#it would be the greatest blow to Gabe’s ego
blueskyheadleft010 · 2 months
It would be the funniest fucking thing if there was an episode of Miraculous Ladybug where both Marinette and Adrien get locked in a storage room together while an akuma is attacking and, for the sake of saving their own identies, don’t transform into Chat Noir and Ladybug, and instead hope and pray that their ‘partner’ will be able to handle the akuma.
Meanwhile Hawkmoth is pissed that the heroes aren’t showing up for the fight, and tries in vain to get his akuma to look for them with no luck so it’s just kind of awkward for everyone involved because yeah… the heroes didn’t actually show up this time.
And like, while all this is happening people just decide that maybe they can take on the akuma? Like, they’ve seen the heroes do it before. How hard can it be to rip apart a magic object and trap an evil butterfly inside a jar?
So of course Chloe goes in guns blazing with her Ladybug cosplay outfit, demanding Hawkmoth surrender, and people just kinda panic cuz that’s obviously a civilian?? Does she have a death wish?!
And then Alya runs in dressed up as Ladybug, and even has a red yo-yo she spins around, and demands Hawkmoth surrender. Then Nino shows up with a black cat headband and black makeup around his upper face and a broom which he spins around as he shouts for Hawkmoth to surrender.
Then Luka shows up as Cat Noir, but he’s just wearing a black jacket and a paper cat mask spray painted black, and shouts for HM’s surrender.
Then soon a huge amount of Paris’ population comes out wearing hero costumes and swarm the akuma.
Hawkmoth decides this is low even for him and just dips, taking back his akuma and retreating to his office to nurse his headache with some whiskey.
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