#it’s been awhile since I’ve listened to a good spooky podcast
beano-no-know69 · 4 months
hey can anyone give me recs for good spooky audio dramas?
Also bonus points if there’s gays in it (although honestly at this point I go into podcasts assuming there will be, and am hardly ever wrong)
Ones I’ve liked and listened to are: the Magnus archives, the box, king falls am, old gods of Appalachia, darkest night, limetown, spines, the bright sessions, wolf 359, all the public radio alliance ones, Alice isn’t dead, archive 81, life after, the message, the far meridian, the bridge, mirrors, the 12:37, penumbra, strange case of starship iris, girl in space, the leap year society, Mabel, and the white vault
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Hello! I was curious to know what some of your favorite Mindcrack moments are in all of their years of existing?
Bro. You are in for a motherfucking LIST.
Off the bat, every single Team Canada Prank. I’ve practically memorized the Sky Shrooms and King of the Ladder episodes. That moment when Guude realized Etho was part of the prank and said “We? Who’s we?” and Etho stuttered and fell backwards off the mushrooms to his death was the first moment in my life that I truly felt alive. #TheOfficeIsAGoodShow #RealMenUseTheirRingFinger
Von Swaying Guude’s house changed my whole outlook on Minecraft. How could someone make something so darn ugly and yet so beautiful? It’s the epitome of doing something for the sole purpose of shit starting creating and having fun rather than aiming for perfect and never finishing. Zisteau is a great addition to any video 10/10 educational content
Just about every moment in Guude/Nebris/Pakratt/Arkas’ TerraFirmaCraft Reloaded series. Had to pause videos multiple times to write down quotes and even then I passed up some good ones! I fully intend on rewatching the series from each perspective. Arkas getting slain by bear, Guude and Arkas secretly growing mushrooms and getting high, Pakratt confusing dolomite and diorite, literally everything Arkas does, THE COWS, that last episode of absolute chaos wtf Pakratt
UHC #ForTheKidsSeven with Single Malt scotch’s skyblock base and rampant cheating from every team except Nebris’. I fucking LOVED that near-kill with the anvil, and all the chaos as the border shrank. Four players stuck in a 1x1 column! The arrow volley between SMS and SkyblockJr. Can this happen every UHC?
Speaking of UHC, Etho and BdoubleO’s epic fight in season 11! He was absolutely on the ball with those potions, I was sure he’d die before he could use them all. And Etho’s fight with Guude right before that was hilarious! Guude high as fuck on percocets and Etho like completely confused at what Guude was doing. The original UHC skybase by Zisteau #I’mALavaExpert and Anderz reaction to the skybase, and then to Guude’s dogs
The whole portal thing in season 3 with Pause, Kurt, and Beef too! That has remained one of my favourite UHC moments since I saw it, there is nothing more classic. Every single season I hope someone will make a portal for no reason and end up in someone else’s base with them. #TheWolfTheWolfAmazing!
Zisteau’s E-Pranker Montage. I legitimately cry every time I watch it, particularly during 0.5 (the fourth prank) when he rebuilds Bdubs’ first house from his Building With BdoubleO series. Bdubs’ moment of realization hits me like a train even though I know it’s coming. Like, if someone built my first Minecraft base to prank me I think I would die on impact, but like in a good way.
And back to UHC! Season 14 episode 5. HOOOOOOLY FUCK! 2spooky4me should have totally been a UHC team! Remember when Zisteau played UHC? It just isn’t UHC without him to be honest. And besides the #BadYouTubers and #ImALavaExpert moments from Super Hostile and Ninja Turtles, Parkas had a great season as well! Shit, everyone was awesome! Parkas listening in on BTC finding a silverfish, Doc listening in on Ole Yeller right before Zisteau-ing himself and swearing, Baj hiding nether wart, every single drunken drink Genny did, Parkas towers “we should smelt some stone to make bricks”, snnnnowballs! :D, HEY JSANO! WHY YOU RUNNING JSANO?, “ooooh, we’re right behind you haha” “BTC, they’re actually here.” Pakratt was slain by generikb, Avidya’s spooky voice echoing around Seth and Anderz “You wouldn’t hurt an old teammate, would you?” “I dunno. It’s been awhile.” Just. God this was a good season.
Season 19 with Vechs and BTC! You’ve heard all the famous quotes, “how did I get stuck with you of all people” “Vechs, Vechs. I don’t hate you anymore” “He’s not dying. He’s just mad right now.” “Did it come from your hand, knocking a teammate off the ledge?” “THAT WAS A MOD!” etc etc. I also like MC’s half heart midnight desert dash, although it took a good 10 years of my life from the stress. Oblivious Pakratt running away from his teammates as they yell after him and then wondering why he hasn’t found anyone yet. Seth’s reaction to MC’s diamonds. Coe’s post commentary, again, you know the quotes: “Left. Chicken. Right. Chicken.” “This bucket has wheels!” “Are you gonna put that dirt in a chest?!” etc. Kurt finding Beef “Sharpness Five diamond sword!” and PiMP turning around. F1 and PiMP in general. SwedishZen and Millbee with the melons.
Obligatory mentions: “NOOO YOUR DOGS KILLING ME!!!!”, 2Germans1Hole, Zisteau crafting a clock and finding every excuse to use it during the game so that those 4 gold didn’t go to waste, Rob’s jukebox battles, Anderz fighting spiders when a creeper wanders into his hole, Bdubs’ “real” season 9 ending, Nebris going God-mode “HIT ME ALL YOU LIKE”, Nebris and Pause double kill, Nebris and Pyro double kill with Bdubs watching and cleaning up at half a heart and then Etho cleaning up again and finding the potions B left and Bdubs interrupting his video to do facecam to explain that he’s a nice guy who shares and leaves gifts for others (basically whenever Bdubs does facecam in UHC. Let’s face it, when Bdubs whips out the cam you know you’re in for a good show), Team Uppercats season 10. All of it.
Trouble in Terrorist Town when Pyro and Coe pull a long con on Pause and Guude in like episode 9 during the last round. I had to pause the video to take it all in, I was just in awe. That series is one of my favourites! I always watch from Pause.
In original DvZ when BTC got warned for breaking a cake. Also Pause’s helmet!
Team Canada CTM uhhh forgot which series, but Pause and Beef getting stuck in a hole, Etho dying, placing TNT over their heads, and singing “Pause and Beef, best of friends” while Beef panics.
Etho calling Pause fat as a joke and Pause taking it serious and then Etho going “wait, are you actually fat?’ lmao.
Pause yelling about vacations on episode 37 of the podcast with BdoubleO “STOP TELLING PEOPLE I’M GOING ON VACATION IT’S NOT A VACATION!!!!!!!” and every time he’s yelled about vacations or muted his mic.
Baj reading a question and mid sentence switching to talking about the curry he had last night, and then there’s a pause and the rest of Nancy Drew fucking loses it.
On the podcast, Kurt’s “Wake me up, boys!” That whole episode was a blast!
The whole “sitting or standing?” debate and the guests’ reactions to it.
Doc accidentally killing Notch on the Mindcrack server, and Dinnerbone confused about him not dropping an apple.
Doc’s zombie death loop from season 4 with Anderz saving the day and then promptly dying.
B-Team mafia in survival of the fittest, Etho killing Genny, and B and Etho teaming up afterwards. Also B and Pungence talking excitedly at the end was adorable, you can really tell they’re brothers lol. And Etho drinking out of the outhouse! Bdubs’ comment on that video killed me lol. And Etho forgetting his push-to-talk and failing to team up with Doc.
The whole got-dang B-Team trial.
End of season 3 tour “On a scale from Baj to Anderz” “Arkas, say something about your build.” Arkas: “Hello.”
The original Death Games, when Etho reveals his secret to Nebris particularly, and all the trash talking. Also Millbee, MC, and Nebris coming to kill him and Kurt logging on in the middle of it.
Prop hunt, and all the wiener and erect jokes. “Am I erect?” “I just saw a can spying on me while I was trying to put my wiener in the toilet!”
Pause and Rob getting girlfriends in Orespawn, and Rob naming his after Pause, and Pause murdering his.
Andrea talking about waking up with spiders in her mouth in an old Triple Eh Mondays episode.
Nebris “sensually” feeding Beef a banana (and practically begging to do it to) on the Mindcrack marathon, and Beef completely ruining the mood lol
Zisteau accidentally launching CaptainSparklez back into a lava tree column and “Dude, it’s okay. You can just kill me” after Jordan’s hit him about 40 times.
MC accidentally killing his one and only teammate JSano during UHC season 22
Sevadus and Seth playing blindfolded lego with Chad’s underwear on Sev’s head, lots of swearing, bugs in the lego, “Are you sure it’s the grey lego?”, “I don’t think I like kids anymore” etc
All the Pyro and Baj burns on Quiplash, ie “What’s something that absolutely does not make you think of a penis in any way?” “Baj”
Coe and Pak playing that stupid horse/giraffe volley ball game with the stretchy legs and neck, and Coe doing the silly accent
Bdubs calling Nebris a psychopath in Nebs’ first FTB episode because he jumped a dangerous ledge for 2 (TWO) pieces of glowstone dust
Nebs coming outta nowhere and jumping in Etho’s car when he was about to test his race track
The first few episode of CrackPack and the battle between Etho and BTC, and Beef and Nebris
The first building game with potatoes on sticks, the second accidentally dirty and racist building game with bloody toilet capsules, the third actually dirty building game with a viking hat with a penis inside
God, I could go on forever, but I’ve already spent over an hour and a half on this.
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podcake · 7 years
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♥ it’s time to spread your podcast palette ♥
Happy Halloween, listeners! October has come to a close but fall has yet to fall out of style. Before November comes around and we trade out our candy corn for cranberry sauce, I found it appropriate to squeeze what spooky sound waves were remaining in the day with a new Podcast Palette.
So drop dead, drop by for an interview, or drop by the supermarket to snag that bag of Halloween candy while it’s still half off.
Looking for something fresh to please that sudden thirst for audio storytelling? Look no further as PodCake has six more podcasts you’ll certainly love.
1. Secret Transmission
A podcast about all things strange! Conspiracies, myths, legends, cryptozoology, UFO sightings, aliens, fringe science, the supernatural, serial killers, and anything else weird! With a new topic every episode, we try to look over all the facts, and the “facts” about each topic and figure out if its true or not! So come join us as we… TRY TO EXPLAIN… THE UNEXPLAINABLE.
It’s been awhile since I’ve recommended anything that wasn’t strictly audio drama. But if I can recommend Reply All and Radio Drama Revival, it only seems fair to throw in the conspiracy discussion show, Secret Transmission that debuted in 2016.
Join the transmitters Evan, Kristen, Tina, Toby, and a few others as they tackle time travel, the moon landing, and the forbidden truths of the deep web. It’s an excellent listen for anyone looking for a new Halloween conversation piece.
2. Attention HellMart Shoppers
Attention HellMart Shoppers! is a twice monthly horror/comedy audio-drama. Join the staff of HelloMart, a big box super-store built on top of the gates of hell, as they battle the forces of evil in order to bring you the best customer service minimum wage can provide.
Something wicked this way comes…and it’s made a mess on aisle four. Retail is literally a hell of a job and our hero, Daniel Richmond, who has more than sticky floors to worry about at his new job at the treacherous HelloMart, a big box store placed conveniently over the gates of hell.
Attention HellMart Shoppers is absurd, insane, and often times hilarious with its blend of creeps and comedy. Be sure to make room because HellMart will be a welcome addition to your grocery list.
3. Tales of THATTOWN
A small town full of nice people, bad politics, and supernatural forces. Oh and sulfur in the water. Be careful about that.
In a show just a little bit camp and a whole lot of quirky, Tales of THATTOWN is a unique, southern inspired supernatural show with some genuinely good mystery and comedy amidst a certain level of madness that’s charming in all the right ways.
Listen in for some entertaining dialogue, bad driving, and perhaps a monster that may or may not be locked in a trailer if you have the time. It’s THAT TIME to add THATTOWN to your subscriptions list.
4. Misadventure by Death
Misadventure by Death is an audio drama brought to you by Crossroad Stations Productions. Armed with nothing but his trusty recorder and a few dozen flashlights, Neil Hastbury-Rue takes up the mantle of groundskeeper at the definitely haunted, recently opened Harrison Shaw Manor Museum in the middle of the Virginian Appalachian mountains. Easy-peasy…right?
From Crossroad Stations comes a brand new supernatural show by the name of Misadventure by Death. Though with barely a handful of episodes available, it’s main premise and presentation with some good underlying suspense will likely get you intrigued before the real drama sparks.
No Halloween is complete without a haunted house and the off chance that you might already be in one will hopefully come with more treats than tricks. What could possibly go wrong? A lot, apparently.
5. Season of The
SEASON OF THE is a horror/comedy interview/review show where we interview a monster from myth and lore to discover the reality behind the pop culture lies, and then we review that thing. Robin Wood and Carol Clover are intrepid cryptozoologists and your hosts.
In the vein of spooky inspired sound entertainment, I present to you Season of The, the horror talk show you’ve all been waiting for. From killer clowns to Spider Man (though not the one you may be thinking of), our hosts Robin Wood and Carol Clover try to untangle fact from fiction, myth from mildly disturbing reality in back to back interviews.
A fresh new show for anyone in need of more lighthearted horror-comedy combinations and maybe something more mellow for their remaining October nights.
6. PleasureTown
Classic radio meets contemporary cable drama in this fictional serial podcast about a failed Oklahoma utopian society and its eclectic residents. Betrayal, murder and hedonism abound in PleasureTown.
What would you give to have your taste of paradise? What is it that makes a society a utopia? If you’ve ever wondered about this, PleasureTown by WBEZ has the twists and turns and tightly written character drama you’re bound to get wrapped up in within seconds.
PleasureTown might be the kind of delightfully folksy yet somewhat freaky fiction experience you’re aiming for that will give you a different kind of unease in the scares department. Welcome to the population.
now, get to listening.♥
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mhalachai · 7 years
dahllaz replied to your post “1192ibelin replied to your post “you know it was a good day at work...”
You might like the Lore podcast? Is been awhile since I've listened to any podcasts now am 5 min from work, but it deals with spooky true stuff from what I remember.
oh now this is more my speed. thanks for the rec!
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theliterarywolf · 7 years
Lore-anon: So glad to hear you liked the pod cast! I've really enjoyed listening to it, but then again I love folklore/monsters/spooky things a lot. (I know it's been awhile. Life is nuts, but then again I expected to less)
Yeah, its actually a really good addition to my followed podcasts.Especially since, heh heh... I didn't know that Uncanny Valley, the other podcast that I've been boosting... Only uploads once a month. Yay... Still, Lore is definitely good stuff.
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