#it was going to end with him scampering off hissing being sprayed with a water bottle like a cat. anyway
caspersscareschool · 1 year
this was going to be a comic before my laptop broke but Whatever. anybody else miss using their dad as a stim toy when they were like 6
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It had been loud in your womb – it was apt that it would just as riotous out of it.
You will not love it. This it knows. So it will have to make you.
The final chapter of 'Egg Sac' and 'Hush Little Baby'
The thing crawls to you.
“Look, our child {y/n}.” It crooned, long fingers tapping the thing’s head.
The thing looked different each day. When the egg cracked and hatched, shadow spewed forth, limbless and malformed. You had hoped the abomination had been aborted, that your mortality cursed the wretched thing before it could be born.
Unsurprisingly, the thing formed, grasping and shrieking before settling in the arms of your captor.
Like a babe in the arms of their father.
You never held it.
It never pressed you, content that you had fulfilled the task it forced upon you. The thing does not weep like a human child, only shrieks and chitters when they felt neglected. At the first sound of displeasure, you’d hear it’s father sweep forth from whence it lurked, cooing and singing to it until the thing cease and slumbers.
It was like watching a mockery.
It would cradle it, its many limbs holding and touching the rot that cracked forth. It watched as the shadows spins and curls; at times a spider like it, another time, a pair of soothing lights and sometimes like the clown, miniature and laughter.
It left you alone, save when to feed you and clean the wounds around your cunt.
The shadow tried once to come close to you but it sensed your apathy and stayed away. So you are ignored and that’s good. It found a companion, an offspring and that’s good.
Sadly, it does not last long.
Eventually the food began to run out and for the first time, since the birth, it decided to go and hunt. The thing slept soundly, even as it, clown and tall, pats you gently on your head, tucking the blanket around your useless legs.
“Keep watch, little one.”
There was silence and you breathed, trying to imagine what the sky was like when you heard it.
It started as a sniffle, like a human baby, so sweet and innocent, that an old buried instinct surged up. Your body twitched as the sniffle hitched and heaved then cracked open, bawling loudly.
Your leg jerked forward, your body almost working when your eyes stared down on the abomination.
The thing is now a child, fleshed and soft. Eyes, so much like yours, widened and watered, five grubby fingers reaching out to you; like it was supposed to be yours.
It bawled and bawled, sounding so young, so innocent, so human, you nearly succumbed.
But that noise.
It had been loud in your womb – it would be apt that it would just as riotous out of it.
Your body slumps as you drew yourself inwards.
You had deafened your ears before, when the thing’s heartbeat echoed within, where you can’t escape.
You still can’t, but you can crawl away and so you did.
Arms once weak, strengthened as you drag yourself away. The cries grew louder in a way that would be heart-breaking. But its progenitor had done you a favour for making you listen to all those children – the food – beg and scream until all they are left as floating parts above you.
You had listened to a poor girl, praying and calling out for her father as it devours her stomach. Watched as a boy, that could barely toddle, try to run as sharp, black claws sink into his skull. Teenagers, countless of them, gibbering, terrified wrecks as they are forced to fight nightmares comes true.
You were serenaded by the death rattle of lives brutally cut short.
Every day.
What is a babe – one so cursed - would hope to entice?
Your love?
You were robbed of all comfort to give any to another.
So you stayed away.
A part of you wondered if the punishment would be severe.
That speck of survival instinct demanded you return and cradle the filth because it would be most unhappy to find the offspring it so loved wailing away, unwanted.
You think of cracked bones and wounded flesh but the fact was: you don’t care.
You crawled away into a corner of the cistern and stared at the abomination, now hiccoughing amidst its bawls.
At times high-pitched, then raspy, then gasping as though hoping a change of tune would entice you. Instead you picked at a broken doll, plucking its dirty red hair, imagining it was your captor’s limbs.
So focused you are, that you didn’t hear them at first.
Once, long ago, you dreamt of escape. There were a few who fought back and that hope, beaten as it were, would burn fiercely as they struck it with the ferocity of one who did not want to die.
Inevitably, they all fail.
So when she came – her hair of fire – you didn’t move, being somewhat glad that the wailing had stopped.
It took you a moment to realize it was not a teenager that’s standing in front of you but an adult.
A female adult.
“Audra?” she gasped and you couldn’t help but blink back. You had no idea who Audra is…and wondered if this was another (punishment) game.
You don’t answer (because you hope it will finally end you).
The woman blinked as she stepped forward, aiming a…
A slingshot? Really?
You must have said it out loud, for the woman startled and shoots -
You had been ready but you still yelped as the stone slammed itself against your forehead.
Blood trickled, then sprays all over your face.
The woman screams, high pitched and horrified as shadows, long and cold, slashed and snapped the arm wielding the slingshot.
A guttural shriek comes from around the cistern, layered like an angry baby.
Why isn’t it turning back?
You see her face contort with fear and anger as she twists and then strikes the dark limb with her feet. The thing recoiled and slithered as the woman runs off, cradling her broken arm. Babyish cries seem to shake the area even as its victim scampered off, her mouth open, shouting and then…
A group of men rushed in, their footsteps joining the cacophony as they form a human shield around her.
You didn’t notice the shadow morphing back into a tiny babe who wailed at you, its tiny arms reaching out even as you kept staring.
Adult humans.
You cry out to them, to the group, “Help me, please, please!” but it was drowned by the sounds of clacking limbs and roars as IT slams down in front of you, claws and teeth bared.
“IT!” you hear one of the man shout as they raised their weapons, one pushing the woman back even as the Spider stomped towards them, no doubt intent on murdering them.
“NO! NO! GO AWAY!” you shout, towards your captor, towards the abomination who clung to you.
Gunshots, bats and bones boomed all around you as you try to will your useless legs to move. Cold, shadowy limbs pull you down but you hiss, your hands tried to pry them off. You can taste it, freedom for never before had It face a group, one who are strong and exude nothing but strength.
You had known It never hunted groups – a coward as it was fearsome – its prey were often alone; easier to destroy.
And to your pleasure you watched as one them did something you had only dreamed off: with one swing one of the men snapped of its leg.
The howl that came from it would have made any other human piss their pants – but you were euphoric.
The spider stumbled from shock – you blamed your elation on what happened next.
You shouldn’t have turned your back.
(You’d rather not know if you did)
You will not love it.
This it knows.
So it will have to make you.
One moment you watched as your rapist, captor and child murderer fell into fear and panic, flinging limbs as it tried to comprehend what had just occurred.
The darkness bleeds into your sight and you feel life burning through your limbs.
You stood, your screams drowned as foul life coursed down your throat and you hear it.
It was but a split second but you knew – you knew exactly what was controlling you. With speed inhuman, your body dashed across the cistern and your hands (limp wristed and bruised), bore through flesh and bone.
Eddie’s eyes widened, his lips formed an ‘O’ before your traitorous hand reeled back and his body fell down in a heap. A familiar anguished wail followed and you howl – fearRAGE – as your body twists to the sound. Eyes dark and grieving leapt at you and you wanted him to win, to let him sink the knife into your chest because you don’t want this and you’re sorry, sorry, sorry but your hand clamped down around the man’s head and you snap.
Eddie, Richie – they had names. They had names.
Seven is Strong.
Five Alive.
Three is Trinity
Two Survives.
One however…gone forever.
The remaining three scampered, clinging to each other and you knew.
The katet is no more.
Mercifully It finished off the rest. The woman went down first, her eyes bulged as its foot slammed straight through her belly. The next, who whispered to her – his murmur louder than any screams - fell next; his head sliced clean off his shoulder.
The last – his eyes beautiful blue didn’t even shake and you admired that. He didn’t cower even as the spider morphed into a small boy, clad in yellow and blood.
“Buhbye, little buddy.”
You forget how it felt like to endure despair; even though you’ve heard the same choked noise, the same crowing laughter over and over.
No tears, however.
Your body had run out.
It had won. You knew it had won.
The child released you, snapping your strings as you curl up on the ground, knowing deep down that that was it.
You had been told of it, knew of it but there was always that spark of hope. Hope of escape, no matter how dim your prospects were – but as soon as those blue eyes dimmed – you knew.
You’re mine forever, {y/n}.
The numbness allowed it to sink in and you snuffed it out, that last bit of hope, as It carried you back, this time the thing (your child) coiled around your body, knowing you will not push it away.
And so the terror that should have ended continued.
For in Derry, every 27 years it is said that children would go missing six times the national average, yet though posters and searches were made they were never found again.
The adults seemed to not care, even as their own are dragged away – some say by a creature masquerading as a jovial clown, offering balloons that never stopped floating, another whispered of a shadowy magician who’d delight all with his wicked tricks. Once they hooked you in, then they reveal their forms and devour you until not even your name is remembered.
These warnings are scoffed, for how did they know of these monsters, if their victims never came back?
They don’t remember the answer – none of them do; for if they did, they’d know of the other.
But they don’t – not of the woman whose face bore defeat, who would whisper warnings.
They never allowed any of them too.
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theroyalweisme · 7 years
Don’t Rush It (Liam X MC)
Book: Royal Romance
Pairing: Liam x MC (Riley)
Rating: M. Young eyes look away, NSFW
Word Count: +2500
Summary: Frustrations run high.  On both sides of the fence.
Author’s Note: Part 6
Catch up here:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
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-Riley’s POV-
The bed sitting majestically in the middle of my room looked amazing and comfortable and welcoming as Liam helped me through the door after my afternoon “walk” around the unit. If you could call it a walk.
After two days of walking every time my legs would let me, and someone was around to walk with me, I didn’t feel like I was getting any closer to going home than I was before I woke up.
He moved to lift me onto the bed before stopping at my sharp look.
“Or not…?” He sighed, holding his hands up in resignation.
“I’m going to say not.” I groused, leaning against the mattress, but refusing to actually get into the bed. “I still can’t walk completely around the unit. Dr. Kiriakidis is never going to let me go home.”
“Riley…” He sighed, wiping a stray tear that snuck out from my eye. Traitor… “You are doing remarkably well. You are exceeding all of the doctors’ expectations. You were shot. You had a lung collapse and needed open heart surgery. No one expects you to be back to normal in a mere week and a half. Hell, you spent a week unconscious.”
I pulled my face away from him, refusing to look at his eyes and see the truth behind his words. I should be better than this. I should be back in my own room. Surrounded by my own stuff. I should be able to walk around this damned hospital unit with no help.
Gently, his fingers turned my face towards his own. The ocean depths pulling me into their vastness.
“You. Are. Doing. So. Well.” He exaggerated each word with a soft kiss somewhere on my face. My nose. My forehead. Each of my cheeks. Before finally ending with my pouting lips. Unable to help it, I wrapped my arms around his neck, pressing my chest against his and smiling softly into the kiss.
“You know… I still need to have that shower…” I whispered against his lips as we pulled apart. He nodded thoughtfully before pressing the call button on the remote on the cart next to the bed.
“Your Grace?” A nurse’s head peeked around the door frame in seconds.
“The duchess would like to have a shower and would require some assistance,” Liam spoke evenly, turning to look at the nurse. Wise considering the daggers I was currently shooting at him.
“Not was I was thinking, Liam.” I hissed through clenched teeth.
“Of course, Your Majesty. I’ll send someone in right away.” The nurse curtsied quickly before disappearing. Liam slowly turned back to my rigid form.
“You seem very angry with me at the moment.” He mused. Trying, and failing, to hide a smile from his lips.
“Hmmm… I wonder why that could be…” I said sarcastically. “I’m sure it has nothing to do with the fact that I finally had my fiancé all to myself, his schedule completely empty for the entire day, and he’s pawning me off on medical personnel!”
Roughly I pushed him back out of my space, turning towards the tiny bathroom in the corner of the room.
“Riley…” He sighed, stepping towards me again. My eyes sliced to him, stopping him in his tracks. “I am simply-“
“You know what, Liam?” I sighed, my shoulders slumping. “Right now… I don’t care. I’m tired… I’m sore and I feel disgusting. I was hoping to have your help with getting clean. But that’s fine. I get it. We can spend time together afterward.”
“At least let me help you to the shower…” He offered hopefully. Holding his hand out for me. My heart hurt slightly as I held up my hand to stop him, his face falling.
“I’m fine. I can do this on my own.” I set my face with determination as I moved across the room. I could hear his heavy sigh as he watched me stomp my way to the bathroom.
Impatiently, I reached into the shower and turned the water on as hot as I could make it. I sat on the floor of the room, still fully clothed in the soft cotton pajamas Hana had brought me just a few days prior, burying my eyes in the heels of my hands as if I could drive the unshed tears away.
“Your Grace?” A soft voice followed a softer knock on the door.
“Come in,” I called roughly. A health care aide brushed into the small space, working around me to set the shower up so that I could safely get in. I smiled softly as she gently helped me back up to my feet. She helped me peel the soft clothing from my body and got me to sit on a chair in the middle of the shower, the now comfortably warm spray cascading perfectly down my back.
“Do you need help washing, Your Grace?” She asked politely, giving me the option.
“No… thank you, I should be fine.” I smiled halfheartedly at her. “If you could ask King Liam to ensure he’s listening for if I need assistance, I would greatly appreciate that.”
“Of course,” she nodded, closing the curtain behind her and leaving the room. I could hear her relay my message and Liam’s grumbled response through the open door, but I didn’t care. I leaned back, letting the water cascade down my hair, washing my foul mood away along with the dirt.
I quickly washed my hair with the shampoo and conditioner that Liam snuck into the shower when he didn’t think I was watching him. Breathing the bright green apple smell in as I could feel my muscles relax and the tension leave my body. I carefully washed my skin with the bar of soap left in the shower for me, making a note to see if Liam could sneak some body wash in here too. Once I was finally clean, I just sat there. Crying quietly into my hands. Letting go of all of my frustrations from the last two weeks.
“Riley?” His voice cut through my reverie. “Just let me know you are still alive in there… You have been in there a while…”
I scoffed gently before turning my face to the stream of water, letting it wash away all traces of my tears.
“I’m alive…” I sighed before forcing a smile back onto my face. “Could you hand me a towel? I think I’m done…”
I reached over the small area of the shower and turned off the water as Liam stuck the brightest, fluffiest, white towel I’d ever seen in the shower.
“Liam…” I grinned in spite of myself. “Did you sneak palace towels into the hospital?”
I quickly wrapped myself in the pile of fluff before he could pull back the curtain. My heart softened even further as I could read the mirth in his eyes.
“Being King does have its perks.” He grinned leaning down and lifting me easily into his arms. “Actually… I have another surprise for you. But it has to wait until you are dried and dressed.”
“Oh?” My eyes sparkled excitedly. “A good surprise?”
“You will have to wait and see I suppose.” He smirked, actually smirked, at me before sitting me on a dry chair in the room. He pulled out a second towel, carefully drying my hair before moving down to my bare shoulders. Once he was convinced they were dry, he moved down to my feet and up to where the towel hit my thighs. “Do you require further assistance in drying, my love?”
“If I say yes will you get the aide again?” My eyebrow arched accusingly.
“Yes.” He stated simply, catching my chin as my face fell. He pulled my chin up so that I was forced to look him in the eyes. “Riley, listen to me. There is nothing I want more than to take you to that bed and do nothing but ravish you until you cannot stand on your own two feet or remember your own name.”
A soft gasp left my throat at the reverence on his face as he spoke to me.
“But, you are still fragile. You can barely walk down the hall without needing to stop and catch your breath.” He gently ran his thumb over my cheek, causing a soft shudder to rack my body. “And for what I want to do to you, my love… I need you at peak performance.”
“Oh…” I whispered softly, unable to form much more than that single word.
“So, yes… In order to keep me from giving in to my most basic of urges around you, I will employ whatever means necessary.” I smiled genuinely at him, pushing him gently away.
“Then get out of here so I can dress.” His smile grew as he glanced down at the top of my towel, the blue in his eyes darkening with desire. He planted a quick kiss on my lips before jumping up and heading out the door. I quickly finished drying off and changing into the new set of soft cotton pajamas laying out for me.
Moving towards the door I could hear a soft rustling followed by a soft bark of excitement.
“Chance?” I called as I pulled open the door. The small bundle of fur launched himself at my feet. I laughed heartily as I slid down a wall and let him crawl into my lap. “Hey, baby!”
Chance wasted no time climbing into my lap and clamoring to plant wet kisses on my face.
“Have you been a good boy for Uncle Maxwell, Chance?” I cooed, scratching behind his ear. Giggling at his bum wagging, well really his entire body wagging. “Such a good boy… Yes, you are… But you have to let me up, baby…”
Chuckling, Liam lifted my little puff ball off of me, securing him under one arm as he offered me the other. I grabbed his hand and let him pull me into his other side. We moved together slowly, Chance trying to wriggle his way out of Liam’s grasp and back to me, or up to Liam’s face, he didn’t care. After setting Chance down in his bed on the floor, Liam easily lifted me on the gigantic bed before moving to the other side to climb in himself.
Chance quickly scampered out of his bed and began to jump at the mattress.
“Liam…” I whined, “He’s going to hurt himself trying to jump up here.”
-Liam’s POV-
Ok, Liam… Bringing Chance here may have been a mistake. My brain confirmed as I sighed, moving back to the bed to deposit the fluff ball on the tall mattress.
Chance barked excitedly before clamoring up to cover his mistress with kisses again. Her giggle made everything worth it as I moved back to the other side of the bed. I pulled Riley in tight to my side and trailed a set of light kisses down her throat, earning a low moan to escape her lips.
Chance, it seems, took offense to the attention being diverted from him and presented me with a low growl. Riley’s head wrenched up quickly before snapping at the Corgi.
“Stop.” She commanded harshly. “Chance, you do not ever growl at your daddy. Ever.”
She grabbed him around the waist again, trying to lean over the bed and place him on the floor. I caught the wince of pain come across her face before she could hide it from me.
“I’ve got him,” I assured her, taking the squirming dog from her hands. Chance nipped at my fingers, rewarding him with a tighter grip. He yelped gently in my hands but quickly straightened up. “Are you sure you want him down, love?”
Riley’s face was completely conflicted as she glanced between the two of us. After a moment her eyes narrowed in determination.
“Down.” She confirmed. “He needs to learn that he’s not the alpha. And that he can’t growl at you.”
I nodded gently, placing Chance on the ground. He whined for a moment before running over to Riley’s side of the bed. His little legs only got him so high on the mattress as he barked for someone to pick him up to join us again. Pointedly, Riley ignored her little puff ball choosing instead to cuddle into my side.
“So… Since nothing else is going on here… Tell me about what’s happening.” She cooed, sliding her hand under my shirt and laying her palm hotly on my stomach.
“Well… We have finally settled on our tax levy with the EU.” I took a deep breath, trying to concentrate on anything other than her wandering hand.
“Mmmhmm…” She murmured, planting hot kisses to my jawline. “What was decided?”
“Well…” I cleared my throat roughly as her fingers traced along the waistband of my pants, my mind clouding over in a fog. “We have… uhh… settled at 15% across the board, unless the import is… under…”
She hummed against my throat to tell me to continue my lost thought, her greedy fingers popping the button on my pants open.
“Umm… As long as it’s… Christós,” I cursed under my breath as her thumb traced the head of my cock. A knock on the door, the clearing of a throat and a bark from Chance paused Riley’s ministrations as she turned a steely glare at the door.
“Pardon me, your Majesty, your Grace,” Bastien stood in the doorway looking somewhat contrite. A groan escaped my throat as Riley’s hand disappeared from my pants.
“What is it, Bastien?” My voice tight with annoyance as Riley shift off of me, leaning against the headboard of the bed and studying her nails.
“Sir, the Queen Mother is on her way up.” He said as I hurried to straighten my clothes. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught the subtle, satisfied grin on Riley’s lips.
Unable to resist I leaned over her and captured her lips with my own, swallowing her shocked squeak.
“Liam, please.” A voice cut from the doorway. “Show some decorum.”
Riley blushed softly, avoiding my stepmother’s gaze as she wiped the moisture from her lips gently.
“My apologies, Stepmother,” I nodded towards her before stepping down from the bed, hearing her mutter something about expecting that behavior from Leo and not me. I bit back my own mischievous grin, knowing it wouldn’t help anyone at this point. “Is everything alright with Father?”
“Yes, yes… He’s fine.” My stepmother waved her hand at the room. “Actually I came to see if Riley would join me for a walk. I understand she is still working on building her strength up.”
“Oh… Of course, ma’am. I’d be honoured.” Riley’s eyes found mine in shock. I nodded gently to her as she slid softly off of the bed.
“Why don’t you take Chance with you, darling?” I prompted. “I’m sure he’d enjoy the walk as well.”
Regina’s nose scrunched in disdain at the mention of the dog attending their walk. Riley, however, let go of the breath she was holding in relief.
“I bet he would.” She said as I moved around the room to envelop her in a fluffy cotton robe.
“So you don’t get cold,” I whispered, kissing her temple.
“Maybe I’ll make it to the third corner this time,” She grinned, voicing her goal distance. She took a deep breath before starting for the door. “C’mon, Chance, let’s go.”
The puppy barked happily before bounding out the door before the two women.
Part 7
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Chapter 1
<-- Previous Chapter | Next Chapter -->
“Kyle? Your dinner’s ready,” Kyle’s mother called.
“Great, I’ll be there in a sec,” he called back. He shifted slightly on the couch and returned his attention to squinting at the TV. On it, a Pokémon trainer younger than himself was up against Misty of Cerulean City Gym. It was down to the wire - each trainer was using their final Pokémon. Of course, Kyle had seen this situation enough times to hedge his bets on Misty - she had a few years of experience on her opponents.
Water pooled around the center gem of Misty’s Starmie, ready to fire at a moment’s notice, and...
The image in the TV shrank to nothing as the screen turned off. Kyle shrugged himself off the couch. “I said I was coming, Mom...” he muttered.
His mom had just enough time to ask, “What do you mean, honey?” when the rest of the lights turned off. The entire house went dark.
“This isn’t good,” Kyle muttered, running to the window. Sure enough, every house in Pallet was now engulfed in darkness. Within a few minutes, the only things cutting through the gloom were flashlight beams and fireflies.
Kyle and his mother stood with the neighbors in the center of town. Everyone was talking at once:
“Good thing it’s summer -”
“The stuff in my fridge is going to be bad by tomorrow morning, I hope this doesn’t last very long -”
“I don’t know what we’ll do if it does -”
“Hey, there’s Professor Oak!”
It was hard to make out, but sure enough, a harried Professor Oak was jogging towards them. “Any news, doc?” someone asked.
“Hi, everyone,” Oak said. “First of all, don’t panic.”
“Great, now I’m panicking,” someone mumbled. Oak wisely ignored him.
“Second,” Oak continued, “this blackout clearly wasn’t born of natural causes. We’re looking into it, and we think we might have an answer, but the blackout itself is only a symptom of a bigger problem. That said, our biggest problem is the blackout right now, because we estimate this is going to last a few days. About a week.”
“A week?!” The town erupted into noise again.
“I can’t believe it!”
“What am I supposed to -”
“Hey, hey! You’re lucky none of you died from the sheer amount of power that just shot through Pallet Town!” Oak snapped sternly. The chatter quickly evaporated. “We can’t have people panicking. What we need is a handful of people who are willing to run up to Pewter and bring back as many provisions as they possibly can.”
The people of Pallet looked around at each other. Many of the residents were elderly, and certainly wouldn’t be in any condition to go anywhere, nevermind Pewter. And with the threat of wild Pokémon in the tall grass, it would be too dangerous for any small child.
“Which is why, if he’s willing, I’d like to nominate my grandson, Gary, to go.”
Someone’s flashlight flicked towards Gary, a lanky boy with a sour face. He crossed his arms and slouched. “You’re gonna send me out alone? No thanks, gramps. Count me out.”
“How about Kyle?” Kyle’s mom said. “I mean, if you want to.”
Kyle blinked in surprise. “Well, you all need these supplies, so yeah. I’ll do it...but...”
Oak smiled reassuringly. “Of course, you won’t be going alone. I’ve recently obtained three new Pokémon, one of which will be yours to keep!”
Gary straightened up suddenly. “Hey, wait a minute, I want back in, gramps! That’s not fai - I mean, you can’t let him go by himself!”
“I thought you’d say that. Come with me, both of you.”
Oak led the two into his lab. It was just as dark as the rest of Pallet was currently, but the various aides with their high-powered flashlights were inordinately helpful. Gary walked shoulder-to-shoulder with Professor Oak, with Kyle trailing a few feet behind.
“Now, Kyle, the three Pokémon have just come in from Celadon. I know your history with Pokémon, but I assure you that these three are some of the friendliest you’ll ever meet. They’re companions, not competitors.”
Oak gestured to his own lab table. On it were three full Pokéballs. Gary’s eyes shone with excitement. Kyle, however, shrank from them.
“Go ahead, Kyle,” Oak encouraged him.
Kyle eyed the Pokéballs. He suddenly wished he was Gary. Gary would know which one to pick. Instead, he simply picked up the middle one.
“Ah! Charmander, a fire-type. He’ll be like a Swiss Army knife to you, I guarantee.” Oak smiled. “That’s the one you want?”
“Well...I’m afraid I don’t know very much about Pokémon, sir. But I will take this one.” Kyle tried to return the smile, but it faltered.
“Gramps, don’t I get one too?” Gary whined. “You promised.”
“Yes, yes,” Oak said exasperatedly, “take your pick. Remember you’re doing this for Pallet Town, not yourself.”
“Whatever,” Gary replied with a shrug. “This one looks cool, doesn’t it? Cooler than yours!” With a press of the center button, he released a Squirtle.
“If you say so,” Kyle mumbled. “Mr. Oak, shouldn’t we get going?”
“I guess you’d better,” Oak replied. “Be safe - oh, actually! Before you go, why don’t you take one of these?” Oak turned away from them and cleared some papers away from his counter. Turning back to them, he handed each of the boys a thick plastic rectangle, about the size of a paperback book. 
“That’s a Pokédex,” he said proudly. “My own invention. It’s a walking dictionary for Pokémon. I was going to ask a few of my researchers to complete these, but I think they’ll serve you well, too.”
“Yawn! Thanks, Gramps, but I don’t think I’ll be using your little science project too much. Gotta jet, smell you guys later!” Gary said, strutting out of the lab.
“I’m worried about him...” Oak remarked as he left. “Let’s see...you’ll want one of these!” He produced a spray bottle and a backpack.
“That bottle is a Potion. Spray it on your Pokémon and he’ll feel much better. Speaking of which, Kyle, why don’t you get to know your Pokémon a little? It’d be bad if you two went out there without knowing anything about each other.”
“Um...OK,” Kyle said, accepting the Potion and bag, and releasing the Charmander.
“He came with the name Wunder,” Oak said as the Charmander stretched. “I think it suits him quite well, don’t you?”
The Charmander swept his tail in front of his face to see, and promptly sneezed. “Achoo! H...hello?”
Kyle raised his eyebrows. He’s talking to me... “Hi,” he said. “Uh, I'm your trainer. Kyle.”
Wunder’s face lit up. “Kyle!” He immediately waddled over and embraced Kyle’s leg with his stubby arms. Then he sneezed into Kyle’s pant leg.
“I told you they were affectionate,” Oak chuckled.
Hesitantly, Kyle reached a hand down, patting Wunder on the head. His partner’s tail glowed a little brighter with happiness, and Kyle felt his inhibitions melt then and there. “You and I are gonna go on a mission! How does that sound, buddy?”
“Mission?” Wunder repeated, astonishment in his eyes.
“That’s right! Now, I think we’d better get going, huh?”
Wunder gave him a toothy smile. Armed with innocence incarnate, Kyle prepared himself to leave behind any sort of familiarity.
In the darkness, it was difficult to see. Being grabbed by the collar and thrown against the wall by Gary Oak certainly didn’t help.
“Look here, you little turd,” Gary glowered. “You’re not gonna get in my way. You hear?” He ground Kyle’s shoulder a little harder into the wall.
Kyle nodded vigorously.
“As a matter of fact...why don’t we battle right now? Winner gets a head start. Whaddaya say?”
Kyle didn’t think he had much of a say in the matter. Gary let him go, and Kyle fumbled at his Pokéball. Wunder sprung out, facing Gary’s Squirtle.
“What’s happening, Kyle?” Wunder asked, turning his way.
“Rex! Tackle him, quick!” Gary shouted. Gary’s Squirtle hesitated, but after a sharp glare from Gary, started towards Wunder and crashed into him. Wunder went rolling.
The blow seemed to snap Kyle back to reality. “Sorry, Wunder! Defend yourself!”
Wunder got up and began to run towards Rex, but Rex was already tackling him again. “What’s your problem, Gary?” Kyle burst out.
Wunder stood his ground this time, swinging a paw at Rex. Rex went down, but was back up in no time.
“Can’t handle a little battle, Kyle? I shoulda known.” Gary sneered as Rex toppled Wunder again. “Finish him off, Rex!”
Rex looked unsure. “You don’t get a say. Now do what I tell you!” Gary snarled. The darkness pooled in the lines in his face, and Kyle could have sworn he was looking at a different person.
Looking guilty, Rex began to pummel the downed Wunder. Kyle felt his hands form fists. This clearly wasn’t a fair fight, and if he wasn’t mistaken, Wunder couldn’t take much more. Quickly, he rummaged around in his sack for the Potion, aiming it at Wunder and spraying.
As soon as the spray made contact, Wunder shoved Rex off of him, slamming a paw into his head. Rex reeled, landing on his back.
“Reminds me of old times, except your runt here is putting up a better fight than you ever did,” Gary crowed.
“Don’t call him a runt,” Kyle hissed under his breath. Wunder growled in agreement.
As Rex righted himself, Gary continued: “Geez, for once in your life you could try to be better than me at something.”
With that, Rex ducked his head into his shell and launched himself at Wunder. At a loss for words, Kyle let something slip that he was sure he would regret later: “At least Mr. Oak likes me!”
But it was barely audible over the sound of Rex’s shell slamming into Wunder. Wunder was downed once again, and Rex scampered to him. But as he reached him, Wunder kicked wildly, and it sent Rex sprawling, suddenly unconscious.
“What the hell?” Gary growled, realizing the fight had come to an end. “I picked the wrong one!” Angrily jabbing the button on his Pokéball and taking back Rex, he slung his backpack over his shoulder and stormed away. “Forget about your head start!”
Wunder looked at Kyle nervously. “What’s going to happen to Rex?”
“I don’t know, Wunder. I’m sorry,” Kyle said, walking to him and patting him on the head. “Hopefully we won’t run into Gary too much. We should go.”
The tall grass outside Pallet Town loomed in front of Kyle and Wunder. It had always looked frightening even in broad daylight, but in the night shadows, Kyle nearly wanted to turn back.
He jumped as a hand touched his shoulder. It was his mom, looking concerned. “Are you going to be OK, honey?”
Kyle relaxed. “Don’t worry about me, Mom,” he said, but despite that, he shared her fears.
“Mom?” Wunder asked, looking up at Kyle.
“That’s right, Wunder, that’s my mother,” Kyle smiled. Wunder promptly embraced her leg like he had Kyle’s.
“What a sweetheart,” she said cheerily. She stared Kyle in the eye and then said, more seriously, “Kyle, I want you to know that I don’t think you’ll end up like your dad. Especially not with this little guy by your side.” Wunder sneezed.
Kyle nodded. “Thank you, Mom. I’ll be back before you know it.” Despite his words, he couldn’t keep his voice from cracking.
“I’m sure you will,” she replied, pulling him into a hug. “I love you,” she told him quietly.
“I love you, too,” Kyle said, and along with Wunder, stepped into the darkness of Route 1.
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stripestheboar · 7 years
From Within The Core: Chapter 2
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Gaster leaned over the edge of the railings,  a cigarette to his teeth that filled his ribcage with smoke. Wisps of the gray vapor leaked from the openings of his white turtleneck, only to be lost in the air wavered by the Core’s heat. He let a sigh, the grin on his skull stretching more as his frame relaxed in the heat.
The day had been relatively sluggish for Gaster. With the Core long since completed, he found himself at ease for the past few month, years of overworking himself having taken its toll on his soul. As dull as they could be at times, he still enjoyed the slow days, his only real responsibilities being checking up on his assistants and the maintenance of his pride and joy. Despite his protest, Asgore had strictly ordered him to take it easy for now, wanting him to recover from almost killing himself from exhaustion. So, as of now, Gaster executed his responsibilities and made sure everything was in order. That was what he was doing this day, and he expected it to be just the same as any other day.
“It looks great, Doc,” his assistant commented, approaching his superior with a small smile on his face. A smaller rabbit monster from Snowdin, Cot was a cheerful and eager young mind, if not just a bit on the dull side when it came to large projects such as this. “Not a single pipe burst in nearly a month.” Gaster couldn’t help but grin to himself, leaning further onto the railing overlooking the magma pit that the entire structure was perched over. The hot material could be heard moving sluggishly through the pipes, being used to power the entire Underground. A feeling of pride welled up inside of him as he looked upon the well-running machines of Hotland, the fruits of his hard labor. “Everything is running smoothly,” he hummed, his magic spelling the symbols directly above him for the other to read. Everyone who knew the monster would have to be able to decipher these symbols if they truly wanted to communicate with him, as his natural dialect was almost indecipherable.  
“Go home,” he told his assistant. “You’ve earned it for today. I’ll wrap up with few more status checks of each focal point. Should only take a good fifteen minutes.” His assistant nodded dutifully before wishing him well and leaving for the day. Gaster watched him leave, finishing up his cigarette and crushing it between his phalanges. The heat didn’t bother him; it didn’t bother any skeleton, really, as their bones were rather tough and resistant to extreme temperatures. With a flick of his wrist, he tossed the crumpled up filter into the heat below, soon to burn and be forgotten. He watched the scorching magma bubble and churn, finding a soothing comfort in it. It calmed him in a way.
As he had said he would, he made his rounds through the Core, making sure everything was in a perfect state before he could leave for the day and go home for a well deserved nap. However, just as he was about to hand up his lab coat and head for the door, he suddenly heard a loud thump in one of the pipes. Gaster jumped slightly and furrowed his brow ridge, looking over at the array of metal tubes that were used to transport the magma around the Core. His eyelights quickly inspected them for any trace of a collapse or dent in the sturdy metal, but it all looked clear. It must have just been a rock that had gotten caught in the flow of the lava, not yet molten by the heat. Perhaps it had fallen from the roof of the cavern, quickly sucked up by the pipes underneath the Core.
He let out a sigh and turned back around to grab his work satchel, when he heard it again. It was a loud thud, like something heavy had crashed into the inside of one of the large pipes, this time further down the system than before. It was as if the sound had moved with the flow of lava. However, when he checked again, there was no damage to the pipes, which is something a large rock would have cause should it have hit the metal with such force. Despite the lack of damage, his curiosity and worry grew and he decided to follow the pipes back to the center to see what exactly was causing the noise. His main guess as of now was that somehow a large rock had been sucked into the pipes and needed to be removed. It wouldn’t be the first time, but damn was it a pain.
As it turns out, he got his answer sooner than he had expected.
He followed the metal pipes at the same pace as the noises, the thumping slowly growing louder and louder with Gaster’s worry directly increasing as they went on. He prepared a few bones and magic hands in case something gave way. Pipe bursts were unexpected and needed to be fixed immediately lest they risk the Core becoming unstable, which would lead to power outages and just a general mess of a problem all around. Luckily, there were emergency cooling systems and tools all around.  
Funnily enough, everything seemed just fine, despite the banging.
Then, without warning, one of the pipes suddenly burst open, spewing out a torrent of magma. “WHAT IN GOD’S NAME-?!” In his surprise, Gaster was quick to block off the pipes using his magic, hand apparitions quickly grabbing tools and bolting the metal back into place as the emergency cooling systems were activated. Steams of water were sprayed down onto the pipe to cool the searing lava. Attempting to avoid the molting hot liquid, he stepped back, only to be surprised to see something moving about in the rapidly cooling magma and away from the water.
At first, Gaster thought something had caught on fire, until he saw the way it moved so rapidly, almost like an animal in panic. It glowed brightly with the rest of the liquid rock, and crashed into walls and pipes wildly before collapsing onto the floor, where Gaster could clearly get a good look at it.  
On the floor, clearly in a more humanoid shape, was a being made of bright orange and yellow fire, with its flame-shaped head flaring and flickering wildly. It had perfectly shaped limbs, and from the way it used them to cower and back away, Gaster could tell it was afraid. The scientist made quick work of the mess that was caused, before hurrying over to fire monster.  
The flame that was the monster’s head seemed to turn up to look at him, and in an instant it tried to scurry away. “Wait!” Gaster called out to him, despite his speech being incomprehensible. As expected, the fire monster didn’t even pause, scampering to get away as quickly as possible. It leapt up to its feet, stumbling a little, before dashing down the corridor in a flash of light. As soon as it passed a small plank of wood from earlier construction, the piece immediately caught fire, blazing brightly like it had been doused in gasoline. “Oh dear,” Gaster muttered to himself, quickly bolting after the other with lightning speed. What came next was a wild chase through the Core, everything the fire monster passed bursting into a roar of flames. The flaming spirit kept crashing into walls and pipes on accident in its endeavor to escape, lighting up the halls like a walking furnace. It wasn’t until he came to a dead end at the balcony was he forced to a stop, almost hurling himself over the railing in his haste to get away. Gaster stumbled onto the balcony that overlooked Hotland, his bones aching and his magic near depleted in his effort to put out each fire he had come across. The fire monster backed up against the railing, looking down at the drop as if to weigh its options. Gaster stopped in his tracks, afraid that any slight movement would provoke the flame to leap into the vast magma pit and never return. The fire crackled like a burning log, the flame of its head swinging wildly as it seemed to look around for another escape route. Gaster knew at this point that he needed to be cautious with his actions, as any sudden moves would provoke the fire to leap over the edge.
“Hello,” he said softly, catching the other’s attention. Although his speech was near indecipherable, he hoped the gentle tone of his voice would be able to calm to scared creature. “I’m not here to hurt you.”  
Crackles and hisses of the fire were more than audible as the skeleton observed the strange monster, a clear warning telling him to back away. Despite deciding to go through with approaching the fire monster, Gaster remained cautious slowly stepping forward as he continued to speak softly. “Do not fret. I’m of no danger to you.”
The monster stilled, presumably staring at him intently for anymore movement. Gaster did the same, making sure he didn’t want to rush it. “I know you’re afraid, but I don’t want to hurt you.” After a few moments, he stepped forward again. The monster’s reaction was violent, quickly raising a limb threateningly towards the scientist. Before Gaster could react, he was quickly hit by a ball of fire, causing him to stumble back in surprise as his coat and sweater burned. He was quick to put it out before the fire took any more of his HP. He looked up at the fire monster to see it preparing another attack, watching him carefully and waiting for him to take another step forward. Gaster held his breath, checking his stats to see where his HP was at. Surprisingly, the ball of fire only knocked off a single point, hardly doing any damage to him at all. A crackling hiss came from the fire, another warning for him to stay back.
Against his better judgement, Gaster only ignored  the message, stepping forward and raising his hands to try and reason with the other. Within an instant, another ball of fire was hurled towards him, but the scientist was quick to avoid it. This only caused the fire monster to panic, quickly shooting more bolts of flames at the skeleton in an attempt to get him to flee. This was to no avail however, for as even though Gaster wasn’t able to avoid all of it, he still continued to approach, and within seconds, he was mere feet away from him.
The monster hissed and crackled, preparing another attack, only to be stopped when Gaster quickly grabbed onto its forearms. The flames licked at his bones, already threatening to char them. He could feel his HP depleting ever so slowly just by grabbing onto it. The monster’s reaction was less than calm, trying with all its might to pull away with no results. So instead it shielded the flame of its head, almost like a child attempting to hide away by raising their arms above their head. Gaster could feel his soul soften at the motion, and with that his grip lessened. The flame was quickly to tug its arms away, cowering before the other. The skeleton frowned, placing a gentle hand on the other’s back in an attempt to calm him, and to his surprise, it seemed to be working. The monster seemingly looked up, though without clear indicators of features it was near impossible to tell. He decided to take this opportunity to try again once more.
“See?” he whispered softly. “I won’t hurt you.” He cautiously raised a hand to take the flame’s hand into his, grabbing it softly. He finally noticed that fingers were fully formed, the monster being a perfect model of a human made of fire. The flame was quick to tug its hand away, but on a second try, he wasn’t so reluctant. It even gripped Gaster’s hand back, no longer scorching the skeleton or lowering his HP. He exhaled in relief, glad he was able to calm the monster down. However, there were still more questions to be had.
“Now to find out what you are,” he sighed. “I’ve never seen anything like you before.”
The fire monster merely tilted its flaming head, still very afraid, but now more confused than anything.  
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Don't Ever Leave Me Alone
Hiiii I am back! I'm just posting this one today because I finished it and I wanted you all to have something. SO. This one is the prompt about Louis having a fast labor coming home from work. I hope you enjoy! --- There are a few things Louis notices upon waking up. One is that it's quite a bit brighter outside than when he usually wakes up. And two is that Harry is not in bed beside him. And Louis doesn't remember hearing his alarm go off at all this morning. Which can only mean one thing. Harry turned off his alarm and snuck out to work in hopes that Louis would sleep in and not bother going into the studio. Louis has to admit that Harry almost got away with it but there was one flaw in his little scheme. He didn't take into account the tiny life rolling about in Louis' belly. Emma Grace has been waking Louis up every single morning ever since she began kicking. Running out of room hasn't even stopped her. Louis' belly is huge now, rounded out and blooming with life, just two weeks shy of his due date. And really Louis knows Harry was only trying to be helpful and nice. He's a worrier by nature and having Louis working so close to his due date has nearly driven him insane. Louis isn't even surprised the boy turned off his alarm and he'd be quite thankful if he wasn't such a workaholic. He didn't sleep nearly at all last night. He was hot and nauseous and just overall uncomfortable and waking up this morning, he's rather displeased a few hours of snoozing hasn't helped the matter. A whimper escapes his lips when he stands, his body sore and his muscles are tight and rigid. Emma Grace tumbles about, causing Louis to take a deep exhale, pressing a hand near his belly button where her tiny little toe shoves out from the skin. "Daddy thought he got us this morning, didn't he little Emmy? He'll be shocked when we both come bouncing into that studio now won't he?" Louis hums, placing a hand beneath his heavy belly to alleviate the weight and pressure settled on his hips. He pulls out a t shirt from the closet and tries to ignore the subtle tightening of his stomach muscles around the baby. He's been having Braxton hicks for months now and just this past week they've really picked up and become a bit painful. He's realized ignoring them really is his only option as no amount of water, shifting, or lying down ever seems to help. He rubs his palm in a soft circles over his rounded belly as it firms up beneath his t shirt. Nearly as quickly as it came it fades and he waddles into the bathroom with a deep puff of breath. He undresses and scrunches his face, pressing a fist to his back as a dull throb pulses at his lower spine. Emma Grace has now settled so he's at least counting that as a win as he steps into the steaming hot shower. He's hoping the water will alleviate his soreness and settle the slight queasiness in his tummy. He finds himself cringing against another painful twinge in his belly as he stands beneath the spray. It's a bit more uncomfortable than what he's used to but he chalks it up to being bigger and sleeping weird. It ends just as quickly and allows him to finish his shower in semi-peace. Emma Grace gives him a swift elbow to the side when he steps out from the shower and he huffs, gripping onto the side of the counter. He feels the tightening start up again and scrunches his eyes closed, ignoring the droplets of water dripping down from his hair onto his sore body. He exhales sharply and sucks in his tight middle uncomfortably before rubbing a hand down the front. The pain fades again and he huffs in annoyance brushing his teeth quickly when he catches a glimpse of the time. He pulls his t shirt over his belly and pouts when it fits like a glove to his skin. "Suppose I'll have to invest in a new wardrobe if you don't come out soon, hm?" Emma Grace responds by jabbing him again in the side and he cringes as it quick starts another cramping sensation in his belly. He has no time to stop and breathe through it though as the boys only have the studio for a certain amount of time. He huffs once he steps out into the sun, rubbing at his belly irritably when the tightening and cramping continues despite his wishes for them to promptly fuck off. He grunts upon sitting in the car and whimpers in annoyance when his belly hits the steering wheel. He pushes the seat back as far as he can and throws the car into reverse, each movement becoming grumpier as the pain in his tummy continues. Midway to the studio, his stomach acts up again, the cramp gripping tightly at his muscles, refusing to let go. He feels an intense pressure deep within his belly and kicks his feet uncomfortably about as the pain worsens. He hisses and bends over himself, rubbing his side. He takes deep breaths, belly poking out dramatically as he does to try to get a handle on the pain. Once the pain ends, his belly begins to come to life with the baby inside tumbling about much faster and more prominent than ever before. Louis pushes his belly forward in discomfort and lets out a low grunt, pressing his head to the seat as the movement causes another pain to start up. His back muscles clench and he whines, rubbing irritably with his thumb and index finger at the base of his spine. He finally makes it to the studio, despite feeling five or so more stomach pains. He rips the door of his car open grouchily and steps out only to be met with another pain. He groans and presses his head to his car, slamming his fist to the metal as his belly presses forward tightly. He puffs out a breath of air pressing a hand down onto his belly, hoping a bit of pressure will help the pain pass faster. It doesn't help but he's eventually able to move again. He glues both hands to his back and waddles to the door huffing the entire way at his utter discomfort. As soon as his hand curls around the handle, his middle contorts again. He gasps and presses his chin to his chest, gritting his teeth together. He looks down and watches as his belly moves about, changing shape as it grows tighter and tighter around the hyper baby inside. The pressure from before returns and he has to bite his lip to not moan out like his body begs him to. It ends just as before and he huffs opening the door of the studio. He doesn't care how loud it slams to the wall, he wants Harry to know he's made it despite him. He's nearly to their studio room door when he feels another pain blossom in his belly. He gasps and bites his lip, gripping onto the belt loop of his jeans as the other hand presses to his tense middle. He grits his teeth together and a soft grunt leaves his lips as his belly pushes forward abruptly, tightening up painfully. The pain fades and he blows a piece of fringe away from his face before opening the door. Two very shocked faces greet him and not one of them is his curly headed husband. He huffs and sits heavily onto the couch. "Well. Surprised to see me?" He sasses, cringing slightly at the pressure bubbling in his belly. Emma Grace does some sort of stretch that has his belly throbbing and a soft moan leaves his lips as his hand grips the leather couch. "Um a bit..Harry said you weren't.." It takes a minute for Louis to respond as he breathes heavily through the ongoing pain in his belly "Coming? Yeah. He thought that. Where is he anyway?" "He um..went to get lunch..think he was gonna bring it back to you." "Well good. He doesn't have to make the extra trip then." Louis sasses, pushing his hand beneath his top to lay it on his sore middle. It feels quite hard now, like the skin of a drum and it's so heavy he feels like his back might break. "Um...are you alright Lou? You look miserable." Louis cringes, rubbing a hand in lines over his belly as it rolls forward with another twinge. The baby within him makes a sharp movement and his belly contorts into a misshapen oval. He presses his head back onto the couch and whines shaking his head. "I'm fine." "I think I should call Har-" "NO. Don't you dare." "You don't look very 'fine' to me, Tommo." "Well you try to have a TWELVE pound baby rolling around in your stomach, Payno. It's heavy as hell and yeah sometimes it hurts a BIT." He snaps, pain growing more intense around his middle. He hisses and sits up, pressing a hand to his knee. "Uh..I guess you're right...I'm um..I'm going to record.." Liam says, before scampering off into the booth. Louis shoots a look at Niall and snarls. "And just what the FUCK are you staring at Horan?" "Ehm..she's really TWELVE pounds?" "Niall...do me a favor and FUCK OFF." Louis roars, rubbing irritably at his belly. And really, he's not annoyed with Niall in the least. His stomach is just KILLING him at this point. He's never experienced such awful Braxton hicks his entire pregnancy. They're so strong now he feels like sinking to the floor. Still Niall rushes off too, somewhere in the booth with Liam, Louis doesn't care enough to see exactly where. He presses his head back into the couch and rubs up and down his sides, blowing out large puffs of hair as he peers down at his aching belly. It looks huge now, bigger than even yesterday, and it's seriously misshapen, making his middle look alien like. And his stomach muscles are so tightly bound around Emma Grace he can feel every tiny little move she makes. He's in some serious pain now and it's now almost constant. Liam leaves the sound booth and shoots him a confused look at his current position, squatted down and bent over the couch. "Are you um....well..never mind.." Liam mumbles, not wanting to further upset the boy, "Uh..Niall and I are going to get lunch..I told Julian you were out here." "T-thanks." Louis whimpers. "Are you sure you're-" "I'm fine." Liam leaves without another word and Louis stands up with a whimper. "Fuck..." He whimpers, rubbing the bottom of his bloated belly. His phone blares from the couch and he curses again, attempting to bend down. "Fuck..fuck..." He mumbles, gripping onto his belly before grunting at the pain. He bends awkwardly to the side, moaning as his stomach throbs. "Hello?" He grumbles. "Louis, WHERE ARE YOU?!" Harry's voice booms. Louis is off put by the volume of his voice despite knowing the poor boy is just scared out of his mind. "I'm at the studio." He grunts before throwing his head back and rocking from side to side. "Oh..." His voice trails off and Louis nods. "Yeah. Saw that you forgot me." "I didn't forget you, Lou. I just really wanted you to sleep in...you need some rest and-" Louis hisses as his belly pushes forward again. "Lou?" "Yeah whatever H. I've got to go. I'll be home in a bit." "I...do you need me to come pick you up later?" "No I d-don't..." "Ok..I think I'm going to lie down for a bit. I've got a bit of a headache." Louis hangs up before responding, throwing his phone off onto the couch somewhere. He groans and presses both hands to the coffee table before squatting down a bit. For some reason, the position makes the pains in his stomach semi bearable. Once it ends, he waddles miserably into the sound booth. He's pretty sure there's no way he can sound good right now. He's holding in some major moans and his skin is on fire. He's pretty sure if he opens his mouth, either a scream or vomit will come out. NOT a pretty melody. Still, he has to prove Harry wrong because he's Louis and that's just what he does. He wobbles to the booth, gripping onto whatever he can put his hands on with every step as his belly vibrates with intense pain. Julian is speaking to him but he can't bring himself to answer anything he's saying. Once inside the booth, he folds over himself, gripping onto the side of the wall. He takes a few shuddering deep breathes and shakily puts the headphones onto his ears. He opens his mouth to sing just as an intense pain racks over his belly. He grunts loudly and bends over himself with an intense groan. He feels a huge pop and gasps as water gushes from beneath him. "I....J-Julian I..I have to go..." Julian stands up confused but Louis waddles out without a word, groaning in intense discomfort. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh..." He groans in the hallway, squatting down as the pain intensifies in his belly. There's so much pressure built up in his belly it feels like it might pop wide open. It's hard as a rock and refuses to let up for even a second. He makes it out to the parking lot and bends over, gripping at his knees as he grits his teeth together. He feels an intense blossom of pressure and curses, forcing himself to waddle to his car. "UGHHHHHHH.....ohhhhhhh...." He grunts once inside the car, pressing his head harshly into the seat. He presses both hands to his belly and bends over as the pressure mounts. He shakily grabs his phone and dials Harry's number. When it goes to voicemail, dread fills his entire body. Because it's then he realizes he has to drive himself home. In the throws of hard, HARD labor. He grips onto the steering wheel and puts the car into reverse just as the first contraction grips at his middle tightly. "Ohhhhhghhhhhhhh...ohhhhhhghhhh...." He grunts. "Wooo...wooo...wooo..." One hand rubs large circles over his middle as both legs bounce in discomfort. "Ohhhhhhhhhhh FUCK..." He grunts, gripping onto the seat as he pulls out of the parking lot. "FUUUUUCK....." He screams, lifting himself slightly from the seat as a large amount of pressure bears down. He feels as though he's sitting directly onto his daughter's head. A contraction bears down his belly, pressing it harshly into the steering wheel and he screams again as the undeniable bearing of pressure makes him want, no NEED to push. "No..no..no..fuck please no. NOT NOW..not now EMMA...ohhhhhhhhhh...." He groan, pressing down on his belly. His belly jolts forward painfully and he grunts, face pouring with sweat as he shakily crosses his legs as his body begins attempting to push without his consent. The pressure bearing down on his belly is intense and he grips onto his car seat with a low groan. His belly contorts and misshapes as he grips onto everything he can in his car in an attempt to keep from pushing. "NOOOO..." He grunts, pressing his hand beneath him as to push the baby back up inside him. He hisses when he feels the head begin to emerge. "Mmmmmmmgh..." He grunts, beginning to push anyway. "FUUUUCK..." He screams. He somehow finds a way to pull into his driveway and opens his door, squatting immediately to the pavement. Another push involuntarily works its way over his body and he sobs in pain as he waddles to the door. He has to squat after every step but he finally makes it inside. "HARRY!" "HARRY FUUUUUUUUCK..." He screams as he bares down again, gripping onto the opening of the doorframe. He hears a creak from the living room and watches as Harry stumbles into the doorway, rubbing at his eyes. "Lou, what the-" He stops and gasps, rushing over to the boy as he bears all his weight down onto him. With one final push, Emma Grace falls into Louis' hands and Harry's eyes grow wide. "What the-" "Scissors.." Louis mumbles. Harry stumbles wide eyed into the kitchen and retrieves the scissors before going back over to Louis in the doorway. "You..how did you..I mean..WHEN did you-" Louis smirks and holds the brand new baby girl to his chest. "You left me." Harry rolls his eyes. He'll never leave him again. That's for sure.
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