#it’s like having Neil end up with someone in the mafia why connect Kevin to someone from that part of his life
rainbow-femme · 6 months
I just. I’m never going to understand Kevin’s happy ending being that he ends up with Thea
Thea, who shows up after Kevin makes the terrifying decision to announce part of the abuse he suffered on television in a way that for the first time directly implicates his abuser, and is speaking in a way Neil describes as “angry and mocking” about what Kevin just did
Kevin says “If you’re going to believe me, you need to see Jean first” and Thea does not deny needing to be convinced. Meaning the implication is that Thea is fully aware of the extent of abuse the normal Ravens dealt with, and when hearing that her ex who escaped in the middle of the night did so because of a severe injury given to him by a teammate her reaction is to show up and need to be given a reason to believe him, the abuse victim, and she’s clearly angry at him the entire time she’s demanding evidence of his abuse
There also is an implication with how she talks that she is angry Kevin did not tell her these things himself, even though, again, her reaction was to get angry at Kevin and need to be given a reason to believe he actually was abused
And it’s been confirmed that Thea will always view herself as a Raven, the thing Kevin risked his life to escape, and that she views Kevin’s life of abuse as “no harm no foul” because the abuser died and the horrific physical and mental injuries didn’t stop him from playing the sport
I just. How is that a good ending for Kevin? That he escaped an abusive cult and spends the rest of his life with someone still connected to the cult who views the direct abuse he got from the cult leader as basically a wash because he’s still playing the sport and the cult leader is dead now?
I mean just have it be like Allison or Renee where he marries a woman he meets after the books end, someone who represents the future he chose and not the abusive past he had to endure and then escape. I just don’t see how him ending up with someone who thinks the cult he barely escaped from with his life was ultimately not that bad and she’s proud to have been a part of it is in any way happy for him.
It just feels like Kevin is never actually going to be able to escape his past and he’s going to spend his life with someone skeptical of his experiences after spending years with the Foxes and specifically Andrew whose views are “you are never at fault for what other people did to you, you can always move forward, it’s never too late to leave and be happy, there will always be someone who can see what happened to you and believe the best of you and want to support you moving forward”
Why make him a fan of the Trojans, whose culture is the exact opposite of the Ravens, and not at least pair him off with someone there? Have one of the women they play against in that game approach him with compassion like Renee does to Jean? Suggest that she’s happy to support him in any way he needs and then show him calling her a few times in the background of other scenes?
Also the extra content I just
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Kevin keeps an apartment right near the place he was abused his whole life
He has a daughter he forces to play Exy even though she doesn’t want to, that she views it as being forced into a life she never wanted but ultimately it’s fine because she meets their expectations. Like that just sounds like Kevin physically and mentally goes back to the place he was in before and does to his kid some of what was done to him, that he makes his child so miserable she becomes an “emotional nightmare” but it’s written off as fine because she plays well, similar to how Kevin having no choice in life and being treated horrifically was ok because it made him play well
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jingerhead · 2 years
R-role reversal au? Like as in Andrew-Neil role reversal? Or Andrew-Aaron role reversal? Could we have more information please?
Of course lovely!! This is a collab I'm working on with @paradoxolotl and it's technically an Aaron/Andrew role reversal with Neil. The difference is while the twins have completely different backstories, the basics of Neil's is much the same.
Andrew and Aaron are sons of a mafia boss. They went on the run in their teens, their father has been looking for them ever since their mother died and they mysteriously disappeared, but has been unsuccessful. They end up going to Palmetto after being scouted by Wymack and Kevin. Aaron sees it as an opportunity to start a new life, and Andrew will doing anything for his brother. But while they get relatively welcomed by everyone else, the one person onto them is Neil Josten.
Neil Josten was once Nathaniel Wesninski, son of Nathan Wesninski, the serial killer known as the Butcher of Baltimore. Nathan never had connections to anyone like the Moriyamas and Mary never took her son on the run (something he's never forgiven her for). He had planned to run away once he turned 18, but Nathan wasn't going to let anyone go and almost killed them both. Neil survived, was given a new life and new name, got addicted to some medication that induce a form of mania. Wymack found him playing exy and recruited him, and when Kevin ran away from the nest Neil offered him protection so long as Kevin would teach him how to go pro.
Though all 3 of them try to outrun their pasts, they aren't able to. A lot of the events of the series are similar. Here's a little snidbit if you'd like to check some of this out!
“What’s your real name?” Neil asked.
After a split second of hesitation, Andrew told him the truth. “Andrew Minyard.”
“What?” Andrew glanced to his right in time to see Neil’s manic smile actually drop, eyebrows drawing into a frown. “You kept your same first name?”
“Yes,” Andrew said with a shrug.
“That’s so stupid!” Neil exclaimed. Andrew had to wonder for a moment if he was off his meds to be able to pull the face he had on, but he quickly decided he didn’t care. “You can’t keep your same first name! Do you have any idea how easy it would be to find you? You could fucking google it.”
“It’s worked,” Andrew pointed out.
“Maybe because nobody would guess you’d be that dumb,” Neil snapped.
Andrew didn’t argue against it. Now that Neil pointed it out, he supposed it was kind of stupid, but then again…it has worked. He had no idea how his father was trying to find them, but they’ve managed to stay under the radar for this long. Not for much longer, he reminded himself.
“I wasn’t expecting this,” Neil mumbled, shifting where he was sitting on the roof’s edge. “I thought you would’ve said ‘no’. Why’re you giving me this?”
“You haven’t given me a reason to not trust you.”
“Really? I can think of at least thirty reasons off the top of my head.”
“Reasons why someone else shouldn’t trust you, or reasons why you wouldn’t trust yourself?” Andrew asked.
Neil shrugged. “Is there a difference?”
“There is to me,” Andrew said, which was the biggest truth he’d revealed yet.
Neil seemed stunned to silence for a moment, which Andrew allowed himself to revel in. His mouth opened and closed twice before he turned his head and got to his feet, shoving his hands into his pockets. “I can’t tell if you’re choosing to have the worst self-preservation skills or not,” he said, his unsettling grin returning to his face. “Or maybe they’re not for you.”
Heart skipping a beat, Andrew looked away to face the slowly setting sun, knowing that action gave everything away. He didn’t have to say anything for Neil to guess everything with the information he already had, but surprisingly it didn’t scare him at all. All the effort he put in to keep Aaron safe, and he was just handing it away to the son of a serial killer. It was absolutely insane.
And yet.
“Does your brother know?” Neil asked.
“No,” Andrew said, voice soft. He felt exhausted.
After another moment of silence, Neil moved to walk away, his shoes scraping against the concrete of the roof. “I’ll go to the Hemmick’s for Thanksgiving,” he said as he walked away. The slam of the door didn’t feel as harsh as it sounded.
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robincross · 7 years
This one time I attempted to write an Andreil Band AU
“Drinks are on you, remember that.” Andrew says as he follows Kevin into the bar. It’s a small town dive bar in Millport, Arizona. Andrew would rather be anywhere but in this shithole bar which seems to be rather empty. There’s a small stage, whose curtains are currently drawn closed. Kevin scowls, “Aren’t you even worried about the sake of the band, at all?” Andrew rolls his eyes as he pulls out a cigarette and lights it, taking a long drag before blowing a puff of smoke in Kevin’s face.
“I do believe that’s your job. Not mine.”
“Asshole,” Kevin mumbles as he takes a seat at table that’s a decent amount of distance from the small stage. “Seth was medicore at best. You’re better. You know it. If you would just — ”
“Fuck off, Kevin.” Andrew turns his attention to  the stage though as a kid quietly fumbles onto the stage.
Andrew gets up from the table and before Kevin can reach out to stop him, Andrew speaks up, “I’m getting us drinks. There’s no way in hell I am going to listen to a know nothing kid without alcohol in my system.” Andrew holds out his palm towards Kevin, and Kevin reaches into his pockets to pull out several bills to hand over to Andrew. All the while muttering mix of cursed in both French and English. He turns his attention to the kid who is awkwardly standing at the center of the stage with a guitar in his hand. “Hurry the fuck back,” Kevin snaps without so much at glancing back at Andrew. A few minutes later Andrew returns with a tray full of drinks, and proceeds to arrange them in an order to his liking. Andrew glances at the stage and eyes the kid on stage up and down. He seemed abysmally boring with his black hair and dull brown eyes and shitty ragged clothes but despite it all the kid he had to admit—he was cute. Allison would be able to clean up the kid passably. Even with that black hair and those dull brown eyes, his face proved to be well—well something that he wouldn’t mind looking at for a while—at least if the kid proved to be a shitty singer his face might make it tolerable. Maybe. The lights dimmed on stage and the host came out on stage. He heard Kevin’s sigh and mutter of, “Fucking finally.” “Hey everyone, thanks for coming out to Millport. Tonight, we have Neil Josten. It’s his last night here, let’s give him a round of applause.” There was a small applause, more out of politeness than anything. Andrew was sure no one came to Millport to hear Josten play, except Kevin (and Andrew because he had no choice really.) “Thank you, Hernandez,” Neil muttered into his microphone. Andrew noticed how Neil avoided looking at the audience and instead how his gaze kept  turning to all the exits in the club. Looking at him one might think stage fright, nothing but a poor scared kid on the stage.  But Neil’s gaze was too focused, an evaluating one that was figuring out the best method of escape if anything went wrong. Well, wasn’t that interesting. Andrew downed a shot and towards the stage. The strumming of Neil’s guitar broke through the stillness of the club.  It sounded too soft in contrast to his raw and desperate voice as he stared singing. Fire and smoke Nothing but bones I watched you disappear into the sand beneath the ocean waves The world keeps turning even though your gone like everything is the same except its not and nothing is fair in this lifetime
Next to Andrew, Kevin taps a soft beat. Andrew rolls his eyes, already knowing how this night is going to end. He also knows better than to think Kevin was genuinely enjoying this kid’s performance, no. He was thinking what he could do to add to it to improve it—to make the song a hit. Truly, that’s what Kevin was listening to right now.
Andrew can’t even begin to imagine what Kevin is seeing right now. He’s boring. With mediocre, if not below mediocre guitar playing skills. His voice has potential but it needs work. people whisper all around me that the world is cruel but I know better it’s not the world that’s cruel but the people living in it
Andrew hears the echoes of brokenness in his voice and pushes the thought away. Fuck this kid. And can you help me from beyond the grave and save me till the last of days because I can’t do this without you Andrew takes another shot. He glances at Kevin, who’s nodding in approval, and there’s a certain flicker of light in his eyes. No doubt thinking how far the kid could possibly make it. Sometimes Andrew wonders if Kevin is on drugs. And I can only run so far without you at my back telling me not to stop so can you help me from beyond the grave and save me till the last of days it won’t be long now
There’s a few moments of silence before there’s a breakout of applause from the crowd. A louder one then from his initial introduction. Neither Kevin nor Andrew clap. They both however reach over to down a shot from the tray. Neil smiles and he finally looks to scan the crowd, scanning from table to table until his gaze settles on Kevin’s and Andrews table. Andrew leans in hoping to catch the kid’s gaze but his gaze turns to Kevin and quickly away to another table and then to the exits. The kid’s face smooths out to a blank mask, Andrew knows all about that trick too well. Neil sets the guitar down and walks over to Hernandez to whisper something. He nearly sprints backstage somewhere after. Oh. Andrew gets up quickly rushing toward a door on the bar floor that he hopes leads backstage. As he does, he hears muffled voices and Kevin calling him to come back and the host announcing that unfortunately Neil is feeling unwell and has to leave. Andrew ignores them all in favor of running down the corridor, past several musical instruments and doesn’t think twice about grabbing a guitar. There’s a hall connecting to the corridor he’s running through and out of pure instinct swings the guitar in the direction of the hall. It hits the wall first, shattering it to pieces but it also makes contact with someone, who’s now lying on the floor. Also lying on the floor seems to be a large guitar case and a duffel bag that the kid had been carrying. He looks down at the kid whose staring at him with blatant disbelief and anger. Lots and lots of anger. Andrew grins and raises two fingers to his forehead in mock salute, “Better luck next time.” “Andrew Joseph Minyard, this is why we can’t have nice things, ” an angry voice is heard down the hall from where Neil came from.  Andrew doesn’t bother looking up and instead turns his attention towards his hands, as if he might have gotten a scratch on them.  He looks back at Neil whose still lying on the floor, holding his arms around his stomach.  Andrew arches an eyebrow in disbelief that he actually hit him that hard. The wall took most of the hit. The kid scowls at him in return as if reading his mind. “I’ll buy them a new guitar, that one was shit anyways,” he replies as he finally looks up at an approaching Wymack with Hernandez trailing close behind. “I meant the kid, Andrew.” “That barely connected with him, if he can’t take a hit then he really shouldn’t be in this business.” “Jesus Christ, Andrew. This is the music industry not a damn mafia.” Andrew shrugs, turning away from Wymack and Hernandez and comes face to face with an angry Kevin. Hernandez kneels and offers a  hand to Neil, “Are you okay, kid?” Neil sits up but doesn’t take his hand. Instead he reaches for his guitar case. He inspects the outside for any damage but doesn’t open it.  He looks up to glare at all the people surrounding him. Andrew can’t help think of a cornered animal, ready to lash out any given moment. He’s all too familiar with the look. “I’m David Wymack, owner of the Foxhole Records. And I’d like to sign you to our label.” Fear flashes in Neil’s eyes as he looks at Wymack while he speaks but it’s masked by blankness soon enough. He laughs, it’s a dark and ugly thing. He struggles to his feet, wrapping an arm around his stomach. He leans back against the wall, trying to steady himself. He leans the guitar case against the wall as well. “Not interested. Here’s a tip though: You really might want  to consider how you go about recruiting people. Someone might think you’re trying to kill them not sign them,” he laughs again. Andrew thinks the kid might be unhinged. “You’ll be working with me. I’m signing you,” Kevin said at last, pushing his way past Andrew and in front of Neil. Neil tensed for a moment, and seemed to flatten himself up against the wall at his approach. “No. No, I’m not good enough to play on the same stage as you.” Neil glances off to the side and straightens himself. He hugs his duffel bag to his stomach when Andrew leans up against the wall next to him. Neil flinches at his approach. “No, quite frankly you play like shit. But you have enough potential and we need to sign someone as soon as possible.” Neil rolls his eyes, “Sounds more like your problem not mine. I’m not interested, okay? Not interested playing for a third rate label and under a has been at that. So, if you excuse me I really need to  be going.” Andrew wants to laugh in less than two minutes he had gone from praising to downright scorn. Interesting. Kevin scowls, “What the fuck did you call me?” “Oh, what a change in tune. Look at that Kevin, someone’s not a fan,” Andrew chimes in. Kevin turns his scowl towards Andrew. Neil makes to move past Andrew, but Andrew is quicker and shoves him up against the wall. “Andrew!” both Kevin and Wymack yell out. They step towards Andrew to get him off Neil but before they can even reach him, Neil breaks Andrew’s hold when he grips his armbands and shoves Andrew off him with a kick to the stomach, knocking him into Kevin. And before Andrew can even think to reach him, Neil has reached for his guitar case and disappears around the corner of the hall. “I am not running after him,” Andrew huffs out. He gives Kevin a quick once over, making sure he is unharmed. He’s clutches one of his arm bands and turns to stare down the direction Neil ran off. “It’s your fault that he ran,” Kevin accuses, moving into Andrew’s  space. It’s only then that Kevin, notices blood dripping down Andrew’s hand. “Andrew, what the fuck? Is that your blood? Are you okay?” Kevin reaches for Andrew’s hand but gets a warning in the form of a glare and a low growl. “He was running away the minute he got off that stage. It’s because of me that you even got to talk to him. Don’t blame me for your shitty persuasion skills, Day.” Andrew steps several feet away from Kevin and Wymack, leaning up against the wall. He ignores his bloody hand in favor of taking out a smoke. “Christ, Andrew, this is not the time for your damn nicotine fix. Take care of that hand. Then we’re going back to the hotel.” Wymack takes a step towards Andrew but is careful to keep his distance. “Oh, but I think it’s the perfect time,” Andrew drawls. “There’s a bathroom down the a few doors down,” Hernandez speaks up, looking  and sounding horrified at the whole situation. Andrew turns to look at him as Hernandez points the way to the bathroom. Andrew brushes past all of them and hears someone follow at his heels. “Andrew, we need him. We need him now. If not then Riko—Riko…he’s going to—he’s—Andrew—“ Andrew spins around to face Kevin, “Quiet Day,” he leans into Kevin and places his non-bloodied hand on to his shoulder, “You trust me don’t you?” Kevin nods, “You’re making it real fucking hard right now.” “He’ll be ready to sign before the morning if he’s not a threat,” Andrew continues down the hall to the bathroom.
Kevin widens his eyes in disbelief, “Threat? He’s just a homeless kid!” Andrew  makes a shooing motion. “Go find out as much information you can about him from Hernandez. He might know where he’s staying at,” Andrew stops outside the bathroom. “Let me help you, Andrew.” Andrew puts out his cigarette against the door, “Leave me the fuck alone, Kevin. Make yourself useful and get us some information, will you?”
Andrew locks the door behind him as he enters the bathroom. He takes out his knives,  slips off his armbands carefully, placing them on the sink counter. He lets out a frustrated sigh as he glances down at where he was bleeding and then to his scars. Fuck. He knew he was stronger than the Neil, but Neil had still been faster than him. Neil read his movements too easily,  he’d known Andrew had knives. The kid gripped his armbands just in time when Andrew was slipping one of his knives out so that it dug into the base of his hand. The kid had threat written all over him. He knew  Kevin somehow. How fucking convenient that Seth overdoses and Riko extends an offer to Foxhole Records to play with them as a temporary fix. How fucking convenient that in turn Wymack is practically desperate to sign anyone to prevent that from happening and now a know nothing Millport street rat just so happened to appear out of nowhere as this was going on. Andrew needed to find Neil and figure out the truth. Best case scenario, he’s just nothing more than scared street rat, then Andrew would get him to sign. Worst case scenario, the kid is a fucking mole and Andrew might just have to kill him.
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nickireadstfc · 7 years
The Foxhole Court, Chapter 4 – And If You Kindly Look To Your Left, You’ll Be Able To See Shit Getting Real
In which I start captaining the Kandreil ship, Orange Sportsball steps up its game, Neil pulls a Son-Goku and then I proceed to lose my shit because wHAT THE FUCK.
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to read The Foxhole Court.
But let’s start at the beginning.
           “Kevin’s on the List,” Nicky said. When Neil frowned, Nicky explained. “It’s a list of celebrities we’re allowed to have affairs with. Kevin is my number three.”
           Neil pretended to understand and changed the topic.
When will Neil stop being #relatable.
Also, one of my besties had a list like that with her last boyfriend! 10/10 would recommend.
Also, who are Nicky’s number two and one because I’m dying to know. Michael Fassbender? Taron Egerton? Michael Clifford? Patty Walters? Zac Efron?
Ah no, sorry, that appears to be my personal list. Got that mixed up.
(You can’t tell me Nicky doesn’t want to bone Zac Efron though. There are only two types of people (who are attracted to men) in the world: People who want to bone Zac Efron, and people who are lying.)
Moving on to our favourite murder son, Andrew, who appears to have exactly zero fucks to give about Exy. No one is surprised. However, he does seem to give a few fucks about Kevin.
Or give them to him? Because this is where the shipping bells started ringing in my overly imaginative brain… which turned out to be not so overly imaginative after all.
           “Stop staring at Kevin so much. You’re making me fear for your life over here.”
           “What do you mean?”
           “Andrew is scary territorial of him. He punched me the first time I said I’d like to get Kevin too wasted to be straight.”
…………. honey, das kinda gay.
My heart already started moving down well-lit, shimmering Kandrew Lane, however Andrew comes out of nowhere and points me back towards more promising pathways:
           Andrew caught Nicky’s jersey in one hand and threw him hard up against the wall. (…)
           “Hey, Nicky,” Andrew said in stage-whisper German. “Don’t touch him, you understand?”
           “You know I’d never hurt him. If he says yes-“
           “I said no.”
           “Jesus, you’re greedy,” Nicky said. “You already have Kevin. Why does it-“
           He went silent, but it took Neil a moment to realize why. Andrew had a short knife pressed to Nicky’s jersey.
Holy shit. That’s not even simple gay, that’s full-on three-way relationship shipping opportunity gay. Did I say Kandrew Lane? Fuck that. We’re going straight down fucking Kandreil Boulevard.
Also, let me correct myself. Andrew points me back towards more promising pathways with a knife. Holy shit?? What?? Who gave this messed-up murder maniac a weapon???
And Messed-up Murder Maniac is actually kind of abusive, which worries me.
           “That’s not okay,” Neil said, pointing at the door.
           “That’s nothing,” Nicky said.
           Neil caught his arm as Nicky passed and hauled him to a stop. “Don’t let him get away with things like that.” (…)
           “That was my fault.” Nicky said. “I said something I shouldn’t have, and I got what I deserved.”
Tumblr has led me to believe that Andrew is a smol gay emo son, not someone who would almost stab his friend and makes him feel guilty about it later. When do we get to meet the soft grunge version? When he’s off his meds?
As someone with friends who actually depend on mental health medication to live regular lives, I’m not really feeling this whole “meds are bad meds make you psycho and give you fake happiness blah blah” crap tbh.
On a more cheerful note: More Orange Sportsball! Cheerful for us, not for Neil, as Kevin and the Gang have made it their personal mission to – what’s the term? Ah yes, completely fuck him up.
First, Kevin sets up a death match that’s pretty much Neil vs Everyone, and then he makes him fire penalty shots at a malicious Andrew (yes, that scene) that fuck up Neil’s arms more than Iggy Azalea fucked up rap music.
But Stubborn Protagonist isn’t giving up, ho boy: Cue a Dragon Ball-style training montage, starring Sore Muscles, Impossible Standards and Determination in the leading roles.
(Now I’m imagining Neil as Son-Goku, complete with snazzy orange uniform (at least he’s used to the colour already), hiking up and down wonky stairs carrying piles of rocks. Fanart, now.)
Then, one night, Neil catches Kevin and Andrew having some wonderful boyfriend alone time at the court which he, of course, decides to join in on.
This is the point where we are once again reminded of what a dramatic little fucker Andrew is: His trademark accessories are bandages that have sheats built in for knives that he just wears on a daily basis. HOW ARE YOU SO EXTRA HOMBRE.
           “Why do you hate this game so much?”
           Andrew sighed as if Neil was being purposefully obtuse. “I don’t care enough about Exy to hate it. It’s just slightly less boring than living is, so I put up with it for now.”
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Not even MCR’s debut album was this emo.
           “Isn’t it fun?” Neil asked.
           “Someone else asked me that same thing two years ago. Should I tell you what I told him? I said no.”
*cough* Kevin *cough*
*cough* it kills me how much those two are alike *cough*
          Andrew’s smile was small and cold. “You be something. Kevin says you’ll be a champion. Four years and you’ll go pro. Five years and you’ll be Court. He promised Coach. He promised the school board. He argued until they signed off on you.”
I’m………… dying………... I’m not even fucking trying this ship sails itself.
           “Your loose ends aren’t adding up,” Andrew said.
           “I’m not a math problem.”
           “But I’ll still solve you.”
Real smooth, homie, real smooth.
As much as I’d like to linger on the wonderful shipping currently unfolding before my eyes, we do have actual plot to get to: IT’S NEILLY BABY BACKSTORY TIME FUCK YES.
We learn aboute the absolute fucking tragedy that is his mom’s death, bleeding out on a lone beach in California and teenage Neil having to burn her and immediately having to hit the road again, not even able to mourn properly.
What the hell. As much as I like to make fun of him for being Extra and Dramatic, I get the feeling that it’s absolutely valid knowing what he’s been through (and the others as well, probably.)
And as this was all sad and tragic and stuff, I thought we’d be done with the backstory reveals for today.
Boy, was I wrong.
           “I warned Andrew he was going to come for me. I told him!”
           “It doesn’t matter. You signed a contract with me.”
           “He could pay off my scholarship in a heartbeat. You know he would. He’d pay you off and take me home and I-I can’t go back there. (…) I should go now, before he has to come for me. Maybe he’ll forgive me if I go back. If I make him hunt me down any more than I have already he’ll kill me for sure.”
What. What is going on. Who’s gonna kill Kevin.
           “Shut up,” Wymack said. “You’re not going anywhere.”
           “I can’t tell Riko no!”
RIKO. We’ve heard of that fucker before.
In the words of our lord and saviour Han Solo: I’ve got a bad feeling about this.
           “How much did you hear?” Wymack said.
           “Kevin’s having a nervous breakdown,” Neil said. “I don’t know why.”
           “Edgar Allan put in a transfer request with the ERC and it was approved this morning. They’re party of the southeastern district effective June 1st”
So the Ravens and the Foxes have to play against each other? Although this is a nice twist, it’s also standard sports drama plot technique, no surprises so far. What’s the catch?
           It’d been heard enough facing Kevin in Arizona. How could Neil risk meeting Riko too? Just because Kevin didn’t remember Neil didn’t mean Riko wouldn’t either. Neil didn’t want to find out the hard way if Riko had the better memory of the two.
WAIT, so Neil has shared history with Riko too?? Makes sense considering that Kevin and Riko used to be inseparable until a few years ago, and they most likely met when they were kids. Still, didn’t think about it that way.
And then Wymack (and Nora) drops an entire bombardment of plot bombs on us.
           “Do you know why Kevin came to Palmetto State?”
What followed was me screaming WHAT THE FUCK for a good eight pages.
Turns out Kevin’s childhood was about as awesome as Neil’s, which mean absolutely fucking not. So Riko’s family is a Japanese mafia gang, the Ravens are their cover for their shady murder businesses and Kevin was pretty much abused his whole childhood?? And Riko broke Kevin’s hand, and did it purely out of spite??? Like a toy you break if you don’t want to play with it anymore?? And now they want revenge for Kevin’s escape by destroying him on the court, breaking what last willpower he has, and cashing in on the publicity this gets them??
But we’re not done yet, ho boy. Because plot fucking twist!! Neil used to play little league with the Moriyamas!! Itsy bitsy ten-year-old Neil livin’ it up with Kevin and Riko while the adults were upstairs doing some good ol’ murders!! Because his father is the ultimate crime lord of Baltimore and best pals with all the Japanese gangs in the area!! Also, the dads killed a dude in a conference room once and made the lil ones watch!! It all connects and I am NOT FUCKING LIKING IT.
Also, his mum didn’t only run away with him, but stole five million dollars before she did.
Five. Million. What a gal.
           Neil had grown up wondering why Kevin and Riko were in that room eight years ago and how they’d overcome it. He’d wondered why their luck and circumstances were so different that they could become international stars while Neil’s life spiralled so quickly out of control. He’d hated and worshipped them all his life, jealous of their successes and desperate for them to excel. Now it seemed he’d been wrong all along; Kevin hadn’t escaped either.
           No matter what they did or who they became, maybe they never would.
I’m not okay. I need a moment. This just all got so much more interesting.
Shit just got real, you guys.
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