#i then read them and made the biggest wtf was that movie rant ive ever made
lestatisprince · 2 years
Since I've seen so many people today genuinely surprised Lestat was ever a rock star I decided to post evidence!
Here are the first several minutes of the film version of Queen of the Damned.
I can't really recommend you watch beyond. The movie never mentions Louis or Claudia, and completely changes his entire backstory while straight washing him at the same time.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
surveys by -thoughtlessdork
Have you ever had the chicken pox? Yeah, back when I was 7. 
how often do you do laundry? I personally don’t do it because I have help with certain things like that, but it gets done like once a week. I have a lot of clothes.
Have you ever been evicted? Nope.
would you grow your own garden? Nah. I don’t have the green thumb. Or the energy or interest in even trying. 
do you know anyone who snores? Yeah.
what is your favorite font? I like Times, Ariel, Verdana, Tahoma, and Georgia.
do you know what a wombat is? I’m familiar with the name and know it’s an animal of some kind, but I couldn’t pick one out of a lineup.
would you make a good movie critic? No, I’m horrible at describing...anything. My movie reviews are like, “Omg, it was soooo good! Amazing cast, intriguing storyline. 10/10 recommend.” haha. Or on the flip side, “Uh, wtf did I just watch? 10/10 would not recommend. Super lame.”
what goal are you aiming for this year? Well, right now I’m just trying to get better from this infection I have and take this disgusting antibiotic for the next 10 days. I wasn’t sure I could do it. I’m still not, but I kinda have to. I’m not getting into it all over again, I made a lengthy rant in a previous recent survey, but basically it’s absolutely awful because I have to crush my pills and this pill is d i s g u s t i n g. My body revolts it when I take it and I have to fight to keep the damn thing down. My body is also dramatic and I don’t do well with nasty tasting things (I mean, most people don’t, but they can probably just suck it up and chug whatever it is or eat it really quickly and move along barely fazed at all... not me). It’s just causing a lot of stress and anxiety and makes me feel worse than the illness because of it and yeah. Not fun. Unfortunately, that’s my only option unless I want to spend a week in the hospital to receive the medicine through an IV and that sounds awful as well. Ha, so much for not getting into all over again. *shrug*
are you currently reading any books at the moment? Not at the moment. I just finished one a few days ago, though, and plan to start a new one soon.
when i say foxy lady what comes to mind? Beyoncé’s character in the Austin Powers movie she was in lol; her name was Foxxy. <<< Hahaha yep.
would you have liked to have lived during the Victorian times? No.
would you own a Siamese cat? No, but I’m just not a cat person.
have you ever had an ultimate adrenaline rush? No.
do you like deviled eggs? I’ve never had them; it’s not a common dish here. But they always look so good in the American shows I watch??? I really hope they taste as good as they look. <<< I think they do! I love ‘em. 
what tends to upset you? Upsetting news.
what's the farthest you've walked? All around San Francisco. It’s a big city and the streets and sidewalks go up and down at high slants, so it’s no easy feat.
what is your favorite horror movie? I enjoy several, but my top favorites are the Halloween, Scream, and It movies.
what does your favorite shirt look like? I love all my graphic tees.
is your life like a daily routine? It very much is.
were you ever told as a child if you eat carrots you'll have pretty eyes? Not pretty eyes, but strong eyes.
what career are you most interested in? I don’t know. :/
have you ever seen a rooster? Yeah.
what time do you usually wake up? Lately, it’s been really all over the place. I don’t know what’s going on with my body.
what do you think about religion? I believe in Christianity.
what made you feel most accomplished in your life so far? Graduating college with my BA was my biggest accomplishment. Probably always will be. 
have you ever seen a lunar eclipse? No.
what are you allergic to? Tangerines and typical seasonal allergies.
do you ever feel like people hold things you do or say against you? Yes.
what can't you afford but wish you could? A beach home.
what is one word that sums up this year so far? Shitty? 
ever felt like you were putting your life in danger? Yes.
what do you like with your eggs? I like scrambled eggs with cheese, green onions, and spinach, or with just country gravy. I like over-easy eggs with just pepper. I like hardboiled eggs as is or with just a little bit of salt. I like deviled eggs with mayo, mustard, and paprika. 
what remedy do you partake when experiencing the common cold? The good ol’ wait-for-it-to-go-away life hack. <<< Yep. Cold medicines can help alleviate some of the symptoms a little, although I personally find they don’t really help at all except for if I have a headache. I honestly don’t usually bother taking any cold medicines. I think teas can be soothing and can make me feel a little more relaxed. Ultimately, though, it’s just something you’re gonna have for at least a week or so regardless.
would you ever spend a weekend in the mountains in a log cabin? Not alone, but yes absolutely. That sounds amazing.
have you ever been called a psycho? No.
have you ever taken martial arts? would you? No.
who is someone you look up to? My mom.
is there something you're anxious about? Of course. Ongoing things and new things.
what is the longest you've gone without sleep? Like 36 hours. 
what is the longest you've been on the phone? I used to spend a few hours on the phone often with friends back when I was in middle school and some of high school. It still surprises me that I used to do that because of how much I hate talking on the phone now and have for a long time. 
do you care about calories? No.
do you know someone with a really annoying laugh? No.
what band do you mostly always listen to no matter what mood? Linkin Park.
have you ever been to Indianapolis? Nope.
what type of bread do you like to eat? Wheat, white, sourdough, croissant.
do you have any great great grandparents still living? No.
what is one country that you really want to visit someday? Sweden.
who usually cooks or what do you usually crave the most? That’s two different questions, but okay. In my household, it’s usually my mom or brother that cooks. My dad does sometimes. As for what I crave the most, it’s ramen and boneless wings from Wingstop.
ever been associated in a program that was a complete waste of time? Hm. Not that I can think of at the moment.
do weird numbers call your phone? Sometimes.
where are you right now? On my bed wrapped in my blanket. I love that it’s finally cold here. It even rained yesterday *chef’s kiss*
do you tend to care about other people's feelings more than your own? I most definitely do.
what type of lifestyle do you want to obtain? if you haven't obtained it? I don’t know.
what was something that use to frighten you as a child? Ghostface from Scream. I love those movies now, though.
have you ever been on a train? Nope.
who's been in your life the longest? did you expect this person to still be around? My family. 
how do you feel about anatomy? Uhhh. It’s complex and pretty crazy how it all works.
Insert interesting fact here: Nah.
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