#it wasn’t a storm that killed her grandpa but a sea monster
comixandco · 1 year
thinking about little molly finch, the baby on a boat that tugged a house across the ocean
who grew up hearing bedtime stories based on tales from her family’s old country, of shapeshifters and seamonsters, and the story of the night the sea rose up around them and dragged that boat down to bottom of the sea bed
who could see that giant house and boat at low tide at night
who drew a picture of a princess in a castle at the bottom of the sea besieged by a sea monster
and died sure it was coming after her
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pocket-luv101 · 4 years
Across Time || Chapter 24
Fandom: Servamp Ships: KuroMahi (main), LawLicht (side) Characters: Kuro, Mahiru, Hyde, Licht
Summary: Mahiru falls into a well and is taken to a new, fantasy world. He comes across a half-blooded cat demon trapped in a tree. After he frees Kuro, he helps him collect the shards of the sacred jewel. (KuroMahi, InuYasha AU)
Ch.1 || Ch.2 || Ch.3 || Ch.4 || Ch.5 || Ch.6 || Ch.7 || Ch.8 || Ch.9 || Ch.10 || Ch.11 || Ch.12 || Ch.13 || Ch.14 || Ch.15 || Ch.16 || Ch.17 || Ch.18 || Ch.19 || Ch.20 || Ch.21 || Ch.22 || Ch.23 || (Ch.24) ||
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“I thought we came here to find a jewel shard, not play family with some kid.” Hyde whispered to his brother. They stood in the doorway of a small hut on the beach. He wanted to talk with Kuro outside where the child wouldn’t overhear them but she refused to let them leave the house. “We can’t take the kid with us when we fight the sea demon or the bat clan. I don’t think she’ll let us go either.”
“I don’t know why she thinks I’m her father. Can’t deal.” Kuro groaned. The young demon refused to let go of his leg for most of the walk to her home. From the tattered condition of the hut, he could see that she didn’t have much. She was half demon so he felt pity for her. He knew how difficult it was for people like them to be accepted.
He looked back into the room where Mahiru was sorting shells with the child. He offered to distract her so the brothers would be able to talk in private. He sensed Kuro watching him and he looked up from the shells. Their eyes met and Mahiru smiled at him. Mahiru didn’t want to interrupt their conversation so he turned back to Shiro.
They went along with her belief that Kuro was her father so she would lower her barrier. It would be impossible for Kuro to continue pretending to be her parent though. He didn’t know how she would react once they told her the truth or if she would even accept it. He thought they should find her parents at least. Mahiru thought of how to subtly ask about them. “These are beautiful shells, Shiro. Did you find them with your Papa?”
“No, Shiro collected these by herself. I was searching for Papa on the beach and I found these shells on my walk home. I wanted to show them to him when he got home.” She explained and guilt stabbed Mahiru’s heart. He didn’t want to lie to the child but it would be difficult to explain that they weren’t her parents. “How did you and Papa meet?”
“I was running away from a demon and then I found Kuro trapped. I freed him from the curse and he saved me in return. You should’ve seen him when he fought that demon. He was strong and fast and the demon didn’t stand a chance against him.” Mahiru glanced to Kuro and his heart swelled in time with his smile. “I’ll tell you about the time I had with your father if you tell me about your memories with him. Where did you last see him? Kuro is a good man and he wouldn’t abandon his child.”
“Papa went to talk with Grandpa. He’s on the island with the bat demons and I wanted to visit him. He said it’s dangerous for me to go to the island and he will go by himself. He promised that he will be back in a day but it has been a month. It must be because he was trapped, like you said.” She said confidently and she didn’t notice how Mahiru bit his lip.
Then, Shiro jumped to her feet. “I need to ask Papa about visiting Grandpa!”
“Shiro, we should let Papa finish speaking with his brother.” He stopped her before she could run to Kuro. It was impossible for them to answer her question. Since her father hadn’t return after so long, it was unlikely he was still alive. Mahiru had lost his mother when he was her age and he knew how painful it was. He wanted to spare her feelings.
He searched for what to say to her that wouldn’t frighten her. Mahiru didn’t know if her father was still alive but he wanted to try to find him. “Your Papa wasn’t able to reach the island before he was trapped. Can you tell me about the island your Papa went to? You said he warned you that it’s dangerous but I heard the bats were peaceful. We will go to the island tomorrow.”
“It’s impossible to sail to the island because of the sea monster. Papa one and two have to stay home with Shiro where it’s safe.” Her hands shook over the crystal orb and a barrier started to form around them. Mahiru placed a hand on her shoulder to calm her. “Papa gave me his shield before he left. He wouldn’t have been trapped if he had it.”
“Please don’t blame yourself, Shiro. I’m sure your Papa would tell you the same since he loves you. He must’ve given you that coral to protect you.” He reassured her. “Can you tell me about the villagers you were with earlier? They said that they were taking you to the sea demon. Did they force you to agree to their plan? I will yell at them if they did.”
“They said I could meet Papa if I went to the temple with them.” When Mahiru heard her answer, anger filled him. He wanted to march out of the hut to confront the villagers for lying to a vulnerable child. Mahiru didn’t allow his anger to show in his expression and he smiled at her instead.
“Well, your two papas are here. Kuro and I will go to fight the sea demon and we want you to stay here in the hut where it’s safe. We’ll be back quickly, I promise. If the villagers try to take you to the temple, use your shield to protect yourself.” He told her and pointed to the red coral. “Don’t go anywhere with strangers, okay?”
“Okay, Papa.” Her smile was full of trust and another wave of guilt washed over him. They would have to tell her the truth eventually and it would break her heart, especially if her father had died on the island.
“Is there something you want for dinner, Shiro. I’ll cook it for you.”
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“It’s late, Kuro. We’re going to sail to the island tomorrow so you should sleep.” Mahiru found Kuro sitting on the beach later that night. He continued to stare forward at the calm ocean. They weren’t facing each other but he knew that he was deep in thought. He sat next to Kuro and looked into his red eyes. “Is there something on your mind?”
“Too much.” Kuro let out a heavy sigh. Beside him, Mahiru patted his lap and Kuro laid his head down. He ran his fingers through his light hair and thought that the colour was similar to the moonlight reflected on the water. His tender touch soothed Kuro and he closed his eyes. They didn’t say a word and listened to the water crash over the sand.
Kuro wished that the sun wouldn’t rise so he could simply lay with Mahiru. Tomorrow, he would have to make a difficult decision. The ability to break barrier could help them defeat Touma but he didn’t want to take another life. They also needed to explain to Shiro that they weren’t her parents. A part of him wanted to run away to avoid making a decision but a lot of people were relying on him.
“I’m a half breed, neither human nor demon, but I remember the first time I felt like a true monster. My father was training us and he told us about his plan to storm a city. We had raided a few castles before but this plan was different.” Kuro turned onto his side. “I didn’t want to go and my father drew his sword. Then…”
“You don’t need to tell me more, Kuro.” Mahiru whispered. He leaned down and pressed a light kiss onto his temple. The pain in his voice tugged at his heart and he wished he could erase the painful memories he had. He wasn’t able to do that but he would create better memories they could share.
“For years, I told myself that I needed to stop my father to protect my siblings and innocent people. Hyde’s right when he said that killing a bat demon will save people from Touma. I can’t though. Maybe I’m both a coward and a monster.” Kuro was confused when Mahiru lifted his head from his lap. He sat up and faced Mahiru. He cupped his cheek in his hand and sympathy filled his brown eyes.
“The situations are very different. Your father would’ve killed thousands but you don’t want to fight a peaceful demon. We’ll find another way to break the barrier around Touma’s castle. If Hyde has anything to say, we’ll talk to him together.” Mahiru’s drew him closer so he could kiss him softly. “I still want to go the island though. Shiro said that her father sailed there a month ago.”
“Do you still think he’s alive?” He asked and a doubtful look appeared on his face. While Mahiru had to be realistic, he couldn’t help but be optimistic for Shiro’s sake. The way Mahiru could be optimistic was one of the reasons he fell in love with him. Kuro took his hand and squeezed it gently. “We can visit the island after we defeat the sea demon.”
“We’ll discuss the fight tomorrow morning but I want to just spend time with you right now. I live in the city so it has been a long time since I’ve visited the beach. The sand feels great. Since it’s night, there’s a cool breeze so we don’t have to worry about the heat.” Mahiru moved closer against his side and hugged Kuro’s arm. “I know cats don’t like water but can I tempt you to go swimming with me?”
“Isn’t it dangerous to go into the water when there’s a sea demon lurking in it?” He warned but a playful smile appeared on Mahiru’s lips.
“If you’re worried about that, you should come here and protect me.” Mahiru had already kicked off his shoes and strolled into the water. His smile beckoned for him to follow so Kuro took off his shirt. Even in the moonlight, he thought he was bright and stunning. Water splashed around them as they waded through the water and they were soon soaked.
Mahiru sat in the shallow water and let the waves wash over him. He enjoyed the light spray of water and the refreshing breeze. He let out a small gasp when an unexpected wave pushed him backwards. Kuro caught him against his chest but he couldn’t find his footing on the shifting sand. They fell into the water together and he was glad that the water wasn’t deep.
He pushed himself up and he found himself laying on Kuro. Mahiru brushed his wet bangs from his face and then wrapped his arms around him. While the water was cool, Kuro kept him warm.
“Splash!” Water sprayed over them and they turned around to find Shiro behind them. She had a large smile as she tossed the water at them. She jumped onto Mahiru’s lap and looked up at him expectantly. “I wanna play too!”
“It’s late and you should be sleeping, Shiro.” Mahiru chuckled and made small splashes in return. “Let’s dry your hair and then go back to bed. Papa will read you another story to help you sleep.”
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Licht held his boots in his hand and stood in the sea with the water pooling around his legs. He slowly kicked his leg through the water a few times. The water pushed back against his kick and his brows furrowed. They would sail to fight the water demon soon but he doubted he would be able to help much. He was a strong fighter but he had his limits. In similar battles, he would rely on other demon slayers who specialized in throwing weapons but they were gone.
“What are you doing in the water, Lichtan. Are you planning to swim to the demon?” A boat stopped next to him and Hyde leaned over the side to look down at Licht. He rented a boat for them to sail to the island and fight the demon. Hyde held out his hand to help him onto the boat. He didn’t expect Licht to take his hand since he expected him to be prideful.
The boat rocked slightly as he pulled him into the boat but Hyde’s strong hand around his kept him balance. Once he was on the boat, they sailed into the sea. Licht let go of his hand and he sat next to Mahiru on a bench. A scarf flew into his face and he doubted the wind simply caused it to fly into him. He pulled it from his face and he glared at Hyde who sat across from him. “What the hell, Demon?”
“You can use that to dry your feet.” He said with a shrug. Licht had to wonder why he didn’t simply hand him the scarf if that was his intention. Hyde turned towards the horizon and said, “You were scowling at the water. ‘How can I fight a demon in the water?’ That was what you were thinking, weren’t you? I thought demon slayers fought as a team but you refuse to rely on us.”
“Mahiru is in the best position to fight the demon with his arrows. He’s strong so I know he can handle a sea demon. I don’t want to sit back while you three fight that demon. Every demon slayer has to contribute to the fight in order for us to survive.” Licht explained as he dried his legs.
“I can draw the demon close with my wind tunnel and then you can kick it as much as you like. We would make a strong team with that strategy.” Hyde picked up his boot that was leaning against the bench. He knelt in front of Licht and slipped the boot onto his feet. “You know more about demons than us so we need you.”
“I know better than to listen to a demon’s words. Don’t try to use your fake charm on me.” Licht rolled his eyes and kicked Hyde back. His attack didn’t hold any malice or power behind it thought. He had to wonder if his words had an ulterior motive or if he was trying to encourage him.
“You two can have your little squabbles when we’re travelling on land but I won’t allow it while we’re sailing on the sea. If anything happens to the boat, we’ll be stranded.” Mahiru warned. He had his bow on his lap and he watched the water worriedly. His aim had improved but he was worried about missing. He was restricted in the number of arrows he could use.
“You can handle this, Mahiru.” Kuro tied the sail into place before he sat next to him. “The island is close to the shore so we might reach it before the demon attacks us. Hopefully, we can find the grandfather Shiro told us about and get some answers from him. The bat demons are a peaceful so there’s a chance they’ll talk to us.”
“You and the kid have the same hair colour but I don’t know why she thinks you’re her father. She should be able to smell that you’re a cat while she’s a bat.” Hyde pointed out.
“She misses her Papa and she has clung to the hope that he’ll come home. I feel sad for her. Can you imagine what she must’ve been through as a half demon in a human village without anyone to turn to? I want to bring back her true father since we lied to her.” Mahiru sighed. “If her father is dead, we can take her to the orphanage we found. She’ll be safe there.”
“You’re not my Papa?” A small voice from the stern of the boat caught them by surprise and they both turned towards it. Shiro crawled out from beneath a blanket. They were too shock to respond to her. Tears entered her eyes and Mahiru rose to comfort her. “I was afraid Papa would be trapped again so I bought his coral since it can make a strong barrier. But you’re not my Papa.”
“Oh, Shiro, I’m sorry you had to find out like this. We didn’t mean to lie and hurt you when you thought we were your parents. We were going to tell you the truth after we return from the island.” Mahiru said and knelt in front of her. She shook her head and tears trailed down her cheeks. He took out a napkin to wipe her face but she cried. “I want my Papa!”
As her cries grew louder, the ocean suddenly became rough. He was almost thrown off the boat but he managed to catch the ledge. Mahiru looked into the water and saw a shadow start to rise towards them. He knew that it was a demon and he grabbed Shiro’s hand to protect her. She shook her head and tried to pull away from her. “Shiro, I’m not you Papa but I’m going to protect you. Will you let me do that?”
Mahiru passed her to Kuro and then he nocked his arrow against his bow. He stood on the bench and he followed the shadow in the water with his arrow. He waited for the demon to surface so he could shoot the demon. From the size of the shadow, he doubted one arrow would be enough to kill it. “Kuro, take Shiro to safety. I’ll deal with this demon with Hyde and Licht.”
“Troublesome. I’ll meet you on the island.” Kuro wanted to stay and help Mahiru fight but he knew he would be angry with him if he did. He trusted that Mahiru could defeat the demon so he picked up Shiro and leapt off the boat. As he flew through the sky, he looked back to Mahiru over his shoulder to see if he was safe in the boat.
Kuro crashed into a barrier and he tried to grip onto the invisible wall to keep them from falling into the ocean. His claws scraped against it but he couldn’t find anything to catch them. He felt something beneath his feet and he glanced down at the pink platform they now stood on. He realized that Shiro must’ve created a barrier to save them.
Kuro placed his hand on the powerful barrier around the island. The barrier felt similar to Shiro’s so he reasoned it was created by the bat demon tribe. He could hear the battle approaching them and he looked down at Shiro. Her barrier was powerful but the sea demon might be able to break it. She would be safe with the bat demons and he waved to the demons he saw on the island.
“Hey! Lower your barrier and let us in. There’s a sea demon attacking us!” Kuro yelled. While a few turned to him, they ignored him and he recognized their disdain easily. They were both half demons and others would see them as outcasts. His hands tightened into fists and his mind raced to find a way to protect Shiro. They were cornered against the barrier so it was difficult for him to fight.
“Grandpa!” Shiro cried and slammed her red crystal against the barrier. The wall around the island began to crack and bats swarmed them to protect re-enforce it. Kuro drew his tessaiga to protect Shiro and he coated the blade in his power. He stepped in front of the child and aimed a sword swing at the growing crack. The barrier shattered and he jumped onto the island before it could be reformed.
Kuro placed Shiro on the ground and she started to run towards an elder demon. He stopped her and gently pushed her behind his back when bats surrounded them. He raised his sword, expecting them to attack them. “You have trespassed on our island, Half Breed.”
“You would’ve let your own to die in the sea? Shiro is a part of your tribe since she has demon blood.” Kuro doubted he would be able to fight so many demons at once and protect Shiro at the same time. He scanned the bats until his eyes fell onto their leader. “Shiro called you her grandfather. What happened to her father? We know he came to speak with you.”
“He gave his heart to a human woman and he lost any right to call himself a proud demon.” The demon growled and Kuro’s grip tightened on the hilt of his sword. “We are a peaceful but prideful tribe. We banished him to the sea and you will follow him.”
The demons started to attack but then an arrow struck the ground between them. Light erupted from the arrow and spread over the sand. While the bat demons flinched away, Kuro wasn’t hurt and he recognized the power within the arrow. He turned to the water where Mahiru was standing on the ship with another arrow ready.
“That’s Mahiru calling us to run, Shiro. Let’s go.” He said and picked her up.
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“I’m sorry about your father and your family, Shiro. The people of this orphanage are kind half demons like you so this will be a great home for you.” After they left the island, they took her to the herb farm they had visited once. She wasn’t accepted in the village or the bat island and Mahiru didn’t feel comfortable leaving her there. He decided to take her to the orphanage where she would be safe.
“Can’t you adopt me and be my Papa?” She pouted at him.
“We would but we have to go on a dangerous journey. It’s not right to take a young child with us.” Kuro knelt in front of her so they were on the same level. “Shiro, life can be difficult when you’re different like we are. If you find the right people, it would be easier though. You can’t control a lot of things in life but you can choose your family. This orphanage is safe and they can be your new family.”
“We’ll come back and visit you when we can.” Mahiru promised. “They will take care of you so tell them if you need anything.”
“Wait,” She caught Kuro’s sleeve and he thought she would ask them to stay again. Shiro held up the red crystal. “I overheard you talk to Uncle Hyde. You were looking for a way to break a barrier. You can borrow my crystal to fight the bad man.”
“Thank you, Shiro.” He took the crystal from her and handed it to Mahiru. “Once we defeat Touma, we’ll come back to return your crystal.”
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dumbledearme · 6 years
chapter four—into the woods
read Child of Land and Sea here
Act I — Storm At Sea
Part IV — Everything's newer, and brighter and bluer, and truer to life than before. Watch me soar.
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Andy had never been so blue.
Just when she had started to feel accepted, she was moved (or removed) to cabin three where she was sentenced to be alone. The other campers steered clear of her as much as possible.
The only one who seemed to like Andy more, and dedicated her more of his time, was Luke. He pushed her harder and harder during each of their lessons. And, boy, he wasn't afraid to bruise her up in the process…
"You're going to need all the training you can get," he promised.
Anthony still taught her Greek in the mornings, but he grew more distant everyday. Every time Andy spoke, he would scowl at her like a mad grandpa. Even Clarisse kept her distance, though it was clear she still wanted revenge.
At night, Andy was summoned at the Big House and Chiron, surprisingly, offered her a quest. "Poseidon and Zeus are having their worst quarrel in centuries. They are fighting over something valuable that was stolen. To be precise: a lightning bolt.
Andy laughed, nervously. "A what now?"
"Do not take this lightly," Chiron warned. "I'm talking about a two-foot-long cylinder of high-grade celestial bronze, capped on both ends with god-level explosives. Zeus' master bolt. The symbol of his power, from which all other lightning bolts are patterned. The first weapon made by the Cyclopes for the war against the Titans, the bolt that sheared the top off Mount Etna and hurled Kronos from his throne; the master bolt, which packs enough power to make mortal hydrogen bombs—"
"Okay, I get it," Andy interrupted with a nod. "It's powerful. It's important. It's missing."
"Stolen," Chiron said.
"By whom?"
"By you." Andy's mouth fell open. "At least, that's what Zeus thinks. During the winter solstice, at the last council of the gods, Zeus and Poseidon had an argument. Afterward, Zeus realized his master bolt was missing, taken from the throne room under his very nose. He immediately blamed Poseidon. Now, a god cannot usurp another god's symbol of power directly—that is forbidden by the most ancient of divine laws. But Zeus believes your father convinced a human hero to take it."
"But I didn't—"
"Zeus has good reason to be suspicious. The forges of the Cyclopes are under the ocean, which gives Poseidon some influence over the maker's of his brother's lightning. Zeus believes Poseidon has taken the master bolt, and is now secretly having the Cyclopes build an arsenal of illegal copies. The only thing Zeus wasn't sure of was which hero Poseidon used to steal the bolt. Until he claimed you."
"Okay. First of all, he can't claim me, I'm not a goat!" Andy exclaimed. "And also, I've never been to Mount Olympus... As a matter of fact, I don't even know where that is... Look, I didn't do anything. You know that, right?"
Chiron sighed. "Most thinking observers would agree that thievery is not Poseidon's style. But the Sea God is too proud to try convincing Zeus of that. Zeus has demanded that Poseidon returns the bold by the summer solstice. That's June twenty-first, ten days from now. Poseidon wants an apology for being called a thief by the same date. Neither god will back down. Unless someone intervenes, unless the master bolt is found and returned to Zeus before the solstice, there will be war."
"So I have to find the stupid bolt? And return it to Zeus?"
"What better peace offering," Chiron said, "than to have the daughter of Poseidon return Zeus' property?"
Andy failed to see why she had to do something for Poseidon. It wasn't like he had ever done anything for her... She owed him nothing.
An image came to her. World War II, they had said. Massacre. Slaughter. Millions and millions of people dead because of a similar childish strife. Someone had to do something, right? It wasn't fair that the innocent always had to pay the price.
"Fine," she decided. Weird how it was so easy to agree to this because of people who meant nothing to her and, at the same time, so hard because of the one who meant everything. "But if Poseidon doesn't have it... where is the thing?"
Chiron's expression was grim. "I heard a prophecy years ago... But before I can tell you, you need to take up the quest. Go see the Oracle."
A mummy. That's what it was. A disgusting, ancient mummy that sent chills up Andy's spine. The moment Andy entered the attic, she heard the mystical voice. "I am the spirit of Delphi, speaker of the prophecies of Phoebus Apollo, slayer of the mighty Python. Approach, seeker, and ask."
Andy swallowed hard. "I was just wondering... Where is the bathroom?" The mummy remained resolute. It was now or never. "Fine. Then... what is my destiny?" She heard herself say.
The verdict wasn't the best she'd heard:
"You shall go west, and face the god who has turned. You shall find what was stolen, and see it safely returned. You shall be betrayed by one who calls you a friend. And you shall fail to save what matters most, in the end."
"Cheery," said Andy and went back downstairs after slamming the attic door shut.
Chiron and Grover asked and asked, but Andy refused to share the entire prophecy with them. She only told them the first two verses. The part about failing... well, how could she tell them there was no point to all of this? That she would fail anyway? No, they couldn't know.
Chiron didn't seem convinced and warned her, "The Oracle's words often have double meanings. Don't dwell on them too much."
But if she wasn't supposed to trust the Oracle, why did they need the thing anyway?
Andy changed the topic. "Where do I go? Who's this god in the west?"
"First you need to think," Chiron said. "If Zeus and Poseidon weaken each other in war, who stands to gain?"
She shrugged. "Somebody else who wants to take over?"
"Quite. Someone who harbors a grudge, who has been unhappy with his lot since the world was divided eons ago, whose kingdom would grow powerful with the deaths of millions. Someone who hates his brothers for forcing him into an oath to have no more children, an oath that both of them have now broken."
Chiron nodded. "The Lord of the Dead. You must go to the Underworld, find the master bolt, and reveal the truth."
She shook her head. "Oh I feel used. Why do I have to do this? Why do the gods need to operate through humans? Why can't they talk it out like adults?"
"It is no accident Poseidon has claimed you now. He needs you."
"Yeah? What about the times I needed him?"
Chiron watched her silently. Andy didn't know whether to feel happy, grateful or resentful. She glanced at Grover who was trembling.
"You don't have to go," she told him. "I can't ask that of you."
"You saved my life, Andy," the satyr said. "If you're serious about wanting me along, I won't let you down."
Andy felt so relieved she almost cried. "Alright, then. Now where the hell is the Underworld? Literally."
"Always in the west," Chiron said. "Los Angeles."
"Ha ha." She waited. "Oh. You mean it."
"Two companions may accompany you. Grover is one. The other has already volunteered, if you will accept his help."
"Who?" Andy asked, hoping for Luke. The air shimmered behind Chiron and Anthony became visible. Andy made a face. "Ah."
"I've been waiting a long time for a quest, Seaweed Brain," he said. "Athena's no fan of Poseidon, but if you're going to save the world, I'm the best person to keep you from messing up."
Andy tried to hide her disappointment. "As long as you have a plan, Wonder Boy. I haven't made plans since I went to this stupid costume party dressed as a stuffed olive. I dyed my head and neck red—that was the stuffed pimento bit. I thought it was absolutely hilarious, until I tried to get out of my bedroom. I had to go down the stairs sideways. Then I couldn't fit in my mom's car so I had to walk. And when I got to the party everyone laughed. I did a bit of stuffed olive dancing until I nearly destroyed every ornament and bit of furniture in the place. In the end, I went home early—"
"We get it," Anthony snapped.
"I doubt it. Unless you've been a stuffed olive too...?" and she glanced at him expectantly.
Anthony didn't trouble himself to answer.
Andy didn't have anything to take with her but the backpack Chiron stored for her. Anthony was bringing his magic Yankee cap—which he told Andy had been a twelfth birthday present from his mom—a book on famous classical architecture and a long bronze knife, hidden in his shirt sleeve, that he seemed to carry everywhere. Some people had teddy bears, some had knives…
To Andy's surprise, he also came up with a cool leather jacket that he gave to her saying the weather could change drastically. She was strangely pleased with it. Grover wore his fake feet and his pants to pass as human, and his backpack was filled with scrap metal and apples. He also carried a set of reed pipes his daddy goat had carved for him.
Before they left, Luke came to say goodbye. Andy's cheeks reddened and she blushed even more when she realized Anthony had noticed the change. "Just wanted to say good luck," Luke told her. "And I thought... um, maybe you could use these." He handed Andy a pair of basketball shoes.
"Not exactly my style, but thank you."
He smiled and said, "Maia!" White bird's wings sprouted out of the heels.
"Awesome," said Grover.
"Those served me well when I was on my quest," Luke said. "Gift from Dad."
Andy didn't know what to say and felt extremely uncomfortable with the look Anthony was giving her. "Thank you."
"Listen, beautiful," Luke's tone softened. "A lot of hopes are riding on you. So just... kill some monsters for me, okay?" And he hugged her. Actually hugged her! Like, passed his arms around her and applied pressure.
Luke also hugged Anthony. "I will see you again, brother," he said before leaving.
Andy watched him go. Anthony leaned over her. "You're hyperventilating," he said, but he wasn't making fun of her, he was almost pissed off about it. "And you can't use those," he added taking the shoes away from her. "He meant well, but you shouldn't go in the air." And he handed the sneakers to Grover who put it on almost immediately.
Then Chiron showed up to say goodbye and to Andy's surprised he presented her with his ballpoint pen. "The sword has a long and tragic history," he told her. "It's name is Anaklusmos. Riptide. Celestial bronze, see? It can't harm mortals, only monsters." Chiron also told her that every time she lost the pen/sword it would magically reappear back in her pocket!
Argus drove them to the city. He was the head of security. He supposedly had eyes all over his body so he could never be surprised. Luckily, due to his clothes, Andy couldn't know how much of that was actually true.
"So far so good," she said. "Ten miles and not a single monster."
Anthony gave her an irritated look. "It's bad luck to talk that way, Seaweed Brain."
"Remind me again—why do you hate me so much?"
"I don't hate you."
"Mm. Could've fooled me."
He sighed. "You're annoying. If that's not reason enough for you, then let's just say that we're supposed to be rivals. Athena and Poseidon can't stand each other."
"Whatever, dude," Andy said. She was tired of his judgmental comments and the angry stares.
Argus dropped them at the Greyhound Station and Andy felt homesick, she was so close to her house. She wanted so bad to go there, go through the door and find Sally waiting for her…
"You know," Grover said, "she married him for you."
"Your mom. You called him Smelly, but you have no idea... The guy has this aura... He smells so repulsively human he could mask the presence of any demigod. He covered your scent for years. That's why you managed to live for so long outside the camp." He said that as if it was suppose to make Andy feel better. It didn't. If anything, she felt worse thinking of the dozens of things her mom had done for her.
"How did you know I was thinking about her anyway?"
"Oh... Satyrs can read emotions. Guess I forgot to tell you that."
In the city, they got into a bus. They sat in the back for a while when an old lady boarded in. Andy felt the panic stuck in her throat—it was Mrs. Dodds.
Andy scrunched down in her seat. Behind her came two other old ladies. They all looked the same: triplet demon grandmothers. They sat on the front right behind the driver. The two on the aisle crossed their legs over the walkway, making an X.
The bus pulled out of the station.
"She didn't stay dead long," Andy whispered to Anthony. "I thought you said they could be dispelled for a lifetime."
"I said if you're lucky," he argued. "You're obviously not."
"All three of them," whimpered Grover. "Di immortales!"
"It's okay," Anthony said. "The Furies. The three worst monsters from the Underworld. No problem. We'll just... slip out the windows."
"They don't open," Grover moaned.
"A back exit?"
"Hey, they can't attack us with witnesses around, can they?" Andy asked.
"Mortals don't have good eyes," Anthony told her. "Their brains can only process what they see through the Mist."
"The Mist?"
"Yes. It obscures the vision of humans," he explained. "We can see things as they are, but humans will interpret it quite differently."
That moment, Mrs. Dodds got up. She announced, "I need to use the restroom," to the entire bus.
"So do I," said the second sister.
"So do I," said the third one. They all started coming down the aisle.
"There's no restroom in this bus!" Andy shouted feigning a male voice.
The Furies ignored that.
In a quick gesture, Anthony placed his cap on Andy's head and her body vanished. "What are you doing?" she asked.
"It's you they want. Go up the aisle. Let them pass you. Maybe you can get away."
"But you guys—"
"There's an outside chance they might not notice us," he said. "You're a daughter of Poseidon. Your smells might be overpowering."
"I can't just leave you."
"Don't worry about us," Grover urged. "Go!"
Andy's hands trembled. She felt like a coward, but she got to her feet and crept up the aisle. She went ten rows then ducked into an empty seat just as the Furies walked past. Mrs. Dodds stopped, sniffing, and looked straight at Andy. Her heart was pounding, but the monster didn't see anything. She and her sisters kept moving.
Andy made it to the front of the bus then heard hideous wailing from the back. The ladies weren't ladies anymore, they had turned into the winged monsters they truly were. They surrounded Anthony and Grover. "Where is it? Where?"
People on the bus screamed and cowered in their seats. They saw something alright…
"She's not here!" Anthony yelled. "She's gone!" The Furies raised their whips. Anthony drew his bronze knife. Grover grabbed a tin can ready to throw it.
And Andy... well, Andy pulled the wheel from the bus driver and everybody was thrown to the right. While the Furies were trying to stand, Andy had another great idea—she hit the emergency brake.
The bus wailed, spun a full circle and crashed into some trees. The door flew open and people rushed out of there, screaming.
Now there were only them. Andy took off the cap. "Oi, ugly," she called.
The Furies turned, baring their yellow fangs at her. "Andromeda Jackson," said Mrs. Dodds. "You have offended the gods."
"Yeah, but I offend everybody."
"You shall die."
"You know, I liked you better when you were dead." Andy took out Riptide. The Furies hesitated.
"Submit it now," Mrs. Dodds said. "And you will not suffer eternal torment."
"Are you kidding? Eternal torment is all I ever wanted."
Mrs. Dodds lashed her whip around Andy's sword hand. But Andy didn't drop the sword. Instead, she attacked and sliced the Fury on the right. She screamed and exploded into dust. Anthony grabbed Mrs. Dodds in a wrestler's hold and yanked her backward while Grover ripped the whip out of her hands. Andy hit the Fury on the left and she broke open like a piñata. Anthony and Grover managed to tie up Mrs. Dodds with her own whip.
"Zeus will destroy you," she promised. "Hades will have your soul!"
Thunder shook the bus and Anthony pulled Andy out of there. The windows of the bus exploded. The passengers ran for cover.
"Run," Anthony said and Andy didn't need any more encouragement.
They plunged into the woods together.
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chatcolat · 8 years
Beach Boys chapter 1 chatcolat
Where Damen Akielos is the hottest surfer hunk on the beach and Laurent Vere is the young marine biologist who is definitely not in love with him. 
It was on the beach after a typhoon, puddles of sky collected on the damp sand and waves roaring, lions, against the sandbar. The ocean was a monster, dangerous and hungry, and like any proper monster it had the power to pull human beings towards it, begging them, daring them to take a deeper look into it’s jaws. Damen resisted its siren’s call, barely, the waves lapping at his ankles, hungry and desperate. Alone, just him and the ocean – the beach cleared of interlopers, voyeurs. Bits of flotsam scattered about, marring the usually flawless skin of the beach. This place felt even more his at this time, all the tourists and beach bums tucked away safe, waiting out the storm – like the private skin, eyes, body of a lover before sex. Even if the water was off limits to him right now, this was how Damen loved her.
 Seagulls cried overhead, playing in the wind, dumb and thoroughly enjoying their lives. Their dances drew his eyes across the sky, to the towering boulders along the far edge of the beach. The beach was a bad place to be right now, but the rocks were a place of death, a passage straight to the underworld. Perched on top of them was a person, form billowing in the wind.
 Damen did not feel like dealing with this today, but the guilt would weigh on him forever if he watched that person fly with gulls. He started running across the beach, kicking up damp sand behind him as he went.
 “Hey!” he shouted, trying to project his voice over the howling wind as he climbed over the rocks, jutting up from the sea to the boardwalk. They didn’t notice. Instead, arms stretched up like wings. Fuck!
 He made it just in time, his fingers closing around a well padded shoulder, yanking the person back from the edge.
 “What the actual fuck!?” The person shouted. Close up, he was definitely male – strong jaw, deep voice, sharp Adam’s apple barely visible under his sweater and windbreaker. His eyes were the color of the ocean sky at night, his hair the morning sun. Damen thought of old fishers’ tales his grandfather used to tell, about beautiful people lurking on abandoned shores, inviting you to down in the depths for them. His heart thudded painfully in his chest.
 Then the man’s knee came up hard, hitting him between the legs before coming down on the instep of his foot. Damen dropped like a rock, barely able to keep his balance on the wet stones.
 “As if, Cali scum,” the man - fairy creature - spit.
 “Dude,” Damen hissed, trying to keep himself together. “I was trying to help.”
 The man blinked at him, anger burning blue fire in his eyes, only to slowly cool to an unsure flame. “What are you talking about?”
 “This is a suicide spot,” Damen explained. “Big rocks, angry water. Are you not trying to kill yourself?”
 The mans’ face flushed bright red, capillaries under his fair skin betraying all emotion. “You think I’m trying to kill myself?” he was shouting to be heard over the wind. “No. No, no, no. Not that at all.”
 Damen, still hunched over, mimicked the pose from only a moment before, a bird ready to take flight, the look on his face demanding an explanation.
 “Haven’t you ever seen Titanic?” the man snapped harder than his windbreaker in the gale. He flung his arms up again, humming a loud and off key My Heart Will Go On. A wave slammed into the rocks behind him.
 “Oh,” was the only thing Damen could think of to say. A weight lifted from his chest, but not his crotch.
 “Oh!?” This did not placate the man. “You gave me a fucking heart attack, asshole. I almost did fall.”
 Damen glared at him. There were many words he wanted to shoot back, like how asshole did indeed describe one of them, but it was definitely not him. His grandfather had been right, evil did lurk on abandon beaches. With effort, he stood up. The man backed away a little, carefully skirting the edge of the rocks. The swell was rising[AS1] , Damen realized as another wave crashed behind the man. One bad wave and they were both gone, dragged into the ocean to be repeatedly slammed against the unforgiving boulders.
 “We need to get off the rocks,” he shouted. Not even assholes deserved to drown in a surge.
 “I’m not going to jump!” the man yelled back, still keeping his distance as if he still wasn’t sure whether or not Damen meant him harm. Damen stepped back first, moving away from the edge and the man like he’d seen cowboys do with wild horses in old Western movies. Slowly, carefully. Maybe this man wasn’t some odd fairy creature from his Grandpa’s stories, but he was just as skittish as one.
 “One stray wave can pull you over,” he explained.
 This only furthered the man’s irritation. “I’m not an idiot!”
 “So move!”
 The man did so, gingerly, his footing less confident than Damen’s own. Damen debated the likelihood of him slipping and whether or not he would help. When the man did fall, he was all reflex, catching him under the arms and hauling him onto the boardwalk. He was smaller than his layered sweater-jacket led Damen to believe.
 “Get. Your. Hands. Off. Me.”
 For a moment, Damen thought the man would bite him. Nikandros, his roommate, always talked about feral customers he had to deal with at the Starbucks he was part-timing at. When envisioning Nikandros’ stories, Damen had always imagined cats the size of people hissing and spitting about cappuccinos and frappe’s. Now he pictures this man.
 “Don’t be stupid,” Damen warned. Then, for extra measure, added, “The storm’s not done, so stay off the beach.” He heaved himself up onto the wooden planks and then started to walk away, making his peace with the universe that he had done all he could.
 “Like you?” The man shouted back, the wind carrying his voice straight to Damen’s ears. There was an emotion in it he couldn’t quite place.
“I’m not some idiot, yuppie, tourist,” Damen spit back. The man stayed silent as he kept walking.
idiot poet damen is my lyyyyyyyyf
spoiler alert: the man is laurent
more spoilers: he loves sharks
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levithica · 8 years
Mythos: Deus Ex Machina [Chapter 4: To Be Allies Or Not To Be]
*******NEW WORLD ORDER ARC*******
"I didn't expect you to finally accept our offer, Ren-sama.." An guy in his 40s said, wearing a Japanese clothing, sitting next to their Boss Razin, Kazuma.
Razin was sitting with one of his women, pouring a drink for him, while Ren was busy eating in the table.
"Mhm-Yeah-Your food is delicious by the way!" Ren told them while chomping on all the food in front of him.
Kazuma sweat dropped as Razin just laughed while the other members of the Revolutionary Group just looked at them and sweat dropped.
"Boss, are you sure he has really become an ally?" Kazuma whispered to Razin.
"Why do you doubt?" The old man asked.
"We asked for his help about your rescue but he practically wasn’t doing anything until the government's announcement of your supposed execution.." He said.
"And what is your point?" Razin asked him with a raised eyebrow.
"Well, Boss, I just thought this kid is just playing around.." Kazuma said as he scratched his head.
"So you're saying that this kid helped me out of that prison for fun?" He asked Kazuma who couldn't say anything more.
"I mean.. He might not be serious about us.. being an ally. We offered him protection from the government dogs with our force in the Revolutionary.. But looking at this kid..." Kazuma paused as he and Razin stares at Ren who was busy eating.
"Ren, in exchange for your act, tell me what do you want? Woman? Money? Tell me and I shall grant it to you." Razin asked Ren who paused and looked at the old man in front of the table, still wearing the smile across his face.
"Really? Then, more food please!" He said and continued eating.
"Boss, this kid is a monster. He absolutely has no fear in anyone. He definitely doesn’t need protection from us. And also... He's been sitting and eating there non stop since you got back here.." Kazuma said and sweat dropped as more food was placed in front of him while Razin just laughed.
"You truly are peculiar, kid. At your age, I'd probably -"
"Drown myself with my desires? Unfortunately old man, I have no interest in those things.. " Ren paused eating and said as Razin listens to him.
"Really? Then what are your interests? What are your desires?" Razin asked him.
"I don't know.. I'm not sure.." Ren told him and silence immediately took over the entire room.
"I didn't expect an intelligent alien monster like you to be completely lost in your direction.. But kid... With power, you could use it to gain anything you want. Money, Force, Woman and.. That food.. A fine and strong young man like you can attract a million women. You see, in this world, women prefers a strong man who could protect them-" Razin said but was interrupted when Ren started to chuckle.
"Now that's weird old geezer, gain everything with power? With all these women around you.. But you weren't able to marry one.. So probably, one woman isn't enough to satisfy you?" Ren said and smiled.
Razin paused and looked at him seriously. He looked at everyone else who was sweat dropping. Then he sighed and chuckled lightly.
"I see.. So this old geezer doesn't have the right to say such thing for I really haven't gained everything with my power.." Razin said and laughed.
Kazuma and the others just kept silent and sweat dropped as Ren just smiled silently.
"But kid, your insane and monstrous strength will go to waste.." Razin continued.
"Huh? What do you mean Oldie?" Ren asked and continued eating again.
"I mean.. Passing your unique qualities to the next generation.." Razin told him.
"You mean, having a family?" Ren asked then he continuously devours every food in front of him.
Razin and the others just looked at him and waited for his response. As soon as he finished the final plate, he drank water and paused, still smiling.
'If this kid continues to hang out with us, we'll definitely have food shortage soon..' Kazuma thought and sweat dropped.
"Grandpa! You're back! I was so worried! I’m so glad you’re alright!!" A black haired woman sudden came in, wearing a lavender kimono, together with her two assistants following after her.
Everyone just sweat dropped and looked at the woman as she greats and hugs Razin, except for Ren who just continued to smile like it was normal for someone to storm in during such conversation.
"Oh, you have a guest! You must be Ren Ryuusei!" The woman said excitingly.
"Oh, you know me? Should I be flattered?" Ren told her and laughed.
"Ren, this is my only grandchild, Illya.." Razin introduced her as she excitingly bowed and waved at him.
'He's so handsome! His smile is so cute!' Illya thought.
"Eh? Only grandchild? I was thinking that-" Ren paused as he looked at Razin who was staring at him.
"Ah, never mind.." He continued and grinned.
"She's already 21, but has a childish behavior. You might be able to straighten her spoiled attitude as well?" Razin told him.
"Are you making arrangements here? I haven't heard this one's part of the offer too?" Ren said and chuckled.
"Well, I see no problem with my granddaughter.. And besides, even a monster like you will always seek a fine woman who'll serve you for the rest of your life.. Am I wrong?" Razin said.
"You mean, you don't have a lover yet? But you're handsome!" Illya asked Ren excitedly.
She suddenly sat beside him and hugged his right arm while Ren just scratched his head and laughed.
"Illya -sama, he's still a guest- " Kazuma told the young lady but Razin stopped him by his sharp stare.
"She sure is an energetic woman, it seems.." Ren said, still smiling and didn't seem to care about the woman clinging in his arm.
"What do you think Ren? An older man like you fits to a childish younger woman like her.." Razin said.
"You're older than me? How old are you anyway?" Illya asked as she was clinging into him.
"Hmm.. 24. Why?" He replied while he scratched his head and was smiling all the way.
"Well, I wouldn't care how old you are! It's rare to find handsome and strong men these days, right Grandpa?!" She told him and kept on clinging into him as he laughed at her.
'This kid really just cares about handsome men without thinking what this guy really is..' Kazuma thought and sweat dropped.
"How about that, Ren? My granddaughter is beautiful. There were already a plenty of men who were after her but failed miserably, desperately trying to get her.. And here you are in front of me, offering you my only granddaughter.. Your marriage won't be a problem.." Razin said.
"Me too! I see no problem in marrying a man like you!" She added and hugged his arm tighter.
Everyone looked at them and waited for Ren's response. But instead of response, they heard a laugh from him. Everyone went silent and looked at each other as Razin and Illya looked at him, confused.
"What is it?" Razin asked him.
"It's true that your granddaughter is beautiful.. But that's probably one offer I have to refuse.." Ren told them as he removed Illya's arms, still smiling at everyone.
"Eh?!" Illya said with a surprised and disappointed look.
"Hmm.." Razin stared at the young man with curiosity.
"Sorry.. But.." He replied and paused.
"What is it?" Razin asked him.
"There's actually one thing I really desire. The only one thing I want to have that I'm ready to destroy anyone who'll get in my way to obtain it..." He told everyone and grinned widely as he clenched his fists.
Everyone felt the creepiness around them. Illya felt chills and slowly approached her grandfather instead.
"Like a treasure in the abyssal sea in which no human could reach it's depths.. Old Geezer, I've always been in thirst for this treasure.. This treasure I truly desire that but is extremely hard, even for me, to reach.." Ren continued, and so as his grin.
"So even a powerful beast like you would doubt their ability to reach one thing they desire?" Razin asked and smirked.
"The thing, old man, is that.. My strength, was the thing, made this treasure even much harder to reach. But I won't stop. I'll keep on killing everyone who'll get in my way.. Kill, and kill, and kill.. Destroy everything, destroy everyone.. No matter who is it.." He continued.
"How valuable that item could be? For you, who seemed to be ready to throw everything away just to reach that treasure of yours.." The old man asked him.
"Haha.. Unfortunately Old Man, unlike your views on all your woman, she's not just any other item that you can always use and throw away when you don't need it anymore.." Ren told him which made Razin and the others surprised.
"I see.. So you're actually into one woman?" Razin said and laughed.
Ren didn't respond but smiled back at the old man.
"A strong monster like you should have already obtained her a long time ago.." Razin continued.
"This beast inside me won't stop, until I have her.. To quench my thirst.." Ren continued as Razin grabbed and opened a hand fan.
Razin was confused of what he was really trying to say but he continued to listen.
"This woman is the obstacle herself.. A rose surrounded with thorns.." Ren told him and grinned.
"Hmm.. This woman must be interesting then.." Razin said and grinned at him.
"Yeah.. But, Old Geezer.. Let me tell you something.." Ren said as he stood up, with the unbreakable smile in his face.
"What is?" He asked the young man.
"She's my treasure. You can have all the woman in this entire universe, but you can't have her.. I won't allow an old pervert like you to touch her.. She's mine.. Only mine.. I won't allow anyone else to touch her.." He told him and grinned.
"So.. What if one of my men did?" The old man asked.
"You mean, "What if you did?", right, Old Geezer?" He asked the old man back.
"You saw through me.. What a wise kid.." Razin said and laughed.
"Are you telling me that it might happen?" He asked him again.
"Kid, I'm not the only threat here.. I’m not the only man in this world. Any other man can be after her.. " Razin said and smirked at him.
"It doesn't matter if there's another hundred million people like you after her. Didn't I tell you? I'll kill everyone who gets in my way.. Every single one of them.. Kill.. And kill.. Until she, herself, is the only obstacle left.." Ren told him and grinned.
"This kid.. Is really dangerous.." Razin told him.
"Old man, if you're thinking you can have her, that's absolutely impossible... Do you know why?" He asked the old man.
"Why is that?" The old man asked.
Ren stood up as everyone looked at him with confusion across their faces.
"Because I'll have to kill you right here.." Ren responded with a grin and cracked his knuckles.
"You dare to threaten our Boss?!" Everyone exclaimed and grabbed their weapons and pointed it to him.
"Do you know what happens to people who threats our Boss?!" Kazuma exclaimed as he grabbed his gun and pointed it to him.
Ren didn't respond but his grin made them completely feel uneasy. They were told of what he was capable of. So, there was hesitation into everyone.
"Stop it!" Razin ordered everyone.
"But Boss -!"
"Is that how you treat a someone who just saved this boss of yours from that abyssal prison?" Razin said.
Everyone slowly lowered their weapons but set their eyes on the young man. Soon, the silence in the room was shattered by a clap.
"Woah.. That's impressive Oldie! How much time did you spent training these dogs of yours to be obedient?" Ren asked Razin with his usual smile.
Razin just sighed and looked at the young man.
"Old Man, your life will be depending on your response.. I’ll ask you again.." Ren told him with a smile on his face.
"This kid.." Kazuma said to himself and felt irritated.
"What is it, kid?" Razin asked.
"What are you thinking right now?" Ren asked him.
Razin paused and everyone felt nervous as they waited for his response. The old man stared at his cup and sighed.
"Thinking if I'll be able to have another cup of this drink after this one.." The old man responded.
Everyone sweat dropped and filled the room with silence again. Then, soon, the silence was broken with a slow clap coming from the crazy young man. They looked at Ren who started to laugh while clapping then smiled after, which of course, made everyone feel creepy.
"Haha.. That was a good response old geezer! And now you get a chance to have another drink.." Ren told him and smiled.
"My, my.. Are you the soul reaping, Ankou?" Razin asked.
"Eh? Why?" Ren asked, but his smile looks like he wasn't wondering at it.
"You're scaring everyone.. Including my granddaughter.. Right?" Razin said and looked at Illya.
"H-Huh? E-Eh.. Y-Yeah.." Illya responded.
Ren didn’t react to it but kept his smile. He turned around and was about to leave the room when Razin says something.
"I really couldn't understand your way of thinking.. Though, fellow humans really find it hard to understand each other.." Razin told him.
"Not really. The same way goes for our kind.." Ren said to himself and gave everyone a grin before leaving the area.
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