#it sounds like something ma and pa hackett would say
Crack theory: Chris changed the motto to "What Doesn't Kill You, Will Make You Stronger" because he listened to that Kelly Clarkson song on repeat for a summer and it changed his life.
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lovesomehate · 2 years
One night Max and Laura are almost successful at escaping. Max took a risk taking on Travis and managed to get away with the keys. He’s able to get Laura out and encourages her to run and find someone to help them. She gets far away, but eventually hears Travis chasing after her, first in his cruiser then on foot when she runs into the woods. She ends up taking a serious tumble and somehow ends up several years in the past.
Lost and confused and not yet aware of what’s happened to her she ends up running until she’s picked up by a police officer. It’s a man that goes by Sheriff Hank. He helps Laura to town listening to everything she says, but she sounds crazy. Especially when she freaks out when reaching the station. Everyone’s trying to calm her down and understand her story and things only get worse and more complicated when Deputy Travis comes in.
It’s a few days of talks before Travis is out of any trouble and Laura calms down. Putting together what’s happening Laura ends up being set up to rent a place while she gets things together. She quickly gets a grasp that she’s in North Kill in a different time, the werewolf ordeal is far off and she’s all alone. She gets a job as a waitress/store clerk while she puts things together. She gets along with people though some officers clearly spoke about her and that gets whispers behind her back. But of course the one person that throws a wrench into things is Travis who she unfortunately has to keep running into.
She’s carried over and kept up her animosity towards Travis but she can’t help that it is odd to do so. Only because younger Travis is so ridiculously different from the Travis she’s come to hate. He’s still awkward, but in a cuter way that she denies. He’s more confident and surprisingly charming. He’s more laugh and smiles and proudly helping people no matter how small the issues are. She’s not surprised when people still refer to him as being a bit creepy, surprised with how many people talk positively about him, but intrigued when some don’t trust him cause the Hackett name carries some bad reputation.
She can’t seem to escape Travis and he’s usually apologetic but they do hit problems when Travis points out that they don’t have to believe her and that she’s excusing him of some absolutely insane shit with zero evidence. She trys to keep her hate in place but she can’t deny she’s being drawn to the Travis she’s seeing now. She’s still needs to figure out how to get back home.
Her interaction with the other Hackett’s are very limited.When summer comes around she signs up as a counselor sort of as a means to get the experience she didn’t get to have. So she meets the very strict, but still approachable Jedediah who seems like he genuinely wants the campers to have a good time. She gets to meet Chris who Travis has lovingly talked about (and maybe Bobby? I don’t have the exact year down so...I’m not sure if Bobby is even born, but Travis and Laura are meant to be the same age.) She also gets to meet Constance.
Laura gets glimpses of why Travis would act so much to protect his family, but she also sees the worst of it. It’s something simple barely anything to get mad about and Travis is defending himself and not back talking. It still gets him hit and insulted. She still watches him flinch at nearly every movement that his Pa and Ma make.
She doesn’t bring it up when she seems him, acting like she’s ignorant to why Travis has an obvious bruise forming. That’s not what starts it, but she still doesn’t mean to make friends with him. She tries not to think about it when people joke about them looking like a couple or when they end walking or sitting pressed up against one another or how normal it feels for them to hold hands.
When Constance comes to her job Laura finds herself being passive aggressive to Constance to not let on what she knows and get’s punished for her work with an early leave and a few shift cuts. She gets a few extra tasks at Hackett’s Quarry because of it, but otherwise things go well. Unfortunately Laura stumbles upon and catches the tail end of another confrontation between Travis and his parents. She witness’ a few things: Travis getting hit more without putting up much effort physical or verbal to defend himself, that Chris is present and appears to be conditioned to not realized what Travis is going through and she watches Travis stomp off somewhere barely holding back tears. 
She follows him all the way to a secluded spot that Travis has claimed as his own. Laura doesn’t know what to do when Travis notices her as he’s caught between being angry at her being their and having seen everything and being embarrassed about it. Never in her predicament did Laura think she’d be comforting Travis. She never even further in the slightlest thought that she would be making love to him. Or waking up in his arms as if she was the most precious thing in the world to him. And right as she’s accepting what she feels, it happens again and she’s back to the proper time.
However when she returns its on the same night that she and Max are driving up early for Hackett’s Quarry. She wakes up from what to Max was a nap and is freaking out and inadvertently causes the original crash to happen because of it. She’s apologetic to Max about the situation but doesn’t know if she’s been in a nightmare or not and doesn’t want to sound crazy. Eventually someone does comeby to help them get unstuck. It’s a police officer! But it’s not Travis, just some fresh faced deputy. He doesn’t question them going to Hackett’s Quarry and when they get there (despite Laura saying they should go to the motel) there is a note from Chris saying welcome and just asking to do a quick favor or two before everyone gets to camp.
Harum Scarum came and went, there was no fire and no werewolf outbreak. She gets to meet all the Hacketteer’s normally and get to know them, she even meets Kaylee and Caleb. At one point she goes into Chris’ office and sees a picture of Travis in it at 56. She realizes how odd it is to see him smile at this age after only knowing him to look so disgruntled. She tries to ask Chris about him some, learning that he still lives in North Kill, has only been the sheriff for a while after the former sheriff retired, but doesn’t entirely interact with the family anymore. Chris’ tone and word choice gives Laura enough info to know that Chris may have gotten a clue as to how Travis was being treated.
Out of curiosity she takes a walk up to the secret spot she followed Travis to. It’s a bit cleaner than when she last saw it. Things from his life and that time mostly gone, though some remain and some new things from over the years. It warms and breaks her heart, she doesn’t expect to hear her name be called. She doesn’t expect to see Travis there. He looks the same as the very first time they met though maybe a bit younger due to the apparent lack of building six years worth of trauma and stress.
Travis can’t believes what he’s seeing. When she asks about Harum Scarum, he tells her he remembered her ramblings and made sure that Kaylee and Caleb never went and kept an eye out for others not to do anything. She then asks some other questions like how’s he been and what’s been up to. Standard. Then asks if he’s been in any relationships over the years, married? Divorced? Dating? Yes, almost engaged, not dating. He gets surprised when she hugs him.
They talk for a while about everything and how they feel. Laura reveals that she’s okay with him as she is. She knows him very well by this point. She asks if he’ll be okay with her if he wants. He’s nervous about the age difference but wants to be with her. He’s still in disbelief but she almost wants to cry when he says he’s finally with the girl of his dreams again.
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Mate this is painful and soft. Imagine his life without her not knowing what happened, but then things start happening like Harum Scarum so he starts to understand but still hkdgjakfjaf so many years before that happens 😭
Them finally getting to be together after being pulled apart ajgksgjajfjajf MY BABIES MY LOVES 😭😭😭😭
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