#it wasnt even directed at me it was a general statement but idk it just made me feel very shitty and i havent been writing since
the-kipsabian · 5 months
tbh ever since i saw a someone say that its awful to read when writers clearly arent comfortable writing smut and it show, ive been so self conscious about even trying to make anything spicier anymore
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vegance · 2 years
I’m, not saying torture animals that aren’t human. But simply that they should have different things considered than humans. And if any other homo species was still around, then yeah the whole genus would probably require the same protections. As for aliens, if they manage to come visit us they’re clearly at least on the same level as humans, if they’re found on another planet we should leave them the fuck alone we have our own planet.
Other primates definitely shouldn’t be treated the same as humans either because they arent, but they should have different rules from livestock for many reasons. Just, dont keep primates as pets, dont eat primates (even if the person doesn’t think it’s weird to eat our cousins, it’s still a huge risk of disease because of how closely related we are). Just, let primates live their own lives and keep their habitats safe.
And if any of that was directed at cattle in wheelchairs, that is not an animal that can live a good life in a wheelchair. Dogs could, but cattle have social fights and get way too heavy for a wheelchair to not cause harm.
Also remember, death isn’t a horrible thing. It’s the one thing that truly connects all living creatures. And all we can truly ask for is a peaceful death. Which, idk how poultry and such is killed but yes cattle are killed in a peaceful way. Any twitching that happens after the bolt is from leftover electrical energy.
Slaughterhouses just need more unions, more osha type regulations. Yeah things can be bloody but that doesn’t mean it’s horrible. Everything dies to feed something else. One day I’ll be gone and will feed the worms and plants.
Just because a human can be fine on a vegan diet doesn’t mean they all can do one or that people should all switch to a vegan diet. And yeah people tend to take supplements, because our diets tend to be less varied than they should be. There’s a difference between going paleo and just, understanding that as an omnivore you are built to require animal products. Not everyone can even properly process supplements.
Vegan baby formula also has the downsides of, its soy. Most of the time it’s just soy which is one of the worst monocultures there is and is a rather common allergen. Only one vegan formula is even approved by the fda (in the us ofc, idk anything about food safety regulators in other countries). We need to grow less soy, not more (and no, most of the soy isnt being grown for feeding livestock. That’s just where the beans that have been processed for oil and all the inedible parts go, as it is with most food given to livestock)
“What do orphaned baby lions have to do with people eating a cheeseburger”
Nothing. I wasnt talking lions. I was talking kittens. And the connection is, they’re domestics that need meat and (for formula) dairy. Not to mention Wildlife rehabs also often have to raise orphaned animals until they’re old enough to release.
I’m kinda done talking to a brick wall tho.
"I’m, not saying torture animals that aren’t human. But simply that they should have different things considered than humans." we are torturing them, though. that's the whole point.
i'm not saying we should treat all animals the same as humans, i am saying that they deserve the most basic moral consideration.
cattle often do not die a peaceful death, as the source i provided showed. it's easy to be all zen about death when you are not the one being killed. vegans are literally just arguing that we should not inflict suffering and death on animals when we can avoid it.
you are just making a lot of blanket statements with no proof (cattles lives in wheelchairs cant be good, but dogs can) or bring up super specific cases, which are no argument against veganism. i'm just not sure what you are trying to do here, or why you messaged me in the first place. if it was just a general discussion about veganism, why all these weirdly specific situations, that have nothing to do with animal ag at large?
soybean meal actually is edible for humans, and still 98% of it is fed to animals. about 70% of the worlds soy is made into soybean cakes for animal feed. as far as i understand, these are made of soybean meal.
yes, soy is a major allergen. so is dairy :D
ok, then you're not talking about lions, you are talking about kittens. but you are also not a kitten?? (unless...?) again, these small, super specific examples have nothing to do with whether or not the average person should go as vegan as they can? milk replacements for wildlife rehabilitation is not a major driver in animal ag.
"I’m kinda done talking to a brick wall tho." samsies. have a great night
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sleepykichii · 7 years
92 Questions Tag
i was tagged by @usershiin and @iviarka (thank u!! ♡ ) RULES: You must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
1. Drink: water
2. Phone call: uhhhh i think my mom?
3. Text message: i sent five elvis emojis to my dad bc he sends texts saying 'elvis' when he's leaving work
4. Song you listened to: chop suey by system of a down
5. Time you cried: this morning lol
6. Dated someone twice: lol no i have a personal rule to never visit the graveyard
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: absolutely
8. Been cheated on: unfortunately
9. Lost someone special: yeah, some family members
10. Been depressed: currently am
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: uhhh yeah lets not talk abt that lmaooo
12.-14.  pink, purple, and lime green!
15. Made new friends: yup!!
16. Fallen out of love: who knows, feelings are too complex for me to try & decipher lol
17. Laughed until you cried: yeah!
18. Found out someone was talking about you: like talking shit? if so, lol yeah senior year was intense dude
19. Met someone who changed you: yup! several someones, actually
20. Found out who your friends are: yup, i have like one real irl friend bc the rest were just using me when i was conveinent. :')
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: uh maybe? idk i barely get on facebook
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: dude i dont even know
23. Do you have any pets: sadly, no :c
24. Do you want to change your name: i don't rly like when people say my full name but i like the abbreviated version or any other nickname
25. What did you do for your last birthday: my family went out to dinner and we came home and relaxed, i was sad all day so it wasnt great lmao
26. What time did you wake up: uhhh like ten am? i think
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: gosh i dunno...i think i was drawing? or writing, idk, one of the two
28. Name something you can’t wait for: KILLING HARMONY'S ENGLISH RELEASE YEAH BOIII
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: last night before bed
31. What are you listening to right now: seether - fake it
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: my brother's name is tommy lmaoooo
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: my stomach wont shut up lol
34. Most visited website: tumblr probably
38. Hair colour: dark brown, i dyed it red a while ago so it has a red hue rn
39. Long or short hair: long!
40. Do you have a crush on someone: dude who knows honestly
41. What do you like about yourself: i dont like my body uhhh do my freckles count?
42. Piercings: nope! i rly want my ears pierced n a septum ring tho
43. Blood type: A+ !!
44. Nickname: tay or ouma!
45. Relationship status: uh single i think? i think we're ghosting eachother lmao
46. Zodiac: taurus
47. Pronouns: she/her!
48. Favorite TV show: big brother!!
49. Tattoos: none -- yet!!
50. Right or left handed: right
51. Surgery: let's see...i had severe bladder issues as a kid so i know i had smth done for that, i had my tonsils and adnoids removed...i think that's it!
52. Piercing: uhhh wasn't this already asked? lol
53. Sport: if i had to pick one, it'd probably be swimming! my fave thing is sinking to the bottom of the pool and staring up at the sky its super cool
55. Vacation: uhh its technically summer vacation rn and im not doing anything lmaoo
57. Eating: nothing,,,
58. Drinking: more water
59. I’m about to: smoke a cigarette bc this is taking longer than i expected
61. Waiting for: my mom to get home so we can go swimming
62. Want: a sense of purpose in life, a direction to follow, the will to live??? idk
63. Get married: that's the goal but...relationships are hard
64. Career: *cue anxiety* ummmm m uhh h hhhhh gjeafslkfjqads
65. Hugs or kisses: definitely hugs ** ok wait is this in like a potential partner? bc thats how im answering these
66. Lips or eyes: eyes
67. Shorter or taller: i generally like guys who are taller than me but for girls i don't rly have a preference
68. Older or younger: i guess ^^ applies here too, i prefer older guys but dont have a preference when it comes to girls
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: stomach i guess? doesnt rly matter to me
72. Hook up or relationship: do i have to pick one?? uhhh i guess a relationship but efjasklmf
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant!
74. Kissed a stranger: lol yeah
75. Drank hard liquor: ya...oops
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: i don't have glasses but if i did, i would lose them for sure
77. Turned someone down: yup
78. Sex on the first date: absolutely not!!
79. Broken someone’s heart: maybe?? idk
80. Had your heart broken: yup
81. Been arrested: no
82. Cried when someone died: yup!
83. Fallen for a friend:  lol yeah
84. Yourself: i'd like to!
85. Miracles: yes
86. Love at first sight: not rly no
87. Santa Claus: lol ofc
88. Kiss on the first date: it depends on if it went well or not
89. Angels: it's a nice thought, but no
90. Current best friend’s name: lol i dont want to put it bc i dont want her finding this blog & she doesnt have a common name sry my dudes
91. Eye colour: brown
92. Favourite movie: uhhhh idk!! i watch a lot of movies w my family and can't remember all the titles, sorry^^
holy guacamole okay now that that's over time to tag!
i tag: @kingtatsunari @lesliebruhleria @tokyo-ghouls-eat-rawmen @piningmarco @bertoltssweat @noodlesforlyfe @levi-nyanchou @tiny-heichou and whoever else wants to do it! don’t feel obligated to do this, either;;  ♡
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anonymoustalks · 4 years
idk if lenins polcy of bruning churches was good but you have to have soem kind of athiest government
(6-20-20) You both like politics.
You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: ideology?
You: moderate left
You: you?
Stranger: far left
Stranger: uk
You: ahh kay
You: why do you like omegle?
Stranger: er dunno just fun to chat without consequences i guess
You: mhm that's fair
You: I like to hear about what other ppl think
Stranger: yh and argueing
You: haha I don't really argue that much
Stranger: some people arnt worth ur time
You: mhm maybe
You: where are you from?
Stranger: uk^^
You: I'm from the us
Stranger: noice
You: and I'm totally ignorant of british politics lol
Stranger: i know a little bit about america
You: how does your government work?
Stranger: cos its the centre of the world
You: sorry if this is a really dull question
Stranger: its fine ill asnwer w my limited understanding
You: I just ran into someone who was praising the monarchy
Stranger: pfft
Stranger: haha
Stranger: so basically above everyone we have a queen who approves certain stuff and has the ability to interjec tin products but msotly doesn then you have the unlected house of lords which is aristocrats recommended by other rich ppl and below that the ppl elected
Stranger: we have a prime minister so he doesnt have the same powers as president
Stranger: but hes more powerful than other pm's
You: mhm
You: the house of lords...
Stranger: yep
You: is the aristocracy still a big thing in the uk?
Stranger: its just like the senate in the usa except not elected and idk probaably
You: how does someone get recommended to the house of lords?
Stranger: be rich adn good at something or know someone whos rich
You: ahh I think it's weird that it's so closely tied to wealth
Stranger: not really the uk ruling class make it prtty obvious to us peasnts that its a ruling class fake democracy
Stranger: unlike the usa where everybody is supposed classless
You: right
You: I guess that's a fair statement
Stranger: but yeah fuck the queen
Stranger: how was the guy defedning monarchy?
You: oh he sounded kind of weird
You: like how god and the monarchy is essential for uk's stability and being
Stranger: pfft
You: he didn't really explain much
Stranger: both are irelevant nowadays
You: just pointed out that france and us are chaotic, according to him because there is no monarchy
Stranger: oh yeah thats totally
Stranger: why
You: yeah lol
Stranger: if only they had a monarchy then there owuld be no class and racial conflict
You: so how far left are you?
Stranger: very far
You: anarchist?
Stranger: nope left communist
Stranger: basically anti stalinist communist
You: what does your ideal government look like?
Stranger: well until you have a relatively stateless socialism you have a dictatorship of the proleterait
Stranger: and that has an armed population as the army and has direct democracy and a representive democracy who are payed wages simualr to that of a workmans
Stranger: in brief
You: mhm and membership has a criteria that you must be working class?
Stranger: membership of the democratic process yep
Stranger: a worker
You: mhm
Stranger: not necearily poor
You: what is the exact definition of working class btw?
Stranger: sombody who doesnt own and live off capitlist property
Stranger: or is a cpatilsit in other respects
Stranger: like an investor
Stranger: businessmen landlords and bankers
You: hmm I feel like it's hard for me to draw parallels
You: I know a pharmacist friend
You: who rents his place
You: for extra cash
Stranger: well when we have the revolution i doubt he'll be locked up or anything but youknow
Stranger: hes just a small landlord i guess
Stranger: supplemetning work income
You: so would people just discouraged from doing that kind of stuff?
Stranger: well hosuing will be nationalised as an early step
Stranger: so you wont have to
You: mhm
Stranger: making rent equal to bills
You: my parents also have investments
You: for like retirement
You: and just in general
Stranger: sure
You: was curious what would happen to those
Stranger: well i mean by investor sombody who is rich and does it for a job
You: ah kay
Stranger: the socialsit pension ting will be good anyhow
You: mhm
You: do you think that's it necessary for the world to follow this model? Or do you think that it can still work with just a communist state on it's own?
Stranger: nah for a lot of reasons you cant have it in one or a few states surrounded by cpaitlsit ones
Stranger: for one a DOTP surrounded by cpatilist states is forced to act like one to compete
Stranger: and therefore exploit other countries and its own labourers to the max
You: right, I was curious about that actually
Stranger: that was trotsky's argument
You: mhm
Stranger: he said u cant have 'socialsism in one country' because you have to first have international DOTP
You: dotp stands for?
Stranger: or you just become a state cpaitlist state like stalin
You: dictatorship of the prol.?
Stranger: dictatorship of the proletariat
Stranger: yep
You: mhm, that makes a lot of sense
Stranger: yep
Stranger: DOTP being when workers hold the state but not the economy
Stranger: the economy is still in private hands
You: right
You: I think I mix up all the varieties of socialism and communism
Stranger: yh DOTP isnt so much a variety but a transition
Stranger: from cpaitlism to socialism/com
You: mhm
You: I feel like I think about human nature cynically
Stranger: oh go on
You: as in, I'm skeptical of being satisfied with equality
You: *ppl being
Stranger: well tehy certainly arnt satified by inequality so how bad can it really get?
You: mhm true
Stranger: we dont mean absolute equality
Stranger: just equality of opporutunity to realise ur best self
You: idk if this is school bias or anything, but when we learn about communism, it's often framed that the party just ends up with all the wealth
You: or power
Stranger: theres a reason that idea of so called communism is taught rlly
Stranger: mainly cos of porpaganda but theres some truth
Stranger: under lenin the state was definitely a semi deictatorship of a few workers parties
Stranger: but with a democratic mechanism and worker councils to elect them
You: hm
You: *mhm
Stranger: with the intention of educating a largely illitarate peasant russia into a democratic socialsit society
Stranger: but after the vicotry of stalin after lenins death, whatever redistribution of power was dropped and centrlasing power in the party and in stalin was the priority
You: right
Stranger: so there is a history to it
You: I feel like I was thought that there was a component of ideological purity -- like, if you expressed greater loyalty to the party, you could get more stuff
You: like better food tickets or cars or stuff
You: *taught
Stranger: sure teh soviet union during and after stalin was definitely a class society
You: mhm, how do you avoid class from rearising?
Stranger: you dont centralise power in bureacracy
Stranger: and make it mroe acoutnable
Stranger: you arm the popualtion
Stranger: make durable directly democratic mechanisms
Stranger: accountability at all level
You: so you're saying like enshrining freedom of speech / freedom of arms in the system?
Stranger: im not a freedom of speech absolutist but sure
Stranger: its very important
You: wasn't China kinda of freedom of speech until tianmensquare, were they?
Stranger: ha no
Stranger: you got tortured if you spoke out
You: ah kay
Stranger: same as soviet union really
Stranger: mao wasnt masively different
You: I'm just thinking of the blm protests in the US
Stranger: yh
You: when ppl feel like change isn't happening
You: then they can get violent
Stranger: yep
You: was just curious how your government would handle that
Stranger: well the governmetn and the people are intrinsically merged
Stranger: but it depends like waht the situation would be
You: mhm I mean technically there's universal suffrage in the US but not everyone votes
Stranger: yep
Stranger: electoral college too
You: and I think minority parties can sometimes be the loudest and most opinionated
Stranger: yh
You: so even with a proletariat government I think there might still be disagreement
Stranger: yh
Stranger: for sure
Stranger: and debate
Stranger: whats ur point
You: mhm idk
Stranger: aight sitl idk the answers
You: yeah it's interesting
Stranger: what are u taught abotu socialism in schools
You: mhm, I guess just the things I said?
You: I think we studied east germany and the ussr
Stranger: ah k
Stranger: yep
You: what life was like
You: to live there
Stranger: sure and if you trying and feed everyone this is waht happens type shite
Stranger: you cant be nice with the economy
You: mhm I don't think my teachers tried to make extremely biased conclusions or anything
You: but the curriculum itself could be biased I think
Stranger: k yeah same
Stranger: yeah fr
Stranger: we dont learn at all about the british empire
You: yup
Stranger: like not once
Stranger: or really any british history beyond knights and castles
You: actually in world history class my teacher commented that I was beginning to sound "anti-american" lol
Stranger: haha good
Stranger: anti american what a word
Stranger: being anti imperialist and anti racist is being anti british too
You: lol
Stranger: tells u what they think about britishness
Stranger: its not culture but power
Stranger: which is a load of bs
You: mhm
Stranger: what did you say to teacher
You: idk I'm not very nationalist
You: I didn't say anything, I'm not really the kind of person to argue
Stranger: neither but i like uk just not enough to block refugees to preserve it
Stranger: like some wacko patriots are
You: mhm
Stranger: they act like the uks not been 15% non white since like 1940
You: mhm
You: what do you think of their opinion that a country should have a right to control their own culture/ethnicities?
Stranger: erm
Stranger: well thats tough
Stranger: i think the ideal of direct dmeocracy and a reactioanry population is contradictory
Stranger: and therefore maybe u need more centralised leadership there
You: I think I heard a scenario of belgium or something wanting to block the construction of mosques in like a historical district or something
You: to preserve their national culture/history
Stranger: yep idk
You: yeah idk either
Stranger: but like how would direct democrayc work in somalia
Stranger: or saudi arabia
Stranger: thats a tough question
Stranger: would men use it to repress women
You: mhm yup
You: or well, there are several states that have a democracy
Stranger: its like india was basically a dicatroship for its first 20 years
You: and they voted to impose state religion
You: state religious laws
You: that kind of thing
Stranger: basically cos it would be a bloodbath
Stranger: of relgion and caste
Stranger: so the governmetn had to go against the people to do whats the long term good
You: I think it's sometimes hard to have foresight about what the "long term good" is though
You: like everybody things they are doing things for long term good
You: *thinks
Stranger: well in indias caste removing caste racism and relgious bigotry was a big thing
Stranger: and many people died due to it
You: mhm
You: I think it's really hard for me to know what is "right"
Stranger: and i think general equality is a good thing impose against a population
Stranger: if they dont want it
Stranger: thats the only way change has ever come
You: mhm although I think indoctrination is always possible
Stranger: eh
You: I mean, this is kind of a hot take, but Western values are indoctrinated
Stranger: yeahthey are
You: similarly speaking you could indoctrinate capitalistic values or communist values
Stranger: some are right some are wrong
Stranger: not succesfully
You: and I think the ppl who grow up with whatever they are indoctrinated with are generally happy
You: and support the views they grow up with
Stranger: yeah true
You: although I think it's sad for whoever gets left out of the system
Stranger: like anti deisicimination laws are passed despite a population
Stranger: for a long term good
You: mhm
You: yeah idk governments are hard haha
Stranger: haha yes
Stranger: thats why were still talking about it
You: mhm
You: I don't really know what to think about ppl who support religious states
You: like indonesia has that problem
Stranger: theyre idiots
You: like they want their state to become religious
Stranger: ik snd prolly will
You: but if I imagine myself in their shoes
You: I think they just want to be closer to their religion
You: which is like a personal value
You: like I'm secular, so things like freedom and equality mean a lot to me
Stranger: truw
You: but I can also imagine a different world were idk god and faith matter a lot to me
You: we have pretty significant freedom of religion battles in the us
Stranger: same]
Stranger: if i didnt grow up in suhc an athiest school and get bullied for it id be hardcore jesus
You: oh your family is religious?
Stranger: yep
You: mhm I was reading about the us lgbt anti-discrimination ruling earlier
Stranger: yeah
You: the religious schools here are worried about being affected
You: like they don't want to hire gay teachers
Stranger: good
You: bc they're a religious school
Stranger: get w the program schools
Stranger: idk if lenins polcy of bruning churches was good but you have to have soem kind of athiest government
You: mhm I think anti-discrimination is good, but I feel like I can understand their resistance of feeling like they can't teach their religion the way they want
Stranger: sure yeah
You: idk most things I don't know what to think lol
Stranger: but think about if they dont get agy teachers
Stranger: anti discimination laws dont work
You: hm?
Stranger: cos u can jsut say u didnt disciminate and taht it
You: ohh no it still matters
You: like imagine you are a religious school
You: and a pastor applies and says they are a gay priest
You: and you don't want to hire them
You: they can sue bc discrimination
Stranger: maybe but its a relgious school why u even applying
You: mhm some ppl kind of want to change christianity I think
You: like there are pastors who are much more sympathetic to lgbt
Stranger: eh still
Stranger: lictus and that
Stranger: levictus
You: yeah idk
You: most of the churches in my area are pro-lgbt
Stranger: pretty sure my preist is closeted
You: aww
Stranger: hes very camp
You: camp ?
Stranger: and went to cambridge
Stranger: femenine
You: ahh
Stranger: yep
You: yeah religion is an odd place in politics for me
You: like it's often at the root of weird stuff
Stranger: oh yeah
Stranger: are u relgious
You: that runs counter to like modern science common sense
You: no
You: well, I'm like 20% spiritual I guess
You: but I'm not religious
Stranger: yep
Stranger: never got the difference
You: between spiritual and religious?
Stranger: yep
You: oh, for me, religious is like adhering to a religion, or denomination, or religious practice
You: spiritual is like vaguely believe in something
You: *belieiving
You: without doing anything about it
You have disconnected.
0 notes
i got myself tagged by @ilyatath​ and @fmlforeverwrites​ and its taken me so long to do this bc im trash but hye ho here i am!!!
rules: answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people. yeah im not even gonna get close to 20 people and i have a feeling that some of you have already done this but oh well @asharadaynes​ @tooextremeforlouisiana​ @aaron-burrsir​ @kreacherwrites​ @kryptxns​ @opalcscent​ @beccabec876​ @mynameismelodypond​ and if any of y’all who ain’t tagged wanna do this then be my guest
the last
1. drink: strawberry and kiwi squash which honestly tastes a surprising amount like nondescript punch
2. phone call: i don’t make phone calls but i guess when my auntie called last week to check one of the boxes she was storing here??????
3. text message: last general message was to an rp partner this morning lmao bc i wanted to hurt her w ship inspo
4. song you listened to: lost boy by ruth b i think????
5. time you cried: months ago idk like it could legit be 2 or 18 months ago i have no idea
6. dated someone twice: u presume me to have dated someone once
7. kissed someone and regretted it: regret can be avoided if u never do the thing in the first place
8. been cheated on: u can’t get cheated on if u never dated in the first place
9. lost someone special: as long as ghosting on friends doesn’t count then this is a hard no
10. been depressed: yeaaaahhhhh the apathy’s still w me even outside of the severe episodes
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: surprisingly enough ive never actually reached this point before even beer olympics wasnt as dicey as id expected
3 favourite colours
12. dark reds (like burgundy, maroon or crimson)
13. black like my soul
14. idek black and red or my go to faves maybe dark purples/blues??????
in the last year have you
15. made new friends: yeah yeah yeah going to america kinda meant i had to lmao
16. fallen out of love: im gonna say no but this is a massive probably
17. laughed until you cried: i dont think so????? but idk maybe
18. found out someone was talking about you: nah i dont think so im too boring to be talked about
19. met someone who changed you: im gonna say yeah, im probs gonna say this a lot but going to america was hella good and it was p hard not to be changed by all the stuff over there
20. found out who your friends are: sorta yes sorta no idk let me be a cryptid in peace
21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: i. have. never. been. kissed.
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: most of them i think idk i should probs clear some of those dicks out
23. do you have any pets: unfortunately no but i want a fucking cat when im older
24. do you want to change your name: not really nah. it’s basic but its mine and i kinda like it but if u use the wrong form of my name for our friendship level then i will feel uncomfy
25. what did you do for your last birthday: packed up all my shit then chilled w my friends and played mario kart
26. what time did you wake up: around 9 i think???? i dont do well w remembering shit
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: im p sure i was sorting out my inventory in da:i, idk i was deffo doing inquisition shit then
28. name something you can’t wait for: the last jedi to come out. gimme fucking force sensitive finn!!! make jedistormpilot canon u cowards!!!!!
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: an hour or so ago. she’s around and hovering and i just want her to go
31. what are you listening to right now:  the goldbergs is on in the background rn but im not actively paying attention
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: i mean it felt like there were three dozen different toms back at school so yeah
33. something that is getting on your nerves: my parent’s constantly hanging around, the dread thought that my sister is coming home in around an week and i will get no peace
34. most visited website: this blue hellsite
35. hair colour: brown
36. long or short hair: it’s kinda long but it really doesn’t look like it lmao
37. do you have a crush on someone: not really?????? idk emotions are weird fucking things
38. what do you like about yourself: i mean i tend to refuse to back down on most things so i guess dedication is a way to make that sound positive??????
39. piercings: honestly i dont think i could ever get a piercing they weird me out for myself they say as they have a tattoo and are planning like half a dozen more
40. blood type: o+ which i guess is a pretty versatile type
41. nickname: no-one actually calls me this but my fave for me would just be d. the single letter by itself. and it absolutely has to be in lowercase people do also often call me dan and sometimes danny but none of them are at the right friend level and it is a Bad
42. relationship status: single as a pringle for 20 solitary years
43. zodiac: taurus. i was also born in the year of the ox so rip anyone who tries to argue w me
44. pronouns: they/them pls n thnx
45. favourite tv show: i watch like a million different shows and they are all trash but rn my fave is probs coach trip and i hate that most u have never seen it and dont know how much fun it is
46. tattoos: i got a geometric heart on my chest and im planning so many more pls message me about it so i can gush about it to someone
47. right or left handed: right like any good god-fearing person who is not influenced by the devil and witchcraft
48. surgery: ive never had surgery myself and i hope i never will (unless it’s for organ donation)
50. sport: i row, not well but to a vaguely competitive standard and i enjoy it even though my hands are llike permanently callused now
51. vacation: my last one was to boston for a week after the academic year ended but going to mexico over easter was gr9 too
52. pair of trainers: if we’re talking actual proper trainers then  ive only got one pair from decathlon but i do have some hella nice vans which i got for p cheap
53. eating: food is good. and not to be stereotypical but chicken is the best. esp rice and peas and chicken. also carbs. there is no such things as too much carbs. the media is lying to you
54. drinking: rum. it might be a bad thing that my first thought was to go to alcohol but idc im a mess
55. I’m about to: idk probs play some more inquisition
56. waiting for: my motivation to return from the war?????? to finish studying so i can move out of my parents’ house and steadily become the family’s queer cryptid
57. want: my parents to shut up and leave me alone. not gonna happen tho
58. get married: yes ofc i do im a fucking romantic mess bicth lemme indulge my fantasies
59. career: philosopher lmao. i get paid to sit around and bullshit all day what could be better
60. hugs or kisses: ofc hugs are better lmao they’re just like !!!!! hug me all day idc
61. lips or eyes: eyes ofc, eyes are soft and pure. gimme those fucking eyes
62. shorter or taller: honestly i love me a good height difference either way but like ideally she’d be taller but im like 6′0 on a good day and i have to keep reminding myself that’s kinda tol so taller is unlikely rip me
63. older or younger: idgaf tbh but im amongst the youngest most of the places i go so younger would be nice i guess lmao
64. nice arms or nice stomach: umm idk both are nice and give good #aesthetics but i gotta agree w ilyatath and say goodlegs are the best plus good legs basically ensure a good ass
65. hookup or relationship: i told u im a fucking romantic gimme them sweet ass relationships. make me know that im special and important to u
66. troublemaker or hesitant: honestly hesitant but if my friends are causing trouble bet ur ass imma be there tagging along
67. kissed a stranger: im p sure y’all can guess the answer to this by now lmao
68. drank hard liquor: it’s not a real drink unless there’s liquor in it
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: one time i lost a pair of glasses the same day i got them
70. turned someone down: nah this has never happened to me
71. sex on the first date: ive never kissed someone, what else do u think i haven’t done.......
73. had your heart broken: yeah no this hasn’t happened. not properly anyway. like i said, feelings are weird
74. been arrested: it’s not a crime if u dont get caught
75. cried when someone died: nah ive never been close enough to anyone i knew who died
76. fallen for a friend: sorta yes sorta no im weird feelings are odd and my life is a mess
77. yourself: i wanna say yes but kinda no my self confidence also needs to return from war
78. miracles: i wanna say i do but im not sure the universe is a fundamentaly chaotic system so i guess weird shit deffo could happen
79. love at first sight: i think some people can get it but i doubt for me and most people will probs have to work for it
80. santa claus: nah that man’s a scam
81. kiss on the first date: if u wanna kiss on the first date then fucking do it!!!!! dont let life hold u back!! dont let ur dreams be memes!!!!! u take their face anfd fucking kiss it!!!!
82. angels: eeehhhhhhhhh probs not
84. eye colour: brown. kinda darker brown than my hair but still brown
85. favourite movie: Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) directed by Joe Russo and Anthony Russo
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