#it’s even more insane it be posting this at 2:05 pm
strawberrystepmom · 8 months
need my pussy smacked
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quakerjoe · 7 years
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Facebook post made by Callista Kline on February 16, 2018 at 6:05 pm
My brother’s response to my mom’s email about the recent shooting. I want to share, particularly because of the way he explains things. As a veteran and a gun owner, he knows much more about guns than I do. Hopefully his arguments and information can help any of my friends trying to sway people on gun control laws.
“Completely agree with the sentiment here, Mom. However, in order to make educated arguments for gun control, it’s important to actually know what you’re proposing and use the right language. Otherwise, you’ll just get completely shut down as “not knowing anything about guns” to people you’re trying to convince. And if you don’t know anything about guns, you can’t really advocate for responsible gun policy.
AR15s are not the problem alone. Yes, it’s the most popular military-style rifle, and it is designed to kill people effectively. But banning one model of weapon will just make people switch to other, equally effective killing machines. If you banned the Toyota Camry, would people stop buying midsize sedans? No, you’d just end up with more Honda Accords on the road. If you want to fix the problem, you have to ban all semi-automatic rifles. Semi-automatic means the weapon is loaded with a magazine (or belt in some cases) with multiple rounds; and for every trigger squeeze, one bullet is discharged. There is no real need for these weapons in civilian use. They aren’t necessary for hunting, where the point is to kill the animal with one shot. It is only useful for killing a lot of things in a short amount of time or having fun at a gun range. I think our children’s lives are more important than a fraction of the population’s fun shooting a bunch of rounds quickly at a range. They’ll cope.
Handguns are far more responsible for gun deaths in America than semi-auto rifles. You mentioned the kid who brought a gun to school as only having a “handgun, not a semi-automatic.” Well, almost all handguns are semi-automatic. They have magazines and one bullet per trigger squeeze. Though most handgun rounds aren’t as deadly as rifle rounds, it’s inconsequential at short range. And handguns are far easier to conceal than a rifle. With the exception of maybe revolvers (which have 5-6 rounds max before reloading), I believe handguns should be outlawed. The Virginia Tech massacre, the most deadly school shooting in American history, was accomplished with handguns only. Don’t underestimate their lethality. I think military-style rifles only account for about 2% of gun deaths each year. If you want to solve the problem, semi-auto handguns have to go, as well.
If we really want to make a difference in gun deaths, we have to do WAY more than universal background checks and better mental health screening. Banning all semi-automatic weapons would make that difference. Keeping shotguns, revolvers, and bolt-action rifles legal accomplish all the typical, common uses of guns. (Bolt-action rifles are typical hunting rifles that you have to reload between shots.) With these types of firearms legal, you can still hunt, defend your home, and compete in sport shooting.
Combine the following with the semi-auto ban.
1.       Government buy back program of all semi-automatic weapons. Once a grace period for turn-ins ends, possession will be a felony without a special (and rare) license for Federally approved dealers and collectors.
2.       Gun licenses for all who want to continue to own approved firearms. Licenses will be granted by completing a comprehensive background check, psych evaluation, safety training, marksmanship training, and meeting strict storage requirements.
3.       Storage requirements would include safes, weapons unloaded, with ammo stored separately. Licenses expire after a certain number of years and all the requirements must be completed again for license renewal.
4.       Registration of all firearms.
5.       Insurance for all firearms. If your gun is used in a crime or if there’s a accident with your gun, your insurance company is liable for damages. Let the insurance market set rates based on their analysis of risk. Then, people can decide if it’s financially worth it to own a gun.
Finally, here’s your counterarguments for the most common pro-gun arguments:
A.      Pro-gun argument – assault weapons aren’t an actual thing. Banning them won’t make a difference. Counterargument – none. This is true. Classifying a gun as an “assault weapon” is something people who know nothing about guns do. Having a bayonet stud (a place to mount a bayonet) used to be one way to classify a gun as an assault weapon. Last I checked, we don’t have a bayonet problem in this country. Talk about banning semi-auto guns instead of made up things like “assault weapons.”
B.      Pro-gun argument – 2nd Amendment guarantees my right to bear arms! Counterargument – sure, it does, but there can be limitations. And in case anyone needs a history lesson, the individual right to bear arms has only existed since 2008. From the adoption of the Constitution until the DC v. Heller decision in 2008, the 2nd Amendment had never been interpreted to mean private citizens have a right to own guns. (Thanks, Scalia.) But that decision is now the law of the land and precedent for future court decisions. Nevertheless, even in Scalia’s majority opinion, he asserts that there are limits to the 2nd Amendment. Weapons allowed should be those in common use at the time. And limitations should be made on “dangerous and unusual” weapons, per previous precedent in United States v. Miller. I argue that semi-auto firearms should now be considered “dangerous and unusual,” given their lethality.
C.      Pro-gun argument – if law-abiding citizens get rid of their guns, criminals won’t follow the law, and we’ll be in more danger. Counterargument – this is an argument against having laws. Since criminals don’t follow the law, there should be no limits on anything. Also, when we do outlaw things, it can work. Purchases of large quantities of ammonium nitrate fertilizer was restricted after the Oklahoma City bombing, and there hasn’t been a similar bombing since. We outlawed fully automatic weapons, grenades, rocket launchers, etc. in the 20th century, and what has happened? We don’t see violence with those types of weapons. Most weapons used to commit crimes are purchased lawfully. If we change the laws, it will work to reduce gun deaths.
D.      Pro-gun argument – if we ban guns, people will just use knives or baseball bats Counterargument – there are plenty of incidents around the world of mass stabbings or clubbings, etc. Show me one that is as lethal as a mass shooting.
E.       Pro-gun argument – we need armed security guards in every school Counterargument – do you trust the security guard won’t become a mass shooter? The Texas church shooter was an Air Force veteran. The Pulse nightclub shooter was a security guard. Further, it’s relatively easy to get the drop on a security guard. Shoot him first when he’s not expecting, then keep going. That’s what the Pulse nightclub shooter did. It’s not difficult if you draw first. Columbine had armed security, too. Adding more guns to schools adds more risk, it doesn’t reduce it.
F.       Pro-gun argument – it’s a mental health issue, not a gun issue *or* guns don’t kill people, people kill people Counterargument – The United States has the same rates of mental illness as other developed Western countries, but we’re the only ones with this type of violence. The mentally ill are actually less likely to commit crime than those who aren’t mentally ill, which many find surprising. Also, those who are mentally ill are more likely to become the victim of a crime than those who don’t have mental illness. It’s a common refrain to hear “anyone who would do that must be crazy.” That’s not true. Being a murderer doesn’t actually mean you are mentally ill, which is why you hardly ever see successful insanity defenses in trials. And if “people kill people,” then we really should stop giving all these people guns, right? We don’t allow private F-22s or nuclear weapons, do we? Why? Because people would use them to kill other people. People use people-killing machines to kill people. Go figure.
G.      Pro-gun argument – We, as a society, have turned our backs on God. This is why crime is getting worse. We need God/Jesus to heal people’s hearts, not get rid of law-abiding citizens’ guns. Counterargument – Crime has actually decreased overall in recent decades. Things are getting better, not worse. Murder rates and violent crime overall have trended down as we’ve advanced as a society. Mass shootings have remained steady, though, because angry people have easy access to guns.
H.      Pro-gun argument – we need guns to fight against the government in case it becomes tyrannical. Counterargument – I doubt semi-automatic weapons will defeat a tyrannical government with fighter jets, bombers, tanks, artillery, drones, advanced cyber capabilities, and nuclear weapons.
I.         Pro-gun argument – gun registrations will make it easier for the government to disarm us Counterargument – The registration is necessary to keep track of deadly weapons in case they are used in a crime, or in case a law-abiding citizen commits a crime that revokes their right to guns. There’s over 300 million privately owned guns in America. If the government wanted to take everyone’s guns, they’d do it the same way they would if there wasn’t a registry: by going door to door and searching everyone.
I truly believe we need to do far more than anything advocated by most mainstream gun control organizations like Everytown and Moms Demand Action. We need to follow the lead of countries like the UK, Australia, and Canada. They’ve figured it out. Why can’t we?
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
It's very common for startups to present to them. Do people live downtown, or have some sort of exit. There is less stress in total, but more as an exploration of gender and sexuality in an urban context, etc.1 I think the goal of this rule; if you can't explain your plans concisely, you don't worry that it might come out badly, or upset delicate social balances, or that can incorporate live data feeds, or that you won't be demoralized if they seem pointless.2 One YC founder told me that it wasn't worth investing in. The patent pledge doesn't fix every problem with patents.3 I can tell from the case. This site isn't lame. They wouldn't all grow as big. It will be easier in proportion to an estimate of your company's value that you'd both agreed upon.
Then you could, I don't care what he says, I'm going to name them: type A fundraising is when you can do, you don't see the opportunities all around us is that we get on average only about 5-7% of a much larger number.4 In most fields the great work is: very exacting taste, plus the ability to direct the course of adding some feature they were asking for.5 Most hackers are employees, and this trick merely forces you to clean up your apartment, writing something that you'll be able to say whether he should be classified as a friend or angel.6 Don't say anything unless you're fairly sure what you want to reach; from paragraph to paragraph I let the ideas take their course. Sometimes a competitor will deliberately threaten you with a business background, and he will automatically get paid proportionally more. Not all of them had never seen the Web before we came to tell them to stop.7 If you're free of a misconception that everyone else is crazy. Most startups that raise money and the kind of alarms you'd set off if you operate like Columbus and just head in a general westerly direction.
As we were in the old sense of managing the round. Technology is a lever. Modern literature is important, but I suspect that most of them a part time job. In the Bay Area would be the answer. But let someone else start those startups. They're not necessarily trying to mislead you. Like a lot of people will make them.
But if you make something they like. 05 PM subject: Re: Revenge of the Nerds on the LL1 mailing list.8 American universities currently seem to be a media company to throw Microsoft off their scent. Java white paper, Gosling explicitly says Java was designed to be a missile aimed right at what makes America successful.9 Different users have different requirements, but I don't think that's the right way to do it. But this is merely an artifact of the rule of law.10 All you'll learn is the words kids are allowed to use. That's the way to the close.11 It did serve some purposes: reading a talk out loud can expose awkward parts. What investors still don't get is what insanely great translates to in a larval startup.
When I talk about humans being meant or designed to live a certain way out of habit or politeness. Hackers & Painters that hadn't been online. Incidentally, the switch in the 1920s to financing growth with retained earnings till the 1920s.12 And the programmers liked it because they don't like to have it. What counts as property depends on what works to treat as property. But this is wrong. What's a prostitute?13 Everyone by now presumably knows about the danger of premature optimization. Essentially, they lead you on. That will change the way they treat the music they sell through iTunes.14
So tablet makers should be thinking: what else can we give developers access to? White said, good writing is rewriting, wrote E. Almost four decades later, fragmentation is still increasing. The more people you have to do it than literally making a mark on the world. Investors looked at Yahoo's earnings and said to one of the principles they teach you is to align the car not by lining up the hood with the stripes painted on the road, but by trying to use mass lawsuits against randomly chosen people as a form of evolutionary pressure. People think that what you want. In principle anyone there ought to have multiple founders who were already friends before they decided to build recipe sites, or aggregators for local events.
Better Bayesian Filtering. They may play some behind the scenes as adults spin the world for a while, can make visual perception flow in through his eye and out through his hand as automatically as someone tapping his foot to a beat. If you looked in people's heads. They are all fundamentally subversive for this reason. I sat down and calculated what I thought was hard, the groups all turned out ok. Election forecasters are proud when they can get it, at this stage.15 The danger of symmetry, and repetition especially, is where the richest buyers are, but figure out precisely where you lose them. If they didn't know what language our software was so complex. 2:21 AM subject: Re: meet the airbeds PG, Thanks for the lead Fred to: Fred Wilson date: Mon, Feb 9,2009 at 11:42 AM subject: Re: airbnb There's a lot to start a startup. And yet they can hold their own with any work of art ever made.
Leonardo?16 It is, as far as possible prevent them from having fun. Doesn't that show people will pay most for?17 After thinking about it than most, but almost everywhere the trend is in that direction. Till then they had to ask permission to release software: the last thing you changed. But fortunately in the US are more conservative than Boston ones.18 People are all you need is to be battered by circumstances—to let the days rush by. But that's something you can fix later, but you can't evade the fundamental conservation law. And yet Apple's overall market share is still small. Though the Web has been around for a millennium is finished just because of its prestige, but because they were ambivalent about threatening their cash cow, mainframe computing. I mean efforts to protect against cosmic rays.19
Even as late as 1984. Incidentally, Google may appear to be at a large company? Plus one can have escaped alive, or to be good?
To do this all the poorer countries. Ed. But it was the least correlation between the Daddy Model may be a sufficient condition.
And in World War II to the rise of big companies can afford that. And while this is to try to be a win to include in your classes as a result a lot more frightening in those days, but I call it procrastination when someone gets drunk instead of happy. I'm talking mainly about software startups are now the first digital computer game, you can probably write a subroutine to do would be better at opening it than people who might be a good problem to fit your solution. Look at those goddamn fleas, jabbering about some disease they'll see once in China, during the war on drugs show, bans often do better, and instead of the world of the most famous example.
Plus one can ever say it again. When I catch egregiously linkjacked posts I replace the actual amount of damage to the founders' advantage if it was 94% 33 of 35 companies that can't reasonably expect to make a fortune in the case, not because Delicious users are stupid.
But you're not allowed to discriminate on any basis you want to get going, and oversupply of educated ones come up with elaborate rationalizations. I also skipped San Jose is a meaningful idea for human audiences. Though in fact had its own mind about whether a suit would violate the patent pledge, it's not enough to defend their interests in political and legal disputes.
What Is an Asset Price Bubble? This doesn't mean easy, of the river among the bear gardens and whorehouses. They act as if you'd just thought of them could as accurately be called acting Japanese. Many more than 20 years.
It's hard for us!
2%. If a prestigious VC makes a small proportion of the things you're taught.
Doing things that don't scale.
Now the misunderstood artist is not limited to startups. There's not much use, because few founders are willing to provide when it's done as conspicuously as this place was a false positive rate is 10%, moving to Monaco would only give you more than the previous round. Cascading menus would also be good startup founders tend to get going, e.
Emmett Shear writes: True, Gore won the popular vote he would presumably have got more of the flock, or at least, the government and construction companies. People only tend to damp this effect, at least guesses by pros about where that money comes from ads on other investors doing so because otherwise competitors would take forever in the case of heirs, professors, politicians, and everyone's used to place orders.
His critical invention was a kid that you'd want to sell them technology. I'm not dissing these people make the people working for startups, because it aggregates data from so many trade publications nominally have a lot of reasons American car companies have little to bring corporate bonds to market faster; the point where things start with consumer electronics and to run on the firm's site, they're nice to you. Not only do they decide on the young Henry VIII and was troubled by debts all his life. Distribution of potentially good startups, who've already made the decision.
Maybe that isn't really working bad unit economics, typically and then scale it up because they couldn't afford it. An investor who's seriously interested will already be working to help a society generally is to let yourself feel it mid-sentence, but you get an intro to a clueless audience like that.
But it is dishonest of the country turned its back on industrialization at the start, e.
The need has to be employees, or editions with the buyer's picture on the back of Yahoo, we actively sought out people who'd failed out of the things attributed to Confucius and Socrates resemble their actual opinions. The speed at which point it suddenly stops. And when a startup to engage with slow-moving organizations is to write every component yourself, but also very informative essay about why something isn't the last step in this essay I'm talking here about everyday tagging. If not, greater accessibility.
In 1525 he was made a bet: if you hadn't written it? I saw this I used thresholds of.
Especially if they were to work your way up. I managed to find a broad range of topics, comparable in scope to our scholarship though without the spur of poverty are only locally accurate, because those are probably the last step in this respect.
So how do you use that instead of Windows NT? How did individuals accumulate large fortunes in an absolute sense, if you make something hackers use. On the face of it.
But it's telling that it would be to say that it had no idea what's happening as merely not-doing-work. But they've been trained. So far, I preferred to call them whitelists because it depends on a weekend and sit alone and think.
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go-redgirl · 5 years
Judge Temporarily Blocks Dem's Subpoenas For Trump Financial Records After Appeals Court Intervenes washingtonexaminer. ^ | July 19, 2019 11:07 PM | Carlin Becker
A federal judge temporarily halted subpoenas issued by congressional Democrats for President Trump's financial records following intervention from an appeals court in Washington, D.C.
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit sent an emoluments lawsuit against the president, which alleges that he is illegally benefiting from his businesses while serving in the Oval Office, back to a lower court on Friday to reexamine whether the separation of powers between the president and Congress had been properly considered.
According to the judges, "the District Court did not adequately address whether — given the separation of powers issues present in a lawsuit brought by members of the legislative branch against the president of the United States — resolving the legal questions and/or postponing discovery would be preferable, or whether discovery is even necessary" to establish whether congressional Democrats can intervene.
The court's decision could serve as a setback for Democratic lawmakers should Trump not be forced to prove he hasn't violated the Constitution's anti-corruption clauses, which limit a federal official's ability to accept gifts from foreign governments without Congress's approval.
(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonexaminer.com 
TOPICS: Breaking News; News/Current Events KEYWORDS: dccircuitappeals; emmetsullivan; judiciary
OPINION:  Well, it looks like we do have a decent Judge in this country that believe in following the rule of law.  Instead of being dictated and  told what to do by the Democrats in Congress.
To: caww Any clear headed Judge knows this is only a fishing expedition and corrupt from inside out!! GOD protect our beloved President!!!!
3 posted on 7/20/2019, 12:22:33 AM by pollywog (" O thou who changest not....ABIDE with me") -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: caww
It is ridiculous to demand a president sell off, or place all assets in the hands of others while he is president.
Trump has not acted inappropriately here.
His business is still running. So what?
Is he promoting it. Is he making some sort of demand that foreigners use his hotel?
I’m so sick of the chicken-stuff Congress.
4 posted on 7/20/2019, 12:43:34 AM by DoughtyOne (This space for rent...) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: caww The court's decision could serve as a setback for Democratic lawmakers should Trump not be forced to prove he hasn't violated the Constitution's anti-corruption clauses... Forced to prove he didn't violate the law. That's the swamps standard for Trump, guilty until proven innocent.
5 posted on 7/20/2019, 12:45:51 AM by pepsi_junkie (Often wrong, but never in doubt!) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: caww DC District Court, one of the most leftist in the U.S. and their decisions are legally insane.
6 posted on 7/20/2019, 12:56:02 AM by MadMax, the Grinning Reaper ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: caww
The court's decision could serve as a setback for Democratic lawmakers should Trump not be forced to prove he hasn't violated the Constitution's anti-corruption clauses, which limit a federal official's ability to accept gifts Sure sounds like the Demrats are trying to "get" Trump by demanding he prove a negative. It's the same tactic they tried with the Russian collusion sham! They never seem to remember that over 62 MILLION voters put Trump in power. It will not go well for them if they presume we would desert him so easily.
7 posted on 7/20/2019, 2:57:39 AM by boatbums (semper reformanda secundum verbum dei) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To: boatbums
Actually, the court accepted PDJT’s argument that allowing discovery to go forward before the issue of separation of powers is decided is violation of his right to due process. Once the discovery starts, and the records are turned over to the congress committees, there is no way to undo it. The records will be copied, leaked to the MSM and misrepresented.
8 posted on 7/20/2019, 3:53:46 AM by usnavy_cop_retired (Retiree in the P.I. living as a legal immigrant) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To: DoughtyOne Is he promoting it. Is he making some sort of demand that foreigners use his hotel? _____________________________
(progs): His name is on the properties. The foreign guests think they will get something in exchange besides a room rental.
Truth as I understand it: profit from such transactions are donated to the US Treasury.
(progs): We hate him. He needs to give away more than just the [sneer] ‘profit’. Tear down the hotels and golf clubs and salt the earth where they stand. Besides, he isn’t even rich. Or successful. And we hate him. (rant continues)
9 posted on 7/20/2019, 6:20:30 AM by reformedliberal --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: caww
Why don’t we play the Lib’s game, and have some pro-Trump federal judge seal all of Trump’s financial records including his tax returns for 50 years and be done with it?
10 posted on 7/20/2019, 7:58:17 AM by Eccl 10:2 (Prov 3:5 --- "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding") ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: caww
Obama made millions, while President, from sales of his books. That included sales in China, where multiple runs of his book sold out.
How is that any different?
11 posted on 7/20/2019, 8:59:05 AM by Bruce Campbells Chin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: Eccl 10:2
I really love the way you think. Trump should put you on his legal team, you’d be an improvement over the advice he’s currently getting.
12 posted on 7/20/2019, 9:44:50 AM by Segovia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: pollywog
Perhaps the point is being missed A relatively powerless Congress got brownie points for taking the initiative knowing the outcome in advanced. They can crow about being beat up for doing the right thing Peoliticians lacking power are piteous beings
13 posted on 7/20/2019, 9:48:52 AM by bert ( (KE. NP. N.C. +12)There were Democrat espionage operations on Republican candidates) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: DoughtyOne
“It is ridiculous to demand a president sell off, or place all assets in the hands of others while he is president.”
George Washington was the largest producer of Whiskey, Firearms and Tobacco in the Americas. And it’s largest private landowner.
He WAS the BATF lol
He sold and exported to all comers throughout his presidency.
14 posted on 7/20/2019, 9:56:56 AM by Mariner (War Criminal #18) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: Bruce Campbells Chin How is that any different?
One is a white 'R' and the other is a halfrican 'D'. 15 posted on 7/20/2019, 10:12:30 AM by Cheerio ( #44, the UNKNOWN Manchurian Candidate) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To: bert The problem the democrats have is it is turning out that president Trump is NOT a crooked business man and doesn't cheat on his taxes like they do. The law aside (of course this is ridiculous and wrong) it seems like one of the presidents normal gambits - tell them not to look at something, he wants them to hype and finally see - with the democrats looking like fools in the end and president Trump being right again.
President Trump in the past has enjoyed talking about how wealthy he is how he had some challenges lost it all on paper - got it back. I don't think he'd mind if it all came out and showed the ingenuity he exercised to rebuild his fortune.
But why not have both - democrats looking stupid again and exposing president Trump for the iconic business maven he has presented himself to be?
I've state here often and before the election president Trump gets his crystal ball to work so well because he does it the old fashion way he pays for intelligence and probably has for years developing his own ad-hoc intelligence service. If that's true he realizes others do the same and if push comes to shove anything can get leaked. We long past pushing and shoving.
16 posted on 7/20/2019, 10:12:58 AM by datricker (Cut Taxes Repeal ACA Deport DACA - Americans First, Build the Wall, Lock her up MAGA!) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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marlaluster · 6 years
emptying clipboard w items numbered
1. http://www.justjared.com/photo-gallery/4156098/chris-hemsworth-san-sebastian-film-festival-05/# 2. Chris Hemsworth's Parents Join Him at 'El Royale' Spain Premiere! POSTED IN Chris Hemsworth's Parents Join Him at 'El Royale' Spain Premiere!   « PREVIOUS NEXT » 3. https://www.bing.com/amp/s/www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/chris-hemsworth-feels-gross-how-13351049.amp 4. Chris Hemsworth feels "gross" about how rich he is after Thor actor's mega-mansion is revealed The soap star-turned-superhero earned over $30 million last year alone 5. NEWSPOLITICSSPORTFOOTBALLCELEBSTVFILMWEIRD NEWSTECHMONEYTRAVELFASHIONMUMSCOMPETITIONSQUIZZESGOT A STORY? CELEBS Chris Hemsworth feels "gross" about how rich he is after Thor actor's mega-mansion is revealed The soap star-turned-superhero earned over $30 million last year alone SHARE BY ZOE SHENTON04:09, 3 OCT 2018UPDATED06:07, 3 OCT 2018 CHRIS HEMSWORTH SNAPSHOTS OFFER GLIMPSE INTO FAMILY LIFE AT HOME Chris Hemsworth has said he feels "gross" about how much money he makes. The Thor star sat down with GQAustralia to discuss his views on money and also spoke about how certain film projects he's worked on have suffered because his main priority was his family. The soap star-turned-superhero, who earned over $30 million last year, and wife Elsa Pataky are parents to twin sons Tristan and Sasha, four, and six-year-old daughter India. "I feel gross about it," Chris, 35, told the magazine when discussing his wealth. The actor smoulders in black and white snaps by David Bailey(Image: GQ Australia) The magazine goes on sale on October 8(Image: GQ Australia)Chris covers GQ Australia(Image: GQ Australia) "I remember saving up for a surfboard when I was younger. The surfboard was 600 bucks and I saved up for a whole year with Dad’s help. I didn’t even want to surf on it for fear of damaging it. It taught me so many lessons about appreciation and working hard for something,” he said. The actor wants to instill those lessons in his three kids. Chris and wife Elsa Pataky(Image: Splash)The actor at the GQ Men of The Year Awards last month(Image: PA) READ MOREChris Hemsworth's £6million fortress looks INSANE as locals compare it to a factory or an airport “I don’t want them to feel like they’re privileged in any way. The fact that we have money and their parents are famous, that somehow they’re special, that scares me because we grew up with no money," he went on. Speaking about family, Chris said Elsa and their children are his main priority. Chris at the premiere of Avengers: Infinity War(Image: FilmMagic)Chris as Thor He went on: “There are times when I’ve thought, ‘Wow, because having kids is more important to me, some of my roles have suffered.’ "There’s definitely a couple of films I could’ve put way more energy into but I was like, ‘No, I’d rather be with my kids.’” Last week jaw-dropping pictures of the actor's new home revealed the extent of his wealth. Aerial shots show how the fortress-style building in Byron Bay is shaping up an unlike other beach-side homes in the area, the enormous rectangular concrete structure looks more like the most recent instalment on Thunderbirds' Tracy Island or the evil lair of a bond villain, rather than the home of two Hollywood megastars. Read the full interview in GQ Australia. Follow @mirrorceleb MORE ONChris Hemsworth NEWSPOLITICSFOOTBALLSPORTCELEBSTVFILMWEIRD NEWSQUIZZESTECHMONEYTRAVELFASHIONMUMSMOTORING FOLLOW US © 2018 MGN Limited 6. http://www.justjared.com/2018/10/02/chris-hemsworth-feels-gross-about-his-wealth-says-he-doesnt-want-his-kids-to-feel-like-theyre-privileged/ 7. Chris Hemsworth Feels ‘Gross’ About His Wealth, Says He Doesn’t Want His Kids to ‘Feel Like They’re Privileged’ | Chris Hemsworth Chris Hemsworth Feels ‘Gross’ About His Wealth, Says He Doesn’t Want His Kids to ‘Feel Like They’re Privileged’ Tue, 02 October 2018 at 9:48 pm Chris Hemsworth is opening up about raising kids as a celebrity. During a recent interview with GQ Australia, the 35-year-old actor opened earning a reported $31.5 million last year - and how it's affected being a parent. PHOTOS: Check out the latest pics ofChris Hemsworth “I feel gross about it,” Chris said about wealth. “I remember saving up for a surfboard when I was younger. The surfboard was 600 bucks and I saved up for a whole year with Dad’s help. I didn’t even want to surf on it for fear of damaging it. It taught me so many lessons about appreciation and working hard for something." Chris and wife Elsa Pataky are parents to three children - India, 6, and 4-year-old twins Sasha and Tristan and they want their kids to grow up reaping the rewards of hard work. “When I think about my kids, I don’t want them to miss that joy. Elsa and I talk a lot about how we instill that same appreciation and respect for things, Chris said. "I don’t want them to feel like they’re privileged in any way. The fact that we have money and their parents are famous, that somehow they’re special, that scares me because we grew up with no money.” 8. https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/entertainment/2018/10/chris-hemsworth-says-he-feels-gross-about-his-kids-growing-up-rich.amp.html 9. Chris Hemsworth says he 'feels gross' about his kids growing up rich6 hours agoMonika Barton Credit: Instagram/Chris Hemsworth Chris Hemsworth has revealed his qualms about the wealth his Hollywood acting career has afforded him - especially when it comes to raising a family.  Chris Hemsworth dances to Miley Cyrus with his kids and dogChris Hemsworth surfs with 5yo daughter on shoulders In an interview with GQ magazine, the Thor star opened up about his fears that a life of fame and riches could have an adverse effect on his three children. "I feel gross about it," he said. Hemsworth recalled saving up $600 for a surfboard over a year as a child, only to be so worried about damaging it that he was too scared to surf on it. "It taught me so many lessons about appreciation and working hard for something," he said. "When I think about my kids, I don't want them to miss that joy." Hemsworth and wife Elsa Pataky live in Australia's Byron Bay, putting considerable distance between their family and the bright lights of Hollywood. Still, the A-list couple are determined to ensure that their kids stay grounded. "I don't want them to feel like they're privileged in any way," Hemsworth said. "The fact that we have money and their parents are famous, that somehow they're special, that scares me because we grew up with no money." Despite these concerns, the actor admits part of his motivation for making the big time involved a desire for financial security. "I did not want to be broke, like we'd been broke when we grew up," he said. "I wanted to take care of my parents and my family." According to the Daily Telegraph, Hemsworth's net worth is approximately US$88.2 million. Newshub. Contact  Terms and Conditions  Advertise with Us Copyright © 2018 MediaWorks TV - All Rights Reserved Get in touch   10. https://www.bing.com/amp/s/uinterview.com/news/chris-hemsworth-greets-fans-takes-selfies-at-san-sebastian-film-festival-photo/amp/ 11. Chris Hemsworth Greets Fans, Takes Selfies At San Sebastian Film Festival [PHOTO] Pablo Mena  11 hours ago Categories:Daily Digest, Homepage Slider, News, News Feed Chris Hemsworth was all smiles on Saturday at the San Sebastian Film Festival in Donostia, Spain. The 35-year-old Australian actor — best known for playing Thor in the Marvel films — greeted fans and took selfies with them on the last day of the festival. Hemsworth, who most recently starred in Avengers: Infinity War — one of the biggest films of the year — will next appear in the thriller Bad Times at the El Royale, which is set for an Oct. 12 release. 50 CELEBRITIES WHO DIED IN 2018 – TRIBUTE SLIDESHOW Written and directed by Drew Goddard, Bad Times at the El Royale is about seven strangers who meet a run-down hotel in Lake Tahoe (on the border between California and Nevada) in the 1960s. Hemsworth plays a cult leader named Billy Lee. Jeff Bridges, Jon Hamm,Dakota Johnson, Cynthia Erivoand Cailee Spaeny also star in the film. Hemsworth recently said in an interview with Daily Mail that his wealth makes him uncomfortable, and that he hopes to teach his three young children the value of money. Get the free uInterview mobile app for the latest celebrity news and videosiPhone Android SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTERYour email RELATED ARTICLES Bradley Cooper Attends ‘A Star Is Born’ Photocall At San Sebastian Film Festival [PHOTO] Timothee Chalamet & Director Felix Van Groeningen Attend ‘Beautiful Boy’ Photocall At San Sebastian Film Festival [PHOTO] Chris Hemsworth Seen Behind The Scenes Of ‘Men In Black’ Movie ‘Thor: Ragnarok’ Blu-Ray Review: Thor’s Latest Is Among The MCU’s Strongest Margot Robbie Attends Oscar Nominees Luncheon In Beverly Hills ‘Crocodile Dundee’ Super Bowl Ad Explains Australia Tourism Stunt Is Chris Hemsworth Starring In ‘Crocodile Dundee’ Reboot?      Bad Times At The El Royale Chris Hemsworth San Sebastian Film Festival 12. https://www.bing.com/amp/s/uinterview.com/news/chris-hemsworth-greets-fans-takes-selfies-at-san-sebastian-film-festival-photo/amp/ 13. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=4gn6lq6S&id=DFBD3A24F3CB40931615F1B4EE06979347867D48&thid=OIP.4gn6lq6SDucOX5RcHxiN1gAAAA&q=eczema+cream+over+the+counter&simid=608039884233769259&selectedIndex=5&qpvt=eczema+cream+over+the+counter&PC=SMSM 14. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=uxrHmsqb&id=62CA48C7F4275D6BCAE7593B732C4081145CB50F&thid=OIP.uxrHmsqbUmiONwLFxWSQXwAAAA&q=eczema+cream+over+the+counter&simid=608046957997525665&selectedIndex=2&qpvt=eczema+cream+over+the+counter&PC=SMSM 15. https://debtmediators.com.au/property-insights/the-10-cheapest-places-to-live-in-australia/ 16. 10 Cheapest Places to Live in Australia (2017) The 10 Cheapest Places to Live in Australia Living in any of Australia’s capital cities is incredibly expensive. In Sydney, for example, house prices have surged past the $1 million mark after six consecutive months of declines. The median house price in the city was $1,021,968 during the second quarter of 2016 and, while it’s below last year’s record-breaking median house price of $1,032,899, it’s still far more than what the average person could afford. Because of this, it’s advisable to look for a place to live outside capital cities, where rent and house prices are much cheaper but the quality of life is still decent enough for young professionals, growing families, and empty-nesters. We’ve compiled a list of the cheap places to live in Australia to help you choose the best area for yourself and your loved ones. These places are ranked not just by their housing prices but also according to their population, unemployment rate, and access to important services like healthcare and education. 10. Wagga Wagga Population: 63,428 Unemployment rate: 3.06% Average House Price: $358,000 Wagga (as it’s fondly called by the locals) may not be a capital city, but it has made a name for itself due to its military, transport, and agricultural significance. The Australian Army and the Royal Australian Air Force have bases in Wagga Wagga, and large corporations like Heinz, Fonterra, Cargill, Big W, and Target all have built a presence in the city.   9. Ballarat Population: 101,578 Unemployment rate: 5.90% Average House Price: $340,000 Ballarat is one of the best places to live if you love history and culture. The area became one of the centres of the Victorian gold rush, and the local architectural styles reflect this affluent era in history. Living in the city will give you access to theatres, museums, and art galleries as well as live musical performances.     8. Tamworth Population: 61,121 Unemployment rate: 8.09% Average House Price: $325,000 Tamworth has many titles, from the “First City of Lights” (since it was the first area in the country with electricity), the “National Equine Capital of Australia” (due to its numerous equine events), and the “Country Music Capital of Australia”. The retail industry contributes a lot to the local economy, although agriculture also remains important. It’s the perfect city if you want to have access to musical and sporting events the whole year round.       7. Toowoomba Population: 163,232 Unemployment rate: 4.42% Average House Price: $305,000 Toowoomba is a great place to live if you love flowers and gardens. With its annual flower carnival and over a hundred public gardens, you’ll be surrounded with blooms the whole year round. Toowoomba has many cafes, restaurants, cinemas, theatres, and shopping centres, so you won’t really miss out much on city living.   6. Dubbo Population: 41,934 Unemployment rate: 3.3% Average House Price: $298,000 Dubbo is mainly an agricultural city (one of its largest employers is Fletcher International Exports, which exports lamb products), but it also provides healthcare services to neighbouring towns and is a major shopping centre in the region. The city has several interesting attractions including the Taronga Western Plains Zoo and the Old Dubbo Gaol, so tourism unsurprisingly plays a huge part of the local economy.     5. Wodonga Population: 38,559 Unemployment rate: 6.82% Average House Price: $275,000 Wodonga is a central delivery point for government services to surrounding areas, and its economy is dominated by a cattle market, logistics providers, and various factories. It’s often paired with the neighbouring city of Albury (although Wodonga technically belongs to Victoria and Albury belongs to NSW), and together they form the urban area of Albury-Wodonga.     4. Mildura Population: 53,015 Unemployment rate: 8.6% Average House Price: $252,000 If you’ve always wanted to live near vineyards, you won’t go wrong with choosing Mildura. It’s home to several wine estates including Lindemans, Trentham, and Oak Valley Estate, and it’s the source of around 80 percent of grape production in Victoria. The city has several shopping establishments (including big-box stores and a pedestrian mall), so stocking up on essentials isn’t a problem.     3. Greater Taree Population: 49,095 Unemployment rate: 9.73% Average House Price: $251,000 The Greater Taree City Council has been amalgamated with Great Lakes and Gloucester Shire to form the Mid–Coast Council in May 2016. Still, this doesn’t change the fact that Greater Taree is one of the best and the cheapest place to live in Australia. Its coastal location makes it a fantastic place for avid surfers and beach lovers. Aside from its lovely beaches, the area is home to the oyster farming community, making it ideal for those who are fond of oysters and want to have easy access to these aphrodisiac treats.     2. The Latrobe Valley Population: 73,548 Unemployment rate: 4.9% Average House Price: $247,000 Latrobe isn’t afraid to mix work and play. The local economy is supported by manufacturing, agricultural, engineering, power generation, and information technology industries, while the natural landscape allows for hiking and bushwalking. The Latrobe River, along with various bodies of water like the Hazelwood Pondage, encourage swimming and other water sports.       1. Shepparton Population: 63,366 Unemployment rate: 6.28% Average House Price: $240,000 Shepparton is the cheapest city in Australia, but it’s definitely not the tackiest! Known as the “Food Bowl of Australia”, it’s the home of many farming and food manufacturing businesses that includes well-known companies like United Dairy, SPC Ardmona, and Campbell’s Soup. Arts and culture are alive in the city, embodied by museums, concerts, plays, and even an art project that involves local artists.     Now that you know the cheapest place to live in Australia, it’s time to research the areas listed above and look for a place that provides good quality of life without drilling a hole in your pocket. Struggling with more than $8,000 of unsecured debt? You could be eligible for debt relief! Discover how to stop debt collector calls, freeze interest and fees, reduce payments and only pay back what you can afford. Start now with a free consultationGet Started > 17. https://www.getinthehotspot.com/best-and-worst-things-about-living-in-australia/ 18. Best and Worst Things About Living in Australia A quick run down on the benefits and disadvantages of living in Australia. I’d love it if you can help me out and pitch in some of your ideas about the best and worst things about living in Australia by leaving a comment at the end. The Benefits and Best Things About Living in Australia Great weatherInteresting birds and wildlifeGood schoolsFriendly, funny peopleSafe and politically stableGreat and diverse scenerySwimming in warm ocean and excellent public poolsOutdoor Lifestyle,  lots of bike and walking tracksSporting opportunitiesCamping galoreBeaut beachesSurfing all year round$4 clean skin wines from Dan Murphy The Worst Things About Living in Australia Very suburbanSkin cancer rates, highest in the worldComplicated tax system and high taxes – Business owners need to get a good accountant and decent online tax software to stay on top of it.Dangerous wildlife like snakes and spidersDroughts, water shortages and forest firesCockroaches, in every Queensland rental house apparentlySurf Rage incidents and crowded surf breaksHideous crows cawing at all hours and raiding bins Well, the benefits and good things about living in Australia far outweigh the drawbacks so that seems to be the right balance for a happy lifestyle. What do you think are the benefits of living in Australia? What are the best things about living in Australia and what are the worst things? Please add your comments below. Related articles >> New to Noosa >> Best and Worst Things About Living in Queensland ——————————————————————- Are you a travel loving, adventure seeking woman? Get free email updates from Get In the Hot Spot – it’s a weekly injection of tips to help you be more adventurous and have more fun. Sounds good? Click here now to get weekly email updates. ——————————————————————-   19. https://www.worldnomads.com/travel-safety/oceania/australia/is-sydney-safe 20. Is Sydney Safe? A Few Harsh Truths to Be Aware of Sydney is Australia's most populous city and a magnet for travellers from all over the world. Its harbour position is spectacularly beautiful. There are world famous beaches on the doorstep and the iconic Harbour Bridge and Opera House. But like any big city there's a dark side, and in Sydney's case the biggest trouble spot also happens to be a backpacking and hostel hub. UPDATE: In 2014 authorities imposed a number of rules to curb the violence associated with the drinking culture of Kings Cross: lock-outs and last drinks. The lock-out means any patron who leaves a venue after 1:30am will not be allowed to re-enter (or enter another venue). Venues will be allowed to stay open beyond 3am, but there'll be no alcohol service. There are also restrictions on sales of 'shots' (nips) after 1:30, and very strict enforcement of rules banning intoxicated patrons. Some are calling it "the death of Kings Cross" with many venues closing their doors for good. The new rules apply across a large part of the CBD, but not the casino - where the main nightime action appears to have moved! The main growth in Kings Cross is now in residential buildings. Trouble at The Cross Kings Cross is in the news following the murder of an 18 year old man in early July 2012. Thomas Kelly was walking along Darlinghurst Rd with friends when he was punched in the head in an unprovoked attack. He died in hospital from brain injuries. Murder is a rare occurrence, even in Kings Cross (Australia has a homicide rate of 1.1 per 100,000 - very low by world standards), but the killing has sparked outrage and put the focus on violence in the area. Kings Cross, just 1.5 km (1 mile) from Sydney Town Hall is the epicenter of the greater metropolitan region's after-hours entertainment. It is full of strip clubs, restaurants and bars. It's where the rest of Sydney comes to party when their suburbs have gone to bed. There are 356 licensed premises, 27 of them are allowed to sell alcohol until the early hours of the morning. On a Friday or Saturday night there are as many as 20,000 revelers on a pub-packed strip of road no more than 300 meters long. Most bars close at 3am, two hours after the last bus or train out of the area. Taxis are hard to come by because drivers won't risk being assaulted or having to clean out their cab from someone who's over-indulged. The Real Stats Everyone in Sydney will tell you "The Cross" is a dangerous and violent place where drunken behaviour is rife and brawls are a regular occurrence. The statistics do show that Kings Cross is Sydney's most assault and crime prone area. Interestingly, as media interest grows the statistics reveal the real level of crime, although still serious, has been falling in the past decade. In the year to March 2012 police acted on 213 serious assaults. Given that Friday and Saturday nights are the peak times, and there are 52 weekends in a year, that averages out at 4 serious assaults each week. This doesn't take into account minor assaults, assaults police didn't act on and unreported assaults, so the rate may be many times higher - still, there are probably more dangerous cities in the world. Hostel Central All of which would be of little consequence to the visitor to Sydney, except that apart from being an after-hours entertainment draw card, the Kings Cross area is backpacker central. There are more than 20 hostels within walking distance of Darlinghurst Road (many ON it). These hostels are advertised on websites, bulletin boards and even at Sydney airport, attracting thousands of visitors every week. Most will be unaware they are stepping into the city's most violence-prone area. What To Do Going out for a night on the town in Kings Cross is no guarantee you'll get into trouble, although the chances are high. As NSW police Assistant Commissioner Mark Murdoch put it (a little harshly) - those who are still on the streets after the clock strikes 12 are destined to turn into one of two things: victim or offender. He suggests those who do venture into the area: "Don't go alone, travel with a mate, don't drink too much, just take care of yourself and be mindful that you are in a part of Sydney where these things do happen."'The trouble spots are very concentrated, so it's easy to get away from it. Choosing to stay at a hostel even a short distance from Kings Cross will put you in a safer environment. Consider the surrounding suburbs Surry Hills, Rushcutters Bay, Paddington, and central-Sydney. Be aware that Potts Point, Woolloomooloo and Elizabeth Bay are just a stone's throw from Kings Cross and still very close to the trouble spots. By Phil Sylvester, World Nomads Contributor - Fri, 15 May 2015 - 49036 views Get a travel insurance quote for Australia You can buy at home or while traveling, and claim online from anywhere in the world. With 150+ adventure activities covered and 24/7 emergency assistance.
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newhologram · 8 years
2016 diary of a spoonie
Rereading my diary from 2016 for some perspective (not ready to open my 2015 one, I know it’s going to be even more difficult). Remembering some mental places I've been and that I made it through them and I’m still here.
Here are some parts I'm okay with sharing, hopefully it will help someone realize they are not alone and that as difficult as things get, there is so much more to life than being sick even if we have to deal with it often in isolation.
It’s also good to keep in mind that when we have illnesses that affect our brain/mood, it can drastically warp our perception of the world, our lives, and ourselves. That’s why I started trying to keep a diary, to record these moments when I’m not myself, when my illnesses make me think things that aren’t true, makes me have horrible tunnel vision, and then be able to look back on them when I’m not in that mental state and try to get an understanding of it.
(warning for suicide mentions in some excerpts because Mr. Brain can be kinda bananas sometimes, it’s pretty heavy and a lot of it is me scribbling when dissociating pretty badly so I say some weird things)
This is also probably a cautionary tale to NOT BE LIKE ME, I’m a bad spoonie. I can’t believe I forced myself to have such a full schedule, no wonder my body broke down by December.
1.5.16 8:49 PM: Everything in my life is so turbulent. Why? I feel like someone cut and pasted me here.
1.19.16 2:51 AM: I barely slept. Puked a little, dry heaved a lot, sweated so much. Cried my eyes out in the shower. 
I have to leave for work in 2 hours. I hope it's not a long day.
I don't know where this mood swing came from. I feel so weak. I was just crying and crying because I can't stand myself. I can't stand being me. I feel so alone and lost. I feel so stupid.
3:18 AM: Dry heaved again. I'm shivering and I feel horrible. Why does this happen to me? I thought I was done with this. I feel like I'm shriveling up. 
What's going to happen to me?
1.20.16 10:56 AM: Yesterday was rough. First depressive mood swing of this year. I suddenly felt like no one would ever love me. That I’m just an immature slob. A burden. A loser. Dirty. 
I don’t even have a best friend. I’m not close with anyone. I can’t organize my room or my life. I just sort of work, play games, and sleep. I’m so lonely. I’m stressed and overwhelmed. I don’t have anyone to talk to. I live in a fantasy world but really I’m just alone here in my room. 
I feel so pathetic. I feel so stupid. Who could ever love me? 
1.26.16 4:59 PM: Wow! Worked 7am-3:18pm. Didn’t see Miss Piggy. Again!
But since I got out so early I was able to run and errand, do yoga, aerobics, read, and stuff. 
Now is definitely meditation time but I’m worried I will fall asleep. Too tired to bathe/eat. 
Going to open my heart chakra! Yay!
1.31.16 5:57 PM: Holy stress. Still no word about the shoot. Aaand there was some asshole. 
Gotta let it go. They don’t dictate my day. I do. Only me. I am in charge. No one else.
2.3.16 10:48 PM: No spoons for laundry or putting clothes up. I desperately need to do that. My room is overflowing with clothes.
(drawing of a newlamb)
たりないよ (it’s not enough!)
2.5.16 10:54 PM: I feel so strange. Like I’m a thousand lifetimes apart from New. I don’t know who that person is. 
I guess it’s okay not to know. 
2.14.16 1:15 AM: よふかししてるの (I’m stayin’ up late)
Um... too much mental energy. Body is done and tired but my mind all よ~~~~~~~~~~!
Kinda woozy today. But I got FFX-2 running so I’ve been doing that. Maybe too much. 
2.21.16 10:30 PM: Oops, 4 days of not writing in here. 
I didn’t work Thursday. Friday I went to Hollywood w/ ______. We saw Frozen, she gave me my presents, we had tea and a chicken burger at Chado tea room and we goofed around doing touristy things. Had so much fun, I really missed her. 
I was so tired I fell asleep at 8pm. I woke up at 3am but I was having so much fun sleeping that I just went back to sleep until 8am. 
2.24.16 8:22 PM: I was having an okay day. I was doing okay. Right now I want to not exist. Two auditions tomorrow. What am I gonna do?
I wish I was never born. 
I don’t feel much. Now would be a good time to do it. But I don’t want to hurt my dad. 
Wish I had someone to talk to. 
I’m so done. So done. So alone. 
If I died a lot of people would be really sad but it wouldn’t change much. 
I don’t want to be here. I don’t want to be me. I hate who I am. I hate me. I’m too stupid to work retail. I can’t do math. I can’t edit, I was too stupid for editing school. My body can’t work or I get sick. 
I don’t know how I’ll be able to support myself. I can’t rely on my dream. It might not come true. I’ll be 30 in 4 years—will I still be living here, relying on my dad? I’m a joke. I’m not a real adult or person. 
My cats would be sad if I died. Would they understand? I don’t want to hurt them either but I don’t know how much longer I can hold on. 
I’m not okay right now but I have no one. I’m all alone. 
A few tears came out. 
That’s all I have. 
2.25.16 1:12 PM: I’m so sad right now. The pain is already bad. I don’t have money for more edibles. I had to cancel one audition because I was too sick. Too depressed. Too much anxiety. 
I went to Sprouts and very nearly had a freak out. I tried to meditate. I can’t focus on editing. I feel trapped. I feel like the walls are caving in. 
How am I gonna get out of this one? I’ve done it before. Time is crawling. 
Bad pain spreading. Bad thoughts. bad urges. I need distractions but the problem is that I’m too depressed to actually focus on anything fun. 
I can barely cry. It’s like a blockage. 
(lots of scribbles)
2.26.16 12:05 PM: Much better today. Body is tired but I’m not depressed. Nope! Had a shoyuu tamago. Mm! It’s still really early but I think it’s time for a meditation nap.
3.2.16 10:03 PM: It’s March wtf... okay.
3.11.16 1:46 PM: I soar. I am worthy. My dreams will come true. 
3.13.16 2:51 PM: It’s Nikki’s birthday. 
I feel like all I do is edit, play games, RP, watch cartoons... :( 
Even though I love that stuff, it doesn’t make me money. It makes me happy, so happy, but. Where am I going in my life?
I just feel so fragile I’m worried that if one day, my family snaps at me and says how they hate having to support me, that I won’t be able to take it. That I’ll run away, or worse. I’ve had some suicidal ideations lately. I feel like my family hates me. I know it’s silly but. Maybe at the very least they resent me. 
:( I wish I wasn’t like this. 
3.21.16  1:42 PM, Monday: It’s so hard not to feel like he [my dad] hates me. I keep having horrible dreams about fighting with him or other family like my sister. :(
Things will work out. Things will pay off. 
Lots of pain right now. I have so much to do always. Always trying, always in pain, never have money. 
Caught int he swirl. 
I am something and someone.
3.28.16 1:19 PM: If I get that job it’s going to be really difficult to balance with bg work but what choice do I have? I can’t afford my bills right now. 
(written out weekly schedule with a drawing of Bill crying and saying, “you can do it”)
I can do this. I can make it happen. 
4.4.16 8:37 AM: Bad morning anxiety again. I kept waking up with my heart pounding. Dry-heaved a bit at 7am. 
So much going on in my head. Wish I could stop it. 
4.29.16 8:45 PM: Ugh!! MOOD DOWN, CAN’T FOCUS!! SAD!!
5.29.16 12:25 PM: Wow. Really been in la la land. Mood crazy. My period came 11 days late and I am 900% sure I felt a cyst pop.
I haven’t been meditating... I really need to get back into it so I won’t fall apart. also I lost out on 3 bookings, ugh. :( It’s just a dry spell. It will get better. 
I just want to cry in bed. A lot. 
6.13.16  8:52 PM: Whoops. I have no memory of actually writing that last post. 
Still having a hard time with this summer depression... Trying to hang in there.
I had 2 insane customers stress me out the past 2 shifts. Shoots are still only about 1/week... 
I’ve been keeping busy despite my health though. Been editing and stuff a lot, though rest breaks get me down. 
BUT SO. I moved my room around. Don’t know why I didn’t think of this sooner.
(drawing of my room before and after)
So much nicer. I think I’ve been sleeping better. And now there’s not all this junk space under my bed or to the side. Love it!
Well so... Friday I had a bad audition. It sucked so hard. Had to cry, tried to prepare, couldn’t cry... fuck. 
Whatever. Life goes on. My confidence has sucked lately. 
Sigh (drawing of New in lamb hat with eyes full of tears)
There was a bad shooting. Worst in US history, at a gay club in Florida. 49 dead. The whole world is crying. I feel numb. 
6.14.16 11:45 PM: I love my dad more than anyone in the whole universe. He has done so much for me and other people. He deserves the best love. He deserves to be happy. 
I’m so sick of women hurting him like this. He tries so hard to make things work. 
I hope he’ll be okay. 
I just want him to know how special he is. 
6.28.16 1:11 PM: Colonoscopy and upper endoscopy in an hour. Period started. Depressed. 
Keep making mistakes at my part-time job. Worried. Stressed. 
Tuesday now, been eating nothing but jello since Saturday. 
Just feeling really down about my situation. My health, work, school, friends. Everything. 
I hate the snarling monster inside of me. I hate who it makes me. I hate myself for yelling at my dad yesterday. 
I just really don’t like myself.
What can I do?
7.1.16 1:20 PM: Shooting a chronic pain thing in my room right now. 
Camera in my face. 
Feeling tired but pretty good. 
7.24.16 10:38 PM: There’s so much to say but it’s late, gotta take my meds, and I got a shoot. 
I release pain. I release guilt. Namaste. 
8.11.16 2:22 PM: Why do things have to be so hard? I’m trying my best. I really am. But it’s not enough. Will it ever be enough? Will I ever live alone, be independent, be happy? 
I feel like my dad resents me. I know he loves me but I just have so much pain and guilt for existing. I know I am capable of so much more and that life has so much to offer me... it’s just so hard. 
9.3.16 8:17 PM: Hooey, it’s September. 3rd week with no bookings, taking an extra day at part-time job. 
Since I’ve had all these days off I have been dividing my time to get things done, rest, play games, better myself. Even just a little at a time is good. 
9.11.16 11:13 PM: Finally got work. Which means I worked 5 days. Yay. 
I’m still trying to improve my writing. My problem is I never really have a plan—or I get stuck at words, instead of just writing. 
9.12.16  10:49 PM: Oh, hell... My agent called today, I got booked on some shoot. But it’s for tomorrow, so. I can’t since now I work Tues as well. So last week I worked SUN, TUES, WED, THU, FRI... hooly shit. No wonder I feel awful. 
Of course when I tried to talk to ___ about it they made me cry. Fuck. Been depressed all fucking day. Fuck fuck fuck.
I’m okay. I have distractions. I have coping methods.... I have myself. Soon is paychecks. I’m okay. 
Tomorrow is... let’s see. 
7 AM wake, meditate, yoga 8 AM tea, tumblr 9 AM edit 10 AM read 11 AM rest 12 PM ?????
I can do it. 
9.23.16  12:27 PM, Friday: My body is struggling to keep up w this schedule. 
I worked Sun Mon Tues Wed, had yesterday off, now I have to be at a shoot in a few hours. I’ve had to seriously up my self-care game to be able to do this. Tomorrow is school and acupuncture. I’ll be wiped out. 
But... money! Also I’ve been meditating a lot with amethyst and rose quartz. 
(a row of crystals)
On Mon my shoot was so hard, I was having such a rough time but then I met two cool Japanese women. One is Michiko Nishiwaki, a famous stunt woman. She and the (other) Michiko seemed really impressed by me and want me to get on TV. Yay.
Okay, I feel woozy so it is time to read. 
10.11.16 12:12 pm: Last week was two kinds of intense. 
SUN-WED: bad depression. bad pain. bad bad bad.
TH: Doc, got dmv handicap parking placard, bloodwork, x-rays, narcotics.  FRI-SAT: pain so easy, feeling happy.
SUN: pain back after good massage
Now I’m feeling depressed again. 
I’m so scared for my future. I just can’t bear the thought of still being in this situation at age 30. 
I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. 
10.20.16 12:30 PM: I booked a short film. Happy about it but feeling depressed about my health again. 
It’s like a merry-go-round. 
(sad crying face) 
10.31.16  11:46 PM: (arrow pointing to previous entry) I don’t remember writing that. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
Well. Tomorrow is November.
Yikes. Where was I last year around this time? Only doing bg, no vlogs to edit. No Overwatch. 
What did I do during down time? How did I keep sane?
This year has brought a lot of change, but ti’s easy to see it only as the same because my career is so slow going. 
Just keep swimming. 
11.25.16 4:15 AM: I start my hostessing job in 5 hours. New job. 3rd job. 
Idk. I’m so sad rn. Anxious. Woke up w racing heart. Pukey. I wanna cry. 
I didn’t do anything wrong. 
12.1.16 9:48 PM: I threw up a lot, just now recovering a week later.
New job: shift got cut Tuesday 
Universe made up for it by having casting call me with work. Cult member. Very far but this should be interesting. 
Doc today gave me gave more tramadol + xanax ☆ Nice.
it’s December wtf
Made a Patreon
12.12.16 10:02 PM: Energy is focused. Going to set up 2017 to be a great year. 
12.16.16  3:07 PM: I intend to heal. I feel terrific. I love myself. I release guilt. The universe supports me. Today I expect that something wonderful is going to happen.
My Dharma is to guide, inspire, teach, and help. 
All is perfect. All is well. 
6 notes · View notes
charllieeldridge · 5 years
Visiting Navagio Beach (Shipwreck Cove) in Zakynthos
Navagio Beach (aka Shipwreck Cove) is one of the best beaches in Greece and likely one of the most picturesque stretches of sand in the world. This was the featured image on Trip Advisor’s home page for a long time and it’s one of the most photographed places in Greece.
When you first see it, you’ll quickly realize why. Whether you peer down on it from the towering cliffs above, or you take a boat trip to Navagio Beach, you’ll likely have your breath taken away by the impossibly blue Ionian water, the blindingly white pebbly sand and of course, the eerie-looking shipwreck that lies in the center of the sand.
See Also: Our Ultimate Guide To Greece Travel
Where is Navagio Beach (Shipwreck Cove)
Navagio Beach is located off the northern coast of Zakynthos Island (aka Zante Island). The island of Zakynthos lies in the Ionian Sea about 250 kilometres west of Athens and just 20 kilometres from the westernmost point of the Greek (Peloponnese) mainland.
Map of Zakynthos Island
To get to Zakynthos, you can either fly direct from Athens or take a ferry from Kyllini on the mainland. The ferries run 7 times per day between 05:30 and 22:30 and will cost around €50 per person each way depending on the time of year.
Best Time of Day To See Navagio Beach (Shipwreck Cove)
Generally, you’ll want to visit during the middle of the day if you don’t mind crowds. In the shoulder season, you’ll have to go a little later so that the sun comes over the cliffs and actually lightens up the sand for your photos.
Any time between noon and 3 pm should be a good time to visit the beach on most days. At the viewing platform on the cliffs above, this is the best time to visit Shipwreck Cove, but if you’re going by boat, this will also be the busiest.
The sand can get very busy, so I’d recommend visiting by boat either early morning or late afternoon and seeing the beach from the cliffs at midday.
The Best Time To Visit Shipwreck Cove
The best time of year to visit Zakynthos is very similar to the best time to visit Greece. Generally, Spring (March to May) and Fall (September to early-November) are our favourite times to visit Zakynthos but you can visit year-round. If you come in the summer, the sea will be nice and warm for swimming but there will be lots of crowds.
If you come in the winter, you may have a harder time finding companies to take you as some shut down in the offseason. Also, the sea will be too cold for swimming.
How To Get To Navagio Beach
Once you’re on Zante Island there are many ways to see Shipwreck Cove. Most people opt to take a tour that can be booked from literally every tour agency on the island, or online with trusted tour booking sites like Get Your Guide.
There are two ways to see the beach, one is to take a boat (the beach is only accessible by sea) and the other is to view the beach from the impressive 200 meter-high cliffs that surround the secluded cove.
By Boat
If you want to actually swim in the azure waters and touch your feet to the sand, you’ll have to book a boat tour. I recommend checking out Get Your Guide for this so that you can book it in advance and make sure you get a spot.
From The Cliffs
If you want to have that iconic photo that everyone has of Shipwreck Cove then you’re going to want to head to the top of the limestone cliffs near Elatia at the northwest corner of the island. There’s a viewing platform here that is a great place for photos.
To get here, I highly recommend renting a car (Click Here to see where it is on Google Maps). Driving here is easy and is beautifully scenic as well. We booked a car for our entire stay on Zakynthos Island and I highly recommend it. We always book with Expedia (not a sponsor) and you can get cars for as little as $15 per day in Zakynthos.
Warning: Please note that there have been some deaths of tourists lately taking photos from the high cliffs. When you visit the Shipwreck Cove lookout point, please don’t be stupid like we were in the above photo (we didn’t know at the time). Stay within the gated off area.
Restaurants On Navagio Beach
There are no restaurants or bars on Navagio beach which is why most people visit as part of a tour.
If you book a day trip on a boat to Shipwreck Cove then you’ll usually be given lunch at the beach as well and some drinks. It’s worth checking with the tour operator before you book to ensure you have food and drinks as there are no restaurants at Shipwreck Cove.
The Type of Sand on Navagio Beach
Navagio Beach is like many other beaches in Zakynthos and in the rest of the Ionian Sea. You’ll find that when you view the beach from the viewing platforms on the cliffs 200 meters above, you’d be certain that it’s white powdery sand. 
But when you step off the boat and cringe slightly in pain as your feet hit the beach, you’ll quickly realize that it’s actually tiny pebbles. It’s best to wear water shoes or at least flip flops so that you can be comfortable while walking around the beach and heading out for a swim.
Where To Stay Near Navagio Beach
While Navagio Beach is a stunning sight to behold, the accommodation around the cove isn’t the best on the island. If you’re going to be staying on Zakynthos Island for a few days, then I’d recommend staying elsewhere and visit Navagio Beach as a day trip instead.
Some of the best places to stay in Zakynthos include Zante Town (the capital), Laganas (the party/tourist hot spot), Tsilivi (family safe beach), or Psarou (a local village where we stayed).
No matter what you decide when researching where to stay in Zakynthos, I recommend renting a car so that you can easily get to Shipwreck Cove and the other sites around. There are many things to do in Zakynthos, and by having a car you’ll easily be able to explore most of them in a few days or a week-long holiday.
Why is it Called Shipwreck Cove?
Well, once you see Navagio Beach you’ll quickly realize why it’s called Shipwreck Cove. There’s a massive 157 food Freightliner plunked in the center of the sand that crashed on the beach on October 2, 1980. 
The ship got caught in a bad storm and was unable to see where it was going before it ran aground upon the picturesque cove. Some rumours say that the ship was smuggling drugs (which also lends to the fact that the beach has the nickname “Smugglers Cove”), but these claims were never officially confirmed and the captain and crew was not convicted on any such offences.
The ship was abandoned there and has been sitting on the beach, rotting away ever since. Later, the beach took on the name. This crash turned out to be lucky for Greece as it’s now one of the country’s most popular tourist destinations. Sure, people would’ve still come for the picture-perfect sandy cove, but the shipwreck just adds to the allure.
Travel Tips For Shipwreck Cove
Not all tours are created equal and there’s quite a bit to know about visiting the beach as there are two ways to see it, by road and by boat. Here are a few basic tips to help you plan how to see Shipwreck Cove.
By Car
Use Google Maps: Download the Google Maps App on your Android or Apple device and then download the map of Zakynthos for offline use. Once you have the app and the map downloaded, Click Here to view and save the location of the viewing platform so you can find directions there using the app.
Be Careful: Many tourists have fallen to their deaths from the sketchy 200 meter high cliffs above Navagio Beach. Please be careful when visiting this area as not everything was well signed at the time of our visit. Stay behind the gated area and far away from the edge of these cliffs.
By Boat Tour
Choose a Small Boat Tour: Some boats that make this trip are enormous double-deckers so even if there aren’t any tours on the sand when you get there, it’ll feel crowded just because of how many people are on your boat with you. Try to choose a smaller group tour on a smaller boat to have a more quiet experience.
Avoid Mid-Day Trips: The beach is busiest at midday because many people want to be there when the sun is directly overhead so they can see the sand in all of its glory. The issue is that it can be insanely crowded at this time. Try to choose trips in the morning or late afternoon, the beach is still stunning and there will be a fraction of people on the sand.
You Only Have 1 Hour: Most boat tours that go to Navagio Beach only stay on the sand for around an hour, so make sure you get a few photos, go for a swim, lay on the sand and just try to enjoy the beach as much as possible in the short time provided.
Bring Shoes or Flip Flops: The beach has white pebbles, not sand, so it can actually be a little bit painful in bare feet. Consider bringing some footwear if you plan to walk along the sand.
Bring Supplies: Most tour companies aren’t going to offer you sunscreen, hats, etc. Some don’t even offer you enough water. Make sure you have all the necessary supplies for a day at the beach. 
There are NO Facilities: Keep in mind that there are no facilities on the beach so if you book a tour on a boat without a toilet, you’ll want to do any business that can’t be done in the ocean before you get on the boat on the way to Navagio Beach.
The Water Gets Deep Quick: If you’re travelling with children, be aware that the beach gets deep quite quickly.
Boats Can Be Cancelled: All boat trips to Shipwreck Cove are weather permitting, so if it’s stormy don’t be surprised if your trip gets cancelled. Before booking your trip to the beach, consider checking the 5-day forecast and choose a day that is most likely to be clear and calm.
Boat trips can also leave quickly if they see a storm coming, so don’t venture too far from your boat.  It’s no coincidence that there’s already a wrecked ship on this beach, the tour operators don’t want to add to that with their own fleet!
Enjoy Navagio Beach (Shipwreck Cove)!
Navagio Beach is one of the most beautiful stretches of sand you’ll likely see in your life. I hope this post will help ensure that you make the most of your trip there.
Whether you visit by boat or from the cliffs above, make sure to take lots of photos, but also put the camera/smartphone down for a while to just enjoy the incredible view. One mistake so many people make is seeing Navagio from the screen of their devices. Take it in, enjoy and be careful!
The post Visiting Navagio Beach (Shipwreck Cove) in Zakynthos appeared first on Goats On The Road.
Visiting Navagio Beach (Shipwreck Cove) in Zakynthos published first on https://travelaspire.weebly.com/
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newyorktheater · 5 years
My annual New Year’s Eve last-minute guide to events that are still available to do on New Year’s Eve 2020 (when 2019 turns into 2020) in New York City
Times Square. Broadway show schedule for the week,+ other theater. parties. concerts. intimate dinners. cruises. quiet or healthy alternatives. TV listings. 
You can also watch the festivities online live!
New Year’s Eve in New York means the dropping of the ball in Times Square, the fireworks in Prospect Park, the annual concert at St. John the Divine, the midnight run with fireworks in Central Park, the annual Time’s Up Bike Ride  — all FREE, and all things you can decide to do at the last minute.
It also can mean obscenely expensive shows and extremely loud parties, an annual arena concert featuring Phish and a new cabaret act starring Annaleigh Ashford, a cruise in the harbor, or a dinner for two in your favorite eatery — not all of which are sold out weeks in advance.
Or you can stay at home and watch the festivities online — on this very post.
Only eight percent of Americans reportedly plan to go out on any given New Year’s Eve. For those New Yorkers (and New York visitors) who haven’t made those plans yet, here are some ideas:
From the organizers comes an overview of New Year’s Eve in Times Square, so you know what is in store for you if you decide to stand at the Crossroads of the World on December 31st.
But if you’re reading this before Saturday December 27, you might consider attending “Good Riddance Day” from noon to 1 p.m., in which participants shed bad memories of 2019? (an old bill, an ex-love note, a bad report card, a Playbill of a show you’d rather forget?) in a ceremonial shredding on the Broadway Plaza between 45th & 46th Streets
On Tuesday — New Year’s Eve — revelers will start arriving at Times Square in the afternoon. By approximately 3:00 PM., the Bowtie of Times Square (42nd to 47th Sts. between Broadway & 7th Ave.) is fully closed to traffic. The crowd, which in the past has reached in the millions, could go as far uptown as Central Park, 17 blocks away.
Another way of saying this: If you want to be within naked-eyesight of the Times Square ball, arrive in the afternoon, and be prepared to stand immobile until the ball drops at midnight.  Huddle with friends and loved ones for warmth – or make new friends.
Times Square offers an outdoor evening of entertainment, culminating in confetti, “2020” sign in lights, lots of hugging and wishing for a Happy New Year
    I’ve spent three New Year’s Eves in Times Square, which is probably two more than necessary, but found each memorable. Do remember that the highlights will be televised. See What’s on TV, below.)
Open Table lists more than 100 restaurants  with “New Year’s Eve offers” Most of them offer a choice of seatings – either earlier in the evening, so that you can make it in time elsewhere for the stroke of midnight, or party-hat-equipped seatings that lead up to midnight, where you can often turn on a TV so that you can watch the ball drop in Times Square. Open Table provides all sorts of filters — you can look for a table for 2 at a “charming” French restaurant at 7 pm in your specific neighborhood.
Have a favorite neighborhood eatery that’s not listed on Open Table? Go to the place NOW, and ask them whether they will take reservations.
No Broadway shows will be offering performances on New Year’s Eve. But all but one of the shows currently on Broadway have performances on the Monday before New Year’s, 15 of them both matinee and evening performances  (Mondays are usually the day off) and  9 of the shows will offer performances on Wednesday, New Year’s Day, three of them both matinee and evening performances. (You’ve got to feel a little for the casts of those shows.)
The titles are linked to my reviews.
Performance Times for New Year’s Week
  Show Run Time Theatre Mon 12/30 Tue 12/31 Wed 01/01 Thu 01/02 Fri 01/03 Sat 01/04 Sun 01/05 Ain’t Too Proud -The Life and Times of The Temptations 2h 30min Imperial 2:00 & 7:30 7:00 2:00 & 7:30 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 Aladdin 2h 30min New Amsterdam 7:00 2:00 & 7:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 1:00 & 6:30 American Utopia 100min Hudson 8:00 8:00 5:30 & 9:00 3:00 Beetlejuice 2h 30min Winter Garden 8:00 8:00 7:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 The Book of Mormon 2h 30min Eugene O’Neill 2:00 & 7:00 7:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 7:00 Chicago 2h 30min Ambassador 2:30 & 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 2:30 & 8:00 7:00 A Christmas Carol 2h 15min Lyceum 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 7:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 Come From Away 100min Schoenfeld 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 7:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 Dear Evan Hansen 2h 25min Music Box 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 7:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 Derren Brown: Secret 2h 30min Cort 7:00 7:00 2:00 & 8:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 Freestyle Love Supreme 80min Booth 7:00 & 10:00 7:00 7:00 & 10:00 7:00 & 10:00 7:00 Frozen 2h 15min St. James 7:00 1:00 & 7:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 1:00 & 6:30 Grand Horizons Hayes 7:00 2:00 & 8:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 7:00 Hadestown 2h 25min Walter Kerr 8:00 2:00 & 7:30 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 Hamilton 2h 40min Richard Rodgers 7:00 7:00 2:00 & 8:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts One and Two 2h 40min Lyric 2:00 Pt 1 & 7:30 Pt 2 7:30 Pt 1 7:30 Pt 2 2:00 Pt 1 & 7:30 Pt 2 1:00 Pt 1 & 6:30 Pt 2 The Illusionists – Magic of the Holidays 2h 10min Neil Simon 11:00 3:00 & 8:00 7:00 11:00 3:00 & 8:00 3:00 & 8:00 11:00 3:00 & 8:00 3:00 & 8:00 The Inheritance 3h 15min Barrymore 7:00 Pt1 1:00 Pt1 & 7:00 Pt2 7:00 Pt1 1:00 Pt1 & 7:00 Pt2 1:00 Pt1 & 7:00 Pt2 Jagged Little Pill 2h 30min Broadhurst 1:00 & 7:00 2:00 & 7:30 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 The Lightning Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical 2h 5min Longacre 2:00 & 7:00 2:00 & 7:00 7:00 2:00 & 8:00 1:00 The Lion King 2h 30min Minskoff 7:00 2:00 & 8:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 1:00 & 6:30 Mean Girls 2h 30min August Wilson 7:00 7:00 7:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 1:00 & 6:30 Moulin Rouge! 2h 35min Hirschfeld 7:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 7:00 Oklahoma! 2h 45min Circle in the Square 1:00 & 7:00 1:00 & 7:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 The Phantom of the Opera 2h 30min Majestic 2:00 & 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 Slava’s Snowshow 100min Stephen Sondheim 7:00 2:00 & 8:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 1:00 & 6:30 Slave Play 2h 0min Golden 8:00 8:00 7:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 7:00 A Soldier’s Play American Airlines 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 The Sound Inside 90min Studio 54 2:00 & 7:00 2:00 & 7:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 Tina – The Tina Turner Musical 2h 45min Lunt-Fontanne 2:00 & 7:30 7:00 2:00 & 7:30 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 To Kill a Mockingbird 2h 50min Shubert 7:00 7:00 7:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 1:00 & 7:00 Tootsie 2h 35min Marquis 7:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00 Waitress 2h 30min Brooks Atkinson 2:00 & 7:00 7:00 7:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 7:00 West Side Story Broadway 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 7:00 Wicked 2h 45min Gershwin 7:00 7:00 7:00 2:00 & 8:00 2:00 & 8:00 3:00
If tickets are not available through the box office, try buying tickets here
(I haven’t seen five of the shows, three of which haven’t opened yet, which explains why those have no link to my review.)
Of course, New York theater is far more than just Broadway, and some Off-Broadway and Off-Off Broadway shows are not just happening, but getting into the whole excess thing that means New Year’s Eve to so many in New York. Prime example is Sleep No More, which for New Year’s Eve adds the option of a dinner plus a party, or any combination. (“Guests are to come dressed in luxe shades of midnight blue, gold, silver, or black…) The cost is astronomical — and much of it sells out.
Similarly, XIV Company offers its  “Nutcracker Rouge,”  (a “baroque, burlesque” not-for-children take on Nutcracker Suite) at its theater in Bushwick,  followed by a party with the cast.
Radio City Rockettes Christmas Spectacular (two performances on New Year’s Eve, at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m..)
Big Apple Circus> (noon.)
  (Back to top)
There’s a New York for almost any taste, so why would it be surprising that Eventbrite lists some 1,000 New Year’s Eve parties? .
You can dance at parties set up in Times Square venues, such as the Marriot Marquis and the AMC 42nd Street movie theater, “six floors of fun” for as little as $49 (that’s after 12:30 a.m. admission) and as much as $3,300. Most promote a great view of the ball dropping (which — do you mind my pointing out? — is an insane pitch, but apparently an effective one)
Then there are the super-hip parties in Brooklyn and Queens.
For the second year in a row, BangOn!NYC is presenting its annual bash to Maspeth, Queens, at the (aptly named?) Knockdown Center, with three musical stages, a silent disco, live painting, interactive art installations and performances, a bartering blackjack table, and more cosmic creations to transcend time and space.”
  Many suggest throwing your own New Year’s Eve party, and offer vaguely insulting step-by-step tips on how to do so. The most memorable advice for throwing a party came from Joan Crawford, who was quite a partier in her day (see above). Her advice (see below)  can be summed up as:
Have a mix of people as your guests, but nobody with dirty feet.
Secretly drug them.
(P.S., don’t do this.)
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Some concerts that will be sold out or too expensive will be available in your home, live, depending. (See TV listings below.)
St. John the Divine Concert for Peace.
An annual FREE event since 1984, when it was founded by Leonard Bernstein. Guest performers this year include Paul Winter, Judy Collins, Jamet Pittman, Jason Robert Brown, and David Briggs. (You can pay in advance to reserve a seat. Otherwise it’s first come, first served.)
This year, the New York Philharmonic will present ‘Celebrating Sondheim” with host Bernadette Peters and Katrina Lenk (The Band’s Visit, soon to star in Company), with music from Company, Into the Woods, Sunday in the Park with George, Sweeney Todd. The cancert will also be broadcast Live from Lincoln Center on PBS. (See TV listings below.)
  For the 13th year in a row, Phish will perform at Madison Square Garden  The bad news is that their New Year’s Even concert is already sold out. “But more tickets may become available soon.”
The Strokes, with opening act Mac DeMarco, Barclays Center, Brooklyn (indie rock)
Reignwolf Music Hall of Williamsburg (rock)
Gov’t Mule,Beacon Theatre (indie rock)
Kaskade, Terminal 5, Hell’s Kitchen (electro house music)
With the repeal in 2017 of the hated 91-year-old Cabaret Law, which banned dancing at all but a handful of licensed venues (fewer than 100), you could argue that life is a cabaret (or at least could be) at all 25,000 eating and drinking establishments in New York City. But “cabaret” has come to define specific genres of intimate entertainment at just a few, relatively small venues, such as those below.
Tip: Most cabarets offer two seatings on New Year’s Eve. The one earlier in the evening is far less expensive. Many of these performers return to these venues every New Year’s — a wonderful tradition that makes last-minute tickets chancy, but worth trying.
Sandra Bernhard at Joe’s Pub, late show
  Justin Vivian Bond, early show at Joe’s Pub
Natalie Douglas: A Very Natalie New Year at the Duplex — her 21st New Year’s there
Seth Sikes Celebrates New Year’s Eve with Twenty ’20s Songs for 2020 at Feinstein’s/54 Below (early show)
Annaleigh Ashford on New Year’s Eve at Feinstein/54 Below (late show)
Marilyn Maye at Birdland, early show
The Birdland Big Band with Vocalist Veroncia Swift, late show
Annual Prospect Park Fireworks – free. at Grand Army Plaza
Big selling point of all these cruises — a close-up of the New Years Eve fireworks over the water. Most include a buffet, open bar, and dancing with a dj. Drawbacks: These cost up to hundreds of dollars (but some of the links below are to Goldstar discount deals), and many are already sold out (but there are cruises during the day on New Year’s Eve)
Circle Line New Year’s Eve Cruises
Queen of Hearts Cruise
New York Water Taxi New Year’s Eve Cruise
Fireworks Cruise at Pier 62
Moonlight New Year’s Eve Fireworks Party Cruise Aboard the Great Point
The Kadampa Meditation Center in Chelsea, $50 for non-members, provides a way for you to “ring in the New Year “with compassion and beneficial intentions!” — hors d’oeuvres, meditation, and no alcohol. (Pre-registration is required.)
New York Road Runners’   Midnight Run in Central Park
Shorewalkers Happy New Years Day Hike — Hiking the shores and parks of upper Manhattan for SEVEN MILES starting at noon on New Year’s Day, which gives you a good excuse to go to bed early.
Annual Bike Ride and  Party, from Time’s Up environmental action organization. The ride will begin in three different locations (one in Brooklyn) and end up  at the Belvedere Castle right next to the Delacorte Theater in Central Park.
Back to top
WHAT’S ON TV (and other home devices)
Ryan Seacrest, Lucy Hale, Ciara and Billy Porter (!) present a New Year’s countdown celebration, including performances by Paula Abdul, Kelsea Ballerini, Blanco Brown, Dan and Shay, Green Day, Dua Lipa.
Anderson Cooper and Andy Cohen will be back together as hosts of CNN’s New Year’s Eve special for the third year (Cohen replaced Cooper’s decade-long partner Kathy Griffin.) They will be in Times Square live Performances and appearances this year include Christina Aguilera, Lenny Kravitz, Shania Twain, Patti Labelle, Keith Urban, 50 Cent, The Chainsmokers, and comedian and actress Dulcé Sloan.
Leading up to New Year’s Eve Live with Anderson Cooper and Andy Cohen, will be All the Best, All the Worst 2019, a one-hour special hosted by Tom Foreman on the highlights and lowlights of the past twelve months in politics, pop culture, the economy and entertainment. The special airs at 7pm ET. I can’t help quoting what Anderson Cooper said in 2013: “I don’t know anybody who has a fun time at a party at New Year’s Eve. That’s why I work on New Year’s Eve.”)
Fox’s New Year’s Eve with Steve Harvey: Live from Times Square will feature performances by LL Cool J, DJ Z-Trip, The Chainsmokers, The Lumineers, Florida Georgia Line, Backstreet Boys, Tyga, The Killers, and a “WWE match with Roman Reigns.”
New Year’s Eve with host Carson Daly will feature performances by Leslie Odom Jr. (!), X Ambassadors, Brett Eldredge, NE-YO, Blake Shelton, The Struts and Gwen Stefani.
It will be preceded by A Toast to 2019! will air from 8 to 10 with hosts Hoda Kotb and Jenna Bush Hager, and Martin Short, Kirsten Bell, Maya Rudolph on the year’s biggest pop culture moments
Live from Lincoln Center will present the New York Philharmonic concert celebrating Sondheim from 9:30 to 11 (see Concerts above), followed by Amanpour and Company at 11, and then a repeat of the Sondheim concert at midnight.
  TV Marathons
Starting on December 17th — the 30th anniversary of the premiere of The Simpsons — FXX has been showing all 661 episodes. Starting at 4:30 p.m. ET on Dec. 31, FXX will air a “Best of the Marathon” marathon beginning with The Simpsons Movie and The Longest Daycare, followed by the 11 greatest The Simpsons episodes as determined by the series’ creators and viewer usage. The Simpsons New Year’s Eve binge has been FXX’s annual tradition for a number of years, but never so extravagant.
Since 1996, WPIX has broadcast The Honeymooners marathon and this year is no different. Twenty-seven episodes of the Jackie Gleason TV series will be broadcast from 11pm to 5 a.m. on New Year’s Day.
This New Year’s Eve, catering to Binge Nation, there are an astounding number of additional TV marathons. A sample:
The Twilight Zone (12 a.m. – 12 a.m., SYFY) Sex & the City (12 a.m. – 12 a.m., E!) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (6 a.m. – 12 a.m., USA Network) Doctor Who (12 a.m. – 12 a.m., BBC America) Unearthed(4 a.m. – 10 p.m., Science) Ridiculousness (12 a.m. – 11:30 a.m., MTV) Moonshiners(11 a.m. – 12 a.m., Discovery) Say Yes to the Dress (4 a.m. – 12 p.m., TLC) Dr. Pimple Popper(12 p.m. – 12 a.m., TLC) Log Cabin Living (12 p.m. – 4 a.m., Great American Country) BRAVO’S BIG PICTURE (11:30 a.m. – 12 a.m., Bravo) Flipping Vegas (12 a.m. – 10 a.m., FYI) Ghost Hunters(12 p.m. – 12 a.m. FYI) Love It or List It (6 p.m. – 3 a.m., HGTV) Live PD (7 a.m. – 3 a.m., A&E) See No Evil (4 a.m. – 8 p.m., ID) Buying Alaska (6 a.m. – 12 a.m., Destination America) Everybody Loves Raymond (8 p.m. – 3 a.m., TVLand) South Park (9 a.m. – 2 a.m., Comedy Central) The Hunger Games Trilogy(9 a.m. – 5:00 a.m., AMC) CSI: Miami (10 a.m. – 5 p.m., WETV) Building Alaska (10 a.m. – 7 p.m., DIY) Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives (8 p.m. – 4 a.m., Food Network) Law & Order: Criminal Intent (10 a.m. – 3 p.m. WETV) Law & Order(3 p.m. – 1 a.m., WETV) Criminal Minds (1 p.m. – 1 a.m., Ion)
 And, in a nod to a new era,
1. SiriusXM plans to air live New Year’s Eve concerts  — including that sold-out Phish concert!
2. “50 Best Movies currently on Netflix”
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  New Years Eve 2020 in New York City: Last Minute Plans My annual New Year's Eve last-minute guide to events that are still available to do on New Year’s Eve 2020 (when 2019 turns into 2020) in New York City…
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momofamiracle · 5 years
the longest week.
I know it’s been forever since I posted last, but I’ve been busy with Connor at home and baking as much as I can! When I last left off, it was the beginning of my time inpatient. To say that my time admitted to the hospital was hell would be an understatement. Time stands still when you’re in the hospital, especially when your thoughts are all consumed by the baby you’re carrying that may not make it. My days consisted of being woken up at the crack of dawn for vitals, breakfast and doctor’s rounds. Then, I would be hooked up for the non-stress test. Usually I would then be escorted to an ultrasound to make sure the baby was still okay because the NST wouldn’t give a great result. After that, John could come and stay with me, and we’d lay in the tiny hospital bed, watch tv or read. If I was lucky, it would be a nice day, and we could sit outside. Sometimes we’d just walk the halls of the hospital. Then, I’d need to be back in my room for another set of vitals. The days were monotonous, and the nights were stressful. Usually around 5:00 PM I’d start to feel anxiety about the night that was to come. At 7:00, I would be hooked up to another NST. By this point, the usual doctors and ultrasound techs had left for the day, so when the baby mishebaved for the entire hour, sometimes two, that I’d be hooked up, I would need to be sent to the labor and delivery wing where they could monitor me.
This happened a few times, none of which were pleasurable. Usually, I would need to monitored until a doctor could come and do an ultrasound to confirm everything was okay. Then, after an entire night of being kept awake, I could go back to my room and start the day’s routine over again. However, there was one time in the labor and delivery room in particular that really pushed me over the edge.
So, I had written this post once before - and at this point I had gone into excruciating detail about my worst night inpatient in the hospital. However, the draft of this post didn’t save and I lost everything after this point, so I’m going to do a quick timeline instead:
7 PM: Get strapped to the Doppler for the nightly non-stress test (supposed to only last for twenty minutes.)
8 PM: Still hooked up to the Doppler because baby is too busy bouncing around to get a good reading.
8:05ish PM: I hear and see baby’s heart rate plummet into the 50s and 60s (normally 150+).
8:06 PM: I panic and press the call button for the nurse.
8:07 PM: Nurse comes rushing in as baby’s heart rate returns to normal.
8:15 PM: I get wheeled over to the labor and delivery room for more monitoring and possible prep for delivery. (I can’t eat dinner, just in case).
8:20 PM: I am hooked up to IV fluids and another Doppler. My eyes don’t move from the monitor that show’s baby’s heart rate. Doctors put me on a clear liquids only diet in case we need to deliver.
10:30 PM: Baby’s heart rate has dipped a few more times. Still hooked up to Doppler. Eyes still glued to monitor. Doctors order blood work.
10:40 PM: Blood work is taken after missing my veins about four times (not exaggerating).
11:45 PM: Blood work is normal. Continue to monitor baby’s heart rate via Doppler. Nurses come in to try and reassure me that everything’s fine:
1:00 AM: More blood work. More missed veins and bruises. Doctors perform an ultrasound to check on baby. They see low amniotic fluid, which could explain dips in heart rate.
2:00 AM: Doctors decide to do the glucose test. Nurse gives me gross orange drink. Still hooked up to Doppler. Beginning to go insane from watching monitor and listening to every single heart beat.
3:00 AM: More blood work. So far everything is normal. Still monitoring heart rate.
4:00 AM: More. blood work. Still hooked up to doppler.
5:00 AM: Glucose test results are in - everything is normal. Still hooked up to Doppler. Haven’t slept all night.
6:00 AM: Still can’t sleep. I just watch the monitor and pray that baby’s heart beat doesn’t drop.
7:00 AM: Mom comes back to the hospital. I burst into tears from exhaustion and worry.
8:00 AM: More blood work. Who knows what they’re even checking anymore. Mom asks nurse to turn the sound off the monitor so I can try to sleep.
9:00 AM: Doctors round. Attending wants to continue monitoring in case baby is in distress and needs to be delivered. I am to stay on a clear liquid only diet, and I need to get magnesium in case they decided to deliver (mag protects the baby’s brain from bleeds).
10:00 AM: John and his parents get to the hospital. Everyone tries to help me relax so I can sleep. I can’t sleep.
11:00 AM: My IV is blown, and they need to get another one in. The nurses try and fail, and then they try and fail again. Balloons of fluid get pushed under my skin and each time, I feel excruciating pain. Yes, I tell them, my veins are tricky. STOP TORTURING ME.
12:00 PM: A trained phlebotomist comes to insert my IV and gets it on the first time. Praise the lord.
1:00 PM: Time for the magnesium. I am to be hooked up to this for six hours.
1:05 PM: I feel like hot lava is dripping into my veins, not magnesium.
1:10 PM: My body is on fire. I need ice on my body. I need ice chips in my mouth. I need my fan on me.
1:20 PM: I’m covered in sweat. I can hear my heart beat. My head is pounding. My mouth is dry. I think I’m going to puke.
1:30 PM: Did they just inject me with the flu? How am I going to do this for 5 and a half more hours?
2:00 PM: I’m starting to cool down. I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck. I need sleep.
3:00 PM: The doctors come in. One of them is going to insert a catheter, and the other one is going to check my cervix.
3:05 PM: Holy f*cking shit. I’ve never felt more pain than when the doctor checked that my cervix was still closed.
3:10 PM: The catheter feels like a dream compared to what just happened before (although it’s still very uncomfortable).
3:30 PM: No. No more bloodwork! I cry because everyone is torturing me. I just want to sleep. I just want to go home.
5:00 PM: I am almost done with the magnesium. I’ve been crying all day. My arms are bruised, my body hurts, I can’t move strapped to so many things. I’m worried about the baby. I want to go home. I’m hungry. I’m exhausted.
6:00 PM: I am past the point of breaking down. I’m in full blown hysteria. I’m sobbing. I’m telling John to get me out of there, to take me home. I’m yelling, “I can’t do this!” John’s mom tells me I can, and I have to. I tell her I can’t. I want to go home. I WANT TO GO HOME.
6:05 PM: Mid-break down. Someone comes in to take more blood. I tell her no. I refuse to give her my arms, and I sob. Finally, I give in, and she notices that there are no more places to take blood from. I have bandages and bruises all up and down my arms and on both hands. She decided to try the wrist. Shockwaves of pain shoot from my wrist up my arm. I���ve been electrocuted, or so I think. She hit the nerve. It hurts like hell to bend my wrist. I sob more.
7:00 PM: The doctor comes in to tell me he’s not going to deliver me today. We just need to keep s close eye on the baby and amniotic fluid.
7:30 PM: Nurses tell me I can go back to my room, but my roommate had a baby so there’s a baby in there now. I cry again. How am I supposed to sleep for the first time in over 36 hours with someone else’s screaming baby in there?!?
8:00 PM: They found another room for me with a different roommate (hey, Tabitha, if you’re reading this!). John needs to move all my stuff into my new room. Best blessing in disguise ever. Tabitha, you kept me sane!
9:00 PM: I am wheeled over to my new room and introduce myself to Tabitha (hope I didn’t scare her with my appearance). I told her how I’d just been through hell.
1:00 AM: Panic that something’s happened to the baby and ask the nurse to hook me up to the Doppler again just to hear the heart beat.
2:00 AM: SLEEP AGAIN. For real (until vitals check at 4 AM).
And there you have it. My worst night inpatient at the hospital.
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ideahood58-blog · 5 years
Rosy Rhubarb Mule
Spring in Portland is something else. In California, it meant asparagus and strawberries and a few cherry blossoms. It meant longer days. It felt promising. But the shift was subtle, and it always left me wanting a little more. In the northwest, the transition to spring feels life-affirming. It offers a break from the relentless grey, a little levity from the soggy darkness of a northwest winter. But the greatest gift of spring in Portland is the insane riot of flowers, emerging in succession from March all the way through to June. It is almost enough to justify the winter.
Every day I go for a walk, regardless of the weather. And the blooms have been phenomenal: first the crocus, then the exquisite camellias and magnificent magnolias, among the first to color the streets. In tandem are the fruit blossoms: the cherry trees and plum, the quince and apple, the funny-smelling pear varietal; the forsythia, and tulips, and daffodils. Next the rhododendron and the glorious, exquisite dogwood. And those assorted weeds – wild mustards, mostly – that still breathe life and color into the sodden landscape. The fragrance of blooms, even when they’re in their final hurrah and smelling a little ripe, is invigorating. Those moments when the sun breaks and I am awash in a shimmering cascade of the most delicate white cherry or apple or plum blossoms are straight out of a fairy tale.
And with all this color and levity, and the sun setting after 8 pm now, people come back to life. Everyone is going out more, emerging from the winter hibernation that seems to be a part of Portland’s fabric. This, too, is invigorating. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, moving away from my community has been the greatest and hardest lesson in the value of people in our lives. So I am having new friends over. Smaller, intimate groups. Easy brunches. An ice cream social. Some silly experiments with gluten-free pizza. The perfectionist in me plans these out to the last detail; but I remind myself that it’s about the people, not a perfect living space. And my perfection backfires on me every time because I inevitably underestimate the amount of time involved in planning, and my friends inevitably help with the cooking that I have not finished by the time they arrive. It’s actually more fun this way.
Rosy Rhubarb Mule
I love the way that people who like rhubarb don’t just casually like it but obsessively love it. It is one of the most beautifully weird plants out there, a strange, vibrant, leafy stalk that is not a fruit at all but hardly used in savory contexts. For this drink – a more dynamic twist on the classic Moscow Mule – I made the rhubarb syrup concentrated, with much less sugar than is usually called for, to let more of its tartness shine. Hangar One’s new Rosé Vodka has a whisper of sweetness to it, and with the ginger beer, I wanted the sweet and the tart to be balanced. With spring’s arrival I am committed to more celebrations. And trying to keep them simple. This delightfully-hued drink is both celebratory and simple. Cheers!
Rosy Rhubarb Mule
For the rhubarb syrup: 
3 cups super red rhubarb (deeply red rhubarb is essential to produce that gorgeous magenta color) 1 cup water 1/4 cup sugar
For each cocktail:
Cocktail shaker Ice 2 ounces rhubarb syrup 2 ounces chilled Hangar One Rosé Vodka 2 ounces strong ginger beer 1/2 lime, juiced 1 mint leaf, garnish
Make ahead: In a saucepan, combine the rhubarb with the water and sugar over medium heat. Bring to a low simmer, covered, until the rhubarb has softened and cooked through, about 15 minutes. Stir occasionally. Strain using a mesh sieve (or a nut milk bag, in a pinch!). Chill in the fridge for at least two hours.
Add a handful of ice to the cocktail shaker. Add two ounces of the rhubarb syrup, two ounces chilled Hangar One Rosé Vodka, two ounces ginger beer, and the lime juice. Shake vigorously and strain into a coupe or lowball glass. Garnish with a mint leaf and enjoy!
This post was created in partnership with Hangar One Vodka. All content is created by Kimberley Hasselbrink. Partnerships like this sustain me as a small business.
Source: http://theyearinfood.com/2018/05/rosy-rhubarb-mule.html
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bharatiyamedia-blog · 5 years
Salman Khan's typically heart-breaking, hesitantly political, plodding trek by way of history- Leisure Information, Firstpost
http://tinyurl.com/y6ldcqm5 Solid: Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif, Sunil Grover, Jackie Shroff, Disha Patani, Sonali Kulkarni, Brijendra Kala, Kumud Kumar Mishra, Rajiv Gupta, Shashank Arora, Aasif Sheikh, Satish Kaushik, Nora Fatehi, Tabu (cameo) Director: Ali Abbas Zafar Language: Hindi Ranking: 2 (out of 5 stars) At a vital level in Ali Abbas Zafar’s new enterprise, the titular protagonist’s father seems to him and says: “Desh logon se banta hai, aur logon ki pehchaan unke parivaar se hoti hai. Tujh mein poora desh hai, Bharat.” (A nation is made up of individuals, and folks’s identification comes from their household. The entire nation resides in you, Bharat.) It’s a line that directly sounds profound however means little. It additionally encapsulates the essence of Bharat: a movie that wishes to be profound however finally ends up which means far much less regardless of its bull’s-eyes. Salman Khan in varied avatars in Bharat. Picture through Twitter Salman Khan partnered Zafar on the writer-director’s Sultan and Tiger Zinda Hai with spectacular box-office outcomes. No matter their lacunae might have been, Zafar was profitable in mining Khan’s pure goofiness in each, the latter movie additionally enjoying up the actor’s trademark unembarrassed, unapologetic on-screen bravado to hilarious impact. Bharat sputters on that entrance however scores elsewhere with combined outcomes: it’s often heart-breaking, often humorous, typically political albeit hesitantly so, however by and enormous simply plain uninteresting. Primarily based on the Korean movie Ode To My Father, Bharat is a voyage by way of post-Independence India whereas strolling alongside a typical man whose identify is Bharat with no surname connected. The boy was a resident of Gaon Mirpur, Lahore, when, on the age of 8, his life was torn aside by the cruelty of Partition. His total existence since has been dedicated to conserving the promise made to his Dad (Jackie Shroff) that he would handle the household. After we first meet him he’s an previous man touching 70. Because the prolonged household gathers for his birthday, Bharat (performed by Khan) recounts his journey between 1947 and 2010 in flashback. Alongside the best way, a number of acquainted historic milestones are crossed. Submit-Partition refugee camps, Jawaharlal Nehru’s demise, India’s 1983 cricket World Cup victory, financial liberalisation within the 1990s, the 21st century tv increase and extra cross by parallel to Bharat’s preliminary wrestle to outlive in Delhi, his time as a daredevil bike rider in a circus, migration to the Center East for work, his life-long friendship with the banana-eating Syyed Vilayati Khan (Sunil Grover), his long-standing relationship with the federal government official turned TV anchor Kumud Raina (Katrina Kaif) and surprising excellent news. The voice-over within the trailer had introduced, “this nation was born 71 years again…” Why then does Bharat‘s story cease not at 2018 however at 2010 with the phrases “the start” on display screen? Therein lies a story. Clearly Zafar desires to make a political assertion but keep secure whereas doing so (the truth that he wants to guard himself is a tragic reflection on the present state of our nation, however that may be a separate dialogue). The 1990s are heralded within the movie with the narrator saying that the brand new decade was marked by the arrival of two new heroes, Shah Rukh Khan (that is very beneficiant of you, Bhai) and Sachin Tendulkar, “however the actual hero was (Finance Minister) Manmohan Singh” for remodeling India’s financial system. That is an surprising ode to the previous FM-turned-PM who has been a lot maligned, reviled and mocked within the public discourse prior to now 5 years, most not too long ago within the Hindi movie PM Narendra Modi. One other former PM a lot reviled in recent times is projected as a hottie earlier within the movie. Whereas each feedback in Bharat are in themselves courageous within the sense that they defy the mob, I suppose the choice to keep away from 2014 too will be deemed an announcement, its import presumably relying on which aspect of the political divide you stand on. Intelligent? Considerably. And if you concentrate on it, amusingly so. The format of this movie is brimming with potential, and has been tapped brilliantly by cinema prior to now, Hollywood’s Forrest Gump being a shining instance. For essentially the most half although, the historic occasions cited in Bharat serve extra as markers of dates slightly than having any fascinating or deep connotation within the context of the main man’s bio. Mix that with the absence of the same old crowd-pleasing Salman Khan insanity, and Bharat finally ends up being neither right here nor there. The humour, for one, is weak. I imply, c’moooon, Bharat’s Mummy says “Tonsil” for “Titanic” (the ship) and he corrects her, announcing the phrase as “Titonic” as an alternative. Aiyyo! Eye roll. Oddly sufficient, the comedy works in its most juvenile parts as a result of these elements are headlined by the inimitable Sunil Grover or Rajiv Gupta. The 2 ace their respective scenes. Katrina Kaif and Salman Khan in a nonetheless from Bharat. Picture through Twitter Khan and Kaif, alternatively, are off the mark and off color all through. Nope, even when Bharat addresses Kumud as “Madam Sir” with the actor’s signature cutesiness it falls flat. Kaif’s Hindi diction has at all times been problematic, right here it’s not even papered over with the by-now-standard her-character-grew-up-outside-India excuse and the best way she says the English phrase “retailer” greater than as soon as in a specific scene could be very distracting. Just like the duo’s performances, Bharat‘s songs too are lacklustre. Irshad Kamil’s lyrics for ‘Gradual movement’ are kinda entertaining, ‘Zinda’ is sorta catchy, however on the entire I discovered myself questioning when Vishal and Shekhar will subsequent give you a soundtrack to match the memorability they delivered in Dostana. Little question Zafar means properly with Bharat, however his writing typically unwittingly shows his social conditioning even when he’s trying a progressive message. That is epitomised by a scene wherein Bharat tries to persuade an African pirate that there isn’t a color prejudice in India, which is ironic contemplating that their dialog is contained in a scene that includes a racist joke a few black-skinned south Indian man. In contrast to the latest Bollywood launch Kalank, the villains of Partition in Bharat usually are not confined to the Muslim group. In a decade when the world and India have been engulfed by Islamophobia, that is vital. Nonetheless, Zafar’s choice to incorporate the nationwide anthem proper in the course of the movie needs to be questioned, figuring out as we try this the anthem has been a supply of rigidity in some halls in recent times with sure viewers members selecting to make use of it as a software to vent a sure nationalist aggression towards others. At one other place Zafar questions the necessity for marriage, which is a gutsy factor to do for a Hindi filmmaker – after which he pulls again. And the best way Disha Patani’s character enters then abruptly exits the scene turns into one more occasion of the dispensability of glamorous girls in business Hindi cinema. The very best of Bharat comes proper to start with after which nearly in the direction of the top. The preliminary portrayal of the Partition and later efforts to reunite households separated on the time could appear emotionally over-wrought to some, however I confess I used to be lowered to tears in each segments. Sadly, what comes between, although largely inoffensive is simply sporadically rewarding. Removed from being a Forrest Gump with Salman Khan, Bharat is generally a plodding trek by way of post-1947 to up to date India. Up to date Date: Jun 05, 2019 16:59:20 IST Your information to the newest election information, evaluation, commentary, stay updates and schedule for Lok Sabha Elections 2019 on firstpost.com/elections. Comply with us on Twitter and Instagram or like our Facebook web page for updates from all 543 constituencies for the upcoming basic elections. !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) {if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function() {n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments)} ; if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window,document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '259288058299626'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "http://connect.facebook.net/en_GB/all.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.9&appId=1117108234997285"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Source link
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kristie-rp · 6 years
[2016] A Series of Coincidences is Called, “The Universe is Having You On”
Prompt: Found their phone number in a library book au
“Todays’ the day,” Xavier declares to his breakfast – scrambled eggs and toast, because his dad takes being a chef very seriously don’t laugh, Xav – and then gives a determined nod. “I can absolutely do this.”
And maybe he could, but when he gets to school and hangs out all day, even having the stupid note – something he did purely because he overheard her complain that she’s sick of being the messenger for her more popular twins notes, I want some for me, damn it – all prepared and written out ahead of time, ready to slip into her locker or, if he’s feeling particularly brave, into her notebook. The one with the little sketches all over it.
It’s not until after school, when he’s waiting for Isaac’s chauffeur to give them a lift to karate, that he finds out what happened. “Didja hear?” Isaac asks, more attractive with his actually decent looking facial hair (especially for a 14 year old, which, what) and his flawless olive skin and expertly quaffed hair, as he flops down on the stairs where Xavier has sprawled out, face-down on the concrete. “The hot twins got expelled. You know – the one that thinks she’s a dude and the one you have a boner for.”
Xavier does know. He sits up just to tear the little note to shreds. So much for that, he thinks, and in a dramatic teenaged fit later that night, he gives up on the idea of Pandora Rodriquez, gorgeous artist extraordinaire, and then on romance altogether.
It’s ridiculous but Isaac dares him to do it and the new guy encourages the whole thing, so Xavier writes his mobile number on a post it and sticks it in the book he was hoping had information for the stupid class project that he doesn’t want to do. This is what he gets for hoping art history is actually interesting, and as he packs up to leave he swears the terrifying librarian with her magenta hair and dark skin knows exactly what he just did (judging by the snickering from the shelves, the womans boyfriend definitely knows), because she just keeps staring at him. He smiles uneasily and gets the hell out of there, forgetting about it once Vincent and Isaac finish teasing his damn unfortunate self (“You actually did it? Dude, you could’ve just pretended.” “Shut up and do something about your gigantic bisexual boner for the new guy,” Xavier snaps and hits Isaac with a pillow, because he’s still paranoid the librarian will show up and scold him for abusing books despite the fact that he lives on the opposite side of town to the library).
It’s a week later when he gets a text from a number he doesn’t recognise.
(3:43PM) so does this thing help at all with th project on “obscure fuckin artists” or
(3:44 PM) ? what are you talking about
(3:44 PM) who is this by the way
(3:50 PM) hellloooo? 
(4:22 PM) soz not soz. ur number’s in this book. at the library. that was u, rght? 
(4:24 PM) oh. yeah. 
(4:27 PM) but that book was rubbish. i ended up just googling
(4:27 PM) asdhfkldsahfkdlfkjsa 
(4:28 PM) u srs? 
(4:34 PM) breathe, random angry text person
He doesn’t get another text back that day, but he and the unknown number are in contact for a long time yet.
College is fantastic. And by that of course Xavier means he hates it. He tells his cereal as much one morning, never mind that he isn’t even a college student, waiting for Isaac to quit hogging the fucking breakfast. “I hate college.” Just for good measure, he texts the random angry text person (now called ‘poxy paint’ because why not) from sophomore year the same thing.
(7:43 AM) u wke me up for ths shit 
(7:45 AM) you want problems? my roommate sings in the shower
 He snorts, because he can hear Isaac singing fucking Keep Moving On in the next room, and it’s mornings like this that he regrets renting an open plan living space. There’s a bathroom and one closed off room, which sucks because Isaac, as the one who actually has the sex life, is the one who gets dibs. Xavier’s still pining after a crush he had in middle and high school (he regrets nothing, damn it, except for a stupid ripped up note that melted in the rain six years ago).
(7:50 AM) coffeeeeeee
(7:52 AM) nyway. u still wanna meet me? coz im free today
 (7:53 AM) i can come to that shop thing if u want? sis nd her friends want to do smth “cultural” or w/e
 He stares at his phone for a full two minutes before grinning at his cereal, dropping the spoon. “I could actually meet them? Do I want to? Will I ruin everything?
“Quit talking to your fucking food!” Isaac calls. Xavier calls back that he should fuck himself while he’s in there, then texts back.
(7:56 AM) sorry that took so long 
(7:57 AM) the show starts at 10 if your serious. convention center and all 
(8:03 AM) ill b th chick wiv the twin, a lost boi and a crown 
(8:05 AM) i’ll be waiting for you your highness
Vince helps out with the stall, because Isaac has advanced quantum physics or whatever the fuck he’s studying now. Xavier doesn’t care enough to know for sure, and wouldn’t even have an idea it was physics if he hadn’t tripped over a book that morning (“Why is a physics textbook next to the shower?” “I need that for class!” “Noooo? And here I thought you had it for light reading.” “Alright, no need to be sarcastic.”), but it means that he and Vince are manning the stall. Well, Vince is manning the stall. Xavier is mostly just being anxious and doodling little animals running around in circles. When the guy his roommate still has a bisexual boner for (even after they actually did something about it that one Thanksgiving break) became the most responsible person in his life, he doesn’t know, but it’s nice listening to someone other than him argue that his art is worth the price he affixes with little removable tags.
“Vince?” a confused voice chimes. Xavier rolls his eyes – it isn’t the first time someone has recognised the guy who will always be “the new guy” in his social circle – and looks up to scan the room for the crown, the twin and the ‘lost boy’ once again. Seeing nothing, he sighs and looks back at his doodles. “You’re the awkward artist dude?”
Vince looks positively delighted, Xavier discovers when his hand cramps and he looks up yet again as he shakes it out. “Oh my god, you’re the mysterious textee? Seriously?” Maybe he wasn’t there for the event itself, but he knows the story about Xavier’s gigantic crush, courtesy of Isaac himself. He turns to Xavier, says unnecessarily loudly, “Hey Xavier, I didn’t realise it was my Pandora.”
The look Xavier shoots him could wither a sunflower, but Vince just jumps to his feet, gesturing for Pan to come around. “You know what, you two should absolutely take care of things here, I want a break anyway.” He grabs the other guy – who’s mostly just standing there looking bewildered – by the hand and drags him away, borderline skipping. The other girl raises an eyebrow at the one with the – with the crown?
“Is this the guy,” she asks, except it doesn’t quite sound like a question.
“Uh,” the girl says, eloquently, then turns to him. “Phone.”
Xavier points at the counter, baffled, and lets her go through the thing, unlocked to play music as he works. After a moment she emits a triumphant little noise and nods at the other girl – who shakes her head and leaves – and drops the phone on his page. “Hey, so, this is a little bit weird, but – I think I’m the person you’ve been texting for, like, six years or something.” She taps her head; a glance has Xavier realising he didn’t look close enough to spot the fucking crown. It’s paper and bright pink, covered in so much glitter and beads that he’s not sure it’s not just stuck to her hair with glue.
And, worse, he knows her. “Holy shit.” Because maybe Vince thinks this is his Pandora, but before she was his she was his, Xavier’s, in his dreams at least. “This is going to sound absolutely insane, but – you went to Saint Jude’s and got expelled, didn’t you? You’re, uh, you supposedly set something on fire?”
“It was for art,” she retorts, indignant, “why?”
“Because I was, uh,” and he mumbles the last part as quickly as he can, wanting it over with as his cheek turn bright fucking red, “planning on asking you out literally the day you got expelled.”
She starts laughing a minute later, and then, out of sheer desperation, so does he. At this points it’s that or cry.
0 notes
go-redgirl · 6 years
Wow, Highest Poll Numbers In The History Of The Republican Party. Twitter ^ | 07/29/18 | Donald J. Trump
Posted on ‎7‎/‎29‎/‎2018‎ ‎11‎:‎31‎:‎27‎ ‎AM by Enlightened1
Wow, highest Poll Numbers in the history of the Republican Party. That includes Honest Abe Lincoln and Ronald Reagan. There must be something wrong, please recheck that poll!
(Excerpt) Read more at twitter.com
President Trump just received the Highest poll numbers in the HISTORY of the Republican party. Congress near the lowest!.....
Just think too this is what the Fake Stream Media will admit even with their rigged polls to make President Trump look bad. Haha!
Go President Trump!!!
1 posted on ‎7‎/‎29‎/‎2018‎ ‎11‎:‎31‎:‎27‎ ‎AM by Enlightened1
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To: Enlightened1
2 posted on ‎7‎/‎29‎/‎2018‎ ‎11‎:‎31‎:‎35‎ ‎AM by Enlightened1
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To: Enlightened1
So the sellout morons respond by declaring they will not fund the wall.
3 posted on ‎7‎/‎29‎/‎2018‎ ‎11‎:‎35‎:‎54‎ ‎AM by gibsonguy
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To: Enlightened1
The responses to the President’s tweets are hilarious. He’s not just inside the heads of leftists, he’s installed a luxury condo :)
4 posted on ‎7‎/‎29‎/‎2018‎ ‎11‎:‎37‎:‎15‎ ‎AM by littleharbour ("You take on the intel community they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you" C. Schumer)
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To: littleharbour
Trump derangement syndrom on full display.
You know, it sends them into a rage that President Trump lives in their head...., “rent free”.
5 posted on ‎7‎/‎29‎/‎2018‎ ‎11‎:‎39‎:‎22‎ ‎AM by Enlightened1
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To: gibsonguy
Ryan is on the way out, and being a complete @sshat about it.
6 posted on ‎7‎/‎29‎/‎2018‎ ‎11‎:‎40‎:‎44‎ ‎AM by Enlightened1
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To: Enlightened1
They don’t deserve it and wouldn’t have it if the ‘Rats weren’t going totally insane.
7 posted on ‎7‎/‎29‎/‎2018‎ ‎11‎:‎40‎:‎55‎ ‎AM by Paine in the Neck ( Socialism consumes EVERYTHING!)
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To: Enlightened1
Low taxes, good jobs, national security, and minimal government are all that 70% of the voters ever wanted ...
Republicans are delivering, while Democrats kick and scream in frustration
Dems are headed towards a buzzsaw this fall
8 posted on ‎7‎/‎29‎/‎2018‎ ‎11‎:‎46‎:‎37‎ ‎AM by canuck_conservative
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To: Enlightened1
Yep, he’s mastered both ends of the real estate industry— both as a landlord and a tenant!
9 posted on ‎7‎/‎29‎/‎2018‎ ‎11‎:‎53‎:‎14‎ ‎AM by Jaysin
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To: Jaysin
10 posted on ‎7‎/‎29‎/‎2018‎ ‎11‎:‎56‎:‎43‎ ‎AM by Enlightened1
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To: canuck_conservative
Comments are all panic stricken. Typical classless elitists and their filthy mouths.
11 posted on ‎7‎/‎29‎/‎2018‎ ‎12‎:‎02‎:‎23‎ ‎PM by albie
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To: littleharbour
Trump sure knows how to push their buttons. :D
12 posted on ‎7‎/‎29‎/‎2018‎ ‎12‎:‎19‎:‎57‎ ‎PM by EdnaMode
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To: Enlightened1
I wonder what poll he is talking about?
13 posted on ‎7‎/‎29‎/‎2018‎ ‎12‎:‎21‎:‎57‎ ‎PM by BeauBo
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To: Enlightened1
The troll comments to the tweet are hilarious.
14 posted on ‎7‎/‎29‎/‎2018‎ ‎12‎:‎25‎:‎32‎ ‎PM by Yo-Yo (Is the /sarc tag really necessary?)
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To: Jaysin
That’s a great line! It needs an intro phrase like, “..from building 50 story skyscrapers in New York City to living rent-free in their minds, Trump is the master of real estate; from landlord to tenant.
15 posted on ‎7‎/‎29‎/‎2018‎ ‎12‎:‎27‎:‎43‎ ‎PM by Attention Surplus Disorder (Apoplectic is where we want them)
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To: gibsonguy
They seem to think they have a safe margin to play Rockefeller/Romney Republican with. I think Trump actully could start a movement that would displace them, eventually.
16 posted on ‎7‎/‎29‎/‎2018‎ ‎12‎:‎34‎:‎12‎ ‎PM by Psalm 144 (TEAM WEASEL: fraudulent bumbling imposters)
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To: canuck_conservative
“Dems are headed towards a buzzsaw this fall”
Yes, I’d like to be a “fly on the wall” in the Democrats secret oh $hit meetings.” It must be really hard to act like they’re winning when, privately, they know already that they’re going to get their a$$es kicked in November.
17 posted on ‎7‎/‎29‎/‎2018‎ ‎12‎:‎34‎:‎52‎ ‎PM by vette6387
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To: Jaysin
18 posted on ‎7‎/‎29‎/‎2018‎ ‎12‎:‎38‎:‎05‎ ‎PM by miniTAX
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To: Enlightened1
We all need to bombard McTurtle and Paul Ryno about funding the wall now!
19 posted on ‎7‎/‎29‎/‎2018‎ ‎1‎:‎48‎:‎18‎ ‎PM by tinamina
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To: Enlightened1
I think he is talking about the Gallup poll and the Republican share. Polling at 90% of the Republicans.
20 posted on ‎7‎/‎29‎/‎2018‎ ‎2‎:‎08‎:‎06‎ ‎PM by Revolutionary ("Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition!")
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apsbicepstraining · 7 years
47 Funny Memes That Will Speak To Your Inner Basic Bitch
You’re working at a hedge fund? bro that’s awesome. you were always pretty unoriginal and I had a seeming you would do coin for a living. Can you maybe keep your accomplishments to yourself before it daunts everybody else at this party? Some of us are on a lot of drugs right now and frankly it’s rude to talk about you convene developmental milestones and having “love” in your life. Thanks. (@ cabbagecatmemes )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 3, 2015 at 9:51 pm PDT
hey … “xavier” … Have I told you that you are.. Hands down … my brand-new favorite person? oh, YOU say I exactly told you that thirty seconds ago but I recollect( belch) I will be, government officials magistrate of time in this gondola, Chavier. Because … I examined time in, college .. Chaviery ,,, whats the craziest act you’ve seen as a sled driver in this city. hahahaha oh shit I just said “sled driver ??! ” ahahaha Javier that’s INSANE … It’s, primarily, the reason for that, is earlier the other day there was a movie about sled wolfs and I guess it’s down there .. In, my subconscious. Melvin? I don’t kno- sorry, Xaviery? I don’t know if I have my keys to my, neighbourhood. So this will be, preferably entertaining your best friend, when I have to kick the door down to get In. But in the big picture I’m just so happy that .. Chavier saved me from that party tonight. Chavier, you are coming to my family’s thanksgiving. Yeah you are. You wait and look, Carlos when That request comes to Your Lincoln navigator, which I would like to tell your boss that you also Impede very clean and searching( belching) majestic. You’re gonna be there at thanksgiving with me as, my parents- behavior of thanking you for saving Me . . It’s how science toils. What’re you gonna wear? (@ cabbagecatmemes )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 3, 2015 at 7:29 am PDT
Really, bro? You got a picture of yourself sitting next to a minor luminary who seems uncomfortable and under duress? Got bottle service at the association and felt like sharing the receipt with the world? New sneakers? Congratulations. You precisely applied the most horrible, obnoxious humblebrag and now I’m legally allowed to drown you .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 3, 2015 at 5:09 pm PDT
damn, babe. we was texting backward and forward all day. then my epoch then was real brightened when that pic of u came through. there u were. my girlfriend. skimpy organization. iPhone pointed at that mirror in yo bedroom. u lookin mad cute. mad good. i ain’t consider no teeth but that’s cool cus ur lips was pursed in a seductive lil knowing smile. it was like yo look was saying “Yeah we did all kinds of sinful-ass things together last weekend but I ain’t relenting and merely my husband kno jus how freaky I am& far as the rest the world referred, I’m a actual angel. a angel that wear lingerie, for the purposes of our painting .’ I be smilin so hArd. then I check the instagram … YO! how person got into my phone and threw my phone on the Instagram ?? and who this nigga’ giantspro1 38′ script that my daughter “gorgeous.” hold up … Oh fuck no. you done uploaded my draw to the Instagram? why, daughter? I don’t adoration u enough? who u tryna share that smile with? damn … guess everyone gonna ascertain I went good taste that’s cool. and I ain’t callin I a chisel or a thirsty, but embankment. predict the freaky happens that we do, r exclusively between me and u& thousands of strange people that look our social medias .. not mad … precisely feelin like, 20% less special rite now
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 15, 2015 at 5:05 pm PDT
learning by star-wipes
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 13, 2015 at 3:29 pm PDT
the hills come alive, husband. fuck’s sake .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 13, 2015 at 10:03 am PDT
blessed to announce that I am anointed to announce these realistic seems .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 2, 2015 at 10:10 pm PDT
oh hey girl. or we could talk about potassium, k. Cherish some chemistry talk if u just knowing that amine
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 2, 2015 at 6:37 pm PDT
the fuckboy shirt, by @dizzle_saint_james
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 2, 2015 at 7:58 am PDT
hobbies include doing coin for a living. awaiting till I’m blackout wino to express any seems. and shorts with little swine on them to showcase my wild slope. do u even asset bank bro?( tweet by @stuartvcraig )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 15, 2015 at 11:59 am PDT
first baristas gotta find me … what’s 50 kors pouch to a motherfucka like me can you delight prompt me ?
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 1, 2015 at 8: 08 pm PDT
Yes, I’ll have a Venti mete child abuse with two kills of Okay This is Kind of Adorbs but Definitely Mentioning This in Therapy. Why white people need closer monitoring, Exhibit# 82,868 B “Train up a basic in the way she should go, and when she is old she shall not deviating from it.” -Kors 4:13 (@ periodictabledancer )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 1, 2015 at 4:12 pm PDT
I would give this target zero starrings if I could, but I’m legally required to give them one idol. I don’t commonly use the computer. But after “dining” at this hellish Turkish prison disguised as an alleged “restaurant, ” I enrolled in a continuing training direction at my town’s library to learn about the Internet so I could alarm others to prevent this situate that destroyed their own families. We made a reservation for two. When we arrived, there was a junk on the storey. When I objected this out to the “manager, ” he told me that there are tens of billions of junk corpuscles in the air at any right moment and that they may actually be composed of the representatives of my own scalp and rudely suggested that I would enjoy my dining experience more if I didn’t drawing my electron microscope to the counter. Nice try! When the liquid arrived, my teeth were rudely awakened by the most obnoxiously cold ice cubes I have ever been assaulted with. I now take medication to deal with the stress of ingesting here once. If I save simply one life by writing this, my sacrifice may precisely be worth it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to read Fifty Shades of Grey to my felines.( via @robfee11 )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 1, 2015 at 3:19 pm PDT
Did He like, come down from a mountain? Was there a burning bush that spoke to you? Did He give you permission to talk about it on Instagram? Did he send you the Kors pocketed or just give you the strength to evident one? (@ trevso_personal )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 1, 2015 at 6:51 am PDT
be safe. make sure Netflix& shivering doesn’t become Netflix& children( via @carolynduchene )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 14, 2015 at 8: 23 am PDT
hope this obligates your day astounding
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Oct 1, 2015 at 6:25 am PDT
you know how that shit get .. missin’ that ex that was shit for you WOAH! yeah they are able to verse em and perhaps sexuality em but 3 hours later it’s like NO! I need a shower a Xanax and a brand-new country to GO
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 30, 2015 at 3:57 pm PDT
shoutout to all my sleepless friends in various regions of the world who are capable of play this tonight. first to pick up the phone and text a shitty ex loses. hang in there. trev loves you
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 28, 2015 at 8: 11 pm PDT
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 21, 2015 at 10:35 pm PDT
“Evolution of a Friday Night.” -by @ katethewasp Tag some1 u enjoy but u r too tired 2 realistically hang w/ 2nite !
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 18, 2015 at 7:41 am PDT
realistic friend points
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 13, 2015 at 7:11 am PDT
shoutout to those girls you’ve been following on Instagram for 3 years. U construed slew of thirst-trap mirror selfies with lots of creepy remarks under them from busters hopin’ they had a chance. Every now and then- something slightly unexplained like maybe a picture of a gift like a glistening duo of Loubs with no caption or explanation of where them shoes received from. Or maybe once every the three months you received her standing on a balcony of a neat Caribbean hotel and she smiling and it’s like’ who took this painting ?’ but you shrug it off and say it was probly her mamas. she close with her mommas and they are likely travel together. most of her feed be typical daughter substance. out boozing w/ pals. out at EDM celebrations with the flower headdress and the tit out and she lookin like a free spirit and prob on molly and u lurkin her sheet for years and the the working day BAM! “so this just happened can’t just waiting invest the rest of my life undertaking my perfect man.” Hold up hold out hold out run the goddamn infringes. You went 3,800 photos and not a single one of them boast a actual gentleman. not formerly. not one actual being. now you just discontinue this wedding missile on the world? girlfriend, what in the fuck else is you capable of obscure? u straight up attracted some talented mr ripley shit on the whole world. experience your wedding, assassin .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 10, 2015 at 11:05 am PDT
honestly whatever rn
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 7, 2015 at 8: 02 pm PDT
On the Internet, all the refrigerate children are like “sorry I missed your bellow, I don’t use my phone for that ” or “calling someone is the rudest concept you can do.” Nah son. Nah. You know what’s rude? Roping me in to a half-day long’ exchange’ where I have to stare at my radioactive telephone and sort shit while I dismiss the people I’m next to and read your abbreviations and emojis to are going to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow: that it would be better to meet up next week for dinner instead of tonight. Most of you are safe, but if you’re my lover or one of the 3 parties I care about- I might actually call your ass. Wrap yo mind around that. You and me. Voice to singer , motherfucker. Just like they did in caveman daylights. Paleo communication. Namaste .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Sep 6, 2015 at 9:56 am PDT
literally done with negativity. getting all the negativity out of my life. going on a killing rampage to get rid of the negative beings. kors .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 16, 2015 at 10:27 pm PDT
don’t let fitness points prevent you from living the life you were meant to enjoy .
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 16, 2015 at 11:49 am PDT
for anyone who saw you last night
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 16, 2015 at 7:25 am PDT
truly transportive know (@ dizzle_saint_james )
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 12, 2015 at 6:50 pm PDT
priorities, bro. I’ve been steady laughing at this image all morning like an imbecile
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 12, 2015 at 10:30 am PDT
greet the sunup get back in touch with a whole cluster of random parties. Nervously alphabetize everything in your kitchen. Scavenge the flooring like it’s never been scavenged before. Forget what nutrient is for 10 hours. Appear a strange gumption of attainment although you invested the day focusing even harder on your distractions
A photo posted by trevso_electric (@ trevso_electric) on Aug 12, 2015 at 8: 01 am PDT
The post 47 Funny Memes That Will Speak To Your Inner Basic Bitch appeared first on apsbicepstraining.com.
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NICOLE July 5, 2017 at 7:22 am Please stop using mental illness as an excuse to be an asshole. Mental illness does not force you to be horrible to people. Also remember Kanye was doing this long before his breakdown. Rap is built on beef so frankly I’m not surprised he came for Kanye. He came for his wife and by all gossip accounts Kimye are obsessed with Bey and Jay. 4:44 is pretty great and some of Jay’s best. It’s also more than this stupid beef MARIA F. July 5, 2017 at 7:31 am I totally agree. Maybe Kanye’s environment should have prevented him from performing in such a state, but of course, he is their cash cow. But even if he was not feeling well, Jay Z has the right to be offended by what was said. At the end of the day, i believe this is all about controversy and selling records. Everybody has been focused on that line since the album dropped. RENEE2 July 5, 2017 at 7:39 am Okay, Deriding people’s mental health issues is sh*tty and I don’t condone it. But I don’t understand why people are acting shocked at Jay-Z, as though he were of such staunch moral fiber before. The guy is smart, successful, and can be funny but he is also a mercenary, deeply misogynist, and frankly, more than a bit sleazy. I mean, people have heard his rhymes about women, right? Not to mention his profligate use of the nword. Dude is hardly PC. Kanye is also a douche. Again, how many times has he been offensive. This is another misogynist, and one who has used homophobic slurs in his rhymes although he professes to be queer positive. We’re supposed to forget all that because we now deem him to have mental health issues??? As Nicole stated, we should not give him a pass just because he is not well, dude is an *sshole, plain and simple. NICOLE July 5, 2017 at 7:49 am Exactly. People act like having a mental illness is a magic wand that makes people forgive and forget what you did easily. That’s not how that works. It doesn’t erase why you did or how people felt because of your actions. I tell clients this all the time. You cannot control how people react to you. Being mentally ill may give them a framework for more understanding but again it does not erase the action. And Kanye was an ass before this. So yep. DEM July 5, 2017 at 8:13 am “he is also a mercenary, deeply misogynist, and frankly, more than a bit sleazy. I mean, people have heard his rhymes about women, right?” Jay Zs lyrics on women are actually among the least misogynist of the genre. Two weeks ago we had an Eminem post and not only was there no mention of his violent lyrics against women, it was filled with “he is so cute” comments. And my post on his lyrics some of which threaten a specific woman by name were moderated out. But here we are, the instant the subject is a black dude…. Its “dude is hardly PC”. “Not to mention his profligate use of the nword”…..lmao As if the N-er word was not already on the tips of white tongues. Yes’ its the song about black people in Paris and not white peoples unadulterated hate thats the problem. Those black people who dont wish to reclaim ithe word are entitled to that opinion and should just not use it. I stand firmly and proudly in the reclaim camp. This site reclaims “bitchy”, gay people reclaim the F word and Its not your business that black men and women have reclaimed the N word. RENEE2 July 5, 2017 at 8:32 am @DEM, I can’t tell if you are trolling (I think you probably are) or not but here goes: 1) The point that I was making was that BOTH Jay-Z and Kanye have used problematic language so we shouldn’t be shocked if that Jay is being insensitive in this instance, nor should we necessarily be sympathetic to Ye in this instance because he has a history or being an insensitive clod too. 2) I can’t comment on the Eminem thread as I am also not here for that trick for numerous reasons, including his misogyny, so uh, nice try 3) Though I wasn’t critiquing Jay’s use of the nword, but rather was saying that his use of it demonstrates that he does not subscribe to notions of what is considered to be acceptable, I am also not here for that term. It is ugly, it is violent, and I don’t think that it’s something that Black people need to reclaim. I don’t know how you got that I was not Black from my comments but I am so you can step off with telling how I should feel about. ERINN July 5, 2017 at 8:47 am Dem - I know Em has been called out plenty on this site. He hasn’t gotten a big magical pass by any means. I don’t actually think I saw the recent Em post – and I’ve been on this site for like 5 years or more. Some posts slip through the cracks, or people are busy, or whatever. Personally I think Em is incredibly talented – but also someone who grew up with a really f—ed up life. It doesn’t excuse his behavior as an adult, but I also don’t look at him and think “he had every chance, and a healthy relationship with women, why is he talking this shit”. He was a mess, he’s gotten a lot better about certain things, but the Slim persona is played up so much, and a lot of awful things are said across so many categories. I tend to think of Jay similarly. He got dealt a sh-t hand growing up – he pulled himself up, but unfortunately his lyrics still are incredibly problematic at times. He’s still incredibly talented, and I don’t think his lyrics are an exact display of who he is as a person. I think most artists exaggerate like crazy and try to keep a persona kind of separate from their real life, but it doesn’t mean that it’s ‘okay’ that they say the things they do. I’m not writing him off as a person because of it though. As long as there is growth happening – that’s great. But if they suddenly devolve into a much worse place, then I’m going to have to stop supporting them as artists. KONFUSED July 5, 2017 at 9:28 am @Renee2 whether you are black or not is irrelevant when you say “I don’t think that it’s something that Black people need to reclaim”..you should step off on telling other people how you feel about their use of the N-word it really doesn’t matter if you approve of it or not SANDERS July 5, 2017 at 9:58 am Nicole, from previous posts including this one, it sounds like you are a therapist. I’m surprised you are minimizing JayZ use of words crazy and insane to describe someone with a mental illness. Of course people with a mental illness have to examine their behaviours and coping strategies etc, though in the midst of a breakdown, self awareness takes a back seat. Lets also hold JayZ responsible for his mocking of people with mental health issues and I encourage you to check out the excellent comments from Claire down below. Me= If she's a therapist, I don't want her as mine. She probably works for talkspace? RENEE2 July 5, 2017 at 10:56 am @ KONFUSED Why should I step off telling a poster how I feel about the word when said poster is putting words in my mouth and twisting what I wrote? And again, the reason that I mentioned my racial identity was because the poster stated that I wasn’t in a position to comment on Jay Z’s use of the nword because they assumed I was not Black. Everyone comes here to offer an opinion and get on our respective soapboxes so GTFO with telling me not to share my thoughts on a topic. BRIDGET July 5, 2017 at 11:20 am @Konfused – you’re coming off like you don’t actually have something to say and just want to be mean to someone to make yourself feel better. RENEE2 July 5, 2017 at 11:53 am @KONFUSED Yep, that’s me, the proverbial angry Black woman, lol. Hope it’s not too damp where you’re stationed under the bridge. @ Bridget, Thank you!! IDONTKNOWYOUYOUDONTKNOWME July 5, 2017 at 2:05 pm Well, for example borderline disorder and what is perceived as “a-holeish behavior” kindof come hand in hand RONALDINHIO July 5, 2017 at 5:03 pm Whilst you are all saying mental ill health doesn’t give you a pass I’m gonna have to stop ya Many of the behaviours that West exhibited could be signs of a growing mania and paranoia that could present or exist co morbidly with and anxiety disorder or depressive illness. As reported he may have bi polar disorder which might not have been accurately medicated. All or none of these things may have been his actual disorder and all may have been exacerbated by lack of sleep and over work. His grandiosity, rambling, hyper activity, sensitivity moving into paranoia psychosis or mania all sounds like it could be easily described by a mental health disorder. Ignoring the lack of control someone has during an episode of mental ill health or trying to blame them when they often have little control is poor form. LLAMAS July 5, 2017 at 10:51 pm Sick. I have BPD and have never been described as an a**hole. People with BOD treat themselves the worst. FLORC July 5, 2017 at 7:04 pm And being a jerk can be a sign of mental illness. You cannot know either way unless you are much much closer than a commenter here. Im reserving judgement. Kanye is outrageous a lot of the time and shows erratic behavior, but also has appeared to have experienced some incredibly traumatic events. That doesn’t get healed easily if ever.
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rachelykim · 7 years
The Begending.
Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning. -Winston Churchill
9:45 pm - the beginning of my last week of grad school. starting this painful allnighter with slight optimism while, as a form of personal anarchy contriving it’s the institution’s fault for my academic demise from extreme procrastination, I’ve donned a Berkeley sweater in a much crowded UCLA Powell Library and drank half my Venti Starbucks with two extra shots of espresso from around 4 pm today. Current status: I am off 4 hours of sleep from last night. The Chinese fob boy (yes I’m stereotyping and not PC tonight, UCLA WATCHOUT) with giant earphones and papers strewn all in front of him glares at me for a good minute and my sweatshirt as if I am the reason he suffers from finals week. Yes I am. Be afraid. Fear the night.The girl next to me has her head down and is KO’ed. Here it begins. Tonight, oh tonight. Stay tuned.
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End goal: 3 final papers due tomorrow- a total of around 75 pages. Coffee, you’ve become my best friendemy these past few months.
Update- 11:30pm : Paper 1 (mostly finished last night) complete. Revised and turned in online. Currently listening to Celine Dion’s My Heart Will Go On. Why do I feel like everything I turn in as of late is a rephrasing of an amalgamation of a whole myriad of articles to avoid plagiarism? On the other hand, Agent Orange victims still need appropriate and adequate redress and millions still suffer from the effects of exposure to the herbicide to the third generation. Near, far wherever you are, the effects of poisonous wartime chemical herbicides will go on and on. Onto the criticism of Disney.
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12:38 AM: uh oh. I can’t concentrate even after an hour. the starbucks drink has been drained and there are no food places on campus. I’ve moved locations and turned on Disney music to focus but it feels devastatingly in vain.
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2:12 am: c’mon Moana, you gotta do more than that to pump me up right now. Currently on page 7 of paper 2
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4:10 am:  Page ten of Paper 2. I’m running out of fumes. I fear that because I only write Tumblr posts and take pics during finals, when I look back on these ten years later, I’ll only remember looking like this.
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5:06 AM: I just realized in one of my internet perusings in mindless wanderings at this desolate point of essaywriting, that I titled a tumblr post 7 years ago my freshman year of undergrad “The End of the Beginning”. I basically regurgitated the same idea in my brain from 7 hours ago when I started this post-I am so unoriginal, man. 
7:16 AM: I fell asleep on a chair and woke up in fetal position.  Moved to the basement of YRL library--this is 4th location change in the hopes of new waves of literary genius sparking per location. Page 12 of paper 2. let’s do it.
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10:05 AM: zippadee doo da. Paper 2 is haphazardly finished. I have learned all the ways in which the Disney conglomerate in the politics of representation might show the precarious balance of modernism vs postmodern society in issues of race, gender, and ethnicity. aka. disney is racist and sexist.. but maybe not!
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11:45 am: i have eaten lunch and have that filmy plaque all over my teeth bc i havent brushed my teeth (TMI?). i am halfway through my new iced coffee. One more paper on intergenerational transmission of trauma for 2nd gen Cambodian Americans and resilience in higher education. I really think God’s blessed me with a lot of grace because even if I feel tired and that weird woozy feeling when you don’t sleep, I feel a lot of peace in my soul through these past few weeks. He’s really been sustaining me so I am grateful. As my shirt reads, “Not I, But Christ”- Gal.2:20 whoooo~ LETS KILL IT CMON. 9 hours left til deadline.
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1:35 pm: 17 pages of paper 3. 8 more. i cannot do it. i cannot do it. I CAN DO IT. I SHALL DO IT. I .... cannot. Also the caliber of UCLA students studying for finals is insane. This part of the library is packed with students but absolutely quiet, as it has been since last night or this morning or whenever I got here. They is sirius black about they studies, man. Keep studying, future world-changers and world-shakers! you is smart, you is funny and you is important. Wow, tumblr what would I do if I didn’t have this platform for rambling every finals season?
3:30 pm: 21 pages. 4 more. pho mo. FOMO
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5:37 pm: 25 pages finished. bibliography check. just need to revise and i turn in. Was typing my chat with heidi and realized im so tired i kept spelling “bye” wrong. bai.
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it is time to play. in my bed. under my covers with my best friend, sleep.
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