#it was my artist representation of that song. that song is so lavender to me you dont even know
biolums · 2 years
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i did my makeup last night and now i feel like a normal human being again. killing stabbing murdering which ever deity made makeup my creative outlet. do they KNOW how inconvenient that is for me
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girlsbtrs · 3 years
How Being a Woman in Hardcore Helped Me Learn to Love Myself
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Written by Jen Moglia. Graphic by Laura Cross. 
Since this is my first piece written for Girls Behind the Rock Show, I figured that I should introduce myself; hi, my name is Jennifer, but most people call me Jen. I live on Long Island in New York, and my favorite things include my cats, the color pink, giving gifts to my Animal Crossing villagers, and watching sports. Above all else, however, I love music.
I frequently refer to music as the love of my life. It somehow plays a role in everything that I do. I got my first iPod when I was five years old, stacked with everything from Miranda Cosgrove and Avril Lavigne to Tool and Deftones. Some of my favorite memories growing up are sitting in my pink and purple bedroom singing and dancing along to Paramore’s crushcrushcrush and Fall Out Boy’s Thnks Fr Th Mmrs on the local alternative radio station. I danced for 12 years, played cello for seven, and am currently a wannabe ukulele rockstar after buying one on impulse and starting to teach myself how to play four years ago. Even on the simplest, barely noticeable levels, music has been everywhere in my life for as long as I can remember; even now, I can’t complete a basic task without a song playing in my headphones.
Music became an even bigger part of my life when I started attending live shows. I went to my first concerts at age 10, seeing my two favorite artists - Nickelodeon boy band Big Time Rush and classic progressive rock band Rush - within one month of each other. By the time I was 15, I had been to my fair share of arena/seated shows with one or both of my parents, from Fifth Harmony to Fitz and the Tantrums to Alice in Chains. My first general admission show was seeing the Foo Fighters at Citi Field with both my mom and dad when I was 12, but my first pop-punk general admission show (yes, they’re different) came a few years later. I had the typical list of favorite bands that you would expect from a young teenager getting into alternative music: Neck Deep, Knuckle Puck, Real Friends, and State Champs. 
In late 2018, I was able to see all four of these bands for the first time, and I am a firm believer that it changed the course of my life. I met, cried-during, and eventually got the setlist for Neck Deep at Stereo Garden on Long Island in September. I sang all of “Untitled” at the barricade for Knuckle Puck at SI Hall at the Fairgrounds in Syracuse in October. I had my first minor concussion scare (yay!) before Real Friends’ set at Irving Plaza in New York City in November. Finally, I crowd surfed for the first time during State Champs’ anniversary show for The Finer Things at House of Independents in Asbury Park in December. After just a few shows, I had fallen in love with this new brand of live music that I had just been introduced too. There was something so magical to me about skin covered in sweat and Sharpie marks, feet hurting from dancing in the pit all night, and meeting strangers on line outside the venue who would become your best friends and know your deepest secrets by the end of the night.
After making some friends at all of the pop-punk shows I was going to, they started to tell me that I should get into hardcore music. I was hesitant at first - the heaviest thing I had listened to at that point was nowhere near the snippets of hardcore that my friends had played for me - but, eventually, I decided to give it a chance. I was bored and home alone with nothing to do one night over the summer of 2019 when I listened to my first hardcore album, Laugh Tracks by Knocked Loose. Immediately, I got that gut feeling that you have when you know you’ve heard one of your favorite bands for the first time. I knew that this was something special that I was meant to find at this point in my life. For the rest of the summer, I worked my way through the rest of my friends’ hardcore and hardcore-adjacent recommendations, with Cost of Living by Incendiary, Stage Four by Touche Amore, You’re Not You Anymore by Counterparts, Time & Space by Turnstile, Springtime and Blind by Fiddlehead, Smile! Aren’t You Happy by Absence of Mine, Bad to my World by Backtrack, and Reality Approaches by Harms Way being some of my favorites. By the time the next school year started, I was hooked, and I already had tickets to my first few hardcore shows in the fall.
My first hardcore show was in November 2019, seeing Knocked Loose at Webster Hall in New York City - fitting, right? They were on tour supporting their new record A Different Shade of Blue, which I had become obsessed with the minute I heard it for the first time. Although I was ridiculously scared of getting stepped on and breaking all my bones (yes, that was an actual fear of mine), I had the time of my life at that show. There was something about this newer kind of live music that prompted a cathartic release, one that I hadn’t found anywhere else before. As soon as the show was over, I was counting the days until my next one.
My love for live hardcore music (and live music and hardcore music in general) has only grown since then, and that story sort of ends there. However, I want to go back to that first hardcore band that I listened to, Knocked Loose, and the album they put out that first summer that stole my heart. I was taken by storm as soon as the first notes of A Different Shade of Blue rang through my headphones, but something was different about the third track, A Serpent’s Touch, particularly the ending; I heard a voice that sounded a little bit more like my own.
This song features Emma Boster, who does vocals for one of my favorite hardcore bands right now, Dying Wish. When I heard A Serpent’s Touch for the first time, though, I had no idea who she was. I was used to the aggressive vocal delivery of frontmen in hardcore, particularly that of Knocked Loose’s Bryan Garris, but hearing it come from her changed my perspective on a lot of things. It’s not like the song was super angry and changed its tune to be lighter once the token girl came along; in her verse, Boster sings, “I watched the venom / Overcome your spirit / Jealousy holds you now / Distorting your appearance / Bleed out.” These were lyrics that held the same intensity that the lines screamed by the men held, and they sounded just as cool coming out of her mouth. As cheesy as it sounds, it had never even occurred to me that women had a place in this new world that I had discovered. The audiences in the live videos I watched (and eventually at the shows I attended) were made up of mostly men who looked bigger and older than me. When I did start going to shows, most of the non-man population consisted of my friends and I. Emma Boster, along with so many others, began to open my eyes to the fact that a place for people like me existed in this community. It didn’t matter that I had bright red hair or liked butterflies or wore pink - I was just as much a part of this magic as the men multiple feet taller than me with tattoo-covered arms, and I belonged there just as much as they did.
As time went on and I got more involved in the genre’s music and community, I discovered more bands with women in them, and it only fueled this fire of empowerment inside of me. When I felt insecure, I’d watch live sets from Krimewatch, a hardcore band from New York City, just half an hour away from my hometown. They have multiple women as members, including their energetic badass of a vocalist, Rhylli Ogiura. Year of the Knife became one of my all-time favorites, and their bassist Madison Watkins became a serious inspiration to me; the way that she can balance killing it on stage and running the cutest, most pink apparel brand I’ve ever seen (aptly titled Candy Corpse) amazes me. Even some of the bands I’ve found more recently have had an impact on me. I started listening to Initiate last year when their EP Lavender came out, and their beautifully colorful cover art caught my eye before I had heard any of their songs. Their vocalist, Crystal Pak, is also a woman, and she’s insanely talented. Discovering this kind of representation in this new universe that I had come to feel so at home in introduced me to a world of confidence and determination that I had never known before.
When people ask me why I love hardcore so much, I often give the easy answer; “the music sounds good.” If the person allows me to ramble on for a little longer, the answer becomes much more emotional and cheesy. Hardcore taught me that speaking up for what I believe in is important, and if there’s something I’m passionate about, it’s worth shouting about. I became familiar with this when listening to one of my favorite bands ever, Incendiary (the second hardcore band I ever checked out), before quickly realizing that politics are a pretty common topic within the genre - it’s what this music was practically built on. The first time I heard their vocalist Brendan Garrone singing about police brutality and injustice on songs like Force of Neglect and Sell Your Cause, I realized that there is so much more to music than just sounding good.
However, at its core, the thing I love so much about hardcore is what it taught me about being a woman. Growing up, I was the loud girl with the personality bigger than the room who always had something to say and had a never ending supply of excitement about just about everything. As I got older, I was taught that this was not okay. People didn’t like how enthusiastic I was about everything, or that I constantly had new ideas and new discoveries I wanted to talk about. As cliche as it sounds, I felt like everyone around me was trying to dull my sparkle, especially some of the men that I was encountering on a day-to-day basis. Even when I started to come to terms with my big and bright personality, in turn also coming to terms with my own femininity, I was told that this wasn’t how girls acted. I had to pick one - I could watch Disney princess movies and wear Hello Kitty hair clips, or I could be outspoken about my beliefs; but never both. The women that I mentioned earlier, along with so, so many more, helped me unlearn these toxic mindsets. Seeing someone like Emma Boster take the stage and scream ferociously for a full set helped me see that I could be a girl and still be a powerhouse. Following Madi Watkins around on social media showed me that I could love bands like Year of the Knife and also love heart-shaped purses and wear pink from head to toe. My aggression and passion didn’t make me any less of a woman, and my femininity didn’t make me any less of a force to be reckoned with. 
So, at the end of this love letter to hardcore and the women who run it, I say this; thank you for teaching me that I don’t have to shrink myself anymore. It has made a world of a difference.
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mistaeq · 4 years
Akira Otoishi: General Fluff HCs and Hilarious Shenanigans
TW // none
I want to dedicate this work to @golden-narcissus , my cutest Akira simp and the person who inspires me about loving new characters everyday !! don't ever change Tea ily <3 // also... shoutout to all the akira simps out there ^_^
Akira Otoishi General Fluff Headcanons and Hilarious Shenanigans
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If you're a stand user, you probably met because Red Hot Chili Pepper accidentally scared you by randomly appearing in front of you from a near payphone.
Akira apologized, and when he realized you could see Chili Pepper, he immediately got interested in you and in your abilities.
If you're not a stand user, you probably met in a music shop, and you both reached for the last cd left of your favourite artist.
Akira was about to get upset, before noticing those beautiful eyes of yours begging him to let you take it. He couldn't say no, but he earned a pleasant conversation about your music tastes, in exchange.
He's the kind of musician who likes bragging about his skills. He'll straight up show you the most difficult thing he can do, just to play it cool afterwards and say it's just easy stuff, for him.
He panics when you play his game and ask him to show you something more difficult, then. So adorable.
Akira uses Red Hot Chili Pepper to charge your phone in the fastest way ever. He just likes to see you smile when your phone battery seems to be dead and he saves the situation.
If you're lucky enough to get to see him out of his habitat, in a domestic environment, get ready to messy bun Akira! He loves his long, purple hair, but also loves not to find his own hair everywhere, above all in his food.
Always make sure you fill him of little nothings, such as little sleepy kisses, a morning hug, a daily smile and flying "I love you"'s.
He's probably a romantic guy, he does his best. If you enter his room while he's practising, he'll improvise a little song - it might be either sweet or stupid - for you, right there and then. He has a different idea everytime. Great artist.
If you happen to get interested in his guitar, Akira will be more than happy to teach you how to use that. A good excuse to keep you close.
You'll sit on his lap, while his hands on yours will guide you on how to play his guitar. You're the only one allowed to touch it besides him.
Akira will kiss your cheek and neck several times, while teaching you how to play the guitar. You always end up forgetting about the instrument and smooching. After five lessons, you hadn't learnt anything.
If you happen to fight, expect him to follow you around the house singing you a personal adaptation of the song "Ice Cold Rita" from Flushed Away. He's a playful man. And he loves cartoons.
"🎵Ice cold y/n ~ never did I meet a ~ girl/boy who's half's so cruel ~ I offered them a jewel ~ but they left me stuck ~ ignored me all the time ~ what a shoddy thing to do to Akira... to me! ~ Akira ~ Otoishi ~ from Morioh ~🎵"
Until you don't kiss him or talk to him, he'll keep singing it. You two can't stay angry at each other for too much time, he needs affection, and that's why he'll follow you around singing that song.
He likes watching something with you, before sleeping. You let Akira choose what to watch, because he's hilarious. "So... y/n... can we watch The Aristocats?" He knows Romeo's song by heart.
Akira will fall asleep first, if you watch something together. Take care of him and bring him in your bed to make sure he can sleep properly. Then, cuddle up in his arms. He loves waking up to his arms holding you.
Being his stand the representation of his soul, sometimes his lightning pigeon will want to cuddle with you. Unfortunately, Akira can't let it, or it would unwillingly shock you.
Like it or not, you're good friends with the Duwang Gang, and he'll deal with it. If you happen to go out together, he'll want to at least hold hands with you to not to feel alone.
Just keep him at a safety distance from Josuke and his best pal. Akira's willing to sincerely change, but he's done what he's done, and they aren't honestly willing to forget what happened to Keicho. Not now, at least. They'll accept him just for you, but don't get them close to each other. How to blame them.
Akira is not jealous, or at least not in a scary/obsessive way. But he has a strong jealousy towards other musicians. He'll make sure you still think he's the best.
He enjoys it a lot when you leave sweet kisses on his eye scar.
"Please?" he puppy eyed you from under the blanket, munching on the popcorn you had prepared. "Just another time, come on..."
"Aki... it's the fourth time we watch One Hundred and One Dalmatians, this week." you said, getting on the couch with him. "Something different?" he pouted, and looked away. It was like dealing with a baby.
You smiled. He was a special man. Akira looked so tough in other people's eyes, probably because of his past. Little did other people know that in reality he was a pouty mess who liked to tease you with dumb and funny songs and watch an embarrassing amount of cartoons. You would have managed to make your friends understand how much was he trying to improve himself.
Your hands caressed his wavy and curly purple hair. He had washed it today, and you could feel it and smell it, a pleasant lavender scented shampoo. "I promise, we'll watch One Hundred and One Dalmatians next time, don't pout at me..." you caressed his cheek. "What about we don't watch anything instead? We're distracted by a cartoon every night, what if we cuddle and smooch a bit this time?"
"Smooch?" Akira repeated, looking at you as you wrapped your loving arms around his torso and nuzzled against his chest. His hands held you tight, he lowered his head to kiss you on your forehead. "Maybe the cartoons can really wait, huh..." the boy lay completely on the couch, as you climbed on him, and kissed him sweetly.
"I love you. I love you..." you giggled, kissing his lip, his cheek and his jaw. Akira smiled, but stared at the ceiling.
"This is good..." he caressed your back. "You might be the only one."
"Don't say it, Akira... Don't." you begged, holding him tighter.
"It's just the truth... I've done a lot of stupid shit... I only have you, in Morioh Cho." you huffed, and sat on his lap, him still laying down. You caressed his cheeks.
"There's nothing wrong with you, Aki. You're just improving yourself." your hand squished his soft skin. "You're pretty, you're smart, you're cute..." you raised an eyebrow. "You have a nice booty..." he giggled. Music for your ears.
"A nice booty won't make your friends accept me, y/n..." you leaned down and kissed him before he could say something more.
"Akira Otoishi." you played with a lock of his hair you loved so much. "You don't have to change for my friends. You have to change for yourself. And you're doing great, baby. You feel me?" he just nodded. "Good." You rested your forehead on his, gazing at the smile that was now appearing on his mouth. "Very good."
You kissed his cheeks once more, inhaling his delicate, perfect scent. You could tell he was stressed and tired, poor thing. As you held his hand to kiss it, a thought came to your mind, an idea to make him smile. Maybe he could be happier, like that. "So... Akira, love... wanna watch One Hundred and One Dalmatians?"
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Let’s Fall in Love for the Night, Chapter 1/2 (Gottrosé/Rosnali/Gottlux) - Sunflower
Chapter summary: Mik missed the physical aspects of having someone on call for things like consoling her after a tinder date gone wrong, or even just a one night stand to make breakfast for in the morning. It was hard, seeing her best friend and previous partner so fulfilled by something Mik had yet to experience. Sitting in a cozy apartment covered in coupley photographs and little houseplants, partially? It made Mik sick to her stomach.
A/N: Hi divas :)!! Here’s part one of two from a season 13 New York set multi-ship that takes place in a soulmate au!! I thought I would play around with some cross-over ships from the drag race franchise!! No trigger warnings but Mik is written as a trans-woman in this story and mentions their own (in story) dead name. (I’ve never written a trans main character before and never want to write anything insensitive/inaccurate so feedback is appreciated!!)
“It’s weird,” Mik pondered, looking after the assorted photographs framed on the walls of Rosé’s semi-shared apartment. Donut, Denali’s dog, holding a slobbery bone in the dog park with Rosé knelt beside her in cherry red athletic wear, then-ginger hair slicked back into a ponytail and face glowing under the afternoon sun. Denali and Rosé, side by side at her sister Jan’s wedding from only a few month’s prior, dressed in complementary shades of lavender and magenta with smiles stretching from ear to ear, the moment encapsulated behind glass in a slender gold frame. “Seeing you with someone else.”
Little touches of Denali were scattered throughout the apartment like lipstick stains, loose scrunchies instead of Rosé’s normal hair ties in a little catch-all bowl by the front door, the presence of weird little kitchen gadgets and almond instead of whole milk in the refrigerator door. Denali kept her Chicago apartment and her loft farther up in the city for when she needed down time to herself, and on nights when practicing down at the rink kept her out late at night and up and leaving early in the morning.
From behind the counter, Rosé spoke hesitantly, as she poured herself another glass of bubbly champagne colored liquid. “Good weird or bad weird?”
“Just… weird as in different. I didn’t take you for the settling down type..,” Mik interjected, sinking into a barstool across the counter from her slightly older ex-lover. “But she’s good for you,” the dark haired girl interjected, looking down into the condensating drink sitting in front of her, wishing that staring at a couple ice cubes could suck the awkward energy from the room out through her irises. “Denali, I mean,” she furthered, longing for the alcohol to overtake the dryness in her words as she sipped her drink. 
She wished she was lying, but Rosé meeting Denali was probably the best thing that could have happened to her. Finding her soulmate was something the singer always put on an act like she wasn’t desperate for, but internally, Rosé desired to encounter her other half as much as anyone, desired for that feeling of underlying longing to dissipate. When she ran into the Latina ice dancer during her trip to New York during the holidays, the two colliding outside a coffee shop in early December, something in the pink haired woman softened, letting down her harsh exterior in ways that Mik had never witnessed during their relationship as friends-with-benefits over the last year or so, pre-Rosénali. 
Even after only meeting her once or twice, Mik knew that Denali was genuinely good. She was bubbly and personable, and she shared the same subtle confidence and suave that her girlfriend did, but she pulled vulnerability out of Rose, made her more susceptible to not hide behind the overly confident and performative bold energy that sometimes felt exhausting to maintain.
Mik missed the physical aspects of having someone on call for things like consoling her after a tinder date gone wrong, or even just a one night stand to make breakfast for in the morning. It was hard, seeing her best friend and previous partner so fulfilled by something Mik had yet to experience. Sitting in a cozy apartment covered in coupley photographs and little houseplants, partially? It made Mik sick to her stomach.
“Believe me, I never thought I would be the type either,” she admitted, eyes expressing some sort of look at Mik couldn’t recognize. “I think growing up with Jan and Jackie made it hard to, seeing my sister be with this perfect person, it felt impossible for me to ever have anything close to that. She just… makes me better, and accepts all of me, which I think is all I could ask for from a person.”
Not that Mik could blame Rose for being so cautious around any kind of feelings, Jan and Jackie were the ideal outcome of the soulmate system. High school sweethearts after the Persian girl moved from Canada to New York, spending their years coupled up in immense happiness within their extended engagement and going to college together. One year post-graduation and the pair hosted a sapphic wedding worthy of the pages in a Vogue magazine spread.
A typical silence fell between the two girls, the sound of some miscellaneous Ariana Grande song hummed in the background behind them.
Sitting down beside her, Rose posed a question, gathering her hair into a haphazard ponytail as she spoke. A few strands of once-ginger and since then pinked hair escaped the elastic, Mik from only a few months prior would have held no qualms in leaning over to push back the stray hairs, to embrace a small gesture of intimacy. “Have you ever considered going back to LA? I know that it’s a sore spot but maybe…”
Snickering, Mik shook her head disapprovingly. “I’m not going back,” she retorted, letting a saddened laugh escape her. “Seeing Gigi and Crystal, the thought alone puts a sour taste in my mouth. If I’m really someone’s soulmate, the universe wil put them right here,” she remarked, seeing the look of pity washing over her former lover’s face. 
Los Angeles summoned primarily saddening memories for Mik as of late, remembering New Year’s Eve not so fondly, and that sinking feeling of walking in on Gigi, tangled and entwined amongst the torso of a young Latina woman with a head full of dark spiral curls. The voice of her partner calling out for her as she slammed the apartment door closed behind her, blubbering as hot tears traveled down her face in the backseat of an Uber on her way to crash at Kandy’s house.
“It just feels impossible, Rosie,” the young makeup artist softened, feeling hazel eyes focusing in on her as she. Continued. “What if… What if Kade was someone’s soulmate, not… not Mik,” she mumbled, feeling an unfamiliar sensation of tears blurring her direct vision. Crying was Joey’s gig, not hers, as she wiped away the tears cautiously, trying not to smudge her graphic black liner.
Mik embraced confidence in every area of her life, pre and post transition, and her internalized dysphoria when discussing soulmates was an insecurity that she had never mentioned to anyone before, her fear that her genuine, authentic self wasn’t something anyone was looking for. Her surgical procedures, whilst reaffirming of her identity and comfort in her identity as an out and proud trans woman, created unnecessary doubts in her thoughts regarding the soulmate system, as she herself, whilst surrounded by an amazing support system, had never personally met another transgender person who had experienced these feelings leading up to meeting their destined partner, outside of a handful of Hollywood swoon-stories. Growing up as a girl, born into and stuck in the wrong body, with a lack of trans representation, proved to be much more harmful to her than she could have known it would be in the long run, scared that she would be rejected, and cast out, or that maybe the universe didn’t make her a perfect partner.
“Mik, baby,” Rose shook her head in disapproval, sad for the worries she hadn’t known her friend possessed. “Someone out there is going to fall head over heels for every part of you, not the you that was trapped in the wrong body, this you, who’s the most strong, courageous, crazy talented human I’ve met in 22 years of being on this planet. I promise, your person is going to love you for you, and your soulmate would never judge you for something like that.”
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pridexjoy · 5 years
Munday Tag
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Tagged by:  @theabandonedones​​​​ !
Rules: Answer the questions & tag followers you want to get to know better! Don’t answer anything you’re uncomfortable with, just strike it out.
Tagging:  Just go ahead n’ steal it, sweethearts.
Name or Alias:  Ray  /  Rayne Gender + Pronouns:  Trans Bastard + He/Him Zodiac Sign:  Taurus RP Experience: 7+ years, approx.
Movie:  Labyrinth (1986) / Logan (2017) TV Shows:  Charmed (2018)  &  Charmed (1998)  /  Lost Girl /  Breaking Bad  /  Criminal Minds /  House MD. Anime: Hellsing Ultimate / Kuroshitsuji  / Black Cat  /  Death Note. Book: I have quite a few favorites, but to name some? The Den Of Shadows quartet by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, as well as Hawksong. Poem: “Alone” by Edgar Allan Poe.   /  “needed.” by Natalie Elizabeth. Music Artist:  I can literally never pick a singular favorite, but to list the majority real quick? Icon For Hire. Halsey. Sick Puppies. Avril Lavigne. Starset. Nickelback. Voltaire. Halestorm. Set It Off. Ghost Town. Color:  Lavender, black, dark reds, sky blue. Number: 13.
Movie Watched:  Elf (2003) TV Show Watched: Charmed (1998) Book Read:  Shattered Mirror by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes. Thing Googled:  “post limit checker” Song Listened To:  She’s All That  -  Hollywood Ending
Song stuck in head: Malevolence  -  Acacia Ridge What I’m Wearing:  Black leggings, Kingdom Hearts t-shirt, black hoodie. Hogwarts House:  Ravenclaw. Pokemon GO Team: Instinct. Average Hours of Sleep:  Like 4 or 12, depending on the day.
When I Created This Blog:  February, 2018. My previous incarnation of this blog was older, of course, but that’s when I made this one.
Do I Get Asks Regularly:  Not from a wide variety of people, but I can always count on Kerri to be sending me asks, so I really can’t complain!
Explain Your URL:  It’s really just a play on how parents say that their kids are their “pride and joy”  -  but I really like it.
RPC / Fandom Misconception You Hate:  
Writing bad people / villains, makes you a bad person. (Spoiler: It doesn’t.)
Writing bad things / dark subjects, makes you a bad person. (Spoiler: It doesn’t.)
Multimuse bloggers are inherently bad or lazy writers. (Spoiler: We’re not.)
Give Some RPC Salt:
Disabilities, deformities, illness  /  pain, are not a disposable character trait or plot device. These aren’t things that you can ‘write out’ because it “doesn’t fit your aesthetic” or because it’s “too much work” for you to write. Related, but people don’t get to chose when their health issues effect them  -  neither does your muse. Chronic illness ruins good days, it messes up dates, it gets in the way of your life. It’s not a convenient plot device to use when you want ‘angst points’.
^  This goes for mental illness  &  trauma, just the same. You cannot casually ‘write out’ someone’s PTSD, their depression, whatever else, just because it isn’t “easy”  -  these are real life, ‘messy’ problems, and their representation matters.
Almost nobody writing villains / criminals, condones the actions of their muse/s. This trend of witch-hunting people for writing topics that you don’t personally approve of, needs to die.
Call-out culture, and cancel culture, also needs to die. It’s a harmful mindset that causes more trouble & negativity, than anything else.
Reminder: Nobody died  & made you king / queen / ruler of the RPC. Let people have fun, and stop acting as though you’re some sort of authority; none of us are.
Give Some RPC Sugar:
Real talk, if you’re still in this damned fandom? Shout-out to you. There has been so much chaos throughout the years, and if you were around ‘back in the day’ you know that all too well. Anyone that’s stuck around, or come back, is a damned rockstar. Welcome to Hell  -  enjoy your stay.
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frcmshadcws · 5 years
Munday Tag
Tagged by:  @theabandonedones​​​  !
Rules: Answer the questions & tag followers you want to get to know better! Don’t answer anything you’re uncomfortable with, just strike it out.
Tagging:  @mcuntainbcrn​  /  @hawkinsgoth​  /  @gctita​​  /  @dasurteil​​  /  @vampirege​​  /  @sworntoprotectt​​  /  anyone else that wants to, just say I tagged you!
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Name or Alias:  Ray  /  Rayne Gender + Pronouns:  Trans Bastard + He/Him Zodiac Sign:  Taurus RP Experience:  7+ years, approx.
Movie:  Labyrinth (1986)  /  Logan (2017) TV Shows:  Charmed (2018)  &  Charmed (1998)  /  Lost Girl  /  Breaking Bad  /  Criminal Minds  /  House MD. Anime:  Hellsing Ultimate  /  Kuroshitsuji  /  Black Cat  /  Death Note. Book:  I have quite a few favorites, but to name some? The Den Of Shadows quartet by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes, as well as Hawksong. Poem:  “Alone” by Edgar Allan Poe.   /   “needed.” by Natalie Elizabeth. Music Artist:  I can literally never pick a singular favorite, but to list the majority real quick? Icon For Hire. Halsey. Sick Puppies. Avril Lavigne. Starset. Nickelback. Voltaire. Halestorm. Set It Off. Ghost Town. Color:  Lavender, black, dark reds, sky blue. Number: 13.
Movie Watched:  Elf (2003) TV Show Watched:  Charmed (1998) Book Read:  Shattered Mirror by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes. Thing Googled:  "safe remedies for radiation burns” Song Listened To:  Bitch, Please!  -  Jessi Smiles
Song stuck in head:  Malevolence  -  Acacia Ridge What I’m Wearing:  Black leggings, Kingdom Hearts t-shirt, black hoodie. Hogwarts House:  Ravenclaw. Pokemon GO Team:  Instinct. Average Hours of Sleep:  Like 4 or 12, depending on the day.
When I Created This Blog:  November, 2018. My previous blogs for this fandom were older, of course, but that’s when I made this one.
Do I Get Asks Regularly:  Not from a wide variety of people, but I can always count on Kerri  &  Cookie to be sending me asks, so I really can’t complain!
Explain Your URL:  It’s honestly just song titles from the RWBY soundtrack  -  “From Shadows”  &  “This Time (From Shadows Part 2)”.  They’re some of my favorite songs, and they fit these muses in varying ways imo.
RPC / Fandom Misconception You Hate:  
Writing bad people / villains, makes you a bad person. (Spoiler: It doesn’t.)
Writing bad things / dark subjects, makes you a bad person. (Spoiler: It doesn’t.)
Multimuse bloggers are inherently bad or lazy writers. (Spoiler: We’re not.)
Give Some RPC Salt:
Disabilities, deformities, illness  /  pain, are not a disposable character trait or plot device. These aren’t things that you can ‘write out’ because it “doesn’t fit your aesthetic” or because it’s “too much work” for you to write. Related, but people don’t get to chose when their health issues effect them  -  neither does your muse. Chronic illness ruins good days, it messes up dates, it gets in the way of your life. It’s not a convenient plot device to use when you want ‘angst points’.
^  This goes for mental illness  &  trauma, just the same. You cannot casually ‘write out’ someone’s PTSD, their depression, whatever else, just because it isn’t “easy”  -  these are real life, 'messy’ problems, and their representation matters.
Almost nobody writing villains / criminals, condones the actions of their muse/s. This trend of witch-hunting people for writing topics that you don’t personally approve of, needs to die.
Call-out culture, and cancel culture, also needs to die. It’s a harmful mindset that causes more trouble  &  negativity, than anything else.
Reminder: Nobody died  &  made you king / queen / ruler of the RPC. Let people have fun, and stop acting as though you’re some sort of authority; none of us are.
Give Some RPC Sugar: 
Can I just use this as a general shout-out to all of my mutuals? Seriously, you darlings are some of the sweetest, most talented people I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. Coming back to this fandom, no matter if I stray for a year or just a couple of months, is always an absolute treat; and the friends that I’ve started to make this time around, are no exception to that. You guys are fantastic  &  I love you all to pieces.
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Elite (C)
It all happened so fast. The lights, the celebrities, the parties. It seemed like a scene out a film. All of it seeming so surreal, at times I had to pinch myself to prove that I wasn’t dreaming. I had become the object of attention. Flying from country to country, Appearing on talk shows and T.V. shows alike, and being put on the cover of Vogue. It was just intoxicating. I was what girls aspired to be. I was the talk of the time. Every step I took, every breathe I had to take, was now being seen by the entire world. I had now become a part of the select few who would no longer live the average life. I had become a celebrity, an icon, a new member of the Elite.
           I fell for a man of equal status. The son of a wealthy businessman, he had followed in his father’s footsteps, owning businesses far and wide, ranging from Hotel Chains, Apparel lines, and Music Labels. Starting off at the age of 15, he began to invest in local artists in his neighborhood, and thanks to his father, in time, grew to be some of the top charting artists of our era. He then began owning businesses internationally, managing to build his net worth to $20 million by the age of 24. This same man, was the same person who was so embarrassed to ask me to dinner, he had to send a waiter to ask for him. But once we had got to talking, I had realized that this man would steal my heart, and in time, he did. He had understood me completely, and I to him. We grew together in the madness and insanity of this fast paced world and industry.
           Now, 2 years later, just arriving from fashion week in Paris, I pull up to his condo in the Upper East Side of Manhattan. Before I get out, I admire the rainfall in the city. The way it slides down the glass window, joining the rest of the earth. A true representation of how no matter how much we build and create in this world, the earth will always show its dominance. “Everything alright, Ms. Lockwood?” I look at the driver as he stares back through the rearview mirror. “I’m doing just fine, thank you for asking”, I say as I open the door. Right when I step outside, I’m bombarded with paparazzi. Flashing lights and photographers huddling around me, their questions seeming like the buzzing sound a swarm of bees make around their hive. The doorman of the building quickly paces towards me with an umbrella and rushes me inside. The photographers surround the door, taking picture after picture. “They’re like maggots in a trash can”, the doorman says as he wipes the water off his coat. I couldn’t stop myself from releasing a small laugh. I go up to him and give him a $20 tip. “It’s the price of fame. It’s the contract we signed with the devil when we entered this world”, I take a quick glance around, “Is Drake here?” He laughs as he puts the bill into his coat pocket, “Yes, Mr. Remy is here. He got in earlier today”.  “Thank you Carter, I sincerely appreciate it”, I say as I walk towards the elevator door. “My pleasure Ms. Lockwood, All in a day’s work, as they say”, he says as he takes his position back at the door. I look at him and smile before I enter the elevator. I click the button to the 45th floor. I try to straighten myself while I wait. The elevator door opens up and I step into his luxurious apartment. The aroma of lavender fills the air. I walk up to the main window overlooking the city and stare at the skyline being covered by rainfall. Clouds cover the sky, leaving the sun nowhere in sight. I can hear his voice drift through one of the rooms. He’s on a business call. I can always tell by the half forced laughs and emasculated tones. Being pushed into this world I grew to understand the language of men with money. I lay my coat on one of the loveseats, and step over to a mirror placed in the middle of his living room. I take a look at my face and try to salvage any damage made by the rain. “A beauty that launched a thousand ships” I turn around to see him staring right at me from a corner of one of the rooms. I let out a small laugh, “I’m hardly anything close to the fairness of Helen of Troy”. His face gives a little smirk.  We both pause and stay in place. We stand still in complete silence, only allowing our eyes to speak for us. He then walks over and brushes a piece of my hair behind my ear, “To think, a woman of such allure and stature stands before me with equal admiration, it’s hard to believe at times”. I scoff at him, “You’d think after 2 years you would start accepting the fact”. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls my body closer to his, “That’s what love can do to a man, creating a type of madness in his mind, fearing that what he’s experiencing could only be that of a dream, having him doubt reality” He then takes my face into his hand, “I love you Camille” he says as he pulls our lips together.
           As I zip my dress back on and put myself back together again, I step go into his living room, only to see him standing in front of the window, waiting for me to be done. His eyes completely fixated on the city. I walk up and stand there with him, staring at the city as well. “It’s so interesting at how much promise is out there, how many opportunities lay before us”, he says, his eyes still glaring towards the skyline. I think for a second and smile, “It’s really beautiful isn’t it? How much every individual is capable of and how much they can achieve”. He turns and looks at me with confusion, making me look at him in the same manner, “I’m not sure what you’re talking about, how does the people have anything to do with this?” he says with confusion all over his face. I sit there and question my statement for a second but then shortly respond, “Well I was assuming you meant the opportunities that each and every individual has in this world.” He looks at me bewilderment and laughs afterwards, “That’s not what I meant at all. The people don’t matter, they’re just puppets and pawns awaiting our next move.” I take a step back as I take moment to understand what he said. “What do you mean by Our next move? Who are you referring too?” He takes a step towards me and tries to grab my arm, “I mean us. The people who have the ability to make change. The few individuals who have influence and power over what people think and say. What they buy, what they do, and how they do it is all influenced by us. We’re the ones who get to decide how they live their lives.” I move away before he can touch me. I stand still in disbelief at what he had just said. He senses my shock and grabs me, pulls me over to his couch and sits me down. “Camille, you can’t pretend that this hasn’t crossed your mind before. You yourself is a living example of this. Everything you do and say is all monitored by the entire world. You can dictate if people should wear yellow or blue. You have the power to influence millions. People want to be you. They want to follow your example. You cannot sit there and tell me that the mere thought has not crossed your mind”. I sit there and take a moment to process everything he’s saying. I have thought about it. Multiple times. Sometimes it overwhelms at how much responsibility I have and how much I have to live up too. There are nights I sit in fear at what I might do and how it may affect all of those who watch me with complete admiration and devotion. I look to him and see his eyes pouring into mine. I stand up and walk towards the window, staring towards the landscape of the city. Sitting there in silence, his eyes still on me, I turn around with my arms crossed together, “You’re right, I have thought about it. Many times.” He smiles wide, stands up, and paces towards me but I hold a hand out keeping him in his place, “What I don’t grasp is how you view the people who we have influence over. How you can view them as puppets and pawns. Does their existence only serve one purpose? Are we not the same flesh and bone as they are?” He looks at me with the same confusion as he did before and stares at me blankly, “Do you honestly think that we are the same as the people below us? People like Carter who remain in their mundane lives, forever in their same routine? Camille, we’re nothing like them. Yes we are of same flesh and bone but we are not like them in any way. We create the world around us.” I stand there in silence, just looking at him as he goes on, “For instance, I just got off the phone with one of the managers of my apparel line. We’re going to start a new trend where people start using the phrase ‘grippin’. We’re going to put it on T- shirts, Hats, even Jewelry. I’ve even started conversations with artists who said they’ll feature the phrase in their songs. All of that because I wanted too. Don’t you understand how powerful that is?” He starts to laugh with this new look in his eye. A look I’ve never seen before. I still stand in silence as he starts to calm down. He realizes my reserved composure, takes my face into his hand and motions my eyes into his, “Camille, I want you to know of what I, or should I say, what We are capable of. I want you by my side throughout all of this. I’ve even considered going into politics in the near future, and if I do, I want you, my Beautiful Penelope, to be there right by my side.” Before he can go on, a phone starts to ring, he reaches into his pocket and realizes who’s calling, “Camille, I have to take this, it’s a very important business call, but I want you to know that I love you. I need you to trust me, there’s nowhere but up for us.” He grabs me in his arms, looks at me with his eyes, and kisses me on the forehead. He then walks away into one of the rooms.
           I have always feared of what man is capable of. Seeing the history of our humanity and what we have been able to do with just a simple idea and the power to do it. I’ve even questioned my own power and have been afraid of what I may do with it. I stare out towards the skyline and watch the rain cover everything, gloom covering the sky. I can hear the beginnings of thunder in the distance. I hear him laugh in one of the rooms and slowly walk towards the doorway of the room he’s in. I stand by the corner and just watch him as he carries on with his business. This man is capable of change. He has the will and power to do it. I saw the look in his eye when he told me. I could see the person he would become. Yet, why was I scared? This man who had stole my heart. Who had allowed me to feel safe and warm. I kept staring at him thinking at what potential truly he was capable of. At what he may do, and how it might affect the rest of the world, for better or for worse.
Circa 2015.
All Rights Reserved.
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nhouvang-blog · 5 years
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Pankaj and I first met in graduate school, by way of introduction from a mutual friend. Over the course of several months, our friendship blossomed. He asked me to go on a date with him several times; I was initially skeptical, but eventually conceded. I still remember staying up all night after our first date, talking about our families, our shared love of travel, and our life’s ambitions. It was as if we had known each other in a previous lifetime. We knew right away that we wanted to marry each other, but, of course, the actual proposal came years later. Ultimately, I found myself marrying my best friend and the man of my dreams.
What was your wedding style/theme/colors & how did it represent the two of you: Our goal was to create a magical, memorable, elegant experience for our family and friends, that was a true reflection of ourselves, our love, and our gratitude. The entire process really was a labor of love. Pankaj and I are both very detail-oriented people, so we poured our time and energy into making the wedding weekend an experience that everyone would remember forever. We brought on board Beth Helmstetter and Madeline Hunter, of Beth Helmstetter Events, to bring our ambitious vision to life. Beth’s creativity inspires me and she has such vast experience with luxury destination events; we knew that she was the one right away. Even now, several months after our wedding, we still receive countless compliments on how beautiful and meticulously planned the wedding was. The credit for that goes to her – she and her team are extraordinary. All events were held at the Ritz Carlton Bacara Resort & Spa in Santa Barbara, California. We wanted every event to be distinctly different from the others in terms of mood, décor, and color palette. The resort has such a striking beauty of its own, so it was important for us to keep the décor elegant yet simple, to enhance the natural beauty of the surroundings without competing with it. We were fortunate to be able to take over the resort for the weekend, so that all guests could be hosted on property to create a unified experience. The staff was amazing and took great care of our guests, which meant a lot to us.
The wedding was held over an extended weekend in September 2018. The events were as follows: Intimate mehendi gathering on Wednesday AM. The wedding festivities started with a small mehendi gathering on Wednesday afternoon. This was an informal event for family before the rest of the guests started to arrive. It was held in a private villa overlooking the ocean. The goal was to have my mehendi ready by Thursday night, so I could move around and enjoy the Welcome Party the following night. Vaishali Gordhan, of Henna by Vaish, was my mehendi artist. She has a wonderful energy and she did a beautiful job of bring my creative vision to life. We used fleur-de-lis motifs to symbolize the city of Paris, where Pankaj and I got engaged, and wave patterns to symbolize Santa Barbara. In the end, Vaish captured our love story beautifully through her art. I wore a crimson colored silk slip-dress and an off the shoulder blush cashmere cropped sweater. I paired it with mother’s vintage pearl and diamond necklace and earrings. The hair and makeup were natural.
Welcome dinner and Mehendi Party on Thursday PM: The Welcome Dinner was on Thursday night. It was a fun, summery, bohemian inspired event that was held in a private, enclosed lawn space on the resort for our closest family and friends. The space was decorated with suspended, hanging lights and hundreds of candles and lanterns. We had one long dinner table, which was draped with block print textiles and mismatched china. Centerpieces featured florals with feathers in dusty tones, periwinkle, and pale blush interspersed with gold lanterns and wooden bowls of heaping nuts and fruit. A separate lounge area with polished ivory furniture paired with mismatched block printed pillows and Persian rugs was created for guests who wished to get their mehendi done. Dinner featured a farm-to-table family style menu, incorporating seasonal produce local to the region. Guests especially loved that Ronobir Lahiri played renditions of modern songs on his sitar, filling the air with beautiful and mystical sounds. Pankaj wore a draped, mousepeach colored jersey kurta, with silk churidar style pants. He paired it with a mousepeach and silver brocade vest. All were from Shantanu & Nikhil. Accessories included an Omega watch, which was an engagement gift to him from my parents, and Grecian-style sandals by Joy. I wore a custom JADE by Monica and Karishma organza wrap blouse with a matching netted ivory and nude lehenga skirt. I paired it with champagne wedges and a Whiting & Davis silver clutch. Jewelry included Tiffany & Co gold leaf, pearl, and white diamond earrings and necklace. I paired this with my grandmother’s vintage gold and pearl bangles.
Wedding Ceremony on Saturday AM: The wedding ceremony was on Saturday morning, on a lawn overlooking the ocean. The celebrations commenced with a baraat procession around the resort property, which led into the wedding ceremony. Upon arrival to the ceremony, guests were greeted with rose water lemonade. The Hindu ceremony took place under an 18 foot mandap made of a light mango wood. Overgrown blooms in shades of deep red, fuchsia, aubergine, blush pink, and cream were wrapped around the mandap, giving the appearance that they had been there for years. The stage was covered in layered rugs in the same color palette. The ceremony was adapted to include our personal vows and ended with a kiss. Following this, guests enjoyed brunch overlooking the ocean. Pankaj wore an ivory sherwani from Sabyasachi, paired with a matching ivory raw silk kurta and churidar pants. In keeping with the tradition of his family, he wore an ivory silk safa tied in a traditional Rajasthani style. He paired it with ivory suede loafers from Joy, a vintage emerald kalgi brooch, and an emerald necklace. He looked so handsome! Originally, for my wedding day, I wanted to be a non-traditional Indian bride and wear a muted palette. However, as the setting of the ceremony was finalized, we realized that a more vibrant color would be more striking with the blue sky and ocean as our backdrop. I ultimately decided to wear a red and gold lehenga from one of my favorite designers, Sabyasachi. It was traditionally inspired, but with a modern feel – a perfect representation of who I am as a person. The blouse had a sweetheart neckline and the chiffon dupattas had playful gold polka-dots. The all-over golden embroidery featured an intricate paisley pattern. I paired it with gold wedges. My mom and I made a special trip to Hyderabad, the city in India where she was raised, to pick out my wedding jewelry. I ultimately decided on a set from Kishandas & Co, a heritage jeweler in Hyderabad. I wore a maang tikka headpiece, earrings, collar choker/necklace, and bangles featuring raw, uncut diamonds, emeralds, and pearls in yellow gold. It was exquisite and complemented the lehenga perfectly. The whole experience of picking it out with my Mom was a memory I will treasure forever. Bridesmaids wore couture saris designed by me, in collaboration with Megha Rao of holiCHIC. Groomsmen wore bespoke raw silk kurta-churidar sets arranged by Mallika Oberoi, an upcoming Mumbai-based designer. She was incredibly resourceful for our wedding outfit preparations!
Reception on Saturday PM: The reception was held later that evening. This was a formal affair with women in summery gowns and men in summer suits. We wanted it to feel like an intimate dinner party with 250 of our closest friends and family –it was romantic and elegant. Cocktail hour was held at sunset, on a bluff overlooking the ocean. Grey tarnished bars were donned with saturated blooms repurposed from the ceremony. Guests were greeted with custom cocktails and treated to sounds from Ybarra, a local Spanish guitarist. Guests were then escored to the Bacara ballroom, which was draped with a soft grey velvet. Half of the tables were light wood, and the other half were linened with a luxurious textured linen in shades of cream. We used a combination of cream velvet, rose velvet, and X backed wooded chairs. The tabletop featured gold leaf china with gold flatware and classic glassware. Centerpieces featured blooms in shades of lavender, blush, and aubergine. Blush and grey taper candles were placed in gold holders, with tealights in rose colored glass votives. We especially loved the chandelier with overgrown green foliage and twinkle lights, and the custom leaf-printed gobo projection over the dance floor. The rest of the room was filled with potted plants and trees, in keeping with my vision of bringing the outdoors in. One of the most special memories was our first dance, which was to “La Vie en Rose.” Anthony Ybarra, a local Spanish guitarist, was kind enough to play this for us. Pankaj and I had spent countless hours with our choreographer, practicing every turn and twirl. But, in that moment, nothing else mattered – it was just the two of us, husband and wife for the first time. This was followed by sentimental toasts from our parents, our siblings, and our closest friends. Shortly thereafter, guests jumped on the dance floor and didn’t stop partying until 2 am! The afterparty consisted of guests wrapped in blankets, under the stars, enjoying late-night snacks. It will be a night to be remembered for years to come! Pankaj worked closely with the Executive Chef at Bacara to develop a custom-plated Indian-inspired menu using local ingredients. Our triple-berry wedding cake was brought in from Sweet Lady Jane, one of our favorite LA bakeries. Pankaj wore a made-to-measure tuxedo from Tom Ford and woven leather shoes from Lanvin. He paired it with his Omega watch, and his David Yurman black diamond wedding band. I wanted to wear a soft pastel shade to complete the romantic feel of the event, and a modern silhouette that would contrast with my previous looks. In the end, I wore a custom blush version of the Sunset Gown by Naeem Khan. It was so special to be able to visit his atelier in New York and work with the team on this special dress. It featured a deep cowl neck at the back, and intricate crystal beading that shimmered under the candlelight. I paired it with a custom a yellow diamond bracelet, cocktail ring, and earrings. Shoes were from the French designer Jonak, and sourced from their store just steps away from where we got engaged in Paris. Clutch was from Inge Christopher.
For us, the most special parts were: -Milni: This is the Sanskrit word for “meeting” and is an opportunity for the family of the bride and groom to welcome each other. Our mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, and elders greeted each other, exchanging smiles and garlands of roses. It was really special to see their willingness to embrace one another.
-Vows: Somehow, in the all the last-minute preparations leading up to the weekend, I had forgotten to write my vows. I remember well staying up late to write them on the night before our wedding. Once I put the pen to paper, though, the thoughts flowed freely. It was very special to be able to share these promises to one another, in front of our friends and family.
What about your venue made it “the” place: Pankaj and I had always fancied a destination wedding. We really wanted to create something special and memorable for our guests, who would be flying in from all over the world. We explored several destinations, but ultimately kept coming back to Santa Barbara. We have a long-standing tradition of visiting every year: it’s stunning and picturesque, but also feels familiar and intimate. It’s one of our favorite places, and we wanted our family and friends to fall in love with it just as we did many years ago.
What flowers were used in your bouquet: The bouquet featured blooms in shades of fuchsia, raspberry, burgundy, nude, and pale blush. Holly, our florist, affixed lockets containing photos of each of my late grandparents on their wedding days at the base of the bouquet. This was a really special way to include them in the festivities.
What from your wedding was DIY: One of the most fun aspects of wedding planning was preparing for the Sangeet dances. We had a joint dance for Pankaj and I, a bridesmaid dance, a groomsmen dance, and then one huge group dance.
We hired a local choreographer, Ana Perales of Get Amped Entertainment, to help us create Western choreography to several of our favorite Bollywood songs. Most of our bridal party didn’t have dance backgrounds, so we were really humbled by everyone’s willingness to participate. It was endearing to see how focused and eager they were to master the moves! The whole process brought us much closer together as friends.
Most memorable moment from the day: One of my favorite memories was our first look, which took place on a private bluff overlooking the ocean. The clouds were clearing, and the sun was breaking through; there was something so beautiful about it. At the time, it felt like some sort of blessing. In that moment, there was a rush of emotions. I’ll never forget the look in Pankaj’s eyes – we couldn’t hold back our tears of love and joy. We had both been dreaming about the day for so long. Now, in hindsight, we never could have anticipated how that moment would change our level of commitment to one another and solidify us as a team, ready to take on the adventures of life ahead, hand in hand. Another really special moment was the Father Daughter/ Mother Son Dance during the Reception. Pankaj and I wanted to recognize the special role our parents have played in our lives. Without them, we wouldn’t be who we are today. In an effort to acknowledge them for that, we did a Father-Daughter/ Mother-Son Dance. While the dance itself was space, the preparation for it was arguable more memorable. We took two joint dance classes at the Arthur Murray Dance Studio in Santa Barbara during the week leading up to the wedding. There were lots of smiles and laughter (and crushed toes)!
How long it took you to plan & the biggest hurdle you overcame: We planned our wedding over the course of a year and a half. Pankaj and I are both physicians, and our unpredictable work schedules would have made it hard to plan any quicker. For us, it was just the right amount of time to be thoughtful about our decisions and mindful of the guest experience. The biggest hurdle was learning to reconcile our differences of opinion. In the end, we compromised and our weekend really was the best reflection of both of us. We are both very proud of what we accompanied. I am in tears every time I look thought our photos and watch our highlight film! I believe that planning a wedding represents the first of many challenges in life, and it’s important to remember that things won’t always go as planned. That’s OK. Focus on what is most important: the commitment to love each other unconditionally and to prioritize each other above all else. Stay positive and forward-thinking. Having all of your loved ones in the same place to celebrate one of the most special moments in your life is priceless. Other advise would be to put yourself in the shoes of the guests. They have come long and far to celebrate this day with you. How can you make the experience enjoyable and seamless for them? When planning your bridal looks, start as soon as you can. It takes a lot of time to produce, ship, and alter these garments. And, on top of that, you need accessories for multiple outfits. Decide early and order well in advance! Meet in person with key professionals that will be with you throughout the weekend. You want to make sure that you are surrounded by the right kind of positive energy during that time. When it came to assembling the rest of our team (photography, videography, makeup artist, priest), we were very discerning. I had a particular vision of how I wanted things to look and be captured, so I spent a lot of time researching, meeting with, and selecting the right people to make it happen. They all did a wonderful job.
The post MEGHNA + PANKAJ // Santa Barbara Wedding Photography by Lauren & Abby Ross appeared first on South Asian Bride Magazine.
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babyi · 6 years
Sweetener: In Review
           Sweetener (Album):             8/10
I like it a lot. I have a lot of reasons why I like most of the songs. You’re never gonna like them all, and that’s okay too. But I like so many of them and I’m really relieved. It doesn’t change whether Ariana’s personality is any better but it matters that I actually like her music. It’s so funny to me that some people like DW better because for me, this album is far more up my street. I wish a lot of the songs had their beats like 20% more subtle as a review of the songs as a whole, and some of the more pharrell-y tracks are worse. But overall this isn’t a bad album attempt. I can see myself stanning this album and still listening to it in the future. And I’ve had several songs stuck in my head or on repeat, and that’s nice because I’ve actually wanted to listen to the album more and more the longer it;s been out. It may be as much of a grower as the singles but I do think it’s a good album and I’m proud of it.  
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The track by track listing is below, the opinions inside are all my own, just a personal opinion. You are entitled to your own opinion whether you agree with me or not. 
1. Raindrops (An Angel Cried)           8/10
A gorgeous way to start the album, I really enjoy hearing just a pure acapella representation of Ariana’s voice to kick off the album. It’s clean and gorgeous, and it really gives you everything you need to know about Ariana’s talent - look no further than track. 1. However, this is Ariana’s 4th album and there are two covers on it which I think is a little stretched; at this point in her career Ariana should be defining sounds, not recycling them. I think that this acapella genius could have been better if it was an original. The cover is beautiful but, as with most of her career so far, Ariana is still relying on others to provide her with material to sing to, it’s time she stepped up artistically. 
2. Blazed            5/10
I don’t hate it, I know a lot of people hate Pharrell’s production and his parts of this song, but personally I don’t hate it at all. I think it’s a far more relaxed sound than a lot of this album’s other disasters like the sampling in TLIC or the yuh’s/sheeh’s in Sweetener etc. Blazed has a basic backing track which isn’t anything special but the melody of the singing is one of the most upbeat on the album and makes it special and stand out a bit from the overall ambiance of the rest of the album. The lyrics are a bit confused but it attempts to create an image of a new relationship, it also has some of the most underrated lyrics on the album with Pharrell’s line “your magnetic demeanor”. If this song was on a different album it could have been more of a filler track but it’s one of few tracks you could potentially dance to. However It is a wasted feature, the song isn’t so good as to forgive it for it’s basic sounds and taking up a slot on the album when this song could have happily been a soundtrack song for tv/film instead. 
3. The Light Is Coming           0/10
Trash. There is too much going on, the lyrics are a mess which should never have been aloud to make it to the studio floor. Nicki isn’t bad but it’s another of many wasted features: Ariana and Nicki have done better things together and this ain’t it. It was supposed to be some commentary on people with loud opinions and simultaneously about finding the light.... when in reality neither of these concepts came across and it was just a big messy trash pile of hot garbage. The beat is too heavy, nicki doesn’t say anything about the light, ariana isn’t giving any vocals, the lyrics are all over the place, and the sample in the background is distracting and ugly. 
4. R.E.M Wake Up            7/10
The first song we come to which is actually representative of the album vibe. It’s the definition of a slow jam and I fuck with it heavy. It really only has one soul concept ‘’you’re such a dream to me’’ and everything else is frills around it but it is really pretty. We get some harmonies and some cute verses courtesy of Beyonce of all people. It’s very inoffensive and cute, if I were to critique I would say, as usual for Pharrell’s whole vibe, the beat is a bit too heavy for the sweet, light, dreamy song. It’s worth noting that people find this song a bit boring, too. And it’s hard to completely forgive it for ‘’when I was sleep’’. But Ariana’s vocals and the overall almost r&b cloudlike vibe work well for Ariana. I can see why this one is her fave right now, and why she feels it sounds the most like her. 
5. God Is A Woman            9/10
This song could have it’s own review just by itself, so I’ll only focus on it as far of the album. This song is a bop, it’s controversial and it’s just about sex, but the sound is iconic. It has big sounds and big notes and big ideas. It fits well within the album and it is a very good single choice. it could do with less ‘yuh’s and better lyrical concepts - because for all the will in the world this song is not what empowerment is, no matter how much she wants it to be. However, with that known, as a sex song with an eye catching concept, it nails it and gives us some much needed vocals. 
6. Sweetener  Bop It             2/10
The biggest disappointment on the album. As the title song, it was always going to be much anticipated and have a lot of it’s shoulders. And when the first verse hits, I almost cried because it’s so good, beautiful, with such an amazing first verse lyrically and it was exactly what she said it was about - sweetening the situation. That verse is some of my favourite lyrics on the album. And then the chorus hits. And it’s trash from there. The bop it aesthetic is ugly to me and although you can warm to it and tolerate it, it could always have been so much better. It has all the ugly Pharrell ‘sheesh’ parts in the back which we could have done without, and I don’t think I need to talk more about the lyrics in the chorus. To me, this song is like trailmix: it has lovely, amazing parts but overall its ruined by the abundance of nasty other shit mixed in. 
7. Successful            6/10
I can both take this one and leave it. This song was part of the reason I took so long to review because I couldn’t decide if I liked it or not. I quite like the melody/sound, but the lyrics are a ruiner. For others, they’re put off by the basic wii music beat in the back of it, and I don’t mind that so much, personally. However, the lyrics make me cringe a bit- I think the song was supposed to be an attempt at celebrating her journey and how far she’s come, and be an empowering song for herself and other women. However, it missed the mark just slightly and ends up sounding like she’s bragging about how successful she is, which is a shame because I like the concept a lot she just needed a better lyricist to smooth it. When I listen close enough to hear her pat herself on the back I can’t help but enjoy the song less, I don’t find a millionaire born into money and opportunity celebrating her fun cute life, relatable. I can’t ignore the existence of songs like IDC/YDKM and then Successful, but the lack of songs celebrating friends/family/fans or any type of humble thank you? This song, to me, feels like another addition in the line of songs which make her sound like a dick. And then there’s the sex aspect which is as unnecessary as me mentioning it in this review. But the beat is poppin and I can’t fault the vocals or choices made on the sound front. 
8. Everytime  Back To You            10/10
Amazing, stunning, phenomenal, genuis, iconic. I can’t get enough of this song I love it so much. It’s my favourite on the album and I ADORE the story it tells. The lyrics sing to me, the vocals and the pop feel of the whole song just really vibes with me. This pop-y slow jam reminds me of space and lavender, and a sincere pop song for Ariana. This song is everything that I enjoy in her music and I am so happy she put this on the album and let us hear it. I can’t even describe how much I like it honestly it’s just something that I need to listen to repeatedly for the rest of my life. 
9. Breathin’            10/10
My baby. This is a powerful song and I appreciate everything about it, I think the lyrics are necessary and the way the song is formulated with the long pauses and beat drops are genuis for the subject matter. It’s truly one of her better songs on her discography, one without the mention of sex and on a subject which can be so personal yet so easily relatable to so many people. This song deserves to be a single, it’s fan favourite and if Ariana and everyone on her team had any sense they would see the success of this song already and run with it, give it the day in the sun it deserves. It’s the pop equivalent of Get Well Soon, better articulated and with such clarity it just blows me away. 
10. No Tears Left To Cry            9/10
I still like it. When this one dropped I was nervous that I only liked it because it was new, but here we are with the whole album and I still think it’s one of the better songs on it. It bridges the gap well, between albums. It’s just an all-round good song. My least favourite parts are the ‘pickin it up’ parts but at this point it’s normal for me to hear that in the song. I also wish it hadn’t mentioned a boy at all, and I wish she hadn’t tried to say that the ‘boy’ was her gays at her shows because it reminds me of how lesbian-exclusionary she is with her lgbt advocacy. However, I do think it’s the perfect nod to Manchester. I would have hated a song dedicated to it, and the subtle hints about moving on are very classy. It’s a good, strong song, and it has longevity. 
11. Borderline            1/10
Nahhhhhh. I can barely pay attention during this song. It’s the last of the wasted features, and it is the most forgettable song on the album. I’m not even gonna spend a lot of time thinking about it. It’s very one dimensional sounding. The wifey type and ice cream parts are an odd mix and a lot of people find them cringy. Missy’s part is forgettable. Ariana will forget about it just as quickly as we will.  It just doesn’t do it for me at all. 
12. Better Off            9/10
Sweet. I have no problems with this song at all, it doesn’t call to me like some of the other songs but I like it a lot when it’s on. It’s very ethereal and very deep. it feels personal and the lyrics tell a story very well. It sounds like the rundown of a real relationship. My favourite line is ‘’i’d rather have your body than half of your heart’’ which sticks out to me in such a plesant way. The whole song is pleasant to listen to, which is a clever contrast to the painful subject matter: it’s like you’re being sung to sleep with a lullaby by a widow. And those surprise strings at the end are everything, they’re a huge throwback to her earlier music and sound gorgeous in this song. Just overall a lovely listen. 
13. Goodnight N’ Go            9/10
A cover, but I would never want this song not to exist. It’s an amazing take on the original and I like the twist of the beats in the first verse then diving into the well known chorus which sounds just so goddamn pretty. The song sounds like a beautiful swirl of classical vs modern versions of the song and Ariana does it so much justice. It’s stunning, I can’t really comment too much further on it because it’s not actually her song lol. I wish she had an original as gorgeous as this. 
14. Pete Davidson  Happy            7.5/10
I gotta say that I like it. I’m not keen on the ‘look at my mind’ section. But when the song gets good, it gets so good. It’s so cute and I’m so happy that she’s this happy. I wish the song was longer instead of an odd interlude near the end of the album. It would have been better as a full song, and it would have been better focusing on happiness. But it’s cute as hell, and I’m not objecting to it being on the album at all, it’s a nice little song. 
15. Get Well Soon            6/10
Powerful. This song might be the most important song she’s ever made, it’s definitely the most personal and I love it for that. Personally, I don’t have anxiety so I find it quite loud and confusing- which I know is the point of it and that’s amazing and clever and artistic which I’ve been waiting to see from her for such a long time. However, that doesn’t make it an easy listen for me, and it’s important but not one of my favourites. I appreciate everything that it is, but I don’t like all the song rapping, and I don’t like the different clashing styles. I like about half of it a lot and the other half just doesn’t appeal to me much. I like it more because I know how much it means to other people, and how accurate it is in describing what anxiety is for them - it’s a healing thing for them. And it has the extra silence in remembrance at the end which is also a powerful and important move to end the album with. Basically, I respect this song a lot. But I don’t put it on for nice listening. I love it for everything it stands for. 
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azurechanel-stay · 7 years
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2k17 — not half bad! thanks for liking my photos and thus feeding into my ridiculous need for attention 🤘🏻😆🎉 • 📝 i think it’s been a pretty awesome year. i decided to go back to college to pursue a nursing degree, and by the grace of God got a 4.0 gpa my first semester of prerequisites, while still working almost full-time. 👩‍🎤 i decided to try @gooddyeyoung, and while i had a hard time maintaining it with having to keep bleaching my hair, i absolutely LOVED being fire-engine red, and i was honored that Hayley liked my photo. 🎨 i got two tattoos that mean the world to me. being able to have these connections to music as well as beautiful artistic representations of those songs as a permanent part of me is such an awesome feeling. i love my tattoos, and i wouldn’t change them. 🌻 also, i actually spent a little bit of time out in nature. as rough of a relationship i tend to have with the outdoors, i love flowers and floral patterns. it was so cool to get to go to a lavender farm and also experience a sunflower field — two of my favorite flowers, and both with some awesome friends. 😻 and one of the best things to happen this year was meeting Nathan. being in a relationship is really challenging, and it’s not always easy. i have a lot of anxieties, and i’m still learning how to love, but he is so patient and understanding. the Lord has really blessed me with him. • a lot of really good things happened in my life this year, and i’m really grateful for the guidance and help of God through it all. here’s to another wonderful year with 2018! #2017bestnine #2017
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bookofmormonmemes · 7 years
ive been tagged
@swan-darkwingsOk so idk if this is allowed i should probably be doing this on my main blog but idc this got me excited umm @swan-darkwings tagged this blog in this thing and so now i owe her my life. and this post. so here
disclaimer: i. talk. way. too. much.
Rules: answer 30 questions then tag 20 people you’d like to know better
Nicknames: usually just lillie but in the past i went by Lemon and then Lavender and i had some friends who called me Impossible and i had one friend who called me Bug. but i dont really use any of those anymore cus pokemon sun & moon introduced a character named lillie and inspired me to reclaim the proper spelling of my name. representation matters
Gender: moooostly cis female right now but im probably actually some form of nonbinary im not sure at the moment
Star Sign: aquarius
MBTI Type: literally no idea. Ive taken like 8 different variations of the test and they all gave me something different. the last one i took gave me i think enfj but it included percentages of how much of each trait you had over the opposite trait and i was just barely squeaking by in like all of them. maybe i dont have a personality
Height: 5’3” and all my younger siblings are either currently taller than me or going to be taller fairly soon [cries]
Time: 11:01 pm currently but imma queue this thing to post in the morning so who knows
Birthday: february 17th and i expect all of you to send presents
Fav Bands: mmm owl city & oingo boingo
Fav solo artists: taylor swift, lindsey stirling, wait owl city is technically a solo artist too isnt he huh
Song stuck in my mind: this one like...omgsh it’s in a bunch of vines and i have no idea what it’s called but it’s like a. it’s like a saxophone i think? Or some kind of brass/woodwind thingy and it’s like agh it doesn’t have words but the notes are like a long C and then it goes up to a short A E G and then A E D and those few notes are like perpetually stuck in my head and if anyone could tell me what song it is i would be forever grateful
Last movie watched: shrek 2 but only the first half cus i got distracted by something on tumblr
Last show watched: a bunch of random adventure time clips on youtube
When did I create my blog: umm this ones been around for i think a month? ish?? a little more than a month? Idk my memory is trash. but ive had my main blog for like four years
What do I post abt: extreme couponing
Last thing I googled: the definition of ‘incur’ to make sure i was using it right when i said i didn’t want to incur the wrath of georgia w. bello’s ghost
Do you have other blogs: as a matter of fact
Why did you choose your url: cus i wasnt gonna let someone else choose it for me (ง'̀-'́)ง
Following: 301...could do with some more
Followers: 338...could do with some more (actually though this blog is the one with the most followers and it absolutely blows my mind, my main blog has 156 followers and the rest have like <15)
Fav Color: all shades of purple, all shades of pink, most shades of yellow (though the yellow part is a fairly recent development that i entirely blame on steven universe, thanks rebecca sugar. and thank you patti lupone)
Average hours of sleep: hahaha you expect me to do Math during Summer
Lucky number: 17 and pretty much anything with 7, also 39
Instruments: took a year of piano in 2nd grade (which DOES count absolutely 100%) and then violin from 5th-10th grade
What i’m wearing: brown tank top and polka dotted jammie pants that im suddenly realizing are the colors of the ace pride flag, shout out to all my awesome ace followers
How many blankets do I sleep with: there are currently 5 on my bed and ideally i would sleep under all of them. however this is summer so i just suffer
Dream job: if i could get paid for memeing i would be so happy...but honestly im gonna be going to school to be an english teacher which is my realistic dream job that i can very easily picture myself being very happy doing. my unrealistic dream job would be a disney face character which Could be realistic if i lived near any disney parks, and of course itd be amazing to make it as a full-time author or actor but i dont have the patience or confidence to really pursue those super seriously lol
Dream trip: round the world honestly. currently my top dream destinations are ireland, colombia, iceland, the phillippines, and the middle of the ocean
Fav food: okay this is very specific but a tuna fish sandwich except the tuna is mixed with a spoonful of mayonnaise, a squirt of mustard, and a handful of chopped cucumber and/or celery. bonus if you add lettuce or tomatoes or dill pickles. it’s the best lunch ever and it’s technically healthy and i love it so much
aand that’s all the questions so as far as the tagging goes i want to tag all of you because i want to get to know literally all of you so much but 338 is more than 20 so im just gonna go down the top 20 in my notes
@tanosoka@j-the-latter-gay-saint@beepala@inariedwards@hair-fiber@likenolion@afterlifeincorporated​​​​​​​@tanosoka@trellyellyoxenfree @thepoetrytheoristcalledmoriarty @beepala @deetledeet @inariedwards @afterlifeincorporated @tanosoka @j-the-latter-gay-saint @merlissa @likenolion @hair-fiber
@truefactsaboutlies@clever-cyborg@burnt-kloverfield@ariannadon@enigmaris@kensalyn477@bean--teen@beauty-in-the-falcon​​​​​​​​ @truefactsaboutlies @nermrod @clever-cyborg @burnt-kloverfield @ariannadon @enigmaris @kensalyn477 @bean--teen @beauty-in-the-falcon
(i do actually honestly want to get to know you specific individuals i recognize almost all and apprecitate all of you in my notes, though absolutely feel free to not do this if u dont wanna. And if you see this and werent tagged and wanna do it UR TAGGED ANYWAY I REALLY LEGIT WANNA GET TO KNOW U)
anyways thank you for reading and we will get back to our regularly scheduled memeage momentarily
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translovememory · 7 years
i just answered the ones that I wanted to.
If someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?
read: Allen Ginsberg poetry. watch: The Last Unicorn. listen to: Dark Side Of The Moon by Pink Floyd. Do you like your name?  Is there another name you think would fit you better?
I don’t have a name yet. I’m not sure what kind of name I want. Dallas? River? August? idk. feels like nothing fits. 
 Do you think of yourself as a human being or a human doing? Do you identify yourself by the things you do?
I think you can make a lot of mistakes in your life and you should be ready for that. you should also stand by your decisions if you believe in them and let that speak for you.
Are you religious/spiritual?
probably. definitely spiritual to an extent.
What musical artists have you most felt connected to over your lifetime?
Kimya Dawson is an artist i like a lot. her music is beautiful and i relate to it. I like Pink Floyd because he sings like he is crying. I am inspired by young artists who like to experiment and bend the rules.
Are you an artist?
yes. I like to paint and use unconventional materials. i would like to sculpt, too.
Describe your ideal day.
Its cold outside and Im wearing layers. My hair is braided, im reading a good book with a cup of coffee. later i’ll go out into the woods with some friends and smoke. put up a tent on a hill and stare at the stars by myself once everyone else is asleep. also, we make killer s’mores.
Dog person or cat person?
both? i wouldnt like a dog that was too energetic, it would freak me out. but a kind gentle dog would be really nice. and cats are sweet.
Inside or outdoors?
What’s your patronus?
Which Harry Potter house would you be in? Or are you a muggle?
I just took the test and got 78% Hufflepuff. im surprised. second up was Ravenclaw at 64%.
Do you love easily?
no. i like making good friends before rushing into things. romance can be weird.
List the top five things you spend the most time doing, in order.
1: smoke. 2: painting. 3: vaping out of a rolled down car window while driving on the freeway. 4: braiding my hair. 5: trying on different outfits before I wear them out.
Could you live as a hermit?
I would totally live as a hermit. I think it isnt too different from how I live now anyway.
How would you describe your gender/sexuality?
gender: Nonbinary, i think. comfortable with my masculinity, but being mixed with something else. like being a man is bright blue, and i feel more like lavender. 
sexuality: pansexual. I dont care what my partner looks like. Matters more that they get me//we get along.
Do you feel like your outside appearance is a fair representation of the “real you”?
I think so. At least, im not too uncomfortable with my physical appearance. idk if anything would really capture how the ‘real me’ feels.
On a scale from 1 to 10, how hard is it for someone to get under your skin?
maybe like a 4? a little below half. a little below average, even. im not suuper easy to piss off.
Three songs that you connect with right now.
While My Guitar Gently Weeps - The Beatles
Brain Damage - Pink Floyd
Nothing Came Out - Moldy Peaches
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horrorsequel · 7 years
all them identity asks >:3
if someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to? 
read Ros & Guil R Dead, watch But I’m A Cheerleader, listen to Impeccable Blahs by Say Hi 
have you ever found a writer who thinks just like you? if so, who?
no one that thinks just like me, but Daniel Handler certainly verbalizes ideas i have that i lack the skills to
list your fandoms and one character from each that you identify with.
that’s a lot, that’s so much, lets just talk about how much i love Fred Jones rn
do you like your name?  is there another name you think would fit you better?
i’m cool with my name, i like it, i think kirby fits me well. 
do you think of yourself as a human being or a human doing? do you identify yourself by the things you do?
i don’t do shit lmao
are you religious/spiritual?
hhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmm totes
do you care about your ethnicity?
what musical artists have you most felt connected to over your lifetime?
the backstreet boys make me cry, so i don’t feel like anything i have to say on this subject would be considered valid
are you an artist?
in the loosest of terms
do you have a creed?
i’ve heard of that band, yes
describe your ideal day.
not in pain, getting stuff done, getting a lavender milkshake
dog person or cat person?
all the animals person
inside or outdoors?
are you a musician?
i sing and play some instruments so technically, ya?
five most influential books over your lifetime.
uh. adverbs. trainspotting. the outsiders. carrie. make your own damn movie!
if you’d grown up in a different environment, do you think you’d have turned out the same?
no, i’d probably be a way more stable person
would you say your tumblr is a fair representation of the “real you”?
idk man i’m just here. it definitely gets the most like, of my actual thoughts and interests and my energy so i guess
what’s your patronus?
dog dog
which Harry Potter house would you be in? or are you a muggle?
pottermore put me in slytherin then made me take it again and put me in hufflepuff which is what i thought i was to begin with but i don’t freaking know wjsadkdjf
would you rather be in Middle Earth, Narnia, Hogwarts, or somewhere else?
all of those places have magic but they’re war torn can i be like somewhere peacful
do you love easily?
far too, far too
list the top five things you spend the most time doing, in order.
being in pain, watching cartoons, sleeping, bein on the internet, eating jellybeans
how often would you want to see your family every year?
none with left beef
have you ever felt like you had a “mind-meld” with someone?
could you live as a hermit?
already am
how would you describe your gender/sexuality?
like when u buy a 40 pack of playdoh and u mix all the colors together into one giant lump of playdoh
do you feel like your outside appearance is a fair representation of the “real you”?
nah but it works
on a scale from 1 to 10, how hard is it for someone to get under your skin?
i am very difficult to anger, but very easy to make nervous/upset so it depends on what u mean
three songs that you connect with
cherry coloured funk, loved despite great faults, take on me
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nhouvang-blog · 5 years
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Pankaj and I first met in graduate school, by way of introduction from a mutual friend. Over the course of several months, our friendship blossomed. He asked me to go on a date with him several times; I was initially skeptical, but eventually conceded. I still remember staying up all night after our first date, talking about our families, our shared love of travel, and our life’s ambitions. It was as if we had known each other in a previous lifetime. We knew right away that we wanted to marry each other, but, of course, the actual proposal came years later. Ultimately, I found myself marrying my best friend and the man of my dreams.
What was your wedding style/theme/colors & how did it represent the two of you: Our goal was to create a magical, memorable, elegant experience for our family and friends, that was a true reflection of ourselves, our love, and our gratitude. The entire process really was a labor of love. Pankaj and I are both very detail-oriented people, so we poured our time and energy into making the wedding weekend an experience that everyone would remember forever. We brought on board Beth Helmstetter and Madeline Hunter, of Beth Helmstetter Events, to bring our ambitious vision to life. Beth’s creativity inspires me and she has such vast experience with luxury destination events; we knew that she was the one right away. Even now, several months after our wedding, we still receive countless compliments on how beautiful and meticulously planned the wedding was. The credit for that goes to her – she and her team are extraordinary. All events were held at the Ritz Carlton Bacara Resort & Spa in Santa Barbara, California. We wanted every event to be distinctly different from the others in terms of mood, décor, and color palette. The resort has such a striking beauty of its own, so it was important for us to keep the décor elegant yet simple, to enhance the natural beauty of the surroundings without competing with it. We were fortunate to be able to take over the resort for the weekend, so that all guests could be hosted on property to create a unified experience. The staff was amazing and took great care of our guests, which meant a lot to us.
The wedding was held over an extended weekend in September 2018. The events were as follows: Intimate mehendi gathering on Wednesday AM. The wedding festivities started with a small mehendi gathering on Wednesday afternoon. This was an informal event for family before the rest of the guests started to arrive. It was held in a private villa overlooking the ocean. The goal was to have my mehendi ready by Thursday night, so I could move around and enjoy the Welcome Party the following night. Vaishali Gordhan, of Henna by Vaish, was my mehendi artist. She has a wonderful energy and she did a beautiful job of bring my creative vision to life. We used fleur-de-lis motifs to symbolize the city of Paris, where Pankaj and I got engaged, and wave patterns to symbolize Santa Barbara. In the end, Vaish captured our love story beautifully through her art. I wore a crimson colored silk slip-dress and an off the shoulder blush cashmere cropped sweater. I paired it with mother’s vintage pearl and diamond necklace and earrings. The hair and makeup were natural.
Welcome dinner and Mehendi Party on Thursday PM: The Welcome Dinner was on Thursday night. It was a fun, summery, bohemian inspired event that was held in a private, enclosed lawn space on the resort for our closest family and friends. The space was decorated with suspended, hanging lights and hundreds of candles and lanterns. We had one long dinner table, which was draped with block print textiles and mismatched china. Centerpieces featured florals with feathers in dusty tones, periwinkle, and pale blush interspersed with gold lanterns and wooden bowls of heaping nuts and fruit. A separate lounge area with polished ivory furniture paired with mismatched block printed pillows and Persian rugs was created for guests who wished to get their mehendi done. Dinner featured a farm-to-table family style menu, incorporating seasonal produce local to the region. Guests especially loved that Ronobir Lahiri played renditions of modern songs on his sitar, filling the air with beautiful and mystical sounds. Pankaj wore a draped, mousepeach colored jersey kurta, with silk churidar style pants. He paired it with a mousepeach and silver brocade vest. All were from Shantanu & Nikhil. Accessories included an Omega watch, which was an engagement gift to him from my parents, and Grecian-style sandals by Joy. I wore a custom JADE by Monica and Karishma organza wrap blouse with a matching netted ivory and nude lehenga skirt. I paired it with champagne wedges and a Whiting & Davis silver clutch. Jewelry included Tiffany & Co gold leaf, pearl, and white diamond earrings and necklace. I paired this with my grandmother’s vintage gold and pearl bangles.
Wedding Ceremony on Saturday AM: The wedding ceremony was on Saturday morning, on a lawn overlooking the ocean. The celebrations commenced with a baraat procession around the resort property, which led into the wedding ceremony. Upon arrival to the ceremony, guests were greeted with rose water lemonade. The Hindu ceremony took place under an 18 foot mandap made of a light mango wood. Overgrown blooms in shades of deep red, fuchsia, aubergine, blush pink, and cream were wrapped around the mandap, giving the appearance that they had been there for years. The stage was covered in layered rugs in the same color palette. The ceremony was adapted to include our personal vows and ended with a kiss. Following this, guests enjoyed brunch overlooking the ocean. Pankaj wore an ivory sherwani from Sabyasachi, paired with a matching ivory raw silk kurta and churidar pants. In keeping with the tradition of his family, he wore an ivory silk safa tied in a traditional Rajasthani style. He paired it with ivory suede loafers from Joy, a vintage emerald kalgi brooch, and an emerald necklace. He looked so handsome! Originally, for my wedding day, I wanted to be a non-traditional Indian bride and wear a muted palette. However, as the setting of the ceremony was finalized, we realized that a more vibrant color would be more striking with the blue sky and ocean as our backdrop. I ultimately decided to wear a red and gold lehenga from one of my favorite designers, Sabyasachi. It was traditionally inspired, but with a modern feel – a perfect representation of who I am as a person. The blouse had a sweetheart neckline and the chiffon dupattas had playful gold polka-dots. The all-over golden embroidery featured an intricate paisley pattern. I paired it with gold wedges. My mom and I made a special trip to Hyderabad, the city in India where she was raised, to pick out my wedding jewelry. I ultimately decided on a set from Kishandas & Co, a heritage jeweler in Hyderabad. I wore a maang tikka headpiece, earrings, collar choker/necklace, and bangles featuring raw, uncut diamonds, emeralds, and pearls in yellow gold. It was exquisite and complemented the lehenga perfectly. The whole experience of picking it out with my Mom was a memory I will treasure forever. Bridesmaids wore couture saris designed by me, in collaboration with Megha Rao of holiCHIC. Groomsmen wore bespoke raw silk kurta-churidar sets arranged by Mallika Oberoi, an upcoming Mumbai-based designer. She was incredibly resourceful for our wedding outfit preparations!
Reception on Saturday PM: The reception was held later that evening. This was a formal affair with women in summery gowns and men in summer suits. We wanted it to feel like an intimate dinner party with 250 of our closest friends and family –it was romantic and elegant. Cocktail hour was held at sunset, on a bluff overlooking the ocean. Grey tarnished bars were donned with saturated blooms repurposed from the ceremony. Guests were greeted with custom cocktails and treated to sounds from Ybarra, a local Spanish guitarist. Guests were then escored to the Bacara ballroom, which was draped with a soft grey velvet. Half of the tables were light wood, and the other half were linened with a luxurious textured linen in shades of cream. We used a combination of cream velvet, rose velvet, and X backed wooded chairs. The tabletop featured gold leaf china with gold flatware and classic glassware. Centerpieces featured blooms in shades of lavender, blush, and aubergine. Blush and grey taper candles were placed in gold holders, with tealights in rose colored glass votives. We especially loved the chandelier with overgrown green foliage and twinkle lights, and the custom leaf-printed gobo projection over the dance floor. The rest of the room was filled with potted plants and trees, in keeping with my vision of bringing the outdoors in. One of the most special memories was our first dance, which was to “La Vie en Rose.” Anthony Ybarra, a local Spanish guitarist, was kind enough to play this for us. Pankaj and I had spent countless hours with our choreographer, practicing every turn and twirl. But, in that moment, nothing else mattered – it was just the two of us, husband and wife for the first time. This was followed by sentimental toasts from our parents, our siblings, and our closest friends. Shortly thereafter, guests jumped on the dance floor and didn’t stop partying until 2 am! The afterparty consisted of guests wrapped in blankets, under the stars, enjoying late-night snacks. It will be a night to be remembered for years to come! Pankaj worked closely with the Executive Chef at Bacara to develop a custom-plated Indian-inspired menu using local ingredients. Our triple-berry wedding cake was brought in from Sweet Lady Jane, one of our favorite LA bakeries. Pankaj wore a made-to-measure tuxedo from Tom Ford and woven leather shoes from Lanvin. He paired it with his Omega watch, and his David Yurman black diamond wedding band. I wanted to wear a soft pastel shade to complete the romantic feel of the event, and a modern silhouette that would contrast with my previous looks. In the end, I wore a custom blush version of the Sunset Gown by Naeem Khan. It was so special to be able to visit his atelier in New York and work with the team on this special dress. It featured a deep cowl neck at the back, and intricate crystal beading that shimmered under the candlelight. I paired it with a custom a yellow diamond bracelet, cocktail ring, and earrings. Shoes were from the French designer Jonak, and sourced from their store just steps away from where we got engaged in Paris. Clutch was from Inge Christopher.
For us, the most special parts were: -Milni: This is the Sanskrit word for “meeting” and is an opportunity for the family of the bride and groom to welcome each other. Our mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, and elders greeted each other, exchanging smiles and garlands of roses. It was really special to see their willingness to embrace one another.
-Vows: Somehow, in the all the last-minute preparations leading up to the weekend, I had forgotten to write my vows. I remember well staying up late to write them on the night before our wedding. Once I put the pen to paper, though, the thoughts flowed freely. It was very special to be able to share these promises to one another, in front of our friends and family.
What about your venue made it “the” place: Pankaj and I had always fancied a destination wedding. We really wanted to create something special and memorable for our guests, who would be flying in from all over the world. We explored several destinations, but ultimately kept coming back to Santa Barbara. We have a long-standing tradition of visiting every year: it’s stunning and picturesque, but also feels familiar and intimate. It’s one of our favorite places, and we wanted our family and friends to fall in love with it just as we did many years ago.
What flowers were used in your bouquet: The bouquet featured blooms in shades of fuchsia, raspberry, burgundy, nude, and pale blush. Holly, our florist, affixed lockets containing photos of each of my late grandparents on their wedding days at the base of the bouquet. This was a really special way to include them in the festivities.
What from your wedding was DIY: One of the most fun aspects of wedding planning was preparing for the Sangeet dances. We had a joint dance for Pankaj and I, a bridesmaid dance, a groomsmen dance, and then one huge group dance.
We hired a local choreographer, Ana Perales of Get Amped Entertainment, to help us create Western choreography to several of our favorite Bollywood songs. Most of our bridal party didn’t have dance backgrounds, so we were really humbled by everyone’s willingness to participate. It was endearing to see how focused and eager they were to master the moves! The whole process brought us much closer together as friends.
Most memorable moment from the day: One of my favorite memories was our first look, which took place on a private bluff overlooking the ocean. The clouds were clearing, and the sun was breaking through; there was something so beautiful about it. At the time, it felt like some sort of blessing. In that moment, there was a rush of emotions. I’ll never forget the look in Pankaj’s eyes – we couldn’t hold back our tears of love and joy. We had both been dreaming about the day for so long. Now, in hindsight, we never could have anticipated how that moment would change our level of commitment to one another and solidify us as a team, ready to take on the adventures of life ahead, hand in hand. Another really special moment was the Father Daughter/ Mother Son Dance during the Reception. Pankaj and I wanted to recognize the special role our parents have played in our lives. Without them, we wouldn’t be who we are today. In an effort to acknowledge them for that, we did a Father-Daughter/ Mother-Son Dance. While the dance itself was space, the preparation for it was arguable more memorable. We took two joint dance classes at the Arthur Murray Dance Studio in Santa Barbara during the week leading up to the wedding. There were lots of smiles and laughter (and crushed toes)!
How long it took you to plan & the biggest hurdle you overcame: We planned our wedding over the course of a year and a half. Pankaj and I are both physicians, and our unpredictable work schedules would have made it hard to plan any quicker. For us, it was just the right amount of time to be thoughtful about our decisions and mindful of the guest experience. The biggest hurdle was learning to reconcile our differences of opinion. In the end, we compromised and our weekend really was the best reflection of both of us. We are both very proud of what we accompanied. I am in tears every time I look thought our photos and watch our highlight film! I believe that planning a wedding represents the first of many challenges in life, and it’s important to remember that things won’t always go as planned. That’s OK. Focus on what is most important: the commitment to love each other unconditionally and to prioritize each other above all else. Stay positive and forward-thinking. Having all of your loved ones in the same place to celebrate one of the most special moments in your life is priceless. Other advise would be to put yourself in the shoes of the guests. They have come long and far to celebrate this day with you. How can you make the experience enjoyable and seamless for them? When planning your bridal looks, start as soon as you can. It takes a lot of time to produce, ship, and alter these garments. And, on top of that, you need accessories for multiple outfits. Decide early and order well in advance! Meet in person with key professionals that will be with you throughout the weekend. You want to make sure that you are surrounded by the right kind of positive energy during that time. When it came to assembling the rest of our team (photography, videography, makeup artist, priest), we were very discerning. I had a particular vision of how I wanted things to look and be captured, so I spent a lot of time researching, meeting with, and selecting the right people to make it happen. They all did a wonderful job.
The post MEGHNA + PANKAJ // Santa Barbara Wedding Photography by Lauren & Abby Ross appeared first on South Asian Bride Magazine.
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