#Katsuki was the only one not helping clear Deku’s path too
bicheetopuff · 5 months
Oh nothing, just the symbolism of class a protecting and encouraging Deku but Katsuki being the one running by his side and pushing him forward cuz he’s who Izuku views as a symbol of victory. A high five from Ochaco to remind him of their mutual desire to save their respective villains and a push from Katsuki that reminds him that he needs to win before he can save.
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rcsentful · 2 years
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✉ @ubiquitarian said: “Who am I to you?”
      Green eyes widen for a moment, caught off guard by the question -- and boy, what a question it was. Their relationship had always, always been nothing short of complicated. ‘Friends’ is the first word that comes to mind. Before Katsuki’s quirk manifested, that would’ve been the appropriate word, but even then... Izuku was always the one following. Katsuki was always their brave leader, and Izuku -- Deku -- was always right behind him, never able to keep up, no matter how hard he tried. Always the butt of the joke, always the loser of the game... But as subtly crushing as it was sometimes, it was easy to let it slide when it came to Kacchan. He was so bold, so amazing, and Deku should try harder to be like him, right? 
      When the blonde’s quirk manifested, it was more like their dynamic intensified more than it changed. It was just an exaggerated, more vicious version of how things already were -- Katsuki kept getting further and further ahead of him, and Izuku was pushed away and ridiculed at every turn. Despite it all, though, he still considered him to be his... Friend. He still admired him, and he still chased after him, no matter how brutal he got. That’s why it hurt all the more when those harsh words came from the blonde -- he wasn’t just hearing it from a bully, but someone he cared so much about. 
      Things didn’t get any better when they got into UA together -- in the same class, no less, forced to face each other head on. For the first time, ‘useless Deku’ had caught up to him, but it didn’t make Katsuki see him as an equal -- no, he just seemed to be convinced that this was all some ploy to humiliate the blonde, that he’d been hiding his quirk all along just to trick him, that Izuku was looking down on him when that couldn’t be further from the truth... ‘Rivals’ was the word that came to mind now. More than anything, he was just frustrated -- how could Katsuki think that when he’d made it so clear time and time again how much he looked up to him? If he could just tell him about his quirk, about All Might, maybe they could work things out -- 
      But the USJ incident made sure that he wouldn't get the chance to try and smooth things over, because for the first time in their lives they were completely separated.
      Even if things between them were complicated, they had always been together, in the same classes, the same neighborhood -- but for the first time they didn’t see each other for months, changing and developing and going down their own paths without the other... And now... 
      Now what? Izuku had helped him escape the League of Villains, and he couldn't be sure if Katsuki resented him for that or not ( always hated it when he'd offered help ) -- either way, things were more complex than ever. 'Friends' simultaneously felt like too much and too little... But there was an undeniable closeness between them, wasn't there? Katsuki was the only one he could talk to about what he'd been through, why he was so paranoid... The only person that really understood. It’s almost funny, the person who had pushed him away the most became the only person he could rely on. 
      "... I don't think there's a word for it," He starts after spending far too long in his head, shrugging a bit as green eyes finally meet crimson. "But you'll always be Kacchan to me, you know?" It’s a painfully simple answer, but that’s really the only thing he can think to say. “I don’t know if that’s what you wanted to hear, but... There’s no other way to say it.” 
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falling-pages · 3 years
Okay how about first cuddles with Bakugou? Like he is almost feral about being held and having reader snuggle into them. And then....then he realizes the powers of a good cuddle. His body relaxes and accepts the cuddles. You know, just Bakugou leaning how to be a soft boy. 🥰🥰🥰 Hope this helps!! Happy Writing!!
This T_T my heart absolutely melted. This was absolutely self-indulgent on my end and I’m so happy you requested it!!!!
I decided to make it a part 2 of this one shot since so many people asked for a part 2 🥰🥰🥰 Lol also it’s long so I’m sorry
Friday Night pt. 2:
Third-Year Bakugou Katsuki x Third-Year gender-neutral Reader
Genre: Fluff, pining, cuddles, first kiss, just Bakugou going feral when he finally gets cuddles
Bakugou didn’t sleep like you thought he would.
Even with the fever ripping through his body, he laid there so peacefully. On his back, eyes scrunched shut, mouth in a thin line, the first time you had ever seen him not scowling, actually. It was like sneaking back into school after hours and watching the teachers work silently, in their natural habitats.
You didn’t know what you were expecting him to look like unconscious. Snarling snores, maybe. Resting on his stomach, gripping the sheets in his fists hard enough to rip. Probably thrashing, screaming and cursing at his dreams. Imploding smokey holes into the mattress.
But not...this. Not so peaceful, not the way he turned and slightly smiled at whatever his brain came up with. Not the way he would gently breathe in and out of his nose. Not the way his right hand sat limply at his side, his left crossed protectively over his worst wound near his stomach. Not the way his hair stuck out on the pillow gently cushioning his bruised face.
Neither Bakugou nor Aizawa would tell you how he got hurt, raising your suspicions. With graduation looming and the hero license exam nearing, you had figured your teacher had taken some of the top third-year students out for extra training. Bakugou had garnered more control over his quirk, granted, but he still needed the extra training. He liked to push himself too hard, take too many missions. Your outburst earlier in the evening sunk that into his thick skull. 
Some part of watching him felt wrong, knowing he would blast you into outer space if he caught you looking. But this was your job tonight, to sit by his side and watch over him as he healed. 
He suddenly gasped in his sleep, eyebrows furrowing as he clutched his deepest wound. The air rushed out of his now-open mouth, accompanying the slightest whimper. You lurched forward and activated your quirk, falling to your knees to look within him. 
It staked your heart to see him in so much pain, but nothing was wrong, just some blood rushing to his wound. Not too heavy to come through the bandage, though, so you blinked and let it be. 
And then you took a calculated risk. Maybe it was foolish, maybe it was wrong, maybe you thought “to hell with it” about his malicious tendencies. You knew it wouldn’t cure him, and you knew he would probably disintegrate you into a pile of ash and smoke, but you wanted to try. That tugging feeling in your stomach wouldn’t leave you alone, so...
You kissed him.
Well, his forehead. It was hot and dripping with sweat, and you knew it was dangerous, you knew his power was stored in his sweat, but you did it anyway. You had to. You had to try something to ease his pain. 
He shifted beneath your touch, and you dove back into your chair and tried to act nonchalant. 
Like that would work. Nothing escaped Bakugou, even when he slept.
His eyes peeled open, eyebrows quirked as he took in his surroundings. A brief whiff of smoke aired from his palms until he realized where he was. In “some extra’s dorm.”
“Hey--” his voice crackled like his bombs as his eyes fully adjusted to the dim lamplight. His peaceful facade remained. 
“Hey,” you whispered back. Even injured and half-asleep, he still intimidated you. 
“What happened?”
You breathed, relief flooding your core. He hadn’t noticed. “The pain woke you up. But you’re alright. Go back to sleep.”
His eyes trailed lazily across the room, until they met yours. Those crimson red irises could strike fear into the hearts of friend and foe, but when they looked at you, they were soft, confused, trusting. Sleepy.
“That’s not all.”
You settled back in your chair, fiddling with the wicker arms. “That’s what happened.”
“You kissed me.”
You suddenly prayed to every god that you would die. Shiiiiiiiiit, he felt that? 
Panic covered your hands, making you lose feeling in your fingers. A buzzer sounded in your head, like an evacuation alarm. You cleared your throat. You wracked your brain for an excuse, but came up empty. Lying to him was a surefire way of getting blasted through the nearest wall. And, if the way he looked at you was any indication, you’d better tell the truth. “Only on the forehead.”
Bakugou studied you. Now his eyes were calculating, cunning. Now you couldn’t tell if he were looking at you as friend or foe. “You know my sweat could blast your face off.”
It would be a mercy compared to what you were about to go through. “You...just looked like you were in pain. I wanted to help.”
He stared at you for a few more painful seconds. His gaze pierced your sternum like a knife. Then, as if Heaven itself opened, he smiled.
He smiled. 
“I wouldn’t mind another,” he murmured, turning his head back to the ceiling. Try as he might, you saw that grin, joining the blush running across his cheeks. As much as your crush feelings were hyped, you couldn’t help but feel more relieved at the fact that you were still in one piece. 
You crept forward, hesitant to do as he suggested. He was a bucking horse, a wildfire that changed direction with the wind. It was all you could do to avoid getting burned. 
As you leaned over him again, your size dwarfed by him, that calculating sheen stayed put. Was he going to burn you as you were defenseless? Was he going to blast you? He wouldn’t. He had better instincts than to hurt the very person taking care of his injuries as he laid helpless in bed.
But if he was being vulnerable with you, then maybe you should be vulnerable with him.
When you were just a few inches away, Bakugou’s eyes still open, he suddenly reached up and yanked your head down, interlocking his lips with yours. You sputtered, jerking to pull off, but his hand kept you there, eyes fluttering shut as soon as you made contact. After a moment, when you felt your soul reenter your body, you shifted to support yourself better, kneeling half-way on the bed, crossing your chest just above his.
He was warm. You could feel his warmth even while you sat feet away. Unlike Deku, whose skin was always cool and clammy, he was warm. Either by his quirk or fever or just himself, he was burning up, fiery to touch, like a cast iron brand digging into your side. That’s how he made his way in this world, torching the earth and salting the fields if he didn’t get what he wanted, setting off explosions to mold and shift reality into what he desired. He was molten lava, desperate, eager, wanting, burning and terrifying to touch, a spark set ablaze to decimate anything in its path.
Pulsating, and beating, and alive.
But when you lowered your fingertips to his shoulder, and you flinched--breaking the kiss to softly gasp--he frowned, focusing on your face, the way your eyes looked at your hand and how your sensitive fingers rubbed together.
“You okay?” he whispered, gravel voice hushed in honor of the moment.
You heard the pain laced beneath his voice and turned to look at him. Your hand fell on the mattress beside his chest. As his eyes bore into your head, you watched him, the way his muscles rippled, the way his very soul seemed enchanted by your kiss. If you activated your quirk, you were sure you could see the way his blood danced beneath his skin, the rush of chemicals to his brain, the excitement flaring in his nostrils.
He was an inferno incarnate, breathing and wild and alive, letting you touch him with all the slow calmness of an ocean breeze.
You slowly blinked, losing yourself in the imprint of his lips on yours. You unconsciously reached up to your mouth, tracing the outline of it with your fingertips.
As you make a sound of satisfaction, he smirked, trailing a hand up your calf to rest placidly on your thigh. “I said, extra, you okay?”
“Umm. Yeah.” Your eyes follow his hand, expecting it to burst like his grenades. “You’re just really hot.”
He scoffed, smacking your thigh--but gently, just feeling your skin. “Damn right I am.”
“No, not like that.” You rolled your eyes. “I mean, you are hot--attractive, I mean--but your skin...ummm, it burned me.”
“Oh,” he grunted. His eyebrows furrowed, losing that playful edge. He took away his hand, bunching around the sheets instead. 
You massaged your sore fingers as he contemplated. You nearly missed his hissed out, “Sorry.”
So it was a night of firsts--the first time he heard you curse, the first time you heard him apologize, your first kiss and his, too, as far as you knew.
“It’s okay.”
Bakugou moved, waving your helping hand away in case he burned you again. Once he sat up, he leveled his eyes to yours and very lightly, gingerly, took your hand and raised it to his pouty lips. You waited for the sting, but as he kissed your fingertips, all you felt was warmth, like molten chocolate, like a woolen scarf, like the sleepy feeling of an open oven door. 
He finished by rotating your hand in all angles and degrees, making sure to cover every inch of your palm, knuckles, and wrist in his love. The residual buzz traveled from your hand into your heart. 
“It’s my emotions,” he murmured against your skin. “My quirk acts up when I’m emotional.”
He kept his eyes nearly shut, only focusing on pressing more adoring kisses to your skin. When you returned your other hand to his chest, he shuddered, staring back at you with wide eyes. You saw what he was about to say--“Don’t touch me, I don’t want to hurt you”--and folded your finger against his lips.
“You won’t hurt me,” you whisper. “You’re powerful, but I’m not afraid of you.”
You moved your hand down and leaned forward, returning his kiss. The hand he once possessed smoothed under his jaw, outlining it with a finger to pull him close. You tasted the hesitancy in his lips, no longer masked under the bravado of his previous kiss, and smiled. You searched for his hand and found it, bringing it to your waist, giving permission to the boy who rarely waited for others’ approval. But he waited for you. He respected you.
I know you won’t hurt me. 
And that single move was when he realized he was so, so feral for your touch.
His long, powerful arms wrapped around your middle, hauling you completely onto the bed and scooting you into his lap, hugging you as close as he possibly could. There was no soft bone in his body--he devoured you, desperate for your love, your lips, you, you, you. A boy who had been scared to touch all of his life--knowing what it did to people, what he could do if he tried, the damage he even did on accident--was now clutching someone who wasn’t scared, someone who cared, whose hands knotted in his hair revealed just how desperately you needed him, as well. 
You filled him with your love, and he you, and you felt a tear escape, the kind that you cry when watching a sunset, or eating ice cream, or listening to your favorite song, when you’re so happy that smiling just isn’t enough.
Bakugou felt the wetness on your cheek and paused, cradling and dipping the back of your head so he could kiss it away. “What’s wrong, Firework?”
You veins ran hot at the pet name so naturally falling from his lips. “Nothing.” You smile, biting your lip. “I’m just happy.”
He nuzzled your forehead. “Good. Now, let’s lay down. You need to sleep.” 
You smoothed the bottom of your pajama shirt as he stretched to turn off the lamp. As you began to wriggle out of his grasp, he suddenly grabbed you tighter and held you as he shifted, lifting the blanket and dragging you both below. You began to protest on account of his injuries, but he squeezed you tighter against his chest. 
“I’m not letting you out of my arms again,” he whispered, with a kiss to the head.
Once you both were situated in the dark, you rested your head on his shoulder as he scratched your back. The long, slow strokes nearly lulled you into sleep, but one question filled your mind.
You couldn’t see him, but he moved his face nearer yours, catching your hand planted on his chest. “Call me Katsuki.”
“Okay.” The draw of his informal name sent a chill down your spine that you’re sure he felt. “Katsuki, why call me Firework?”
He smiled into your hair, shifting your weight onto him. Drowsiness choked his voice. “Because fireworks are beautiful, brilliant, and I like to look at them.” His knuckles found your cheek, and he brushed them against it. “And you are beautiful, brilliant, and I like to look at you.”
Satisfied, you closed your eyes, drinking in the feeling of his warm skin and arms cradling you, desperate, never willing to let you go, and you never wanting him to.
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kkusuka · 4 years
Peep this crack idea of mine! Okay so being a pro-hero/hero in training they gotta go through many places for eavesdropping or escaping. So Y/N is with a hero/classmate and the pair see a hole that looks like it’ll fit her. So her partner/classmate’s like “Y/N, you should go through.” And Y/N gives him a blank face and says: Now is not the time for jokes. Does my fatass look like it’ll fit through there?” She’s not wrong, sis is double cheeked up on a Thursday afternoon (even smacks her own ass to further her point). I wanna request head cannons of Hawks, Aizawa, Bakugo, and Shinsou reacting to their crush saying that to them (since theyr’re partners for the mission/task) cuz I think it’ll be hilarious 😂
this took way to long- 
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I feel like you guys really would make jokes about this stuff all the time
But for the most part, you guys keep it out of your jobs
This time you just couldn't help it!
You’re hero suit just go re-done and you look SO hot in it
He knew it
You knew it
Hell even the villains knew it
Both of you were mostly rescue heroes you were put in charge of getting all the entrapped people out of the rubble
That means getting into all the cracks and crannies of the fallen buildings
And more than often you were the one getting through them, not without a few comments and a look of betrayal
Anyway, you were ready for it this time
You didn't know how many people were in the building, Hawks’ feathers were a bit worn out, so you were almost going in blind
“Alright y/n, do your thing!”
“Ok ok, I know, but do you think my ass will fit through?”
As you said it you gave him a nice view of your butt and the curve of your back
He wanted to say something you could tell, he was practically sweating
Before either of you knew it, a hand was on your ass- it was oh god
It was his hand- uh oh gotta play it off
“Um, yeah it-it should be just big enough, yeah, nice and um squishy-!”
Oh thank god, you were laughing, that could have gone way way worse
Now, he just had to buck up enough courage to ask you out and he’ll be set
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Aizawa Shouta
You didn't realize how nice your ass looked, but he sure did
As much as he pretended to be, he wasn't immune to your stupid jokes
Being on rescue was not Shouta’s favorite job to do, but with you, it seemed less dreadful
Getting to the epicenter of the damage, it was almost all covered by debris and huge chunks of the building
There was no way he was getting in there without some help, but you?
There simple all good, not
You just turned to look at him, “look ‘Zawa this is important but.  Do you think my ass will fit through that?”
Uncalled for!
No, don't make him look
He isn't looking, nope, no, no
He was looking
He was totally looking, unashamed he stared at your ass
It was like you know what to say to get him completely off track.
“y/n! This is hardly the time for tasteless jokes!”  
Tasteless jokes? You knew he wasn't talking about your perfectly crafted amazingly hilarious jokes
“I’m serious! I think my ass is too out of this world to get through! Look!”
Oh, he was already looking, trust him.
“Yes yes, you have a very nice ass, go in the whole and help whoever is in there”
There he said it, now leave him alone.
“Ok but I don't really believe you so when this is over you may have to take a closer look”
You were going to be the death of him.
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Bakugou Katsuki
Whether it was the way your costume skirt revealed the back of your thighs just perfectly
Or, it was the way you kept bending over near him
Fuck his luck, of course, you were paired up for this stupid rescue exercise
This was stupid, he won't need this literally ever, they should just let them spar, damn he wants to grope your ass until his hands are imprinted on it, he has to work on his quirk so he can be 100x better than that loser Deku
“Sukiii~-” not the stupid nickname “c’mon were up!”
No one should be that enthusiastic about something this stupid
You grabbing his arm and tugging him off wasn't helping
The task was simple enough, get into the building a rescue te stupid dummy without the building collapsing
This kind of task was not made for him, it was in his nature to be extremely destructive
You guys got in no problem, but within seconds you had been met with a blockade of fallen walls
The only hole in the debris was only big enough for you
“Extra! Go through and make a path for me!”
That came out ever so slightly wrong
“Baki! This isn't the time but do you think my ass will fit? You should know you've been looking at it all day!”
He was NOT looking at your perfectly shaped soft-looking perky- shit he was looking
“What did yoU JUST SAY TO ME??!!!!!”
“Haha, Bakugou! I thought you were smarter than that, come ‘ere, feel”
His hands- and you- laughing at him- his hands- it was soft
“Stupid woman, get through the hole, we’ll talk later.”
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Shinsou Hitoshi
Nope, mayday mayday
This was it
In the end, no more, Hitoshi Shinsou was no more
Who even let you get a costume like that?
And what god hated him so much he had to look at you all-day
The exercise for today was to unarm a group of villains from the top of an office building
Yeah it was easy and all but-
He had to walk up 14 flights of stairs, BEHIND you (you dig)
Maintaining his three-step distance was not the best idea considering it was right in his face, and he wasn't even paying attention to anything else but how your hips swayed while you walked
Aaaaaaaaaand you stopped- you stopped?!!!!!!!!
He didn’t have time to react and by the time he realized it, face to ass
Of god face to ass
“Oh god- I’m-” “i-it’s fine shin, there's a blockade of sorts, it looks like we have to try and get through it”
Yeah ok, that made sense.
“You should try to get through it, it seems all clear on the other side, but when you get over there you have to try and open it up for me a bit.”
That sounds like he wasn’t thinking about how good your legs look.
“Toshi, I don't mean to bring this up now but, do you think my ass will fit through that hole?”
Yup, he could respectfully pass away now, there was no need
“I’ll answer that later, just go”
He set himself up.
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bakukags · 4 years
more than enough (bakugou x reader)
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summary: You may have fallen in love with your childhood friend Deku, but your best friend Bakugou is in love with you. 
pairing: bakugou x gn reader
genre: fluffy angst 
warnings: slight swearing
word count: 5,071
a/n: thank you so much for all the love on my last post! here’s a longer one – hope you enjoy! please let me know what you think so that I can improve my writing :)
Bakugou Katsuki was many things - arrogant, prideful, and condescending – but he was never selfish. Especially when it came to you. You were his childhood friend, his number one supporter, his everything. And you were in love with Deku. So, he swallowed down his confessions, pasted on a sneer, and made fun of you like always because this was how it was supposed to be. The last thing he wanted was to make you feel uncomfortable, and if that meant silently watching you endlessly pine after Deku, he would deal with the heartache for you.
You refused to tell anybody about your crush on Deku because you were too scared to ruin the close friendship you two had. You constantly reminded yourself that just seeing him, spending time with him, and being friends with him was enough. It had to be enough, and you had nearly convinced yourself that it was until you ran into someone at the mall.
“Ow! Sorry-” You exclaimed before looking up to meet a familiar pair of glaring eyes. “Katsu?”
“Yeah, that’s my name idiot.” Bakugou grunted in reply, crossing his arms in annoyance. “I know you only have air where your brain is supposed to be, but at least try to watch where you’re going.”
You grinned up at him and nudged him playfully in response. “But then we would’ve never run into each other and you wouldn’t have been able to see my amazing face.”
He scowled back at you. “More like I wouldn’t have to deal with your nonsense. You should apologize to me properly.”
You rolled your eyes. “If anything, you should be apologizing to me because it was your stupidly broad shoulders that blocked my path.”
Bakugou cleared his throat, the tips of his ears turning pink.
You laughed triumphantly. “Katsu your ears are-”
“Shut up idiot! It’s just warm in here.” He growled, the faint blush turning darker as he looked away flustered. You smirked, before continue to scan around the mall.
“Who are you looking for?” Bakugou asked after noticing that your attention as no longer on him.
“Izu. We’re both grabbing lunch and watching a movie together.” You replied, eyes never ceasing their search. Bakugou wrinkled his nose in disgust and opened his mouth to reply before noticing the beaming smile spreading across your face. Following your line of sight, he spotted the source of your smile. His fists clenched tightly together as you excitedly waved at the green-headed boy, and he forced himself to tear his gaze away.
“Well, I guess I’ll see you around-“ The rest of his words died in his mouth as he noticed your beaming smile dim slightly. He turned back around to see that Deku wasn’t alone – he was laughing alongside another girl. Bakugou glanced over at you and noted the brief flash of pain in your eyes, before you quickly covered it up with a bigger smile. Bakugou narrowed his eyes as the pair approached you, unconsciously taking a step closer to you in an attempt to comfort you.
“Hi Y/N, I just ran into Uraraka on my way here! I asked her to join us but she says she doesn’t want to intrude. But you don’t mind if she joins us right?” Deku grinned, oblivious of your feelings. Bakugou looked over at you, and saw that you had your arms wrapped around yourself, as if you were trying to protect yourself from the world. Without thinking, he wrapped his arm protectively around you and glared at Deku.
Izuku blinked, startled for a second before grinning up at Bakugou. “Oh hi Kacchan! Do you want to join us too?”
Bakugou glanced over at you. You were staring at your shoelaces, your usually easy-going attitude replaced by one of discomfort and awkwardness.
“Actually, me and Y/N are going to get some food. We’ll see you later.” Bakugou growled before grabbing your hand and dragging you away. You let him drag you away, only taking a brief look back at Izuku who had just shrugged and immediately turned his attention back to Uraraka.
“Don’t look back at them idiot.” Bakugou gripped tighter on your hand. “What are you a masochist?”
You stayed silent, your mind still reeling with the way Izuku smiled up at her. He had never stared at you like that, and just thinking about it made you feel nauseous.
“Hey, stop ignoring me idiot. Look at me.” His voice rose when you ignored him again. “I said look at me dumbass! I know you’re dumb, but I didn’t know you couldn’t hear as well.”
“Not now Bakugou,” Your voice broke. “I’m not in the mood.” He immediately stopped walking and turned around to face you. Your body was trembling, and he watched helplessly as you tried not to break down in front of him.
“This is about stupid Deku isn’t it?” He said, voice uncharacteristically soft. Your eyes widened and you grimaced, purposefully avoiding his gaze.
“Don’t even bother lying about it either.” He continued, voice regaining it’s usually roughness. “You’re bad at many things, and lying’s one of them. It’s so obvious that you’re in love with that idiot.”
It hurt him to say that out loud, and he wanted to scream in frustration at how messed up this situation was. The person he was in love with was in love with his childhood friend and rival. It was frustrating how Deku seemed to effortlessly beat him in everything. First he had somehow managed to curry favor with All Might, and now he had stolen you without even trying. But at the same time, he couldn’t hate Deku more than he hated himself for not being good enough. He wished he was good enough - if he was good enough, then maybe All Might would have noticed him, maybe he wouldn’t feel this way, and maybe, just maybe, you would be looking at him the way that you look at Deku.
He wishes he could hit Deku for not realizing that he has the most amazing person in the world head over heels in love with him, but he buries these feelings deep inside of himself and walks towards you instead. Bakugou hesitantly reaches out and embraces you, and you melt into his arms, craving his comfort.
“It’s not enough Katsu,” you feel yourself break down as Bakugou’s arms surround you. “I thought being friends with him would be good enough but it’s not.”
He hugs you closer to his chest in response, and swallows down the lump growing in his throat. He knows it’s selfish, but he wants to stay like this forever with you in his arms. If only you weren’t so caught up in your feelings for Izuku, maybe you would be able to feel his heart and how it beat only for you. It had always only been yours.
“I don’t know what to do Katsu.” You mumbled, voice muffled against his chest. “What do I do?”
You feel Bakugou tense for a second as he thought of a response. When he finally spoke, it sounded like he was choking. “Why… you… confess?”
“Hmm?” You raised your head up at him, confused with his garbled response.
“Why don’t you confess?” He repeated through gritted teeth, struggling to get the words out. He holds you a little bit tighter before continuing. “He’d be an idiot to say no.”
You immediately shook your head. “I’m not ready to tell him yet. Right now he sees me as just one of his best friends and I don’t want to jeopardize that.”
Your body started trembling again, and Bakugou’s heart clenched in response.
“I’ll help you.” His lips moved before he can stop them.
You looked up at him, your eyes widening with excitement. “Really?!”
He wanted to take it back the moment he said it, but as he stares into your pleading eyes he knows that he’ll do anything to ensure your happiness.
“Yeah, everyone knows your useless without my help anyways.” He says, and as he stares at the beaming smile you give him, he knows he made the right choice. He would endure all the suffering in the world if it guaranteed your happiness.
Just being in your life was enough.
Despite his constant training to become the number one hero, Bakugou always set time aside for you. Before Bakugou promised to help you with Deku, the two of you would stay up late at night asking playing twenty questions.
“Hmm okay, favorite cuisine?” You asked one night, as the two of you sat on the couch, knees just brushing each other.
“Anything spicy.”
You sighed, but the corners of your lips twitched upwards. “That’s not a type of cuisine. I meant like do you like Japanese, Italian, Indian-”
“I know what cuisine means idiot.” He rolled his eyes. “My answer stays the same. I like spicy food.”
You stared at him incredulously, and he glared back, eyebrows raised challengingly. Unable to keep a straight face, you started laughing, the sound echoing throughout the room.
“Shut up idiot! Someone might hear us!” Bakugou furiously shushed you, as your body shakes with laughter. You covered your mouth to muffle the sounds, but your shoulder still shake with mirth.
“What are you laughing at anyways?” Bakugou asked once you’ve calmed back down, which only makes you burst out laughing again. “You-” You gasped for breath, struggling to speak in between your fits of laughter. “You look like an angry Pomeranian!”
Bakugou’s face burned, and he silently thanked the dim lighting for hiding his blush. “I don’t!” He protests.
“You do!” And as you burst into another fit of laughter, Bakugou couldn’t help the smile that slid onto his face because he loved hearing you laugh, even if it was at his own expense.
Bakugou always looked forward to spending time with you on those nights, but ever since he promised to help you, he would bring Deku along before leaving the two of you alone. And as you spend more time with Izuku alone, you feel the two of you grow closer than ever before. When the two of you couldn’t talk, you would tell him that you miss him, and he would blush before smiling back and saying that he missed you too. You even had the courage to start teasing Izuku on how cute he is, which would leave him a stuttering, blushing mess. You wouldn’t have been able to do that before, but with Bakugou silently supporting you, you felt like you could achieve anything.  
However, something felt off. You found yourself missing the angry blonde boy, and you felt as if you hadn’t seen him in weeks. You missed his comforting caramel scent, your late night conversations, and even his snarky remarks. It felt as if he was gradually distancing himself from you, and just thinking about it made you feel uneasy. So, after talking to Izuku one night, you grabbed something from your room and snuck into Bakugou’s room like old times. He jumped up immediately, fists clenched and ready to fight. However, as soon as he noticed that it’s you, his body relaxed and he motioned for you to come in. You walked in, noticing the broadness of his shoulders and the muscles adorning his back for the first time. You looked away quickly, face burning red as you sit down on his bed.
“So are you going to tell me what’s wrong?” Bakugou spoke first.
You looked up confused. “Does something have to be wrong for me to come over?”
“You only come over without me asking you to when there’s something wrong.” He stated calmly, as if he’s merely reiterating facts or the weather. For some reason, your heart clenched at that statement, but you brushed the feeling away and focused on tracing heart shapes into Bakugou’s bedsheets instead
You wanted to tell him that you’re here just because you missed him and his teasing, but when you opened your mouth, the words got stuck in your throat.
“Um, thanks for helping with Izu, it really means a lot.” You felt Bakugou stiffen next to you, and you inwardly cursed yourself for not having the courage to say the truth.
“Whatever dumbass. I only helped you because you can’t do anything by yourself.” Bakugou’s voice came off harsher than normal as he tried to hide his disappointment at your last comment. For a second he thought that you were going to say something more, but that was just wishful thinking.
A moment of awkward silence follows that’s never been there before, and you fight the urge to fidget. Something between the two of you feels off, yet you couldn’t figure out what it was. The atmosphere felt stilted and wrong, cluttered with too many unspoken words and suppressed feelings.
“I got you a thank you gift. You know, for helping me with Deku and all,” You interrupted the silence. Reaching behind you, you pulled out the gift bag that you had managed to hide behind you. “I saw this and I thought of you…” You trailed off, unsure of why you felt so nervous.
He carefully took the gift bag from you, cradling it in his hands. He gazed at it intently, as if it were some prized possession that would disappear the moment he looked away.
“Don’t worry it’s not going to explode or anything if you open it.” You joke as he continues to stare at the present. “Go on, open it!”
Bakugou rolled his eyes and reached inside the bag, only to feel something soft. With growing confusion, Bakugou pulled it out before staring at it incredulously
“You got me a stuffed animal Pomeranian?” He grimaced, staring at the fluffy animal with thinly veiled horror.
“It reminded me of you!” You smiled. “And it’s not just a stuffed animal - you attach it to your phone like this!” You pulled out your phone, which had a matching Pomeranian dangling off of it, and waved it in front of his face. “See? We can match now!”
“That’s even worse!” He growled, shaking his head. “You’re crazy if you think I’m going to put that-that thing on my phone.”
“Don’t tell me the Great Katsuki is scared of a little Pomeranian.” You grinned, as he sputtered indignantly. “Don’t worry I can always return it, if you want...” You reached over to grab the little animal only for him to snag it away from you.
“I’m not scared! Tsk, whatever I’ll put the stupid thing on.” Eyebrows furrowed in concentration, Bakugou focused on attaching the Pomeranian to his phone.
And as you stared at his serious expression, the awkward tension from before melted away. You smiled, and let out a laugh of relief, causing Bakugou to look up at you. He missed hearing your laughter, and hearing it again made him feel like he had finally arrived home.
“Hey Katsu,” You leaned against him, eyes fluttering closed. “Let’s hang out this weekend.”
“Yeah whatever.” He grunted, his heart racing as he felt your body lean into his. He looked over at you to see your smile widen, the sight so bright that it made his heart catch. He wrapped his arm around you, and pretended for a moment that this was real, that you were his, and that this would last forever.
This time, he almost believed himself when he said that this was enough.
The following weekend, you and Bakugou went to an arcade together. You were surprised by how much you had missed his company, and you found yourself laughing and smiling more than you had in the past week. His competitive nature made him an excellent opponent, especially when he kept losing to you in Mario Kart.
“That didn’t count!” Bakugou growled as you won for the sixth time in the row. “It’s this shitty machine that’s broken, do you hear me?”
“Yeah, the machine lost not you.” You said with a serious face, but the twitching corners of your mouth revealed your amusement. “C’mon, let’s go take photos in the photo booth.”
And so, after dragging a reluctant Bakugou behind you, the two of you ended up squished inside a photobooth. Wrapping your arms around him, you grinned just as the camera flashed. After doing two more poses, you grabbed the photos and looked at them with satisfaction.
“Look Katsu, don’t we look cute?”
Bakugou grudgingly looked down at the picture, and found that he couldn’t look away. You were right, the two of you looked as if you were made to be next to each other, and he felt his heart speed up as he looked at the you in the picture whose arms were hugging him.
“Here you get to keep one.” You grinned, shoving a copy of the pictures into his hand before putting your own copy away in your pocket. “Now let’s go get some food.”
As you both waited in line for lunch, Bakugou turned to look at you curiously.
“I never got the chance to ask you, but why do you like Deku so much?”
“Well he’s-” You froze for a moment, mind racing to come up with an answer only to come up with nothing. How had you never asked yourself this question before?
“He makes me laugh,” you told yourself, before realizing that the person you laughed the most around was Bakugou. Late nights filled with laughter and Bakugou immediately flickered into your head, and you uncertainly pushed them away.
“He’s always there for me.” You thought, yet your mind automatically wantdered to the person who had truly always been by your side. It was Bakugou who comforted you whenever you were upset. It was Bakugou who supported you from the sidelines and made you feel like you could do anything. And if you ever needed help or someone to talk to, it was Bakugou that you turned to. You desperately extinguished all thoughts of Bakugou as quickly as they formed, scared of what would happen if you allowed them to continue
“He cares about me,” You thought triumphantly, relieved when no thoughts of Bakugou immediately come to mind. 
“Except, who’s the one who cares enough to know everything about you?” A voice in the back of your mind asked. You immediately thought back to how Bakugou could answer every single question about you. From something as important as your birthday, to as insignificant as your least favorite word, Bakugou cared enough about you to commit every single thing about you to memory. 
“No one cares more about you than Bakugou,” The voice whispered before disappearing, leaving you with jumbled thoughts and newfound emotions. 
“Sorry you don’t have to answer that,” Bakugou broke through your daze, worriedly eyeing your perturbed expression. “It’s probably because idiots attract other idiots right?”
“Right.” You slipped on a shaky grin. “Oh we’re almost up next! What are you going to get?”
Bakugou could clearly see that something was troubling you, but he decided to let it go for now. After the two of you bought your lunch, you both sat down at a nearby booth. As you guys continued talking, he watched in relief as the troubles you had earlier seemed to melt away. However, his good mood was instantly ruined the moment he spotted a familiar freckled face. 
“Kacchan? Y/n?” Deku approached you both with a dopey smile on his that you had grown to love.
“Izu!” You smiled, your heart speeding up at the sight of him. “What are you doing here?”
“Just grabbing a couple things for a friend.” His cheeks flushed as he spoke. “What about you guys?”
“We’re just hanging out.” You glanced over at Bakugou who was staring broodingly out the window, seemingly set on ignoring Deku. You rolled your eyes at him before looking back over at Deku. “Sorry, just ignore him. We’re still on for movie night tomorrow right?”
Deku’s grinned faltered for a second before he started fidgeting with his hands, a habit he had picked up a while ago. You felt the smile slipping off your face – Izuku only ever fidgeted when he was nervous or felt guilty about something.
“What’s wrong Izu? Are you okay?” Your worry grew as his eyes darted from side to side guiltily.
“Yeah I’m fine! Sorry, it’s just that I totally forgot about the movie night tomorrow and made plans with Uraraka and I know we made the plans first but-” His voice trailed off, but you immediately realized what he wanted.
“You want to cancel so you can hang out with her right?” You finished his train of thought for him, stomach sinking with dread. He looked back up at you, eyes full of hope. You feel your stomach drop, and your chest protests in pain.
You forced yourself to smile for his sake. “Of course, we can always reschedule Izu.”
His grin widened, immediately erasing any trace of his nervousness. “I knew you would understand, thank you! And you could always join us if you want?”
“Us” the word echoed in the back of your head, taunting you. You couldn’t help but wonder when they had become an us, and you had become an outsider. You knew that the invitation was only formality, a tacked on afterthought to be considerate. You had somehow become his second choice, and the realization hurt. You pasted on another smile, determined to hide your pain from him.
“That’s alright Izu, maybe next time. I hope you guys have fun.”
Bakugou narrows his eyes at your crumbling façade, before glaring vehemently at Deku. He’s never wanted to punch the oblivious boy more than he does right now. He clenches his fist under the table, effectively hiding the mini sparks emitting from his palms. If it were any other day, he would challenge Deku to a fight, but today he needed to stay calm so that he could stay and comfrort you. Deku opened his mouth to say something, but Bakugou quickly cut him off before he could hurt you further.
“I think you should leave.” Bakugou’s tone leaves no room for argument, yet Deku still hesitates, his eyes darting between Bakugou and you before coming to a conclusion.
“Right.” Deku awkwardly grins. “I’ll see you guys later.”  
The minute he walks away, you bury your face into Katsuki’s shoulder.
“I don’t get it Katsuki. Why am I not good enough?” Your eyes prickled, yet the tears refused to fall.
Bakugou looked helplessly down at you, before tugging you closer, only able to offer you his warmth.
“You are enough.” He whispered softly, yet you missed his words as you tried to block out the world around you. But if you had closed your eyes and listened close enough, you would have heard the words Bakugou was repeating to you like a broken record.
“You’re more than enough to me.”
Several months passed after the Deku incident, and you found yourself growing closer and closer to Bakugou. Although the pain of Deku liking someone else was nearly unbearable, it started to lessen as time went on. Bakugou helped a lot - his presence always comforted you, and you found that as spending time with him made all thoughts of Deku vanish.
However, Bakugou knew that talking about Deku still remained off limits. Whenever he tried to subtly bring the green haired boy up, you would completely shut down and block him out. He knew it wasn’t healthy for you to bottle up your feelings like that, but eventually stopped bringing Deku up knowing that you would talk to him about it when you were ready.
Since you didn’t seem to want to go out anymore, Bakugou had taken it upon himself to resume your late night question game. So, as usual, he grabbed your favorite snacks and waited for you in his room. You walked in a couple minutes later, a smile spreading onto your face as you saw Bakugou.
“You hardly ate anything at dinner.” Bakugou said as he dumped the snacks for you onto his bed. “Thought you might be hungry.”
“Thanks Katsu!” You grinned, before your eyes started to drift to his messy blonde hair. Had it always looked that soft? You had the sudden urge to touch it and before you could think, your hand had already reached out, freezing halfway. What was wrong with you? You quickly dropped your hand back down, pretending that you meant to grab one of the snack bags,
“Okay, you can start.” You said, your traitorous fingers still itching to find out if his hair was as silky as it looked. You opened the snack bag instead.
Bakugou cleared his throat. “Favorite animal?”
“Easy. Pomeranians.” You said, too focused on your food to notice the small blush spreading across the back of Bakugou’s neck. “Who’s your favorite person?”
He wanted to tell you the truth, but the words got stuck in his throat, refusing to come out. He stuttered out a response instead. “I-I don’t know! Why would you ask that idiot?”
You looked up, surprised to see that he was flustered. Putting your snack aside, you scooted closer to him until both of your knees were touching. “C’mon Katsu you can tell me. I’m your best friend right?”
And as he stared into your pleading eyes, he knew that he could never say no to you when you looked at him like that. He sighed in defeat. “It’s you, okay idiot? I guess you’re my favorite person, though I can’t imagine why.”
Something that felt like butterflies fluttered excitedly in your stomach as you stared at the blonde boy. Your heart had always quickened whenever you’d see Deku, but it had never beat out of your chest like this. Your eyes unconsciously flickered down to his lips and you felt your breath hitch. His teeth were caught on his lower lip, and you wondered for a moment what they would feel like against your own. You looked away, fighting the sudden urge to laugh. It was just Bakugou, so why were you acting like some lovesick teen?
Your eyes widened at the sudden realization and looking back into his eyes only confirmed your answer. The answer had always been there, something that you had always known, but just never thought about. These new realizations made your head spin, and you ran out of the room, dizzy and breathless. Bakugou called out after you, alarmed at your sudden exit, but you ignored him. You needed some time alone to think.
You avoided him for the next few days, yet he somehow still plagued your thoughts. You saw him everywhere, and the harder you tried to forget him, the more he seemed to appear. However, one day after class, he managed to find you as you aimlessly walked around the campus.
“You’ve been avoiding me.” He growled, and you didn’t realize how much you had missed his voice until you were drowning in it. You refused to look at him, afraid that if you did, you would immediately throw yourself into his arms and never let go. “Look I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I understand if you want me to stay away from you, just say the word and I’ll do it.”
Him staying away from you was the last thing you wanted, but when you opened your mouth to tell him, something else came out instead.
“I never answered your question on why I liked Deku, did I?”
Bakugou clenched his fists in frustration. Even at a time like this, you felt the need to bring up that idiot? He already knew you liked Deku and not him, and being reminded of the fact still hurt a lot. He seethed in silence.
“He makes me laugh, he cares about me and he’s always there for me-” you listed, and Bakugou felt like screaming. He didn’t want to hear all of the reasons why you liked someone else and not him, and finally, he exploded.
“You’re such an idiot!” He screamed, startling you into looking up at him for the first time in days. He looked like a mess. The dark circles under his eyes revealed that he hadn’t slept for days, and his skin looked two shades too pale. You immediately rushed closer to him, worry enveloping you.
“When was the last time you’ve eaten? Why aren’t you sleeping? Are you okay?” The questions tumbled out of your mouth as you searched his face for answers.
“Do I look okay dumbass?” Bakugou shouts, causing you to take a step back. Everything that he had been holding back suddenly flooded out, like a dam that just burst. “I love you! I love you so damn much and I’ve given you everything, but it’s never enough for you is it? Why can’t I be enough, huh? You’re enough for me, so why-why can’t I be enough for you?”
He stopped suddenly, breathing heavily from his outburst. Your chest ached as you stared at him, but when you reached out to touch him, he shoved your hand away.
“You didn’t let me finish.” You spoke softly. “There’s no one in the world who makes me laugh more than you do. And if there’s someone who I want by my side for the rest of my life, it’s you.” Bakugou froze for a moment, and you reached out to touch his arm. This time he let you.
“When you asked me why I liked Deku, I didn’t give you an answer because all the reasons I could think of led me to you.” You leaned in closer to him, drinking in his warmth. “I ran out of the room the other day because I realized how much I liked you and I was too scared to admit it.” 
You felt his arm wrap around you and you let out a sigh of contentment before continuing. “I think I’ve always been in love with you, Katsu. Sorry it took so long for me to realize it.”
Bakugou squeezed you tighter to his side, before turning to look at you with a besotted grin adorning his face.
“I love you too idiot.”
And as his lips met yours for the first time, you just knew. 
He was more than enough.
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sarahjtv · 3 years
BNHA Chapter 318 Quick Spoiler Analysis: Lost and Found
Ok, I think I need a few days to process everything that’s happened during this chapter and I might make a longer analysis for this chapter later, but holy shit when I tell you I ascended, I ASCENDED!  That page of Deku thinking about his classmates with a genuinely big smile on Shoto’s face and the last pages of Bakugo straight-up watered my crops, cleared my skin, expended my lifespan, and sent my soul into the great unknown for a bit.  I screamed happy sounds last night.  With that in mind, some very quick thoughts today:
Hooray for overseas Pro Heroes coming over to help Japan!  This means that Deku and Co. will have more allies on their side and Deku doesn’t have to take care of everything.  I hope and pray he listens to Endeavor and get some freaking sleep.
I’ve heard people mention that Endeavor’s been treating Deku like an adopted son lately and I can see it.  It’s almost like he’s trying to become the good father he wasn’t with his own children.  Like he’s making it up with Deku this time as the son figure.  I kinda like it actually.  It’s good character growth for Endeavor.
The panel of the OFA Holders trying to get Deku to rest is a parallel to the chapter where we go into Shigaraki’s psyche and we see his family trying to grab him and stop him too.  Of course, both Deku and Shigaraki ignore the spirits and just move on with Shigaraki moving towards AFO and Deku moving onto the next villain to beat.  I really like it when Horikoshi parallels these two characters and their symbolism.  I actually just like it in general when it’s done right.
It’s clear that the OFA Holders feel like that maybe they pushed Deku too far with their words and motivations.  But, this is ultimately what Deku wants.  For better or worse, he chose the path of a hero and he’s bent on getting to the finish line.  Though it’s interesting that the 2nd Holder is the only one who thinks that Deku pushing himself so hard is the right thing to do.  I don’t think the 2nd Holder is being malicious in saying this.  I think there’s something to his character and backstory that molded his reasonings.  I mean, Deku really is the only one who can do this, but he does need help.  If Deku can get some help then he can finally rest and fight properly instead of exhausting himself to death.
God, it’s upsetting to see Deku actually being feared by people despite saving them.  Just the way Deku looks alone is scary enough.  The kid doesn’t remotely look like a hero anymore.  He’s not the hero who’s presence can put everyone at ease right now.  Deku’s strayed so far away from his original origins.  The main thing staying there is his want to save people.
And as all these burdens are on his shoulders, the most important thought in his head are his classmate’s smiles.  Everyone is smiling from Ochaco to Shoto who’s pure, rare smile will remain in my head rent free for the rest of eternity 💙.  Deku wants a world where there’s peace and smiles even if he has to suffer for that.  Throughout everything, he’s never forgotten about his friends and their happiness.  I really do love this kid, guys.
As Deku’s facing this other assassin, Dictator (who’s Quirk is similar to Shinso’s except the people he’s controlling are conscious), Deku looks so, so tired.  He’s thinking of ways to save all these controlled civilians while being attacked by them, but he’s just standing there exhaustingly.  There’s a small panel of his eye and it looks so tired.  I know I keep saying that, but he is.  There’s a small flicker of light in his eye too.  I looks to me like it’s going to go out at any moment really.  Deku needs to get a proper meal and sleep before he collapses in on himself.
AND NOW WE GET TO KATSUKI BAKUGO!!!  HOLY SHIT WE HAVEN’T SEEN THIS DUDE IN SINCE LATE LAST YEAR AND HE’S BACK AND HE’S SO BEAUTIFUL 😭💥🧡  The internet’s still going nuts about him I can tell.  He blasts Dictator with an AP Shot and Deku sees him with some life back in his eyes.  Bakugo then pulls out his phone and tells someone “Guys, I found him”!  Which means that Bakugo wasn’t the only one searching for Deku!!!  Please tell me who else joined him, Horikoshi!  I’m betting on Shoto, Ochaco, and maybe Iida, Momo, and Kirishima since they helped Deku rescue Bakugo back in Kamino (which is where Bakugo actually found Deku ironically enough; right in Ground Zero where the All Might statue is).  
Also, the 2nd Holder mentioned before “But if there is someone who could make Midoriya Izuku whole at the moment, that would be…” and then we go right into the big Bakugo panel!  BKDK’s rise 🧡💚!!!  But seriously, this is amazing.  These two really do complete each other not just as rivals, but as friends.  And it’s great how this goes to show how much Bakugo’s grown from the beginning.  This kid who wanted absolutely nothing to do with Deku at the beginning became one of the people actively looking for him and even found Deku first.  Bakugo’s character development truly is one of the best in the series.  
And this would be a great time for Bakugo and Deku to finally have that talk they’ve been needing to have for a long, long time now.  I almost hope that the other kids don’t reunite with Deku next chapter because I really want that talk if they didn’t have it back at Central Hospital.  A glimpse of the other kids would be good and I’d love to see Shoto again, but I NEED THAT ANGSTY TALK!  I wonder if we’re going to have a roll reversal here too: Bakugo lends out a helping hand towards Deku and asks him to rest, but Deku ignores Bakugo’s hand and turns away and leaves again instead.  That would absolutely kill me.  Just as much as the All Might angst we got last week.  If that happens then the turns really will have tabled.  I will cry again for a week straight.  I would still thank Horikoshi for his masterful storytelling though.  I would also cry if Deku does take Bakugo’s hand though.  God, there are so many feels to these two characters it’s wonderful.  I need Chapter 319 like yesterday.
But unfortunately, we won’t get that for a while.  Horikoshi is taking a break next week and so is the anime on July 3rd I think.  So, we’re going to have a dry spell for a week straight my MHA friends.  I’m honestly ok with this though.  For me, the new OP and ED and Horikoshi sketch will tide me over with their bangers (I hope) and Horikoshi needs as many breaks as he can get.  He’s been drawing and writing pure 🔥 this arc and I want him to get some much deserved rest.  Especially after Berserk’s Kentaro Miura’s passing and JJK’s Gege Akutami taking his month long break.  Hey, Jump?  Please give your mangaka better schedules.  I hate seeing them so exhausted.  Anyway, enjoy your break, King 👑!     
Me reading Horikoshi’s last few arcs:          
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todoscript · 4 years
I’ve had this idea in mind for a bit but don’t have the confidence to write it myself, so if it’s alright may I request some headcanons for 1-A’s big 3 (Deku,Bakugou,Shoto) with a S/O who; due to high pain tolerance gets small bruises on their legs, but doesn’t remember where they got them from cause they don’t feel it? (honestly this me most days) Btw love your writing!
A/N | My indecisive ass couldn’t decide between quick bulletpoints or descriptive headcanons so I went with a hybrid(?). I hope I did your request some justice, anon, and thank you for enjoying my writing!
Now here’s some love from our main trio! <333
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Midoriya Izuku
midoriya becomes a bit worried when he spots the blemishes on your legs, especially when you tell him you don’t remember where you got them from
he’s prone to getting many injuries himself and has developed a high tolerance to pain from how many times he’s nearly blown off parts of his body with his quirk
but he knows the sensation of pain is there as a defense mechanism for your body to tell you when you’re about to hurt yourself so he wants you to take extra precaution when you’re out fighting villains or training
also because midoriya doesn’t want any scars embedded on your skin, considering he has so many littered all over his arms, hands, and legs. so if it’s possible, he’d rather avoid you having the same ordeal
“Y/n, where’d you get those bruises?”
Midoriya notices your small blemishes and points them out immediately on your way to class due to your uniform’s skirt and short socks unhindering the expanse of skin. You peek underneath and finally realize the speckle of red and faint blue blotches, tilting your head in a befuddled manner.
“Huh… I’m not sure, myself...”
“Were you pushing yourself too hard during training?” he asks and you hum off in thought, trying to recollect any memory of hurting yourself.
“I don’t think so? Well, even if I did get hurt, I probably didn’t feel it,” you reply nonchalantly. Your boyfriend takes your hand to turn your attention to him. A worried look crosses his face at your absent concern for the marks.
“Y/n, it’s not good if you just push them to the side. I know you have high tolerance for pain but I don’t want you to get injuries that may permanently damage your body.”
His other hand not gripping your own tightens into a fist, and you’re aware of the boy’s own near-irreparable blows dealt on his body due to the self-destructive nature of his quirk. He’s only looking out for you and wants to make sure you never get to that point like he did—heavily bandaged up in a hospital bed and laying there regretting your reckless actions. He hopes you never have to experience such a thing.
At his visible concern, you reassuringly clutch his hand back.
“Alright, I solemnly swear not to go overboard and take better care of myself,” you promise him and that sunshine induced smile curls back on his lips. However, the easily flustered side of Midoriya appears right afterward as he rubs the back of his head in quick succession.
“Ah, I didn’t mean to be overly dramatic or anything! It’s just I was concerned and I thought about myself and your position and I just—” His words clutter into that speedy jargon that you found yourself chuckling at before promptly muting him with a simple kiss on his cheek.
“It’s okay, I know you’re just looking out for me, Izu, so thank you.”
The boy’s cheeks burst red by the time you two enter the classroom.
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Bakugou Katsuki
his instincts flare up the moment those bruises are revealed to his very eyes
the vexation is quick to show on his face and without warning, he’ll tug you off to the side to interrogate you about them
when you don’t have a clear answer for how those blemishes came to be, he doesn’t pry further since he knows you have a heightened tolerance against pain—a trait he doesn’t think you should be particularly proud of if you aren’t conscious about your injuries
instead, he’ll scold you throughout your whole walk to the nurse’s, pulling you along in a protective manner you can’t help but think of as a tender act in spite of how brazen he usually is
“What the hell?” Bakugou mutters to himself while standing on the sidelines of the track field. As he watched you jog along with the girls on the bounds of the track, the small red and bluish marks did not evade his sight considering you rolled up the cuffs of your gym pants that day.
Right after your run, you soon hear the stomp in his steps when he approaches you. “Oh hey, Katsuki, what’s up?” you greet but he ignores it, instead grabbing you by the wrist and hauling you to the side, past all your classmates.
“Wait, Katsuki—”
“How long have you had those fucking bruises?” He’s quick to head straight to the blatant inquiries, backing you up against a wall so you can’t dodge away from him. You understand what he’s talking about, but you can’t tell him for sure when or where the bruises emerged, with your tolerance for pain likely eluding them from you.
He breathes out a heavy sigh after the evidently drawn out pause. Your resistance to pain made you quite audacious on the battlefield so it’s no wonder you end up with these blemishes. Though the blonde is a bit reckless himself, he knows there’s a limit people need to maintain.
Bakugou takes your hand in his again and briskly drags you along off the P.E. field and inside the U.A. building.
“C’mon, we’re going to the old lady,” he says.
“Huh? What about physical training today?” You try to tug him back but his hold on you is firm.
“Shit like that doesn’t matter when you get hurt, ya big idiot. What if you worsen those bruises?” he chides, “Now don’t struggle. I’m taking you there whether you like it or not,” Bakugou immovably declares and you surrender, discerning the tenderness beneath his tone that you can’t help but happily grin at.
“Y’know, this concerned side of you is pretty soft. I quite like it,” you tease. Bakugou narrows the crests on his face as he turns back to look at you with his usual discontented frown.
“Yeah well don’t get use to it, princess,” he quips back, however, you lean forward to sneak peck on his cheek before he can move away. 
“Love you too, Katsuki.”
He immediately faces forward again, but the tips of his ears reddening tell you all you need to know and you grasp his hand tighter along the way.
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Todoroki Shouto
the usual stoic expression he wears everyday would immediately shift into mild concern upon noticing the little blemishes on your legs
he stops what he’s doing and gathers to your side, asking about them with firm intent
when you answer that you don’t exactly remember when they appeared, he’s reminded of your high pain tolerance
todoroki sits you down, and though you tell him they don’t hurt, he still takes his time to thoroughly inspect each and every one of the marks for himself just to make sure
“Y/n… your legs…”
Todoroki walks into the dormitory kitchen, where you’re washing up a few dishes after you fixed yourself something to eat that night. The casual pair of comfortable shorts you’re wearing leaves your legs bare for him to concern over the bruises that blot bits of your skin.
You extend out a leg and gander downward. “Oh? These? They’re nothing, Shouto, probably something I missed during training today maybe,” you insist with a stiff chuckle, though you know your boyfriend isn’t one to let the topic get brushed to the side that easily.
Thus despite your words, Shouto twists the knobs on the sink to cut off the flow of water running down the dirty ceramics and ushers you to sit in a chair at the tables. He kneels before you and sets his hand around the base of your ankle to hold your leg up, eyes keen as they line down your skin. You fidget a little under his acute gaze toward your blemishes.
“Shouto, I said it’s fine. They don’t hurt or anything,” you try telling him again, but his only response is a hum, not looking up.
“From how some of the marks are fading compared to others, I can tell they’ve been appearing periodically,” Shouto mumbles loud enough for you to hear and then finally meets your eyes from below.
“Y/n, I know you have a high resistance to pain but what if these bruises get worse?” he says, worry lingering in his voice, “I don’t want you to suffer if these wounds stack on top of each other.” He runs his warm left hand on your leg that soothingly rubs the nerves beneath the troubled skin.
“Okay okay, I’ll patch them up a bit before I go to bed tonight.” You ultimately concede to the boy’s abiding stare that soon draws a grin. He lifts himself to his feet and bends down to lightly kiss your lips—your reward from him for listening to his concerns.
“I’ll get the first aid kit for you then.” Just before Todoroki starts down his path to the cabinets, you pull him back into you at the last second and astonish him by returning his gesture with your own tender kiss.
“Thank you, Shouto.”
He blinks twice in that instance, slowly regaining his leveled expression, but is now accompanied with small traces of pink.
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hopelesshawks · 4 years
Physical Fatality Part 5- Proud
18+ Hawks x fem, pro hero!reader
Summary: You’re a rising star in All Might’s agency. Hawks is the darling of Endeavor’s. By virtue of your job descriptions, the two of you are supposed to hate each other, or at the very least be cautiously neutral. For a long time that’s exactly what the two of you did. You stayed out of each other’s way and formed little opinion of the other. One fateful night at an HPSC gala changes all that. Based on the album Hopeless Fountain Kingdom by Halsey.
If you don’t want to see Physical Fatality content blacklist #hopelesspf
This story will have multiple NSFW parts so it is 18+ ONLY minors dni
Warnings for minor manga spoilers, oral sex (giving and receiving), facefucking, dom/sub themes
“You need better concealer Katsuki, whatever brand you’re using now is shit,” you comment by way of greeting as you meet Bakugo in front of the agency for patrol.
“The fuck are you on about idiot?” Bakugo scowls. “I can still see the hickeys Red Riot left on your neck,” you grin as you begin walking. His face goes bright red as he catches up to you. “These aren’t-“ he begins but you cut him off rolling your eyes. “Don’t bother, we both know whatever lie you try to come up with won’t be a good one. May I suggest trying Fenty brand concealer out before you have your next rendezvous.” “Whatever, keep talking shit if you wanna keep living on Deku’s couch forever.” “What does your shitty job at covering up hickeys have to do with my technically being homeless?” “I might’ve found you a new place but the more you open your trap the less inclined I am to tell you about it.” “Have I ever told you you’re my best friend in the whole wide world and I love you so much?” Bakugo rolls his eyes so hard it’s a wonder they don’t fall out or get stuck. “Look Kirishima’s got a friend who went to high school with us, Mina Ashido. If you paid any attention to the charts you might recognize her as the acid hero Pinky,” he explains. “Ohh I know her! I follow her on Insta,” you say. “I… y’know what? Sure. Great. Well, her roommate is moving out and Kiri says she’s looking for a new one.” “Aww, so he’s Kiri now?” “I swear to god (y/n) do you want the room or not?” “Right! Yes, I totally want the room! Thanks so much Katsuki!” you beam at him. “You’re lucky I find you entertaining dumbass. Here’s Mina’s number,” he sighs as he pulls out his phone and texts over her contact details. “Seriously though, I owe you one. I’ll give her a call later today,” you tell him. “Whatever, let’s just get on with patrol,” Bakugo scoffs. You know he appreciates your thanks anyway.
You love patrolling with Bakugo because the two of you are equally competitive. Sure, on bigger takedowns you both know how to reign it in and focus, but on days like today where all you get is a small time robbery or two both of you let yourselves go a little bit. It’s all about who can round up the most villains in the least amount of time. These competitions were a large part in why you earned Bakugo’s respect and had been the beginning of a beautiful friendship, not that he would ever call it that. Your favorite tradition of you and Bakugo’s patrols, however, was the race back. Once you guys neared the end of your route, you would pause, do a short countdown and then you were off. First one back to the agency wins, the only rule was that you couldn’t do anything that could draw a bad headline i.e. destroying property or getting civilians caught in the crossfire. It was such a staple of the two of you’s patrol that many people had come to know them and you’d get the occasional group of spectators to watch you and the explosive blonde racing. The current record is 112-113 in Bakugo’s favor but you’re determined to fix that now. The two of you finally reach your usual starting point and both of you get a grin of anticipation. “Ready to watch me widen that lead?” Bakugo asks. “No way in hell, I’m tying it back up,” you fire back. You both look at each other and together countdown
You’re both sprinting forward careful to avoid any pedestrians. You see a clear path starting to open up ahead of Bakugo and quickly scan for an obstacle you can throw in his way last minute. Your eyes land on a mailbox so you reach out with your quirk and then wait to time it until just before he’s about to blast himself forward. Right as he’s surging forward, the finish line in sight and his hands sparking, you jerk the mailbox in front of him so he barrels directly into it. You give him a wink before sprinting the last bit inside, using your quirk to shove the doors open and slide into home as he is just getting back up off the ground. He runs inside shortly after you and you crow out your victory. “Eat shit, Katsuki! It’s 113 all now,” you laugh out of breath, panting as you bend over with your hands on your knees. “Can’t believe you hit me with a fucking mailbox,” he huffs back. “It’s not destruction of property so it’s valid,” you point out. You stand back up straight, chest still heaving with exertion and sweaty from the run only to look towards the elevators and see Hawks staring at you. You belatedly realize that Shoto is with him and also giving you a curious look and it only occurs to you then what an odd picture you and Bakugo must’ve made rushing into the agency like that. “We, uh, we race,” you pant out by way of explanation as you and Bakugo finally start to catch your breath and make your way towards the elevators.
As the four of you get into the elevator Bakugo asks “What brings you guys here?” “Apparently All Might and Father want us to get started on the investigation into the attempted terror attack at the gala last week. We finally got access to security camera footage, personnel interviews, stuff like that, so we should be able to make at least a little head way. Tokoyami and Midoriya are already upstairs getting started,” Shoto explains. Hawks is still fucking staring at you and you can’t figure out why but it’s borderline making you sweat again. Since that night in Shoto’s basement Hawks had been doing his best to woo you. He had sent not-so-anonymous notes and flowers to your desk signed off only as “From your mystery man” to avoid the potential scandal of you having a fling from the enemy agency. Even still you could tell that the lower ranking heroes were starting to whisper and wonder about who your new suitor is.
As the elevator reaches your floor and everyone steps out you’re keenly aware that you need to change back into your civilian clothes if you’re about to comb through security data and interviews for hours. “I’m gonna take a shower then I’ll join you guys,” you explain, jerking a finger towards the women’s locker room, before using your quirk to grab a duffel bag from your desk. “We’ll fill you in on anything we find,” Bakugo assures you and you nod before heading to the locker room. Once you’ve disappeared into the locker room Bakugo turns to Hawks and asks “Well? Aren’t you going to go after her?” “What?” Hawks asks as he’s finally snapped out of the trance you’d put him in from the moment he’d seen you sweaty and laughing, looking impossibly sexy in your hero costume. Shoto rolls his eyes. “You weren’t subtle. Something tells me you’d be too distracted to help right now anyway,” Shoto adds in.
Hawks tries not to look too eager as he follows after you but fails. He rushes to the locker room and locks the door behind him. It seems as if the top floor is pretty much reserved to you, Bakugo, and Midoriya but better safe than sorry. You’re already in the shower by the time Hawks arrives, the hot water rinsing away the sweat you’d worked up on patrol and any muscle aches that had been threatening to make an appearance. You hear footsteps approaching and immediately have a pretty good guess for who it is. “So that’s what all the staring was about,” you tease as you turn around to find Hawks leaning against the boundary between the showers and the drier part of the room where the actual lockers are. “How else did you expect me to react when you were looking so hot all sweaty and with that bright, beautiful smile of yours?” Hawks flirts. “Do you have an off button or?” you ask. “Aren’t you going to invite me in? We are a little pressed for time you know,” Hawks replies by way of an answer. You pretend to think for a moment but the reality is you knew and were hoping for this exact outcome the moment you heard the door open again. “Well, hurry up and get in here then,” you tell him. He’s all too eager to oblige.
He quickly strips out of his hero costume before coming to join you under the shower’s warm spray. He’s already half hard, and getting harder by the moment, as he presses you close to him and draws you in for a kiss. It’s slow and needy and addicting because he kisses you like you’re something precious. His hands slowly skate up your rib cage before moving to massage your breasts. You’re about to wrap a hand around his now achingly hard dick but before you can he’s pulling away from your kiss and giving you a devilish look. You’re about to ask why when suddenly he’s sinking to his knees in front of you and you wonder if there’s ever been a hotter sight. “Spread those legs for me Artemis.” There’s something about the way he says your hero name that makes it sound like absolute sin. So you do as told and spread your legs as his hands find their home at your waist but he doesn’t go straight to the main attraction. No, first he leaves open mouthed kisses along your inner thighs. So close to what you truly want but not quite. “What happened to being short on time?” you groan, desperate to have his mouth on you. He chuckles and you can feel his breath ghost against your sex. The feeling makes you shudder. “So impatient little dove,” he smirks but regardless he finally licks along the folds of your labia. You have to grab the wall for balance as his tongue begins to circle your clit before he pulls the nub into his mouth to gently suck on it. “Oh god,” you cry out as one hand instinctively goes to tangle in his hair and you can feel him smirk against you, the cocky bastard, but can’t find it in you to really care when his tongue is now sliding inside you. He eats you out like it’s his job and Christ does he deserve a promotion. He slides one hand down from your waist to provide extra stimulation to your sensitive clit and that’s all it takes to send you over the edge with a cry of his name. His real name.
He stands with a self-satisfied look on his face as you reel him in for a kiss. “Job well done I take it?” he asks. “Very well done. I think I ought to return the favor,” you reply and now it’s Hawks’ turn to watch in wonder as you sink to your knees in front of him. He curses above you just at the sight alone but then you’re taking him into your mouth and he already knows this isn’t going to last long. You take him in slowly, inch by aching inch, until you can feel the head of his cock kiss the back of your throat and the moan he makes as you hollow out your cheeks is music to your ears. You pull back enough so he sits more comfortably in your mouth and use your hand to work the remaining length as you begin to bob your head up and down along his shaft. You feel his hand tangle into your hair and hold on for dear life and he’s trying so hard to resist the urge to move his hips. You pull off and smirk up at him and he almost whines at the loss. “You’re being so good trying not to fuck into my mouth Keigo,” you say and while he wants to be indignant about the tone you’re using there’s no denying it makes his dick twitch. “So good I think you’ve earned a reward,” you continue and god Keigo just knows you’re going to be the death of him at this rate. “You want to fuck my face Kei?” you ask and it’s a miracle he doesn’t explode right there. “Fuck (y/n), yes. God, yes,” he pants out. “Then do it, I give you permission,” you grin before taking him back in. You don’t have to tell him twice. He fucks into the wet heat of your mouth like his life depends on it, tightly gripping your hair to hold you in place as he chases his orgasm. He tugs on your hair in warning that he’s close, so close. You tighten your grip on his hips to let him know it’s ok. Soon after his hips stutter as he begins spilling his seed down your throat with a groan. You take it all, swallowing every drop until he’s finally spent.
As you stand back up Keigo immediately pulls you in for a bruising kiss, still able to taste himself on your tongue, and it’s so possessive and demanding that in any other situation you may have gone another round. But you both have already been gone from the meeting too long so instead he pulls away and practically growls, “I’ll get you back for that mouth of yours later.” “Promise?” you tease. “Tonight. I’ll take you somewhere proper with no reporters,” he tells you before pressing a quick but rough kiss to your lips and then exiting the shower to go dry off and get redressed. Fuck, he’s going to be the death of you. You take another few moments in the shower before you step out to get dressed as well and find Hawks has already left the locker room, presumably to join the others in the meeting. After putting back on your civilian clothes you exit the locker room and head over to the conference room designated for the task force. Bakugo gives you a smirk as you walk in and you flip him off in return. Finally you take your seat and tune into the conversation, fully shifting into work mode.
By the end of the meeting you’ve managed to rule out the league of villains and most of the remaining yakuza groups out there but haven’t got much else. “There’s some similarities with a case I’ve been looking into from a month or so back. It was kicked lower down the food chain but I still have notes and I can probably get the files I’ll just have to swing back by Endeavor’s,” Hawks sighs. “Let’s deal with those tomorrow morning. Meet back here same time?” Midoriya asks. Everyone nods their agreement before rising to leave the conference room. “I should probably still grab those files tonight,” Hawks admits as you all walk out. “That’s cool, I’ll just roll with. No worries,” you shrug. “You’re the best you know that?” he grins. “Stop it, you’re embarrassing. Let me grab my shit real quick and then we can head out,” you tell him before running off to do just that. Shortly afterward Tokoyami walks up to Hawks. “I’m proud of you, Hawks,” he says and Hawks gives him an odd look. “What’re you talking about?” Hawks asks. “I was worried you’d freak out when you found out she worked for All Might. You know how Endeavor gets, still buying into the whole dumb feud thing. I’m glad you didn’t let that stop you though,” Tokoyami explains. “I mean yea Endeavor’s no fan of the guy, but he wouldn’t actually care about me seeing someone from All Might’s agency... right?” Hawks replies. Tokoyami’s eyes widen briefly but he coughs to cover up his reaction. “No, no, yea you’re probably right. Anyway, she’s good for you I feel like. I’m glad you two found each other,” Tokoyami finally says. Before Hawks can press any further you reappear in front of him and ask “Ready to go?” “Yea, I’m ready,” he says, throwing one last look at Tokoyami before shaking it off and following you back to the elevator.
Hawks is sort of quiet on the way over to Endeavor’s agency but you figure he must be thinking over the case still. It’s late so when you arrive at the office building the lobby is all but deserted except for one woman standing off to the side looking uncomfortable and lost. She’s older with thick hair and looks to have had a rough go of life if you had to guess. You notice her before Hawks does so you walk over to see if she’s ok. After all if she’s hanging out in the lobby of a hero agency this late at night she must be in trouble right? “Excuse me ma’am are you ok?” you ask the woman gently. She turns to you and the look in her eyes is almost distant. “I’m looking for my son,” she says mildly. You’re about to ask for more information on her son, like a physical description or where she’d lost him, when suddenly Hawks is right behind you. “What are you doing here?” he asks and his voice is cold in a way you’ve never heard before. You’re about to chastise him but stop short. You look from his face back to the woman’s. It can’t be. Can it? “Is that anyway to talk to your mother?” the woman asks and you have to resist the temptation to gasp audibly. Hawks grits his teeth, looking frustrated and you can’t help but let your eyes wander to the agency doors that any number of heroes could walk through at any second. You’re not sure Hawks would appreciate you showing him any kind of physical affection in front of his mom so you instead reach out with your quirk, giving his wrist a quick, hopefully reassuring squeeze. “Why don’t we take this upstairs, yeah? Hawks you can get that file you need and you two can talk with a little more privacy,” you suggest. The woman gives you an almost detached look but nods and Hawks sighs “yea sure,” before turning to go up the elevator.
The top floor is blissfully empty. You wish you could appreciate being in Endeavor’s agency a bit more but you’re more concerned for Keigo and the woman who is apparently his mother. She goes to take a seat at one of the desks and sits there quietly. “I’m sorry. I promised you a proper night out,” Keigo sighs and it breaks your heart a little seeing him like this. “It’s ok Kei, we can take a rain check,” you promise giving him a small smile before turning to leave and give him privacy. “Wait,” he says suddenly as he lurches forward to grab hold of your wrist. You turn back to look at him and find desperation so clear in his golden eyes.
“Of course.”
He gives a relieved sigh before steeling himself and turning back to face his mother. “What do you need?” he asks, and the simple act of asking seems to be draining for him. “The commission money is running out. I didn’t know how to contact you so I waited until everyone had gone and came here. I figure being number two and all you could help me out?” she asks. “How much?” “Just enough to last me until I get a job.” “You’re not even looking for a job.” “I am.” “Stop lying.” “Fine then I just need enough to pay for food for awhile. You and the HPSC got me in that big, fancy house, the food is all I really need.” Hawks somehow doubts that’s true. “Fine, I’ll deposit some money into your account. Here’s my number too. Just call next time,” he tells her as one of his feathers unearths a business card from his desk and puts it on the desk she’s sitting at. For a moment she stares at the little card as if unable to register what it is, but eventually she does take it off the desk hesitantly, as if afraid it may disappear. “Thank you. Goodbye Keigo,” she says before standing and heading to the elevator. She’s about to walk out when she suddenly stops. “I am proud of you by the way,” she confesses but before Keigo can respond she steps into the elevator and then she’s gone. “I’m sorry you had to see that,” Keigo sighs. “Don’t apologize,” you assure him. “I ruined our evening. I think that warrants an apology,” he scoffs and you hate the self deprecating undertone you can hear in it. “Tell you what, why don’t you grab that file we need and then I’ll take you some place,” you offer. He gives you an odd look but nods all the same. You try to convince yourself this isn’t a horrible idea.
A cemetery. The place you had taken him was a cemetery. Hawks isn’t sure what to think but he can tell this isn’t necessarily easy for you as you lead him through the tombstones. You finally stop at a marker and sit down in front of it. Hawks joins you, eyes scanning your face before finally drifting to the tombstone. He freezes when he recognizes your last name at the top. There’s one name engraved below that, a woman’s, and Keigo finally puts the pieces together. “My dad was a big gambler,” you start to explain, “but he wasn’t very good at it. He was constantly betting big and losing it all. My mom would work long hours all day every day just trying to get food on the table and he would blow it all in a night or two. It wasn’t sustainable, obviously, so he started getting into shady shit to make up the extra funds. I guess eventually he screwed over the wrong person, they came to the house to settle the score so to speak but he was gone so my mom paid the price for him. I was on my way home from school at the time so, um, I ended up being the one to find her.” Keigo reaches over to gently take your hand but doesn’t say a word. He doesn’t need to. “My dad was arrested about a year or so after my debut as a hero, just when I was starting to gain momentum at All Might’s. The press ate that shit up, it was all over the news. I think that’s why they’re so hard on me now. They’re just waiting for me to prove I’m no better than the situation I grew up in,” you finish. “Maybe your dad and mine are sharing a cell,” Keigo offers and it’s far more than you ever expected from him. “That’s why your real name is a secret.” Keigo nods. “It was a deal my mother struck with the HPSC. She gave them me, they gave her a fuck ton of money and both of us a fresh start. The Takami name was wiped from both our records,” he explains. “How old were you?” “Six or seven.” “That’s hard.” “Yea.” The two of you briefly lapse back into silence before you finally clear your throat, forcing back any tears that were threatening to fall. “Anyway, I didn’t bring you here to tell you how shit my dad was. I, um, like to come here sometimes to talk to her. I figured it was only fair that you meet my mom since I met yours,” you explain, “if you’re comfortable with it, that is.” “I’d love to meet your mom,” Keigo says, giving your hand a tight squeeze. You respond with a watery smile before turning back to the tombstone. “Hey Mom. I know it’s been a minute since my last visit, work has been kinda crazy. Midoriya and Bakugo are doing well! I think Midoriya is going to propose soon and Bakugo finally got his act together with Kirishima. That’s Red Riot’s real name. I don’t remember if I told you that last time. Anyway, there’s someone here I want you to meet,” you say before turning expectantly to Keigo. “Hey Mrs. (y/l/n), it’s really great to meet you. I’m Keigo, your daughter’s new friend,” he introduces himself and it warms your heart to hear him do it with his real name and not his hero one. “You raised a pretty amazing woman ma’am. I hope you’re proud of her,” he finishes.
The two of you stay at the gravestone trading stories with each other and to your mom late into the night. There’s something freeing about it and when the two of you finally do take your leave, one thought sticks out to you amongst the rest: Against all odds, you’re in love with Keigo Takami.
Author’s Note: THIS CHAPTER WOW. First of all I really be hurtin my own damn feelings 🥲 but also as y’all can tell I very much was inspired by the backstory we got from the latest manga chapter. I’m sure the FBI agent monitoring me was very confused why I was googling what Japanese cemeteries look like but here we are. This is one of very few parts in this series that isn’t directly linked to a song off the album so it was a little harder to write but we finally got there
Taglist [open]: @akkaso @cathy8taffy @eeppff @iikillerkitteh
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 3 years
Extra Part 11
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U.A. a school for students to learn how to become the best Pro-Hero. When young Y/n Midoriya returns from her traveling to be accepted through recommendation. What awaits her when she meet the explosive blonde Katsuki Bakugo
Words- 4186
Katsuki Bakugo x Midoriya!Reader, Izuku Midoriya x Cousin!Reader
Warning-Spoilers from show and end of Hero license Arc, fighting scenes, and angst.
Series Masterlist
You were outside the exam area getting ready to head back to the dorms in your hands was your license. Taking a picture you send it to your parents excited to get closer to becoming a Pro. You feel your phone buzz and there is a message from each of your parents congratulating you for passing and plans to have a dinner in celebration next time you visit. You heard footsteps coming next to you, 
“Y/NNNN! Look at my license this is soo cool!” Mina squeals shoving the little piece of plastic into your face.
You smile pushing her hand away, “We’ll probably get more work from Aizawa now that we got licenses and want to see more hands on work.” Mina nodded picking up her suitcase holding her hero costume and you followed her grabbing yours as you boarded the bus.
As you sat down in the window seat you watched as you began to make your way back to U.A. Looking back on what you couldn’t change in the first part of the exam and even at the 2nd half of the exam, what kept bugging you was what did you do to Gang Orca? You felt more powerful when it happened and he couldn’t use his quirk, you were the only other person fighting him. What is the full extent of your quirk? How powerful could I be? How dangerous could it be? 
“Mina, I gotta ask you a favor when we get back to the dorms.” She turned her attention to you and nodded deciding not to probe as there were others around. 
When you arrived back at Heights Alliance most of your classmates got ready for bed other lounging around in the common room talking about the end of summer. One by one your classmates headed off to bed until it was just you and Mina.
“So what’s the favor?” Mina asked, you were the only two left in the common rooms sitting on the couches. You got up heading outside to the courtyard. 
Stopping once you were in the middle of the area you turned and faced her, “I want you to fight me.”
“What..um..we just did all that today, and your head are you sure?” Mina tried to talk you out of it.
“I just wanna test a theory, nothing too much, just use your quirk as much as possible.” You said she seemed hesitate before psyching herself up, before rushing towards you sending a wave of acid towards you.
You dodge using your quirk to push her acid away from you sending a kick towards her ribs but she blocked it with her arm. She sent a kick to you and you blocked it with your arms pushing her back sending her stumbling. You and Mina had been fighting for a few minutes now you both getting tired already using most of your energy during the exam.
Mina uses her acid to slide towards you but you grab her arm when she goes to throw a punch flipping her over you body. She does a couple of flips before standing up. Right when acid begins to form on her hands you lift your hands up focusing on the theory you had closing your eyes trying to focus.
“What the hell?” You open them and Mina is covered with a simple red haze light Gang Orca moving her hands around trying to use her quirk but unable to. Your hands are the same bright red as before waves of energy flowing through your hands. “I can’t use my quirk.”
“Holy shit!” You drop your hands and the red haze disappears and Mina goes to use her quirk and is now able to create acid.
“Did you do that?” You flop back sitting on the ground and Mina comes over and sits next to you.
“When I was fighting Gang Orca, when he tried to attack me I was able to stop him from using his quirk.” You look down at your hands letting them glow red energy weaving through your fingers. “I thought I was just going crazy, my quirk I could move things with my mind and all. There was a time when we were learning special moves. I didn’t need to physically see the atoms to disintegrate Ectoplasm’s clone.” You turn to face Mina, “If I keep training, who knows what my quirk could do?”
“This is so cool it’s like having more than one quirk, and once we are Pro and we work harder you could be the next number one.”
You smile, “Only if you’re right there with me.” Mina laughed pulling you into a hug. You both relaxed in the quiet enjoying each other's company unaware of a fight happening on campus. You couldn’t tell how long you were there but you could tell Mina was getting tired, her yawning every so often. “You should head to bed Mina.” You turn to your friend who was nodding off but shot up when you talked to her.
Rubbing her eyes she shook her head, “Nah..I’m..uhhh...fine. I don’t wanna leave you alone.” She gave you a sleepy smile, you shook your head, smiling, getting up to help your half-asleep friend up bringing her to the elevators.
“Crap I forgot my hoodie, you fine with getting to your room.” You turn to your friend who was getting into the elevator.
“Yeah.. yawn..I’ll be good night Y/n.” She waves you off as the doors close. You head back to the courtyard grabbing it, zipping it up. You turn to head out of the courtyard when you see the lights are on inside and two people talking. You hide yourself from their view listening in on the conversation.
“Security bot went off two people at Ground Beta, it’s Midoriya and Bakugo.” You hear Mr. Aizawa and not having to see his face you can tell he is pissed.
“Let me go Aizawa. I’ll bring them back.” You heard All Might as well, how bad is this. Well it is Izuku and Bakugo so it can’t be good.
“Fine you better bring them back.” You hear Mr. Aizawa groan and you hear All Might thank him before you hear them both leave. You walk into the common room after hearing both All Might and Aizawa leave, you hesitated going back to your room. You should just ignore it, they have the situation under control. But Bakugo did seem pretty upset after the exam, you run your hands through your hair deciding on what to do.
‘This is dumb’ You thought trailing after All Might you were far away keeping to the outskirts of the path away from the middle where All Might was. ‘You should have just headed back to your room but here you are stupid’ You mumble following after your teacher.
“So how long are you going to keep trailing after me young Midoriya?” You freeze when he calls out turning to face you.
Your face burned red, embarrassed your teacher had caught you, “I didn’t mean to follow after you it’s just I heard that it was Izuku and Bakugo and just wanted to make sure they were okay, I’m sorry.” You bow looking at your feet hoping he wouldn’t send you back or worst punish you.
“It’s alright you are concerned for your classmate and cousin, come on we shouldn’t delay.” You hear All Might say and you stand straight. You nodded rushing to catch up with him both of you walking side by side. “I heard both you and Midoriya passed your licensing exams, congratulations your parents must be proud.” You nodded
“After everything that has happened something as normal seems as getting my license seems small. I guess the hero life isn’t always smooth sailing.” You said as you both made your way to Ground Beta the sound of fighting getting louder. When you got there both Bakugo and Izuku were rushing to each other. Izuku was sending kicks while Bakugo sends explosion after explosion to his classmate. 
You step forward ready to stop the fight when All Might puts his hand in front “Shouldn’t you stop them All Might?” You questioned.
“These two have both been holding in a lot. It may not seem the best but they need to let the steam out.” He explained as Izuku was flung into some railing barely dodging Bakugo’s blast. You nodded your stomach dropping every time one of the boys was hit or thrown to the ground. Izuku and Bakugo in the air when Bakugo flipped them over so Izuku was closer to the ground sending an explosion that hurtles them to the ground. The strength of the blast sent debris everywhere some heading to you and All Might but you put up a barrier to protect you both. When the smoke cleared Bakugo was sitting over Izuku holding him down, both of them covered in scratches and cuts trying to catch their breaths.
“That’s it… We’re done here- I won this fight.” Bakugo pants pressing Izuku into the ground more making him groan. “You have All Might’s power, but even using his strength, even after making it your own, somehow you still managed to lose to me. Why?” He huffs looking down at his classmate. “How could you lose?” He demands squeezing harder onto Izuku's face and that’s when you had enough. Energy surrounds Bakugo and Izuku’s bodies and you pull them away from each other putting them at a safe distance.
“Stop this right now. Both of you.” All Might says to them. They both look up and see you and All Might Izuku is surprised seeing his mentor and cousin and Bakugo is shocked seeing you. You could barely look at them upset with them and at yourself why did things have to be so difficult. You couldn’t choose sides being pulled into two opposite directions, Izuku being your family and Bakugo being your friend or maybe more. “I’m sorry. But I heard what you’ve said.” All Might apologizes walking towards the two of them you behind him.
“All Might.” Bakugo breathes out glancing over to you.
“When’d you both get here?” Izuku groans
“I didn’t notice before. I should have.” All Might says and Bakugo looks away
“It’s too late now. Why did you pick Deku?” Bakugo asks the three of you to look at the blonde. “It started when the sludge villain came, didn’t it. So why him?” You didn’t know Bakugo’s side of that whole event but when Izuku explained how he got his quirk from All Might that was included as well.
“He was powerless. But still more heroic than anyone else. I knew you were strong. That much was obvious. You were someone who could already fight. So, I decided that he should have the chance to stand in the ring.” All Might explained walking over to stand in front of Bakugo.
“But now you know I’m weak, too.” Bakugo chokes out you could hear him try to hold back tears, “I always wanted to be like you, which meant being as strong as possible. But look what I did to you. Look what I did to Y/n she has those scars because of me. Because I’m not good enough.” You bring your hand up to where your scars are; they were faded but the memories still lie there.
“This is not your fault, Young Bakugo. I was always going to lose my power. You couldn’t do anything to change that. You are strong. But I focused too much on your physical strength and overlooked what was important. This isn’t your burden.” All Might places a hand on a shaky Bakugo pulling him into his chest letting him cry. “I apologize. Sometimes I forget that you’re children.” Bakugo pushes away from All Might, his forehead creased, squeezing his eyes shut so no tears fall. “After being a hero for so many years, you learn a few things. Striving to be the best, like you, Young Bakugo. And caring deeply about people about reducing people like you, young Midoriya.” He looks at Bakugo before turning to Izuku, “Both of those feelings are necessary in a hero. Otherwise, they’ll never truly be able to represent justice. That’s why you admire his strength so much, Young Midoriya. And I know that’s why you’ve always feared his heart and spirit, Young Bakugo. Now that you’ve laid your feelings out on the table, maybe you can understand each other. If you have mutual respect and focus on making one another stronger, I’ve no doubt you’ll become the ultimate heroes, winning and saving people at the same time.”
Both Izuku and Bakugo look at each other. Bakugo looks at the ground and sighs, “Dammit. That’s not what I wanted to hear.” he falls back to sitting on the ground pouting. “You. You had the strongest guy in the world lay the groundwork for you. Don’t you dare lose again.”
Izuku nods “I’ll work harder so that I can beat you.”
“Okay, so talk. Who knows about you two?” Bakugo asks Izuku and All Might. 
“Recovery Girl and Principal Nezu do. As far as students go.. Only you.” All Might says
“Um about that, Izuku told me about this before all this so” You add and Bakugo looks at you shocked that you didn’t tell him and you knew before. “It was after Kamino Ward, he’s my cousin you think I wouldn’t know if he suddenly had a quirk after being quirkless for years.” All Might and Bakugo nodded at your explanation.
“And you don’t want this to get out. ‘Cause that would be bad. Don’t worry your secret’s safe with me. I won’t tell anyone what’s going on. Unlike Deku, I can keep my mouth shut. This will stay between us.”
Izuku looks over to Bakugo “Thanks, Kacchan.”
“I don’t deserve this. I should be down on my hands and knees begging for you to keep this secret for me. Yet here you are, being considerate and helping me out. Thank you.” All Might thanks the two of you.
“I’m not doing it for you. It would be a real pain if this got out and messed stuff up.” Bakugo stands up looking at you both of your faces showing different emotions and what you thought.
“Now that it’s come to this, I can explain what happened between me and Young Midoriya. That’s only fair.” And with that All Might told Bakugo his whole backstory parts of it you knew from when Izuku told you but more details being added into the story. “We all should be heading back, Aizawa probably waiting.” All Might said and the three of you nodded making your way back.
You walked down the main street All Might in front of the three of you Izuku to your right and Bakugo to your left. “If this got out people would be confused and they’d start wondering where the power is. You idiot. What were you thinking when you first told me about it?” Bakugo scoffs at Izuku, making him frown.
“It was my own choice to use up the last of my abilities. I said this earlier, but that was in no way your fault.” All Might said to Bakugo as you all kept walking  
“Yeah sure. It doesn’t change what I have to do.” All Might looks back to the three of you.
“True. You’re right about that.”
“Things aren’t going to be the same, though, Deku. You got that?” Bakugo looks past you to your cousin, “You’ve been watching me and everyone around you, absorbing what you see to get stronger. Well, I can do the exact same thing and keep getting better myself. I’ll go higher than even you, Chosen One.” Bakugo turns his attention to you, “And you just because you don’t have borrowed power doesn’t mean I won’t beat you either, got it.” You and Izuku both nod.
“Right, then I guess I’ll just have  to be better than that.”
“You what?”
“I have to go higher than you.” Izuku brings his hands up, this makes Bakugo upset
“Dammit nerd. I just said I was gonna be the one to surpass you.” He yells at him
“I know! And now I’m saying that I’m gonna go beyond that level.”
“If anything you both should be worried about the person walking between you two, I’m only getting started with expanding how strong my quirk is.” You add your two cents in making the situation worse as Bakugo yells at the two of you, and Izuku tries to prove he will be number 1. The rest of the walk back to height’s alliance was spent with Bakugo and Izuku bickering, and you laughing and adding fuel to the fire. When you got back to the dorms let's say it wasn’t pleasant for the two boys.
“You fought the night you finished the preliminary hero licensing exam?” Aizawa had the two tied up in his capture weapon, and when he looked pissed before you left those two would be dead if looks could kill, “I’m glad to see that you two have so much energy.”
“Aizawa, wait, hold up with those restraints. It’s my fault that they sparred in the first place.”
“You’re fault? And how is that?” Aizawa shoots glares at the two boys. Izuku looks like he is going to pass out and Bakugo is just always angry. You were behind All Might standing against the wall. It was awkward for you to be there like this was their problem. You didn’t want to deal with the wrath of Mr. Aizawa. All Might goes over to Aizawa and whispers something into his ear and then Mr. Aizawa loosens his restraints.
“I understand that they felt they had to break the rules. But this isn’t something I can just ignore. There must be a suitable punishment. Who threw the first punch?” You look over at the two if neither of them said anything, so maybe their punishments wouldn’t be worse.
“I did.” Bakugo rolls his eyes and you facepalm. This idiot is dead.
“I also went pretty hard. It wasn’t just him.” Izuku added.
“You’re both on house arrest. Four days for Bakugo, three for Midoriya. During that time, you’ll clean all the common areas in the dorm, morning and night. Plus I want a written apology,” Aizawa yells at the two bringing back his capture weapon around his neck, “If your injuries need to be checked out, head to the infirmary. But don’t rely on the old Lady’s quirk this time. Figure out a way to heal yourselves.” He finishes his scolding and sighs, “That’s all. Go.” You all nodded thank Aizawa and left. All Might said his goodbyes, leaving the three of you to head to your dorm rooms.
“You both are idiots. Your lucky Mr. Aizawa only gave you house arrest.” You scolded the two as you got in the elevator pressing the second floor and the fourth floor button.
“Yeah whatever.” Bakugo scoffed looking away. The door opened and Izuku walked out saying goodnight the door closing again before moving to your and Bakugo’s floor.
“I’m sorry I never asked how you were feeling.” you said both of you we’re looking forward now that Izuku was gone the atmosphere was weird between the two of you.
“Tch it’s fine.” Bakugo said. The silence was defending, the only sound filling the elevator was the occasional ding. The elevator stops letting you both out, and Bakugo starts to head to his room and you follow after him. He looks back seeing you follow after him. “What are you doing dumbass.” You both are now side to side.
“I’m going to your room.” You said like it was obvious.
“Yeah why.” He walked faster so you were behind him but you picked up your pace to be next to you.
“Cause I’m gonna help you.” You smiled, both of you standing outside his door.
“I don’t need your help. Goodnight.” He huffed closing the door on your face. You frown hearing him lock the door, leaning your head on the door you heard him shuffle around in his room.
“I’m gonna help you Kacchan whether you like it or not.” You heard him chuckle continuing to move around his room.
“Good luck getting in then.” You huffed looking at the door as if it would open with your stare. You sighed leaning your head on the door, come on think. Just let me in...please. You hear the door click and it swings open and you lift your head up. There was Kacchan sitting on his bed with his shirt off mid-cleaning the scratches he received in his fight staring back at you.
You immediately turn around your bright red face and say, “I’m sorry.” You hear him huffed
“Either get in here or leave. I don’t want anyone walking by.” You nod walking in backwards closing the door still keeping your back to him. “Are you gonna stand there the entire time or help like you said.” You smack your hands against your face pulling yourself together, calm down Y/n you’ve already seen him shirtless when at the pool. Same concept. You turn around keeping your eyes away from his chest walking over and sitting next to him on his bed.
“Jeez Izuku did all this to you.” You hiss looking at the cuts on his face and the very bad bruise on both his arms when he blocked one of his kicks.
“Like he isn’t better, couldn’t even beat me.” He hissed when you wiped around one of his cuts with an alcohol wipe.
“Sorry.” You finished cleaning one of his arms wrapping it in bandages moving to his other arm.
“How did you do it.”
You hear him say and you look up at him, “Do what?” He nudges his head to the door
“The door, how did you open it?” You looked at the door, you thought he opened it.
“I thought you opened it.” Your eyes widened, you just stood outside hoping it would open and then it did.
“Probably that freaky quirk of yours, you're like a witch or something.” He looked over you. You were focused on making sure his cuts were clean and the bandages were secure that he really was able to admire you. You were wrapping the bandage around his arm, a look of focus on your face, you looked tired but you stayed awake to help him. The scars littering up your neck were faded, some of the larger ones like the one running up your neck to right below your ear were more noticeable.
Bringing his hand closer he ran his fingers along your scars you froze looking at him and he pulled away, “It’s fine I just wasn’t expecting it.” He nodded, bringing his hand back running his fingers along your neck while you went to clean the scratches on his face, apologizing each time he hissed in pain from the alcohol wipe.
“I’m sorry you didn’t pass your exam.” You mumbled and he scoffed.
“Don’t give me your pity was my own damn fault.” You nodded placing one more bandage on his face pulling away, moving away to put the medical supplies away.
“What happened during your fight with Gang Orca?” You froze your back was to him but he could tell you were nervous.
“Nothing happened. I can’t really remember most of the fight anyway.” You responded placing the first aid kit under his bed.
“Really cause your face when Sero asked about it at the exam and your lack of a response usually means something did happen.” He scoffed, pulling his shirt back on.
“It’s none of your concern what happened anyway.” You turned around to face him.
“You say that but follow after All Might to me and Deku’s fight that wasn’t your concern, but that’s fine you can do what you want.” He says. Both of you getting frustrated at each other.
“Well If you told me what was going on I wouldn’t have to worry about you. That’s how a relationship works” You said.
“I don’t need to tell you shit, it’s not like I ever asked you to be my girlfriend.” Bakugo stated and you felt your heart drop.
“Well I never wanted to be your girlfriend anyway!” You yelled.
“Great!” You both yelled at each other. You knew what you were saying was a lie but it hurt even more that he was agreeing with you and that made you even more angry. “Whatever have a great night Bakugo.” You hissed, storming out your anger boiling that you didn’t have control of your quirk for a moment.
In that few seconds the door slammed open and then behind you, a few of the items in his room fell off the shelves or his desk. In that moment the last thing Bakugo saw of you before the door closed was you covered in a dark red aura, a completely new energy coming from you.
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novanekoma · 4 years
✨ 03. oh shit
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           Your laugh echoed in your new office as you placed your phone on the desk, the grin on your lips refusing to leave due to the antics of your best friends. Tomorrow would be a night to remember indeed, your first night out in a very, very long time, and you couldn’t wait. Shaking those thoughts from your head for now, you returned to your task at hand.
Your first day was surprisingly going quite well, the commission president showed you where your office would be and since you were new, you would be working with the up and coming hero’s before helping out the top ten. A sigh passed your lips as you looked over the files on your desk, Shoto Todoroki: Pro Hero Shoto, Izuku Midoriya: Pro Hero Deku, Katsuki Bakugou: Pro Hero: Ground Zero, and Fumikage Tokoyami: Pro Hero: Tsukuyomi. These four would be your first project since they were the new recruits for the top 2 hero agencies and were just getting started with their public images.
           Shoto, Deku and Ground Zero all choosing Endeavour’s agency, while Tsukuyomi chose Hawk’s agency. Deku and Shoto had already fairly good public images, Ground Zero and Tsukuyomi were the ones you really needed to focus on. Ground Zero’s attitude needed to be shaped in a way that would appeal to the public and Tsukuyomi, while seemingly a sweet kid, did have a little bit of a scary quirk, even if dark shadow seemed like a sweetheart.
           You didn’t have too much you needed to do today, since it was your first day on the job all you really needed to do was study the pro hero’s and their agencies, seeing what plan might fit each. As you picked up Tsukuyomi’s profile, a page slipped from the thin manila folder. Your breath caught in your throat when you realized it was the page on Hawk’s hero agency, your eyes roamed the paper in front of you, God, you’d almost forgotten how handsome he was.
           Your fingers traced across the page, stopping at the familiar gold-brown eyes that stared back at you. A small sigh released itself from your lips, eyes tracing the fluffy blonde locks that framed his face, he looked the exact same as you remembered, just a little older with the faint stubble that growing on his chin.
           Your eyes closed for a moment, your mind going back to easier years, the memories of airborne kisses, and cool summer nights as you were tucked into a warm embrace, danced through your vision. Those were the days you felt you could touch the stars if you wanted to. Your heart sped up at the thought of those familiar mischief filled golden eyes and a flurry of red feathers.
           You knew it was inevitable, you worked for the commission and he was their favourite pawn, it was only a matter of time before the two of you crossed paths. Especially since you would be working with his newest agency recruit. Another sigh passed through your lips as your fingers toyed with the golden chain around your neck as nervousness creeped up on you. It had been a long time since you’d seen him last and things had been very different.
           Now you had a kid to think about, to protect, and to raise. Your eyes slid to your phone, face up on the desk, the lock screen showing some notifications and a picture of you and smiling baby Sora. You fingered the little golden feather on your necklace, dulled from the years of wear, things were just too different, too complicated and your life wasn’t yours to think about anymore.
           With a small huff of breath, you placed Hawk’s page face down on the desk and shook her head, willing for those golden pools to leave your thoughts. Now wasn’t really the time to think about all this anyway. You’d cross that bridge when you got there and today was not that day.
           You hoped.
✨ ✨ ✨
           Elsewhere, a certain winged pro hero had a sinking feeling in his gut. He had been informed by the commission president that a new PR manager had been hired and would be helping out him and his newest sidekick. Hopefully they’d be more competent than the last one.
           His fingers drummed impatiently on his desk, honestly he didn’t know what had him so riled up, but his feathers were twitching with anticipation and his senses were going crazy. He had been off all day, his thoughts plagued by the image Dabi had sent to the group chat the other day, the girl in Mt. Lady’s photos had been familiar, he could swear that he’d seen her somewhere before.
           Unconsciously, his fingers moved towards the thin golden chain hanging low on his neck, always hidden underneath his hero costume, and played with the small star charm at the end. Golden eyes slid over to the photo taped on the side of his desk, it was old, withered from age, but the faces smiling back at him were still as vibrant as ever. With a tired sigh, Hawks pushed from his desk, needing to get out of his office otherwise he’d drive himself crazy with his thoughts.
           Moving towards the large open window so he could take flight and clear his mind in the skies, a pinging from his phone caused him to freeze.
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0.3. oh shit
prev. ✨ masterlist ✨ next
✨ taglist is OPEN: just send me a dm or an ask if you want to be added!
notes: y/n’s got a lot on her plate, and a lot on her mind, a certain winged hero never truly leaving her thoughts! there’s a lot of history that we’ve barely touched on (and those matching necklaces tho)
notes: sora is literally y/n’s life, she doesn’t do anything without thinking about him first and Saturday night will be the first time that she’ll be going out for herself, but there’s no one she trusts more with his safety than Aizawa and Hizashi. Sora’s just excited to have a sleepover with Eri and his favourite uncles!
notes: the girls are ready to find someone for y/n, they know how hard she works and this will be the first time they’re all going out together in a long time! They gotta make it a good night! (girl deserves to be dicked down good)
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A/N- I changed this chapter so many times, but I’m actually fairly content with it! Next chapter is the night out! I hope you guys are ready 
Thank you sm for reading! 🥰
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@an-angel-with-red-wings | @hawksexual | @exosehun-94 | @hyperkaiperrose | @katzurras | @haikyuuwaifu | @cathy8taffy | @nerdynstoned | @tsukineho | @sirachano0dles | @hadesnewpersephone | @peregrinestook | @moon-spirit-yue | @calumsfringe |
I think I got everyone, if your name is missing please let me know!
63 notes · View notes
violetnotez · 5 years
HC: BNHA Boys x Aizawa’s Daughter! Reader
Anonymous: Hello, Can I request headcanon for Todoroki, Bakugou and Midoriya who is dating Aizawa's daughter? She is in class 1-A but has a Quirk different from his
Hello anon! Im super sorry but I only did Shoto and Bakugo because of how long I made them- I hope you dont mind!
*Important Note: kinda backstory-ish so the HC’s make sense-basically y/n is adopted by Aisawa from a young age and she ironically has a quirk that intensifies other quirks
Alrightie thats all I wanted to add- hope you enjoy!
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Aizawa totally saw that you two liked each other- you were his daughter, like of course he sees this!
Whenever Shouto would talk to you, your face would become a soft shade of pink and your nervousness would come out- you’d stumble over words, bite your lip, brush your hair behind you ears- the works
Shouto as well- it wasn’t as obvious, but he definitely acted different towards you
One time when Shoto was having a difficult time learning how to get out of zip ties (a strange little side lesson by Midnight- she wanted to show the class how to get out of a kidnapping situation in which Kaminari kept yelling out “this is sooooo kinky!” 
Jirou of course slapped him, which made Aizawa stifle a laugh)
Since you had always been around heroes most of your life, you were taught well in combat and self defense skills
Aizawa watched interested as you helped Todoroki, his face becoming tinted in red and his tone softer
After you had left to do your own assignment, Aizawa had caught Shoto just staring down at his hands in amazement as if he couldn’t believe what just happened
That’s when Aizawa knew you two liked each other
He really was okay with it though-most others would have thought the hero would be over the top protective, but with Shoto-he was a good kid, kinda quiet, had a darker past than most his age but-Aizawa knew Todoroki would never intentionally hurt you.
It took a few long,grueling months for Shoto to finally ask you out, and when he did, Aizawa could only feel relieved-because Jesus Christ he’d been just waiting for you two to just start dating already!
The only thing he was worried about was-well- Shoto’s father
He knew of Endeavor, never personally, just because of the fact that Aizawa never cared for the hero
He saw him as arrogant, rude, and blinded by his own personal agenda- he also knew of Shoto’s distatse for his father, which he knew had to be for a good reason
Shoto and Aisawa had both warned you of his father, with Shoto revealing his dark childhood to you and Aizawa warning you to not cross Endeavor’s path because of his entitled nature
You and Todoroki had no intention of telling his father of your relationship, until the day when you had mistakenly visited Todoroki’s house when his father was home
Was EXTREMELY awkward
Endeavor was not kind to you- in fact he was cold and unforgiving in what he said around you
Endeavor really was flabbergasted- how could his son be wasting his time over some girl? He was also disappointed in his choice- Endeavor found your quirk to be mediocre, since he had noticed you at the Sport’s Festival. He noted that your quirk was essentially only useful to others, nothing flashy about it at all- what a waste
Why couldn't Shoto find someone with more power to add to his family’s already strong gene pool?.
 Yes, he knew you were Aizawa’s daughter- but not even of blood- and even if you were, he wouldnt accept you two going out together
He also went on to say that Shoto should be focusing on his training, not on some little crush
 basically stated you weren't good enough for his family or son
Shoto quickly left with you, trying to reassure as much as possible that what his old man said was not true, and that he loved you no matter what
Did you kinda cry? Yes. And did Todoroki and Aizawa wanna kick Endeavor’s ass? Also a yes
You and Todoroki continued to go out with Aizawa backing you two up, even if Shoto got into a few arguments over you with his father
One day Aizawa was supervising a team building exercise, where it was pairs of two against two. You and Shoto were on one side, while Bakugo and Deku were on the other.
Endeavor had chosen to come to UA  that day to see how his son was improving, looking down at disdain that he was still courting you
Aizawa was not particularly happy having to deal with Endeavor- he knew he was judging your every move, every punch you landed, every mistake you made
You were very good at hand to hand combat though, even without a flashy quirk- as Bakugo and Shoto were sparring, you were taking Izuku head on, making him sweat a little, even with his own quirk against yours.
Endeavor still gave you the biggest dirty look ever
Aiszawa about to throw hands ngl
Then something happened- Izuku was able to finally land a hit on you, using his quirk to launch you back a few feet. You tumbled into the dirt, Todoroki running to see if you were okay.
“What is he doing?!” Endeavor grunted out in frustration, “Why is he-”
You strangely put out your hand, and Todoroki touched it. Endeavor was furious, seeing this as some form of weakness-
Todoroki then turned around, his quirk improving ten fold. Endeavor had never seen anything like it- Shoto had made an ice blast, larger than anyone he had ever seen- even from the Sports Festival.
It was-well- it was even better than his own quirk
 Aizawa looked at Endeavor’s clearly shocked face with a smug expression.
Hell yeah this scum bag now knows his daughter is freaking awesome
But then Endeavor’s mind started to race- clearly your quirk had some merit. If you and Shoto could produce a child with that much power on its own, hell, his family line would forever be the #1 hero!
He grinned at the thought, turning to Aizawa, a little too cheerful
“That’s your daughter, uh-” he searched for your name, “y/n, correct-”
“Dont even start,” Aisawa cut him off, making Endeavor pissed as he walked down to the training grounds quietly to go check up on you.
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Bakugo at first was very intimidated by you and was kind of an ass towards you
He knew you had a really useful quirk and was kinda scared of that
He also was so terrfied because he was starting to get the first symptoms of a crush and was too stupid to even admit to it
Classic “I like you so Im going to be mean to you” situation
Wouldn constantly say you only got into UA because of your Dad’s reputation as a Pro Hero/ Teacher
Aizawa would hear about this and would be so mortified- he was worried this would happen when going to UA, and he was extremely angry at Bakugou
But he felt that if he intervened, it would make the situation worse and confirm the rude things Bakugo was saying
You also reassured him that you were okay (even though the rude comments hurt you slightly) but you’d get over it
It just made you upset that Bakugo didnt even want to know you- you thought he was kinda cute even though he could be rude
I fully believe Aizawa (in times of crisis) would consult Midnight and Present Mic for parental advice because its gotta be tough raising a child on your own
Midnight offered to put you and Bakugo together on the next training exercise, so Bakugo would be forced to talk to you and realize you weren't so bad
AIsawa thought about it long and hard and finally agreed- he was scared Bakugo would go and be a jerk to you, but he knew you were capable of dealing with his antics
When Midnight read off the pairings that day, you were both mortified- you because you would have to be stuck with the hot head that hated your guts, while Katsuki was freaking out inside
He was going to act like an idiot around you- what the hell was Midnight thinking?!
Once you two got in the mock city set up for the training exercise, you couldn't even say a word to each other
‘All Bakugo grunted out was, “Just stay out of my way.” and trudged off
“You idiot!” you called out, “we have to work together or we fail-”
Just then, the exercise started and a giant training robot was coming after you- Bakugo feebly tried to blast it, but his flames were too short to even reach the monster
‘Let me help!” you called out, reaching for his hands- you quirk only worked if you could touch the person.
He shrugged off your advances- Jesus Christ if you saw he was getting flustered-
“Hell no!” he yelled out in panic, “Im not letting a little prick like you-”
You grabbed his face between your hands, letting your Quirk transfer to him and making his cheeks bright red
You had never even seen Bakugo so speechless- he looked like a deer in headlights
“Use your quirk!” you yelled out, hiding behind him- you didnt know how powerful his quirk would become, but with experience, you knew it was about to become intense
He shook his head, trying to clear himself of the feeling of your skin on his- it was intoxicating, even though it was only for a few seconds- and why was your presence so irritatingly calming and distracting at the same damn time?! 
His heart was beating so fast, feeling your frame hiding behind him
He smirked, feeling you quirk course through is veins, and raised his arm to shoot a blast of fire at the machine
Instantly, a gigantic explosion of flames leaped out of his hands, shocking him
He instantly grounded his feet, trying to keep up with the power coming out of his hands
The blast went farther than anything he had ever produced (even his signature AP shot), licking up the side of the machine and burning it to a crisp
He looked at his hands and back at you, his heart thumping as you grabbed his shoulders in happiness and wrapping him into an impulsive hug
“We did it Bakugou!” you yelled out cheerfully
He just couldn't stop staring- why did you look so goddamn pretty?
“....Thanks...I guess your quirk is good enough for UA....”  he mumbled out, looking away from you as he said it
You stared at him in shock- did he just- compliment you?
You two instantly won the training exercise, and after that, Bakugo neve bothered you- in fact he kinda just ignored you, like you didnt even exist
He just still couldnt get over the fact that you had touched him, and how he felt when you touched you, seeing those pretty eyes of yours stare into his-
One day Kirihsima caught Bakugo staring at you as you sparred with Izuku, obvious fury in his eyes
“You okay man?” he asked, sitting next to Bakugo
All he did was grunt as the obvious blush grew 
Kirishima would not STOP bothering him to ask you out after that- it was so annoying to him
“Can you shut up? I dont like her?” slowly turned into “Okay you ass I get it I need to ask her out!”
You were always the last to leave class, since you always talk to your dad before you go off to lunch
And Bakugo took note of this
You had thought that the hallway was completely empty, only to see Bakugo resting against  a locker, his arms folded and his head slumped down
“Hey Bakugo!” you greeted kindly, a little nervous- you really didnt know where you two stood as far as relationships go- were you enemies, rivals, acquittances, friends? 
With Bakugo, who the hell knew.
 “Mr. Aisawa is in classroom if you needed help with something, sorry I took so long-”
“I actually-” he gulped slightly, stuffing his hands into his pockets, “I wanted to talk to you.”
Your heart started to pick up in speed- what was this all about?
“Uh, sure, what is it?” you asked politely, walking closer to him. You grabbed onto your backpack strap, gripping hard- you felt like you could float away at any moment, your nerves making your body go haywire.
“I know Ive been an ass,” he started, “and I havent talked to you much, but would you- maybe-uh...uhm..shit!” he cursed as he fumbled on his words, his cheeks a cherry red
You giggled, your face now too hitting up- was this really happening? Was he really going to ask you out?
‘Are you trying to ask me-” you started, but Bakugo instantly cut you off
“Shut up baka I was going to say it!”
“Say what, exactly?” Right at perfect time, Aizawa walked by, standing in front of your two blushing faces, asking in a colder tone than usual.
Bakugo instantly cursed everything in existence- why the hell did his teacher, your dad, show up right now?!
You two both stared at him, not knowing what to do- 
Aizawa was practically staring daggers into Bakugo- fear riddled in Aizawa’s stomach. Bakugo, the most arrogant boy in his class, liked you? He say you as his sweet, innocent little girl- would this hot head destroy that image of you? And a boy who was so cruel to you- you looked ready to even say yes to him after everything he called you!
He had vaguely remembered having a conversation like this with Midnight, in which she tried to explain that most boys who had crushes would react to them with anger in which to cover up their true feelings
To be honest, Aizawa thought it was a boat full of crap until now- now he realized this was why Bakugo had terrorized you so much- but he couldn't get over the fact of how rude he was to you so many weeks back
“Bakugo, I suggest you go to lunch before I send you to the principal’s office for using language like that on school grounds- especially towards my daughter,” he stated cruelly, his eyes cold and menacing. 
Bakugo stared at him, debating whether to yell something back at him- but thinking better of it, he merely just sulked, it taking everything in him to keep his mouth shut.
“Come, y/n, I’ll pick you up something up to eat from the teacher’s lounge,” Aisawa commanded softly to you, just wanting you to stay away from Bakugo for as long as possible.
As you were walking behind Aisawa, you caught a look of Bakugo sulking, looking absolutely defeated
Your heart broke for your crush, and right as your eyes met, you turned around, walking backwards slightly to mouth him a quick ‘Yes” and a smile, watching as a small grin form on Bakugo’s red cheeks
Yeah, your dad did not agree about it at first, but after he realized Bakugo loved you as much as he did and was ready to protect you with his whole life, Aisawa’s walls did melt - slightly
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a-forgotten-spirit · 4 years
Two Heroes x Reader Oneshot
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Pairing: Todoroki x Bakugou, Todoroki x Reader x Bakugou, Poly relationship
Summary: I rewrote the entire Two Heroes movie with you in it, changed a few things but mostly the exact plot. It’s a “oneshot” off of my other story “Love Isn’t an Illusion”. I added a lunch scene, getting dressed and...smut for Bakugous Birthday. 
Words: +- 18,000, There is 4000 words of smut you have been warned, sorry for mistakes there is a lot to read through. 
SFW Warnings: Domestic relationship, please if you haven’t watched the movie watch it, villains/villain attack, fear for Bakugous/Todoroki’s safety, mentions of sex, kissing, getting lunch with the boys, hugging, soft Bakugou, soft Todoroki, calling them by their first names, competitiveness, being called “Kitten”, swearing, slight injury, Bakugou needs attention, Todoroki needs reassurance, sending photos, being called their girlfriend, a dress that shows skin, nicknames, Mineta and Kaminari, fighting villains, no signal, claws and sharp teeth, bathing together, if you squint there’s a spoiler for the series,  NSFW Warnings: Bathing together, groping, moaning, groaning, it’s filth, neck kissing, biting, being called “Kitten”, switch Bakugou/Todoroki, Bakugou bottoms for a bit, soft Bakugou, soft Todoroki, on the pill, temperature play, nipple play, dirty talk, love bites, double penetration, teaching Bakugou manners,  traffic light system, riding, complimenting, description of smut, soft smut at the beginning, Todoroki bottoms for a bit, light choking, swearing, multiple orgasms, double cremepie, slight begging. IM SORRY
A/N: Well first off HAPPY BIRTHDAY BAKUGOU.  I wrote this for the fans. I do not own My Hero academia or the characters, I don’t own most of the plot for this story, I had watched the show and re-written the dialogue and plot as if the reader was the main character. Everything is centered around the reader. In Japan the legal age for sex is 13 and in my country is 15-17 so by law they are legal, thank you. I hope you all enjoy this oneshot. I don’t usually write oneshots and here is why. 
PATREON: This is my patreon, some benefits are getting chapters one month earlier then on tumblr, Love Isn’t An Illusion is one month ahead on patreon for example another benefit is getting a say in what I write and who for, I will also be posting AU’s. I have a NSFW tier that I will begin posting on when October starts and my final tier is commission, you may ask for anything you want! But there is only 3 spots, make sure to check it out. This is a teaser for the NSFW tier starting October.
Masterlist ________________________________________________________________
This expo was not something I wanted to go to. It would be long and not something I was interested in, though I could use my quirk as I wished which was a nice surprise even though I would not use it, Aizawa had made it quite clear I couldn’t abuse my quirk. Katsuki, Todoroki, Kirishima and I were walking around until we saw a challenge, a race. 
Katsuki and I turned to each other and we smiled at each other “I’m gonna win” we both yelled at each other before we were running over to line up “It’ll be nice to beat you again” I smiled and his arm wrapped around my waist bringing my body close to his own. 
“Yeah sure you will, no hard feelings” he screamed and I pushed him away shaking my head as we both stared at each other in anger. “You won’t be winning” sometimes I believe his quirk moved to his voice box as well with how loud he was like Present Mic. “I’ll go first” Katsuki did the course and I was livid, he was way too fast. I had to be faster than him, I could not lose. 
“Please welcome our next challenger, the villain attack points have been reset. Ready Go” and with her words I was off, running straight through the course. I propelled myself forward with my quirk, a wide and proud smile on my face.
Making it to the first villain I didn’t even look as a clone came up and attacked it, one down. I continued through the course destroying anything in my path but I had to beat Katsuki. I was going to beat Katsuki. Running along the water and then all three were down and I landed my hand on my hip as I looked at my boyfriend. “How was that for you?” I yelled at his angry face. 
“A tie” we both turned quickly to the woman “At fifteen seconds. These two are the winners” immediately we were screaming and throwing insults at each other as people looked on in confusion but I did see a few smiles. 
“We did not get the same. I clearly won” he screamed and walked over gauntlets on show for all to see as I shook my head and my hand came to rest against my chest in offense. I could see Shouto shaking his head with a small almost non-existent smile. 
“I beg your pardon, no you did not. I was faster” I yelled and we came face to face looking at each other before we turned to the woman “We want a rematch” she stood there looking around for a second and then laughed awkwardly. 
“Hey isn’t that Midoriya in the stands” Kirishima asked innocently, Katsuki and I turned to face the green haired hero in training and he was indeed in the stands. Looking down at us with a scared look. Todoroki walked out to come stand next to us. I looked around and could see a few people from our class. Why were there so many?
“What the” Katsuki was up throwing himself against the rails of the field as I made some stairs so Kirishima, Todoroki and I could get up to the stands. “What are you doing here Deku” he screamed as I stepped over the railing. 
“Oh hey there Kacchan” he stepped back face scared and hands raised in surrender. A good move, he just got his ass kicked by his girlfriend. I can imagine the anger swirling inside his body. “Maybe calm down a little” those were not the words someone should say to an angry Katsuki. 
“Don’t you dare tell me what to do” Katsuki screamed, I was glad the fence was between the two childhood friends as well as Iida who had run in to stand in front of Deku. I had been on the receiving end of those words far too many times to count but looking at him, I couldn’t help but love him more. 
“Bakugou. Behave yourself” Iida’s arms were out protecting the scared Deku, though those words were also something you do not say to an angry Katsuki. I leaned into Shouto who just shook his head at our boyfriend losing his mind. 
Katsuki began to yell, loudly. His hair seemed to stand on end even though it was already spiked. I had learnt it was natural, after so many times sleeping over I learned his hair was just like that. He looked like a little monster throwing himself back and forth against the railing. I was worried it would break. 
“So you guys got asked to the expo as well” Momo turned to us and so did the others. I went to lift my mask before remembering I wasn’t actually wearing it and my hand came to rest on my hip to look a little less awkward. 
“Kinda” I started and they looked a lot more interested now. “I was invited as I won the sports festival but Todoroki is here because of his father so if I declined I got to be Todorokis’ plus one and then Bakugou got offered as second place so that meant Kirishima could come too” I smiled and they all seemed to nod. I had gotten good at using their last names around the class but I was pretty sure everyone knew we were together. I remembered back to the conversation. 
“They want me to go to the expo thing” I spoke slowly as the boys came to move onto the bed. We were staying at Katsuki’s tonight. “Because I got first place at the sports festival” I felt both their heads begin to read over my shoulder. “But I can only take one,” I whispered. 
“I’m going with my father, so you can take Katsuki. Problem solved” Shouto had gotten a little more emotion in his voice since being with us. He had started to talk more which Katsuki and I loved to talk about. I nodded. 
“Or” I began. Katsuki had also learned to let others talk, I was proud of him. “If I say i'm already going as a plus one, they’ll ask the next person which is Katsuki. Hasn’t Kirishima been going on about this expo” I turned to face the blonde haired male. 
He nodded and shrugged “Shitty hair doesn't need to go Y/N, he just wants too. You won, you go” I knew that was his way of saying because I won I should get the credit not just going as a plus one. 
“I don’t mind. I can share a room with Shouto, you can come visit. Kirishima deserves to go. I heard Kaminari is going to work as well so it’s a win win” I smiled and I felt an arm wrap around my waist from Shouto as he nodded into my shoulder. 
“Whatever” I replied and within a few minutes Katsuki had received an email asking to attend as the first place was already going. Easy. I smiled and laid down as Katsuki sat on his phone no doubt messaging his red headed friend. ~
“You guys are gonna do the villain course or what?” Kirishima asked with a happy smile, turning to him his hand was pointed over his shoulder to he course the three of us had just done. It wouldn’t be a good idea with Katsuki in his little mood. 
“Don’t even try it, there is no way you’ll get a better score then I did” his face was pulled in anger as I watched him grip the railed tighter. Deku had gotten a lot stronger but at the end of the day it was a course made to win. The machines didn’t have quirks or a thought process, it had no relation to a real villain take down. 
Then his words registered “Our score thank you very much. We got the same even though technically I won” I smiled as his eyes moved to my own in anger. I leaned forward, my arms folded under my chest as I laughed and sighed. “Better luck next time, Ground Zero” I knew he loved when I called him by his hero name. 
“Yeah you’re probably right, yep” Deku looked about ready to run and hide. I wanted to laugh at his fear. There was no reason to fear Katsuki, he was a huge softy through and through. Give that man a massage and he is as placid as can be. Though that was Shouto’s and Is’ little secret. 
“Huh, I’m not so sure” Uraraka thought out loud as he looked up a hand coming to her chin in thought. Deku was fast but as I said before, these weren’t real villain’s and could no way mimic a real fight. “Only one way to find out I guess” she shrugged her shoulders. 
“Yeah you’re probably right” I was at a loss for words. I knew Deku had just repeated himself out of fear but to not even listen to what Uraraka had said and then my eyes turned to Katsuki who was seething. I think I could see steam coming off his body, this probably wasn’t good. 
Katsuki jumped over the railing and looked at Deku, his shoulders back and eyes narrowed “Just get your pathetic attempt over with. You damn nerd” with a swing of his arm Iida was pushed aside. Katsuki got right in the poor boy's face and with teeth grit he added “Then you get out of here” it yelled, I was surprised Deku didn’t go deaf. 
“He’s so well behaved with us” Shouto whispered as he leaned down next to my ear “So much progress down the drain because Midoriya is here” I smiled as he shook his head “We need to teach him more” I flushed at his words. “One night should do the trick” I laughed and looked back at our boyfriend. 
“Right, I’ll do that” I shook my head and let the air from my lungs. Deku needed to stand up for himself more, he was so strong but one comment from Katsuki and he was out like a light. Though I could see the fear, Katsuki never really yelled at Shouto and I. He was quite calm with us though there have been a few outbursts. 
“I don’t think one night is enough” I turned and smirked to Todoroki, “A few would definitely suffice though” I whispered and heard the little grunt from Shouto. If only Katsuki knew what we were planning. He would have stopped yelling, or continued. He seemed to like the lessons. 
Deku got up and was now going to get his turn. His electricity like lines spread over his body and when the course ended he was one second longer than Katsuki and I. I could see the wide smile on my boyfriend's face and he looked at both Shouto and I then nodded and laughed at the score. Always so competitive. Something I fell in love with. 
Deku was now back and talking with Uraraka and Iida as Shouto and I listened in. “I didn’t think I’d be able to get so close to Kacchans’ time” with the way Deku smiled and spoke those words and Katsuki’s narrowed eyes and angered look I knew this wouldn’t end well. 
“What, no way. I’ll go again and blast your score to ash” I was looking at Katsuki and shook my head in defeat. I went to turn around to talk to Shouto about this new predicament though when I turned I heard a scream and then the sound of ice. 
I ran to the railing and saw Shouto kneeling down ice sprouting from the ground over the course. No way, this couldn’t be happening. The whole area was covered in a thick layer of ice. “This is insane” it was, this was fast, I gripped the railings. “Fourteen seconds” I was livid, I could feel anger coursing through my veins but as he stood up I couldn’t help but notice how hot he looked. “This gentleman has jumped to the top of the pack” I felt my eye twitch and then Katsuki joined my side and then he was gone.
“Out of the way Icy-Hot bastard” I watched and Katsuki was now bursting through the air towards our boyfriend. I was rocking myself against the railing just like Katsuki had done. I was not going to stoop to his level, I was going to be calm. “You can’t just appear out of nowhere and show me up” Shouto had a blank face and I could faintly hear something about Katsuki needing to recognise he lost. 
With that I was jumping over the railing and landing on the course. I stomped my way over and looked at our boyfriend dead, his stupidly cute miss-matched eyes “You said you didn’t even want to participate” I yelled and threw my hands into the air. 
“Don’t ignore me” is one of Katsuki’s favourite lines to shout when we didn’t answer him. We needed time to think but at this moment, I felt the same. This was beyond anger inducing, he didn’t want to participate though by his choice of words I should have understood he meant to challenge our hot-headed boyfriend. 
“The next person is waiting” the woman spoke slowly and Katsuki and I both turned to her with the speed of All Might himself and I could see the fear in her eyes. I was sure she knew who we were and with all the yelling I would be afraid too. 
“Shut up, I am doing it again” we both yelled our eyes locked in on her form. There was no way she was stopping me from beating both my boyfriends this god forsaken challenge. I was going to prove I am the best and then later they would praise me. I didn’t want to praise Shouto, at least not for this. 
“Please stop, you are going to make the world think UA is full of degenerates” Iida was running onto the course. We were not degenerates. I was already coming up with a plan to finish in under five seconds. Instead of moving I had to do what Shouto did and stay still, let my quirk do the work.  
Shouto was holding Katsuki and I back as we were escorted out of the course grounds. Once out Katsuki and I were pouting as we walked with Shouto, Kirishima having said he wanted to go see Kaminari at work, I also heard that Mineta was here. I crossed my arms and pouted as we walked around. 
“Are you done?” Shouto asked us and I turned away as Katsuki said what was on his mind, as he always did. We had moved to a secluded area and I felt Shoutos’ arm wrap around my body and he cuddled into my neck “Don’t be mad Y/N” he whispered and Katsuki rolled his eyes coming in to join the hug. 
“I’m not mad” I gritted out, how could I stay mad as they both hugged me. It was nearly impossible for a few more seconds and Katsuki giving my forehead a light kiss I sighed and “Fine” I drew out the vowel and smiled. “Wanna get something to eat?” I asked. 
“It would be best to get something in the room, that way it is not a full meal, the reception is tonight and there will be food” Shouto pointed out, he was right, there would be food there. “Though it is still quite early, we could have a light lunch and a snack before the reception,” Katsuki nodded. 
“I saw a nice looking restaurant a little ways away, near that park thing” Katsuki began and brought out his phone from the little pocket on his pants. He unblocked his phone and showed us the location. I took his phone and looked at the online menu. 
I scrolled down and as we were walking I was scrolling. I couldn’t count the amount of times I had been on Bakugou’s phone and I still couldn’t comprehend the device sometimes. “Oh Shou they have Cold Soba” I smiled and showed him the photo. 
“I was unsure of this place and no you both don’t get a choice. We are going” Shouto nodded and both Katsuki and I were laughing, it was so funny to hear his monotone voice seem so excited. Katsuki and I could hear the difference. 
“You and your fucking soba. I could make it better” Katsuki had his hands on his hips as he looked at our boyfriend with a smile, I smiled at him. I couldn’t lie, Katsuki did make the best food. I had to admit that I had once called Shouto to pick me up because Katsuki said if we were at his house he would make us food. We showed up within the hour. 
“I do not doubt that Katsuki '' the little smile that Shouto gave the both of us as he spoke made my heart flutter in happiness. I loved them both so much, I would do anything for them. Even something as simple as a smile made me so happy. 
We continued to walk as I continued to look through the menu “Katsuki” I called out as we stopped and they both looked over my shoulder “It’s called the ring of fire. It’s just a bowl of chilli noodles and beef” I smiled and showed the photo to him. 
A loud laugh left his throat and he took his phone scrolling through the ingredients “That’s what i'm getting. It better be spicy” he nodded and then gave the phone back “What are you thinking kitten” he asked as we continued to walk. 
“I’m thinking something hot, I want noodles” I nodded and clicked the category of noodles. “This one looks good” my eyebrows rose as I looked over the beef noodles. “The broth has a few spices and the beef has been marinated overnight to then cooked to order, the vegetables are marinated with it” Shouto nodded as Katsuki took the phone and looked over it. 
“It’s like the noodles I made for our three months,” Katsuki answered and then put his phone away. It was one of my favourite ‘dates’ we had gone on. My parents were out and because my house was the biggest we had decided to get the ingredients and then go to mine and cook. It was such a good night. “It even has the same noodles.” those noodles were delicious. 
“Oh ok, I’m definitely getting that then” Shouto nodded to my conclusion and we finally made it to the restaurant. There wasn’t too much of a line but it was packed. It looked to my full. “I did not take into account the people” I whispered. 
“Don’t worry, let me talk” Katsuki and I tilted our heads but we slowly walked up to the front of the line. Shouto took his wallet out of his pocket and collected a card that was red. Katsuki and I made eye contact in confusion and we waited. The woman looked around and breathed out trying to find a spot but as I searched to no avail. “Do not worry, we will be taking the private booth please” the woman went to laugh and then her face fell as she looked at the card. 
“Oh my. Of course” she bowed and grabbed three menus “Please right this way, follow me” we walked through the restaurant and to the back, going up a flight of stairs and then we were taken to a booth at the back, it was quiet and there was almost no one. “A waiter will be with you in a few minutes to take your drinks” she bowed again as I wiggled into the seat, I wanted to be in the middle. 
“What is that card” I looked at Shouto who slipped the card back into his wallet then placed it on the table to the side to not get in the way. I needed a card like that, if it meant I never had to deal with people again in a crowded space I would love to have such a card. Katsuki took his gauntlets off placing them next to him in the booth. 
“It’s a card for the expo for my father so he doesn’t have to sit with fans. He said to use it so I’m not with common people” he shook his head and his eyes narrowed “But this way I can have a nice calm lunch with both my girlfriend and boyfriend without interruptions” he nodded. Picking up the menu to the drinks and began to look it over. 
My hand moved to gently hold his cheek as I leaned in and gave him a sweet kiss. I loved the way half his lips were colder than the other. He seemed surprised and then he leaned in getting into the kiss. We broke apart after a few seconds “Thank you Shou” I whispered. 
“Excuse me” We both turned to Katsuki who had a slight pout as he looked over to us “I am here to you know” it was hard sometimes to give all three people attention in the relationship but we tried. I had learnt that Katsuki really didn’t like being left out and often felt like people didn’t want him there. Shouto on the other hand had a lot of trouble with praise and had to be reassured we loved him every single day. All three of us had learnt to help each other. 
“Come here Katsuki” I leaned over holding his hand that was on the table and kissed him just the same as I had done to Shouto. His lips were always so soft, all his skincare routines he did on a night would definitely help to do that. When I leaned back I smiled at his soft face. “We know you’re here and we are both very happy you are here with us” we had to reassure him and I didn’t care how often I had to do it. 
“Can I have a kiss too Katsuki?” Shouto asked and leaned over my body so he could kiss him if he allowed, which he always did. Many believe he wasn’t affectionate but Katsuki was the most affectionate. “I love that you came here as well. I wouldn't have come if the both of you didn’t” Katsuki smiled and then leaned in kissing Shouto softly as I smiled at both of them. As they leaned back Shouto smiled and “I love you Katsuki you too Y/N” 
I watched as the male in question turned away a flush on his cheeks, something we saw quite often with him. He wasn’t too good with receiving affection, I moved to put a hand on each of their legs and squeezed. Then the waiter walked over. 
“Good afternoon, may I take your drinks order” he asked and looked us over as I quickly skimmed the menu. “If you need more time, I can come back in a few minutes” he asked and Shouto answered it was alright. After ordering our drinks we also asked him to take our food orders and then we were back to talking. 
“I don’t want to go to this party, it’ll just be a bunch of old geezers giving speeches. Sounds like a pretty lame night to me” Katsuki voiced as he rested his chin on his head. “I only came for you two” he added as he looked us over. 
I nodded “Shouto and I spoke on the plane about not really wanting to attend” I sighed. “I did bring a nice dress though” it was a beautiful dress. Something a little fancier then I would usually wear but nice nonetheless. 
“I do not want people to ask about my father” Shouto added and I leaned back “But we have to attend at least I do anyway. He wants me to go and I know it’ll only be more effort to not go in the long run” he looked down at his words and Katsuki leaned over taking his head just as I did. We knew it was hard on him. “You two stay in the room, I’ll only go for an hour or so and then we can spend the rest of the night together” he asked quietly. 
“We are going with you, I’ll have to go to my room and find something nice. I didn’t bring anything fancy, I wasn’t planning to go” he paused and smiled at Shouto, a real smile “We are here for you Shou" I nodded and the boy nodded as well. 
“Then we go together” I smiled “And I asked Kirishima if I could sneak a suit in his luggage for you” I smiled and with a shake of his head I was brought into a hug as I laughed and held out my arms for Shouto who happily moved closer to join in. 
Not too long after, the food and drinks arrived, we thanked and then began to eat. We began to eat and chat. “This is actually really good, wanna try” Katsuki asked as I nodded and leaned in to take some of the noodles off his chopstick tasting the flavour and hummed with a nod. 
“That’s really good. Too bad Shouto, you aren’t a fan of spicy food” he shrugged and then took some soba into his mouth with a nice hum. I got some of my own noodles and meat in the grasp of my chopsticks and held it up to Katsuki. “It’s really nice, not the same as yours but still good” I nodded and he leaned over taking them into his mouth then chewing for a few seconds and nodded. 
“It’s not too bad, not as good as mine but still good” he nodded and I saw Shouto look at my meal back at his and then back at mine. He wouldn’t like Katsuki, we all knew that but he looked sad he wasn’t offered some. 
“Shouto would you like to try some” I picked up the noodles just as I did for Katsuki and he looked a little awkward “come on Shou, don’t be shy. You can ask to have some” I smiled and he nodded leaning over to take a bite and then nodded. 
“Sorry, I didn’t want to ask but you two were right it is quite nice. The meat is very tender” he nodded and I verbally agreed as we began to eat once more. It was nice to be able to have a meal together and not be worried about the gazes of others about our choice of relationship. 
“Can I try some” I asked and I could live off the small smile Shouto gave as he gathered some in his chopsticks and then offered it to me. I leaned in and took the soba into my mouth and then chewed and nodded. “It’s good, Katsuki should make some for us. Sometime” I asked suggestively. 
We both turned to the boy in question who just looked up from his food and then smiled “I can do that” even as he complained about making us food he always did no matter whose house we were at. He loved to cook and provide for us. 
The rest of the lunch went by with quiet chatter and easy laughs. Time seemed to fly and as we looked at the time Shouto noticed a message from Iida saying where we would all wait and then go together. We agreed to get dressed and meet up then we would all sit at a table together and not talk to anyone. 
“Are you sleeping with us tonight” I asked just before we were about to part ways so Katsuki could go and get dressed. I hoped he said yes but then again then Kirishima would be alone in the room. 
“Of course. Shitty hair wants Pikachu and ball head to come over so I can just bring my bags over after the party” with those words and a few shared kisses we parted ways and we were off to our room to get ready. 
Walking into the room I stretched my hands above my head and put our phones on charge for the party. Searching through my suitcase I found my makeup bag and dress. “I’m going to go for a shower and do my makeup, I shouldn’t be too long” I called over my shoulder to Shouto on the bed. 
“Ok, I’m giving Katsuki a call, Kirishima isn��t there yet and he is bored” the small smile on his lips made me smile in return “I’ll tell him you’re in the shower” he looked up and I smiled back to him. I was so in love with both of them. 
“Tell him to charge his phone, he always forgets” a simple nod and I was off to shower, the shower was beyond lovely and warm, once out I put my hair up and began the process of makeup. I made sure to dry my hair and tuck in the towel so it wouldn’t fall. 
“She’s doing her makeup” I could hear Shouto say and then the door opened as I looked up from doing only the first part of my makeup “Doesn’t our girlfriend look beautiful” he moved into the bathroom and I saw the phone in his hand. 
“You both are” I smiled and looked down making a ‘Shoo’ motion with a light laugh. Shouto left the room but I could hear them “Your bathroom is so much nicer” I smiled and then continued on with my mission to do my makeup. 
Some flicked eyeliner, shining highlights and blow dried hair later I was done and walking out of the bathroom and I ran my fingers through my hair. I looked at Shouto who had taken a shower while I did my makeup and now his eyes widened. 
“I need to call Katsuki.” his hands were trying to find his phone without looking down. Once found he quickly looked down to call our boyfriend. “Katsuki” he quickly began and then Shouto was walking over “Look at her” the phone was in front of my face as I waved into the camera. 
It was silent as I looked around “I am definitely coming over tonight” he started and I flushed laughing lightly “Keep me on the line, I want to see the dress” the camera was then gone as Shouto tried to describe what he had seen with the little glimpse he got. 
I picked up my dress and headed back to the bathroom. A long sleeved, v-neck, lace F/C dress, at the waist it flowed down between my legs and over my rear, showing the sides of my legs and hips. I made sure the bra I chose to wear couldn’t be seen and then I was walking out. 
“Fuck” I looked up seeing Shouto in his suit and I paused to look at him. He didn’t swear often. He was moving to pick up his phone and I stood as he fumbled and then his hand came to rest on his chin. 
“Fuck” Katsuki repeated and I looked down, I felt pretty but that reaction was all I needed to know this was my dress. This was the perfect dress for tonight. I was so glad they liked it, confidence rose in my chest and I did a small twirl. 
“You guys like it” I asked and walked forward to Shouto holding the phone and Katsuki on the phone. They were silent as I moved to look at Katsuki and swap the camera around so it was facing Shouto and I. 
“Yes” they both spoke and then Katsuki had to go as Kirishima was coming into the room. “You look amazing” Shouto breathed out and his hand came to hold the small of my back as he came to lean in and kiss my hair. “I don’t want to ruin your makeup” he whispered. 
“Now that we are both ready and you are looking very handsome, can we take a photo for Katsuki and send it to him”  he nodded and then we were moving his phone and putting on a timer for the camera. 
A few attempts later we had a photo that looked professional. The lighting and the blank wall behind us made our outfits pop. I had put on the matching heels to make the photo look more authentic and beautiful. We were standing next to each other in just the perfect position and with a smile it was sent to Katsuki, I had to admit we really went above and beyond for this photo. Within seconds we received a reply “Please don’t do this to me, I’m with shitty hair”.
“Are you ready to go Shou" I looked over my shoulder at my boyfriend, his suit looked so handsome and I knew from the three of us it was going to be a fun night. Walking over I fixed his tie slightly “You look so handsome in your matching suit” I smiled “Come on Iida is waiting for us” we made our way through the room and then down to where we had to catch an elevator. 
“I sent Katsuki a message, hopefully he has not forgotten his phone again” Shouto whispered quietly as I leaned over to view the screen. Katsuki had gotten better at answering calls and messages. At the start of our relationship he wasn’t the best but he is working on it which I’m sure Shouto and I were grateful for. 
Coming out of the elevators I saw Iida who I assumed had gotten here far earlier than anyone else. Kaminari and Mineta were also here in their little butler outfits. I laughed lightly as I walked out and into the room. Iida turned around and smiled “I’m glad you two could make it, Todoroki looking very fresh, Y/N” he paused and then nodded “That colour suits you” he smiled. 
“Thank you Iida, you look quite nice as well, where is everyone?” I tried to ignore the stares from the two other boys and tried harder to ignore the little whispers to each other. We were a few minutes early but with Iida if you weren’t early you were late. 
“They seem to be running a little late” he took out his phone and rang Midoriya. The phone call was mostly linear movements and some loud vocals. I was surprised how loud his voice could go, sometimes louder then Katsuki. 
“Sorry about that, you guys” Midoriya’s words were slowed towards the end as he walked out from the elevator and looked us over, we had been here quite awhile but I didn’t mind. Shouto and I had quiet chatter and Katsuki replied saying Kirishima was guiding them to the venue and to go in without him. “Where is everybody?” he stopped running, going to a slow walk. 
“They’re not here yet” Iida arms unfolded “Does a proper meeting time mean nothing to you people” he was always like this, so in charge and ready for anything. He did make a good class rep and no one could deny that. 
With those words the sound of an elevator door opening rang through the room looking over. I saw it was Uraraka “Sorry i'm late, it took me a while to get ready” she looked cute with her hand scratching the back of her neck and the pink dress she had on. She clearly had gone to the trouble of looking nice. I was going to compliment her though with Kaminari and Mineta racing over. I stayed still. 
Another elevator opened showing a blushing Jirou and Yaoyorozu, Jirou was hiding behind the other girl, was she embarrassed? I was positive she looked beautiful no matter what she wore. “Apologies for the tardiness, Jirous’ feeling shy” I knew that feeling but with the help of my boyfriends I had slowly come out of my shell. I ignored the boys once again. 
They stepped out of the elevator and Jirou looked down playing with her earlobes “This is fancier than anything I’ve worn before” she looked nice in the pink and purple dress, Yaoyorozu did too. Shouto and I walked forward to join the group. “It feels like a costume” I couldn’t agree more. 
“I’m just glad you’re not in a t-shirt” I rolled my eyes at the electric blonde and sighed, he really needed some new morals. Shaking my head I leaned against Shouto just to try and calm my nerves, I wasn’t a fan of crowded places. 
“Even the jacket can’t ruin it” Mineta bluntly stated, they both got sound waves to ear, just as they deserved. I was glad I hadn’t heard the things they said about my choice of clothing. I would have put them in a box for the rest of the night. 
“I think you both look very nice, even with the jacket” I made eye contact with the fallen Mineta at that comment and looked back up with a smile “It’s nice to see you guys out of uniform. You too Uraraka” I smiled at the group. There was no harm in boosting someone's self esteem even if it was only a little. 
“Thank you, you look very nice too, I wouldn’t expect you to wear something like this but I really like it” Yaoyarozu nodded and Jirou agreed with an input from Uraraka. I smiled and pushed my hair back and smiled in thanks. 
“This is my first time in formal wear, I just borrowed something from Yaoyorozu” Uraraka walked over to Midoriya as her arms bent at the elbow up and down as she spoke. Yaoyarozu had very pretty dresses then. 
“It looks really good” Midoriya scratched his cheek and I smiled leaving the conversation. They had such chemistry, I was surprised one hadn’t confessed yet. Then again I hadn’t confessed in the greatest ways. I took Shouto’s hand, we weren’t much for public displays of affection but right now I was so happy to be with friends and loved ones.  
The sound of the elevator opening sounded and I turned hoping to see Katsuki and Kirishima though it wasn’t them. It was the girl I had seen at the stands. I never caught her name though she seemed to know the place. “Oh good” she ran in dress swaying as she did. “I thought I was going to miss you guys. Let’s get downstairs to the party” she seemed very friendly from the one sentence I had heard her speak. I should talk to her. 
I ignored the boys having a fangirl fest in the middle of the room. I shook my head and then we were off to the party. “No good, neither of them is picking up their phones. Knowing those two they’re just blowing off the party” Iida spoke out. 
“Bakugou and Kirishima said to go in without them, Todoroki and I messaged Bakugou” I began and saw a few sideways glances of interest. The girls always asked about my relationship with the two and most had guessed what was going on. “We can go in without them, they will come eventually” I smiled and got a nod from Iida. 
I took out my phone and saw a message from the explosive boy. Opening the message I almost dropped my phone at the picture of Katsuki in a suit with roses on the side and a tilted head. “What’s wrong” Shouto started and then looked over my shoulder at the photo “Why is he so handsome” he whispered and I nodded. Sending a message along the lines of what he had sent to us. I hoped they were both safe. 
The alarm began to sound and I felt Shouto pull my body closer to his own, the windows began to have their lockdown shutters fall. An explosive device? I worried for Katsuki’s safety as well as Shoutos’ and my own, so I looked around and we had everyone. So far so good. Most likely a false alarm. The voice over the speakers continued as I put my hand on Shoutos’ chest. What was going on?
Shouto took out his phone “I’m not getting any signal, looks like my service is completely blocked” I took his phone and then my own and quickly checked. No signal, we couldn’t contact Katsuki. What if he was in danger. I looked to Shouto who seemed to have the same fears. “He will be ok, he is strong” whispered quietly I nodded and handed his phone back. 
“The elevators are not working either” Jirou was standing in front of the elevator system, though we still had lights on so it wasn’t as if the power was out. What a suspicious time to have a lockdown. I stepped away from Shouto and looked around. 
“What the heck is going on here” Mineta cried out, he had a point. He was saying what was on everyone's minds. It had to be a false alarm, a faulty button. There wouldn’t actually be a bomb here, right? 
“It is strange that the system would go on high alert” it was the girl I didn’t know the name of. I had to ask her name, if I knew her name I could protect her. Her hand was under her chin in thought. She must know this place well. “That’s not the protocol whenever explosives are discovered” so she did know this place well. If this wasn’t the protocol then something must be wrong. 
“Iida, let’s go to that party” Midoriya stated sternly walking over to the seemed leader of the group. Iida questioned why, why did he want to go to the party. It was a lockdown. We should stay in the same place until we are told not to. “Because that’s the place we can find All might right now” I nodded, it was a good plan. All Might would know what to do. 
“Wait All Might’s in there” I knew that wherever Midoriya was, All Might wasn’t too far away. Though if the number 1 hero was here then we had nothing to worry about, if there was an explosive I was sure he was on his way to do and stop the issue. 
“Oh thank goodness, we don’t have anything to worry about” Mineta looked relieved but this was still suspicious. Would they not have put something over the intercoms to say the situation was being handled. They wouldn’t keep people in the dark plus there were probably up to a hundred Pro’s here. Someone would say something. 
“So Melissa do you know of a way we can get down there without the elevator” my eyes perked as Midoriya looked at the blonde girl, her name was Melissa. Perfect, name done. I could now protect everyone in the room. Shouto had been kind enough to give me the heros and top celebrities and things that would be here for right now. I was able to help.
“Yeah sure, we can use the emergency stairs” she replied pointing to the stairs behind Shouto and I, it would be risky. If something was actually wrong we could be going towards the danger instead of away.  I could only help so many people. “That will at least get us close” I wanted to voice my worries but I had trust in my friends. 
“We will follow your lead then” I clenched up, I was worried not only for the people in this room but Katsuki. I was beyond worried about him, was he ok? Was Kirishima with him? He couldn’t message us now and that brought a whole new wave of panic. 
We began to walk through the stairs, silently as we could which was hard with heels and fancy wear. I was scared and worried about Katsuki and Kirishima as well as the rest of the people on this island. Jirou and Midoriya walked in to see what was going on as the rest of us waited. 
“We’ve received All Might’s orders loud and clear, he is our teacher. I suggest we follow his instructions and escape this place” Iida had a point, he had told us to leave but we may be the only people that could actually help win this fight. Who knows what these villains were trying to do. “Otherwise we’d be going against his will”
“I’m afraid I have to agree with what Iida is saying. We are still only students, we can’t fight these villains if we don't have our hero licenses” Yaoyarozu was also in the right. Legally we weren’t allowed in interveen, we had to do as our teacher had told us but we did not come here as a school but as ourselves. 
“Why don’t we get out of here and tell the hero's outside?” Kaminari piped up, hypothetically that may work but it may also set off unwanted alarms along the way. It may end us in a worse spot than we already are. There wasn’t much we could do without permission but I wanted to help. 
“It’s not going to be very easy to escape” Melissa whispered out as her hand left her chin, I stood close to Shouto and tried to think my way out of this. My whole quirk relied on thinking, that’s what I was here for. I was logical and smart and I had to figure something out. “The security system here is on the same level of that of the Tartarus prison which is where they keep the most dangerous criminals in the world” think, I had to think. 
“And all we can do is sit and wait until everything is over I guess” Kaminari voiced out, his tone was low and sad. I couldn’t blame him, I also felt trapped. I had to think of something, anything. Any idea was better than none. 
Jirou stood up fists clenched and looked down to our classmate “Are you really ok with that Kaminari” she questioned in a soft tone. I wasn’t, I wasn’t ok with just sitting and doing nothing while innocent people feared for their lives. “Don’t you think we should at least try and stop them” I nodded in agreement. 
“Come on, those villains have even got All Might trapped. There’s no way we can stop them ourselves if the actual Pros are stuck” Mineta although was disgusting and quite pervy, he unfortunately was decently smart. His words were true. If they had a hold of All Might then what shot did we have. 
“Aren’t we trying to be Pros’ ourselves” my eyes left the ones of my classmates and turned to one of my lovers, he was looking down at his hand as he sighed out lowly eyes half lidded. He looked sad, he almost always did. 
“Yes but we are not allowed to work as heroes, you know that” Yaoyarozu looked sad as well as she spoke. I could see she wanted to help but also wanted to keep people safe, keep us safe. I couldn’t agree more but if we couldn’t at least help a few people then sitting here and doing nothing will be meaningless.
“Does that mean that it’s right to do nothing at all” Shoutos’ fist clenched as he continued to stare at his hand. I shook my head, he was worried. Whether it be about our missing boyfriend or the idea of sitting aside and not doing anything I didn’t know. I would guess it was a little of both. 
“Well it’s complicated” Yayorozu was right, this was complicated. Do we risk getting in more danger and not helping anyone or do we sit back and potentially not help someone in need. All Pro’s had to deal with these choices but as I saw everyones’ faces fall my own fell as well. 
It was silent in the stairwell but with a shake of my head I breathed in “I can help” everyone's eyes turned to me “I want to help, I don’t care for the consequences. Bakugou and Kirishima are out there, civilians are out there. I can shield us from being seen if need be but I am not going to stand here when I am able to help” I swallowed the lump in my throat as I pursed my lips. 
“I want to help” Midoriya whispered out “I want to save them” we made eye contact and he looked so determined, this was all our dreams. To become a hero, to help those in need no matter the consequences. To do all we can until we can’t. 
“You want to go fight those villains, did you learn anything from the USJ Midoriya?” Mineta's voice was loud and his hands were moving so frantically. I thought back to the USJ, I had been teleported to one of the zones alone and made to fight, I didn’t know any names so I spent my time dodging and using the loophole of my own name to survive. 
“This is totally different, we don’t have to fight them, as Y/N said she can shield us. We need to find a way to rescue All Might and everyone else at the party without facing the bad guys” Midoriya fired back, he was ready for any question that was shot at him, I could see it. I could shield all of us, I could shield the island if given enough time. I could do this. 
“That’s easy to say but you know it won’t be that simple” this time it was Kaminari who shot the idea down. If they wanted to be heros they needed to start believing in themselves. We could deal with the consequences, we were here on our business not the schools. 
“I know but I still want to try,” Midoriya nodded and I nodded, I was going to help them with or without the help of my classmates. I wasn’t going to let innocent people be scared because of some egotistical villains who decided to make a scene. “We can figure out what the best plan of action is and keep these criminals from winning. We can save everyone” he called out, I thought we were being a bit loud for the stairway but I wasn’t going to say anything. 
“I know where the security system is, it’s on the top floor of this tower” Melissa walked forward into the group, she did know this place which means she would most likely know the safest route to take. “If these criminals manage to take control of it then the authentication lock password has most likely been disabled. We should be able to restart the system ourselves. We just have to stay off the villains radar until then and get to the top floor.That’s all” I could cover us and the cameras wouldn’t see us but if doors were locked it would most likely sound an alarm which wouldn’t do us any favours. “If we do that the whole island will be safe again” 
“Then it’s possible” Midoriya whispered in hope, of course it was possible, everything is possible. The word impossible literally says I’m possible, we just had to devise a plan and stick to it to remain safe. 
“Sure but how do we keep on the low for that long” Jirou questioned walking forward towards Melissa who had just finished her motivating speech. Judging by the way she spoke I was guessing that she was able to restart the system. 
“The security system hasn’t discovered us yet that means the villains probably don’t know how it works very well” she had a point, the stairwell seemed to be fine. No alarms or villains coming to check it out. I nodded in thought. 
“So we avoid fighting anyone and try to get the place back to normal” I knew Shoutos’ voice from anywhere, I turned to look at his arms crossed over his chest and eyes downcast in thought. I hoped Katsuki was ok. “That could work” 
“I can cover us from unwanted eyes. I am able to cover us all with no problem. It would be like we weren’t even there” I smirked moving my hands to rest on my hips. “Cameras’ aren’t able to detect me when in an illusion, I’ve tried” I continued to smirk at the smiles I was receiving. 
“Not bad, what do you think” Kaminari turned to Jirou who smiled and agreed. Mineta did not look in the least bit impressed with his wide eyes and mouth. He was never going to become a hero if he was unable to take a leap of faith. 
“Many of our enemies are likely gathered there on the top floor” Yayorozu thought aloud into the stairwell. I would guess most would be there though some would be trying to do whatever it actually was they were trying to do here. 
“If we’re fast we won’t have to fight them, when the security system goes back to normal All Might and the others will be released. They’ll immediately jump into action and stop the villains I know it” we all seemed to be on the same page. 
“Let’s do this guys” Uraraka jumped up her eyes wide and hand fisted in determination. We would help these people, we would become heroes some day. This was just the first step in the long journey of our future career. “I don’t want to sit around here being helpless, not if there’s something we can actually try” she shook her head and looked to Midoriya who had said her name. “What’s important is that we’re helping people even if we’re not real heroes” I smiled at the bright girl. 
“That’s exactly how I feel about things, we’ll follow our hearts and save the island” even though Midoriya was talking to the group his eyes never left Uraraka, it seemed like all his words were directed to her and her alone. They would make a good couple in the future.  
Everyone began to agree to the plan, one right after the other. We were going to do this, for us and us alone. We were going to save these people not for show or to be seen but because that’s what a hero does. 
“The moment I think we’ve gone too far it’s over” Iida walked into the little huddle of us all eyes closed and brows knotted. He was worried you could practically feel the waves of emotion coming from him. “If that’s something you can agree too, I’ll join you as well” 
With all in agreeance, Midoriya told Melissa to stay behind and when listening in I found out it was because she was quirkless, something very rare these days. Even if the quirk was considered ‘useless’ they were still held higher than those without quirks. She was strong and put the greenet in his place with her knowledge of the tower. She was going to be a hero too. She was a student at the academy she said and she wanted to help. I nodded and smiled at her. She was going to be a hero one way or another. Midoriya went back to tell All Might what our plans were and soon we were off and going through the tower. When he came back we began to go through the tower to try and get to the top. We were running up the stairs which was quite hard in heels and a dress but I was managing. 
Finally we reached level 30, I couldn’t believe we made it without a single alarm of bystander. These villains really didn’t know what they were doing here. They did not know the system as if they did there would be alarms in the stairwell. 
“Melissa, how high does it go” Midoriya asked as I turned to the girl in question, she was puffed, sweating and holding the railing for support. She wasn’t used to high intense training like we were, the stairs were like nothing to us. An annoyance at most but not difficult. 
“Two-hundredth floor” she breathed out, I shook my head as Kaminari asked her to repeat herself. She could barely make it to the thirtieth I doubted she would make it to two hundred though I had faith in her. She just had to keep pushing herself. 
After a small discussion that taking the two hundred flights was better than an accidental run in with the villains we all began to climb again. I stayed in line with Shouto as we ran. We had to be fast otherwise something could potentially go wrong. I sighed out and shook my head while running, everyone would be ok. I knew it. Katsuki would be ok. He had to be. Each flight felt like impending doom and finally at floor eighty it was blocked. 
“What should we do?” Shouto asked as he breathed heavily. Eighty flights will do that to a person. I breathed out looking around, what could we do. There might be villains or civilians on the other side. “Break through it,” he suggested. I shook my head, no there had to be another way.
“If we did that, I’m sure the security system would alert the villains that someone’s in here” Melissa answered, I had the same thought. I looked over the block and bit my lip, my lungs still begging for more oxygen. What could we do? 
“Then why don’t we go through this door instead” that was Minetas’ voice and as I turned around not even hearing Midoriya’s words as he yelled. Mineta opened the door with a click. No, no, no, they would know we are here. This could ruin everything. 
We all went through and I sent out a cover, the detectors would detect something but they wouldn’t be able to see us at least. “We move now” I started and ran out first. “I have us covered but that doesn’t stop sensors only cameras” I called over my shoulder as Shouto came to join me at the front. We ran down the hall hoping to find a way further up.
“Is there another way to go up?” Shouto asked over his shoulder, I was guessing he was indicating to Melissa who knew her way around. I knew the villains knew we were here and I was sure they were sending reinforcement.  
“There should be another emergency staircase at the end of the hallway” she shouted back, it was good my illusions also hid sound, in a place like this I didn’t doubt that the cameras also had mics. 
“Alright then let's hurry” Iida instructed though as we turned a corney the gates began to shut. I guess they believed it wasn’t a false alarm and then people really were scuttling around on this floor. The gates began to close “Todoroki” Iida called. 
“I got it” a shard of ice shot out from his foot and then Iida was running and sending his leg through the gate. We had to keep moving. I grabbed Melissa’s arm and began to run, she was the most important out of all of us. 
Running in there were trees and bushed everywhere “What is this place” I hadn’t let go of her hand as we ran. I needed to know she was safe. She couldn’t defend herself like the rest of us. She was smart but villains didn’t care for smarts. 
“It’s a plant factory” she answered as we ran into the factory. “They research the effects quirks have on fauna here” she elaborated. An interesting field to go in I had to admit, I was more for the hero side if I was being honest. 
“Hold on” Jirous' arm went out in a rushed movement and we all stopped. I brought Melissa closer to me, she smiled and seemed grateful. I nodded to her. “Look, the elevators are coming up” she breathed, so they did know we were here. There was no point to hiding us here then. 
“Don’t tell me the villains found us” Mineta looked about ready to dig his own grave amongst the fauna. I looked around, we could hide but knowing villains they wouldn’t stop until we were found. We could fight them but that would mean owning up to us being here. 
“We should hide and let them pass,” Midoriya told the group and we all agreed. We ran off to the side hiding amongst the bushes. I covered us just to be sure. We waited in silence and I crouched close to Shouto and others down the other end talked. 
The villains came in, speaking lowly and I couldn’t quite hear them. They just had to leave, they had to leave. Walking in they began to look around for us. I could see Uraraka holding her hands over her mouth even though she knew they couldn’t see us but what if one of them had a quirk that could. This could be bad. We just had to wait for them to pass. 
“Hey we see you stupid kids” that’s impossible, they couldn’t see us. There was no way. No one could see us. Does he have a thermal imaging quirk type thing? We were safe, right? Was he trying to make us come out. Some kind of reverse psychology. 
“What did you say you bastard” I perked up, I knew that voice. Looking out I saw Katsuki in all his glory. His suit and tie, his scowl. He was ok, he was alive and ok. I felt a hand come to my back and I turned to see Shouto looking relieved. 
“What are you two doing here” one of the villains asked, they must not know what’s going on. Katsuki would never give up the chance to use his quirk against a real villain. Did they not hear the broadcast? How were they at such a high level?
He laughed lightly “That’s what I wanna know too” he began to walk forward. I shook, what was he doing? He needed to be careful. He was so close but so out of reach. I watched Kirishima put a hand on his chest and told Bakugou that he could take care of it. 
“We kinda got lost looking for the party” I deadpanned, lost, this was the eightieth floor. How do you get that lost that you wind up on the eightieth floor. I knew they weren't lying with how awkward Kirishima was acting. I doubted they even knew where they were. Katsuki did not look happy. “Can you maybe point us in the right direction” he asked politely. 
“Don’t lie to me or you’ll regret it” the words were yelled as one of the villains sent out what seemed to be a gust of wind towards the boys. My eyes widened and before I knew it I was running. 
My arm raised quickly sending out a wall to protect them. “Hey watch out” Katsuki yelled and I held the wall up as Kirishima fell back and Katsuki met my eyes. “What?” I saw his lips mimic but no sound came out. I was breathing heavily. I had to protect them. “Shou" he asked as Shouto walked out. 
His hand moved to the floor “We can keep them busy down here, look for a way to the top” ice sprouted from the ground and was sending the rest of the group up towards a higher railing. I was not in the right attire to fight but I was going to. They were trying to get through the wall. “We’ll be right behind you after we clean up this mess” I smiled at them. 
“Go be heroes” I shouted and looked to Melissa “Show me what you can do” she nodded firmly and then they were gone and up on a higher railing. I needed to make sure my boyfriends were safe, I knew they could handle themselves but love does strange things. 
“Wait you guys are here too” Kirishima asked slowly and confused “What the hecks going on guys” Kirishima walked over and Katsuki followed coming to look at us both. I knew those looks, he was checking us over. 
“You didn’t hear the broadcast alert” Shouto asked as I pushed the wall higher, they were strong villains. Though we could take them I knew we could. There were four against two, we could do this. Now that I knew they were ok I was less panicked, a clear mind. “Nevermind, some villains have taken over the tower” 
Katsukis’ eyes narrowed and he seemed to look us over more intently, he was making sure we were ok. “Wait, so that’s what this is about” he asked as I looked through the wall, they were desperately trying to get through. I just had to hold them there until the others were out. 
“I’ll explain more when I can, no time now” Shouto looked to Katsuki and looked him up and down as well. Not while Kirishima was here, not right now please. I felt a hard hit to the wall and made it stronger as I looked through, he had a weird quirk in his hands, was it air, it looked to be air. 
“What’s with guys quirk” I could already hear the few pops from his palm as Katsuki called out his question. I let the wall fall and I breathed heavily, he was strong. I needed a second to completely clear my head. When Shouto said to stay alert he got a lovely “Shut up, I know that” from our boyfriend in return. 
“So you wanna pick a fight” the man began to shake and grow. I stepped back, I couldn’t do much without their names but I’d manage. “Let’s see how tough you really are” he screamed, skin turning purple and veins bulging in his arms, he looked like an ogre, a beast. 
Shouto flicked his arm out spikes of ice running straight for the beast of a man, he was punching them and they broke in front of my eyes. So he was strong, noted. Then he was coming straight for us. We all jumped and I landed on an illusion in the air. 
Katsuki quickly turned “Die” he screamed and sent an explosion into the beast's back receiving a loud grunt in response. The beast fell though I knew he would rise again soon. Katsuki landed. 
Through the smoke I saw the beast running towards him, he was pushed out of the way by Kirishima “Bakugou” his arms rose in a cross formation and hardened, stopping the villain in his tracks for only a second before Kirishima was pushing into the ground and through the leftover ice shard from Shouto and into a wall. 
“Kirishima” Katsuki called and I was looking around frantically. I hid myself from view as I watched. Who was more pressing to go after, who was stronger out of the two villains. I watched, it seemed the one with the air type quirk was, he was long range making him harder to take down. 
“Dodge” Shouto called out as ice sprouted from the ground towards the villain but was taken out but a swipe of his hand. I knew what I had to do. I had to take him out. Shouto and Katsuki were back to back as they were in the middle of the villains. 
“You boys know how to fight, don’t you” the air quirk villain asked, his voice was higher than it should be. I was dropping towards the ground, they couldn’t see me, I needed to wait for the perfect moment. I stayed closer to the ground and above the villain. 
“Where did you come from” the other asked in confusion, I was watching the two villains, they couldn’t attack right now without potentially harming the other in the process, so I waited. 
“Yeah right, like we’d tell a couple of weak ass villains” Katsuki called out with a smile, I smiled as well. He always got revved up in these situations, always so excited and all over the place. It was one of the many things I loved about him. 
“Why would we tell you anything?” Shouto asked, his hand coming out to show ice slowly frost over his hand. Then the fight began, smoke and ice everywhere. I couldn’t get a good view and then it was perfect. 
Katsuki had amazing reflexes but the purple villain was just very strong and the other villains' quirk had nothing to do with air, he was displacing matter as he wished a very strong quirk.”Let’s put an end to this” he shouted and began to twist in the air just as he had done the sports festival. “Howitzer impact” I knew I needed to get out of the way. I dropped from the sky grabbing Shouto and creating a barrier as a gust of smoke and heat sprang out. 
Once over I uncovered us, “Damn you” the other called out and sent out a gust of wind tearing Katsukis’ sleeve with a scream from Shouto. I was already running before I knew it. Hiding and then springing up behind him and throwing my body into the air and spinning only to send a kick to his ribs sending him to the other side of the path. 
“Did you forget about me” I called out and the guy stood up looking angry and down to his hand that seemed to have small parts of Katsuki’s sleeve. I was confused but made sure to be on high alert just in case. 
“That’s the sweat from my palms” I knew what he was doing now I stepped back, this wasn’t going to end well. “It works like Nitroglycerin” and with those few words Shouto knew what to do and sent out a line of fire exploding the villain and then collecting him in a block of ice.We ran over to Kirishima “Kirishima” Katsuki asked while Shouto asked if he was ok, Katsuki did care for his friends. 
“I can’t move, can you get me out of here?” I wanted to laugh as I looked at the worried face of Katsuki fall into one of annoyance like usual. I was sad his suit was ruined, I was looking forward to some pictures and taking it off later tonight but not all dreams come true.
“Are you that stupid just turn your damn quirk off idiot” I walked closer come to stand next to Katsuki, I missed him, I was so worried for him. I needed to know he was ok and now he was, right next to me. He was ok, Shouto was ok. 
“Oh right” Kirishima deactivated his quirk and then removed himself from the wall “Guess I should have thought of that” he looked down to his hands and brought a knee to his chest and tried to wipe some dust off of his suit. 
“I’m just glad to see you are not injured” Shouto spoke out, he still looked just as we left the room. All pristine and beautiful, Katsuki as well. I sighed and continued to look between the two of them. I was so glad they were ok. 
“Yeah same to you guys” he smiled and I smiled back, we were all ok, for now. “If I may say” Kirishima spoke slowly and then looked at the three of us with a smile “I know the three of you are dating and your girlfriend looks like she’s about to cry” both eyes turned to me and I laughed awkwardly. 
I threw myself into Katsukis’ chest and hugged him as tight as I could. “i’m so glad you’re ok Katsuki” I whispered and felt his arms wrap around me and put his head down on top of my own. “I was so worried” I added and felt another hand come to rub my back as I opened my arms for Shouto to join and that he did. “I’m so glad you both are ok” I paused and raised my head to Kirishima “You too” he smiled. 
Katsuki looked away from the complete red head and spoke out “Thank you” we all stopped in our tracks for a moment. Did Katsuki just say thank you. I wasn’t hearing things, right? Sure he had said it to Shouto and I but anyone else, no way. This was new territory, unfound land. 
“Wow where did that come from” I could hear the waver in Kirishima’s voice but the smile showed all I needed to know, he was grateful and I was proud of Katsuki, Shouto and brought me into his arms to hold me close and kiss the top of my head. ‘Don’t worry about it” he finished. 
Katsuki turned back quickly, hands in his pockets and mouth wide in a yell “I’m not worried” he screamed and I laughed lightly, he was always so quick to bite back. I loved him and Shouto more than life itself. 
“Alright, let’s catch up with the others” Shouto voiced loud enough for everyone to hear and then we were off to find the rest of the gang. I had no idea how high they could have made it by now. They might already be at the two-hundredth floor. I just hope they didn’t run into anything else. 
“Don’t order me around” I turned to look at Katsuki with one raised eyebrow and a slight smirk and he looked away, his cheeks lighting up slightly. If only people knew just how much Katsuki liked to be ordered around in different ways. 
“Todoroki time to give us some details” Kirishima yelled out and Shouto looked back to the rest of us but at the sound of an alarm we stopped and looked forward seeing robots flooding into the room. 
“Oh this is easy. Stay back boys” I smirked and ran into the front lines. Sending out clones with long sharp claws. Claws ripped through metal and wires like it was butter. This was my time to shine. Clones grew long and sharp teeth rearing forward to send long sharpened claws and teeth into the robots and ripped them apart. I ripped through the metal like it was nothing and after a few minutes the clones fell “Well that was easy” I flicked my hair over my shoulder and smiled to the boys “what thought you guys wanna gonna have all the fun” I asked. 
“That was so hot” Katsuki breathed out with a wide smile and I flushed looking down to the floor in embarrassment. “Please, do that more” I knew Katsuki had a thing for strong quirks but I turned around and then we were off again. 
We were running to the top, so many flights of stairs and robots that were taken out by clones, ice and explosions alike. As we were running we came to see a load of robots heading outside, we all looked and nodded knowing they would most likely be following the group, we had to help them. Katsuki was the first to make a hit saving Uraraka from a bunch of robots. I ran out clones coming out long claws and sharp teeth alike as I joined the fight, ripping them apart. Shouto and Kirishima ran in and when I looked up I could see Melissa had wide eyes and Midoriya. I ducked missing a robots’ attack and sliced it in half.
I didn’t have time to listen or even hear what was going on as I heard explosions and fire and then a loud and booming smash. I continued to destroy the robots in large groups though they just seemed to keep coming and coming and coming. I was getting excited as I ripped apart the metal and wires. We continued to fight but then they all seemed to shut down.
“What happened?” Katsuki asked aloud as all the robots just shut off. I was out of breath and let all the illusions fade as I smiled and fixed my dress. Definitely not a dress you were meant to fight in. 
“That felt good” I stretched my arms up high and then heard a nice click in my spine. I smiled and looked up to see Uraraka looking at me with wide eyes and a confused expression “Are you ok” I asked walking forward. 
“Yes, that” she shook her head and then smiled widely “That was amazing, you just ripped them apart it was just” she paused again and I laughed lightly “Wow” I laughed louder and then nodded. 
“We need to go find Midoriya and Melissa” I stated and then we were off trying to find a way to get higher. “I can create an illusion elevator, hop on” I yelled and with that we were heading to the top floor hopefully to find Midoriya and Melissa.As we were slowly rising, I couldn’t go too fast that could make the illusion fumble or worse someone could fall. We had to get to the top, we had to meet up with Midoirya and Melissa. I was not going to make them fight alone. Looking up we could see smoke and debris falling from the top. “Hold on” I screamed and we were racing up. I could see a helicopter and Midoriya hanging off of it and then he was falling. 
Then All Might was up and in the sky and the helicopter was blown up as we made it to the top, there was All Might but a machine-like thing, the villain. He could control metal, All Might was thrown across the roof as we jumped off onto the roof. We had to do something. Midoriya looked injured and All Might was then back on his feet. I could see Melissa, she was ok.  
All Might smash only did so much as more and more metal was taken into this “I can feel my quirk getting more powerful,I'm never taking it off” he had some sort of strange headband on. That must be where the power is coming from. “The thing on his head” I yelled and then we were off. The roof was being broken apart as we ran over.
“I think I know the best way to raise the price of this device, I can charge whatever I want if it was used to kill the world’s number one hero” he wanted to kill All Might. It was hard even staying on the roof, there was no way we would be able to get to him while he was floating around his own quirk. How could we do this? 
The floor beneath me broke apart as I put an illusion under me to keep me up. The others seemed to be ok. I had to think, how could someone get close to him, with all the flying metal and debris, how was one even meant to try and get close, this was almost impossible. There was no time for thought as I took an illusion into the sky and hid myself to try and get close. I watched a metal was coming to crush All Might but was then covered in ice, Shouto would help him. 
“Go to hell” I heard the scream and smiled maneuvering my way through the flying metal as I heard explosions behind me. Katsuki wasn’t too far behind at all. I knew they would be ok. When this was over I would hold them close but for now it was time to be a hero. “How can you let yourself get beat by such a lame final boss. Hurry and take him down” Katsuki screamed as I dodged a piece of metal, a little more. 
I knew both of my lovers were close to their limit, I had to end this and end it now. I looked back and saw the rest of the others join. I was going to help them, I was going to do this. For them, for us. Or everyone. This was our time. I moved faster, I was so close. Just a little more, just a little more. 
The guy had All Might by the neck. I just had to go a little further, dodging and ducking around the metal I put my arm out. I couldn’t hear it was like white noise. There was nothing, I was going to be a hero, I was going to save everyone. I was going to help. He was going to kill All Might and I could see the rest of the class falling, All Might was bleeding, there was so much blood. I needed to do this, I had to do this. All Might was thrown away and it seemed like he was being crushed, he had to be ok. No this isn’t how it was going to end. That was Midoriya, All Might was up and ok. I was going to do this. He didn’t know me or of my quirk. I was going to do this. I was moving faster than ever, weaving and ducking through metal. I could hear everyone helping and I was so close, so very close. I just had to take off the headband thing. I came up from the side and I saw Midoroya and All Might coming straight for him, running together. Only a few more moments. He had that huge cube, if I could get it off then they could punch through it. 
I showed myself to them and then I thrust my hands out grabbing the headpiece and ripping it from him as I passed by. I met his eyes and I was then flying off. “Do it” I screamed holding up the headpiece in my hand, the cube was punched and I threw an illusion around myself and the professor, I could see him. Metal was still coming after me as I whipped through all the debris and falling metal. A loud bang was heard behind me and a shock wave was sent out into the sky as I was falling. Something had hit me, I was falling as I held my shoulder. 
“Y/N” I could hear someone shout as I felt myself being caught and looked up seeing Katsuki. We landed and I dropped the handpiece and brought the professor to the roof to be safe. I breathed out and rested my head on Katsukis’ chest. 
“Let me take her, your arms are about to split” I was then handed over to Shouto as I sighed out. I wasn’t tired but mentally exhausted, I looked up seeing Midoriya and All Might with their fists in the air. “You did so well kitten” Shouto whispered and kissed my head as I moved to stand on my own. 
I didn’t care who could see, I brought them both into my embrace and smiled as wide as I could “I’m so happy you two are ok” I cried out and felt a few tears prick my eyes but my makeup was far too good to actually cry. I felt them both wrap around me and I felt whole. “Though I am extremely mad your suits are ruined” they laughed with me. 
I ignored the group as they looked out to see Midoriya and Melissa waving down at us. I was smiling wide as I waved back but I wasn’t listening to anything they were saying. I wanted a nice warm bath and some cuddles, and a good meal. Soon enough we were allowed to go back to our rooms and a hero was coming that could also control metal and was going to come and help. 
Shouto took out his phone “Katsuki what’s your room number” three simple numbers and his phone was brought to his ear “Yes can you please go pick up the orange and black suitcase and bring it to my room, thank you” and his phone was put away “You are staying with us. Message Kirishima” he smiled lightly. 
Once in the room I kicked off my heels and sighed out in relief. “I need food” I turned and smiled sweetly to Shouto who nodded and moved to pick up the phone and the menu. This was a long afternoon but it would be one we would remember. It was strange how easily we just had to go back into normal lives after something like that, a life of a hero. 
I watched Katsuki walk up behind Shouto and wrap his arms around his waist looking over his shoulder at the menu, a quick kiss to Shouto’s neck he whispered “Can I have the spicy chicken noodles” another kiss. 
“Of course Katsuki” he turned his head and they shared a kiss as I smiled, we were all ok. He looked over to my smiling face and smiled as well “I was just going to get you some beef noodles, I know how much you love them” I nodded. 
Peeling off my dress I noticed it was covered in dust and debris. I was so sad, I spent so long picking this dress and I was so ready to look good tonight. The dress fell from my shoulders and landed in a pile beneath me. Once the dress was off I walked into the bathroom taking my makeup wipes and I began the process of taking off my makeup. “Hey boys” I called out and almost immediately they were at the door looking at me with wide eyes and smiles. They both nodded for me to continue. “Whose jumper am I stealing tonight?” I asked. 
“Mine” they both said at once and then turned to each other “Mine” it was a little louder and I sighed out finishing the cleaning of my skin routine. I wasn’t one to wear makeup but tonight was meant to be special. Once done I walked out only in my underwear I saw them both rummaging through their suitcases to try and find a jumper, they always did this and I loved it. 
It was Katsuki who found his first and it was thrown at me and I laughed at the pouting face of Shouto. I pulled the big jumper over my head and pulled it down my body, the end finished at my mid thigh. I walked over to the bed crawling up the bed and laying down on my stomach. “Come here Shou" I smiled and he made his way over and sat down on the bed as I cuddled into his side. “Katsuki are you joining us” I whispered out as he grunted and walked over. I felt his body heat press against my back as we cuddled. “This is perfect” I nodded and threw my arm over Shoutos’ waist. 
“I agree, after today it is quite nice to sit back” Katsuki grunted again his arm over my waist, his front against my back and I was so happy to just sit here. I nodded into Shoutos’ side and I felt so content to just sit back and chill for a moment. 
“I missed you both” I went silent as Katsuki spoke and he buried his head into my hair not wanting to show his face. He was always so affectionate when no one was watching or listening. He was usually physically affectionate but with those few simple words I smiled and turned slightly. 
“We missed you too Katsuki” I whispered and his head rose as my hand came to caress the side of his face and pulled his face close to my own and pressed our lips together. It was calm and loving. I loved kissing both of them. Pulling back I smiled at him as his eyes were half lidded. “I love you Katsuki” I whispered and gave him another peck. 
“I love you too” he smiled lightly and then we both turned to Shouto who was happily watching us. “I love you Shou” he whispered and moved to sit up and lean over my body to give our boyfriend a kiss. 
After a few moments they parted and smiled at each other. Shouto looked down at me as I sat up “Want a kiss too?” he asked quietly, already leaning in as my hand rose to his neck and pulled him in just as I had done to the other. I gave him another peck and sat back. “I love you both” Shouto whispered and looked away, he was the one who said it the least. He was always so nervous to say such things. “Alot” he added. 
“I love you too Shou” I smiled and then I shook my head leaning back on my legs as I looked at the two boys “Today was a long day” I nodded and looked down breathing out “I’m glad we can share this time together just us” both both nodded and as we were about to begin talking again there was a knock on the door. 
“That must be the food” Shouto shimmied himself off the bed and made his was to the door, opening the door Shouto was told that food was ordered to this room and the service person then went through the food and drinks that was ordered as I moved to look at the half open door. “Yes, thank you” a little trolley was pulled in. “Thank you” he finished and walked into the room pulling the trolley “Foods here” he called out. 
We sat at the little table and ate together, nice and calm as we just talked about school and what we were going to do when we got home “I want to try that new soba place” Shouto voiced and I could see Katsuki eat a little faster “They have spicy soba” Shouto looked up rom his food and then it got into the conversations of what spices Katsuki liked in his food. 
Once the food was done we placed the plates back on the trolley and then I looked at the boys who were standing in the middle of the room looking at one of their phones. “Would you two like to join me for a bath?” I asked out loud and their heads turned like owls. “I’ll take that as a yes” Within a few minutes I was in a towel and waiting for the water to rise to the right height. The bath was huge as this was one of the best rooms in the hotel, much different then Japanese hotels. “It’s ready” I called out and they walked in towels around their waists. “Whose in the middle” I asked. 
The boys looked at each other and Shouto shrugged “I’m happy to lean against the edge” with that Shouto took his towel off folding and then stepped into the bath and leaned against it with a sigh of content. Katsuki was next to do the same and then I stepped in, the water was warm and leaning against Katsukis’ chest was nice. 
His arms wrapped around my waist and I leaned back quite happy with these events. It was nice to just sit with them in a nice bath. We hadn’t gone to a hot spring together but that was in the future. I definitely wanted to go to a hot spring. 
Katsuki leaned down and moved my head to the side and began to kiss along the side of my neck, I let out a little sigh as he continued. I heard Shouto move and then felt hands coming to drag up Katsukis’ chest so that I could feel a little touch against my back. Katsuki’s kissing was soft and light, I heard a little grunt come from him and a little laugh from Shouto. Katsukis’ hands came from my waist to run up my stomach to my chest and squeezed. 
“Katsuki” I sighed and bit my lip letting out a small moan in response. He grunted in response, his lips never leaving the skin of my neck as I felt his teeth dig lightly into the flesh “Katsuki” I moaned softly as his hand squeezed my chest once more. 
“Should we move this to the bed” Shouto whispered out and his hand moved against Katsuki’s chest and then moved down towards his waist “I’m happy to stay here though” I heard Katsuki let out a little grunt and smiled. 
“Bed” Katsuki whispered and then we were out and drying with towels and then off to the bed. I was pushed onto the bed by Shouto, falling on my back with his hands next to my head as we began to kiss feverly. I felt the bed dip next to my head and Shouto was leaving my lips to kiss Katsuki. It didn’t matter how many times we did this it always felt new. 
Once they parted, Katsuki looked down, his breathing fast and his face slightly flushed. “Pill” he asked just as he always did, always so caring and affectionate. Although so many people though the explosive blonde was just that explosive, loud and uncaring he did care. 
I nodded “Suitcase” I answered and he was leaning down to capture my lips, lips moving against each other quickly and I felt Shoutos’ hands slowly feel up my hips and then dipping into my waist and up to my chest and then leaned down. I could feel his tongue drag along my chest and catch my nipple. “Shou” I breathed out leaving Katsukis’ lips but they were captured again quickly. 
Shoutos’ tongue was cold against the nub of my breast, so soft and gentle. Kitten licks and then took it into his mouth as his tongue swirled in circles, his other hand moved to my other breasts and began to toy with my breasts. Katsuki refused to let my lips go as I moaned and arched into Shouto who was on top of me from pushing me onto the bed. 
“I just want to fuck you” Katsuki pulled back and looked down his pupils blown and breathing faster then before, I couldn’t agree more. “It’s so hard to decide who I want to fuck” he breathed out and Shouto left my breasts to look up at us. 
“It is quite difficult” Shouto agreed and I flushed as they both looked down to see me. I could practically see the lust swirling around us. Shouto’s hands continued to drag along my skin and it felt so calming and nice. 
“I just want to feel both of you” Katsuki sighed and leaned over to kiss Shouto’s neck. Shouto was probably the most sensitive out of all of us. Any sudden movement or kiss would send him into a frenzy. Shouto moaned softly and I knew Katsuki was in one of his marking moods which we both loved even though we would be covered in love bites in the morning. 
“We could” Shouto whispered and my hands moved to caress his sides as I leaned up Shouto and I flush against each other as he straddled my lap. They were both so beautiful, I would never find partners like them. “Fuck Y/N” he breathed again and his eyes met mine “Together” I flushed, I knew what he was saying. I understood. It wasn’t often Shouto swore but during these times he didn’t care for his language. 
Katsuki left Shoutos’ neck, a small little love bite being left in his wake. “Please” Katsuki basically begged and his eyes met mine and Shouto nodded in need and how could I say no, not that I wanted too. I wanted to say yes. 
I nodded and breathed out “But first” I whispered and moved to push Katsuki down underneath me. “You were so good today Katsuki, so nice and well behaved though you did yell at Midoriya early so Shou” I turned and Shouto smirked crawling forward and moving to lean down ‘You need another lesson in manners” I smiled. 
My hands moved behind me, fingers wrapping around his member and squeezing lightly with a grunt and moan in the process “You were going so well and this morning” Shouto sighed and shook his head “You do need another lesson in manners” Katsuki was quiet as his chest rose and fell with each breath. 
“He deserved it” He gritted out and I began to move my head as his breath caught in his throat with a light moan. This was a very easy way to make our boyfriend quiet and complacent. I moved to hover above his member and his eyes opened. “Wait, no. Not this” he breathed and he knew what was to come, “I’ll try” he tried to reason with a shake of his head. I looked at Shouto “Shou come on, Kitten, I’ll try” he smiled and nodded biting his lip with a grunt. 
“No Katsuki, you need a lesson. We’ve been over this” I looked to the male beneath me as Shouto leaned down to begin to run his hand over the others torso softly. My hands rested on his chest, hard and toned. 
Without warning I sunk down onto his cock, thick and long. They both had amazing cocks, I put my head back moaning out in pleasure as I clenched around him “Fuck” I heard him whispered and Shouto moved to take one of his nipples into his mouth as I moved my hands. “I’ll be good” he breathed out “Fuck you’re so tight” he breathed and bit his lip “Shou” it was always the best when one of the group was being pampered. 
I rose and sank again using my legs to move my body as I started to ride him, stretching my walls each time I lowered onto him. His hands fisted in Shoutos’ hair as he shivered. “Katsuki” I whimpered and he looked up. “You feel so good, you’re so good” I moaned and breathed out eyes rolling back. I looked back seeing Shouto had moved to his neck as I moved faster. “Why don’t you say some nice things about Shouto” we had discovered Katsuki loved to compliment people when he was like this, his brain was shut off and he wasn’t trying to be the best. Placing pleasure with kindness seemed to help him be nicer. 
“I like” he moaned, it made him think more. Trying to find real thing he needed to think about “His hair” he added and his head fell back to the soft pillows and whimpered in need as I began to move faster “it’s so soft and nice, I like his eyes” he was trying so hard to get the words out as he moaned “they are such a beautiful colour” he finished and his chest rose to release a long and pleasurable moan. 
“Thank you Katsuki, anything else you’d like to say” Shouto moved to look down at the moaning and whimpering usually loud Katsuki who was just taking everything we were giving him. His cock was amazing, we had all shared our firsts with each other and I knew no one would ever amount to these too. 
“I like, oh my, fuck” his hands came to rest on my waist and he began to move me up and down his cock stretching my walls so nicely, “I like your” he bit his lip and then looked back to Shouto who was happily waiting for him to continue “I like how you take us out” his eyes rolled back as he moaned out. 
“You’re doing so well Katsuki, now compliment kitten, she’s doing so well isn’t she” Shouto smiled slightly and began to caress his chest and moved to hold his hands. I could see Katsuki grip his hand and breathe out in pleasure. 
“I liked the dress she wore” I smiled and circled my hips on his cock “Oh fuck” it didn’t matter how we tried he would always swear but this was helping him be nicer. Each of us had things we connected with pleasure. It helped. “She is very pretty and deals with my outbursts” he breathed and his head fell back to the pillows once more. He was quite easy to deal with if I was honest. “I like her eyes as well” he nodded and bit his lip and gripped Shoutos’ hand as I sunk down moaning out as he was so deep “They’re so nice to look at and I love when we all just sit and watch a movie, it’s so nice and I feel so loved” I smiled and leaned down leaving a kiss on his cheek. Katsuki has a hard time accepting love even though he was so affectionate. We had been to his house, we knew it was hard sometimes. 
“You did so well Katsuki” I smiled and leaned down to kiss him again as he leaned in and met my lips, he was moaning quietly and then he leaned back letting his breath out in short little pants. “See it wasn't so bad, was there a real need to complain” I asked sitting so he was as deep as he could be. 
He shook his and opened his eyes to see Shouto leaning over him and beginning to play with his hair. “I thought it was going to be like last time” I smirked, last time. Last time was quite fun, we didn’t let him finish until he complimented everyone we could think of, he was quite nice the following days. 
“No, it’s been a long day, we were going to do that” Shouto smirked and leaned in giving him a quick kiss. “Light” he asked slowly. Katsuki always made it very clear what he wanted and what he didn’t. Shouto always made sure though. 
“Orange” he breathed out and I stopped. “I just need a second to breathe. You can stay here, I just need to breathe” Shouto and I nodded waiting for him. He was so soft when he was bottoming but as soon as he got control he was off and ready to take charge, like a switch. “Green” he nodded and moved to his elbows to look at us. 
“I’m ready if you guys are or do you want some attention Shou” I asked with my eyes turning to blue and grey ones looking back at me. Shouto wasn’t one for being the centre of attention he much preferred to be giving than receiving though I always asked. 
“I want to be on the bottom” he asked and looked at us. I nodded and leaned down to kiss Katsuki as I left his body and allowed him to get up. Shouto moved to lay down and sighed looking at us “Come here Kitten” he whispered, Shouto was the possessive he wanted to be.
I moved to straddle his waist and looked down to him “Green” I asked and he nodded looking up as his hands came to run along my thighs “I need to hear the words” I whispered, we needed to hear it. 
He nodded with a smile “Green, sorry” he whispered “I’m just really happy” he smiled, it was small but noticeable. I smiled and then sunk down onto his cock my head falling down as I moaned. He felt so good, I loved the stretch. “Katsuki was right, you feel amazing” my hands came to rest against his chest. 
“Kitten” Katsuki moved forward, his hands coming to rest on my waist. I could feel his member up against my back and shivered in lust. “Green,” he asked, kissing along my neck. He was always so soft and loving. 
“Green,” I whispered and leaned forward, my hands still on Shoutos’ chest and leaned my head down to get ready. It always felt amazing but it took some time to get used too. I loved them both so much and I would happily do this again. 
Katsuki moved to have his tip at my entrance and I sighed out getting ready “You are doing so well” Shouto whispered and began to rub my sides as Katsuki pushed inside slowly, Shouto moaned out and I whimpered all the air leaving my lungs. 
“You’re doing so well Kitten” Katsuki whispered and leaned down to kiss along my back and up to my neck “You feel so good” I nodded and felt myself clench around them as Katsuki continued pushing inside. It was so tight and they were stretching me so nicely. “Look at Shou he looks so good” I looked up seeing Shouto biting his lip and I felt him gripping my sides. “He’s trying so hard not to fuck you” I flushed. 
Once they were both bottomed out I couldn’t help but moan, every single breath I was moaning. They were so deep and pressed against me, my legs were beginning to shake as I felt so much pleasure and love swirl around us. I moaned again and my eyes rolled back as I bit my lip and tried to calm down.
“Green” Shouto gritted out and I looked up. He was asking as his breathing was fast and hard “Green” he asked again and looked up to Katsuki who repeated the colour with a smirk, I could hear the smirk in his voice. His cock twitched inside me and I moaned loudly. “Kitten, I need you to say it” he breathed out. 
“Green” I nodded and smiled looking up to gaze as Katsuki “Green, green fucking green” I moaned and immediately they began to move Katsuki was the first to move and then they were going opposite when Katsuki pulled out Shouto was pushing in. It felt amazing. “Fuck” I whispered my head falling to Shoutos’ shoulder. 
I couldn’t do anything but moan and whimper in pleasure with each time they pushed inside me. Katsuki’s hand came to run up my chest and to my neck as I was pulled up to his chest his hand squeezing my neck “Look at you taking our cocks Kitten” I could hear the dominance beginning to flood in. “Doesn’t she look beautiful Shou” I was moaning, I could barely keep my eyes open “Open your eyes Kitten” I opened my eyes and saw Shouto looking up at me. 
“She’s beautiful, just like you Katsuki” Shouto whispered and then he began to move faster inside me, pushing in and out so fast I could barely think “Look at you” I leaned back on Katsuki feeling his hands holding me up. One hand on my neck and the other around my ribs in support. “You’re such a good Kitten. Katsuki was right, you take our cocks so well” Shouto complimentented and I clenched around his, my walls stretching to take them both as they both pushed in together. My legs were shaking as I moaned. “She’s about to cum” his voice was so deep and baritone. 
“I was just about to say, we know you so well Kitten. Come on, why don’t you cum for us” Katsuki whispered in my ear and looked down to Shouto as my head rested on his shoulder, my eyes rolling back as I felt the coil in my lower abdomen beginning to tighten. “Do you want Kitten to cum Shou” he asked. 
Shouto was nodding and sending himself inside me like he was in heat, it felt amazing. I felt so good, they felt so good and with the little grunts and moans, whimpers and tightening hands to know they were feeling good as well. I felt so full, it felt so good. “Yes, yes. I want her to cum, I want to feel her cum on our cocks. Come on Kitten cum for us” I couldn’t hold it. 
One of my hands moved to hold Katsukis’ hand on my neck and his lips began to kiss my cheek and my other hand dug my nails into Shoutos’ chest as I moaned and they continued to thrust inside me, stretching my walls so perfectly. I felt the coil tightening and then it came so suddenly. My nails dug into their skin as my legs shook and I felt my orgasm run through every single cell. I was practically screaming my pleasure as my eyes rolled back and it felt so good. 
“You’re such a good girl Kitten. Look you did so well” they stopped for only a moment so I could breathe, it was like the pleasure was not stopping it didn’t stop. My legs were shaking and if Katsuki wasn’t holding me I doubted I would have fallen. 
“You did so well Kitten, such a good girl” Shouto breathed out and I looked down my chest heaving and he smiled and moved his hips, my eyes rolling “It’s so cute that you can’t control your quirk after you cum” I tried to look down at him. It was hard with so many thoughts going through my head. I knew my eyes had changed. 
Katsuki turned my head to look at him. “You’re right Shou she’s so cute, your eyes look so beautiful Kitten” a sweet kiss to my cheek and I smiled letting my eyes close for a moment. Moaning out as Shouto moved I couldn’t help it. 
“Please, don’t stop. It feels so good. Please, please don’t stop” I begged and turned to kiss Katsuki as they began to move again without so much as a word. It felt amazing, so sensitive after an orgasm, I loved post orgasm sex they were so amazing. The kiss was sloppy and all over the place but once we finished I left his lips and moved to take Shoutos’ lips into a kiss just like the one I shared with Katsuki. 
They went faster than before, I was moaning into Shouto’s mouth as Katsuki gripped my hips and began to thrust himself inside me as fast as he could. He was moving as quickly and so deep I couldn’t stop moaning and I was trying so hard to continue the kiss with Shouto. 
“Look at you taking our cocks. You look so beautiful, you're clenching so tightly” Shouto moaned and moved down to kiss along my neck and bit down sucking lightly as I moaned out my body moving forward with each thrust of hips. That coil began to tighten more as I was moaning and whimpering, Shouto’s teeth and cock and then Katsuki desperately trying to go as fast as he was good. Grunts and little words escaping his mouth. “Katsukis’ so close you can feel him” I nodded into Shoutos’ neck, his teeth having left my neck. I could hear each slap of Katsuki’s body connecting with him. 
“Fuck I just want to fill you up Kitten” I was nodding. Words and begs falling from my lips like a mantra. I needed it, I needed them. “Shou we have to give her what she wants” he leaned down and Shoutos’ arms wrapped around my waist and held me to him. 
“Kitten do you want that” I nodded desperately needing them, I was so in the moment. I couldn’t stop. I needed them, I needed them to fill me up. “Why don’t you cum with us Kitten” I nodded agreeing. I wanted to cum with them, I wanted to cum so much. It felt so good, I was so sensitive and needed them. 
They began to move faster and all that could be heard was skin slapping, moans, whimpers, grunts and praises throughout the last few moments of our intimacy. I tightened and I was so close so very close. “We’re close Kitten” Katsuki whimpered and I nodded. 
“Please, please fill me up Katsuki” I breathed and brought in some air “Shou please fill me up” I moaned and then I felt them both push in as much as they could and the heat as they filled me up. I shook as my second orgasm ran through my system. Legs shaking and my mouth open in a moan. It felt so amazing, this is all I wanted. 
I felt so good and the feeling of Katsukis’ breath on my back as he slightly shook against my back and Shouto was breathing heavily beneath me. I breathed heavily trying to get my breath back as Katsuki leaned down resting his chin on my shoulder. 
“I love you Y/N. I love you Shou” 
“I love you both Y/N, I love you Katsuki” 
“I love you Shou, I love you Katsuki” 
We all answered and smiled. A quick shower and some fondling in the shower we were off to bed as I pulled on Katsuki’s jumper and Shoutos’ boxes to be completely comfortable. I smiled and laid down on the bed, it was so soft and I felt so tired and relaxed. Katsuki only had his boxes on as well as Shouto who came and cuddled into my body on the bed. I felt so loved and was pushed between them, Shouto was cold and Katsuki hot so it was the perfect temperature. Within a few moments I felt the soft breaths of Katsuki and Shouto, this is where I wanted to be. This was perfect, this is all I could have wanted.  
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kbstories · 4 years
"It’s not like Kirishima had come all this way to U.A. to immediately break the promise he made to himself upon arrival.
It’s just that Bakugou is as feral as they come, and the moment Kirishima recognizes it’s fear he felt crawling up his spine that day, he makes it his personal mission to face it head-on until it’s gone."
(Or: Being friends with Bakugou Katsuki is anything but a linear experience. Kirishima Eijirou would have it no other way.)
Tags: Kirishima POV, Developing Friendships, Protective Kiri, Soft Baku, Chatting
Chapter 1. No additional content warnings apply. Chapter 3. Chapter 4. Chapter 5. Chapter 6. Chapter 7. Chapter 8. Chapter 9.
The routine goes as follows:
Bakugou waits for Kirishima at the front door, arms crossed and a varying degree of pissed off depending how late he's running. Kirishima complains about the train being postponed or too full or delayed in some way – which is true, damn it, it’s like the universe has doomed his train line and none other in all of Japan to be the statistical outlier in an otherwise spotless record of punctuality – and begs for forgiveness, usually by bribing Bakugou with some post-workout coffee.
It works surprisingly well. A month into this and Kirishima is about ready to join one of those conspiracy theory servers Kaminari is so fond of because Bakugou is actually pretty lenient, death threats and crackling palms aside.
(That being said, Kirishima enjoys life and living and chasing after his dreams, so he will never breathe a word about that particular observation to anyone, least of all Bakugou himself.)
They usually got the gym to themselves, the employees on the early shift always looking vaguely relieved that at least someone is making use of their opening hours. Kirishima’s never been a regular anywhere aside from perhaps the manga store a few blocks from his home, so it feels a bit special to have this implicit claim to the training area made for heat-based quirks every Saturday morning.
Bakugou snorted when Kirishima told him that, muttering what sounded like fucking nerd under his breath.
The rest is pretty straight-forward. Kirishima’s been on a daily workout schedule for a good year by this point, and it’s clear Bakugou is used to it too. They stretch, do some warm-ups (in Bakugou’s case, quite literally) and off they go.
The thing is: It’s fun. Like, really, really fun. Really loud, too, especially when Bakugou’s got his sweat on and comes at him point-blank and flashy like fireworks personified. By the first session, Kirishima already realized it’s a lost cause trying to talk during training because all Bakugou replies with is an exasperated “Hah?!” no matter what he says.
It’s not like Kirishima could’ve heard himself speak anyways, his ears always left ringing something fierce from all the close-quarter explosions. Bakugou is a stranger to the concept of holding back or taking things by half measures, that much hasn’t changed.
Elsewhere, it might’ve taken a while for Kirishima to push his quirk to the point where his skin breaks out in cracks and ridges, his arms and shoulders and hair turning unyielding and clear-cut like miniature mountains. Not here, though: Not when the choices are to put his best foot forward with every move, or have Bakugou tear his throat out for daring to waste his time. There’s something so freeing about letting loose like that – a thrill that sends Kirishima’s heart on a war path and his pulse soaring until all that’s left are his instincts and quick reflexes.
Like this, every time he gets a hit in or a blast manages to leave a mark on his body, Bakugou grins and Kirishima grins back. Like this, the bruises and lost hours of sleep pale in comparison to just how bright Bakugou’s eyes can shine.
Kirishima brushes off the last traces of carbon dust off his arms to start massaging the sore muscles there. With U.A.’s Sports Festival a mere handful of days away, both of them kept going until their quirks started to sputter.
A strange comfort, to sit in mutual exhaustion like this. It’s not even noon but Kirishima could totally go for a nap, right there on the black, fire-proof tiles. Leaning back on his hands, he hums and asks:
“So. What’s the deal with Midoriya?”
A few feet from him, Bakugou pauses in rolling his shoulders. The black tank top he’s wearing is positively plastered to his body with sweat, his track pants saved from the same fate by how bulky they are.
Too late, it occurs to Kirishima to feel nervous. The sensation is dim against the warmth still clinging to his skin though, that minute ache that comes with becoming stone for too long. “Being around him pisses you off. What’s up with that?”
Bakugou stares at him. His expression is hard to read, firmly within the realm of his default frown. “The fuck, Shitty Hair. What’s it to you?”
Uh oh. Kirishima sits up, mostly to raise his hands in a placating gesture, palm-up. “Just curious, bro. Honest. Been wondering for a while so I thought I’d ask, y’know?”
As bold as Kirishima aims to be, lying Bakugou in the face when his gaze is sharp enough to cut a bitch would be a monumentally stupid move. Bakugou seems to come to the same conclusion, even if his scoff is plenty aggressive.
“None of your fucking business, that’s what’s up with it. Fucking… Deku, bah.”
To say the silence that follows is loaded is the understatement of the century. Kirishima chews on his tongue, about a thousand questions balancing on its tip; it’s like the Midoriya he sees is the polar opposite of the one Bakugou blows a fuse over on a regular basis, and the why behind it is kind of starting to haunt him. (It doesn’t help that everyone in 1-A treats him as some sort of expert in all things Bakugou instead of interacting with the guy directly.)
One glance at Bakugou and he swallows it all down. Only now, with any and all traces of it gone, does Kirishima realize how calm he had looked. “…Coffee?”
Bakugou picks himself off the ground and leaves without another word.
Baku 💣💥
it’s bullshit dude (sent 18:23)
u know that right? (sent 18:23)
right? (sent 18:48)
like the whole chains + muzzle thing was ass i’m still fuming (sent 19:10)
and the press can go duck themselves lol (sent 19:12)
fuck** (sent 19:12)
it’s ur right to refuse the thing if u don’t want it (sent 19:15)
idk man it just sucks (sent 19:20)
baku? (sent 19:35)
:( (sent 19:55)
i know (received 19:56)
stop blowing up my phone (received 19:57)
baku!! ❤️  (sent 19:57)
sry haha (sent 19:57)
u ok tho? (sent 20:00)
fuck off (received 20:01)
sry sry (sent 20:01)
(my moms say hi btw 💪🏻💪🏻) (sent 20:32)
((and congrats but i told em u don’t wanna hear it lmao)) (sent 20:33)
hi back (received 20:40)
💪🏻  (sent 20:42)
Lord Explosion Murder?? (Baku 💣💥 )
so like (sent 6:20)
ur hero name (sent 6:20)
? (received 6:21)
oh! morning lol (sent 6:22)
ok so. it’s a bit of a mouthful (sent 6:24)
manly! (sent 6:24)
but y’know (sent 6:24)
k (received 6:25)
what about nitro? or smth (sent 6:30)
it’s snappy and cool! like u hehe (sent 6:33)
WAIT NO (sent 6:33)
LIKE (sent 6:33)
UM (sent 6:34)
kirishima (received 6:34)
yea? (sent 6:34)
OH SHIT DID U JUST (sent 6:36)
pls don’t kill me (sent 6:36)
bro? (sent 6:40)
bakubro? (sent 6:48)
nitro? 👀  (sent 6:53)
… (sent 6:57)
at least lemme say bye to my dog man (sent 7:00)
no (received 7:00)
RIP in pieces me (sent 7:00)
Nitro!! (Baku 💣💥 )
oi dipshit (received 8:02)
?? 👀  (sent 8:02)
you owe me coffee (received 8:03)
!!! (sent 8:03)
[train_view.jpg] (sent 8:18)
omw 💪🏻  (sent 8:19)
k (received 8:19)
>>Chapter 3
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mistwrites · 3 years
Tumblr media
Luffy’s U.A. Exam
Length: 1,468 words | 00:21:12 minutes Fandom: My Hero Academia, One Piece Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Characters: Monkey D. Luffy, Roronoa Zoro, Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki Tags: Crossover, Entrance Exam Arc, Crack, Humor
Luffy thinks that a test that certifies people as ready to learn how to be heroes is probably good enough to declare him strong enough for the sea.
Ten months ago this seemed to be an impossible dream, but now Izuku was finally here.
In the Hero Academy and about to take the entrance exam with a quirk of his own.
(Of his own? Was it really okay to think of it that way? Maybe he should-)
“Hey!” a kid greeted, interrupting his daydream before he could spiral into anxious mutterings about his situation. “Do you know what we’re supposed to do?” The kid was tiny. Scrawnier than he remembered being before his training began. He didn’t look nervous at all, though. Probably had a fairly powerful quirk, to be this confident.
“You have to find the desk with the person that hands out your information sheets,” Izuku replied. “Then you go inside and sit in the section for your school.” He had been dreading going in, knowing he’d be sitting beside Kacchan.
The kid laughed, it sounded like shishishi. “I don’t go to school,” he said, like it should be obvious.
“There’s probably a section for homeschooled kids,” Izuku frowned, the kid was already shaking his head.
“Don’t do that either,” he grinned, and it was wider than anything Izuku thought a human could manage. Doubt began to seep into him. Maybe the kid wasn’t supposed to be here and he was an actual child who snuck in? Wasn’t it illegal for people their age to not be in school? Also younger people, but- eh.
There were a couple desks, divided alphabetically. Izuku figured he could at least lead him to the right one and let them deal with him. “What’s your name?”
“I’m Monkey D. Luffy. I’m going to be the King of the Pirates!” he declared so confidently that for a second Izuku’s brain short-circuited. Running through a loop of ‘I’m in the wrong place’ and 'I didn’t know there was a Pirate King school?’ and 'How come this many people want to be Pirate King?’.
“Aren’t we taking the hero exam?” he asked reflexively. Then he forced himself to look at the paper currently in his hands, the distinct U.A. logo on it calmed him slightly.
Luffy nodded, still grinning. “If I pass this, it proves I am strong enough for the sea,” he said.
“You do know quirks don’t work when you pass the Grand Line?” he checked. Some people with quirks would leave and come back, complaining about it. Sometimes quirkless people like him flocked to the sea. Hoping that there, they would be normal.
“I ate the gum gum fruit,” Luffy said, completely unfazed. “Dunno if I had a quirk.”
A Devil Fruit.
The world was full of those rumors. A bite and your quirk was gone, replaced by a new power that was sometimes better, sometimes worse. Either way, they cost you your ability to swim. As a kid, he had also entertained those fantasies. There were people like him that claimed they would find a fruit and come back to be heroes. He had not found proof of anyone who had, though.
“Is it true you can’t stay landlocked?” he asked. There was exactly one study he had found during his search into that avenue that expanded on the paradoxical nature of the fruits. People who had eaten them would sink into water like stones, but spending too much time away from the sea weakened them in the long run. It wasn’t really a trustworthy study.
“Why’d I want to leave the sea?” Luffy asked, shooting him a look that said he thought the question itself crazy enough.
“I can’t imagine leaving the land. I… I want to be a hero.” They arrived at the welcome desks then, so Izuku looked for the appropriate one. Unlike when he had gotten his own piece of paper, there were only a few people forming lines.
“Are there some very strong villains?” Luffy asked with another of those shishishi laughs and they slotted themselves into a line. His eyes were gleaming, as if already picturing how fighting the villains would go. Izuku’s gut was torn between telling him to fight the kid, fight along the kid, and run away now.
Izuku nodded. “Yeah…”
The person at the desk motioned them forward. Izuku stood to the side while Luffy talked to them. As it turned out, the kid had no form of identification on him, his eyes even widened innocently as he asked what it even was. Somehow, he did manage to get his paper as well as directions to his seat. He gave Izuku a triumphant grin as he turned back.
“You two should hurry,” the woman at the desk called after them. “They’ll be closing the doors soon.”
This seemed to spur Luffy into a hurry.
“Thanks for the help green-hair-guy!” Luffy laughed, another shishishi sound, before setting off on a sprint to the door that would lead to the front of the auditorium.
The practical test was over and done with and Katsuki could still feel his skin buzzing with excitement. He was ready to crush the knowledge test just as he had crushed the robotic villains.
He ran a cursory glance around, Deku was nowhere to be found and a part of him worried as it always did, and a part of him wondered if he hopefully had finally given up. Accepted his role as a background character with no quirk, accepted that he would be protected by Katsuki, who would be the number 1 Hero.
Two guys approached, probably because he was the only one in the area who wasn’t talking to someone else. Katsuki didn’t have the experience to confidently call it, but the taller of the two stood like he could handle the three swords at his side. (Also, three swords? Did he have a third arm somewhere?) The other one looked weaker than Deku had this morning, with all his new muscles that still didn’t make up for his lack of a quirk.
“Hey! I’m Monkey D. Luffy, and I’m going to be King of the Pirates and this is Zoro, he’s going to be the strongest swordsman!” the smallest of them grinned inhumanly large, the taller one smiled fondly.
… why were they telling him that?
“I’m Bakugou and I’m going to be the Number One Hero,” he said instead, not one to be upstaged by two random guys in the wrong story.
Luffy’s smile widened even more. “I hear there’s tons of strong villains!”
“I’ll crush the heroes, too,” he said. “I’ll be the best.”
“When I’m Pirate King I can come back and fight you!” Luffy laughed, his eyes gleaming with the challenge.
“I’ll win,” Katsuki promised. He’d have to research pirates some more, but that was okay. The path to the top was long and nothing but hard work. He was used to that.
Zoro cleared his throat.
“Do you know when they’ll tell us who won today?” Luffy asked, apparently set back on track by his friend.
“You have to take the knowledge test first, dumbass,” he laughed. “Then they send the results to your house.”
“How would they know where I live? Zoro, do they know where you live?”
“I don’t live anywhere,” he said simply. A beat passed while Katsuki wondered exactly how to address the stupidity of both of them. “Guess we live on your ship now.”
Luffy laughed. “Silly Zoro. We only have a boat right now.”
“You give your address when you sign up for the exam. They use that.”
“Ohh. Gramps signed me up. I don’t know where the results go,” Luffy frowned. Then, “Wait. Did you say knowledge test? It’s not just the fight?”
“How stupid are you? Yes. We still have the written test.”
“Sounds boring. Zoro, let’s leave now.”
“Of course, Captain,” he grinned. “This way,” he turned away from any doors, and started to walk towards a window.
What the fuck?
“There’s no fucking door there,” Katsuki tried.
Zoro shot him a glare. “ I see one right there,” he pointed at the window.
Luffy was laughing. “Let’s meet again,” he promised, and continued laughing as Zoro tried and failed to open the window. “Hey, Zoro,” he said, swinging his arm in a circle, then throwing it back, and back, and back. Stretching.
Zoro turned, saw the incoming projectile that his Captain’s fist had become, and instead of moving out of the way like a sane person would, he pulled out a sword muttering a soft, “Hell no, I’m the one opening this.”
The two blows hit the window at the same time.
It never stood a chance.
Katsuki watched them jump out, still confused, but relieved it was over. A professor, some minor pro hero he couldn’t be bothered to know, came running. He was asking for answers as if Katsuki had any.
Katsuki simply laughed.
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pandastern · 4 years
Gravity (Bakugou x OC)
Part 10: Declaration of War
If youd like to be added to the taglist for upcoming parts please dm me :)
Masterlist  II  AO3
Bakugou x Vigilante!OC
Warnings: angst, explicit language, violence
Word count:   2146
Genre: enemies to lovers ; angst ; romance, slow burn
When a new student makes an entrance, Bakugou has a real bad feeling. There is something about this girl that just doesnt feel right. From the flaming hair to the calculating glint in her green eyes, everything about her just pisses him off.
Little does he know that his fate is intertwined with the person he despises so much, defining his future path in a way he would have never expected
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Lunch break was a fucking nightmare. Artemis couldn't remember when she’d last felt so goddamn tired. Her head pounded to the point where it became increasingly hard to stay focused, despite having had not one but three cans of energy drinks in the morning alone.
Her mood was getting worse, too. People just wouldn't leave her alone. Her classmates swarmed around her constantly. When the lunch bell rang, Iida, Uraraka and Midoriya dragged her along to the cafeteria in what turned out to be an attempt to make sure she ate healthily, forcing her to eat every single vegetable they piled on her plate, despite her having clearly stated how much she hated them.
Whenever she went to the bathroom, there was always at least one girl from the class accompanying her, assaulting her with friendly chatter as if they’d been friends for years.
It was truly puzzling, and Artemis wasn’t sure if she was comfortable with it.
By the time the last period finished, she’d had enough. She just wanted to go home. At least there, she’d have the peace and quiet she so desperately wanted.
The moment the school bell rang, Artemis packed her belongings into her bag and shot out of her seat.
“What the heck are you all doing here?” she heard Uraraka say loudly.  The tone of her voice told Artemis something wasn't quite right.
She looked up to see a big crowd of students she’d never seen before standing in front of the classroom door. Not only were they blocking the exit, but their stares were a little too curious for her liking.
This day just wasn’t going to get any better, was it?
“Do you students have some sort of business with our class?” Iida asked in his best diplomatic student rep voice.
“Why are you blocking our doorway? I won't let you hold us hostage!” Mineta shrieked so loudly it rang in Artemis’s ears.
With a frustrated groan, she slung her bag over her shoulder and stepped closer. Something told her that this had something to do with the USJ incident. According to her classmates, the whole debacle had caused a huge media storm. Not that she was surprised. After all, UA was the school for young heroes in the country and the villain attack was a big tarnish on their name.
Artemis had no desire to be part of this spectacle. She prepared to march her arse through the crowd, pushing people aside if she had to. She just wanted to go home. Enough was enough.
“They’re scouting out the competition, you idiots,” Bakugou growled as he made his way past Artemis. “We’re the class that survived a real villain attack.”
For a split second, his eyes lingered on her as if there were something else he wanted to say, but then he changed his mind. He stood in front of the crowd with a posture that said, “I’m ready to brawl”.
“They want to see what a future pro looks like,” he continued, narrowing his eyes. “Now move it, extras!”
“You can't call people ‘extras’ just because you don't know who they are!” Iida piped up, horrified.
Artemis had to bite back a laugh. That sounded more like the Bakugou she knew: ready to start shit, not giving a damn about what anyone else thought. In a way, she shared that sentiment, though she knew better than to make the whole school her enemy. But maybe that was because she actually possessed some form of common sense.
“So, this is class 1A? I heard you guys were impressive, but you just sound like an arse.” A rather tall boy emerged from the crowd. “Is everyone in the hero course delusional, or is it just you?”
A soft snort escaped Artemis at his words. The look Bakugou gave her only made her laughing worse.
What? she mouthed at him. After all, the person was telling the truth. It was hardly a secret that Katsuki Bakugou was, in fact, an arse.
The small vein at Bakugou's temple started to throb, a telltale sign that his patience was running out.
“How sad to come here and just find a bunch of egomaniacs,” the unfamiliar boy continued, his voice dripping with contempt. “I wanted to be in the hero course, but like many others here, I was forced to choose a different track. Such is life. I didn't cut it the first time around, but I have another chance. If any of us do well in the sports festival, the teacher can decide to transfer us to the hero course, and they’ll have to transfer people out to make room.”
The more he spoke, the more Artemis realised that the contempt she’d first picked up on was actually closer to jealousy. If what he was saying was true, none of their places in this class were safe. That was an interesting concept. Survival of the fittest. Despite the harshness of the policy, she supposed it ensured that every student gave one hundred percent at all times. It also allowed the school to weed out who wasn’t fit for the job or just not willing to put in the work. She gave Mineta a side glance.
The boy looked over her classmates and scoffed. “Scouting the competition, you say? Maybe some of my peers are, but I’m here to let you know that if you don't bring your very best, I'll steal your spot right from under you. Consider this a declaration of war.”
Artemis rolled her eyes. Judging by Bakugou’s hot-headedness and the provocative look on the other guy’s face, this would likely take a while. And after spending the day wasting her energy on being nice to her overly-concerned classmates, she had absolutely no desire to wait here until they’d finished their dick-measuring contest.
Before Bakugou could bark his reply, Artemis cleared her throat loudly, attracting the attention of him and the crowd.
“I don't know what you’re trying to achieve here, treating our class like a monkey circus and all, but could you please get out of the way?” she snapped at the unknown guy. “If you need to have a little fight to figure out which one of you has the bigger dick, do it somewhere where you’re not in the fucking way. Thank you.”
Silence fell over the crowd.
“Artemis! You can’t use these kinds of words at school,”  Iida gasped in outrage, but Artemis just waved him off.
“Iida, do I look like I give a fuck? Now, move.”
Leaving her stunned classmates behind, she made her way through the crowd. Artemis was aware that her outburst was uncharacteristic for the persona she’d put on until now and that she’d probably regret having snapped like this as soon as her mood lightened up again, but that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. This day could go fuck itself, as far as she was concerned.
The following days didn’t prove to be much better than the first. After three days, Artemis had given up questioning her new friends’ behavior, or why they were constantly around her. Maybe that was how things worked? She wouldn't know. The whole ‘Deku-Squad’, as she liked to call the small group of Midoriya, Iida and Uraraka, certainly didn't miss a chance to involve her in every activity possible. Group work during class? One of them would always call her over. Lunch? Artemis couldn't even make it out of the door without them swarming her and dragging her along to the cafeteria with them.
Before long, Artemis started to catch herself actually enjoying the time she spent with the group. No, not enjoying , she told herself. More like accepting this in order to fit in.
Today, however, her splitting headache made it increasingly hard to keep up her friendly facade. Her dreams hadn’t gotten any better, either, the haunting images leaving her nauseous when she woke up. Artemis wasn't sure whether all this was the result of the poison still wreaking havoc in her body, or if something else was going on behind the scenes.
“Artemis, are you doing okay? You’ve been pushing that shrimp around your plate for five minutes now.” Uraraka’s voice cut through her train of thought.
“Huh?” Artemis blinked and looked up, meeting the worried gaze of her classmate. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Are you sure? You look a little pale. Shall we escort you to Recovery Girl’s office?” Iida was already getting out of his seat to help her, but Artemis quickly waved him off.
“No, please. I’m fine. I just… need to go get some air real quick. Don't worry,” Artemis responded and quickly got up.
It might have been her only chance to get out of this overcrowded room, where so many voices banded together into a loud humming noise that threatened to detonate her brain like one of Bakugou's explosions.
Before any of them could say anything or offer to join her, Artemis slipped out of the cafeteria and made her way to the school roof. Over the past couple of days, the place had become something of a refuge for her, as nobody rarely went up there.
One thing she’d noticed after the attack was that her stamina had noticeably decreased. Again, she guessed it was the result of the still-prominent poison in her blood causing her to get light-headed as soon as she did anything physically taxing, like walking up several flights of stairs.
She had to sit down for a moment to catch her breath once she’d reached the roof. It was pathetic, really, how weak she’d become. A bitter laugh escaped her. If her father could see her now, he'd tell her how much of a disgrace she was. Or worse. That man had never taken kindly to weakness.
Suddenly, her quirk picked up an approaching heartbeat. Great. She really wasn't in the mood to be seen in a vulnerable state like this.
Forcing herself back onto her feet, Artemis grabbed her bag and proceeded to push herself onto the last flight of stairs
“I swear, “ she muttered to herself, “if one more person asks me if I'm okay, they’re going to be taking an involuntary swan dive off the roof. I've had enough.”
“That doesn't sound very heroic coming from a student enrolled in the hero course,” said someone with a husky voice behind her.
Artemis froze. She’d heard that voice before. Turning slowly, she spotted the same boy with lilac hair that had antagonised Bakugou in front of the classroom a couple days back making his way up the stairs. She groaned.
“Do I look like I care, fuzzy head?” she huffed. “Not that you would know, being from General Ed.”
Apparently, that rubbed him the wrong way. His brows furrowed.
“Not for long, that's for sure,” he replied in a sour tone. “You should really check that nasty attitude before someone pulls you off that high horse that you’ve become so comfortable on.”
“Oh, really?” Artemis scoffed. “And who, exactly, would that be? You? Pardon me, but I am not in the mood for whatever…” She gestured vaguely between them. “… this is, so please leave me alone.”
With that, she proceeded to climb the stairs again as fast as she possibly could, which, given her current condition and the growing dizziness in her head, wasn't exactly lightning speed.
“You seem to be pretty sure of yourself. You shouldn't underestimate your competition. I am going to take a spot in the hero course.”
It was clear that this guy wouldn't leave her alone until he’d said his two cents. What was it with grumpy men in this academy and their need to measure their dicks? She didn't even have one!
Letting herself slump down onto one of the steps, she sighed deeply and took a closer look at the boy before her. He was tall and a little on the lanky side. His lilac eyes were underlined with dark circles, making him look like he hadn't slept in days, but his gaze was focused and determined.
“Look. I don't know why you feel like you have to hype yourself up by robbing me of the last shreds of serotonin that I possess, but I can tell you this: your ‘declaration of war’ on the hero course doesn’t worry me in the slightest. Why? Because I’m not here for some silly naive fantasy of heroism like most of you. So, no. A sleep deprived, unkempt, scrawny teenage boy trying to make me nervous doesn’t scare me.” Artemis shook her head. “So, if we're done here, I would like to spend my lunch break in peace.”
With that, Artemis turned on her heel and stubbornly forced herself up the stairs, despite her body's protests.
She didn't catch the boy’s intrigued gaze as he watched her disappear up to the roof.
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sarahjtv · 3 years
BNHA Chapter 319 Spoiler Analysis: Found Family
Holy crap what a phenomenal chapter!  This arc in general has been great, but this chapter might be one of my favorites of the arc.  Not just because it focuses on Class 1-A (I’m so glad to see the kids again), but because of the growth we see in these kids in general especially Bakugo and Shoto IMO.  Like, holy shit ESPECIALLY BAKUGO!  I stand by my opinion that Bakugo is one of the best developed characters in the series.  There’s so much I want to say about this chapter and I’ll try my best to do so if my poor injured left hand will let me 😭:
The chapter starts off with the first of 3 colored pages we’re going to get over the next few weeks to celebrate 7 YEARS OF MY HERO ACADEMIA!!!  CONGRATS, HORIKOSHI-SENSEI!!!  This series revived my love of anime/manga and really helped me in some really rough spots in my life.  I will forever be grateful towards Horikoshi for bringing this series to life and blessing us with such an incredible story full of beautiful characters.  MHA may be a little overrated, but I still think it deserves all the love it can get.  
Anyway, the color page.  It shows Uraraka, Iida (who has red eyes here, so IDK why the anime gives him blue eyes though I do think they work better for him personally *shrugs*), Shoto, Tokoyami, and Bakugo after basically figuring out where Deku went.  Bakugo is shown tearing up his letter (which says something like “Thank you for being there, Kacchan”; there’s more but I can’t translate it 😭) and you can kinda see some bandage wrap around his arm where he was stabbed.  Also, both Bakugo and Shoto still have some visible injuries on their faces and Bakugo’s hands, so they’re still recovering from the War.  It’s a really pretty page in general and I can’t wait to see what the next 2 color pages are going to look like.  I also kinda want Horikoshi to take a break after this too again so he doesn’t overwork himself.  Maybe he’ll treat himself to the MHA: World Heroes Mission movie 🍿.  
So, Shoto and Bakugo have figured out that Deku is most likely with Endeavor, Hawks, and Best Jeanist.  Problem is that none of them are answering their phones.  I like that Bakugo calls Best Jeanist “Pair of Denim Pants” 😂 and Shoto’s image of Endeavor is still a very angry version of his old man.  Shoto’s still making amends with his father, but he’s still not THERE yet.  Regardless, these kids are smart enough to know that something’s up.  Especially since All Might hasn’t returned to UA either.
It’s basically confirmed by Ojiro that because classes have been suspended, our Class 1-A kids are still 1-A; they haven’t moved into their second year yet.  That clears up the confusion on whether we should still refer these group of kids as 1-A still or not.  
Now Bakugo’s showing how much of a genius he really is despite his personality.  Bakugo figures out that the Top 3 and All Might are working together as a group based on how they all connected with each other back at Central Hospital.  Also, Bakugo concludes that All Might snuck Deku’s letters under their doors while Deku started running.  Ultimately, Bakugo does know more about Deku and All Might more than anyone else does.  He’s been around his childhood friend and he’s admired his idol longer than most people have.  Bakugo understands how bad the situation is and he’s ready to take action.  
As are the other kids.  You can see how determined they are and you can see Kirishima’s black roots coming in 🥺!  Even Uraraka gets some shine here by bringing up the idea to trick Endeavor to come via getting help from Principle Nezu as Endeavor was a UA student.  It’s really interesting to see Ochako in a more serious roll than usual, but I actually like it.  I hope she’s still as bubbly as she always was at the end of the day, but she’s definitely matured and grown a lot over the corse of the series.  Even the simple things like her hair show it as it’s not as floaty as it was before.  I love it when Horikoshi shows small details like this.  It adds to the characters and stories a lot.  Also, the art in this chapter is amazing.
And now it’s Endeavor vs. Class 1-A in a much needed conversation.  All the kids are wearing their school uniforms to make this as formal and serious as they can.  EVEN BAKUGO IS PROPERLY WEARING HIS TIE YOU KNOW SHIT’S ABOUT TO GO DOWN!!!  And, I must say, Bakugo looks damn good with a tie 😳.  You can also get a decent height measurement on the kids here if you want.  Ngl, sometimes I forget that Shoto’s about 2 inches taller than Bakugo.  It’s definitely the hair.  
Shoto’s the first to step up and he scolds the hell out of his old man.  Rightfully so tbh.  Endeavor shouldn’t have ignored Shoto’s calls even though I kind of understood why.  Shoto reminds Endeavor of their plan to stop Dabi though thankfully that’s what’s pushing Endeavor forward so he hasn’t forgotten.  Shoto calls his father “Endeavor” and gets mad at him fro leaving Deku and All Might alone.  The rough translations say he called Izuku “Deku” here too btw.  Endeavor has no response.  I think this anger Shoto’s unleashing is very justified and has been burning inside him since Deku left UA.  His best friend just up and left him and his friends with nothing but a letter to kinda explain things.  Also, Shoto and the rest of 1-A (minus Bakugo) have basically been lied to for about a year.  I’d want answers too if someone did that to me.  
Bakugo steps in by putting a hand on Shoto’s shoulder (🥺) to calm him down a bit and to say his piece.  Ultimately, he thinks what Deku is doing is right, but that the way they’re all doing it is wrong.  I love Deku and All Might, but they’re sacrificial idiots.  They care more about others than they probably ever will themselves.  That’s how All Might lost his OFA in the first place.  It’s because of that that All Might doesn’t have it in him to stop Deku from going down this path.  They shouldn’t have been left alone.  Someone should’ve kept a closer eye on them.  I know the Top 3 were all worried about getting too close to Deku before, but really, someone should’ve been watching them closer on the sidelines.
The next page is a really cool drawing of Endeavor flinging his phone to the kids to catch.  The previous panels showed Endeavor with this face that’s regretful and I think he realized something: That Bakugo is right and that the kids might be better off finding Deku than he is.  So he basically gives the kids his GPS on his phone.  Those are just my thoughts, but it does look like that.  I don't think Endeavor’s just going to up and give up though.  He’s probably going to start rethinking things though.
As Sero manages to catch Endeavor’s phone, he and the rest of the kids think about how even though they’ve only known Deku for a year, they still think of him as family and cannot let him go down this thorny path alone.  They’ll carry the OFA burden with him if they have to.  They can’t smile without Deku around.  These kids truly have become a family over the year.  It’s amazing to see.  Everyone’s like a brother and sister and it’s really nice to see.  I just love Found Family stories, guys 😭❤️
And really quick, I want to focus on my ❄️🔥 boy, Shoto, really quick.  As he’s thinking about Deku, he mentions how shocked he still is about Deku keeping OFA from them and how Deku thought just a letter would suffice.  He has this sad look on his face like he’s trying to say: “I still can’t believe my best friend hid this from me for so long.  Why?  Did he not trust me?”  That’s just my interpretation.  Still, I can’t imagine how upset Shoto must feel.  I think he still cares a lot about Deku enough to go out and find him, but he’s gotta feel some sort of betrayal.  More so than the other students outside of Bakugo because, again, Deku was essentially Shoto’s best and closest friend 💙😭
Endeavor is rightfully worried about letting the kids out in the state of Japan right now, but now Principle Nezu speaks up and praises the kids on growing up so well.  He’s also took into account Deku's feelings about his mission which is why he agreed to the team up.  Also, Deku’s still welcome back to UA whenever he wants thank god ☺️.  He’s a student who has to be protected.  There’s a cute panel of Uraraka and her mom crying happily after getting her acceptance letter too.  Not 100% why this is shown other than Acceptance Letter part, but it’s cute to see.  Maybe Ochako realizes how much Deku needs to be protected or something.
As for the refugees, Nezu had the security system strengthened in time for the Cultural Festival earlier, but they never used it before.  It’s call The UA Barrier.  God, how strong is this thing?  Is it strong enough to stop Shigaraki who was able to Decay the last barrier?  This seems like something that’ll be used in the final battle TBH.  
So, Nezu trust the 1-A kids to bring Deku back home.  Which is exactly what they plan to do as all 19 of them enter Kamino in a badass full page.  I actually wasn’t sure if all 19 of them were there at first since I couldn’t find Shoto for the life of me, but then my eyes saw the BIG-ASS ICE WALL IN THE BACK AND I THOUGHT “OH THERE HE IS!!!” LOL 😂 
The next panel actually does show Shoto with Momo as they capture the villain from the last chapter.  Momo politely calls Bakugo “Bakugo-san”, but Bakugo demands that he be called his insane hero name: “GREAT EXPLOSION MURDER GOD DYNAMIGHT”!  I CAN’T WITH THIS DUDE SOMETIMES WHY DO I LOVE HIM SO MUCH 💥🧡
Deku sees his friend and wonders why they came.  Ochako answers because that they were worried about him, but Deku tries to convince everyone (including himself) that he’s fine.  He’s obviously not and Bakugo calls TF out on him!  He even drops a good F-bomb for good measure.  Bakugo mocks Deku for trying to act like All Might and asks Deku if he can even smile right now.  I actually really like it that Bakugo’s calling Deku out on his shit.  I think Deku needs some good tough love right now to knock some sense into him.  Who would be better to do that than Katsuki Bakugo himself?
As Deku is trying to convince everyone that’s he’s fine (while still looking like a demon btw), there’s a small focus on Iida.  Actually, a few panels this chapter have focused on Iida.  Maybe he’s remembering the time Deku saved him back when they went up against Stain.  Deku saved him then so it’s now Iida’s turn to save Deku.  Also, Iida hasn’t gotten much focus lately and I really like his character, so I’m glad he’s being brought back to the forefront again.  Also, I like hearing Kaito-san’s voice in general so I’d be happy to hear him again (thanks for that one, Haikyuu).
The final spread shows Deku telling everyone to move away while Bakugo, Iida, and Ochako get ready to stop him.  IT’S DEKU VS. CLASS 1-A!!!  WE’RE ENTERING CIVIL WAR FOLKS!!!  Seriously, though, this is great.  I was thinking that it would be just Bakugo and a few other students finding Deku.  Instead we got the whole class.  And looks like that “helping hand” thing will happen later because we got a battle to fight first.  
Bakugo’s become a damn fine leader and I love to see his growth every freaking time🧡! I like how Iida has his hand on Bakugo’s back to support him btw.  It’s weird that Shoto’s not in this page though.  He’s one of Deku’s best friends, so I would think he would be in this page along with Bakugo and his first 2 friends (Ochako and Iida).  Maybe Horikoshi’s saving Shoto for a more 1-on-1 conversation with Deku.  God, I hope that happens because I think along with Bakugo, Shoto deserves a good talk with Deku the most.  
Honestly, I’m not sure who would win this battle.  I’ve been going through scenarios in my head on who would win, but I can’t come to a solid answer.  Class 1-A has 19 versatile Quirks under their belt and they have more energy than Deku to fight, but Deku still has 6 insanely powerful Quirks that he’s been practicing for a while.  The kids could probably win if they strategize enough and use Deku’s exhaustion against him, but again, Deku has OFA and multiple other Quirks.  If he could beat Lady Nagant, one of the best snipers around, he might be able to beat the 1-A kids.  He could just escape with Smoakscreen, Black Whip, and Float if he wants to really.  That would put 1-A on another wild goose chase.  There’s also Deku’s Danger Sense which will be a pain to deal with.  Also, Deku said that he’s as strong as All Might was in his prime with Fa-Jin and OFA combined.  Only AFO and Shigaraki were strong enough to take on THAT.  Plus, we still don’t know what the 2nd OFA Holder’s Quirk is yet.  Deku might use it in this battle.  God, I have so many theories in my head now.  I think this battle will be awesome, but ultimately, I want Deku to come home 😭💚
Me reading and loving My Hero Academia: 
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