#other than kaylee and caleb
thewolfaroo · 1 year
Werewolf Models
this is for all the werewolf fans out there (tumbleweed rolls by). i've long since memorised all their features by heart, but they're still hard to differentiate sometimes, so here are the isolated models for all the werewolves in the game!
i'll also have the names of each in the alt text so they can be read voluntarily (by clicking/tapping the 'alt' symbol), just in case you'd prefer to test yourself and guess :)
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that's all of them! here are some things i'd like to note.
the older werewolves of the bunch (silas, caleb, and kaylee) are all noticeably different from the others. as they get older they appear more wolf-like, with longer snouts and more haphazardly-positioned teeth.
they also all look eerily like their human counterparts, no? some less than others of course, but werewolves like kaylee and dylan look very similar. i remember reading somewhere that they were made to fit the faces of the actors, though i may be making that up.
it's also worth noting that the fresher werewolves (nick, jacob, emma and laura) are also very similar to one another, particularly their teeth- at a guess, they all used the same base model which was then morphed to look more like the character they transformed from.
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he's Stressed .... (i got a pc that can actually run tq at ultra with a good framerate isn't that fun??? hq freecam screenshots incoming)
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nikageeee · 6 months
How do you think Travis feels about pet names; either his SO calling him something or him using them with his SO?
BONUS: has he ever used little nicknames for Kaylee and Caleb when they were younger? What if he had a child of his own?
see people might disagree with me on this one (and feel free to! this is just my opinion and how I choose to portray him) but-
I'm not sure Travis would really have a nickname other than T.
I feel like Chris would have given him that as a kid.
Thackett and Chackett lol
I don’t even feel like he’d be one for giving people many nicknames either.
Caleb and Kaylee, he maybe follows suit with what Chris uses- as long as it’s not toooo cutesy. His pride would never let him have that.
like bud or sweetheart is fine, But “pudding pop, gorgeous.” -NOPE.
SO…they maybe give him a nickname and term of endearment. And it would stun him the first few times it’s uttered, but eventually he’d get used to it and never bring it up.
his version of a term of endearment for his SO would probably be a shortened version of their name. Or initials to follow tradition…
Maybe an animal nickname if he’s daring. Ex- “Mouse.”
Edit: ya know what- as long as it isn’t something that cringes him out. It could work.
(He would be self conscious using certain nicknames in front of other people though, ESP if it sounded outside the norm)
For a child of his own- maybe/probably.
Overloaded by cuteness he’s more likely to whip out the “sweetheart, bud…”
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wolfawaycamp · 4 months
I'm here to support the tboy Ryan agenda! How about Ryan coming out to his sister?
🌦️ I ended up injecting some headcanons and Ryan family ~stuff~, but here's 13 year old Ryan coming out :)
Ryan had never liked returning from camp, that was true enough. Camp was stable, there was a schedule, he had friends, and he had adults who made sense.
It was different this time, though, because things were getting real, and he needed to tell Sarah. He felt guilty that he had been hiding things from her, even though she was only seven— six years younger than him. They told each other basically everything. People were going to know now because he had gotten Kaylee to cut his hair in the camp bathroom, and he told people at camp to call him Ryan, not just as part of a game with Caleb and Kaylee.
His mom had barely noticed, which might have been the best outcome. He remembered being so, so scared to take his hat off on the trip back, which was probably the reason why she had even noticed at all. He just received a vague, “It’ll be easier now,” and then she zoned back out, which was fine. He didn’t need her to know, not at all.
They went to pick her up from their grandparents— their dad’s parents— where Sarah had been staying while Ryan was at camp. She rushed straight into his arms, and he struggled even more than he did before the summer to hold her up. His grandparents were adamant about feeding the two of them as much as they possibly could whenever they had either of them— but especially Sarah because she was the baby of the family.
When they got home, they rushed up to their room because Sarah wanted to show him all of the pictures she had drawn. After the long presentation and the updates of the new lore of her characters, he worked up the courage to tell her.
“Hey, Sarah?” he asked, perching on the edge of his bed, hands gripping his knees tightly.
“Yeah?” she responded absentmindedly. She was on her stomach, legs kicking about in the air as she scribbled another drawing into her notebook.
“You know how I cut my hair?”
She closed her notebook and actually looked at him. “I didn’t want to say anything, but it’s kinda uneven.”
Ryan suppressed incredulous laughter and didn’t acknowledge what she said out loud. She was reaching the age where half of the things she said were brutal— unintentionally or not. “Well, it’s because, um, I’m a boy.”
“Oh. I already know that.”
Ryan’s mind froze. Did Mr. H tell his family without him knowing? He said he wouldn’t. “What?”
“You get the boy toy at McDonald’s,” Sarah answered as if it was the simplest thing in the world. Ryan’s mind felt as if it was completely broken now.
“Uh, that’s not— some girls can like boy things. I’m a boy,” he tried to explain.
“Okay,” she said, visibly wanting to open her notebook again. He soldiered on.
“You wanna know my secret boy name?” he continued, and she suddenly looked much more enthused, eyes twinkling at the mention of a secret. She jumped off her bed and ran over to his, climbing up and sitting next to him.
“My name is Ryan,” he whispered into her little ear. He felt completely true to himself for the first time in his life.
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ghostradiodylan · 11 months
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Dylan was the one with the big pathetic crush, right? Ryan was supposed to be cool about this. He was saying all the cool lines. So why didn’t he feel cool? His face felt physically warm and it wasn’t because of his proximity to the campfire.
Playlist Needle Drop: Kiss The Boy - Keiynan
Companion piece to Truth or Dare: Dylan's Version.
Both are excerpts from the second chapter of my longer story Particles & Waves.
Ryan had said he wasn’t coming to this party. 
He’d been pretty adamant about it too, so much so that a couple of the girls had gasped at the intensity of his refusal. Ryan had fought with himself all afternoon. He wasn’t the most flexible person in the world when it came to plans changing and the upheaval of what should have been their final day at camp had been harder on him than on the others. He really couldn’t understand how easily they all seemed to take everything in stride. But even keeping his own particular sensitivities in mind, Ryan felt things had objectively been extremely weird.
Chris Hackett was being cagey as fuck, and that was so unlike him that Ryan worried he might be having a psychotic break. Then their van had caught fire out of fucking nowhere and now they were stuck spending the night at the empty camp. It would have been a long drive to make multiple times if they’d split up and taken shifts in Chris’s car, but didn’t he know anyone else nearby with a car? The whole Hackett family lived just through the woods and Ryan knew Kaylee and Caleb had their own wheels. Hell, they had their own scrapyard full of car parts, surely together they could have fixed the van in a matter of hours if they hadn’t all gone MIA at the same time. It hadn’t made sense to Ryan, but no one else had seemed overly concerned.
And now Ryan had been left in charge, but nobody particularly wanted to listen to him. And, really, why would they? He was being a total buzzkill and he knew it. Still, something was very, very wrong here and it stuck in Ryan like a splinter. His impulse was to find a quiet corner of the lodge, curl up into the smallest possible ball of humanity he could become, put in his earbuds, and check out of life until it had time to think about its actions and decided to start making sense again. But Dylan’s face had fallen when Ryan had expressed his highly reasonable concerns and the foundation of Ryan’s reserve began to crack as soon as that cheeky grin had slipped, he could feel it as it happened.
What was it about Dylan? He could be so fucking annoying. He tried to make everything into a joke or a bit and he had no respect for boundaries, especially not for Ryan’s. And every time Ryan let Dylan get away with violating those boundaries, he knew he was just reinforcing his bad behavior, inviting him to be even worse the next time. But when Ryan was honest with himself, he had to grapple with the fact that easily the most annoying thing about Dylan was how much he liked him.
Dylan had come after him when he stormed off, because of course he had. Of course he would ruin the sanctity of Ryan’s attempt at a dramatic exit. And Ryan pretended not to be pleased to see him. He did a lot of that, he wasn’t even sure why. They’d gone into the office to charge their phones and Dylan kept making stupid jokes and asking Ryan for his phone number and Ryan kept not giving it to him, even though he definitely wanted him to have it. He would give it to him eventually, he knew, he just wasn’t in the mood right now. Maybe tomorrow, though, on the ride home. Even once Dylan’s phone was charged, Ryan suspected his offer of shared earbuds would be accepted if he extended it again—Dylan might not have cared about Bizarre Yet Bonafide, but he definitely cared about getting to sit close enough to Ryan for the earbuds to reach him. He’d just start making a contact entry for Dylan in his phone and silently pass it over to him while they rode in the van and he’d text him with a noncommittal “hey” so he had his number. He knew Dylan would take it from there and Ryan knew that he would let him.
No big deal, he thought, I’m definitely not falling in love with him. Not even a little bit.
The truth was, Ryan had begun to feel the ground tilting beneath him, tipping him inexorably in Dylan’s direction. He knew that eventually the incline would be steep enough that he could no longer resist, he’d have no choice but to topple into the other boy and accept the fact that he was falling for him. But, for now, Ryan’s instinct was to stand his ground. For a while, he’d thought maybe he could wait it out and actually get away from camp before that happened, avoid a messy entanglement that surely wouldn’t be worth it in the end, but time was no longer on his side. He’d reached the tipping point and he couldn’t get away. He wasn’t playing hard-to-get, not intentionally, he was just cautious. Ryan didn’t trust people easily and though Dylan was steadily chipping away at his defenses, his natural response to someone frequently choosing to be near him was to question their motives. 
In the meantime, Ryan would give Dylan what he wanted with regard to the party, he’d known that he would as soon as he’d said that he wouldn’t. It was just the principle of the thing, someone had to act like they gave a shit around here. He tried not to interrogate the fact that it seemed more important to him at the moment not to disappoint Dylan than it did not to disappoint Chris Hackett, but he was also mad at Chris for dipping out on him, on all of them, so that was a factor too.
Dylan had made Ryan into a liar, and Ryan sat at the fire pit hoping to sand the edges off his anxiety with some disgustingly unrefrigerated beer. He tried to tell himself he was doing it to keep an eye on everyone. It was a reasonable enough cover that he could tell anyone who asked, though no one did. After all, he could head off trouble much easier if he stuck with the crowd than he could from his intended position of isolation inside the lodge. But Dylan kept catching his eye with this dumb little self-satisfied smile on his face, like he was just so pleased that Ryan had come around to his scheming once again, and Ryan’s traitorous heart had leapt in his chest every time he did. 
And then Emma had sniped Abi’s turn out from under her and fixed him in her sights.
“Ryan,” she had said, “truth or dare?”
Ryan had a general idea of what was coming. Kaitlyn had already planted the seed. This game was going to be all about forcing everyone’s naked feelings out into the open so they could be poked and prodded and judged by the crowd. Every truth would be a confession and every dare a kiss. Neither felt particularly safe to Ryan, but he went for actions over words and piled on the bravado, hoping he could fake confidence well enough to convince even himself that he wasn’t nervous or uncomfortable about this at all. 
“Dare,” he said, “gimme what you got.”
She’d said he had a choice and he’d asked if she could do that. He wasn’t expecting to have to make another choice beyond choosing the dare and now he couldn’t predict what it would be. He felt like the whole camp knew Dylan was into him, who else would she involve?
“I dare you to kiss either Kaitlyn… or Dylan.”
Kaitlyn? Was Kaitlyn interested in him too? Did Emma think Ryan was interested in Kaitlyn? She might have flirted with him a little and he’d probably flirted back just a bit, but he hadn’t thought it was anything serious. This added wrinkle tripped him up momentarily, not because he wasn’t sure who to choose, but because he wasn’t sure how to go about it. He did like Kaitlyn, and were he not increasingly certain that his trajectory was set with Dylan at its endpoint, he might have welcomed the opportunity to kiss her. Certainly, if he’d been dared to kiss her outright without having the option to kiss Dylan instead, he would have done so and probably been perfectly happy about it. It was just a kiss, after all, not a commitment.
But in this scenario, kissing Kaitlyn meant not kissing Dylan. And the more Ryan thought about kissing Dylan, the more he thought that not doing so would be a wholly unacceptable choice for him to make. Ryan hadn’t told anyone at camp he was bi because it was none of their business, but the dare had seemed, in a way, calculated to ferret out the truth of his sexuality. He didn’t think he owed his truth to anyone, with the possible exception of Dylan, but it was the last night of camp and no one had been anything but supportive of Dylan being conspicuously gay for two solid months—any gripes his fellow counselors had about Dylan had nothing to do with his being gay and everything to do with his being Dylan. Anyway, Ryan might not owe anyone anything, but he didn’t have anything to hide either.
“Wow… I mean… I guess ‘both’ is off the table?”
Ryan thought better of this statement as soon as it was too late to take it back. He’d meant to indicate that anyone would be lucky to get to kiss either of his options, but he’d made himself sound a little too neutral. Plus, what if Emma called his bluff and told him to kiss them both? He’d have to do it and he wasn’t sure how any of them would feel about that, even him. Would his attempt at appeasement just end up upsetting both Kaitlyn and Dylan? It wouldn’t be unheard of for his good intentions to blow up on him in such a manner. Luckily for Ryan, Emma wanted him to choose, so choose he did.
“Dylan,” he said, “let’s go.”
Dylan rose and walked his way and Ryan hoped his own face didn’t reflect all the undignified fluttering his heart was doing. Dylan was the one with the big pathetic crush, right? Ryan was supposed to be cool about this. He was saying all the cool lines. So why didn’t he feel cool? His face felt physically warm and it wasn’t because of his proximity to the campfire. And then Dylan was leaning toward him and pressing his lips to Ryan’s so gently and it was so good and so right and then, abruptly, it was over.
The kiss had been too short and too restrained, barely more than a peck really. The kind of kiss you get when you’re playing spin the bottle in middle school. But the sparks had come from the closeness and the chemistry and they’d been undeniable. Dylan had so clearly wanted it, and yet he’d been the one who pulled away, as if he’d been afraid of taking too many liberties. This was the guy who’d been joking about boners and sex dungeons all night? Ryan had kind of expected something a little sexier, maybe borderline raunchy even, but he’d been so… respectful. It was equal parts disappointing and endearing. And Ryan’s lips, all of him really, had chased after Dylan, the movement had been involuntary. As Dylan retreated, Ryan had fought the urge to grab him by his shirt collar, to pull him back in for a second attempt. But he couldn’t let himself do it. The reaction from the onlookers if he had, well, Ryan was sure it would be enough for him to die of embarrassment on the spot. They didn’t deserve the free show anyway. Not here, he’d thought, and not now, but definitely later.
“Always happy to please,” Ryan had said, as if he had even done anything besides sit there and be stunned. God, he felt like such a tool sometimes.
But, to be fair, Dylan did look pleased. They had smiled at each other like two smitten idiots because, as Ryan was finally allowing himself to admit, that’s exactly what they were. Both of them. For the brief remainder of the messy game, Dylan kept giving him these smoldering half-lidded glances and Ryan kept thinking, later, we’ll come back to this later. Maybe in the lodge, or the broken-into cabin, or right here in one of these tents, they were going to get away from everyone else and give that kiss another try. Another several tries. Later. Later. Later.
And then all hell had broken loose and there was no later. And now there never would be. 
Nick was bitten and became increasingly sick and scary. Then Dylan was bitten and everything turned to blood and chainsaws and ‘bears’ and Ryan hadn’t been sure if anything that happened before that counted anymore. He’d thought maybe the connection between them had been severed along with Dylan’s hand.
Still, Ryan was glad they’d shared that moment by the campfire. It was the last bit of blissfully ignorant normalcy they’d get to enjoy. As much as he’d wished their first and only kiss had gone differently, wished that everything that night had gone differently, he hoped it had given an affirmative answer to the question Dylan seemed to ask with his whole being any time they were within ten feet of each other.
Ryan would have liked to cut the memory of the kiss free of the rest of the timeline, paste it into a different volume of his mental scrapbook, and keep it from being tainted by everything that came after. But memory just didn’t work that way, it wasn’t like the partitioned plate Ryan used at home to keep different foods from touching. The blackness spread, branching, through his memories like it had through Dylan’s arm. No matter how hard he tried to build walls between them in his mind, the bitter would always seep into the sweet. Ryan might return to the memory of Dylan’s lips on his when he found himself craving sweetness, but he’d always come away with his mouth tasting of blood.
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queenofbaws · 3 months
I'd like to see some sibling interactions with Washington twins and Kaylee & Caleb
"'Welcome to the 75th annual Meeting of Siblings Doomed From the Start, where we're all doomed from the...' the fuck did Josh get us into this time?" Beth murmured as she lowered her eyes from the (upsettingly) cheery banner stretched over the fairgrounds, her eyes finding Hannah's only long enough to watch her shrug before they were suddenly - and rudely - being called.
It took a second to realize, yeah, uh huh, yup, no mistake about it, the shout had been meant for them; after glancing at one another again, the twins turned to find a scrappy pair of kids watching them from over what seemed to be a table of nametags, and when they didn't immediately speak up again, Hannah shyly pointed at herself and asked, "A-are you talking to us?"
That time the other two shared a look, but before they could shout an answer, Beth shook her head and cupped her hands around her mouth to say, "WASHINGTONS!"
One of the two, a girl wearing an oversized t-shirt for some place called 'Hackett's Quarry' rolled her eyes and swore, "Goddammit," just loud enough for them to hear; the boy next to her (the banner would seem to suggest he was, uh, her brother, perhaps), pointed down to the nametags and called again, "YOU CAN COME GET YOUR SHIT, BUT WATCH IT: THERE'S THREE A' YOU BUT FIVE OF US, COUNTIN' DAD AND HIS BROTHERS, AND WHATEVER THE HELL IT IS YOU GOT GOIN' ON, I PROMISE ALL US BITE HARDER THAN YOU."
"COOL, THANKS," Beth yelled towards them, then lowered her head again, joining Hannah in a brief huddle, "I say we leave Josh here and dip, sound good?"
six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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cellard0ors · 2 years
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It happens like this.
Max is dead.
Kaylee is dead.
Abi is dead.
Chris is dead.
Constance is dead
Two other counselors, Dylan and Emma, are discovered dead.
Ryan and a girl Laura is told is named Kaitlyn, go off in search of other potential survivors - the rest of the counselors - friends of theirs, they have had yet to find one way or another.
Caleb brushes Travis off without a word - instead saying something about finding his grandpa.
This leaves Travis and Laura alone in the lodge.
(explicit beneath cut)
The lodge is a big, lonely building. Laura changes out of Constance's old fashioned dress. She washes her face. She tries to cope.
Not even two hours ago she discovered her boyfriend mauled to death on a dock.
She didn't cry.
Not at the sight of him crumpled there, not when her heart dropped into her stomach as she rolled him over, not even when she felt Travis standing behind her, heard him say, 'He's gone.'
She's not crying now either, looking hollow faced into the mirror in front of her.
We're free.
That's what Max said when they left their cells. Two months under lock and key and she can recall with complete clarity the look on his face as he said that.
The sheer audacity of him...to say it so simply.
We're free.
Laura knew better.
She'll never be free. Never again. She committed to a path, a murderous one, one she knew she'd never come back from.
She'd hated him for that.
Even as she set her sights on ignoring her conscience, even as she set her mind on killing Chris Hackett to cure Max, she'd hated him.
Because he didn't seem to understand the gravity of the situation. Because he didn't seem to grasp the sacrifice she was making. Because he didn't seem to recognize that he, and he alone, was free
And now, to add insult to injury, he's dead.
Max is dead.
So, turns out - neither of them is free.
There is no happy ending.
And that's that.
She was directed to a collection of luggage by Ryan before he left. He let her know she could change. It made sense - not to continue to wear blood stained clothing, someone else's clothing.
To be fair, she doesn't know whose clothes she's wearing now either. A light blouse, a skirt, that's all. She leaves the restroom and wanders around, listless as a ghost.
There hasn't been much talk about what to do next. No doubt the police will have to be called. Maybe the FBI. Laura doesn't know how it works. She doesn't know anything.
Not anymore.
She floats around until she discovers a small library. There are stacks upon stacks of books and filled cases and she hears a strange sound, a sort of stifled sob, sniffling.
Laura walks inside and turns a corner and there he is.
Travis Hackett.
The bastard cop.
The man who kept her and Max trapped for two months with little to no explanation. The one who revealed the world of werewolves to her, the one really responsible for the loss of her eye, the one who was hiding them, protecting them.
The one who's now crying.
It's the kind of crying men do - the kind where they feel like they can't cry because they're men and it's so stupid and infuriating and annoying.
Travis is crying. Who knows why. Maybe because his niece is dead or his brother. Maybe because his mother is dead and while she treated him abysmally from Laura's point of view, maybe there was more to it than she knows.
Maybe it's for all three of them, his family, the one he felt it was so important to protect and cover for. Or, maybe, maybe it's even for Max - considering he failed him just as much as Laura did.
Or, more likely, it's for all of it.
For the survivors, for the dead, for the end of the curse. For the first real sunlight worth a damn after six long, hard, lost years.
All of it and more.
It's worth a cry.
But Laura...she can't.
She can't cry. No tears will come.
And she should scream at him. Hit him. Hate him.
...instead she goes to him and touches his shoulder.
Travis goes rigid under Laura's fingertips.
...but he doesn't draw away.
He continues to sit. Stiff and upright - his face lined with tears and he swallows thickly and looks at her. Laura looks right back.
It's hard to say when or how they come together, who moves in first. But it doesn't really matter, because soon enough her mouth is on his and his hands are on her and they're both spiraling out.
Laura clutches at his face and her panting matches his and then his breath is in her ear as she tears at his clothes, as she works them off of him.
She has little success, but when she hears Travis's utility belt drop, when she hears his zipper go down, she's overcome with something she can't explain. It's an effusive mixture of emotions and they hit her hard like a bullet to the face and that's when she starts crying.
Not because it hurts, not because she doesn't want to, but because it's all the exact opposite. It feels good and right and like something destined to happen, like something she didn't even know she'd been waiting for or wanting.
They're kissing again and her mouth is filled with the taste of their mixed salty tears and old blood and his big warm hands are on her bare thighs, the skirt she has on hitched up and exposing her, revealing she has no underwear.
Laura's bare ass ends up on top of some short bookshelf or counter top or something and it doesn't matter, nothing does, because at some point she started whispering words, saying his name, asking him for things without even thinking about it.
Yes, here.
Yes, harder.
Yes, please...fuck me, fuck me. Please, please, please...
And it's as if he's a race horse that's been freed from the starting gate, the way he reacts - as if she's whipping him into a frenzied pace, as if he's been held back or held down for too long and he just needs to run...
Laura's never experienced anything like it before.
The full blooded attentions of a man.
Travis is a man and Laura is a woman and they're coming together like this is more than her body can take, more than his can.
A wild, wailing thing in her mind begs her not to enjoy this, begs her not to cum - how can she do this? How can she be like this? What the fuck is wrong with her?
Max, the boy she (claimed) to love, is dead and now here she is having sex with the cop who put them in this situation to begin with.
She's sick, she's wrong, she's amoral, she's the worst sort of human being to ever-!
Laura cries out when she cums, when the pleasure shatters over her like sharp shards of glass and she feels her body tighten, contract, feels the hot flood of his release flow into the deep, dark recesses of her body as Travis bellows, his own climax not even seconds behind hers.
They fall into one another. Sweaty, twisted beings who claim to be human, although all evidence says otherwise.
Eventually they break apart. Eventually the shame sets in. Eventually they pretend like nothing happened.
But it did happen.
It happens and the consequences are already clicking into motion, a tiny seed planted and starting to grow, starting to unfurl.
It happens like this.
But the way it happens isn't as important as what happens after. What happens after is what really matters.
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needsmorewlw · 2 years
The Quarry/zombie apocalypse
My love for The Quarry was inevitably gonna combine with my endless obsession with the zombie apocalypse genre. Nothing hits harder for me than the raw horror of the world falling apart from the inside out and getting ravaged by monsters with the faces of your friends and family, so this is just an AU prompt I've been plaguing myself with now I'm forcing on everyone else.
Some mysterious virus is turning people into zombies. The government knows about it and were concealing reports of the zombies from the public so they could do their bullshit. The government of several states with major cities is doing classic evil government things and snatched up "significant/indispensible persons" days before everything fell apart.
They went to universities and essentially kidnapped smart people. Though they refer to it as "salvaging" like they're resources. Mostly medical and science students and if there's any room on the transport vehicles, they grab the athletes too, the most physically fit young people. Keeping them safe with a goal of salvation and restoring humanity one day.
So Dylan winds up swept into this crazy military base. None of them have a sense of humour and absolutely none of them care for his nervous charm and jokes.
They grab Laura too. Vet students count as medical. She's like a bull in a pen, she's not putting up with being literally kidnapped but there's not a whole lot she can do to resist.
Dylan and Laura being smart bros. It's all I want. They connect on an intellectual level as well as a deeply sarcastic one.
They play detectives and sus out this fucked up place where the people running it have all these plans to rebuild humanity, plans to go and scoop up more important people.
They go to settlements, bust down the gates, take anyone useful and leave the rest. They have job allocations and full-on like, breeding match-ups as well. There's no elderly or physically disabled people in the whole place.
Our duo is like; "This place is absolutely fucked, we gotta go." Luckily for them, the super safe secure military base inevitably falls to a hoard because it's run by myopic idiots. However not before their snooping got Dylan bitten by a zombie the military people were experimenting on.
He gets his hand cut off and when the place gets overrun, Dylan's still recovering from the realistic side effects from having your hand removed and losing a lot of blood. He's halfway to comatose in the medical ward when everything goes to shit and Laura can't do anything to get him out.
She tosses supplies and anything she can gather up and spare, into his ward and barricades the door, leaving a scrawled note that says "I'll come back - Laura" she figured all she had to do was wait for the hoard to move on so she could get back in and get him but there wasn't anywhere safe nearby to use as shelter.
So she fled a bit, then a little bit more, until she realised she needed help to get back in to get Dylan and any of the others who were taken that survived. And as the already massive hoard combined with the hundreds of people in the base, Laura knew she had to get the fuck away. Especially when the hoard started moving in her direction.
She tried to do a big ol' circle back so she could turn around back towards the base but miss the hoard and not just attract their attention and she runs into Ryan! Dylan's very angsty, angry boyfriend, traveling with a family of rednecks Chris, Travis, Bobby, Kaylee and Caleb (Constance and Jed absolutely beefed it and/or refused to leave their house).
Ryan doesn't start off angry but he gets angry when she tells him what happened. Ryan and Laura just have to argue all the time, it's important to me that they kind of hate each other. But it progresses from regular hate to hate in a sibling way.
So she tells him about Dylan but the time they makes it back to the base, he's gone. But so are the supplies so they have a slight hope that he's ok.
So Ryan's absolutely pissed because from his point of view, she put Dylan in danger, got him bitten, then left him behind and now he's either dead or out there alone. She's like "fuck you loser you don't know anything, also if we're talking about boyfriends have you seen mine?"
ENTER MAX. Who was on a quest for his beautiful gf and ran into Emma and Abi two girls who totally-arent-in-love. Just a couple of gal pals. Max accidentally male-wifes his way into helping them realise their feelings for each other.
They eventually link up with Jacob, Nick and Kaitlyn who were on a camping trip when everything got fucky and straight up didn't even know anything was wrong until they tried to come home, their phones reconnected to signal and they got a million texts and notifications all at once. But they had a big ol' van and a bunch of useful supplies.
None of them had any idea about the government scooping people up but Max was loveable enough for all of them to be roused into action by his cause.
They came from the opposite side the hoard was on, so they didn't even run into it. But it takes them a long while to find the base (like the entire time Dylan and Laura were there) and find it after it's been overrun.
They totally cannot get in. There's still way too many zombie people in there and no visible living ones. Max is distraught but is convinced he saw some "intelligent movement" inside the base.
Cut to Dylan who had a Rick Grimes moment, waking up weeks later, alone in an empty ward. He makes use of the supplies and the note but knows he absolutely cannot stay here, at least not in the med ward. He gathers useful medical stuff and skedaddles.
There's no one else alive, all of the terrible army people are dead but so are the people they took. He does some big-brain moves, a distraction here, some mildly successful stealth there. He attaches a fkn knife to his stump. All with his panicked narration/monologue to keep himself somewhat sane while he's by himself, surrounded by zombies.
Dylan's breaking out right as the crew is breaking in. Dylan gives Max the note to prove he knows his girl and the crew does a whole heist situation to get as many supplies out of the base as they can, into their van before they leave.
I haven't really thought about how they find eachother but one idea was that the crew finds a settlement that lets them in and they become a part of that community. I like the idea of a community inside a mall. All the shops are like little flats for familes or roomates and it's basically a mini city inside a mall.
Meanwhile Laura, Ryan and the Hacketts are typically unfriendly to anyone and everyone and are just this crew of badasses with just so many fucking weapons. They're a well-oiled strategic machine that nasty people think they can fuck with but are quickly proven wrong.
While they generally refuse to interact with any other survivors, (it's mostly Travis making these orders to keep them all safe because he doesn't trust anyone, for good reason.) Ryan and Laura do try to talk to (interrogate) anyone who might know where their bfs are. Eventually, probably Kaylee, gets severely wounded. Laura can help her a little but they're forced to find a settlement to save her. They find the mall, there's this whole moment at the gate where the guards are like "You guys look nasty idk about letting you in." But are eventually swayed by the dying girl.
Cue the double reunion at the gate. And then probably more post apocalyptic politics happen. Just imagine the stares air disbelief as the gates open and eyes meet. So romantic so heart felt bark bark I'm done now it's 2:42am
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jackienautism · 1 year
I can’t stop thinking about how Kaylee and Caleb have such a dogshit support system, Dylan’s comment on them being pretty reclusive, and Kaylee’s letter implying that they can only go to the camp and scrapyard in terms of outside the mansion. They’re the only people who truly understand what they went through and I can’t help wondering how deeply that must’ve affected their relationship.
oh for SURE... i know i keep on saying this but i seriously can not even IMAGINE how it must feel being in their shoes. especially just imagining how like. their family sees the whole situation? seeing how TRAVIS sees the whole situation? i cant really imagine everyone else seeing it very differently. kaylee and caleb are just kids. they deserve better than being just blamed for and furthermore guilt tripped over what happened
i assume you mean how this affected their relationship with each other right? because gosh yeah... id like to think that it may have drawn them closer due to having literally NO ONE else as support, but i can definitely see how it could affect it negatively as well. and even with their family... their dynamic with them mustve fallen so far after this all happened. and, reiterating this, it sucks how theyre just kids. theyre way too young to have been thrust into something as big as this on their own. and i cant imagine how this like... seclusion mustve stunted their growth, both physically and socially
and you know what sucks even more!!!! they cant even confide in the person (outside their immediate family) who theyre super close to! like. i dont even know what wouldve happened if any of the hacketts found out that either kaylee or caleb told ryan about what happened. its SO SAD that they have NOTHING
and like... i wonder if they even have chris to confide in you know? because he technically wasnt there for the actual like. escape plan... even if they did... what more could be done? for all we know the only thing they have is that stupid letter werewolf poem thing. where else could they turn? are there werewolf support systems / forums out there? ARE there even any other werewolves in the world?
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clarichoupie · 2 years
Random things I noticed, or liked, in “The Quarry” after playing it over and over again. (part 3) (Part 1 is here, and part 2 there)
How does Jacob make it all the way back to the surface? Like... I did explore everywhere and there was no way out.
Just took a screenshot because I thought the sky was pretty...
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Existential question: Dylan Lenivy or Leviny? Because I thought it was Lenivy but on this screenshot you can see the opposite... so I'm wondering. Is it just the French translation that is broken? (It also does this for many other names, what's the point of changing their names?)
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What is this dance that Emma is doing in the basement? This is not the time! I want to stay positive and everything but there is a difference between making a few jokes to lighten the mood and... dancing?
Please stop insulting your “kidnappers” or enemies or threats I don't know. Ryan, this guy is at least four times your size, he's super strong, holds a knife way too close to you or your throat, and all you can do is insult him? Maybe it's not the best idea of the century!!! (I speak for Ryan but for real they all do this in the game. It's like they want to get killed...)
Spitting on Constance is definitely the funniest thing in the world, I love her reactions. She is the worst person ever but she made me laugh so much.
Please can someone explain to me what the hell this bucket (or seal?) is doing in this room? Or whose room is this?! It's so gross... and even after replaying the game many times... I still don't get it.
I love Ryan's shoes. They're so great, I want the same ones!
I hate the fact that the card “The lovers”, is dedicated to Ryan and Laura... like... ew. I love their dynamic, I find them very funny together but not as a couple, just traumatized best friends. (And no hate to you if you ship them, I'm willing to defend any ship as long as it's legal.^^)
Emma, stop appearing out of nowhere! You freak me out even when you are not infected! Also why is it Abi to do everything when it's Emma who absolutely wants to move and check every single thing around?!
Why is Chris attacking Ryan since he's infected? Just... I can't quite figure it out, didn't he smell like a werewolf enough or whatever? Does it take a while between the bite to be recognized as a werewolf? Like Emma didn’t attack Dylan or Caleb didn’t attack Kaitlyn either? So...?
Oh and I saw someone do a super cool one shot on how Ryan's body could technically regenerate since he didn't die from a silver thing. Disgusting but so amazing! This author, so creative I love it!
“Chris was not the first”, “That's not possible”. How would you know Laura? You never gave the problem any more thought than that since your goal was to save Max.
Which also explain the fact that Laura went directly to the island without checking Kaylee's body. I always thought it was a little stupid but it makes sense if she thought there was only one werewolf, Chris.
Speaking of, Max is hilarious, at least his confusion is. I also appreciate the censorship of Suppermassive games. I mean, when you turn into a werewolf you basically explode, and your clothes with it. Still, it's strange to see that no matter who gets transformed, they always end up back to human with enough underwear to cover them (well, almost all of them). Thank you for this delicacy.^^
My god the ugly family portrait... Sorry Chris but this is not cool at all. We know you must be the favorite son but still...
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Oddly enough I found bobby's collar for the first time! Why does he have a collar like that?
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Who chooses to have a sheep as a mascot? Like, didn't they want a dog or a rabbit instead?
The students must have been really bored in “class”, there are at least 12 tic tac toe sheets everywhere. Who took the time to model that?
Does Bobby really lose all his jewelry on the floor? I mean the collar and now the ring.
This is the first time I've seen Jacob all alone in the woods and it made me a little sad for him. Sure, he's a little dumb, but he didn't deserve everything that happened to him.
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mks-grin · 2 years
🏕️The Quarry AU where everybody gets infected & decide to move to Hackett’s Quarry permanently🏕️
Tw: Mentions of symptoms of trauma - nothing crazy or specific.
- 19
- Doesn’t have much family, so she easily proposed the idea of permanently returning to Hackett’s Quarry on the one year anniversary. To live with the two remaining Hacketts, Caleb and Travis.
- She has currently dedicated her life to either understanding the curse in order to reverse it or mitigate the negatives of living with it. She’s thrown herself deep into articles of everything from ‘Rabies Infection’ to ‘Mass Hysteria’, to ‘Early Nordic Folklore’.
- She has not really grieved the events of a year ago and seems to be somewhat unbothered by everything. For better or for worse. It is hard to determine if she has truly come to terms with what’s going on or if she’s running on fumes.
- 19
- Despite having family at home, he would follow Laura anywhere. He spends a lot of his time communicating with others on behalf of Laura. Whether it be the other Hacketteers, libraries or whoever else Laura wants information from. He’s sort of a secretary for her.
- He is working with Travis to find jobs for the other Hacketteers. It’s important to keep them feeling alive right now and now allow everyone to recluse too hard if that isn’t going to help them.
- He is a little more irritable than he used to be, but he apologizes frequently and realizes it’s due to stress. He naps much more now during the day and seems to be awake at night.
- 19
- Began studying folklore on his own in an attempt to help them all better understand the curse. He has a firm belief that this a reversible curse, it’s just hard to determine when and how it was placed…and by who…and how to get rid of it.
- He’s truggling with the loss of Chris and Kaylee, so he frequently brings Sarah up the quarry. Travis also tries to connect with Ryan as they both are symbolic of their relationship to the late Chris.
- Morally conflicted about including Sarah in on the secret of the curse. It could help or hurt things.
- 20
- He gave up his education temporarily and had reclused from society long before Laura suggested they do it. He looks a little scary due to the long term consequences of that night.
- He brought his cat with him to Hackett’s Quarry and spends most of his time with Schrödinger. He reads alone and seems to listen more than he talks. He still tries to listen to and be aware of everyone else’s needs. Despite the fact that none of them are capable of handling the others’ burdens.
- He typically seems jumpy. He’s wiggly when he’s in a good mood, but if he gets nervous it turns into a jumpy sorta thing. He can get in a weird headspace and startle himself easily.
- 20
- Seems to have faired well a year later. She is well adapted and uses her alone time to draw and meditate. She has learned to self soothe well. She got therapy as soon as she went home, and a lot of the issues she faced that night were able to be helped through the work with her therapist.
- She is a little more outgoing now, realizing her life could be very short and she does not want to squander it! She is one of the few, if not the only, Hacketteer who could healthily help and listen to others.
- She is magnetized to Emma, as she hasn’t faired as well and wants Emma to have some stability. She artistically coins them as the dichotomy of the Sun and Moon. They each will get their time to shine, be confident and feel good. Emma took care of Abi last summer, so Abi will do the same now.
- 19
- He has little to no memory of that night and therefore has a lot guilt revolving around Abi. He and her don’t really talk anymore. At least not romantically. She said she worked though a lot of her stuff and has no ill will, but nothing can happen between them.
- Due to it being unsafe, he is unsure when he will be able to go back to Australia or see family over holidays, he was supposed to only stay for the summer last year. It has been a year now, and the isolation has definitely taken a toll on him. However, having the other Hacketteers should help him. All in time.
- He has been homesick and felt alone since that night. Jacob however has done his best to keep him grounded. It’s hard however.
- 21
- She hasn’t grieved the loss of the life she expected to live yet. Her personality seems frozen in time, her jokes and demeanor the same as a year ago. This is troublesome to Jacob and Dylan, but they’re keeping a close eye on her. Eventually her break will lead to healing.
- She continues to work with guns and further improves her shot. Her way of coping is to keep her head down and learn to ‘better protect her friends in the future’. Again, not everyone’s favorite.
- When alone she can’t sleep and is 100% in ‘fight or flight’ still. While sometimes beneficial in the short term, it isn’t healthy to always feel this way.
- 21
- Horribly sad to leave his family and friends at home. Cried lots and was aware that his days as a charismatic leader were likely over. He was the last to leave home for Hackett’s Quarry.
- Still cheery once at camp and was happy to see everyone else, but definitely still cries regularly about what happened that night. He still has a lot of guilt and hasn’t admitted to anyone, other than Kaitlyn, the rotor arm ordeal. Which Kaitlyn knew about at the time and hasn’t mentioned to him since. He is afraid she forgot and if he were to ever mention it to her she would hate him.
- Tries to help Laura and Ryan figure out what’s going on, Ryan tells him to fuck off and Laura always gives Ryan the evil eye. Laura appreciates the help and sometimes even ‘shoo’s Ryan off so she can work with Jacob. It’s good for Ryan to get a break.
- 21
- She also did not take leaving home lightly. She still makes content, but Abi has insisted that it forces her to be someone she isn’t - or be in a headspace she’s not ready to be in. Emma is starting to see what Abi means. She has considered taking a break and saying she’s going to write a book, but she wonders how much that will hurt herself and viewers.
- She sleeps a lot, but is making healthy strides towards accepting what has happened to them and realistic futures. Her and Abi spend a lot of time together, she insists to Emma that this is something they will adapt with.
- She has thought about opening up a plant shop and jokes that Abi and her could have a ‘paint and sip’ plant shop together and grow old there. It’s one of the few happy thoughts she is able to come to regularly.
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somewhereinthepines · 11 months
I can't quite remember where, it was either here or on ao3 that you mentioned that Chris is a bit of the jealous/possessive type. At least because of his condition maybe, and it got me thinking about that.
It feels like it would definitely have a sinister vibe to it, I can certainly see it building in GP. Watching Ryan, potentially following him around, the ambigious touches, the weird conversations, and the revealing dreams. It's just below the surface, but noticbly inches out closer to the full moon or after interactions with Dylan. It's just so interesting because nobody would think that Chris has any bad intentions. He's just an old dude who's hard set on his rules and is openly fond of Ryan in anyone else's eyes.
Seeing glimpses of what could be him losing his composure is tantalising and creepy at times. As the reader, we have a different perspective than Ryan. He just really wants Mister H, and it's amusing how frustrated he's become. But then that begs the question, what is going to happen when he gets him? All bets would be off, I guess.
I've been trying to imagine what they might be like once it's all up in the air. That Ryan knows Chris wants him and how Chris might alter his behaviour. What's the use of hiding his intent when that person is aware? It's difficult to think of how different things might be after that. And I'm quite curious just how open or obvious Chris might be about his possessive, overly protective feelings towards Ryan might be. I'm also curious about who else Ryan might be meeting, but I have a feeling it could be some of the other hacketts? Maybe Travis, god, imagine if Ryan somehow got to meet Constance or Jed. It'd maybe go okay if he did as he was told and kept being polite, but he wouldn't like them. Didn't he say he doesn't like Jed at the start of GP? If he met Bobby, under normal circumstances, I feel like there'd be room for a comedic moment. Both of them just awkwardly stand there in the woods or something.
Bobby not knowing what to do because there's nobody to tell him what to do, plus Ryan isn't a threat. Then our poor guy is panicking, thinking, "Who is he, is he a hunter, I thought they weren't allowed on the property? Why does he kinda look a bit like Chris?" Imagine Chris behind the camera freaking out and cursing up a storm. He rushes down there to defuse and talk their way out of the situation. Only to reach them and see of all the bizarre things that Ryan and Bobby are having a simple, weird, but positive conversation. Maybe Ryan said something blunt and awkward like "nice, knife?" and Bobby just started explaining to him how he got it and what it's good for. It could be the most crackiest, chaotic convo, but Ryan is just nodding, listening, and making a few comments. Meanwhile, Chris is just confused behind a tree or something, feeling conflicted bcs it'd bad that Ryan bumped into Bobby. But idk maybe if he and Bobby have a decent brotherly relationship, he'd feel kinda grateful or happy that Ryan is making an effort to talk to Bobby. Yk like how he liked that Ryan makes an effort with Kaylee and Caleb? It'd be the most chaotic and weirdly funny thing if Ryan managed to accidentally get Bobby to like him. Especially considering what happens in canon. But that's just a funny weird little imagine ramble, haha. I doubt it'd actually go like that, it was just funny to think about. Pfft, imagine Chris telling Bobby that if he promises to keep the interaction a secret, he can come see them later. All the hacketts except the parents having lunch with Ryan. It would be chaotic af, lmao.
Sorry for that long-winded ramble, I only meant to ask and wonder about Chris's hidden possessive mannerisms. I ended up coming up with an odd Bobby and Ryan bonding moment instead of all things, haha.
heya! it was a while, since we talked the last time. and considering how, i’m yet to re-read my works to recall, where i’ve dropped it all, my memory on that bit is also rusty. but chris sure is possessive! though, i’d say that the wolf part of his nature is only half of the problem. the other part is that chris himself have those feelings / emotions no matter what, but if he wasn’t a werewolf, he would have been better at hiding / controlling it. 
and honestly, jealousy is generally not a good thing / emotion, even if i’m an absolute sucker and advocate for it in fiction. jealousy is hot to me, as well as possessiveness. irl, it would be a different matter, but considering how good portion (if not all tbh) of my ships usually have at least one ‘yandere’ or emotionally unstable individual, it makes perfect sense for them to lean very heavily into that aspect. express their dedication to a person in somewhat extreme ways. tho when i’m looking specifically at my supermassive ship, funny enough there is not much space for such stuff, haha. at least, not in how i write it. i mean, if we take idk john/andrew, there isn’t any possible rival there, bc andrew and john are kinda joined by the hip and get along to the point, where every other interaction in comparison just doesn’t live up to what they have. well, from my point of view, anyways. but in chris and ryan's situation, it’s different, since ryan despite being a quiet, weird kid has people, who have crushes on him and then there are folks, who are friendly to him. and generally, chris’s view on ryan isn’t similar to john’s on andrew. from chris’s perspective ryan would eventually date and prob marry people, which naturally doesn’t sit well with him. he’s not proud of it, of how he seem to put an invincible claim on ryan, but it is a thing lol. and in GP, he’s way more weak-willed vs in ASB. he cannot help himself, and the further it goes, the worse it gets. and yeah, that’s the scary, might i say even realistic part about chris. he’s fatherly, friendly, old-educational kind of man. you look at him, and think, hey he’s rough around the edges, kinda awkward, but he’s nice and tries his best. and yeah, he does tries his best. he's fatherly and overall (usually) means well, but he’s not nice lol. and while at first, he did tried to be a parental figure for ryan, he honestly wanted just that, eventually it twisted and changed as ryan got older….less boyish and more ‘easy on the eyes’. and then, most importantly, he’s also chris’s first ‘friend’, the only attachment beyond his family nest. so in a way, you can see how he will get weird about it tbh. esp bc he and ryan get along so well. he would be afraid to lose it. to see ryan moving on. and while he knows that it would be for the best, it's also one of those instances, where he wants to be selfish about it.
as for how they will act once they’re properly ‘together’, well, it would heavily lean onto the lil plot that slowly happens in the fic. besides they cannot be a ‘normal’ couple in public for example. not only are they're a boss and employee, but ryan is way younger than chris. and it’s if we won’t take into account both of their families, and how ryan and chris themselves were raised. and how while it’s part of why they understand one another, they also will be 'weird' in any relationship. even if in their case, it’ll be somewhat comfy, bc they’re both like this. but what i can say is that ironically chris prob be less aggressive toward dylan, once he and ryan are together lol. one might have pictured it the other way around, but nope. but like, why would chris be jealous of that poor lad, when ryan picked him? it's like set in stone from that point on, esp when chris will see the 'proof' of it. ryan means business. but that applies only to dylan, haha. bc chris always feels somewhat bad for picking on him so much. since really, it’s not his fault for liking ryan, from chris's bias perspective, who wouldn’t? but there is also another aspect of how much one can let the other person know, the level of ‘creepy’ they are about them. if a person is smart and have at least some understanding about what is ‘okay’ and ‘what’s not’, and if they know that they're actively doing the later, they would try to either play it down or keep it a secret. out of all my supermassive ships, only du’met can be openly creepy, bc he’s a serial killer and he’s well-aware that he's what one might call bat-shit-crazy. and then, charlie is a low-key narcissist, so y'know...it works, haha. in comparison, everyone else will be partly scared to alienate the other person, to push them away, bc of how obsessive they are about them. and in chris’s case, it’s also complicated by a simple fact, that he’s a werewolf. him and ryan being together not only somewhat ‘problematic’ for 'normal' reasons, but also bc chris essentially a serial killer. it would be so-so much harder for him to be ‘decent’ about stuff, or seem this way, if one will be like ‘jesus, he’s a real deviant. he prob liked killing and eating those people too. and prob have some murder fantasy about that ryan kid too’. even knowing everything, ryan won’t think this, naturally. but chris will still hold that fear, bc he cannot know for sure what ryan might assume. to him, it’s a very tricky territory. but then again, if only he knew the extent of ryan’s own obsession, he might have been a bit calmer about that part, haha. i also must say, that ryan is prob the one, who isn’t fully aware about his own ‘claimship’ on chris. 
i mean, he doesn't want to imagine mister h having a type and all. also if someone thinks, that chris is hella unreasonable with dylan (which he kinda is), you just wait what would have happened, if ryan suspected that chris might have new 'favorite' camp counselor. i even had that hilirious one-shot idea, where both ryan and chris are both jealous of dylan. like chris would try to keep dylan closer to himself, so that he'd spent less time with ryan, but from ryan's pespective it would look like he might be getting replaced. like y'know a classic rom-con stuff, haha. i honestly tend to feel somewhat bad for people like dylan, who is bystander and just kinda gets caught in the middle of it all, while being absolutely clueless. and it gets even more messy, if everybody learning what hackett fam was doing all this time. learning what chris was doing, and ryan is over there still openly simping for mister h, regardless of it, haha. like, it's pretty much canon, and it's amazing. i'll be honest, it's not super important to me what other characters think about my ships within the story. but i love how often, it would create some very awkward situations or an actual 'bruh, wtf' moments. ryan can overlook kidnapping, cut off limbs, deaths and all, if only it would mean, that chris did nothing wrong. amazing. great! one of my biggests personal let downs is that no one in LH, calls out john for almost instantly forgiving andrew abandoning / accidently killing people. john and ryan share that 'selective blindness' to a t.
and oh, since it takes me so long to continue the story, i’ll drop a lil spoiler for you. yeah, jed and bobby are one of few people, who ryan will cross paths with. but it won’t be cute, haha. and he will meet travis too. he prob will met every hackett, beside constance. i wanted him to hang out with caleb as well, since the last story had more spotlight on kyalee. feels fair to give the other hackett sibling some time with ryan too! and yeah, ryan did think that jed sounds like an asshole lol. bc well, he is. ryan despite his emotional stupor, still can see the difference between how his own grandparents raised him and what chris’s parents did. there is a thin line between ‘tough love’ and negligence / low-key sadism, but ryan can feel it. for him chris's family sounds closer to his mother vs his grandparent. so no good 'role model'. ryan also keen enough to notice, that chris has that weird almost automatic response to any critic toward his parents methods. if someone was raised in a norm fam, sure they would defend them, but not to the point of almost knee-jerk reaction.
and this kinda why i often feel, that people mistake chris’s obedience / need to inform his parents about things for him being ‘the spoiled child’ out of the 3. when in fact, he prob ‘has to do those things’, bc he thinks that he has to do them. same with travis. If you look at constance’s favourite phrase of ‘encouragement’ aka ‘good boy’, it legit sounds like smth that you would say to a dog tbh. not to mention, that all 3 of hacketts brothers still live in that very same place, next to their parents, even if they’re all beyond 40. And you can see why well, bobby be there. but while travis was no doubt gaslighted / manipulated into staying, bc what if they needed smth. chris on other hand most likely was ‘conditioned’ to keep the family business running. he might still like his job and love nature, but it didn’t mean, that he couldn’t try to open a camp someplace else. but he never did. like, there is a lot of ‘what the hell’ moments from ryan’s pov when it comes to things that he notices about chris and his stories and interactions with his family. if you love someone, and see them being mistreated or cut off from bigger opportunities or just generally mislead for someone else’s needs, you would feel offended on their behalf, won't you? besides, it’s not like chris is a big fan of ryan’s mom either. but at the same time, he’d be more mild and understanding about ryan’s grandparents, bc they low-key remind him of his own parents, and like travis, he tends to come up with excuses for them. anyways, sorry tangled! as for bobby and ryan’s dynamic, i actually feel like out of 3 brothers, bobby is naturally sadistic, even if in a child-like way. but i do think and hc, that he has this 'odd' kind of interest for ryan. not romantic or anything, but more of lines when a small, cruel kid sees a wounded mouse and decides to see what he can do with it, simply bc it cannot run away and prob will die, anyway. so their interaction won’t be adorable, but i love your take on it, haha. in a lighter themes fic, this surely has a place! in GP, tho it’s more of horror and ‘bad’ progression. 
with this being said, i don’t hate any of the hacketts, not even constance. it takes a lot for me to downright hate characters. i also cannot hate characters, who are effective in the story, which chris’s family is. we as a player walk in their home, we see them interacting with one another, and we can see why chris and travis are the way they are. the message about the family sticking for each other isn't bad on paper, it's really aren't. but it depends on what sort of family it is. what kind of dynamic it has. and what we see paints a picture of a very unhealthy co-dependance between all of the hacketts. but it runs so deep, that neither travis nor chris seem to think that anything was wrong. or rather, that there was messed up stuff, and smth didn't felt right / nice, but it's all okay, bc this is just how family are, right? as even in the end, travis was like ‘we never wanted to hurt anyone’, when constance and jed, clearly gave zero shits about murdering and burying people as long as it kept their family safe. and it’s not the intent and motive itself that is chilling or twisted, it’s the way, both jed and constance talk and behave about it. like it’s nothing. and it’s kinda different to travis’s stoic and shell-shocked behaviour, to how he nearly numb to it, bc it’s too much. or to chris’s nervous, skittish guilt, that doesn’t stop him from doing those things, but clearly makes him feel disgusted with himself. jed and constance have none of those things lol.
either way, out of all the main characters, only laura had a chance to get ‘close’ to the hacketts and kinda explore their broken family in a more personal way. and i kinda really wanted ryan to do the same. esp bc is this also raises a question of how ‘better’ hackett brothers would have been, if their parents just idk, died. and i feel like, that in a scenario, where chris’s kids are still alive, things could have been somewhat ‘chill’. at least as far as it possible. but with them gone, well….yeah. i always felt like kaylee and caleb were kinda the glue, that held both travis and chris mental states somewhat together. but in better universe, without hackett patriarch and matriarch, yeah, thing might have gone somewhat well. i do believe, that kyalee and caleb could have made chris and travis be less bitter about things and each other. and ryan being latest addition to the family would get accepted just fine. like, travis cannot even be a bitch about chris having a romantic relationships with ryan, bc he himself prefers younger women lol. 
and no worries! i love your rambles and i ended up rambling myself a lot, haha. and i really love hearing your thoughts tbh. or hear fluff set-ups, bc i actually very bad at fluff myself. i also rarely write smth like that, so it's always interesting to see the what could have been, but in more lighter, cheery tone. thank you for the message, they always make my day better! hope, you have a swell time as well!
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ghostradiodylan · 8 months
I feel like we’re always talking about missed opportunities and ‘hidden knowledge’ (i.e. Dylan’s necklace extended discourse). So, in a similar vein: what do you think the counselor’s middle names would be?
I wanted to ask everyone this and kept forgetting! You’re going to wish you asked someone more creative than me because I have an incredibly lazy answer. A few months back I read a fic that gave Dylan a middle name I violently hated (bad personal associations) and I was like, okay, this sucks, but what would I give him instead? And then I thought, dumb idea, what if they all had their actors’ names as middle names? I figured no way, they couldn’t actually sound good, right? Too easy. But… it actually kinda works? For most of them anyway, I did make some tweaks.
I actually think Dylan’s middle name is Dylan. I think his first name is Miles and he goes by his middle. Flows better that way to my ear.
Miles Dylan Lenivy.
Ariel is too similar to Abigail, it’s too singsongy, but Winter is actually Ariel’s middle name. Abigail Winter Blyg didn’t really speak to me either but what if we shifted the season and gave her Autumn instead?
Abigail Autumn Blyg? Into it. Witchy fall girlie.
Ryan Justice Erzahler. Yes please.
Laura Siobhan Kearney. Poetry. Might be my favorite of the bunch. Consistently Irish.
Now, is Max just outright legally named Max, or is it short for something like Maxwell or Maximilian or Maximus? I think I like Maxwell best for him.
Maxwell Skyler Brinly. I like the echoed y sound. (Although Skyler’s middle name is Augustus and that would be a fun option for Max too.)
Nicholas Evan Furcillo. Fine. Serviceable.
Jacob Zachary Custos. Yep. ✅ That’s a perfectly nice middle of the road white boy name. Which is just what you want for our naked himbo babe.
Kaitlyn Brenda Ka. I just think giving her the middle name Brenda is very funny. It’s so incredibly 80’s. I’m obsessed with Kaitlyn naming her Barbadian D&D character Brenda in that one 80’s AU fic.
Emma Halston Mountebank. Yes. Sounds expensive. I don’t know what Emma’s social background is supposed to be but that name sounds like a horse girl to me. I feel like she wants to project wealth and success even if she has more humble roots than it seems.
And just for funsies, this handy plug-and-play formula gives us
Travis Theodore Hackett
Christopher David Hackett
Jedidiah Lance Hackett
Robert Ethan Hackett
Constance Lin (Grundy) Hackett
Eliza(beth?) Grace Vorez
Kaylee and Caleb can’t share the middle name of Uncredited Face Model, so I’m giving Caleb Travis as a middle name, since THackett and CHackett used to be tight, and Kaylee Amelia after her mother.
Silas I’m giving the middle name Peter, for both Peter and the Wolf and Peter Stubbe, ‘The Bedburg Werewolf’ so, Silas Peter Vorez.
Sometimes being lazy as fuck about naming characters works out I guess? But I wanna hear other headcanons because I could definitely be swayed on these!
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queenofbaws · 2 months
💖🎶🐀 for Blood of the Covenant, Water of the Womb, please and thank you!! :-)
well oh my good golly gosh, don't mind if i do! ;)c hehehe
💖 What is your favorite moment in this WIP?
hmmmMMM this one's tough, because we haven't gotten to my fav part(s) yet and i don't want to spoil things, soooOOOOOOO here's what i'll say >:)
since blood of the covenant, water of the womb is TECHNICALLY the series and not just oooone lil' old fic........my favorite moment in all in the family is jack watching chris, caleb, and kaylee pop their skin for the first time; my favorite part of like wringing blood from a stone WILL involve a big family argument where too much is said by literally everyone involved*; and there may or may not be two additional (hypothetical) fics where my fav moments involve travis making the mistake of meeting his heroes(?) and a certain someone from bobby's past coming to family dinner
HYPOTHETICALLY. hypothetically. :)c
🎶 Do you have any other WIP related things, like moodboards, character portraits, playlists or similar?
I DO!!!!!! outside of the little mini-moodboards i make to promo each chapter, i have a sideblog - @hacketthouse - that's sort of like...a "living" moodboard, if you will, in that i'm always adding stuff to the queue over there! it's really just a bunch of stuff that matches the vibe i'm going for with the whole series. it's moodier/more serious stuff than the things i tag 'the hacketts' here on my main, so just don't expect the same goof-em-ups over there, hehe
i also have a spotify playlist i listen to while writing! it's very very long, there's a lot of weird choices i've made on it, but it's what gets me in the groove when i sit down for a long writing session in north kill ;)
and while i keep TELLING MYSELF i'm going to eventually make a big old edit with the whole fam-damily and the character traits i imagine they have (similar to the promo materials from the quarry), alas, my self-confidence with edits is still pretty low, so...i haven't scrounged up the courage to do that yet, but maybe one of these days!!
🐀 Name three reasons why this WIP is great at being insert genre here.
i think blood of the covenant, water of the womb is great at being a buddy comedy because heheheh nah, i HOPE blood of the covenant, water of the womb is good at being a horror series because
most of the horror isn't coming from the monsters at all, but just the deeply, deeply troubled family foundation and subsequent idea of morality they're working with, which i think is kind of the real horror of the quarry if i'm being honest
there really aren't any "good guys," or at least not traditional ones; just those who have a vague idea of what they're up against and those who most certainly DON'T
so much of these stories is inspired by my own family, and like. this BETTER be halfway decent horror, okay, because please let me get SOMETHING out of what these people have been putting me through lately 🤣🤣🤣
random wip asks!
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cellard0ors · 2 years
Tumblr media
Laura stares at the stick.
She stares at the calendar.
She runs a hand over her (currently) flat stomach.
She doesn't feel any different. In fact, since her time at the quarry, she hasn't felt much of anything.
People died. Max died. He swam to shore after being cured and immediately became werewolf food. It's not funny. It's not a charitable thought. But it comes all the same.
Max died. Counselors she never met died. And three members of the Hackett family died.
Laura can take credit for two of them - three, if you count her sort of goading Ryan into taking the shot that ended Chris's life.
Travis hadn't had time to focus on it when it happened. And, when Laura discovered Max died, she couldn't focus on that either.
Once Silas was dead and an oppressive silence settled over North Kill, there only seemed to be one form of escape, no matter how toxic and self destructive...
His panting hot breath in her ears...
His large hands on her body...
The feeling of their tears mingling as their mouths met, the taste of bloody cooper and salt...
Laura looks at the positive pregnancy test again.
They all decided to run with the 'it was bears' story. The police and FBI bought it. They also bought Kaylee being a depressed teen who begged her grandmother to take her life and then, said grandmother in her grief, ended her own.
That was the 'official' story. That's the story she, Travis, Ryan, Jacob and Kaitlyn sold. Caleb disappeared, as did Jed and Bobby. Nick was never found.
So, the survivors chose a path and stuck with it. Once done, they went their separate ways. It was for the best.
But now...
His name leaving her lips, pleading and desperate...
Her tearing at his clothes...
Her begging him to fuck her harder, deeper, and him complying so sweetly...
Laura runs her hands over her stomach again.
So...what now?
She's already dropped out of school. She's already working full time at a shitty retail job just to make ends meet on an apartment she was supposed to be sharing with Max.
Her options are far and few in between - she's barely making it on her own and to add another life to it...
But that's the thing.
It's a life.
There's going to be a full life inside of her and there's been so much blood and horror and death of late, some of which she caused and it...feels good, in a way, to know she's capable of creation just as much as destruction.
Not to mention there's a completely other factor to consider here...
Or rather a completely different person and she's sure he doesn't even want to see her. Laura's not even sure she really wants to see him. Things ended on such a sedate note, all things considered.
Yet here she is, looking again at the calendar, the pregnancy test, and running her hands over her belly repeatedly and thinking: I need to tell him. He deserves to know.
Travis... deserving something. And from her, no less. That's a laugh. She's hated him. On and off. But she also-? They were... together. And it wasn't a violent thing - when it happened. It wasn't something unwanted.
Not from her end, at least.
It has been...good. better than, if she really wants to be honest, because Travis is a man and Max was a boy and something can be said for experience, even if their coming together was in the heat of the moment.
An unplanned action to just...feel alive again.
Ironic, in some ways, considering what it's resulted in.
Well, one way or another, she still has time.
Laura pats at her stomach and what lies within her womb.
There's still time.
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spectrophobias · 7 months
@dollhidden asked: [ bear hug ] a tight, warm, and engulfing hug — Amelia for her boy Caleb :)
caleb isn't exaggerating at all when he thinks that this might be the worst day of his life. he's been known to be a little dramatic from time to time-- at least, that's what his grandmother says-- but things are real bad this time. real bad.
he's been shut up in his room all morning, or at least since he'd gotten home, coated with blood and even more thoroughly soaked in guilt. he'd had to do a weird half-run to keep up with bobby's long strides as they carried kaylee back to the house, skipped every other step on the porch, trying to head him off and open the door. anything he could do to make for what he had done.
he doesn't think anything will ever actually be able to make up for it. he hurt her bad, and after he'd already done the same to their dad too. he's dangerous. if caleb hadn't felt like a monster before, there isn't any doubt in his mind now. he's worse than a monster, if there's even such a thing. even monsters don't hurt their sisters.
he'd only hung around long enough to make sure kaylee was really going to be okay, or at least as okay as she could be now. once his uncles had confirmed that, at least, caleb had retreated up to his room, still walking at double speed to try and hide the way he kept having to wipe his eyes.
he doesn't know how long it's been since then. the sun outside seems a little higher in the sky, but it hasn't been long enough for him to feel like moving. he's wedged himself into one of the corners of the room, sitting with his knees hugged to his chest, feeling all cried out. he hadn't cried like this since he was a little kid, digging the heels of his hands into his eyes and gasping until he retched. he must be the worst brother in the world.
he can tell it's his mother by the way she knocks, because it's soft and careful and it obviously can't be kaylee right now. he almost doesn't answer anyways, because he wants to be left alone, feels like he should be left alone. how many more people is he going to hurt? how long will it take before he's ripped his family apart from the inside? he should let this room be his cage, because as horrible as she'd seemed, that old lady had been right. monsters needed to be contained.
he can't do it though. he's too selfish. he's getting older now, should be able to navigate these things without his mama, but he can't. a whimper catches in his throat before he shakily pushes himself to his feet and goes to open the door. he's still coated in blood, but he knows she won't mind it when he practically dives into his mother's arms, burying his blotchy face into her shoulder.
"i'm sorry." caleb clings to her, fists balling into her shirt like a child as the sobs start anew. her hug is just as tight, warm and loving, and it holds him together, even if he doesn't feel like he deserves it. "i'm so, so sorry."
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How do y'all imagine the history of the hackett family? I have a few theories: their satues of reclused is a modern thing, back then they were know as a strong family, with bounds beyond their county could know. Power over money and stabability, some of them were even mayors of North Kill for a good time, making it their territory but losing it due for time and the lost of respect of the common folk.
But after a good time they needed this respect back due for their werewolf sintuation, making a holy trinity for their most dicult battle. The good, the bad and the unknown.
The eldest and propably the most cunning of the three sons of jedediah and constace was made Sheriff to rule under their wishes and have acess to informations and justice power when the hit comes up, it worked for a time but Travis is just one man and he would slip on his own shoulders in the time that his humanity was tested to the limit.
The middle one, the golden child, good looking, easy going, charismatic son that was enough well made to be the innocent leader of one of their properties but also to keep the good name Hackett in line, Chris is all above but i do believe that he is more like a "i deal with what is mine, you deal with what is yours" type of person, caring more about his children and their deeds than try to understand the actions of his own brother, respecting more the ones that he likes the most, showing favoritism, showing sides, putting his family above all.
And then the youngest, not much is known about him only that he is manipulated due to his child like mind and angry behaviour, but is valid to know that he may've suffred a mental trauma when he was in the army and then coming back with this disorder. As much that we can tell, Bobby is "innocent", a handy man for all time, owner of a scrapyard, that may not be good on his deeds but he is not in the right mind to be judged like the others.
Other adds: Caleb and Kaylee are not as innocent. They were rebels that refeuse to listen to their father advice, and Caleb is less innocent for escaping more times compared to his sister, we can't put a sin for being naïve but Kaylee was one.
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