust issues, understandably so cough cough childhood trauma, and she’s all HARRY RUINED EVERYTHING HE DOESNT LET ME IN WHY IS HE LIKE THIS meanwhile this beautiful badass emotional trainwreck of a human is actually blocking him out even more then he’s blocking her and she’s creating problems in her head and making everything way worse for their situation. like harry’s got issues but he’s over being sad and is ready to snog the living fuck out of her and hold her and protect her and be there for her and she’s like why must he be so closed off and push me away and be unwilling to try meanwhile she gets angry every time he so much as breathes and avoids him at all costs but also loves him but has convinced herself it’s all 100% his fault and then gets pissed that she has feelings for him and tells herself more reasons why he sucks. self sabotage at its finest.
i love it. me too ginny
also i was reluctant to respond because like HOLY SHIT YOU GET IT!? you know??? you. get. it. and if i go on a total rant about HOW MUCH YOU GET IT i would literally spoil everything lmaooo so i'll try to freak out over this message with minimal spoilers skdfjskldjfs
under the cut because length
when i first set out to start the path from you, i knew the story i wanted to tell, but i knew it had to be a long evolution of both their internal thoughts and their views of each other. because we can make inferences and interpretations of their deepest, most intrinsic thoughts from the source material, but it's really fun for me to ask how does that change after trauma..?
and i knew (I KNEW) i wanted them both to be the most unreliable narrators imaginable. because that's how we think right?? or at least that's how i think, i can't speak for everyone else i suppose, but we rationalize and try to put puzzle pieces together that don't actually fit. and if you look close enough, ginny is such a PERFECT template for this kind of storytelling because she is so strong willed. she is open and emotionally mature with most everyone, except herself?? now a lot of this is me filling in the blanks between CoS and OoTP/HBP but i mean how does a girl spend an entire school year possessed and then just casually go on to be the most well-adjusted, well-liked, social butterfly?
she suppresses. she suppresses HARD.
and with that habit of suppress and overcome, all the sudden she is falling in love? and providing emotional support and a delightful sort of stability to a person who has never felt that in his entire life.
so i ran with it! i sat down and wrote out pages and pages of what ginny thought of harry, and what harry thought of ginny, and how ginny thought harry saw her, and how harry thought ginny saw him... and its the second half of those questions that gets *really* interesting.
how does ginny think harry sees her? how does ginny react when she thinks she can't be that ever again? what happens when suppress and overcome doesn't work anymore? what is she going to do when harry actually decides to open up about something for the first time in his life?
ginny has created this narrative in her head that blames harry and absolves her of guilt because the alternative would be admitting that she has kept him as far away from her as possible because if he saw her (the real her, after all the shit) then she thinks he wouldn't want her anymore. and that is just too devastating for her to even contemplate so she doesn't bother, and she goes along heightening all harry's mistakes in an effort to dampen her own.
and let me tell you... once harry looks outward and stops focusing so much on his own internal war when it comes to his feelings for ginny, he starts getting real tired of it.
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donnerpartyofone · 2 months
So what happened yesterday was, I had stupidly run out of the methylphenidate ER dose that I'm currently on, and decided to take two of the lower dose that I had left over from before. (Ironically I completely flaked on a doctor's appointment for the first time in my life when I was supposed to get the current script refilled, I just got so sick I forgot what was happening, but if you're going to flake on a doctor's appointment I guess it might as well be an ADHD appointment) I thought that the "slightly higher" dose from the two pills wouldn't bother me, I mean I've taken drugs before, but about half way through the day I was suddenly struck with a jarring, physical panic. Fortunately my blood pressure cuff thing didn't say I had to rush to the hospital, but I remained on high alert for the rest of the day and night, which may have colored my perception of what happened.
(don't get too excited, it's just weird)
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I took the ferry to see my friend's demonic horror movie (the ferry is a highly underrated form of local transit, it is awesome especially on a rainy night), which was cute, and I love being at the movies even though you always run the risk that other people will taint your experience. Even the religious dogma of the Alamo Drafthouse doesn't stop people from being assholes, and sure enough as soon as a couple of young women (early 20s? idk) sat next down next to me, I started to smell this hot, spitty, artificial sweetener smell, and I realized oh no this bitch is chewing gum. I have a good amount of misophonia and gum is my enemy in any circumstance, but the girl was fully snapping the gum and blowing bubbles for the first 15-20 minutes of the movie. (She had to get rid of it when their cookies arrived) That was a tough one because even if I were the kind of broad who picks fights with strangers, it would be hard to win a fight about chewing in a business that is serving food...but anyway when the server came through to get them situated, they had some sort of altercation that left them both in hysterics. The second the lights came back on they both started ranting about how the server was sooo mean to them because apparently when they sat down one of them took her shoes off, and she was told to put them back on. This girl is going "I'M GONNA LOOK THAT UP AND SEE IF IT'S A REAL RULE! I BET IT'S NOT EVEN A RULE!" as if "no shirt no shoes no service" hasn't been a national punchline for decades and it's just a random and petty punishment that certain eateries uphold to be perverse. I guess also when the guy asked to pre-swipe a card for them so they wouldn't have to pay in the middle of the movie they didn't understand him and that made them mad, and then they were mad that he put the cookies on "the wrong table" (the one between them) as if they weren't both eating them. Like ok guys, I was young once, I too have been rude and been mildly corrected by an adult and been so humiliated that I had to make up a big story about how the adult is an insane person who hates me personally. I was 12 once, too. But holy shit you are old enough to get into this late R-rated movie, do your parents usually take you or what the fuck is your problem?
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So as I was leaving I looked up the best way to get home (too late for ferry) and the apps were all giving me a big red Storm Warning warning that I had never seen before and suggesting that trains were running very irregularly or not at all until tomorrow. Outside it was warm and misty, not remotely as stormy as it had been when I arrived. What was going on? I got lost going to what was supposed to be the station with the earliest train, went into the station with the MOST trains, and just decided to just take whatever train came first going in the vaguely-right direction. The world outside the theater seemed to have become very apocalyptic while I was in there, and I was intensely watching my back. When I saw a tall thin woman all in black shuffling down the platform, I did a double take; my first impression was that her face was covered in blood. When I looked again I saw that she had bright red, very wet makeup of some kind smeared from her nose to her chin. The rest of her face was covered in a similar substance that was pitch black. She was not white, is the only other detail I was sure of. I couldn't evaluate the situation. Is this a performance? Is she dangerous? Is she in danger? What should I do? My train came before I could figure it out.
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gif by @brody75 stupid tumblr wouldn't give it to me normally
A few stops later, the apps said that I should go outside and get a bus that would come in 25 minutes. Ugh, but at least it's coming. As soon as I got outside the apps said that I should have stayed underground and taken another train that was coming in 1 minute. I couldn't even run back in for that because the machine had done something fucked up to my card when I tried to refill it and I was forced to use the transfer for the bus, oh fucking well. So I'm waiting for the bus and I see this other bus coming from the opposite direction with its display flashing "EMERGENCY - CALL 911". I've been living here for a long time and I had never seen anything like that. Was it a real instruction for me? Or was it one of our cop-obsessed mayor's many advertisements for the cops that seem to be everywhere, constantly telling you where are the nearest cops to every location and how you should go find them and give them something to do? The bus pulled up to its stop across the street and I could see that there was just one passenger on it. It seemed scary. A load of people got on at that stop, I wanted to think at least one of them had a uniform on but I wasn't sure. At that moment my bus pulled up. I let everybody else on first and then I told the driver, "That bus across the street is flashing a CALL 911 sign." I thought he would know what to do. Drivers seem to look out for each other. He just stared at me. It was the blankest stare I'd ever seen. He didn't move and he didn't make a sound. I repeated myself and I pointed "That one, over there, is he ok?" ...or whatever I said, I was kind of freaking out. He just nodded, once, and kept staring at me. Then he put it in drive and I sat down.
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also @brody75
I had wanted to spend all night working on this project I'm under deadline for--I might as well with all the extra amphetamines in my system--but I could no longer concentrate. I felt like I was in Jacob's fucking Ladder. I also felt like a complete asshole for not helping anyone. I don't know. I never know what to do. I'm constantly getting lost and I have no money and I'm small and clumsy and I don't feel safe with strangers and I don't automatically trust cops and I'm also fairly stupid and cowardly and I don't know how anything works. It's hard for me to imagine taking charge of any situation even when it seems like the choice should be obvious because of instructions or just decency. Also when you start helping people when do you stop? I often think of this standup bit by [cancelled comedian I don't want to argue about] where he describes a younger relative visiting him in the city for the first time, and she's shocked by the first really dire homeless person she sees in Port Authority. She goes rushing over to him and when the comedian stops her she says, "You mean he doesn't need our help?" and he says "Oh no, he needs you desperately! We just don't do that here." And I mean yes, ha ha cynicism, but it's more like how do you even begin to deal with individual instances of a problem that is so huge and ubiquitous that even the large support systems in place can barely handle it. One time in the dead of winter I posted a picture of a pigeon that was so puffed up it was hilariously huge and spherical, and someone scolded me about how "that's a baby" and if I see it again I should transport it to a rehab center. They obviously didn't understand the scale of the photo and must have mistaken the puffery for juvenile down, but it's also like, if I start helping pigeons when will it stop? I've helped a number of animals either get out of a snag or get to rehab when they were obviously incapacitated or sick, but if I lowered my threshold of intervention to "a pigeon that looks cold or uncomfortable", it would never end. Technically probably every rat and pigeon in the city needs some kind of medical attention, they say rats here have diseases that haven't even been identified by science, but what's the actual, rational response for individual citizens?
Anyway I have totally ruined my own weird freaky spooky one-crazy-night anecdote with this awkward musing about what people are supposed to do for each other, and I have made it very clear that I am terrible in an emergency and do not help people. And I'm already imagining arguments with tumblr randos who are always handing out authoritative ethical advice about what to do in every situation, in a way that reveals that they have no real life experience of their own. And now I need to like get to my stupid telehealth visit with the doctor I flaked on last week, and stop being insane, and go back to work. I don't really know why I write these things down. I guess I must have to.
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cadybear420 · 3 months
Cadybear's Reviews- Untameable
Welcome to the thirty-fifth official Cadybear's Reviews! Today I'll be talking about Untameable, which I have ranked on the "PooPoo Tier" at 1 star out of a possible 10. My last and only playthrough of this was around March-September 2022.
Holy fuck this one is so bad. It’s so bland it’s so bland it’s so bland. 
I think this is the first story in Choices to actively anger me. Well, actually, that would actually be OG HSS 2 because of the basketball game drama, but at least that had an excuse for happening and it didn’t taint the whole book. 
Admittedly, this is a weird one to put in the Poopoo Tier along with shit like Surrender and FCL. When you get down to it, it isn’t really offensive or problematic like those two are. There isn’t any glorified toxicity or half-baked resolutions of toxic behaviors or anything like that. But it still had me shouting and ranting at my phone screen with little to no redeeming qualities… so I put it on the tier. 
To start, the story isn’t even that charged with smut outside of those CGs, despite it being a “sexy” book. I mean, at least excessive smut would have made it interestingly bad or fun bad. But no, it’s just boring and frustrating bad. 
Kit is easily the blandest LI I’ve ever seen. Like, textbook definition of a soulless customizable LI. The story tries to push them as a “player” but all we ever see of that is two scenes where people flock over to Kit and swoon over them. But Kit was completely unresponsive to it, so how am I supposed to buy them as a player and not just a local ranch heartthrob? 
The conflict as a whole is super artificial and contrived. I’ll give the affair stories this– as contrived and melodramatic as they are, their “forbidden” attractions actually felt forbidden, by virtue of the LI (or MC in TDA’s case) already being in a relationship with someone else. 
With Untameable, they try to push Kit and MC as a forbidden romance, but literally nothing about it is forbidden besides the fact that Austin will throw a baby Caillou temper tantrum once he catches Kit and MC. Like, he straight up claims their relationship affects the ranch but HOW DOES IT DO THAT. HOW. WHAT MENTAL GYMNASTICS DID YOU DO TO GET TO THAT. IN WHAT WORLD DOES THAT MAKE ANY LOGICAL SENSE. 
It’s not even one of those “it’s more interesting and refreshing as non-wlm” routes like something like SW, TCH (1), ID (1), DLS, and (presumably) Alpha are, despite the “older brother wants to protect younger sibling MC from player friend LI” trope that was meant more for wlm routes. Because, again, it’s trying to force high stakes and forbidden romance where there is none. 
I have no idea why this absolute doodoofart of a book got a sequel. But hey, at least it’s gonna be about a different cast of characters, with Mandy as a LI. Honestly, Mandy was probably the only major recurring character in this book that didn’t bore or annoy me despite leaning very dangerously into the “best friend who talks exclusively about diamond outfits and how you totally deserve to bone the LI” trope.
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dna-d2 · 10 months
(One Piece Live Action Spoilers, Beware) (Also long post alert, Also Beware) (TL;DR at the end)
So I finally finished watching the Live Action One Piece and BOY LET ME TELL YOU.
(Please note that this is coming from someone who’s read the manga numerous times and is almost caught up on the anime. So this is a time for me to lovingly rant about this show/franchise in general)
I loved it. Like, to start off with, I fucking loved it. It had a couple flaws, and I certainly wouldn’t say it’s the BEST way to experience the story of One Piece, but I had so much fun with it, god.
Like, one of the biggest flaws you see with live action anime adaptations is that they make a bunch of changes, and these changes feel like they were made by a bunch of higher-up suit-wearing dickheads who think they managed to systematically dissect why people loved Dragon Ball so much and gave us the war crime that was Dragon Ball Evolution.
No, OPLA does have changes, but these changes feel like they were made to actually ADAPT the story into a new medium, since this would require a whole different type of storytelling compared to anime or manga. And (almost) all of the changes do feel like they were able to get the same point across as in the anime/manga, just in a different way.
Like pretty much everyone’s been saying, the casting choice was SPOT-FUCKING-ON. Like
Guys, Iñaki as Luffy was absolutely brilliant and you’d have to kill me before I’d ever say anything different, I mean it. The closest I’d have to a character complaint (and it’s really not a complaint, it’s more of a nit-pick than anything) is that Zoro was just not goofy enough. OG Zoro gets caught up in the shenanigans more than he’d like to admit and gets pissed about it and many other things. OPLA Zoro was way more stoic than that. Though I did also like the stoic himbo energy he was giving off too, so like I said it’s not ENTIRELY a complaint. Just a slight nitpick. (And this is nothing against the actor, the actor did a phenomenal job and I will hear no slander against him or any of the others. Especially Usopp’s actor. Dude was perfect in pretty much every way)
And then the only REAL complaint I had. Well, two, technically. And they both center around the final two episodes.
One of the ONLY changes I didn’t like is that the people in Cocoyashi DIDN’T know that Nami was working for Arlong to buy back the village. The anime/manga had them all know about it and play along so that her efforts to help them wouldn’t be in vain, thus when she was double-crossed by Arlong, they had 7 years of resentment against just HIM to get out, and it felt so nice knowing that these guys were more than willing to fight to the death for her in her name and in the name of the years she sacrificed for them.
In this one though, the fact that they didn’t know just made it feel less impactful to me. They hated Nami for years, then just gave her an apology for not realizing what she was doing before deciding to march on Arlong Park. They didn’t even march on Arlong Park. It felt like the writers were rushing this along a little bit, which kinda leads into my other complaint.
I think there should’ve been ONE more episode. Just one. Nine overall. I think they should’ve spent 2 episodes, 7 and 8, specifically on the fight against Arlong, instead of an episode and a half with the resolution to the Garp thing stuck on at the end. THEN made episode 9 the resolution to the Garp subplot. Or hell, I think even just an extra 30 minutes would’ve helped a lot more. But it felt like they didn’t 100% get how to pace it out properly and had to change certain things that resulted in being a detriment to the overall product. I didn’t feel anywhere near as moved during Nami’s scene asking for help as I did during the anime/manga. In those, she looked absolutely broken, pushed so far past her breaking point that she just couldn’t see a way out of this darkness she’d found herself in for years and years. And in OPLA, she just…Didn’t. It’s hard to put to words, but it just wasn’t as impactful to me.
This is an incredible show in its own right. If I didn’t have the anime/manga to compare this to, I would have almost no gripes whatsoever. Maybe even none!! I enjoyed the hell out of this from start to finish, and only came out of it with like one complaint and a couple nitpicks. That’s INCREDIBLE for a live action anime adaptation. Not to mention the way that this is already proving to be a great way to get new people into One Piece. (They don’t realize. They don’t realize that this is the gateway show. That this is where it starts. They don’t realize that they’ll be hooked after this. They don’t realize. But I realize. I know. And soon, so will everyone…!!!)
So yeah, OPLA, solid 8/10. It’s not the best way to experience the story overall, but it’s great for beginners and I will watch again for Easter Eggs and further enjoyment. You should watch it.

TL;DR: One Piece Live Action is great actually, and while it’s not perfect, you should watch it and I love it.

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yukittywrites · 10 months
Motorcycles and Bad Boys~
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this time i didn't forget about you guys! ive been writing about yuta from nct on my ao3 and not focusing on threadfics so i havent reformatted any for a while!
check out my ao3 @Yukitty_Writes for longer oneshots! (im talking 15-50k words)
warnings// nothing, just some sexy teasing!
700 words, minhwa, 3rd person POV
"I'm going to kill myself, I'm never showing my face again, I'm moving to America." Seonghwa moans, collapsing onto a table in the college cafe. "
Why?" Hongjoong asks. Yunho laughs, "Someone overheard Hwa ranting about how much he wants Mingi to fuck him—" "
Song or Lee?"
"Song. and they filmed it, then posted the video and tagged like half the student body so now everyone has seen."
Hongjoong winces, "Really Hwa? Bad boy, player, Song Mingi?"
"But he's hot though!"
"He's never even going to look at you."
"I know that! Which is why I was fine with just crushing on him, but no!" Seonghwa says melodramatically.
Yunho laughs, "At least it's not the worst you've ever told us you wanted him to do."
"I could've spent my whole life without anyone knowing that I wanted Mingi to fuck me against his fucking motorcycle!" Seonghwa hisses.
Hongjoong chokes on his coffee "Holy shit, that's what everyone heard you say? That's so embarrassing for you." he gasps.
Seonghwa whines, "Wow, I couldn't tell, the fact that I had four different people call me a variation of 'slut' today didn't clue me in!"
"I think there's a solution to this." Yunho says.
Seonghwa looks up, hoping for the solution.
"Just confess to him."
"No! What the fuck? You want me to just walk up to him and say "Hey, you heard me say I wanted you to fuck me against a motorcycle, and I really want to date you?" Like that's not creepy?" he whispers.
"Well he just entered the cafe, so you have a chance." Hongjoong says.
"Oh fuck, kill me now. Hide me from him."
"He's walking towards us."
"No, no, no, no." Seonghwa says quickly, sliding down in the chair as Mingi moves closer.
When the man of the hour finally arrives, Seonghwa sits up despite wanting to crawl under the table the second he stood in front of them.
"Hey, sweetheart, I see you have a little crush on me." a deep voice purrs from behind him.
Yunho practically snorts as Seonghwa's face goes bright red at the voice.
"Oh don't ignore me Seonghwa, you know you're beautiful, right?" Mingi says, now standing directly beside him. Seonghwa makes the mistake of looking Mingi in those beautiful foxy, lined, eyes and now he can't even speak.
"Oh wow, you're really cute." he grins. Seonghwa's lips part in shock.
"Are you gonna say something back to me, baby?" Mingi smirks.
Seonghwa's lips part further as his eyes widen. He jolts when Yunho kicks him in the shin, saying, "Please say something before you embarrass yourself further."
One would think he would manage to make a coherent sentence, or say hello like a normal person. Instead the words that tumble out of his mouth are "You're hot."
His hands reach up to slap over his mouth at the same time Hongjoong and Yunho groan simultaneously.
Mingi laughs, his deep voice sending waves over Seonghwa's body and getting him embarrassingly aroused. "Oh I've heard that from a lot of people, sweetheart. I've heard it from your mouth before. After all, weren't your words 'Mingi could bend me over his motorcycle with everyone watching and I'd tell him 'yes sir, more''"
Seonghwa's face goes redder, "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."
"Do I look uncomfortable, baby? If you're into it, then almost anything is possible." Mingi grins, gripping Seonghwa's face between his thumb and forefinger.
Seonghwa resists the urge to moan, his eyes lidding as he gulps. "Aw, would you look at that. You look like you're about to cum in your pants." Mingi murmurs, his lips close to Seonghwa's.
"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Hongjoong yelps, slightly horrified.
"This is a public place, not a bedroom." Yunho laughs.
Mingi's smirk only deepens and darkens, "Well then what do you say, Seonghwa? Want to come to my bedroom?"
"Oh god, please." Seonghwa gasps. Mingi pulls him up from his seat as Seonghwa almost stumbles into him.
"Then let's go." Mingi murmurs.
"And do me a favour, sweetheart, try to cover that big problem you have down there."
oneshot book containing this one and more linked here
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