#it’s definitely the geten & compress duo
bibibbon · 2 months
I'd like to imagine a scenario for Geten after the war ends where he's visited by Rei in the jail, being told to his surprise that he and Rei are family. Maybe closer than they actually think (I like aunt Rei for Geten don't judge me).
So anyways, Rei being a compassionate person by nature probably would feel sympathy for Geten. After all he's very young (I hear some japanese fans even pointed he's referred as "shonen") and he doesn't seem to have any close blood relatives other than her.
Rei would take Geten under her wing after keep visiting him on a regular basis, something he appreciates even if he's a bit ashamed to admit it, considering he never had a mother like figure in his life.
If in some years Geten can leave the prison on a parole with the help of a good lawyer, I like to think Rei would became his legal tutor while he starts a new life as a normal civilian.
Partly because she feels empathy for his young relative (nephew) and **maybe** she internally sees Touya reflected on Geten, so Rei would promise to herself being there for this boy after failed to her own son.
At least one ex villain could be saved at the end.
Hi @nyc3 👋
Honestly this is a really good scenario!!
I feel like horiko has simply forgotten about the characters that he already put in prison like genten and compress.
Also this definitely adds to the himura family in general. Personally, when horikoshi revealed that genten was a himura it seemed like he did it and then forgot what he was gonna do with the fact that he just made genten related to Rei and partially related to the todorokis in general.
Also I do like the fact that you have genten serve his time in prison and then slowly with the help of Rei they both heal and get a better life.
This also gives justice to Rei as she isn't stuck being enjis caretaker but is actually finding more about her family and living her own life. This literally gives her character agency and autonomy something hori didn't do with her ending.
Also I feel like we were just robbed of Rei and genten as a duo so this definitely does them justice. However, it makes me question how genten would even fit in with the whole family if he met fuyumi, shoto and natsou. I do feel like they maybe a bit defensive since genten did attack natsou after all.
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latuuart · 4 years
Dabi Never Lost (yet)
Recently, I've been seeing posts or tweets (even an anime youtuber once) saying that Dabi lost to everyone. I don't really sure whether those people saying that out of spite (because of what happened recently to Twice -our beloved villain) or not.
I am, as a manga reader, honestly confused when reading or hearing that statement. As long as I follow BNHA manga, I haven't come across any segment where Dabi clearly lost in a battle.
First encounter with heroes: Kamui Woods and Gran Torino
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It actually was not even a fight or a battle. Dabi was immobilized by Kamui Woods and was rendered unconscious by Gran Torino right after. There was not a battle between Dabi and them to begin with. Nuff said.
Dabi's first fight: versus Snatch
Result: Win (duo with Mr. Compress)
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Mr. Compress asked Dabi whether Snatch would die or not -which means that even Mr. Compress himself recognized that it was not his quirk who killed Snatch. Dabi answered that Snatch would definitely die because it was only the upper half of his body that covered by sand; leaving his lower half body BURNED BY DABI'S FIRE.
Third encounter with heroes: Endeavor and Hawks
Result: Withdrawal
The fight did not even start yet. Dabi created a wall of blue flame BECAUSE he wanted a privacy or a partition with the others besides the 3 of them. He wanted to talk (we know, Touya). Endeavor and Hawks had not retaliated Dabi's fire wall with anything yet. When Dabi was about to attack, Miruko came to the rescue thus the fight stopped before it even started.
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Dabi retreating was a smart move in my opinion. Imagine 3 versus 1? Even the great Hero Killer Stain was defeated by 3 hero students (Midoriya, Shoto, Iida).
Dabi's second fight: versus Geten
Result: DRAW
It was either a draw or an unfinished battle. Geten is a very skilled fighter. Re-Destro said that Geten is the epitome of "quality" in MLA. Even with the whole-life training that Geten had endured, Dabi could counteract his attacks with his powerful flame (more powerful than Endeavor's -said Endeavor himself). In the beginning of the fight, it looked like Dabi had the upper hand.
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Then, Geten revealed his secret card.
Nonetheless, both were still fighting fairly evenly despite the discovery of Dabi's disadvantage.
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In the middle of the fight, Geten left the match (because of his devotion to Re-Destro) and Dabi was still standing. He clearly had not been defeated by Geten yet. Moreover, both Geten and Dabi were exhausted from the fight.
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The most recent fight: versus Hawks
Status: BIG WIN (updated)
No words needed.
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All of his back is gone....
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