#it was pink its a very cute bottle im just not a florals girl... i like their coffee and coconut one and da other one was umm rose or
nomaishuttle · 1 year
i donot know why im breaking out so bad... augjhhh
#not even just my face my body acne is coming back a ton :( it had gone away for a while#its like. im confused bc my hygiene has been Really really good recently#ive been showering almost every weekday for the past 2ish weeks#and ik its not the body wash bc its the same body wash ive been using for months#well. i used it 4 months b4 i moved here#and then i had a different flavor from the same brand bc hal liked that one better. its fine#it was pink its a very cute bottle im just not a florals girl... i like their coffee and coconut one and da other one was umm rose or#something. i didnt mind it it worjed judt s well i just like coconut coffee better basically. but anyways yeah. ig maybe my body judt isnt#used to being washed this much ? so maybe itll take a bit for my skin to be like Oh this is good actually#i also dont have anything against acne im just like. confused why its happening now...#my face breaking out i totally understand bc i wear a mask at work now#and famously. skin hate the mask skin revolt#thats why im washing my face twice a day now...#i just need 2 ummm. i wanna start buying my own masks#bc ive. this is gross and shitty but ive been reusing the disposable masks i get from work#i use them once the day i get them and then again the next bc i dont wanna run out#BUT luckily i have spending money or will whenever my damn check comes in -_- it shouldve been today i thought but ig itll be sometime tmrw#so i will be able t get Hopefully a pretty big box...everybody cheered and was happy basically. ermm yes so thats all#now irs fr bedtime bc im almost to 0 stars zone rly i already am bc i am Not gonna fall asleep in 6 minutes but look man. rough day and#itll be another bad one tmrw. soo ues#remind me to post aby the bad beginning audiobook i like vs the one my library has tmrw i kept meaning to today but i got distracted
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hannahsewell · 7 years
Thursday 26th November…
Im sat on the tram back to my car as I write this as I simply couldn’t wait to begin writing all about my one woman trip to the Jingle Mingle event by PrezzyBox.
Held at a bar/restaurant called Baresca, in central Nottingham , it’s safe to say I was a tad apprehensive about attending alone, even though I am a confident person, I think there’s a little scaredy cat inside me! But I received a very lovely, warm and friendly welcome upon arrival, where I was greeted by Fran Prince (Social & Marketing Executive at PrezzyBox) and handed my drink token, itinerary and the CUTEST name tag going… it took me back to my primary school days where we would be going on a school trip. Apart from those tags (way back when) would have “If found please return to …” scrawled on them instead of my name and blog handle!
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I didn’t know where to start or what to look at first! There was so much but enough that you constantly had something to look at or workshop but then not too much that it was overwhelming… the perfect balance.
Seeing as I was on my own I decided to head straight to the bar with my drinks token and claim my complementary glass of bubbly to give me that good ol’ dutch courage!
As there wasn’t many people there yet I decided to start the mission of photographing everything! Getting snaps of all of PrezzyBox’s amaaaaazing individual gift selections they had out on display. Plus the Christmas corner; including a christmas tree with more gift ideas surrounding it. FULL ON FESTIVE FUN!
I also decided to get involved on the 2 workshop areas PrezzyBox had organsied for us all; make your own perfume with The Perfume Studio and a Gift Wrapping workshop where we got to create our own gift wrap bows!
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Luckily, I got round to doing both of these little workshops (before it got too busy) and they were fab-u-lous. And, I managed time it just right that I had finished both ready for the start of the panel discussion with Becky Sheeran (Youtube’s TalkBeckyTalk) and Fran Prince & Rhiannen Hollyoake (Jingle Mingle Event Organisers).
The perfume making was super cool… making your own perfume; yes please! I could of sat there for hours trying to find the right mix of top, middle and bottom scents. But, obviously, we didn’t have that much time. In the end I only picked 2 of the scents from different areas to mix to make one perfume; Floral Fresh.
I absolutely love wearing perfume, so having the opportunity to have, even just a short time, to create my own is pretty amazing. Plus, I now have the chance to be able to keep purchasing my own creation in bigger bottles from their website! Unreal right?!
Next, to the gift wrap workshop.
For this, we were given a choice of different sized stencils for 2 different types of bows. I chose the easiest one as sometimes I like to think I am a creative person but it isn’t always the case. I can be sometimes. Anyway, back to bow making. The idea behind this little session was so that you can go home and recreate these cute little bows yourself and potential save a ton of money on shop bought bows ready for gift wrapping your Christmas presents. Also, the bows we made are waaaaaay cuter than shop bought ones anyway.
Once we had cut out the paper stencils we could choose from a huge variety of papers. From blue to red, to striped and of course glittery!
I chose to make my bow using a cute yellow paper (as I am loving yellow right now) with a heart motif across it, finishing it off and holding it all together a little pink glitter strip.
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The panel discussion with the lovely ladies from PrezzyBox.com and of course, guest of honor, TalkBeckyTalk, was so incredibly helpful! I had my camera videoing SOME of the chat, as I didn’t realise the stupid thing had stopped recording and seemingly turned off. Honestly, I swear technology just does its own thing 95% of the time.
Anyway, I had luckily been taking many notes down on my phone, which I did feel a little rude doing as I didn’t want people to think I was texting away or not really listening. But I PROMISE I was taking down hundreds of notes.
As a newer blogger, I wanted to get as many tips as I could and as much advice and industry secrets as possible to help boost my blog.
It was super handy finding out what brands like PrezzyBox.com may be looking for when searching for a blogger to collab and work with. With the added facts of good tools you can use to monitor your social accounts and to also help with blog logistics.
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I don’t really know what I was worried about going to this event, I had a fantastic time and I can not wait for any future events PrezzyBox host. If you didn’t manage to go, you should DEFINITELY apply to attend next time they have an event on as it is soooo worth it! Even if it’s just to network and get your face out there and to meet an amazing brand.
Everyone at the event was lovely, at first it felt like everyone knew everyone, but I think that is because in reality they attended the event as a group in the first place. But once I got chatting to a few girls, I was sorted.
With a generous and cute little personalised gift bag from the company and a quick thank you and goodbye I was on my way home.
Honestly, I had a lovely time and would do it all again. It is so amazing to see so many bloggers up here in the Midlands, and to actually have events hosted locally, too, is great and makes a change from everything being in London all the time.
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I hope you enjoyed this post. You can also find something similar from a previous event here.
Also, if you wish to check out any of the brands that were at the event then please click on the links below and find out what they’re all about:
The Perfume Studio London
Thank you so so much to PrezzyBox for having me, as well as making me feel so comfortable and welcome. I, again, had an fabulous time and loved every second of it.
Until next time
Han x
Jingle Mingle | PrezzyBox Eventualities Thursday 26th November... Im sat on the tram back to my car as I write this as I simply couldn’t wait to begin writing all about my…
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imperatrics · 7 years
i’m not super sleepy yet so i just filled out this meme questionnaire cuz i though the questions were super cute
red: how was your first kiss? it was like fourth grade and we kissed in a closet after he handed me a note that said “do you wanna put our lips together?” inside a milk duds container underneath his mom’s kitchen table. the bar has been set abnormally high since
what do you love about yourself? i love my laughter. i love that i can adjust around other people’s styles of talking/humor. i love how easy it is for me to converse with people and how i can have really deep, lovely conversations with others where they feel comfortable opening up to me. i love my eyes and my freckles (especially the huge clusters on my shoulders) and i love that people come to me when they feel bad and think that I can make them feel better. i love that i can’t sing on pitch worth a lick but will 100% go hard on the majority of songs that come out of the radio. i just love myself a lot honestly.
when’s the last time you warmed your hands in front of a fire? this last sunday!!! i go to bonfires every weekend and it’s been the highlight of my summer honestly
 would you rather watch a sunrise or sunset? sunrise!! i love that slightly sleepy feeling as you see the world wake up around you. its quiet and there’s a beautiful calm to the mornings while everyones still asleep and slowly rising
what’s the best thing about summer? everyone just being like ... excited to be outside. minnesota’s freezing for like half the year so whenever the summer comes out you can go anywhere and it’s crowded and full of laughter and excitement and you just meet the loveliest folks doing the coolest things at festivals or city events and i love it :’))
orange: what makes you feel warm inside? kindness and cute gestures of affection
 what’s your favorite halloween tradition?  how everyone interacts like usual but dressed in ridiculous gaudy nonsense or top-tier level costumage there’s like no in between
 what’s the last thing you learned? that i can successfully romance a dad with my dadsona 
when’s the last time you felt obsessed? when am i not obsessed
 what’s your favorite article of clothing? this has been the summer of the bralette for me and i have this lacy blue one that is not only insanely comfy but makes me feel trendy so thats the current fave
yellow: if you could have any view from your bedroom window what would you choose? so much green!! and mountainy landscapes. somewhere where i could watch the sun go down. or the city!! a beautiful view of the city is always wonderful.
what’s your favorite thing to do on a sunny day? soak up as much sun as possible with loved ones
 what do you consider lucky? i had to go to this homeopathic doctor once who gave me this ... pink spirit rock? and while i don’t believe in healing crystals i’ve had such good luck w it that i’m oddly really fond of it
what made you smile today? my boyfriend was being a lame nerd per usual and we had this like play mortal-combat esque fight where we fake beat each other up which was super cute. also he texted me like three times crying about cello concertos which was adorable. otherwise martha passed the hell out in my bed and was there for a few hours and it was super endearing. and my goster guinea pig survived surgery!!! so im a happy clam.
what makes you happy? being alive
green: what’s your favorite thing to do outside? i ... am that girl that bought a hammock and fucking loves hammocking but its so nice to read or draw out there in the shade.
do you like camping? I LOVE CAMPING SO MUCH
what would you spend $1,000 on? lord i really ... want a new record player and some more vinyls. maybe a new lens for my camera. also just a fuck ton of art supplies i wanna go wild inside of a blicks and cry about acrylics for like three hours. 
what’s your job, or what do you want to do as your job? i’m a mental health worker!! so i work in a home of women who have persistent mental illness and help them lead their lives :) also i do research in mental health and STEM education!
blue: what do you do when you’re sad? talk to friends or just overthink everything and watch old star trek cuz if lifts my spirits
what are some things you do when you can’t sleep? fill out these questionnaires lmfao
what was the best (non-romantic) night you’ve had? oh jeez uh ... honestly my best pal eli and i have had some great nights. one time we went to an all-night art festival (it runs from like 9pm-5am) and we got tipsy off of shitty mini champagne bottles we took from the wedding gig we worked and walked around and i made him laugh so hard it took 30 minutes for him to calm down when i told him the story of the astrology girl i briefly dated and we just opened up about a lot with ourselves (this was near the beginning of our friendship) and had both lighthearted and very serious conversation wandering our college campus and  i just ... am really fond of that night. 
what kind of covers do you have on your bed? theyre these IKEA floral ones and then an extra white set my mother had
who is the last person you told a secret to? dude i have no secrets i’m such an open book. uh? maggie (another best friend) probably?
purple: what’s your astrological sign? libra sun pisces moon
 what’s the best piece of advice you ever received? it wasnt really advice but it was the realization given to me that everyone i pass and know has this really deep, complex life they’re leading and so thinking everythings always about me is problematic and dangerous
when’s the last time you followed your instincts? my entire life is following my instincts and then being surprised natural selection doesnt come for me
what’s your favorite food? salted caramel ... anything ...
what’s your secret dream? lord uh ... to memorize the second part of animaniacs “nations of the world’ cuz ive got that first part down PAT but can never get the rest of em
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