#it’s me ivee
ghost-lavender · 1 month
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Missing my teal hair so much I posted it on all my social medias. Maybe it’ll help me conjure the energy to maintain the color again.
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demonstars · 11 months
i feel really passionate about not giving up hope. i've seen people die before being medically dead because hopelessness got to them. being alive is more than just sharing what constitutes the basic of a culture, is learning from the people alive that carry it. so like.. if you have palestinean friends, palestine support groups, etc.. just learn from them, not because they will disappear, but because they are to be treasured
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sunset-peril · 5 months
This is one of the best pairs of dialogue I've ever written
And I can't believe it's between Link and his five-year-old daughter
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moodr1ng · 2 years
im sorry but no amount of "bikers use it differently!" or "its pagan/celtic/whatever" is fixing it.. if i see a metalhead or goth or punk or skin etc outside and they are wearing an iron cross i am going off the base assumption theyre likely a fascist and its their job to disprove it if i come to have to speak to them. it should not be this acceptable in alt subcultures to wear iron crosses and for brands to prominently feature iron crosses all over their apparel and for gentile white people in those scenes to give every excuse under the sun as to why its totally cool bc THEYRE not using it in a nazi way. these people KNOW these subcultures are filled with fascists always trying to slip their way into the scene. places that share stuff about goth music or punk or whatnot have to keep lists of white supremacist bands to avoid. in no other genres do i need to spend 15 minutes googling a bands politics before i can listen to them bc theres always a relevant chance they could be literal nazis. and everyone wants to talk about "fascists arent welcome in our scene, we have to boot out the fascists" but then its ok to wear symbols that makes you look identical to them, that makes you seem unsafe and untrustworthy, to constantly promote brands which heavily feature iron crosses because they KNOW that their customer base of punks and metalheads and whatnot contains many nazis and theyre willing to cater to those so long as it makes money. every lil leftie white goth talks about "dollskill is so problematic dont buy from them or killstar, if you like demonias just get new rocks instead" but you just browse the new rock boots website for a sec and there are huge iron crosses on so many of these and theyre not called celtic or viking or templar or anything else, theyre called "iron crosses", in the product name. thats not innocent thats a brand literally openly selling to nazis, like it is so obvious, the scenes they cater to have a HUGE and lasting fascism problem and they are being very obvious about it. and yet its just.. never ever brought up. like no shit we dont feel safe in your totally super leftist antifa scene lol. so many ways to whitesplain how actshually umm the iron cross was a prussian army decoration before the nazis used it so its fine!! like you give a SHIT about prussian army medals in the 1800s!! we know why it came to be used now, to be used in the subcultures its used in, and even if you in good faith want to wear some similar older cross bc of some celtic shit or whatever then good lord use a different design. were not lacking in crosses.
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haemosexuality · 1 year
very sincerely sorry to all the real life survivors of religious trauma whos music i listened to and went oh my god this is just like blorbo from my cartoons
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satelliteapotheosis · 1 month
its not ever going to be fair, is it
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soft-cheek · 1 year
I don't want to have a job or responsibilities I want to be an rpg npc who stands around doing one thing all day that you occasionally talk to and I'll tell you the same thing for the 27th time
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askranksandfamily · 3 months
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Sorry that i've been dead. ivee been struggling with motivation and all that stuff that i think almost everyone is struggling with but there are people worse off than me. and there are people who aren't able to celebrate pride or anything across the pond.
so please donate what you can to help children/queer people who are suffering at the hands of evil!
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totkdaily · 7 months
Day 51: Hateno Elections, and Geoglyphs
As the sun rises over Hateno, I have a look at Bolson's houses on the hill. Medda and his daughter Aster have moved into one of them. I give Medda a mushroom for Cece. 
There's a girl called Tamana guarding the gate now - though she seems timid. She gives me an egg, and I give her a mushroom. Is that all the mushrooms now? One left. 
Manny doesn't need a mushroom, but I do hand over his frogs. He gives me some rushrooms in return. He hasn't found any of the other ninety frogs he thinks he needs yet, so I don't think he'll be bothering Ivee anytime soon. 
An old guy called Tokk is hanging out outside the farm - I must have passed him three or four times and not noticed. I give him a mushroom. 
I report back to Cece and Sophie, and we head to the mayoral election.
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The debate does not go well - and Sophie's had enough. Good for her! 
She calls Cece out in front of everyone - and then Clavia calls Reede out! They agree that Hateno needs both new and old - so they're working together? No election after all. 
I meet Cece at the clothing shop - and she gives me that bold hat! I'll… probably wear it…
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She plans on stocking clothing from our forebears from now on. It's clothing from my time, 100 years ago. It's strange to remember that I was born before most of these people's grandparents. Just me and Zelda - and Impa, Purah and Robbie, of course. 
The first person I run into outside is Seldon - Cece's dad! He compliments my hat. 
I also chat to Meeshy. She tells me about that stone statue cave as a location for Misko's clothing, but I've already found that one. 
Before I leave, I head up the hill behind my - Zelda's - house. I haul a korok up halfway to meet a friend, then go the rest of the way myself. 
There's a Satori blossom tree up here.
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I offer the Satori a tomato, and mark the banners. I've already found the closest caves. I'll get to the others someday. Right now, I think I want to head for Tarrey Town. I want to check the town is alright since the Upheaval.
I teleport to the Eldin Tower and intend to glide towards Akkala - but then I see a geoglyph that looks like the Purah Pad, and dive down. 
A vision. I see...
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Raura takes Zelda to meet Mineru - another Zonai! Mineru seems of a kind with Zelda - knowledgeable, curious. She knows of these secret stones, and what she says supports my theory - Zelda's stone only amplifies her time power, the same power that Sonia's stone amplifies. Almost as if they're the same stone. 
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But they don't know how Zelda can get back to her time. Back to me. The only way they know is the long way round - immortality, and not even Purah's way. Immortality as a dragon, losing yourself in the process. Zelda, don't. Trust me. Let me find a way to reach you. I remember her resolve at the altar, and beg her to wait for me, knowing that whatever she's decided has already happened.
These visions always leave me at a loss. I have to keep going. I was aiming for Akkala. I spend the rest of the night cutting across country to Foothill Stable. 
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Everyone here is… in their pants? Bougan tells me it's on Princess Zelda's orders. 
"We will only find our future if we chart a new course, leaving the safety of indoor study for exploration in the wild. So, prepare your mind and body, and then explore in underpants."
The first bit sounds like my Zelda, but… is this another trick from the imposter somehow? What would be the point of getting researchers to strip? 
I feel like this will make more sense in the light of day. In the meantime, I climb up to the shrine.
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ladymariayuri · 2 years
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ivee had 2 peopole rb this post from me saying they thought it was urizen and 2 people who thought it was bolvar
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ghost-lavender · 17 days
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New Halloween dress I got to wear today and some snuggles with Cotton. Honestly such a nice day.
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absolutelyzoned · 5 months
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sunset-peril · 3 months
Present and Future
"Good morning, Princess!"
Zelda's smile, a wonder significantly more common in the modern age, shone through the early morning fog. "Welcome back to Hateno, Purah! It's wonderful to see you again." A tiny hand stretched out from the sling cradled against her chest. 
“Aw, is that the baby?!” At Zelda's approval, Purah peeked inside the cloth to see a golden baby stretching. “Oh, She's gotten so big since I last saw her.” 
“She's got her father's snout…” Zelda chuckled, lifting a tiny wrist. “And his paws, too. It's fascinating! The traits that dictate the brunt of the Wolfbred tribe's differences from Hylians would appear to be dominant in a first-generation hybrid!” Her voice fell off for a few awkward seconds before her grip tightened on the baby's small wrist. 
“What's wrong?”
“Just… we almost lost her so many times…  more times than I can count on my hands…” 
Purah gripped Zelda's shaking hand with her's. “But you didn't. Despite all odds, she made it. She was born healthy and happy, and she's thriving now. Her Papa was a significantly riskier baby, and he made it through! She's fine, Zelda.”
Tears Zelda didn't even know were forming creeped out the corners of her eyes as she looked down at the little one snuggled against her chest. Purah was right. Despite the sheer number of near-misses Zelda's pregnancy carried, both Zelda and Zelda Ivee made it to the other side alive. She was a miracle in so many ways, and now her parents got to cherish her instead of fretting about her survival. 
“Speaking of her papa, where is good ol’ Linky?” 
A laugh finally broke across Zelda’s burdened visage. “Come with me.” With a light beckon of the hand, she led Purah across the village to the Great Ton Pu Inn. 
By the time they'd reached the small two-pot cooking station, Purah could see the form of a blond man laying underneath the inn's balcony. She chuckled as Zelda climbed the first small flight of the Inn's stairs to sit next to the tiny sapling near Link's head. “He's prepared for rain, now isn't he?” 
“Yes,” Zelda gently reached underneath the balcony and brushed a yellow butterfly off Link's nose. “He's hunkered down, as they say, for a long nap.”  
“Does he normally sleep outside the house?”
“Outside of the house’s actual footprint, you mean? Yes, he does spend a lot of time sleeping outside the house. If you mean whether he sleeps a lot off of our property, then it depends. If I’m at home then he’ll usually stay around there too.” She chuckles, stroking her daughter’s head while admiring her husband. “On the ground level to the second floor if it’s sunny, under the roof between the two second-floor windows if it’s rainy, somewhere out in the yard if he’s not feeling too great. When he gets really anxious, I’ve even seen him climb up onto the pergola over the door and lay down there! Really, wherever he can get to that doesn’t cross the bridge. If I’m out amongst the town, then he could really be found sleeping anywhere between the Ginner Woods and Hateno Bay. Although, while I’m working he usually hangs out either at home or at the school. He doesn’t tend to wander much then. He seems to prefer locations resembling a kind of open-air stall, with a roof but no walls. I built him a little hutch on the eastern side of the house near the big tree recently, for when he starts having joint trouble and can’t get up to his more preferred spots as easily.” 
“Yes, he is getting older… Do you have a reason to think he’ll start having problems soon? There’s still a whole decade before Link’s officially a senior Wolfbred.” 
She sighed, reaching under again to brush hair out of Link’s sleeping face, a somber expression glimmering as she viewed the faint markings present on Link’s forehead, as well as his multitude of facial scars. “I’m really worried about his right leg. That ball joint was a concern for the medical staff even before the Calamity… I guess I’m just worried about dysplasia. And those super small joints he’s got in his knees, Father always said they were a poster case for early arthritis. He really abused that right knee as a knight, so I’m worried it’s not going to last much longer.” She shook her head and forced a laugh. “I really shouldn’t worry too much, he just turned nineteen.” 
Purah laughed, disturbing Link slightly. “We did just celebrate good ol’ Linky, didn't we?” She smiled as Link's snorts returned to soft snores. “Is he in any pain? If he doesn't seem to be hurting yet, I'd say just make sure he's not jumping off things for now. The researcher in me wants to get a good look at his bones and joints, but I know better than to try and pat him down while he's sleeping. Lasli's still got that scar.” 
“Link doesn't seem to be in any pain per se. He seems a little uncomfortable in the humidity, but not pained.” 
“Well, my knees are uncomfortable in the humidity, and I was six until recently. He'd probably have to get looked at. Which he won't like.”
“No… no he will not.” Zelda repositioned the cloth cradle around her chest so that the little pup didn't squirm away from her, Zelda Ivee didn't seem to take her mother's security very well and began to fuss. “Hopefully, being in Hateno with the other wolfbred will make Link less fussy. I really don't need to manage him on top of the little one.” 
The infant's crying woke Link, he slowly brought himself back up to all fours (although Purah definitely took note that Link was not having the easiest time) and crawled over to his baby. He stuck his snout-like nose into the sling and began to purr, Zelda Ivee calming shortly after grabbing ahold of his snout.
“Aw, good boy, Link. Good dad.” His wife ruffled his hair and kissed his sleepy forehead. She had all kinds of urges to mess with his hair, calling him all kinds of names more befitting a cute dog than a retired hero, but she forced herself to repress them. One hundred years ago, it was common, but it was no longer acceptable for a Hylian to treat a Wolfbred in such a lowly manner.
Purah giggled as the super-soldier sported a giant, goofy grin with his nose being tugged on by a baby. No research paper from the era of the Wolfbred's creation would say that this could possibly be any kind of life for someone like him, but Link clicked right into his role in the village, and his family, like he'd been designed specifically to do so. She'd been worried when Link began to present the disorder that had plagued male Wolfbred just before the exile, that Link's humanity would seep away until he was only an animalistic beast. However; it seemed that, despite all odds, Link was still the same man that Zelda had fallen for a century before. And for her sake, the baby's sake, and the sake of the rebuilding kingdom; that was a gift from Hylia. 
Now if only she could figure something out for his stuff joints…
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tangled-tango · 2 days
Its been awhile, at least, it feels that way to me. Each day that passes feels like a week.
Me and Nancy have taken a fancy in playing games. Pong, rock paper scissors, tic-tac-toe, the likes. It'd be nice if we could expand our catalog.
Did you send the dirt and grass? It will most definitely take a long while to get to us. I could ask Nancy for coordinates to give you an idea just how far down we are.
Anything new happening with you?
Best wishes,
dodnt bemad ok? dont be madbut i also wantedto get you guys some apples toolike a carepackage!! anndt hen i got stuck in a tree and ivee been sittibg hwre all day becausee i dontt wantt to fall and break all my limbs likee somekind of brokeen limbed thingg
wpulld you like me to tey to get you anything wlse? imm sure icould find pumpkin piee as well when i getoutt of the tree
itss only been a day if itt means anythingg unless my caleenders malfunctioning ttime seems funny inn the void
ccanyou see the stars better downnthwre?
ohhhey holdoniheard a Zsohsgjdksgfj
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howlingbutch · 15 days
guys you dont know how bad ivee been plagued by visions of tedddy and shadowheart. my friends might kill me if i dotn stop talking about them
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sheplayswithlifee · 1 year
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Renée sat at the cafe in Windenburg, her mind racing with confusion and worry. Jillian, her good friend, was there to offer support during this unexpected turn of events. Renée appreciated Jillian's presence, as she needed someone to confide in who wouldn't dismiss her story about the aliens.
"I just can't wrap my head around this, Jill," Renée said, her voice filled with a mix of frustration and fear. "I've never been with a man, and yet here I am, pregnant. I can't remember anything from the time I was abducted. It's like a blank space in my mind."
Jillian listened attentively, her expression understanding. "I can't imagine how confusing and overwhelming this must be for you. The situation is certainly extraordinary. But remember, you're not alone. We'll figure this out."
Renée let out a sigh, grateful for Jill's support. "I just don't want to be a parent right now. I have so many plans for my life, and this wasn't part of them. I wish things could go back to normal."
Jill nodded, empathizing with Renée's desire to regain control over her life. "It's completely understandable. Becoming a parent is a huge responsibility, and it's essential that you make the decision that feels right for you. Have you talked to Ivee about how you're feeling?"
Renée's face fell slightly. "I have, but she's convinced that I cheated on her. She doesn't believe in aliens or anything supernatural. It's causing a strain in our relationship, and I don't know how to make her understand."
Jillian pondered for a moment, then spoke gently. "Renée, relationships are built on trust and understanding. It might take time for Ivee to come to terms with what's happening, especially if she doesn't believe in aliens. But it's important for both of you to have open and honest conversations about your feelings and concerns."
Renée sighed again, feeling the weight of the situation on her shoulders. "I'll try. I don't want to lose Ivee, but I feel like I already have. I also don't want to compromise who I am or what I believe."
Jill reached across the table and placed her hand on Renée's, offering support. "Remember, Renée, you have the right to be true to yourself. It's a difficult situation, but trust that things will work out one way or another. Focus on taking care of yourself and making decisions that align with your own values and aspirations."
Renée nodded, grateful for Jillian's comforting words, she hadn’t realized she was crying until now. “If you need time to think, you can always stay with me for a bit. I don’t mind.”
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