#it was still in production by 2011 and is one of swedens most popular sets in the last hundred years but so far I can only find it on
I crave her (the gröna anna porcelain set)
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berniesrevolution · 6 years
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on the wall of Preston council leader Matthew Brown’s office is an “Anarchy in the UK” Sex Pistols poster. Having once been a byword for economic stagnation (a planned £700m redevelopment of the city centre collapsed in 2011), the Labour-run Lancashire authority has embraced radicalism. Rather than chasing inward investment from large multinationals, as it previously had, the city council forged an alternative growth model. It championed worker-owned co-operatives, persuaded public sector bodies to “insource” services, became the first living wage employer in the north, founded a not-for-profit energy firm and established a credit union to combat avaricious payday lenders.
“We needed to do something that was more resilient but also, crucially, put more democracy and ownership in the Preston economy,” Brown told me when we met one recent morning. The councillor, who identifies with Labour’s Bennite left tradition, observed: “One of the reasons that Thatcher found it so easy to privatise a lot of the public assets was that working people didn’t have a huge amount of affinity with them. If they had been on the board, sharing the profits and had a real ownership stake then she wouldn’t have been able to do it, they would have been hugely popular.”
When John McDonnell, the shadow chancellor, visited Preston in 2016 he declared: “This kind of radicalism is exactly what we need across the whole country.” The following year, Jeremy Corbyn praised the city’s “inspiring innovation”.
Labour may not be in power but it is already reshaping Britain.
Corbyn has now led Labour for three years. Never before has the party’s left enjoyed such power. The Marxist Social Democratic Federation, the Socialist League of the 1930s, the Bevanites of the 1950s and the Bennites of the 1980s were all divided or defeated. Having previously been consigned to internal exile, Corbyn and his allies control Labour’s commanding heights.
They have won two landslide leadership victories, more than doubled the party’s membership to 540,000 and delivered the biggest increase in its general election vote share since 1945 (from 30.4 per cent to 40 per cent in 2017). These advances are still more notable when set against the decline – or “Pasokification” (a reference to Greece’s vanquished Pasok) – of the European centre left. In Germany, France, Italy, Austria, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands and, most recently, Sweden, social democrats have endured their worst results in postwar history. Labour, by means of an internal revolution, has averted this fate.
Yet among Corbynites, the exuberance that followed the 2017 election has given way to unease. It is not merely that the opinion polls are too tight for the party to be confident of winning power, or that the party’s summer was consumed by the anti-Semitism crisis. In the view of many on the left, Labour is failing to take full advantage of the historic opportunity before it.
Whenever the Labour Party has won landmark election victories it has done so by having a compelling vision of the future. After the Second World War, in 1945, Clement Attlee promised a “home fit for heroes” and vowed “never again” to return to the poverty and mass unemployment of the Great Depression. In the 1960s, Harold Wilson harnessed the “white heat” of technology against the grouse moor politics of Alec Douglas-Home. In 1997, Tony Blair spoke of a “new, young country” and swept away John Major’s Conservatives.
In a speech on 21 January 2016, John McDonnell, the shadow chancellor, observed: “The charity Nesta published a fascinating piece of research recently, showing how ‘future-focused’ the different party manifestos were in last year’s election [2015]. The Tories talked relentlessly, overwhelmingly about the future. Labour, strikingly, did not. We cannot allow that to happen again. We cannot be small ‘c’ conservatives.”
But one of the charges most frequently levelled against Corbynism is that it merely represents the politics of nostalgia. Rather than shaping the future, critics say, it wishes to resurrect a discredited pre-Thatcherite corporatist past.
Ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the triumph of neoliberalism, the left has struggled to articulate an alternative. The Marxist theorist Fredric Jameson observed in 1994 that “it is easier to imagine the end of the world than to imagine the end of capitalism”. After the financial crisis, it was the austerian right, rather than the socialist left, that initially benefited.
In recent years, however, the left has rediscovered the politics of futurism. Books such as Paul Mason’s PostCapitalism, Nick Srnicek and Alex Williams’s Inventing the Future, Rutger Bregman’s Utopia for Realists and Peter Frase’s Four Futures argue that technological advancements could render much work unnecessary and liberate humans – sustained by a state-funded universal basic income (UBI) – to pursue a new kind of freedom. Aaron Bastani’s forthcoming Fully Automated Luxury Communism (January 2019) will occupy similar terrain: “What if, rather than having no sense of the future, history hadn’t really begun?” But Labour’s swiftly assembled 2017 manifesto, For the Many, Not the Few, was largely unreflective of such thought. It made no mention of UBI, automation or a shorter working week. Though the manifesto’s headline proposals – the renationalisation of water, energy and rail services, the abolition of university tuition fees and higher taxes on top earners and corporations – were overwhelmingly popular, they were redolent of postwar social democracy.
The document revered by Labour radicals is, in fact, Alternative Models of Ownership, a report published to little attention on 6 June 2017, two days before the general election. It called for “rapid automation”, “new models of collective, democratic ownership” to ensure the benefits of technology are shared, “a shorter working week to fairly share productivity gains” and “potentially in time a universal basic income to supplement labour market income”.
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contrastbalance · 6 years
halfway house - sweden in the music industry
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At the start of 2012, the European Music Office and Eurosonic Noorderslag helped publish a report based on results gained from analytics company Nielsen, on the top 200 air-played and legally downloaded songs in France, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland and Sweden. The report showed that Swedish radio stations display the highest level of support for their home-grown artists of all countries investigated: they received 38% of the airplay; however, only 10% use mother-tongue lyrics. Heavy borrowing of English does allude to a higher rate of sales to their home country – 44% of all downloads in Sweden were of Swedish artists. This translation is due to the country being a musical powerhouse looking to globalise further.
Several of the big dance acts that have crossed over into charts in English-speaking countries have been from Sweden which is no surprise given that they are the world’s third largest exporter of music behind the US and UK – in 1999 Sweden’s Ministry of Finance report found that royalties from external territories was higher than that of the US, per capita. Much of this opportunity will have been afforded to them by previous breakthrough acts from the country that performed in English, e.g., ABBA, Europe, Robyn. It’s also home to Max Martin, one of the most prolific pop producers in history; since 1999 he has written or co-written and produced or co-produced 22 Billboard 100 songs, behind only Lennon and McCartney. Sweden has known how to make hits since ABBA cabbage-patched onto foreign screens, some kind of expansive in-house way of working, some kind of socialist Motown production line. Such a number of contributions in singular segments has helped push forward the lifespan of the music industry and the value of consumption, the country’s flatpacking view of technological advancement playing no small part.
Autonomy for Swedish artists to perform to the best of their domestic and global commercial ability is a far cry from the situation in France. In 1994 the country passed a law stating that 40% of all music on French airwaves must not use lyrics in a foreign language. Several of the main radio stations feel the quotas are unfair due to the popularity of French artists like Daft Punk who choose to produce in English, this is why they work. A big part of the globalisation of English-speaking music has been through the easy access over most first world countries to services like Spotify, not subject to any quotas, simply helping people worldwide find what they want to hear, whether they be American or British or otherwise – this was an argument put forward by radio stations to protest the sanctions. In response the SNEP (Syndicate National de l’edition Photographique) and other bodies that defend the quotas have encouraged people to refer to a similar bill passed in Canada in 1971 regarding the protection against dominance from US acts to preserve and expand the local music scene. In the report it was found that only 25% of music on French radio used French lyrics and only 31% were works from home-grown artists.
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In 2015, digitally distributed music became the primary revenue stream in recorded music, overtaking sales of physical copies – in percentages digital sales made up 45%, whereas physical were 39%. In 2016 IFPI published a report detailing a 10.2% increase in digital revenues, leaving the figure in the region of $6.7 billion. From a different direction this report shows the clear modernisation when there is also a 45.2% rise in streaming revenue, leaving 2016’s streaming figure at $2.9 billion – in 2014, 80% of Sweden’s recorded music market income came from streaming. This has slowed down the record labels recouping losses in transitioning to the predominantly digital model; they still want to wedge a foot back in the door, and with the size of services like Spotify they can’t beat them so might as well join them.
In 2015 The Verge came across a contract between Sony Music and Spotify from January 2011, two months before Spotify set up in the US, it’s most profitable territory. It was a two-year deal with the option of a one year extension, laying out Spotify’s obligations regarding annual advances to the label, target subscriber numbers and the early calculations for how plays would transfer to royalties.
A particularly dodgy part of the agreement is the Most Favoured Nations clause, saying that Sony must keep its triggered-through-met target advances higher than those for other labels. In section 4(a), Spotify agrees to pay a $25 million advance for the two years of the contract: $9 million the first year and $16 million the second, with a $17.5 million advance for the optional third year to Sony Music. The contract is spread over 42 pages; however, it fails to detail another eyebrow-raising area in the 15% of ad revenue: in 2014 it earned $110 million from this area alone – how is this used? Also with the advance money paid to Sony, whether it is divided as a kitty amongst those who need to have a presence on Spotify, thus earning their advances, or if it’s kept to themselves.
After Taylor Swift’s departure from the platform, many musicians popped up to support her, naming streaming services that paid a shameful price of penny per play, Thom Yorke lamenting a similar and more abrasive expression. This contract shows Spotify cannot be working alone on their endgame. According to its financial disclosures, the majority of Spotify’s revenue, around 80%, has been flowing to the rights holders. Almost a full 10 years after its launch, it’s the widest shoulder-padded middleman in the music industry, yet can’t seem to turn a profit.
There are some powerful industry voices saying labels are by far the main instigator of any shady dealings with service providers. Artist’s royalties from songwriting are a varying part of the debate, changing in importance over genres. In 2014, Pandora won a court case against ASCAP, complaining it couldn’t afford to allocate the agency collecting for songwriters more than the 1.85% it paid their clients at the time due to the fact it was paying labels 49% of its revenue.
Unsurprisingly Sweden’s STIM showed a patriotic and collaborative attitude to help get Spotify off the ground, also the UK’s PRS offered Spotify extremely low rates, which may have started the slippery slope in the seemingly offensively low rate in what artists get paid – those supposed to be in their corner are part of the problem. Artists, publishers and collection societies could feel that getting out of the streaming environment completely would be beneficial, as they wouldn’t really feel the effects of that lost revenue stream, while keeping some exclusivity or possibly partnering up in a more lucrative manner – in the US this is not an option, but Europe is a more democratic operation. One of the key players in the UK industry is the Beggars Group, all of their imprints split all royalties 50/50 with artists – although even they are not free from the subliminal scathing of some of their biggest artists like Mr Yorke and Adele who are more than conservative with uploading to the service. The in-house attitude of Sweden may be part of the problem too, as 2013 saw a number of Swedish artists gearing up to sue Universal and Warners – the other major label not involved in the process was Sony, who was already familiar with Spotify.
Although Spotify have championed ownership to artists, going so far in cases to remove work from the service upon finding out the rights holders weren’t paying their artists, they have not chosen to carry themselves as transparently when the query comes to their own profits. Morals tend to intensify with self-awareness. There is far less label reliance to have music heard through streaming, no packaging with worldwide physical distribution or a traditional marketing plan – the split should be far more even than 90% of the streaming revenues going to the labels, according to the Swedish MU who have supported the artists in their attempts to sue the two majors.
Spotify have also benefited greatly from the country’s standing in the piracy capability league. Daniel Ek is far from small fry in the community of file sharing line peddlers – links with uTorrent gave him access to co-developer Ludvig Strigeus, who has been referenced as the means behind Spotify’s music being heard sooner than when using their competitors after hitting play; a feature that could easily be deemed indispensable in the increasingly impatient senses of the consumer.
Another Swedish contribution to the industry came in 2003 with The Pirate Bay – in 2001 the country’s revenue from recorded music sat at 1.6 billion SEK, in 2008 it was 782 million. In 2008 Spotify was launched, the streams leading to near the billion kronor mark again at 991m SEK. The following year would be breakthrough moment for the industry inside Sweden; the trial and subsequent conviction of The Pirate Bay’s creators, a Europol imposed law forcing ISPs to provide a name of IP address owners thought to be sharing files as if they were Linda’s pictures from Tenerife and the unbelievable burst of Spotify users, due in part to the invite-only basis. An industry that was 60% smaller worldwide since the turn of the century suddenly had a new stream of revenue.
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Dr Ola Johansson wrote an article in 2010 where he applied theories of political, social and economic landscapes in Sweden to gain an understanding of why they’re so good at pop. He states that the preternatural creation and admiration of role models date back to sporting greats such as Björn Borg being the country’s first real superstar – ABBA being present at the same time; creating the airy faceless music they did created something similar to a sub-genre of export. The fact that Swedes have the world’s highest percentage of English-as-a-second-language speakers can only help when relating to imports from the two edges of the Atlantic – there are strong cultural and linguistic links between Sweden and the UK/US; nuance is easily picked up and there is a shared priority of melody in production. Modern and minimalist aesthetics have placed the country at the forefront of mainstream trend; their taste in music has verged to more niche trends, giving off cool fumes and making it an attractive touring option. The late 80s and 90s saw more sharing with the outside world made available to consumers – particularly MTV acting as Spotify does now; access on tap, dependable vagueness. The Ford model applied amongst local creatives is also a factor, Johansson believes. He references geographic researches at Uppsala University relating Michael Porter’s theories to the local industry and found perfectly aligned networks of creators and professionals, particularly in the capital. That city can lead to a problem in this domain – it’s too one-dimensional. The entire country has the same population of London and a similar number of grime artists find themselves able to expand into foreign territories to claim their livestock and women. Sounds considered niche in Stockholm’s parameters tend to age well over the course of compiling foreign press kits; historically death metal has been made up of a considerable number of Swedish line-ups, more presently there is a budding and trendy rap scene that has produced artists like Silvana Imam and Erik Lundin who are gaining appreciation home and abroad. 30% of school-aged kids attend government provided extra-curricular music-based programs, this support doesn’t stop when the jobs start. The Swedish Arts Council dishes out an estimated $40 million annually to help support artists, venues and programs; it’s also notable that there is great transparency between funding agencies and artists.
The ever-changing landscape of the music industry is at fever pitch where profitability is concerned, Sweden is a crucial deciding factor in the next implosion. With the growth in popularity of foreign language music from across Europe in English-speaking countries, keeping the bronze medal will be no easy task. The winner-take-it-all attitude being displayed by the gatekeepers and their international cohorts could easily mean the shutting down of the powerhouse – given the viably expansive infrastructure that objective hit-making afforded them, any falling off would make such a concession all the more disastrous.
Header image – City Lights by data scientist Ian Anderson and analyst Manish Nag.
ABBA by Kolodyazhniy Sergey on Artfinder.
Silvana Imam by graphic artist Johanna Kallin.
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entrepreneursbloguk · 4 years
New Post has been published on Entrepreneurs Blog
New Post has been published on https://www.entrepreneursblog.co.uk/blog/pewdiepie-net-worth/
PewDiePie Net Worth [year]
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Net Worth: $30 million Age: 30 Born: 24th October 1989 Country or Origin: Sweden Source of wealth: YouTuber/Vlogger Last updated: 2020
Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg, who is famously known by his online pseudonym PewDiePie PewDiePie is the current YouTube sensation widely popular after the great subscriber war with the T series. However, PewDiePie lost the YouTube war to reach 100 million first on May 28, 2019. He is estimated to have a value of around $ 30 million as of 2019 and is considered one of the richest YouTubers of all time.
PewDiePie earned his net worth from your eminent diverse career as a comedian, video game commentator and YouTuber. He is listed as the highest-earning YouTube star. Later on, you will get to know how he earns from YouTube, his sources of income, sources of salary income, assets and other money-related details.
Early Life
Felix was born on 24th October 1989, in Gothenburg, Sweden. From a young age, he was interested in art and was an avid gamer during his days in high school.
He graduated from High school from Göteborgs Högre Samskola in 2008 and went on to study at Chalmers University of Technology. But, Felix felt that he didn’t belong there and so he decided to drop out to do what makes him happy.
Even though his early days were hard, he said in a video that he bought equipment to get started by selling his works of Photoshop. He came up with the name of the channel to be ‘PewDiePie’ even though at first it was just Pewdie.
PewDiePie’s energetic and funny commentating on games with epic reactions made him a viral phenomenon very quickly, and he became the most subscribed YouTube channel in 2012 with 5 million subscribers.
He went on to sign with Makers Studio and started to get attention on the media as well. PewDiePie’s channel now has more than 3500 videos with over 50 million subscribers.
In October 2011, PewDiePie started uploading weekly blogs. In the eight-month period, his YouTube channel had an impressive amount of uploaded videos. As his channel began to grow, he began to extend the content of his video; publishing animated comedy and live-action. PewDiePie could also be described as an icon of social networks. Beyond the fact that he has numerous followers on YouTube, PewDiePie also has more than 7 million likes on Facebook, Ten million followers on Instagram and eight million followers on Twitter.
He has funny characters in his videos. While watching these funny videos, the interest of the person watching the videos is diverted to the comments and reactions that PewDiePie shows while playing video games. As a result, his videos belong to the “Let’s Play” set. 
As the number of his followers reached the climax700,000, PewDiePie received an invitation to speak at the Nonick Conference in 2012. In July of that same year, the number of his subscribers increased to 1 million. It took only a couple of months before reaching 2 million. In October 2012, OpenSlate recognized the PewDiePie channel as the number one channel on YouTube. As of December 2019, PewDiePie has over 100m subscribers on YouTube.
His channel has included much different game series and segments over the years among which his Lets Play series has been widely popular.
As his popularity grew and reports about the large sums of money were starting to come out publicly, he got a lot of attention as well as hate at the same time.
That is why he has several videos dedicated to mean comments. His signature is the brofist that he does at the end of his every video. He also posts vlogs time and again and has a following of any mainstream media.
PewDiePie Salary, Sources of Income, Earnings
As of 2019, PewDiePie is estimated to have a net worth of around $ 30 million according to several online sources. His main source of income is his successful career as a Swedish Internet personality, YouTuber, Twitcher, comedian, actor and game commentator.
PewDiePie officially began his career on YouTube in 2011 after he left Chalmers University of Technology. In addition to YouTube, he also gets a good sum of money from merchandise sales, comedy content, sponsorships, and appeared on television shows and series.
PewDiePie YouTube Earnings
PewDiePie launched its YouTube channel on April 29, 2010. It mainly makes videos in the genre like Let’s Play, vlog, comedy and satire, similar to other YouTube stars such as Ryan Higa, Markiplier, Jake Paul and others.
As of 2019, the estimated monthly profit of PewDiePie is around $ 140.8 thousand to $ 2.3 million. PewDiePie’s annual YouTube income is approximately $ 1.7 million to $ 27 million per year.
Also, he has received silver, gold, diamonds and ruby ​​playback buttons, which means he earns about $ 1.4 million per video upload.
PewDiePie Commercial Companies and Merchandise Sales
On the other hand, PewDiePie also makes a good sum of money from merchandise sales. Sell ​​products that include t-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, hats and tank tops.
He sells products online through his website. The average price of merchandise ranges between $ 50 and $ 200 per piece.
Similarly, he wins from his companies. He gets royalties and a large sum of money from his video games. He released games like PewDiePie: Legend of the Brofist, PewDiePie’s Tuber Simulator, Animal Super Squad and others.
PewDiePie Other Source of Income
In addition to his eminent career, he earns a huge sum of money from other sources. Earn money with his appearance in other media, such as Epic Rap Battles of History, Conan, Internet Icon, Rewind series, Sveriges Radio, South Park, Oscar’s Hotel for Fantastical Creatures, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and others.
On top of that, he also gets a royalty from his book, This Book Loves You. The book is the parody of self-help books that includes the collection of aphorisms, jokes and wisdom. Also, he also earns from his own program PewDiePie, Scare PewDiePie and Let’s Animate.
PewDiePie’s Instagram Earnings, Investments and Charities
Similarly, PewDiePie is also earned as the influencer of social networks. From Instagram, earn about $ 35,230 to $ 58,716 per sponsored publication. In addition to that, PewDiePie also collects a good sum of his investments in various companies and the stock market. It is said that he accumulates around 6% of its nett assets from the returns on those investments.
Career Highlights
In 2015, he released his own game called PewDiePie: Legend of the Brofist.
He then went on to also release his book that was called This Book Loves You. PewDiePie has won several accolades among the gaming area on Youtube, most notably winning the Best Gaming Channel, Show, or Series in the 5th Streamy Awards.
Forbes named PewDiePie as the highest-earning YouTuber with his annual income reaching $15 million in 2016.
YouTube isn’t the only source of income for Pewdiepie who is also involved with many other productions and projects.
He is also a big giver and has a project called the ‘Water Campaign’. Through the program, he managed to raise over $400,000 and has also been involved with many collaborations over the years.
In recent times, Felix has also been giving a new edge to his channel with some of his free speech videos following controversies over some of the content of his videos.
Favourite Quotes
“My parents said that sitting at home playing video games all day won’t bring you anywhere in life.” – PewDiePie
“The thing that has made YouTube so successful is that you can relate to the people you’re watching to a much higher degree than to the people you see on TV.” – PewDiePie
“When I started my YouTube channel in 2010, I never imagined that one day it would be the most subscribed channel in the world and that I would be a part of such a great community.” – PewDiePie
“Dropping the news to my parents that I was skipping my ‘dream education’ at Chalmers to sit at home recording videos while playing video games was not easy.” – PewDiePie
“With my channel, and what people associate with the Internet, most people think it goes viral, you become this huge thing super quick. I never had an explosion or a huge thing. It’s just been something that has progressively been growing. It’s been building.” – PewDiePie
“It was so much easier to connect with my fans when I was smaller. I could answer every message, and I enjoyed doing that.” – PewDiePie
Life Lessons
1. Just do whatever you feel like doing
Of course, there are some significant differences in the way PewDiePie approaches his business, considering that he is in the entertainment business, not the education business.
And yet, I think that this is also something that many of us could apply more in our businesses.
PewDiePie is so successful primarily because he is so incredibly authentic.
He doesn’t seem to be scared at all about what people think of him (of course, in reality, he is scared, but he doesn’t let this fear stop him at all).
What he does every single day is turning all the weird thoughts that may come to the mind of a young person into reality.
Yes, I am talking about those thoughts that we all have but which we never would do because we are too scared what other people will think.
The result is stuff like dressing up one of his male best friends as his girlfriend and making him perform her “role”, running around the city like a crazy person pretending to be a Pokemon master, or following the instructions of some strip-tease game in real-time.
2. Only focus on your core group of fans and ignore everything else
PewDiePie has such a massive audience, that it may seem impossible to tell who his ‘core audience’ is.
And yet, his humour is so specific and strange that only a certain group of people actually gets it. The majority of people still sees him as making his money by merely shouting into the microphone.
But these people who ‘get him’, are so fascinated by what he does that they consume all of what he produces, interact with him to insane degrees, and share his stuff like nothing else.
He has these challenges where, for example, he asks people to take a brief video clip of him and turn them into the funniest memes.
Or, where he asks people to make drawings of him and his dog Edgar.
There are literally thousands of people who, every single week, spend hours and hours participating in these challenges.
These are the people who do all the marketing for him. The people who convince others that his weird kind of humour is worth listening to. The people who defend him when he’s getting himself into another crisis.
PewDiePie, at the same time, just keeps speaking in his own voice.
He just keeps producing stuff that the core of his audience understands and responds to.
His “bro army”, which is how he is calling his community, has its running gags, memes, symbols and recurring themes which only insiders can understand.
In this way, he creates a real community feeling among his followers.
3. Keep doing what you believe in no matter what
The amount of criticism that PewDiePie received over the past few years must’ve been insane, and would’ve certainly broken many people.
Particularly the media shit-storms that he received in the aftermath of some of his missteps were incredibly intense.
Although he has recognized that he has overstepped in many aspects, in essence, he has continued to do the same things that have always done, even after some of his major partnerships have fallen apart.
Regardless of what you think of him, it is clear that he works in and out on the things that he loves doing and that he believes in.
If you just keep going and pushing forward, the right people are going to respect your effort and your honesty.
4. Co-creation and interaction
I have hinted on this before, but a large section of the content that PewDiePie produces is co-created with some of his fans.
One example for this is people like “Dillon the hacker”, one of his “enemies”, who is supposedly trying hard to destroy PewDiePie’s supremacy on Youtube.
5. Consistency is still key
PewDiePie has started posting videos about 7 years ago while working in a hot-dog stand to finance himself. 
I don’t know when exactly he began posting daily, but it must have easily been several years now.
Daily writing is already hard enough, but daily video production?
All the planning that is involved, all the retakes that you need to do, all the editing that needs to get done.
It must be one hell of a time-intensive job.
Plus, when he started, there was no such thing as a “professional” Youtuber. He just believed in the process of something that he loved doing, and then kept going with it.
Eventually, it worked out and he started making money.
Today, with his daily videos and the ad revenue that he generates from it, he eventually became one of the richest social influencers, making an estimated $12 million per year.
PewDiePie is the most popular YouTuber of all time, with millions of subscribers, and a net worth that’s beginning to stack up; just like many other social media stars such as Mrbeast and Logan Paul.
As of 2020, PewDiePie’s net worth is estimated to be $30 million.
0 notes
cryptswahili · 5 years
SearchPedia: A List of 250+ Search Engines
An Exhaustive List of All Search Engines from the Dawn of the Internet
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Since the dawn of the Internet Era, we have been flooded with an ocean of information. But without a good search engine, this ocean is useless.
Search Engines have gone through a great journey, we saw a lot of them, some came and went, and some stay to this date.
Here is an incomplete, but a big list of search engines. If you find something wrong or missing, then shoot your suggestions in the comments.
We have categorized the search engines according to their use-cases. Enjoy!
All-Purpose Search Engines
Google: Well, probably you used this for coming to this article. The world’s most popular search engine. Visit: http://www.google.com
Bing Search: Microsoft’s entry into the burgeoning search engine market. Better late than never. Visit: http://www.bing.com
Yahoo! Search: The 2nd largest search engine on the web (as defined by a September 2007 Nielsen NetRatings report. Visit: http://www.yahoo.com
AltaVista: Launched in 1995, built by researchers at Digital Equipment Corporation’s Western Research Laboratory. From 1996 powered Yahoo! Search, since 2003 — Yahoo technology powers AltaVista. Visit: http://www.altavista.com
Cuil: Cuil was a search engine website (pronounced as Cool) developed by a team of ex-Googlers and others from Altavista and IBM. Cuil, termed as the ‘Google Killer’ was launched in July 2008 and claimed to be world’s largest search engine, indexing three times as many pages as Google and ten times that of MS. Now defunct. Visit: http://www.cuil.com
Excite: Now an Internet portal was once one of the most recognized brands on the Internet. One of the famous 90’s dotcoms. Visit: http://www.excite.com
Go.com: The Walt Disney Group’s search engine is now also an entire portal. Family-friendly! Visit: http://www.go.com
HotBot: It was one of the early Internet search engines (since 1996) launched by Wired Magazine. Now, just a front end for Ask.com and MSN. Visit: http://www.hotbot.com
AllTheWeb: Search tool owned by Yahoo and using its database, but presenting results differently. Visit: http://www.alltheweb.com
Galaxy: More of a directory than a search engine. Launched in 1994, Galaxy was the first searchable Internet directory. Part of the Einet division at the MCC Research Consortium at the University of Texas, Austin Visit: http://www.galaxy.com
search.aol: Now powered by Google. It is now official. Visit: http://search.aol.com
Live Search (formerly Windows Live Search and MSN Search): Microsoft’s web search engine, designed to compete with Google and Yahoo!. Included as part of the Internet Explorer web browser. Visit: http://www.live.com
Lycos: Initial focus was broadband entertainment content, still a top 5 Internet portal and the 13th largest online property according to Media Metrix. Visit: http://www.lycos.com
GigaBlast: It was developed by an ex-programmer from Infoseek. Gigablast supports nested boolean search logic using parenthesis and infix notation. A unique search engine, it indexes over 10 billion web pages. Visit: http://www.gigablast.com
Alexa Internet: A subsidiary of Amazon known more for providing website traffic information. Search was provided by Google, then Live Search, now in-house applications run their own search. Visit: http://www.alexa.com
IFAC.com: For resources and information on IFRS and Accounting.
Bit Torrent
Btjunkie: An advanced BitTorrent search engine. It uses a web crawler (similar to Google) to search for torrent files from other torrent sites and store them in its database. It has over 1,800,000 active torrents. Visit: http://btjunkie.org
Demonoid: A BitTorrent tracker set up by a person known only as Deimos. The website indexed torrents uploaded by its members. Taken offline after legal threats to its Hosting Company by CRIA. Visit: http://www.demonoid.com
FlixFlux: From its website, “The ultimate torrent site for films, combining bittorrent search results with film information, making it easy to find new film releases.” Visit: http://www.flixflulx.com
isoHunt: a comprehensive BitTorrent search engine, P2P file search, and community. Over 930,000 torrents in its database and 16 million peers from indexed torrents. Avg: 40 million searches per month. Visit: http://isohunt.com/
Mininova: Successor to Suprnova.org — a search engine and directory of torrent files. Anonymous uploads, no IP address logging of users, no porn. over 550,000 torrents in the database, over 4 Billion downloads. Visit: http://www.mininova.com
The Pirate Bay (aka “TPB”): Based in Sweden where torrent trackers are not illegal. No content is filtered or removed as long as it is clearly labeled. Visit: http://thepiratebay.org
TorrentSpy: Tracks externally hosted torrent files and provides a forum to comment on them. Integrates Digg-like user-driven content site ShoutWire’s feed into its front page. Visit: http://www.torrentspy.com
Torrentz: Tracks nearly 7 million torrents in a searchable portal. Visit: http://www.torrentz.com
Amatomu: The South African Blogosphere, sorted. Amatomu searches blogs with a distinct focus on South Africa. Visit: http://www.amatomu.com
Bloglines: It is a web-based news aggregator for reading syndicated feeds using the RSS and Atom formats. Sold to Ask.com in 2005. Visit: http://www.bloglines.com/
Blogperfect: Google Powered Blog Search
BlogScope: Search & analysis tool for the blogosphere being developed as part of a research project at the University of Toronto. It currently tracks over 23.5 million blogs with 275.6million posts. Visit: http://www.blogscope.net
IceRocket: An Internet search engine for searching blogs. Visit: http://www.icerocket.com
Sphere: It connects your current articles to contextually relevant content from your archives as well as from Blog Posts, Media Articles, Video, Photos, and Ads from across the Web. Visit: http://www.sphere.com
Technorati: It catalogs over 112 million weblogs. Known as a kind of gauge for blog popularity as epitomized by its byline of “What’s percolating in blogs now”. A supporter and contributor to open source software.
Blippar: A search engine(2011–18) based on AR. Now defunct. Visit: https://www.blippar.com/
SVRF: A search engine for AR/VR content. Visit: https://www.svrf.com
FreeBookSearch.net — Comprehensive book searching portal with more than 30 search engines in its archive, the site searches hundreds of digital libraries and also scours the net for hidden books. Visit: http://www.freebooksearch.net
Google Book Search: The power of Google to find books. Google’s entry will not let you see full text if the copyright is still active in your jurisdiction. Visit: http://books.google.com
Pdf Drive: The Search engine for PDF files(mainly eBooks). Visit: http://pdfdrive.net
Alibaba.com Claims to be the world’s largest database of suppliers. Based in China, it is a marketplace of export and import, offers search, company directory, catalog, trade leads and more. Visit: http://www.alibaba.com
Bankersalmanac.com: It provides intelligent reference data solutions to the banking industry for payments, due diligence, risk assessment and financial research. Visit: http://www.bankersalmanac.com
business.com: contains more than 400,000 listings within about 65,000 categories. Search results are preceded by four types of paid links. Visit: http://www.business.com
Hoovers: A Dun & Bradstreet Company, maintains a database of over 23 million companies. Some information is provided free, other information is available to paid subscribers. Good for company stock information. Visit: http://www.hoovers.com
Kompass: 2.3M companies in 70 countries referenced by 57.000 product & service keywords 860.000 trade names and 4.6M executive names. A guide for worldwide sourcing. Visit: http://www.kompass.com
Lexis Nexis: LexisNexis claims to be the “world’s largest collection of public records, unpublished opinions, forms, legal, news, and business information”. A searchable archive of newspapers, public records & more. Visit: http://www.lexisnexis.com
ThomasNet: Powered by the Thomas Register of American Manufacturers (The Big Green Books published since 1898). Catalogs over 650,000 American companies in 67,000 categories. Visit: http://www.thomasnet.com
Email-Search.org: A mini-portal with a number of tools for searching email addresses. Find current, former email addresses, extract them from the web. Visit: http://www.email-search.org
Nicado: Free to register, Search email addresses. The Nicado search engine allows registered users to search the Nicado database using an email address or telephone number. Visit: http://www.nicado.net
TEK: This search engine is an email-based search engine developed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The search engine enables users to search the Web using only email. It is intended to be used by people with low internet connectivity. Visit: http://tek.sourceforge.net/
AskMeNow: S3 — Semantic Search Solution for mobile telephones. AskMeNow offers a consumer mobile search utilizing proprietary technology & natural language based interaction. Visit: http://www.askmenow.com
Autonomy: IDOL Server (Intelligent Data Operating Layer), K2 Enterprise (Formerly Verity), Ultraseek Visit: http://www.autonomy.com
Dieselpoint: Search & Navigation. Dieselpoint provides an advanced full-text search with data navigation capability. It gives users highly relevant results not possible with either traditional search engines or SQL databases. Visit: http://www.dieselpoint.com
dtSearch Engine (SDK), dtSearch Web. dtSearch provides simple to use but very powerful tools which create and maintain full-text indexes of documents and data. Terabytes of text can be searched. Visit: http://www.dtsearch.com
Endeca: Endeca’s search and information access solutions help enterprises find, analyze, and understand information. This is the Guided Navigation experience. Visit: http://www.endeca.com
Exalead: exalead one: Enterprise. Exalead — Internet search engine, image search engine, video search engine … WebImagesWikipediaVideoMore » · Advanced search. 8 billion pages indexed to date. Visit: http://www.exalead.com
Expert System Sp. A. (Cogito) is a pioneer in developing semantic technologies to understand and manage unstructured information. Expert System’s semantic approach enables rapid classification of information. Visit: http://www.expertsystem.net
Fast Search & Transfer: Enterprise Search Platform (ESP), RetrievalWare (formerly Convera) Visit: http://www.fastsearch.com/
Funnelback: It is an Internet and Enterprise search engine company offering a suite of search solutions, hosted solution for the web and a fully customizable enterprise solution for searching behind the firewall. Visit: http://www.funnelback.com
Google Search Appliance: Make it as easy for employees to find information inside your organization as it is to find information on google.com. Deploy a Google Search Appliance. Visit: http://www.google.com/enterprise/gsa/
Microsoft’s SharePoint Search Services: Microsoft Search Server (MSS) is an enterprise search platform from Microsoft, based on MS Office SharePoint Server. MSS shares its architecture with Windows Search. Visit: http://www.microsoft.com/sharepoint/default.mspx
Northern Light Search: Search articles from over 800 online news feeds and over 1,000 industry authority blogs. Visit: http://www.northernlight.com/nlsearch.html
Open Text (Hummingbird): Enterprise Content Management (ECM) software solutions supporting +/- 20 million seats across 13,000 deployments in 114 countries and 12 languages worldwide. Visit: http://www.opentext.com/
Oracle Secure Enterprise Search 10g, a standalone product from Oracle, enables a secure, high quality, easy-to-use search across all enterprise information assets. Visit: http://www.oracle.com/technology/products/oses/index.html
SAP NetWeaver Search and Classification (TREX) finds information in both structured and unstructured data. TREX provides SAP applications with services for searching and classifying large collections of documents. Visit: http://help.sap.com/search/sap_trex.jsp
TeraText Suite: Most data resides in semi-structured, primarily textual documents, not in structured, organizational repositories. Teratext is designed for text-rich data repositories. Visit: http://www.saic.com/products/software/teratext/
Vivisimo: A Clustering Engine developed by scientists based upon a mathematical algorithm and deep linguistic knowledge to find relationships between search terms and bring them to light. (Web search: Clusty) Visit: http://www.vivisimo.com
ZyIMAGE: Information Access Platform for government and corporates. It does capture, archiving, searching, security, and context-specific content-management. Visit: http://www.zylab.com/
Omgili (Oh My God, I Love It!): Find out what people are saying. Personal experiences, solutions to problems, ideas, and opinions. Visit: http://www.omgili.com
Cheatsearch.org: Finds Game Cheats from all over the web. Searches all of the most popular cheat sites and forums to find cheats for any game. Visit: http://www.cheatsearch.org
Genie Knows: A division of IT Interactive Services Inc., a Canadian vertical search engine company concentrating on niche markets: health search, video games search, and local business directory search. Visit: http://www.genieknows.com
Wazap: It is a vertical search engine, video game database and social networking site that distributes gaming news, rankings, cheats, downloads, and reviews. Visit: http://www.wazap.com
Human Search
ChaCha Search: It is a search engine that pays human “guides” to answer questions for users. This is a technique known as social searching. Visit: http://www.chacha.com
Eurekster: It is a New Zealand company, with an office located in San Francisco, California, that builds social search engines for use on websites, the search engines are called swickis (search+wicki). Visit: http://www.eurekster.com
Mahalo.com: It is a web directory (or human search engine) — the project is in beta test. It differentiates itself from algorithmic search engines by tracking and building hand-crafted results for searches. Visit: http://www.mahalo.com
Rollyo is a Yahoo!-powered search engine which allows users to register accounts and create search engines that only retrieve results from the websites and blogs they want to include in their search results. Visit: http://www.rollyo.com
Trexy: Search trails are the click pathways you create while searching and finding information on 4,000+ search engines. Record and share your “search trails”. Easier searching of the “deep web”. Visit: http://trexy.com/
Wink: Wink People Search: Over 333,304,647 people on social networks and across the Web. Find people using name search, location, school, work, interests, and more. Visit: http://www.wink.com
Quasar: An Open, Decentralized, Anonymous search engine on IPFS. Visit: https://clusterlabs.io/quasar/
YaCy is a free search engine that anyone can use to build a search portal for their intranet or to help search the public internet. Visit: https://yacy.net
Desearch: A search engine for crypto related stuff. Visit: https://desearch.com/
Ipfs-search: Another search engine on IPFS. Visit: https://ipfs-search.com/
Accoona: A search engine that uses artificial intelligence. In addition to traditional searches, it allows business profile searches and its signature “SuperTarget” feature. Partnered with China Daily, a large Chinese portal.
Alleba: Philippines search engine and highly organized directory of Filipino websites. Visit: http://www.alleba.com
Ansearch: Australia/NZ/UK/US. Ansearch Ltd is involved in various online media activities, including the Ansearch.com.au search engine and the Soush online media network Visit: http://www.ansearch.com.au
Araby: Middle East — Arabic language search engine owned by the Maktoob Group, which owns the world’s largest online Arab community; Maktoob.com. (Arabic only) Visit: http://www.araby.com/
Baidu: China — The Google of China, Baidu is doing what no other Internet company has been able to do: clobbering Google and Yahoo in its home market. Visit: http://www.baidu.com
Daum: Korea — Daum is a popular web portal in South Korea which offers many Internet services including search, a popular free web-based e-mail, messaging service, forums, shopping, and news. Visit: http://www.daum.net
Guruji.com: India — an Indian Internet search engine that is focused on providing better search results to Indian consumers, by leveraging proprietary algorithms and data in the Indian context. Visit: http://www.guruji.com
goo: Japan — an Internet search engine and web portal based in Japan, which crawls and indexes primarily Japanese language websites. goo is operated by the Japanese telecom giant NTT. Visit: http://www.goo.ne.jp
Miner.hu: Hungary — a vertical search engine for searching blogs, videos and other Hungarian content on the internet. Miner.hu indexes about 129.000 blogs. Visit: http://www.miner.hu
Najdi.si: Slovenia — a Slovenian search engine and web portal created by Interseek. It’s the most visited website in Slovenia. It uses a technology created by Interseek written entirely in Java Visit: http://www.najdi.si
Naver: Korea — The undisputed number 1 search engine in Korea with over 16 million visitors and 1 billion pageviews per day. Visit: http://www.naver.com
Onet: Poland — Polish language web portal and search. Visit: http://www.onet.pl
Onkosh: Middle East — Arabic language search. Visit: http://www.onkosh.com
Rambler: Russia -offers proprietary web search (Rambler Search), e-mail, rating and directory, media, e-commerce, and other services to the Russian-speaking websurfer. Visit: http://www.rambler.ru
Rediff: India — India’s leading internet portal for news, mail, messenger, entertainment, business, mobile, e-commerce, shopping, auctions, search, sports and more. Visit: http://www.rediff.com
SAPO: Portugal — Portuguese language search based in Portugal and focused on Portugal. Visit: http://www.sapo.pt
Search.ch: Switzerland — a search engine and web portal for Switzerland. Founded in 1995 as a regional search engine, later many other services were added: phonebook, SMS service. Acquired by the Swiss Post. Visit: http://www.search.ch
Sesam: Norway, Sweden — Based in Norway and focused on Norway and Sweden. Visit: http://www.sesam.no
Walla!: Israel — Search the web in Hebrew with an Israel focus. Visit: http://www.walla.co.il/
Yandex: Russia — Yandex (Russian: Я́ндекс) is a Russian search engine and one of the largest Russian Web portals. Yandex was launched in 1997. Visit: http://www.yandex.ru
Bixee (India): Comprehensive job search for India. Visit: http://www.bixee.com
Career Builder: The career builder website. Visit: http://www.careerbuilder.com
Craig’s List: is a centralized network of online communities, with free classified ads (with jobs, internships, housing, personals, services, community, gigs, resume, and pets categories) and forums. Visit: http://www.craigslist.com
CV Fox: A search engine that is designed to hunt down and retrieve resumes (CV’s) from all over the Internet. Free to use, has become a popular tool with professional recruiters. Visit: http://www.cvfox.com
Dice.com is the #1 technology job board. For technology experts in areas such as Information Technology (IT), software, high tech, security, biotech, and more. Recently purchased eFinancialCareers.com. Visit: http://www.dice.com
Eluta.ca (Canada) — High-paying jobs in Canada directly from employers’ websites. Seach new full-time jobs at 71000+ employers across Canada. Visit: http://www.eluta.ca
Hot Jobs (Yahoo): Find a job, post your resume, research careers at featured companies, compare salaries and get career advice on Yahoo! HotJobs. Visit: http://www.hotjobs.com
Incruit (Korea): Incruit claims to be the first Korean matchmaking site between job seekers and companies and claims the first Korean Internet résumé database (June 1. 1998). Visit: http://www.incruit.com
Indeed.com: A job ‘meta-search’ that scours job boards, newspapers and multiple sources with one search interface. Visit: http://www.indeed.com
Jobs.pl (Poland): Run by an American/Polish team of MBA’s, Poland’s leading job portal. Partially owned by European Media Group “Orkla Press” from Scandinavia. Visit: http://www.jobs.pl
JobsDB (Asia/Pacific): An Asia/Pacific focused job and recruitment site with databases dedicated to each country in the Asia/Pacific region. Visit: http://www.jobsdb.com
JobPilot (Owned by Monster): A European job site now owned by Monster.com. Focused on European jobs with branches in a number of European countries. Visit: http://www.jobpilot.com
Jobserve: UK based job search focused originally on IT Contracting work, but now covering multiple areas. Resume database, a large number of job postings. Visit: http://www.jobserve.com
Monster.com: The world’s largest resume database and online job search. Visit: http://www.monster.com
Naukri.com (India): An India-focused job search engine. Visit: http://www.naukri.com
Recruit.net: A job search engine that allows you to search jobs worldwide. Visit: http://www.recruit.net
SimplyHired.com: Search over 5 million job listings and thousands of jobs sites to find a job you love. Visit: http://www.simplyhired.com
StepStone (Europe): European online recruitment site based in Scandinavia with operations and subsidiaries throughout Europe. Visit: http://www.stepstone.com
TheLadders.com (USA) Job search for professional jobs in the most comprehensive source of $100K+ jobs on the internet. Visit: http://www.theladders.com
Canadian Law List: List of Canadian lawyers. Visit: http://www.canadianlawlist.com
Lawyers.com: Another LexisNexis company Visit: http://www.lawyers.com
FindLaw: Search FindLaw’s database of 1,000,000 lawyers to find attorneys in your area. All Topics in FindLaw are geared for the Public, by Subject Area. Visit: http://www.lawyers.findlaw.com
The Lawyers’ List: Search for lawyers all across the United States. Visit: http://www.thelawyerlist.net
LexisNexis: Provider of legal, government, business and high-tech information sources. By subscription only. Visit: http://www.lexis.com
Martindale.com and LexisNexis, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. Visit: http://www.martindale.com
QuickLaw: LexisNexis owned portal for searching for lawyers and things legal (Canada) Visit: http://www.lexisnexis.ca/
Géoportail: French Geographic portal. French language only. Visit: http://www.geoportail.com
Google Maps: Provides directions, interactive maps, and satellite/aerial imagery of the United States as well as other countries. Can also search by keyword such as type of business. Visit: http://www.googlemaps.com
MapQuest (AOL) was founded in 1967 as Cartographic Services, a division of R.R. Donnelley & Sons & became an independent company in 1994. MapQuest was acquired in 2000 by America Online, Inc. Visit: http://www.mapquest.com
Michelin (Via Michelin): The European map specialists’ webpage includes standard map features with good European coverage. Visit: http://www.viamichelin.com
Windows Live Maps: Enter an address, click enter… be sure to check out “Bird’s Eye View”. You can see a close-up aerial view of nearly any US Address and many foreign ones. Amazing. Visit: http://maps.live.com
Yahoo Maps: Maps, directions, reverse-direction satellite view but no ‘bird’s-eye-view’. Visit: http://maps.yahoo.com
Bioinformatic Harvester: From the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, the Bioinformatic Harvester crawls and crosslinks dozens of bioinformatic sites and serves 10’s of thousands of pages daily. Visit: http://harvester.fzk.de/harvester/
Entrez (Pubmed): The life sciences search engine. Visit: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/gquery
EB-Eye — EMBL-EBI’s (European Bioinformatics Institute): Open-source, high-performance, full-featured text search engine library written entirely in Java. Very fast access to the EBI’s data resources. Visit: http://www.ebi.ac.uk/
Genie Knows: A division of IT Interactive Services Inc., a Canadian vertical search engine company concentrating on niche markets: health search, video games search, and local business directory search. Visit: http://www.genieknows.com
GoPubMed: Knowledge-based: GO — GeneOntology — Searching sorted — Social network and folksonomy for sciences. Visit: http://www.gopubmed.com
Healia: The health search engine. From the site, “The high quality and personalized health search engine”. Visit: http://www.healia.com
KMLE (King’s Medical Library Engine): Full American Heritage Stedman’s Medical Dictionary comprehensive resource including tens of thousands of audio pronunciations and abbreviation guides. Visit: http://www.kmle.com
MeSH — Medical Subject Headings (GoPubMed): Knowledge-based. Visit: http://www.meshpubmed.com
SearchMedica: Professional Medical Search Visit: http://www.searchmedica.com
WebMD: A source for health information, a symptom checklist, pharmacy information, and a place to store personal medical information. The leading US Health portal, it scores over 40 million hits per month. Visit: http://www.webmd.com
Brainboost: Now Answers.com. Type in a question in natural language, get an answer. Visit: http://www.brainboost.com
Clusty: The clustering search engine powered by Vivisimo. Visit: http://www.clusty.com
Dogpile: Brings together searches from the top search engines including Google, Yahoo! Search, Live Search, Ask.com, About, MIVA, LookSmart, and more. Visit: http://www.dogpile.com
Excite: Now an Internet portal was once one of the most recognized brands on the Internet. One of the famous 90’s dotcoms. Visit: http://www.excite.com
HotBot was one of the early Internet search engines (since 1996) launched by Wired Magazine. Now, just a front end for Ask.com and MSN. Visit: http://www.hotbot.com
Info.com: Metasearch bringing together results from the top search engines. Visit: http://www.info.com
ixquick: Eliminate Big Brother! The Ixquick metasearch engine permanently deletes all personal search details gleaned from its users. Based in the Netherlands, results come from 11 search engines. Visit: http://www.ixquick.com/
Kayak: Metasearch for travel — search 140 travel sites all at once for the best deals and buy tickets and make reservations direct. Visit: http://www.kayak.com
Krozilo is a virtual web browser, similar to My Yahoo!, iGoogle, Pageflakes, Netvibes, and Microsoft Live. Krozilo uses AJAX and DHTML, so does not require installation. Visit: http://www.krozilo.com
Mamma: “The Mother of All Search Engines” — was one of the web’s first metasearch engines (1996). Now owned by Copernic Inc. of Montreal, Canada, Mamma.com is a tier 2 search engine. Visit: http://www.mamma.com
MetaCrawler is a metasearch engine that blends the top web search results from Google, Yahoo!, Live Search, Ask.com, About.com, MIVA, LookSmart and other popular search engines. Visit: http://www.metacrawler.com
MetaLib is a federated search system developed by Ex Libris. MetaLib conducts simultaneous searches in multiple resources such as library catalogs, journal articles, newspapers, and the web. Visit: http://www.exlibrisgroup.com/category/MetaLibOverview
Mobissimo.com is a travel meta-search website. Like other travel meta-search websites, Mobissimo does not sell directly to the consumer but consolidates travel offerings for a referral fee. Visit: http://www.mobissimo.com
Myriad Search: Ad-free search lets users select results from Ask Jeeves, Google, MSN, and Yahoo! Select search depth and place a bias on the search results from the major search engines. Visit: http://www.myriadsearch.com
Sidestep: Searches over 200 travel-related websites for airfares & the best deals on airfare. Find cheap airfares, discount hotels, car rentals and cruise deals to popular travel destinations worldwide. Visit: http://www.sidestep.com
Surfwax offers a variety of tools for finding, saving, and sharing information on the Internet, including Nextaris, the law-article research site LawKT, the SurfWax meta-search and SurfWax Scholar services. Visit: http://www.surfwax.com
Turbo10.com is a metasearch engine which uncovers information in the Invisible Web. Turbo10 can access information from 800 online databases and searches 10 databases simultaneously. Visit: http://www.turbo10.com
WebCrawler was used to build the first publicly-available full-text index of a subset of the Web. WebCrawler® brings users the top search results from Google, Yahoo!, Windows Live, Ask and other popular search engines. Visit: http://www.webcrawler.com
YouTube: Owned by Google, the web’s largest media site. This search will search through the videos of YouTube only. Visit: http://www.youtube.com
blinkx: Over 18 million hours of video. Search it all. Blinkx is a multi-media metasearch engine searching the media files of sites such as YouTube, MetaCafe, GoogleVideo, MySpace and more. Visit: http://www.blinkx.com
FreeBookSearch.net: The famous book searching portal also searches for audiobooks. This same search will also find MP3 files. Visit: http://www.blinkx.com
SoundCloud: A famous platform for music; mainly for upcoming artists. Visit: http://soundcloud.com/
FindSounds: Search engine to find any kind of sound file: WAV, MP3, AIFF, AU — search by sample rate and quality… a great place to find those sound effects. Visit: http://www.findsounds.com
Tenor: A great Search Engine for GIFS. Visit: http://tenor.com
Unsplash: A search engine for Free, awesome pics. Visit: https://unsplash.com/
MetaCafe: Search videos hosted by MetaCafe. If you are a producer of videos, you can get paid for videos — the more viewers, the more cash. Visit: http://www.metacafe.com
Musgle: Music Search (mp3, wav, etc.): Based upon a JavaScript that automatically inserts a clever boolean search string into Google to return catalogs of hidden MP3 and Music files. Visit: http://www.musgle.com
PBS provides resources to air its standard programming & also provides its audience with multiple online archives of specific video programs. All video archives can be searched for any spoken word pronounced in them. Visit: http://www.pbs.com
Picsearch: Search the web for images. An image search service with more than 2,000,000,000 pictures. Visit: http://www.picsearch.com
Podscope: “Introducing: the first search engine that can find podcasts according to the words spoken during them!”. Finds audio and video files based on actual content! Visit: http://www.podscope.com
SpeechBot was a search engine for audio & video. It was created by HP Research, but unfortunately, is now offline. Visit: #
Singing Fish: An audio and video search engine, now AOL media search. Visit: http://www.singingfish.com
StrimOO: a Video search engine. Find videos on Youtube, Metacafe, Dailymotion and more with one search. Visit: http://www.singingfish.com
TVEyes: TVEyes makes Radio & TV searchable by keyword, phrase or topic — just as you would use a search engine for text. TVEyes is the first company to deliver real-time TV and Radio search. Visit: http://www.tveyes.com
Veveo / VTap: a video search platform for mobile phones. Vtap is an offering from Veveo and it currently works on Apple iPhones as well as Microsoft Mobile-powered phones. Visit: http://www.veveo.net
Web-Cam-Search.com: Search and hack nearly a million webcams for free on the net. This search uses Boolean scripting to uncover cams — public & supposedly ‘private’. :-) Visit: http://www.web-cam-search.com
Google News: News by Google. Search and browse 4,500 news sources updated continuously. Visit: http://www.news.google.com
MagPortal: Find individual articles from many freely accessible magazines by browsing the categories or using the search engine. You can mark articles or find similar articles with several useful tools. Visit: http://www.magportal.com
NewsLookup.com: Search thousands of news sites by the source region and media type. News headlines updated continuously. Visit: http://www.newslookup.com
LexisNexis: Provider of legal, government, business and high-tech information sources. By subscription only. Visit: http://www.nexis.com
Topix is a news aggregator which categorizes news stories by topic and geography. It was created by the founders of the Open Directory Project. Knight Ridder, Tribune Company and Gannett own 75% of Topix.net. Visit: http://www.topix.net
Yahoo News: Use Yahoo! News to find breaking news, current events, the latest headlines, news photos, analysis & opinion on top stories, world, business, politics… Visit: http://news.yahoo.com/
DataparkSearch Engine is a full-featured open source web-based search engine released under the GNU General Public License and designed to organize search within a website, group of websites, intranet or local system. Visit: http://www.dataparksearch.com
Egothor is an Open Source, high-performance, full-featured text search engine written entirely in Java. It can be configured as a standalone engine, metasearcher, peer-to-peer HUB, etc. Visit: http://www.egothor.org/
gonzui is a source code search engine for accelerating open source software development — a source code search engine that covers vast quantities of open source codes available on the Internet. Visit: http://gonzui.sourceforge.net/
Grub started back in 2000 with a simple concept of distributing part of the search process pipeline: crawling. Their website claims, “We want to help fix search.” Visit: http://www.grub.org/
ht://Dig is a complete world wide web indexing and searching system for a domain or intranet. ht://Dig is meant to cover the search needs for a single company, campus, or website. Visit: http://www.htdig.org/
iSearch: PHP search engine allows you to build a searchable database for your website. Visitors can search for keywords and a list of any pages that match is returned to them. Visit: http://www.isearch.com
Apache Lucene: It is a high-performance, full-featured text search engine library written entirely in Java. Full-text search & cross-platform. Apache Lucene is an open source project available for free download. Visit: http://lucene.apache.org/
Lemur Toolkit is an open-source toolkit designed to facilitate research in language modeling and information retrieval. Lemur supports a wide range of industrial and research language applications. Visit: http://www.lemurproject.org/
mnoGoSearch: Web search engine software. Visit: http://www.mnogosearch.org/
Namazu is a full-text search engine intended for easy use. Not only does it work as a small or medium scale Web search engine, but also as a personal search. (Namazu means “Catfish” in Japanese.) Visit: http://www.namazu.com
Nutch is an effort to build an open source search engine based on Lucene Java for the search and index component. The fetcher (“robot” or “web crawler”) has been written from scratch solely for this project. Visit: http://lucene.apache.org/nutch/
OpenFTS: OpenSource Full-Text Search is an advanced PostgreSQL-based search engine that provides online indexing of data and relevance ranking for database searching. Visit: http://openfts.sourceforge.net
Sciencenet: For scientific knowledge based on YaCy Technology. Current search engines are based on popularity and/or sponsored links. This makes it difficult for scientists/students/teachers. Sciencenet is the solution. Visit: http://liebel.fzk.de/collaborations/sciencenet-search-engine-based-on-yacy-p2p-technology
Sphinx is a free software search engine designed with indexing database content in mind. It currently supports MySQL and PostgreSQL natively. It is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2. Visit: http://www.sphinxsearch.com/
SWISH-Enhanced (Simple Web Indexing System for Humans — Enhanced) is a fast, powerful, flexible, free, and easy to use system for indexing collections of Web pages or other text files. Visit: http://swish-e.org/
Terrier is software for the rapid development of Web, intranet and desktop search engines. A modular platform for the rapid development of large-scale Information Retrieval applications. Visit: http://ir.dcs.gla.ac.uk/terrier/
Wikia Search: Jimmy Wales and Wikia aim to create an open source Internet search engine, to which the community can contribute. Visit: http://search.wikia.com/wiki/Search_Wikia
Xapian is an Open Source Search Engine Library, released under the GPL. It’s written in C++, with bindings to allow use from Perl, Python, PHP, Java, Tcl, C# and Ruby (so far!) Visit: http://www.xapian.org
YaCy is a scalable personal web crawler and web search engine. One YaCy installation can store more than 10 million documents, but in a community of search peers, YaCy can provide a search index of unlimited size. Visit: http://www.yacy.net
Zettair is a compact and fast text search engine designed and written by the Search Engine Group at RMIT University. It was formerly known as Lucy. Visit: http://www.zettair.com
AnyWho.com: Part of AT&T, mostly a telephone directory and reverse phone number directory. Visit: http://www.anywho.com
Ex.plode.us: Explode is an easy way to find friends and those with common interests, no matter what social network or service they use. Visit: http://ex.plode.us
Finding-People.com: Finding-People.com is the best place to start a people search, as they have a huge number of tools all in one place to find whomever you seek. Visit: http://ex.plode.us
InfoSpace: From their webpage, “The yellow pages and white pages directory from InfoSpace is the most convenient way to find people and businesses.” Visit: http://www.infospace.com
LinkedIn is a business-oriented social networking site used for professional networking. As of March 2008, it had more than 20 million registered users. An easy way to search for business people or professionals. Visit: http://www.linkedin.com
Spock advertises itself as, “The world’s most accurate people search. Sign up to find people you know.” Visit: http://www.spock.com
Wink is a free people search engine that helps you find people at social networks, blogs, and across the Web. Visit: http://www.wink.com
Zabasearch: Honestly free people search. All US postal addresses & telephone numbers revealed free. 3-times more listings than white pages phone directory. Visit: http://www.zabasearch.com
ZoomInfo: Founded in 1999, ZoomInfo is a Web-based service that extracts information about people and companies from millions of published resources. Visit: http://www.zoominfo.com
Question and Answer
Quora: One of the most popular question and answer platform and search engine. Visit: http://www.about.com
StackOverflow. One of the most popular programming QnA site. Visit: https://stackoverflow.com
StackExchange: QnA site for a diverse set of fields. Visit: https://stackexchange.com/
About.com. The majority of their results come from their own site. Used to be miningco.com. Visit: http://www.about.com
Answers.com offers free access to millions of topics from the world’s leading publishers. Visit: http://www.Answers.com
Ask Jeeves was designed to allow users to get answers to questions posed in everyday, natural language. Ask.com was the first such commercial question-answering search engine for the Web. Visit: http://www.ask.com
AskMeNow: Questions answered from your mobile telephone. From their site, “We thought it would be cool if we could get simple answers from our phone anytime, anywhere — so we built AskMeNow.” Visit: http://www.askmenow.com
AskWiki Beta is a preliminary integration of a semantic search engine that seeks to provide specific answers to questions using information from Wikipedia articles. Visit: http://www.askwiki.com
Brainboost: Now Answers.com. Type in a question in natural language, get an answer. Visit: http://www.brainboost.com
eHow is an online knowledge resource with more than 140000 articles and videos offering step-by-step instructions on “how to do just about everything” Visit: http://www.ehow.com
Lexxe processes natural language queries and delivers results in clusters by topic. Queries can be keywords, phrases or short questions. Visit: http://www.lexxe.com
Lycos iQ is a community-driven “human search” site by Lycos Europe GmbH. Users on iQ can post questions and answers in a similar manner to sites such as Yahoo Answers, Google Answers, and Wondir.com. Visit: http://iq.lycos.co.uk/
Powerset is betting on the wisdom of the crowds with a new online community site called Powerset Labs. The company hopes the site will get people to help build and improve its search engine. Visit: http://www.powerset.com
Windows Live QnA: Ask any question and get answers from people in the know. Try it. Real answers. A little late to a crowded market, but Windows is there now too. Visit: http://qna.live.com/
Yahoo! Answers is a community-driven knowledge market website launched by Yahoo! that allows users to ask questions of other users and answer other users’ questions. Over 60 million users. Visit: http://answers.yahoo.com/
Real Estate
ForSaleByOwner.com: Search homes being sold by their owners without the intermediation of realtors — save on commission. Visit: http://www.forsalebyowner.com
Home.co.uk: Comprehensive Property Search for UK houses for sale, estate agents, house prices and guides on buying and selling property and mortgages advice. Visit: http://www.home.co.uk
Inman News: Real Estate News search. Visit: http://www.inman.com
Properazzi.com is an online real estate search engine. Launched in March of 2007 by Yannick Laclau, it allows users to search and view property listings for Europe. Visit: http://www.properazzi.com
Realtor.com: The official site of the National Association of Realtors. Search listed properties all across America. Visit: http://www.realtor.com
Rightmove: Find property online, search a wide range of property for sale in various areas in the UK, London and Overseas with Rightmove. Visit: http://www.rightmove.co.uk
Trulia: Find property online, agents can list their properties free, a robust real estate portal for homebuyers and sellers. Visit: http://www.trulia.com
Zillow provides free real estate information including homes for sale, comparable homes, historical sales, home valuation tools and more. Visit: http://www.zillow.com
Schools and Colleges
The College Search Engine.com: Searches the websites of colleges and universities worldwide, not just the USA. If it is on a university website somewhere, this search engine will find it. Visit: http://www.thecollegesearchengine.com
Skoolz.org: Search colleges and universities. Use this search to search only the websites of colleges — to find courses, information, professors, curricula, etc. Visit: http://www.skoolz.org
Google University Search allows you to search a specific site — one school at a time. The list of schools is comprehensive. Skoolz searches them all at once, Google University Search allows them to be searched one at a time. Visit: http://www.google.com/options/universities.html
Scirus: The most comprehensive scientific research tool on the web. Over 450 million scientific items indexed at last count. Search journals, scientists’ homepages, courseware, pre-print server material, patents, more… Visit: http://www.scirus.com
Amazon: The online retail Giant. Visit: https://amazon.com
Google Product Search: (Formerly Froogle) use Google to search for the best deals on products when you are shopping. Visit: http://www.google.com/products
Kelkoo: A Yahoo! company. Also powers Yahoo! Shopping in several countries. Visit: http://www.kelkoo.com
MSN Shopping: Comparison shopping made easy: Offering 33,155,627 products from over 8,000 stores — all in one place — and over 470 pages of shopping advice to help you make the right choices. Visit: http://shopping.msn.com/
MySimon: Price Comparison Shopping Visit: http://www.mysimon.com
Nextag Comparison Shopping. Product directory and search. Shows popular searches — what others are searching for. Visit: http://www.nextag.com
PriceGrabber.com: “Comparison Shopping beyond compare” Comparison shopping and search engine. Visit: http://www.pricegrabber.com
PriceRunner: Price Comparison website and search engine Visit: http://www.pricerunner.com
RetailMeNot: From the people who brought you “BugMeNot”, check here before you buy for discount coupons and promo codes. Why pay retail when you can find coupons at RetailMeNot? Visit: http://www.retailmenot.com
Shopping.com: A shopping directory and search owned by eBay. Visit: http://www.shopping.com
Shopwiki: Shopping directory and search cataloging some 241,416,304 products, and counting… Visit: http://www.shopwiki.com
Shopzilla (Owned by Bizrate) helps shoppers find, compare and buy anything, sold by virtually anyone, anywhere. 20 million unique visitors according to ComScore. BizRate reviews stores and products. Visit: http://www.shopzilla.com
TheFind.com is a discovery shopping search engine as opposed to a comparison search. The search database includes over 150 Million products from over 500,000 online stores. Visit: http://www.thefind.com
Source Code
Google Codesearch: Searches public source code using a variety of parameters. Visit: http://www.google.com/codesearch
JavaScriptSearch.org searches for javascripts, ajax, DHTML and JavaScript snippets from all over the web. The fastest way to find a JavaScript. Useful for web developers and webmasters. Visit: http://www.javascriptsearch.org
JExamples analyzes the source code of Java open source projects such as Ant, Tomcat, and Batik and loads them into a java examples database for easy searching. Enter the name of a Java API Class and click Search. Visit: http://www.jexamples.com
Koders Searces some 766,893,913 lines of open source code. Securely searches private source code. Create and share a custom code index that is easily searched from Visual Studio, Eclipse or any browser. Visit: http://www.koders.com
Krugle Code Search Engine can turn your company’s code and related development assets into a searchable, shareable asset. Visit: http://www.krugle.com
PHP Classes Repository: Find the PHP class you need at PHP Classes. The leading PHP site for coders. Everything PHP! Visit: http://www.phpclasses.org/
Google Groups: Formerly Deja News, Google Groups lets you post on usenet forums without using a mail client via their easy-to-use web interface. Visit: http:groups.google.com
Visual Search Engines
Grokker visual Meta Search Engine lets you choose which sites to search and presents the results in multiple views — outline view, map view. Visit: http://www.grokker.com
Kartoo visual Meta Search Engine searches multiple search engines and presents its results in a visual map. Visit: http://www.kartoo.com
Thanks for reading ;)
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About the Author
Vaibhav Saini is a Co-Founder of TowardsBlockchain, an MIT Cambridge Innovation Center incubated startup.
He works as Senior blockchain developer and has worked on several blockchain platforms including Ethereum, Quorum, EOS, Nano, Hashgraph, IOTA etc.
He is currently a sophomore at IIT Delhi.
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ConsensusPedia: An Encyclopedia of 30 Consensus Algorithms
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Top 7 Resource Management Software for Mid to Small Size Organizations
A large number of small and mid-sized businesses still believe that resource management software is only for large businesses spread across multiple geographical locations and working on several projects simultaneously.
While this might have been true in the past, in this age of cut-throat competition, no business irrespective of its size cannot afford to miss the benefits of online resource management.
If this is the first time that your business is taking resource management seriously, we have done the groundwork for you. We have identified the top 7 resource management software that can help your mid or small sized business.
Let us first cover an important question Mid to Small businesses have.
We Already use Spreadsheets for Resource Allocation-Does My Business Need a Resource Management Solution?
Earlier, large organizations made spreadsheet resource management popular as it seemed like a cost-efficient method. However, they soon realized that manual methods make things very complicated in the long run. They make the process time-consuming and highly prone to errors. Once this was understood, they didn’t spend a lot of time switching to modern resource management solutions.
Most small and mid-sized businesses have adopted such manual methods from larger organizations but have failed to upgrade. As a matter of fact, many of them believe that resource management solutions are an unnecessary expense. But check out some of the most important benefits of such solutions and you are sure to change your opinion.
These benefits are especially important for small and mid-sized businesses as they often do not have dedicated teams or managers for resource management. Every single project for such businesses could be very crucial as they are directly related to their reputation and bottom line.
●        Resource planning and scheduling
●        Managing multiple types of resources
●        Offer a centralized pool of available resources and current projects
●        Manage work timings
●        Reports and analytics such as utilization report and availability report
With the help of one such solution, they can add more transparency to the overall resource management process, complete projects on time, improve reputation, and generate more revenue.
7 Most Popular Resource Management Software Solutions
With the increasing popularity of resource management solutions, the market is now flooded with a number of great options. While businesses with extensive experience of using such solutions might not find the selection difficult, things can be challenging for someone who is searching for one such solution for the first time.
To help you decide, we’ve created a list of 7 of the top options that are exclusively selected for small and mid-sized businesses.
1. Resource Guru
Resource Guru was introduced in 2011 and is one of the oldest resource management software. With a clean and friendly user-interface, this power-packed software eliminates all the challenges faced when using spreadsheets for managing the resources. The software offers an easy drag-and-drop feature to help make resource scheduling a breeze.
It offers full team visibility to make it easier for the project managers to know what each of the employees is assigned to and the availability bar enables maximum utilization. Moreover, Resource Guru also offers individual settings for every single resource to eliminate the problem of over-booking and resource conflicts.
Some other top features of this software are Overtime Tracking, Leave Planner, Personal Dashboards, and Team Collaboration. If you are still not sure whether Resource Planner is the best choice for your business, there is also a free 30-days trial to help you decide.
Talking about the pricing plans, there are three- Grasshopper ($3), Blackbelt ($5), and Master ($8). The pricing mentioned here is on per person and per month basis. The features between the three plans vary considerably, making it easier for the business to select a plan as per their custom needs. You can also pay for an annual plan and enjoy considerable savings.
2. Saviom
Saviom is one of the most reliable Enterprise Resource Management (ERM) resource providers and is widely popular for its powerful and intuitive resource management software. While Saviom is mostly relied upon by larger organizations, their solution is equally valuable for small and medium-sized businesses too.
The software provides real-time visibility of the resources to make it easier for the project managers to plan their resources. It allows you to easily create, split, and shift the bookings for maximum utilization and avoiding the problem of over-utilization which can demoralize the team.
The software is also well-known for its informative availability tracking and utilization report which can be used by businesses to make confident business decisions. Shortfall and excess of resources can also be effectively analyzed to anticipate requirements of the resources beforehand. Due to the host of features and benefits offered by Saviom, it has an extensive list of clients which includes DHL, Telstra, Siemens, PWC, and many others.
Moreover, unlike most other resource management solutions that offer a free trial, Saviom offers a free customized trial for up to 6 weeks. When you register for the trial, the Saviom team will first understand the specific needs of your business and then fine tune the trial software to better suit your requirements.
Even the pricing model of Saviom is as per the custom needs of a business. There is a Power License and a Lite License to suit the needs of different businesses. However, the price of the plan will be as per the license selected and the needs of a business.
3. Float
Float too has been a reliable option for businesses all over the world since 2012. The visual team planning software is highly recommended to companies, studios, and agencies wanting to plan their projects in a much better way than spreadsheets would ever allow.
The software offers real-time schedule updates and allows multiple team members to simultaneously work on scheduling. All the changes to the schedule are made in real time to ensure enhanced convenience. It also offers a host of editing tools such as drag-and-drop, duplicate, split, replace, and more to keep you covered in case of schedule changes.
Moreover, the software also allows project managers to set weekly and monthly repeating tasks with ease. Other top features of the software include One-Off Weekend Scheduling, Custom Search and Sort, Multi-Select, Utilization Report, and API Integrations. Moreover, there is also a Float mobile app available for Slack, iPhone, and iPad.
It is due to the dynamic features offered by Float that it is used by companies and brands such as Google, BuzzFeed, NASA, Deloitte, RazorFish, Ogilvy, and many others. Just like other popular resource management solutions, there is a free trial with Float as well. The trial is for up to 30 days and does not require any credit card information.
If you like the software, you can then upgrade to the paid plan which costs $5 per person/per month. Projects, guests, and scheduling is unlimited with the paid plan. You can also pay yearly to save up to 15%.
4. Hub Planner
Headquartered in Sweden, Hub Planner AB aims to help its clients all over the world manage resources in the most transparent and efficient manner with their SaaS-hosted software for scheduling resources. The Hub Planner Resource Management software allows project managers to easily view the pool of available resources to help them effectively schedule them and achieve maximum utilization.
The solution comes with an innovative Timesheets extension which measures the actual reported time versus the forecasted time to provide in-depth details about your team's performance. It also monitors the performance of each of your resources and projects and creates detailed reports which you can download to make better resource management decisions.
Moreover, the project budgeting feature of Hub Planner is one of the most powerful and uses dynamic billing rates to accurately calculate project spends. The software also allows your team members to easily request leaves and time offs directly through the scheduler or the vacation and annual leave feature.
The software is also compatible with a host of extensions from Hub Planner such as Unassigned Work, Tasks, Custom Scheduler Columns, and many more. There is also a web mobile app for on-the-go schedule planning. Hub Planner offers a 60-days trial to help you understand the features and functionality of the software in detail.
If you like the product, you can then upgrade to one of the three paid plans- Plug & Play, Premium, and Enterprise. The Plug & Play plan is ideal for small and medium-sized businesses as it gives access to the Scheduler and Full Reports. However, extensions such as Timesheet, Unassigned Work, etc. are not included but available optionally. This plan costs $7 per resource/ per month.
The Premium plan costs $18 per resource/ per month and comes with all the Hub Planner extensions. The price of the Enterprise plan is only available on request.
5. 10,000ft
Designed to suit teams of every size, the resource management solution from 10,000ft comes with a number of valuable resource planning features to help you manage your resources across multiple projects and track time. With its efficient real-time reporting, resource requirements can be forecasted to take better business decisions.
The software is highly interactive and makes resource planning a simple and time-efficient process. Apart from resources, the software also allows you to plan your projects in order to keep the team aligned and ensure that every member of the team is on the same page.
As you work towards managing your resources and projects better, the software also keeps a track of time and expenses to make sure that the project is completed within the specified budget and time. It also comes with robust reporting tools to generate data on the basis of which you can make confident business decisions.
You can also create custom reports and share the same in multiple ways. It is due to these powerful and reliable features that 10,000ft is trusted by thousands of reputed companies including Mercedes Benz, Ogilvy, Twitter, Accenture, Sony, FJORD, and many more.
10,000ft offers a 14-days free trial to help you understand the features and benefits of this impressive resource scheduling tool better. To meet the needs of businesses of different sizes, 10,000ft offers its Basic, Professional, and Enterprise plans on monthly, annual, and even pilot basis. The cheapest plan is the Basic plan which costs $15 per user/per month but requires you to purchase the plan for at least 10 active people.
 6. Scheduleit
With a neat and simple user interface, the resource scheduling software from Scheduleit allows project managers to view all the available resources and their utilization from a single window. You can use the software to not just create workload schedules but also shift plans, task and work lists.
The software also has a useful automated checks feature to automatically check the resource availability, conflicts, and right skills. Moreover, the schedules can also be easily shared through Google Calendar, iCal, Outlook, email, internet, and even text SMS.  
One of the most important benefits of the Scheduleit software is that it lets you store unlimited event and task history. The entire history of your staff, projects, resources, and clients is stored forever so that you can access the same anytime you like. It can also be integrated with thousands of other services for enhanced convenience.
Project managers can also get many different types of reports such as utilization report, availability report, and a host of other statistical information for the planned resources. The Scheduleit software can schedule thousands of resources and can be used across devices such as Mac, Windows, iPhone, iPad, and Android.
The Scheduleit software is available in desktop and online version. Needless to say, the online version is considerably cheaper than its desktop counterpart. There are three different online plans- Startup, Business, and Enterprise. The cheapest Startup plan costs $14 per user/per month while the Enterprise plan is priced at $35 per user/per month. There is also a 31-days free trial with no functional limitations.
7. eResource Planner
eResource Planner is the flagship product of ENBRAUN, a renowned IT company since 2010. The resource management solution offered by the company is available in on-premise as well as Cloud version to perfectly match the needs of businesses of every size. The software comes with a drag-and-drop schedule builder to make project planning easy, quick, and accurate.
It comes with configurable forms, filters, fields, and views to ensure that the project managers can use the software just the way they like it. The dashboard of eResource Planner is one of the most user-friendly and features informative widgets to provide a snapshot of all the important data and numbers.
Even the widgets can be configured for different date ranges and units to make it easier for the project managers to monitor the resources and their utilization. The software has an open REST API to make sure that it can be easily integrated with the existing systems of a business. It also comes with the user access rights feature to help you control the access rights of different team members.
The software also offers configurable utilization and availability reports with color coding for easy resource analysis and resource prediction. It also allows you to create unique working patterns as per your projects, locations, and types of resources.
eResource Planner offers a 14-days trial of the on-premise as well as Cloud version of the software. There is also an obligation free 60 minutes personal web demo to help you clearly understand the features of the product. The software is also one of the most affordable and only costs $5 per user/per month. There is also a discount of 20% on annual payments.
Summary of the Top 7 Resource Management Software for Small to Mid-Suze Organizations
Still confused about the best resource management software? To make the selection easier, we’ve created a table with the most important features, trial, and pricing of all the 7 resource management solutions listed above.
1. Resource Guru
●         Full Team  Visibility
●         Custom  Filters and Fields
●         Leave  Planner
●         Personal  Dashboards
●         Clash  Management
30  Days
 From  $3/user/month
2. Saviom
●         Real-Time  Schedule Visibility
●         Utilization  and Availability Tracking Reports
●         Resource  Requirement Prediction
●         Custom  Charts and Graphs
●         Advanced  Resource Search
6  Weeks
Price only available on    request
3. Float
●         Live  Schedule Updates
●         Powerful  Schedule Edit
●         Weekly  and Monthly Repetitive Tasks
●         Extensive  Reporting
●         Dedicated  API and Zapier Integrations
30 Days
From $5/user/month
4. Hub Planner
●         Resource  and Project Pool
●         Location  and Skills Matching
●         Advanced  Budgeting Features
●         Host of  Hub Planner Extensions
●         Web  Mobile App
60 Days
From $7/user/month
5. 10,000ft
●         Interactive  Team Scheduling
●         Easy  Project Scheduling
●         Forecast  Staffing and Project Needs
●         Time and  Expense Tracking
●         Robust  Reporting Tools
14 Days
From $15/user/month
6. Scheduleit
●         Quick and  Easy Scheduling
●         Unlimited  Event and Task History
●         Integration  with 1000s of Services
●         Advanced  Statistical Analysis
●         Available  for Multiple Devices
31 Days
From $14/user/month
7. eResource Planner
●         On-Premise  and Cloud Version
●         Drag-and-Drop  Planning
●         Powerful  Management Reports
●         Open REST  API for Integration
●         User  Access Rights
14 Days
From $5/user/month
 Making the Decision
With so many resource management solutions now available in the market, the selection can actually be very confusing. And with the crucial role the solution will play in your organization, it is also very important to be confident about the selection.
The best thing to do is to thoroughly understand the features and benefits of the solutions that best suit your requirements. Give some time to the selection process and use the trial first in order to make sure that the software actually works as advertised. If you don’t know where to begin, the list of 7 top solutions discussed in the post can be an excellent starting point.
Have you tried any of the solutions discussed in this post? Do you think there is any other software that we should add to the list? Share your thoughts and suggestions through the comments section available below.
0 notes
allofbeercom · 6 years
5 Insane Subcultures That Might Become The Next Hipster
Guys, we’ve gone and done it: We broke hipsters. We’ve made fun of their $200 “vintage” shirts and fixies and craft-beer-spewing proboscises for so long that the very term has malfunctioned. “Hipster” is now a meaningless go-to insult for anyone who looks different from you, which is everyone. The hipster is gone. Beards can finally be un-ironic again.
However, as much as it pains me to say this, the death of the hipster is a problem. There must always be a dominant subculture — the one people love to hate until it occupies so much mind space that it actually hits the mainstream. A few of them actually die; strong ones such as punk come cackling back in the shadows before long, while others such as hippies gain public semi-acceptance and go on doing their thing. Even fucking emos have Hot Topic to remember them by. But, not hipsters — hipsters are going out like an IPA-tainted diarrhea fart. The mark they leave is distinct, but easily washable. They’ve been an unsustainable fad — the Kris Kross jeans of subcultures. So, now that they’re on the out, there’s a power vacuum, and attempts to fill it with more of the same (see “lumbersexuals” and “yuccies“) don’t seem to be gaining too much traction.
The balance of the universe is at stake. What we need is the next hipster: a fresh new stereotype to joke about/lust after (depending on your alignment) for the next few years. Seeing as I’m currently locked in the writing barrel, and the other columnists refuse to let me out until I find one, here goes:
#5. Raggare
I’ve never been a greaser myself because, frankly, I can only handle so much Buddy Holly, but I have a long-standing affinity toward 1950s aesthetics. That’s why it’s always pissed me off a little that, apart from a few fashion revivals and Stray Cats in the 1980s, the culture has been firmly sidelined from the mainstream for decades. Still, just because it’s not front and center doesn’t mean that it’s not evolving. In Sweden, strange things are happening:
It’s like Mad Max had a drinking competition with Grease, and everyone lost.
Raggare have been around since the 1950s, but they truly kicked into gear during the 1970s oil crisis: When America found it didn’t have money to drive its giant-ass cars, many Swedes said, “Fuck yes, American stuff for cheap,” and bought themselves a bunch of Buicks, Dodges, and suchlike in prime condition. The rock ‘n’ roll attitude arrived with the cars, and they’ve never stopped since. These days, raggare are a culture old enough to have subcultures of its own: the relatively mellow old-timers who tinker with their machines and arrange garage parties and drives, and the younger generation, who are feistier and, if the pictures are any indication, possess a very different attitude about their cars’ appearance.
Feber “I’m telling you, man, thatched car roofs are the next big thing.”
Hipster Pros:
Raggare have a look. They have a very specific thing that they do. Most importantly, they’re not just a phase you grow out of. Guys from the 1970s are still in the scene and have no intention of stopping. These guys could have actual lasting power.
Hipster Cons:
They’re seasonal. The raggare lifestyle is all about old cars, suede shoes, and painstakingly pomade-sculptured hair, all of which go right out of the window when mother nature decides to make your region eat a faceful of winter. For the colder portion of the year, many raggare tend to go around in modern cars and season-appropriate clothes and generally give more of an upstanding citizen vibe. Today’s Twitter-filled world is a hectic ol’ thing, and a subculture that goes into hibernation for a few months every year might not be able to survive even a single media cycle.
I am, of course, proposing that they should mod their cars into all-weather, all-terrain attack vehicles, M.A.S.K. style.
#4. Seapunk
Seapunk is a logical successor to the dominant subculture throne, in that it ticks all the right boxes: They have their own weird, house/hip-hop music, a distinct identity, and a look that sets them apart from everyone else. Also important: Said look is annoying as hell.
Aquaman’s emo years were no one’s proudest moment.
Even seapunk’s origin story is organic, reflects our times, and (most importantly) is easily stupid enough to warrant a torrent of jokes. Someone saw a dream about a leather jacket with barnacles instead of studs and tweeted it, shit went viral — and boom! Online joke becomes a meme, and meme becomes a subculture, complete with aesthetics that look like a tornado picked up the entire Burning Man festival and dropped it in the cartoon ocean part of Oz.
Hipster Pros:
They’re a fucking meme come to life! Plus, no one seems to be certain about whether this is an elaborate joke or an actual thing that exists. Suck on those irony levels, veterans of the hipster scene.
My money would be on the joke, but I think I actually have a shirt like that somewhere.
Hipster Cons:
It might be too late. We live in a time where most cool new things are almost immediately appropriated by the mainstream. So, barely a year into its short life, pop stars from Rihanna to Azealia Banks were already flirting with the seapunk aesthetic, stripping it of what little underground value it had. By most accounts, the movement largely fizzled out of existence by the end of 2012, meaning that the Mayan people were right about at least one small, sad apocalypse.
Even if there is a strong seapunk scene bubbling under the streets and just waiting to explode upon us in all its aquamarine glory, there’s the fact that apart from the 0.01 percent of seapunks with the looks, time, money, and eye for visuals to regularly look like a naval-themed wedding cake, pretty much every aficionado of the movement would end up looking as out of place as the left shark in Katy Perry’s Superbowl performance.
This would, of course, be totally awesome and thus severely undermine the subculture’s ability to function as a hate sink.
#3. Gopniki
Weird Russia
There are plenty of working class cultures around the world that wear track suits and designer gear — British chavs, Polish dresy, Australian bogans, and gangsta rappers, for instance. However, those are not what we’re going to talk about today. Today, we’re all about the gopniki. They’re the Russian variation of the ghetto gangster theme and therefore, by default, 125 percent rougher around the edges and in possession of precisely none of all the fucks. If you see a weird YouTube clip about a 20-something in a cheap track suit doing an activity that makes you instantly nod and think: “Yep, Russia,” chances are it’s one of these guys.
Case in point.
Hipster Pros:
Every once in a while, society needs its dominant subculture to be more than just a remora sticking to pop culture’s underbelly. Sometimes, we need it to give us a good, hard slap on the balls and make us look in the mirror. It’s been a while since we had one of those, and none of the current ones fit the old “my son/daughter is not going to go out with one of those people” bill better than the gopniki.
Also, I’m completely on board with a rerun of the Slav squat meme.
Hipster Cons:
Gopniki are not known for their open-mindedness, but extremely so for their tendency to drunkenly fight anything that moves. Unless you’re a terrible person, they’re not going to agree with your political views too much and, on occasion, might be inclined to do their disagreeing with the soles of their Adidas instead of angry blogging.
So, while a gopnik might be a very good target for a casual “ugh, can you believe what I saw one of those fucking gopniki do today at Starbucks?” said offensive activity might involve a lot less pretentious screenplay writing with an actual typewriter and a lot more high-impact slurs and poor impulse control.
Also, I really, really don’t want that goddamned slicked-forward inverted mullet hairstyle half of them seem to sport to catch on. I still haven’t recovered from topknots.
Actually, yeah, let’s pass these fucking guys. Besides, I have a much better candidate just around the corner …
#2. Haul People
Back in the murky depths of 2011, Cracked’s resident trend expert Daniel O’Brien became baffled by a phenomenon known as haul videos. They’re seemingly random YouTube clips where girls fawned over their shopping “hauls” on-camera and, for some inexplicable reason, raked in five- to six-figure views.
I remember this well. Back then, it seemed like just another weird kink of the Internet, a video version of a meme. Surely, people have long since grown bored of watching a bunch of creepy kids wave their purchases at the camera and wandered away to watch more cat videos or someth-
… ing.
6.7 million views? Actual production values? What the shit?
Sure, they’re still not particularly widely known, but they’ve been moving and shaking in the marginal like no one’s business. The people who make haul videos used to be called haul girls, but now that guys are in on the action, too, I don’t think the community really has a name yet — haulers? Haulsters? I’m just going to go ahead and call them “haul people” and hope it’ll stick until the Mole Man mishears the name and attempts to enslave them all. Many of the more successful ones have PR agents and deals with fashion and cosmetic companies. They have been featured on Good Morning America. They have a distinct identity, albeit that of vapid fucks yammering about consumer products to unseen audiences. There are even people who make haul parodies. If that level of sadness doesn’t ruin your day, I don’t know what will.
Hipster Pros:
Easier to hate than a shit-smeared street performer singing Nickelback, yet inexplicably popular enough to have some semblance of legitimacy. Those are the main definitions of, well, every fucking successful subculture in history, and haul people pass them with flying flags.
Flags that they shape out of giant shopping bags.
Hipster Cons:
They’re not ready just yet.
Although they have vast potential as a highly visible subculture that everyone will do their level best to forget in five years’ time, haul people currently lack direction. They’re basically low-key corporate shills, buying/getting junk and peddling it for us. However, the extreme popularity of fringe haul genres such as unboxing videos shows promise for something much, much grander and more stupid. Give it a year or two; I have hope that the community will find certain defining themes and Flanderize itself into something we can truly be baffled by on an ironic-mustache level.
#1. These Fucking Guys
For the love of G’huul the Great Eater, keep the sound on.
Hipster Pros:
All of them.
Hipster Cons:
None. We’re done here. I don’t care who these people really are. I don’t care what they’re supposed to be doing. All I know is that they look like an explosion at the My Little Pony factory’s neon paint subsidiary, and someone edited the Thomas The Tank Engine theme to sync with their goofy-looking space outfit flailing. That is the level of bafflement we need right now, friends, and I now want these guys to explode all over our pop culture fucking yesterday — preferably, while contractually obligated to carry a boom box that blasts out the Thomas theme 24/7.
Pauli Poisuo is a Cracked weekly columnist and freelance editor. Here he is on Facebook and Twitter.
from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/5-insane-subcultures-that-might-become-the-next-hipster/
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mlmcompanies · 6 years
In most cases, things that come from Sweden seem more trustworthy, not less.
But there are always exceptions.
Zinzino is a health and wellness network marketing company that offers nutritional supplements like fish oil, along with a “product circle” aiming to create balanced health.
Sounds great, right?
Curing the world of all its ailments, lengthening the human lifespan, and hitting a million customers in the next few years are just a few of their ambitions.
But can they be trusted to make all this magic happen? We’ll let you decide.
1. What does Zinzino sell? Zinzino sells omega-3 nutrition, immune and brain, weight loss, and skin care products, including a Balance Test that measures the body’s fatty acid profile.
2. What are Zinzino’s most popular products? One of their flagship products is BalanceOil. It comes in capsules or liquid form, with or without a test-start kit. For weight control, their LeanShake is popular. They claim it can help you lose 5, 10, or 20 pounds, depending on the package your purchase.
3. How much does it cost to join Zinzino? You can start as a Partner for free, earning retail profits and bonuses for subscription sales without investing a dime. But you’ll probably be asked to invest up-front. Options may include $60 for the Training Kit, $219 for the Basic Body Kit, $649 for the Advanced Body Kit, or $949 for the Ultimate Body Kit. You’ll probably also be encouraged to register a Zinzino4Free Kit on AutoOrder. That will set you back anywhere from $44 to $109 a month.
4. Is Zinzino a scam? No, Zinzino is a publicly traded company selling real products. But you need to do due diligence before joining. There may be better options for improving your health and making some extra money.
5. What is Zinzino’s BBB rating? They aren’t listed by the BBB.
6. How long has Zinzino been in business? Since 2005
7. What is Zinzino’s revenue? 540.3 million Swedish Kroner (about 601.6 million USD)
8. How many Zinzino distributors are there? No numbers have been released online.
9. What lawsuits have been filed? In 2017, Truth in Advertising found misleading income claims among Zinzino’s marketing. [1]
10. Comparable companies: Young Living, Melaleuca, Kyani
Does this mean you should get involved?
Product-wise this company might be legit, but if you’re just interested in the business opportunity, there are better options out there…
Click here for my #1 recommendation
Either way, here’s 17 things you need to consider before joining Zinzino.
#17. Founded in 2005, expanded globally
They got off to a pretty sad start, to be honest. But when they introduced health products, they took off running and were named the growth business of 2011.
They just came to the U.S. in the fall of 2013, and at this point, the good old red-white-and-blue still only accounts for 4% of their sales. [2]
But they’re still just getting started.
In 2016, they started plans to explode geographically, with aggressive expansion into multiple new markets, including Germany (watch out, Vorwerk), Europe’s largest market for direct sales. [3]
#16. Sellers engage in lying
MLM distributors are not shy when it comes to fabricating their products, but Zinzino’s take it to a new level.
In Iceland, in 2015 the company had to send a warning to its sellers for making false health claims, such as that the oil fights ADHD, Asperger’s and dyslexia. [4]
#15. Warnings issued against the company
The false claims have gotten so bad that the Danish Consumer Council lawyers warn people to stay away from both Zinzino products and their recruitment.
They describe Zinzino’s practices as “on the edge of the law.” [5]
#14. Basically reselling marked-up products
Eventually, they made enough in revenue to buy Biolife, the manufacturer of the fish oil and test that they sell, but before that, customers could easily buy their oils directly from BioLife at a cheaper price. [6]
And still, customers can buy their coffee products (like Organo Gold) much cheaper directly from the manufacturer.
You buy their coffee in a subscription for 12 months, so you get new pods every month. It costs about $349 for the machine and initial order, then another $33/month after.
Purchasing through the manufacturer, the machine alone is $234. You can then order a month’s supply of pods for $26 rather than $33. [7]
Basically, new customers are paying a huge markup on product just to get the rights to resell Zinzino products in hopes of a future payoff.
#13. Health and wellness niche selling nutritional supplements
Zinzino sells both nutritional and coffee products. Their popular nutritional products include…
LeanShake with various weight loss challenges (lose 5 pounds, 10 pounds, 20 pounds, etc)
BalanceOIL various packages, wild fish oil + quality olive oil
Their coffee products are coffee machines and coffee pods. They still don’t offer coffee products in many of their countries, including the U.S. [8]
Overall, health products are about 75% of their sales while coffee is about 25%. [9]
#12. Their oil supposedly cures a dangerous imbalance all humans have
This is their major selling point.
Basically, we all have these omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids, but we don’t have enough, and we don’t have the proper balance between the two. This is the root, they claim, of many of our health problems. [10]
To prove that you have an imbalance of fatty acids, they even sell a (pricey) BalanceTest that, after sent back, will give you results of your omega-3 and omega-6 levels.
When you inevitably have an imbalance, they claim their oils and shakes can help adjust and solve it. For many customers, this balance is improved after a few months, but…
#11. Not the best way to get fish oil
Studies have shown that we do need more fish oil, but getting it from actual fish is highly preferable. [11]
Basically, the EPA content in your blood increases a lot faster and more sustainably when you eat fish versus when you take supplements. [12]
#10. Premiere customer program
Commit to a 6-month subscription and you become a premier customer and get discounted product.
For example, the LeanShake lose 5 pounds challenge costs $249 for a one-month initial order, but it’s $108 a month if you subscribe
#9. Headquartered in Sweden
Most of their market is still in Europe, as you can see from this map. But they have offices and factories in both Norway and the US as well as plans for expansion.
#8. Decent revenue
While they’re no Coca-Cola, their revenue has increased to an impressive $601.6 million annually.
So, they’re making some money. But are their distributors?
#7. FREE to join
This is a big plus. Basically no risk for you, so why no?
There’s no fee to become an independent distributor and no purchase requirements, which almost never happens in MLM.
#6. Compensation plan
Distributors pocket the difference between wholesale and retail price.
They can earn anywhere from 10-50% profit depending on the product. That’s a huge difference, and it’s important to remember that most if not nearly all their distributors probably fall on the lower end when it comes to profit.
If you build a premier customer base (customers with monthly subscriptions), you can get 1-30% on their monthly orders. Again, huge range. 30% is great, while 1% is literal pennies on the dollar.
If you build a team of partners, you can get another 1-15% off their premier customer base. AGAIN, 1%? What?
You must be active to receive commission, which means ordering a minimum amount of product every month. So while it’s free to join, you really do have to spend money to get anything out of it.
#5. Revenue sharing program
They do a revenue sharing program too. In the range of 20-40 euros monthly (4-8 shares) in shares if you hit certain levels.
#4. Founded and run by controversial Norwegian businessman Finn Ørjan Sæle
This man built up Nature’s Own to be the largest networking company in Scandinavia.
Impressive, right?
Yeah, until it completely tanked in the mid-2000s due to “questions about the legality of their sales model”. [13]
#3. Return policy is kind of useless
They have a 90-day return policy, but you have to return the products unopened and unused, and there’s a 10% restocking fee.
Kinda defeats the purpose of a return policy. Usually, you’d try the product, figure out you don’t like it, and THEN ask for your money back.
But it is helpful for new distributors, as they can order a bunch of product, and if they decide to quit, (in theory) they send a written notice and return product they couldn’t sell.
#2. Publicly traded on NASDAQ through First North
They are a public company technically, but First North is an unregulated unofficial branch for smaller companies and “growth” companies. Trading started for Zinzino 2014. [14]
#1. Their valuation has decreased steadily
They peaked at the end of 2014 and have steadily declined since then. Their 1-year return is -17.43%. [15]
Things aren’t looking good.
Zinzino isn’t a bad company at all. If you like the products and have a market, go for it. But as far as a money making opportunity goes, your time could probably be better spent.
Look, I’ve been involved with network marketing for over ten years so I know what to look for when you consider a new opportunity.
After reviewing 200+ business opportunities and systems out there, here is the one I would recommend:
Click here for my #1 recommendation
0 notes
antionetterparker · 6 years
Zinzino: 17 unsettling things you need to consider [Review]
In most cases, things that come from Sweden seem more trustworthy, not less.
But there are always exceptions.
Zinzino is a health and wellness network marketing company that offers nutritional supplements like fish oil, along with a “product circle” aiming to create balanced health.
Sounds great, right?
Curing the world of all its ailments, lengthening the human lifespan, and hitting a million customers in the next few years are just a few of their ambitions.
But can they be trusted to make all this magic happen? We’ll let you decide.
1. What does Zinzino sell? Zinzino sells omega-3 nutrition, immune and brain, weight loss, and skin care products, including a Balance Test that measures the body’s fatty acid profile.
2. What are Zinzino’s most popular products? One of their flagship products is BalanceOil. It comes in capsules or liquid form, with or without a test-start kit. For weight control, their LeanShake is popular. They claim it can help you lose 5, 10, or 20 pounds, depending on the package your purchase.
3. How much does it cost to join Zinzino? You can start as a Partner for free, earning retail profits and bonuses for subscription sales without investing a dime. But you’ll probably be asked to invest up-front. Options may include $60 for the Training Kit, $219 for the Basic Body Kit, $649 for the Advanced Body Kit, or $949 for the Ultimate Body Kit. You’ll probably also be encouraged to register a Zinzino4Free Kit on AutoOrder. That will set you back anywhere from $44 to $109 a month.
4. Is Zinzino a scam? No, Zinzino is a publicly traded company selling real products. But you need to do due diligence before joining. There may be better options for improving your health and making some extra money.
5. What is Zinzino’s BBB rating? They aren’t listed by the BBB.
6. How long has Zinzino been in business? Since 2005
7. What is Zinzino’s revenue? 540.3 million Swedish Kroner (about 601.6 million USD)
8. How many Zinzino distributors are there? No numbers have been released online.
9. What lawsuits have been filed? In 2017, Truth in Advertising found misleading income claims among Zinzino’s marketing. [1]
10. Comparable companies: Young Living, Melaleuca, Kyani
Does this mean you should get involved?
Product-wise this company might be legit, but if you’re just interested in the business opportunity, there are better options out there…
Click here for my #1 recommendation
Either way, here’s 17 things you need to consider before joining Zinzino.
#17. Founded in 2005, expanded globally
They got off to a pretty sad start, to be honest. But when they introduced health products, they took off running and were named the growth business of 2011.
They just came to the U.S. in the fall of 2013, and at this point, the good old red-white-and-blue still only accounts for 4% of their sales. [2]
But they’re still just getting started.
In 2016, they started plans to explode geographically, with aggressive expansion into multiple new markets, including Germany (watch out, Vorwerk), Europe’s largest market for direct sales. [3]
#16. Sellers engage in lying
MLM distributors are not shy when it comes to fabricating their products, but Zinzino’s take it to a new level.
In Iceland, in 2015 the company had to send a warning to its sellers for making false health claims, such as that the oil fights ADHD, Asperger’s and dyslexia. [4]
#15. Warnings issued against the company
The false claims have gotten so bad that the Danish Consumer Council lawyers warn people to stay away from both Zinzino products and their recruitment.
They describe Zinzino’s practices as “on the edge of the law.” [5]
#14. Basically reselling marked-up products
Eventually, they made enough in revenue to buy Biolife, the manufacturer of the fish oil and test that they sell, but before that, customers could easily buy their oils directly from BioLife at a cheaper price. [6]
And still, customers can buy their coffee products (like Organo Gold) much cheaper directly from the manufacturer.
You buy their coffee in a subscription for 12 months, so you get new pods every month. It costs about $349 for the machine and initial order, then another $33/month after.
Purchasing through the manufacturer, the machine alone is $234. You can then order a month’s supply of pods for $26 rather than $33. [7]
Basically, new customers are paying a huge markup on product just to get the rights to resell Zinzino products in hopes of a future payoff.
#13. Health and wellness niche selling nutritional supplements
Zinzino sells both nutritional and coffee products. Their popular nutritional products include…
LeanShake with various weight loss challenges (lose 5 pounds, 10 pounds, 20 pounds, etc)
BalanceOIL various packages, wild fish oil + quality olive oil
Their coffee products are coffee machines and coffee pods. They still don’t offer coffee products in many of their countries, including the U.S. [8]
Overall, health products are about 75% of their sales while coffee is about 25%. [9]
#12. Their oil supposedly cures a dangerous imbalance all humans have
This is their major selling point.
Basically, we all have these omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids, but we don’t have enough, and we don’t have the proper balance between the two. This is the root, they claim, of many of our health problems. [10]
To prove that you have an imbalance of fatty acids, they even sell a (pricey) BalanceTest that, after sent back, will give you results of your omega-3 and omega-6 levels.
When you inevitably have an imbalance, they claim their oils and shakes can help adjust and solve it. For many customers, this balance is improved after a few months, but…
#11. Not the best way to get fish oil
Studies have shown that we do need more fish oil, but getting it from actual fish is highly preferable. [11]
Basically, the EPA content in your blood increases a lot faster and more sustainably when you eat fish versus when you take supplements. [12]
#10. Premiere customer program
Commit to a 6-month subscription and you become a premier customer and get discounted product.
For example, the LeanShake lose 5 pounds challenge costs $249 for a one-month initial order, but it’s $108 a month if you subscribe
#9. Headquartered in Sweden
Most of their market is still in Europe, as you can see from this map. But they have offices and factories in both Norway and the US as well as plans for expansion.
#8. Decent revenue
While they’re no Coca-Cola, their revenue has increased to an impressive $601.6 million annually.
So, they’re making some money. But are their distributors?
#7. FREE to join
This is a big plus. Basically no risk for you, so why no?
There’s no fee to become an independent distributor and no purchase requirements, which almost never happens in MLM.
#6. Compensation plan
Distributors pocket the difference between wholesale and retail price.
They can earn anywhere from 10-50% profit depending on the product. That’s a huge difference, and it’s important to remember that most if not nearly all their distributors probably fall on the lower end when it comes to profit.
If you build a premier customer base (customers with monthly subscriptions), you can get 1-30% on their monthly orders. Again, huge range. 30% is great, while 1% is literal pennies on the dollar.
If you build a team of partners, you can get another 1-15% off their premier customer base. AGAIN, 1%? What?
You must be active to receive commission, which means ordering a minimum amount of product every month. So while it’s free to join, you really do have to spend money to get anything out of it.
#5. Revenue sharing program
They do a revenue sharing program too. In the range of 20-40 euros monthly (4-8 shares) in shares if you hit certain levels.
#4. Founded and run by controversial Norwegian businessman Finn Ørjan Sæle
This man built up Nature’s Own to be the largest networking company in Scandinavia.
Impressive, right?
Yeah, until it completely tanked in the mid-2000s due to “questions about the legality of their sales model”. [13]
#3. Return policy is kind of useless
They have a 90-day return policy, but you have to return the products unopened and unused, and there’s a 10% restocking fee.
Kinda defeats the purpose of a return policy. Usually, you’d try the product, figure out you don’t like it, and THEN ask for your money back.
But it is helpful for new distributors, as they can order a bunch of product, and if they decide to quit, (in theory) they send a written notice and return product they couldn’t sell.
#2. Publicly traded on NASDAQ through First North
They are a public company technically, but First North is an unregulated unofficial branch for smaller companies and “growth” companies. Trading started for Zinzino 2014. [14]
#1. Their valuation has decreased steadily
They peaked at the end of 2014 and have steadily declined since then. Their 1-year return is -17.43%. [15]
Things aren’t looking good.
Zinzino isn’t a bad company at all. If you like the products and have a market, go for it. But as far as a money making opportunity goes, your time could probably be better spent.
Look, I’ve been involved with network marketing for over ten years so I know what to look for when you consider a new opportunity.
After reviewing 200+ business opportunities and systems out there, here is the one I would recommend:
Click here for my #1 recommendation
via https://mlmcompanies.org/zinzino/
0 notes
samanthasroberts · 6 years
Hockey, weed and taxes? 11 Canadian stereotypes debunked
Canada is often pictured as a uniformly cold, multicultural, socialist paradise full of beer-swilling ice hockey fans. But a close look at the evidence reveals some very different truths good and bad about the Great White North
Its pretty easy to conjure an idea of a Canadian. As one young paramour looking to marry an American told a dating website: She must be willing to become a hockey fan and eat maple syrup and Beaver Tails in my igloo.
Theres more to the stereotype, of course. Canadas universal health care and gun-control legislation are frequently namechecked by American politicians (often disapprovingly), while the countrys adventurers have a long-standing tradition of stitching tiny Canadian flags into their backpacks.
But while some of these cliches are true Tim Hortons really does sell more of its hot brown drink (they call it coffee) than any other restaurant chain a deep dive into the actual statistics suggest that much of the countrys image is just that.
Some of the most common misconceptions about Canada include:
Canadas most popular sport by far is ice hockey
What football is to Brazil, hockey is Canada, right? Between them, the mens and womens national Canadian ice hockey teams won seven of a possible eight gold medals at the last four Winter Olympics.
But while Canadas superiority on the ice remains unchecked, the sport itself is becoming a little more niche at home. A 2014 study pegged ice hockey fourth among 3-to-17-year-old Canadians in participation numbers, behind swimming, soccer and dance. Its probably no coincidence that hockey was also ranked the second most expensive sport to play, and that multiculturalism means a generation of kids less uniformly passionate about pucks.
Meanwhile, the rest of the world is catching up to Canada when it comes to playing the sport professionally: 2015 marked the first time in 98 years when Canadians did not make up the majority of National Hockey League players.
Canadians live in the wilderness
Pierre Berton once declared: A Canadian is somebody who knows how to make love in a canoe.
But there are a few problems with this all-Canadian adage, beyond the obvious issue of tipping. For one, Berton never actually said it. For another, the image of Canadians as a wilderness-dwelling people is not borne out by research: as of 2011, a full 81% of Canadians resided in a population centre, census speak for urban area.
In fact, about 35.2%, or one in three Canadians, lives in either Toronto, Montreal or Vancouver alone.
And if you think the vast majority Canadas city-dwellers love nothing more than to race to the countryside, youd also be wrong: a 2010 poll found that only 23% of Canadians see their ideal vacation as a visit to a cottage or a lake.
Canadians are taxed to death
The status of Canada as something of a socialist darling leads many to assume that Canadians pay income tax rates at similar levels to those in, for example, France or Germany.
Not so, according to the OECDs annual Taxing Wages report. The report ranks Canada 25th out of 34 countries in terms of its tax wedge for single-income earners (a measure of the difference between labour costs to the employer and the corresponding net take-home pay of the employee). By this metric,, Canada is actually slightly below the US.
In the same report, Canada ranked 14th out of 34 in terms of income tax, based on the average national wage. When it comes to corporate taxes, too, Canada is relatively generous the headline corporate tax rate has dropped from 34% in 2007 to 26.5% in 2015, ranking Canada 61st in the world. By comparison, the US ranks fourth.
Canadians are obsessed with beer
There are few images more Canadian than beloved SCTV hosers Bob and Doug McKenzie sitting on a couch and cracking open a few bottles of Molson Canadian while complaining about US-style twist-off caps. The Beer Hunter, an all-Canadian take on Russian Roulette, has long been the nations greatest drinking game.
But while it is true that Canadians love beer they spent C$15.7bn on the stuff in 2011 an increasing number are embracing wine as their drink of choice. As a 2015 report notes, Beer sales as a share of the total sale of alcoholic beverages have been declining for several years.
In 2004/2005, the report continued, beer had a market share of 49% in terms of dollar value, while wine had a market share of 25%. By 2013/2014, the market share for beer had declined to 42%, while wine was up to 31%.
Canada is a haven for pot smokers
Since snowboarder Ross Rebagliati went on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno in 1998 to celebrate the return of his Olympic gold medal after it had been stripped from him because of THC in his blood, Canada has garnered a reputation as weed-smoking haven. The 2001 ruling of an Ontario court that prohibiting the medical use of marijuana was unconstitutional did little to shake that impression.
But although Justin Trudeaus Liberal government promised to table legislation to legalise marijuana in 2017, Canadas medical community and popular opinion are divided on the question, and there are diplomatic hurdles still to clear. Even if weed is eventually made legal, it will likely be sold in set quantities, possibly from government stores, and subject to significant taxes. In fact, the North American nation that has made the biggest strides in legalising pot has been the supposedly drug-averse US.
Canadian hospital wait times are so bad they flee to the US for care
During the 9 October presidential debate, Donald Trump raised some ire north of the border when he referred to Canadian healthcare as catastrophic. Said the now-president-elect: Youve noticed the Canadians. When they need a big operation, they come into the US in many cases, because their system is so slow.
As ever, Trump is manipulating the truth. Canadians do endure long wait times for specialised treatment, and as of 2014 Canada ranked last among 11 OECD countries in terms of how quickly patients can get an appointment with their family doctor.
However, Canadians arent flocking en masse to the US in response. A Fraser Institute report revealed that in 2015 just 1% of Canadians who needed specialised medical treatment sought that treatment in the US.
Canada is a major exporter of comedy stars
Dan Aykroyd, Martin Short, Eugene Levy, Catherine OHara, Lorne Michaels, Jim Carrey, Mike Myers, Dave Foley. All are Canadians who made it big in America and all are over 50. Whereas comedians were once regularly discovered on shows such as Saturday Night Live, SCTV and Kids in the Hall, the well has been drying up: the success of Seth Rogen, Jay Baruchel and Ryan Reynolds is heartening, but Canada is no longer the comedy source it once was.
Though tightened screening at the US border may be partly to blame, the changing way in which we consume comedy bite-sized clips shared online, from acts such as Picnicface and Baronness Von Sketch Show also plays a role. The old model of a breakout US/Canadian TV sketch comedy may no longer exist, says Toronto Second Citys Etan Muskat: The CBC is trying to have breakout mainstream comedic success, following a model that doesnt compute.
Canada is a frigid wasteland
Canada is cold, eh? It has an average daily temperature of -5.6C, making it one of the chilliest countries on earth. But the idea of an average Canadian daily temperature is meaningless. Not only does it combine cities like Regina and St Johns thousands of miles apart, in entirely different climates but it doesnt capture range.
Canadas summer highs are in fact often equal to, or higher than, other major cities in Europe and the US. Winnipeg, for example, which suffers average annual winter highs of -12.7, has a summer average high of 25.8, higher than Paris and Los Angeles.
Canada also has a rich summer culture of cabin or cottage-going to rival the Scandinavians and the dacha-loving Russians. If anything, the brutal winters make Canadians appreciate the summer months more.
Canadas economy is driven by natural resources
Though Canada is the biggest exporter of crude oil to the US and the highest exporter of forestry products relative to imports, the forestry, fishing, mining, quarrying, oil and gas industries collectively employ only 355,000 Canadians, or 2% of the workforce.
In fact, Canadas services sector dwarfs the goods-producing sector by almost four to one. And the third-biggest service employer after retail and healthcare/social services is professional, scientific and technical services, including tech startups like Shopify, Hootsuite and Freshbooks. In 2015, Canadas tech companies produced $117bn or 7.1% of Canadas economic output, greater than that of the finance and insurance industry. As Mike McDerment, CEO of Freshbooks, notes: Its our observation that the economy is being restructured away from resource economy to services and tech.
Canada is a Scandinavian-style social democracy
Though Canada enjoys a strong healthcare system and is consistently ranked among the most livable countries on earth, many assume it is a thriving social democracy in the style of Sweden or Denmark. Not exactly.
Canadian bachelors students pay the joint 2nd highest tuition fees of OECD countries, alongside Japanese and Korean students. Canada also has the 7th highest child poverty rate in the OECD, and, as of 2013, was last in spending on early childhood education and is among the most expensive countries on earth when it comes to childcare costs.
Meanwhile Canadas rich-poor gap is slightly bigger than the OECD average, and the World Economic Forum put Canada in 30th place globally two spots below the US in gender equality measures.
Canada is diverse from coast to coast
The Economist recently pointed out that Canada is a world leader in immigration, both in acceptance and integration, a result of 1971 legislation enshrining multiculturalism. However, most of the resulting diversity is limited to Canadas big cities. Of Canadas 6.8 millions immigrants in 2011, 91% lived in one of Canadas 33 census metropolitan areas (CMAs) Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver compared with 63.3% of people who were born in Canada.
Across the country, skilled immigrants struggle with significant barriers to finding work, such as language and requirements for Canadian experience. In Vancouver and Toronto, many immigrants are increasingly living in inner suburban enclaves, with less access to public transport. At least one geographer, Zach Taylor, argues the isolation and resentment these enclaves can cause helped fuel the populist rise of Toronto mayor Rob Ford.
Source: http://allofbeer.com/hockey-weed-and-taxes-11-canadian-stereotypes-debunked/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2017/12/31/hockey-weed-and-taxes-11-canadian-stereotypes-debunked/
0 notes
touristguidebuzz · 7 years
CEO Interview: On The Beach’s Flexible Approach to Selling Holidays
Simon Cooper, CEO of On the Beach, has found a way to prosper while many other packaged holiday companies flounder.
Skift Take: While plenty of European travel companies have struggled to cope in a difficult operating environment, On the Beach has prospered. In an uncertain world, its flexible approach to holidays means that it is able to take advantage without some of the risk that others face.
— Patrick Whyte
In travel it can pay to be flexible.
The industry is beholden to the type of external forces that are easily able to bring down companies.
The price of oil, terrorism, industrial action and an erupting volcano have in recent years caused havoc for plenty of businesses.
In most cases those that have felt the most pain are the traditional players. Owning assets such as hotels or airplanes makes it much harder to pivot away from trouble.
For Simon Cooper, the founder and CEO of On the Beach, an online travel agent based in Greater Manchester, England, the ability to move fast is key to survival and prosperity.
“We have a flexible business model. We have zero commitment to product. We’re incredibly agile, which enables us to react to the challenges and the opportunities in the market,” he says.
The benefits of this ability were shown in the company’s most recent set of full-year results, issued in December. A pre-tax loss of $3.1 million (£2.5 million) in 2015 turned into a profit of $21 million (£17 million) in 2016.
Part of the turnaround can be pinned on the fact that last year’s figures don’t include shareholder interest payments following its listing on the London Stock Exchange in September 2015. Even so, the performance was still a vast improvement, an especially impressive feat given the current climate.
Wyn Ellis, a leisure analyst at stockbroker Numis, said the results showed that “the foundations are in place for continued strong profit growth”, driven in part by the “ongoing structural shift to online.”
Graham Neary, who writes at investment site Stockopedia, was similarly impressed with the results.
“I quite like the economics of the business: it has generated a very high return on equity this year, and the capital required to maintain the brand, the websites and its technology do not look particularly intensive…
“There are macro risks and the international expansion may take a long time to bear fruit but overall, I’d be more positive on this compared to the average stock.”
For established tour operators like TUI Group and Thomas Cook, with their flight schedules and hotel commitments, this presents a particular problem.
Terrorism over the past couple of years has knocked previously popular destinations such as Tunisia and Egypt out of the market. Continuing unrest in Turkey has also put plenty of people off travelling there.
All three of these locations served the value end of the market, meaning that companies were forced to look elsewhere for cheaper hotel beds.
“We are, in essence, a tech marketing engine, not a vertically integrated tour operator,” says Cooper.
“We don’t have the same kind of need for infrastructure or asset-heavy cost base. Therefore, our cost base is just incredibly slim. We can obviously afford to be more agile and more flexible and we can present a wider range of products to consumers at a more competitive price point.”
dynamically-packaged holidays
Cooper founded On the Beach in 2003 as an online retailer of low-priced short-haul beach holidays. Its main market is the UK but it recently expanded into Scandinavia with operations in Sweden and now Norway.
According to its prospectus, which was released prior to its floatation in September 2015, it had a market share in the UK of 17 percent. The UK’s Civil Aviation Authority puts it in the number five position in the UK market behind TUI, Thomas Cook, Jet2holidays and Expedia. In the year up until the end of March it is licensed to carry 1.1 million passengers, a figure that represents an increase of more than 72 percent in just three years.
As Cooper has already alluded to, On the Beach has spent a great deal of time and money honing its technology. More than $14.4 million (£11.6 million) has been spent developing an in-house platform. Up until 2011 the company had relied on a third-party solution.
This bespoke platform, dynamically powered holidays, powers On the Beach’s product. Dynamic packaging over the years has become a popular way of selling holidays. Rather than buying a traditional package offered by a tour operator, customers can select the different component parts, such as flights and hotels, and put together their own holiday. Companies can offer discounts and consumers can reap savings because the pricing on the individual components aren’t disclosed to the customer.
In this arena Cooper isn’t just competing with well-established tour operators but also with the giants of the industry: Priceline and Expedia.
These two behemoths have hoovered up customers across all sections of the industry but Cooper believes there is still space for smaller competitors to thrive, especially if they do one thing really well.
“I think it’s far, far easier to be successful when one is focused,” he says.
“That’s not to say that Expedia or Priceline don’t have a focus, it’s just that their focus is not selling beach holidays to a UK consumer. What’s Booking.com’s focus? It’s selling hotels to a global audience. They’ve done a fantastic job of it, but that means we’re not in competition with Expedia or Booking.com.”
Uncertain times
Last summer, On the Beach lost one of its biggest competitors when Lowcosttravelgroup collapsed.
Its demise led some people to question whether smaller online travel agencies could survive in a world dominated by a handful of U.S. and Chinese players.
Writing after the demise of Lowcost, Noel Josephides, chairman of Abta and tour operator Sunvil, said the costs involved were astronomical.
“You don’t need millions of dollars to compete – you need billions. Priceline, with all its brands including Booking.com, spends more than $2 billion a year on Google.”
While Cooper won’t be drawn in on criticizing the Lowcost model, he does believe there were differences in the way the two companies operated.
“I’m not here to denigrate the Lowcosttravelgroup business model, but we’ve also always operated in a profitable manner and we’ve reinvested a proportion of those profits in order to build for the longer term,” he says.
Given the various problems facing the travel industry at the moment this caution seems a sensible approach.
As with many others in the sector, Cooper says On the Beach has yet to see any significant impact from the UK’s vote to leave the European Union.
“Well, clearly, in the short-term, the pound weakened significantly against the Euro,” says Cooper.
“Most hotel products in the Western Mediterranean are generally sourced in Euros, so the hotels were getting slightly more booked than expected. That’s offset somewhat by the fact that there’s a wide range of competitively priced flight seats, so at the moment, there’s plenty of well-priced product available for summer ’17. We’re not seeing a huge increase in the price of holidays.”
Brexit might not have hit the consumer just yet, but travelers in Europe are well-aware of the threat from posed by terrorist attacks in destination popular with tourists.
The suspected bombing of a Russian charter jet led many countries to ban flights to the key tourist airport of Sharm el Sheikh in Egypt, while only the UK and Russia have maintained the ban.
Cooper said that it was “difficult to see Egypt coming back soon” and that Turkey, which has experienced a number of attacks over the past year, would “require a period of calm” before it comes back in favor.
This all puts more pressure on the supposed safe destinations of Spain and Portugal. Increased demand means that hoteliers operating in these countries could decide to jack up the prices. But so far, Cooper says, this had not happened.
“There’s no doubt that there is increased demand for beds in the Western Med, but obviously the number of sold-out periods, let’s say, even in a busy summer, are fairly slim. It takes an awful lot of demand to fill the capacity that they have in, let’s say, May-June, September-October and so on. The peak season prices might have gone up slightly, but like I said, in offset by more competitively priced flying.”
The Google conundrum
On the Beach began life more than a decade ago as a startup working out of a terraced house in the small town of Macclesfield. Having passed through the hands of two sets of private equity owners it listed on the London Stock Exchange in September 2015.
Its rise is inexorably tied up with the emergence of Google as a major advertising platform.
According to travel industry investor Steve Endacott, On the Beach and other early adopters have been able to maintain their lead.
“[T]he Google algorithm around click history, created a massive barrier to new entrants and saw companies such as Travel Republic and On the Beach, given a major early mover advantage, as their PPC [pay per click] history protected their top positions within most destination, resort and hotel search results,” he wrote in 2014.
Cooper agrees that it is getting harder for new entrants to carve out a niche.
“I think the barriers to entry increase every year, not just because of the auction dynamics, but yes, there are, in our space, few beach-focused OTAs of any size,” he says.
But as it has got more expensive to do business through Google Adwords, some online travel agencies began to explore the benefits of building a brand elsewhere. On the Beach was one of them. The company made its first foray into TV advertising in 2013 and has also spent money on outdoor advertising and radio.
The growth of the brand has led Cooper to even suggest that people don’t see On the Beach as an online travel agency.
Cooper also challenges the view that beach holidays are a commoditized products where consumers put aside any loyalty in favor of the cheapest deals.
“Clearly, we are presented as an OTA because our business model is akin to that of an OTA, but I don’t think consumers see us as an OTA,” he says.
“I think they [consumers] see us as a retailer of beach holidays first and foremost. I think it very much is possible to build a very strong brand in that space and garner a huge amount of loyalty because you’re not selling commodity product. You’re selling specialized product to a consumer at quite a high value once a year.
“Obviously, consumers are relying upon you to provide them with a high level of service to support them in the lead time up to the holiday, once they’re on holiday, when they return home and so on. I absolutely say that’s one more place where we most certainly don’t look like an OTA.”
Even with all the challenges facing the travel industry, Cooper remains incredibly upbeat about its prospects.
“We operate in a market that’s resilient. Beach has a special place in people’s hearts. Thank goodness the weather here is not that predictable,” he says.
0 notes
circle111e-blog · 7 years
Hockey, weed and taxes? 11 Canadian stereotypes debunked
Canada is often pictured as a uniformly cold, multicultural, socialist paradise full of beer-swilling ice hockey fans. But a close look at the evidence reveals some very different truths good and bad about the Great White North
Its pretty easy to conjure an idea of a Canadian. As one young paramour looking to marry an American told a dating website: She must be willing to become a hockey fan and eat maple syrup and Beaver Tails in my igloo.
Theres more to the stereotype, of course. Canadas universal health care and gun-control legislation are frequently namechecked by American politicians (often disapprovingly), while the countrys adventurers have a long-standing tradition of stitching tiny Canadian flags into their backpacks.
But while some of these cliches are true Tim Hortons really does sell more of its hot brown drink (they call it coffee) than any other restaurant chain a deep dive into the actual statistics suggest that much of the countrys image is just that.
Some of the most common misconceptions about Canada include:
Canadas most popular sport by far is ice hockey
What football is to Brazil, hockey is Canada, right? Between them, the mens and womens national Canadian ice hockey teams won seven of a possible eight gold medals at the last four Winter Olympics.
But while Canadas superiority on the ice remains unchecked, the sport itself is becoming a little more niche at home. A 2014 study pegged ice hockey fourth among 3-to-17-year-old Canadians in participation numbers, behind swimming, soccer and dance. Its probably no coincidence that hockey was also ranked the second most expensive sport to play, and that multiculturalism means a generation of kids less uniformly passionate about pucks.
Meanwhile, the rest of the world is catching up to Canada when it comes to playing the sport professionally: 2015 marked the first time in 98 years when Canadians did not make up the majority of National Hockey League players.
Canadians live in the wilderness
Pierre Berton once declared: A Canadian is somebody who knows how to make love in a canoe.
But there are a few problems with this all-Canadian adage, beyond the obvious issue of tipping. For one, Berton never actually said it. For another, the image of Canadians as a wilderness-dwelling people is not borne out by research: as of 2011, a full 81% of Canadians resided in a population centre, census speak for urban area.
In fact, about 35.2%, or one in three Canadians, lives in either Toronto, Montreal or Vancouver alone.
And if you think the vast majority Canadas city-dwellers love nothing more than to race to the countryside, youd also be wrong: a 2010 poll found that only 23% of Canadians see their ideal vacation as a visit to a cottage or a lake.
Canadians are taxed to death
The status of Canada as something of a socialist darling leads many to assume that Canadians pay income tax rates at similar levels to those in, for example, France or Germany.
Not so, according to the OECDs annual Taxing Wages report. The report ranks Canada 25th out of 34 countries in terms of its tax wedge for single-income earners (a measure of the difference between labour costs to the employer and the corresponding net take-home pay of the employee). By this metric,, Canada is actually slightly below the US.
In the same report, Canada ranked 14th out of 34 in terms of income tax, based on the average national wage. When it comes to corporate taxes, too, Canada is relatively generous the headline corporate tax rate has dropped from 34% in 2007 to 26.5% in 2015, ranking Canada 61st in the world. By comparison, the US ranks fourth.
Canadians are obsessed with beer
There are few images more Canadian than beloved SCTV hosers Bob and Doug McKenzie sitting on a couch and cracking open a few bottles of Molson Canadian while complaining about US-style twist-off caps. The Beer Hunter, an all-Canadian take on Russian Roulette, has long been the nations greatest drinking game.
But while it is true that Canadians love beer they spent C$15.7bn on the stuff in 2011 an increasing number are embracing wine as their drink of choice. As a 2015 report notes, Beer sales as a share of the total sale of alcoholic beverages have been declining for several years.
In 2004/2005, the report continued, beer had a market share of 49% in terms of dollar value, while wine had a market share of 25%. By 2013/2014, the market share for beer had declined to 42%, while wine was up to 31%.
Canada is a haven for pot smokers
Since snowboarder Ross Rebagliati went on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno in 1998 to celebrate the return of his Olympic gold medal after it had been stripped from him because of THC in his blood, Canada has garnered a reputation as weed-smoking haven. The 2001 ruling of an Ontario court that prohibiting the medical use of marijuana was unconstitutional did little to shake that impression.
But although Justin Trudeaus Liberal government promised to table legislation to legalise marijuana in 2017, Canadas medical community and popular opinion are divided on the question, and there are diplomatic hurdles still to clear. Even if weed is eventually made legal, it will likely be sold in set quantities, possibly from government stores, and subject to significant taxes. In fact, the North American nation that has made the biggest strides in legalising pot has been the supposedly drug-averse US.
Canadian hospital wait times are so bad they flee to the US for care
During the 9 October presidential debate, Donald Trump raised some ire north of the border when he referred to Canadian healthcare as catastrophic. Said the now-president-elect: Youve noticed the Canadians. When they need a big operation, they come into the US in many cases, because their system is so slow.
As ever, Trump is manipulating the truth. Canadians do endure long wait times for specialised treatment, and as of 2014 Canada ranked last among 11 OECD countries in terms of how quickly patients can get an appointment with their family doctor.
However, Canadians arent flocking en masse to the US in response. A Fraser Institute report revealed that in 2015 just 1% of Canadians who needed specialised medical treatment sought that treatment in the US.
Canada is a major exporter of comedy stars
Dan Aykroyd, Martin Short, Eugene Levy, Catherine OHara, Lorne Michaels, Jim Carrey, Mike Myers, Dave Foley. All are Canadians who made it big in America and all are over 50. Whereas comedians were once regularly discovered on shows such as Saturday Night Live, SCTV and Kids in the Hall, the well has been drying up: the success of Seth Rogen, Jay Baruchel and Ryan Reynolds is heartening, but Canada is no longer the comedy source it once was.
Though tightened screening at the US border may be partly to blame, the changing way in which we consume comedy bite-sized clips shared online, from acts such as Picnicface and Baronness Von Sketch Show also plays a role. The old model of a breakout US/Canadian TV sketch comedy may no longer exist, says Toronto Second Citys Etan Muskat: The CBC is trying to have breakout mainstream comedic success, following a model that doesnt compute.
Canada is a frigid wasteland
Canada is cold, eh? It has an average daily temperature of -5.6C, making it one of the chilliest countries on earth. But the idea of an average Canadian daily temperature is meaningless. Not only does it combine cities like Regina and St Johns thousands of miles apart, in entirely different climates but it doesnt capture range.
Canadas summer highs are in fact often equal to, or higher than, other major cities in Europe and the US. Winnipeg, for example, which suffers average annual winter highs of -12.7, has a summer average high of 25.8, higher than Paris and Los Angeles.
Canada also has a rich summer culture of cabin or cottage-going to rival the Scandinavians and the dacha-loving Russians. If anything, the brutal winters make Canadians appreciate the summer months more.
Canadas economy is driven by natural resources
Though Canada is the biggest exporter of crude oil to the US and the highest exporter of forestry products relative to imports, the forestry, fishing, mining, quarrying, oil and gas industries collectively employ only 355,000 Canadians, or 2% of the workforce.
In fact, Canadas services sector dwarfs the goods-producing sector by almost four to one. And the third-biggest service employer after retail and healthcare/social services is professional, scientific and technical services, including tech startups like Shopify, Hootsuite and Freshbooks. In 2015, Canadas tech companies produced $117bn or 7.1% of Canadas economic output, greater than that of the finance and insurance industry. As Mike McDerment, CEO of Freshbooks, notes: Its our observation that the economy is being restructured away from resource economy to services and tech.
Canada is a Scandinavian-style social democracy
Though Canada enjoys a strong healthcare system and is consistently ranked among the most livable countries on earth, many assume it is a thriving social democracy in the style of Sweden or Denmark. Not exactly.
Canadian bachelors students pay the joint 2nd highest tuition fees of OECD countries, alongside Japanese and Korean students. Canada also has the 7th highest child poverty rate in the OECD, and, as of 2013, was last in spending on early childhood education and is among the most expensive countries on earth when it comes to childcare costs.
Meanwhile Canadas rich-poor gap is slightly bigger than the OECD average, and the World Economic Forum put Canada in 30th place globally two spots below the US in gender equality measures.
0 notes
circle111g-blog · 7 years
Hockey, weed and taxes? 11 Canadian stereotypes debunked
Canada is often pictured as a uniformly cold, multicultural, socialist paradise full of beer-swilling ice hockey fans. But a close look at the evidence reveals some very different truths good and bad about the Great White North
Its pretty easy to conjure an idea of a Canadian. As one young paramour looking to marry an American told a dating website: She must be willing to become a hockey fan and eat maple syrup and Beaver Tails in my igloo.
Theres more to the stereotype, of course. Canadas universal health care and gun-control legislation are frequently namechecked by American politicians (often disapprovingly), while the countrys adventurers have a long-standing tradition of stitching tiny Canadian flags into their backpacks.
But while some of these cliches are true Tim Hortons really does sell more of its hot brown drink (they call it coffee) than any other restaurant chain a deep dive into the actual statistics suggest that much of the countrys image is just that.
Some of the most common misconceptions about Canada include:
Canadas most popular sport by far is ice hockey
What football is to Brazil, hockey is Canada, right? Between them, the mens and womens national Canadian ice hockey teams won seven of a possible eight gold medals at the last four Winter Olympics.
But while Canadas superiority on the ice remains unchecked, the sport itself is becoming a little more niche at home. A 2014 study pegged ice hockey fourth among 3-to-17-year-old Canadians in participation numbers, behind swimming, soccer and dance. Its probably no coincidence that hockey was also ranked the second most expensive sport to play, and that multiculturalism means a generation of kids less uniformly passionate about pucks.
Meanwhile, the rest of the world is catching up to Canada when it comes to playing the sport professionally: 2015 marked the first time in 98 years when Canadians did not make up the majority of National Hockey League players.
Canadians live in the wilderness
Pierre Berton once declared: A Canadian is somebody who knows how to make love in a canoe.
But there are a few problems with this all-Canadian adage, beyond the obvious issue of tipping. For one, Berton never actually said it. For another, the image of Canadians as a wilderness-dwelling people is not borne out by research: as of 2011, a full 81% of Canadians resided in a population centre, census speak for urban area.
In fact, about 35.2%, or one in three Canadians, lives in either Toronto, Montreal or Vancouver alone.
And if you think the vast majority Canadas city-dwellers love nothing more than to race to the countryside, youd also be wrong: a 2010 poll found that only 23% of Canadians see their ideal vacation as a visit to a cottage or a lake.
Canadians are taxed to death
The status of Canada as something of a socialist darling leads many to assume that Canadians pay income tax rates at similar levels to those in, for example, France or Germany.
Not so, according to the OECDs annual Taxing Wages report. The report ranks Canada 25th out of 34 countries in terms of its tax wedge for single-income earners (a measure of the difference between labour costs to the employer and the corresponding net take-home pay of the employee). By this metric,, Canada is actually slightly below the US.
In the same report, Canada ranked 14th out of 34 in terms of income tax, based on the average national wage. When it comes to corporate taxes, too, Canada is relatively generous the headline corporate tax rate has dropped from 34% in 2007 to 26.5% in 2015, ranking Canada 61st in the world. By comparison, the US ranks fourth.
Canadians are obsessed with beer
There are few images more Canadian than beloved SCTV hosers Bob and Doug McKenzie sitting on a couch and cracking open a few bottles of Molson Canadian while complaining about US-style twist-off caps. The Beer Hunter, an all-Canadian take on Russian Roulette, has long been the nations greatest drinking game.
But while it is true that Canadians love beer they spent C$15.7bn on the stuff in 2011 an increasing number are embracing wine as their drink of choice. As a 2015 report notes, Beer sales as a share of the total sale of alcoholic beverages have been declining for several years.
In 2004/2005, the report continued, beer had a market share of 49% in terms of dollar value, while wine had a market share of 25%. By 2013/2014, the market share for beer had declined to 42%, while wine was up to 31%.
Canada is a haven for pot smokers
Since snowboarder Ross Rebagliati went on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno in 1998 to celebrate the return of his Olympic gold medal after it had been stripped from him because of THC in his blood, Canada has garnered a reputation as weed-smoking haven. The 2001 ruling of an Ontario court that prohibiting the medical use of marijuana was unconstitutional did little to shake that impression.
But although Justin Trudeaus Liberal government promised to table legislation to legalise marijuana in 2017, Canadas medical community and popular opinion are divided on the question, and there are diplomatic hurdles still to clear. Even if weed is eventually made legal, it will likely be sold in set quantities, possibly from government stores, and subject to significant taxes. In fact, the North American nation that has made the biggest strides in legalising pot has been the supposedly drug-averse US.
Canadian hospital wait times are so bad they flee to the US for care
During the 9 October presidential debate, Donald Trump raised some ire north of the border when he referred to Canadian healthcare as catastrophic. Said the now-president-elect: Youve noticed the Canadians. When they need a big operation, they come into the US in many cases, because their system is so slow.
As ever, Trump is manipulating the truth. Canadians do endure long wait times for specialised treatment, and as of 2014 Canada ranked last among 11 OECD countries in terms of how quickly patients can get an appointment with their family doctor.
However, Canadians arent flocking en masse to the US in response. A Fraser Institute report revealed that in 2015 just 1% of Canadians who needed specialised medical treatment sought that treatment in the US.
Canada is a major exporter of comedy stars
Dan Aykroyd, Martin Short, Eugene Levy, Catherine OHara, Lorne Michaels, Jim Carrey, Mike Myers, Dave Foley. All are Canadians who made it big in America and all are over 50. Whereas comedians were once regularly discovered on shows such as Saturday Night Live, SCTV and Kids in the Hall, the well has been drying up: the success of Seth Rogen, Jay Baruchel and Ryan Reynolds is heartening, but Canada is no longer the comedy source it once was.
Though tightened screening at the US border may be partly to blame, the changing way in which we consume comedy bite-sized clips shared online, from acts such as Picnicface and Baronness Von Sketch Show also plays a role. The old model of a breakout US/Canadian TV sketch comedy may no longer exist, says Toronto Second Citys Etan Muskat: The CBC is trying to have breakout mainstream comedic success, following a model that doesnt compute.
Canada is a frigid wasteland
Canada is cold, eh? It has an average daily temperature of -5.6C, making it one of the chilliest countries on earth. But the idea of an average Canadian daily temperature is meaningless. Not only does it combine cities like Regina and St Johns thousands of miles apart, in entirely different climates but it doesnt capture range.
Canadas summer highs are in fact often equal to, or higher than, other major cities in Europe and the US. Winnipeg, for example, which suffers average annual winter highs of -12.7, has a summer average high of 25.8, higher than Paris and Los Angeles.
Canada also has a rich summer culture of cabin or cottage-going to rival the Scandinavians and the dacha-loving Russians. If anything, the brutal winters make Canadians appreciate the summer months more.
Canadas economy is driven by natural resources
Though Canada is the biggest exporter of crude oil to the US and the highest exporter of forestry products relative to imports, the forestry, fishing, mining, quarrying, oil and gas industries collectively employ only 355,000 Canadians, or 2% of the workforce.
In fact, Canadas services sector dwarfs the goods-producing sector by almost four to one. And the third-biggest service employer after retail and healthcare/social services is professional, scientific and technical services, including tech startups like Shopify, Hootsuite and Freshbooks. In 2015, Canadas tech companies produced $117bn or 7.1% of Canadas economic output, greater than that of the finance and insurance industry. As Mike McDerment, CEO of Freshbooks, notes: Its our observation that the economy is being restructured away from resource economy to services and tech.
Canada is a Scandinavian-style social democracy
Though Canada enjoys a strong healthcare system and is consistently ranked among the most livable countries on earth, many assume it is a thriving social democracy in the style of Sweden or Denmark. Not exactly.
Canadian bachelors students pay the joint 2nd highest tuition fees of OECD countries, alongside Japanese and Korean students. Canada also has the 7th highest child poverty rate in the OECD, and, as of 2013, was last in spending on early childhood education and is among the most expensive countries on earth when it comes to childcare costs.
Meanwhile Canadas rich-poor gap is slightly bigger than the OECD average, and the World Economic Forum put Canada in 30th place globally two spots below the US in gender equality measures.
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