#it was literally half a second but I’m glad our community is over analyzing the hell out of it
bicheetopuff · 5 months
Oh nothing, just the symbolism of class a protecting and encouraging Deku but Katsuki being the one running by his side and pushing him forward cuz he’s who Izuku views as a symbol of victory. A high five from Ochaco to remind him of their mutual desire to save their respective villains and a push from Katsuki that reminds him that he needs to win before he can save.
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dukeofonions · 3 years
Season Two Episode Ranking
Warning: I get very, very, very, critical in this ranking. Like, angry ranting that’s almost laughable. Should I be getting this worked up over an online series? Eh, probably not. But this is my life and I’ll get outrageously angry over whatever media I want. 
Seriously though, this is all just my personal opinion. I’m not saying you have to agree with me and if you like the episodes that I don’t then that’s perfectly fine. 
I tend to overthink things a lot and I spend most of my time analyzing every little details of this series because what else am I supposed to do at work?
So yeah, this ranking is definitely less positive than the one I did for the first season. But I hope y’all can still have some fun going over it! And if anyone does their own rankings be sure to tag me because I’d love to see them and see how mine compare! 
Anyways, enough of me acting like this is more important than it is, on with the ranking! 
I can’t believe season two only has 12 episodes. Now I went ahead and counted Moving On as one episode in this ranking since my opinions on both parts are pretty similar, but sweet cheese and fish this season started on September 1st, 2017 with Fitting in and right now is left on Putting Others First which came out on May 1st, 2020. And as of me writing this it is now May 2nd, 2021. It’s been a whole year since the last episode and we still have no idea when the finale is coming. 
Like, bruh. 
Also remember how the longest episode in season one was only about 15 minutes long and the shortest one was barely four minutes? 
Well the shortest episode in season two is Crofters- The Musical which is 8:42 seconds. The longest episode is Putting Others First which is a whopping 51:09.
And I wish I could say that the writing was on the same level it was in the first season, but there’s a reason I put that warning up there. 
Well, enough stalling, let’s get this ball rolling.
#11 Embarrassing Phases
There are no words in the English language that can describe the sheer amount of hatred I have for this episode. If I could rank this any lower, I would, which will happen once we finally get the season finale. I don't know how that episode will go but it'll definitely be better than whatever dumpster fire this was.
Like, okay. I have some positives. Roman, Patton, and Virgil's costumes were cool. I won't lie I live for vampire Virgil. And the message about embracing your past "phases" and exploring how they helped made you who you are. That's neat. I like that.
And that's it.
My biggest gripe with this episode is Virgil. He just acts like a complete bitch in this! And I don't mean that in an endearing way he's literally so mean for no reason!
He's all "You guys are trivializing my past!"
In response to them going "Hey Virgil, we're glad you're part of our group now and are proud of how far you've come!"
Like okay, even if it was insensitive to call it a "phase" literally there was no reason for him to get as angry as he did.
Just a simple; "Hey, I don't like it when you refer to what I went through as a phase because it feels like you're not talking it seriously."
Isnt that what this whole show is about? Communication???
It wasn't fun watching him just insulting the others, it was annoying!
Like poor Patton, just trying to help and be encouraging, only for Virgil to keep treating him like dirt.
What did I miss here? Virgil was fine in the last few episodes, so what the heck happened?
Oh and let's not forget the great advice Thomas offers Patton at the end of the episode in regards to handling Virgil: "Don't do anything to get on his bad side or else he'll do bad things to you!"
Okay I'm paraphrasing here but that's basically what he says! And since Virgil is supposed to be a representation of anxiety, this is a horrible message!!!
What happened to finding healthy ways to cope with your anxiety? What happened to keeping it in check so it didn't take over your life?
Yeah I'm definitely gonna make a full post about this one episode later because there's a whole lot more to unpack here. But yeah -10/10
#10 Putting Others First
There is just way too much going on with this episode. They try cramming so much in here that I don't even remember more than half of it.
I remember the opening song, then the Lilypadton fight and everything that happens from there. That's it.
And those are the best parts of this episode, but even that has problems because everything with Janus feels like a completely different episode.
Also the whole way they try to teach about morality is all over the place. How did we go from choosing a wedding over a callback to deciding whether or not you would die for your friends to self care is important?
And while the video game sequences, while utilized well in some places, were way too distracting and it felt like they were just trying to shove as many video game references in as they could.
You could take out just about all of them and the episode wouldn't change. Everything they were used for could have been done just through having the characters talk to each other, and knowing this makes the fact that this video was delayed for so long because of it just makes the whole thing worse.
Like the animations were well done, and I don't want to downplay the hard work the animator did. They were just doing their job after all.
But the trolley scenes (especially the second one) hurt my eyes with all the flashing (would have been nice to have some kind of warning for that) and some of the voice effects (especially on Logan's) were grating and distracting.
I want to rank this episode higher, but it has almost zero rewatch ability and honestly besides the ending, when I first watched this episode I was just kinda let down.
#9 Crofters- The Musical
Okay look, the song is a bop and I adore the fact that Logan and Roman got two episodes in the spotlight, but it's just kinda "meh" to me. Plus I get just a tinge of second hand embarrassment but that's just me.
And I know this is kinda unfair but another reason why this one isn't higher is because of a couple of things. One is that they set up some angst for Roman, he's clearly not doing well and Thomas thinks the best thing to do is tell him that he might get his own jam flavor.
Then he does, and instead of following up on that little plot point from this video, they just rushed out a commercial and completely ignored and potential story telling or character development for Roman.
So yeah "Return of the Jam" is the main reason why I don't like this one as much as I used to. And I actually just got an idea for a new post comparing these two so add that to my to-do list.
#8 Fitting In
I actually skipped this one during my first official watch through for one reason and one reason alone: I wasn't allowed to watch Harry Potter.
But I realized that my parents wouldn't approve of me of watching a gay man's content either so I just said screw it.
And luckily I understood enough Harry Potter references to get what they were talking about and honestly, this episode is a lot of fun.
It's a good follow up to Accepting Anxiety, and a nice way to kick off season two. Virgil is finding his place among the group and everyone is trying their best to make him feel welcome, it's really sweet.
And of course we get the new costumes (which i hadn't even noticed that they were wearing their old costumes at first) and I dunno it just gives off season one vibes and it makes me happy.
#7 Moving On Part One/Moving On Part Two
Yeah honestly my thoughts on both parts of this episode are the same. What can I say? It's really good.
This definitely one of the more emotionally heavy episodes in the series, and we see the characters at their lowest for really, the first time in this series.
I adore Patton's room and how each side gets their own corners. All the little details they add in, including the changing picture in the background, it really gives off that nostalgia feel they were going for.
What I love most about this episode is how (unlike some other episodes) they actually let the emotional moments sink in and don't throw in a joke immediately after. Like the ending is bittersweet, sad almost, and I love that they stuck with the mood up until the episode ended.
Not to say there weren't some jokes here and there (mostly in the first part) but once the mood shifts and things become more serious they let that mood stay. And when there are jokes they all work really well.
This is one episode I've actually watched the least out of season two, so it'll be interesting when I go watch it again to see if any of this holds up.
#6 Why Do We Get Out of Bed in the Morning?
Honestly I only put this one above Moving On because Logan and Roman are my favorites.
This episode is actually one of the weaker ones, which hurts to say because again, favorite characters, but goodness it's all over the place. It feels like a precursor to POF and not in a good way.
Logan and Roman just basically argue back and forth throughout the whole episode, never seeing eye to eye with each other, to the point where I think think the writers realized they couldn't find a way to get these two to agree so they just had Thomas step in and be like, "You guys make a really good team!"
Dude, were you even paying attention? They never even reached a conclusion on their own. And even though they have their little moment at the end, it's all kinda ruined when nothing in their relationship changes.
Yes, in Learning New Things About Ourselves, they acknowledge that there's more work to be done in regards to them, which makes sense. People aren't going to suddenly change overnight.
Yet despite having come to some kind of understanding with each other twice now (both here and LNTAO) in the following episodes they still act like they hate each other! Heck Roman is downright nasty to him for seemingly no reason and I don't really blame him for it.
More like I think the writers just don't know how to develop their relationship and just aren't as interested in them as the others. Logan's been reduced to being Mr. Exposition and apparently Roman's personal issues aren't enough for him to carry a room episode on his own because they felt the need to introduce two new characters before he finally gets it.
Sorry, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, the episode.
There's some funny bits here and there and the little animations are cute (even if unnecessary) but really it's only saving grace is being Roman and Logan centered.
Even though they felt the need to include a cameo from literally every other character because apparently no one has any faith that Logan and Roman can carry an episode on their own.
#5 The Sanders Sides 12 Days of Christmas
This episode is just pure fun. Look, I'm not a big fan of Christmas, even less of a fan of Christmas songs, but my gosh this episode almost makes me appreciate the season.
The way they're all just bickering the whole time, being very confused, and how there's just so much personality from each character even when they're not talking/singing and just being in the background is *chef's kiss* perfect.
There's so many fun little details to pick out during the song and it's fun to go back and watch how each side reacts to different things.
#4 Selfishness vs Selflessness
Gonna be real, this used to be my favorite episode. Until my overly critical brain started finding all kinds of problems in the writing department but I think I’ve been negative enough on this post so I’ll save it for another time. 
Janus steals the show in this one, it’s his first official appearance since his debut and he just soaks up the spotlight. It’s refreshing to have an antagonist in the show again, and he’s the perfect foil for each of the original Sides. 
He knows how to play into Roman’s insecurities, know how to feed into his ego and get him on his side. He’s in direct opposition to Patton, who believes that everything Janus represents is wrong. He’s able to silence Logan and take him out of the conversation, speaking over him most of the time. 
And I guess he and Virgil have some beef I dunno. 
The courtroom scenario is fun, and I love how Janus is the only one who sees how ridiculous it is (even though it was your idea in the first place, Jan) and everyone else seeing it as perfectly normal is hilarious. 
I do like some of the more dramatic moments in this episode, especially that final bit with Janus questioning Thomas until he finally gets him to admit the truth. It was intense and reminded me of the scene where Janus confronts Roman in a similar manner. 
While far from perfect this is still a good episode and I can find a lot to love about it, like Janus in a suit. 
#3 Dealing With Intrusive Thoughts
This episode scared the shit out of me and I loved it.
Okay it didn’t actually scare me. But I stayed up to wait for it to be posted, which wasn’t until 2 or 3 in the morning. So by the time I finally watched it I was half awake and not expecting anything that I witnessed. 
The result was me being terrified of Thomas with a mustache and it prevented me from sleeping. I was over it the next day though and had Forbidden Fruit stuck in my head all day. Which isn’t good when you’re running the register at work and you can’t stop singing it. 
There’s a lot of reason why I love this episode, Remus being the primary thing. His entrance is iconic, the first few notes from his theme play as he creeps up behind the TV, him smiling at Roman all creepily until he whacks him over the head and knocks him out for most of the episode. 
Then we get the song, Forbidden Fruit, which is just great. Slight secondhand embarrassment but seeing the finished product and all they put into it, I can’t help but love it. 
Still miffed that Janus hasn’t gotten a song... specifically a villain song... I won’t ever let that go...
Logan is another highlight in this episode (no surprise) and seeing him go head-to-head against his polar opposite without batting an eye was interesting since I was kinda expecting them to show Logan having trouble dealing with Remus but nope. He handled it like a champ and I love them both. 
Now I am kinda wary as to how they’re going to handle Remus in the future, especially with the intrusive thoughts aspect. It’s a sensitive topic and they’re already screwing up anxiety. But Remus has only been in one episode so far which means I can’t make any solid judgments until he’s appeared in more episodes, so I’ll have to wait and see. 
All in all, great episode! Definitely deserves to be in my top three. 
#2 Learning New Things About Ourselves
This episode made me feel so nostalgic. I freaking love puppets and grew up with Sesame Street and the Muppets, so I’m probably biased towards this episode but to me this is really one of the better written episodes. 
Perfect? Heck no. But really, really good. 
I love that we get to explore a bit more with Logan and Roman’s characters, in a lot of ways this is kind of a Logan episode which has him standing against the other Sides, and it’s really interesting to see just how different he is compared to the three of them and it could just be me but it seemed like he’s becoming more of an outsider and isn’t as close with the original four as he used to be, and this episode is what really kicks that idea off. 
I can also relate to the “Well that’s nice but what do you do for a living?” message, except in my case it’s more like I want to quit my “real job” to pursue what I’m passionate about while people tell me it’ll probably never happen or “Yeah that’s a nice hobby!” So this episode really struck close to home and I just have a lot of sentimental feelings towards this one. 
I love all of the designs for the puppets, they all just fit perfectly and I wouldn’t mind seeing them make a comeback one day. I know that’d be difficult since they’d need a professional to puppet them but hey, one can dream right?
And oh my gosh the song, it just gives off the same feel from Sesame Street and Muppet songs with it’s jazzy feel. And I won’t lie I flipped my lid when Logan and Thomas were in the same shot together. We hadn’t seen any of the Sides share the screen with Thomas yet and the fact that it was Logan, and he was arguing with Thomas and they were singing over each other? Ah I love it!
Also don’t get me started on how Logan’s bit in the song sounds more villainous than the others. I’m not saying anything just a neat little observation. 
I have a lot of happy feelings attached to this episode, so despite the few problems I have with it I could never bring myself to hate it. The only one that tops it is...
#1 Can Lying Be Good?
The episode that started it all. The one that caught my attention and sparked my new fixation on this little series that I had just glossed over before.
I really don’t know what prompted me to watch this episode, other than I wasn’t in the best place and it just happened to pop into my recommendations one day and I figured, “Huh, haven’t watched this guy for awhile. Let’s see what he’s been up to.”
Once the episode was finished my first thought was “Holy shit when did this series start having lore?!”
This episode is probably the closest thing to perfect out of all the season two episodes so far. The writing is clever, pretty much all of the jokes land, and oh my gosh the editing in this one is phenomenal. 
The way they show Roman shifting between himself and Joan throughout the episode is what sticks out the most. Having Roman’s voice coming from Joan, or having them briefly change back to Roman, I love it so much. 
Not to mention Thomas’s ever changing shirt that reflects what he’s thinking/feeling is a neat little detail.
Did I mention this episode is hilarious? The ridiculousness of each scenario that they act out, with all the little inputs from Logan and Virgil who are both trying their best to do their jobs besides not even wanting to be part of it in the first place is adorable. 
And of course, the man of the hour, Deceit. Or Janus as we now know him as. 
Is it weird that I like Deceit more as a name? Probably, but that’s just because I don’t like how early his name was revealed. 
Okay that was my last negative comment. Promise.
Now since I hadn’t watched Sanders Sides in a while I didn’t notice anything off about “Patton” during my first watch. But going back after seeing the rest of the series helped me catch all the little hints they added to clue in the audience that something wasn’t right. 
A lot of it is really subtle, mostly in the acting department, but once you’ve caught on to everything it makes you wonder how you didn’t notice the first time. You can even see Logan and Virgil throughout the episode, knowing that something is off with “Patton” but holding back their concerns until Virgil finally calls Deceit out. 
I’ve rewatched Deceit’s reveal so many times. When he finally drops the act after Thomas makes up his mind not to lie, you can just tell he no longer cares whether Thomas knows or not. Then things get even more tense when Logan is silenced, and everyone knows what’s going on except Thomas. 
The music starts to build up, Thomas is flipping out, then after Deceit taunts him again he finally demands to know what’s going on and BAM there he is!
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I love everything about this. 
Like, what else can I say? This episode is brilliant. It really shows exactly what this team is capable of when they’re at their best. The pacing, the build up, the writing, all of it combined together to make the perfect episode.
Season Two has been, interesting. The long waits have caused some problems with the pacing and characters, not to mention the departure of Joan from the writing team with new writers entering the room, not to mention the first welcome now unwelcome arrival of Asides, and with only the season finale left before season three, it makes me wonder just where this series is headed.
I know this series is capable of doing incredible things, season one is still solid and it really holds up even after all this time. But season two just feels like a jumbled mess. Sure, it’s easy to enjoy the episodes individually, but once you try to fit them all together it’s like trying to jam a puzzle piece into a place where it doesn’t fit. 
The best way to describe this season is as an experimental season. Each episode has the team trying something new, sometimes it seems these gimmicks take precedence over the story itself. Of course, some of these can work to the episode’s advantage, while others are just distracting and you’d know you wouldn’t miss them if they were gone. 
It’s a mixed bag that’s for sure. One that has me watching in morbid curiosity as I wait to see whether it’ll crash in the end or blow my expectations out of the water. It really is fun to analyze these episodes, and yes I know I can be very harsh but believe it or not this is how I engage with media that I love.
My hope is that team will learn from season two and try to take a more simple approach with their production once season three roles around. Because if they continue at the same pace they are now I doubt there will be many people around to see this series through. 
And on that note, that was my ranking of season two! I’m actually kinda excited now to go back and rewatch everything, I hope I don’t have to wait much longer to do so but that all depends on when the season two finale comes. Whether it ends up exceeding my expectations or just being “meh” I know it’ll be interesting regardless and I can’t wait to see just how they plan on wrapping this all up before the final season arrives. 
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You Will Be Found: S/O Tag
The kiddos of YWBF decided to sit down together and answer a few questions about their relationships for a video. Enjoy!
(I’m going to do this in transcript form if you don’t mind. There’s just so many of them talking.)
A: Alana
B: Ben
C: Connor
E: Evan
J: Jared
K: Kaeto
L: Libby
Z: Zoe
J: This is going to be a clusterf**ck. I’m calling it now.
A: Have a little faith!
K: So how are we going to do this? In what order are we gonna go?
J: Twitter asked that we do it in chronological order, by who’s been together the longest. (to L and K) We know they love you more, but this is a group effort.
C: (accusatory) Spotlight hogs.
K: Not on purpose!
C: (doubtfully) Uh-huh.
Z: Boys, play nice. So, to make sure we and all the nice people at home are all on the same page, that’s Jared and Ben, then Lana and I, then Connor and Evan, and Kaeto and Libby last.
B: We win!
K: You hate competitions.
B: We’re still winning.
J: (to camera) Do you see why I love him?
Q: How long have you been together?
J: Two years? Two and a half?
B: Something like that, yeah. It was early 2015. Sometime in March.
A: June 3rd, 2015. 10:22 a.m. Zoe had been eighteen less than twenty-four hours.
Z: Aww, you remembered the time. And you waited until I wasn’t jailbait! Okay, Con?
C: Since what, mid-August last year?
E: Yeah, it was right before you went to rehab for the last time.
C: No mind-altering substances and no boyfriend. Double torture.
E: But worth it?
C: (fondly) Like you wouldn’t f**king believe.
Z: *gags* Are you guys done being gross?
C: For the sake of not making this video three hours long, yes.
J: Kaeto and Libby’s turn!
L: What was the question?
J: ‘How long have you been together?’
L: Not long. Since what, early September? More towards the middle? There wasn’t an exact day.
K: I wrote it down, but I can’t remember exactly right now.
Q: What was your first impression of the other?
B: “Why is he smiling like that?”
J: “He’s looking at me like I’m a weirdo but it’s f**king adorable.”
A: “Green hair? That’s someone braver than me.”
Z: “This girl is so nice. How is she friends with my brother? How am I friends with my brother?”
C: Well, fuck you, too.
E: That better not be your official answer.
C: That better not be yours.
(E and C stick their tongues out at one another)
C: But for real, the first thing I remember was like, first grade, maybe? You were always really quiet at school, but then one day your mom came to pick you up after school, and she had this Golden Retriever with her. You lit up a like a g**damn Christmas tree and barreled right into that dog. After that, I always subconsciously kept a list of things that made you happy.
E: Is it still there in your head?
C: Yep.
E: You think it’s accurate?
C: I’d bet my life on it.
E: Well, are you item number one?
C: (blushing slightly) Don’t you have your own f**king question to answer?
E: [referring to ‘first impression’ question] You were always a dark cloud over a room.
C: (sarcastically) Thanks, babe.
E: But you know how I love gloomy days!
L: You two are actually sickening. I’m going to puke.
E: It’s your turn to answer.
L: Nooo, it’s gonna make me seem bitchy.
K: My first impression of you was that you were kind of a bitch.
L: Okay, I feel less bad about it now.
K: Now I don’t wanna hear it.
J: Just spit it out!
L: My first impression of Kaeto - and I warned you that it’s not the best - was “who the fuck is still wearing a giant maroon jacket at the end of May?”
[the kids wince]
Z: Yeah, I can see how you wouldn’t want to share that one.
L: And screw you all for making me say it.
Q: When was your first kiss?
J: Like, three minutes after we established that I was not in any way joking about liking him and was dead serious when I said I wanted to date him.
B: (grinning) I have terrible self-esteem and think everyone hates me!
[Michi, laying with her head in his lap, reaches up and licks his cheek]
B: Thanks, Michi.
Z: We kissed for the first time maybe two weeks before we started dating (with air quotes) “officially” or whatever. And then it was another three weeks before we actually told anyone.
A: And by told anyone, you mean being forced to tell the truth after your roommate walked in on us making out.
Z: Yeah, she never talked to me again after I got assigned a new dorm.
A: Connor? Evan?
[they shift uncomfortably]
C: It’s really sappy and kind of personal.
E: Yeah.
J: Alright, you’re allowed to keep it vague.
E: It was like when we got together, in that it was right before Connor went into rehab, but this was literally right before.
C: (nodding) Yeah, I think that’s a good way to put it. Let’s just leave it at that; it’s a story for another video.
E: Yeah. Kaeto?
K: I know what the next question is gonna be, and it ties in with this one, so we’re gonna skip and get back to it in a bit.
L: Yay! Less talking!
Q: Who said “I love you” first.
Z: Ooh! I vote we let Kaeto and Libby go first just to settle the anticipation.
E: Zoe, we set up an order. We have to stick to it.
A: Or else society crumbles.
E: Exactly.
Z: (grumpily) I can’t believe I chose the two of you as my favorite humans.
J: Can we go now?
C: Please do.
B: It was Jared. I made him do it.
J: That’s...not far from the truth, actually. I mean, you guys all know this, but the people watching might not, so I should explain that a lot of communicating with Ben requires total bluntness and honesty. It makes you really aware of everything you say and do, as well as often forcing you to really analyze or actions. And for me, who’s socially inept and a self-centered dick, it’s been really helpful to be able to acquire this awareness.
L: Aww, Jay, I don’t think you’re a socially inept, self-centered dick.
J: (flatly) Lib, I’m telling a f**king story. And that’s literally what Asperger’s is.
[caption reading “it is and it isn’t” appears at the bottom of the screen momentarily]
J: (more light-hearted) Anyway, when I realized I was in love -
L: Awww
J: - shut the f**k up - with Ben, I kind of freaked out a little bit. It was all internal, so I did start acting weird, Ben picked up on it, worried he’d done something wrong, and then started freaking out himself.
B: (grinning) I’m crazy like that.
J: Nah. But I had to simultaneously calm him down and deal with the fact that I was scared out of my mind because I’d never told someone who wasn’t family that I loved them before. It was a big, emotional mess and I’m glad it’s over and that we’re still here.
[B nods in agreement and leans his head on J’s shoulder]
A: In the case of Zoe and I, I’m pretty sure it was actually me who said it first.
Z: Yeah, it was one of those cases where it slips out on accident over something kind of mundane. Do you remember what it was?
A: You fed my cats so I could sleep in and then brought me Ovaltine.
C: You never tell me you love me after I feed your cats.
A: That’s because you complain the whole time! Jared steals all my Ovaltine, but at least he’s nice to my cats.
C: We are not having the cat argument again right now!
E: (laughing) Hey, Connor, I just realized that not only did you say “I love you” first, but you did it right after our first kiss.
J: You two moved way too f**king fast.
Z: Give the boys a break, they were holding onto three consecutive years of romantic and sexual tension.
E: You do realize that you’re implying that even while you and I were -
Z: I knew it as soon as I said it, but I’m not gonna take it back.
E: Okay, then. Kaeto, now are you going?
K: (nods) Yeah. So, it was -
L: (interrupting) Kaeto said it first, then I proceeded to grab his face. Not even ten seconds in between and way less sappy than these two losers (points at C and E).
J: (shudders) Why do you have to say everything so bluntly?
L: Why do you have to take such issue in the way I do things?
Q: What’s your favorite trait about the other?
B: Jared puts a unique but positive perspective on everything. Except for when he doesn’t, but pure optimism is bad for the soul.
J: Definitely his butt.
[a stuffed rabbit flies from behind the camera and hits J on the head]
J: Sorry, Lily. I was kidding. But really, I’m going to go with either his smile or the way he indirectly forces me to see the world differently and think a bit more before I speak.
A: Zoe takes everything in stride, but not in a way that embraces chaos, per se. She can be met with a problem or situation that seems chaotic or plain overwhelming, but has no issue taking a step back and finding order in it. I don’t do super well with disorganization and chaos, and she’s helped me have more faith in myself when faced with it.
Z: Lots of people have pointed out that I’m basically dating Hermione, and that’s literally the greatest thing anyone could ever say to me. I was obsessed with Hermione as a kid, although I think everyone expected me to want to be like her, not date her. Whoops.
C: For me, Evan is kind of a calming presence, so I’m at ease with him around and having a stabilizing force has really been helpful as I’ve been going through recovery. He’s also very aware of others, which can be his fatal flaw when it makes him ignore himself, but I’ve found it really helpful. Oh, and he makes me go outside. I like going outside, but I need someone to force me to do it a lot of the time. It works out.
E: Connor makes me put myself first in situations where my concern is generally elsewhere. And he draws on sticky notes and leaves them all over the house, which never fails to make me smile. A walking partner is always nice, too.
C: I forgot to mention that you’re a space heater. Sleeping next to you in the winter is the best.
E: And the rest of the year?
C: Well, then it’s just you that’s the best.
Z: (pretends to gag)
L: I would like to set the record straight and inform everyone that my boyfriend has the softest freaking lips I have ever encountered in addition to the best dog on the planet. What else do you need?
K: (shrugs) I’ll take it. I don’t think I necessarily have a part of Libby that I like more than the rest, though. It’s a mix of features and traits that came together just so to make her who she is, and that’s someone I love who love me in return and makes me happy simply by being.
[L hugs K and peppers his face with kisses]
J: (stage whisper) That’s how you know they’ve been together the shortest period of time.
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