#it was miku Monday … three mikus for miku Monday …
robotiv · 6 months
why does the tumblr queue just not work sometimes. like i had three posts queued up for yesterday and only two posted. this happens occasionally and i have no idea why. why does this happen
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verashalurks · 2 years
I know this is like dying but I’ve waited so long to post this cuz I wanted to get as much as I can but since I haven’t seen another alternate m*leven ship name in forever, I’ve decided to post all the alternate m*leven ship names I’ve seen.
miley cyrus
Keke waka 
Misaligned Fallopian Tubes
machine gun
Macadamia nut
Minecraft mobs
moon landing conspiracy
melted marshmallows
maroon 5
Of Mice and Men
Marty McFly
Milk of Magnesia 
M-1 Rifles
Malnourished Skin
Mona Lisa
Mushroom Raviolis
Monoclonal Antibodies
Mamma mia
mozzarella sticks
machine gun kelly
zoo wee mamas
magdalena bay
minimum wages
malt vinegars
mocha monsters
Marley and Me
three musketeers
Miranda Sings
mobility exercises
Malnourished Foreskin
minnie mouse
monkey ooh ooh ah ah
Meryl Streep
Maple Syrup
mickey mouse clubhouse
Macaulay Culkin
Molotov Cocktail
meatball choppers
milky cereal cup
monkey see monkey do’s
meth lab
mac and cheese
Marvin martians
milk and cookies
Tickle Me Elmos
mad mothers
mixed signals
mighty morphin power rangers
Mosquito bites
Mug cakes
Moldy milks
malted milk
Mcdonald's happy meals
moose mooses
macaroni n cheese
maternity leave
moustache mountain
mocha cake a la goldilocks
moo moo
master of puppets
Monster of Men
Melted Cream Cheese
mosh pits
Megatron Titty
Machine Gunner
metric system
milk cartons
Milan champions league
malfunctioning minotaurs
moaning myrtle
meep city
mount vesuvius
mango salsa 
Mitochondrial Disease
Machine Gunner
Moldy Mozzarellas
malt powder
machine gun kelly
Manila papers
Merlin’s Beard
mein kampf
mediocre meat loaf
Mambo Jambos
my little pony
Menstrual cup
misanthropic villains
Moldy bread
Melon rinds
Moldy macaroni
Magical miscarriages
Mauled maggots
Machine gunners
Momento Morí
Misused toilet
meeting micky mouse
melatonin deficiency
McLovin It
Married Salamanders
mister mustard
Mario Kart
Mouse rat
marshal mathers
Mick Jagger
Mud Stain
Manatee Turd
Mario run
Mint-chip icecream
mineral water
Mario Kart Wii
mild salsa
muffin mans
Midlife crisis
Mac & cheese
Middle aged vans
Super Mario 64
Malcom in the middle
Magic Mike
Microbial virus
Materasso Eminflex
microsoft software protection platform
Micheal Jackson
Magnetic dipole
Marble Countertop
Michelin star
Masachussets Institute of Technology
Mango Juice
Mary had a little lamb
Mark of Athenas
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alright since i've missed quite a few weekly holidays i'm compiling them all here. also, my need for internet happy points is a supermassive black hole, which is why i'm marketing this as a sequel. ideas came from the comments section, reblogs, and a post from fellow tumblr user @pibachu so i have no idea how niche some of these are
El Muchacho Monday
Miku Monday
Dog Saint Monday
Mad Rat Monday
The Missile Knows Where It Is Monday
Garfield Hates Mondays
Me Gongaga Monday
Maneater Monday
Sad Ant With A Bindle Monday
Tuesday Again? No Problem...
Sweet Fat Of The Hog Tuesday
The Day When It's Safe To Leave The Bog
Tom Servo Tuesday
End Of My Rope Tuesday
Oh Tuesday Light Me Up
Testosterone Tuesday
Turn Off Tumblr Live Tuesday
Ferb It's Chewsday Again Innit
Chikorita Chuesday
Tuck Him In Tuesday
Wet Beast Wednesday
Sparkle On! It's Wednesday! Don't Forget To Be Yourself!
It Is Wednesday My Dudes
Wifecock Wednesday
El Woowoo Wednesday
Or As I Like To Call It: Thursday
Terry The Fat Shark Wednesday
White Boy Wednesday
Out Of Touch Thursday
Feliz Jueves
(alternatively) Testosterone Thursday
Well, It's Thursday
Three Rat Thursday
Flat Fuck Friday
Fat Fuck Friday
Femboy Friday
Radical Saturday (no this was not a mistype)
Alone On A Friday Night? God, You're Pathetic
Penis Friday
Thank Gnome It's Friday
Get Down On It Friday
Don't @ Me, I'm Chilling
Sea Slug Saturday
Miku Shorts Saturday
Fingers In His Ass Sunday
Energy Sword Sunday
Suck Her Dick Sunday
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drifterstar · 9 months
Tell me about your OCs dear mutual driftstar!!! (in response to a post you reblogged two days ago lol)
Right, get yourself comfortable, because I'm about to infodump about my D&D characters. Starting with my daughter:
Polly Acci: Variant Human Glamour Bard
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Art by @gravedoggg @joshdamn23 and @aniitaruiz
Polly was basically my very first D&D character I made myself. Originally a Lore Bard for a Level 12 one-shot, her debut adventure ended with a battle with an adult blue dragon. She worked up her courage and grappled it with her Bigby's Hand spell; it was in that moment that I knew there was something special about Polly.
Heavily inspired by boisterous characters like Nora Valkyrie, Princess Unikitty and the Looney Tunes, Polly is very outgoing and eager to meet new people. Switching her to a Glamour Bard ensured that she was both inspiring to her friends and disruptive to her foes.
During the campaign Princes Of The Apocalypse, Polly ended up getting petrified by a medusa boss and the party had to retreat shortly afterwards. They eventually returned with back-up and she was cured, but by that point the medusa had broken off part of her right leg out of anger. She's now sporting a prosthetic leg and her current design, which she wears as the show-woman of a bazaar in a cloudy pocket dimension ran by a djinn.
It was around this time that I began to run games as a DM, so I have taken the opportunity here and there to insert the cloudy bazaar when the party needs to go shopping, which in turn has given me the perfect chance to play Polly again. She might be an NPC, but at least she's safe.
Jenny "Rizzo" Rizolli: Variant Human Beast Barbarian
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Art by @miku-plantman-art and @thepurplereaper
Rizzo is the eldest of triplets; she and her brothers Roland and Bobby have wererat in their parentage, indicated by their large ears, long front teeth and grey-tinted tan. This lead to them being constantly looked down on and bullied at the orphanage thet grew up in, where they were left after their mother reportedly passed away after giving birth to them.
Eventually they escaped and Rizzo ended up working at the local mercenary guild, eventually becoming a member when she came of age. Her time on the streets gave Rizzo a resilience that kept her on her feet when it counted and she learned to weaponize her adrenaline into her swings with Monday, her metal baseball bat.
One day, when harnessing her boiling blood, her wererat heritage awakened. After a throbbing headache and the clouding of her senses, Rizzo's skin broke out into grey fur and her face bones audibly cracked as her mout shifted into a rodent maw. She had achieved her wererat form, granting her access to ravenous teeth, rending claws and a long tail that can deflect attacks just as well as it can pierce flesh.
Rizzo has a tendency to be hot-headed when someone is trying to be clever or evasive with her or when she tries to brute-force a puzzling situation. She might be a self-admitted meathead, but she's not stupid; her time on the streets has honed her senses, and her sense of smell is crucial in tracking her goal. She takes almost any job she can, but she still has her own standards. Especially in some personal business that she does on the side for the right client. ;)
Dr Milla Holimion: High Elf Alchemist Artificer
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Art by @electricfrank3n and @gravedoggg
Heavily inspired by the Plague Doctor from Darkest Dungeon, Milla is a master of three things; biology, chemistry, and resting bitch face.
Being the daughter of the highly respected Dr Reino Holimion, Milla pursued her medical profession to win the trust of her high-standard father. While she was the top of her class in school, college and university alike, her father was barely satisfied at best at her efforts. This left Milla with a focussed, no-nonsense attitude that persists to this day.
Towards the end of her education, her father grew ill and ended up succumbing to his illness. Milla's final practical exam was to be an autopsy of a recent corpse, and the corpse in question was her late father. Milla was given the option to wait for another opportunity, but she agreed to perform her duties as a doctor. While she was composed and professional during the autopsy, Milla felt a strange sensation of remorse and catharsis as she diagnosed the man who made her who she is, for better or for worse.
He died from an infection that could have been easily treated, if not for his stubborn nature.
Whether she's working as a physician in a clinic or a field medic in the midst of battle, Milla aims to put her medical prowess to the test while trying to be a better person than her late father.
Haruhi: Tiefling Scout Rogue
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Art by CosmicNovaArt @gravedoggg and @reabault
Haruhi was left in a forest village as an infant, her parents and birthplace a mystery to her and the residents of her home. Being the only tiefling growing up amongst humans, she never felt like she fit in. She wasn't bullied or alienated, her feelings of being alone among dozens were her own. This lead to her developing more personal hobbies, like her fondness for reading books on nature and geography.
Haruhi learnt her expertise in stealth and acrobatics from a retired mercenary living on their own in the village. While she is proficient with weapons for assassination, she was taught to kill when she needed to. Efficiency is everything to her. Her upbringing and training has caused her to develop a cold, intimidating aura. She's not unpleasant on purpose and will co-operate with whoever she has to, but she has been known to snap when pushed too far.
Like Rizzo, Haruhi works as a mercenary for hire. However while the beast barbarian mostly specialises in bodyguard duty, shakedowns and generally getting her hands dirty, Haruhi takes a quieter, subtle approach to her work. If you need something done without anyone knowing, Haruhi's your go-to tiefling.
Seychelle: Variant Human Fathomless Warlock
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Art by @gravedoggg
Seychelle was once a servant to a cruel noble who looked down on her for her humble background. One day the house was gifted with a strange artifact; a stone statue of a tentacle. Whenever she walked past it at the end of the hallway, she could swear she could hear it whisper to her.
One fateful day, her master lost his temper with her and was on the verge of killing her to set an example. But in her moment of need, she heard the voice from the statue next to her loud and clear in her mind. "Break the stone, and I will set you free."
With nothing left to lose, she pulled the pedestal down and the statue smashed on the floor. In what felt like a heartbeat, her vision flooded with water and everything went silent. She felt cold, she felt calm. She felt confident.
When the water around her fell, her master was on the floor, trembling in fear. It was then that she was given her first task. She dragged her former master to a nearby water bowl and drowned him in a shallow grave. She now follows her instincts and the will of her patron. Dressed in a silver cloak and the leather armour of a bandit she drowned in self-defence along the road, who she was before is not important to her now. She is Seychelle, guided by the tides of fate.
Behind Seychelle's elegant yet haunting presence is a cold, quiet confidence. She is not evil or needlessly malicious, but definitely not to be messed with if you fear drowning.
I have other OCs, but these are my main ones right now. If my girls are received well, I'll post about my OCs more often.
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vsynthbday · 2 months
happy anniversary to "Happy Lucky Unholiday Monday" (ハッピーラッキーアンホリデーマンデー) by ERAN (いーらん) & Jitensha (自転車)! this song came out 13 years ago today.
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art by Azai | youtube reprint | july 25th, 2024.
[Image description: A screenshot from the official music video for "Happy Lucky Unholiday Monday". It features three comic-like bubbles. In the first one, Hatsune Miku has an annoyed and nervous look on her face as she's tying her tie and brushing her teeth at the same time. She has her hair tied in two short ponytails, and she's wearing a white short-sleeved button up shirt and a gray skirt. The background for this bubble is light yellow. In the second, smaller one, GUMI is winking and looking at the camera as she's talking about the time, as depicted by a speech bubble with a clock in it, pointing at 7 o'clock. She has red glasses on her head and is wearing a pink scarf, a white sleeveless top and a black watch on her right arm. The background for this bubble is light orange. The third bubble features Miku worryingly looking at the time on a red clock as she's waking up. Her hair is messy, she is wearing pink plaid pajamas and is covered with a dark blue duvet with leek decals on it. The background for this bubble appears to be a white wall, where the bottom of it, near the wooden floor, is covered with wooden planks. The background is colorful, with yellow, purple and green being the most prominent. At the bottom right of the screen, a jagged black shape on low opacity is overlayed where white text is put which read the japanese lyrics of the song. End image description.]
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astral-corner · 5 months
Welcome to MDM
MDM is short for Monday Dusk Monolith, which is the (cancelled) FNF mod that this au is based off of. (Warning for body horror; including extra eyes/eyes where they don't belong/things in place of eyes, and spiders.) Or, well, originally based off of. Collaborating with friends, we've taken a lot of creative liberties and gone off in our own direction. The two of us have a focus on the main human(ish) characters, and as a group we've added plenty of mod and other outside characters to the roster, along with incorporating lore tied to things like Pico's School and Spooky Month.
Due to not owning every character, we can't definitively answer every question, but this will hopefully give a good jumping off point for the things we can answer. Plus we can always ask our other friends for clarification.
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Before we dive too deep, let's establish some of the characters:
Adam, aka Boyfriend Hatsune, (he/him) is a head empty, bi disaster of a man. He has the ability to go back in time whenever he dies or loses a rap battle, allowing him to try over again and do better next time. He is borrowing this power. He left his parents and sister behind in Japan, and his brother is currently MIA.
Lilith, aka Girlfriend Dearest, (she/her) has half a braincell, though most of it goes towards her interest in science. She gained her love of science from her dad, who she now sometimes offers help in searching for a cure for the infection that's taken over. Her and her dad try to keep close enough contact in this wasteland, but her mom is MIA.
Cain, aka Pico Newgrounds, (he/him) is tired of being the main braincell holder of this trio. He's not quite sure how the other two survived long enough to find him again, let alone survived curing him. Basically adopted by an army (literally) and forcefully adopted a member of an opposing faction as a cousin/sibling figure.
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While the main plot of this mod, and the inciting incident we've been playing around after, is still the monolith landing in the city, there's some backstory we should give an overview of first.
Back in the day, in the fictional city of Newgrounds, Pennsylvania, (no, this is not a coincidence) Adam (Boyfriend) and Cain (Pico) went to the same high school. While there, the two of them were dating and often hung out with Val (short for Valentine, aka Nene) and Moses (Darnell). Around this time, the other three loved to tease Adam about a friend who "you wouldn't know her, she goes to another school." None of them realize that he really did know Lilith (Girlfriend) back then, having traded names with her at one point while the pair of them were transitioning.
One year, Adam's parents got a job offer in Japan, and moved across the sea with his younger sister Lydia (Miku). Given that Adam was in high school and thus close to finishing schooling, they decided to let him stay with his young adult older brother, Abel (Michael), to finish it out.
Unfortunately, Abel ended up in an altercation while trying to protect Lilith during a hangout with her and Adam. In keeping with the Big Bro mod that Michael originates from, Daddy Dearest quite literally saves his life.
This is not the only gun related incident Adam would be unlucky enough to get caught up in. Within weeks of the event with his brother, the shooting from Pico's School took place. While Cain saved the day as Adam barely survived, Adam's parents were naturally worried about their son staying in America after both gun violence incidents. He was given only a few weeks to pack his things in preparation for leaving, and nobody was quite okay in this situation. As a parting gift, he was given his now iconic hat.
Without Adam for emotional support or a positive influence in the wake of the shooting, the remaining three friends turned into mutual bad influences. With Cain getting scouted by Assassin Corp, the trio slowly turned to a life of crime together. While the trio all turned to contract killing, they aren't afraid to turn to other illicit activities on the side.
It was somewhere around this time when the events of various Pico related things took place; such as Pico vs Überkids, Pico vs Bear as alluded to with the mention of Assassin Corp, and the Pico's Cousin games.
Adam lived in Japan with his family until a few months before the monolith arrived, when he finally moved back stateside at the age of 19. It'd been 5 years since he'd been made to leave, and, having lost contact with all the friends he'd left behind, he had no idea where any of them were. He did manage to reconnect with Lilith, and the two of them ended up dating.
That leads us into the events of the mod: The monolith falling and causing the infection; discovering music is the cure through it stopping Lilith in her attack against Adam; using that to save Daddy Dearest; an adventure to meet two strange children, their spider mom, and a weird creature in a lemon costume; and stumbling across an infected Cain, who very much wanted Lilith dead.
And then off we are into even more original content for this au which includes meeting a bomb man, a cloud man, and stumbling across Pico's family which led to the discovery that Cain has the ability to respawn, just to name a few.
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orangeocelotmartyn · 2 years
Reasons to nominate/vote Martyn InTheLittleWood as your Mcyt sexyman
Man’s been on tumblr for ages and is very good at staying in his lane 
Does Maidtyn Monday mean Nothing to you 
Reblogged posts about his character being in love with his boss
Ratsune Miku
Speaking of rats, he canonically (lied) about having 500 kids and the other rats were like actually that makes sense for you. Man’s a dilf
Very quick witted + fantastic lyricist and singer
If you’re looking for sad wet and pathetic, look no further than his double life character, who had to get in water to get into the “ugliest” base of the game, and also in said game he had a divorce rate of not one hundred, not two hundred, but three hundred percent in that season alone! Love loses! 
Wore cat ears for (multiple) mcc’s and then forgot to take them off so he just wore them in a death game. Iconic.
His Lore, dude. He’s the reason watchers are so prevalent in fandom, and his characters reflect the love and thought he puts into them (even though he’s Bad At Math)
His v-tuber is a sad twink with a fat ass (as requested by Martyn during stream) who has to think of everyone as npcs to protect himself in the data stream so he doesn’t have to get attached And he doesn’t even have a sofa 
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melodiaemfrp · 1 year
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Hello, Attuned! Thank you for participating in Melodiae’s twelfth Activity Check! Listed here are characters that did not pass the check (Five (5) days of activity in-server) for the period of Monday, May 8th to Sunday, July 7th.
If you believe your muse(s) are listed here by mistake, you may reach out to the Masterlist on or before Saturday, July 15th. All characters that do not have activity accounted for by 11:59 PM EST on this date will be removed from the server by or before the next inbox run (Tuesday, July 18th)
If you did not pass the check, you also have until Saturday, July 15th to reapp your muse(s) by sending an ask to the Masterlist indicating your intent to reapp the character. You DO NOT have to resubmit the whole application; simply provide your name, the character’s name & series, your OOC contact, and the date in an ask. Muses marked with an asterisk (*) have failed two consecutive checks, and are ineligible to be reapped this way unless they are an OC. These muses must wait one full week, and may resubmit their entire application on or after Saturday, July 22nd.
Muses that are not reapped by 11:59pm EST on Saturday, July 15th will be removed from the server by our inbox run on Tuesday, July 18th.
Thank you for your continued interest in Melodiae!
- The Melodiae Team
Ryuunosuke Naruhoudou (Mica)
Ernesto Salas (Tequila) (Hika)
Ling (Hika) *
Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Flora) *
Nikolai Gogol (Kit)
Sigma (Rosel)
Power (Satsujin)
Suzaku Kururugi (Laur)
Lucien Tavelle (Aria)
Mollymauk Tealeaf (Myco)
Light Yagami (Light)
Matt (Mail Jeevas) (Aria)
Kris (Willow) *
Rengoku Kyojuro (Rose)
Yoriichi Tsugikuni (Rose)
Hakuba Saguru (Lucifer)
Dante (Willow)
Charlie (Emberlyn)
Tomix Danao (Birb)
Raven Cronwell (Nova Imperator) (Sadie)
Ibara Saegusa (Aria)
Enkidu (Lancer) (Aria)
Romani Archaman (Linette)
Amour Darling (Pax)
Ardbert (Mica)
Breakfast Sandwich (Emil) *
Charlenaux Valmont (WOL RPR) (Star)
Hilda Ware (Rhia)
Osial viator Lacus (OC) (Owl)
Shara Ruivert (WOL SGE) (Jun)
Zero (Myco)
Felix Hugo Fraldarius (Owl)
Lyon (Jun)
Kaeya Alberich (Laur)
Zhongli (Ree)
Lucilius (Aria)
Zagreus (Moshi)
Elysia (Mikey) *
Dan Heng (Xing)
Jing Yuan (Hika)
Pom-Pom (Satsujin)
Stelle (Rhia)
Rudbeckia de Borgia (Alice)
Inumaki Toge (Jun)
Joseph Joestar (Stan)
Leone Abbacchio (Tom)
Foo Fighters (Tom)
Julius Caesar "Gyro" Zeppeli (Derrick)
Hana Natsuki "Aguilera" (Lucifer)
Yukimi Igarashi (Lottie)
Aruto Hiden (Isu) *
Jin (Lottie) *
Fran (Carmen)
Dark Link (Pax)
Megamind (Birb) *
Sherlock Holmes (Rosel)
Alfyn Greengrass (Shae)
Temenos Mistral (Shae)
Trousseau (Shae)
Erika Ishikawa (Rhia)
Grey (Cee)
Shimmer (Rhia)
Witch Princess (Pax)
Elizabeth (Aria)
Minato Arisato (Athiel)
Morgana (Satsujin)
Hokma (Rosel)
Demian (Rosel)
Don Quixote (Swub)
Faust (Tian)
Galeas Sturm (Fris)
Gregor Samsa (Ghost)
Ryoshu (Rosel)
An Shiraishi (Kyuu)
Ena Shinonome (Rhia)
Hatsune Miku (Mikey)
Rui Kamishiro (Fris)
Figaro Garcia (Ree)
Ai Minato (Carmen)
Misao Mondo (Nox)
Spy (Red) (Birb)
Michael (Myco)
Chip Revvington (Xanthe)
Souza Samonji (Rose)
Millions Knives (Eris)
Fai D. Fluorite (Ashley)
Malleus Draconia (Laur)
Morrigan Desrosier (Fris)
Noel Levine (Lottie)
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babylulururu · 2 years
Guys this is it
I got tagged for the WIP game
What do I have for wips oh God
The Personal Affairs of Wangsheng Chapter 25
Feels like this one is pretty obvious. It's just Wangsheng. 467 words staring at me like why I won't write the fucking ball scene.
It will be done. I promise.
More below the cut!
Untitled document
I don't know what this is. This is the only thing in the document:
The luminescence of the stars filled the sky, a gentle light that comforted and inspired. Zhongli loved the night sky, and found peace and solace in it's beauty.
The document was last updated on February 9th of last year so god knows what the hell it was about. Lantern Rite? I don't remember.
What I can only assume was a planned sequel to Dense as a Rock but told through Hu Tao’s point of view. Probably was supposed to be, but the writing on this is kind of meh? Like all that happened was Hu Tao complaining about paperwork then Lumine wanted to go to a domain where she would eventually find the blueprint for the key to Zhongli’s dumbbell.
Monday's Melancholy
A document with no words but was planned to be a Tears of Themis AU where Rosa was an idol and was looking for Luke and ended up turning to Mister Wing for assistance in her search.
Then Raven joins the NXX and things get weird from there.
It was an AU thing where Celestine and Kiki were also in the NXX and Kiki developed feelings for Raven at some point but Wangsheng has basically taken all my writing energy away from me whoops.
Can only handle one longfic at a time.
Head in the Game
A planned Tears of Themis anniversary fic where Rosa has inferiority complex towards Mister Wing and sits and cries while playing a mix of Hatsune Miku Project Diva and Hatsune Miku Colorful Stage.
It has some words but uhhhh here's a snippit:
Hatsune Miku: Sekai Diva. That would clear her head. The rthymn game series that Rosa had played since she was a child. Whenever she would get stressed about something, she would play the game, and her stress would replace her worries with a round of concentration.
So those are words that exist.
Birthday ask
A birthday ask I didn't answer because life sucks and sometimes the wifi just doesn't work and then suddenly the house you cleaned during your birthday gets wiped away in a hurricane and I don't wanna think about this ask I'm sorry I know the person who sent it meant well and I actually have an interesting premise for it and it's somewhat developed but I really don't wanna think about the last time I would ever get to hang out in my grandma's house. ;-;
Pearly White
Another empty doc but was just honestly gonna be a cute Chitao scene with neither of them wanting to get out of bed.
Scrapped Alberose fic where they talked about books or some shit. Can't remember the premise other than it must have been some college/high school AU. Here's some words though.
But there was simply something different about how her classmates in front of her just admired pages as if they were simply art pieces to be looked at for a mere thirty-six seconds before flipping the page to of his book. Sucrose had watched Albedo go through at least three books in the past weeks. What they were about, she couldn't remember. All she knew was that Albedo was extremely talented in his academics and yet he still had time to read in class as if he never studied at all.
Aurora's Light
Scrapped royal AU fic where Rosa was destined to wake the king of Stellis with a kiss. In order to get out of an arranged marriage with Duke Marius, Rosa runs away with her childhood friend Luke to live out in a forest cottage for a few years until vines start taking over the forest. The two basically journey to the castle and beat up a dragon.
There's nothing in this document either. Lovely!
The Duke and the Editors Apprentice
This was a royal modern AU where Lumine works as an apprentice underneath Yae Miko. Miko was gonna set Ayato and Lumine up on a date or something. I don't remember but it was apparently a longfic. Whoops.
Sorry Wangsheng you took over my life.
It wasn't that she didn't like her boss. It was far from the truth; Lumine loved having the opportunity to work under Yae Miko as her secretary and apprentice, but it was certainly not easy. What the public didn't know about Miko was that she was crafty as a fox, always seeming to be planning something or another. Just last week she had managed to create a new persona for a member of an advice column and subjected one of the generals from the army to adapt to it. Lumine was used to Miko's schemes by now, but it didn't make work any less stressful.
Wangsheng Stay Alive Scene
Spoilers for future parts of Wangsheng. :)
The Stoney-Faced Emporer and the Starry-Eyed Princess
Another longfic. Royalty AU with Aether forcing Lumine to attend a ball and to at least consider the Emporer of Liyue as a proper suitor for her.
What I like about this one, other than the fact it has two pages (two! of a wip!), I like the idea of a romcom of Zhongli really playing into a stotic ruler and Lumine wants nothing to do with ruling type things. It's a pretty interesting dynamic I had.
Too bad it's gonna rot in WIP he'll.
Regardless of if that thought had even cross Aether's mind, there were pressing issues at hand that Lumine needed to deal with. She looked at herself in the mirror while one of her retainers, Noelle fixed her hair in time for the ballntonight. How her brother was even able to convince her to go was beyond Lumine's knowledge, but she knew that for the rest of the week, she was resigning herself to the fate of suitors asking to court her, or even worse, marry her.
I have a lot more WIPs but they're over a year old and I don't wanna go back any farther and force myself to read my old writing! I hope you like what I have in my wips that got left in 2022 though.
So now I get to force a couple people to go through wip hell with me! @peachiecure and @mottomottoprecure (don't remember if you have a tumblr that isn't your fanseries account but if you do whoops I forgot it) it's your turn to go through wip hell. :)
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project-sekai-updates · 8 months
Thank you for playing HATSUNE MIKU: COLORFUL STAGE!
■Updated: Jan. 26, 4:00 a.m. (PST)
Regarding "World Championship 2024 Spring" the designated songs were not playable in the tournament mode at the time when the second round of qualifiers started.
End time of the 2nd qualifying round
Jan. 29, 2024 7:00 p.m. (JST)
Jan. 29, 2024 2:00 a.m. (PST)
■Updated: Jan. 26, 2:45 a.m. (PST)
Regarding "World Championship 2024 Spring" the designated songs were not playable in the tournament mode at the time when the second round of qualifiers started.
The problem was resolved on Jan. 26, 2024 1:50 a.m. (PST), and the game is now playable.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Today marks the beginning of the 2nd Qualifying Round for the COLORFUL STAGE! World Championship 2024 Spring powered by Weiß Schwarz.
■2nd Qualifying Round (Online)
Qualifying Round Period
- Jan. 26, 2024 12:00 p.m. - Jan. 29, 2024 12:00 p.m. (JST)
- Jan. 25, 2024 7:00 p.m. - Jan. 28, 2024 7:00 p.m. (PST)
Designated Songs
- Ghost Rule (Master)
- Don't Fight The Music (Master)
■Online Qualifiers (Round 2)
Entry Requirements
- Be at least Player Rank 30, or reach Player Rank 30 within the given period.
- Have unlocked the designated songs.
*You cannot enter if you did not make it through the first round.
How to Participate
On the App:
- Clear songs in Tournament Mode
The designated songs will be marked as such on the Solo Show screen.
You need to clear all three of the designated songs in Tournament Mode before the end of the Qualifying Round Period.
*Be aware that you will receive no show rewards, EXP etc. in Tournament Mode.
*Image for reference purposes only.
■COLORFUL STAGE! World Championship 2024 Spring powered by Weiß Schwarz
This is an official competitive event for players of HATSUNE MIKU: COLORFUL STAGE!
The championship has two divisions: the Tournament Division and the Celebrity Division.
In-game qualifiers for the Tournament Division will be held in the Global, Japanese, Korean and Traditional Chinese versions of HATSUNE MIKU: COLORFUL STAGE! Representatives from each version will then be invited to the in-person finals.
Each player who goes through to the finals will be awarded an in-game Title. In addition, the Champion and Runner-Up will win a monetary award.
The number of Tournament Division players who will go through to the finals are as follows.
Japanese Version: 12 players
Global Version: 4 players
Korean Version: 4 players
Trad. Chinese Version: 4 players
Seed: 1 player
Check out the website below to learn more about the championship's rules, regulations and schedule.
There is also an email address set up especially for your queries about the championship.
Entry Period:
Jan. 10, 2024 12:00 p.m. - Jan. 22, 2024 12:00 p.m. (JST)
Jan. 9, 2024 7:00 p.m. - Jan. 21, 2024 7:00 p.m. (PST)
Online Qualifiers (Round 1):
Jan. 19, 2024 12:00 p.m. - Jan. 22, 2024 12:00 p.m. (JST)
Jan. 18, 2024 7:00 p.m. - Jan. 21, 2024 7:00 p.m. (PST)
Online Qualifiers (Round 2):
Jan. 26, 2024 12:00 p.m. - Jan. 29, 2024 12:00 p.m. (JST)
Jan. 25, 2024 7:00 p.m. - Jan. 28, 2024 7:00 p.m. (PST)
Finals (Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Final): April 13, 2024
*This address is the same for inquiries from all regions.
Operates Monday to Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (JST).
(In PST, these hours equate to 5:00 p.m. on the previous day to 1:00 a.m. on the same day.)
*Inquiries received outside these hours or on public holidays will be handled on the following business day.
*Please note that inquiries will be replied to first-come, first-served, and that replies may take longer depending on circumstances.
■Please Note
- The content and timing of the above is subject to change without prior notice.
We hope you continue to enjoy HATSUNE MIKU: COLORFUL STAGE!
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And with this the month of Radical Miku closes
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miau-exe · 3 years
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american rock band miku chemical romance
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narodrimi · 5 years
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Hilda "Please Keep Me Off The Battlefield I'm A Delicate Flower" Goneril
A Miku Monday/FE3H Crossover ✨
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martinofcolor · 4 years
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Yo, Im back.
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monstaless · 3 years
Receiving Gifts - Jinyoung Request
Relationship: host!Jinyoung x reader
Warnings: 18+, nsfw, unprotected sex
We should see what it’s all about,” giggled Miku, stopping to observe the host club across the street.
“I’ve never been in a host club before,” added Saeko. One of the young hosts had already noticed you and was making his way across the street. 
A short time later you found yourself in the middle of what was essentially speed dating with the available hosts for the night. You kept glancing down the table at Saeko and Miku. The two of them hadn’t stopped giggling since the first host had walked up to you outside. At least the drinks were basically free for the next hour and the hosts were nice enough, if not too nice. None of them had impressed you yet.
The manager called out that it was time for the hosts to rotate and you thanked your current partner then lifted your drink to your lips before the next one came along. 
“Good evening.” You glanced up to find the next host standing in front of you, bowing deeply. You were stunned when he looked up to meet your gaze. You choked on your drink and tried to hide it with a quiet cough.
That moment was the start of something you’d never seen coming.
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Despite how busy you were with your career, you always had friends to hang out with and always made time for them. Now though, if you felt lonely, you went to host club. You were a regular on Monday and Thursday nights. For three months, you’d been visiting the club regularly. You were seeing him more often than you’d seen any of your boyfriends in the past. You were giving him more things than you’d given your boyfriend in the past. You’d started by taking Jinyoung small gifts: souvenirs from train stations when you went on trips, local delicacies, and books you thought he might like.
This time though, you felt like gifting him something more. You’d found a watch while you were shopping for this season’s latest fashion. You’d dressed in one of those new outfits, hoping to impress.
Jinyoung smiled as soon as he saw you.
“Good evening. You look lovely tonight. The usual?” he questioned, leading you to your table. You nodded as you took your seat. He bowed before making his way to the bar. When he returned with the bottle of sake, he immediately poured you both a glass. You waited until he had seated himself next to you, then removed the box from your bag offering it to him with both hands.
He looked slightly confused as he accepted the box. HIs eyes widened when he opened it and he looked up at you.
“This is for me?”
“Of course, I always bring you a gift,” you laughed awkwardly, afraid that maybe he didn’t like the gift.
“Not like this.” He was studying the watch, then he stood and bowed deeply. “Thank you, Y/N.”
When he was sitting next to you again, you helped him put on the new watch. Seeing how impressed he was with the watch as he admired it on his wrist, you told yourself that you would continue to bring him gifts like this.
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The manager informed you that Jinyoung was with another patron, away from the premises. You’d be lying if you said that your feelings weren’t a little hurt, even though you knew that it was his job. You were just a part of his job, nothing more. No amount of gifts or hours or money was going to change that. But you had a regular schedule and he’d always been available to you. He could've at least appreciated your patronage enough to respect your regular schedule. You debated leaving, but then a thought occurred to you and you just had to try. You’d make him regret missing out on seeing you tonight.
You asked the manager if you could have a different host for the evening. He looked stunned. He’d probably never been asked that before and he probably hadn’t expected to hear that from you. Then he nodded. He wouldn’t normally allow this, but as you were a regular and they gained a lot of revenue from you he wasn’t about to turn you away. He gave you the host menu and waited quietly as you looked through it.
After quickly browsing the menu, you decided on Hiromi, who sometimes joined you and Jinyoung when the club was slow. You knew that you enjoyed his company at least.
He joined you immediately, a gorgeous smile on his face. The idea of gaining one of the extravagant gifts that you generally reserved for Jinyoung was probably on his mind. The two of you shared drinks and chatted, but Jinyoung wasn’t showing up. After a little while you’d convinced Hiromi to tell you where Jinyoung had gone with the other woman. When you asked if he wanted to go with you to the karaoke bar, he smiled at you mischievously as agreed.
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“What do you think you’re doing?” questioned Jinyoung, grabbing your shoulders and pinning you against the wall. You’d never seen him with this look before. He was pissed. His gaze shifted to the room that he’d just watched you leave. You’d stepped out as he parted ways with the other woman for the night. “Why are you with Hiromi?”
“You weren’t available,” you offered with a pout. “Your manager didn’t want me to be displeased.”
Jinyoung wasn’t amused. His attention was on you again.
“You asked for someone else?” 
“You were away. I didn’t want to drink alone.”
He leaned in closer to you.
“I thought I was the only host that had ever impressed you,” he whispered, his breath tickling your ear. “Did you give him a gift also?”
“What if I did? Are you jealous, Jinyoung?” you teased.
“I’m disgusted,” he growled, but nothing about his body language said ‘disgusted’. He stood back, studying you. You both glanced looked up as Hiromi opened the door and stepped into the hallway. He paused in his attempt to close the door quietly when he realized that your attention was on him. He pointed down the hall.
“I’ll see you later, Y/N. It was fun hanging out with you tonight.” He winked at you before making his way down the hall. When you looked at Jinyoung again, his attention was already back on you. He knew what you’d been up to. Nothing got past him and that was part of his charm.
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You’d swiped through the options before settling on one that you felt suited Jinyoung the most. Price didn’t matter so you hadn’t paid attention to that. The room lived up to your expectations, but Jinyoung paid no mind to the room at all. His eyes were on you. He wasn’t getting paid for this, but the night was still all about you.
“Where’s my gift?” He questioned, surprising you as he placed a soft kiss to your neck. He slid your jacket off your shoulders and placed another kiss to the soft skin that was revealed. “You didn’t give it to Hiromi, right?” The straps of your dress were the next articles of clothing to be slipped off your body. You shivered, but not from the air that hit your bare skin as your brand new dress fell into a heap on the floor. “That’d really be a shame.” His mouth was right next to your ear as he placed his hands on your waist and pulled you backwards into his chest.
You stumbled slightly in your heels as they got caught on your dress, but his steady hands didn’t let you fall.
“I left it with your manager,” you breathed out quietly. He chuckled quietly.
“Good, if you had given it to someone else, I think it would’ve completely ruined the mood.”
You kicked the dress out of the way and turned to face him.
“I’d never give your gift to anyone else,” you assured him, untucking his shirt. He cupped your face in his hands as he leaned down to kiss you. You’d started to unbutton his shirt, but the kiss caught you off guard. Instead your fingers curled into his shirt, searching for something to keep you grounded. He deepened the kiss opening his mouth against yours. He dropped one hand to your waist, holding you steady as he backed you toward the bed.
He let you go as stumbled backwards onto the bed. Your eyes met as he started to finish the job that you’d started of unbuttoning his shirt. 
“You’re wearing the shirt I gave you,” you breathed out. He smirked.
“Yeah, I always wear the gifts you give me. Now it’s my turn to do the giving.” He smiled, discarding the shirt into a pile with your dress. You barely had time to take in how gorgeous his body was. The next moment he was pushing you backwards onto the bed and covering your body with his own. He placed a kiss to your lips and then moved his lips to your chest. He paused to look up at you. “If you want me to stop, all you have to do is say the word, okay?”
“Okay” you breathed out quietly, nodding eagerly. You were trembling in anticipation of his next move. You gasped as he brushed a thumb over your nipple and then his mouth was on the other. You moaned and curled your fingers into his short hair. He was barely doing anything and you were already a mess. You’d been thinking about this for way too long.
He pulled away to glance up at you with a smirk before moving down further to pull off your underwear. He looked up at you again. “So, tell me, what do you want?”
“Please, Jinyoung. I want you.” You almost didn’t recognize your own voice. You’d never had to beg for anything. He nodded, standing up to finish removing his clothes. He was over you again, his lips pressed to yours as he thrust his hips shallowly between your folds to gather your moisture before gently pushing in. You both moaned out. One of his hands found yours, intertwining his fingers with yours as he pinned your hand above your head.
His lips never left yours, even as he propped himself up on one arm so he could slip the other between your bodies to rub circles around your clit. He barely pulled away for breath. When he finally pulled away completely, it was only so he could watch your face as you came. He came undone shortly after, pressing his face into the crook of your neck as his hips jerked against yours.
He rolled onto his side next to you.
“This isn’t going to stop, is it?” he asked, You shook your head.
“I like when you give me gifts too,” you whispered. He smiled at you, pulling you into his arms.
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