#it’s currently 1am and my throat hurts and the only thing that helps us apple juice but I ran out and it’s too late at night to go buy more
emmabelle147 · 11 months
My philosophy for life is just “be nice”. Hear rumors a person sucks? Be nice until they give you a reason not to. Should you defend them and tell people who say they’re bad they’re wrong? Of course not the other people are probably right. And if they’re right then you’ll probably see it from the first interaction.
Do I understand how your brain works? Nope, but imma be nice and not call you a liar. Do I understand how people can just know there non-binary? Not when I think about it. But I’ll still use whatever pronouns you tell me to use and if you don’t care I’ll call you how I see you. And I’ll still be empathetic if you tell me some story about your struggle with gender identity. Do I understand how people can know they’ve got more than 10 different identities and are part of a system? Nope. Cant even fathom how they can tell who is who or keep track of how many there are. Am I gonna say you’re faking DID and aren’t a plural person? Definitely not. Cause I decide I don’t wanna take the time learn about that shit on my own so whatever you tell me is true I’ll take your word for it and respond to whatever you tell me about your life best I can.
There’s a lot about this world I don’t understand and at this point in my life I can’t research on my own anymore. If I make a unique friend I’ll happily listen to them tell me about what they experience and what their life is like. I’ll be there for them when appropriate and also just enjoy learning about whatever condition or uniquity they have. I like learning about different ways people’s brains work but specifically listening to their own stories. Research is boring, I like hearing friends talk.
But yeah.
My Philosophy: don’t question people it’s unnecessary to question, and be nice
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