hannahsewell · 3 years
Third trimester | My Pregancy Diary
How on EARTH am I in the 3rd trimester!!!! More to the point, as I am writing this I am bouncing on the birthing ball and on a 6 day countdown until the estimated d- day!! Antenatal classes… I was rather torn about what to do regarding antenatal classes. Even though I am a first time parent, I remember some of the Do’s & Don’ts of baby’s from when my youngest brother was born as I was 18/19, or…
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hannahsewell · 3 years
Pregnancy & Birth Books I recommend | Knowledge is power
Pregnancy & Birth Books I recommend | Knowledge is power
I have to admit, before becoming pregnant I loved the idea of being a mum/having a baby and being incredibly fortunate enough to experience pregnancy. The one thing I was scared of or tried not to think about was the transition of being pregnant to actually holding my baby in my arms… aka the labour part!! It’s definitely something in life we are programmed to believe is a terrifying process –…
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hannahsewell · 3 years
My first time | Air BnB experience
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hannahsewell · 3 years
Second Trimester | My Pregnancy Diary
Second Trimester | My Pregnancy Diary
Second trimester… basically leaky boobs and aching hips! Pretty much sums it up. I can not believe I am already in my third trimester, aka the home run, and things are about to get hella serious! Pregnancy anxiety – no bump… This seems to have been a big one for me at the start of this trimester. My mother in law hit the nail on the head when she said to me that as soon as you get that…
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hannahsewell · 4 years
The First Trimester | My Pregnancy Diary
The First Trimester | My Pregnancy Diary
Incase you didn’t read the title of this post, we are HAVING A BABY!! I’ve always known I wanted to keep a note/diary of my pregnancy journey but so far at 17 weeks it’s the first time I’ve had the energy or mental capacity to do so! Finding out I was pregnant… One of the first questions everyone asks is “was it planned?” Well, for us, yes- yes the pregnancy was planned! It’s something we had…
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hannahsewell · 4 years
WE BOUGHT A HOUSE! | First Time Buyers Guide
WE BOUGHT A HOUSE! | First Time Buyers Guide
Holla blogosphere!
It’s been a while, I know! But life kind of went a tad crazy:
With commuting for work, and general life craziness, then Christmas time and not to mention the sh*t show that is coronavirus and a global pandemic! But last but no means least; the biggest change for us (personally) is WE BOUGHT A HOUSE!!!
Seeing as this was the first time buying any form of property, for…
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hannahsewell · 5 years
J’adore Amélie | A Theatre Review
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Well where do I begin but WOW! From Danny Mac to giant figs, incredible musicians, dildos, beautiful scores, photo booths and so much more!
I didn’t know a thing about this story but I knew I was intrigued. With the show demanding my attention from that very first beat of a footstep walking out to centre stage I was hooked; sat on the edge of my seat with my attention firmly set on the simplistic…
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hannahsewell · 6 years
On Thursday I was kindly invited by the girls at my local Bodyshop store to head down to their store and learn all about their latest Shea Butter range. Not only are there some wonderful products within this range but they also come with such a wonderfully beautiful story;
In Northern Ghana, 640 women from across 12 villages follow an 18 stage process over 2 days to hand craft and expertly produce 25 kilos of Shea butter. Meaning they produce around 390 tons every year! Insane, I know.
If slave labour comes to mind immediately, then you are wrong. Not only do The Body Shop over these women a fair price for their work but through every product sold a percentage/donation is made towards the Tungteiya Women’s Association to help pay to send the girls to school, empowering these young women and enabling the community to have access to health care and safe water.
Currently, there are around 250 of The Body Shop products that contain Shea butter. So it’s not just their new range. I believe every year they are trying to get Shea butter into more and more of their products.
Anyway, I always love going to events at this store; all the staff are just lovely and so incredibly helpful with anything you need.
After being told the story of their new Shea Butter range we were split into 2 groups for the 2 set activities before swapping.
The first activity was to make our own Lip Scrub….YES!
A simple task of using a dollop of shea butter and a spoon of sugar and basically mix the hell out of it! And of course they gave us a little sample pot, allowing us to take it home. So i am super excited to give it a try.
Onto the next activity (I was secretly hoping that this was going to happen) but we had a tiny hand massage using the exfoliator from the Shea Butter range, followed by the moisturiser once the exfoliator had been washed off… dreamy I think so!!
Once these 2 activities had finished, it was time for us to shop! Unfortunately this time, I did not buy anything as this hun is B-R-O-K-E until pay day. But have no fear, I definitely have my eye on a few things from their new range that I want to give a try!!
Guys, I hope you enjoyed this post, and please go check out their new range and read more into the story of the women and how they make these products. It’s truly wonderful. You can do this >HERE<
You can also head over to my previous times at The Body Shop event >HERE< 
Until next time peeps,
Han x
  The She in Shea Butter | The Body Shop Event On Thursday I was kindly invited by the girls at my local Bodyshop store to head down to their store and learn all about their latest Shea Butter range.
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hannahsewell · 6 years
My god, what a week!
We laughed, cried, bickered, fallen over, drank, ate, skied but most importantly created some amazing memories together!
I’m also pretty sure I left my thigh muscles and knee caps up on the mountain somewhere but it’s all for the love of the sport.
(It’s taken me over a week to get round to writing the rest of this post but that’s all down to getting back into the swing of things, and the harsh reality that is LIFE.)
Looking back on the holiday I can’t help but Feel I was a moody, hormonal b***h! But I did actually have a top week with Angus and his family and friends, so I must apologise to them all but I was enjoying myself really!
With this post there is no point me going through a day to day of what happened because the long and short of it is; myself and Angus had an apartment for the week with our friends Charlotte and Adam. So we’d get up, have breakfast, get ready and head to the slopes-where we would ski, eat, drink and repeat…. basically!
Evenings were spent in the same bar really and we made ourselves at home there; the bar staff were great and just a cute Austrian bar which was centre for everyone within the group to get to.
The resort itself (Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis) was B-E-A-UTIFUL! Seriously so pretty, every view was stunning, and those views never get old! We were incredibly lucky with the weather also; not so much on the first day where I’m pretty sure the clouds were that low we were skiing through them haha- you couldn’t define the floor from the snow on the ground!
It. Was. Chaos.
But after the first day we had gorgeous sunshine, it was insane!
After falling over nearly every day, tears, bickering, panic attacks and #sledgegate (long story short; Angus went sledging and fell off the track into a tree and waist deep in snow, loosing the sledge and resulting him running down the mountain before falling out with me, well me being p****d at him- oops!) we really had a great time!
I’ve been a cow and put my foot down with us going again until we have (at least) a deposit for a house. Meaning we need to get saving MEGA if we intend on going again next February!! Now, I have explained my reasoning to Angus, and he (now) agrees and thankfully agreed that I’m just being realistic; we can’t do everything and that’s fine, no one can (only the millionaires!) But unfortunately something has to give at some point.
We will go again one year; that may even be next year or the year after. But for me my main priority is a house and then, we may even start looking at planning our wedding!
Then again, on the other hand… I’m not sure I’m ready for all this adulting!
I do apologise about all the photo spam, as if you follow me on Insta, you will have probably seen most of them over there… sorry not sorry!
Have you guys got any plans of travel for this year? Let me know in the comments below….
You can also check out my post from last years trip >HERE<
Until next time
Han x
“The Mountains Are Calling” | Serfaus, Austria My god, what a week! We laughed, cried, bickered, fallen over, drank, ate, skied but most importantly created some amazing memories together!
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hannahsewell · 6 years
I know what you’re thinking… 2 posts in 1 month!
Am I ok?! No… I’m
Blooming fantabulous…
I’ve never been a massive fan of New Years celebrations… it’s so overrated. For me, I enjoy being surrounded by the people I love and to celebrate “out with the old, in with the new”.
I’m not about going out and spending a small fortune on overly priced night clubs and drinks. Nah-uh! That’s not for me!
Unlike the past few years, of a house full of friends merrily singing and dancing our way into the new year, this year myself along with Angus and his family (Dogs included) took a road trip up north to the Lake District.
I’ve never been before and only ever heard good things.
Angus’s parents very kindly organised this short trip and it was beautiful! The hotel they found was based in the middle of no where with the odd hostel or pub at least a 15-20 minute walk away.
Glaramara Hotel, a dog friendly location with welcoming staff (and incredibly high heating- which probably wasn’t helped by the open log fires) but with peaceful countryside on the door step, literally!
On both evenings we were treated to a wonderful 3 course meal, which is so yummy and I’m actually devastated that on both occasions I struggled to finish all 3 courses. In the mornings we had a buffet breakfast which again hit the spot and was just what was needed.
Being in the Lake District was such a wonderful and relaxing way to bring in the New Year, especially after the chaos of Christmas, was just what was needed to refresh- even though I was left feeling knackered but it’s all in aid of a good cause, aka Fresh Air!
Thank you again to my future in-laws for inviting me along on their trip, it really was a well needed break before the drop-kick back to reality on the 2nd of January (which may I add, going back to work that soon, should be illegal!)
If you’ve never been to the Lake District it is definitely worth it. I shall be going back that’s for sure!
Any locations in the UK that you love to visit? Let me know and I shall add them to my list.
Thanks for reading and I hope wherever you were you had a wonderful new year.
Until next time,
Han x
To the Lakes | New Years Vacay I know what you’re thinking... 2 posts in 1 month! Am I ok?! No... I’m Blooming fantabulous...
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hannahsewell · 6 years
Hello Blogopshere!
Firstly Happy Freaking New Year!!!
I don’t know about you but December went far too quickly. Blink and you miss christmas, and before you know it we are 3 days into the new year!
Anyway, since I barely had time to breath throughout December I am finally getting round to writing some content and giving my blog the love it deserves.
So kicking things off in 2019 I thought I would fill you guys in on our travels to Bath or as it shall be known to me now our ENGAGEMENT weekend!
This weekend was an owed birthday present that Angus treated me to. Originally the plan was to go to Bruges but with lack of organisation or booking (on Angus’s part…ooops haha!) it was getting too late and accommodations booking up and flight prices increasing. I have always wanted to visit Bath, so Bath it was!
With having a slight c*ck up with the hotel/accommodation we originally booked (I mean cancelling someones booking 36 hours before they’re due to arrive isn’t ok in my eyes! but anyway), Angus managed to find the hotel we ended up staying in Guyers House Hotel in Corsham.
Location, was a little far out as we had planned to spend our days exploring Bath, but the hotel was lovely with staff that were incredibly friendly and helpful. A simple room with a lovely kingsized bed, created by 2 singles pushed together, we also received a breakfast within the price.
So after checking in and getting everything transferred from the car to the room, we booked a taxi and headed on into Bath and the Christmas Markeeeeets.
Now I don’t know if my expectations were too high or that I am just simply ungrateful but the market (as great as it was) wasn’t as big as we originally thought, or that I had seen on social media. I mean, it does spread across the city with all different stalls full of decorations and food samples. But we felt it lacked street food stalls and drink lodges. There was only 1 that we found, which was great but not exactly the largest of locations, with the amount of people attending.
After trawling the city trying to find a decent restaurant to eat in that was extortionate in price or full of drunken festive crowds – that was one part we had completely forgotten about- restaurants being full of folks out on their christmas parties!
Anyway, with the decision made that whatever food place we came across next, we would eat in there… oh boy! We ended up in a sports bar kinda place; Angus with his 40 (small) chicken wings and me with my burnt cheese burger and fries, its safe to say we didn’t hang around but instead went in search of a nice quaint bar.
Upon our search we walked by the Pulteney Bridge, where little did I know that something BIG was about to happen…
Little did I know that within minutes I would have a FIANCÉ!
Just under a month later and I still can’t believe it, but I LOVE IT! I love my gorgeous ring and my FIANCÉ is just incredible! After saying he never wanted to get married on many occasions, I was in complete shock.
The answers to the top questions asked when someone gets engaged;
Yes, Angus was incredibly sweet and for him it was romantic.
No, he didn’t get down on one knee (it’s too far down for his 6’5″ frame to get down haha).
No, we aren’t planning a wedding any time soon, we are saving to buy a house first.
Yes, I cried.
No, the ring didn’t fit…it was too big.
Yes, we celebrated by having a couple of drinks in a bar before buying a dirty shop and celebrating Hannah and Angus style, in bed full of sugary snacks and drinks watching random tv!
Day 2
The Saturday, day 2, consisted of us heading back into Bath after a wonderful full english breakfast and a relaxing bath.
During the morning mooch at the hotel, we decided to book tickets to go to the Roman Baths. I love going to visit places like this and it was definitely worth the £16 (per person) or whatever we paid. However, when visiting museums its never a thing where we end up roaming around together, as usual Angus somehow managed to speed ahead leaving me taking it all in at my slow pace.
It’s pretty cool at The Roman Baths, as it isn’t just a museum that you walk around reading everything and looking at the displays but you are given what looks like a mobile phone from the 1980’s that allows you to type in the different numbers for the different areas within. So its pretty handy listening to the guides on the devices chat away instead of just having to read everything, as I feel you can tend to miss things out or not bother reading something when there are masses of people gathered around the boards.
Anyway once I’d emerged and found Angus stood outside in the rain waiting for me, we had a few hours left to kill before our booking at Zizzis, (yes, we learnt from the previous evening and booked a table before heading into the baths)!
After a spot of shopping for unplanned Christmas gifts and some whiskey for Angus. We joined the crowds going into Bath Abbey for the ‘Christmas Shopper Carols’ and that was freaking cute; a 20 minute service where we sang several carols and it was just all round festive fun!
Luckily on this evening we had booked our taxi back to the digs for an earlier time so we weren’t milling around. So after our dinner, we took our final taxi back to the hotel and had an incredibly relaxing evening (again) watching whatever we could find on the box!
we are very rock and roll these days… we know! 
Day 3 involved us driving home…. so nothing special happened that day, we got home and the first of the engagement story telling began.
Bath… what an incredible weekend you turned out to be! It will definitely be one to remember; not only have I always wanted to visit, but it was to celebrate my birthday, its the only Christmas market I got to this year but most importantly it’s the weekend that will always have a place in my heart as the weekend we got engaged!
I do promise that I will shut up about this proposal soon but I am just far too excited, overwhelmed and shocked about it all!
If you visited any Christmas Markets over the festive season 2018 then please let me know in the comments which ones you think are worth the visit for later this year!
Until next time,
Han x
A Weekend To Remember |A Trip to Bath Hello Blogopshere! Firstly Happy Freaking New Year!!! I don't know about you but December went far too quickly.
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hannahsewell · 6 years
So...? Fragrance
So…? Fragrance
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hannahsewell · 6 years
Holla Blogosphere….
Well, I am guessing you may be thinking “WHERE THE BLOODY HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!” or you may not actually care, ha!
I know, I know. I have been telling myself that the blogging will start tomorrow and that day just never happened. So with attending the wonderful Blogosphere event this weekend it has given me the kick up the ass I hoped it would.
I have several posts saved in my ‘drafts’ that I had written earlier on this year and I just never got around to posting them… and to be honest I don’t have an acceptable excuse, soooo Imma sorry about that.
Another thing is I think I kind of let the blogging take a back seat and instead I have been focusing massively on good ol’ Instagram. I feel like this platform is the current driving force within the blogger/influencer world. It is so much easier to just sit scrolling through your feed, reading short and sweet captions instead of finding the time to focus on a blog post. I know this is how lazy I am these days – so no offence to any of you committed folks out there!
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Anyway, I thought instead of just posting a random post I would kick start things this festive season with a Life Update.
As you may have seen I have been uploading posts here and there but I thought I would rewind back to April when I got back from my skiing trip as I guess that is where life got a bit carried away (check out my Skiing photo post >HERE<).
So… back in April I began my new (and current) job in admin within the NHS at one of our local hospitals. Initially this job was going to (potentially) be a stepping stone for me to “get my foot in the door” and give me the chance to move around and potentially go on to working further in children’s physiotherapy/occupational therapy.
I have, since April, been to a couple of interviews within the physio departments. But as expected I didn’t and still don’t have enough experience or knowledge on this topic. Since looking into this I think I will have to go back to Uni and use my current dance qualifications to further my education in this topic. And to be honest, right now that is just not feesable; with saving to buy a house and still enjoying holidays whilst we have the money to do so as well as every day life crappy-ness like paying bills and what not- the option of going back to University seems like a distant dream.
PLUS is this what I want to go into and pursue a career in this industry?? Which, the more I think about this, no!
So if you haven’t figured, I pretty much hate my job….OOPS!!
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However, within my job, I have the responsibility on a day to day basis to to be faced with patients – which I actually quite enjoy. But how people do this job for years on end is beyond me… for me, personally, it is faaaar too boring! But I always tell myself I am fortunate enough to be in a job as I know the struggle can be real and getting into a job can be incredibly difficult, so as much as I dislike my current working situation – it could be a hell of a lot worse!
Anyway, enough about work – cos well its boring anyway and I am fed up of talking about that.
Angus and I are still together and have enjoyed a holiday to Greece back in September, where my step-sister got married – which if you follow me on Instagram, you will have seen and known all about it.
Next week, we are off to Bath for their Christmas Market, and I am so incredibly excited and simply CAN NOT WAIT, and I really hope that it lives up to my expectations!!!
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In other news, last week I took the plunge and auditioned for a local amateur dramatic/musical theatre society. I went through a period of losing all my love for performing, and with that I completely removed myself from listening to musicals, watching musicals and anything that I use to obsess over really.
I think I did this just to help with the healing process of leaving the performing industry and moving forward, and to be honest this really helped.
But over the past 6-12 months I have been having a feeling of missing performing, and so I have decided to join a society (which I was successful in may I add).
So as well as working 30 hours a week, selling my herbalife, blogging/instagramming – I thought, why not add to the madness? 2 days a week I shall be whipping my jazz hands out and singing my way through the back end of the week!
Anyway, I shall let you crack on with your day- wherever you may be! Thanks for reading and catching up with my hectic life right now… I hope you are all well and comment below how excited you are for christmaaaaaaaas!! Until next time Han xBlog Neglection | Life Update Holla Blogosphere.... Well, I am guessing you may be thinking "WHERE THE BLOODY HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!" or you may not actually care, ha!
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hannahsewell · 6 years
I have had the idea to right this post for a while now, but I wasn’t sure as I don’t really have a skincare routine.
On a visit to Eden Spa a couple of years ago the beauty therapist told me I had great skin after I told her that I use baby wipes to take my make up… yes that’s right BABY WIPES!
I guess I decided to start using more products after turning 24 and worrying about going all wrinkle faced and basically ageing. So I thought I would start early and using products to help with anti-ageing.
(Even though, I still get told, even now at the age of 26, that I look about 18- which I should take as a good thing. As when I am 40 I will look 32?! YESSSS!)
Anyway, let’s get to it; I do the same routine in the morning as well as at night time, more or less.
Removal of make up.
I guess, this doesn’t necessarily count for in the morning, unless it’s after a heavy night out and the make up is smeared all round my mug! OOOPS.
So, I start by using the ‘Simple Baby Moisturising Wipes’. I use these because I always found that no matter what make up wipes I used, they would either sting my face or make my eyes incredibly sore. I use to get them from boots but I just had to stop using make up wipes. I found these in a body care store and thought I would give them a go as they are baby wipes so they should be ok for delicate skin and therefore shouldn’t irritate my face.
Once the make up is removed, I then go on to using my trusty ‘Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish-Hot Cloth Cleanser’. I had heard about Liz Earle as a brand but never used any of their products until I went to an event with them a few months back and they very kindly gifted one of these Hot Cloth cleansers to us. And it is super simple and easy to use.
You can read more about the event I went to >here<.
  STEP 3…
Once I have pat my face dry, I then go on to use ‘The Bodyshop Vitamin E Gel Moisture Cream ‘.
I use to use their Vitamin E Aqua Sorbet which was amazing for keeping your face hydrated throughout the day by locking in the H2O. However, they have since then discontinued this product *waaaaah.*. So I was recommended to use the gel cream instead as a replacement. Which I love just as much.
I also use this as a primer before applying make up, as well as mixing a tiny bit in with my bodyshop foundation to help keep my skin from going dry throughout the day .
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The final touches…
This final product I luuuuurve to use on my skin, isn’t just for the face but for all over the body and that is this beaut Body Yogurt, also from The Bodyshop.
This is one of their newer products and I freakin’ love it! Not only does it come in several beautiful scents but it is also incredibly light when applying to the skin and also dries within a record 15 seconds (approximately), leaving your skin feeling mega smooth and hydrated!
  So there you have it. My poor excuse of a skin care routine. But I also kind of think that the fact I don’t cake my face in many products also helps my skin not to become so reliant on these products and therefore have to continuing to use them… that is just my theory anyway.
But I hope you enjoyed reading and I would love to know what skincare products you love to use in the comments below.
Until next time,
Han x
  My skincare routine | A poor effort! I have had the idea to right this post for a while now, but I wasn't sure as I don't really have a skincare routine.
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hannahsewell · 6 years
Recently I was very very generously gifted some prescription sunglasses from the wonderful Glasses Direct.
That’s right people PRESCRIPTION SUN GLASSES! You may think I sound like an old woman, or that I am a bit behind with the times maybe?! But I am so freaking excited to finally have a pair…
I have toyed with the idea of getting some for quite a while as my eyes have become more and more dependant on my glasses and with my holiday to Greece (YAAAAAS) coming up I thought it would be a great chance to get myself a pair and see if they are a life changing experience.
Well let me tell you folks, they are!
I haven’t even left the country yet but I have tried these bad boys and my god am I impressed and I kind of obsessed too!
I opted for these London Retro frames in the style ‘Camden’. It’s always difficult when buying accessories like this online as you don’t know if the style will suit your face or not but with the amazing ‘Virtual try on’ technology which allows you, with the use of a webcam, to see what these glasses will look like (to some extent). It is obviously not 100% accurate but it does a blooming good job!
I took them out for a spin last weekend when the sun made another appearance and they are just fab-u-lous!
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I simply can not wait to take these on holiday and have the freedom to not worry about having to wear contact lenses all day e’ry day or not being able to see properly throughout the day!
I honestly can not thank Glasses Direct enough for being so very generous by gifting these beauties to me!
Go check them out HERE
Until next time
Han x
To see is a wonderful thing | Glasses Direct Recently I was very very generously gifted some prescription sunglasses from the wonderful Glasses Direct.
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hannahsewell · 6 years
Our Birthday Weekend | Pendle Hill
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Finally I have gotten my lazy ass round to writing this blog!!
(and now I am having to write this all again as the computer decided to not bother saving my whole post- FU-MING)!
Going back a couple of weeks ago Angus and I took another road trip up North to Lancashire for a couple of days; this was something I had organised and planned for Angus’s birthday back in June and thought it would tie in…
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hannahsewell · 6 years
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When you get home on a Monday and one of your holiday clothes deliveries have arrived! 📦📫 and you just can’t help yourself and take your new straw bag on an outing to the pub 😍💁🏼‍♀️
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