#it was sadly how i was introduced to tvc
lestatisprince · 2 years
Since I've seen so many people today genuinely surprised Lestat was ever a rock star I decided to post evidence!
Here are the first several minutes of the film version of Queen of the Damned.
I can't really recommend you watch beyond. The movie never mentions Louis or Claudia, and completely changes his entire backstory while straight washing him at the same time.
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lehdenlaulu · 2 years
I'll get into the whole "the show is not perfect either as an adaptation or in general and people are allowed to criticize the choices it makes" thing more later, but since I've seen a lot of vaguing about it, I'll just say this:
Armand is both a major and very very complex character in TVC. Possibly the most complex in the whole series. He's tragic, fucked up and fascinating and his physical appearance is a crucial part of who he is and has relevance to the plot in several instances, Claudia's eventual fate for example. He too was turned too young and it's something that absolutely affects his psyche. He too is eternally a pretty little doll, something that both has brought him unspeakable trauma and something he has learned to use to his advantage as a tool of manipulation. He's frequently compared to a Botticelli angel in the books and it's not just there as a superficial description. He's a devil who looks like an angel and as someone who grew up deeply religious it has fucked him up.
Obviously some people are attached to him being a pale redhead, just like people are attached to Lestat being a blue-eyed blond, but I'm fairly sure most of the concern from book readers is essentially "how much exactly have they changed him?". Because those changes will in turn affect other things, other characters, other relationship dynamics etc. And again, if anyone's physical appearance is relevant to both the character and the larger plot in TVC it's Armand's. So I'd even go so far as to say getting him right is one of the most important tasks especially if you're looking to adapt TVC in its entirety. He cannot just be any random dude in adaptation without it inevitably affecting other things.
Again, I don't believe the issue to virtually anyone is that they tweaked his background/ethnicity, but the "what else is different?". How much have they aged him up, is his overall backstory still the same? How much of the Rashid persona was an act? There are hints, sure, but we don't know yet. I understand that some people welcome the changes due to (perceived) age differences, interracial power dynamics etc. but... it should be a bit fucked up, you know? It's all fucked up. It's kind of the point.
And finally, if you ask me personally? My issue is much less his appearance than the fact that I'm not really getting anything tangibly and undeniably Armand from the character, not from the way he's been portrayed. He's a very blank slate at this point, and the only real hints throughout the season have pretty much been through dialogue. Telling, not showing. I've suspected from since before the show started airing and have been keeping a close eye on "Rashid" as a result, and the thing is, while I'm not sure if it's fair to place the blame on the actor at this point, I do think it was a mistake to introduce the character this way. Because doing justice to a character when you have to essentially play the character playing a character for a whole season without giving too much away, or getting a chance to do press etc.? That's a tough task on any actor, and as things stand I sadly can't say I'm convinced he succeeded.
And if this oddly muted Armand is what we're just supposed to accept as the show's version of Armand? I'd say there's every reason to be concerned and disappointed. *shrug*
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