#it’s like that one tumblr ad about slut-identifying
i was a really big tough kid all through the ttpd setlist and then she played loml for the surprise songs and then i cried. cause something counterfeit is dead
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rewcana · 2 years
do you spend many of your waking hours on social media? do you feel like it's a problem? in this world of late stage capitalism, your time and attention is actively being harvested by big corporations. it's.. not good. it also just makes you feel bad!
here are some tips that have really helped me reduce the amount of time i give to these apps & get in control of my social media addiction:
you probably know which apps you spend the most time on. however, looking at real data about usage is very helpful because time spent on social media is very deceiving. keep in mind which apps you spend the most time looking at and interacting with for the rest of this list.
this is probably the easiest thing to do and it makes an immense difference. it's up to your discretion which notifications you want to keep on (turning on messaging notifications but turning off algorithm and interaction notifs for example) but, the most effective way to stay off problem apps is to turn off ALL notifications.
i always keep my phone on silent. i understand that not all people have that privilege but, if you're able to i would highly highly recommend. it has helped me a lot with anxieties regarding waiting for notifications. i used to experienced the phantom vibrate and check my phone obsessively when nothing would happen. you can also just turn off notification sounds and vibrations for any non necessity apps if you don't want to jump to turning off all notifications.
i actually learned this trick from facebook when they changed the UI slightly so you had to be more intentional in interacting with the app. changing the layout of the apps on your phone really helps you catch yourself when you are automatically opening up apps that cost you time and attention. instead of keeping social media apps on the homescreen, keep it on a different screen, in a folder, & if possible out of the preview window for the folder.
if you want to expand on this more, you could keep a log in a notes app of every time you reached for an app that has since moved. you can even put the notes app in its place!
my experience is based on samsung app timers so i'm not sure how it differs in different makes. i really dont like my phone telling me i can't do something so i've set my tumblr timer to the highest end of my usage data (2hrs 10 minutes). another mindfulness thing that i like about using the timers is that when i'm switching between apps, my phone tells me how much time left i have (it's currently 1 hour 21 minutes, most of the 49 minutes i've spent writing this lol). i'm just a slut for data so i really like this aspect of the samsung app timer function and it's very useful besides this point.
okay, i know this seems drastic. but it doesn't NEED to be depending on your habitual problem apps. apps like youtube, instagram, facebook, and tumblr (to a lesser extent ime) (and probably others these are just the ones i have experience with) can pretty easily be transferred to being used exclusively on a web browser. if you use firefox it will even get rid of ads which is very important for overall sanity and for safe web browsing. one of the biggest plusses to moving from an app to a web browser is that it won't automatically play your platform's version of tiktoks. it also makes it more difficult to upload items which is a plus because it will hinder you from doing so and cut back on the loop of expecting validation from recently posted content.
opening instagram without immediately being enthralled by their endless stream of reels has made it SO much easier to control my time on the site. there are tons of plusses to transferring from app browsing to web browsing.
so on the more drastic side, if you are addicted to tiktok you maybe should just delete it. tiktok is intentionally designed so you can't use it in a web browser and can only use it in the app. i will talk more about tiktok and how evil it is later in this post.
if a hesitation to turning off notifactions or deleting apps is from not wanting to miss conversations from online friends, i understand your pain. but, if you are serious about cutting down screen time on apps that are absolutely draining your attention, talk to your friends about switching to a different messaging app. i would suggest signal personally.
your friends may be experiencing similar problems with phone addiction and even if they aren't, if they care about you, they will make this accommodation to help you in this process. i get that this is very scary but i believe in you.
depending on your goals for how you spend your time, there are plenty of alternatives to social media / other problem apps you may have. personally i have downloaded a bunch of books on my reading list and will divert attention from dopamine pumping social media to reading. you can find tons of free pdfs of books online and if you are used to reading on your phone, it won't be a difficult transition to read longer form narratives from short text posts.
there are free art apps, language learning apps, self care / journaling apps, meditation apps, etc. that you can use when on your phone. this may seem counterintuitive, getting more apps to battle certain app addictions. but, simply weakening the habit that brings you to the apps that you spend so much time on should help. but watch out for apps that claim they are to teach or better you but have social media built into them / other tricks that keep you glued to your screen. everyone is trying to mine your attention so be wary of all apps and the methods they use to keep you engaged.
idk if this is a weird one or not but, you know the feeling of going into a room to do something but you forget what so you putter around trying to remember? i feel like going on your phone when you have a phone addiction is often a state of that except the majority of the time you DON’T have a purpose to go on it. so even though it may feel silly, opening your phone only to close it right after is PERFECTLY FINE.
IN CONCLUSION, phone usage is pretty inevitable in this day and age. i've considered getting rid of my phone entirely but, between the expectation to be constantly reachable from employers to QR code menus at restaurants, it just doesn't seem reasonable to get rid of my phone completely. and i will readily admit its convenience and functionality is life changing and wonderful.
however in late stage capitalism, technology doesn't only work for you but it harvests you -- your data, your habits, your time, your attention, your wants, your needs, your thoughts. even leftist spaces with good intentions can trap you (doom scrolling). when i was becoming radicalized during the beginning of the pandemic i spent sooo much time online reading about all these horrible truths of imperialism, colonization, and capitalism, and i felt it was my duty to share these horrors with other people to radicalize them. but it was so unhealthy, especially when shit hit the fan (which it was like constantly doing) because everyone was posting about the horrors and it felt utterly inescapable.
after following some of these steps (which i did in stages over the course of a few years), my relationship with social media has improved greatly and my mental health is actually significantly better. all of this is based on personal experience and observation and this post is specifically for people who want to cut down on phone usage, it's not supposed to be a preachy post that's telling people they spend too much time on their phone.
it's also nowhere near complete. it doesn't tackle addictions to games on phones nor the notorious tiktok. i said i would talk about it later and here it is. i have a chalkboard in my kitchen and all it has written on it is "tiktok is the devil". i have never seen such a commonly used app that has such a degrading effect on all of its users. and it set a precedent to all other social media apps for autoplaying videos that demand user engagement. i was on tiktok for a little less than a year and the way that it would sap anywhere from 20 minutes to over 3 hours of my time when i told myself i'd only watch a few videos was insane. as an aspiring creator i felt that i needed to hop on it to get recognition but now, i don't see it as anything more than a tarpit to trap as many people as possible in its dopamine rich algorithm. but whatever, that's just my little rant. as a social experiment i think it's fascinating lol and i for the creators it's benefited im very happy for them.
anywayy, i hope this helps someone if it gets any attention at all lol. remember no one can make the decision of how you spend your time on or offline but you. not some stranger on the internet, not corporations, no one. you are in control of your time (well besides the whole having to work most of your waking hours to survive but that's what communism is for yayy).
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an1m3smutt3r · 12 days
Decided to make a pinned post, mainly for newer followers just to be safe.
While my account currently only features MHA posts, I'm open to doing other animes if asked. I planned on making a different anime post but decided against it at the time.
TW/CW for my account; My account, while anime themed/related, is 18+ due to the content involved. My account is highly sexual and features darker sexual themes at times, if you're underage or sensitive to wax/🔪/🔫 play, light somno/CNC, choking, etc. This isn't the place for you. This account is 100% LGBTQ+ safe as well so any/all homophobic or transphobic comments will be deleted and you'll be blocked.
All characters are aged up if they're not already 18+
All asks will be answered SLOWLY, writing these things takes time plus I'm not always online.
I'm not opposed to writing more scenarios with more… interesting kinks but my main limits are; vomit, scat, family member x family member, age regression, animals (as in actual animals, not fantasy creatures like werewolves or hybrid things), there will probably be more added later. But please keep my limits in mind when asking for stuff.
I also won't be writing anything like child x adult (actually, scratch that, no child x anyone, I'm not writing child smut) I also won't write anyone to be child-like. As mentioned above, animals are a BIG no as well, the only thing remotely close to this that would be ok is a werewolf or some kind of animal hybrid. Again, family x family is a no, it's just wrong in so many ways, this includes poly ships like Dabi x Hawks x Enji. Things like death also won't be mentioned, I write about 🔪/🔫 play but refuse to write that character A killed character B while getting too freaky, just assume the 🔪 during those scenes is extremely dull and the 🔫 is either a prop, isn't loaded, or has a piece missing so it can't be used.
I will NOT be making posts about myself, all you need to know is I make these posts, you don't need to know if I'm single/taken, what my sexuality is, what I identify as, etc. You can call me "admin" or bro, dude, girl, writer, whatever you want, I don't really care as long as it's not a slur or anything.
If you dm/pm me and call me a slut, whore, bitch, cunt, or any kind of slur, you will either get ignored or blocked.
If you randomly dm/pm me don't expect me to respond right away, again, I'm not constantly online.
I will make multiple parts with some posts but not all of them. Some might end in an… interesting way that makes you want a part 2, but I won't always make one unless I already planned on it or decided to make one just because I was bored.
Current main ships that have been posted at least once: Katsuki x Izuku, Katsuki x Izuku x Shoto, Katsuki x Shoto, Shoto x Izuku, Dabi x Hawks, Izuku x Tokoyami, Shouta x Hizashi, Tenya x Shoto, Kyoka x Momo, Hitoshi x Denki
Color coding the text; I color code some text in my stories/scenarios so it can more obvious who's talking or thinking, as seen above with their names each character has a different color than their s/o. If I were to do a Momo x Shoto post then I could change Shoto to blue since his power/quirk is half ice. I unfortunately can't have Denki be yellow though since Tumblr doesn't have a yellow option.
Why specific colors are chosen; Characters like Katsuki are mainly associated with the color orange hence the orange text, same thing with Izuku being green, Tenya being blue, Dabi, Hitoshi, and Kyoka being purple, and Shoto and Momo being red. However, if a character like Denki, Hizashi, Tokoyami, or Aizawa don't have a color on here then I'll choose the closest one to that color (Denki and Hizashi being orange instead of yellow) or something that has to do with their appearance or power/quirk (Shouta's eyes have a red glow when activated, Tokoyami's eyes are red naturally). I'd treat any other anime characters the same way. My reader x character posts would work based on the gender, masculine/male reader = blue text, feminine/female reader = pink text, NB/enby/intersex reader = purple or green text, trans readers would be based off of whatever they want.
Reader posts in general; The only differences between my reader posts are the genders, male/masculine reader posts involve reader having male genitalia, female/feminine reader posts involve reader having female genitalia, and NB/enby/intersex reader posts involve reader having both male and female genitalia. Masculine reader can look however you want, if you want them to be cubby they can be, if you want them to have a feminine figure then imagine them that way, if you want them to be super fit or have chest hair then imagine them like that. Feminine reader can also look however you want, if you want them to be flat imagine them like that, if you want them to be super tall go for it. My reader posts are designed for you to imagine whatever you want. Your version of the reader could look completely different from mine, it doesn't matter. Reader doesn't technically have a gender in my posts since reader is literally you, my posts just add genitalia and are labeled male/masculine, female/feminine, and NB/enby/intersex so you know which one has which genitalia. If you want a gender affirming post (basically just reader comes out as trans to a character and gets affirmation but w/ smut since this is a smut account) I can write that, you just gotta ask.
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phoenixkaizen · 5 years
Just Like You
Summary: Prompt fic. Aizawa and All might in high school, and Aizawa is getting teased for being gay, Toshinori tries to cheer him up with cuddles Author's Note: Another prompt fill from tumblr! Alright so the title of this fic is the song title Just Like You by Louis Tomlinson. Louis is literally my favorite singer ever and I've been watching him since his X Factor days with One Direction. I tend to use his song titles in a lot of what I write. This song just seemed fitting for this scenerio. Warnings: Bullying, Homophobic slurs, talks of suicide but not by Shouta, language, a pissed off Toshinori, Enji is suddenly... niceish?
Faggot. Queer. Homo. You're disgusting. You deserve to die. Just do everyone a favor and kill yourself. Every single word constantly rang through Shouta's head as he walked the halls of U.A. Recently, he had accidentally came out to his class when they were talking about one of the pro heroes who had recently come out. It had slipped out before he could even catch himself. Ever since then, it seemed like the entire school knew of his sexuality. Now every step he took was followed closely behind by verbal abuse of so called heroes to be. Even members of other classes had gotten involved. Support, General, Business. Apparently it didn't matter. He was only in his first year. He had three more years of this torment. He was still the same Shouta that they knew before he had came out but now it was a complete one eighty. He had been isolated. He was already close to being an outcast for his quirk but now he was an outcast. Only five people remained by his side. His fellow classmates and friends, Oboro Shirakumo and Hizashi Yamada and his friend from Class 2-B, Nemuri Kayama. Lastly, his own boyfriend Toshinori Yagi from Class 3-A. The only people who knew of his relationship with Toshinori were his friends. Toshinori wasn't technically out of the closest but he didn't really care. Toshinori didn't care about who he was in a relationship with as long as if he loved them. Toshinori was the sun of Shouta's life. His smile couldn't lighten up a room. His laugh was contageous to those around him. Some day, Toshinori was going to be the Number One hero. Shouta knew it in his gut. Shouta just hoped that he would still be by Toshinori's side by then. He hasn't exactly told Toshinori about him being a target of the constant teasing and bullying. Hizashi and Oboro did their best within Class 1-A to keep them down at bay but some of them still managed to sneak by. Nemuri had been trying everything to keep Class 2-B off of his back but it also failed ninety percent of the time. Thank god, it was lunch time. No one ever messed with him during lunch because Toshinori sat with them along with Enji Todoroki. Cause for some god forsaken their rivalry in class came out in lunch too. Oddly enough, Enji knew of Shouta's sexuality but didn't say anything. All the Hellflame user said was who cares. His reaction had shocked him the most. Enji Todoroki should have been at the head of the teasing but instead he just sat with them and glared at others who even sent a wrong look in Shouta's direction. It was strangely comforting. Enji happened to be very intimating. He was broader than Toshinori is but Toshinori had height on him. Shouta should of known his luck was running out. Toshinori, Hizashi, and Oboro were deep in conversation about god knows what three sunshine people talk about. Enji occasionally threw in a comment while Nemuri ate in silence while scrolling through social media. Shouta held his book in front of his tray as he also ate in silence. A noise escaped him as his book was ripped from his hands. He turned to look at the culprit but a gasp left him as he felt a liquid cover splash over his head and down his body. He quickly identified it as soda from the stickiness it left behind. The other occupants of the table jumped up from their spots but froze as the boy from Class 3-B, Hiroto Terasaka, leaned down until he was eye level with Shouta. "Fags don't belong in hero society. They would never accept you. Why don't you drop out and go sell yourself on the corner like the whore you are." One the boy stopped talking, he turned his tray upside down and onto Shouta's head. Shouta held out his hands in front of him as he looked down at his lap in shock. Tears prickled his eyes as the older boy's words tore through him. The lunch room broke out into laughter as the teen chackled at his work. A loud crash caused Shouta to look back up. Toshinori now stood in front of him and the now empty tray that belonged to Terasaka was in the floor. Shouta couldn't see the blonde's face but just by Toshinori's body language he could tell the elder was livid. The laughter in the cafeteria fell to a dead silence. Shock and disbelief came to the faces of the other students as they looked at Toshinori and Terasaka. Terasaka sank underneath the piercing gaze from the blonde. "What the fuck did you just say?" Toshinori growled. Tersaka smirked. "I told the stupid little fag to go to the job that would fit him best, of course. He is a little slut after all." The teen said. Shouta watched in awe as Toshinori grabbed the other third year by the front of his uniform and jerked him forward. "You disgust me. You're supposed to be becoming a hero and you are tearing him down. For what? Being gay?" Every word was laced in venom as Toshinori spoke. Tersaka physically shook in Toshinori's hold as he tried to wiggle away from Toshinori's grip. "He's a little faggot. He doesn't deserve to be a hero." Toshinori chuckled and released Tersaka. The other teen falling to his bottom on the floor and his eyes locked onto Toshinori. Shouta held his breath as Toshinori gazed over his shoulder to the Erasure quirk user. "Shouta, how long as this been going on. By the look on your face. This isn't the first time." Shouta swallowed the lump in his throat. The normally soft blue eyes were now cold as ice. A frown covering his face that normally held the smile that would make Shouta's heart skip a beat. "Since Frostbite came out. My classmates were arguing over a gay man being a hero and I accidentally came out too." Shouta whispered, his voice shaking. The anger on Toshinori's face only grew deeper. "That was two months ago, Shouta. Who has been doing this to you?" Toshinori's voice was deep, almost coming out as a growl. Shouta shook his head. At this point, he didn't even know who it was. There was at least three people from each class. "It's almost every class in each year, Yagi-senpai." Hizashi said, the Voice user knowing that Shouta wasn't going to talk. "We've managed to keep our class off for the most part, but they still find a way." Oboro added, his voice laced in regret. Toshinori looked away from Shouta, his glare settling on the other occupants of the room. "You should be ashamed of yourselves." Toshinori stated, his voice raising as he looked out at the other students. "You are making fun of, teasing, bullying, assaulting a fifteen year old because he just so happens to like the same sex?!" Toshinori scoffed. "Within this school is over a hundred students that hope to be heroes one day. From what I just got told, even the hero course is involved in this villainous act." The blonde shook his head, climbing up onto the table that he had been formerly sitting at. "You want to be heroes?! How can you even call yourself a hero in training if you are acting like a villain?" Shouta looked out at the other students, watching the remorse and guilt cover most of their faces. He looked up at his boyfriend and whispered, "Toshi, please. Just leave it alone." The blonde looked down on him. "Absolutely not." He said, looking back out to the others. "Shouta Aizawa will be a hero and he will do it whether you like it or not. He was born to be a hero. I watch him work his ass off every single day after school. He has so much heart in him that he didn't even tell me about this." A smile came to the blonde's face, his gaze softening. "If you want to tease someone for being gay, well you better start coming after me too." Murmurs filled the cafeteria as Toshinori spoke. "I've been dating Shouta Aizawa for six months now. I met him before he started at U.A. and from the moment I saw him... I knew he is the person I'm going to be spending the rest of my life with. So if you want to act like a villain, do it to me. I will have absolutely no problem putting you in your place." Shouta's eyes widened as he watched Enji completely stand up, climbing up onto the table next to Toshinori. "I'm not gay but Yagi's right. This isn't right. Aizawa did absolutely nothing to any of you. As far as I'm concerned, you are nothing but villains. I want to be a hero, and Shouta is Yagi's boyfriend. I will protect him the same way I strive to beat Yagi for the Number One spot." Enji stated, his voice booming through the room. Hizashi, Oboro, and Nemuri all stood up and taking a spot in front of the two third years. "You'll have to go through us too. I'm not going to play nice anymore." Oboro hissed. "Be a villain. You won't last long here." Nemuri said, her normal sweet voice coming out harsh. Hizashi added, "I can't believe this is what U.A. has come too." Toshinori looked to the others with a smile. "You see, we belong to U.A. High, a pretigous school for heroics. If you want to be a hero, stop acting like someone who is different from you is beneath you. That's not who a hero is. At this moment, I'm disgusted that I even know some of you people." Toshinori said, hopping down from the table and standing in front of Shouta. "C'mon, let's go get you cleaned up." The blonde muttered, holding out his hand. Shouta smiled softly as he reached out and placed his hand in Toshinori's. He allowed the blonde to guide him out of the cafeteria and to the men's locker rooms. Neither of them said a word as Toshinori helped Shouta get out of his soaked uniform. The blonde hummed softly as he turned on one of the showers and scrubbed the food and soda out of the ebony locks. Toshinori didn't care as the water splashed onto his uniform as he continued to rub soothing circles into Shouta's scalp. "Why didn't you tell me, Shouta?" Toshinori questioned softly. Shouta shrugged with a sniffle. "I guess I was scared too. I don't know why. I thought I could handle it. I never meant for you to come out when you didn't want too." Shouta whispered, his voice shaking. Toshinori sighed, placing his thumb underneath Shouta's chin and forcing him to look up at him. "Shou, I don't care if anyone knows I'm gay. I'm still the same person I was before. If they want to treat me different than that's on them. I would shout it to the world that I'm stupidly in love with you." Toshinori said, using his other thumb to wipe off a stray tear that found it's way down Shouta's cheek. "I can't yell like Yamada-kun can but I would do it any day. You mean the world to me." Shouta gave a watery smile and leaned forward, placing his head against Toshinori's shoulder. "Thank you." Toshinori smiled, reaching over and shutting off the tap before pulling away from Shouta to hand him a gym uniform. "Now, put that normal scowl on your face and let's get back out there." Shouta nodded with a new found confidence. "Okay." x School was out for the day and Shouta laid in his bed with Toshinori next to him. The older teen held Shouta close to him, drawing random shapes into his back as Shouta cuddled closer. The ebony haired teen felt tears come to his eyes as the words from the bullies came back to his mind. Would it change now that the number one student in U.A. came out as gay. The same student that everyone was rooting for to be the Number One Hero. Toshinori just pulled him closer. "Don't let them get to you, Shou. They are nothing compared to you." The blonde muttered, placing a soft kiss into Shouta's hair. Shouta sighed. "It still hurts." Toshinori rubbed his hands over Shouta's back. "I know, Shou. For now, let's just lay here and forget the world. Even for a moment." Shouta smiled as he cuddled further into Toshinori. He craned his neck so he could see Toshinori's face. "I love you, Toshi." "I love you too, Shouta." Toshinori smiled, leaning forward and kissing Shouta deeply. The warmth of Toshinori's body against his, the feel of his arms wrapped around him, maybe just being held. It made him feel better, knowing that he had Toshinori by his side. Just Toshinori's smile told him that everything was going to be okay.
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Just Like You
Hey everyone! fallenangelofhades/midnightphoenix dream here! So my original blog got terminated for whatever reason. I’m reposting all my prompts I had received from my fluff prompt post. I believe this one was from an anonymous user. 
Summary: Prompt fic. Aizawa and All might in high school, and Aizawa is getting teased for being gay, Toshinori tries to cheer him up with cuddles Author's Note: Another prompt fill from tumblr! Alright so the title of this fic is the song title Just Like You by Louis Tomlinson. Louis is literally my favorite singer ever and I've been watching him since his X Factor days with One Direction. I tend to use his song titles in a lot of what I write. This song just seemed fitting for this scenario. Warnings: Bullying, Homophobic slurs, talks of suicide but not by Shouta, language, a pissed off Toshinori, Enji is suddenly... niceish?
Faggot. Queer. Homo. You're disgusting. You deserve to die. Just do everyone a favor and kill yourself. Every single word constantly rang through Shouta's head as he walked the halls of U.A. Recently, he had accidentally came out to his class when they were talking about one of the pro heroes who had recently come out. It had slipped out before he could even catch himself. Ever since then, it seemed like the entire school knew of his sexuality. Now every step he took was followed closely behind by verbal abuse of so called heroes to be. Even members of other classes had gotten involved. Support, General, Business. Apparently it didn't matter. He was only in his first year. He had three more years of this torment. He was still the same Shouta that they knew before he had came out but now it was a complete one eighty. He had been isolated. He was already close to being an outcast for his quirk but now he was an outcast. Only five people remained by his side. His fellow classmates and friends, Oboro Shirakumo and Hizashi Yamada and his friend from Class 2-B, Nemuri Kayama. Lastly, his own boyfriend Toshinori Yagi from Class 3-A. The only people who knew of his relationship with Toshinori were his friends. Toshinori wasn't technically out of the closest but he didn't really care. Toshinori didn't care about who he was in a relationship with as long as if he loved them. Toshinori was the sun of Shouta's life. His smile couldn't lighten up a room. His laugh was contageous to those around him. Some day, Toshinori was going to be the Number One hero. Shouta knew it in his gut. Shouta just hoped that he would still be by Toshinori's side by then. He hasn't exactly told Toshinori about him being a target of the constant teasing and bullying. Hizashi and Oboro did their best within Class 1-A to keep them down at bay but some of them still managed to sneak by. Nemuri had been trying everything to keep Class 2-B off of his back but it also failed ninety percent of the time. Thank god, it was lunch time. No one ever messed with him during lunch because Toshinori sat with them along with Enji Todoroki. Cause for some god forsaken their rivalry in class came out in lunch too. Oddly enough, Enji knew of Shouta's sexuality but didn't say anything. All the Hellflame user said was who cares. His reaction had shocked him the most. Enji Todoroki should have been at the head of the teasing but instead he just sat with them and glared at others who even sent a wrong look in Shouta's direction. It was strangely comforting. Enji happened to be very intimating. He was broader than Toshinori is but Toshinori had height on him. Shouta should of known his luck was running out. Toshinori, Hizashi, and Oboro were deep in conversation about god knows what three sunshine people talk about. Enji occassionally threw in a comment while Nemuri ate in silence while scrolling through social media. Shouta held his book in front of his tray as he also ate in silence. A noise escaped him as his book was ripped from his hands. He turned to look at the culprit but a gasp left him as he felt a liquid cover splash over his head and down his body. He quickly identified it as soda from the stickiness it left behind. The other occupants of the table jumped up from their spots but froze as the boy from Class 3-B, Hiroto Terasaka, leaned down until he was eye level with Shouta. "Fags don't belong in hero society. They would never accept you. Why don't you drop out and go sell yourself on the corner like the whore you are." One the boy stopped talking, he turned his tray upside down and onto Shouta's head. Shouta held out his hands in front of him as he looked down at his lap in shock. Tears prickled his eyes as the older boy's words tore through him. The lunch room broke out into laughter as the teen chackled at his work. A loud crash caused Shouta to look back up. Toshinori now stood in front of him and the now empty tray that belonged to Terasaka was in the floor. Shouta couldn't see the blonde's face but just by Toshinori's body language he could tell the elder was livid. The laughter in the cafeteria fell to a dead silence. Shock and disbelief came to the faces of the other students as they looked at Toshinori and Terasaka. Terasaka sank underneath the piercing gaze from the blonde. "What the fuck did you just say?" Toshinori growled. Tersaka smirked. "I told the stupid little fag to go to the job that would fit him best, of course. He is a little slut after all." The teen said. Shouta watched in awe as Toshinori grabbed the other third year by the front of his uniform and jerked him forward. "You disgust me. You're supposed to be becoming a hero and you are tearing him down. For what? Being gay?" Every word was laced in venom as Toshinori spoke. Tersaka physically shook in Toshinori's hold as he tried to wiggle away from Toshinori's grip. "He's a little faggot. He doesn't deserve to be a hero." Toshinori chuckled and released Tersaka. The other teen falling to his bottom on the floor and his eyes locked onto Toshinori. Shouta held his breath as Toshinori gazed over his shoulder to the Erasure quirk user. "Shouta, how long as this been going on. By the look on your face. This isn't the first time." Shouta swallowed the lump in his throat. The normally soft blue eyes were now cold as ice. A frown covering his face that normally held the smile that would make Shouta's heart skip a beat. "Since Frostbite came out. My classmates were arguing over a gay man being a hero and I accidentally came out too." Shouta whispered, his voice shaking. The anger on Toshinori's face only grew deeper. "That was two months ago, Shouta. Who has been doing this to you?" Toshinori's voice was deep, almost coming out as a growl. Shouta shook his head. At this point, he didn't even know who it was. There was at least three people from each class. "It's almost every class in each year, Yagi-senpai." Hizashi said, the Voice user knowing that Shouta wasn't going to talk. "We've managed to keep our class off for the most part, but they still find a way." Oboro added, his voice laced in regret. Toshinori looked away from Shouta, his glare settling on the other occupants of the room. "You should be ashamed of yourselves." Toshinori stated, his voice raising as he looked out at the other students. "You are making fun of, teasing, bullying, assaulting a fifteen year old because he just so happens to like the same sex?!" Toshinori scoffed. "Within this school is over a hundred students that hope to be heroes one day. From what I just got told, even the hero course is involved in this villainous act." The blonde shook his head, climbing up onto the table that he had been formerly sitting at. "You want to be heroes?! How can you even call yourself a hero in training if you are acting like a villain?" Shouta looked out at the other students, watching the remorse and guilt cover most of their faces. He looked up at his boyfriend and whispered, "Toshi, please. Just leave it alone." The blonde looked down on him. "Absolutely not." He said, looking back out to the others. "Shouta Aizawa will be a hero and he will do it whether you like it or not. He was born to be a hero. I watch him work his ass off every single day after school. He has so much heart in him that he didn't even tell me about this." A smile came to the blonde's face, his gaze softening. "If you want to tease someone for being gay, well you better start coming after me too." Murmurs filled the cafeteria as Toshinori spoke. "I've been dating Shouta Aizawa for six months now. I met him before he started at U.A. and from the moment I saw him... I knew he is the person I'm going to be spending the rest of my life with. So if you want to act like a villain, do it to me. I will have absolutely no problem putting you in your place." Shouta's eyes widened as he watched Enji completely stand up, climbing up onto the table next to Toshinori. "I'm not gay but Yagi's right. This isn't right. Aizawa did absolutely nothing to any of you. As far as I'm concerned, you are nothing but villains. I want to be a hero, and Shouta is Yagi's boyfriend. I will protect him the same way I strive to beat Yagi for the Number One spot." Enji stated, his voice booming through the room. Hizashi, Oboro, and Nemuri all stood up and taking a spot in front of the two third years. "You'll have to go through us too. I'm not going to play nice anymore." Oboro hissed. "Be a villain. You won't last long here." Nemuri said, her normal sweet voice coming out harsh. Hizashi added, "I can't believe this is what U.A. has come too." Toshinori looked to the others with a smile. "You see, we belong to U.A. High, a pretigous school for heroics. If you want to be a hero, stop acting like someone who is different from you is beneath you. That's not who a hero is. At this moment, I'm disgusted that I even know some of you people." Toshinori said, hopping down from the table and standing in front of Shouta. "C'mon, let's go get you cleaned up." The blonde muttered, holding out his hand. Shouta smiled softly as he reached out and placed his hand in Toshinori's. He allowed the blonde to guide him out of the cafeteria and to the men's locker rooms. Neither of them said a word as Toshinori helped Shouta get out of his soaked uniform. The blonde hummed softly as he turned on one of the showers and scrubbed the food and soda out of the ebony locks. Toshinori didn't care as the water splashed onto his uniform as he continued to rub soothing circles into Shouta's scalp. "Why didn't you tell me, Shouta?" Toshinori questioned softly. Shouta shrugged with a sniffle. "I guess I was scared too. I don't know why. I thought I could handle it. I never meant for you to come out when you didn't want too." Shouta whispered, his voice shaking. Toshinori sighed, placing his thumb underneath Shouta's chin and forcing him to look up at him. "Shou, I don't care if anyone knows I'm gay. I'm still the same person I was before. If they want to treat me different than that's on them. I would shout it to the world that I'm stupidly in love with you." Toshinori said, using his other thumb to wipe off a stray tear that found it's way down Shouta's cheek. "I can't yell like Yamada-kun can but I would do it any day. You mean the world to me." Shouta gave a watery smile and leaned forward, placing his head against Toshinori's shoulder. "Thank you." Toshinori smiled, reaching over and shutting off the tap before pulling away from Shouta to hand him a gym uniform. "Now, put that normal scowl on your face and let's get back out there." Shouta nodded with a new found confidence. "Okay." x School was out for the day and Shouta laid in his bed with Toshinori next to him. The older teen held Shouta close to him, drawing random shapes into his back as Shouta cuddled closer. The ebony haired teen felt tears come to his eyes as the words from the bullies came back to his mind. Would it change now that the number one student in U.A. came out as gay. The same student that everyone was rooting for to be the Number One Hero. Toshinori just pulled him closer. "Don't let them get to you, Shou. They are nothing compared to you." The blonde muttered, placing a soft kiss into Shouta's hair. Shouta sighed. "It still hurts." Toshinori rubbed his hands over Shouta's back. "I know, Shou. For now, let's just lay here and forget the world. Even for a moment." Shouta smiled as he cuddled further into Toshinori. He craned his neck so he could see Toshinori's face. "I love you, Toshi." "I love you too, Shouta." Toshinori smiled, leaning forward and kissing Shouta deeply. The warmth of Toshinori's body against his, the feel of his arms wrapped around him, maybe just being held. It made him feel better, knowing that he had Toshinori by his side. Just Toshinori's smile told him that everything was going to be okay.
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ilovemygaydad · 6 years
Dance, Dance
Part Four: Black-And-White Ball
Based off this post that you really need to read for context!
Pairings: Analogical and Royality (past sleeplogical)
Characters: Virgil, Patton, Logan, Roman, Sleep/Remy, Deceit/Dominic, October/Toby, September/Ember
Warnings: domestic abuse, swearing, sexual humor, crude comments, bullying, making out, abusive deceit, mentions of vomiting (just one word), step parents, food mentions, anxiety, and possibly something else
A/N: if you asked to be tagged last time... i don’t remember who you were... sorry... also, trying to avoid the new tumblr rules suck
Masterlist | Ask Blog | READ ON AO3
Logan sighed as he leaned back in his chair. Being at this school dance just reminded him of why he absolutely hated being around people. During the ten minutes that he’d been sitting at his table, he’d already heard three fights break out over people wearing the same dresses, someone be called a slut because they were smiling at someone else’s boyfriend, and about three dozen rumors that Logan Parker was at the dance somewhere. Well, shocker, Logan was there. He just didn’t care much for the frivolous socializing, especially since people would just flip out when they found out that the guy who was flirting with them was Logan fucking Parker. But it was fun being famous, right?
The hairs on the back of his neck stood up when he heard a familiar voice from behind. “Oh, is that Logan? That’s him--no, wait… It’s not.”
“Yeah, of course not!” And Toby? Logan brought his hand to his face to check that his mask was secure. “Logan can dance, so if we see a man who can dance, that’ll be it.”
“Well,” Remy drawled. His voice felt so close to Logan that the dancer shivered. “Tell me when you find him, okay?”
“Remy! Uh, hey! We were just looking for you!” Toby’s voice shook slightly as he regarded the alpha friend.
Without trying to bring much attention to himself, Logan stood up and walked over to Roman, who was standing by the snacks.
“Lo, my best friend, the sorcerer to my prince, why did you tell me that this was a costume party?” Roman was dressed like an angel. Huge, white wings were strapped to his back with a matching white mask on his face.
“Aw, come on. You look great, Roman.”
The angel pouted. “None of the guys take me seriously like this! How am I supposed to find a dashing prince when I look like this?”
“I’m sure that you’ll find someone who thinks you look cute.”
“Yeah, well, whatever.” Roman looked as though he was going to continue for a moment, but his eyes fixed on a point over Logan’s shoulder. “Looks like I’m not the only one who didn’t get the memo…”
Logan turned around and saw two people descending the staircase into the ballroom. One was dressed in a flowy white satin dress that sparkled blue and pink in the light, and the other had on a deep purple dress with plaid patches and purple lace sleeves. The one in white had a white, lacy mask that matched his dress, but his friend’s was plain black. Logan couldn’t take his eyes off of the one in purple.
He was beautiful.
“Patton,” Virgil whispered harshly. “Everyone is staring at us!”
“Yeah, and it’s because we look beautiful!”
Virgil caught Patton’s elbow. “We should go. People are going to figure out that it’s us, and they already make fun of me for being trans and you for wearing all those colors. I don’t want to be the laughing stock of the whole school, Pat.”
“We won’t be.” Patton smiled gently. “It’ll all be okay.”
All Virgil did was grumble and to go down the stairs. He made a bee-line to the food table, desperate for something to soothe his nerves a bit. He bit into a brownie and turned--
Virgil had no idea who this guy was. He was tall with brown hair, but most of his face was hidden behind a silver mask. There was no way to identify him, especially due to his plain suit. Panicking, Virgil turned to Patton and nodded towards the tall boy.
“Talk to him!” Patton mouthed. And then he walked away. Great.
“Um, hey…?” Virgil greeted the boy awkwardly. “Do you, um, want something to drink?” The boy held up his cup of water and swished it a bit. “Oh, um…”
Patton stepped around Virgil and the boy who took interest in him to talk to the guy dressed as an angel. He’d seen him while he was on the stairs, and he had immediately wanted to know more about him.
“Are you supposed to be some sort of angel?” Patton internally slapped himself for asking a stupid, snarky question to someone who he found cute.
“Yes! Thank you for taking notice of my fantastic costume, my prince.” Angel boy bowed deeply.
Patton smirked; he could play this flirting game. “Well, it certainly is… something.”
“Come, now! I’m trying to woo you here. What will it take for me to win over the heart of such a handsome knight as yourself? Oh! Would it help if I said that I’m best friend’s with Logan Parker?”
“Is that supposed to impress me?” Patton mentally cheered himself on for keeping his tone flat and unimpressed.
“Well, yes… However, I think that I have another trick up my sleeve.” In one fluid motion, angel boy dipped Patton. It was an absolute miracle that Patton’s white masked covered the blush that was spreading on his face. Angel boy gracefully stood them back up. “So…?”
“I suppose that I can let it slide,” Patton sighed jokingly. “Wanna dance?”
A loud surge of bass at the end of the song playing drowned out mystery boy’s voice, and Virgil had no idea what he was trying to say.
He said something else, still unheard.
“Did you say that you want to--”
“Do you want to dance?” The boy shouted as soon as the song ended. He winced at how loud his own voice was, but still extended a hand to Virgil.
Virgil squinted at him. “You do realize that I’m a guy, right?”
The boh laughed gently. “Well, I would hope you were a guy because I’m not looking to dance with any girls.”
“Oh… Then, yeah. I’ll dance with you.” He smirked and started to walk over to the DJ. “If you can keep up, of course.” When he got to the DJ station, he handed over his iPod and gave directions on which track to play. Just before it started, he raced back over to his partner.
For once, Virgil was glad that he’d been taught the following position in dances. He was smoothly able to dance with mystery boy, and he even added his own flare. It felt like they were on fire as the dance floor traveled beneath their feet with fluidity. Virgil did a few tricks that were moreso show than practical, but mystery boy followed without slipping up once. His partner spun him out, allowing him to do a few more spins on the floor, and the light fabric of his dress puffed out as--
Something slippery wedged its way under Virgil’s shoes, and his feet slipped out from under him. Without any grace, he hit the floor in a heap. Black and white M&Ms were rolling all over the floor. He shouldn’t have come. He never should have fucking come to this stupid dance.
“Hey, oh my god, I’m so sorry. Here--” The mystery boy was standing over him with his hand out to help Virgil up. Begrudgingly, he took it and allowed himself to be heaved off of the ground. They stared at each other for what felt like too long, but the boy spoke up again. “You were… You were incredible out there.” The boy took off his mask.
Are you fucking kidding me?
Virgil had been dancing with Logan Parker. The Logan Parker.
A heavy hand on his shoulder pulled him from the moment. Patton whispered in his ear, “Virge, we’ve gotta go.”
Virgil glanced up at the clock, which read eleven forty-five.
Oh, shit!
No. Nonononono--
“Sorry, I’m late!” Virgil rushed, pushing Logan away. He ran over to the DJ and pulled his iPod out of the speaker without even asking. As he was rushing over to the stairs, he instinctively tried to put it back in his pocket, but he forgot that he didn’t have his sweatshirt on, and he’d let go before he realized. The clattering of his iPod--the only source of calm at home--on the dance floor made him cringe, but there wasn’t any time to stop. He had to get home, and he didn’t even have the time to do that.
When he reached the top of the stairs with Patton, he turned back to have one last look at the ball. Logan was holding his iPod, staring up at him as he left. Virgil turned and ran from the venue.
“Patton, come on! I have to get home!”
“I’m going as fast as I can without getting a ticket, Virge!” Patton switched gears, but a huge clanking sound reverberated through the van.
“No! That wasn’t--”
The van slowed while Patton pulled up to the curb. “I’m so sorry. The check engine light wasn’t even on!”
“Shit. Fuck, Patton, I’ve gotta go.” Virgil flung himself out of the car, ditching his shoes and mask inside, and began to sprint home. He was only a few streets over, and it wouldn’t take him more than a few minutes to get there, but he knew that Dominic would have his head if he found out about this whole situation.
Just as Virgil ran into the driveway, he saw the headlights of Dominic’s limo turn the corner. A distressed noise escaped from his throat as he rushed inside. Thomas, Joan, and Talyn were coming down the stairs with their cleaning supplies, and they greeted Virgil as he entered.
“No! Guys, he’s right outside. Go!” They sprinted up the stairs and into Dominic’s room. Dominic’s loud, drunk rambling floated upstairs at the same moment that Virgil shut the door behind them. He ushered his new friends into Dominic’s bathroom, knowing full well that Dominic wouldn’t be going in there for a while. The violent panic in Virgil almost went away until he realized that he was still in his dress. Internally screaming at himself, he threw on the nearest robe and flung himself on the bed.
The bedroom door swung open, and a drunken Dominic stumbled inside. He sat down next to Virgil, swaying just slightly. “Well, you certainly did it.” He paused. “You like my after party? It’s a real rager!” Pause. “Oh, who am I kidding? I’m a Mr. Not-So-Popular just like you!” Pause. “I am just so tired.” Dominic suddenly slumped onto Virgil’s lap, completely out cold, and fell to the floor. Virgil took this opportunity to rush over to the bathroom and let Thomas, Joan, and Talyn out. He silently thanked them for their help as he ushered them downstairs and outside.
As soon as they had driven away, Virgil made his way to his own bedroom to undress and process everything. Less than an hour earlier, he had been dancing with Logan Parker. The same Logan that he’d secretly been crushing on since well before he’d been a pop star. And, fuck, Virgil wanted that so badly, but… it had no chance of happening. People like Logan didn’t end up with people like Virgil. That just wasn’t how the world worked.
With a sigh, Virgil slipped on some pajamas and passed out on his bed.
Part Five
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fuckshiru · 6 years
345rv5 ten year anniversary. Couldn’t upload this to DA for some reason
You know when you're getting older when people start having 10 year aniversaries. But alas. I still await my aniversary (which wont be for over 3 years).
You're delusional if you think I wont be posting about this.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have been watching people rant online for a long ass time. I've watched Youtube videos, blogs, and deviantart journals of course. And stamps. It used to be game reviewers (Clement and SomecallmeJohnny), then it was political videos (The Amazing Atheist formerly then Sargon and Hunter Avallone currently). But I've never actually made friends with any of them. Unlike 345rv5.
I've made friends with 345rv5 just a few years back. While he isn't millionaire famous, he has a rather large following on deviantart. And that's because there's a little bit of everything on his page. He started off reviewing anime but then he would he started getting into debates. I think what made him a force to be reckoned with was the fact that he made very long journals and comments. But they wern't long because he wanted to win the debate (just a side note, if you're on a debate online, dont EVER simply write a wall of text or copy n paste from wikipedia. That doesn't work.), he would also deconstruct each of the points of the other side and obliterate them. Lets get into the journal that started it all.
Dragon Fail Live Action Piece of Shit
Dragon fail live action peice of shit
Now, 345rv5 has been around before he made the journal, but in my opinon this was the review that started everything. This was his Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde. I've read all of his journals. Anime and video games was his thing earlier on. He didn't start making political videos until around 2012/2013. This day marks the ten year anniversary of him making that journal.
It really set off his channel (or should I say page). I guarentee that if he had a youtube channel, he would be filthy rich, even with youtube's ad-pocalypse and whatnot.
He started off ranting about shows and movies, essentially pointing out all of the flaws. Some notable things he's ranted about were Cartoon Network and Super Mario Live Action movie.
Anime Recaps and Reviews
Weekly Shonen Recap :RECAP !
Anime and Manga was his passion. He almost exclusively watched anime, some of his favourites were Dragon Ball Z and Sailor Moon. Others shows, such as Bleach not so much. There's not much to say on this part, but if you enjoy anime, you'll enjoy his reviews.
As time passed on, he began showing everyone his insane debating skills. This caused many people to hold grudges toward him. He began his series BDTDT/BSTDT (Bigots Do/say the dumbest things) and a subseries FTSTDT (Fantards say the dumbest things) and RFSTDT (Radical Feminists Say The Dumbest Things. He also started shorter series entitled "Concentrated Stupidity", which ended shortly.
Watching him take part in these debates that lasted over months was actually pretty entertaining. He's debated people such as Arrnacar Fighter, DragonoftheEastBlue (which apparently made a youtube video), BrianaBater, Insanity123 (didn't get a journal), Sychtemantis, and Party999999. The debate between him and Party999999 lasted for over a year. It ended in 2016, when Party99999 made a final response, and called it quits.
The topics of these debates covered politics. When it wasn't that, he would literally go in depth on how strong a character is, using math equations and Science to justify his claims.
And no, I'm not insulting any of thse people. Hell for a debate to last that long meant that they put up a good fight and must've good points.
Unfortunately, with so many debates online someone was eventually going to make a page on Encyclopedia Dramatica about him.
Before I start, I will say that I'm suprised that I don't have a page on Encylopedia Dramatica. I should've gotten one a few years back when I got into a big fight in the complaints forum, but now that I'm fading away into nothing, I'm probably never gonna get one. That's good I guess. But an Encyclopedia Dramatica page really only shows the worst in people.
Even when he got banned from DA, he still occasionally called people out here on this site from tumblr (such as OddGarfield and Aknaton-II)
The Story, Political Views, and Removal from DA
Earlier on, 345rv5 was a liberal. He was the same kind of liberal as The Amazing Athiest, as in, he wasn't a SJW, they didn't believe in white privilege or any of that garbage. Instead, they only believed in green privilege. (I dont know if TJ still believes that given I haven't watched his videos in months)
He still is a egaliratian, and one of his sickest ownages was his DESTROYING someone who insulted and slut shamed SHE-HULK by calling her a whore.
BSTDT:She Hulk is a Whore!
He was a true EGALITARIAN. Trust me, you will not find a bigger equalist than 345rv5 on the internet. He has stood up for atheists, women, men, people of colour, whites, Religious people, you name it. Every one of those instances I wholeheartedly agreed with.
BSTDT: Brother Dean the Anti Gay, Sexist Pastor
BSTDT: Atheist Pluser Says fuck you to Christans
After time passed, he slowly distanced himself from the left. He is a firm supporter of AllLivesMatter. This however, would cause him to get banned permanently from the site.
RIP 345rv5
I was beyond angry when that happened. But its been over 3 years and it is what is I guess. After being banned from DA, he made a tumblr account. This is where he REALLY shifted away from the left. 1 year later in 2016, He came out as a supporter of Trump weeks away from the election day. At that point I was still sceptical of Trump but I do admit that people have retarded reasons for hating him. I believe he still identifies as a liberal, but honestly, it hard to be considered a liberal or a leftist at this point because the left keeps fucking up for themselves. Paul Joseph Watson said Conservatism is the new counter culture, and I totally agree. Its popular to be left leaning these days.
The arguement The Amazing Athiest had with Hunter Avallone really shows that sides have switched. It used to be a younger liberal vs a older conservative. Now its a younger conservative vs an older liberal.
But furthermore, 345rv5 continued making posts on tumblr. These were very similar to the posts he made here. This went on until Tumblr shot itself and got rid of pornographic content.
After that, he migrated to another website.
What made him great?
I think it was his ability to debate made him great. He would fucking decimate people. But he would only do that if you had horrible opinions. His followers were literally like familiy, everyone digged in to help him stand up to abusive admins. When he got banned, everyone was upset. We all love his journals, which everyone can see, thanks to this link here: https://web.archive.org/web/20150406180849/http://345rv5.deviantart.com/
Yet he was such a nice guy. And that is why he will always be remembered.
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stopforamoment · 6 years
TRIGGERS Mad World Epilogue: Summer of 2019
Series Twenty-Four: Kintsugi (Four Parts and Mad World Epilogue) TRIGGERS Mad World Epilogue: Summer of 2019 My masterlist is at the end of my bio.
Book: The Royal Romance (After Book Three) Pairing: Bastien Lykel x OC Rinda Parks Word Count: 1057 Rating: M for Language, Violence, Adult Content TRIGGERS: unwanted contact, predator behavior, and violence There is something beautiful about all scars of whatever nature. A scar means the hurt is over, the wound is closed and healed, done with. --Harry Crews
Every scar that you have is a reminder not just that you got hurt, but that you survived. --Michelle Obama
Author’s Note: Obligatory disclaimer that Pixelberry Studios owns the TRR characters and my pocketbook with those darn diamond scenes. OFC with all of her quirks is all mine. My apologies if Tumblr or I do something stupid when I try to post this. The keep reading link shows up on my laptop but not my phone. Ugh. Thank you @asherella-is-a-dork-3 and @bobasheebaby for always being my sounding board! Thank you @cora-nova @silviasutton1989  ​ @riseandshinelittleblossom @innerpostmentality​ for being my thirsty Bastien friends and for still being a part of the journey!
Series Summary: Bastien and Rinda still need to work on fixing their relationship crack from the night he didn’t hear her say “no.” There is no actual timeline for this series—it takes as long as it takes.
Chapter Summary: This is the epilogue for the previous Mad World series.
Mad World Epilogue: Summer 2019
The scar meant that I was stronger than what had tried to hurt me. --Anaïs Nin
Bastien and Brigitte wanted to begin an annual tradition of doing a family holiday together, and they were able to rent the vacation home their family owned when they were young children. The cousins loved spending time with each other, and the adults enjoyed being together as a family. It reminded Bastien and Brigitte of the good times when they were kids, when their parents were still married, and they wanted their own children to experience the same things. They were at the beach and Rinda took the girls for ice cream while George, Bastien, and the boys kept swimming. Brigitte was on the beach enjoying the sun, laughing as she watched her favorite guys splashing in the sea. Rinda noticed a strange man watching her and the girls, and she quickly took them aside. “Els?” It was her shorthand when she referred to more than one of Brigitte and George’s children. “Remember what we do when a stranger tries to be an asshole?” Elena smiled. “Scream ‘FUCK OFF’ loud enough so other people hear us and help us kick his ass!” “Yeah! Go for the knees and dick! Or gouge his eyes,” Eloise added. The girls gave each other a high five. Rinda chuckled. George and Bastien taught them well, although they did get the “fuck off” from her. “Okay, good. So there’s a man in a red shirt who keeps looking over here. We’re fine, but if he comes over you run back to everyone else to get help.  Be sure to stay together no matter what. Don’t worry about me. Promise?” The man walked over and began leering. “You must be Rinda Lykel.” His eyes wandered over her breasts and he gave an appreciative whistle. “Little Bas did pretty well for himself. And those must be Brigitte’s girls. Good looking, just like their mother.” He nervously licked his lips. “But I bet they’re unappreciative little sluts—just like her.” Rinda had already stepped between the man and the girls when he looked their way, and she had already whispered to “Run. NOW!” before they even heard what the man said about them or their mother. She pushed the man back but waited, knowing the girls needed more time to get away. “Who the FUCK are you?” Rinda screamed, quickly drawing attention to herself. “Didn’t Bas and Brig ever talk about their old man? Their mom died a few years ago. Did they know that?” Rinda paled, realizing he must be their stepfather and that he was right—Bastien and Brigitte didn’t know about their mother’s death. His eyes still roamed over Rinda’s body, but Rinda had no problem handling this disgusting piece of shit until Bastien got there. “You know, I saw the piece Ana de Luca did about another American-Cordonian whirlwind romance and wedding. I’m hurt Bas wouldn’t reach out to invite me to your wedding, even if it was a small ceremony. I always figured he wouldn’t amount to anything, but I guess I was wrong. So I thought I could join the family vacation and catch up. It’s been too long.” The girls must have enough of a head start by now . . . and enough people are watching . . . Rinda slowly backed up and tried to run, but he roughly grabbed her arm before she could get away and he tried to pull her close. But Rinda was a fighter, and this was the man who hurt her beloved Tiger when he was younger. Who was stupid enough to think her cherished husband would never amount to anything. . . . . . George and Bastien arrived only minutes later to find the man on his knees, desperately trying to protect himself from Rinda. She was pummeling him, kicking him, and screaming every obscenity at him while a crowd gathered. Bastien pulled Rinda off of him, his eyes widening when he realized who was on the ground. He held her in his arms, calming her and whispering apologies that the man touched her, while George held the man in a choke hold until the police came. George wasn’t going to let him escape to find Brigitte and the children.
. . . . . Bastien and George went to the police station and identified themselves as the head of the Cordonian Emergency Response Program and a high-ranking official of the Royal Guard. They needed to take the man into custody for security reasons and when they left with the man, there was no record of the incident or his arrest. When George came home to Brigitte that night he held her in his arms and softly reassured her that she was safe, and the stepfather would never hurt her or their family again. George held her while she cried, while they both cried, releasing the last of the demons that had haunted them since they started dating. When Bastien came home to Rinda that night she kissed his bruised knuckles and the childhood scars that he hesitantly admitted to her early in their relationship. She held him in her arms, stroking his hair until he fell asleep. When he woke up in the middle of the night craving her, he asked and he waited until she was ready. He waited for her permission before going faster, getting rougher. She let him because she loved him and she knew that he needed to release the last of the demons that had haunted him since his childhood. Bastien held her in his arms afterward and Rinda snuggled into him as he gently kissed her and told her that he loved her, that she and Henry were safe, and that his stepfather would never touch his Tria ever again. She thanked him for always being so brave and taking care of them. Her and Henry. Brigitte and her family. He proved to her time and time again that he was always there for them and would do whatever it took to protect them. Then she cupped Bastien’s face and reassured her Tiger that yes, he always kept his promises.
Bastien stayed awake, rubbing soft circles on Rinda’s back to soothe her. It wasn’t until he felt her deep breathing that he protectively spooned against her, wrapping his arms around her and twining his leg between hers. Now he would sleep.
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Misogyny in the Anime Community
I can’t even really believe that I have to type this shit but I guess life is full of surprises. Follow my trip down a fucking gigantic shithole. 
Since I’m a very sociable girl and I love Anime and I love love love the Tumblr-Anime-Community (except for some minor things but nothing’s perfect y’know) and so I decided to join some local Facebook-Anime-Groups. 
I was happy to gain new information about Anime and I was willing to throw myself into heated discussions about my favorite characters and shows. What I got instead was a shitbunch of misogyny and hatred towards “realistic female characters” that didn’t act like the **waifuuu** these guys wanted so badly. 
From the start I haven’t been as active in this groups as I was here on Tumblr. I didn’t interact as much even though I really tried to get into it something just put me off. Firstly, this was a men dominated group - like 85% AT LEAST were guys in their late teens up to early twenties and they all loved some good smashes in Anime and some hot girls with super big tits (there were even polls about which Anime girls more dudes would like to fuck or something). That was something that I could tolerate - I mean who am I to judge right? I, myself love me some hot pics of my favorite Anime boys and girls so no problem right? 
Unfortunately not. Most of the comments in these section were about what this men would do to this girl if they could have their way with her and I tell you what: these men are fucking disgusting. Actually using the word “rape” and “Taking advantage of” etc. in this context is in my opinion not okay. Especially when there are minors in this group (their parents probably failed to keep them under check because this group is not for minors). 
I still don’t know why I didn’t immediately leave the group (probably because there were like 5 good posts per month or because I wanted a daily reminder of how shitty men can be - of course not all men and women too!) 
Today I was refreshing my facebook page when said group popped up with a picture of one of my favorite Anime - NANA by Ai Yazawa. If you’re not familiar with it and don’t want to be spoiled then skip the next paragraph (I’ll try to not really spoil the plot only the relevant things? idk). 
NANA is a slice-of-life Anime about two girls named Nana, but one of them is frequently called Hachi and I’ll refer to her as Hachi. It’s a very mature and in my opinion realistic Anime and Manga when it comes to the plot and the actions of the characters. And the two female main characters - god forbid - have sex. Nana - presumably - has Sex with only one guy. Hachi on the other hand has sexual intercourse with a few different men. Which is okay and normal - HA! That’d what actual intelligent people would say, but not the dudes from this group. 
This one guy decided to watch NANA and I still don’t know how he even thought it would be a good idea to watch it because it’s about female empowerment and about finding your own path in this world as a girl and about even more but it always comes down to: females. 
And what happened to be popping up on my facebook page was this (I added ugly translations but so all of you understand): 
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At first I had to google what “Sharmuta” even means, but at first look I knew it wouldn’t be something like “brave young woman”. I looked it up and - surprise - it means slut, skank, hoe, hooker, whatever term you prefer. You get it. 
Not only is NANA my most treasured Anime/Manga, I’m also a girl who hates being told how to live my life. Especially when I’m told by men who 1. don’t know me 2. think women should hide in the kitchen learning recipes until their unknown husband picks them up to get them pregnant. Ok that was a little over the top but you know what I mean. 
Naturally I felt attacked. I felt attacked because this is one of the works I truly admire and because the reason I love it so much is because of the complex and realistic relationships. I love that it’s not this “ugh I’m a virgin waiting for my prince”-trope. I love that there are female characters who embrace their sexuality and needs because that’s what I struggled with for so long. It portrays strong women who make mistakes (like everyone does) but they stand up for themselves and they own their mistakes and learn to live with them in the best way possible. It helped me find peace with my body and mind and showed me that it’s okay to live as you please. You don’t need to be ashamed of anything and the last thing you should be ashamed of is who and how you love and that it’s not shameful to enjoy sex or anything involved with sex. It’s okay for women to still their sexual needs. 
So - of course I had to speak up. I think I knew from the beginning that this would be useless but I just felt so infuriated that a men can openly slutshame a character that stands for female empowerment (correct me if I’m wrong, but this was my feeling?). 
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Cucumber Guy: ok ...
Star Girl (me): I had to look this word up on google and the definition I found (slut) is - in my opinion - 100% not fitting. I’m sorry, but to call a girl who enjoys her sexuality and tries different things a slut is just wrong imo. What makes NANA such a masterpiece are the realistic dynamics and constellations between the characters and the lack of perfection. Hachi is not a slut and to call her that just shows your strange view of women. Of course, everyone can do as they like - but in this time and age it is so important to support girls in their decisions and to not always degrade them and question their every move. Stop slutshaming (even if it’s only a fictional character) : - ) 
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Mr-Know-It-All: This text only shows me that you can identify with her as a charcter ... maybe you even feel like I was talking to you but sorry - a person like this (with such a foul character) is nothing you can make appear good 
Mr-Know-It-All: Nothing but the truth. 
Star Girl (me): to be honest I expected something like this as an answer. I think it’s horrifying how much misogyny hides behind your words and is something that’s completely unnecessary in todays society. Reality will get to you soon enough and you’ll realize that women have needs and there is no reason for you to judge that. Because I know that I can’t convince you otherwise I’ll just save my energy for something else : - ) 
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Mr-Know-It-All: I don’t know if I should laugh or cry. Don’t try so hard to defend yourself or that illusion you have. That you even said “how much misogyny hides behind your statement” is ridiculous. If someone has seen the Anime and then reads your comments about it he has to pity you no matter what. Our society is damaged and that you think behavior like this is normal shows truly what you are. 
Mr-Know-It-All: For people who read “this discussion” without knowing the Anime. Just watch it (it’s a good show). But just so you understand: SPOILER: This ******** has an affair with a married an (for a long time period) ... and that’s only the beginning XD XD it only gets better. 
SO, to break this down again: 
- at first he assumes I identify with this character and that would make me a slut too so .. my opinion is not really valid right? 
- I try to reason with him one more time even though I already saw him as a lost cause and he then proceeds to tell me (put bluntly) that my point of view is what’s wrong with society. 
- he then tries to justify his opinion by slutshaming the character even further 
Maybe you don’t see a problem with this. Maybe you think I overreacted, but to be honest: I’m fed up. I’m fed up about being told that I’m only worth something if I’m “pure and innocent” - whatever that means! I’m so fed up with men like him degrading women because of their decisions and actions. Why are men allowed to make mistakes, to learn from their mistakes and to move on - but women have to be haunted by theirs for the rest of their life and through all eternity? And maybe - just maybe - someone doesn’t even see having an affair with a married man as a mistake and if they don’t IT’S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS TO COMPLAIN. Women’s lifes do not belong to men. We are not something you can dictate however you want. We live. We feel. Sometimes we need things even though we know they are bad for us. We do things that we know can get us in trouble. We are human and it’s heartbreaking to see how many men still don’t get the idea that women can live a life on their own. That they don’t need someone to overlook their every move. 
I want the Anime Community to be open-minded, to be inclusive to everyone. I want everyone to feel welcome and safe. And even though there are often discourses - let’s handle them the classy way. I want to feel welcomed no matter what my sexuality is or how often I have sex or how much I admire a sex positive character. Sex positivity is so important, especially for young women, so let’s work hard together to make it something that’s okay. Okay to be talked about. Okay to be admired. And also okay to not be practiced since it’s not for everyone but that is also okay.
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eclipsekrpworld · 5 years
Rules & Guidelines
Eclipse is a mewe based general kpop roleplay. Muses must be 18+ internationally to join (muns must also be 18+). We strive to be a safe, friendly, happy and inclusive place so please bring that kind of attitude with you when joining. We all want this to be a place people can enjoy✮
First and foremost, OOC drama is not tolerated under any circumstance. When joining this roleplay we expect you to leave behind any conflict/issues you have with any other roleplayers, platforms, roleplays, muses, muns etc. This should be a fresh start and no grudges should be held. 
This is a general semi-literate roleplay so please keep one-liners, excessive use of emojis and text talk to a minimum. Text talk and emojis can however be used to your hearts context in text/dm conversations but not in main group chats or on the timeline. All posts should start using your muses SNS handle. Your account should represent your muses private and personal account, not a fan page or news account. 
Any suggestions, event ideas, concerns, problems, questions can be brought to the admin accounts. We strive to do our best to make this a place enjoyable for everyone. We will not respond to anonymous messages regarding the running of the roleplay. It is difficult to help you if we don’t know who we’re helping. You will always be listened to if you come to us directly and we will do our best to help you.
Yes, we know that rules/guidelines are long and boring but we set these in place to try and make sure everyone feels welcomed, can enjoy their experience and has a good time in general and we appreciate the time taken to read and adhere to them.
Admin strikes - The admins operate on a three strike system. Some scenarios may earn you a strike without warning. Whereas others may require you to discuss the situation with an admin before we decide whether to issue a strike. Earning three strikes means you will be removed from the roleplay and unable to reapply for 1 (one) month. If you do try to reapply before this time, you will be banned. If you reapply after the month is up you MUST TELL US in your application that you were removed before. This is a second chance for you and if you get removed again for getting 3 strikes you will be banned from the roleplay and not allowed a third chance. If you have any problems and need to talk to the admins we will require proof for some things (such as harassment) because we don’t want to just accuse people of things that we don’t have proof for because nothing will get solved properly.
No mixing IC/OOC - as stated, this is a fresh start and we don’t expect any issues to be caused by IC/OOC mixing. If there are any problems or concerns we strongly recommend that you come and talk to an admin. We can’t do anything to help you if you don’t come to us. Please remember as well that as much as we try to encourage you to add some of your personal traits and interests to your muse to help interactions you are not your muse and IC drama should not be taken personally. This shouldn’t have to be said but we do not expect to see any harassment or bullying within the roleplay. Come directly to an admin should you notice any of this kind of behaviour or if you feel uncomfortable for any reason. 
IC Drama - This is accepted however only if all parties involved are okay with it. Should you feel uncomfortable with the drama please message the other mun(s) to let them know or come straight to an admin. If you are asked to stop the drama please respect other muns and change the plot topic. 
Muses - To apply, your chosen facelaim must be at least 18 years old internationally. For now we are only accepting idols, actors and actresses that are active in the Korean entertainment industry as we know that they may be more recognizable. Also because, as much as people (admins included) might like some people outside of the Korean industry, it would be hard to have interactions due to the distance. For the list of those not accepted, please check the bottom of the masterlist. Enlisted idols are allowed for the purpose of this being mainly SNS interactions, however please be aware that face-to-face interactions may be limited as they may only occur when the idols have break days. 
Usual don’ts - no godmodding, bubble/clique roleplaying, metagaming etc. If you’re unsure what any of these mean we advise you look them up.
Relationships - Romance is inevitable. But not everything is about finding love. We are all for people ending up together and finding romance however to allow for relationships and friendships to bloom well there is a two (2) week dating ban - though we don’t expect to see everyone jumping into relationships the day after the ban is up. For now, muses aged 18/19 may not date anyone more than 3 years older (this could be subject to change but for now there are no exceptions) meaning no-one over 21/22. Entering a relationship is not an excuse to only talk to your partner and we expect your muse to still make friends with other people in the roleplay.
NSFW - There is a nfsw group within the roleplay but this is not mandatory. Muses must be internationally 20+ to join this group although this could be subject to change. We set this in place as we have had personal experience where people don’t always feel comfortable with those that have just turned the legal age being involved in sexual activities and posting nsfw content. However, if all parties consent then it’s completely up to you what you do in dms.  There is to be no kink shaming, slut shaming, or any kind of shaming anyone for anything. All types of relationships and sexualities are allowed. We draw the line at posting about r@pe, gore, golden showers, scat, vomit etc. that people might not want to visually see. However with consent, these topics may be discussed and roleplayed privately.
Marriage/Pregnancy - After getting into a relationship, marriage is allowed but muses should be dating for a minimum of two (2) weeks before an engagement is announced to allow the relationship to grow.  Pregnancies are allowed (no mpreg) but again, this will take time if planned. If you want to plot out an unplanned pregnancy (regardless of whether the muses are dating), please inform the admins just so we’re aware and make sure all parties consent to the plot. Any pregnancy plot must wait until after the two (2) week dating ban. 
Applying - Muns and muse must be 18+ to be able to apply.You are allowed one (1) muse upon joining and much wait two (2) weeks before applying for a second, then another two (2) weeks before applying for a third. You must show that you are active before applying for more muses and you are allowed a maximum of 3 muses. If you are more active on one account than others the admins will approach you to see if you still want to keep the less active muse(s). You must have an active tumblr to be able to apply.
Reserving - Anon reservations are allowed for now. Reservations last for 3 days and you have until 11:59pm (GMT) on the 3rd day to send in your application. If the application is not received you must wait one (1) week before reapplying or asking to reserve a face claim. Should you need longer than the 3 days before you are able to apply please message the admins directly on tumblr so we can discuss further. Please provide a password for your reservation as you will need to add this to your application. Reservations made without a password will not be accepted, regardless of if the reservation was made on or off anon. 
Setting up your account - Please make sure your muse name is romanized (e.g. Kim Taehyung). No hangul, special characters, emojis or symbols. Both the first and last names must be used. Accounts can be made using stage names but last names must be included (e.g Lee Haechan). You will be added to 7 mandatory groups (arrivals, social, plotting, ooc, departures, announcements, secrets). The nsfw group is not mandatory and you will only be added if you state you want to in your application. The triple star emoji  ✨ should be added to the High School section of your profile so we can identify you as part of the roleplay. first p@sSw0rd is your favorite number, Feed preferences MUST be set to ‘new posts’ are seen at the top of your feed to ensure that everyone’s posts are seen. After being added to the groups you have 2 days to post your introduction in the Social group and make your first timeline post. Failure to do so will result in a strike and you will be given 1 extra day. Failure still means you will be removed from the roleplay and have to have one (1) week before reapplying. 
Adding/removing other members - You can only add 50 members at once in a 24 hour period. However this can be overridden if the admins suggest contacts to you. Therefore admins will check and suggest contacts to you if you don’t add them. Please try to remove departed members asap to avoid confusion. Your friend list must be public. 
Leaving - If you decide to leave the roleplay you must inform the admins of your departure in order to help us easily keep track of active members and to make sure you are correctly removed from the groups and contact lists. 
Activity - As stated before, you are expected to post your intro and first timeline post within the first 48hours of being accepted. After that, to be considered active in the roleplay you should be posting at least twice a week as well as commenting on people’s posts and replying to comments on your own. You are also expected to be active in dms and reply to people’s message and make the effort to have your muse make friends with others but not being selective. Inactivtiy for a week will result in a prompted message from the admins and a potential strike. If you don’t reply to this within 3 days, you will be removed from the roleplay and have to wait one (1) week to reapply. 
Activity checks -  Will be held on the first of every month and apply to individual muses. You have an entire month to complete the check. Failure will result in automatic removal from the roleplay and you must wait two (2) weeks before reapplying. The requirements are as follows: 2 timeline posts within 7 days prior to the check, 4 timeline comments in the month with screenshots sent to admin. This is essentially 1 comment a week. Please understand that we don’t think this is unnecessary to ask as people shouldn’t need prompting to comment on posts and interact with people. These comments cannot be on the posts of group members or partners. 
Group chats - There are 3 main group chats open for the whole roleplay (social group, ooc group, nsfw group) but these will be closed if the admin deem it necessary. Group chats can be very chaotic and sometimes people can easily get overlooked. We do not allow spam, overuse of picture messages, or big # text. These chats are for people to have conversations and get to know others and interact as a group. We don’t want to see people ignoring others or creating cliques. Group chats for idol groups (e.g a chat just for got7 members) is fine as these likely exist in real life. However this is not an excuse to ignore other people in the roleplay. 
Hiatuses- If you need to take a hiatus please fill out the form in the announcements group. Hiatuses are per muse.. A full hiatus can last a maximum of 2 weeks with no activity whatsoever. This includes dms as we don’t want people to use the hiatus as an excuse to be selective about who they talk to. A semi hiatus can last up to 2 weeks but you are still required to post once a week and at least reply to comments on your posts - if you can be a little more active then it doesn’t hurt to add a comment here and there on someone else’s posts but again we don’t expect people to be selective in dms. If you need to extend your hiatus you must inform the admins via your muses account on mewe. Failure to return from your hiatus on the date given or to inform the admins about needing to extend your hiatus could result in a strike and in some instances, further inactivity with lead to you being removed from the roleplay with a waiting period of one (1) week before reapplying.
Moving couples -  These are allowed and you should fill out the relevant part of the application for this. Needs to match/be clear to be accepted as a moving couple.
Canon relationships/friendships - We understand that not every mun is going to find it easy to roleplay with everyone. But PLEASE try to keep up interactions with your muses canon friendships such as group members and label mates. Baekhyun and Chanyeol wouldn’t just not talk in real life, so why would they not talk here? If there’s IC drama that causes them to not talk then sure. We find it to be a gateway to other interactions if you can easily interact with people your faceclaim is friends with. It should not be difficult to be friends with your groupmates.
Emojis - It’s always nice to see 4 emoji’s on a post and to see everyone leaving the emojis. It only takes a couple of seconds and is a good way to be inclusive and show people that ther aren’t being ignored etc. By all means go ahead and emoji your own post. The emojis can be random but should still be relevant to the post that way made. 
Comments - We know it can be difficult to know what to say in comments sometimes and can even be stressful sometimes. But more often than not we find that comments are a good gateway to interactions and can even lead to plots being made or a conversation in dms. 
Dms - . Unless you’re messaging someone 5 times in a row and begging them to respond, you aren’t going to be considered annoying by dropping someone a dm to start an interaction. Even if it’s just a simple hello. If you’re having trouble interacting with people please let an admin know and we’ll do our best to help you out. second p@aSw0rd is delphinus
Events- These will not be mandatory! But will be a way for people to start interactions and ways to create more of a fun atmosphere within the roleplay. If you have any ideas for events don’t be shy to come to an admin! We might tweak the idea but we’ll definitely take your opinions into consideration. 
Profile bio - it is recommended that you include your muses age/birthday and sexuality to avoid any awkward feelings, misunderstood intentions and general mistaking people for something their not
If you happy that you understand our rules and guidelines then go ahead and Apply Here ♡
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wbgammaterra · 6 years
Gamma World 8 Playtest (Part 3)
((Re-upload for tumblr censorship))
DM: So last thing that happened was Loni had sex with the badger babe. I’m not sure what Serana was doing during that though.
Serana: She was just sort of.. waiting really, thinking to herself.
DM: Okay so after all of that the badger gives Loni a kiss and says “Thank you for saving my daughter by the way,” then allows you to wait there in her shack until nightfall when it will be easier to get around.
Loni relaxes next to Serana and smiles contentedly.
Serana: “You’re welcome… I simply did what was right.”
DM: Alright so you are waiting in the shack until after dark unless your plans have changed. While you wait the badger informs you her name is Britannia and Sticks came home and told her what happened after the guards ushered her into the homestead, so she rushed out to find you and hopefully keep you from getting killed. It’s night now so you can go ahead with whatever you want.
Loni: Okay, well hopefully with her help we can make it to the cave?
Serana peers out the door watching to make sure things are clear.
DM: Britannia tells you that the entrance into the metal cave is in the ground floor of the tower down in the center and lowest level of the pit. But she warns you they have a “guard dog” in there to keep the children from wandering down into the cave. It’s probably not going to like non-badgers coming in either.
Serana: “How do you suggest we deal with it?”
Loni: “I think I can handle a dog.”
Britannia: “Be sneaky and don’t wake it?” she suggests.
Serana: “Yeah but we don’t need the entire place waking up to some mongrel barking.”
Britannia: “Oh it doesn’t bark.” Britannia smirks.
Loni: “I have a way with animals.” Loni cocks a sly smirk.
Serana: “Doesn’t bark.. when you say dog… what do you mean, EXACTLY?”
Britannia: “It’s a yexil~ Very sweet. Great with the kids.”
Loni: Nature roll. Roll(1d20)+2: 19,+2 Total:21
Serana: 22
DM: Okay you both know what a yexil is.
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Loni: “Still an animal. I can handle it. And if not, I have a backup plan~”
Serana: “Alright…”
DM: I’m typing a description of what you know.
DM: They are flying predators. Sharp teeth. Laser eye beams. Known to eat people. They prize cloth, fabric, and other garments, which they also find delicious.
Loni: Great. A killer dragon moth. Okay, off we go, sneaking toward the tower?
DM: Okay. Give me stealth checks then.
Loni: Roll(1d20)+3: 13,+3 Total:16
Serana: 25
DM: Loni knocks an empty can of Bush’s Baked Beans with her foot on the way down, sending it clanking over the edge of the next ledge.
Loni finds a nice shadowy place to hide and listen for anyone coming to investigate.
Serana pushes herself against the side of the spiraling path downwards, blending in with the wall.
DM: Give me new stealth checks for that. Or if you actually put Remain Unseen on your sheet instead of adding it to stealth you can roll that instead if you want.
Serana: Okay. 20
Loni: Roll(1d20)+3: 20,+3 Total:23
DM: Okay well I rolled an 11… So a badger comes out of his shack and looks around then grumbles something about dumb kids and goes back inside.
Loni: Okay. Resuming the trek to the tower.
Serana continues down with Loni.
DM: As you make it to the bottom level of the pit where the tower is. You notice that the foot path leads right up to the door. But you also notice that just to the right of the path before you get to the tower door there is a large crater in the ground. In the dark you may not have noticed it if not for the fact that there is a green glow coming from inside it.
Loni: Animal Control.
DM: On what?
Loni: Well I’m assuming the whatsit dragon moth is hiding in the shadowy hole?
DM: You try animal control but nothing happens. You are attempting to control a hole in the ground.
Loni: Okay, well fuck me then. Moving on. Let’s check the hole in the ground then.
DM: You are approaching the crater? Both of you or just Loni?
Loni: Hm… You know what? It’s time to play my hole card.
Serana hangs back, watching.
Loni wants to find a nice, quiet, sheltered spot in the deep shadows.
DM: Okay. Done. What now?
Loni starts inflating her “friend”.
DM: Hehe~ You find a small ripcord on the Inflatable Friend and pull it. As you do it inflates in a matter of moments.
Loni: Well that’s handy.
Serana watches the hole closely.
((Enter Player 3.))
Fluttershy: The inflatable friend comes online and looks around, speaking softly. “My name is Fluttershy and I am your inflatable friend. Please register users.”
-Picture removed-
((Yes, this is what they settled on for the Inflatable Friend. I should also point out is was given to a third player to be her character. And no… No I’m not even sorry.))
Loni smiles. “Two users. Lonicera and Serana.” She gestures to Serana.
Fluttershy nods. “Ownership has been registered. How may I serve you, Mistress?”
Loni: “Go take a look into that hole over there and tell me what you see.”
Fluttershy makes her way to the glowing hole and peers in.
DM: Inside you see it is just a big hole in the ground. Looks like it may have been caused by a meteorite hitting or something like that. There is nothing in it now. The glow is coming from the ground itself. And I also need you to tell me what your Reflex is, Fluttershy.
Fluttershy: Oh um… 16.
DM: The ground around the edge starts to crumble as you get near enough to look inside but you manage to jump back before you fall in.
Fluttershy: So it’s not like a tunnel? Just a glowing dent?
DM: Yes.
Fluttershy: I go back to my mistress and report that it is a glowing crater.
Loni: Well that’s splendid but not what we’re here for. We are at the base of the tower, right?
DM: Yeah. The crater is to the right of the path just before you go in.
Serana: I send the airhead to head into the tower to see what happens.
Fluttershy: I’m happy to obey~
DM: As Fluttershy inters the tower she finds that it’s 40 foot round room with a 25 foot high ceiling. There are stairs on the far end of the room wrapping round the wall in a spiral. They lead up to the next floor of the tower and down into what you assume is the metal cave. Hanging from the ceiling you see the yexil, hanging upside down, asleep with it’s wings wrapped around itself.
Fluttershy: I motion for my mistresses to follow and be very silent.
Loni: Roll(1d20)+3: 8,+3 Total:11 stealth
DM: Okay and are the rest of you going in as well?
Serana: 26 stealth.
Loni: So that’s a yes.
DM: Loni seems to be having an off night. She steps on a loose flagstone and it makes a stone clink. The Yexil twitches and opens it’s eye, looking around the room.
Fluttershy: Quietly eeps.
Serana stays close the ground, using her claws to move quickly low to the ground, to maintain stealth.
DM: As it spots you all it lets out a roar like a big cat and spreads it’s wings, giving them a warning flap.
Fluttershy: Okay, Mister Yexil. Just calm down. We’re not here to hurt you. Be a good boy and go back to sleep.
DM: Serana is still making her way across the floor? It blasts a laser beam in front of her to stop her from moving forward.
Serana growls. “Fucker,” she says under her breath.
Loni would like to attempt hypnosis. Roll(1d20)+6: 12,+6 Total:18
DM: Okay that’s a high enough roll.
Loni: I want to convince it that it saw no intruders and it should just go back to sleep until dawn.
DM: Well… not at all how I expected that to go… but you did beat it’s Will save so okay. I guess that worked. It wraps it’s wings around itself and goes back to sleep.
Loni: “Good work, rent-a-slut. Let’s get moving.”
Fluttershy: I beam happily and follow my mistress.
Serana gets up and follows, bipedal again. “Certainly is an interesting piece of technology you have here.” She sticks her hand into the back hole of the slut. “Expanding, interesting.” She gives it a slap on the ass.
Fluttershy: Yelps and goes stiff, letting out a languid moan of pleasure.
Loni: Sure makes a handy distraction, that’s for sure.
DM: So I guess you are heading down the stairs?
Serana: Yes.
Loni: Yep.
DM: Okay give me one sec. Serana has a question about her gear and I have to look it up real quick. Should just take a moment.
Loni: No rush.
((Gear question answered.))
Serana: The crystalline spear on Serana’s back pulses with red light, flashing the corridor softly.
DM: As you go down the stairs into the first chamber of the metal cave you find yourself in some kind of facility with steel walls and floors. It’s lit by dim emergency lights. There are 3 badders in the room, sitting at a table on the left side of the room. One is slumped over the table asleep. The other two are looking at some old magazines, snickering and occasionally holding one up to show the other a picture in it. In the center of the room there is a large machine. It’s a large, round cylinder slowly spinning in two struts that hold it up. It glows slightly and gives off a humming sound. One of the struts has a control box on it. Hanging from the ceiling near the machine are several rusted bar cages that hold vacant-eyed humans.
Loni: Is Fluttershy immediately identifiable as a sex doll?
DM: Uhh… Not if you have never seen one before I guess.
Serana: So, uh.. rolling insight to see if I can identify anything else telling about the caged humans?
Loni: Is there any reason to suspect that these guys wouldn’t know what she was?
Serana: 18
DM: Well she is a pretty rare item. So chances are good they haven’t come across one before. Serana, you can see from looking at them they seem like they are in some kind of a trance or other such altered state of mind. They look totally unaware of what is going on around them.
Loni: Okay. I whisper to Fluttershy.
Serana: Science to see what the spinny doodad is.
Fluttershy: Oh um… Okay, I pull myself up to an alluring posture and walk out with my hips swaying and my cock and tits bouncing. I put a distressed look on my face. “Excuse me, gentlemen. Could you please help me? I’m a sex doll and I seem to have lost track of my owner. Oh he’ll be ever so cross with me if I’m not there to take his throbbing member.” And then um… Roll(1d20)+1: 13,+1 Total:14 interaction check to try and be as sexually alluring as possible.
Serana: 17
DM: Okay. Fluttershy, as you do this the two who are still awake drop their magazines and jump up in alarm, but once they see who is talking to them and have a moment to process what you just said, they start grinning and walking towards you calmly. “How did you get in here sweet thing?~” One asks. “Never had a thing for cock before but on something like that it doesn’t look so bad,” the other comments.
DM: Serana you are not sure what this machine is. You have never seen anything like it before. Your best guess is that it is something that merged over into that location from an alternate reality during the Big Mistake. It is totally alien to you.
Serana has to make a conscious effort not to start talking aloud about the thing, her desire to study it, very strong…
Fluttershy: I’m not sure. I got separated from my master and went looking for him. I wound up here.
Badder1: “You don’t need a master who lets a sweet thing like you get lost. Why don’t you come keep us company. Guard duty gets boring in the middle of the night.”
Badder2: “But I’m sure we can find ways to pass the time together~”
DM: The two badgers are right in front of Fluttershy now.
Fluttershy: I bite my lip and push my hips forward. “You boys will keep me company until I can go find Master in the morning?”
Badder1: “Yeah, we’ll make sure you have lots of fun~”
DM: One is giving her boobs a testing squeeze while the other is running his hand along the length of her cock.
Fluttershy shudders and gives a plaintive whine. “You’re so nice~ Thank you.”
DM: They take her by the hand and start trying to lead her away towards a small office on the side of the room. There is a door leading into it and a large wire mesh safety glass window in it. (You know… those windows made to resist being broken.)
Fluttershy: Goes along without resistance
Serana has grabbed the spear on her back, just the handle end. She’s whispering to Loni. “There’s no way we can just sneak past them, even if they’re busy. And I need to get my hands on that thing in the middle.”
Loni whispers “One is sleeping, the other two are in another room. Cakewalk.”
Serana rubs her temples. “I need time.”
DM: As they lead Fluttershy into the office they close the door so they won’t wake up their “friend” and have to share. You can see through the window they are wasting no time getting their clothes off and getting Fluttershy up on top of a desk.
Loni: “They aren’t coming out in a hurry.”
Serana: “Fine,” she says, moving towards the device.
Fluttershy: Gleefully complies with the Badders, having been told to do whatever was necessary to distract them for as long as possible.
DM: Okay Serana, this thing is huge. Think something like an alien turbine the size of a car.
Serana starts circling around, getting a better look.
DM: As you get near to the machine I need a Will save.
Serana: 31
DM: You feel it trying to effect your mind but you manage to resist it.
Serana: “Careful around this thing.. its got some sort of mental effect.”
Loni uses her um… Identify Mental Power. Roll(1d20)+3: 16,+3 Total:19
DM: Okay you draw near enough to feel just a tinge of what the machine is trying to do and realize right away that it is trying to erase your mind.
Loni: “It’s a mind eraser. Be careful.”
Serana: “Fascinating…” she says, looking for a control panel.
DM: I did say there was a control box on one of the two struts that holds it up.
Serana: How high up is it would you say? Like the struts go up how far?
DM: The struts are about 7 feet tall. I wouldn’t suggest trying to get under the spinning part, even laying on your back, unless you want to risk your clothing getting snagged by it. The control box is just below eye level.
Serana sighs. “I can’t get to the control box.”
DM: Yes you can. It’s on the side. Sorry.
Serana: Oh, okay. I thought you said it was on the struts. She moves over to the control box and looks over it to see if there’s a simple way to shut it off or anything like that.
DM: On the outside. The spinning part is held between them. Think… a rotisserie spit.
Serana: Ahh, okay.
DM: Do you want to make a check?
Serana: Sure. 21 sci
DM: You are able to figure out how to turn the machine off.
Serana: I turn it off!
Loni: Wait! Is the machine making noise?
DM: A slight humming sound.
Loni: Oh okay. Then they shouldn’t notice it shutting down through the door. Carry on.
Serana: Well, she shut it off.
DM: As the cylinder stops spilling it also stops glowing and you notice that feeling you were getting of it trying to effect your mind goes away.
Loni goes over to the sleeping guard and checks for weapons.
DM: Mace and crossbow.
Loni takes the mace and smacks him over the back of the head to make sure he doesn’t wake up and spot us.
DM: Heh~ Okay.
Loni: What are the room’s exits?
DM: Well there is the stairway you came in from. The door to the office, and on the far side of the room there is another door. And through the window you can see the other two guards are busy fucking Fluttershy and haven’t noticed you. One taking her from behind and the other with his cock shoved in her mouth. The humans in the cages still haven’t moved.
Loni: I take it their minds have been erased. “They must have been effected by that machine. They won’t make any noise. Let’s go.”
Serana: “I Shudder to think what would have happened had i not resisted it…“ She follows Loni.
Loni ignores the caged humans, gives a thumbs up to the balloon bimbo, and heads through the other door.
DM: Okay hold on one sec. I’m trying to find the XP chart to figure out how much XP you level at. Because I need to give you XP for what you’ve been doing and I’m not sure if you level up yet or not.
Loni: LOL. Okay.
DM: Have I given any XP yet? In any of the sessions?
Loni: No.
DM: Okay then.
((After a quick level up…))
Serana: "Hey, just because their seemingly brain dead now doesn’t mean we should just leave them,” she says angerly to Loni. “Promise me we see if we can help them before we leave.”
Loni rolls her eyes. “Fine. If you wanna take your pet mammals to therapy after we get the job done, be my guest.”
Serana angerly slaps Loni. “Maybe all you’re concerned about is your goddamned glorified weeds but I’m trying to make this hellhole of a wasteland a decent place for everyone, which means doing the right thing!”
Loni: “And for me the right thing is putting this dirt farm back in the control of the plants who actually know how to run the place without turning it into a radioactive sandbox.”
Serana: “You only achieved sentience after mutation. The only reason you didn’t screw things up before is because you couldn’t. You didn’t even have a brain to try,” she says, heated and full of venom.
Loni: “Maybe plants are smarter than you think, hm? Did you know there were more plants than any other type of living thing before the calamity? Or that sunflowers absorb and nullify radiation?”
Serana: “I’ve read plenty of the ancients notes on herbalism. The key isn’t to have a ruling race, its to live together. The ancients might not have been able to do it, but it doesn’t mean we can’t. And look at me! I’m a mantis. My species wasn’t any smarter before all this either. Maybe a higher majority will be plants, but we can’t just.. live in a state of cold peace if things go right.” She turns to hide her face, and the heated, sorrowful look on it.
Loni relents. “Okay, we’ll help them. But I hope it doesn’t end up getting us caught.”
Serana hugs Loni. “Thank you..” she says quietly.
Loni blinks in surprise, not used to being hugged. Fucked, sure. But not usually hugged. “We should get going. We have a mission to accomplish.”
DM: Heading through the other door?
Loni: Yes.
Serana: “Yeah, sounds like a plan.”
DM: As you head through the other door you find that the other side is a real cave made of stone, not a metal building. The whole sight must have been too conflicting from one reality to the next so they merged together in some kind of hodge podge. Before you is a deep cavernous drop with a rocky outcropping that spirals downward leading below like a natural spiral staircase. You also notice there is glowing blue moss growing here and there all over the place.
Loni: Science check on the moss.
Serana inspects the moss. 24
DM: And your roll Loni?
Loni: Roll(1d20)+6: 14,+6 Total:20 plus any “I happen to be a plant” bonuses.
DM: You both know this stuff. It’s Beta Moss. A mostly harmless, radioactive moss. It also happens to be the favored food of Gamma Moths when hunting is scarce.
Loni: Is the drop dark?
DM: Yeah. The only light is coming from the moss.
Loni takes some of the moss and drops it down the hole, watching it fall to gauge the depth.
Serana: Roll… nature… to see what a gamma moth is.
DM: It appears to be a 50 foot drop. Also you take one point of low level radiation.
Loni: Do I record that somewhere?
DM: That’s not a point of damage. Just your accumulated rads or whatever they are called. And I don’t think there is a place on your sheet for that but you can make a note of it in Notes or something.
Loni: Okay.
Serana: 14 plus “I am also a bug” bonus? Giggles
DM: LOL! They are giant carnivorous moths that give off radiation.
Serana: ((Oh boy.)) “I can fly down there without danger of falling.”
Loni: “Do we have any lights? It’s very dark.”
Serana pulls her heavy flashlight out.
Loni: “Okay. Fly down and light the way for me.”
Serana flies down slowly, holding the light and shining it.
Loni: “Oh wait. I have to check something. Be right back.” Loni heads back into the other room and peeks to see if the Badders have passed out from sexing up her love doll yet.
DM: It hasn’t been that long. They are still going at it. I mean, it’s probably only been like 10 or 15 minutes in world.
Loni: Ah okay. Then Loni returns and starts hopping down the rock protrusions.
DM: Serana now that you have turned that flashlight on you hear a flutter of wings, and a moment later you spot a large moth flying right at your light.
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DM: It’s easily as big as you are.
Serana makes sure that Loni has stopped before turning the flashlight off and hovering over a bit.
Loni crouches on the outcrop she stopped on.
DM: With the light turned off the moth passes by and lands somewhere on the wall.
Loni: I want to use a skill.
DM: Okay.
Loni: Roll(1d20)+4: 13,+4 Total:17 Photographic Memory. Loni wants to jump down the rocks from memory of their positions.
DM: Okay you can do that.
Loni: Okay. So Loni makes it to the bottom.
DM: Not quite yet. About half way down you come to a spot where the rocks you need to walk across are all covered in that moss. You will have to walk on it to keep going unless you can think of something else.
Loni: I can. I use Animal Control on the moth.
DM: Do you need to be able to see it to use that?
Loni: No.
DM: Tell me how you use the moth to get down.
Loni: Well it says for animal control I roll MP 4d6 L and I don’t know what that means.
DM: Mental Power. That’s what MP is.
Loni: Which translates to…
DM: Int vs Will.
Loni: So my int bonus, plus my level I guess? Plus the 4d6?
DM: Yes.
Loni: Roll(4d6)+7: 3,1,6,6,+7 Total:23
DM: You have it.
Loni: So Loni passes out and the moth flies over to the outcrop and starts eating the moss off.
DM: Alright then. So you make the moth eat the moss then continue down?
Loni: Right. After flying the moth back to where it was. Oh wait… Can the moth see in the dark?
DM: Yes.
Loni: Before I let it go, I want to use it to scout out the bottom of the pit and any tunnels leading off of it.
Serana: I just realized I could have used infervision to navigate easily.
DM: That’s just for seeing body heat Serana. You would have been able to see where the moths were at, but that’s it.
Serana: Yes and no. I mean.. technically the walls would also have radiated slightly.
DM: Okay yes. You are right.
Serana: Granted… mostly darker blue.
DM: Loni at the bottom you see a metal door in the side of the cave wall.
Loni: Can’t get the moth through that I guess. Okay, I put the moth back. And we’ll pick up again another night.
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Exploring Victimization in the Digital Age
In recent years, the issue of sexual assault (SA) has come to the forefront due to the power of social media. Nonprofit organizations, politicians, activists, and survivors alike have harnessed these technologies to help spread the word and increase awareness of this issue that continues to pervade and challenge our society on a daily basis. With this said, it is imperative to explore how social media data are used to communicate about a serious issue that is in need of more awareness, mobilization, and action. Therefore, this essay aims to describe social media communication surrounding SA from a variety of different perspectives. By exploring the social media conversation surrounding SA, an often taboo and stigmatized topic, this essay can provide much needed insight on how to handle prevention efforts and victim support, as well as how social media communication can be used to address social issues like SA in the future.
One way that social media business value has allowed activists to build online dialogue is through hashtags, which are defined as tags or identifiers that help to categorize conversations (Stache 2014). For SA in particular, this tactic has mostly been used via Twitter as depicted by several recent examples:
The #yesallwomen hashtag shared stories of women who were ignored by law enforcement and school administrators when they sought help after being assaulted to discuss violence against women and the unfair sexual expectations directed at women. The woman who created the hashtag, however, was forced to shut down her personal Twitter account after being harassed violently on the site.
Christine Fox asked “What were you wearing when you were assaulted?” on Twitter in response to the victim-blaming around suggestive clothing that typically occurs after an assault. Following the activity on Twitter, artist Adrienne Simpson created a series of images that more visually displayed the tweets and added the hashtag #RapeHasNoUniform, which was frequently shared.
Hannah Giorgis created the #WhyIDidntReport hashtag to offer individuals an outlet to share stories as to why they remained silent after being assaulted. Within several days, Giorgis received over 15,000 tweets in response to the hashtag, along with over 600 anonymous stories that were shared on Tumblr (Giorgis 2014).
Wagatwe Wanjuki created the hashtag #survivorprivilege in response to Washington Post columnist George Will’s opinion piece that sparked major backlash for calling rape a “supposed campus epidemic” and tagging rape victims as a “coveted status” on college campuses (Will 2014, 1). Many survivors angry with the piece participated in the hashtag, arguing that there is nothing privileged about life after rape.
Not surprisingly, anti-rape social media efforts have particularly strong roots within the college campus community. With 94 percent of first-year college students using social media sites (Tunheim 2012), several campaigns were developed by student-led efforts to hold schools accountable for victim advocacy and support. Due to their ease with technology and social media in particular, rapid collaborations have taken place both within and between college campuses, allowing messages to spread quickly to create an anti-rape movement throughout the nation. Two examples are The IX Network, a private Facebook group created to provide solidarity for victims, and Know Your IX, a group that provides assistance for students who want to file federal complaints and put pressure on university leaders. Faculty members have also gotten involved, participating in online-based organizations such as Faculty against Rape.
With hashtag campaigns and online advocacy groups emerging in response to the rape epidemic, there are definitely benefits to increasing awareness of this issue via social media. However, there are complications and negative consequences to consider as well, otherwise known as the “horrific Catch-22 of rape in the Internet age” (Friedman 2013, 1). Even though there is more willingness to confront SA head-on via social media, a question remains: Is this a healthy step in recovery for victims in particular, or does it only perpetuate online shaming and undermine the therapy process? For many victims, the harassment and social stigma surrounding the aftermath of the experience are difficult to endure. Several cases explicate this: 17-year-old Rehtaeh Parsons, who took her own life after photos of her rape circulated at Cole Harbour High School in Nova Scotia; 15-year-old Audrie Pott, who killed herself only eight days after Facebook photos of her naked body were circulated throughout her social circle; and 16-year-old Daisy Coleman, who attempted suicide after accusations of being a slut were spread on Facebook following a party—one of the only times she went out after being raped by a football player two years prior to the incident.
These cases, among many others, illustrate how the bystander effect can play a role with social media analysis and accounts of SA. According to Darley and Latané (1968), the bystander effect refers to the notion that the more individuals are present in a distressing situation, the less likely one single person will stop to help the person in need. Some argue that this very phenomenon is occurring when it comes to rape cases spread on social media; oftentimes, students who are forwarded photos are too scared to speak up in fear of judgment from peers, or that they too will be cyberbullied. Even more troubling, friends of the victim also fail to report a problem out of a misguided respect for the victim, believing that the victim would just want to forget about the assault and move on. Thus, the bystander effect, along with the catch-22 of social media and SA, paints a very complex picture for all parties involved. For the first time in years, what has been traditionally recognized as an intensely private issue is suddenly becoming increasingly more public.
All hope is not lost, however. With the increasing awareness of these issues also comes a stronger fight against rape culture, both online and offline.
Rowena Briones Winkler, PhD, is the managing director of the Oral Communication Program in the Department of Communication at the University of Maryland. Her research agenda explores how digital media impact public relations and health contexts, particularly in the areas of social justice, crisis communication, and risk communication.
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